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We Meet Priscilla

At this point in our publication of the Dr. Stanton files, we have to deal with a very different variety of materials and, consequently, we have chosen a very different mode of presentation. A word of further explanation is therefore in order.

Since we began publishing these documents, our picture of them has, in fact, continued to expand and change. The initial discovery of, and concentration on, Dr. Stanton’s own manuscripts included not only his instructional “lectures” on the practice of caning, but a considerable quantity of related material, such as the kind of record-keeping that he advised masters (and mistresses) exercising a consist practice of corporal punishment to maintain, and many other fragmentary notes and even communications. Unfortunately, this material had not been fully or carefully preserved; we suspect that some person (or persons) had searched through it at some time, perhaps removing items they considered problematic for personal reasons. It has been a somewhat tedious process, re-organising and reviewing the results.

Another body of material was actually found later, in another chest. This was much more miscellaneous. It consisted mainly of documents from other hands. Quite a lot of this was still directly related to Dr. Stanton, such as, rather remarkably, accounts written by victims of, participants in, and simply observers of, punishments administered by Dr. Stanton himself. Some of it, therefore, can be cross-referenced and used to provide a broader, and/or more detailed, view of events that we find in Dr. Stanton’s own account. Most remarkably, we have instances described from both sides of the equation, so to speak: the experience of a caning recounted from both ends of the cane. This might seem a little less extraordinary, perhaps, for the reasons to which Dr. Stanton himself referred in section VI, above. He caned so many pupils (and occasionally others) over a period of twenty years, that some very exceptional circumstances – and relationships – were almost bound to occur. Considering Dr. Stanton’s intense interests, some of these were certain to attract his special attention.

Another part of the material found in the second case does not seem to have been directly related to St. Swithin’s school. Here again, it is not surprising that he should have collected “C.P” material in general. Probably some of it was given to him by members of that select and secret group of young ladies who, having come under his cane, reacted and responded not only positively but even overtly to the experience. We may find it possible to publish one or two of these items. This additional material comes with one regret, provoked by comments in the texts referring to pictorial material. None of this was found. It must have been removed at some point, whether for reasons of envy or embarrassment, we cannot tell.

This brings us, finally, to Miss Priscilla X herself. C
For reasons unknown, she was apparently sent to St. Swithin’s rather late in her school career, around the age of 17 or 18. Clearly a very intelligent and literate young lady, she kept a very frank and rather extensive diary. In this, she wrote an honest and revealing account of the very first, very unexpected, and certainly overwhelming occasion when she found herself bending over under Dr. Stanton’s cane. Unlike what was probably the case with many of her fellow pupils, apparently her parents had not previously resorted to corporal punishment. The effect of this explosive experience was hardly what she must have expected, and the later diary records this.

Her caning is recorded in Dr. Stanton’s notes, for it obviously attracted his considerable attention. But our own particular attention would not have been so attracted, had we not seen her diary. Fortunately, this privilege has been granted us by unuaual circumnstances. When Priscilla left St. Swithin’s school, she gave the relevant sections of her diary to a close friend, who clearly shared both her secret and her predelictions. There is a note in her own hand, appended to the surviving manuscript.. On leaving St. Swithin’s, she decided to separate herself from these embarrassing , which she had discovered within herself not long before, planning perhaps to excise them from her memory as well. Small hope, we may remark with some certainty!

In any case, why did she not simply destroy the records? The answer is given in further notes added by her friend. Their relationship was evidently a very powerful one, even more powerful than Priscilla’s wish to separate herself from this part of her own history. Her friend persuaded her to bestow this “treasure” of the “secret” diary upon her, swearing with the most committed of oaths that she would for ever preserve the gift in absolute confidentiality -- in case, perhaps, Priscilla ever found that she wanted, after all, to revisit it? That possibility is encouraged by the very fact that she entrusted the diary into another’s hands, rather than burning it. We should note, in passing here, that Priscilla’s friend, was not the Anna who was caned along with her.

In any case, Pricilla obviously agreed her friend’s request. We find no record of what happened subsequently, except that both the diary and other writings by her friend eventually entered what we might call “the Stanton collection”. Are we concerned about breaking this confidence? Well, yes, we are, but considering the amount of time and the complexity of events that have intervened (and, it goes without saying, a change of all names, of the school and all persons, including Dr. Stanton, we feel there is no danger of embarrassing disclosures.

Thus, in concluding and apologizing for this rather lengthy note, we should also explain that what follows is the result of some very careful and quite complicated reworking of several original accounts into one – imagined in one sense, but nevertheless factually authentic in another.

