Rachel smothered unconscious in paradise Sequel
- 1 year ago
- 43
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Part 1 (Mf,nc,finger-fucking,oral)
I saw her at the restaurant. She was very pretty, and wasprobably fourteen or fifteen years old. She was with her parents at the next table.Her hair was medium blonde in color, tied back, high, in a ponytail whichreached her shoulders. She had an aristocratic nosewith a prominent bridge, which I could see she inherited from her mother. Sheordered salad for the first course and then had a small serving of spaghettiwith mussels while her parents indulged in roast chicken. You could tell thatshe was weight conscious, and very slim. She was wearing a figure-hugging white blouse,which you could glimpse the outlines of her bra. Her eyes were large and bright,and her cheekbones high, and I stole several glances ather from the next table, as her seat faced my table, whilst her parents'
backs were facing my table. There was a look of slight defiance in her, thisteenage beauty. She was tall too, probably the same height as her father atabout five feet seven.
I paid for my meal, stood up from my table, and started to make my way
past her table. I had turned my body to pass by the narrow space between
the back of her father's chair and the unoccupied chair at my table, and I wassure my deliberate movement would make her look up. When she did, my eyes lockedwith her brown eyes. My stare was clearly intentionally - she looked back at me,not sure what to make of it, but she did not look away. It was just twoseconds but I knew she would remember me if she saw me again. "We'll meetagain my young beauty" I told her silently in my mind. I broke the gaze andleft the restaurant.
Two weeks later, I was parked outside her house, twenty yards away in a shady
spot in my getaway vehicle. It was a great vantage point to see who was comingin or leaving her house without being conspicuous. I had followed them home theother day after therestaurant meal and found out where they stayed. It was a niceneighborhood in the suburbs, which I would expect as the restaurant I found themin wasn't a cheap place.
Today, my beauty would be alone in the house. Both her parents would leave thehouse at seven-thirty in the evening, and would not return till about ten.
Sure enough, like clockwork, her folks drove out at the expected time in aMercedes, the metal gate closing behind them. After about ten minutes, I got out
of my vehicle and made my way to the alley beside the house.
Scaling the wall was easy enough, and I made it over with my rugsack. Like the
houses belonging to most families in the neighborhood, getting into the building itself
would not be a problem once you were in the compound as this was a good residential
area and nobody really locked their doors inside.
The sky had already darkened, and I licked my chops - there would be a good three
hours for me to savor this luscious morsel. Sliding the glass door aside, I creptinto the living room and made my way up the staircase.
Along the way, I saw the family photos and trophies of my girl. Rachel was her name.Already quite a stunner since she was a little girl, it looked like she hadgrown up fast in the last few years. Long-jump runner-up, elementary school grade 5.Baseball team, middle school grade 8. Rachel was quite an active girl it seems.Was she sexually active already I wondered. She would be at the age when manyguys would be going after her, but I was sure her father would be strict andprobably over-protective, judging by how he fussed over what she ordered at therestaurant.
Hearing some music from the corridor upstairs, I paused in my steps. She must
be in her bedroom. The door was slightly ajar and I edged closer my back against
the wall. I could see her in her room, standing up, her back to me. She was onlydressed in her undergarments, totally oblivious of the intruder in her house.
In one quick motion, I had slipped into her room and shut the door behind me.
Hearing the sound of the door, she spun around. She was totally aghast,
her jaw dropped open as she took in what she saw - dressed in black from head totoe, a tall male stranger in her bedroom, his face masked like a burglar would.The only part of my face that she could see were my eyes.
I wondered how she would react. Some girls would just scream their head off orstart crying. Others would be scared stiff and stay completely quiet or
manage a "w..what do you want?". I betted on the latter. I was wrong.Rachel recovered from her shock in a few seconds - she rushed to her open windowand just about started to cry her lungs out for help when I clamped my gloved hand overher mouth and pulled her off balance. As she fell to the floor, I slammed herwindow shut, and whipped out my knife.
With seven inches of serrated stainless steel held in front of her face,Rachel kept quiet and she stayed on her side on the floor dressed
only in her underwear, supporting her upper body with her thin outstretched arm.
