Intro To Sissies XIII free porn video

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Chapter 13 John Phillips stood there, in his high heels, stockings and the oversized plug pushing in and out of him, slightly dazed from his incredible orgasm, watching as time changed its pace from slow motion to incredible, blinding speed. He felt his cock drip one last drop of semen. He thought he heard it land on the tiled floor with a dull splat. He clenched his sphincter to push the plug out of him, and the rubber strap pushed it back into him. There was no relief there, he thought, somewhat vaguely. Slowly, the words of Goddess Chanazine sifted into him mind. "Some new additions," she had said. "Marie was watching and was pleased," she had said. He could hear them talking, shouting, but there was a roar in his ears that made it all seem dim. His eyes had closed, he noticed, and now he opened them. Madam Magenta was still kneeling on the floor before him, gagging and trying to rid herself of the taste of his "sissycum". mandy, on his right, was looking at him, amazed, with her lipsticked mouth half open and pouty. He is very pretty, he thought, and will make someone a good sissy. He mused over this thought, realizing that he was acclimating. Mistress Orange was standing in her orange PVC suit and high heeled boots, orange hair and make up, with her hands on her hips, not moving, just glaring at him, a smile of distaste on her face. Mistress Satin, who looked just like Rachel Welch, but older, wiser and wearier, had gotten up and was getting a gurney. She wasn't looking at him, but he could tell that she was furious. She was muttering something about no more last chances or something like that. With a start he realized that he couldn't see Mistress Red, and he found himself suddenly becoming very alert. He was just starting to turn when... The lash of the whip snapped and coiled round and round his throat like a noose. He felt the heat of it and heard her click up behind him. Her red gloved hand appeared before his eyes holding a serrated knife with a seven inch blade. "I should cut your balls off and make you eat them, maggot slut," She hissed. "And I would too, if you were mine." The knife left his vision and he heard and felt her cut the rubber strap that kept his plug in. He pushed and suddenly the plug left him and he felt relief, even as Mistress Red yanked on the whip that was his noose and he was falling. "Can't have you rupture yourself. Not yet." He landed on the gurney and Mistress Satin pushed him to laying. He met her eyes, and saw that behind the anger, there was sadness. Her eyes were moist. She said, "You had the chance. You have lost the chance. And now the worst is yet to come. There is no going back. " Mistress Orange came over and before he could struggle or think or react or think, she and Mistress Red strapped his wrists, and then his legs to the bars of the gurney. Suddenly, Madam Magenta began to laugh, cackling. "Time to see Ms. Grey, joansissy," she said from outside his vision. "Hah hah, time to see Ms. Grey. Once," she interrupted herself with a gag, and some hitching, and then some laughter, hysterical laughter it seemed. "Once mansissy go in, sissy come out sissy sissy, and no go back. Hah hah." As Mistress Red began to push the gurney out of the room, Madam Magenta ranted. "Now sissy always. Sissy forever. Tit sissy, ass sissy. Mouth sissy. Sissy..." John Phillips heard it dimly and then it penetrated and echoed, even as her voice faded while the gurney that he was on rolled down the corridor. *** John Phillips was naked. They had cut off his clothes, and removed his shoes. It felt good, even though he was tied down, to be naked. The corset had been crushing and the shoes bit like sharks. They had washed all the make up off his face. A girl, or maybe a sissy, it was hard to tell since she was wearing hospital green coveralls, was hurting his face with a little gun. It made a little sizzle sound, then made a sting. Mistress Satin sat on a high barstool over to his left. He couldn't quite see her, since his head was in a vice, but he could hear her. He couldn't talk to her either. Someone had strapped a ball gag into his mouth, making his cheeks stretch. "I'm the Mistress of the clan. You are in my clan. I have to tell you what is happening," She had said. Calmly, emotionless. "This nurse is removing your hair. Permanently. First, your face, then your genitals, head, legs, lashes, everything. It will take a while. Then Ms Grey, the doc, will be in." Suddenly it all settled in and John felt lonely and alone. Sad and betrayed. Anger followed, and then there was terror. The door closed on him three days ago, but it was all planned, he thought, somewhat disjointedly. They, who were they? They... Now they are going to change me into something... Who are they? "Ms Gray will explain to you as you go along." Mistress Satin intoned, lighting a cigarette. A cigarette in a medical facility. They wouldn't like that. Oh no. That