Rachel - Crossing The Line IV free porn video

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Authors Note: This is the fourth chapter in the continuing story of Mike Moore, whose life was turned around while returning home from a crossdressing outing in Las Vegas as Rachel. If you have not read the first three chapters 'Rachel ? Crossing the Line I / II / III' you may be a bit lost with Rachel's motivations and the story line, a lot has happened to her in the first chapters! No one edited this chapter for me and as much as I was flamed for mentioning the file editing of Theresa Carter, I'm sure I'll get it for NOT having her edit this. I still highly recommend any would be authors out there to have their stories edited. Theresa is a joy to work with, is a very talented author in her own rights, and can be contacted at this site. You're a doll Theresa! This should go without saying, but for legal purposes this story is pure fiction! This story contains original works of authorship that are protected under U.S. and international copyright laws. Any use of this story without the authors consent is in violation of copyright laws and damages may be assessed to the offending party. Any similarities to actual persons living or not are purely coincidental. If you have questions about the use of this story please contact me. Thanks, I hope you enjoy this offering - Rachel Rachel - Crossing the Line IV ? by: Rachel M. Moore November 19th 11:12 PM The ride in the elevator and the walk to the entrance of my building was done in silence. Cam, the 220 pound hulking Terminator type, was all business and I was beginning to feel like he was over doing his 'security' bit or his 'bodyguard' role. Tommy on the other hand seemed very relaxed, but edgy at the same time, and I couldn't quite figure him out. He was obviously the one in charge. Both men were on either side of me the whole time, so even if I had wanted to escape or make a run for it, it would have been futile. Of course wearing these 3" spiked heels would have made it difficult to run anyway. I was deathly afraid when I had first seen these two at my door, but now for some sick reason I was feeling rather safe. I was saying that now, but if the limo didn't head straight to the Grand Cayman casino I knew I would end up... dead? What an embarrassment it would be for my parents to have to identify my body in these clothes. "Yes, that's our son," I could hear my dad saying, the disgust dripping from every word. My mom crying... The doorman opening the door for us as we approached brought me back to the situation at hand - being a hostage, well maybe. There was someone at the limo door and he opened it for us as we exited the building. My team of thugs let me enter only after one of them took a quick look inside. I watched Tommy studying the street in front of the building and he guided me into the limo after he felt everything was safe. The door shut and our driver, I guessed this only because he obviously wasn't built like Cam and Tommy, closed the door and after a few moments we were moving. Tommy offered me the phone, but I said I would worry about calling my friend later, maybe tomorrow - Brad where the hell are you! I wanted to scream that at the top of my lungs. I stared out the window as we made our way to the casino, mostly to see if we were at least going in the right direction, we were. Was I relieved now? I don't think so! At the Grand Cayman Casino our exit from the limo happened in reverse. Cam was out first, followed by Tommy who stood in the door so even if I wanted out I couldn't have gotten past him. Well, unless I thought tackling him was a good idea - which I didn't. Tommy moved and extended his hand to assist me, I thanked him and noticed a few people watching to see who was getting out of the limo, with the obvious security goons. I'm sure they were disappointed. Cam disappeared into the casino ahead of us and I lost sight of him in the crowd. Did people not have jobs? It was Monday night for goodness sakes and the casino was bustling at this hour of the night! Tommy extended his arm and I accepted the gesture. He was guiding me past the reception desk for the hotel portion of the casino and we made a turn toward the bar Brad had brought me to last night. The bar was busier than last night and in the corner a guitar player was entertaining those that were gathered. I caught Tommy's eye. "Are all of Tony's dates so dramatic?" I asked as he pulled my chair out for me, surprising myself with the control of my voice. "No..." he chuckled "this isn't typical at all. There is a lot more going on around here than meets the eye." he said while looking over the half filled bar and then sitting down with a clear view of the bar entrance. "Can I get you anything?" Good question! Can you get me out of here? That's what I wanted to say, but figured I was beyond 'calling my own shots' now - when I get my hands on you Brad, you won't know what hit you I thought. What shit is going on that I can't see Tommy? This whole experience was like a bad spy movie! Tommy shifted his eye brows in a questioning manner as if to say 'Well?'. I looked over toward the bar and saw AJ, the bartender from last night, "Could you ask AJ over there to make me a strawberry daiquiri? Just like last night. Please." "Sure thing," he raised his hand and caught a cocktail waitress' attention. She came over as soon as she was finished dropping off another customers drink. Tommy explained my order and she seemed to hurry off to fill it. Was it my imagination or was the woman a little nervous? I could see AJ looking over her shoulder when she went to the bar to place the order and he too seemed to be in a hurry to get my order filled. I don't think he recognized me from this distance, but just maybe if I could talk with him for a second away from my guardian he could get a message to Brad. I remembered Brad saying AJ knew everything that was going on around this town. "Tommy, that's my buddy AJ over there tending bar. I'm going to go say hi if that's alright with you?" I said matter-of-factly. Tommy looked over his shoulder, then back at me. "Sure," he said and stood as I was sliding back my chair. Shit! Sit down Tommy! I don't need a chaperon I screamed inside my head! He followed me over to the bar and I caught AJ's eye as we approached. "Hey AJ! How's it going?" I asked, praying he would remember me. "Fine, how about you Rachel," he smiled. THANK YOU! Whew, he remembered me! "Hey, I wanted to tell you to tell your bosses that those damn coins they handed out for the million dollar slot machine last night sucked! Did anyone win?" I giggled a little and reached over to touch his hand. "Wanna know how many times I've heard that in the last twenty-four hours? No winner yet that I've heard," he said smiling sliding my daiquiri in front of me. I glanced quickly at Tommy, then back to AJ raising my eye brows in what would appear to be a 'I'm screwed!' kind of look then took a long slow pull from the straw. Damn that's good I thought. Tommy was watching the door or some of the bars other patrons, so I crossed my eyes at AJ and then moved my eyes over to Tommy. AJ seemed to pick up on it. "Hey, new outfit?" he asked. "Yeah, you like it? Got it today." I stepped back a step so he could get a better look. Tommy glanced over at me, then back to the door. "Wait here a second," Tommy said. I watched him walk toward the door. I could see Cam and another beefy looking man. I turned quickly back to AJ. "Have you seen or heard from Brad?" I asked, the panic in my voice evident. "No, but I do know people are looking for him." AJ said looking over toward the door. "When did you last see him?" "Must have been just about 4:30 this afternoon, right before my shift started." he picked up a towel and wiped the counter. I picked my drink up so he could wipe in front of me and took another long sip of the cool slushy drink. "I'm worried about him, these guys have been all over me since around ten o'clock. Who are they, do you know?" I said glancing back to see the trio of beef still in the doorway of the bar. "Well, you know Tommy. The other two are Cam and Nick. Cam and Tommy work as freelance goons for HCC, the company Brad works for, and are assigned to Mr. Bennito for the week. Nick works for Mr. Bennito and is kind of like his personal valet or lieutenant, something like that. Cam, like Tommy there, is just muscle - they are packing and it's not a good idea to screw with either of them, when you see Brad ask him about this end of HCC's business." He paused to look toward the door and then back at me, "Those two aren't the scariest of the goons running around here though, there's a Colombian guy named Juan that will freeze your blood when you meet him ? he came up with Mr. Bennito and Nick from Columbia." AJ reached over to grab a ticket for a drink that was just ordered. I checked on my guardians again, still talking, "What the hell is going on AJ? What have you heard?" "Only thing I heard was a deal went very wrong tonight and Brad was part of it. That they haven't heard from him isn't a good sign," he said opening a couple bottles of beer. "What deal? Who is Tony Bennito?" I asked pleading. "I don't know anything more than there was a problem tonight. Mr. Bennito is from Columbia, so..." his face became softer and he smiled broadly, "Well tell your friend she has great taste in clothing! Hey if you ever..." he stopped talking and nodded toward the approaching wall of muscle. "Stop by later if you get a chance. Good to see you again Rachel," and with that he turned to help a cocktail waitress near the other end of the bar. "Thanks AJ...," I called after him and turned to greet my handlers. Funny, from captors, to guardians, to handlers, and anyway you put it the result was all the same - I was screwed. So much for the Italian Mafia, Bennito was Colombian and that could only mean one thing - drugs. Oh, Brad, what did you get me into? That Brad's company was supplying protection was a little comforting, maybe there was hope yet that I wouldn't end up in some ditch along a lonely stretch of Nevada desert highway. I prayed there was some loyalty built up between Brad and these HCC hired guns. "Rachel, hello. I'm Nick, we spoke on the phone," he extended his hand with a smile and we shook politely. His grip was firm, but much lighter than he would have had if he were shaking another mans hand. Nick had a slight accent I hadn't noticed on the phone, he must work at hiding it I thought. He was taller than I expected - roughly six foot two, a handsome man - tan and fit, and obviously very much a ladies man - that part I just sensed about him. I smiled and glance over at Tommy, who may have been studying AJ, then I turned my attention back to Nick. "Mr. Bennito thought it would be best to have dinner in his