Pulling the lower part of mask down below my chin, I spoke."What's your name?" I asked in a gruff voice.
She paused for a second, probably thinking whether she should tell the truth
or lie. "RRachel.." she stammered.
"That's a good girl, Rachel," I smiled. Her bra and panties were patterned inmatching maroon. I looked at her young fair bosom supported by the half-cup
brassiere, her slender long legs accentuated by her tanga cut panties
and my cock started to harden in anticipation. As she sat there on the floor
with her legs stretched out on her side, I gazed at her body boldly, and
she shifted her legs uneasily as she looked at me. Her skin was flawless -
there were no stretch marks or baby fat at all on her bum like some girls
at her age would - it was completely taut and baby smooth
right from her where the curve of her hips began to her slender thighs anddown to her calves.
"Alright Rachel, you listen to me carefully now," I said. With the upper half of
my face still masked, she did not recognise me. "I came here to look for
some money and jewelry. To make a living out of wealthy folks like your
She nodded, her eyes searching my face to try to glean my intentions."I guess its just bad luck that such a lovely lady like yourself was here
when I broke in," I continued. The fear showed in her eyes but she did not
"If you do exactly as I ask, I promise you won't get hurt okay... If you
don't.." I picked up the large teddy bear sitting on her bed with my left
hand as I kept the knife in front of face with my other, "..you'll find thatI don't have very much PATIENCE." To emphasize my last point, I had stuckmy knife into the middle of the soft toy as I said it, and the tip of theknife came out right from the other end. Young Rachel flinched back but did notcry out.
"You understand me?" I asked the distraught teenager, pulling out myknife. The downy stuff came out with the serrated edges, and I took mytime pulling it out in front of her face to get the message through.Now I would never really hurt her with the knife, but it was toget the best behavior out of the young beauty. She quickly nodded.
Without removing my eyes off her, I pulled out my Sony Digicam frommy rugsack. "Its a good thing I brought this along today," I smiled at
Her eyes grew huge as she watched me turning it on, and shefinally spoke, "What do you want?"
I intentionally ignored her question, fiddling with my camera.
"Just some entertainment little girl. I'll leave the house
once we're finished. If you're good and do exactly as I say, this will
all be over quickly. I won't even need to touch you."
She nodded.
"Now get up."
She stood up.
"Now sit down on the bed".
She sat down at the edge of her bed, feeling a little consciousabout her state of undress.
Focusing the Digicam at her, I started the recording. "Just a little
souvenir to remember you by. Don't worry."
"How old are you, Rachel?"
"Fourteen... Going on fifteen in December," she replied.Her arms were folded across her stomach in a position that looked like
she was feeling cold, and she kept her legs closed like a lady would.
She looked nice and vulnerable.
"Stand up now...stand in the middle of the room," I trained the camera
on her as she got up. I moved her to the center of the room whilst
I made myself comfortable on her bed, keeping her in my viewfinder.
She stood there in the middle of her room, trying to hide her bodyfrom the video-camera but not explicitly daring
to do so while I watched her. Her arms were now folded in front ofher body, and her right leg slightly crossed in front of her left,
as if she was subconsciously hiding the treasure between them.
"Now drop your arms to the side... Good.... I want you to dancefor the camera. Nice, slow and sexy. If you do real well, I'mgoing to let you go immediately."
She looked distraught but I think she already expected it. With herundergarments still on, it was not too bad for her she must have
She started to sway her hips and shoulders. And so, lying back on
Rachel's soft bed, smelling the sweet feminine smell of her body
in them, I watched the fourteen year old school girl dance for me in her
bra and panties. My cock was starting to get hard.
"Turn around slowly.... and move your hips a bit more.." I instructed,
"Good...very good. "
God, she was so sexy, I soon had a raging hard-on in my underwear as
I stared at the youngster moving her hips and thin limbs. She slowly
turned in front of me, showing me her perfect buttocks and back.
With some coaxing, I even got her to raise her arms up, pile up
her hair on the top of her head and expose the back of herneck to the camera - very erotic moves.
