Rainy day fantasy with mom
- 3 years ago
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It was a rather cool Sunday for mid June, and the rain was falling gently but steadily outside. I was lying on the narrow bed in my tiny room, with the window open beside me. This was an odd little room, never intended as a bedroom. When we had first moved into the house several years before, I had noted this room and wanted it for mine. It actually was just a large walk-in closet, but it had a square window, which opened on hinges and was protected by the overhanging roof on the east side of the house. Finally I had persuaded my parents to let me sleep there in a single bed which was just right for the tight space. I used to spend a lot of time there, reading, doing my homework and--yes, I might as well admit it--masturbating.
I had just turned 17 a few weeks before, and my junior year in high school had just ended. I was still a virgin, a shy bookish sort of kid, not bad looking and fairly popular. I was not a nerd, and nobody ever called me that or treated me that way. But I was too bashful to have dated much at all. I was horny as hell most of the time, and the only means I had for assuaging the itch was to jack off, which I had been doing a lot for a long time. I had quite a strong imagination, which allowed me to create elaborate fantasies of sexual delight.
I was fairly promiscuous in my choice of fantasy subjects--everyone from movie stars to classmates. But I tended to favor older women, even some of my teachers--and especially my big beautiful Mom. In fact, about two thirds of the time, my orgasmic load of cum would be in honor of Mom.
I called her my "beautiful" Mom, but I suppose I'd better qualify that. She wasn't exactly a classic beauty, not the kind that would make a person immediately exclaim, "What a beauty!" But to me she was (and still is) the most desirable woman in the world. At this time she was 40, and she was decidedly on the plump side, about 145 pounds on a five foot six frame. But God, she was curvy and sexy, with good-sized (not huge) tits, long full legs, broad hips, and a perky outthrust ass. I had noticed how some other men looked at her, so it wasn't just my idea that she was sexy. She had dark brown hair, with a few strands of gray in it, and deep dark brown eyes, a classic sort of face with a short, straight nose, and full lips. Her complexion was clear and beautiful, a delectable peachy tan. I loved to look at her.
On this quiet rainy day, I had just finished reading a book and was lying there in just my undershorts. Since it was a bit cool, I had a sheet over me. I was about ready for a nap, but my thoughts strayed to Mom, and my cock began to stir. I stroked it a few times, beginning to concoct yet another scenario in which I could fuck my mother.
Just then I heard a sound in the next room. I could tell from the sound of the footsteps that it was the object of my nascent fantasy, my Mom. She came on through her bedroom and tapped lightly at my door. "Yeah, Mom?" I responded.
She opened the door and looked in. "What are you doing?" she asked.
Well, I could have said, "I'm just starting to think up a story about fucking the hell out of your pussy while I beat my meat." But naturally I did not say that. What I did say was, "Just lying here listening to the rain."
"That sounds a lot more interesting than what I'm doing. Everyone else is gone for the afternoon, and I'm feeling sort of sad and lonely." She paused a moment and then asked, "Would you mind if I joined you?"
Huh? Joined me how? But what the hell! I didn't care how. "Uh--sure, Mom," I managed to say.
She took the two steps necessary to reach my bed and paused there uncertainly. "Do you think there's room for both of us?" she said.
Oh, God! "Oh--uh--sure, Mom. I'll make room."
My bed was right against the wall under the window. I scooted over until I was lying tightly against the wall and turned back the sheet. Mom sat down on the edge of the bed, then lay back and swung her legs up. She lay with her back to me and pulled the sheet across her body. "My, this is a cozy fit, isn't it?" she laughed. "Have you got enough room?"
Well, I didn't have enough room, and I was rapidly needing more room for my stiffening cock. I pressed myself hard against the wall, and still I was right against my Mom's big soft body, spoon fashion, her big ass actually touching the tip of my prick in spite of all I could do. "Sh--sure, Mom, I--I'm OK," I mumbled.
We lay there silently for several minutes. Mom seemed to be relaxed, but I was stiff as a board, my heart racing, and my cock on the verge of throbbing and jerking against her. God, she surely must be able to feel it. What would she think? Would she be disgusted and get up and leave?
Finally Mom said softly, "This is nice. The rain sounds so gentle, almost like a lullaby."
"Uh--yeah," I muttered eloquently. I had even forgotten that it was raining. Some lullaby, with my Mom's sexy body right against mine in the same bed! God, how many times had I imagined a scene like this? Now here it was, and I was petrified.
"It's been a long time since you and I were in bed together," Mom said. "Not since you were just a little guy."
"Yeah, Mom," I remarked. "I remember when I was 11 years old and I read that scary story and couldn't sleep. You came and lay down with me until I could go to sleep." Ah, yes, I remembered that incident very well. It was during the beginnings of my sexual awakening, and the feel of my Mom's big soft ass against me on that earlier occasion had stimulated feelings that had quickly erased the dread images brought on by the story.
"Oh, yes, I had forgotten that," Mom said.
