Rachel - Crossing The Line Part XIII free porn video

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November 29th, 12:02 PM A few thousand thoughts were running through my mind after catching that news story about Tang Dettings. The bastard definitely got what he deserved, whether he fell down some stairs or was helped. Of course I knew in my heart he hadn't fallen and that's where Brad must have gone after Krystal and I had gotten home last night. The look on his face when he saw how that asshole had beaten Krystal was one I'll never forget. I think after the initial shock wore off he was relieved that it wasn't worse or that Dettings hadn't messed me up also. I had told him the story a few times about how I had stood up to him and demanded he let Krystal leave. I have never seen a man so black, and I'm wasn't just talking about his skin color. He must have been high or something, how else would you explain that guys behavior? Thank God those other guys were in the hall way when that all went down. Who knows if they would have backed me up had Dettings gone nuts. I shuddered, putting the thought quickly behind me. I didn't think Brad wasn't James Bond or anything like that, but what he did for a living was a mysterious side of him. I was willing to bet there was a darker part of that side you didn't want to come across. Who he worked for or even what exactly he did was still a pretty big mystery to me. That basically was the problem here, to many damn mysteries. So, why was I so in the dark with all the things happening around me? Was I enabling this crap or was this even something I could control? Do I even have any control any more? I certainly am the proverbial small fish in the big pond... The bathroom door closing down the hall shook me back to the here and now. I peeked from behind the bedroom door to see that the door to Krystal's room was open. She must be feeling good enough to at least make it to the bathroom on her own. That's a good sign. The next sounds were of the toilet being flushed and then the shower running -OK then, I guess she's more than feeling good, considering how bad she looked earlier this morning. I smiled ever so slightly; maybe she wants to get out of here? Augh! Not nice, not nice at all. I turned back toward the mirror thinking that I could sure be a bitch at times. Oh well! I check my outfit one last time before feeling I was ready to deal with my 'guest'. I hope she wants to get back to her life and let me have mine back. I wasn't a fan of sharing, at least not yet. I pulled a thread or dust bunny or something hanging from one of the pleats in my skirt and thought - one last check. I primped and flattened the skirt around my hips, turned for a side view... OK, not bad. I had to admit that the smaller cups of the new bra's Lisa had given me yesterday certainly made things look more natural. And I stopped there with that thought because I knew I would be going round and round about how I just wanted my own breasts and to be finished with feeling fake. The half-moon inserts were comfortable and added a natural looking heft or weighty look to my chest. I wished to God I didn't have to use these things to fill out these pathetically small A cups. Augh! Stop! I took a step back. OK, enough already - everything was in place and ready for viewing. Just go with it! I paused, looking at the face starring back at me. I knew why I was making such a big deal of this; Krystal was the new standard I needed to keep up with. Hell, even in her black and blue swollen state from the beating that Dettings guy delivered I felt like I was miles from matching her. We both had the same goals, we're on the same path, she was just a few miles further down the road than I was - right? I'll get there, slow and steady. Breathe, breathe... Well, I may not be able to match you Ms. Krystal Kane, but I've had Brad and don't you forget it. Another 'One last look' and I spun with determination toward the door, a knowing smile on my face. OK, I can do this! November 29th, 12:36 PM The water in the shower finally stopped and had it run much longer I was going to knock to see if Krystal was OK in there or not. Not sure I could have handled there being a problem, but I certainly didn't want her to end up dead or something in the shower. Yeeoow, not a pleasant thought. Then as if I were some dog guarding it's territory I thought that if she touched my man she was gonna wish she were dead! I had spent the last few minutes cleaning up her room, removing the blood soaked towels, tissues, replacing the glass of water, and changing the pillow case which had dried blood on it. Gone were her clothes and purse, so she must have taken them into the bathroom. I was about to fish one of her high heel shoes from under the bed when I heard a hair dryer begin to whirl like a jet engine, and then slow to a more reasonable pitch. Must have been an extra one in the second bedroom, because I know she didn't arrive with it. I placed Krystal's shoes at the foot of the bed, made one last inspection, and decided I'd done my housekeeping duties for the day. Time for something to eat. On the way to the kitchen I made the rounds through the living room, opening up the curtains and straightening up a little. I put a couple glasses from the coffee table into the nearly empty dishwasher and turned toward the refrigerator. No milk, no juice, and not much of anything else in there either. A few bottles of beer, a couple cans of pop, and just about a case of bottled water crowded the top shelf. In one of the drawers there was a block of cheese and a package of sliced turkey meat. Oh boy! I thought and rolled my eyes. Plenty of condiments on the door, but not a single fresh vegetable or piece of fruit was to be had. I shook my head thinking this was pretty pathetic. Checked the freezer - only a package of frozen peas. Who the hell eats frozen peas? Back to the refrigerator, I pulled the cheese and turkey, found a box of crackers and plated up a dozen or so as snacks. It certainly wasn't an 'Iron Chef' offering for my 'guest', but this wasn't the Grand Cayman's three or four star restaurant either! Good enough for me and I chomped one of the crackers. November 29th, 1:17 PM The phone rang just as I was coming in from the balcony and I nearly tripped on the sliding glass door track as I rushed to pick it up. Fuck! And as soon as I had gotten my balance I scanned the room to see if Krystal had seen my graceful entrance to the room. I was alone, Thank God! I was such a klutz. "Hello?" I huffed as if out of breath. "Hey Rach. Brad set up an appointment for Krystal with Dr. Bill at 2:00 PM; can you see if she's up to it and get her there?" My mind was processing what was said a bit longer than Lisa had expected which brought on a follow-on question, "Hey, you OK?" I was thinking too hard about my voice and controlling it, not to mention going out in public during day light hours was NOT something I enjoyed all that much. OK, I'm fine. It's just Lisa, relax and, "Yeah, yeah I'm fine. What time?" Breathe, breathe... Stay calm, I can speak as me just fine, relax... "The appointment is at 2:00 PM. That doesn't give her much time to be ready, but Brad wanted that cut above her eyebrow checked and anything else she was having trouble with. This was the only time that was available." "She's up I guess, just finished taking a shower about an hour ago. I think she's getting dressed." No sooner had I finished saying that then there was a noise behind me, the bathroom door opened and few seconds later the bedroom door closed. "Cool. How does she seem?" "I don't know, I haven't talked to her since early this morning." and I felt stupid all of a sudden for not at least knocking on the bathroom door to see if she was OK. But, if she wasn't wouldn't she have said... "Hey, after you guys are done do you want to catch a late lunch?" Lunch? No! I don't want to be out with two women who could easily be models - in day light! Hello! Like I really want to be out classed. Shit, does she think of this stuff just to screw with me? "Rach, you aren't a vampire - geesh! It's just lunch and no one is going to give a crap. Come on." She sounded as if she were pleading. Whaa waaa waah whaaa, vampire! Fuck you! I'm not you. I'm not even close to being you and if I'm not comfortable out - whatever the time of day - that's my business! I exhaled slowly and wondered how she could read my mind some times. "Let's see how she feels. I'll call you when we get out of there." "Now you're talking. Catch ya later," and the phone went dead. Grrr! And before I could go down that path of fuming doubt I heard the door to Krystal's room open. I turned toward the hallway and watched as she slowly walked into the living room. She was wearing only a towel, though it was obvious she was wearing a bra. At least she wasn't overly spewing some kind of Latin confidence - walking around half-naked as if it were just the way people did things. Maybe she wasn't as confident as she appeared? I noticed she was holding the dress she had worn last night in her hand and after looking at it she gave me a troubled look. She extended it while speaking slowly and in a hushed thick accent, "I have stains of the dress and will not remove." She held it so I could see some of the blood stains. I could see the entire breast, collar, and one of the sleeves were still wet, as if she'd tried to scrub the blood from the delicate material. I hadn't realized she had bled that much and my frostiness melted away a little. I crossed the living room to examine the dress, taking it and holding it up. The cream colored material had light brown dull spots that were now surely permanent parts of the fabric. This wasn't good. Now what? We needed to be out of here and be at Dr. Bill's in twenty- five minutes. Crap! I took a step back and tried to get a read of what I had to work with. I mean, she was probably an inch taller than I was, so even if she could wiggle her incredible curves into any one of my pairs of jeans they'd be way to short. I had a couple skirts that would probably work and maybe a blouse or two... Augh! I wanted to stomp my feet and ball my fists, all while screaming - "NO WAY!" to the thought of letting her borrow my clothes but I looked at the blood stains, then she spoke... "I am sorry for this," she pulled the dress back slowly. "I can use your washing dryer, Please?" No! No, no, no! God dang it! "Come with me..." and I started walking toward my bedroom. "There's bound to be something I have that will fit you. You'll probably even look better wearing this stuff than me anyway." By the time I had gotten to the bedroom and turned around she was just starting to follow me. Great! Why me? I'm out classed, out gunned, out femaled... OUT! OUT! Out! Augh! I pulled open the closet and moved Brad's stuff out of the way. I took the things that were obviously not going to work and moved them to the left. None of my dresses were going to fit her frame right, so to the left they slid. That left about four blouses and two skirts still hanging. I picked them up and laid them all on the bed, returning to the wire rack cubbies in the closet. I had a couple pairs of shorts that might work. When I had laid those on the bed I noticed she was standing at the door, watching me with an odd look on her face. I turned back to the bed and nixed the shorts, too cold outside. Back to the closet, hands on hips, now what? I looked around the closet door, she seemed unsure of what was happening, "Is there something wrong?" She didn't hesitate, "I can not impose this way on you to take your clothes." Yeah, cute - think again Ms. Argentina or Brazil or wherever you're from, "It's alright, just see what will work for you. I really don't mind." and I knew there was no way in hell that sounded even the slightest bit like I was telling the truth. "Brad set up an appointment with Dr. Hansen to have you checked out and we don't have much time, so just take whatever." She didn't move and I wasn't sure if she didn't understand or what the problem was, so I picked up the longer of the two short skirts and a white blouse from the bed and brought it over to her. There was no doubt in my mind that this outfit wouldn't fit and I could tell she was going to make it pop. Those long legs and those breasts that weren't just perky but like some Eighth Wonder of the World monument to breasts. I gave what I was holding one last glance and realized that if I were to wear this I'd look like this stuff was just hanging on me. God I hate how far I am from being her! I want to hate you! Augh! And AUGH again! When she wouldn't