would be most disconcerting to the American Medical Association. Not sanitary. Slam. But there is no AMA here. As they had rolled him in, he had seen, out of side eyes, others who were here. The vision that haunted him most was of the man lying on the hospital bed. He had huge engorged breasts, distended and pulled up by hooks pulling on his nipped rings. His penis was also pierced and pulled, distended. He was moaning through his gag. He was strapped down As he had rolled by, Mistress Satin had commented, calmly. "Bad sissy. Probably going to the dungeons soon." John Phillips began to cry, and then, blessedly, he fell asleep. And even as the little gun bit him and defoliated him, he had no dreams. He was exhausted. *** Slap! "Wake up, joansissy. Time for operating." John Phillips opened his eyes. Mistress Satin said, "Doctor Grey, meet joansissypieceofshit. Joansissypieceofshit, meet your maker." John Phillips eyes widened in terror. The person called Doctor Grey was very old and very, very weird. Her face was stretched tight as parchment, as though it had gone through many plastic surgeries to keep her young. Her hair was bleached blonde, oiled to dripping and tied in a tight bun. Her pail skin was coated in some sort of latex makeup. It shined so, and was colorful, with magentas and reds and blues all blurring together. But what freaked him was her left eye. It was clearly a fake eye, glass, and didn't quite fit. It was too big and the pupil rolled all over the place. She smiled and John Phillips screamed into his gag. The teeth. The teeth were straight, perfect and translucent. They looked like they glowed in the dark, vampiric. "Now I make you pretty. Like I am. Don't worry." He felt a sting on his ass, and shortly after, he got drowsy, calm, awake, aware, but cognizant. What happened after passed in a rush, like seconds of time. "Swab breasts." Something purple and cold was applied by a nurse to his chest by one of the nurses. "Novocain." He felt the ball gag removed and a needle penetrating his gums, as his mouth was viced open. Now Doctor Grey began talking to herself, or the room. "This is the erethia, or the pleasure/pain gland. For males, it is mostly hidden under muscle. We will bring it forth. I take the scalpel, so." There was a mirror above him, and John Phillips saw Doctor Grey slice open his breast, just around the nipple. A little blood flowed. He laughed, giddily. The drugs were working. "I pull this to attention and push this round plastic shield in. If this were smooth, he would only have nipples, and a pleasure point. But this one has small, little bumps. It will touch the nerves of the erethia inside to make pleasure/pain, and when touched outside, create more pleasure, or pain, depending on how the toucher touches." She laughed, her voice like straw. "We distend it like so. It will be very tight. It will hurt. This is good. Und so, and so." John Phillips glanced over and saw Mistress Satin looking at his chest, interested. Not in him so much, as the process. He mumbled, "Ith all fuh you blabe." "Novocain is good. Next nipple." He looked in the mirror, saw the scalpel slice, the blood flow, the work begun. Vaguely, he thought, laughing on drugs, this doc is very good. Doctor Grey inserted the other round plastic bumped shield in. She began to suture. He looked at his new nipples and saw them standing out like soldiers on his flat chest. "Nipfs own luk dis when cold, doc," he said, slurred. "how make fulatt." Doctor Grey smiled at him, her glass eye rolling around everywhere. "They don't. They will always stand out. You will look priceless. You are very lucky." He noticed her other eye then, and saw that it wasn't a mean eye at all. The doctor liked what she did. He sighed. "Neft?" "We're going to do the implants. The sheet here says 44 EE, but that's simply impossible. I can't pack that much into you and ensure your health. We will do 42 D's. It's going to be tight, and your skin will have stretch marks from it. It's too much, really, but..." He faded. He awoke to the clanging in his brain. "Crack it, if you have too," said Doctor Grey. "We'll glue it later." Bam! "Cotton." He felt his gums bleed. They are taking out my teeth! The drugs took him again and he faded again. *** "Welcome to the world, Joansissy." Mistress Satin was standing there, before him. Smoky make up, auburn hair, dangling earrings. Her skirt was pink satin, her stockings black, her five inch heels pink. She wore a floral vest that showed that her arms were indeed feminine. John Phillips was groggy. He'd forgotten. "What day is it?" "Sunday morning, dear. We have to go to church. You are heeled and ready and can do this, though I don't think you will work tomorrow," she sighed. "Funny, you haven't worked yet." "It was only a nightmare. But you're pretty." "Damn straight I am. Now get it together. I have to dress your new beautiful body." He tried to raise himself, but failed. He was wearing a corset that did not bend. He pushed him up and felt the weight