We lay silent for several more minutes. I was relaxing a little bit, but my cock was still as hard as a steel bar, and it insisted on twitching from time to time, and damn it, I just couldn't keep it away from contact with Mom's ass. If she didn't feel it, there was something wrong with her nervous system. I was expecting any second that she would get embarrassed and leave me alone, probably never to return to my bed. I just couldn't believe that she might be pleased to realize that she was having an erotic effect upon her little boy.
I had my hand upon Mom's upper arm, and all at once I noticed that I was starting to rub up and down her arm. I stopped abruptly. But then Mom slowly moved her hand back and laid it on my bare thigh. She gently squeezed. Oh, my God! This scene is so firmly etched in my memory that the following conversation is almost exactly, word for word, what we said on that epochal afternoon in my young life.
"Honey," she said softly, "I haven't really told you for a while how proud I am of you--of how well you're doing in school. And of what a very nice young man you've become."
"Oh, gee, Mom! Thanks."
"And I guess I haven't told you for a long time how much I love you. I do love you--very, very much."
Now I was really rubbing her arm, and she was rubbing my thigh. "And I love you, Mom," I blurted. "You're the best Mom a guy could ever have."
Mom laughed. "Oh, wow! Thanks, honey." After a few moments of silent caressing, she asked softly, "Are you sure that you're not a little ashamed of your old fat mother?"
"God, no!" I insisted. "You're not fat. I like the way you look. I think you look great."
"Well, that's good to hear." After a few moments, she went on, "But I'll bet you'll find a much prettier woman to marry someday."
I hugged Mom and said, "No way, Mom. I would want any woman I married to look just as much like you as possible." I now began gently stroking the front of her body, just below her tits.
"You mean like the song: 'I want a girl just like the girl that married dear old Dad'?"
"Yes, Mom. Exactly like that."
Mom sort of giggled. "Well, that's awfully sweet of you, honey. But I know you're just saying that to make me feel good."
"Aw, Mom, that's not true. In fact, if you weren't my Mom and weren't married, I'd want to marry you."
Again Mom giggled. "Ooh!...Of course, you mean if we were the same age."
My caressing had touched the bottoms of Mom's tits now, and I was really warming up. "No, Mom. I mean that if you were not my Mom, and we were the ages that we actually are, I would want to marry you right now--if I had the means to support you, of course."
"Oh, my goodness, honey!" Mom laughed. Her hand had just brushed against my balls, and my cock jerked sharply against her ass. Then she said in a teasing tone, "Now would you really want to marry me--or just..." She broke off, laughing.
"Just what, Mom?"
"Oh, you know--just have--er--just do...what married people do, shall we say?"
I knew what she meant all right, but I was loving this teasing conversation. "Uh--what do you mean, Mom?" I asked, playing dumb. My hand was now on one of her full, soft breasts, and she did not stop me.
"You know what I mean," she said, giggling again. "Marital relations."
"Oh, do you mean--uh--sex, by any chance, Mom?"
"Bingo!" Mom giggled. She waited awhile and then said, "But you didn't answer my question."
"What question?" I knew perfectly well what the question had been, but I wanted to keep her talking.
"You know, damn it, honey! Would you really want to marry me or just--uh--have sex?"
"Oh, Mom, I'd want to do both if I only had the chance. God, I'd want that more than anything else in the world!"
"Oh, wow!" Mom said. She was quiet for a moment as we continued to caress each other. Then she said, "Well, you are my son, so obviously you can't marry me." After a long pause she added very softly, "Unfortunately."
God! Was I feeling good! Things were really heating up. I knew that my mother was becoming more and more aroused. I gently inserted my hand inside her housedress (she seldom wore a bra around the house) and cupped a big soft breast, squeezing and fondling. She made no effort to stop me. It actually seemed that she didn't even notice.
"Of course," she said musingly after a while, "the other could be done. You hear of it now and then--you know the--uh--MF word." Her hand brushed against my hard cock.
"You mean motherfucker?" I said boldly, giving her tit a harder squeeze. "Are you saying that that's a possibility?"
"NO!" Mom squealed. "That is, I was just saying that--uh--it's apparently sometimes done."
"Mom," I breathed into her ear fervently as I rubbed her nipple, "I'd give anything to be one."
"Oh! I--uh--one what, honey?"
I slid down a bit, positioned my cock between her legs and gave a thrust up between them. Of course her dress was in the way. "A motherfucker, Mom. With a mother like you, there is nothing in this world that I'd rather be than a motherfucker!"
"Oh, honey!" Mom moaned. "Oh, you naughty boy, you! How can you say such a thing?" She pushed me away from her.
Damn! Just when I thought that my dream was going to come true! Mom seemed very upset. I expected her to get up and walk out. I had ruined our relationship forever...But she did not get up. She lay there, on her back now, breathing heavily.
"I'm sorry, Mom," I finally said abjectly, with tears in my eyes. "I just got carried away."
We lay there without speaking, and the sound of the rain came back into my consciousness. All of nature was weeping with me. Oh, God, what a mess I had made of it! Suddenly a sob shook my body.
