Rainy Saturday free porn video

I have to say that this is rather difficult to write. Difficult for several different reasons. Firstly I hadn’t actually woken up this morning planning to write anything – there was no 'novel inside of me that I need to get out’. Also I certainly have never thought about writing down what I am about to detail – at least what I think I am about to detail. Then there is my actual condition. I do not suppose that many writers work their literary magic without a stitch of clothing on. I could imagine that some writers might, in times of high workload, complain about being chained to their desk but I actually am. That’s right, my hands are cuffed together and there’s a long chain padlocked to one of the links, a chain that goes back underneath the desk and which, I am told, is very firmly attached. So there’s no chance to get away even if it I had the use of my other limbs.......which I don't. Its not my desk though. No, its my?.Ahhhh. Sorry dear reader I’ve just been told that the introduction paragraph is too long and that I am to ?get on with it?.
The problem is that I do not really know where to start. I mean should it be when we first met? Ahhh. OK not then. How about last week when you gave me instructions to come round today? Ahhh, Ahhh. Not then either. How about this morning? ???.OK? ?yes that’s when I’ll start the story. I appreciate as a reader to this offering, that you might be confused from the previous few lines but I’ll try to explain and it should become a bit clearer as things go on. I certainly hope so as there is a lot riding on that happening. Ahhh.
It all started just around lunchtime when I parked my car a street or two away. I have to walk to Susan’s house as it is at the end of a short and narrow cul-de-sac and so anything parked in the street is very noticeable and Susan does not want my car parked in her drive – too much interest would come from the neighbours. Susan, you see, is divorced and that always gets the curtain twitchers going – especially, I would imagine, on the weekend’s like this one when her son is with his Dad. These are the weekends when Susan and I can get together to enjoy our love of a particular brand of BDSM and neither of us would want a situation where my car, perhaps that has been sitting in the drive overnight (if I’m lucky), entices Mrs Crookshank, the guardian of all that is right and proper in Susan’s little road, to make a house call. So I park and walk through the rain along Susan’s road and up the path to the front door. Then it was time for a bit of play acting. I have been told in my 'instruction' phone call to pretend to ring the door bell and then discreetly push at the front door, have a pretend conversation and then go into the hall. I must admit to being a bit intrigued about these arrangements but I’ve learnt not to question Susan and to go along with what she says. So I did as I was told, and then closed the front door behind me.
Fresh instructions were easy to find, taped as they were to the banister post. It read Strip naked, put the wrist, thigh and ankle cuffs on and then the collar. You will then kneel at the bottom of the stairs, legs apart and hands at your side, and lean forward so that your forehead rests on one of the stair treads. THEN DO NOT MOVE & SAY NOTHING!. Following the instructions was easy. A nearby chair had the collar and cuffs on it and as I stripped I put my clothes onto it. I quickly had leather in all the right places and was in position. A few minutes then passed, my breathing calmed and the various eddies of air in the hall played about my body cooling me. More time went by. I knew that I was being tested, that I was probably being watched from upstairs to see if I made any sort of movement that would provide an opportunity for me to be punished in the very near future. So I kept still, my head facing straight downwards.
It was then that I felt a strong draft of air pass over me and heard the soft click of heals right behind me. In the excitement of arriving and following the instructions I'd forgotten the downstairs loo and that its door opened right onto bottom of the staircase. Bent as I was I must have presented an interesting view, but if she liked it Susan spent little time in enjoying it. A few more steps, a waft of her perfume and my wrists were quickly bought behind my back and a snap told me that they'd been padlocked. A further snap connected something (a lead was what I guessed) to the collar and then my forehead was lifted back a few inches with one hand and a black leather gloved hand passed the inflatable gag that we use in front of my eyes. I knew very well to cooperate and meekly opened my mouth as the gag was positioned and then tightly secured behind my head. A blindfold was pulled over my eyes and also secured before my head was gently pushed back onto the stair tread. Finally I felt the cool of a leather glove gently stroke and caress my dick to it's full hardness. At the same the gag was gradually inflated within my mouth, each pump made it slowly get bigger and bigger as my dick was getting harder and harder. When the gag was totally filling my mouth there was one final long slow stroke of my dick and then it was released and I was left alone. In a few short minutes I'd given myself up to Susan, allowed myself to be trust up and prepared for what I didn't know, but of course hoped was going to be a very wonderful time.