"Cross your arms slowly in front of your chest and touch your shoulders
with your hands. Slowly!" I commanded, my eyes locked on the beautiful
teenager. "Now slowly uncross them VERY slowly and put your handson your hips. I want you to touch yourself as you do this."
Rachel was sizzling hot prick-tease!Her fingers seemed to be
tracing fire as they caressed the taut skin of her bosom, flattummy and girlish hips. Even an impotent man would cumjust watching the hot young thing. I was real glad I caught
her sexy little dance on film.
I couldn't stand it anymore. I had to taste this young thing!
Catching her by surprise as I leapt up at her (she cowered back
and let out a little scream thinking I was going to hit her), Ihad looped her wrists in a little length of rope.
"You said you would go if I danced well!" she cried out, as sherealised that I was tying her hands together.
"You did magnificent, my dear Rachel. Too well in fact..." I
grunted, my loins on fire with lust for the teenage beauty.
Throwing the loose end of the rope over the beam across the ceiling
- it was a stroke of luck that the architecture of this house would
help me in this - I secured her wrists above her head, exposing her
sexy underarms. She had obviously shaved her armpits, but I was sure
she would only have a very light fuzz anyway.
Rachel looked like she was going to cry when she realised that she
was effectively immobilised. Her hands were tied up together high above her.
Her body would be freely accessible to my manipulations.
I reached behind her to unfasten her bra clasp, moving slowly and
watching her face. If she wanted to fight me, it would be now, and a
kick in your groin could well dampen your libido. But while she triedto resist, the rope held her in position, and she did not try to attack
I lifted up her bra cups gently and she started to whimper. "No... please.."
she pleaded. "Hush.... I won't hurt you..." I cooed as I feasted my eyes
on her pale, apple-sized titties. Kneeling down in front of her,I edged forward real close to her such that her bosom was directly infront of my face and her legs almost touching my chest. I could feel heryoung body trembling as my hands grasped her small waist gently and mylips touched the center of her naked chest. Fastening my mouth on her pinkish
nipple and started to lick it hungrily. My tongue flickered over her nipple
and I felt it go erect in my mouth. She cried out, turning her headfrom side to side, and pulling on the rope but I hugged her hips and thighs
close to my chest as I feasted on her adolescent breast.
"Please..no... stop..." she whimpered but I continued my oral assault onher sensitive nipples, alternating between both breasts, pausingmomentarily to admire their perfect conical shape. She was probablya B cup, not that large, but I preferred sensitive breasts to large ones.
Tiring of my kneeling position, I got up, and dragged a chair in front
of her and sat down, admiring my handiwork. Her hair
was slightly messy hair now. Glistening on her skin was my saliva on
her breasts. She had a slightly flushed complexion. "Please go away.."she whimpered, looking at the floor. "I won't tell anyone.." she pleaded,
her eyes looking into mine.
"I'm sure you won't, honey... or you will find a copy of this in every
mailbox in the neighborhood and in your school," my thumb pointed to the
faithful handicam recording her ravishing by the side.
Her head hung low between her arms but she did not speak. She must hate me.I took off my gloves andgrasped her chin gently with my right hand. She tried to turn away but
could not as I tightened my grip on her jaw. "Look at me" I ordered her.
She stared at me defiantly now, her initial fear of me had turned into
anger. But her sharp features, high-cheek bones, rebellious stare and slightly
messy hair now only stoked my lust for her. Still holding onto her jaw
and turning her head toward me, my index finger now touched her lips,
gently caressing them. As I forced my finger into her mouth, she wasconfused and surprised and tried to turn her head away but couldn't asmy other fingers held her jaw firmly.
"Mmmmm," she squirmed and protested audibly trying to keep mydigit out of her mouth. Nevertheless she did not dare to bite me for
she was still fearful enough of me or what I would do with the knife.
Reluctantly, she accepted the intrusion of my finger and I startedexploring her oral cavity with it. "That's a good girl Rachel. Look
at the camera," I told her, as I slid my finger in, out and around her
mouth which was rapidly salivating (involuntarily of course, much
to her dismay). Watching the video later, one
could see the lovely Rachel looking directly at the viewer as she
was forced to take my finger in her mouth.