Priscilla and Anna had become a notable pair at St. Swithin's School for Girls, notable because of the closeness of their friendship, for their similarities and, especially, for their differences. They were both 18, in their last year at the school, and both daughters of parents who lived abroad. This last fact was one thing that brought them together and was also responsible for their remaining at the school for an extra year.
Anna was notable both for being a happy young woman and also for being obviously happy with what she was as a young woman. She had a lively intelligence and an even livelier sense of fun that often verged on mischief. She was good at schoolwork but not so good as to draw suspicion, likewise in sports. Many girls enjoyed her company and she was generous with it. She was also very well endowed physically, with a charming face and long blonde hair, and she was tall, with an increasingly remarkable curvaceousness that had resulted in her twice being elected "the girl most likely to succeed in Hollywood."
She had also triumphed in some rather more informal polls, including first place in "the best tits in school" and second place in "the best bum in school." Besides her widespread popularity she was a member of a much more select group of older girls who had a reputation for testing the limits in a variety of activities and ideas. Her closest friend, however, was Priscilla.
Priscilla, at first sight, made a very good pair with Anna. She was also very good looking, tall and blessed with a fine figure, though not as startlingly curvaceous as her friend's. Her hair was dark and short, contrasting with her Anna's, and other contrasts were more remarkable.
Priscilla was very bright and indeed very bookish also, a fact which made many of the girls suspicious. What is more, her bookish interests were in the classics, a subject that seemed especially remote to many. Her intense interest in the Greeks and Romans had led not only to an increasing expertise in their languages but even more into an imaginary world that she often seemed to inhabit in preference to that of the school around her.
Such was her affection for the Ancient Greeks, that her masters often remarked quietly to each other that even her figure was suitable for an Aphrodite, with proportions that looked to be classically perfect rather than exaggerated as current tastes seemed to prefer.
Were it not for the fact that she was also very good at hockey, other girls might have regarded her with contempt. As it was, she was more usually regarded with envy, especially for her close friendship with Anna. Hardly any one could understand this relationship, but it was simply a fact that they thoroughly enjoyed talking with each other and that they shared a quirky sense of humor. Anna treated Priscilla's fascination in the ancients with good-natured indulgence, and Priscilla simply ignored the wilder side of Anna.
The friends of Anna who clustered around this wilder side treated Priscilla with respect but they had little direct interaction. Both Anna and Priscilla should have been prefects, were it not for Anna's escapades and Priscilla's tendency to live in a world of her own imagination.
There was another reason for the headmaster's decision not to appoint Priscilla a prefect, a reason that might have been obvious to anyone whose attention had been drawn to the evidence. Priscilla was one of the very few girls never to have been caned and the headmaster did not believe in appointing anyone who had not been educated in this experience. Anna had certainly been caned, but was too mischievous to be a prefect.
The headmaster's enthusiastic caning practices received a good deal of attention from most of the girls. This was hardly surprising, since anything that happened as part of the regular school activities attracted such attention. Girls who were caned, which was most of them, naturally paid very close attention at the time. But almost the entire school followed the sagas of the cane with an enthusiasm that strangely matched Dr. Stanton's own, though his, of course, was much less overtly expressed.
When the (generally) weekly announcements were posted, making known to all who was in for a caning that week, the girls clustered around in large numbers and speculated on the offenders' fate, usually with glee. When the canings had been administered, a view of the punished bottoms was eagerly sought by many, and particularly well-marked bottoms became a topic of excited conversation until both the excitement and the marks themselves slowly faded, to be replaced by a new exemplar.
Priscilla ignored it all. Anna had been caned three times and Priscilla found the fact extraordinary and Anna's readiness to talk about the experience incomprehensible. Even more incomprehensible to her was a vague rumor that Anna's other group of other close friends had sometimes deliberately let themselves in for a caning. Apparently votes were taken on the basis of an inspection of the welts, and some appropriate reward was bestowed on the owner of the bottom that was deemed the most spectacular for the “season”.
Priscilla's refusal to pay attention to the headmaster's practice of caning, the evidence for which was so wide-spread and so frequent, was not due to any prudery. Indeed, her extensive study of the ancients, especially in the arts, had acquainted her with an acceptance of the naked body that was probably more enlightened than that of many of her fellow students.
Priscilla had even come across the story of how a pair of Callipygian maidens, as the histories called them, chose to exhibit their bottoms to a male stranger and request a judgment of whose was the more beautiful. Priscilla herself, in fact, tended to agree with them that this portion of the anatomy had an especial perfection. Further, since she had sometimes been told that her own proportions were remarkably close to those of the Venus's and Aphrodites as revealed by Greek and Roman statues, she secretly believed that her own bottom was similarly beautiful. She would doubtless have been disconcerted to discover that this same story from the classics was one of Dr. Stanton’s favourites.
These thoughts, however, she never shared with anyone, not even with her best friend (until later, as we have revealed above). Neither did she share the intense (and to her rather indelicate) curiosity that most of the girls had about each other's bodies. If Priscilla were to be considered in any sense prudish, it was in her refusal to participate in her fellow schoolgirls' prurience. Even Anna, she was uncomfortably aware, seemed to share this curiosity but, happily, kept it out of her conversation.