?Get up? were the first words to be spoken. I managed to comply with Susan's order without too much difficulty. I expected to be taken upstairs, tied to a bed perhaps and then have been 'dealt with' in Susan's inimitable way. So I was surprised to instead be pulled by the lead further into the ground floor of the house. What I was sure were the thigh boots that I loved Susan wearing so much clicked on the hardwood floor as they drew me down the hall and into what I knew to be the dinning room. I could hear the rain hitting the patio doors as my progress was bought up short as my legs hit something hard. The lead slapped against my chest as Susan released it from her grip and through a further series of instructions I was then positioned on something, something that I was not really sure about. There appeared to be some sort of cushion under my upper thighs and my legs were been bent so that the front of each of my calves also rested on a cushion. ?Stay still? were my next instructions. I could feel rope being wrapped around my lower legs, tying them firmly to the cushion before then being threaded through the rings on my ankle cuffs and tied off somewhere. From various tugs to the thigh cuffs, I deduced that more rope was being used to secure me onto whatever contraption Susan was using on me. Lastly my wrists were released from behind my back and I was told to put them in front of me where I felt them being again linked together. My hands were then guided forward until they came up against a hard edge. ?Hold on to that? I was told and I sensed Susan close by my side as her hands fiddled with the link between my wrist cuffs. There was a final click and then I was then told to ?Stay like that?.
I then heard Susan step back, almost as if she were examining me to see if there was anywhere else that needed tying down (or up). Finally her gloved hands rested on my shoulders as she bent to whisper in my ear ?do you want to see what you’ve gotten your self into??. I could only nod my agreement and my head was bent slightly forward, the blindfolds buckle undone and light flooded back into my eyes as it was removed. After even such a relatively short period under the blindfold it still took my eyes a while to adjust back to full daylight but when I'd finished blinking I was able to see exactly my situation. My hands were holding onto the edge of a computer desk and there in front of me was the key board and a running monitor. My wrist cuffs were padlocked together and a length of chain also ran from the padlock to somewhere under the desk. Looking down past the gags inflation tube I discovered that I was part sitting, part kneeling on some sort of chair that was set on castors. It appeared to be made of wood and several vine-eyes had been fixed to it. Thick rope had indeed been used to tie the lower parts of each of my legs onto a well padded cushion and my ankle cuffs had been tied to the vine eyes. My upper thighs rested on two similar cushions, with the same rope tied around them and to the rings on the thigh cuffs.
Susan was still standing behind me, her hands on my shoulders and she bent again to my ear. ?Your sitting on a kneeling chair. I rescued it from being thrown out from where I work when someone left. The castors lock so you are immobile unless I want you to move. I've also rather cleverly modified it a bit. The cushion that you are sitting on used to be one piece but I split it in two so now there's a nice gap which makes certain parts of you soooo much more accessible?. I realised with a bit of a shock that she was right. My balls were hanging, my dick wasn’t resting on anything and my arse crack was open to the breeze. ?Your no doubt wondering sweetie why I went to all this trouble? Susan went on. ?Well I'm going to keep you like this, as a bound slave, really for as long as I like. And while you are like this you are going to document what happens to you, what I do to you and when I do it. Your going to write down everything, chained as you literally are to the computer. If you writing pleases me then you might get some reward, but if I don't like what you write, if you make any mistakes, write the wrong thing, write too little or too much, then I'm going to punish you?. Susan knows that I like to feel helpless so she added in a further breathless whisper ?You won't be able to do a thing to stop me and this (her hands came round to finger the gag's inflation tube) is going to make sure that you can't beg for release............ or make much of a noise as I torture you?.