I stood up once more and kissed her deeply, again catching her by
surprise as my tongue fiercely explored the inside of her mouth.As she resisted and squirmed, my hands freely explored her
body, caressing the small of her back and her naked breasts, whilst Ikept my lips locked firmly on hers. She struggled to move back away from me, andI could hear the rope straining. With my left hand I pulled her waistagainst me while my right hand moved down between her
legs, searching for the small crevice that would lead to the center
of her feminity.
Taking advantage of her confusion as she tried to prevent my tongue from
intruding into her mouth, my hand moved quickly to her crotch. Mymiddle finger dove between her soft inner thighs and was adeptlyrubbing her slit through her panties. Distracted as I forcibly kissed her,she did not manage to resist my advances on the other end as myfinger caressed her sensitive slit. A combination of the fear,excitement and my loving attention to her maturing body would have
caused the young girl to involuntarily lubricate - I could feelthe damp spot in her panties.
Only when I stopped kissing her, did she look down in horror - my hand
was lodged between her inner thighs, my finger stroking the most intimatepart of her body. Pausing in glee at her reaction, I stooped down andstarting to pull down her panties slowly (amidst much protest from her),and sure enough there was the damp spot, quite visible from the inside. As Ipeeled the panties away from the treasure that it hid, a sticky strand formed
between the fabric and her labia lips. A truly erotic sight!
By now, Rachel was extremely distressed. She had been betrayed by her own body -
she was experiencing the sensations of pleasure that I was givingher despite her unwillingness to participate in it. She gave a gasp as Ilatched my hand to her crotch once more, the whole of her young body tensed upas I inserted my finger into her naked slit, which was extremely well-lubricated.
Pushing my finger deep in all the wayto my knuckle, Rachel could not help but try to stand on her tiptoes
as I invaded her sexually. Her twat was real hot and wet!
As she protested loudly with a few squeals, I started tomassage her young cunt with the rest of my fingers as my index finger was
buried in her tight vagina. Her body flinched deliciouslyas my fingers brushed against the little pleasure button that
was her clitoris. Mechanically, I finger-fucked her.
After going in and out for a minute with my finger, she was lubricatingcopiously -all the while her girlish hips twisted this way and that totry to get away from my hand, but it was glued to her hot cunny,my fingers dipping into her honeypot. With my other hand, I rolled hererect nipples between my thumb and index, so now both her upper and lower
body was being stimulated involuntarily.
I increased the speed of my loving hand, now plunging two fingersinto her tight hole in rapid succession. Her soppy wet cunt made lewd noises asfingers moved so fast it was a whir. Rachel cried out pleading me to stop. Her juices dribbled
out of her cunny and down her inner thighs as I continued the onslaught.She was SO wet that her love-juice spurted out as I forcefully finger-fucked
her cunt into overdrive.
As I withdrew my triumphant fingers, they were dripping wet, some of her juicesran down to my wrist as I held up my hand for her (and the camera) to see.I put them in my mouth. Yummy! Exhausted from the exertion, Rachel waspanting hard, her eyes half closed and her hair dishevelled.
Untying the free end of the rope from the table leg, I freed Rachel from
the beam, but did not undo her bound wrists. I forced her to kneeldown in front of me instead.
Dropping my pants, my cock was already at half-mast. Forcing Rachel to
take me into her mouth, I became fully erect very quickly, seeing
her sexy lips sealed around my shaft and her cheeks filled out withcock meat as she struggled not to choke taking me in. With one
hand holding the back of her head, I started to hump her hot mouth.Seeing her beautiful face on the business end of my cock being fucked,I was so aroused that it did not take me long to feel the climax coming.
My balls swollen with jimmy juice that I was saving for the occasion,I gave a loud groan and withdrew my shaft from her mouth. Holding her
face directly under my cockhead, I started to cum. I pumped my spasming
cockshaft with my fist, as I came onto the pretty face
of this teenage princess - my thick white ejaculate spurted out loads
with each powerful spasm, coating her face with pearl jam.Rachel shut her eyes tight and kept her lips closed, but the otherwise
sperm-streaked face of this fourteen year old beauty and the entire
cumshot was all caught on high-definition full color video for my
viewing pleasure later.
