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When Priscilla's brain finally registered the headmaster's order to stand up, which at first went in one ear and out the other, she did so in a state of utter bewilderment. The abrupt ending of the cane's assault on her bottom left her feeling that she had been dropped back in the real world, with a crash, and the idea that she should actually do something out of her own will, such as stand up and recover her sense of identity, was almost incomprehensible. Besides, her bottom was now so painful that she was almost afraid to try and stand, in case her legs wouldn't work.
But she tried, and she succeeded. Her knees felt wobbly and her face felt hot and red, although not as either red or as hot as her bottom, which felt like no part of her body had ever felt before.
Fortunately, the need to do something of her own free will was temporarily put off by the headmaster's further command to go and stand beside Anna. She turned around to do this also, still in a daze, too many tears in her eyes to see her friend, and stood there while he gave a little speech about learning their lesson and not having to suffer another caning. She was not really capable of listening and, indeed, hardly even registered the fact that she was still naked below her blouse as she stood facing him.
When he then ordered them to "go over there, make yourselves respectable again, and leave!" she followed Anna's movements without thinking. She was slowly gathering her wits again as the two of them tried to separate their clothes, and began to do so more rapidly as pulling up her panties made her remember that these had been, up to that moment, off. As she slipped them up over her bottom she not only realized how tender were her cheeks, but was also disconcerted anew to feel the deep corrugations in the skin. Tears were still oozing from her eyes and it was hard enough to see her clothes, let alone look at Anna.
Anna knew they were simply expected to leave, and Priscilla followed her gratefully out of the room. They hurried down the corridor and started down the stairs, still speechless. It was not until they heard the clunk of the door being shut behind them that they were suddenly overwhelmed by a sense of escape and spontaneously fell into each other's arms, sobbing.
"Oh! That was so horrible Priscilla! I can't believe how horrible it was, even though it was my fourth time! I am so sorry that I ever got you into this! I couldn't believe how hard he was beating you! Are you going to be alright?"
Priscilla was still scarcely able to speak, so Anna turned back to the stairs and hurried them out of the building. Instead of heading back to the house, however, she turned them aside, into nearby bathroom that was much used during the day but was deserted at this time of the evening.
Priscilla, surprised but also starting to recover both her wits and her wit, looked surprised. "Why are we going here - I told you I took a pee before the caning!"
Anna looked relieved at this effort at a joke and even started to look slightly conspiratorial again, "Can't you guess?! This is where we always go to see what the damage looks like after a caning! You know what mine looks like ... don't you want to know what your own is like?!"
"Oh Anna! You're just as awful as always! I can guess it looks pretty dreadful ... it certainly feels dreadful!"
Actually, she was rather anxious to find out, though she didn't really know why.
Anna flicked on the bathroom switch and went to the mirror, turning her back on it and easing down her panties with an "Ouch! I can feel how bad it looks!"
Hoisting up her skirt, she then turned to look anxiously over her shoulder at the reflection of her bottom. "Oh my god! Look at those bruises! He gave me twenty-four, didn't he? I've seen other girls with their bottoms like this, but I never thought I'd be looking so ... colorful!"
She ran her fingers gently over where her bottom curved inwards, "That's so awful, all those grooves ... I thought I was going to faint during the last six strokes ... but come on! Take a look at yours ... I can tell you it's black and blue!"
Priscilla was still somewhat non-plussed, but she did as Anna had done, and gasped as she looked back over her shoulder at her own bottom.
Blue and black it was, from high across her cleft down to just above her thighs, with the clearest, blackest welts across the center and a mass of bruises above her thighs. Though she could certainly feel it throbbing painfully, it was still hard to believe this was her own bottom she was looking at. Holding her skirt up with her left hand, she reached back with her right to feel the bruises, and was at once startled again to find how hot and deeply corrugated they were.
There was something profoundly shocking in how the cane had reshaped her once smooth cheeks.
"I thought he was going to cut you clean in half with that first stroke!" exclaimed Anna, not all that helpfully.
"Look, you can easily see which one it is, right across the center! And all those marks underneath, that's what he did to me too ... he just lays into you like a madman ... except that I think yours were probably even harder than mine ... though I did get more strokes!"
Priscilla was just starting to try to understand what had indeed happened to her and finally blurted out,
"I ... I ... couldn't believe how much it burned! I mean, it was as though he was doing it with a red-hot poker or something!"
"I told you it would be really bad!" replied Anna, "But no one ever really believes it until they're actually caned!"
"Well, I certainly believe you now," offered Priscilla, still running her fingers gingerly along the welts that she could see crossing her bottom, "Considering how it looks, I'm surprised it's not hurting a lot more right now, It actually feels rather numb!"
"It is numb," commented Anna, "After a really bad caning your backside gets quite numb for a bit ... the other girls warned me ... it'll start to hurt more soon, though!"
"Oh, thanks so much for the information!" retorted Priscilla, but Anna was already pulling up her panties again.
"Hey, come-on! We have to be getting back to the house! The girls'll be waiting for us and supper is coming up!"
Priscilla stared at her friend in renewed dismay, "What do you mean, the girls'll be waiting?!"
"Oh Priscilla, you know perfectly well what I mean! There's a group of friends waiting to admire our bums!"
Priscilla was about to protest but Anna quickly interrupted, "Come on! Be a sport! Anyway, I tell you, and you'd better believe me because I KNOW ... if you let them take a look now they'll be really sympathetic, and happy and helpful. And they'll stick up for you when you need it, which you will. If you don't, then they won't be friendly and you'll finish up even worse off! Come one, we'll do it together, and I promise you it'll be alright!"
Priscilla sighed in resignation and Anna knew she'd agree.
"Good sport! I promise you that you'll see I'm right! Let's go, before we're late and someone reports us, that WOULD be fun!"
And so the two of them gingerly pulled up their panties again, adjusted their skirts, turned off the light, left the bathroom, and headed back to their house, two young women hand-in-hand, each with the other hand still clasping her own backside.
Anna, though still shocked at having both received and watched such a severe caning, at least more or less knew what lay ahead. Priscilla was still very unsure.
They went up to a side entrance into the house and someone had evidently been watching for them, for the door suddenly opened and a couple of excited girls quickly ushered them in. "Ooh! Here they are! What was it like?! How many did you get," and, even, as an afterthought, "Are you both ok?!"
Anna was familiar with the routine, "We're both very sore, so you'd better treat us nicely!"
"Of course! We're your friends, you know that! And we've got the cushions out!"
Priscilla admitted to herself that they certainly were friendly. She had no idea what the cushions were ... maybe they were getting ready a soft place for them both to sit down?
They were hustled, into the changing room, past another girl guarding the door. There were, of course, no comfortable chairs in the changing room, but Priscilla started to back out when she saw a small group of whispering girls standing by a bench, on which two cushions were placed side by side.
Anna noticed her move and quickly grabbed her by the arm, "Uh uh! Come on now! We're doing this together!"
Almost before she could think, Priscilla found herself kneeling on one of the pillows. They had been placed side by side on one of two parallel benches that were connected by a high bar with rows of hooks for clothes.
She looked anxiously at Anna, who was kneeling on the cushion beside her and pressing her to bend forward, "Come on! You bent over when old Fuzzy Face told you to, now let's do it for our friends!"
This still felt very peculiar to Priscilla but she joined Anna in kneeling on one bench while leaning forward under the bar and supporting herself with hands on the bench opposite.
Anna gave orders to the girls now clustering excitedly around behind them, "And you'd all better be really gentle, especially to Priscilla. She got what must have been the worst caning ever for a first-timer, and I got a real corker too, so careful!"
Priscilla, bending over on the bench (she was glad for the cushion), was staring wide-eyed at Anna, whose face was just to her right and whose hand was resting on hers. She saw and felt the anxious activity, as their skirts were lifted and a chorus of whispers and gasps erupted behind them both.
"Cripes! Look! Even their panties don't hide it!"
"Well get them down, so we can see everything!"