So that, dear reader, is where you came into this story. Thats right, at the top as I was adjusting to what I had to do, and to my total vulnerability, and as under Susan's instructions I started to write down what had happened to me. The Ahhhh's in the first two paragraphs were caused by Susan slapping my exposed arse with her paddle ?Just to warm you up? as she teasingly said. In the absence of any instructions I didn't know if I needed to put something in to let you know when I was slapped but Susan didn't like it. Rather ominously she told me that I'd have to stop as otherwise the whole story would be littered with Ahhh's. I wasn't sure that I liked the sound of that but what choice did I have? Typing that first paragraph was a slow process as I got used to the restrictions that the handcuffs caused. Susan had wheeled the chair closer to the desk and locked the wheels to keep my in place but she stayed behind me and I was told to concentrate on what was in front of me. I wanted to turn around, to look at Susan, to let her know that she had me and, of course, to see what she was wearing. But I knew better than to go against my instructions and so I got on with the typing.
At the end of the second paragraph Susan said that I needed a break and I was told to stop. ?I think that it is pleasure time? Susan said, this as her arms snaked either side of me to unlock the padlock chaining me to the computer desk. I had time to notice that she was wearing a pair of black shoulder length leather gloves before my shoulders were grabbed , her boots kicked at the locks on the chairs wheels and I was pulled back from the desk and turned to face the dinning table. I hadn't noticed it before but the table was covered with a thick blanket. The chair was positioned at the end of the table and a piece of rope was tied around the link between the cuffs on my hand. ?I was going to blindfold you for this but you were so good in staying still out in the hall I think that you should get some reward?. With that a rope that had been lying on the floor was sharply pulled and my hands shot out from in front of me and under the table. ?I've fixed up a pulley under there? Susan said as the rope was pulled even more. As my chair had been set back a bit from the table I had no choice but to bend forward as my arms were pulled forward even more. I ended up with my bottom half still very well secured to the chair, my chin resting on the table and my arms stretched out under it.
?That's just perfect? I was told and the rope was tied off somewhere out of my sight. ?Now I'll put on a nice show for you? and with that Susan jumped up onto the table. I 've just realised that I have not described Susan to you have I ? Well if I had to use just one word I would say that she is very svelte, possibly elfin-like would be another single word description. She is slim, with a lovely figure, a good foot or so smaller than me and, unlike so many women of her age, she has kept her blond hair long. In any state of dress you would say that she was very attractive. But wearing what I now had in front of my eyes she looked like she'd just stepped out of my dreams. As I had guessed earlier she was wearing the thigh boots that I liked so much . Poking out of their tops were black stockings and these were held up by suspenders that ran up to a black leather cup-less corset. Susan's beautiful figure did not really need a corset but I've got to admit that it certainly really added to the whole effect.
But it was the outfit's lack of pants that really got my attention now. Susan had arranged a couple of pillows at the other end of the table and she swung one leather clad leg each side of my head and eased herself down the table until her pussy was just inches from my face. ?Look at me?. I tore my eyes from her snatch, looked up and there was Susan propped up on the pillows looking down at me. ?I'm going to enjoy myself now. I've been anticipating today for some time now and I've been really looking forward to it as you can see. Look at my fanny and keep looking? Her finger slid with a wet slurp into her pussy right in front of my face. Above me I heard ?And the best bit is that you can't do anything, I've got you as long as I want you and you just have to take whatever I dish out. That's a big turn on I can assure you?. All the while she was talking to me Susan's fingers continued to work backwards and forwards across her fanny, working herself more and more into a frenzy. I could only look on as she drove first one, then two, and finally, three fingers into her wet cunt, all while her other hand relentlessly fingered her clit. Susan's breath came more quickly. ?I'm going to come thinking about what I'm going to do to you? she said and her fingers worked even faster until, with a half strangled cry, her orgasm swept over her. Her body spasomened and she moaned as her fingers continued to caress her slit. Finally her fingers slid out of her slit and in a moment a leg had been swung over my head and Susan was off the table and behind me again. I heard some sort of paper sound and a used wet wipe was thrown on the table in front of my face. Then I was released from the table, re-chained to the computer and told to get on with the next paragraph.
