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This finally brings us closer to the topic that was our original focus, the canings of Anna and Priscilla. This remains our main focus, even though other discoveries in the “Stanton Archive” have lengthened our story.

To start with, however, we should refer to a brief item that emerged with the documents that provided the material for part IX. It explained a puzzle that we had noticed.

As part X made very clear, the matron played a rather important role in Dr. Stanton’s disciplinary career. She was, rather surprisingly, both a facilitator for both Dr. Stanton and the students. As the following account will tell, however, she was not present at Priscilla and Anna’s caning. This seemed very surprising, partly because both of these were disciplinary events of some distinction, even for Dr. Stanton. One would have expected enthusiastic participation by the matron (enthusiasm as secretly shared between herself and the headmaster, that is), and we know that she also took a particular in interest in Priscilla.

Now we know that she as away just at that time, as she warned Deidre. In addition, Dr. Stanton’s notes include his account of a phone call he made in the evening of Deidre’s punishment.

Dr. Stanton’s phone call to the Matron

I have telephoned the matron later this evening. It was quite a interesting conversation, typical of the matron and her strange sense of humour, and I am writing it down as I remember it rather clearly!

Me: Well, I hope you are not too exhausted by our rather unusual punishment session this afternoon! How did things go with Deidre after you left my study?

Matron: Ah – How do you mean … and what do you expect?!

Me: What do you expect?! You know perfectly well! You were going to give her your usual friendly treatment, and …?

Matron: And what?!

Me: Stop playing around! Did she turn out to be, you know, one of the … special ones? She certainly seemed to be going that way in her reactions to the last few strokes … twisting around like that … I could even hear her moaning … and her face was almost scarlet!

Matron: Ah! That!

Me: Yes! That! (Matron knows perfectly well that occasionally we find a girl has distinct masochistic tastes and this is always interesting for us!)

Matron: Well .. I gave her a careful massage and the sent her on her way … and told her she could come back every evening for the next week … So we’ll see! Talking of which, I’m definitely disappointed that you’ve scheduled Anna and Priscilla’s punishment for tomorrow, when you know I’ll be away!

Me: Oh, I’m so sorry! If you were more helpful when I asked you questions then maybe I’d have thought more about it! … Actually, as I’m sure you’ll agree, I could hardly have postponed it for two or here days more. It’s already a couple of days late!

Matron: Hmmph! Well, be a good boy and no funny games – I’ll expect a careful account … and I’m sure that I’ll hear about it all in detail from both Anna and Priscilla! Are you going to have them both in the room at the same time?

Me: Yes .. I think that will add to the interest – and it should reassure you that there won’t be any funny business!

Actually, I’m certain that Matron will extract a careful account from both of them. I’ll miss her support in the event of any trouble. But I’m not expecting any … I’ve caned Anna three times already and I don’t think that Pricilla is the kind of girl to rebel, especially not with Anna there. And maybe it’ll be interesting to administer their punishment on my own for a change!

This phenomenon of girls who actually seem to get sexually excited by being caned is beginning to get interesting. We may have two or three, I think. And Matron is certainly very odd in this respect. She knows perfectly well that I know the occasional girl feels this way, and she doesn’t seem shocked. I don’t know what she’s really thinking, so I’m not pushing anything. Just kind of joke around a little. But sometime I’ll ask her professional opinion about girls who feel this way. I assume we should call them masochistic. Next time I go to the city I should also visit a good library and do some research.

The following account is drawn mainly from both Priscilla’s own diary and from Dr. Stanton’s. But several other sources are turning up. There is nothing directly from Anna, although I’m aware of what they call the bum-fun club – nice name! They kept everything secret within the girls, but apparently one of their number started making her own notes, even more secretly – and some of these found their way into what we’re calling Dr. Stanton’s archive. These include comments from Anna and observations by some of the girls. To keep jumping between so many sources would become confusing and, since we originally began by “translating” Priscilla’s story into what one might call and “objective” account, we will keep that form. It should make the story a lot clearer. Who knows, sometime in the future we might try to produce a properly edited collection!

So, back to that story!

Among the girls looking at the spectacular state of Deidre’s bottom was Priscilla, although she was in the background, deeply worried and already embarrassed, not yet wanting to be noticed at all, if possible.

She knew, of course, that Deidre had been summoned to the Matron’s study that morning, and she had heard rumours of the “Deidre Event”, as it was being called, having her own punishment postponed for a day perhaps made things even worse, and she was starting to shut herself away in a private cell of terror.

So she had not expected that this particular session of showering would prove very discomforting. But, immediately after she had undressed and entered the shower room, she found herself looking straight at the bum of a girl who had received a severe round of corporal punishment that very afternoon. It was Deidre of course.

The sight seemed to shock her in the pit of her stomach. Deidre’s bottom didn’t look quite what she did know the results of a caning to be. She did know that a tawsing was partly responsible, and was horrified to see how the cheeks were a mass if crimson and purple bruising, vividly crossed stripes. There didn’t seem to be as many of these as you might expect, but they were black and blue stripes, visibly swollen and with very unpleasant looking tinges of greenish yellow.

She heard another girl remark, quite casually, "My goodness, Deidre, your bum looks really, really bad! What on earth did old fuzzy-face do to it?!"

Deidre seemed to have become a very different person from what she’d always been before! She was apparently unembarrassed by all this attention and was carefully feeling all over her own cheeks, twisting backwards to look as she did so.