suite. After dinner you can decide what it is you would like to do for the rest of the evening. I hope you are hungry, Mr.Bennito has hired the hotel chef to make a world class meal for you both tonight. This way please," he said sweeping his hand toward the bar entrance. I took the last sip of my daiquiri and placed it on the bar behind me, time to meet Tony. I shuddered and wondered how I'd finished that whole drink so quickly. Nerves! I smiled and began walking toward the door, Nick at my side. Cam somehow broke from our little group before I was invited to Tony's suite and was already at the bar entrance waiting for us. I looked around to see where Tommy was and saw that he was talking to AJ. Nick placed his hand in the small of my back guiding me on. Oh shit! Please don't hurt AJ I thought. "Is Tommy coming?" I asked sheepishly. "He'll be joining us in a minute. He's just arranging some drinks for you and Mr. Bennito, strawberry daiquiris correct?" he smiled. I nodded a weak smile, hoping that AJ would be all right and I hadn't gotten him in trouble with these people. After exiting the bar we walked to a bank of private elevators designated for the penthouse suites and after a few moments the three of us boarded an elevator for a rather speedy ride to the fiftieth floor, the last floor on the panel in the elevator. When the elevator stopped we followed the hallway to the left and two things caught my attention. First there were only two doors down this long hallway, besides the fire escape, and secondly there were six more men in the hall just like Cam and Tommy. Shit! I was walking into the bowels of hell! One of the men gathered in the hall weighed about forty pounds less than the others, he was obviously not an American like the other five, and his demeanor seemed odd. He was pacing slowly in the hall as we approached and the others seemed to be keeping their distance from him. As we walked by the loner I caught a quick glimpse of his face. His eyes are what struck me first, they were dead and lifeless. He had a small scar on his chin and a cold aura about him. He gave me the chills that's for sure. I heard him grumble under his breath "Punta..." as I passed. This had to be Juan, the one AJ mentioned. He didn't freeze my blood as AJ said he would, but he did make me wish I were anywhere but here at this moment! I don't speak Spanish, but know enough of the more colorful words to know I had just been called a whore. If I weren't so afraid I would have said something back to him, maybe. I turned my gaze toward the floor wishing I could have made the last couple feet to the suite unnoticed. As we approached the end of the hall Cam stopped to talk with a few of the other men in the hall milling around, Nick opened the door on the right for me and I entered what appeared to be a large waiting room. Its decor was opulent, with vases, fine art work and lush tropical plants adorning a room as big as the condo. The furniture was Victorian in style, dark red pillows lined the sofa, and the coffee table had the most beautiful flower arrangement on it. A large conference room like table surrounded by high back leather chairs was on the other side of the room from the living room furniture. There was a wall with several TV's on it, two of them were on and they must have been getting a feed from cameras located around the casino. I could see the front lobby on one and the rear garden area and pool on the other. It was kind of voyeuristic and would have been interesting to watch longer, but the French doors leading into the rest of the suite opened and I was suddenly feeling lightheaded. Must have been the daiquiri. Three men were chatting in Spanish, Nick and I stood near the center of the room and there was no way I was going to move unless told to at this point. I wish I could have understood what they were saying. I wasn't sure at first if any of the three was Tony Bennito that is until the older man among them shook the hand of a much younger man and I over heard him saying "Yes Mr. Bennito..." and some other words I couldn't understand in Spanish. I guessed by the urgency on his face that he was in some kind of trouble with Tony. He turned quickly with his associate and nodded politely to Nick and I as they headed for the exit. There was some noise in the hall after they left and a little yelling, I couldn't help but turn to see what was going on or wondering what was happening out there. I felt Nick's hand at my waist again and he began guiding me toward Tony. "Mr. Bennito, this is Ms. Rachel Moore," he said, stepping to the side as if presenting me on some kind of stage. Tony gave him a look like 'Who else would this be?' and stepped forward as if to shake my hand. I extended my hand, which he took and then kissed lightly. Wow! I thought, quite the gentleman and absolutely gorgeous! He was tall, dark, and handsome - a cross between Ricky Martin and Mathew McConaughey. Somewhere in his lineage was pure Latino grace, charm and looks, but there was a strong Caucasian side also. I looked at my hand when he released it and I could see the goose bumps rising on my arms, not to mention the rest of my body! "Rachel, I'm so glad to finally meet you. Please, please come in," he motioned for me to enter the main area of the suite. I walked ahead of Tony and was instantly in awe with how beautiful the suite was. The Victorian theme continued into this main living room area and it was easily three times the size of the huge waiting room we had just left. There was an entertainment center and a pool table to the left, the main living room area in front of me had seating arrangements for at least 20 people comfortably, and to the right was a huge formal dinning room with a crystal chandelier. The table was set for two with what looked to be expensive china and I noticed a bottle of champagne or wine was in a bucket at the head of the table. There was a large fireplace on the far wall and a monstrous deck with a ten or better person Jacuzzi. I instantly wanted to live like this every day! I turned around and saw Tony starring at me. The French doors were now closed, I assumed by Nick since he wasn't in the room with us. It would be easy to get lost in this fantasy world of riches I thought. "Brad has told me so much about you I feel like I know everything about you, but that can not possibly be true." he said with a smile. My heart dropped, Brad, I had almost forgot about him. Tony saw my reaction and a look of concern came over his face. "Is something wrong Rachel?" He stepped toward me and all I could do was clutch my purse with both hands bracing myself for... "Do you already know what has happened this evening?" he asked softly. I nodded 'No' with as much conviction as I could muster, but knew it fell short. "You do know something," he said, his tone more serious now. I prayed he didn't have the typical Latino temper. "Please, let me assure you that Brad is fine. I was just informed of the situation by the two men you saw leaving. Everything is under control now and that Brad was not seriously injured is a good thing no?" "Injured? What happened to him?" I asked, unable to mask my concern. "It is rather complicated, please, sit," he motioned me to the closest of the four couches in the living room. "Brad was assisting on a delivery for me. He was with two of my couriers and one of my," he paused, "security personnel. There was an attempted hijacking of the delivery and as it has been told to me Brad was struck with the butt of a weapon to his forehead when he refused to yield to their wishes. He was unconscious for a few moments and while the hijackers turned their attention to my couriers Brad regained consciousness. He was able to turn the situation in our favor. The police were then called and unfortunately the news media are there now to complicate matters." "The police! Is he in jail?" I asked, almost accusing Tony of being responsible for a drug bust by the police. "In jail? For what would he go to jail?" Tony asked, a puzzled look on his face. "For delivering drugs...," my voice trailed off to a whisper, wishing I could take the words I had just spoken back. "Drugs! What drugs do you speak of?" and he must have thought about what I had said and he began to laugh. "You believe I am a drug dealer?" the smile on his face was partially for the comedic value of my statement, but also relief on his part also. "I assure you Rachel, I am not a drug dealer," he chuckled some more at the idea. "no, there is much danger in that profession. Though I must say the last twenty-four hours have made me to wonder if I wouldn't be safer doing those types of things." I didn't know what to think. If he wasn't a drug dealer from Columbia and he was obviously not Italian, so my Mafia theory was blown, why all the security? Why was everyone so jumpy around him and afraid of him? I closed my eyes and lowered my head, and in a whisper I asked, "What do you do then?" He lifted my chin slightly and smiled thoughtfully, "I am a diamond and fine jewel importer. Sometimes I work with gold also, but that is mostly when it concerns artifacts. You have nothing to fear of me." For the first time since Lisa left the condo I took an unlabored breath. I took his hand and squeezed it. "I'm so sorry, I... I did not know any of this and could not get a hold of Brad and..." I realized I was running away at the mouth, so I just shut my mouth, shaking my head slightly. "This is not a problem Rachel, I am glad I am able to assure you. The security you speak of is a result of a death threat to me last evening and I am believing it was also an attempt to disturb my business dealings tonight. There are incredible security measures we must have when I do business. An important legal friend of my father has recommended HCC, the company Brad works for, to me. Tonight four groups of men left the airport to make the delivery. Three of the groups were to fool anyone trying to steal diamonds worth $18 million dollars US. Brad was with the group that had the diamonds. The other three groups were not even probed I am told. This is more information than I am sure you would care to know. Unfortunately it means I have some internal security issues, that is why there are so many men out front. But that is not our concern," he stood, taking my hand and bringing me to my feet slowly. "You are here to enjoy yourself, are you hungry? We can talk more over dinner." I was looking up at him, he seemed so kind, so gentle, so damn good looking! OK, relax girl! "Yes, I haven't eaten this evening and I have been looking forward to dinner since Nick called." I was hungry, but I had just stretched the truth a little too far, must have been that daiquiri, I knew my delivery sucked. "Rachel," he held my hands and gazed deep into my eyes, "I have been deceived enough on this