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My beautiful wife, Rachel, has one major character flaw that recently led to a rather bizarre sexual experience. In spite of her wealthy background, Rachel is a habitual shoplifter, something that I only learned recently when she was caught red handed.We had spent the day at the beach and on the ride home we stopped at a small antique shop, Island Relics. While I checked out a collection of swords and knives, Rachel browsed through the shop. When I heard her arguing with someone I went to...
Rachel: Fire and Innocence – Part 2 – The Fun Begins When I opened my eyes, I looked up to see Rachel straddling my outstretched body, and patting my bare chest with a cool, damp wash cloth. I could feel a cool cloth folded on my forehead, and another one behind my neck. I could also see right down Rachel’s dress, as she leaned over me. Her breasts were perfectly round and firm and her nipples were aroused. She asked me how I was feeling, poor thing, as she continued to administer her version...
Rachel: Fire and Innocence - Part 2 – The Fun BeginsWhen I opened my eyes, I looked up to see Rachel straddling my outstretched body, and patting my bare chest with a cool, damp wash cloth. I could feel a cool cloth folded on my forehead, and another one behind my neck. I could also see right down Rachel’s dress, as she leaned over me. Her breasts were perfectly round and firm and her nipples were aroused.She asked me how I was feeling, poor thing, as she continued to administer her version...
As it was a fantastic day, I wanted to go for a walk, and Rachel agreed, and so we got ready, and then we were off, and I showed her the neighbourhood, introduced her to a few of the people I knew, and she had a ball, revelling in her freedom. We ended up at the park, and stood there, watching some kids playing ball, and seeing the few families having a great day. The park was three blocks from my place, and we just stood there, and Rachel took a deep lungful of air, and said it was a...
When Harry picked me up the following Saturday afternoon, he seemed downright jolly, and even more animated than usual. He told me he was excited to have his niece Rachel for the weekend, after not seeing her for two years. I interrupted him at that point to tell him I had permission to sl**p over night at a friend’s house, so he could have me until Sunday night if he wanted. This seemed to please him, and he smiled widely, nodded his head, and winked at me. Harry went on to explain that...
When Harry picked me up the following Saturday afternoon, he seemed downright jolly, and even more animated than usual. He told me he was excited to have his niece Rachel for the weekend, after not seeing her for two years. I interrupted him at that point to tell him I had permission to sleep over night at a friend’s house, so he could have me until Sunday night if he wanted. This seemed to please him, and he smiled widely, nodded his head, and winked at me.Harry went on to explain that...
Authors Note: This is the fifth chapter in the continuing story of Mike Moore, whose life was turned around while returning home from a crossdressing outing in Las Vegas as Rachel. If you have not read the first three chapters 'Rachel - Crossing the Line I / II / III / IV' you may be a bit lost with Rachel's motivations and the story line, a lot has happened to her in the first chapters! No one edited this chapter for me and as much as I was flamed for mentioning the file editing of...
Shortly after my wife died, I took an early retirement settlement from my employer, and more or less went into seclusion. After about six months, I’d had enough lying around feeling sorry for myself, so I convinced myself to get away for a few days. I hoped a change of scenery would get me out of the funk I was in.I knew of a nice campground on a lake about two hours away, so I dug out all my camping gear and started packing. After stocking up on supplies, I loaded my car and headed out.I had...
CheatingHave you ever stayed up late, late, late, well into the morning hours and watched some of those dumb infomertials they have on, selling everything – knives, juice mixers, special mops and vacuums, and almost everything else? Most of them are pretty stupid. This past October, I watched one that definitely got me ordering the product. The item being sold was one of those special mops that uses steam to clean your floors. As with many of these infomertials, there was a guy selling the product, and...