And, as several fingers carefully pulled at the waistband, "You really had better be careful, that must really be hurting!"
She heard the excitement mount as the girl behind her and Anna eased their panties down their thighs. Panic threatened her for an instant as her position started to feel horribly similar to that in the headmaster's study, with her bottom helplessly offered to the intentions of others, but an erupting chorus of descriptive commentary quickly brought her back to the much more friendly present.
"Oh! Good Lord! Look at that!"

"What a pair of caned bottoms! Look at the bruises!"

"And the welts! They're all bumpy! Some of them are huge!"

"Heavens alive! Look at the colors ... look at those purple bumps at the ends of each welt!"

"But they're so different! Anna's is every color under the sun, and Priscilla's is all purple!"

"That's Priscilla's first caning? I've never seen one so hard! How many strokes ... count them ... careful!"
Priscilla felt fingers gently sliding along and over the ridges that she knew crossed her bottom cheeks and felt strangely reassured, not evening bothering to provide the information as she heard the collective examination.
"That must be the first stroke ... he always starts across the middle ... but look at that welt, I've never seen a worse one!"
"I bet that made her jump up ... and I bet he gave her extra for it, he's so cruel!"
Anna joined it at that point, "He just let fly! Poor Priscilla nearly fell over ... I can tell you, she was really brave, I don't know how she stood it! He gave it to her even harder than I got, and she was touching toes ... I thought that I was about to collapse when he was caning me, and I was over the table!"
"Well, you should have someone paint a portrait of your bottom, Anna! I've hardly ever seen one so colorful - maybe when Caroline got that thirty-sixer last year, and you only got ... how many is it?"

"Twenty-four!" immediately chimed in another girl, "I can tell even without counting, he always gives sixes! He must have been really walloping her!"
"Walloping is putting it mildly!" confirmed Anna, "But Priscilla's was something else!"
Someone was talking to Priscilla. "He had you touching toes, for a caning like that! How did you manage to stay upright?"
The question was close enough to Priscilla's own thoughts to elicit a reply, "Well, he gave me a whole bunch of strokes after the first one that weren't quite so bad, and then he did it so hard that I hardly knew what happened ... my mind just went kind of blank, but I didn't actually fall over ... and then he had me bend over the table for more."
"That's so typical!"
"And," broke in Anna again, "you can bet that he was hoping that we'd both grab our bums again so he could give us even more. But we both fooled him, didn't we Priscilla! We both stuck it out and he didn't get his special treat!"
"Well!" someone said, "he certainly got a pretty good treat anyway ... two of the prettiest bums in the school and that was some caning already! ... "
"Yes," interjected another girl, "Sort of his private sex show!"
"Oh, you are awful ... putting it that way!"
"What do you mean, me awful?! That's what he makes sure he gets, doesn't he? I mean, where else does a man get to make a girl show him her privates like that? And you know he always looks between your legs, really carefully. Anyway, I don't know about you, but I always find it really embarrassing, to put it mildly! I mean, it's worse than the doctor!"
"Well, you know what they say, being embarrassed is part of the punishment!"
"It certainly is that! And Old Fuzzy Face just happens to get his private sex show out of it ... I'm sure he's really embarrassed too, I don't think!"
Anna interrupted, "Well, I agree, having just seen him practically poking his nose between Priscilla's legs … don’t know whether it would have made any difference if Miss Martin had been there ... apparently she’s away for a couple of days, but I guess that he simply couldn’t waitI think she really gets into it too!"
A lively disagreement on Miss Martin followed, and then one of the girls asked Priscilla, "So what did you think was worse, showing your privates to Fuzzy Face, or how much it hurts?"
For some reason, Priscilla was a little shocked by this question. She was actually finding the chatter rather reassuring, but now preferred just to listen. She wasn't even really sure of which voice belonged to whom.
Anna sensed her reluctance to join in and came to her rescue, "Oh, give her a chance! It was her first caning ... she's probably still too shocked to know! I mean, if you have to spread your legs and then get only a regular six, then showing yourself probably feels worse than the cane. But if you get a caning like the one we've just had, then it hurts so much that you kind of forget about the embarrassment."
"I agree! I mean, look at both your backsides ... you'll be sore for days! Even if you do have to show your quim to Fuzzy Face, you can forget about it. But you can't forget about your caning as long as the bruises are still there!"
"Well, I'm not sure that I do. I mean, if you could choose between being caned by Fuzzy Face and ... say ... the gym mistress, I'd certainly choose the gym mistress, even if she caned just as hard."
"And I bet she could! You remember when all those girls got caned in the gym? I was told she was there and looked as though she really enjoyed it! And I don't want a man staring at my quim either!"
Anna joined in again, "And he certainly can see everything he wants to! I didn't really realize how much until I had to watch Priscilla being caned ... he had us stand right behind each other ... and your bottom hole too! Everything is just all sort of spread out on display! - Oh, I'm sorry Priscilla ... I wasn't trying to make you feel even worse!"
Exchanging glances with Priscilla, she had noticed another look of acute discomfort.
Wanting to bring the girls' sympathy back to Priscilla, she added, "Anyway, Fuzzy Face tried something else on her! Before the last six strokes he went and fiddled around with his canes again. I'm not sure what he did, but he seemed to be changing his mind about which one to use. And I'm sure it wasn't just to be nice!"
Priscilla suddenly joined in again at that point, "Well, I think he chose a thinner cane ... I'm not sure why ... but it sounded different!"
There was a moment's silence, as the assembled girls were stared at each other in surprise at Priscilla's remark." Someone exclaimed, "Wow! You're an expert already!
Someone else said, "Here, let me look! He did that to me my last time, when I got thirty. The thinner cane burns worse than anything when he uses it really hard."
Priscilla felt more gentle fingering around the base of her bottom.
"Yes! Look! You can even see the difference! The marks are thinner but the welts are worse ... feel them, they're really raised and even harder ... careful!"
Priscilla had flinched as several more fingers ran slowly across her lower cheeks. "He sometimes does it right at the end, right across where you sit on, because he knows it hurts more!"
The expert examination and commentary by the assembled girls, all of whom had been well caned on more than occasion (this was a condition for joining this particular group), continued for a short while longer. Anna exchanged glances with Priscilla several times, and was relieved to see her beginning to look somewhat more relaxed.
During the chatter, another girl had been let into the room, someone remarking "Lynette! You're always late! One day we won't let you in – so sorry, you’ve missed the show this time. You don't really deserve to be here anyway - you've hardly been caned at all!"
Priscilla and Anna were already getting up from the “inspection bench”, as it was called, and the girls were beginning to disperse, still chattering excitedly. Priscilla noticed Lynette standing in the back. She was a strange, quiet girl, wearing an odd look on her face, tho’ she didn’t really look upset at having been excluded.