So it was that I started on the third paragraph that you've already read. As I've already explained, typing while handcuffed is not easy and it did not help when Susan then started to distract me. I suddenly felt her hands caress my balls and it wasn't long before one of them started to stroke my dick. I was of course already hard but the exquisite touch of her gloved hands started to really excite me. The caresses when on from some minutes and the Susan stopped and suddenly what looked like a collection of black leather straps was thrown on the desk in front of me. ?I'm going to fit that when the next paragraph is finished? she said as her hands went back to work on my dick. I examined the pile with more interest and realised that they were all linked. One of the straps was wider than the others and appeared to have chrome press fasteners on it and the other two buckles. I had no doubts about where it was going to go. ?I can make it extra tight if you displease me so hurry up with the typing, otherwise I might think that you were deliberately going slowly to have more time to enjoy what I'm doing to you?. Well of course I was enjoying what Susan was doing, but at the same time I was under no illusion that there would be no end result yet. I certainly wasn't going to be allowed to spurt this early on in our session. So I took my eyes from the straps and concentrated, well as much as I could, on the writing.
Susan's deft stroking bought me to the edge a couple of times while I was writing but she is much too experienced and is easily able to judge when I'm approaching a climax and just leave my 'hanging'. So, by the end of the 4th. paragraph my dick had been pumped pretty hard and my balls were starting to become very sensitive from all of her caresses. But then my tackle was finally released from Susan's ministrations, the cuffs were detached from the desk, lifted behind my head and re-attached by another rope to somewhere behind me (I think one of the chairs legs) and the chair was rolled back away from the desk. Susan then came and sat on the floor in front of me and started to fit the straps to my cock and balls. She looked so sexy in that outfit and I would have loved to have been free to fuck her then and there. But instead I knew that there was no chance of that happening in anything like the near future. The first strap was pulled around behind my dick and balls before it was closed off. She looked up into my eyes ?now this may well hurt a bit? and she smiled as the next of the buckled straps was drawn tightly around the base of my dick. ?It has to be tight otherwise you might get to come? she laughingly told me as the buckle was secured . ?Now, your balls? and I realised that the wider strap I'd seen earlier was going to be used. I let out a muffled cry as Susan pulled my balls downward and wrapped the strap above them. ?Sssh now? she said ?its not nearly as bad as I could make it so there is no need to cry?. I didn't want to annoy my captor so I kept quiet as the press studs were pushed into place. Susan sat back with a ?there now? and I could look down. My dick and balls were pushed out from my body by the first strap and the second was really tightly banding my dick. I couldn't move forward enough to see my balls but the strap there was already making its presence felt. Susan stood up in front of me holding a single small strap in my face. ?This is to separate your balls and I understand that it can be rather uncomfortable. I was going to fit it now but I think that I'll keep it as a present to myself for later on?. She leaned closer to my face. ?Just think how much more sensitive I can make your balls between now and then? and she laughed as she slowly walked around me. ?Now back to work?.