of his new breasts. And his nipples tingle horribly. They are on fire. He wants to caress them and feel them and twist them and kiss them and.... "It's called a prison bra, joansissy. I have the key. Get up. Let's have a look at you." John Phillips managed, barely to turn and stand and looked amazed at himself. "After this, I forgive you, joansissy. You have clearly been punished. There is no going back now." He looked at himself. What have they Done! Some when he had been bathed, and someone had given him an extreme make over. He couldn't recognize himself at all. Even his eyes were different. Maybe, maybe the shoulders were the same, but no, even they weren't. They were supporting new breasts, huge breasts. His breasts.... He was bald. Shit. "You will wear a long lined bra over that." 'That' terrified him. He had breasts now and they were large. Very large. On each, was a hornier than hell nipple sticking out, bright red. The aereoles where tattooed and bright and the nipples were pierced. A ring was pierced through them and attached to each exclamation nipped, was a molar, polished to shine. They tingled and he so wanted to touch them. He felt back with his tongue and found most of his teeth. But the back four molars, two up, two down, were missing. Cotton pads were there instead. "You'll be pleased to know that babysissy is no longer in our clan." His hands were raising up to feel the plastacene globes that covered his breasts. He noticed that his nails had been done up too. "Mistress Satin, why, if I may ask?" "She spoke out one too many times and told Goddess Chanazine to fuck off. And, your wife, Marie, said that was not part of your program." John Phillips tried to dig under the locked bra to touch his breasts, breathless and in need. "She said that, Mistress?" Mistress Satin sat and lit a smoke, casual, and laughed. "No babyshit for you, dear. Seems like Marie has money. That walks and talks, but does not shit." He felt over the plasticene, trying to touch his nipples. It was the drugs still, that made him feel so calm, but yet he was desperate. I want to caress me! It was not her money. It was his. And she was spending it to guide him. "Who's my room mate to be, Mistress Satin?" "mandy." Mistress Satin watched him try to get to his nipples and finally, losing patience, said, "You can't touch them. Not till you are allowed to. Let's get you dressed. It's Goddess Chanazine day." He stopped digging. The bra fastened around his neck with two straps, and one, very tight about his waist. Plastacene globes covered each of his breasts, so that if he wiggled, the molars would just barely touch. The shell was hard, curved and proportionate. He sighed. But for this locked brassiere, and his corset, he was naked. It was unworldly. She looked at Mistress Satin and grimaced a smile. "Okay. Let's get me dressed. I have some things I would like to say to 'Goddess Chan' and my soon to be ex wife." Mistress Satin finished her smoke. She knew about how this could go, and was pleased that joansissy was fading into herself. There is no fight here, she thought. They started with the plug. John was informed, though he didn't feel it, that he had been emaciated two hours before. It was a monster, the royal jelly of sluttitude, but he didn't complain. Maybe it was the drugs. Maybe not. The stockings went up fine and attached to his corset. He would never admit that the tug of them felt good, or the whisper of silk to skin. Never. And no way. But they did. So smooth. He felt himself hardened. He tried to touch his breasts again. The long line brassiere bugged him. His nipples were trembling like crazy and now they were being covered up. Mistress Satin clasped the hooks and eyes behind him. Now he just had two huge breasts in need. The boots were black leather. Very high. Mistress Satin said they were only five inches, but he felt like he was on an eagles roost. They went to his knees. She pulled the zip, and locked them. "You will be a good looking sissy," She said. The gloves went to the shoulder. They were latex. Black, but with the points of the fingers cut out. He noticed now, that his nails were so long as to be useless, and each had a dangling ring pierced into them. Mistress Satin attached the straps from the gloves to the corset, and, again, locked it. "You won't be able to do your own make up, joansissy." He wondered about that for a moment. "Who will?" "mandy. Next time. I'll do it this time." He felt himself encased. His nipples were screaming for touch. John Phillips was losing himself. "Now your cage, joansissy." Pliant, he tottered to the bed, and laid back. Mistress Satin began to insert a tube into his penis. She pulled that back and connected it to his plug. "Don't pee. It will give you acid." She laughed. His dick hurt. The tube was laughing at him and then. She smiled at her own joke. She pulled a leather sheath around and over it and pocketed the glands into their pouches, and then tightened a cord at it's base. "For later." She produced