Priscilla was glad when the inspection was over but she also felt a distinctive bond with those girls who had been participating. They had, indeed, been very supportive and she received warm encouragement as they left the changing room to go for supper.
The rest of her evening was not exactly enjoyable. At dinner, which followed almost immediately, she and Anna were the objects of intense curiosity but she declined to react and tried to sit as normally as possible, despite the difficulty.
It was, in fact, the first time she had had to sit since the caning and she tried to pretend that she wasn't nervous about doing so. In fact, although her bottom felt increasingly sore, it did not seem to mind too much being sat on. The girls who had been party to the inspection were doing their best to protect them from inquisitive chatter. But there was a lot of whispering and Priscilla guessed that news of the severity of their punishment had already leaked out.
Dinner was followed by a brief break, in which Priscilla hid herself in the bathroom, once again gingerly feeling the ridges and grooves across her bottom, and then everyone returned to the dining room for homework. This was not enjoyable either.
Hardly any one dared make their curiosity known in the silent room, for this would have earned them their own punishment, but Priscilla found it impossible to concentrate.
The numbness was seeping away from her bottom cheeks and a throbbing ache was intensifying. It still didn't actually seem as painful to sit as she had feared, although she had to lean forward on the edge of her chair to take the pressure off the center of her bottom. It was, however, certainly very uncomfortable and she constantly had to resist the urge to feel or even massage her bottom, or otherwise indicate that she was thinking about the caning.
But that was exactly what she was thinking about, almost the whole hour. It all seemed so thoroughly peculiar. It had certainly been extremely embarrassing and painful, and that was what the girls in the changing room had all been chattering about. But for most of them it was as though it was oddly normal. For Priscilla, however, it also seemed extremely peculiar.
Why did they beat girls' bottoms anyway?
How had any one ever thought up the idea? It seemed so contrary to what she was supposed to believe about people and society. But was it somehow natural?
Why had she just done what the headmaster told her to do, even though it seemed so outrageous? Why had she stayed bending over when every nerve in her body seemed to be screaming and telling her to get up and run?
She remembered, now in a confused way, some of her own feelings while she was bending over, waiting for the cane, when it had almost seemed that she was being commanded to receive it by some inner voice.
But it was certainly the worst thing that had ever happened to her. She knew that. She would never, ever, want it to happen again. She felt herself going alternately hot and cold as memories of her confusion kept swirling up in her mind.
And what had the headmaster been feeling as he caned her? Had he liked doing it?
The girls in the changing room had obviously assumed that he did. But why should he? She was old enough to know very well that men desired her for something, and she accepted without even really understanding the reason that they wanted to see her body.
So the headmaster got to do this. But why the caning? She knew that he had gained some sadistic pleasure, she had seen that in his manner as he was caning Anna and felt it when he was caning her.
But somehow this seemed different from the question of whether he liked doing it. There was something her mind couldn't pin down. It had something to do with her bottom, and bottoms in general.
There was something more to the ancient tale of the Callipygian maidens than she had realized. That was certain. But, again, caning was something quite different yet very closely connected. She couldn't understand it.
When prep time ended, and she was very uncomfortably aware that she hadn't done any work. Prep was soon followed by bedtime showers, which she had been dreading in advance. The girls took their showers in a sequence of dormitories and Priscilla delayed as long as she could. But even as she entered the changing room she could tell that a large number of curious girls were hanging around.
She undressed as quickly as possible and wrapped a towel hurriedly around her waist. She couldn't help hearing one girl exclaim, "Oh! Look! Priscilla's bottom's all purple!" followed by "ooh's" and "ah's" and other expressions of astonishment, both dismayed and delighted.
In the shower room there was no chance to escape. They had to hang their towels on a peg and wait in line for a free shower. Keeping to the edge of the room, knowing that it was full of girls anxiously waiting to get a view of her striped bottom, she was partially saved by a couple of friends who ingeniously held a shower occupied, got her to remove her towel and then quickly hustled her under the shower.
She couldn't bear to face the room of eager faces and so she faced the shower wall, even though this meant turning her bottom towards them.
She soaped her body as quickly as she could, allowing herself to massage her corrugated cheeks for a few moments and horribly aware that the eager eyes of many girls were following her own in their own exploration of the evidence of the caning.
The showers did not have to be turned off between one girl and the next, so she made for her towel as quickly as possible but dried herself while still facing the wall because she still couldn't bear to face the looking.
But in drying her bottom with movements that were a little too hasty she sharply reminded herself of how sore it now was.
She could hear a good many whispered comments, some not so whispered, and some shushing others in her defence, before she rushed from the shower room to get her clothes back on.
