Bobby's Rainy Day Adventure - Chapter XIII free porn video

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In this chapter, Bobby has fun with Cori, Tess, and Rhianna at the slumber party. Everything seems to be going fine ... until someone walks in on Bobby while she's getting changed for bed. Will anything ever be the same for her again? Read on and find out! Bobby's Rainy Day Adventure - Chapter XIII Copyright 2007 by Heather Rose Brown =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Even though we were in Cori's living room, it almost felt like a camping trip with the way me, Cori, Tess and Rhianna had our sleeping bags spread out in different directions. In the middle where you might expect a camp fire, there was a huge metal dish with a few pizza crusts scattered across it that none of us felt like finishing off. I wondered if Tess was thinking about camping too when she asked, "Hey, anybody got a good ghost story?" Rhianna stopped struggling with the stuck zipper on her sleeping bag and looked up. "Oooo, great idea!" She gave Cori's elbow a light tap. "Hey, you're good at telling stories. Got any really scary ones?" Cori fidgeted a bit before answering. "I dunno. I don't think this might be the best time to be tellin' ghost stories." Rhianna sounded more worried than disappointed when she said, "Awww." Tess reached across the pizza plate and took Cori's hand. "You ain't been havin' them bad dreams again, have you?" Cori shook her head. "No, I ain't had 'em in a while, but Bobby had a pretty bad one last night." Rhianna reached over to me and rubbed the back of my shoulder. "You poor girl. It musta been pretty hard after what happened to your mom. Didja wanna tell us 'bout the dream?" For maybe just a second I seriously thought about sharing my dream, but I wasn't sure I was ready to explain the part where my father had freaked out when he saw me in a dress. I patted the hand on my shoulder and smiled at Rhianna. "Thanks ... ermm ... but I. ..." "I'm sorry." Rhianna's smile didn't do a very good job of covering her embarrassment as she pulled her hand back. "I really aughta know better than to poke my nose where it don't belong." Aunt Joan stepped in just then and picked up the mostly empty pie plate. "Okay girls, I'm going to get some sleep after I put this in the dishwasher, and I think it's about time for everyone to get dressed for bed." All of us moaned, then Cori said what I, and probably the other girls, were thinking. "Moooomm, it's only hardly after eight. Can't we stay up a tiny bit longer?" Cori's mom held the plate out of the way so she could see her daughter. "Yes, you can stay up and talk after getting dressed for a *little* while, but I expect you and the rest of the girls to at least try going to sleep by ten. You all have school tomorrow, and I'll drag you there in your sleeping bags if I have to." With the way she was grinning after saying that, I wondered how far she'd really go to make sure we made it to school. Rhianna hopped up and spun around, making the bottom of her nightgown flare out, and started chanting. "I'm already dre-essed. I'm already dre- essed." Aunt Joan caught her by the shoulder to stop her from spinning. "Did you brush your teeth?" She somehow managed to look up sheepishly at Aunt Joan while wobbling dizzily. "Ummm ... I was planning on doing it in the morning." Cori's mom patted Rhianna's arm. "I really think you should take care of that tonight. Why don't you use the bathroom while the rest of the girls are getting dressed?" She got her balance back pretty quickly, then nodded and turned towards the bathroom, but didn't get more than two steps before Aunt Joan caught her by the wrist. "Hey, don't I get a hug goodnight?" Rhianna turned on her heel with a huge grin on her face, then reached up and hugged Aunt Joan tightly around the neck. The rest of us lined up behind her to get our hugs in too. Even though my ankle was hardly bothering me at all any more, I still used Cori's crutch as I got to the end of the line. It was simpler to do that than trying to argue with Cori's mom that I didn't need it any more. Things were a little tricky trying to balance with the crutch and keeping my weight off my right leg, but I eventually worked it out and gave Aunt Joan the biggest one-armed hug I could. I'm not sure how she did it, but I felt safe, warm, and loved when she hugged me back. Aunt Joan then wandered into the kitchen, Rhianna found her way to the bathroom, and I headed for Cori's room ... followed closely by Tess and Cori. I didn't realize they were behind me until I'd reached the door, so I turned around there to face them. It was one thing to feel like a girl and hang out with other girls, but getting changed around them wasn't something I felt ready for yet. "Ummm...I know this is gonna sound stupid, but would ya's mind if ... umm ... what I mean is. ..." I might have been there all night trying to get the words out if Cori didn't speak up. "I think what she's trying to say is she's a bit shy about getting changed in front of other people. Is that right, Bobby?" I nodded and smiled with relief. It didn't explain why I felt shy, but I wasn't ready to try tackling something like that just then. Tess shifted her overnight bag onto her shoulder and smiled back. "I understand. Rhi's kinda shy like that too. Since Terri ain't here tonight, could I use her room?" Cori beamed. "That sounds like a great idea! Why don'tcha head in there while I look in my room for something Bobby can borrow? Once I get that and something for myself, I'll join ya." "'Kay. See ya in a few." Tess nodded and waved before heading towards Terri's door. =-=-= Cori had me sit on her bed while she searched through her closet. As I listened to her rummaging around, bits of the nightmare I'd had while sleeping in that bed came back to me. Fortunately, before I could really start worring about going through the same thing tonight, Cori walked out of the closet with a bundle