"You don't say! It's pretty tender ... well first the school prefect beating was way worse than I was expecting, and then almost before I knew what was going on I found myself bending over for the headmaster … and did he lay into me … only twelve strokes, but they were so painful that I t couldn’t even count! The bumps are really big and hard ... you can feel for yourself, if you’re careful!"

The other girl accepted the invitation readily and ran her fingers gently over Elisabeth's bum. "My goodness! I can feel them ... they're so hard, like ridges! Hey! come and feel this!" Several other girls accepted the suggestion, running their fingers up and down over the red and blue striped bottom cheeks.

Deidre stood there, bending forward, apparently happy to offer her bottom for inspection, and looking back over her shoulder at her new-found friends, though at one moment she exclaimed, "Hey! Watch out! It's still really tender if you press too hard!"

Other girls were cheerfully joining in the conversation but Priscilla could not stand to either look or listen and moved around them. At that moment Anna came into the shower room, her eyes ablaze with excitement.

“Oh Wow! This is a classic beaten bum! It’s quite different! Deidre, we’ll have to elect you to our hall of bum-fun fame! Where’s Priscilla … she’d better take of look! Ah! There you are! Come on! You’re going to join the club, like it or not!”

The other girls laughed and made way for Priscilla to make her own examination. But Priscilla was getting more and more nervous and shy. Anna knew her friend well, so she did not push the matter.

“Oh well! We don’t want to make it worse for you – we’ll deal with tomorrow when tomorrow comes!”

“OH ha ha!” interjected one of the other girls, “Comes wit a bang! Or rather a great big wack! Probably lots of them!” More chuckling.

“Enough! Give it a rest,” Anna broke in. “If it were you, you wouldn’t be laughing either! But Deidre! I have to say you are quite something!”

As Priscilla stepped away, she caught glimpses of a couple of other bums that had been caned somewhat less recently. Bluish bruises were still visible under the skin. A nightmare seemed to be swallowing her.
She quickly took possession of a vacated shower, soaped her hands, shut her eyes and tried to dissolve her anxiety in the spray of hot water. She was not very successful and had eventually to emerge and allow another girl to take the shower.

As she was drying herself, surrounded by a crowd of other naked bodies, she saw Anna chatting with the girls of her dorm, obviously about caning, and she remembered her remarks about how embarrassing it was to bend over and know that you were showing the headmaster your private parts.

This inevitably made her notice the sight presented by a number of girls around her who were adopting this position for various harmless reasons, such as picking up soap and drying feet.

Priscilla had never so much as considered this before, but now she could not help noticing that, indeed, when these girls were facing away from her then they were indeed showing their privates with, of course, no concern for the fact. Glimpses of quim between open thighs came and went all around her. So acute was the expectation of embarrassment that began to well up inside her that she found herself avoiding bending over this way, even among the other girls.

She hastened out of the shower room, quickly dressed and joined those going upstairs to the dorms. Entering the door of her own, another shock awaited her. Some of the girls in her dorm were good friends, even though none were as close as Anna. But some of them considered her peculiar and treated her with dislike. As she entered the dorm she found that the teasing from last night was continuing. The dorm head hadn’t come in yet and three of these latter greeted her with gleeful whispering, "Prissy Priscilla is going to be caned! Hee hee hee! Priscilla is going to be caned! What a joke! Now she's going to get it at last!"
Priscilla was completely bewildered for a moment and stood immobilized. Understanding suddenly dawned. It was a small group of mean girls who had been friends with Deidre, even though Deidre herself was not back yet – and perhaps would not even join in now when she did.

Priscilla hissed back at them"Oh shut up! Shut up you, you harpies!" The reference didn't help, but some of the girls were almost as shocked as she was and started to jump on the gleeful yellers. Then a cry went up. The dorm prefect had been seen and everyone hurriedly quietened down, a shaken Priscilla going to her bed.

The prefect had heard the noise, however, and could guess the reason easily enough. She looked around furiously, but all the girls were back in bed. She glared at them.

“Shut up, you idiots! You can see what happened to Deidre … do you want to keep her company? You’re just lucky that I didn’t actually see.”

Priscilla knew that glances and whispers were being exchanged and was even aware that some of the girls were trying to signal her their support. But she was already in pyjamas and buried under the bedclothes.
The lights were turned out and the dorm was silent. Priscilla curled under the bed clothes, her hands slipping under the elastic of her pyjama bottoms and going to her bum, feeling the warm, smooth, roundness that usually gave her so much pleasure. What would it feel like? Her mind went round and round helplessly, remembering the terrifying sight of Deidre’s bottom, searching for some reassurance that it couldn't find.

How much would it hurt and what sort of hurt would it be? Her fingers ran along her cleft and her mind went back to her agonized conversation with Anna. What had Anna said? That after the first stroke girls just forgot about their private parts showing because all they could think of was the pain? How much pain? Eventually, she cried herself to sleep.

Part XI(b)
The next morning came. The students went to chapel. There was no reprieve. A notice on the school Board summond Anna and Priscilla to the Matron’s study at noon.

They went, where the Assistant Matron admitted them both together. She was severe and not talkative. After enquiring whether they were in a proper condition for punishment by the headmaster, which would quite definitely requite them to bare themselves and bend over in front of him for the cane, she told them to look for another notice that would be posted by 1:00.

That was it, more or less … Although, as they left the nurse’s office, Anna muttered “Shit!”

There was so much wrong with everything that Priscilla let the exclamation go unremarked. But then Anna explained herself.

“That means that Matron is away and she won’t be at our caning!”

“Does that make a difference?”