Anna's dormitory had showers after hers and as she was getting ready to leave, she saw Anna come in and heard the excitement of the girls, many of who were purposefully waiting around. She and Anna exchanged only a fleeting glance. Among the remarks she clearly heard someone say, "Well! Maybe Anna won't be quite so stuck up! She'll probably let us see the cane marks at least!"
Going upstairs to her dormitory, her mind was set on getting into bed as quickly as possible. Opening the dormitory door, however, she was for a moment surprised to find that almost all the girls were already there, and even more surprised when many of them (though not all) began to clap.
For a moment, she stood bewildered in the doorway, until one of the girls jumped up to lead her into the dormitory and to her bed, whispering in her ear as she did so, "Just relax on you bed! We have a treat for you!" Priscilla had no idea of what they were up to, but weakly did as she was told.
converged on the startled Priscilla.
It was obvious that their intentions were benign and when they urgently besought her to allow them, as her friends, to examine her bottom, so that, as they repeated, they could give her a treat, Priscilla, by now completely overwhelmed by the day, simply acceded and allowed herself to be eased out of her bed and gently bent forward face down over its edge. She felt her pyjama bottoms being eased down. By now she was prepared to let anything happen.
Cries of astonished greeted her bared bottom, for some of the girls still had not seen it and even those who had were still amazed by its bruised and corrugated appearance.
"It's completely black and blue!" someone exclaimed.
"Look at those ridges! Oh my goodness me! I've never seen such cane marks!" someone else added.
Another round of chatter followed, softer and more hurried than the earlier examination in the changing room. Priscilla felt curious and gentle fingers tracing the marks and feeling the ridges covering her bottom.
She felt fingers running down the sides of her cleft, where she knew from seeing Anna's caning that the cane left a row of particularly prominent ridges.
She noticed but said nothing when some of the fingers dipped into the cleft itself and moved slowly down the valley between her cheeks into places where the cane had not reached. She still did not protest when other fingers slid gently between her inner thighs and began massaging her quim. She had become completely passive.
She heard some quick whispering. "The dorm prefect said she'd stay away as long as she could, but she'll probably be here soon!" "I think she looks ready!"
There was light giggling and then Priscilla felt the cool slipperiness of cream-tipped fingers pressing into her slit. She started slightly, but reassuring hands on her bottom and back held her still. The creamy fingers slipped along her slit until they met the little button of her pleasure and began to rub it, gently but firmly.
Other hands, also slippery with cream, were massaging her quim and bottom cheeks and running up and down her cleft. Other hands reached under her arms and were gently rubbing her nipples,
The tensions of the last 24 hours and the fear and pain of the headmaster's study suddenly welled up in her body, almost unbearable for a moment, before swirling into a totality of every physical and emotional sensation in her body and brain and converging in a rush between her thighs.
For a split second she remembered the impossibly peculiar feeling of a swelling and rising wave that had accompanied the successive strokes of the cane, before a final tidal wave of release exploded in her quim. She heard herself cry out, as if from a distance, just like the impact of the cane again, and pushed her hips frantically against the bed, trapping someone's hand between her squeezing thighs.
She heard more giggles and someone whispering, "She's coming!" Then another, more urgent whisper, "They're both coming! Quick!"
She felt herself bundled back under the bed clothes, heard a patter of frantic feet and then the opening of the door. She stayed buried under the bedclothes, ignoring the short period of chatter before the lights were turned out and silence followed.
She lay in the now darkened room, her head under the sheets, the fingers of one hand thrust between her tightly pressed thighs, very warm and slippery, the other hand on her bottom, fingers slowly and gently feeling their way repeatedly over the pattern of hard, still aching, welts. How hot they still were!
Her thoughts and feelings were returning again and again to her caning. Last night she had lain here in her bed, her mind frantic, searching endlessly in the blanks of her ignorance, wondering again and again what it would feel like, how much it would hurt.
Now she knew and the knowing seemed to be imbedded deep inside her, as though it had somehow been there all the time. The impacts of each stroke of the cane kept exploding in her memory, like suddenly huge, red blossoms, into which her mind kept trying to bury itself like some obsessive, buzzing, bumble bee.
From one blossom to another, from one stroke to another. That was the first stroke, erupting into her bottom and out of her consciousness with a pain more intense than anything she had ever known. That was another. Was it the fifth? The sixth?
Then the sudden double explosion of pain that had left her almost mindless. The pain was so intense that she had lost count. She seemed to be swimming in it and the memory of succeeding strokes now became like the powerful upswellings of one wave after another, carrying her helplessly further and further out into an ocean she had never even seen before. Her mind slowly dissolved into sleep.
That night, five minds kept revisiting the experience of the day's canings and three freshly caned bottoms lay in their beds at St. Swithin's School for Girls. But it had been a first caning for only one of them. Whether it was also its last caning, is another story.