in her arms. "Okay, I know this is kinda frilly, but the nightshirt ya wore last night was pretty much the only unfrilly thing I got." She carefully laid part of what she was carrying beside me. "I also included something else, just in case ya ... well ... just in case." She blushed just a little bit. "Anyways, I'm gonna head over to Terri's room now. If ya need any help with anything and we're not out in the living room yet, just knock on Terri's door. Okay?" Once I nodded, she walked out of the room, closing the door behind her. I looked down at what she left for me. It was a white nightgown with tiny pink and blue puppies playing on it. There was white lace with a strip of blue trim around the neck and pink heart shaped buttons down the front. It definitely was as frilly as Cori had said. I picked up the nightgown and saw there was the same kind of trim around the sleeves and bottom. I also saw the Goodnights Cori had left underneath. Even though it had been a long time since I'd wet the bed, I didn't wanna repeat the accident I had last night. Wearing the Goodnights sounded a little embarrassing, but not as bad as trying to explain to my friends how my sleeping bag had gotten wet. I kicked off the shoes I'd borrowed from Cori, stripped off the cute shortalls and had just pulled down my panties ... when the bedroom door swung open. "Hey Cori, I was just wondering if--" Rhianna froze in the doorway. My brain screamed at me to do something, anything, but I couldn't move. Time felt like it froze as she stared at me with my panties around my ankles. Her voice sounded far away and I could hardly hear her with the ringing in my ears. "Oh Bobby, I ... I'm sorry. I ... uhhh ... I'll just be out in the living room." =-=-= I could hardly move even after she closed the door. I turned my head, which seemed to be the only thing I could do just then, and saw my reflection in the mirror on the door of Cori's closet. From the waist up I saw a girl in a pretty white blouse with her hair up in pigtails. From the waist down I saw a boy. The top half looked like it couldn't decide whether to scream or cry; the bottom looked ... awful. "Oh my god," I whispered as I turned away. "He was right." My stomach flipped over as I thought about something my father had said at the end of my fifth birthday party. I looked back at the mirror. From the look on my reflections face you would have thought she had just smelled something really gross. "You ... you freak!" I thought I was going to be sick as I screamed. "Go away you ... you freak!" I reached out for something to throw. The first thing my hands found was a fuzzy tissue box, which I tossed at the reflection. It didn't do much besides bouncing off the mirror with a soft 'thunk'. "I hate you. Go away!" The door swung open again. I was so completely gone just then, I didn't even bother trying to cover myself as I turned. I could barely make out who it was through my tears, but with the way she filled the doorway, a part of me realized it must be Aunt Joan. That didn't stop me from screaming, "Go away!" Aunt Joan stepped towards me as she asked, "Sweetheart, what's wrong?" My brain pretty much stopped working about then. All I knew was someone big was coming towards me. I swung out a fist and roared the only words I could think of. "GO AWAY!" Aunt Joan caught my hand in mid-swing, took hold of the other one, then spoke very softly, but in a way that reached through the rage and fear swirling around me. "Bobby, I realize you're very upset, but if you try to punch me again, you'll get a sharp swat on your backside. Do you understand me?" Even though I heard her, it took me a while for what she said to sink in, and a bit longer for my head to clear enough to remember how to nod. "Very good. I'm going to let go of your hands now. Are you going to try hitting me?" When I shook my head no, she let go, then pulled my panties back up to my waist. I stared straight ahead as she did that, feeling too numb to even think about it. The only things I could feel were emptiness and a deep, aching sadness. Aunt Joan then picked up the tissue box, which had rolled to the middle of the floor, took one of my hands, and led me over to the rocking chair where she had held me after my nightmare last night. When she sat down and pulled me onto her lap, I just curled up in a ball and started sobbing. All the hopes I'd had that maybe someday, somehow, I could just be me were gone. When I was able to speak again, I asked, "Why am I like this?" "Why are you like what?" Aunt Joan's soft words came out slowly, as if they were being chosen very carefully. "Why am I such a freak?" I felt a hand slip under my chin and my head was lifted until I was facing Cori's mom. The sadness in her eyes almost started me crying again. "Dearheart, who in the world would call you such an awful thing?" I almost said my father, but that wasn't exactly true. He had asked me if I wanted people thinking I was a freak when he saw me in a dress on my fifth birthday, but that wasn't exactly the same thing as calling me one. "Does it really matter if anybody said it? I'm a girl who thinks she's a boy." It took me a second before I realized what I meant to say had come out backwards. "I mean, I'm a boy who thinks he's a girl." Something that looked like simple, honest confusion crinkled up her eyebrows and forehead. "What makes you say that?" "Aunt Joan, you *saw* me naked. You know I got boy parts. I've seen 'em all my life. How could I do that and still think I'm a girl?" Before she could answer, I realized something else. "Oh god ... Rhianna saw me too. That means the whole school's gonna find out." As I started thinking over how much worse things would probably be at my new school where someone actually saw me dressing and acting like a girl, I heard a new voice ask, "What's the whole school gonna find out?" I turned and saw Rhianna standing in the doorway, looking sad and worried, with Cori and Tess behind her looking