There came a day, however, when Anna's sense of adventure finally captured Priscilla's fancy. It was in the first term of their last year and they had been predisposed to discussing with pleasure all the things they could do when school was over. Anna had discovered that the nearby county town was hosting a grand harvest fair, far more exciting than anything that ever happened in the miserable little town outside the school gates. Travel to the county town, of course, was strictly forbidden, unless accompanied by parents. Anna, however, felt she had worked out a foolproof plan. Priscilla, considerably less convinced, nevertheless agreed to join her, as long as no one else in the school knew about it.
The Sunday in question arrived and Anna and Priscilla set off for a harmless walk down the local high street, carrying school bags. They parted company shortly before reaching a public convenience at the local bus station. Priscilla went into a shop and Anna went into the public convenience. Five minutes later, Priscilla left the shop and also entered the public convenience, just as a gaily dressed young woman, face partly concealed by a hat, came out of it. The gaily dressed young woman went into the bus station and boarded a waiting bus. Five minutes later, another gaily dressed young woman, also wearing a hat, exited the public convenience and made for the same bus.
On the bus they chatted happily, making sure to include no references to the school whatsoever. Half an hour later the bus stopped at the fair ground and off they got. An hour later things were going wonderfully and Priscilla was beginning to enjoy herself. She was even keeping Anna company as the latter chatted up some local boys, who were clearly taken with the two charming young women.
Some of the boys were staring to rib Priscilla, who was happy to leave most of the banter to her confident friend. "'Oose the shy one, then?! Cat got 'er tongue, 'ey?!" At this precise moment they were unfortunately not paying attention to some adults and some accompanying teenagers who were passing close by. A middle-aged man in the group and his daughter stopped, hearing voices that were oddly familiar. Staring at the two girls, their eyes suddenly lit up with glee. It was, unfortunately, Mr. Turner, a much disliked English master at the school, and his equally unpopular daughter, a student there. Mr.Turner pounced, demanding. "Anna and Priscilla! What in the name of heaven are you two doing here?!"
If they had had a moment to think, they might have pretended innocence and escaped. But they were caught by surprise, gaping at Mr. Turner with utter dismay. Their looks gave them away entirely and Mr. Turner knew he had made a splendid catch. Expressing great outrage and making arrangements with his own family to meet them an hour later, he soon had the two girls in the back of his antiquated car, happily driving them back to St. Swithin's. Priscilla and Anna sat in the back seat, shocked and silent, not daring to talk or even look at each other. Anna was staring at her lap, horrified at how things had gone wrong. Priscilla stared ahead, unbelieving.
When Mr. Turner arrived at the school gates, he drove in so rapidly and stopped so abruptly in front of the headmaster's residence that the two girls were almost bumped off the seat. Leaping out in his excitement, he ordered them out, marched them to the front door and rang the bell vigorously.
A maid appeared, and Mr.Turner demanded admittance to see the headmaster. The maid looked doubtful and in truth she knew that her master was dozing on the couch in his living room. She hesitated and Mr.Turner demanded imperiously to see Dr.. Stanton, "Kindly inform your master that I am here with two of his students whom I have caught in the midst of criminal irresponsibility!" The maid did not actually remember who Mr.Turner was but, intimidated, she disappeared inside, woke up Dr. Stanton and relayed a garbled message. Dr. Stanton was not happy but instructed her to bring them in.
On being admitted, Mr.Turner marched ahead to the headmaster's living room, with which he was of course familiar, with the two girls following nervously. He entered the room with a flourish and triumphantly announced his catch. Dr. Stanton was still bleary-eyed and stared at them all in stony silence for a few moments. Mr.Turner was visibly upset. "I see," Dr. Stanton eventually remarked, rather unconvincingly, "Hmm." Having sized up the group that had entered his living room, however, his mind was beginning to work ahead of his tongue. But he still looked extremely irritated.
"So, Miss Anna, you took yourself to the county fair and broke a large number of school rules?" Mr. Turner tried to insert himself back in the conversation, "I have just explained, Dr. Stanton, what I found ..." "Quite so, quite so, Mr. Turner, I understood you perfectly, but I need a confirmation from these two young ladies here."