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This finally brings us closer to the topic that was our original focus, the canings of Anna and Priscilla. This remains our main focus, even though other discoveries in the “Stanton Archive” have lengthened our story.To start with, however, we should refer to a brief item that emerged with the documents that provided the material for part IX. It explained a puzzle that we had noticed.As part X made very clear, the matron played a rather important role in Dr. Stanton’s disciplinary career. ...

3 years ago
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PRISCILLA’S FIRST CANING. PART VIIFurther instructions by Dr. Stanton himself Some Subtle Considerations A word of reassurance on two related matters may be in order here. The first is somewhat private and, one might consider, embarrassing. However, as I have made it clear, I hope, I am striving to be both franks and comprehensive in my advice. In addition, I would note that I have even discussed this with ladies of my acquaintance, who have all...

4 years ago
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PRISCILLA’S FIRST CANINGI wrote these stories many years ago for the Spreview site. I think they’re probably still posted there, although the site has completely changed its character. Several people told me that they liked this writing.Since then, xhamster has taken everything to a new level, where I think these stories are much more at home. So I have done some rewriting and am posting them here. If appropriate, I can post the remaining 11 sections in sequence.Alex C.PRISCILLA'S FIRST...

5 years ago
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PRISCILLA'S FIRST CANING (Part X)Note: Priscilla’s diary, the principal source of our longer account here, proceeds to the events of her caning almost immediately after this However, a recent interesting discovery has provided another source that coincides directly with her account at this point. The editors have decided to work on that text first, so that it will precede Priscilla’s story in these extracts, as it did in the original course of events. There may therefore be a slight delay...

4 years ago
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PRISCILLA’S FIRST CANING. PART VIFurther instructions by Dr. Stanton himself THE ADMINISTRATION OF AN ACTUAL CANING: INTERACTION WITH THE MISCREANTThe considerable detail in which we have discussed the management of the cane so far will prove, I hope, sufficient to ensure that when it comes to the actual event you will manage it smoothly and effectively. There remain, however, some additional points to be made.As you proceed with a caning, however, additional problems may arise and we will...

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PRISCILLA'S FIRST CANING PART IIIThe Headmaster SpeaksNotes: These sections reconstruct what we referred to at the end of Part II, in a slightly edited version, Dr. Stanton’s text, The Philosophy and Practice of Caning Young Women. Readers, of course, may not be interested in Dr. Stanton’s curiously – perhaps bizarrely -- practical approach to his subject. The editors, however, feel that the variety of material to follow will make better sense if they can be viewed through the very...

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PRISCILLA'S FIRST CANING (Part VIII)PRISCILLA'S FIRST CANING (Part IX)“Oh my god! What’s going to happen? What’s it like to be caned?! “- day one (later)Note: Priscilla and Anna, after their disastrous attempt at “having fun at the fair”, have been reported to the headmaster. They emerge from his study, knowing that they are to expect 18 strokes of the cane. Anna is unhappy but not surprised. Priscilla, however, has never been caned before and is terrified. Anna sees that...

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PRISCILLA’S FIRST CANINGDr. Stanton’s Philosophy and Practice of CaningEdited by AlexDear Reader:Some interest has been expressed in the recovery of documents surviving from what on might call the regime of Dr. Stanton, a Principle of St. Swithin’s School for Girls who pursued with remarkable enthusiasm a disciplinary policy of corporal punishment. So we will proceed to post Section II here. However, and precisely because of the interest aroused, we will take the opportunity to review the...

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PRISCILLA’S FIRST CANINGFurther remarks by Dr. Stanton SECTION IV: THE CANENote: Just as a fascination in the female posterior (or bottom, as Dr. Stanton specifies it should be called in this context) was perhaps inevitable in light of his weekly engagements with this aspect of his students, it is no surprise to find that the features and use of the cane held an equal fascination for him. Nevertheless still remarkable is the almost scientific degree of observation...

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PRISCILLA'S FIRST CANING (Part VIII)We Meet PriscillaNote:At this point in our publication of the Dr. Stanton files, we have to deal with a very different variety of materials and, consequently, we have chosen a very different mode of presentation. A word of further explanation is therefore in order.Since we began publishing these documents, our picture of them has, in fact, continued to expand and change. The initial discovery of, and concentration on, Dr. Stanton’s own manuscripts included...

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LYNETTE: ANOTHER UNEXPECTED SURPRISELynette, the late arrival at the celebration of Anna’s and Priscilla’s colorfully bruised bottoms, was one of the older girls; small, quiet, rather mousy looking in fact. She'd only been caned once, and that quite recently, but had been allowed to join the group because one of the other girls had persistently asked for it. Lynette was an odd girl, rarely speaking to any one (and hence regarded by most as quite harmless), but often turning up in unexpected...

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Danny 2 Danielle Part XIII

Danny 2 Danielle Part XIII -Dani hangs out with her new friends, who seem ready to accept our young heroine as 'just one of the girls'. We arrive at my house, I yell out "thanks" and once again the Red Tornado takes off seconds after my feet hit the curb. I'm home, in one piece. How the heck did that happen? Once inside, it feels strange. Before today, I had immediately run upstairs to change into my girl clothes, but I am already wearing my girl clothes! It feels...

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A Year Ago part XIII

A Year Ago - part XIII by MadQuill This is an evolving story of Sara's sensual investigation. Please review the first phases of the story... In bed late Friday night I thought of Cynthia's question this evening. "Oh Sara, do we have to stop?" After we making out on her sofa I drove home alone. Her kisses were all I could think of. I wanted more but we both decided to take this slowly. Her scent was till with me. Her hands had played across my butt as she kissed me that last...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part XIII

A sissy called Jezebel Part XIII - After the attack by Gina and her cohorts, it is our fair sissy that is put on trial at the Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission. Is there any hope for Jezebel in a system where a mere sissy is presumed guilty, and must prove hir innocence beyond a reasonable doubt? The headmistress exclaims, "Oh Goddess, they did a number on you. This can be fixed. Look at me Jezzie. Pull yourself...

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Caning SuzyJayne Part 2

It was a Thursday evening and almost a week since I’d met Suzy-Jayne at Blake’s party, the one to one session I’d done with her had never been far from my mind. I’d copied her phone number into my diary using my unique, personal coding system which I guess was hardly necessary now that I was once more living on my own, but old habits die hard as they say. Rosalind, my nymphomaniac, but sadly, very vanilla girlfriend of two years, had moved out of my flat four weeks earlier. It was an amicable...

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Caning SuzyJayne Part 3

Following my visit to Suzy-Jayne’s house, the thought of the two hours I’d spent in her company were never far from my mind. Despite having led an active sex-life since my teens, I had always enjoyed, perhaps even preferred, the unrestrained pleasure afforded by masturbation. Even, during the two years I’d lived with Rosalind and where we shared intimacy at least once on most days, I had still relished the opportunity of being alone in the flat to pleasure myself to the thoughts of the things...

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Lady In The House Part XIII

Lady in the House ? Chapter XIII By Michele Nylons "Hang on a minute Carmel; I've got an idea," Steve exclaimed and sauntered over to where I lay curled up in a snivelling ball, may face covered in semen mixed in with my heavy makeup; my clothes dishevelled. "Lift that bitch's face for me," he said as he played with his cell phone. Carmel came over and helped me to my knees. I knelt there with my face hung...

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Michellersquos First Caning

I wasn’t entirely confident that Michelle would show up. As I glanced at the clock in the hallway it was now 6.05pm and I’d arranged for her to arrive at 6.00pm. I guess the ‘stickler for time’ in me had got the better of my imagination so I wandered into the kitchen and switched on the kettle to make a coffee. As I did so it crossed my mind that despite her husband’s earlier assurances, maybe he’d changed his mind and didn’t want Michelle punished after all. As the water in the kettle began to...