take the skirt and blouse from me, I turned toward the clock on the night stand, "We don't have much time. Here, take these. I think you'll look gorgeous in them. Better than I could hope to look." Still she didn't move, but I knew the wheels were turning behind that light brown skin, near perfect hair, sultry brown eyes, curv... OK, enough - she's perfect, I'm not. I finally came around to look into her eyes and noticed tears welling in the corners. Oh crap! "Whoa, wait a second. It's OK, it's OK," my voice calm and as soothing as I could make it. Why the water works? Before I could continue she was hugging me gently. Oh boy... And a lump began to form in my throat. I had to get some control here or both our faces would be streaked with makeup and we'd never make it out of here in time. "It's OK, I understand..." I whispered, patting her on the back gently before I broke the embrace. "This isn't easy, I know. Take the clothes, I insist." She gave me one last look for reassurance and I sort of waved her off in a friendly manner with a thin smile. She turned and went to her bedroom, closing the door behind her. I turned to the clothes lying on the bed and wondered if I'd ever feel like I could do them justice. Augh! I let's not go there! November 29th, 2:09 PM "We're fine, we're here, she's fine, she's in with Dr. Hansen now. The swelling doesn't seem to be as bad as it was last night, I mean this morning, Augh! You know what I mean." I switched ears with the cell phone because my earring was rubbing against the hard plastic of the phone. I need one of those Bluetooth things. "When she's done with Bill, take her back to the condo, OK?" "I think Lisa wanted to meet up for lunch..." and before I could continue Brad cut me off. "Not a good idea right now," he said with a little more force than he was probably intending. "What's that supposed to mean?" I pushed back. "Nothing, it's just I want to keep her out of sight for a while." "Because?" "Look Rach, just take her back home with you. Hang out, rest..." and it was my turn to cut him off. "Why Brad? Someone after her?" and there was no mistaking the venom in my voice. I'd had a great beginning to the day, followed by my current babysitting roll and my nerves were just a little on the short side. Not to mention Krystal didn't just fill out my skirt and blouse, she made them fashion show runway worthy. She'd even borrowed a pair of flats I hadn't even gotten a chance to wear yet! So I was not in the mood to be messed with at the moment. "What? No one is 'after' Krystal. The cops do however have video of her with Dettings in the lounge last night. She's a person of interest right now. That's all I know." "Video? Oh shit! Am I on video? How much... wait, is there video outside the casino - like in the hallways? Are they looking for me too?" My attitude went from 'screw you' to 'save me' in less than four heart beats. "You aren't on video, so take it easy. I was able to kill all that earlier this morning. I just didn't go far enough back with anything that might involve Krystal. As you might imagine, that's got people a little more interested in this than they should be, but I wouldn't worry much about that," there was confidence in his voice. "I'm waiting to see if the guys outside Dettings room come forward, that could be a problem because they're sure to remember some feisty woman demanding her friend be released," and he made that sound as if he were smiling. I was past worrying and I certainly wasn't smiling now. Where was the threat? The police? Yeah, the police right? Wait, what if it's someone Dettings knew? Crap! I can't have people after me. I mean it's not like people aren't already after me. Like every time I'm in public the fear of people outing me, that kind of 'after me'... "Rach, nothing is going to happen to you or Krystal. I just want to keep Krystal under wraps for a bit. I had Lisa swing by her place after she called you to get her things and by now she's dropped them off. I need you keep an eye on Krystal until I can get away." When I hadn't said anything he continued, "You can do that for me, right Rach?" "Yeah, I understand," and I knew that tone probably didn't carry much reassurance for him right now, but I wasn't feeling very confident in a number of things at the moment. "I'll call you around 5:00 PM to let you know when I'll be by." And as if unable to keep any cohesive trains of thought in line I blurted out, "We need food..." "Huh? Food? Just order something delivered. I'll see what I can do about stocking the frigerator. Do we need any beer?" "No." "OK, just hang tough kiddo. I'm not going to let anything happen to ya. Talk to you soon." "Yeah, sure," but the line was already dead. Could this day get any worse? November 29th, 2:52 PM Dr. Hansen had put some pain medication in a small plain white paper bag for me and gave me instructions on when to give them to Krystal. When I had asked about her condition he seemed to think she would be fine and that she just needed some time to heal. He mentioned he was worried about one of her implants and asked me to keep an eye on her for the next 24 hours. If there was unusual swelling or discoloration of the breast area then he wanted me to call him immediately. He gave me a card with his cell number on it. It was the only thing he was really that concerned about. Interestingly enough he didn't ask any questions about how this happened. Guess he either already knew or had seen this kind of thing a few times in the past. Either way I thought that was peculiar. While the thought of a leaking implant, especially if it were one of the older silicon types, wasn't something to take lightly, I did take some pleasure in finding out that the Eighth Wonders Krystal so proudly displayed were in fact FAKE! Mine on the other hand were going to be REAL. I was smiling on the inside. Oh baby was I smiling! Fake, fake, fake... November 29th, 3:06 PM On the way back to the condo neither one of us said anything. Krystal just sort of stared out the window through fashionable tortoise shell rimmed sunglasses. Traffic was about what you'd expect and the trip took roughly five minutes longer than it usually would have. Some kind of sewer work being done just before where I'd turn off the main drag toward the condo had traffic backed up. Figures we'd be the first car in line for the flagger, a Las Vegas police officer, when we got up to the cause of the back up. He didn't pay much attention to us though, so my nervous fidgeting went unnoticed - except maybe Krystal might have noticed. Once safely inside the condo Krystal's mood was lifted when she saw her suit cases and a cardboard box of bathroom items, namely makeup and the like. Thanks Lisa I thought with more than enough dripping sarcasm to choke a cat. Of course for every Ying there's a Yang and I felt instantly put out, because it looked as though Krystal were moving in. I had news for Brad if he thought this was the case - NO! I watched silently as she took her things into her room with a smile. Whatever... After a few minutes of fuming and rattling around the kitchen for nothing in particular I came across a small "Local's Only" phonebook. It was well past time for some food and since there wasn't anything in the condo worth eating, it was Domino's time. The first page of local restaurants section contained a decent sized ad for Alfie's Greek and Italian. Why did that sound better than pizza? In bold letters it said they delivered and since they were just a few blocks away delivery time should be quick. Sounds like a plan. Their ad said they were 'Famous for our chicken Caesar salad' so that's what I ordered, two of them and garlic cheese bread. Twenty-two minutes later, a not very chatty delivery driver, and thirty-six dollars later - with tip, we were sitting quietly at the small dinning room table. I wouldn't classify our presence at the table together as enjoyable; only because I'm wasn't sure which was worse, the uncomfortable silence or the occasional blank glances we gave each other. We were both on our best dinning behavior, the occasional smile between bites or sips of Diet Coke. I wouldn't call it necessarily tension, but we certainly seemed to be playing some kind of mental 'figure her out' game with each other. I finished first and unceremoniously stood to leave. "It is good food to eat. I Thank You," Krystal said as I pushed my chair in. "Yeah, it wasn't bad. They said they were famous for this salad, I guess." I watched her take that in and she smiled. "Yes, we have this famous same salad in Sao Paulo. I say the chicken is more of the spice," she said pinching a couple fingers in front of her lips to ennunciate the concept of spicey. Cute, I got it. While her English might be a bit on the choppy side, she did seem to have personality and an ability to articulate her thoughts well. She was not some dumb bimbo. I smiled and wondered why I wanted to like her at times. Grrr! As I started to head toward the kitchen she rose and gathered her plate, glass and can. "The bread I like it much also." She followed me to the kitchen and went through the same motions I did for putting the plates in the dishwasher, throwing out the napkin, and putting the can in the recycle bin. As I disposed of the delivery containers she returned to the table to get the plate with the bread on it, a questioning look now on her face. "Might as well save that," I said pulling a baggie from a drawer, taking the plate of left over cheese bread from her and sealing it up. I smiled at her - OK, now what? She continued to smile back at me, seemingly interested in what we were going to do next. Was she wondering the same thing? Yeah, now what? "Think I'll brush my teeth. Way to much garlic on my breath right now," and I waved a hand in front of my mouth with a look of 'stink' on my face. Now I'm using hand gestures! Augh! She smiled back and nodded, "Yes, it is garlic and strong. I would chew some chicle." Her pronunciation of that last word was thick and smooth in her native tongue. I nodded, not sure what 'chicle' was, but hoping it was something akin to gum. "I'll be right back," and I headed toward the bedroom. November 29th, 4:10 PM When I returned to the living room she was not there and I figured she was in her room. I hoped she'd stay there for a while. Of course I could just hold up in my own room if I really wanted. That thought was tempting. I looked around and wondered what I was going to do with her till Brad got here. The place was clean, mostly because I didn't spend enough time here to mess it up. Probably could us a dusting, but I didn't have the energy for that. Maybe I could get her to do that? Laundry? I smiled wickedly. I plopped down on the couch, grabbing the remote and decided to flip around the channels. basketball, golf, fly fishing, cooking channel, travel channel... "I would like to go to this place." I was a bit startled, but recovered quickly. I smiled, "Me too. I hear it's a long flight over there." I watched as Krystal came around the couch and took up a position on the opposite end. She tucked her toes in between the cushions and wiggled back into the cushion as if to get completely comfortable. When she was settled she said, "Yes, I have been told this also." She was wearing a ragged old t-shirt with a green flag on it and a large soccer ball. It looked incredibly comfortable and worn. The shirt was matched up with a pair of pink plaid flannel pajama bottoms and of course bare feet. Even in this relaxed attire she still looked like she could hook any man out there. Yeah, swollen lip and cut over the eyebrow she still was drop dead gorgeous. Her hair? No long impeccably styled, but in a cute ponytail. I hate you Ms. Brazil. Which was the flag on her t-shirt and while I may not be a world traveler I could tell the flag on her shirt was Brazil's. Just don't ask me to read what was on the damn shirt. I pointed the remote at the TV, but stopped when the picture showed a number of baby kangaroos hopping and playing in a large pen. I wished I was there now - any where but here! "They are very funny," and she struggled with that for a second, "No, cute." I smiled and nodded my agreement, putting the remote down. "Are you for travel?" "I wish I could travel more, I guess. Australia is one place I would really like to visit." After a short silence, "I have travel many places. You would like my Brazil. If you go I will show you it is beautiful many places." OK, what is this 'travel' talk? 