"Oh, honey!" Mom said, turning toward me. "It's all right. I forgive you. I know that you're going through a difficult time in your development. It's OK." She hugged me, and I really burst into tears.
"But, Mom," I sobbed, "I really meant all I was saying about how much I love you and--and how much I want you...Don't despise me, Mom. I just couldn't help it."
"Oh, honey, honey," Mom cooed. "It's all right. I'm really flattered." She held me tightly, now face to face with me. We lay there clinging together for several minutes while the steady rain fell outside the open window.
Then Mom kissed me gently on the forehead. I raised my head to kiss back, and her lips were there. I kissed them softly. Mom did not pull away. I kissed her again, and she responded with a long kiss. "Oh, honey!" she murmured and kissed me again, this time with opened lips. "Oh, honey!"
She continued to kiss me fervently. Now I felt her tongue licking at my lips, and I opened my mouth. Her tongue plunged inside, and I met it with my own. Her body was squirming against mine, and my hard-on, which had collapsed a bit, sprang back into full erection.
Then Mom abruptly drew back and stared straight into my eyes with the deepest intensity that I had ever seen there. "It's really me, isn't it?" she asked. "It isn't just sex? It's really me you want?"
"Oh, God, yes, Mom! Oh, Mom, I've been so hungry for you--just you--for so long! Oh, God, I love you, Mom!"
"All right, then," Mom said. "God help me, for I can't help myself."
With that she swept back the sheet. She grasped my shorts and tugged them down, with some difficulty because of my huge erection. "Oh, God!" she said. "You're enormous!"
Mom rose up and pulled her dress up over her head. She cast it onto the floor and reached down to her sheer panties, through which her dark pussy hair showed clearly. She quickly shucked them off. I reached for her, but she pushed me onto my back. Then she climbed astraddle my body, pausing a moment to look me in the eyes and then taking my huge cock into her hands and staring down at it. My eyes devoured her gorgeous big body as she towered above me. Her big tits were firm, sagging only very slightly with their weight. Her smooth, slightly rounded belly curved down to the vee of abundant crispy dark hair at her crotch, through which her swollen pussy lips peeped. Her full white thighs were straddling my own as she held my cock with both hands.
"All right, honey," she said in a fierce tone, almost hissing, "you want to be a motherfucker--Damn it, you're going to be a motherfucker!"
She moved one hand to her mound and fingered her cunt for a moment. Then she held the lips open as she lowered her crotch toward my cock. She guided my hard rod between the puffy lips of her pussy and rubbed it several times, using me almost like a dildo to pleasure her clit. Then she slowly sank down upon me, and I watched her cunt swallow up my big prick inch by inch until her dark pussy hair was meshed with my lighter brown hair. God! What a sight! And what a sensation as I felt my sensitive love tool slide all the way into her warm, wet, slippery sheath!
Then Mom lay forward on my body and brought her face down to mine. For a moment she stared intently into my eyes again. Then she murmured, "Oh, honey, honey!" again and placed her open mouth on mine.
For a long time we just lay like that without moving, my cock throbbing inside her tightly gripping cunt. I got my hands on her ass and began rubbing and squeezing her firm, smooth ass cheeks. God! She felt good! Our tongues were playing together again, and Mom's warm breath was coming faster. Her body was heavy on mine, but God, it was a wonderful burden to bear!
Then Mom began to slowly raise and lower her hips. My hands could feel the flexing of her rump muscles as she raised her ass way up until my cock was almost out, then lowered it again, sliding down my tingling fuckpole delightfully. I was just letting Mom do everything at this point. I knew that if I tried to thrust, I would shoot almost immediately, and I was glad that she was taking it slow. God! What a sheer pleasure to feel that coveted cunt sliding up and down my happy rod! I could feel every inch of her love passage moving against every inch of my cock. It was just enough to keep me right on the verge of cumming without making me cut loose. I wanted it to go on forever and ever!
I worked one hand in between us and started playing with Mom's smooth, spongy tits while I continued to fondle her ass with the other hand. Our continuous kiss was a sloppy wet one, as we chewed at each other's lips and tongue passionately. Mom was really into it now, and I knew that she wasn't doing this for just me alone any longer. She was breathing more heavily and more rapidly as she continued to fuck slowly. Now, however, she was coming down harder on the downstrokes and grinding against me before she raised her ass up again.
Then all at once, Mom blurted, "Oh, God! Oh, God!" into my mouth and began to fuck with abandon, jerking her hips up and slamming down rapidly and fiercely, bouncing us up and down on the little bed. I began to buck under her now, humping up to meet her descending belly and having my ass slammed back into the mattress by her almost savage assault. My cock was being rammed in and out of her with tremendous force and speed now, and it was on fire with the strongest sensations I had ever felt. I could feel the heat inside Mom increase too, along with the wetness. I had dreamed of fucking the hell out of Mom, but here was my ladylike Mom fucking the hell out of me. God, could she fuck!