visit to the United States, please do not say the things you believe I want to hear. I have too many of the people who say 'Yes' to me at every turn," he rolled his eyes and shook his head slightly. "I asked for you to be here tonight because I see an honesty in you. I will pay you for your time even if you care to leave in this moment. Please, be honest with me." Great! I am so inept! Tony had taken my insult - being called a drug lord essentially, comforted me - about Brad and what had happened to him tonight, and all he asked for in return was honesty! Damn it! I looked away, embarrassed that I could lie so easily. "Mr. Bennito," I shocked myself by being so formal and paused a moment to think of where I was going with this thought... "Please, I am Tony." "Tony... I'm sorry again for... for not being honest with you. You see I was worried and not sure of..." I shook my head, "No, I was scared. I thought you were not a nice person and that Brad was in trouble and... Yes, I was not looking forward to coming here. That is the truth. I still am not sure how I feel really, but I do know that I am hungry and whatever that smell is I know I want to eat." I batted my eyes playfully hoping the humor wouldn't be lost. He responded with a smile and his eyes seemed to brighten. He moved his face to mine and before I realized what was happening he placed a soft kiss on my lips. "Thank you for staying," he said and when I opened my eyes he was smiling even more. Oh shit! My heart was a flutter and I turned my head quickly to hide my embarrassment. Oh my God! I was on fire. I felt my heart rate double, then triple in the matter of two seconds! All this from just one peck on the lips! Shit! He released one of my hands and turned toward the table, we walked hand in hand to the table and as we approached servants appeared as if queued. I felt self-conscience all of a sudden, they had to have been watching us to know it was time for them to serve. He pulled my chair out for me and made sure I was comfortable. Two salads were placed before us, baby shrimp adorned the top and I could smell the raspberry vinegarette dressing. I placed my napkin in my lap and waited for Tony to finish getting settled in his chair. He rattled off some blisteringly fast commands I had no hopes of even deciphering in Spanish and smiled in my direction. I asked what he had just said and he explained he did not like being spied on. I agreed and said I had notice the staff arrived at just the right time also. We chuckled a little about that and he opened the bottle of champagne that was in the ice bucket. I handed him my glass and he poured the champagne slowly into the glass. He did the same with his and then offered a toast, "To long passionate friendships." We touched our glasses. I wanted to offer up 'To honesty', but decided things were going so well I didn't want to spoil it. After the toast and a quick sip of the champagne we began eating our salads. The baby shrimp on the salad I would have sworn were soaked in sugar before making it to the top of the salads, they were so sweet and tender. The dressing though was the real star and stole the show. Tony said very little during the salad portion, I wasn't sure if there was a problem or if his mind was on other issues. I broke the silence and joked I liked the dressing so much I would take a bath in it. That comment seemed to break him out of his funk and he began talking to me about being in Las Vegas. I asked about his favorite cities to visit, assuming since he was in the diamond business he must certainly travel. Tony explained that until recently his father did most of the business travel and that he had taken over after his father had a stroke. The concerned look on my face was quickly softened when he told me his father was doing fine now and back to work, he just wasn't traveling any more. Of course he wanted to know about my past. How long I had been doing this and if there was something inside of me that was telling me I was female. All very probing questions and he seemed genuinely interested in everything I had to say when answering his questions. When I was sure I was boring him I asked him why he was interested in someone like me. He surprised me by saying he felt someone in my position was truer to herself and it was that quality in people that was attractive to him. Interesting, another 'honesty' related trait attracting him? I wonder if he had been burned in the past. I think he was curious about other things, like my personal life, I could just sense it but he did not come right out and ask - so I didn't volunteer any intimate details. Funny, I was curious about his personal life also, but didn't have the courage to ask. We joked and laughed pretty much through the eating of our salads, it was relaxing and I was beginning to loosen up. When the salad plates were removed, dinner was served. A chef accompanied the servers and like an orchestra conductor he seemed to direct every nuance of the main course serving. Dinner was to be an herb-crusted filet mignon that the chef said was first marinated with fresh herbs and spices, and then charbroiled. These were placed on large round croutons made of French bread and served with garlic saut?ed baby red potatoes and some kind of vegetable medley. In my wild dreams I could only have imagined such a delicious meal. The smells were intoxicating and I was afraid to ruin the art that was food on the plate before me by touching it. I saw Tony nod his approval to the chef, who then thanked Tony and left the room with his staff in tow. Another bottle of champagne was brought and Tony filled my glass again. When I continued to just stare at the food Tony reached over and touched my hand. "It is very beautiful, do you not think?" he asked. I could only nod 'Yes' and watched him as he cut into the meat and took the first bite. "Yes, this is excellent. Please, please eat," he directed and I couldn't resist the beckoning food any longer. The food was orgasmic and it was a pleasure to take every bite! The meat melting in my mouth, it's juices, the flavors... I felt my mind wondering... wondering to Tony and his... was he tan all over? I wanted to go down on his... I bolted upright in my seat, startling Tony and myself. I felt dizzy all of a sudden and a cold chill griped me. I looked at Tony and started to slump forward, my arms didn't seem to be working and I could feel my body turning, falling. Everything was moving in slow motion, I could see Tony's mouth moving as he reached for me but heard nothing. I saw him knock his glass of champagne over, his side bumping the table as he jumped up and came toward me, the chandelier glowing like stars... spinning, falling, sparkles, blackness... I felt a cold wet towel over my forehead and someone wiping at my arm. I tried to move, but could only manage a slow deep breath. "Rachel? Are you all right?" I heard a man saying as if from the other side of the room. He moved his face in front of mine, there was concern written all over his face. My ears were ringing and I realized I was leaning on the table. Oh shit! I panicked and tried to sit up, I must have passed out! "No, just relax. Everything is fine, do not move yet." and I watched him look over to someone, the towel on my arm stopped moving, he spoke again. "Thank you, please leave us." He came back around and brushed my hair aside. "Let's sit you up, slowly..." and I felt his hand at my shoulders guiding me back into the chair. The room wasn't spinning, but I felt like I was sitting in a boat that was gently rocking back and forth in the water. I didn't feel sick, just disoriented. "Townee?" I croaked. I couldn't seem to form my words. I felt tired and every thought was a struggle, an effort, slow- motion. Tony quickly knelt before me, taking my hands gently as they laid in my Lap. "Yes, I am here Rachel. Do you feel sick?" he asked. My head felt disconnected from my neck and though I was trying to nod that I wasn't going to be sick I felt like my head was a bowl of Jell- O. I looked at the pain in his eyes. I was embarrassed and I couldn't seem to express it, my mouth wasn't working. "Whud happen? Augh, what appened?" I managed finally, blinking quickly, trying to stay focused on his face, and wondering why my tongue felt bigger in my mouth. "I do not know. We were eating and talking, then you became silly with your words, and fell forward. I must tell you that I was very scared. I thought you were choking and quickly called for help. Are you feeling any better?" he asked. I remember eating and taking the last bite of the filet on the plate. After that everything was a blank. What 'silly words' could I have possibly said I wondered, "Was I o bery lung?" I felt like I had cotton or something in my ears, I couldn't hear myself speak, but I could tell I was slurring my words. "No you were not unconscious long, maybe a minute? Do you need medical assistance?" Medical assistance? The fog parted some and the weight of the question came crashing down. "No!" I tried to be more alert, "No, I... I sink I be fine. I need to lay done for a minutes. Peas..." I couldn't hold my head up any longer and started to fall forward again. Tony caught my shoulders to steady me and I shook my head again. What is happening to me? He helped me to my feet and guided me to the living room, then he must have decided laying me on the couch wouldn't be as comfortable as in bed and before I knew it I was laying on a bed. The walk from the dinning room to where I was now looking up at the ceiling a complete blur. He helped me get comfortable, smoothing out my skirt and then pulling a blanket over me. My arms were heavy, my feet like cement blocks, and I felt trapped in my body. What the hell is going on here? How much had I had to drink? Must be the alcohol? Tony was at my side again and he stroked my face gently and then brushed my hair aside. I was so very tired all of a sudden. I closed my eyes and felt my body melting into the bed. Tony stopped caressing my face and I sensed him near my face, then I felt his lips on mine and I opened my eyes, trying to focus on his face and trying to figure out what he was doing. He pulled away and said he would be right back. November 20th 2:27 AM I awoke to find the room was dark. There was a sliver of light coming from two doors. One was the bathroom door, it was right where I knew it should be. The other door would take me out to the living room and the kitchen. I starred at the ceiling and wondered how Brad had gotten me back to the condo. Then wondered why he hadn't taken my clothes off when he put me in bed. Wait! I tried to sit up, but my head felt like it was going to explode. A warm wash cloth tumbled down my face. SHIT! I blooped back down on the pillow. There were no mirrors on the ceiling this wasn't my home. Where the hell