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Liz is subjected to a second Judicial Caning 2

Elizabeth Mary Wilkins, normally called “Liz” had been subjected to twelve strokes of the cane by a Court imposed Judicial Punishment at the Correctional Discipline Center for Women on a Tuesday four weeks ago.This Discipline Center was close to her home.Her bare bottom had been caned by a Punishment Officer who she only knew as “Miss”, whilst she was nude and strapped to a caning horse. Liz was attracted to this woman. She also felt that the Punishment Officer may have been interested in her....

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Liz is subjected to a Judicial Caning 1

Elizabeth Mary Wilkins, her proper name in the Court proceedings, twenty-six years old, had been sentenced by a Court to Judicial Punishment. Despite the use of her full proper name in the Court she was usually just called “Liz”.To cater for the ever increasing number of Judicial Canings for women, the process had gone from being a private one on one with a Punishment Officer and the offender. Now it was much less personal, where women dressed and undressed more publicly. The already caned and...

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Lady Caylethorpes Caning

Lady Caylethorpe’s Caning. On a warm day towards the end of July, a month shy of her thirtieth birthday, Lady Caylethorpe, the beautiful but conceited wife of the Fourth Earl of Caylethorpe, received the soundest and most comprehensive thrashing of her pampered and privileged life. It was, in the opinion of every member of the domestic staff of the Caylethorpe ancestral manor, one of the most thoroughly deserved chastisements ever meted out in the history of the household and few would have...

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Lady Vaylethorpes Caning

Lady Caylethorpe’s Caning. On a warm day towards the end of July, a month shy of her thirtieth birthday, Lady Caylethorpe, the beautiful but conceited wife of the Fourth Earl of Caylethorpe, received the soundest and most comprehensive thrashing of her pampered and privileged life. It was, in the opinion of every member of the domestic staff of the Caylethorpe ancestral manor, one of the most thoroughly deserved chastisements ever meted out in the history of the household and few would have...

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A Parfect Caning

A ‘Parfect’ CaningAs the 9 o’clock news came on the car radio Luke began to get annoyed, “Oh come on Steve, where the fuck are you?” he muttered to himself in the privacy of his car, tapping his hands in irritated fashion against the steering wheel as he did so.Luke had been parked on the overgrown gravel drive of the former boarding school since 8.30 am and wished he’d collected the keys from the office himself. At least that way he could have made a start on the inventory. Patience was not...

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George Isolde etc Chap XIII XIV

Chapter XIII It was just 5:00 when Isolde pulled into the driveway and parked behind George’s VW. George and Terry came out of the house to greet her and she said, “Here – each of you grab a bag of groceries. Watch that one, Terry – it’s heavy.” She had bought several cans of soup, and some tomatoes and the rest of the ingredients for marinara sauce, and the store bagger had put all of the cans in one bag. “I forgot you were gonna have to rent a car,” said George. “We have to do something...

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Sisters Gift XIII

Part XIII End of Part XII: I awoke to another blowjob the next morning, and fortunately for me, this one was completed. “Baby, we were going to let you cum eventually. We just wanted to see how long you would last, and what you would do. If you didn’t jump Jenn last night, I surely would have jumped you in like five minutes.” Gabby kissed my softening dick after finishing her blow job. “After all, there is no way I can go so long without your cum.” On that sentiment, we both went back to sleep,...

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Romance Comic Cover Stories Chapter XIII

Chapter XIII – Bisexual Girl Wants Sex I/The Hunk and the Babe (based on Pictorial Romances No. 10 cover, St. John, November 1951)I know what people think about bisexuals, that we are just people that can’t decide between men and women and rather pick both and also too much ‘keen’ to sex. Well, in my case, that wasn’t me. I am bi, but not that kind of bi girl people usually think. In fact, I had only eyes and my pussy tingled for only two people, Mary and Scott.Mary and Scott are my friends...

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Bobbys Rainy Day Adventure Chapter XIII

In this chapter, Bobby has fun with Cori, Tess, and Rhianna at the slumber party. Everything seems to be going fine ... until someone walks in on Bobby while she's getting changed for bed. Will anything ever be the same for her again? Read on and find out! Bobby's Rainy Day Adventure - Chapter XIII Copyright 2007 by Heather Rose Brown =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Even though we were in Cori's living room, it almost felt like a...

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Night Skies Hotel XIII Humanitys Birthright III Twilights Sword

Synopsis of the Night Skies Hotel Universe: Centuries ago, two world- spanning civilizations made first contact via technology that enabled access to multiple realities. Each civilization was unique in the sense that a single sex dominated it - Terra's Patriarchy by males, and Gaia's Sisterhood by females. Gaia was the more artistic of the two, had closer links to nature and was more advanced than Terra in some of the sciences, such as biology and physics. Terra, on the other hand, had...

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Patchwork People XIII Lame Burger

XIII. Lame burger. The bus that was supposed to bring Phoebe to Hope Crossing came and went with no Phoebe on it. Only a handful of passengers disembarked from the coach. A tall, elderly, stoop-shouldered man with a sharp-featured face descended first. He took a quick glace around, readjusted his grip on a battered suitcase, and trudged up the street. He was followed by a stout, middle-aged black woman in a church-lady pantsuit. Behind her were two children, chattering, bickering,...

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George Isolde etc Chap XIII XIV

Chapter XIII It was just 5:00 when Isolde pulled into the driveway and parked behind George’s VW. George and Terry came out of the house to greet her and she said, “Here – each of you grab a bag of groceries. Watch that one, Terry – it’s heavy.” She had bought several cans of soup, and some tomatoes and the rest of the ingredients for marinara sauce, and the store bagger had put all of the cans in one bag. “I forgot you were gonna have to rent a car,” said George. “We have to do something...

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Cat and Mouse 2 Pink Persuasions Chapters XII and XIII

XIII: Growing Pains Their names were Lowell Bunton and Scotty Griggs. Both had been members of violent youth gangs when they were younger. Both had created reputations for themselves as the kinds of people that no one messed with, although they never committed any very serious crimes apart from assault and battery against anyone who dared to challenge what they perceived to be their natural dominance. They both joined the Marine Corps, and upon being discharged, they went into...