Slam!...Bang!...Fuck!...Fuck!...Fuck!...Fuck! Mom was panting into my mouth, whining a high-pitched whine now, completely out of control in her passion. And the sensations in my cock spread out through my groin, and I knew that I couldn't hold back any longer. The heat inside me just boiled over, and I gave a muffled roar as my cock began to jerk and spit out its load deep inside my mother's plunging cunt.
Mom felt me start to shoot into her, and she gave a little scream as her ass leaped and jumped even faster in a frantic stretch drive into her own climax. Then all at once she stiffened up, with my spurting cock buried to the depths inside her. She was shaking and moaning, and I could feel her cunt muscles spasming and grasping at my emptying babymaker. For a long time we hung there together, trembling violently as our mutual orgasm swept our bodies, lifting us up to the heights of sexual ecstasy. Mother and son cumming together for the first time in a glorious incestuous union! God! All my fantasies and all my masturbatory climaxes were such a pale prelude to the fantastic pleasure of the real thing!
At last, Mom heaved a great sigh and just collapsed upon me. A tremendous release came over me as well, leaving me drained but gloriously happy. Oh, God! My mother had fucked me! My own dear, precious, wonderful, gorgeous mother had fucked me--her own son, her adoring, worshiping son. A wave of sheer love swept through me. Oh, God, how I loved this wonderful woman! More now than ever! She had given me everything now. She was a warm, loving mother in the conventional way, and now she had proved to be a passionately hot lover, giving all of herself to me without any reserve. What greater joy could anybody possibly experience?
After my mother recovered her breath and came back down to earth a bit, she began to murmur, "Oh, my God! What a fuck! Oh, God, did that ever feel good! Ooohh!" She was lying fully upon me, and her weight was rather uncomfortable, but I would have died before I would ask her to move. It was a glorious discomfort. My cock was still buried deep inside her overflowing cunt. I could feel our mixed fluids seeping down from our crotches, over my ass and onto the bed sheet. I didn't care about that. The whole experience had been so stimulating that my cock lost hardly any of its rigidity. I could feel little ripples running through Mom's vaginal muscles from time to time, and they helped my dick to begin to return to maximum erection.
Then apparently the gravity of the situation struck my mother, and she raised her head and looked at me. "My, God, honey, what have we done? How could I have let such a thing happen?" I had no answer to her question, but I hugged her tight, and she laid her head back down on my shoulder. Then she asked softly, "Honey, was this your first time?"
"Yes, Mom," I replied. "I'm glad that my first time was with you."
"Oh, God, God!" Mom moaned. "What have I done to you? It was all my fault, honey. Oh, God, I'm so sorry!" And now she was the one who was crying.
I caressed her gently as I said, "But, Mom, this was the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. It was just wonderful beyond words. Don't be sorry about it." She kept on weeping silently, her tears wetting my neck and shoulder. "Mom," I murmured in her ear, "I love you so very, very much. I love you more than ever now. I think you're a wonderful, wonderful mother. I am so grateful for what you have given me today."
My cock was now at super erection, filling Mom's cunt to the maximum again. I put my hands on her ass cheeks and pulled her tightly against me, forcing myself even farther up her tight love channel.
Mom began to talk again. "All I wanted to do was just to be with you because I felt lonely. I just wanted to be close to you. Then I felt your--er--I felt that you were--er--aroused, and I knew that I should get up and go away. But I just couldn't. It's been so long since I've had any really... good sex. Oh, I still love your father, but it's just...just not the same now. And he usually isn't much interested any more. When he is, it's just so quick and--and just for him. This is the first time in years that I have really felt good in that way."
Mom lifted her head and gazed into my eyes again. Even after she had been crying, she still looked so very beautiful. "What we have just done is a grave sin--at least, that is what most people think. It is also against the law. I could go to prison for it. We should never do this again."
Even as she was saying this, she raised her hips and lowered them, creating an electrifying friction as her pussy slid up my cock and back down. "But, Mom..." I began, my heart again filling with anguish.
"But, oh, God, honey!" Mom breathed ardently. "Now that we have done it, I--I just don't think I can stop...wanting it! It--it didn't feel wrong. It felt so warm and loving, so wonderfully warm and loving!"
"Yes, Yes, Mom! Oh, yes! How could there be anything wrong with loving each other? I know now that you really love me totally and completely, and I feel the same way about you."
All at once Mom laughed. Her laughter made her belly shake and thus stimulated my excited prick even more. "Well, honey, was your old Mom a good piece of ass?"
Her bold vulgarity really jolted me, and I laughed as well. "You sure as hell were, Mom!" I exclaimed enthusiastically. "A damned good piece of ass!"
Mom kissed me and murmured, "And that big dick of yours is the answer to a woman's prayers. God, it felt good in me! It's a good bit bigger than your father's...And it seems to be as hard as before we started."
"Just thinking about you makes it hard every time, Mom. So actually having it in you really does it."
"Mmmm!" Mom hummed into my mouth as she placed her open lips on mine again. She began to hump her ass again, fucking me gently. Then she raised her head again. "OK, wicked motherfucker, are we going to just go ahead and go to hell together?"
"Let's, Mom. Wherever you are, I want to be there with you--in you if possible."