was I? Was I still with Tony? I think, I mean I pray I'm... I wasn't sure where I was. What happened? I tried to remember but could only remember eating dinner, I had to be in Tony's suite still. I tried sitting again, this time slower. OK, that wasn't so bad I told myself. I still had a splitting headache though and I tried rubbing my temples, it did not ease the pain much. I need some aspirin. I put my feet on the floor and realized I could feel the carpet, my pantyhose! Where were my pantyhose! Shit! I felt much freer than I should have been also, the gaffe was not holding my clit in place! God Damn IT! I still had my panties on and... I didn't feel any other problems or pain below my hips, like the night before with Brad. Guess I didn't do anything I would regret later. I stood, holding the side of the bed for support. OK, no wobbles and I took a tiny step, I was better now - just a headache. Well, that and my personal under garments had been removed! I was having a problem with that revelation! I walked to the door leading out of the bedroom and heard voices. I starred out into the mammoth living room and dining area, the pool table was to my right, so I was still be in Tony's suite. I looked at my watch, 2:42. Since it was dark out still I guessed it was AM! Augh! "Hello?" I called out, "Anyone?" The voices I heard continued talking, hadn't they heard me? I took a step into the living room and saw the 'voices' I heard - the TV. I wondered where Tony was? Then realized I had to find a bathroom! The bulge in my panties was going to be unsightly in a few moments. I went back into the bedroom and slowly opened the bathroom door. There wasn't anyone there and in the middle of the floor were my pantyhose and the gaffe. I moved quickly to the toilet, pulled my skirt up and panties down, sitting quickly. Of course given the urgency I was faced with it would have been faster to have peed standing. I finished peeing and skipped the toilet paper portion of this exercise, contemplating whether to put my gaffe and pantyhose back on. I tucked my clit back as best I could, the tight form fitting silky material holding it place and decided it was time to get out of here. Now what? I looked around the room, I needed to find my damn shoes. I looked around the edge of the bed, but they were not there. I guess they must be in the living room... "Rachel?" I froze, the voice was behind me and the bedroom light came on! I turned quickly, startled, squinting. "Rachel, you are better now?" Tony asked, his beautiful sandy brown hair dripping water onto toned pectoral muscles and tight abs. He was wearing only a bathing suit and must have come in from the Jacuzzi on the patio. I looked at him dumbly, "Yes..." Was that all I could say? That was brilliant Rach, so eloquently stated, so... such a ditzy dumb brown and blonde highlighted girl you are! He stared at me for a moment. "This is good, yes?" I nodded slowly. "Is there a problem? You are looking for something?" he asked. I nodded again. When had my tongue disappeared? "Your shoes perhaps? You would like your shoes? They are at the table, I'm afraid I took them off before I brought you to my bed. Do you recall asking to lay down?" he took the towel from his shoulder and wiped his arms off. I tried not starring at the wet bathing suit. "Tony," I began slowly and softer than I intended. He took a step toward me so as to hear better I'm sure, I of course raised my voice a little so that he could hear me better and hoped it would stop his advance. "I am so sorry about tonight. I... I have no idea what happened. One minute I was fine and enjoying myself, the next I was watching the room spin. Can you forgive me?" I took a breath in a little louder than expected. "Forgive you? For what?" he paused and considered what he had just said. "I will forgive you only if you do not leave here now. Please, do not go yet. If you must I will understand but I feel like I have failed you this evening." He placed the towel over his shoulder again, his suit continued to drip water onto the carpet. 'Failed me this evening?' How could he possibly think he failed me? I'm the one who screwed this evening up! Damn it! "Oh, you are too kind Tony, really this was my fault. How much champagne did I drink?" "I did not count, but I believe it was three glasses and you had begun your fourth? I really do not know for sure. I did not consider you to be drinking so quickly or this much," he said. Four glasses of champagne on an empty stomach plus one very large daiquiri! Shit! It must have been pretty good champagne to have snuck up on me so quickly and put me down so hard. "Tony, I'm so sorry. I... I never really drink very much. I'm so embarrassed. I hope I did not say or do anything to offend you. If I did I sincerely apologize. I..," my voice trailed off. What else could I possibly say? Shit! Maybe he thinks I do drugs or something? "I do not do drugs either," I added, but it seemed more defensive than anything I could have said at that moment. Fuck! "I do not sense that you are one to abuse your body. Really, no problem has been committed," Tony said with a warm smile on his face, obviously trying to ease my concerns. "Please stay, just a little longer. If you could wait in the living room I will be just a moment to dress, then we can talk more of this." I nodded that I would wait for him to dress and left the bedroom, surprised he even wanted me around after being such a poor guest this evening. The living room was very quiet now, he had turned the TV off. I walked to the pool table and slid a ball the length of the table. I smiled, been a while since I've played. I turned to the dinning room table and place my pantyhose and gaffe next to my purse and shoes. I went back to the table and took a cue stick off the wall, then found the cue ball. I lined up a shot and it went in. Ha! Still got it, I wonder if I could have done that in heels and considered going over to get my shoes, but decided to keep playing around. I place a few more balls on the table and lined up another shot - I missed. Damn! I felt hands grasp my hips and I tried to spin around. "Wait, please. You are not lining up for this shot correctly. Please." Tony guided me around so I was facing the table again. I tried to line up for the shot again, this time he assisted me. "See," he moved my hips slightly and tried to square up my shoulders "like this if you can move slowly the stick. It is not power that makes a good billiard player." His body was pressing against mine and he helped guide my arm back, then forward to connect with the cue ball. The shot missed again, but not because of technique! He released me and I turned to face him, he barely took a step back and he didn't seem to mind that he was crowding me. He was wearing a polo shirt and shorts now. His cologne was intoxicating and I could only just stare into his brown eyes. "You were quite entertaining during dinner," he said softly, "you talked of so many things. Do you remember any of this time before you became ill?" "Tony... I'm sorry if I..." "No, no, please this is not a problem," he reached out and touched my shoulder briefly, "I believe you were speaking from the heart, so there is nothing to be sorry for. I very much enjoyed your silly sexual talk. Do you recall any of those things you say?" he asked with a mischievous smile. FUCK! What the hell had I said? I couldn't remember anything... then I remembered thinking whether he was tanned all over. Shit! Did I think that or did I say that? No, I didn't say that, I thought it. I nodded a feeble 'No'. He smiled a little broader, "May I say some of these things you say?" I was mortified and curious at the same time. I bobbed my head slightly. He smiled a little broader, "So that you know this, I am not a relations of Ricki Martin. He is a very handsome man, I do not feel that I am so handsome like he," he paused to strike a pose, "He moves his body much better and has the women crazy for him. I do not sing so well and would not like to torture you with my voice." Shit! How much had I said during dinner? I tried to smile politely, feeling the redness of my cheeks growing from the obvious embarrassment of this situation. This is classic, I am such a loser! I should have left when I had the chance. He continued and even seemed to be playing with me, knowing he had me in an awkward situation, "Do you remember asking me of my skin? You say you wonder if I am tan everywhere?" his smile now was so devilish. "I am so embarrassed! Please, no more. I... I was not myself. I apologize if, I mean...," I gave up frustrated by the whole evening. Angry at myself for getting drunk, angry at Brad for not being there to save me from this 'date', angry... Yeah, I'm angry that my pantyhose and panties were removed ? the gaffe obviously was removed! "Did you take my pantyhose and panties off?" I shot back, deciding that he needed to feel some of what I was feeling, some discomfort. My face was icy cold, my hands went to my hips, and my attitude was borderline 'bitch'. He wasn't expecting me to fire back and for the briefest of moments his face showed signs of being hurt. Probably a combination of not being able to play with me more about my drunken dialog and because I was calling him on the liberties he had taken with me during an obvious vulnerable moment. Tony took a step back, studied my face, and raised an eyebrow. "When you are in the bed, you said you needed to go to the bathroom. I help you to the bathroom and held you steady while you remove your things. When you were sitting, I left and waited for you to say you were done. Then I brought you to the bed once again. I did not remove your clothing," his tone admit. I could see a calm wash over him after he was finished telling his side of the story. It was as if his momentary defense had been cleansing for him and being forced to come forward like this had removed any guilt he might have been feeling. "But," I stammered, "you kissed me?" It was more a question than a statement of fact and had nothing to do with my clothes being removed. I had dreamt it or he had kissed me while I was lying there in bed, I needed to be right about something! "Yes," he looked down, "I kissed you, I would do it again." Interesting, I pushed back and he backed off. I felt empowered all of a sudden and took a step toward him. How far could I push him? What power did I hold over him? What did I want? I took another step and he looked into my eyes. And to think I was afraid of this man at first! Ha! I had all the control! "Why?" I whispered, less than a few inches apart from him. He did not hesitate, his answer jumped from his lips. "Because you are beautiful to me. Inside you bubble with life and outside your body cries to me, I can not stop these desires to possess you." He took my shoulders gently and