So it was that I wrote the next two paragraphs. When I'd finished them Susan again untied me from the desk and re-attached me to the dining table in the same position as before. This time though she deflated and took off the gag. Mind you I didn't have any time to appreciate my mouths return to normality as she immediately replaced it with the dildo gag that I know she loves so much. But that was all I saw as the blindfold was replaced over my eyes. Then I felt something being tied around the strap holding my balls. ?So sorry to blindfold you sweetie? she whispered close to me ?I know that you'd enjoy the view that's coming up but this is all for me. There's a rope around your balls and it runs under the table to the other side. In a moment I'm going to position my self on that nice hard piece of plastic in your mouth and bring myself off. And you are going to help, even with the limited movement your head can currently make. If I don't think that your being enthusiastic enough in your duties I'll let you know by giving the rope an nice hard pull, so make sure that you keep me happy?. With a slap to my balls Susan then moved away. I heard her climb on the table, felt the dildo being directed into her slit, the warmth of her thighs as they again slid down beside my head and then smelt the sweetness of her fanny as it nuzzled up somewhere near the end of my nose. From above me Susan gasped ?I'm so wet there's no need for any lubricant. Now get moving?. There was a jerk on my balls and I started working my head backwards and forward as as much as I could. And that was how I spent the next half an hour or so. Susan used her hand at first but then the buzz of a vibrator filled the room. I quickly learnt after her first orgasm that I shouldn't assume that this session was going to stop after one. Susan's pull on the rope was accompanied with a curt ?You keep going, I'm not finished yet?. So I had to keep doing her bidding. The movement I was making was not so difficult as my face was resting on the table. Sometimes I thrust a bit further than normal and my nose came into contact with Susan's fingers or the vibrator, but other than that I was just there, being used and abused only for Susan's pleasure and not even getting the turn on that would have come if I'd not been blindfolded. I don't know how many times Susan came on top of that table. There was an awful lot of moaning and I'm certain that she had some multiple orgasms. It was a few minutes between Susan telling me to stop, her climbing off the table and my then being released. I think that she was getting her breath back because when the blindfold came off she looked to me just as she had when she'd first tied me up.
In no time I was back typing my story and Susan was back trying to distract me. She started by laying into the exposed parts of my backside with her paddle again. Then when she stopped her hands went under the seat to grope my dick and balls. When she tired of that she picked up a flogger and started to whip my back. Light strokes were interspersed with some much heavier ones. I looked round to try to appeal to her with my eyes and got a very sexy view of her, booted legs apart as she gathered the strands of the flogger and made ready to strike me again. I did indeed catch her eye but any mute appeal fell on stony ground. ?You'd be better off concentrating on your work than trying to appeal to my better nature............... because today I don't have one? and with that she laid the flogger across my lower back, far enough over to ensure that some of its strands wrapped around my waist and stung my belly. I turned back to the computer. ?So that's what it takes to keep you facing front is it? Well that can be arranged? and more blows were laid in the same place, with one or two coming close to hitting my dick. When Susan tired of flogging me she went back to caressing my balls – except that this time she added the refinement of also using her mouth. I didn't realise just how sensitive my trapped balls had become until Susan took them both into her warm mouth and clamped her lips round the leather strap that was constricting them and gave them a good suck. I let out a cry, one that was immediately silenced by the gag, as her tongue played with them, batting them backwards and forwards within her mouth, releasing them so that they could be kissed, licked and sucked. I tell you, it was a real struggle to carry on with my 'work' above the desk as all that was going on under it. It did not help that part way through Susan had announced ?you know of course that when I've finished I'll be fitting that extra strap I promised myself?. Now I was in the dilemma of being driven to distraction with the attention she was giving to my balls, wishing that she would stop, but knowing that when she did she was going to add to my discomfort with that extra strap. I though to myself ?Why did I turn round?? I mean I'd not done too badly by playing the game and a look from me was never going to stop Susan from doing what she wanted. Finally she stopped the oral workout of my balls. ?Now for the fun part? she said and I felt the strap firstly being attached to the back of the wide strap around my balls, then it being drawn between them and finally being attached at the front. ?That looks pretty? Susan said after she kissed each separated ball in turn and came out from under the seat, ?Pretty painful that is. Would you like to see?. I really had no choice so I nodded and Susan pulled me back from the desk and positioned a hand mirror. The wide strap had pushed my balls to the bottom of their sac and the little strap had separated them in two small parcels of tightly covered skin. They were already a deep shade of red, ?I don't think that they could stand too much more attention so you'd better be good from now on? was Susan's ominous warning as she put away the mirror, pushed me back to the desk and picked up the flogger again.