pretty much the same. Instead of answering the question I asked, "What are you doing here?" I felt Aunt Joan kiss the back of my head. "It looks like your friends are concerned about you." "Why would they wanna be my friends?" Even though I'd meant the question for Aunt Joan, Rhianna answered it. " 'Cause you're a nice girl?" "Girl? How could ya call me that after seein' me like you did?" Rhianna stared at her toes. "I'm really sorry for walking in on ya like that. I know how ya feel 'bout being seen naked and I really feel awful." Hearing a girl saying she knew how I felt just piled jealousy on top of the hurt I was already feeling. "What gives you the right to say you know how I feel? Nobody knows how I feel!" There was a deep sadness in her eyes when she looked back up. "I know." Guilt piled up on everything else when I saw she was just about ready to cry, but it didn't stop me from feeling mad. "What makes ya think ya know how I feel?" " 'Cause. ..." Cori slipped an arm around Rhianna's waist. "Go ahead and say it." Tess stood on the other side of Rhianna and wrapped an arm across her shoulders. "I think she needs to hear it much as ya need to say it." Rhianna gave them each a small smile before turning to me with a more serious look, taking in a deep breath and saying, "I understand 'cause, in a lotta ways, I'm like you." "Whatcha mean you're like me?" Her cheeks turned a deep pink. "I mean ... I got boy parts." I couldn't decide if I heard wrong or if she was just telling a really stupid joke. "Boy parts?" For a long while, I just stared at her when she nodded. "But, you're a girl." Rhianna frowned at me. "Yeah ... and?" "Well, girls ain't got boy parts." Tess let go of Rhianna's shoulder, stepped in front of her, and stood like she was ready to protect the other girl. "Who says?" I thought long and hard about that, but could only think of one person who'd said anything like that to me. "Umm ... my father." Rhianna gently moved Cori's arm from around her waist, stepped around Tess, and walked over to me until she was almost close enough to touch. "My granma told me, but sometimes grownups make mistakes." Aunt Joan's chin rubbed the top of my head as she nodded. "I can certainly vouch for that. With age comes experience, and hopefully wisdom, but that doesn't mean adults have all the answers." I turned to Cori's mom, who had just the hint of a smile on her face. "You sayin' I ain't supposed to listen to grownups?" "No, but you should think about what someone says before you accept it as fact. If someone says something that doesn't make sense, keep on asking questions until you find an answer that does. Did being told you were a boy make sense to you?" "Not really. I did try asking my father questions when he'd told me that, but they didn't make sense neither." I felt someone touch my arm and turned to see it was Rhianna. "It might help askin' others for answers then. It took me a while before I found somebody who had answers that made sense." "Who'd ya ask?" The idea of being able to get real answers lifted something I had't realized was hanging over me until then. "Well, a lotta people, but Ms. Marple gots some really good answers." "Who's that?" Tess walked over to us until she was standing next to Rhianna and smiled at me. "That's one of the counselors at school." Cori came in and gave me a smile from Rhianna's other side. "She's also our homeroom teacher." I packed those bit of info away for later, then took back out what Cori had just said. "Wait a minute. You all got homerooms? I thought they didn't do stuff like that until high school." Cori giggled before she answered. "They kinda do things a little different in our school." "Oh." I thought back to all the weird questions I had to answer when I'd helped Mom fill out the school application form. Back then I'd just figured that's the way schools did stuff. As I started wondering what might have been behind some of the questions, I noticed the faint tapping of raindrops falling on the outside of the bedroom window. "How different is different?" Aunt Joan wrapped her arms around me a little more tightly for a moment. "Why don't you finish getting dressed, then you can ask the other girls all about it?" Being counted as one of "the other girls" made me smile. "Are ya's really okay with me being at the slumber party?" Tess grinned as she rolled her eyes. "Of course we're okay. Now would ya get yourself changed so we can get it started?" Aunt Joan waved at the three of them with one arm while leaving the other wrapped around me, keeping my backside more or less covered. "Okay, shoo! Bobby will join you as soon as she's finished changing." Once they were gone, she slid me off her lap, kneeled down next to me, and gave me a huge hug. "Sweetheart, I realize things are probably pretty confusing and a bit scary for you now, but I promise, things are going to be better. Me and your mommy and ... some other people who care a lot about you are going to be there for you. So just relax and be yourself. Okay?" I felt a couple of tears trickle out the corner of my eye as I hugged her back, but I felt happier than I had in a long, long time. "Okay, I'll try." Aunt Joan kissed my forehead as she stood up, then gave me another smile before walking out, closing the door behind her. I sat down on the bed and looked at the nightgown beside me. Thunder rolled in the distance. I thought about how it had started raining just as I was climbing on the bus after my first day of school. Had it really only been two days since Cori had pulled me out of that mud puddle, and this whole adventure started? I'd learned a lot since then, both about myself and other people. As the rain started falling harder, I kinda got the feeling my adventure was ending, but I also had a feeling another one was about to start. I stood up and started getting changed as quickly as I could. I wanted to ask my new friends all the questions I could before I started my new adventure at school.