“Well, maybe not! The Matron is certainly a bit strange about canings, but at least she makes a girl feel that old Fuzzy Face won’t get up to any really weird behaviour!”
“You think he’s going to … do something … gross … apart from caning us of course!”

“I don’t really know … it’s just a feeling! Sometimes I think I can see a really peculiar look in his eye! But too bad – guess we’ll find out!”

And that was that!

The one-o’clock notice announced that both of them should report to the headmaster’s disciplinary study at five-o-‘clock that afternoon.

Everyone knew what and where the disciplinary study was. It was on the third floor above the headmaster’s residence, a floor apparently reserved for this activity, and access was available only by a door at the back. The third floor rooms and the back staircase had originally been for the servants’ quarters.

They went to that door together.

Anna pushed open the door, but both girls hesitated on the doorstep. "Well," Anna finally said, "Sooner we go up, the sooner we'll come down again!" "Yes," muttered Priscilla, "but it's what happens in between that I'm worried about!" "Try to turn off your brain and just do what you're told to ... that's about all I can tell you ... come on ... if we're any slower he'll give us extra ..." She went in and Priscilla reluctantly followed.

Pinned to a wall inside was another notice: "All girls coming for an appointment with the headmaster should go up the stairs to the SECOND floor, follow the signs to the door marked 'Headmaster's Study', and knock." Anna didn't even glance at this notice, being all too familiar with the arrangements, and started up the stairs. They had been the servants' entrance long ago, when the school was staffed in a Victorian manner, and were narrow, turning at right angles around a square stairwell.

Priscilla began to follow Anna up, trying also to follow her suggestion and keep her mind blank. Unfortunately, climbing the stairs behind Anna she was watching her friend's shapely legs and her bottom moving to and fro beneath the skirt, a bottom she had often seen in the changing room. She found herself wondering what it would look like this time. after the headmaster had finished with it and, at the same time, found herself thinking that this was probably the most peculiar thought that had ever passed through her head.
The stairs came to a small landing on the second floor, with doors opening on either side, and Anna, with a quick look over her shoulder and a gesture of encouragement to Priscilla, continued up to the next floor. Here, there was another notice, with an arrow pointing down a long corridor. Along the corridor there were several doors and another staircase, before it ended in front of the final dreaded door. It had a sign: "Headmaster's Study. Please knock." But it was slightly open and their footsteps had been heard.

"Come in!" ordered a voice from within without their having to knock. Priscilla felt as if she were being swept along, faster and faster, into some awful nightmare. The two girls barely had time to exchange one last, despairing look before obeying the command and entering the room.

The headmaster's study was large, brightly lit and, for a moment, silent. As she entered, Priscilla noticed some chairs along the right hand side, with a small table in the middle. There was some kind of cushion perched oddly at its edge. Windows filled the far wall and to the left was a large desk, with several doors rather mysteriously placed in the wall behind it. Her attention left all this aside, however, as her eyes met those of Dr. Stanton. He was sitting at the desk looking at them.
"Close the door behind you!" he ordered. Priscilla was almost paralyzed but Anna, knowing the customs, did so. Priscilla noticed an uncomfortably hefty clunk as the door latched shut. "Don't just stand there! Come over here!" Dr. Stanton continued, indicating a spot in front of his desk. They did as they were ordered and found themselves standing side by side before him. He sat contemplating them across his desk, upon which some large notebooks lay open. He stared at them in silence for a moment before speaking again. Priscilla's heart was pounding so loudly that she could hardly hear him.
"So! Having been extraordinarily foolish, both of you are now here for punishment. Do you have anything to say?"

Anna mumbled, "No sir." Priscilla could only open her mouth silently. "Well, in that case, there is no point in wasting time and we can proceed."

He got up from his desk and went over had to a large, diagonally placed cupboard door in the corner and opened it. The view of its contents nearly made Priscilla's legs buckle. There seemed to be rows and rows of canes, each hanging from its crooked handle. Priscilla stared in disbelief as Dr. Stanton reached out his hand and moved it meditatively from one cane to another.

Eventually, he took one off its peg, and with evident concentration transferred it to his left hand and swished it gently up and down. It was so bendy! As it straightened and stilled, Dr.Stanton seemed satisfied and brought it over to place it on the desk in front of the girls. Priscilla stared at it in dismay, as it lay for the moment silently on the desk. Then she realized that Dr. Stanton had returned to the cupboard and was repeating the exercise with another cane. This he also placed on the desk. And then he did the same with yet a third cane.
Priscilla had actually never seen a cane before and now she found herself staring at three of them. They were so long and thin, all the same length, with that strangely shaped handle which somehow seemed to make them look even more threatening ... it seemed to say that a hand would hold that end, while the other end served a purpose too unpleasant to think about.

Anna's earlier advice to turn off her brain and simply do what she was told was, unfortunately, not very effective with Priscilla. The incessant curiosity which normally served her so well now simply served to increase her anxiety. "Why three?" she wondered, before noticing that they were of different thicknesses.

A portion of her mind was still working busily. Different sized canes? What did this mean? The realization that someone was taking such care to think about how they would apply a cane to her bottom seemed astonishing. How would he pick one cane over another? One of them was going to be used to beat her own bottom ... which was it? She stared at the three long, smooth, instruments of punishment. She wanted to know which one it would be, even though she also knew that knowing would not help in the least.
Dr. Stanton's voice interrupted her strangely detached thinking. "I think it would be appropriate to cane you first, Miss Anna, since I have no doubt that you were the leader in this escapade. Miss Priscilla will you turn around please and face the wall over there. You can watch where your so-called friend's foolishness has led her while you await your own turn."
Priscilla swallowed hard as yet another aspect of the coming event struck her for the first time. She was going to watch Anna getting caned? She hadn't even thought about this. Not even knowing how to deal she with the news and not daring to look at Anna, she turned around as if in a daze.