a pair of plastic panties. They rustled, and he didn't like them at all. Mistress Satin helped him to pull them on. And then She locked them also. "I think now," She said. "Make up and dress, and we can go to church." *** Make up was a whole new ordeal of pleasure, pain and embarrassment. Mistress Satin looked at him, but through him, being focused. He saw the paint, felt the lip liner, lipstick. She attached long, thick heavy fake eyelashes to his lids. He heard her humming a tune while she fussed with the mascara, red, over and over again. She accidentally poked his eye while she did the eyeliner, but didn't say sorry. "Open your eyes wide, joansissy." He did. Suddenly, quickly, Mistress Satin popped them in. Contacts. "Look at yourself you useless piece of shit," Venom suddenly spat from her. She actually helped him to stand up and he tottered over to the full-length mirror. He was bald. He was festooned with make up. He tottered. He wore a narrow tummy inside a narrow corset. He was almost beautiful. His eyes were neon blue. Stenciled into them, just barely discernable was the word "slut" wrapped on either side of the contact. "Now the easy part." She swabbed some goop on his bald head and then settled a wig on him, adjusting it this way and that until it was just so. It was neon blue, and a Betty page cut. It looked, combined with his make up, punk slutty. "Non-toxic rubber cement," She reassured him. "Washes off the head, and stays in the wig." She went to the closet and John Phillips couldn't help but notice how beautifully Mistress Satin swayed her hips, back and forth. He felt himself get hard and it hurt. She returned with a short leather dress, again in neon blue but of a darker shade. He stepped into it and pushed his fingers through the long sleeves. She zipped the back and tightened the straps around the wrists. The dress was tight. It fit him like a glove. It fit him like a second skin. It was tight and the hem of the skirt reached just above his knees, pushing his legs together so that his thighs touched. He didn't know how he was going to walk in this. Very slowly, he thought. Mistress Satin pushed him to sitting and he felt the plug push into him. It hurt. The boots were knee high, leather, tight and black, matching his gloves. They had five inch heels and were pointy. Mistress Satin shoehorned his stocking feet into them. They were a bit too small and crushed his toes together. She zipped them up. At the end of each zipper tag was a rawhide cord. She reached up under his skirt and tied that to the front garters of his corset. "You make me work too hard, useless sissy. But mandy will take care of you from now on. I don't think I want anything to do with you. Although, I swear, you are one beautiful piece of work." She smiled at him, weary, and sadly. "I'm sorry it had to go so far, hon. And I'm sorry it has to go so much further. But now, take a quick look at yourself. Then we have to go. Goddess Chanazine will be most pleased. " She helped him up and turned his tottering legs to the mirror again, and he was floored. He looked at himself. He had never seen a more voluptuous woman in his life, although it was not at all to his taste. The blue of the wig and dress, accented by the smoky stockings and black gloves and boots, even the red eyelashes and lips, and meshed together loud and stunning and perfect. His body was curves, his legs taught and long. He blinked, and saw the contacts swirl a bit. "You look beautiful, dear, and you look complete." "Thank you, Mistress Satin," he said sincerely, still amazed. I'm still on drugs, he thought. I should be screaming, but I'm not. I look better now as a woman, than I ever did as a man. And that's wrong. Wrong! And I hate this. But, oh lord, I look good. I look so very good. Fuckable. Totally fuckable. And then John Phillips lips began to tremble. This is me now. Go in man sissy, come out sissy sissy, Mistress Magenta had said. And she was right and true. "Still though," Mistress Satin said, lighting a smoke. "You have only just started. You've been here eight days, and look at you now. You have a long way to go, it seems and fast. I wonder, what did you do to piss off your wife so badly. Or did you ask for this?" John Phillips turned this way and that, barely standing, tottering really, admiring his figure, his look. The sensual pull of his teeth hanging from his nipple implants, encased inside their plastacine shell irritated him and he wanted to touch himself, but the dress covered the pocket and made that impossible. He moaned. "Mistress Satin, would you believe that I didn't piss her off at all, and I didn't ask for this? It came as a complete surprise to me." "No. I wouldn't. I have never seen such an aggressive transformation. Ever. There is a hidden agenda here, and I don't know what it is. Nor do I really care, but I am curious. Anyways, it's time to go. I'll help you walk this time. mandy will help you next time. Either that, or you're on your own. You might need to crawl."