"Well, Miss Anna?" Anna's face was the only answer that the headmaster needed. "And you, Miss Priscilla, you did the same?" Priscilla's face was also a silent answer. "I see," murmured Dr. Stanton again, with increasing appreciation of the situation, followed by another silence as he ran through some documents in his head. "Your conduct is execrable, and I advise you to consult the school notice board tomorrow morning."
A pause, " Miss Anna, you will receive eighteen strokes of the cane! Miss Priscilla, you will receive twelve!" For a moment his irritation seemed to increase peculiarly and then, as the two girls stared in dismay, he added, "Of the best! Of the very best! You may go -- and return to your house immediately to remove those highly irregular garments!"
Mr. Turner tried to speak again but Dr. Stanton cut him short again, although with some degree of gratitude, "Yes, Mr. Turner, your alertness is very much appreciated. It is most helpful to school discipline and I thank you for it most warmly! You may return to the rest of your day of rest and give your family my apologies for the fact that you have been obliged to sacrifice their entertainment for the good of the school!
He did not, however, sound very warm and Mr. Turner seemed to be expecting some further commendation. Not receiving any, he left the room, impatiently hustling out the two miscreants with him. They thereby missed the thoughtful look that passed across Dr. Stanton's face as his eyes lighted on the rear view of the two departing girls, rather more revealing of their shapeliness than usual because they were still in their illicit dresses. "I bet I know what that old fogey Turner is hoping," Dr. Stanton remarked silently to himself. "He's hoping that I'll give him a chance to cane these two girls - well, he's going to be disappointed this time - maybe I'll offer him a chance when the prize is not so good!"
He no longer appeared irritated. Not only did he now have a reason for looking forward to the next day, but he had also realized that he would finally have his opportunity to examine -- and cane - a bottom that he had long noticed as both worthy of such attention and also peculiarly lacking it so far.
With Anna's bottom he was already very pleasantly familiar, having caned it on three occasions -- he never forgot a bottom once he caned it. Anna's he had classified as a very fine example of the peach shape, one of the best in the school indeed. But Priscilla's bottom he thought would turn out to be an apple, and the apple was his favorite shape.
He snapped his fingers in another passing moment of irritation, however, wondering why he had designated them for the rather modest number of strokes, eighteen and twelve respectively. They certainly deserved more. His irritation was brief, however, because he never had any difficulty in increasing a punishment through the application of his very well developed technique with the cane.
Outside his front door, Mr. Turner had stalked off to his car barely speaking, muttering something about how his self-sacrifice should be better rewarded, and disappeared in a cloud of smoke and a burst of gravel. Anna glared after him with profound distaste. Dr. Stanton was hardly sensitive to the feelings of most of the older girls in the school, who were disagreeably used to the way that some of the older masters tended to stare at where tits and bums made uniforms bulge and to sneak glimpses down blouses and up skirts, but his and Anna's experience overlapped just enough to result in a shared perception of Mr.Turner. "Dirty old man!" she spat out.
Seeing a look of incomprehension on the face of Priscilla, who was actually about to explode out of her state of shock, Anna thought an explanation was expected and continued, "Haven't you ever noticed?! Most of the male teachers look as though they can't wait to get inside our knickers, and the real perverts among them think that a chance to cane us would be almost as good! They're all as envious as hell of old Fuzzy Face because he gets to see so many bare bums and cane them as well! Let's go behind his house -- over there - we can hide away among the trees and talk."
"There" was a rather secluded place in the school gardens, where a bench was hidden among some shrubs and trees. Mr. Stanton never went there and neither did the girls in general, since it was too near his residence. It was, however, often used as a first retreat by those who came out of his back door with hands clutching a just-caned bottom and it was in such circumstances that Anna knew it. She hurried Priscilla down a path, not knowing that an explosion was imminent.


