Bobby's Rainy Day Adventure - Chapter IX free porn video

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Bobby's Rainy Day Adventure Copyright 2006 by Heather Rose Brown CHAPTER IX "Wake up, Bobby." I felt warm sunlight shining on my face. The sound of rain tapping on the window, which I'd fallen asleep to last night, had been replaced by birds chirping. "Is it morning already?" "Yep, and breakfast is on the table." I cracked an eye open and saw Terri sitting on the bed beside me. "Whatcha doing in my room?" Terri ruffled my hair. "Silly girl, this is Cori's bedroom." I opened my other eye and looked around. There definitely was a lot more pink than I'd ever seen in my bedroom before, but I had something else on my mind besides the room color. "Terri, there's something I think you aughta know." "What's that, Bobby?" "I ain't really a girl." Terri nodded. "Cori explained it to me last night when we were having hot cocoa in the hospital cafeteria. To be honest, I was having trouble believing her. I even double-checked with my mom this morning." I suddenly felt more awake when I remembered a conversation I'd had with Aunt Joan right before I'd seen my mom in the hospital. "What'd she tell you?" "Not a whole lot, but she did say you feel like you're a girl." I pulled the covers over my head to hide the blush warming my cheeks. "Hey! No going back to bed, sleepyhead." Terri yanked the covers away from my face. "I wasn't going back to bed. I just... I wish Aunt Joan hadn't told you that." Terri frowned with confusion. "Why's that?" "'Cause now you're gonna think I'm weird." Her frown turned into a soft smile. "I don't think you're weird, Bobby. In fact, knowing how you feel makes things a little simpler." "How's it simpler?" "Well, I hope you don't take this the wrong way but... everything about you seems to say 'girl.' " "You mean like the way my hair looks and the clothes I'm wearing?" Terri brushed the tangled hair from my face. "Well, your hair is a little long, but I've seen boys with longer hair before." She pulled the cover down enough to see the picture of Hello Kitty on my chest. "As far as you wearing girl clothes, they look cute, but they're just clothes." "I don't understand. If it ain't the clothes or hair, then what's making me look like a girl?" "There's more to being a girl than looks. Even if you were dressed like a boy, there's still this... something about the way you act and the way you are with other people. It's like, you don't seem like a boy who's pretending to be a girl. You just -- I dunno -- seem like a girl." "I've always tried to be careful to act like a boy." My father had made sure of that. Some days it seemed as if every time I turned around, he was telling me to stop acting like a girl. "Am I really that girly?" Terri paused for a moment and scratched her chin. "From what I've seen so far, I'd say you're not quite as girly as Cori, but you're not as much of a tomboy as I used to be either." "Are you still a tomboy?" Terri chuckled. "I don't dress as much like a boy any more, but on the inside -- I think I'll always be a tomboy." "Did you dress like a boy 'cause you felt like one?" "I don't think anybody ever asked me that before." Terri was still smiling, but the look in her eyes had become more serious. "There had been a time when I felt jealous of boys. They seemed to have all the advantages and got to do things I wasn't supposed to be interested in doing. But I don't think I ever actually felt like I was a boy." I tried to imagine what Terri looked like dressed as a boy and was wondering if I was really that much different from her when she nudged me in the shoulder. "You're not falling asleep on me, are you?" I blinked my eyes back open, feeling surprised at how they had slid closed so easily without me being aware of it. "Kinda. I was up pretty late last night." Terri covered her mouth, but it didn't hide her huge yawn very well. "I hear ya, kid. Let's get out of here before we both wind up snoring. You need to change first?" "I guess I should get ready for school." Terri shook her head. "I wasn't talking about clothes; I meant your Goodnites." I slowly realized why my underpants had seemed thick. My blush came back and spread across my face until my ears were burning. "Oh, umm... no, I don't think I need to change." I didn't feel wet and there wasn't any smell, so I was pretty sure I was okay. "All righty!" Terri reached under my covers, lifted me out of bed, and sat me on her hip. "Wait a minute; I can walk on my own." "Mom would kill me if I let you try walking with that sprained ankle." I moved my foot around. It didn't hurt as much as last night, but it was still tender. "I can still walk. Aunt Joan found me a crutch she said I could borrow." Considering the main color of the Cori's bedroom, I was surprised how quickly I found the bright pink armrest of the crutch peeking up over the footboard of the canopy bed. "See, it's right over there." Terri giggled. "By the time you got to the table using that, it'd be lunch time." She wrapped her arm around my bottom and shifted me higher on her hip before picking up the crutch with her free hand. Even though it felt a little odd being carried around, it also felt nice