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Introduction to Sissies II

Introduction to Sissies II By latexslut The door behind him closed and the sound of John Phillip's wife's heels cut off abruptly. A tear fell. Chanazene smiled. It was good when they cried. "Sissyuseless, we have a strict rules here. Very strict. I will read the rules for you this once. You will not be expected to remember them, though, at this time. They are posted everywhere and you will shortly be required to recite them by heart. You will also be...

4 years ago
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A Tale Of Two Sissies

This is an imaginary sequel to my true story, My College Mistress, perhaps how things might have turned out in a different reality. ************************************************************************ A tale of two SISSIES On one beautiful summer's day, early afternoon on a Friday, the clouds cleared as the sun came out, and as the shimmering light shone through the larger windows of an expensive home. The serenity of the scene was broken by the...

3 years ago
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Sissies in Space

SISSIES IN SPACE PROLOGUE: This is work of fiction, with apologies to NASA. 2052 CE A conglomerate of several large American Corporation's met in January on St. Kitts Island in the Caribbean for a discussion concerning the exploration of the asteroid belt between the planet's of Mars and Jupiter. This meeting was the direct result of the apparent temerity of NASA for the past twelve years following the disastrous manned Mars mission that resulted in the perishing of the six man...

2 years ago
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Making Sissies Mommy 2

Making Sissies (Mommy #2) Yesterday I was filling out some sort of form on the computer and it asked for my hobbies. I thought about it - I wasn't able to list any of my real hobbies of course. Sissies, men with big cocks, submissive women, anything with a heartbeat who I could get between my large, luscious, it wouldn't help at all. So I put down 'lubricant'. I love lube. Everywhere. It's just gorgeous. There are those who favor spit or semen but both are wonderful, just...

1 year ago
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Reddit Sissies, aka r/Sissies! Alright, I’ve gotta be honest with you guys. The /r/Sissies subreddit seems more down Porn Geek’s alley. But, as you all know, I always put the needs of all my fans first. That’s why I’m going to be checking out this sub and telling you what I think about it. As it just so happens, I was actually tricked the first time I ever heard about the term sissies. I went into the porn looking for a good jerk off session, but what I ended up feeling was just a little bit...

Reddit NSFW List
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Sissies New Years Surprise ndash Part 2 ndash

Chapter 2Sissies Opportunity BlownSissy was dead tired. It had been a long and tiring day. Mistress was very picky today at inspection and sissy had to redo some of her work several times. Sissy would admit that some of her work was sloppy, but sissy could not concentrate. Mistress had just told her the biggest news and she still couldn’t wrap her head around it; no wonder her work was messy. As a result sissy had to spend an hour in the corner tonight and was sent right to bed following...

3 years ago
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Sissies Revenge Drifting

Sissies Revenge, Drifting By: Malissa Madison Herma was a small galaxy, the royal house was small and at war with the neighboring Vorge Empire. The Vorge had taken over three other galaxies, and now were offering peace to Herma. That peace hinged on the marriage between Prince Dread and the Royal Princess Deanna. But Deanna, born a Hermaphrodite, took offence at the way the Vorge treated the sissies of the surrounding galaxies. Especially when he did so in front of her. She was sent...

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Missy and the Sissies

Missy and the Sissies By Cassandra Morgan The trouble with band meetings, of course, is that Larissa does all the talking. I guess she thinks she's entitled. She's the face. She's the voice. She's the showman that all the little pimply faced nerds come to see. That is, those few who do come to see. We're a bloody failure, if you want to know the truth. If you've heard of Larissa and the Knights, you're in a pretty small crowd. If you've downloaded one of our songs, then we...

2 years ago
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Mars Needs Sissies Part 1

Mars Needs Sissies: Part 1 Players: Steve Adams as John Hanson; Patricia Hays Steve's Aunt Pat; Susan Parker, Marketing and Promotions for Jack Slammer Films, Inc.; Cindy Prince, Independent hiring agent for Jack Slammer Films Synopsis: Steve is in LA to play. He's got three months of West Coast Summer, and a beach full of California girls he's only seen in movies till now. His aunt thinks he's there to become an actor or try to. He's not and, before long, she begins to realize that....

3 years ago
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Daddy Wants More Sissies

Daddy Wants More Sissies! My name is Michelle. It used to be Michael, but that was before I met Daddy and realized that I preferred living life as his sissy slut a lot more than living as a nobody guy stuck in a dead-end job. Ours is a romantic love story, just like something you might see in a movie. Well, maybe a porno movie, but that's not important because this story isn't about how our love began, but rather about what I now do to make sure that Daddy's passion for me will...