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PRISCILLA’S FIRST CANING. PART VIIFurther instructions by Dr. Stanton himself Some Subtle Considerations A word of reassurance on two related matters may be in order here. The first is somewhat private and, one might consider, embarrassing. However, as I have made it clear, I hope, I am striving to be both franks and comprehensive in my advice. In addition, I would note that I have even discussed this with ladies of my acquaintance, who have all...

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Part XIII. THE AFTERMATH OF PRISCILLA'S CANINGWhen Priscilla's brain finally registered the headmaster's order to stand up, which at first went in one ear and out the other, she did so in a state of utter bewilderment. The abrupt ending of the cane's assault on her bottom left her feeling that she had been dropped back in the real world, with a crash, and the idea that she should actually do something out of her own will, such as stand up and recover her sense of identity, was almost...

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PRISCILLA'S FIRST CANING (Part X)Note: Priscilla’s diary, the principal source of our longer account here, proceeds to the events of her caning almost immediately after this However, a recent interesting discovery has provided another source that coincides directly with her account at this point. The editors have decided to work on that text first, so that it will precede Priscilla’s story in these extracts, as it did in the original course of events. There may therefore be a slight delay...

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PRISCILLA’S FIRST CANING. PART VIFurther instructions by Dr. Stanton himself THE ADMINISTRATION OF AN ACTUAL CANING: INTERACTION WITH THE MISCREANTThe considerable detail in which we have discussed the management of the cane so far will prove, I hope, sufficient to ensure that when it comes to the actual event you will manage it smoothly and effectively. There remain, however, some additional points to be made.As you proceed with a caning, however, additional problems may arise and we will...

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PRISCILLA'S FIRST CANING PART IIIThe Headmaster SpeaksNotes: These sections reconstruct what we referred to at the end of Part II, in a slightly edited version, Dr. Stanton’s text, The Philosophy and Practice of Caning Young Women. Readers, of course, may not be interested in Dr. Stanton’s curiously – perhaps bizarrely -- practical approach to his subject. The editors, however, feel that the variety of material to follow will make better sense if they can be viewed through the very...

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PRISCILLA'S FIRST CANING (Part VIII)PRISCILLA'S FIRST CANING (Part IX)“Oh my god! What’s going to happen? What’s it like to be caned?! “- day one (later)Note: Priscilla and Anna, after their disastrous attempt at “having fun at the fair”, have been reported to the headmaster. They emerge from his study, knowing that they are to expect 18 strokes of the cane. Anna is unhappy but not surprised. Priscilla, however, has never been caned before and is terrified. Anna sees that...

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PRISCILLA’S FIRST CANINGDr. Stanton’s Philosophy and Practice of CaningEdited by AlexDear Reader:Some interest has been expressed in the recovery of documents surviving from what on might call the regime of Dr. Stanton, a Principle of St. Swithin’s School for Girls who pursued with remarkable enthusiasm a disciplinary policy of corporal punishment. So we will proceed to post Section II here. However, and precisely because of the interest aroused, we will take the opportunity to review the...

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Erotic Fiction
2 years ago
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From Gary to Greta Part VIII

Part VII From Gary to Greta was written by my Domme Mistress whose name will not be revealed. This story is definetely not for people underage. So if you are too young or don?t like TG-Stories stop reading. By Domme Mistress and Greta From Gary to Greta Part VIII Friday evening my wife and I went out for a long walk along the river Seine. Two women, arm in arm. Granted, my wife is really beautiful. And next to her, I too in a tight skirt, sheer blouse, bra clearly...

2 years ago
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Becoming an Egirl Part VIII

Author's Note: this is a fan made continuation of the original 2 part story written by the brilliant and beautiful Ashley barron, and a continuation of Mystery Girl's continuation of Ashley's original 2- parter series. Please follow Ashley on her on Twitter or Instagram (@AlsoAshleyB), Tumblr (AlsoAshley), Reddit (AlsoAshley) and as always, you can find all her modeling stuff on Patreon ( and OnlyFans ( The original concepts are all her's...

1 year ago
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Party Women Need Love too VIII

Indiscreet Innocence VIII: Kathleen Does It Like a Pig Kathleen found herself now surrounded since everybody. Laura looked as pig-like as a woman could get and still be attractive with her full breasts flailing from her masturbating, and cum dripping off her chin and nipples. She wanted nothing more than to bring the once-haughty Kathleen down to her level. "Good! The slut came! We got her nish an opened up for some cock. NOW, LESS GET HER FUCKED,” announced Laura who with the other hand had...

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Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer Part VIII

Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer, Part VIII By Cal Y. Pygia Another torrent of semen rushed through the cavernous vagina, sweeping Buffy before its irresistible force. Again, she felt millions of fresh sperm wriggling over her bare flesh, thrashing their whip-like flagella against her erect nipples, puffy areolas, pert breasts, concave tummy, downy pubes, stiff cock and bunched scrotum, rounded ass, and shapely legs. The male sex gametes were all over her, writhing and squirming...

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All Dolled Up Part VIII

By Missy Crystal All Dolled Up - Part VIII Jamie wants his mother to buy him a doll for a birthday present. She does and a journey of discovery begins for both of them. The phone rang four times. I was just about to hang up when a woman's voice answered. "Hello." "Helen?" "Yes." "This is Virginia, Ginny McCarthy. I'm Jamie's mother. We met last week in the park. I hope I'm not calling at a bad time." "Ginny, no, not at all. Your timing is perfect. We just...