She found herself looking at Dr. Stanton again, who had walked over to the small table that she had noticed when entering the room and which, now that she had turned around, was directly opposite her. He pulled it slightly out from the wall. Its purpose suddenly struck Priscilla with a jolt ... that cushion was obviously for girls to rest their tummies on when bending over.

Priscilla felt that the nightmare she'd walked into was becoming like the train that brought her to school at the start of each term ... it would start from the station slowly and then, as the chuffs of the engine and the clack of the wheels came faster and faster, it would soon be rushing through the countryside, always giving her a strange and uncomfortable feeling of being inexorably carried away.

Her meeting with Anna down in the garden, a few minutes earlier, now seemed a whole world away, like the train station, almost impossible to remember. This train was already going so fast that she was hardly able even to understand the headmaster's actions as they followed one after the other, like scenery slipping past the carriage window.

He had now walked back behind her to the desk, where Anna was still facing the other way. Priscilla heard a slight rattle ... he was picking up cane, she guessed ... but which one? There was a short silence that seemed to go on forever, then she heard him giving Anna instructions, instructions that led immediately to further horrific revelations.

"Miss Anna, since you have been caned before but apparently did not learn sufficiently from those experiences, for this punishment you will remove all your clothes ... except for your socks. ... Go over there … and take everything off ... you may place your clothes on the chair."

Priscilla still did not dare look directly at Anna but, out of the corner of her eye, saw her turn and walk slowly across the room to a chair beside the door through which they had just come in ... even that now seemed so long ago.

Dr.Stanton now reappeared on her left, carrying a cane, and went to the table he had just moved. He tapped its top with the tip of his cane, "When you have undressed come over here to the caning table."

Priscilla realized that, although she and her friend were in the same room, communication between them had been completely severed. All that she could do was to watch helplessly. She didn't actually want to watch, but found herself unable not to do so.

Anna was standing, facing the chair in the corner. Priscilla jumped as Dr. Stanton suddenly rapped the table top sharply with his cane. "Well, young woman, are we going to have to wait all day for you? I will repeat ... remove all your clothes except for your socks ... if doing so embarrasses you then you shouldn't have embarrassed the school with your disgraceful behavior."

Priscilla wondered whether Anna had expected this. She hadn't said so, but then there was obviously a lot she hadn't said. Now she had bent down to remove her shoes and then slowly stood up again. Her hands had moved to unbutton her cardigan, which she shrugged off. It was the only garment she could remove without exposing something and when her hands moved to the buttons of her blouse it was with obviously greater reluctance.

The blouse fell loosely about her bra-cupped breasts as Anna unfastened the last button and slipped the garment off her shoulders, dropping it on the chair with her cardigan and straightening again to reveal the sharp, white prominence of her bra.

Her hands then went, even more reluctantly, to the clip and zipper of her skirt. This fell quite suddenly to her ankles as its attachment to her waist was undone, affording the three other people in the room a first clear glimpse of the swelling lines of her bottom as it filled the white embrace of her panties.

She then had to offer them a preview of how its swelling curves could thrust out as she stepped out of the ring of her skirt, bending down to retrieve it and add it to the chair. Priscilla glanced at the headmaster, who simply stood there looking at Anna as though she were a pupil in a class ... except for his cane, the tip of which he kept on the table with that disconcerting cushion.

A rage began to bubble up within Priscilla, as she saw him calmly watching her friend undressing. She wanted to scream at him. For a moment even imagined herself running from the room, dragging Anna half undressed behind her . Instead, she stood there paralyzed, wishing that Anna would at least throw off the rest of her clothes in a rush of protest and bring to a hurried end that horrible man's excruciatingly evident satisfaction.

But Anna was having to force her reluctant fingers to perform each increasingly unwelcome task. She had now moved them to the hem of her panties, where they paused again before she pushed down with a sudden determination and the panties slipped over her bottom, dragging momentarily at its fullness, before she bent down once more to yank them from her feet. Her panties joined the pile of clothes on the chair and she straightened up, finally displaying not only the swelling lines of her bottom but also the smooth, pale skin of its cheeks and the clean, dark division of its cleft, so perfectly repeating the curve of each cheek.

Even Priscilla drifted into a momentary dream, admiring the perfect lines of Anna's rear view that were interrupted only by the brilliant white strap of her bra.

At one level, the tendency of Priscilla's mind to disconnect from the immediate situation while it explored some fantasy contributed to this moment of dreaming, but at another level she was conscious of the fact that she had never seen Anna's nakedness isolated like this, as though it were being put on display for them to admire. Indeed, in a way it was, but with another purpose imminent and this other purpose suddenly made itself felt.

Priscilla's skittering brain sensed that Anna's undressing seemed to have stopped and that the headmaster's silence was threatening to break.

Frantic messages to Anna flew around her brain, "For heaven's sake! Quick! Get on with it before Fuzzy Face explodes! Your panties are off already ... what does your bra matter?" But even as her brain sensed the futility of these thoughts, her intuition also sensed the reason for Anna' strange delay Fuzzy Face was going to beat their bare bottoms anyway ... their panties were coming off whatever happened.

But why did he have to make them expose their breasts too? Couldn't they keep just that one part private? Her own, increasingly intense, feelings about her own breasts made her understand Anna's odd reluctance and also, for a brief moment, allowed the realization that she herself would be following Anna and made her hope against hope that she herself wouldn't have to show herself to him ...