Mom laughed and kissed me again. Then she began to roll us over. "Come on, honey. You get on top and do it to me this time. Fuck your mother, honey!"
We awkwardly managed to get rolled over in the narrow bed without uncoupling, and now I was between her thighs in the classic missionary position, looking down upon my beautiful mother, with my cock buried to my balls in her furry-fringed fuckhole. I began the long, slow fucking that she had already taught me in our first fuck. I pulled my cock out until it was just barely between her juicy cunt lips. Then I slowly pushed it back in, sliding down that slippery passage to paradise. Going to hell? Hell, no! This was the closest thing to heaven that I could imagine. I raised myself up so that I could look down between us and watch my slimy rod slide in and out of Mom's well lubricated cunt. As it came out, it pulled her swollen, puffy cunt lips out, and as it sank back inside, it pushed them in with it.
I noticed that Mom was also looking down at our fucking genitals, a smile on her face. "Oooh, you feel so good in me, honey!" she cooed. "So damned fucking good!"
I leaned forward and began to kiss her big firm tits, licking and nibbling at the hardened rosy pink nipples, standing up stiffly from her pinkish-brown areolas. Then I lowered my face to Mom's again and we began our deep kissing, getting sloppier and sloppier as our emotions began to soar out of control. Mom had her hands on my ass now and pulled me harder against her as I thrust into her soft, wet femininity. I began to fuck her gradually harder and faster, which she obviously wanted me to do. She began to hum and mumble into my mouth as our continuous wet kisses went on and on. At times I could make out words: "Mmmm! I love your...unh!...mmm!...big hard...unh!...dick!...Oooohh, honey!...that feels so...unh!...damned gooooooddd!"
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Rainy Day – Part II Bill was mesmerized by Susan’s naked upper body now perched straddling his groin area. Her pussy pinned his cock down to his body, the only visible portion, its head, slowly regaining a hint of pink after having released a huge load only minutes prior. Susan had her hands firmly planted on Bills defined pecs . Her eyes closed for a few seconds, enjoying the sensation of skin on skin. His chest hair interwoven amongst her fingers,...
Love StoriesRainy Day – part I Bill hurried to the side door, and let a small smirk escape his mouth, as he opened the door to reveal a luscious woman standing before him. “Well…..Hello Susan…..what are you collecting for today?” he asked. The woman, clad in a long black overcoat, only exposed a small amount of sheer nylon stocking and nice set of black 4 inch pumps. Her brunette hair was pinned back into a perfect bun, which allowed her beautiful...
MasturbationEnjoy the intensity of your desires. Chapter Eight A Rainy day at Mud Lake The day started out warm and breezy, the weather forecast was calling for rain. She anticipated the arrival of her date. She had planned a nice dinner for outside. They were to meet at the park and drive together to a secluded spot by the lake. She had packed a nice bottle of wine, salad, spaghetti, garlic bread and chocolate mousse. She hoped all would go as she had been dreaming of in her mind. She dressed in a...
Rainy Day Woman.... Chapter 2 Author:- Pollymeric Copyright: Pollymeric 12.05.2016 This is a work of fan fiction based upon work of John Entwhistle's novel "A Northern Tale" A story set in 1950's As usual, I recognise that this may be a very niche subject. Chapter 2: As soon as Mrs Atkinson had left the room, Mr. Hawkins expostulated "Thank god that arrogant bitch has left! How dare she take control of the meeting? She'll have a little pansy like you for breakfast. I shall...
Rainy Day Woman.... Chapter 4 Author: - Pollymeric Copyright: Pollymeric 18.05.2016 - 6.6.2017 This is a work of fan fiction based upon John Entwhistle's novel "A Northern Tale" A story set in the 1950's As usual, I recognise that this may be a very niche subject. Apologies to those following the story for the long delay, I have been rather ill and required surgery which rather took away my muse. Here's hoping I can recover it. Laura, Glynis and Julie entered the lift but it...
Today I was mostly thinking about fruit! It all started out so innocently when the idea of sitting on his face and squirting cum into his mouth came to me as I was in the middle of an important but very boring meeting. Knowing he was in an impossible position to be able to wank over our mutual fantasies made my already bad bad mind work overtime. It was a very good idea he told me. But only on the condition that he could watch me slap my clit at the same time. I told him I was full of good...
Rainy Day Woman.... Chapter 1 Author:- Pollymeric Copyright: Pollymeric 11.05.2016 This is a work of fan fiction based upon work of John Entwhistle's novel " A Northern Tale" A story set in 1950's As usual, I recognise that this may be a very niche subject. Chapter 1: Latimer was surprised to receive a phone call from Mr. Hawkins, although he had been with the internationally celebrated Management Consultancy of McIntyre for 3years after gaining his MBA from Manchester...
Rainy Day Woman.... Chapter 3 Author: - Pollymeric Copyright: Pollymeric 18-23.05.2016 This is a work of fan fiction based upon John Entwhistle's novel "A Northern Tale" A story set in the 1950's As usual, I recognise that this may be a very niche subject. Chapter 3: With some trepidation, Latimer followed Glynis from his flat and entered the waiting taxi. Glynis noted his anxiety and tried to allay his fears saying, "Harrods have been apprised of the circumstances and...