leaned toward me, kissing me lightly. I reached behind him and slowly pulled him closer, his kiss becoming more urgent. Tony's arms wrapped around me, our tongues danced and probed passionately while we kissed. I still hadn't gotten used to being kissed rather than doing the kissing, of course he was making it easy to take on this new female role. His tongue in my mouth was so exciting and I accepted the submissive role willingly. He was leading the way for our passions and I followed his lead, sucking his tongue and giving him control over my wanting. I think I am becoming addicted to this life I have choose I thought to myself as I squeezed him closer. His hands slid over the silky material of my skirt and he pulled me tighter in his embrace, his own excitement now an obvious bulge pressing against me. My excitement had been building also, ever since he took my hips and instructed me on the finer points of pool. My panties were unable to do the job the gaffe was made for and I could feel my clit straining at the cotton lined crotch trying to escape, trying to stand tall, it was barely tucked between my legs now. If I moved wrong it was going to become unsightly. Tony squeezed my ass with one hand and began kissing about my neck, his free hand began making its way toward my breasts. Shit! I didn't want him to stop, his touch made my skin tingle, but I didn't want him to be disappointed when his hand made it to the soft mounds under my sweater only to find that they were not real. I had to act, I had to take control of the situation. I caught his roving hand and brought it to my lips, kissing it gently while looking lovingly into his eyes. The slightest of smiles creased his lips and I felt his hand squeeze my ass slowly, gently, as if he were saying he didn't want me to stop, that he wanted me desperately. I took the middle finger, from the hand I had captured, and slowly began licking at it, kissing it, all while starring into his eyes. His smile disappeared as it glided ever so slowly and seductively into my mouth. He let out the slightest of moans and shifted his body so that he could grind his firm cock into me. I could tell his cock was big and for a moment I worried about? his other hand began fumbling with the button on the rear of my skirt. I tried to stay focused on the oral work I was doing on his hand and prayed he knew what he was getting himself into. He was finally able to unbutton my skirt, even though I was making it difficult for him to concentrate - for that matter I was having the same problem! Slowly he tugged the zipper down and I knew I couldn't protest. How could I? I had set this in motion, it is what I wanted right? Was this a job or what I longed to do? No, this wasn't a job or my duty to Brad - it was who I was, I wanted this! Tony pulled away from me slightly to allow the skirt to fall to the floor. I skipped a breath, but continued whipping my tongue about his finger, going deep and then pulling it slowly from my wanting lips. I shimmied a little to get the skirt to fall to the floor and when it was in a pile at my feet he moved his body right back to where it had been - trying to melt into mine. Tony slowly pulled his finger from my mouth, it slurped noisily from my lips, he seemed ready for more. I was awash in my emotions - pleasure, adrenaline overload, and pride in the desire, no the lust I had created in him. I of course had my own desires and hungers, I wanted him also, I wanted more! Looking deep into my eyes he moved his hands to my waist again and slid them under the waistband of my slip. He began caressing my panty covered ass and moved his face to mine, we kissed, now more starved for one another. His hands began squeezing my ass, firmer now than before, bringing pleasure to us both. He pulled away again briefly and in one deft movement my slip floated to the floor and again he moved his body right back against mine. Tony's hips slowly began moving up and into mine, grinding his manhood into me. He tugged at my panties and I felt them ride up between my ass, pulling my engorged clit back between my legs. He knew my clit was freed, uninhibited, and this was his way of teasing me, teasing my little clitty. So much for worrying about being embarrassed if it suddenly were to have sprung loose or doubting that he didn't know what he was getting into. I felt his hand glide over my ass, no longer were my panties a barrier for his touch. I moaned softly. His hands moved slowly, pulling the bunched up panties from between my ass to the side, and I felt him brush a hand quickly over my tight rosebud pussy. He had found what he was looking for, the pleasure zone for us both, I shuddered, trying to maintain my composure. He kissed me more deeply and gently placed his finger at the opening. It was electrifying and I couldn't help but grind my smooth pelvis into his stiff cock. Slowly he ran a finger over the rim and pushed gently in, then massaged gently the outer boundaries of my pussy. I moaned softly and it must have spurred him on, he pushed the tip of his finger past the tight lips of my rosebud pussy. I froze for a moment, stiffening my body, and he stopped his fingers advance. Tony pulled his lips from mine and starred at me, looking for a sign that I wanted him to stop. My mouth open, eyes barely open, and the look of pleasure on my face were all that he must have needed to see. He kissed at my neck again and I tried to maintain my footing, I felt weak at the knees. I moved my head slowly to the side, taking in all the pleasure he was giving. I wanted to feel his tongue in my mouth again, I kissed at his ear and his lips moved to greet mine. His finger continued its probe of my boy pussy and then retreated slowly. His hips were gyrating into mine, his finger moving in time with his thrusts. His finger fucking became more urgent, his tongue flicked powerfully in my mouth - twirling, probing, and pushing at my tongue. I tried to grind my ass into his finger, but he would tease me by pulling it away, denying my want but leaving just the tip of his finger inside of me. When I would squirm in protest he would slowly rim my pussy and I would moan as if pleading for him to continue. His other hand grabbed at my panties and pulled sharply while he drove his finger deep into me. I squirmed and moaned louder this time! Oh Fuck! Oh God this feels so good! Pain and pleasure swept over my body, my clitty pulsing from being forced further back between my legs. I was having trouble breathing, panting noisily through my nose, his kiss was fierce. Oh GOD! He pulled on my panties again, driving my clit back harder between my legs again and I clawed at his shoulders to help keep from falling over in a heap of spent pleasure. The assault on my body was being perfectly orchestrated, he knew when and where to probe, when to advance, when to leave me hanging. I couldn't take much more of this and tried to push his arms away from my body. He seemed to know my every want and how to whip me into a near orgasmic frenzy! He took my cue and began to release me, I felt a moment of relief when he removed his finger ever so gently from inside of me. I tried to take a step back, but found that somehow during the course of our pleasures we had moved to within inches of the pool table. I put my hand back to steady myself on the pool table and Tony reached for my shoulders. In one fluid movement he spun me around and was forcing me to lean over onto the table. He placed a hand roughly between my shoulder blades and guided me slowly to a resting position on the table. When he realized I wasn't going to fight being in the position I was being place in he step squarely behind me. I was in awe at how quickly he had turned me around and positioned me on the pool table. The control he seemed to have over me, I almost exploded in my panties from being so dominated! I looked over my shoulder to see what was his intent was, though I had a pretty good idea of what was coming. I was too far awash in my own needs and want to put up a fight, this is what I wanted. I looked at him calmly, reassuring him I was ready, wanting him as he wanted me. He slowly pressed himself against me and I could feel the bulge in his shorts grind at my ass. My panties still riding hi up between my ass cheeks, my clit throbbing, precum soaking the silky material. He ran his hand softly over my ass, teasing me, tempting me to move. I looked back toward the other end of the pool table and then down at the green felt. His hands slid further down my thighs and then he moved away from me so as to be able to glide his hand up the inside of my thighs. I shivered and could feel the goose bumps rising on my legs. I shook my head, trying to maintain control and he playfully spanked my ass. "Augh!" I squealed, my voice shocking me as much as he had startled me with the quick swat. I tried to push myself upright, but his hand pressed down in the small of my back making it impossible to get even onto my elbows. I tried to relax again and felt a tiny kiss on my left thigh, then his tongue moved slowly up my leg toward my ass. His hands spread my ass apart, pushing me harder into the edge of the table, and I prepared for his tongue to pleasure my pussy, but it wasn't to be. He grabbed a handful of my panties and pulled hard toward the small of my back! His other hand began rubbing wildly at the crotch of my panties. I tried to free myself from his grasp, from this position, but the handful of panties he had and his pushing at my back, his hand digging into the skin at my waist, seemed to immobilize me from the hips down. My clit was being pulled even farther back, straight back between my legs, and his incessant rubbing was going to push me into the most powerful orgasm I had ever had I thought! I tried to look back at Tony, but he keep pushing on me, forcing me further onto the pool table. I was on my toes now, my legs press against his shoulders, his free hand continued rubbing wildly at my clit. It was exhilarating! I was a little afraid now, he was treating me so roughly! Those feelings were quickly replaced by the pleasures he was providing and the battle was on. I tried to move my hips in unison to his fingers rubbing over my clit, but couldn't get in the same rhythm as Tony. I began to whimper and he slowed his rubbing and finally he stopped. I exhaled long and hard, slumping onto the table. Tony held me still, I couldn't move if I wanted too I was still up on my toes and my hips ached from being jammed into the pool tables side. His grip on my panties was tight, my clit now aching, throbbing, and I was on the edge of exploding. One pat on the ass or one finger at my rosebud, was all it was going to take for me to totally make a mess in my panties. I tried to turn my head around to face him, but could only see the sides of the pool table.