too. There was something about the way Terri held me that made me feel safe and protected. Being this close to her, I was surrounded by a light, sweet scent that reminded me a bit of peaches and cinnamon. When I leaned my head on her shoulder, there was something that felt so right and peaceful about it, I couldn't help smiling. Terri's smile turned into a lopsided grin as she looked down at me. "You seem pretty determined to fall asleep on me." She nuzzled my nose with hers, making me giggle. "Let's see if we can get some breakfast in you before you do." * * * * * We were just coming out of the hallway when I noticed the distant rumble of a car engine. Cori ran out of the kitchen shouting, "Daddy's here!" Aunt Joan followed her daughter out of the kitchen at a much slower pace. "He's not supposed to be here until Friday, Cori." Cori had reached the living room window and was peeking outside from behind a curtain. "Well, somebody's here. There's a police car in the driveway and a couple of people just came out of it." Aunt Joan had already walked past Terri and me when there was a sharp rapping at the front door. "Cori, get away from the window. It's not polite to stare at people." As she climbed down the stairs, she shouted, "Hold on, I'll be right there." Cori dropped the curtain and thumped down the stairs until she was just a step behind her mom. Terri was carrying me down the stairs when Aunt Joan opened the door. The breeze drifting through the doorway brought the sweet scent of damp leaves and the dry, dead smell of car fumes. When we reached the bottom of the steps, I saw a police officer standing just outside the door beside... my father! "Good morning, ma'am. I'm Officer Hernandez and this is Mister Brighton. I apologize for calling on you so early in the morning." The police officer was shifting a folded bundle of papers from one hand to the other. Aunt Joan tightened the sash on her bathrobe. "Not a problem at all. You must be freezing standing out there. Would you like to come in? I just made a fresh pot of coffee." "I appreciate the offer, but we won't be able to stay." The police officer handed the papers she had been holding to Aunt Joan. "Mister Brighton is here to pick up his son, Bobby." A chill ran through me that had little to do with the cool air drifting in through the doorway. "What if I don't wanna go?" Officer Hernandez looked at me and her eyebrows popped up with surprise. "You're Bobby?" When I nodded, she turned to Aunt Joan. "Could I take a look at those papers, ma'am?" After Aunt Joan returned the papers, the police officer frowned as she flipped through them. When Officer Hernandez reached a page in the middle of the stack, she carefully folded it at the corner where the sheets were stapled together. "I think we may have a problem here." She pulled a palmtop from its holster on her belt, extended its short antenna, and began tapping on the screen. "Yes, we definitely have a problem." She put the palmtop back, folded up the papers, and looked up at my father. "We'll need to go back to the station to straighten this out, sir." "Go back?" My father scratched at the stubble on his cheek. "I just spent four hours there. Why do we need to go back?" "Because this paperwork says we're here to pick up your son, not your daughter." My father closed his bloodshot eyes and rubbed his temples. "Are you saying I can't take my son home because you think he's my daughter?" "I'm not saying anything like that, Mister Brighton." Officer Hernandez held the papers out to my father. "What I am saying is this warrant, or whatever you want to call this pile of..." She glanced at me before looking back at my father. "...of paperwork, is already on shaky legal grounds. Until we get this straightened out, I can't let you take your daughter home with you." My father swung at the papers, knocking them from the police officer's hand. "Then to hell with all this legal crap." He reached past Aunt Joan and grabbed me by the waist. "Let's go, Bobby." "No!" I was almost as surprised to hear myself screech as I was by my father's sudden move. Terri, who was still holding onto me, swung the crutch she was carrying at my father. "Let go of her!" Officer Hernandez moved almost too quickly to see. Before you could blink, she was standing between Terri and my father with one hand on his chest and the other holding the crutch in mid-air. "Up until now, we've just had a misunderstanding. If this goes any further, it could become assault." She turned to my father. "First, I'd like you to let go of Bobby and take a step back." Even though he still seemed angry, my father also looked surprised and then confused. "But...." "Mister Brighton, this can go two ways. Either you let go of her now and ride in the front with me to the station, or you can ride in the back wearing handcuffs." While I couldn't see her expression, her voice didn't sound very happy. The places where my father's ice-cold hands had wrapped around my waist felt sore when he finally let go. After he took a step back, the police officer turned to Terri. "Now I'd like you to let go of the crutch." Terri yanked her hand away from the crutch as if were burning hot and wrapped both of her arms around