'Am I for travel?' Was she asking do I like to travel or something else. Like what? And it became clear, or at least one possible explanation - did I travel for work. I mean did work make me have to travel? Whoa, that's an interesting angle to take on that question. What would that mean? Then I wondered if she traveled for 'work'? Like is there an international demand for women like us? Then 'work' became to mean something entirely different in my mind and I didn't like that train of thought. Not going there, not right now. So what do I ask to find out what she means? "Do you travel much?" She didn't hesitate, "I travel many places and meet people." Well that doesn't tell me squat. Maybe I'm reading to much into this? Let's see where this goes, "Do you work in Brazil?" She smiled, "I am model for clothes. I would also for TV," she paused looking for the right word, "A movie also." "You were on TV?" She shook her head, "No, I am not for TV but will also." She was smiling and looked as though she was hoping I caught the point. I did, she wasn't an international TV star. "I can see where you would be perfect for modeling," and I wanted to know if there was more. She didn't just jet set around for modeling, did she? How do I ask that? "You will model too. You have the face to desire." What? Yeah right! I smiled and tried not to chuckle, "Thanks, but I doubt that." I thought if I could get her talking about her past maybe all this 'travel' talk would become clear, "When did you know you wanted to be this way?" At first she looked like she didn't understand, but she processed it as I had asked and the flood gates opened wide. Her life story came rushing out and I don't know if it was because we shared the same path or she just needed to let it out, but for the next ten or so minutes I barely said anything. When she couldn't get her point across I would jumped in with questions or she made sweeping hand gestures. We laughed a few times, though her story wouldn't make it as a comedy if put into print. She was not only beautiful, but quite intelligent. I could see where people could screw up thinking she wasn't all that bright and where she could turn the tables on someone quickly. She had spunk, brains, and was of course - drop dead gorgeous. From a very young age she knew she was in the wrong body and when she turned fourteen she had run away from home. Home was Santos, a small city south of Rio de Janeiro. It didn't sound like that period of time was one she wanted to dwell on, I didn't press. Some where along the line she'd made some money, got connected with someone, and pretty much transformed. That was a bit sketchy, but if I had to guess it was all financed via some 'sugar daddy' when she was still pretty young. She was 26 years old, three years older than I was, and had been living full time as Krystal for almost five years in earnest. More sketchy was the period >from 'sugar daddy' to living full time as Krystal. Nothing she did seemed strained or contrived and she spoke with purpose. Her mannerisms were all female, right down to her giggle, smile, and every damn facial expression. She was polished, of that there was no doubt. I hated her and I wanted to like her in the same breath. I wanted to be her. I asked her about her family and I could see it troubled her some. She had a brother who did something for some soccer team out of Sao Paulo who sounded like he was supportive. If I had to guess, her parents disowned her. She didn't expand on that, I got the feeling she missed them. When she asked about my parents I deflected the question. Of course that got me to thinking that I hadn't talked to them since meeting Brad about thirteen days ago. I needed to call as I'm sure they were very worried, especially if they went by the house I was renting and found it was empty. Which reminded me that the lease was up tomorrow. Why did that life seem so far away now? "And you have like this for how much time?" Then it was my turn to share and all of a sudden I was talking and for some reason I couldn't control my diarrhea of the mouth. I told her about my unspectacular childhood. About always suspecting that I was different and finally made it to the story of how I had met Brad. I didn't expand on what she may have been implying as 'work', but I think she knew why I was at Dettings room last night. It kind of bothered me when I thought of what I was doing by that 'not so pleasant' name. Stinging words like whore or prostitute bubbled up... "You have not to do this long? I can not believe this." I smiled leaving those negative thoughts behind, "Yeah, well like I said closet dressing for years - real life about two weeks." I shrugged as if there wasn't much to it. "For many it is in the mind and they fight. I fight many my fears. Is this for you?" Whoa, I would not have guessed that about her. I guess we've got more in common than I thought. "Yes, I have many fears..." November 29th, 5:33 PM The phone ringing kind of broke up our little life story session and I silently cursed it ringing, "Hello..." "Hi, how's it going?" "Good, I guess," I tried not stumbling, now more focused on my voice control than I was five seconds ago. How stupid is that? Wait, don't answer that! I stood and walked into the kitchen as Brad continued. "That's great. She's a really nice gal." "Yeah, we've been chatting away for at least an hour now." "Cool. Got a question for ya." "You do? I've got a few for you." "OK, me first, but only because I'm up against a deadline - How would you feel about meeting someone tonight, say 7:30, maybe 8-ish?" He sounded nervous, why? Let's see why, "I don't know, I'm kind of enjoying hanging out with Krystal, can we do this tomorrow night?" There was an uncomfortable pause. "No, it needs to be tonight. I think there are some special circumstances involved that make this window of opportunity kind of short. You can have the entire fee for tonight if that would help make up your mind, three-K, clear." Whoa, he was going to let me have the entire payment? Interesting. Of course my schedule wasn't as important to his 'player' as the 'players' schedule was to him. And I came back to the money, OK, I'm hooked. But I still could push his buttons a little, then decided to skip it, "OK, but I get your word that you will answer every one of my questions the next time I see you, deal?" Holly crap! Three-thousand dollars? Whoo... "Done. A limo will be picking you up there, so they'll call you from the lobby. You'll be going to this gentlemen's private residence, but you won't be alone as this guy has a fairly good sized housekeeping crew. I expect dinner will be served, but I can't guarantee it. I don't think the expectation is you'll be spending the night, but you may want to be prepared for that. Let's see, am I forgetting anything? I know you like..." "Thank you..." "No problem. You call the shots, if you need me just call." I was charged a little with nervous energy, just like every other time I'd done this, "I'll be fine, will I see you later? I mean if I get out of there tonight?" Just a hint of pleading lanced those questions. "I'm not sure. We'll need to play it by ear." "OK, so who am I seeing?" November 29th, 7:43 PM I surprised myself and was finished getting ready about fifteen minutes before the call from the lobby came that the limo had arrived. The limo, actually turned out to be a town car and the driver was polite and all business. It was unlike the Tony Bennito meetings where security people were there to escort me in his limo. Yes, it was a relief this wasn't the case tonight. I wasn't nervous for some reason, might have to do with getting ready was fairly easy. I had worried about what I was going to wear, but when I checked my closet there was a absolutely gorgeous Elias gown hanging there. A note from Lisa said, "Thought you could use this tonight, Love Lisa, XOXO." That meant she knew I would be working tonight. Sneaky Brad, very sneaky! The dress shimmered and the fabric, cut, and design of the gown would have made even a two-hundred pound woman look like a Hollywood starlet. It was a metallic gloss black in color, so I had shoes that would work and a clutch that added just the right accent. Diamond earrings, a simple silver necklace and bracelet. My hair was elegantly styled, if I do say so myself, with just a few large, loose curls - there wasn't a thing to stress about - I loved the way I looked. I should have taken a picture! I chuckled to myself, model material! Tonight I felt I was. I did have one teeny tiny drop of doubt - getting past Krystal was something I was very nervous about. She had taken a few of the pain killers after I had gotten the phone call from Brad and I hadn't seen her before I left. She knew I was going out and I checked on her of course, but the light was off in her room and I could hear her breathing softly. I didn't want to wake her, but was hoping Brad would show up soon so she wouldn't wake up alone. I left a note with my cell number on it just in case. Hope she can read English... The town car started out by heading south, so I wasn't sure where we were going at first, but when we started down Boulder Highway I knew we were heading for the high rent district out by Lake Mead. Traffic was light, so in no time we were cruising down residential streets lined with million dollar plus homes. I still wasn't nervous. All I knew about the man I was meeting was that his name was Harris Tally. It didn't mean anything to me and all Brad had said was that he was a real-estate developer. So, no nerves yet - but I could feel the butterflies beginning to roll around my stomach as the car made a number of turns in this obviously private neighborhood. It was dark outside and there was no way I could find my way back to the highway, so I didn't bother trying to pick out landmarks - not that I could. I just sat there kind of rigid trying not to stress. OK, nix that! Roll the stress on. I was a little more nervous now as the car rolled slowly up the driveway of a very large and well lit up mansion. My mouth was dry and I began to fidget. I wanted to check my appearance, but there wasn't anywhere... "We're here Ms. Moore," the driver said over his shoulder, pulling the car to a stop in a circular drive. He exited quickly and came around to open my door, extending his hand to assist me getting out of the vehicle. I wish he'd have reassured me that I looked fine or something, "Thanks..." I said as I took his hand and slid my feet around to the open door. OK - now I AM NERVOUS! November 29th, 8:14 PM A butler or servant or whatever, meet me at the door. The door opened before I even had the chance to knock. He was polite and took the fur wrap I had wrapped around my shoulders -courtesy of Lisa. I'm sure I owed her plenty for the outfit, but would try and get Brad to pay for it. I smiled as best I could and followed the man to a large sitting room. I nodded my understanding when he said that Mr. Tally would be with me shortly and that he was finishing up a telephone call in his office. He asked if I would care for something to drink. I passed, very aware that my voice was just ever so slightly shaky. Of course no more so than my knees were shaking at the moment. I was left alone and migrated over to the fireplace, warming my hands while scoping out the lay of the room. It was fashionably decorated and definitely had a woman's touch. That was something Brad had either neglected to tell me or I had forgotten to ask -was this guy married? I noticed a few photographs on a table across the room and I made my way over to check them out. There were various pictures of a couple kids, a boy and a girl - they were fairly old judging by the clothing style. Also a few shots with a woman and the kids together. There was a shot of them and a man on a sailboat pitched at an impossible angle, everyone smiling large for the camera. The man in the photo was attractive, fit, and had a chiseled face. He almost looked like young George Clooney in a way. The woman looked familiar... "Ah, you've made yourself at home I see." Startled I spun quickly to see a slightly older version of the man in the pictures standing near the entry way. He was smiling, casually dressed in Dockers and some kind of designer polo shirt - he looked very relaxed. Yeah, and why wouldn't he? I took a small step away from the table holding the pictures as he made his way over to where I was standing. We shook hands, almost like it was a necessary formality. His hand was warm, not sweaty, and his grip gentle. His smile was also warm and I felt a little more at ease, but far from comfortable or as relaxed as he appeared. "I'm Harris, welcome to my home." "Ah, Rachel, Thank You for inviting me." and I moved my clutch in front of me so that I could