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RuneswardChapter 64 Rainy Days and Onedays

“You might as well just come out and say it,” Gillen said around the succulent venison she was chewing. As usual, she was taking her evening meal with her old mentor, Tergin Givens. The two had transcended their original teacher-student relationship and had become good friends. Gillen looked up into the evening sky. There was no moonlight or starlight to provide light. Nearly the entire day had been dark, with black and gray clouds rolling over the sky. Towards the evening, the wind had...

3 years ago
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Katy Perry Best Worst Rainy Day

WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction, the events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the video games, characters, developers etc depicted within. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence.Featuring: Katy Perry (Singer)Best Worst Rainy DayA celebrity erotic storyBy DaxG2001 ([email protected])Codes: MF, Cons, Oral, Anal.* *...

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A Rainy Day In Village

By : Themariner Every October we visited grandfather house. But for me this was my first visit in nearly 8 years. I was very much excited as I could live on my child hood life again, running in the paddy fields, catching fish by the river, sleeping under the tree in afternoon etc. My parents, my younger sister and I were very happy as we all were going together again after a long time and I knew how much I missed grandfather house and the freedom of enjoyment. But never did I or anyone else...

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Bobbys Submission

Introduction: Some of this story is true, some just hasnt happened . . . yet! My wife, Dana, and I have been experimenting with bondage and other kinky activities for a year or two now. She is not interested in being the submissive/bottom, and I prefer that role. So with that decided from the beginning we have slowly added more and more to our list. I have fantasized about all kinds of things for some time, but was hesitant to bring it up with her. Finally I did and we started with simple...