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Another Caning by Miss Strictwell

Thirty-seven-year-old Angela was awake as usual at seven-thirty and was looking forward to her day shopping and meeting her friends at the restaurant at the mall. Before that, though, she had her meeting with Miss Strictwell.As she threw the bedclothes off and swung her legs on to the floor and walked towards the bathroom she thought about her meeting which would be straight after breakfast. She knew to stay in her shorty nightdress which had a hem that only just covered her bottom. She also...

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The Caning at the Cafe du Concorde

The Caning at the Cafe du Concorde.On the face of it, to any casual or uninformed observer, the Cafe du Concorde may have appeared an unlikely location to act as a setting for the public disgrace and punishment of Yvette Marie-Louise Renard. The cafe in its snug location on the eponymous main square of the idyllic little village of Pont du Rochelles showed nothing at first glance to suggest that it was anything else other than the sort of pleasant and friendly little rural establishment whose...

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The Caning at the Cafe du Concorde

On the face of it, to any casual or uninformed observer, the Cafe du Concorde may have appeared an unlikely location to act as a setting for the public disgrace and punishment of Yvette Marie-Louise Renard. The cafe in its snug location on the eponymous main square of the idyllic little village of Pont du Rochelles showed nothing at first glance to suggest that it was anything else other than the sort of pleasant and friendly little rural establishment whose twin could be found in any village...

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A Domsub couple decide to live out a fantasy involving hard caning

Brian lit a bit of Forest Dance, it was his sub Giovanna’s favorite incense and a deep, musky scent, like earth under an old oak spread over the playroom. Giovanna herself knelt on the floor, she was a pretty woman, a bit on the plump side with dark curls to her waist and large olive colored eyes, Brian liked the soft curve of her body, the little love handles, and the size of her breasts that usually only came naturally with a bit of overweight. “Are you sure you want to do this my...

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Cleverly Planned Wife Swap 8211 Master Plan To Convince Conservative Couple 8211 Part XIII

This is real story of a two friends where we exchanged our wife with each other for bit lengthier live in relationship. Usually in swinging/exchanging wife with others, generally people will exchange partner for just a fucking session in just a week end visit or night visit to one of the couple’s home. In our case, to make our life spicy and have more thrill and adventure, we have decided to do this for bit longer period of time, where my wife will be with my friend for 2 months and where as...

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My Sexual Autobiography 8211 Part XIII 8211 My Honeymoon

Hello friends and readers………… This is your sexy Julee welcomes you all to be the part of my sexual life. Here is the next part of MY SEXUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY – MY HONEY MOON. For information of the all, now I am staying in New Delhi with my husband who works here. I, once again request all the friends and readers PLZ……PLZ….. PLZ DO NOT ASK FOR MY ADDRESS, PHOTO AND CONTACT NUMBERS ETC. My fans, friends and readers can contact me by sending me e-mail and all are free to express their feelings. As...

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Tim the Teenager Part XIII

Tim, the Teenage Part Thirteen By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter IV: 9th Grade, Spring 1986 - Brad and Sandi Part 3 - Your Sister, Your Slave (mc, incest mf, mfmm) "What am I gonna do?" Brad moaned, with his face in his hands. "She sucked on me so long yesterday, it feels raw. I came three times all with in an hour. And she still wanted more!" It was the next day at lunch. Mindy and Vito suddenly felt like sitting with Marsha and company just for today. The four of us were able to talk...

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Caning Her Bottom

Having had her first-ever genuine lesbian experience at the age of fifty-nine, Christine Hargreaves was wanting more. She had been, sort of, picked-up by sixty-year-old lesbian Brenda Sutcliffe and had recently tasted cunt juice for the first time as well as having her own cunt receive a female tongue for the first time ever.During her so far only visit to Brenda's house for an afternoon and early evening of sapphic sex, Christine was shown an implement that Brenda wanted to use at a future...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XIII 5 Doing It For Love

Love. Four letters of the alphabet that can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people, but is essential to the well being of all. But in my case, love for other human beings broke down into two categories. The puppy love, the "I enjoy being around them" love, the "she's so sweet I just want to hold her and never let her go" kind of love. All those fit into one category, and I tend to apply this kind of love towards a lot of people. It's still love, but it's always...

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The Platinum Chef A Tale of Delacroix Part XIII

Chapter 45 Myka sat quietly in the room, there had been some sound a minute earlier. The buzz in her ears had started last year, just after the accident. It was so hard to think through it. Some days it was just easier to sleep on the couch. There was food, though she would be hard pressed to remember much of anything. Tim was alive and taking care of himself... At least she hoped so. There was that noise again. It meant something. "Mom!." Tim huffed. "Didn't you hear the...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XIII 9 All According to Plan

Tim J. Brandon Level: Freshman Major: BS Busn Admin Course Crd *--Class times--* Name hrs Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday **** Eng 101 3 0800-0920 0800-0920 Econ 101 3 0930-1050 0930-1050 Hist 101 3 1000-1050 1000-1050 1000-1050 Chem 101 5 1100-1150 1100-1150 1100-1150 1100-1150 X " LAB 1400-1650 Col Alg 3 1400-1450 1400-1450 1400-1450 1400-1450 Joe E. Thomas Level: Freshman Major: BS Biol Course Crd *--Class times--* Name hrs Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday **** Eng...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XIII 14 Joeys Darkest Hour

Joey had lied. Joey had deceived me. Joey had taken advantage of my trust and my love. Joey had endangered his own quest for his sister in pleasing his own selfish sexual whims and cravings. These thoughts kept spinning around my head as I swallowed the aspirin and started getting dressed. Joey couldn't be trusted. Joey was a danger to himself, and to me, while we are here undercover. Either I quit and go home or... "Shit," I gasped painfully when my swollen knuckles accidentally...

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Marthas bare bottom caning

It was Thursday late in the afternoon when five pupils, three girls and two boys were standing at the corner. The pupils were Martha 18, Michelle 17, Veronica 16, Morgan and Kelvin both 16 years old boys. The two boys were trying a  cigarette when the girls were chit chatting. Mr Jordan, a 55 years old gentleman appeared from nowhere jogging, he...