hold it with both hands. Not much of a security blanket, but I felt foolish just standing here while he appeared to be sizing me up. "You are really quite stunning," and as a forethought he added, "That dress is beautiful on you." "Thank you," and I felt like my face was flushed all of a sudden. He stared at me a moment, took a step toward me, cupped my chin in his hand and bent in to kiss me gently on the lips. My heart dropped from the shock and I could only stand there dumb founded when he pulled away. When I opened my eyes he was smiling. I didn't know what to do, think, or say. My mind went blank. Since I hadn't said anything or objected, he reached out and pulled me to him, this time there was nothing gentle about his wanting. His arms held me tight and his tongue probed between my lips. I accepted his advance more willingly after a moment and our tongues danced passionately in my mouth. I felt his hands wander lower over my ass, squeezing ever so gently as his kiss slurped against my lips. He pressed himself against my body in what I guessed was a slow grind and it made me feel off balance, but he held me firmly. My shock gave way to panic as he continued to squeeze me tight and I could feel my nostrils flare as I tried to breathe while his urgent kissing became more forceful. My arms and hands were trapped in front of me, while we swayed ever so slightly. When it seemed as though the kiss was waning he would thrust his tongue deep into my mouth, then try to suck my tongue from it. I felt dizzy and tried to shrug my shoulders against his embrace to loosen his grip on me, but to no avail. Too tight, it felt like he was choking my body. I dropped my clutch and it bounced of my feet, barely making a sound above his desperate moans and roving hands that clawed seductively over the delicate material of my gown. My hands, now free of the clutch were pressing against his manhood - his very large manhood! "Ammah..." I moaned, turning my face slightly to break his lip lock on me. There was no change in his aggression though and the panic I was feeling began to manifest into a low ringing in my ears. I pulled my head to the side and turned my face hard, struggling against his greedy assault. He left my lips, but only to take up licking and kissing my neck and ears. "I... wait..." and my body was spun around with so little effort I thought I was going to fall over, my hands were out stretched momentarily as if I were trying to catch myself. He had me again in his embrace after that little twirl. There was no clear path or means or even a way I could think of to slow him down. His hands began to wander again over my body, fingers traced my breasts, and a hand caressed my stomach slowly. I could feel his excitement pressing against my ass, like slow bumping grinds against me... He was quite excited, of this there was no doubt, especially if the size of the bulge pressing against my ass was any indicator. This was happening so fast... This experience so far was more than I was prepared for and most of his advances were beyond my control. This scared me to death, but there was an element of unknowing excitement I think I was actually enjoying. Unprepared for these sensations, feelings - that was an understatement. This guys libido would have measured off of any chart out there. He stopped for a moment and I thought maybe, just maybe this encounter would change into something more reasonable, something less primal. He pushed me forward carefully toward the back of a high backed leather chair, "Put your hand on the chair..." he whispered into my ear. Goosebumps rose over every inch of my body and I could feel the hair on the back of my neck tingle. I was frozen. What? I huffed a few breaths and felt his hand on my bare arms guiding them to the chair in front of me. Slowly he licked down my neck, across the nap, and up the other side to my other ear. His breathing was slow and methodical, "Don't move, don't let go of the chair..." he whispered. When I didn't say anything he said with a little more force, "Do you understand?" I wanted to spin around and push him away. I wanted to run away for God's sake, but I was frozen by his control over me. In my next breath I wanted to bathe in his control of me and absorb these fear driven advances. I nodded my head after a moment. He released his grip on my arms and slowly began pulling my gown up toward my hips. The fabric gliding over my stockings was electrifying and I shuddered. Oh God... When the material was bunched up around my waste one of his hands traced down my hip, and circled gently over my sheer panties. A finger caught on one of the garters and snapped it gently back against my ass. "I really like what you are wearing under this dress. It tells me you are here to please me. That excites me. You do want to please me?" he huffed in a husky voice. I was numb and barely had taken a breath since he'd made me grab the chair. Every fiber of my body was over loaded. I looked down between my outstretched arms holding the expensive burgundy leather chair and whispered, "Yes..." My hair bouncing ever so slightly against my cheeks, my eyes unfocused. I wanted him to take me now... One of his fingers played with the elastic seam of my panties and I felt it probe toward my throbbing little boys clit. It was swollen, pulsing in it's restricted state, and when his finger caressed it my knees buckled enough that he stopped. "You are wet down here, I like that. Have I done this to you?" he said in a steady low voice. I could only moan something that I hoped sounded like 'Yes'. He pressed on my clit and rubbed it through the fabric of the gaffe. When my hips began to move in time with his finger he stopped. I let out a slow breath as he appeared to be pulling his hand out >from between my legs and gasped when his finger pressed against the tight rose bud of my ass. I arched my back as his finger traced the rim and explored how easily it could be inserted. "Very nice..." In one blurring motion he pulled his hand away and the other let my gown fall from my waist. Harris then stood directly behind me, hands on my hips and said, "I think we should retire to a more comfortable setting, don't you?" I wasn't breathing and my back, legs, and arms ached from my muscles tightening under his onslaught of exploration. I couldn't speak, couldn't move. His hands slid gently up my arms over a million goose bumps, then back toward my shoulders. He then stepped beside me and took my hand, "I want you..." and guided me toward a second entrance to the sitting room. My eyes were glossed over and I let him guide me as if I under some kind of trance. November 29th, 8:37 PM We walked in silence down three different hallways and I had no idea which way was out or even if I could have screamed would anyone have been able to find me. Why would I think that? Harris seems caring and he's definitely sexy. I was feeling like I could trust him, so where did that whole 'scream' thought come from? I'm drunk on lust, that's my problem. Was that a problem? Finally at one of the twelve or so doors we passed he stopped, opened a door and motioned for me to enter. The room was dark except for two dull neon like night lights on opposite walls. The room wasn't very large and the dark mass ahead of me against the far wall was certainly a bed. I couldn't make anything else out and stopped just inside the door as something appeared to move inside the room. His hand touched my shoulder as if to reassure me and guided me forward until we were at the foot of the bed, "Sit..." It was void of emotion, not a command, but not a polite request. I turned and sat, watching him return to the still open door to close it. The movement I had seem just seconds before was our reflection, the walls were covered with mirrors. I could see that now. What was it with this town and mirrors on the God damn walls, ceilings, floors, where ever? After closing the door he walked over to where I was sitting and caressed my cheek, bending over to kiss me in the dimly lit room. It was a short kiss, less eager and demanding. When he pulled away he spoke, "I like to think that I am a generous lover. I have an unusually large appetite, but if things are rushed, well my interest - let's just say, will end quickly. I know that's probably hard to understand, but I will need you to follow my instructions exactly so that this will turn out the way I want and you will earn a very large tip on top of the extremely high fee I'm being charged for your services. Can you handle that tonight?" I nodded 'Yes', but the silence went on longer than I had expected and I figured he couldn't see my head shaking so I muttered, "Yes, I understand." He touched my cheek, "Thank you. I'm going to turn the lights on now, but I do not want you to be alarmed by what you will see. I give you my word - we will not do anything that you are uncomfortable doing, you trust me on this. You are free to leave," he paused, "but I would be very disappointed." Now I was definitely a little scared. What the hell was in this room that could... and I had to squint as the lights were turned on. When I could see again I stood and looked around the room quickly. Oh shit! The room was full of sex toys that tend to lean toward the S & M crowd. I could feel the blood rush from my face and when I looked into Harris' eyes I know he could tell I was scared. Shocked was probably the expression I was wearing. "Relax Rachel, I'm not going to hurt you. We don't need to use any of these things if you don't want, I admit I get off on some of this, but inflicting pain is not something that turns me on. Most of it is just here for effect, a different prospective if you will on the sensual art of love making." He looked very much like someone trying to reassure me that all would be fine. My first thought was to run, then scream, then... I shook my head 'No' when I saw the video camera on a tripod in the far corner. Oh, NO way! I took a step toward the door, but he put a hand gently on my shoulder, "We don't have to film this, I'm fine with that." He was calm, "Look, I had you near cumming just a few minutes ago. I didn't hurt you, but I was forceful, right? I am not into pain and that includes giving it or receiving it." I looked around the room nervously again at a few more of the toys, nothing screamed out 'Pain implement'. My heart was beating like a locomotives engine. There's no way I could do this, no not even close. I looked up into his eyes apprehensively, "I... well I'm not," I looked toward a whip, then at a feathered boa, "This is a not, ah, you know I just don't think..." He held a finger to my lips, "Wait, let's just enjoy each other a little. You let me lead and if it becomes uncomfortable in any way just say," and he looked like he was searching for something, "you say 'California' and we stop instantly. You have my word." 