5 years ago
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Bobbys day EPSOM racecourse

On Wednesday last it was a lovely morning so I had an idea to go up to the downs for a walk, I stopped by the tea hut to get a nice cuppa, sat on the bench to drink it, spoke to a few dog walkers as they went on theyre way across the race course. Which is where I had planned to go also. after finnishing my cuppa. Well I thought I had better go for a pee before heading out for my walk. I headed down to the public toilets about 200 yards away from the tea hut, when I went in, there were 2 guys...

1 year ago
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Rainy Nights can be Exciting Too Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

I remember being stuck inside my apartment during those rainy nights. Boredom and frustration lead me to chat with strangers online and suddenly my rainy nights weren’t so depressing anymore. I saw Katya that night and just loved the way she responded to me. Even though we were physically apart she definitely lit my fire. Today is another rainy night, but today we are face to face. I place kisses on her body and see the blush that covers her. I kiss her face, her neck and her belly. I want to...

1 year ago
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Rainy day play

I think it all started when Jill and I ran into Joe and Sue in the strip mall on a rainy afternoon last summer. We were married only a couple months, living in a rental condo, and Joe and Sue were neighbours we sometimes met on walks. So we knew each other just well enough we had to say hello when we met. Not that we didn’t like them, its just that we had nothing in common with them. They were a little older, not much, but enough so they lived in their own house. They were just people we could...

3 years ago
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A Rainy Day In The Old Barn

"Gerald, Is that you?" a familiar female voice asked from somewhere behind me. Turning, I just barely recognized Jenny Wolf. She had been one year behind me in High School. She was also one of the prettiest girls in the Junior class the last time I had seen her. Now all grown up, she was, in a word —stunning! The last time I saw Jenny was over two years ago. Since then, I had been half way around the world. At the moment, I was home on leave from the Navy. With my leave almost over, I had...

1 year ago
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A Rainy Wednesday

Without a second thought he says, “I can give you a lift”. Now normally...on a regular day when the morning goes to shit I would've said I’m ok...I would have thanked him and returned to the call to my sister. Today wasn’t a regular day….it was Wednesday. It was supposed to be sunny. It wasn’t, and this handsome man..whom I wished would talk….and explore naughty things with me had just offered me a ride. It was a rainy Wednesday. An overcast day that once again the WeatherChannel had guessed...

Sex With Stranger
3 years ago
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Lucky In Rainy Day Mating

Hi, folks thanks for the awesome reviews I got after my first story and which made me write a second one. I appreciate the time taken by all of them who personally wrote to me on email or on hangouts I hope I can create those same emotions here too. Well not to waste more time and getting back to the story again. 2018’s monsoon month of July as Mumbai is completely clogged with heavy rains as expected and that was one of the lucky days for me. My girl “Aashni” again giving me the same favor but...

4 years ago
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Rainy Day People

‘Well, at least I got a foot into the stirrup’ I thought as I looked around the crowded room. For 2 years now, since my divorce had been finalized, most of my friends on both sides of the sexual war had been urging me to get back in the saddle. This place seemed too busy and far too stressful for me to even consider staying for this speed dating party. There were more men and women here than the hotel’s safety codes would allow. People were crammed in like sardines, with barely enough room to...

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The Hot Rainy Day With Friend8217s Married Cousin Sister 8211 Part 2

Hello to all Iss readers. This is Manish again with the 2nd part of my story THE HOT RAINY DAY WITH MY FRIENDS COUSIN. I hope you liked the first part of my story now coming back to the story without any delay. We started our journey towards my friend’s home on my bike and it was almost full dark. After traveling for more than 45 minutes she grabbed me tightly. I was in shock and feeling good too because her hands were on my chest and her boobs was injected on my back and head on my shoulder...

3 years ago
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On A Rainy Day With Wang

That happened in a rainy day, was not accidental , but really well planned…. Ok let me introduce my name is Jason (name changed) and I am living in Kochi working with a software company in managerial cadre, I am in my 30’s like 31 years….. I am a regular visitor of a branded showroom in lulu, this guy been catching my attention for so many days, yes I like north east guys, they are really so cute and sweet to be with, on my last visit I gave my mobile number to him and got a message back with...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Sharing Me In Shareauto On A Rainy Day In Wet Saree

It was a rainy day in Chennai, where i work as a Receptionist for a Sales and Marketing Company in Maraimalai Nagar. I am a pretty girl in early 20s with 34D-28-34, fair skin, black long hair, brown eyes. Usually i wear official uniform of Shirt or t-shirt and Pant except Friday, when i wear my choice ranging from saree, half saree, skirt, t-shirt, other casuals. On this Friday i was in my sleeveless red chiffon saree. Morning sky was clear and reached without issues. But evening, it started...