Same as Rachel - Crossing the Line IV Videos

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Rachel Crossing the Line VI

Hi - another installment. No editing again, long story, hope you'll forgive me. Thanks for all your comments to date. It helps more that you'll ever know. Rachel Rachel - Crossing the Line VI ? by: Rachel M. Moore November 20th 9:38 PM OK Rach, get a grip. Fuck Nick, let that asshole go, he'll get his one- day. I put the glass of water on the counter and went to the living room to see if I could sort out how I was going to deal with my life. It was so damn complicated...

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Rachel Crossing the Line III

Rachel - Crossing the Line III ? by: Rachel M. Moore November 19th, 10:51 AM My life may have been heaven, but my hair was giving me fits at the moment! The long hot bath I had just taken did wonders for my aching muscles, it was certainly easier to move around now. Bending over to pick something up off the floor took some thought before executing that maneuver. I had knocked my comb off the counter in the bathroom and, not giving my previous night's workout much thought, bent...

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Rachel Crossing The Line Part XVI

Authors Note: Been a while since I've had a chance to pen another adventure of a character I love. Hope you enjoy... Thanks for reading and all the feedback given in the past. Didn't have a chance to work with an editor, so errors - all on me. Sorry it took so long to get this out there. Rachel M. Moore (All right reserved) December 2, 9:05 AM Bzzz, Bzzz, Bzzz, Bzzz... It was the second time I'd hit the snooze alarm and I could feel the dread of the day weighing on me already. ...

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Rachel Crossing the Line VIII

Thanks for all the encouragement. I write for that and have really appreciated all the emails and comments (good and bad). Rachel is a complex girl, hope you enjoy this chapter... Rachel November 21st, 8:10 PM I was nervous, the keycard to open the suite door shook slightly in my hand as I slid it into the lock. I had knocked of course, but no one answered. There was no way I was going back down to the lobby or to mingle with the casino crowd. Hell, I'd...

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Rachel Crossing The Line Part XXI

Authors note: Thank You to everyone who have left comments or contacted me directly. If you are registered I try to reply to each comment left via your email address given to the site (might wanna check your junk mail folder). From the beginning of this story I knew where I wanted it to go, how so many threads could / might come together and maybe make an interesting garment (story). This is the last chapter in this series. It pains me to end the saga - but I think it's time to try some...

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Rachel Crossing The Line Part XVII

Authors note: Thank You to everyone who have left comments or contacted me directly. If you are registered I try to reply to each comment left via your email address given to the site (might wanna check your junk mail folder). From the beginning of this story I knew where I wanted it to go, how so many threads could / might come together and maybe make an interesting garment (story). This chapter introduces, maybe not so subtle at first - but by the end you will know, something bigger...

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Rachel Crossing the Line IX

November 22nd, 10:01 AM The air conditioner wasn't running and the room felt very still. It was too quiet, like an empty church, and my ears were ringing. Was I alone? I remember hearing James milling about the room getting dressed earlier, but we didn't speak. I was exhausted earlier and now it struck me just how awkward I felt. I remember half-watching him, but I guess those feelings weren't enough to get me battling with myself all over again because it took nothing for me to slip...

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Rachel smothered unconscious in paradise Sequel

Rachel had just backed out of the room where she had seen Christie and her two large female black employees exit. She walked quickly to her room, she knew they would be back, one of them had been told to fetch the key to the handcuffs they had just used. They had left the door wide open and Rachel knew she had taken a big chance when she had looked in the large suite, she had seen a tall beautiful Asian woman laying on the sofa, one of her legs was hanging over the short back of the sofa the...

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Rachel Crossing The Line Part XII

November 29th, 4:32 AM The bed shook and I rolled over lazily away from the movement on the other side of the bed. Cool air crept under the sheets before more shaking and the sound of someone exhaling slowly. If this wasn't Brad coming to bed then I didn't give a... A hand rubbed my shoulder slowly and I reciprocated with a not so enthusiastic, "Mmmm..." I was so tir... November 29th, 8:13 AM Warm puffs of air blowing across my face woke me long before my body was telling me I...

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Rachel Crossing The Line Part XI

November 28, 12:14 PM "Let me get this straight..." I could hear the slightest of giggles in her voice as Lisa paused to get her thoughts straight, "You call him, tell him 'No way are you going to dress like a cheerleader!' Then invite yourself over, take nearly two hours to get over there and when you finally show up he pretty much jumps you once the door shuts?" "I didn't say anything about him 'jumping' me!" and I watched a large truck in my rearview mirror pull to a stop behind...

4 years ago
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Rachel Crossing The Line Part XX

Authors note: Thank You to everyone who have left comments or contacted me directly. If you are registered I try to reply to each comment left via your email address given to the site (might wanna check your junk mail folder). From the beginning of this story I knew where I wanted it to go, how so many threads could / might come together and maybe make an interesting garment (story). This chapter sets up the final chapter for this story and as much as it pains me to end the saga - might...

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Rachel and Daniel get to know eachother

“Hello! Anybody home?” Rachel shouted loudly as she pounded on the door to her home. It wasn’t her home actually it was her parents home, Rachel had just forgotten to put her keys in her purse before she took off to her class. She pounded on the door again getting frustrated. Finally after what seemed like hours she heard someone run to the door and unlock it.“I’m sorry it took so long, I just got out of the shower.” Rachel’s half brother Daniel said as he hurried to open the door for her.She...

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Rachel Crossing The Line Part XV

All Rights Reserved - Rachel M. Moore (pen name). December 1, 1:42PM The day had started out fairly well, that is until Lisa had called to tell me Krystal had an appointment with Dr. Hansen, "Dr. Bill" as she liked to say probably because it sounded like Phil. The appointment was at 11:30 AM, which at the time of the call gave me no time to casually slide into the day. Gone was starting the day at a leisurely pace or reveling in my exploits from earlier this morning with Brad....

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Rachel Crossing The Line Part XIX

Authors Note: Thank You for all your comments and emails - I hope I've taken some of the wonder about the outside forces controlling Rachel's journey. I promise to not make it easy to guess the eventual end to this saga, I've got a few twists planned yet for our girl you might not see coming, or maybe you will. XOXO - Rachel December 3rd, 10:22 PM We talked about nothing in particular for maybe five minutes after I'd last had Will' cock in my mouth. He was nursing his newly...

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Rachel gets smothered unconscious in paradise

Rachel lay back on the fine white sand wearing only a tiny light blue thong she was determined to get an all over suntan on this trip. She let her long legs slide out wards stretching her arms out wide above her head. She hoped this would be an interesting vacation. Christie had been watching Rachel for a few days now, she had worked at this exclusive resort for over five years and it seemed there was no shortage of beautiful women to satisfy her cravings. Her position of assistant manager gave...

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Rachel Intersecting Lines

Authors Note: I love this character. I love how she came to life for me (though that story is going to get rewritten to make it better (Rachel - Crossing the Line)). What's different about this story is not only do I play the story through Rachel's eyes, but also through another character. Hope you enjoy... Thanks for reading and all the feedback given in the past. Sorry it's been so long since my last release... Rachel July 8th, 2:39 AM "Yeah..." I muttered into the phone while...

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Rachel Crossing The Line Part XIII

November 29th, 12:02 PM A few thousand thoughts were running through my mind after catching that news story about Tang Dettings. The bastard definitely got what he deserved, whether he fell down some stairs or was helped. Of course I knew in my heart he hadn't fallen and that's where Brad must have gone after Krystal and I had gotten home last night. The look on his face when he saw how that asshole had beaten Krystal was one I'll never forget. I think after the initial shock...

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Rachel Crossing The Line Part XIV

Thank you, for all the great feed back! Many Thanks to Kristina for the edit work! Love to hear your thoughts. Rach... November 30th, 10:12 AM I rolled over gingerly and rubbed the small of my back. It was tender, like I'd done a thousand sit-ups or something. Rubbing it didn't do much and I decided to get up and find something to take for the nagging pain. I stood carefully and took the first few steps as though my hip was out of joint, stopping to lean over and steady myself...

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Rachel And Rons Lunch Together

Rachel graduated from the University of Oregon’s School of Law in May 1979 and, while studying for her bar examination in the fall, accepted a summer internship working for the regional branch of a federal agency housed in the eighteen-story Edith Green-Wendell Wyatt Federal Building in downtown Portland.  Since her parents lived in nearby Lake Oswego, she could live rent-free while the internship brought in some extra cash to help pay down her student loans.Another benefit of the internship in...

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Rachels Reward

Good karma comes to Rachel on her friends' honeymoon.“On behalf of my wife and myself…” It was a traditional opening gambit for a groom’s wedding speech and it caused everyone, Rachel included, to laugh and applaud. Reece could carry off even the corniest of lines with grace and charm. “I’d like to thank you all for being here to celebrate our special day,” he said, concluding the sentiment and drawing out another appreciative murmur. American and Brit guests alike were loving him, especially...