'California'? What the hell? Is that some kind of safety valve thing or something? No, this isn't happening. I'm not going to... He pulled me close and was holding me gently, "I will not hurt you," he said looking deep into my eyes. He leaned his face toward mine and kissed me once, twice, and then a little more passionately. I was surprised when I began kissing him back, his body now against mine. I was scared, but mesmerized. When he pulled away he smiled, "You see, you don't want leave." He squeezed my hips gently and kissed my forehead. "Here," and he sort of guided me in a slow spin, "Let's take this beautiful dress off so we don't 'Clinton' it." That was followed by a chuckle and the zipper on the back of my gown being pulled down. He moved the gown off my shoulders and carefully slid it down my body toward the floor. He kissed my shoulders, mid-back, and ass as the dress was lowered and I finally stepped out of it. I had only a black bra, sheer black panties with delicate lace in the front, a garter belt connected to sheer hose, and 3" black heels on. I wanted to feel self conscience, but I didn't, why what that? I'm trapped now? Wait, he has my gown... He laid the gown with care over something that looked like a saddle on a footstool, only there was some form of vibrator looking attachment secured onto it. I could only imagine what riding that was like, not that I wanted to try it. I watched as he went to the far wall and picked up a thick leather strap with what looked like it had leather bracelets attached. There were three of them on it and much bigger than something that would fit just on your wrists. "This is a restraint," he spoke softly, confidently, and as if this were just normal fair, "It will bind your arms together at the wrists and forearm. Two for the wrists and forearms, the one in the middle is for the forearms. Here, turn around." And before I could think I had turned with my back to him as he had asked. He took my hands and pulled them behind me, laying my forearms together behind me. I didn't fight him and wondered whether I had been drugged or something. What the hell was I doing? I turned to look at him as he secured the first of the buckles across my forearms. It was tight, but not uncomfortable. He sensed I was trying to see what he was doing, "If this is to tight, just let me know." He then secured the ones around both wrists and forearms, again not that tight, but pulling my arms out was impossible now. I tried when he had finished and stood to inspect his work. "How does that feel?" I shrugged, what was I supposed to say? "To tight?" "No," and that came out just above a whisper. "Good. Can you see what you're doing to me?" he said with a smile. I turned around to see that a very large bulge was now straining at his Dockers and there was a growing wet spot showing on the khaki fabric. Funny, I was having the same issue with my wrapped clit and gaffe. He took a step toward me and laid a hand on my shoulder, caressing it down to the elbow which disappeared behind me. His hand moved to my stomach, then lower, and between my legs, "So, pretty. So soft and smooth" He caressed my little boys clit and then stopped. "We need to remove this," and without any forethought he had the gaffe unhooked and pulled it from my panties before I could even spread my legs a little wider. Then he gently took my clit in his hands and adjusted it to freedom up front. No longer pulled back and restrained I could feel it expand it's already swollen state. It was so damn sensitive that my legs shuddered as he carefully left it straining at the sheer black lace at the front of my panties. My eyes were closed and I felt dizzy, taking a step back to steady myself. "See how wet you are?" He held his fingers in front of my face, they glistened with my precum. He laid a finger against my lips and I took it in, moaning slightly as his other hand rubbed over my throbbing clit. I took another unbalanced step back and was now standing against the bed. "We should fix that..." I opened my eyes to see him walk to the corner of the room and return with a three-foot metal bar with restraints on each end. He went to his knees and put one on each of my ankles. When he was finished he kissed my clit through the lace of my panties. I almost came right then... He stood and retrieved a two large rounded pads, like you would use on a gymnastics floor. He placed them on the bed in front of me and when he had them placed how he wanted them he brought straps from a box over and connected them to the bar holding my legs apart. These he connected to the foot of the bed. That completed he guided me forward so that I was leaning against the pads, my knees dug into the side of the mattress. I tried to stand back up, but all my weight was forward and without my arms there was no way I could stand. I wondered about the tie downs, it wasn't like I would be running off or anything. Maybe I could waddle away? I thought about saying something, but held off. I could feel my excitement straining, throbbing now pushed into the pad I was leaning into. I thought that while this was certainly different than anything I had experienced before I really was captivated by all that Harris was doing. God the build up is going to kill me if this doesn't... Harris pulled a red ball with straps on it from a drawer next to the bed and at first I wasn't sure what it was, but I felt a little spooked when I realized what it was, "What's that for?" The nervousness in my voice clearly evident. He didn't say, only walked behind me and began adjusting the straps on the side of the device, then reaching around my face he placed the small end of the red ball with a large hole in it at my lips. "Open your mouth..." It was another command, not a request. I tried to turn my head to look at him, but realized I could just look into the mirror in front of me. Our eyes met, but he just looked at me blankly, a little impatient. I knew it was a ball gag and this is not something I felt comfortable with. It was really shaped more like a rounded cone than a ball, but it's purpose was the same. I raised an eyebrow and shook my head 'No'. I would have spoke, but the smaller opening of the gag was at my lips. "No? Come on, you've come this far. Trusted me this much. I'm not even sure this will fit." he rubbed the end against my lips, not forcing it, but letting me know it was there. Like I needed reminding. "I don't..." and in one fluid movement and with one hand behind my head pushing forward the gag was forced into my mouth. I tried to spit, bite and fight it, but he held his hand across my mouth forcing it even deeper. I bucked my head back, but that only seemed to seat it further in my mouth. My jaw began to ach and without the use of my arms and my legs bound to the foot of the bed there wasn't much I could do. I tried to scream, but it came out as a muffled moan through his fingers. Tears welled in my eyes, now I was afraid. He removed his hand and words tried to escape my mouth, "Aug ar ooh ohen! Ah oht eeh er oow!" Which was my failed attempt at asking him, 'What are you doing?' and 'I want out of here now!' I tried to say California, it came out pathetically jumbled as, "ackohonaa". Saliva began running down my chin from the hole in the gag. I breathed through my mouth and my throat felt dry. So why was I drooling? I tried to stand again and when that failed I tried to roll to one side. Nothing. I was trapped. "Don't fight it," he said flatly, "the sooner you relax the sooner you will be able to enjoy this. I promised I wouldn't hurt you." He smiled and ran his fingers through my hair, tugging on the strap that held the ball gag in place as if to check that it wasn't going to come loose. "ackohonaa! ackohonaa! oo ucken ehcker ee eh ooh!", and with that last incoherent attempt at saying 'California' and 'You fucking better let me go!' I began to sob, choking back the tears as my chest heaved against the pad I was leaning on. When my eyes cleared I looked to where Harris was standing and pleaded with my eyes for him to let me go, "Relax Rachel, this will be fun soon enough." I closed my eyes and shook my head 'No' as his hands kneaded my ass and reached between my legs to rub my swollen clit. My back stiffened and I tried to move forward or back, nothing made his touch any less penetrating. "Iee oh..." and that came out as more a moan than me trying to say anything. I tried to spit, rubbed my face into the pad trying to loosen the ball gag -nothing worked. Harris stopped stroking and reach for something with his free hand. While he held my clit tight with one hand the other pulled my panties aside and massaged something between my ass cheeks, pushing gently at the tight rose bud just above where he had my clit in a near death grip. It was a lubricant and as his finger slid into my ass I struggled with the fear and building pleasure. When his finger moved in and out without resistance another joined the party. I tried to rock my body in time with his fingers gliding into me, then tried to rock my hips so that my clit wasn't being squeezed so tightly. "Very nice. I like the way you move, very much like many of the women I've had in here. Do you like this?" and his finger sunk deep into my ass. My body began to convulse and I tried to scream through the hole of the ball gag. I could feel the inevitable building, it wouldn't take much more and I would spill my seed in a messy finale. I moaned as the hand holding my clit slid sloppily over the head of my clit and try as I might I could not get enough of his fingers into my ass. I wanted to cry, to beg for relief... "I can see you are close," he thrust twice quickly into my ass, "but alas we are not here for your pleasure are we?" He pulled his fingers from me unceremoniously and released his grip on my clit. "No, we're here for my pleasure, isn't that so?" My body felt like it was floating and my knees burned as they were being forced into the mattress. I hadn't caught everything he had said and tried to collapse, relax against the pad. I was then screaming and shaking my head from a firm slap on my panty covered ass. "aah aeeea..." I tried to speak. Fuck! "Who's pleasure are we here for?" Did he really expect me to answer? I couldn't answer... Fuck! Another slap of my ass and every muscle in my body was revolting against the restraints as much as I was trying to scream. "Oooo! Oooo ezoor! Oooo!" "Much better! And you are correct, my pleasure is all that matters." I could hear him undoing his pants and when he stepped out of them I could see him. His shirt was next and his very large, menacing cock was standing at attention. I wanted to scream again, there was no way I could take this man as big as he was. I tried in vain to wiggle free, pulling at my arms and trying to break free. They were not going to move. He was watching me... "I think a little oral pleasing is in order, don't you?" When I didn't answer right away he swatted my ass and I tired to jump onto the bed. My ankles felt like they were going to break! I quickly answered, "eeess..." Spit running down my chin, tears staining my cheeks. Harris climbed onto the bed and positioned the second of the rounded pads in front of the one I was laying against so that he could sit in front of me. Of course in doing so his pelvis was positioned perfectly for the use of my mouth. I closed my eyes as he sat and began to stroke himself. There was no way he was going to fit his cock into the whole of the ball gag in my mouth. No... I opened my eyes when I felt his hands grasp my head and I tried to say 'California' again as he pushed the head of his cock into the hole of the ball gag. Surprisingly enough he slid right in and as he pulled my head down into his lap I could feel the tip of his cock at the back of my throat. He pulled my head away and back down he force me onto him, this time a little further. I could see that while he could certainly get himself mostly inside of my mouth the opening was in fact to small to get every inch of him inside of my mouth. I took comfort in that and in that I wouldn't be choking on more of him that I could comfortably accept. "See, isn't this nice?" he said a full two-thirds inside of my mouth. When I didn't answer - like I really could in my current state and with a throbbing cock in my mouth he pulled on my hair and bounced my face down harder onto his cock. It hurt and I gurgled out painfully a moan through huge puffs of breaths out my nose. "See, that's better and that feels so good." I wasn't sure if it was a question or not and moaned, "uooha..." Hoping he wouldn't try to pull my hair out again by the roots. "This is rather tiring, I think you should continue on your own. But if I ask you to stop, I expect you to stop." I couldn't see his face or much else beside his stomach and decided I had better answer again, "uooha..." He released his death grip on my head and hair and stroked my cheek, "Go on then, don't keep me waiting..." I tried to pull away from him, but could only move my neck a few inches. With the position he was sitting in it was going to be impossible to do much more than bring the swollen head of his cock to just a few millimeters out of my throat before I could take him a half-inch or so toward the back of my throat. He wasn't far enough inside of my mouth that I had to worry about gagging, but it was close. I rocked my head back, then forward, back, forward and held my face as far forward as I could. That was greeted by a satisfying moan and a stroke of my head. Again, back, forward, back and I tried unsuccessfully to pull my face completely off of his shaft. No such luck and for my efforts he rested a hand on the back of my head and pushed me down onto him slowly, moaning louder this time. When I was as far as I could take him he would try to grind against me, trying to push further inside of me, but the ball gag was limiting him. I could see a pool of saliva surrounding the base of his shaft and realized that I was probably lucky to be wearing this thing or else he'd probably have ripped out the back of my throat. I pulled back, then moved forward quickly, back slowly, forward quickly... He shuddered briefly and grabbed my head with such force I thought he was going to break my neck, "Stop... Very still now." His voice was strained and I could taste him, he had shot a small amount of his load. I knew he was on the ed