me. "I'm... I'm so sorry. I just... I don't know why I just did that." The police officer nodded as she handed the crutch to Aunt Joan. "I understand. These kinds of domestic situations can get heated pretty quickly." She turned to my father. "Please go back to the squad car, Mister Brighton. I'll be there in a moment." My father opened his mouth as if to speak, paused, and snapped it shut. He seemed more like a kid than an adult when he turned, stomped over to the car, climbed into the passenger side, and then slammed the door. Officer Hernandez looked down at the paperwork that had fallen on the damp steps before she picked it up by its stapled corner and shook out a few drops of water. "Looks like these will have to be typed all over again." Although she didn't smile, there was laughter in her eyes. "I'm sure Mister Brighton will be happy about that." "Will I have to go with him when you get it fixed?" My throat felt so tight with all the emotions I was feeling, my questions came out in a squeak. "No you don't, not so long as I'm wearing a badge. He didn't make many friends this morning, and I doubt his lawyer will have any more tricks up his sleeve once I turn in my report." Officer Hernandez tipped her hat to us. "Sorry for the disturbance, ladies. Hope the rest of your morning is pleasant." * * * * * Aunt Joan closed and locked the front door after the police car pulled out of the driveway. Everyone was very quiet when we climbed the stairs and shuffled into the dining room. I was so glad Terri was still carrying me, because my legs probably wouldn't have held me just then, even if my ankle hadn't been hurt. The bacon and eggs smelled wonderful when Terri sat me down at the table, but I didn't think I could eat with the huge knot I felt in my stomach. "You want me to heat that up for you, Bobby?" I looked up and saw Aunt Joan holding her hand out across the table. "No thanks, Aunt Joan. I really ain't hungry right now." "What's wrong, Bobby?" Cori was poking the corner of her toast into an egg yolk, but she seemed more interested in playing with her food than eating it. "I'm just feeling mixed up about a couple of things, like why I lied to the police officer." "You didn't lie." "I feel like I did." Cori gave up poking at her eggs and dropped her toast on her plate. "So what do you think you lied about? "Well, I let her think I'm a girl." "Are you?" "I ... I'm not sure how to answer that. I mean, on the inside I feel like a girl. But who pays attention to what's on the inside?" Aunt Joan pulled her hand back. "More people than you may realize, sweetie." I was having trouble believing anybody would be able to understand me. Even to me, it seemed hard to believe the feelings I had inside could be real. "I hope you're right, Aunt Joan. At least, I hope you're right about the police officer. I dunno if I wanna wind up havin' to live with my father 'cause they think I'm a boy." "I have a feeling, considering your fathers behavior this morning, they won't be sending you to him, even if they decided you were a boy." Aunt Joan rested her hand on her chin and leaned a little closer to me. "So what else were you feeling mixed up about?" "Well, there's my father." "I guess things were difficult after he left." I nodded. "I missed him so much over the summer. I dunno how many mornings I sat at my bedroom window, waiting for his truck to pull back into the driveway. Now that he's back, all I want is for him to do is go away; at the same time, I still miss him and want to be with him." Terri stopped stabbing at the bacon on her plate, but didn't look up when she spoke. "I used to feel like that about my dad too. Sometimes fathers can be so...." She sounded both angry and sad. "I'm sorry. I don't want to ruin everyone's breakfast." Aunt Joan got up from her seat, crouched down beside Terri and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "It's okay, love. This has been an emotional morning for everyone. Was there something you'd like to talk about?" "That's okay." Terri was smiling when she looked up, but her eyes were brimming with tears. "I'm just... being hormonal again. I'd better start getting dressed for school." Even though she was the only one at the table who wasn't still in her bedclothes, nobody argued with Terri when she stood up and wandered out of the dining room. Aunt Joan sighed after Terri left the room. "I better go see if she needs any help." I turned to Cori after Aunt Joan left. "Is your sister gonna be okay?" Cori shook her head. "I dunno. I ain't seen her like this since our parents first broke up. She used to be really mad at our dad. Sometimes I get the feeling she still is." "I think I can understand how she feels." "You're mad at your dad?" "Well, yeah. He just disappeared without saying goodbye or anything." Cori laid her hand on my bunched up fist. "That musta really hurt." I nodded, feeling the tightness in my stomach climb into my chest. "I guess he was mad at me first... not that I can blame him." "What was he mad about?" "Well, we were having dinner and I was talking about what I wanted to do over the summer when he asked me if I was ready to see the barber in the morning. I pretty much just said no." "So he got mad at