Group SexHi - another installment. No editing again, long story, hope you'll forgive me. Thanks for all your comments to date. It helps more that you'll ever know. Rachel Rachel - Crossing the Line VI ? by: Rachel M. Moore November 20th 9:38 PM OK Rach, get a grip. Fuck Nick, let that asshole go, he'll get his one- day. I put the glass of water on the counter and went to the living room to see if I could sort out how I was going to deal with my life. It was so damn complicated...
Here is the follow-up to my story on Rachel's Shopping Trip. Her fun with Kris continues.After a few moments of basking in Kris’ orgasm, Kris stands up and directs Rachael to follow her downstairs and into a beautifully decorated finished basement. Kris starts, “This is my recreation room and it’s no man cave.”Rachel quickly figures out that this is no ordinary room. It is a LOVE Cave. There are erotic pictures on the wall, tantalizing statues on the tables. But what totally caught her eye...
Note : This story is completely fictional! When our daughter reached her teens, she started giving us trouble, she would go out and not tell us she was going or where, when she did say, we would tell her what time to be home, but she was nearly always late, by an hour, sometimes even longer, and she didn’t seem to be bothered. We would stop her allowance, ground her, take her computer right’s away, remove the TV from her room, but she slipped back into her ways after a week or two. One Sunday...
IncestThe kiss made my entire body tingle and that was in addition to the absolute surprise of it. I had walked into the lounge intending to have one, at the most two, drinks to take the edge off of the hard day I'd had, get a football card off of the bartender, fill it out, give him five bucks and then leave. I hadn't even seen her sitting at the bar between the two men until she jumped down off the stool and hurried toward me. The surprise was total when she threw her arms around me and kissed...
Rachel was so gorgeous! How was I going to be around her for two weeks and not try to seduce her? Just looking at her made my hormones flow out of control.My wife’s best friend since c***dhood, Pat, was coming to Florida to spend two weeks with us and see the sights like the Space Center, Disney World, and the beautiful sandy beaches.The only problem was that she was bringing her eighteen-year-old daughter, Rachel, the most gorgeous redhead I'd ever seen! Her hair was long and straight with...
I was jolted out of my fog by Rachel tugging on my shirt, asking me "What are we going to do, Alfie?" Before I could say a word, my stomach rumbled. "Trust your gut," someone once told me, and so I did. I told her, "The first thing we're going to do, young lady, is get some breakfast! You look hungry, and so am I!". Judy wiped the tears from her eyes, and said, "that's a good idea, I'm hungry too! Let's go!" So the three of us went back to my place, and soon the smell of bacon,...
Hi - another installment. No editing again (sorry but no editors interested in helping), long story, hope you'll forgive me. Thanks for all your comments to date - emails and feedback left. It helps more that you'll ever know. I am deep into the next chapter and with luck it won't be so long before it's out there. Rachel Rachel - Crossing the Line VII By Rachel M. Moore November 21st 12:10 AM ...I pushed away from Brad and pulled the garbage can to my face just in time...
I was sitting out getting quite a buzz and was on my second beer which I thought I had earned, I saw Rachel through her open patio door and exchanged a few smiles while she cleared up getting ready for her family fitness session when Milly came down the garden path looking rather sweaty in her uniform, “Hi Frank” she said smiling as she crossed the border into my garden, “How did your inspection go this morning?” she continued as she glanced down at my somewhat revealing tatty old silky boxers,...
Rachel – Fire and Innocence – An Electric Farewell The smell of fresh toast and frying bacon aroused me from my deep slumber. I looked over at Rachel, her legs still tangled up with mine under the blankets. If it was possible, she looked even more angelic, as she continued to sl**p. After watching her chest heaving peacefully, it was hard to believe that this vision of perfection was the same insatiable vixen that had just fucked my brains out yesterday. I leaned over and kissed her lightly on...
Rachel – Fire and Innocence – An Electric FarewellThe smell of fresh toast and frying bacon aroused me from my deep slumber. I looked over at Rachel, her legs still tangled up with mine under the blankets. If it was possible, she looked even more angelic, as she continued to sleep. After watching her chest heaving peacefully, it was hard to believe that this vision of perfection was the same insatiable vixen that had just fucked my brains out yesterday. I leaned over and kissed her lightly...