Same as Rachel - Crossing The Line Part XIII Videos

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Rachel Crossing the Line IV

Authors Note: This is the fourth chapter in the continuing story of Mike Moore, whose life was turned around while returning home from a crossdressing outing in Las Vegas as Rachel. If you have not read the first three chapters 'Rachel ? Crossing the Line I / II / III' you may be a bit lost with Rachel's motivations and the story line, a lot has happened to her in the first chapters! No one edited this chapter for me and as much as I was flamed for mentioning the file editing of...

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Rachel Crossing the Line VII

Hi - another installment. No editing again (sorry but no editors interested in helping), long story, hope you'll forgive me. Thanks for all your comments to date - emails and feedback left. It helps more that you'll ever know. I am deep into the next chapter and with luck it won't be so long before it's out there. Rachel Rachel - Crossing the Line VII By Rachel M. Moore November 21st 12:10 AM ...I pushed away from Brad and pulled the garbage can to my face just in time...

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Rachel Crossing The Line Part XXI

Authors note: Thank You to everyone who have left comments or contacted me directly. If you are registered I try to reply to each comment left via your email address given to the site (might wanna check your junk mail folder). From the beginning of this story I knew where I wanted it to go, how so many threads could / might come together and maybe make an interesting garment (story). This is the last chapter in this series. It pains me to end the saga - but I think it's time to try some...

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Rachel Crossing the Line VI

Hi - another installment. No editing again, long story, hope you'll forgive me. Thanks for all your comments to date. It helps more that you'll ever know. Rachel Rachel - Crossing the Line VI ? by: Rachel M. Moore November 20th 9:38 PM OK Rach, get a grip. Fuck Nick, let that asshole go, he'll get his one- day. I put the glass of water on the counter and went to the living room to see if I could sort out how I was going to deal with my life. It was so damn complicated...

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Rachel Crossing The Line Part XV

All Rights Reserved - Rachel M. Moore (pen name). December 1, 1:42PM The day had started out fairly well, that is until Lisa had called to tell me Krystal had an appointment with Dr. Hansen, "Dr. Bill" as she liked to say probably because it sounded like Phil. The appointment was at 11:30 AM, which at the time of the call gave me no time to casually slide into the day. Gone was starting the day at a leisurely pace or reveling in my exploits from earlier this morning with Brad....

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Rachel Crossing the Line III

Rachel - Crossing the Line III ? by: Rachel M. Moore November 19th, 10:51 AM My life may have been heaven, but my hair was giving me fits at the moment! The long hot bath I had just taken did wonders for my aching muscles, it was certainly easier to move around now. Bending over to pick something up off the floor took some thought before executing that maneuver. I had knocked my comb off the counter in the bathroom and, not giving my previous night's workout much thought, bent...

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Rachel Crossing The Line Part XVII

Authors note: Thank You to everyone who have left comments or contacted me directly. If you are registered I try to reply to each comment left via your email address given to the site (might wanna check your junk mail folder). From the beginning of this story I knew where I wanted it to go, how so many threads could / might come together and maybe make an interesting garment (story). This chapter introduces, maybe not so subtle at first - but by the end you will know, something bigger...

4 years ago
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Rachel Crossing The Line Part XX

Authors note: Thank You to everyone who have left comments or contacted me directly. If you are registered I try to reply to each comment left via your email address given to the site (might wanna check your junk mail folder). From the beginning of this story I knew where I wanted it to go, how so many threads could / might come together and maybe make an interesting garment (story). This chapter sets up the final chapter for this story and as much as it pains me to end the saga - might...

2 years ago
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Rachel Crossing The Line Part XI

November 28, 12:14 PM "Let me get this straight..." I could hear the slightest of giggles in her voice as Lisa paused to get her thoughts straight, "You call him, tell him 'No way are you going to dress like a cheerleader!' Then invite yourself over, take nearly two hours to get over there and when you finally show up he pretty much jumps you once the door shuts?" "I didn't say anything about him 'jumping' me!" and I watched a large truck in my rearview mirror pull to a stop behind...

3 years ago
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Rachel Crossing The Line Part XIX

Authors Note: Thank You for all your comments and emails - I hope I've taken some of the wonder about the outside forces controlling Rachel's journey. I promise to not make it easy to guess the eventual end to this saga, I've got a few twists planned yet for our girl you might not see coming, or maybe you will. XOXO - Rachel December 3rd, 10:22 PM We talked about nothing in particular for maybe five minutes after I'd last had Will' cock in my mouth. He was nursing his newly...

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Rachel Crossing The Line Part XII

November 29th, 4:32 AM The bed shook and I rolled over lazily away from the movement on the other side of the bed. Cool air crept under the sheets before more shaking and the sound of someone exhaling slowly. If this wasn't Brad coming to bed then I didn't give a... A hand rubbed my shoulder slowly and I reciprocated with a not so enthusiastic, "Mmmm..." I was so tir... November 29th, 8:13 AM Warm puffs of air blowing across my face woke me long before my body was telling me I...

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Rachel Crossing the Line IX

November 22nd, 10:01 AM The air conditioner wasn't running and the room felt very still. It was too quiet, like an empty church, and my ears were ringing. Was I alone? I remember hearing James milling about the room getting dressed earlier, but we didn't speak. I was exhausted earlier and now it struck me just how awkward I felt. I remember half-watching him, but I guess those feelings weren't enough to get me battling with myself all over again because it took nothing for me to slip...

4 years ago
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Rachel Crossing The Line Part XIV

Thank you, for all the great feed back! Many Thanks to Kristina for the edit work! Love to hear your thoughts. Rach... November 30th, 10:12 AM I rolled over gingerly and rubbed the small of my back. It was tender, like I'd done a thousand sit-ups or something. Rubbing it didn't do much and I decided to get up and find something to take for the nagging pain. I stood carefully and took the first few steps as though my hip was out of joint, stopping to lean over and steady myself...

2 years ago
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Rachel Crossing the Line VIII

Thanks for all the encouragement. I write for that and have really appreciated all the emails and comments (good and bad). Rachel is a complex girl, hope you enjoy this chapter... Rachel November 21st, 8:10 PM I was nervous, the keycard to open the suite door shook slightly in my hand as I slid it into the lock. I had knocked of course, but no one answered. There was no way I was going back down to the lobby or to mingle with the casino crowd. Hell, I'd...

3 years ago
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Rachel Crossing The Line Part XVIII

Authors Note... Thank You Beth and Tina for the emails! Hopefully this chapter makes up for what was missing in the last. Comments, questions, whatever are always appreciated. XOXO - Rachel December 3rd, 10:28 AM Shit! I looked at the phone and battled with whether I should answer it or not. The information Nate provided me sure screamed there was cause for concern, but I hadn't even had a chance to process it fully. Damn it! I slid the phone icon to Answer, "Hey..." and there...

2 years ago
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Danny 2 Danielle Part XIII

Danny 2 Danielle Part XIII -Dani hangs out with her new friends, who seem ready to accept our young heroine as 'just one of the girls'. We arrive at my house, I yell out "thanks" and once again the Red Tornado takes off seconds after my feet hit the curb. I'm home, in one piece. How the heck did that happen? Once inside, it feels strange. Before today, I had immediately run upstairs to change into my girl clothes, but I am already wearing my girl clothes! It feels...