So the Rainy Saturday with Susan carried on. I was either teased to distraction or the recipient of Susan's brand of femail administered pain. At some stage the curtains were drawn to shut out the darkening sky and close off the wetness of the day outside. The attention wasn't only on me though. At one stage I was bent into my usual position at the dining table, but this time without any gag and with firm instructions to use my mouth on Susan's puffy wet pussy. The flogger was used on my back provided the 'encouragement' this time as my oral worship and careful following of her instructions/orders brought Susan off several times. Later on Susan pulled me back a bit from the desk but instead of positioning me by the dining table she again secured my hands somewhere behind my head and then she sat, part on the desk/part on my lap facing me, and worked herself off with the vibrator. Imagine how frustrating it was to have this beautiful woman, her booted legs either side of my hard available dick, laying back and playing firstly with her breasts and then with her fanny. Each time she came she would put the vibrator to one side, lean forward, put her arms around me and whisper in my ear how much she was enjoying what she was doing to me, that she loved to see me so helpless or what form of pain or teasing she thought that she would do to me next. Every time she lent into me she would grind her warm moist pussy against the end of my poor trapped dick and then when she leaned back to bring herself off again my dick cooled as her juices evaporated from it. She even raised herself up, slipped just the head of my dick into her fanny and then proceeded to bring herself off. Imagine being in my position after that, Susan caressing and kissing my neck and between the kisses telling me how nice it had been to feel the head of my dick nestling in her fanny, that when she'd got off again she might put more straps around my dick (she did put another one on, half way between the base and head), or that she was going to take a pin wheel to my balls. I knew she was turning herself on even more each time she was doing this. She has always loved it when I'm tied up and at her mercy and she had planned today exceptionally well so I was exactly in that position.
The evening was, by now, drawing on quiet a bit and I was wondering what was going to happen. If perhaps, I would be kept like this all night. I didn't think so but I'd been gagged again after eating Susan out so I could ask - even if I'd dared. Susan was back under the chair and teasing my dick with her mouth and hands. I knew, of course, that she wouldn't allow me to come, and that the extra strap that had been put around it earlier was in any case going to add to stopping any release. But it was exquisite to have her mouth working on my dick. Finally I heard her say ?now lets fit this?. I'd no idea what she was going to do and couldn’t see anything, pressed as I was right up to the desk's edge. I felt something on the head of my dick and then it being enclosed as something was rolled down part of its length. At the same time my nose picked up the smell of rubber. Susan's hands pulled and pushed whatever she had put on my dick as far down as it would go, there was some fiddling around the base of my dick and then she came out from under the chair. ?Its starting to get late? she said ?and I’ve noticed that you are making the paragraphs longer and longer, perhaps to avoid some of the breaks that I've planned?. I moaned and Susan laughed as she released the padlock holding my cuffed hands to the desk and pulling the chair back a bit before applying the wheel brakes. ?Don't worry I'm not going to punish you? she said as she bought her face close to mine and looked into my eyes, ?Unless that is, you want me to?. She studied me for a moment and then laughed ?What I have in mind for the end of the evening is a bit of fucking?. I brightened up when she said this. With Susan's tight wet fanny around my dick, and her love of the long fucking required to achieve multiple orgasms, I would get off, strap or no strap. ?The only problem? she added with a mocking gleam in her eye ?Was that I knew that I won't get much of your dick into me sitting on you like I did earlier and you know how much I like a good deep fucking...........so, I've fitted this? and she backed away and bent my head downward. My own dick had been covered in a sort of black substitute which added a couple of inches to its length and was several millimetres thick. I could see that it ended just above where the second strap was cutting into my dick's flesh. Some sort of securing strap ran down both sides of my dick but I couldn't see to where. ?Its a penis sheath? Susan said as she lifted my arms over my head and secured them once again. ?Its made of very stretchable rubber so it fits tightly to your lovely dick. Of course because its so thick and tight it means that there is a loss of what shall I call it,.............sensitivity?. She laughed as the realisation came over me, ?that's right lover, your not going to be feeling very much at all of what happens in