you for saying no?" "Nah, he just laughed and said that I'd better be ready by morning. I really hated getting my haircut and the barber he always brought me to was a little creepy, so I tried asking my mom if I really had to go. That kinda made him mad, but nothing like when she took my side and said maybe I was old enough to have more say in how I look." "What your mom said makes sense. You're plenty old enough to say how you want your hair to look." "I guess it didn't make a whole lotta sense to him. I got sent to bed just about then, but it wasn't too hard to hear them from my room with the way they'd started yelling." "Had you ever heard your parents arguing before?" "Yeah, a couple of times, but never anything like that night." The ache in my chest reached up to my throat, making it hard to speak. "If only I'd kept my mouth shut about that stupid haircut...." Cori got up, came over to me and wrapped her arms around me. It didn't take long before I found myself crying on her shoulder. After all the tears from the night before, I didn't really expect to have any more left in me. By the time I was done, my nose was running, so I pulled back from Cori and wiped it on the back of my hand. "Eww, don't wipe your nose like that, Bobby." Cori ran into the kitchen, tore a couple of sheets of paper towels from the holder by the sink and brought them back to me. After wiping the back of my hand with one towel, she held another one up to my face. "Go ahead and blow your nose." I couldn't help smiling when I blew my nose into the paper towel. "Are we playing 'Mommy and Baby' again?" Cori giggled. "I think this is more like 'Big Sister, Little Sister'. " "How's that?" "I guess it reminds me of how Terri used to be whenever I'd get a runny nose when I was little. She would get so grossed out at the way I used to wipe my nose on my sleeve. Even now, she still chases after me with a box of tissues if she finds out I have a cold or my nose is running." "You're so lucky to have a big sister. Sometimes it feels pretty lonely being an only child." "There's times when I've wished I was an only child, especially when Terri's being bossy. But even when she's at her worst, I still love her. Most of the time, I'm glad she's my sister." Cori was very quiet for a few seconds. "I was just wondering... how would you feel about being sisters?" "You mean you and me?" Cori nodded and a huge smile spread across her face. It took me a moment to work that out. "Wouldn't we need the same parents ... and wouldn't I need to be a girl first?" "With the way you call my mom 'Aunt Joan', you're practically a cousin already. As far as the girl part goes, I thought you felt like you were a girl." I couldn't help groaning. "I can't believe I just came out and said that." "I don't think it's a real secret, Bobby. I kinda got the feeling something like that was going on when I saw you at school yesterday." Cori took both of my hands in hers. "But, getting back to my question, how would you feel about being my little sister?" "Wait a minute; you didn't say anything about me being the little sister." Cori grinned. "Maybe not, but you have to admit it does make sense." "How do you figure that? After all, I am older." "Well, you may be older, but I'd been a girl a lot longer." "Oh ... I hadn't thought of it like that." "So, what do you think about being sisters?" I was starting to learn that once Cori got an idea in her head, she never let it go. I was also learning that along with being playful and bouncy, she could be serious too. She seemed very serious about being my sister. The idea sounded impossible. How could two kids just decide they're related? At the same time, Cori felt like more than a friend. I'd had a couple of friends at my old school, but I felt closer to her in just one day than I'd ever felt with any of them. "I'd really like to have you for a sister... but how do we do it?" Aunt Joan came into the room just then and began gathering the plates and silverware. "Okay, time to start getting ready for school." Cori leaned close to me, her voice just above a whisper so her mom wouldn't hear. "I'll hafta explain it to you later." When I got up to follow Cori, Aunt Joan set the breakfast dishes she had been collecting back on the table and put a hand on my shoulder. "You don't have to get dressed for school, sweetie. The doctor said you should stay off your foot for at least a day." I vaguely remembered being told something about staying off my foot and keeping it up, but the trip to the hospital felt like a million years ago. "Oh, I'd forgotten about that." "That's understandable, Bobby. You've had a stressful start to your morning. Why don't you go lie down on the couch in the living room and prop your foot up on a pillow? I'll be in there with an ice pack and some covers after I finish with these dishes." After finding a comfortable position on the couch and carefully shoving a few pillows under my right foot, I picked up the remote and began flipping through channels. Nothing I saw held my interest for long; I was too busy worrying about my dad coming back for me. On top of that, there was the mystery with Cori. What was so secret that she couldn't tell me when her mom had come in?