Monday morning, who needs them! in the street people jostles for position in queues, pavements begin to fill with men and women going to work. In your house there was a different atmosphere, for today a special person was visiting, A local beauty agency was sending a new apprentice to your house for some training in massages and waxing. You took a shower and awaited the arrival of the apprentice. To get you in the mood you put on a silk dressing gown and some generously revealing panties that...
Hello guys, I am Akash. This story tells you one of the best things that happened in my life. I am a university final year student and I am quite the person who gets every girl’s attention because I play for the football team and because of my 6 feet muscular body. Even though many girls were eying on me, I never wanted to settle for any of them, I wanted someone special for me! One day, early in the morning and while we were on football practice, it started raining. So, the practice was...
Hi Friends I am hemant back again with my new experience. Well I am back after a long time & this time with a new experience, which happened to me accidentally. One evening my friend came to me & asked me to give my bike & that he would return that by night. At 9’o clock I phoned him & he requested me to come to his house & take the bike, as he was busy with the household work. So, I went to his house in auto. It was about 9:45 when I reached his house. He then forced me to have dinner in his...
It's 10:30 pm and Quinn had just arrived home from work. When he pulled into the driveway, he realized that Harley's truck wasn't there. He noticed the gate to the pasture was open, so he got the Gator and headed for the barn. As he was driving, he saw lightning in the distance. Pulling up to the barn he saw her truck and smiled softly, shut the Gator off and headed inside.Once inside, he heard Shinedown playing on the radio. Loupgarou was in his stable quietly chomping on his fresh hay. As...
Straight SexMeri kahani har kism ki chudayi se bhari hui hai. par apne vichar likhna. Aap logon ki pyari Huma. Mera naam Sudha hai aur main BA main padhti hoon. Dikhne mein sunder hoon lekin nature sharmilee hai. Mera figure 36-26-36 hai aur rang gora hai. Pichhle hafte tak main kunwari thee. Maine porn stories padhi thee aur blue films bhi dekhi thee jiss karan mujhe sex ki samajh to thee lekin kissi ne mujeh kabhi choda nahin tha. Main chudayi ki ichha ke karan hamesh apni chut ko shave kar ke rakhti...
Hey all… Myself Raj back with yet another new experience and yeah this time something new. Drop your comments @ Firstly wanna thank all the true/fake/despo/ladies and other profiles or people who dropped comments showed interest and then create negative environment. Sorry guys,girls & ladies. These are my true experiences and I would not like any of my sentiments hurted. Appreciate you behave properly. Anyways back to fun… Out of all mails received I got a mail from a Muslim couple from...
If anyone has read ‘The Little Prince’ by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry then they might understand this story better. I wondered what happened after/if the little prince went back to his planet and this is just my little experiment that I went with. I wrote it all in one breath, and I hope it makes sense. I’m posting it on here to see what people think of it, and if you guys like it, I’ll continue it. Any and all comments are very much welcome. I hope you like it! ———————————————– She was born...
I looked out the window for probably the hundredth time that morning and still there was no end in sight to the pouring rain. I really didn't mind the rain, in fact I loved to watch a good storm, just not on a Saturday. Worse still, my mom had a friend from work coming over and I really didn't want to be stuck in the house with two chatty women while they gossiped and drank a bottle of wine. I figured at that moment, if there was a God, I must have done something to piss him off. Resigned to...
Hi all , i am a regular reader of stories and love to read all stories. i am 25 m from tamilnadu. this incident happened to me 3 years before. let me come to the incident. I was inlove with a gal during my college days and v just did hugging whenever we met and no other things. Let me describe her . She was a year younger to me with 34 b and look awesome and good structure with modern dress and cool looks. everyone will have a eye on her when she walks on the road . So you can assume her...
Hi I am Nikhil (5’10” fair guy with an Athletic body) from Mumbai and have recently moved to Pune 6 months back. I have been a regular reader of Indian sex stories for the last 2 years and this is my first true story i am posting here. Any single / married / committed females in Pune looking to get the best sensuous massage of their life or just a good evening out with no strings attached (to see how things go ahead from there please email me at ) With so much of reading on ISS you kinda get a...
Cindy wasn't exactly sure when she had decided to seduce Gina. But it was firm and now she had to figure out how she was going to do it. She wasn't sure what steps to take but realized her desire for her older coworker was growing stronger each day. Cindy had been working at this branch of a major bookselling chain for about 4 months when Gina first came to work. Cindy worked evenings and went to college during the day. She was a junior, single and 20 years old. She liked the evening shift,...
Tom O'Bannion sat in his easy chair. For the tenth time his eyes scanned the anonymous letter he had received in the mail. Just one line long, it was making him sick to his stomach as well as causing him to question his whole world. He looked again and this time read it aloud. "Find out who your wife spent the weekend with while you were out of town." He hadn't wondered. Gina had been home when he returned from his visit to another plant. He traveled very rarely, so he had not even...