2 years ago
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A Year Ago part XIII

A Year Ago - part XIII by MadQuill This is an evolving story of Sara's sensual investigation. Please review the first phases of the story... In bed late Friday night I thought of Cynthia's question this evening. "Oh Sara, do we have to stop?" After we making out on her sofa I drove home alone. Her kisses were all I could think of. I wanted more but we both decided to take this slowly. Her scent was till with me. Her hands had played across my butt as she kissed me that last...

3 years ago
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A sissy called Jezebel Part XIII

A sissy called Jezebel Part XIII - After the attack by Gina and her cohorts, it is our fair sissy that is put on trial at the Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission. Is there any hope for Jezebel in a system where a mere sissy is presumed guilty, and must prove hir innocence beyond a reasonable doubt? The headmistress exclaims, "Oh Goddess, they did a number on you. This can be fixed. Look at me Jezzie. Pull yourself...

1 year ago
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Rachel smothered unconscious in paradise Sequel

Rachel had just backed out of the room where she had seen Christie and her two large female black employees exit. She walked quickly to her room, she knew they would be back, one of them had been told to fetch the key to the handcuffs they had just used. They had left the door wide open and Rachel knew she had taken a big chance when she had looked in the large suite, she had seen a tall beautiful Asian woman laying on the sofa, one of her legs was hanging over the short back of the sofa the...

4 years ago
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Lady In The House Part XIII

Lady in the House ? Chapter XIII By Michele Nylons "Hang on a minute Carmel; I've got an idea," Steve exclaimed and sauntered over to where I lay curled up in a snivelling ball, may face covered in semen mixed in with my heavy makeup; my clothes dishevelled. "Lift that bitch's face for me," he said as he played with his cell phone. Carmel came over and helped me to my knees. I knelt there with my face hung...

2 years ago
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Rachel and Daniel get to know eachother

“Hello! Anybody home?” Rachel shouted loudly as she pounded on the door to her home. It wasn’t her home actually it was her parents home, Rachel had just forgotten to put her keys in her purse before she took off to her class. She pounded on the door again getting frustrated. Finally after what seemed like hours she heard someone run to the door and unlock it.“I’m sorry it took so long, I just got out of the shower.” Rachel’s half brother Daniel said as he hurried to open the door for her.She...

1 year ago
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Rachel gets smothered unconscious in paradise

Rachel lay back on the fine white sand wearing only a tiny light blue thong she was determined to get an all over suntan on this trip. She let her long legs slide out wards stretching her arms out wide above her head. She hoped this would be an interesting vacation. Christie had been watching Rachel for a few days now, she had worked at this exclusive resort for over five years and it seemed there was no shortage of beautiful women to satisfy her cravings. Her position of assistant manager gave...

2 years ago
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Rachel Intersecting Lines

Authors Note: I love this character. I love how she came to life for me (though that story is going to get rewritten to make it better (Rachel - Crossing the Line)). What's different about this story is not only do I play the story through Rachel's eyes, but also through another character. Hope you enjoy... Thanks for reading and all the feedback given in the past. Sorry it's been so long since my last release... Rachel July 8th, 2:39 AM "Yeah..." I muttered into the phone while...

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Sisters Gift XIII

Part XIII End of Part XII: I awoke to another blowjob the next morning, and fortunately for me, this one was completed. “Baby, we were going to let you cum eventually. We just wanted to see how long you would last, and what you would do. If you didn’t jump Jenn last night, I surely would have jumped you in like five minutes.” Gabby kissed my softening dick after finishing her blow job. “After all, there is no way I can go so long without your cum.” On that sentiment, we both went back to sleep,...

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Romance Comic Cover Stories Chapter XIII

Chapter XIII – Bisexual Girl Wants Sex I/The Hunk and the Babe (based on Pictorial Romances No. 10 cover, St. John, November 1951)I know what people think about bisexuals, that we are just people that can’t decide between men and women and rather pick both and also too much ‘keen’ to sex. Well, in my case, that wasn’t me. I am bi, but not that kind of bi girl people usually think. In fact, I had only eyes and my pussy tingled for only two people, Mary and Scott.Mary and Scott are my friends...

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Bobbys Rainy Day Adventure Chapter XIII

In this chapter, Bobby has fun with Cori, Tess, and Rhianna at the slumber party. Everything seems to be going fine ... until someone walks in on Bobby while she's getting changed for bed. Will anything ever be the same for her again? Read on and find out! Bobby's Rainy Day Adventure - Chapter XIII Copyright 2007 by Heather Rose Brown =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Even though we were in Cori's living room, it almost felt like a...

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Cat and Mouse 2 Pink Persuasions Chapters XII and XIII

XIII: Growing Pains Their names were Lowell Bunton and Scotty Griggs. Both had been members of violent youth gangs when they were younger. Both had created reputations for themselves as the kinds of people that no one messed with, although they never committed any very serious crimes apart from assault and battery against anyone who dared to challenge what they perceived to be their natural dominance. They both joined the Marine Corps, and upon being discharged, they went into...

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Rachel and Stephanie part 3 new temptations

My plans with Rachel are frustrated but another temptation arises.StephanieAlthough Rachel was an attractive girl and was pretty sociable she did not have a large group of friends, she tended to socialise with the c***dren of her parent’s friends. Mom and Dad had a wide group of friends most of whom had c***dren in their teens so there were plenty of people her age to be with.She did have one particular friend outside this group and that was Stephanie. She went to Junior High with Rachel...

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Rachel Fire and Innocence Part 2 The Fun Begi

Rachel: Fire and Innocence – Part 2 – The Fun Begins When I opened my eyes, I looked up to see Rachel straddling my outstretched body, and patting my bare chest with a cool, damp wash cloth. I could feel a cool cloth folded on my forehead, and another one behind my neck. I could also see right down Rachel’s dress, as she leaned over me. Her breasts were perfectly round and firm and her nipples were aroused. She asked me how I was feeling, poor thing, as she continued to administer her version...

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Rachel Fire and Innocence Part 2 The Fun Begi

Rachel: Fire and Innocence - Part 2 – The Fun BeginsWhen I opened my eyes, I looked up to see Rachel straddling my outstretched body, and patting my bare chest with a cool, damp wash cloth. I could feel a cool cloth folded on my forehead, and another one behind my neck. I could also see right down Rachel’s dress, as she leaned over me. Her breasts were perfectly round and firm and her nipples were aroused.She asked me how I was feeling, poor thing, as she continued to administer her version...

4 years ago
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Rachel and Stephanie part 2 nearly caught

Rachel and I had changed from brother and host sister to something altogether more sexual.Rachel part 2Over the following few weeks, whilst others in the family would have seen nothing different, we continued this teasing and exploring. She started to touch me through my trousers, realising that I had become hard, aroused by her. She would trace the shape of my erection through my trousers.I started to massage the heat of her crotch through her jeans, my hand wandered under her t-shirt and I...

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Tim the Teenager Part XIII

Tim, the Teenage Part Thirteen By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter IV: 9th Grade, Spring 1986 - Brad and Sandi Part 3 - Your Sister, Your Slave (mc, incest mf, mfmm) "What am I gonna do?" Brad moaned, with his face in his hands. "She sucked on me so long yesterday, it feels raw. I came three times all with in an hour. And she still wanted more!" It was the next day at lunch. Mindy and Vito suddenly felt like sitting with Marsha and company just for today. The four of us were able to talk...

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Cleverly Planned Wife Swap 8211 Master Plan To Convince Conservative Couple 8211 Part XIII

This is real story of a two friends where we exchanged our wife with each other for bit lengthier live in relationship. Usually in swinging/exchanging wife with others, generally people will exchange partner for just a fucking session in just a week end visit or night visit to one of the couple’s home. In our case, to make our life spicy and have more thrill and adventure, we have decided to do this for bit longer period of time, where my wife will be with my friend for 2 months and where as...

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The Platinum Chef A Tale of Delacroix Part XIII

Chapter 45 Myka sat quietly in the room, there had been some sound a minute earlier. The buzz in her ears had started last year, just after the accident. It was so hard to think through it. Some days it was just easier to sleep on the couch. There was food, though she would be hard pressed to remember much of anything. Tim was alive and taking care of himself... At least she hoped so. There was that noise again. It meant something. "Mom!." Tim huffed. "Didn't you hear the...

4 years ago
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Rachel moments memoirs of my cousin sister Part 1

Rachel moments: memoirs of my cousin sister Part 1Rachel – my best friend, my confidante, my cousin sister. Rachel and I were born 4 months apart, and we grew up together – spending some of our most pivotal moments together. When we were young enough so we were still close, but not so young that I don’t remember those times – Rachel was the first sexual experience I had. We were sitting in the Jacuzzi together when Rachel got out to shower. I continued sitting when to my surprise, Rachel got...

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Pauline The Slut Part 32 Therese Humiliates Pau

Therese looked at the scene before her. Her father and brother naked, her grandfather’s cock sticking out of his trousers and her grandmother eating her mother’s cunt, both of us naked. Beth with the camera, filming. “God, the slut is only in the door and she’s gone sex mad.” she said referring to me. She went and sat on the arm of her father’s chair putting her arm around him and kissing him on the cheek. My father was now hard again. He pushed my mother out of the way and started to fuck me...

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My Real Sex Life 8211 Part XIII

Hi My dear horny readers. How are you all doing? My name is Deva (not real name) I’m now 27 years old, 5.95 feet height, athletic and average looking. GUYS SORRY FOR NOT WRITING THESE MONTHS. I WAS ACTUALLY BUSY WITH MY NEW COMPANY. AND THANQ ALL FOR THE FEED BACK AND EXPECT MORE. THANQ Okay let me continue the Story … Me: when are you planning to get married KOMAL? Komal: I did not give much attention to marriage till now. First it is my responsibility to take care of this kid. He should get...