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Bobbys Rainy Day Adventure Chapter XII

I couldn't stop staring at the girl in the mirror. It was still hard to believe I was looking at myself. It wasn't as if this was the first time I'd seen a girl in the mirror, but it was still weird just the same. It hadn't been too long ago I'd been in my boy clothes and I'd still seen a girl. I didn't look that much different in the clothes I'd borrowed from Cori. Just a little more relaxed. Maybe even a little happier. Aunt Joan had helped me look through Cori's closet and...

3 years ago
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A Rainy Day In The Old Barn

"Gerald, Is that you?" a familiar female voice asked from somewhere behind me. Turning, I just barely recognized Jenny Wolf. She had been one year behind me in High School. She was also one of the prettiest girls in the Junior class the last time I had seen her. Now all grown up, she was, in a word —stunning! The last time I saw Jenny was over two years ago. Since then, I had been half way around the world. At the moment, I was home on leave from the Navy. With my leave almost over, I had...

1 year ago
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A Rainy Wednesday

Without a second thought he says, “I can give you a lift”. Now normally...on a regular day when the morning goes to shit I would've said I’m ok...I would have thanked him and returned to the call to my sister. Today wasn’t a regular day….it was Wednesday. It was supposed to be sunny. It wasn’t, and this handsome man..whom I wished would talk….and explore naughty things with me had just offered me a ride. It was a rainy Wednesday. An overcast day that once again the WeatherChannel had guessed...

Sex With Stranger
3 years ago
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Lucky In Rainy Day Mating

Hi, folks thanks for the awesome reviews I got after my first story and which made me write a second one. I appreciate the time taken by all of them who personally wrote to me on email or on hangouts I hope I can create those same emotions here too. Well not to waste more time and getting back to the story again. 2018’s monsoon month of July as Mumbai is completely clogged with heavy rains as expected and that was one of the lucky days for me. My girl “Aashni” again giving me the same favor but...

4 years ago
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Rainy Day People

‘Well, at least I got a foot into the stirrup’ I thought as I looked around the crowded room. For 2 years now, since my divorce had been finalized, most of my friends on both sides of the sexual war had been urging me to get back in the saddle. This place seemed too busy and far too stressful for me to even consider staying for this speed dating party. There were more men and women here than the hotel’s safety codes would allow. People were crammed in like sardines, with barely enough room to...

4 years ago
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The Hot Rainy Day With Friend8217s Married Cousin Sister 8211 Part 2

Hello to all Iss readers. This is Manish again with the 2nd part of my story THE HOT RAINY DAY WITH MY FRIENDS COUSIN. I hope you liked the first part of my story now coming back to the story without any delay. We started our journey towards my friend’s home on my bike and it was almost full dark. After traveling for more than 45 minutes she grabbed me tightly. I was in shock and feeling good too because her hands were on my chest and her boobs was injected on my back and head on my shoulder...

3 years ago
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On A Rainy Day With Wang

That happened in a rainy day, was not accidental , but really well planned…. Ok let me introduce my name is Jason (name changed) and I am living in Kochi working with a software company in managerial cadre, I am in my 30’s like 31 years….. I am a regular visitor of a branded showroom in lulu, this guy been catching my attention for so many days, yes I like north east guys, they are really so cute and sweet to be with, on my last visit I gave my mobile number to him and got a message back with...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Sharing Me In Shareauto On A Rainy Day In Wet Saree

It was a rainy day in Chennai, where i work as a Receptionist for a Sales and Marketing Company in Maraimalai Nagar. I am a pretty girl in early 20s with 34D-28-34, fair skin, black long hair, brown eyes. Usually i wear official uniform of Shirt or t-shirt and Pant except Friday, when i wear my choice ranging from saree, half saree, skirt, t-shirt, other casuals. On this Friday i was in my sleeveless red chiffon saree. Morning sky was clear and reached without issues. But evening, it started...

1 year ago
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Mom and Me on rainy day

100% fiction! Hi freinds, i'm vivek from Nagpur. I will not waste your time, i'll come directly to my story.This is a true incident of my life belive it or not. It was happend on rainy days of 2006. Me and mom living together on nagpur ,as i was doing my 11th from nagpur. dad was got transfered to Pune just 4 months ago. He hardly visited 2 times in 4 months.Now he was busy upto diwali. so it was only me & mum upto diwali. Since it was rainy season most of the time i would bunk the college &...