It was a slow day at the shop. Rain lashed against the front windows. Alice sighed and stretched. She and Liam had already done all the folding, facing, sweeping, and other make-work jobs in the vintage clothing store. No customers were coming in at 2 pm in this kind of weather. She was bored, and the chill music that the owner insisted they play wasn’t helping.She drummed her fingers on the counter and watched as Liam puttered with the front window display. He was cute, in a generic sort of...
Quickie SexIt was late when I awoke, listening to the sound of the rain outside the window. A thick cloud cover darkened the room, making it seem much earlier than it was. I turned my head and looked at her lying beside me, her red hair splayed about the pillow like a blazing fire. The color of her hair is fitting, as she lights a fire in my very soul. She was turned in my direction, her eyes closed and lips slightly parted as she slept peacefully beside me. There were remnants of the previous day’s...
As I stepped onto the street I felt a sense of freedom burst excitedly within me. I had rashly cancelled my afternoon appointments and decided to skip work for the rest of the day. I hadn’t played hookie since high school so the thrill of pulling a disappearing act for the day was exhilarating. It had been a wet and miserable day, and all morning the dark stormy clouds kept luring me away from my work. I wanted to be somewhere cosy, and warm. Curled up comfortably in a blanket … with wine, a...
When I got up that morning, it was raining extremely hard; looking out my window it was almost as if there was a wall of water coming from the sky. Lightning flashed and thunder boomed in the distance. Normally I’d hope that a storm this bad would get school cancelled; but today, I hoped for the opposite. For today was the day I’d finally worked up enough courage to talk to the hottest girl in the school.Camilla Mackenzie was a well known slut; she had perfect tits, that were just large enough...
Straight SexIve just got home from work and had to write about the day ive just had while it`s fresh in my mind.This morning after a few sunny days that will amount to our summer it rained so hard for hour`s to make up for the sun we had just had, i got drenched going from my van into the office,i got in and shook my head to get rid of the few drop`s, i walked into the reception and noticed no one around,Janes bags were next to her desk but she wasn`t in sight,i took my coat off and went into the kitchen...
He slowly moved up between her legs. Her smooth shaved pussy staring him in the face. He parted her lips with his fingetips to expose her swollen clit. Gently, he began licking and sucking. She threw her hands above her head and closed her eyes. She cupped her 36d breast and started squeezing her nipples while pressing herself into his face forcing his tongue deeper inside of her….beep beep beep beep beep Sarah’s hand bolted up and slapped the off button on the alarm clock. Damn, woken from...
Hi All, I am being reading the stories all the time. Here go my own experiance. I am working as country head and having sexy secretory named Mariya wow she is too gooooood. We both are writing this story together now she is sitting next to me. She wanted to post this story of ours.She is from Goa.Everyday she wear nice skirts with nice tight shirts. She has a g8 choice of clothing as well. One day it was raining and she gave me called and ask that if I can pick her up on the way as she needed...
Gina rolled over in bed, listening to the rain pounding on the roof. She snuggled up against her husband and put one arm around him. Suddenly she realized her hand had contacted the soft swell of a female breast and last night came flooding back to her. She didn't start or leap out of bed but lay there almost frozen as she sorted out what had happened. She knew exactly where she was and with whom she was with and what had taken place. What she considered now was how it had happened and how...
My wife and I were on vacation for a few days in Switzerland. It had been raining for the last two days and we were getting bored. So bored we started playing cards. It was early afternoon and it was supposed to rain all day so we found some cards to kill time. I had a friend living in Stockholm that said he may stop by on his way to southern France. But Christer was not very reliable and I did not really expect him to show. Then out of the blue he called and said he was at the hotel and...
Cindy decided when she went back to work that the best thing to say would be nothing. She had had a fantastic time seducing Gina, and an even more marvelous time when Gina returned the affection. Still, she knew Gina was feeling guilt over what had happened. Not because of the age difference or even that she was another woman Cindy decided. It was simply because, as Gina had told her, that the older woman had never strayed from her marriage. Cindy even found herself feeling a bit guilty...
{if Game Mode = true}(Thank you for enabling Game Mode!){[email protected]}(This story is best experienced in Game Mode. It is structured as a game of hide-and-seek in which you win or lose rather quickly. I don’t think Game Mode is as intrusive in this format as it is in some long-form stories, so please give it a try. You can enable it by clicking Start Game in the right sidebar.){endif} (Only this chapter is written in 3rd person in order to introduce the characters. You will choose one and...
LesbianI watched my father come out of his bedroom, the rain beating hard on the tin roof. He stopped and looked at me then turned to pour himself a cup of fresh coffee that I had put on just for him. I kept looking out of the corner of my eye as I pretended to watch a silly talk show. Yesterday I had been busy spending my first day of the summer vacation with him by doing what I loved most: running around in the thick woods. Today it was different. Today I had awoke from one of the wildest dreams I...