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Jakes Magic Remote Part XIII Nocturnal Em

I keep getting messages saying you love this story. Thank you all! Remember I am always open to comments, criticism and suggestions/requests. And this part is the end of Katie's sleepover, I promise.Katie came hard when Petra flashed her dad’s dick-pic at her. It was completely without warning; one moment she was eagerly anticipating the sight, and the next she was biting her lip and squirming, trying desperately not to moan. She felt empty inside, and she knew exactly how she wanted to fill...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XIII 1 Musical Bodies

It was him. The man who Tom had met at the police station and had obviously implanted the fake memory of Sarah's corpse had apparently refined his skill and had taken up residence at the college Tammy attended. He was a little older, and I didn't see the girl from Tom's memory anywhere in Tammy's mind, but it was definitely him. Holly was almost unreasonable from the way I hadn't given her five more minutes to pack, and was in a sour mood for a good hour after we left. I wasn't paying...

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My Real Sex Life 8211 Part XIII

Hi My dear horny readers. How are you all doing? My name is Deva (not real name) I’m now 27 years old, 5.95 feet height, athletic and average looking. GUYS SORRY FOR NOT WRITING THESE MONTHS. I WAS ACTUALLY BUSY WITH MY NEW COMPANY. AND THANQ ALL FOR THE FEED BACK AND EXPECT MORE. THANQ Okay let me continue the Story … Me: when are you planning to get married KOMAL? Komal: I did not give much attention to marriage till now. First it is my responsibility to take care of this kid. He should get...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XIII 17 A Symbol Is Mightier Than a Sword

After we got dressed and I had my coin back in my pocket, we were taken downstairs and led into another part of the building. An unfamiliar Gamma Alpha Eta brother wearing only black bikini briefs met us, and we were handed over to him just like that. Surprisingly he led us outside and across an open lot, through a gap of a chain link fence, and then approached another building which appeared to be a warehouse. The leader didn't seem to mind the cold December air, but Joey's and my teeth...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XIII 4 Enough Love For Everyone

"I hope you two remember which piece goes to which helicopter," I said as I ran my eyes across the parts scattered all over the garage. "I can tell the difference," Holly said walking up to me while wiping her hands on the borrowed white coveralls she had on. They were already streaked with oil, grease, and grime on them, so a little more didn't matter. What did matter was the fact she had a smile on her face, and when she reached me, she wrapped her arms around me and gave me a nice...

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Rachel Crossing The Line Part XIII

November 29th, 12:02 PM A few thousand thoughts were running through my mind after catching that news story about Tang Dettings. The bastard definitely got what he deserved, whether he fell down some stairs or was helped. Of course I knew in my heart he hadn't fallen and that's where Brad must have gone after Krystal and I had gotten home last night. The look on his face when he saw how that asshole had beaten Krystal was one I'll never forget. I think after the initial shock...

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Gaon Ki Meri Bhabhiya 8211 Part XIII

Hello Dosto, Mera nam Ritesh hai or me baroda guj se hu or me ap sabhi logo k liye ek aisi erotic story pash kar raha hoo jo padhne k bad ladko ko kai bar muth marni padegi or ladkiyo ko kai bar chut me ungli dalni padegi. Meri age 27 years height 5’10”, weight 70 kg athletic body lund ka size 7″ hai. Mera email ID hai Ap apni ray muje email kar sakte hai or agar koi ladki Gujrat se hai or mujse sex karna chahti hai to muje email bhej sakti hai. I’m not callboy and me free me hi karta hu. Bas...

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Becoming Emily Part XIII

Waking up with Lilly next to me on the bed was amazing. The feel of her nude body sent tingles down my body that ended at my suddenly wet pussy. I couldn’t help but touch myself while I looked at her. I guess I was a little louder than I intended to be because when I looked up from her tits to her pretty face I saw that sweet, sexy grin. She didn’t say a word though, just pushed my legs open and kissed her way down to my cunt.“MMMM such a naughty little girl, already wet huh?” she asked...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XIII 6 The Quest for Sarah Begins

"NO!! SARAH!! NO!!" Joey cried just before he fell out of the bed. "Joey! It's okay! It was only a dream!" I said, nearly falling out of bed after him. "NO! I SHOT HER! I SHOT SARAH! I REMEMBER! I DID IT! IT WAS ME!" Joey continued as he stumbled and struggled to get free of the covers. I realized he was lost in the emotions his dream had produced, and just as he got to his feet intending to run, I tackled him back to the floor and held onto him with everything I had while he went...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XIII 11 Give Me Some Dirty Sex

"I don't know about you, but I'm dripping wet from all that jogging," I said, poking my head in the bathroom to check it out. Joey's hands slipped under the front of my shirt as he pressed himself against my back. "Yeah... " he said, rubbing his hands all over my hard sweaty chest. "Nice and dripping wet." He buried his nose into the shoulder my wet shirt, and I felt him licking and sucking the juices out of it. When he stopped, he stood there feeling my chest and pecs, breathing...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XIII 15 Rat Hunt

The next three days were very hard on both of us. Joey was back to his "normal" self, and that ended up meaning he was almost as depressed as I was. For him it was the concept of how completely futile our rescuing his sister appeared. No matter how he looked at it, he couldn't see a way to convince the Eta's to let him join. We both believed that our age was the reason for the hormone levels not being within their acceptable range, and that was one thing we couldn't alter about...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XIII 19 Shit Its A Connor Family Reunion

"Shit I'm nervous. Are you sure I look okay? Do you think they will recognize me?" Sarah said in the limo. "Shit Sis. For the last time, yes! The only reason I didn't recognize you the first time was because you had that suit on and had your hair pulled back. Shit, you look just like I remember you. Only wiser." "I still don't understand why you didn't tell them over the phone," I said, watching Tommy carefully as he tried flipping my coin like I had been showing him. "What? And...

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The Caning of Gina Part I

Gina sat nervously, holding onto her mug of coffee as if for dear life. Jim sat opposite her relaxed and waiting patiently. “So how do you feel about things now?” he asked her, in a soft spoken voice. She smiled nervously but said nothing. “You can leave it for another time”, he told her, “There’s no pressure” Gina took a sip from her mug. He was wrong there was pressure. Though the choice was hers and hers alone she knew that if she walked away now she would probably never come back and would...

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Singapore Caning

Roger Emerson was at the cusp of learning what most Americans never really understood: the extent of the penal system in Singapore. Roger had conducted business in Singapore for several years, but never fully appreciated the intricacies of the culturally mixed court system, nor did he understand the sense of justice that was almost inbred in the life long residents of Singapore. As the celebrated Michael Fay incident suggests, Singapore was formerly a British crown colony and has been an...


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