2 years ago
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A Story For A Rainy Day

A STORY FOR A RAINY DAY A STORY FOR A RAINY DAYEDMUNDO SLOTH  I know that you are feeling playful. You have locked the bathroom door but not before selecting your favourite outfit from the special wardrobe. You had polished the latex on the outside so it gleamed as it caught the light and talced the inner layer so that you will be able to easily slide into it.You adore the black latex maid?s dress with its high top and short puff sleeves, elasticated waist and pleated skirt that is so...

4 years ago
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A rainy night late shopping

A rainy night late shoppingIt was a Friday evening, Victor away for the rest of the weekend; home alone.I went downtown to the local mall for some late shopping. As I walked down the hallway on my way out, I noticed the lights went out. It was a rainy night, filled with thunderstorms and surely this was the reason of the darkness: some thunder had stroke the energy.At least I knew that the lights would return in a moment. So, I just stood there in a dark corner of the parking lot waiting before...

2 years ago
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Rekha Aunty 8211 Rainy Night Under The Blanket

It was a typical sunny day in cochin in rainy season. I opened my eyes and looked at the time in my mobile, usually by this time I will be on my way to office. But today I was on leave as my aunt from my native place coming to city on some work. As she don’t know anything in the city, she asked my help. I got ready in few minutes and started to railway station. Train was little late and I was waiting on platform for my aunt. My aunt name is Rekha. She lives in our neighborhood in my village,...

2 years ago
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Rainy tuesday evening

This happened a few years into my career just after my g f left to work as a chef on a cruise ship. It was a rainy Tuesday raining hard off and on all day, being that I didn’t have clients scheduled for that day I was busy working on suggestion scripts for clients I had scheduled sessions with later that week and a couple the following week, it must have been about 3 pm when my receptionist rang into my office to see if I would take a call. I told her put it through, it was a woman with a...

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Rainy Sunday after noon

Rainy Sunday after noon. So we are in the bed room watching this porno movie when there is a knock at the door and I say to you "will you go down and answer it , you do and I say who is it? ....And it turns out to be your friend Dan the producerSo I invite him upstairs and he walks in and sees that you have your nightie up and your hand still rubbing your pussyhe sees how excited and wet you are and I tell him to feel see how wet you have got so I lay down at your side and kiss you and fondle...

2 years ago
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RuneswardChapter 64 Rainy Days and Onedays

“You might as well just come out and say it,” Gillen said around the succulent venison she was chewing. As usual, she was taking her evening meal with her old mentor, Tergin Givens. The two had transcended their original teacher-student relationship and had become good friends. Gillen looked up into the evening sky. There was no moonlight or starlight to provide light. Nearly the entire day had been dark, with black and gray clouds rolling over the sky. Towards the evening, the wind had...

2 years ago
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Rainy Saturday

I have to say that this is rather difficult to write. Difficult for several different reasons. Firstly I hadn’t actually woken up this morning planning to write anything – there was no 'novel inside of me that I need to get out’. Also I certainly have never thought about writing down what I am about to detail – at least what I think I am about to detail. Then there is my actual condition. I do not suppose that many writers work their literary magic without a stitch of clothing on. I could...

3 years ago
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A Rainy Afternoon

Would you like to have me to tease you? That’s the question which I posed to Mary one rainy Saturday afternoon when we found ourselves at loose ends staring at the rain drops as they ran down the windows in our living room. From past experience, Mary was familiar with my ideas about teasing. In particular, she knew that I require her complicity. That is, she knew that my pleasure comes, in large part, from the knowledge that she has agreed to temporarily relinquish control over her own body...

4 years ago
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a rainy night

visit on to see more top rated stoires like theseAs the Title shows it happened with me on a rainy night, I was alonein my flat in Baroda, so was my neighbor in her flat. She was a good-looking girl married to my neighbor. Although Dr Avinash, her hubbywas two years older then me, she was a year younger then me, Icalled her "Binita Bhabhi". We used to talk a lot, since we are ofthe same age. Sometimes even Doctor sahab too joined our discussionson various topics. She got both...