Today August 5th, 2012 it was a hot sunny day. I went out with my friends to shop or window shopping. I had on a thin white top and shorts with flip-flops. Once we were done we came out the mall and it was very cloudy and strong wind blowing. And no one was prepare for this, we started walking and it started rain. Everyone decided to go on their own path to home. As we started walking to the train or bus it started pouring with heavy rain with strong wind. Not too many people had umbrellas and...
Hi! Mera naam Vinod haa par mee apnee nickname Suckhot01my email se apnee nett dostto see chat kartaa huu. Voo apnee chudeeyee kee story mujhee brief mee batatee haa ferr mee us chudeeyee par ek spicy story develop kartaa huu. Meree saree stories sacch haa readers manee yaa naa manee ye un par nirbhar kartaa haa. Meree abhee ek nayee net frend baneee haa.Uskaa naam ha- Rosy. Ab aagey kee story Rosy kee Shabdoo mee-Hiee , mee Rosy Mumbai see huu.Meeree hott nd horny frends ek hott gal readers...
Everyone in this story is of legal age of consent, any similarities to anyone living or dead is definitely intended to make you mind run wild. This story is the work of an overactive mind that is over stimulated by a young woman....How many times am I going to let her catch me looking at her cleavage? I try to be sly, but I have been looking at her so often for so long she knows I love to see her ample bosom. I wonder how she feels about my attention. Sometimes she seems to want to hide, but...
It’s a cold Snowy February Friday in Michigan. Cold by anybody’s standards with snow forecasted for theweekend. I had to work this particular day so you just decide to hangout until I got home. Its noontime andyou’ve just got out of the shower wearing a frumpy terry robe when I call. “Hello” you answer. “Hey Diva,I just wanted to call you and let you know how happy I am that you’re here,” I say to you. We chat brieflyand you go to sit in front of the TV. You thumb through my DVD's when the...
It’s a cold Snowy February Friday in Michigan. Cold by anybody’s standards with snow forecasted for theweekend. I had to work this particular day so you just decide to hangout until I got home. Its noontime andyou’ve just got out of the shower wearing a frumpy terry robe when I call. “Hello” you answer. “Hey Janis,I just wanted to call you and let you know how happy I am that you’re here,” I say to you. We chat brieflyand you go to sit in front of the TV. You thumb through my DVD's when the...
I tried to sleep, and I nodded off for a few hours, but it didn’t stick. I was tossing and turning. I was hot, and my various joints and muscles were aching me more than usual, or perhaps I was just more conscious of it than I usually am. In any case, I was tossing and turning. I was conscious, too, that this might be hurting Kelly’s quality of sleep. After an hour or so, I was wide awake, nervous, in pain, and feeling like a nuisance. I got up and went back to the downstairs bar. While we...
[This fantasy is intended for the enjoyment of adults only.] High above the roof of Ben's remote ranch house, pelted by wind-driven rain, the luxurious 5'3", 38EE-26-40 body of olive-skinned Jasmine tests the seams of her drum-tight neoprene catsuit. The black garment is sufficiently thick to ensure her survival, if not her comfort. Thick rubbery straps at neck, shoulders, and tummy; hips, thighs, and calf bind her tightly to a swivelling post in the shape of an inverted L. More straps bind...
Hi guys, my name is Ritesh . This incident of the sex with teacher happened 3 years ago. I was 21, and I was doing my college. During those days, I was so proactive that I used to… [email protected] Stay tuned for part 2 of this story.
IndianJohn pulled up and put the car in park. They had been driving now for a couple hours, trying to let this torrential rain let up. He had this perfect date planned for Renae. They ate at a nice restaurant and were going to come lay and look at the stars that night at an old cabin that his family kept on their land. There wasn’t much left standing, but it still had a porch and a swing, and it was sitting on a nice grassy hill that had an excellent view at any time, but it was...
The smell of rain danced near his nose, as Alex sat by the window. It had been raining for two hours now, with no sign of stopping. The clouds were ever so gray and the wind gave the trees reason to dance.“I guess I know what will make this afternoon cozier,” he said, making for his wardrobe. Passing his mirror, he caught sight of himself again, 5 foot 8, 62 kilos, with long brown hair,dark eyes and a slightly freckled face. Just a bit of weight around his butt area, but no one really would...
CrossdressingMonday, I mentioned to Joe that I was feeling the need to be with another woman. He wished me luck and told me he wanted a video or all the sordid details. Now we do not do videos, so he wanted a full report, so here it is.I decided to wait for the weekend to book a room in the HRH&C and troll the bars. So I was very casually dressed in shorts and a tank top, braless and tennis shoes when I went for my after dinner neighborhood walk. We live in a tight little community and many of us know...
I was now wearing a white pleated knee high skirt , white PH , pink blouse with a white collar & a pink bow in my long brown hair. White lacey bra & matching panties {I have very little body hair} lipstick and light pink rouge. I looked quite passable {to really good in the evening}. Mike drove my Toyota while I sat like a lady in the passenger seat. We were off to Provincetown MA which is an open gay community. M. asked if I would agree to an ...