"CRACK!" She jumped as the headmaster whacked his crane on the table. "So what is this? A peculiar lack of consideration in keeping us waiting? Outright disobedience? I have already warned you ... so you have now earned yourself an extra two strokes of the cane, and if you don't sharpen up quickly, it will be even more!"

This explosion seemed to provoke Anna back into life and she hurriedly fumbled to undo the fastening of her bra, which soon became the last item of clothing to join the pile on the chair, finally granting those in the room a view of her body completely naked (at least from the knees up!), the sharply tipped prominence of her b**sts contrasting with the smooth swell of her bottom.. For a moment she started to move her hands as if to hide her sex, but then simply gave up and turned towards the headmaster and the table that was waiting for her.

The fury began to foam up in Priscilla again, but dissolved again in another fantasy. As Anna was moving toward the caning table, naked (except for the socks), Priscilla was again awed by how startlingly different was Anna's nakedness now from that she had so often seen in the changing room. Because everyone else in the room was fully clothed, Anna seemed somehow far more naked than Priscilla had ever seen her.

Indeed, even her nakedness itself seemed oddly to be something that Priscilla had not even seen before. Priscilla noticed that Dr. Stanton was still staring at it without any signs of embarrassment and this somehow began to seem quite natural.

Priscilla found herself reacting in a way that she knew was peculiar, even while not knowing why ... she hardly saw Anna's downcast face but looked, almost as if it were for the first time, at those high, firm and sharply nippled breasts that the girls had voted best in the school, the narrowed waist and smooth belly of the maturing young woman so envied by the younger girls, the sharply flaring hips that so obviously identified even her skirted figure, and then there, somehow now so prominent in this terrifying room with its clothed occupants, the softly downed mons veneris that a teacher had named for them seemingly so long ago, its downwards pointing triangle disappearing between her thighs, little glimpses of what lay between them offered by their movements as she walked towards the caning table.
Priscilla's mind span through all these strange thoughts, even as Anna moved slowly towards the table, and the instantaneously blossoming fantasy overwhelmed her mind. Anna had suddenly become the sacrificial virgin in an ancient rite, chosen as the most perfectly formed of all the young woman who secretly yearned for this horrifying privilege. Stripped naked (except for those white socks, Priscilla's still active sense of humor commented), she was approaching the altar ... for a rite that Priscilla did not yet even comprehend.

Anna reached the table. Although her previous canings had been while she was bending over and touching her toes or grasping ankles, she knew well enough what was expected and turned to face the cushioned end. Dr. Stanton at once inserted the tip of his cane between her ankles, tapping it to and fro, "Place you legs apart ... as far as the legs of the table will do ... and now bend over."

Anna leaned forward over the table, placing her hands on its top, and started to lower her chest towards its surface.

"Bend over ... right over! Get you chest to the table ... better! Grasp the edge of the table ... right, like that! Your hands are not to leave the edge of the table until your caning is over and I tell you that you may stand up again ... do you understand that? Did you hear me? If your hands leave the edge of the table before your caning is finished you will earn yourself penalty strokes ... do you understand?"

Anna managed to mutter an assent.

He placed his cane across the small of her back and pressed it down. "You will also position yourself properly before each stroke by pressing your waist to the table and keeping your legs straight and your feet apart ... waist down, I said ... that's better. Do you understand these instructions?"

Another muttered assent. "Good ... perhaps we can finally begin."

Priscilla was staring, mesmerized. As Anna obeyed the headmaster's orders, from Priscilla's viewpoint she seemed to become all bottom as she was forced to thrust it up and out, making it seem both rounder and larger.

The position, of course, also spread her bottom cleft apart and brought her privates into view. Priscilla noticed this fact but the fantasy still possessed her imagination and her friend's humiliation did not immediately fill her with horror in the way that might have been expected.

Instead, her mind seized on the revelation that, of course! It was the bottom, that most perfect aspect of the female form, and it was utterly appropriate that it was the bottom now being offered in sacrifice!

What, exactly, that sacrifice should be, was not at this moment declared in the fantasy. She was vaguely aware of a long, thin instrument being raised and placed across the center of Anna's bottom ...


The sound of the headmaster's cane landing across Anna's bottom almost made Priscilla her jump out her skin. She had never heard such a sound before, nor had she ever heard her friend give such a shriek. As she landed in reality again, Priscilla found Anna half upright, one hand clasped to each bottom cheek, one foot lifting.

Anna was still gasping. The headmaster was standing quite calmly to one side, for all the world as though he had just asked a pupil to answer a rather difficult question, except for the cane, which he was now holding in both hands, alternately bending it almost double and straightening it again.

A small, disconnected part of Priscilla's brain was again astonished by its flexibility. The room was silent for a few moments, except for Anna's heavy breathing. She was looking down in dismay, realizing only too clearly that she had become yet again a victim of the headmaster's calculated practices.

"So, Miss Anna? It is a question of disobedience? You hear my orders and you immediately flout them! Two more strokes for you! Now bend over again! And get your bottom back up in position!"

He pressed the tip of his cane against the small of her back again and Anna slowly resumed her position to await her next stroke. As she moved her hands back to the edge of the table, she revealed her bottom again.

A deep red line glowed beneath the skin, curving around its center, stretching almost equally across its left and right cheeks.