3 years ago
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Into to Sissies XX

Authors Note: I love comments... good ones, bad ones, mean ones even. The apparent policy at Fictionmania is that if you can't make positive remarks, then don't make a review. I disagree, at least as far as my stories and chapters are concerned. Please say anything. I am a vain person and just want to know that you've read what I've wrote. You can say I read this and it was dull, or stupid or unbelievable. Whatever. I love comments. Both the current stories and those in the library. And...

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Introduction to Sissies III

Introduction to Sissies III By latexslut John Phillips sat swaying in his chair, trying for now, to look docile, sleepy even, looking at the floor. He was afraid to look at Chanazene's eyes, Mistress Chanazene, he reminded himself warningly. Rocking in pain, roiling in emotion and with a feeling of edging fear creeping up on him, like low tide rising. It wasn't the pain of the blows he had received from the two lovely ladies besides him that hurt. The pain was in his mind and...

1 year ago
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Introduction to Sissies IV

Introduction to Sissies IV By latexslut Chapter 4 Now they were in an elevator, latexsissy, John Phillips and Ms Orange. The vault had closed and the elevator was descending. "Ca I thuck you, mithter?" latexsissy asked him, but then another drop of come appeared on its right pointed fingernail. She looked at it hungrily, waiting for it to fall. "No, latexsissy, you can't," Miss Orange said sternly, but lightly. Turning to John, she said, "sissyuseless, she will...

3 years ago
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A tale of Two sissies As told by one of the wives

A TALE OF TWO SISSIES As told by one of the wives. By Betty Noone It is now almost 3P.M. and I have been crying since nine this morning. I can't stop. I don't know when I felt that my heart was broken as I do now. I don't know what to do. Since my husband of ten years left for his office, I have been in tears. Let me tell you why. Howard Wattell, my husband is a good provider. He is a stock broker and has many good clients which...

4 years ago
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Sissy thoughts 2 Questions From Sissies

1. I am about to have my first experience as a sissy with a Man! How can I make it more special for us both?A: How wonderful! You are at the very start of your new sissy life. It will of course be special and memorable, but to deepen the reprogramming of your still-forming sissy mind, try dressing as a sissy schoolgurl. Not only will it drive your Man wild with lust, but the symbolism of your costume, and the reality of the loss of your virginity will combine to kickstart stronger, more...

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Sissies New Years Surprise ndash Part 3 ndash

Chapter 3The DecisionSissy got out of bed at her usual time and went about her morning routine of shaving, showering, and getting dressed. Sissy thought maybe she got an hour of restless sleep. After not being able to perform last night she had pretty much laid in bed all night crying and pondering how she became to be such a sissy. To her own surprise she didn’t put much thought into what decision she would make b/c deep down she knew the answer already. If she couldn’t perform with her...

2 years ago
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Mars Needs Sissies Part 2

Mars Needs Sissies: Part 2 In order of appearance: Cindy Prince, Independent hiring agent for Jack Slammer Films and Mark Atwood's agent; Mark Atwood plays Jerry Adams, the Queen's Lover; Tina Van Tee, a professional wrestler called Gladiatus (pronounced: Glad-e-a-tus) plays the role of Umoma; Bill Brian the cook Mark worked with when he was waiting tables; Sandy Prince, Jack Slammers Administrative Assistant and sister to Cindy Prince; Jack Slammer of Slammer Films; Marge Turner, Head...

4 years ago
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Society Of Sissies

Society Of Sissies Players: Ms. Rose Carter, Ms. Ingles School For Girls; Sally Ingles, Jennifer Whitman, Dr. Susan Marco. Synopsis: Mark was going to his first collage party flattered, he was even invited, given he wasn't very typical or even average for a male and a freshman besides. His landlady Rose insisted he go if for no other reason than to make a few new friends. Mark walked off happily as Rose watched. In a few hours he would return. Rose mused nervously as she took up...

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Charlies Sissies

Once upon a time, there were three very different little boys... who grew up to be three very different Glammed-up, twerkalicious, super slutty Booty Boiz. They have three things in common: They're brilliant, beautiful... and they work for me. My name is Charlie. The sissies were hired, trained, and given new identities. Their old identities are lost to the bukake of time. They are... **STACI SUXXX** Staci is the fearless leader of the sissies. He has big ol' booty butt for days, as well as a...