1 year ago
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Mom and Me on rainy day

100% fiction! Hi freinds, i'm vivek from Nagpur. I will not waste your time, i'll come directly to my story.This is a true incident of my life belive it or not. It was happend on rainy days of 2006. Me and mom living together on nagpur ,as i was doing my 11th from nagpur. dad was got transfered to Pune just 4 months ago. He hardly visited 2 times in 4 months.Now he was busy upto diwali. so it was only me & mum upto diwali. Since it was rainy season most of the time i would bunk the college &...

2 years ago
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A Story For A Rainy Day

A STORY FOR A RAINY DAY A STORY FOR A RAINY DAYEDMUNDO SLOTH  I know that you are feeling playful. You have locked the bathroom door but not before selecting your favourite outfit from the special wardrobe. You had polished the latex on the outside so it gleamed as it caught the light and talced the inner layer so that you will be able to easily slide into it.You adore the black latex maid?s dress with its high top and short puff sleeves, elasticated waist and pleated skirt that is so...

3 years ago
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I Work in a Doctors Office XIII

I was connecting with Robert’s son Jack for our fifth meeting. I had a special procedure that I wanted to show him. It was more of a training session actually. I planned on teaching him the fine art of edging. I would give him a training lesson in proper edging and then in the future he could perform it himself. Jack was waiting for me in the examination room that his father had set up in their large home specifically as a place where I could hold my twice-weekly two-hour sessions with...

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A Boy and His dungeon XIII

Jill wandered in at about 5:00 and with everyone there the conversation turned serious. Conner thought we needed a better place to work. With more space and a way to insure privacy for the research division, citing Saturdays incident. Lisa thought that might be a good idea, but liked the easy relaxed atmosphere here Jill also liked it here, but pointed out that this was a residential area and the city might cause problems for us if our commercial enterprises came to their attention. Claudia...

4 years ago
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Whoa The Orientation of Kelly Ann Black XIII

The Orientation of Kelly Ann Black At the end of his day, it was a tired Jason that made his way home. As he walked up his walk, he noticed a cute, young, petite, dark haired girl sitting on his porch. “I'll bet you are the lovely Ms. Kelly Ann Black.” “Yes Sir. Please call me Ann. Dean Malcomb sent me here for orientation. I don't understand why. I've already been through the university's orientation class.” “That's fine Ann, but my orientation is a bit different. You...

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Luck and Love XIII

As Zoë turned on the water and placed the curtain, she felt the mirror calling to her. But even as it called she heard Michael, echoing through her head. You know you look beautiful… why do you have to check? But in the end the mirror won and she stepped in front of it, gazing at her body and finding all of the little things she always found, a birthmark here and there, a scar or two; nothing to large. Nothing like the blemish in her loins… Zoë felt her chest get a bit tight at that...

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One Took Over The Cuckolds Bed Part XIII

Paulo showed us around his offices when we arrived. We were both very impressed. His Faro operation was based in a three storey office block. I didn’t know exactly how many staff he had but it couldn’t have been much lower than fifty. His own office occupied a corner of the top floor with magnificent views across the city with the Atlantic Ocean as a backdrop. Maria’s office was next door.After showing us round we sat around his board table drinking coffee and chatting. Sue had brought her bags...

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Tim the Teenager Part XIII

Tim, the Teenage Part Thirteen By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter IV: 9th Grade, Spring 1986 - Brad and Sandi Part 3 - Your Sister, Your Slave (mc, incest mf, mfmm) "What am I gonna do?" Brad moaned, with his face in his hands. "She sucked on me so long yesterday, it feels raw. I came three times all with in an hour. And she still wanted more!" It was the next day at lunch. Mindy and Vito suddenly felt like sitting with Marsha and company just for today. The four of us were able to talk...

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Mixed Metaphors XIII

It was Tuesday, a quarter to four in the morning. Tony, Becky and Diane were the first to arrive at the private airport just outside the New York City limits. While Diane and Jake were saying their goodbyes in the limousine, Tony and the love of his life went into the customer waiting room. The inside of the building was plush, compared to the outside of painted cement brick. Becky hadn’t slept most of the night due to being nervous about the flight. She looked like a racehorse that had...