4 years ago
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Fucking My Reader On A Rainy Midnight

Hello readers, this is your Joe back with another sex story which happened last week. To my new readers to know more about me, please click on my name above for my old stories. Any unsatisfied girls, ladies in & around Bangalore please ping me on Secrecy & privacy will be maintained for 100%. Any couples looking for threesome ping me on This story is how I fucked my reader on a rainy midnight. We had many encounters before @ her place, in her car, resorts, open bangalore-Hyderabad highways...

2 years ago
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One Rainy Night 8211 Me And The Old Couple

Hey all! Devil again. With another Episode of ‘One Rainy Night’ Trilogy. This one is the Second Installment in the Series. Please do mail me your comments, feedback and suggestions on So beginning with the Story… This Story is about Meera. A 34 Years Old Middle Aged Working Divorcee from New Delhi. She doesn’t have Kids. Her Husband’s Impotency was the reason for her Divorce with him. Read on to find out what happens with her on One Rainy Night… In her own words… So it was about to start to...

3 years ago
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One Rainy Night 8211 Me Radha And Four Men

Hey all! Devil here again. With another Fictional Story for Everyone.Pls send all your comments, suggestions and feedbacks So starting with the Story..Its about Gauri. A Spoilt Girl belonging to a Rich Family from Meerut. So One Rainy Night while returning from a Party her Car Breaks down on the way. Read on to find out what happens.. In Gauri’s Own Words… “Mahn! Even My car had to stop at this fucking time in the Middle of this Lonely area with No People or Lights Around.” I wondered as I...

4 years ago
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Rainy night in Kolkata

As the Title shows it happened with me on a rainy night, I was alone in my flat in Kolkata, so was my neighbor in her flat. She was a good looking girl married to my neighbor. Although Dhimant, her hubby was two years older than me, she was a year younger than me; I called her “Neela bhabhi”. We used to talk a lot, since we are of the same age. Sometimes even Dhimant too joined our discussions on various topics. She got both Mother and Father in law. Dhimant is working in DVC Project, so he has...

4 years ago
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Rainy Morning

Many thanks to Southronstyle for editing this story. It was a rainy Monday morning, the last week of September. I was tired, very tired indeed because I had been away Friday and Saturday at a training camp with my son Martin's hockey team as an " hockey dad", assistant coach and driver of the rented travel bus. We had come home late that previous Saturday evening. Then my wife Catherine had been a nagging bitch the whole Sunday and refused me the weekly taste of her sweet pussy both Sunday...

3 years ago
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Rainy DayValentine Day

Rainy Day/Valentine's Day By Paul G. Jutras It was a lovely Sunday morning and Paul was in his room, playing with a four-foot wooden dollhouse. He was on his knees in a green blouse, ankle-length skirt and nude hose. With a knock on the door, his mother stepped into his room. He looked up at her, with her B cup breasts standing out in her tight white blouse and matching shorts. She also had brown hose and Velcro flip-flops. "Paula honey, your friends are here." "Thanks mom."...

4 years ago
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Rainy Day Fun

Rainy day in Punjab, business calls needed to be completed so I had to be out, I was in 1 of the big cities and after finishing 1 of my calls I am waiting for an auto, here the public transport system is nonexistent so sharing autos and jeeps are the best way to travel. I am waiting and I spot an auto coming towards me, I flag it down in the pouring rain and it stops, the back side is completely full the only seat that is left is near the driver, I hesitantly take it as I know it has a...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Something For a Rainy Day

A little wicked story. Sorry no sex and no editor. I hope you enjoy. The economic storm that enveloped J.W. Parker & Associates that bright spring morning came without warning clouds or distant thunder. Ellen Walker came into work as usual and found the storm well advanced. The men in dark suits had descended into every corner of the office, they were well in control went she entered. The sale of Parker & Associates, founded 1887, to a financial conglomerate was an accomplished fact before...

3 years ago
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With Mami During Rainy Days

Hot Mami Feedback – I loved my grandmother (from my mother’s side) very much. So after she died when I was in 11th standard I stopped going to my mama’s house. There was just nothing left for me there. After that I went for engineering out of state. After i complete my engineering, I came back and had 3 months time before I went out of state as I have got placement in a good company with a handsome salary. During my vacation my mom asked me to visit my mama. Apparently, he had married an out...

4 years ago
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A very rainy day part one

A very rainy day - day one My name is Gabriel, a day We were invited by Helen, the best friend of my mom Charlene to spend Saturday at his home. Helen had a daughter Monica, who was 12 years old like me. I've never gotten along with Monica and she with me. She had the interests of a girlie girl like dolls, dresses and ballet and I had as normal guy like football, basketball. As we was going to Helen's house we were caught by a strong storm that made ??us completely wet. We...