The disconnected part of Priscilla's brain immediately recalled the almost doubled cane between the headmaster's hands and realized how such a flexible instrument must have wrapped itself around the twin spheres of Anna's bottom. Most of Priscilla's mind, however, was trying, so to speak, to wrap itself around the realization of how a caning by the headmaster was, in fact, so deliberately designed to cause such severe damage to her friend's bottom ... and to hers.

Despite her flurry of conversations with Anna and despite the glances at cane-marked bottoms she had allowed herself in the changing room, she had not really grasped the idea of how a stroke of the cane could be administered across a helpless bottom with such force.

While her mind was spinning she registered, a little more clearly than the first time, the headmaster raising his cane again to stretch it across Anna's now proffered bottom. Still afraid to watch, she closed her eyes and held her breath ...

SssthwaTT! ...oh oh oh.OWW!

Priscilla jumped again as the impact of the cane and Anna's cry of dismay echoed through the room for a second time.

Priscilla opened her eyes, letting her breath out with a gasp. Anna was still bending over the table, motionless this time, but a second stripe, still only pink, had appeared across her bottom, a couple of inches above the first. The headmaster was standing still, cane resting across his left hand. "Better!" he said, as though complimenting a pupil for a corrected answer.

Priscilla's mind was still almost unable to grasp what was happening. A few moments passed in silence before the headmaster raised his cane again to Anna's bottom. Priscilla, still unable to watch, quickly closed her eyes ...

swiSHThwaTT ... oh oh oh oh OWW! This time Priscilla's mind was prepared and the explosive sounds of cane and pain suddenly seared their impact on her memory. She never forgot them.

She had to force herself to open her eyes and was almost surprised to find everything looking just as it had after Anna's second stroke, except that a third pink line had appeared just below the second. The disconnected bit of her mind noticed that the second mark had grown redder, and the first mark was turning from red to purple.

Priscilla was grappling with her panicky mind. She had to bring herself to watch. Why, she didn't know. She just knew she was here and so had to watch. She kept her eyes open this time as the headmaster once again raised his cane, and watched as he tapped Anna's back.

"Position! I do not want to have to remind you!"

Although Priscilla had already seen Anna present her bottom as ordered, her mind was in such turmoil that she was not sure what she had seen, and so once again was startled to see how Anna's bottom seemed to rise and swell as she pressed her waist to the table and once again suddenly felt anxiety welling up within her as the headmaster responded to Anna's cooperation by laying his cane across her bottom.

He measured it carefully just below where his third stroke was rapidly reddening and meditatively tapped it lightly against her cheeks. The room became completely silent again and Priscilla's anxiety rose almost to a scream ... she saw a sudden movement of the headmaster's arm and winced in anticipation as it swept down into the stroke.

SwiSHTHwatt ... oh oh oh OWW!

The sound exploded in the silence again. Priscilla had caught only a blurred glimpse of the cane as it wrapped itself around Anna's bottom for a split second and then rebounded into view.

Anna's bottom mysteriously seemed to lift for a moment as her "oh's" of anguish trailed the sound of the cane's impact. Priscilla sight was still flickering with the anxiety that had exploded inside her at the same sound ... she had even held her breath again ... and as she collected herself she saw Anna's bottom, seeming to sink again with the subsiding of her sounds of anguish, even as another pink mark of the cane started to glow across its cheeks.

Priscilla had to regain her breath, just as Anna was also apparently having to do, while the headmaster once again stood calmly by, looking.

But then he moved. To Priscilla's discomfort, he stepped across to behind Anna's bottom and, with an apparently shameless curiosity, bent down to examine more closely the results of his first four strokes.

This action of the headmaster simultaneously shocked Priscilla and caused her to react to something she had already seen but not really absorbed.

Anna's private parts had been opened to view by the arching of her back. Perhaps because the sight of each other's privates was a normal part of their lives, perhaps because she had been so confused by events, she had not consciously responded to the fact that, when Anna had tilted up her hips, the intimate area between her thighs had become completely visible, from bottom hole all the way through to her mons veneris.

But now she stared in fascination for, in fact, she had never before seen the female private parts so overtly displayed.

There, just in front of the bottom hole (Priscilla liked the neat little pinkness of Anna's, and the dissociating part of her mind that was momentarily in charge thought "Goodness! What a good thing I showered so well!), was that soft hollow between the thighs which, in her own body, Priscilla often explored like a little cup of pleasure.

There, emerging from this cupping of soft flesh and on display for all to see, was the slit of Anna's quim, with its little button peeping from between the pressing lips, swelling and then sinking fowards into her mons, modestly ornamented by the soft pubic hairs that Anna herself (on other, very different occasions) so loved to stroke.

It was, indeed, as though Anna, with her characteristic charm, were modeling the description offered by their teacher that afternoon in the class on female genital anatomy. Except for those angry red stripes spreading out from her cleft across both cheeks.

The headmaster had completed his inspection of the condition of Anna's bottom and had returned to his position.

But Priscilla was still in a dream. The startling pattern of these cane marks, merging with the bizarre recollection of the afternoon's physiology class, rather than bringing Priscilla immediately back to the present, triggered another recollection of the story Anna had told her after one of the anatomy classes.

The girls in the class had listened with silent fascination to the description of reproductive functions, but there had been some tittering at the diagrams showing how close the organs of pleasure were to urinary functions.

Priscilla remembered the diagram exactly, and she transferred it without even thinking to the revelation of Anna's anatomy.

And she immediately recalled one of Anna's stories about her unfortunate friend who didn't go pee before getting caned. Priscilla, staring between Anna's legs, could see precisely from where that jet of pee would have spurted forth and she even imagined its liquid arc ... it would probably have landed exactly where she was standing! Lost in another momentary dream, she looked down at her feet, almost expecting to see a stain on the carpet.