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Rachel Transforms Into With A Little Help

Rachel sat sobbing on her front stoop. She couldn’t believe that her boyfriend had broken up with her. It was him that wanted to try new things. It was not her idea. What was she supposed to do?Rachel thought about her life and what led up to this point. She thought about when she was sixteen years old and going on her first real date. She thought about when she was eighteen years old and having sex for the first time. She thought about the boys and the things they wanted to do with her. She...

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Rachel fulfills her wildest dreams

With her three young daughters tucked up in bed Rachel sat watching the TV and, for the first time, she had chance to reflect on what had happened to her that day. She’d cheated on her husband and she knew that today’s huge events for her were going to change her life. She’d been married for fifteen happy years to Trevor and, despite him being away abroad for long periods, if she was feeling horny while he was away she would masturbate but it didn’t really solve the problem. She had never...

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Rachel Rosenbaum

Rachel Rosenbaum bent over and lifted a box of oranges. G-d, they were heavy she thought, as her muscles strained to bear the weight. Her arms weren't used to this kind of work, as she had worked at a clothing store before her job here at a massive supermarket. It wasn't her choice to leave her old job, it was just that it paid better, and money was very important to her right now. As an 18 year old high school senior, she had to think about her future, which meant enough money for a state...

4 years ago
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Rachel Riley Countdown for Doom

Rick knew that his sexy target often worked late, and all alone, at her fancy London office, so he set up a private meeting with the unsuspecting beauty. Rachel, you see, could never resist a tall, well-built Latino ladies man. She’d met Rick at an upscale dance club the weekend before. It was a setup. He kissed her, touched her, and teased her on the dance floor, whispering sexy words in her ear and making sure she felt the rock-solid bulge at the front of his tight jeans. Rachel was dazzled....

2 years ago
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Rachel McKnight

Pop pop popThe heavy bag moved significantly. The man striking the blows was Brad Johnson. At 43, he had an impressive physique. He stood no shorter than 6’3” and weighed in at 205. With 5% bodyfat, his well defined six pack and muscles left little to the imagination regarding the physical power he possessed. He had a long day at the office, as he is head sales manager for the Katsuragi corp. regional office in LA.His second most favorite way to relieve stress, especially after a long day’s...

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Rachel My Amazing Babysitter

This is a true story. “But MOM!” I pleaded. “I don’t NEED a babysitter! Can’t I just stay by myself this once?” But she wasn’t budging. For Pete’s sake, I was f******n. Just because my parents had to go out of town for the weekend, why did I have to have somebody staying with me like I was some little k**! “Look Jeff, I’ve heard all I’m going to hear from you. I’m getting Mrs. Walker’s daughter, Rachel to stay with you, and that’s all there is to it.” Then her voice softened somewhat. “Listen...

4 years ago
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Rachel My Naughty Little Tomboy Neighbor

Rachel, My Naughty Little Tomboy Neighbor (Part one) The Orchard I heard giggling but there wasn’t anyone in sight. Supposing I had imagined the sound, I ignored it and went back to eating my apple. I was sitting on the ground with my back comfortably resting against a huge apple tree. It was my neighbor’s orchard I had invaded to ‘steal’ some of their succulent fruit. Of course now, I wasn’t really stealing. I’d been given explicit permission to pick some apples from the...

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Rachels shopping trip

This story introduces us to Rachel and a sumptuous stranger. Thanks for comments and the inspiration. Kisses and Hugs.“How does this dress look”, it is the sweet voice of a female who is standing nearby. Rachel turns away from the dressing room mirror and looks at the speaker and the dress she is wearing. Rachel politely says, “That looks nice on you.” Jokingly she adds, “The bare feet add a special touch to the sun dress.” The stranger pulls up the dress and shows off her luscious legs...

3 years ago
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Rachel Comes Alive

Rachel stepped out of the shower, grabbed her towel and started to dry off. As she did her mind drifted once again to the same recurring thoughts that seemed to dominate her life recently, being all alone and how much she hated it. Rachel had become a widow at the tender age of 36 and in her wildest dreams she had never imagined that anything that traumatic could actually happen to her and her husband. Bill had gone off to work just as he did every morning except on that day he hadn't returned...

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Rachel and the Nude Beach

One of the young ladies I dated for a couple of years was named Rachel. She was 5’7”, 118 pounds, 34C-20-32. She had very long brown hair that reached the crack of her ass. Her eyes were brown and her face was quite pretty. Rachel looked like a fashion model and I enjoyed the way all of the guys watched her when she walked by. In fact, a number of ladies also watched her. All of this attention made Rachel very self-conscious as she did not like to be the center of attention. She preferred to be...

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Rachels Visit to The Club

Rachel’s Visit to “The Club”Rachel stood at the check-in desk of ‘Le club des esclaves féminines’ and smiled at the older well dressed man standing behind the ostentatious desk. She looked down at the sign-in list and noticed there were only two other women signed in for the ‘Rope Wednesday’ evening session so far, a Nyasia and a Raina.“Bonjour madame, I am so happy to see you this evening…Miss Rachel. As I am sure many of our members are going to be also.” He smiled knowingly at her.Rachel...

4 years ago
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Rachel and Caitlin Best Friends0

“You know that one guy Steve is actually not as much of a fuckboy as other guys. I might even like him a bit” Caitlin said to Rachel. “Are you sure Cait? I mean he might just be using you to get that booty” Rachel responded, while going behind Caitlin and quickly slapping her ass. “Don’t smack me! He’s a good guy. We have a lot in common and he seems very genuine. And who says getting fucked is the worst thing in the world” “Wow you are a slut” Caitlin fired back, while thinking in...

1 year ago
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Rachel and Chris followup for Crissy

Rachel and Chris 3 : a follow up for Crissy, playing the part of Chris. *** Part 3, reader Crissy was the inspiration. “Crissy!” I shouted at you as you peered out of the closet door. “What in the hell are you doing spying on Rachel and me?” I asked. Before you could answer, you saw my hard cock pull out of your sister’s pussy, covered in shiny sweet juice. You knew you wanted it but were embarrassed that you’d been caught spying on us. “Get over here, stay on your knees, and suck you sister’s...

She Males
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Rachel and Fay

Rachel was bone tired as she lay in the hot bath she had just drawn, her whole body aching from the pounding it had taken at this afternoon's practice. Rachel was a starting forward on a women's professional basketball team out of Chicago, and Coach Jim Danvers had worked them to death after last night's embarrassing home loss to Detroit. He had a right be upset! They really had stunk it up and the three hour practice had been an absolute killer. Tomorrow would be a lot easier, however, since...

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RachelChapter 4

Rachel left Mel with me, or should I say, in my company, while she went to shower after dinner, and she re-appeared wearing her tee shirt and panties, and that caused Mel to gasp in shock and blush prettily. Rachel was wearing one of her tees, which of course was shorter than my/her old one, and she had a pair of thin panties on, that really hugged her mons as she walked. As she walked into the living room, I, of course, pretended not to notice, but Mel sure did! Rachel had gone into a...

3 years ago
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Rachel Crossing The Line Part XVIII

Authors Note... Thank You Beth and Tina for the emails! Hopefully this chapter makes up for what was missing in the last. Comments, questions, whatever are always appreciated. XOXO - Rachel December 3rd, 10:28 AM Shit! I looked at the phone and battled with whether I should answer it or not. The information Nate provided me sure screamed there was cause for concern, but I hadn't even had a chance to process it fully. Damn it! I slid the phone icon to Answer, "Hey..." and there...

3 years ago
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My beautiful wife, Rachel, has one major character flaw that recently led to a rather bizarre sexual experience. In spite of her wealthy background, Rachel is a habitual shoplifter, something that I only learned recently when she was caught red handed.We had spent the day at the beach and on the ride home we stopped at a small antique shop, Island Relics. While I checked out a collection of swords and knives, Rachel browsed through the shop. When I heard her arguing with someone I went to...

2 years ago
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Rachel Fire and Innocence Part 2 The Fun Begi

Rachel: Fire and Innocence – Part 2 – The Fun Begins When I opened my eyes, I looked up to see Rachel straddling my outstretched body, and patting my bare chest with a cool, damp wash cloth. I could feel a cool cloth folded on my forehead, and another one behind my neck. I could also see right down Rachel’s dress, as she leaned over me. Her breasts were perfectly round and firm and her nipples were aroused. She asked me how I was feeling, poor thing, as she continued to administer her version...