2 years ago
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Introduction to Sissies VI

Introduction to Sissies VI By latexslut John Phillips was dressed now, and on his knees. The high heeled boots, all of 4 inches tall, were too high for him. The stockings caressed his shaved legs gently and the corset gave a support to his back and stomach that he had never felt before. He was sure he didn't like it, though it felt embarrassingly comfortable, and his cock said different, and kept trying to push out against his panties. It embarrassed him. Get down, get down!...

1 year ago
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Sissies and the City

Sissies and the City By Gingerfred Man My name is Cheryl. I'm 20 years old and I'm a pantyboy. That's how I've started off each of the brilliant, literature-for-the-ages stories I've written for you. Though technically, with the brabuster titties I have these days, I guess you would now call me a shemale. I hope you've already read the stories I wrote about my three pretty little creampuff friends and me. Those stories describe how each of us became beautiful, delicious, cock...

3 years ago
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Introduction to Sissies V

Introduction to Sissies V By latexslut "But I wanna help," cried babysissy, stomping her high heeled foot. "She's my roommate." "Now yet, babysissy," Mistress Satin said firmly but kindly. "After. Nursesissy and Bunny know how to do this. You would make a mess of things." The gurls named Bunny and Nursesissy had left the couch and were now sashaying over to him. John Phillips took a step back. And then another one. "sissyuseless," Mistress Satin said to him. "You will...

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Into to Sissies XIV

Intro to Sissies, Part 14 Mistress Satin leaned her curvaceous body into the huge cathedral doors and they swung open slowly and heavily. She stepped and beckoned to John Phillips to enter before her. Sweat beaded his forehead, and not just from the struggle of mincing alongside Mistress Satin down the seemingly endless cement corridors to get to Goddess Chanazine's Temple. That had been a torment: The boots were so arched, the heels so high and thin, the blue leather dress so...

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I Work in a Doctors Office XIII

I was connecting with Robert’s son Jack for our fifth meeting. I had a special procedure that I wanted to show him. It was more of a training session actually. I planned on teaching him the fine art of edging. I would give him a training lesson in proper edging and then in the future he could perform it himself. Jack was waiting for me in the examination room that his father had set up in their large home specifically as a place where I could hold my twice-weekly two-hour sessions with...

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A Boy and His dungeon XIII

Jill wandered in at about 5:00 and with everyone there the conversation turned serious. Conner thought we needed a better place to work. With more space and a way to insure privacy for the research division, citing Saturdays incident. Lisa thought that might be a good idea, but liked the easy relaxed atmosphere here Jill also liked it here, but pointed out that this was a residential area and the city might cause problems for us if our commercial enterprises came to their attention. Claudia...

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Whoa The Orientation of Kelly Ann Black XIII

The Orientation of Kelly Ann Black At the end of his day, it was a tired Jason that made his way home. As he walked up his walk, he noticed a cute, young, petite, dark haired girl sitting on his porch. “I'll bet you are the lovely Ms. Kelly Ann Black.” “Yes Sir. Please call me Ann. Dean Malcomb sent me here for orientation. I don't understand why. I've already been through the university's orientation class.” “That's fine Ann, but my orientation is a bit different. You...

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Luck and Love XIII

As Zoë turned on the water and placed the curtain, she felt the mirror calling to her. But even as it called she heard Michael, echoing through her head. You know you look beautiful… why do you have to check? But in the end the mirror won and she stepped in front of it, gazing at her body and finding all of the little things she always found, a birthmark here and there, a scar or two; nothing to large. Nothing like the blemish in her loins… Zoë felt her chest get a bit tight at that...

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One Took Over The Cuckolds Bed Part XIII

Paulo showed us around his offices when we arrived. We were both very impressed. His Faro operation was based in a three storey office block. I didn’t know exactly how many staff he had but it couldn’t have been much lower than fifty. His own office occupied a corner of the top floor with magnificent views across the city with the Atlantic Ocean as a backdrop. Maria’s office was next door.After showing us round we sat around his board table drinking coffee and chatting. Sue had brought her bags...

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Blue Balls Lesson Learned Chapter XIII

Charlotte finally composed herself after Julie’s surprise oral assault on her aching pussy, an assault that had brought her to the very brink of orgasm, and then left her hanging in a tangled mess of sexual frustration the likes of which she had never experienced. Julie had proven to her that a woman could get blue balls, and Charlotte wanted to beg her friend give her the orgasm she needed, but their sons were waiting outside, and she realized it was time for the two of them to get their swim...