Thanks for all the encouragement. I write for that and have really appreciated all the emails and comments (good and bad). Rachel is a complex girl, hope you enjoy this chapter... Rachel November 21st, 8:10 PM I was nervous, the keycard to open the suite door shook slightly in my hand as I slid it into the lock. I had knocked of course, but no one answered. There was no way I was going back down to the lobby or to mingle with the casino crowd. Hell, I'd...
After Rachel had sex with Brad all she could talk about was how much fun it was.I myself had a great time and memories I will never forget. It wasn’t just watching them together but also seeing her passed out with her pussy oozing his cum. Rachel would cuddle with me every night after that giving me details on what they did ,and how his cock fit nicely inside her.She would ask me what I thought about watching them . When I told her i enjoyed it she asked could have him over again. She...
As Rachel got out and explored her new world, she made friends in the neighbourhood, and sometimes, one or three of them would appear on the doorstep, and then they'd disappear down to her room, and they'd have a ball. She weeded out the bad ones, and the troublemakers, choosing girls who were bright, intelligent, and were easy to get along with, and she didn't care about how old they were, either. Rachel was no respecter of persons, meaning she accepted them for who they were, and not for...
Part 1 : Rachel and the Ring Yesterday was clear with a light but chilling winter wind present to remind all that the bit of warmth in the sun would only last a couple of hours at best. I struggled between sweating and freezing as I worked to remove the winter street grime from my roadster. Top up and windows closed may have some keep the roadster in the garage all winter but not me. Unless it is icy, I want to drive the corner hugging, light and fast two seat roadster in all seasons. The...
She MalesMy plans with Rachel are frustrated but another temptation arises.StephanieAlthough Rachel was an attractive girl and was pretty sociable she did not have a large group of friends, she tended to socialise with the c***dren of her parent’s friends. Mom and Dad had a wide group of friends most of whom had c***dren in their teens so there were plenty of people her age to be with.She did have one particular friend outside this group and that was Stephanie. She went to Junior High with Rachel...
Authors Note: I love this character. I love how she came to life for me (though that story is going to get rewritten to make it better (Rachel - Crossing the Line)). What's different about this story is not only do I play the story through Rachel's eyes, but also through another character. Hope you enjoy... Thanks for reading and all the feedback given in the past. Sorry it's been so long since my last release... Rachel July 8th, 2:39 AM "Yeah..." I muttered into the phone while...
Note: This story is copyright 2013 Mekalicious, all rights reserved. This story may not be copied, distributed, or sold without express written consent of the original author. Author's note: I took a lot of inspiration for this story from an experience I had online a couple years ago, and the person I describe as Steven Stills is an actual person that's out there. Ladies, especially younger ladies, be careful, and look out for this guy. Just because he is the protagonist of the...
Rachel was engaged, again. A few years shy of thirty herself, she and her intended had just celebrated his sixtieth birthday with a bit of an orgy, her favorite way of recognizing special occasions. Since both of them had extensive sexual histories before meeting, why not? Frederic had been introduced to the pleasures of Sarah, Sandy, and Sandy’s sister (read about them in “The Loving Wife” stories) while Rachel enjoyed the happy hands, lascivious lips, and rigid rods of a half-dozen friends...
Authors Note: This is the fourth chapter in the continuing story of Mike Moore, whose life was turned around while returning home from a crossdressing outing in Las Vegas as Rachel. If you have not read the first three chapters 'Rachel ? Crossing the Line I / II / III' you may be a bit lost with Rachel's motivations and the story line, a lot has happened to her in the first chapters! No one edited this chapter for me and as much as I was flamed for mentioning the file editing of...
Rachel was a senior in high school - Kate was also, both been on the cheerleading squad they both had guys hanging off them. They were always been asked for sex, especially by the guys on the football team. While in the locker rooms after cheerleading practice, after everybody had left for the weekend Rachel asked Kate if she wanted to spend the weekend at her house - explaining her parents were away in Florida for the whole week. Kate agreed and said she's be there after school because she had...