SwiSHTHwaTT ... oh oh oOH!

For a fleeting moment she seemed to see that jet of pee spray all over her, waving in response to the jerk of Anna's hips, as the cane that Priscilla had forgotten about slashed down across her bottom for a fifth stroke.

Priscilla winced and blinked, trying to fasten onto reality again by staring at the emerging pink line as Anna struggled to control the protesting movements of her bottom, to straighten her legs and resume the required position again.

The headmaster responded at once, measuring his next stroke and sweeping his cane down with another resounding THWATT!

This time, Priscilla's eyes were glued to the place where the headmaster had measured his aim across Anna's bottom and, as this lifted once more in reaction to the cane, she saw emerging from the blur of the cane's impact across the paired cheeks a thin white line.

She was surprised, in that part of her mind that still seemed to be acting as a detached observer. Why did the cane leave this white mark? Then, as the blood beneath the skin of Anna's cheeks began to seep back into the thin streak from which it had been so rudely expelled, Priscilla saw the mark turn pink, then start to redden, and she realized how the darkening hues of the six cane stripes that now crossed her friend's bottom were a kind of clock, each marking successive moments in the inexorable progress of the caning.

She knew which was the mark of the first stroke ... it had been right across the crown of bottom and its appearance now shocked Priscilla even more, for it had swollen into that narrow track of parallel lines so well known to those who administer the cane, but quite unfamiliar to Priscilla.

The swollen parallel ridges were already purple, rimming a paler indentation that she realized with horror was a perfect imprint of the cane. That the cane could strike the cheeks so hard as to leave not only a bruise but even its physical shape indented in the flesh horrified her.

That the cane could decorate the bottom with such a regular geometry, however, disconcertingly caught another fancy in the swirling reactions of Priscilla, who did not like the study of geometry but did love the geometrical paintings of some modern artists.

She now found herself strangely fascinated by the regular geometry of the evenly spaced, reddening stripes that were embracing the upper half of Anna's bottom, almost equally divided between the left and right cheeks as they neatly bridged her cleft.

The stripes looked so odd and so alien to the smooth, soft-firm, roundness that Priscilla loved to feel, and yet they also looked so inevitable and even proper, like lines firmly and confidently ruled by a painter's brush across the two open pages of Anna's paired bottom cheeks. Just as the cane was imprinting itself across Anna's bottom, so the sight of this was imprinting itself in Priscilla's mind.

At one level, these reactions were stirring depths of Priscilla's psyche that she could enter only in fantasy, at another level these observations were being entered, so to speak, in a peculiarly objective archive of experience deep in her mind.

At another level, what she was seeing and hearing was intensifying a growing panic, as she realized how painful a caning was going to be .... far worse than anything she had imagined before.
The headmaster was standing there, calmly observing the results of the cane for himself, as Priscilla was doing with quite different emotions, but he was flexing the cane between his hands again, apparently deep in his own thoughts.

Then, seemingly satisfied, he reached out with the cane to tap Anna's back again, ordering "Position!" and, as Anna proffered her bottom accordingly, shifting the cane to the center of her bottom. Another few, light taps across her cheeks. Another silence in the room. And then he suddenly delivered his next stroke with an especially explosive

Priscilla saw Anna's long hair fly up as her body jerked across the table and, just at the moment when her bottom was clenching in very visible protest, she was shocked by a second, even more resounding sshHTHWATT oh oh oh yeeEEOW!

Anna, helpless, shot upright from the table again, hands once more desperately grabbing her burning cheeks.

As Anna's gasps of pain were slowly subsiding, Priscilla was slowly letting out the air that she had gulped. Her head seemed to spin for a moment, her mind almost as battered as Anna's bottom. But even she by now knew what the headmaster was about to say.

"Miss Anna, this is a wretchedly undisciplined performance, and the only way I can think of improving it is by increasing your punishment accordingly ... two more strokes!"

Good heavens! Was Anna's beating going to go on for ever?

But Priscilla's profoundly empathetic feelings were, once again, pushed aside by her incurable sense of amazement, as she saw the marks of the last two swingeing strokes begin to redden after only a momentary streak of white.

The second had landed almost on top of the first and they had both landed almost on top of the first stroke of all.

Priscilla could see the ends of separate strokes where they had splayed out around Anna's right cheek in long, purple-tipped fingers of deep red, and where they had crossed each other more purple splodges were beginning to rise. What had that awful girl in her class said? That her sister's bottom had looked as though it had been painted? Anna's cheeks indeed looked as though the headmaster were wielding a brush loaded with oil paint ... how long could she possible survive this punishment?

Priscilla had yet to learn how much punishment the female bottom can actually absorb, causing its owner great anguish without lasting damage. But she was in the process of finding out.

"We can make this last all evening, if you wish to! I suggest that you try to control yourself during your punishment, even if it was a lack of control that brought you here! Do you understand?"


"Do you understand?"

Anna managed a whispered, "Yes sir!" Priscilla was amazed she could still talk.

"Well get your bottom back in position before you earn even more penalty strokes! And get your feet apart and your legs straight again! Your position is positively sloppy!"

Anna's position, d****d over the edge of the caning table was indeed a little sloppy, if that was the right term, even with her hips lifted by the cushion. She struggled to return to the position demanded by the headmaster and, once more, her increasingly colorful bottom was raised above parted legs, to become the focal point of everything that was going on in that room.