the next half hour. And what with that and the straps your already wearing, your not going be be shooting your load either?. Susan's leather gloved hand grabbed my dick and stroked the rubber right by its head and I knew at once that she was right. I could feel something was there but it was just that, a vague feeling of 'something'. ?Its tied onto to the other straps so its not going to come off either. And that's good because I'm planning on making this a good finale to today? Susan came and sat on my lap again and was about, I thought, to slide onto my dick when she stopped. ?I've forgotten though sweetie, you were wanting to be punished?. I tried to shake my head but Susan had already taken a firm hold of my gagged cheeks. ?don't worry I'll sort something out for you? and she jumped off my lap and went behind me . I tried to call out, to tell her that no, that wasn't what I wanted at all. But I was back in the inflatable gag and it is very efficient at stopping any cohesive sound so all that came out were a lot of moans. I looked over my shoulder to try to attract Susan's attention but all I could see was her pert bum as she bent to pick something up. ?Oh you naughty boy with all that noise? she said, coming to stand by my side ?I was going to only put two of these weights on your ball strap but as you've been so bad I think that I'll make it four? I moaned again, but this time inwardly. She crouched down, sliding her body down mine, and then reached under the chair, grabbed my balls and pulled them towards her. I could feel Susan attach each weight but it is was only when her other hand stopped holding them up that I realised what my poor balls were expected to support. Susan stood up , again straddled my thighs, positioned the head of the sheath against her fanny and, with a rising cry, drove herself right down its length in one movement until she was face to face with me. The jerk on my body set the weights on my balls swinging and I couldn't help letting out a low groan. Susan laughed and started to kiss me and caress my body as she slowly rose and fell on my lap. ?Does it hurt then. Well you just be a good boy and keep quiet while I fuck your helpless dick here. I'm going to have to have come at least five times before I climb off this lovely hard baby? I inwardly moaned. My tender balls were already sore as the weights swung the strapping back and forth. Could I last, could I keep as quiet as Susan wanted me to while she got her rocks off five times? She took my face in both hands and looked into my eyes as she continued to gyrate on the sheath. ?And do you know what's going to happen then? When I've come all those times but your still hard but can't do a thing about it, what do you think hmmm? That's right, your going to go back to that desk and type down what I've been doing to you in every last, loving it, detail. Then, when that's done, I'm going to take you upstairs and chain you in place at the foot of my bed. Your wrists will be well out of the way but I'll probably leave the sheath on to make sure you can't hump the carpet?. I groaned and Susan laughted.?But sweetie, the good bit is that tomorrow morning I'm going to sit in bed and read what you’ve written today. If I like it, if you've made a good story of it and if it turns me on, then I promise that I'll take you into my bed, whip that sheath right off and suck and fuck you till you shoot your load of boiling cum?.
I was pretty sure that I'd made a good fist at writing down what had happened today and I knew from previous experience that Susan always came good on her promises. Her movements were becoming faster, causing the weights to swing ever more wildly, and Susan's breath was again coming in shorter and shorter gasps. She smiled at me ?of course once you've come, once you've shot your load into my hot waiting hole, then I'll lock you into the chastity that I bought last week, bring you back downstairs, tie you to this chair again and we can start all over again on Sunday's story?. Her breath was coming even faster and I knew that she wouldn't be long ?I'm planning all sorts of interesting items for you then. You know, clothes pins. a swat for every mistake, the mink fur glove that you like so much, scratching my long nails all over your balls, all of those sort of things? As the climax approached Susan pulled me to her and buried my face in her chest. ?But do you know the best thing about tomorrow?? she breathlessly murmured above my head ?the chastity is fitted with Kali's teeth so you won't even be able to get a hard on without a lot of pain. Everything tomorrow, the punishment and the teasing will be torture for you and I will get to have all the pleasure?. I have absolutely no doubt that it was that very thought which pushed Susan over the edge. But as she came, holding me tightly and rocking on top of my bound dick, my thoughts were already on tomorrow. Well why not? At least there was a good chance of my being properly fucked and who knows what I'd be writing tomorrow - Susan's Sinful Sunny Sunday Sex Session anyone?

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