LesbianRachel - Crossing the Line III ? by: Rachel M. Moore November 19th, 10:51 AM My life may have been heaven, but my hair was giving me fits at the moment! The long hot bath I had just taken did wonders for my aching muscles, it was certainly easier to move around now. Bending over to pick something up off the floor took some thought before executing that maneuver. I had knocked my comb off the counter in the bathroom and, not giving my previous night's workout much thought, bent...
It's Saturday, 9:00AM, the next town over from ours, to the south—Centerville. I was watching her and some asshole coming out of a motel room. She was looking really well fucked, I thought. She'd stayed the whole night. I'd not objected to her being gone since she was supposedly on a business related overnighter. She'd had several of those in recent months; now I had to wonder if all of the business wasn't monkey business. I put my camera away. I'd gotten all I needed after she'd gotten...
Rachel - Crossing The Line X By Rachel Moore November 22nd, 7:12 PM I hate being late! I rushed from my new Miata to Dr. Hanson's office door and absently clicked the alarm button behind my back. The parking lot was empty except for an older Ford of some kind and I felt lucky to be driving my new car, courtesy of James Calstrom and our evening together. I smiled in the dark and reached for the handle of the office door, pausing as muffled voices on the other...
Day 1, Sunday, April 21. Dear diary, Alice is a bitch. She's a cunt, a dick, a heel, and a shitty friend. And I'm talking Judas Iscariot level bad friend. Here's what happened: Since we live in different parts of the country, we agreed to meet on board. After all the hassle of travel and the security screening, I made my way down to our cabin. It's small, with twin beds and a tiny, cramped, bathroom, although with a shower. There's no window since we booked as cheaply as possible. After all, we...
Straight SexHow many times have you jerked off to Rachel Starr in your lifetime? A fuck ton I would suspect. Especially for those of you that watch porn from Naughty America and Brazzers. If you have seen many of those videos (and I presume that you have), then you have no doubt seen her in fucking action!The crazy goddamn thing about Rachel Starr is that even though she has been fucking and sucking professionally for over 15 years, the porn star legend has aged like a goddamn handle of fine wine. She...
Twitter Porn AccountsRachel and I had changed from brother and host sister to something altogether more sexual.Rachel part 2Over the following few weeks, whilst others in the family would have seen nothing different, we continued this teasing and exploring. She started to touch me through my trousers, realising that I had become hard, aroused by her. She would trace the shape of my erection through my trousers.I started to massage the heat of her crotch through her jeans, my hand wandered under her t-shirt and I...
Just as I thought, I found them having sex in the living room,so I just stood back and watched.Since I just spent an hour pleasing Kay, I didn’t think they would still be going at it,but I was wrong. Now I had wished that I could see them together ,now my wish had come true.Rachel was sitting on his lap, but not facing him. I could not see his face but by the way he was fast fucking her I could almost imagine. Rachel was in the state of lust herself with her eyes were shut and riding...
The world is in flames. Well not literally. Figuratively speaking it’s close to going down the drains. To say we’re fine and we will be fine if we keep ourselves neat, clean and respectful. To say – world is doing fine, but some minor hiccup that we could’ve avoid – would be a little too much. We’ve to have chaos at all times. Chaos makes money. Money runs the world. Countries warring against one another; blatant lies orchestrated between nations to disrupt others and just being plain human....
Ah, Las Vegas. We’d landed on time, and after going through immigration, had arrived at our hotel. I’d never been to America before and I was taken aback at the sheer size of some of the hotels and the sight of escalators in the street. The weather was lovely and warm, the sun shining and Dickie was a nervous wreck. He’d spent hours trying to dissuade me from coming, but to no avail. I had him over a barrel, and after how he’d treated me for so long there was no way I was going to let go....
Rachel – Fire & Innocence-Part3-Toys R Us I started to get up when I saw Harry head to his private shower. Rachel grabbed my arm and pulled me down to her side. She had a warm, wistful look on her face, and she tilted her head and smiled at me. She told me that Uncle Harry had said he thought I was a special person. She said she could see why. She thought I was special too, kind and cute and fun to be with. In fact, I was the first person her age that she ever had sex with. As she ran her...