2 years ago
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Rachel Fire and Innocence Part 2 The Fun Begi

Rachel: Fire and Innocence - Part 2 – The Fun BeginsWhen I opened my eyes, I looked up to see Rachel straddling my outstretched body, and patting my bare chest with a cool, damp wash cloth. I could feel a cool cloth folded on my forehead, and another one behind my neck. I could also see right down Rachel’s dress, as she leaned over me. Her breasts were perfectly round and firm and her nipples were aroused.She asked me how I was feeling, poor thing, as she continued to administer her version...

4 years ago
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RachelChapter 3

As it was a fantastic day, I wanted to go for a walk, and Rachel agreed, and so we got ready, and then we were off, and I showed her the neighbourhood, introduced her to a few of the people I knew, and she had a ball, revelling in her freedom. We ended up at the park, and stood there, watching some kids playing ball, and seeing the few families having a great day. The park was three blocks from my place, and we just stood there, and Rachel took a deep lungful of air, and said it was a...

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Rachel Fire and Innocence Intro

When Harry picked me up the following Saturday afternoon, he seemed downright jolly, and even more animated than usual. He told me he was excited to have his niece Rachel for the weekend, after not seeing her for two years. I interrupted him at that point to tell him I had permission to sl**p over night at a friend’s house, so he could have me until Sunday night if he wanted. This seemed to please him, and he smiled widely, nodded his head, and winked at me. Harry went on to explain that...

3 years ago
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Rachel Fire and Innocence Intro

When Harry picked me up the following Saturday afternoon, he seemed downright jolly, and even more animated than usual. He told me he was excited to have his niece Rachel for the weekend, after not seeing her for two years. I interrupted him at that point to tell him I had permission to sleep over night at a friend’s house, so he could have me until Sunday night if he wanted. This seemed to please him, and he smiled widely, nodded his head, and winked at me.Harry went on to explain that...

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Shortly after my wife died, I took an early retirement settlement from my employer, and more or less went into seclusion. After about six months, I’d had enough lying around feeling sorry for myself, so I convinced myself to get away for a few days. I hoped a change of scenery would get me out of the funk I was in.I knew of a nice campground on a lake about two hours away, so I dug out all my camping gear and started packing. After stocking up on supplies, I loaded my car and headed out.I had...

1 year ago
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Rachel Elizabeths KneelDown Blowjob Challenge

Have you ever stayed up late, late, late, well into the morning hours and watched some of those dumb infomertials they have on, selling everything – knives, juice mixers, special mops and vacuums, and almost everything else? Most of them are pretty stupid. This past October, I watched one that definitely got me ordering the product. The item being sold was one of those special mops that uses steam to clean your floors. As with many of these infomertials, there was a guy selling the product, and...

Group Sex
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Rachels Shopping Trip Chapter 2

Here is the follow-up to my story on Rachel's Shopping Trip. Her fun with Kris continues.After a few moments of basking in Kris’ orgasm, Kris stands up and directs Rachael to follow her downstairs and into a beautifully decorated finished basement. Kris starts, “This is my recreation room and it’s no man cave.”Rachel quickly figures out that this is no ordinary room. It is a LOVE Cave. There are erotic pictures on the wall, tantalizing statues on the tables. But what totally caught her eye...

1 year ago
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Rachel grows to love her daddy

Note : This story is completely fictional! When our daughter reached her teens, she started giving us trouble, she would go out and not tell us she was going or where, when she did say, we would tell her what time to be home, but she was nearly always late, by an hour, sometimes even longer, and she didn’t seem to be bothered. We would stop her allowance, ground her, take her computer right’s away, remove the TV from her room, but she slipped back into her ways after a week or two. One Sunday...

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Rachel Makes the Sale

The kiss made my entire body tingle and that was in addition to the absolute surprise of it. I had walked into the lounge intending to have one, at the most two, drinks to take the edge off of the hard day I'd had, get a football card off of the bartender, fill it out, give him five bucks and then leave. I hadn't even seen her sitting at the bar between the two men until she jumped down off the stool and hurried toward me. The surprise was total when she threw her arms around me and kissed...

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Rachel was so gorgeous! How was I going to be around her for two weeks and not try to seduce her? Just looking at her made my hormones flow out of control.My wife’s best friend since c***dhood, Pat, was coming to Florida to spend two weeks with us and see the sights like the Space Center, Disney World, and the beautiful sandy beaches.The only problem was that she was bringing her eighteen-year-old daughter, Rachel, the most gorgeous redhead I'd ever seen! Her hair was long and straight with...

3 years ago
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RachelChapter 2

I was jolted out of my fog by Rachel tugging on my shirt, asking me "What are we going to do, Alfie?" Before I could say a word, my stomach rumbled. "Trust your gut," someone once told me, and so I did. I told her, "The first thing we're going to do, young lady, is get some breakfast! You look hungry, and so am I!". Judy wiped the tears from her eyes, and said, "that's a good idea, I'm hungry too! Let's go!" So the three of us went back to my place, and soon the smell of bacon,...

2 years ago
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Rachel And Milly Training Workout

I was sitting out getting quite a buzz and was on my second beer which I thought I had earned, I saw Rachel through her open patio door and exchanged a few smiles while she cleared up getting ready for her family fitness session when Milly came down the garden path looking rather sweaty in her uniform, “Hi Frank” she said smiling as she crossed the border into my garden, “How did your inspection go this morning?” she continued as she glanced down at my somewhat revealing tatty old silky boxers,...

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Rachel Fire Innocence Pt4 An Electric Fa

Rachel – Fire and Innocence – An Electric Farewell The smell of fresh toast and frying bacon aroused me from my deep slumber. I looked over at Rachel, her legs still tangled up with mine under the blankets. If it was possible, she looked even more angelic, as she continued to sl**p. After watching her chest heaving peacefully, it was hard to believe that this vision of perfection was the same insatiable vixen that had just fucked my brains out yesterday. I leaned over and kissed her lightly on...

2 years ago
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Rachel Fire Innocence Pt4 An Electric Fa

Rachel – Fire and Innocence – An Electric FarewellThe smell of fresh toast and frying bacon aroused me from my deep slumber. I looked over at Rachel, her legs still tangled up with mine under the blankets. If it was possible, she looked even more angelic, as she continued to sleep. After watching her chest heaving peacefully, it was hard to believe that this vision of perfection was the same insatiable vixen that had just fucked my brains out yesterday. I leaned over and kissed her lightly...

3 years ago
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Rachel the HighSchool Student

Rachel the High-School Studentby Dark Avenger. Send comments to darkavenger at tokyo.com Part 1 (Mf,nc,finger-fucking,oral) I saw her at the restaurant. She was very pretty, and wasprobably fourteen or fifteen years old. She was with her parents at the next table.Her hair was medium blonde in color, tied back, high, in a ponytail whichreached her shoulders. She had an aristocratic nosewith a prominent bridge, which I could see she inherited from her mother. Sheordered salad for the first...

5 years ago
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Rachel takes on her first three men

After Rachel had sex with Brad all she could talk about was how much fun it was.I myself had a great time and memories I will never forget. It wasn’t just watching them together but also seeing her passed out with her pussy oozing his cum. Rachel would cuddle with me every night after that giving me details on what they did ,and how his cock fit nicely inside her.She would ask me what I thought about watching them . When I told her i enjoyed it she asked could have him over again. She...

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RachelChapter 5

As Rachel got out and explored her new world, she made friends in the neighbourhood, and sometimes, one or three of them would appear on the doorstep, and then they'd disappear down to her room, and they'd have a ball. She weeded out the bad ones, and the troublemakers, choosing girls who were bright, intelligent, and were easy to get along with, and she didn't care about how old they were, either. Rachel was no respecter of persons, meaning she accepted them for who they were, and not for...

1 year ago
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Rachel and Chris

Part 1 : Rachel and the Ring Yesterday was clear with a light but chilling winter wind present to remind all that the bit of warmth in the sun would only last a couple of hours at best. I struggled between sweating and freezing as I worked to remove the winter street grime from my roadster. Top up and windows closed may have some keep the roadster in the garage all winter but not me. Unless it is icy, I want to drive the corner hugging, light and fast two seat roadster in all seasons. The...

She Males
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Rachel and Stephanie part 3 new temptations

My plans with Rachel are frustrated but another temptation arises.StephanieAlthough Rachel was an attractive girl and was pretty sociable she did not have a large group of friends, she tended to socialise with the c***dren of her parent’s friends. Mom and Dad had a wide group of friends most of whom had c***dren in their teens so there were plenty of people her age to be with.She did have one particular friend outside this group and that was Stephanie. She went to Junior High with Rachel...

4 years ago
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Rachel Grahams Precious Little Life Prologue

Note: This story is copyright 2013 Mekalicious, all rights reserved. This story may not be copied, distributed, or sold without express written consent of the original author. Author's note: I took a lot of inspiration for this story from an experience I had online a couple years ago, and the person I describe as Steven Stills is an actual person that's out there. Ladies, especially younger ladies, be careful, and look out for this guy. Just because he is the protagonist of the...

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