5 years ago
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Michellersquos First Caning

I wasn’t entirely confident that Michelle would show up. As I glanced at the clock in the hallway it was now 6.05pm and I’d arranged for her to arrive at 6.00pm. I guess the ‘stickler for time’ in me had got the better of my imagination so I wandered into the kitchen and switched on the kettle to make a coffee. As I did so it crossed my mind that despite her husband’s earlier assurances, maybe he’d changed his mind and didn’t want Michelle punished after all. As the water in the kettle began to...

2 years ago
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Liz is subjected to a second Judicial Caning 2

Elizabeth Mary Wilkins, normally called “Liz” had been subjected to twelve strokes of the cane by a Court imposed Judicial Punishment at the Correctional Discipline Center for Women on a Tuesday four weeks ago.This Discipline Center was close to her home.Her bare bottom had been caned by a Punishment Officer who she only knew as “Miss”, whilst she was nude and strapped to a caning horse. Liz was attracted to this woman. She also felt that the Punishment Officer may have been interested in her....

4 years ago
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Liz is subjected to a Judicial Caning 1

Elizabeth Mary Wilkins, her proper name in the Court proceedings, twenty-six years old, had been sentenced by a Court to Judicial Punishment. Despite the use of her full proper name in the Court she was usually just called “Liz”.To cater for the ever increasing number of Judicial Canings for women, the process had gone from being a private one on one with a Punishment Officer and the offender. Now it was much less personal, where women dressed and undressed more publicly. The already caned and...

4 years ago
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Lady Caylethorpes Caning

Lady Caylethorpe’s Caning. On a warm day towards the end of July, a month shy of her thirtieth birthday, Lady Caylethorpe, the beautiful but conceited wife of the Fourth Earl of Caylethorpe, received the soundest and most comprehensive thrashing of her pampered and privileged life. It was, in the opinion of every member of the domestic staff of the Caylethorpe ancestral manor, one of the most thoroughly deserved chastisements ever meted out in the history of the household and few would have...

4 years ago
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Lady Vaylethorpes Caning

Lady Caylethorpe’s Caning. On a warm day towards the end of July, a month shy of her thirtieth birthday, Lady Caylethorpe, the beautiful but conceited wife of the Fourth Earl of Caylethorpe, received the soundest and most comprehensive thrashing of her pampered and privileged life. It was, in the opinion of every member of the domestic staff of the Caylethorpe ancestral manor, one of the most thoroughly deserved chastisements ever meted out in the history of the household and few would have...

2 years ago
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A Parfect Caning

A ‘Parfect’ CaningAs the 9 o’clock news came on the car radio Luke began to get annoyed, “Oh come on Steve, where the fuck are you?” he muttered to himself in the privacy of his car, tapping his hands in irritated fashion against the steering wheel as he did so.Luke had been parked on the overgrown gravel drive of the former boarding school since 8.30 am and wished he’d collected the keys from the office himself. At least that way he could have made a start on the inventory. Patience was not...

3 years ago
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Another Caning by Miss Strictwell

Thirty-seven-year-old Angela was awake as usual at seven-thirty and was looking forward to her day shopping and meeting her friends at the restaurant at the mall. Before that, though, she had her meeting with Miss Strictwell.As she threw the bedclothes off and swung her legs on to the floor and walked towards the bathroom she thought about her meeting which would be straight after breakfast. She knew to stay in her shorty nightdress which had a hem that only just covered her bottom. She also...

3 years ago
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The Caning at the Cafe du Concorde

The Caning at the Cafe du Concorde.On the face of it, to any casual or uninformed observer, the Cafe du Concorde may have appeared an unlikely location to act as a setting for the public disgrace and punishment of Yvette Marie-Louise Renard. The cafe in its snug location on the eponymous main square of the idyllic little village of Pont du Rochelles showed nothing at first glance to suggest that it was anything else other than the sort of pleasant and friendly little rural establishment whose...

5 years ago
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The Caning at the Cafe du Concorde

On the face of it, to any casual or uninformed observer, the Cafe du Concorde may have appeared an unlikely location to act as a setting for the public disgrace and punishment of Yvette Marie-Louise Renard. The cafe in its snug location on the eponymous main square of the idyllic little village of Pont du Rochelles showed nothing at first glance to suggest that it was anything else other than the sort of pleasant and friendly little rural establishment whose twin could be found in any village...

3 years ago
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A Domsub couple decide to live out a fantasy involving hard caning

Brian lit a bit of Forest Dance, it was his sub Giovanna’s favorite incense and a deep, musky scent, like earth under an old oak spread over the playroom. Giovanna herself knelt on the floor, she was a pretty woman, a bit on the plump side with dark curls to her waist and large olive colored eyes, Brian liked the soft curve of her body, the little love handles, and the size of her breasts that usually only came naturally with a bit of overweight. “Are you sure you want to do this my...