1 year ago
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Rachel and Kate Part 1

Rachel was a senior in high school - Kate was also, both been on the cheerleading squad they both had guys hanging off them. They were always been asked for sex, especially by the guys on the football team. While in the locker rooms after cheerleading practice, after everybody had left for the weekend Rachel asked Kate if she wanted to spend the weekend at her house - explaining her parents were away in Florida for the whole week. Kate agreed and said she's be there after school because she had...

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Gaon Ki Meri Bhabhiya 8211 Part XIII

Hello Dosto, Mera nam Ritesh hai or me baroda guj se hu or me ap sabhi logo k liye ek aisi erotic story pash kar raha hoo jo padhne k bad ladko ko kai bar muth marni padegi or ladkiyo ko kai bar chut me ungli dalni padegi. Meri age 27 years height 5’10”, weight 70 kg athletic body lund ka size 7″ hai. Mera email ID hai Ap apni ray muje email kar sakte hai or agar koi ladki Gujrat se hai or mujse sex karna chahti hai to muje email bhej sakti hai. I’m not callboy and me free me hi karta hu. Bas...

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Becoming Emily Part XIII

Waking up with Lilly next to me on the bed was amazing. The feel of her nude body sent tingles down my body that ended at my suddenly wet pussy. I couldn’t help but touch myself while I looked at her. I guess I was a little louder than I intended to be because when I looked up from her tits to her pretty face I saw that sweet, sexy grin. She didn’t say a word though, just pushed my legs open and kissed her way down to my cunt.“MMMM such a naughty little girl, already wet huh?” she asked...

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Rachel And Rons Lunch Together

Rachel graduated from the University of Oregon’s School of Law in May 1979 and, while studying for her bar examination in the fall, accepted a summer internship working for the regional branch of a federal agency housed in the eighteen-story Edith Green-Wendell Wyatt Federal Building in downtown Portland.  Since her parents lived in nearby Lake Oswego, she could live rent-free while the internship brought in some extra cash to help pay down her student loans.Another benefit of the internship in...

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Rachel and Kate Part 2

Rachel and Kate were the last in the changerooms after Friday gym class. Rachel was wearing a very loose kaftan dress she had pulled on after class and Kate was wearing an oversized mens polo shirt. Rachel went over to Kate and slid her hand up her dress and squeezed her boobs. Kate moaned with delight and pulled off her polo revealing a set of mountainous tits. Rachel kissed down her neck and eventually stopped and her boobs, beginning to suck her left nipple while teasing her right with her...

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A Necessary Cuckolding Part XIII

Alan They left for home shortly after Dawn had finished her call with Bradley. She told him about their conversation and also about Bradley inviting them over for Sunday lunch at the hotel. They had both been to their Carvery a few times in the past and they knew that they did a good lunch there.“I expect he’ll want to take you up to his room afterwards?” Alan told her as he held her hand in his trembling one.“Yes, he’s already asked me.”“You said yes?”Dawn smiled. “What do you think?” she...

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Rachel and Stephanie part 4 plans change

Plans change and we climb the tree again.Just Stephanie and meI found her in the living room with the pizza menu and phone, I suspect she knew what she wanted already."Shall I order or do you want something in particular?""No, you go ahead, I don't mind what I have." she dialed and in no time our order was placed with a promise that it would be with us in no more than 30 minutes. I went to the kitchen and found some paper napkins for us, which I brought back to the living room.Just as I arrived...

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Rachels Reward

Good karma comes to Rachel on her friends' honeymoon.“On behalf of my wife and myself…” It was a traditional opening gambit for a groom’s wedding speech and it caused everyone, Rachel included, to laugh and applaud. Reece could carry off even the corniest of lines with grace and charm. “I’d like to thank you all for being here to celebrate our special day,” he said, concluding the sentiment and drawing out another appreciative murmur. American and Brit guests alike were loving him, especially...

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One Took Over The Cuckolds Bed Part XIII

Paulo showed us around his offices when we arrived. We were both very impressed. His Faro operation was based in a three storey office block. I didn’t know exactly how many staff he had but it couldn’t have been much lower than fifty. His own office occupied a corner of the top floor with magnificent views across the city with the Atlantic Ocean as a backdrop. Maria’s office was next door.After showing us round we sat around his board table drinking coffee and chatting. Sue had brought her bags...

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The Cuckolds Reward Alistairs Story Part XIII

They showered and dressed later. Julie put on stockings and suspenders underneath a pretty flared blue dress. Alistair watched her dress in pensive silence as he contemplated the change in her. There was an air of self confidence about her. He had watched her dress, in similar mode, a couple of weeks ago before she had set off for Turkey. She seemed a little timid. It was almost as if she was afraid of her sexuality, as if it was wrong to look and act sexy. All that had changed now. Her stay...

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The Cuckolds Reward Alistairs Story Part XIII

They showered and dressed later. Julie put on stockings and suspenders underneath a pretty flared blue dress. Alistair watched her dress in pensive silence as he contemplated the change in her. There was an air of self confidence about her. He had watched her dress, in similar mode, a couple of weeks ago before she had set off for Turkey. She seemed a little timid. It was almost as if she was afraid of her sexuality, as if it was wrong to look and act sexy. All that had changed now. Her stay...

2 years ago
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Rachel Transforms Into With A Little Help

Rachel sat sobbing on her front stoop. She couldn’t believe that her boyfriend had broken up with her. It was him that wanted to try new things. It was not her idea. What was she supposed to do?Rachel thought about her life and what led up to this point. She thought about when she was sixteen years old and going on her first real date. She thought about when she was eighteen years old and having sex for the first time. She thought about the boys and the things they wanted to do with her. She...

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Rachel fulfills her wildest dreams

With her three young daughters tucked up in bed Rachel sat watching the TV and, for the first time, she had chance to reflect on what had happened to her that day. She’d cheated on her husband and she knew that today’s huge events for her were going to change her life. She’d been married for fifteen happy years to Trevor and, despite him being away abroad for long periods, if she was feeling horny while he was away she would masturbate but it didn’t really solve the problem. She had never...

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Rachel Rosenbaum

Rachel Rosenbaum bent over and lifted a box of oranges. G-d, they were heavy she thought, as her muscles strained to bear the weight. Her arms weren't used to this kind of work, as she had worked at a clothing store before her job here at a massive supermarket. It wasn't her choice to leave her old job, it was just that it paid better, and money was very important to her right now. As an 18 year old high school senior, she had to think about her future, which meant enough money for a state...

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Rachel Riley Countdown for Doom

Rick knew that his sexy target often worked late, and all alone, at her fancy London office, so he set up a private meeting with the unsuspecting beauty. Rachel, you see, could never resist a tall, well-built Latino ladies man. She’d met Rick at an upscale dance club the weekend before. It was a setup. He kissed her, touched her, and teased her on the dance floor, whispering sexy words in her ear and making sure she felt the rock-solid bulge at the front of his tight jeans. Rachel was dazzled....

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Rachel the Secretary Part 2

They’d started drinking at four in the afternoon and she already felt drunk as they headed for the restaurant. She hardly knew the technicians. One was in his late forties and quiet, Samir was in his early sixties, overweight and always lewd and trying to paw her. Jaideeep was in his thirties and a total gentleman, always looking after her, opening doors and making coffee for her. They were all very drunk and the conversation started to turn increasingly bawdy. She sat next to Louise at dinner...

2 years ago
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Rachel McKnight

Pop pop popThe heavy bag moved significantly. The man striking the blows was Brad Johnson. At 43, he had an impressive physique. He stood no shorter than 6’3” and weighed in at 205. With 5% bodyfat, his well defined six pack and muscles left little to the imagination regarding the physical power he possessed. He had a long day at the office, as he is head sales manager for the Katsuragi corp. regional office in LA.His second most favorite way to relieve stress, especially after a long day’s...

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Rachel My Amazing Babysitter

This is a true story. “But MOM!” I pleaded. “I don’t NEED a babysitter! Can’t I just stay by myself this once?” But she wasn’t budging. For Pete’s sake, I was f******n. Just because my parents had to go out of town for the weekend, why did I have to have somebody staying with me like I was some little k**! “Look Jeff, I’ve heard all I’m going to hear from you. I’m getting Mrs. Walker’s daughter, Rachel to stay with you, and that’s all there is to it.” Then her voice softened somewhat. “Listen...

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Rachel My Naughty Little Tomboy Neighbor

Rachel, My Naughty Little Tomboy Neighbor (Part one) The Orchard I heard giggling but there wasn’t anyone in sight. Supposing I had imagined the sound, I ignored it and went back to eating my apple. I was sitting on the ground with my back comfortably resting against a huge apple tree. It was my neighbor’s orchard I had invaded to ‘steal’ some of their succulent fruit. Of course now, I wasn’t really stealing. I’d been given explicit permission to pick some apples from the...

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Rachels shopping trip

This story introduces us to Rachel and a sumptuous stranger. Thanks for comments and the inspiration. Kisses and Hugs.“How does this dress look”, it is the sweet voice of a female who is standing nearby. Rachel turns away from the dressing room mirror and looks at the speaker and the dress she is wearing. Rachel politely says, “That looks nice on you.” Jokingly she adds, “The bare feet add a special touch to the sun dress.” The stranger pulls up the dress and shows off her luscious legs...

3 years ago
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Rachel Comes Alive

Rachel stepped out of the shower, grabbed her towel and started to dry off. As she did her mind drifted once again to the same recurring thoughts that seemed to dominate her life recently, being all alone and how much she hated it. Rachel had become a widow at the tender age of 36 and in her wildest dreams she had never imagined that anything that traumatic could actually happen to her and her husband. Bill had gone off to work just as he did every morning except on that day he hadn't returned...

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