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A Necessary Cuckolding Part XIII

Alan They left for home shortly after Dawn had finished her call with Bradley. She told him about their conversation and also about Bradley inviting them over for Sunday lunch at the hotel. They had both been to their Carvery a few times in the past and they knew that they did a good lunch there.“I expect he’ll want to take you up to his room afterwards?” Alan told her as he held her hand in his trembling one.“Yes, he’s already asked me.”“You said yes?”Dawn smiled. “What do you think?” she...

3 years ago
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The Cuckolds Reward Alistairs Story Part XIII

They showered and dressed later. Julie put on stockings and suspenders underneath a pretty flared blue dress. Alistair watched her dress in pensive silence as he contemplated the change in her. There was an air of self confidence about her. He had watched her dress, in similar mode, a couple of weeks ago before she had set off for Turkey. She seemed a little timid. It was almost as if she was afraid of her sexuality, as if it was wrong to look and act sexy. All that had changed now. Her stay...

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Luck and Love XIII

Introduction: Sorry it took so long guys! While i think Ive asked this before, if any female readers would like to give me feedback on Zos thoughts please message me or just post it in the comments. Thanks! When Zo woke up, the clock read twelve forty. She could feel Michaels arm and leg on her, his flaccid dick sticking to her leg. She groaned and tried to stretch, then winced at the pain in her hips. She started to wonder why then remembered the blur that had their reunion and smiled. Then...

2 years ago
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Pushing them to the limits XIII

Chapter 8The next few days I had to work, nothing special happened. Until after five days I went to the farm with my wife. A few pickups were parked on the yard, They were going to build an extension on the house.About 4 or 5 construction workers were working around the house. Her husband came up to me and asked me if I could keep an eye on the construction if he was working. I told him I had no problem with that, and I would come around a bit more when he was working. That would be a nice...

4 years ago
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The Cuckolds Reward Alistairs Story Part XIII

They showered and dressed later. Julie put on stockings and suspenders underneath a pretty flared blue dress. Alistair watched her dress in pensive silence as he contemplated the change in her. There was an air of self confidence about her. He had watched her dress, in similar mode, a couple of weeks ago before she had set off for Turkey. She seemed a little timid. It was almost as if she was afraid of her sexuality, as if it was wrong to look and act sexy. All that had changed now. Her stay...

3 years ago
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Becoming Emily Part XIII

Waking up with Lilly next to me on the bed was amazing. The feel of her nude body sent tingles down my body that ended at my suddenly wet pussy. I couldn’t help but touch myself while I looked at her. I guess I was a little louder than I intended to be because when I looked up from her tits to her pretty face I saw that sweet, sexy grin. She didn’t say a word though, just pushed my legs open and kissed her way down to my cunt.“MMMM such a naughty little girl, already wet huh?” she asked...

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Intro to Sissies XIII

Chapter 13 John Phillips stood there, in his high heels, stockings and the oversized plug pushing in and out of him, slightly dazed from his incredible orgasm, watching as time changed its pace from slow motion to incredible, blinding speed. He felt his cock drip one last drop of semen. He thought he heard it land on the tiled floor with a dull splat. He clenched his sphincter to push the plug out of him, and the rubber strap pushed it back into him. There was no relief...

4 years ago
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Rachel Crossing The Line Part XIII

November 29th, 12:02 PM A few thousand thoughts were running through my mind after catching that news story about Tang Dettings. The bastard definitely got what he deserved, whether he fell down some stairs or was helped. Of course I knew in my heart he hadn't fallen and that's where Brad must have gone after Krystal and I had gotten home last night. The look on his face when he saw how that asshole had beaten Krystal was one I'll never forget. I think after the initial shock...

2 years ago
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Cleverly Planned Wife Swap 8211 Master Plan To Convince Conservative Couple 8211 Part XIII

This is real story of a two friends where we exchanged our wife with each other for bit lengthier live in relationship. Usually in swinging/exchanging wife with others, generally people will exchange partner for just a fucking session in just a week end visit or night visit to one of the couple’s home. In our case, to make our life spicy and have more thrill and adventure, we have decided to do this for bit longer period of time, where my wife will be with my friend for 2 months and where as...

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