4 years ago
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George Isolde etc Chapter VIII

Chapter VIII Sunday morning, after they had all had coffee, Terry and George took the canoe out to go fishing, and Isolde wandered around inside the house, exploring. She found the pull down attic stairway in the upstairs second bedroom, and went up in the attic, just to see what was there. She found several rolled up rugs, and assumed they were in storage until winter. There was an old Electrolux tank vacuum cleaner, and she hauled it, and it’s attachments down into the main house. Maybe I’ll...

3 years ago
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Erotic Comic Orgy Series Chapter VIII

Erotic Comic Orgy Series – Chapter VIII“Bi Follies”, with Vic (OC), Darko (OC) and Angie (from ‘Angie’ series, Chris)Non-OC Character:Angie: “So, when is your friend coming over?” asked an anxious Darko to his friend Victor.“Relax, dude. She will be here soon”, replied Victor.They were anxious for Angie, an old flame of Victor’s. The girl was supposed to meet the Brazilian for a ‘playdate’ at his mansion and he found an opportunity to call his good friend Darko and make it a traditional...

3 years ago
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Romance Comic Cover Stories Chapter VIII

Chapter VIII – I am Lover of my sister-in-Law (based on Love Secrets No. 55 cover, Quality Comics, circa 1956)Me and Wilma, the sister of my fiancé, never got much along since I started to date Brad. In my side, I had nothing against but, she was so overprotective of him and treated him like a k** that sometimes pissed me off. And I think she never thought I was the ‘right girl’ for him.But, after a time, he revealed me something stunning: that Wilma was a lesbian. I never thought that she...

3 years ago
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A Maiden Gamble Pt VIII

A Maiden Gamble Part VIII By Sydney Michelle Chapter Nineteen "Honey? You really O.K. with this?" Tomas glanced at his wife as they drove to the Silver Palace. "Sure? Why not?" "It's not every woman who wants her husband to get blow job. I mean it's business, but it's still personal. And how do I know less isn't going to come out of his mouth than went in?" "It's not that I want you to have a blow job, I could handle that myself, it's that Maria needs to learn how to...

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Caught with Consequences Pt VIII

Caught with Consequences Pt VIII By Teaser "Are you trying to tell me that this woman is your network architect?" the computer thug said with a hint of doubt in his voice. I guess he never heard of Women's Lib. "No." she said very slowly, as if talking to a moron, which I guess she was. "I'm saying this gentleman here is my network architect." On that last comment, everyone's eyes locked on me. Thug number two, who promised me I'd just love his dick, looked furious. He...

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A Womans Clothes VIII

A Woman's Clothes VIII By Donna Williams After diner we stayed for the dance. The band played mostly romantic songs we had to slow dance to. After a few more drinks, I loosed some and had to cling more to Mike to remain steady on my feet. The heels didn't help. He took that as a good sign and pulled me tighter to him. As the evening progressed, I could feel Mike getting aroused. Resigned to my fate as laid out by my wife, I moved closer to rub against him. He turned my head...

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Bobbys Rainy Day Adventure Chapter VIII

Bobby's Rainy Day Adventure Copyright 2006 by Heather Rose Brown CHAPTER VIII It felt like I was crying for ages as I rocked in Aunt Joan's arms. Between sobs, I tried to describe the dream I'd had about my fifth birthday party. Even though it had been a dream, most of it was just like what had happened on that day. When I got to the nightmare part and told her about what my father had done, it brought back up all anger I felt towards him and reminded me of why I was afraid of him....

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Green Acres VIII

"Green Acres VIII" A week later it was officially the end of summer vacation, the night before the county bus was to come and pick up the boys just like it did every fall. Mr. And Mrs. Foster sat at the kitchen table sipping coffee as the evening wound down. It was obvious a conversation was ongoing. "You've been giving him female what!?" Mr. Foster exclaimed with surprise as he looked to his wife. "Hormones, female hormones," she said quietly. "It's made Dale so much more...

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Taffeta Torment VIII

VIII Joyce was waiting eagerly in her bedroom. When Barbara and Joan opened the door and ushered John inside, she was not disappointed although she could not hide a voice that was thick with lust as John tottered and swished towards her settee. "Come darling, sit beside me. I have some work for you perform. But nothing too difficult on your first day." She was dressed in a black taffeta frock, pure 1950s style, with a satin bodice and skirt draped in chiffon. Black stockings and...