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Tim the Teenager Part XIII

Tim, the Teenage Part Thirteen By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter IV: 9th Grade, Spring 1986 - Brad and Sandi Part 3 - Your Sister, Your Slave (mc, incest mf, mfmm) "What am I gonna do?" Brad moaned, with his face in his hands. "She sucked on me so long yesterday, it feels raw. I came three times all with in an hour. And she still wanted more!" It was the next day at lunch. Mindy and Vito suddenly felt like sitting with Marsha and company just for today. The four of us were able to talk...

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Mixed Metaphors XIII

It was Tuesday, a quarter to four in the morning. Tony, Becky and Diane were the first to arrive at the private airport just outside the New York City limits. While Diane and Jake were saying their goodbyes in the limousine, Tony and the love of his life went into the customer waiting room. The inside of the building was plush, compared to the outside of painted cement brick. Becky hadn’t slept most of the night due to being nervous about the flight. She looked like a racehorse that had...

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A Necessary Cuckolding Part XIII

Alan They left for home shortly after Dawn had finished her call with Bradley. She told him about their conversation and also about Bradley inviting them over for Sunday lunch at the hotel. They had both been to their Carvery a few times in the past and they knew that they did a good lunch there.“I expect he’ll want to take you up to his room afterwards?” Alan told her as he held her hand in his trembling one.“Yes, he’s already asked me.”“You said yes?”Dawn smiled. “What do you think?” she...

2 years ago
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The Cuckolds Reward Alistairs Story Part XIII

They showered and dressed later. Julie put on stockings and suspenders underneath a pretty flared blue dress. Alistair watched her dress in pensive silence as he contemplated the change in her. There was an air of self confidence about her. He had watched her dress, in similar mode, a couple of weeks ago before she had set off for Turkey. She seemed a little timid. It was almost as if she was afraid of her sexuality, as if it was wrong to look and act sexy. All that had changed now. Her stay...

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Luck and Love XIII

Introduction: Sorry it took so long guys! While i think Ive asked this before, if any female readers would like to give me feedback on Zos thoughts please message me or just post it in the comments. Thanks! When Zo woke up, the clock read twelve forty. She could feel Michaels arm and leg on her, his flaccid dick sticking to her leg. She groaned and tried to stretch, then winced at the pain in her hips. She started to wonder why then remembered the blur that had their reunion and smiled. Then...

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Pushing them to the limits XIII

Chapter 8The next few days I had to work, nothing special happened. Until after five days I went to the farm with my wife. A few pickups were parked on the yard, They were going to build an extension on the house.About 4 or 5 construction workers were working around the house. Her husband came up to me and asked me if I could keep an eye on the construction if he was working. I told him I had no problem with that, and I would come around a bit more when he was working. That would be a nice...

4 years ago
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The Cuckolds Reward Alistairs Story Part XIII

They showered and dressed later. Julie put on stockings and suspenders underneath a pretty flared blue dress. Alistair watched her dress in pensive silence as he contemplated the change in her. There was an air of self confidence about her. He had watched her dress, in similar mode, a couple of weeks ago before she had set off for Turkey. She seemed a little timid. It was almost as if she was afraid of her sexuality, as if it was wrong to look and act sexy. All that had changed now. Her stay...

2 years ago
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Becoming Emily Part XIII

Waking up with Lilly next to me on the bed was amazing. The feel of her nude body sent tingles down my body that ended at my suddenly wet pussy. I couldn’t help but touch myself while I looked at her. I guess I was a little louder than I intended to be because when I looked up from her tits to her pretty face I saw that sweet, sexy grin. She didn’t say a word though, just pushed my legs open and kissed her way down to my cunt.“MMMM such a naughty little girl, already wet huh?” she asked...

3 years ago
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Rachel Crossing The Line Part XIII

November 29th, 12:02 PM A few thousand thoughts were running through my mind after catching that news story about Tang Dettings. The bastard definitely got what he deserved, whether he fell down some stairs or was helped. Of course I knew in my heart he hadn't fallen and that's where Brad must have gone after Krystal and I had gotten home last night. The look on his face when he saw how that asshole had beaten Krystal was one I'll never forget. I think after the initial shock...

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