3 years ago
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On a rainy day with my colleague

Hello, all. I am Nikita with . My age is 35 years, and I am staying with my husband. My husband is a good human being and takes care of my kid and me. He never disrespects me and always respect my decision. As a wife, I can’t expect more from a caring and rich husband. But I betrayed him during the early days of my marriage on a rainy day with my colleague. I belong to a small village near Nashik. I completed my education and married Pankaj. Pankaj is working in Pune. So I moved to Pune along...

3 years ago
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Rainy day fantasy with mom

Hello everyone ,i hope u all have read my 1st i****t story “passionate fucking with beautiful sister” , if haven’t yet then just go through it …… sister (earlier i had sex with )& my dad both went to chennai for 1week as my sister was having competitive exams…. so my mom & me both were going to stay together at home for 1 week.let me described my mom ,she is 35 year old & 5 foot 7inch with beautiful and charming face . she maintained her figure so nice that she looks just of my...

5 years ago
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The Hot Rainy Day With Friend8217s Married Cousin Sister

Hi To all my dear Iss friends this is Manish from Delhi. Today I would like to narrate my true experience which was happened with me just 15 Days ago with my friends cousin sister Mita. It happened suddenly without any bad intention on her. She is really one of the beautiful lady with accurate stuff on accurate place which I get in notice while incident took place. She is 29 years old married one year back Coming to the story without delay this happen on 15 th of July when there was a marriage...

2 years ago
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College Project On A Rainy Day

It’s monsoon now. I am back with an incident which happened during my college days. It was such a lovely rainy day which was equally romantic like this one. I was talking to the person involved. She wanted this incident of ours to be shared with you all horny fellas out there who might want a piece of her. However, that won’t happen literally, so don’t get your hopes to fly high and wide, lol! So, about the lovely girl Maera. She is about 5’4″, 34-28-34 and hails from north-east, that is...

3 years ago
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One Rainy Day

Hi, My name is Anil Choudhary, I am from Sikar district of Rajasthan. By profession I am an engineer and returned from gulf in 2010 and started my own business in my district. I am 30 years old and 6’1″ tall, fare and 95 kgs. This is my first story post on this blog. Though I am staying in Sikar from last few years with my family but originally we are from a nearby village where we have residence, our agricultural farms and one farmhouse. We all together or sometimes separately, used to visit...

4 years ago
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Rainy Day

As I stepped onto the street I felt a sense of freedom burst excitedly within me. I had rashly cancelled my afternoon appointments and decided to skip work for the rest of the day. I hadn’t played hookie since high school so the thrill of pulling a disappearing act for the day was exhilarating. It had been a wet and miserable day, and all morning the dark stormy clouds kept luring me away from my work. I wanted to be somewhere cosy, and warm. Curled up comfortably in a blanket ... with wine, a...

3 years ago
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Hot Sex With Mom On A Rainy Day

Hi all this is my first story ….I love sex as all do .I love sex with everyone female, cross dress and even male this story is about that day how I got a chance to fuck my mom so without wasting time let’s start the story. I am Arul I am 26 years height is 6.2 weight is 50 and my cock size is 5 inch I medium dark with hairy body my cock is covered with hair .My mom name is priya nadar her age is 45 but she looks like she is just 28 …her fig is fully sexy she is hot and she love to wear sarees...

3 years ago
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That Rainy Day

My name is Chavda, a Gujju from Amreli. I had a tailoring shop at Thane in Mumbai. I am a ladies tailor. My english is no good and excuse me. This is a story of how I got my blessings in disguise. It was rainy season,and you know how it rains in Bombay. I was about to close my shop and go for lunch, when a couple came in their scooter. The lady was very fair and beautiful. The man wsa skinny, bony and tall. She came to the shop and asked me to take her cloth for stitching blouse. I told her...

4 years ago
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Foreplay On A Rainy Day

Hello, everyone, myself lust king, from Bangalore. This is a real sex story where myself and my aunt had an exotic foreplay on a rainy day. This is my first sex story so please do give feedback in this regard. About myself, I’m an engineering student, averagely built with a 6-inch cock. The heroin of the story is my mom’s friend who is almost a member of our family. She is a bombshell with big boobs, ass and a face which invites you to fuck her face the moment you see. She knows me from...


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