3 years ago
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George Isolde etc Chapter VIII

 Chapter VIIISunday morning, after they had all had coffee, Terry and George took the canoe out to go fishing, and Isolde wandered around inside the house, exploring. She found the pull down attic stairway in the upstairs second bedroom, and went up in the attic, just to see what was there. She found several rolled up rugs, and assumed they were in storage until winter. There was an old Electrolux tank vacuum cleaner, and she hauled it, and it’s attachments down into the main house. Maybe I’ll...

3 years ago
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Sisters Gift VIII

Part VIII End of Part VII: The doctors came in and saw that Abby had woken. They had to check vitals and see how everything was. He said that in the next few days Gabby could go home, but she had to stay away from anything too strenuous for the next couple of days. Before the doctor could even finish his sentence, Gabby asked, “Does that include sex?” Abby and I couldn’t help but smile. “You have a special someone at home?” The doctor inquired. “Something like that…” came the sly response,...

2 years ago
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The Barford Files Chapters VII and VIII

VII: Girls Night Out Having been to trendy nightclubs in NYC during her time at the Park Avenue apartment, Charlene was no stranger to the bright, multicolored, flashing, moving, and strobing lights of such venues. The pulsing beat of the dance music kept people moving on Luck Be A's spacious and sturdy dance floor. Fully animated and lifelike computer graphics designs had dancers pacing and writhing around upon a succession of well- choreographed images. One minute, it was a grassy...

4 years ago
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Cat and Mouse 2 Pink Persuasions Chapters VII and VIII

VII: Wrap-ture When Ron Bailey's eyelids began to open, he was treated to a bright blur as his limbs slowly began to move. With every bit of movement he made, he heard the creaking sound of shifting, stretching rubber. He knew he wasn't naked, however, or he would have felt a cold breeze against his bare body. His slim, effeminate body was definitely covered in something, however. From head to toe. Once his eyesight sharpened a bit, he looked down at himself. His body was,...

3 years ago
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Barford File 2 The Betancourts Chapters VII and VIII

VII: How We Do Things Three Months Ago... For the past two games, Alex had been winning their Behemongers games. The sting was beginning to wear heavily upon Tobias as he struggled to come up with a killer deck to challenge Alex's own, which he knew had cost his best friend hundreds of dollars through a combination of allowance-raise savings, birthday gifts, and Christmas gifts. Tobias didn't know Alex's inside track. Who was he conferring with to be able to come up with such a...

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Barford File 3 The Sandbergs Chapters VII and VIII

VII: Estrogenealogy "...well, it's time for you all to get back to work, but as always, I wanna thank you all for letting our home into yours! We'll be back tomorrow, when our houseguests will be Lidia and Joe Bastianich, and then we'll have all you bored housewives salivating as much as I will over that big hunk of Jason Momoa! Until then, the merriest of mornings to you all! Goodbye!" As the studio audience began their typical cacophony of applause and cheering, the end credits...

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Dont Be Too Familiar VIII

DON'T BE TOO FAMILIAR VIII Jessica ran to the bathroom and threw up. Rinsing her mouth and gargling, she did her best to rid herself of her failed attempt at punishing her disrespectful minion. Stubs followed her into the room, concerned for her. Brushing her teeth and repeatedly spitting, she just wished everything could be normal again. Standing with both hands grasping the sink, wearing clothes that were adulating unseen by anyone but the wearer, she gathers her strength....

3 years ago
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Caning Her Bottom

Having had her first-ever genuine lesbian experience at the age of fifty-nine, Christine Hargreaves was wanting more. She had been, sort of, picked-up by sixty-year-old lesbian Brenda Sutcliffe and had recently tasted cunt juice for the first time as well as having her own cunt receive a female tongue for the first time ever.During her so far only visit to Brenda's house for an afternoon and early evening of sapphic sex, Christine was shown an implement that Brenda wanted to use at a future...

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Marthas bare bottom caning

It was Thursday late in the afternoon when five pupils, three girls and two boys were standing at the corner. The pupils were Martha 18, Michelle 17, Veronica 16, Morgan and Kelvin both 16 years old boys. The two boys were trying a  cigarette when the girls were chit chatting. Mr Jordan, a 55 years old gentleman appeared from nowhere jogging, he...

2 years ago
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The Caning of Gina Part I

Gina sat nervously, holding onto her mug of coffee as if for dear life. Jim sat opposite her relaxed and waiting patiently. “So how do you feel about things now?” he asked her, in a soft spoken voice. She smiled nervously but said nothing. “You can leave it for another time”, he told her, “There’s no pressure” Gina took a sip from her mug. He was wrong there was pressure. Though the choice was hers and hers alone she knew that if she walked away now she would probably never come back and would...


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