The headmaster, satisfied, raised his cane to measure his next stroke.

SshHThwaTT! ... SshHThwaTT! ... SshHThwaTT! ... SshHThwaTT!

Four strokes followed at very regular but quite leisurely intervals, the aim of each one creeping a little lower over Anna's bottom cheeks.

Priscilla now saw that these seemed to shiver for a moment with each impact of the cane before the rest of Anna's body reacted. The most obvious differences between each stroke, apart from the increasing area of her bottom that was being claimed by the reddening marks, were in Anna's reactions.

Her sounds and movements of distress changed from stroke to stroke, now more vigorous and now less so, with seemingly little change in the headmaster's delivery. She and her bottom were now obviously in a world of their own, even as its rules were being dictated from elsewhere.

Priscilla remained rooted to the floor.

Once more Dr. Stanton moved across, behind Anna’s bottom, which he contemplated carefully for at least a minute.

“Well, it’s a pity that the Matron is not here to give her usual guidance, but I think we may assume her blessing and continue!”
While he had been considering this issue, standing in front of Priscilla and partly obscuring her view, the welts on Anna's bottom had been darkening even further. Prompted by Dr. Stanton bizarre remarks, Priscilla found herself in the equally bizarre position of wondering how the Matron would judge, were she there.

And she was struck by the extraordinary contrast between the brilliantly striped cheeks and the equally brilliant white of Anna's cleft, surviving untouched by the cane as each impact had stretched across from the summit of one cheek to the other. Priscilla's peculiar mind suddenly fastened on its appearance as a kind of vertical mouth, white instead of red, the dentation of the welts along each side like teeth, red instead of white ... the bottom hole and the lips of Anna's quim like mysterious openings within a parted mouth ... but then she saw the long, thin, hardness of that implement that was being laid across the mouth, from lip to lip, from cheek to cheek ...

SwisSHTHwaTT oh oh oh OH!

Before Priscilla could even think to herself how weirdly her mind was working, the headmaster had taken up his stance again, measured his next stroke, and administered it vigorously.

Priscilla was once more shocked back into the moment, but with a peculiar feeling that she didn't even know which reality was real.

Anna's caning continued, stroke after strokes, six more of them, her bottom lifting with some, seeming to bounce with others, turning to the left, to the right, and back again desperately as though trying to wring the pain out her cheeks, alternate feet raised and then slowly lowered. But her hands remained, desperate to avoid any furher penalty strokes, seemingly locked to the edge of the table through the unforgiving hissing and thwatting of the cane.

Priscilla's mind was switching in and out of different realities, now floating back to some antique sacrificial rite, now into a surge of agony for Anna and rage at the headmaster, now in an effort to find some way of understanding the extraordinary sense of concentration with which the whole room seemed focussed upon the cane and Anna's bottom.

She started thinking of her own father, a peculiar and remote figure. He was not particularly kind to her, but he did not abuse her either. What always intrigued her was watching him play billiards, with that completely impenetrable concentration on his queue and the brightly colored ball, a concentration that had seemed to possess the entire room in which he was playing and the interruption of which made him so angry.

Somehow, she seemed to be coming to understand the headmaster's complete absorption in his administration of the caning, as she floated between him and the anguish of her suffering friend.
She realized there was another pause as the cane stopped its work and the only sound in the room was Anna's sobbing. But her caning was not over, Priscilla was somehow aware, even though Anna's bottom seemed to be almost completely covered with welts. Each cheek was visibly corrugated, each a large patch of deep red, crossed by purpled parallel ridges, some individual strokes clearly visible, some merging with others,.

The headmaster was waiting and watching, as he seemed to have been doing during most of the caning, so sudden and brief were the moments when he moved to actually deliver a stroke. What was he waiting for this time?

She - and Anna - soon found out. "Miss Anna, you have had your allotted punishment, and you have earned yourself a further six strokes. You will receive these as a group ...and if your hands leave the edge of the table you will earn more penalty strokes and your caning will continue ... get in position and prepare yourself!"

Anna did so, helpless as before. She straightened her legs, stuck out her bottom and, as Priscilla could easily see, grasped the edge of the table with white knuckles.

And the headmaster did what he said he was going to do.

He shifted his feet, as though seeking a more comfortable stance, laid his cane across his left palm for a few moments while staring fixedly at the bottom proffered in front of him, then stretched it out over his target, laying it low across Anna's bottom cheeks, only just above the crease where they met her thighs and where there was still a narrow strip of unmarked skin.

He paused and the room was quite silent. Even Anna's sobbing seemed to have stopped. Then, suddenly,


Six times, in rapid succession.

For the first three strokes Anna seemed to remain miraculously still. Not even her bottom moved as the cane exploded into her cheeks, followed only by sharp, deep, intakes of breath. On the fourth stroke, her hair flew up, her bottom began to twist and turn and she uttered a strangled gasp.

Priscilla could see that each stroke was cutting deeply into the undercurve of Anna's bottom, seemingly each one on top of the other.

On the fifth stroke, her hair flew again as one leg lifted high and a loud squawk escaped her. The headmaster brought his cane down with even greater force for the sixth stroke, catching a moment when her leg was lowered and her bottom back in position.

Anna's feet stamped furiously, twisting her bottom first this way and then the other as she half raised her chest from the table, giving vent to what Priscilla thought was the most ghastly shriek she had ever heard. But her hands still clung desperately to the edge of the table.

The headmaster lowered his cane and simply stood there, watching again. It was impossible to know what he was thinking, as he continued to watch Anna's slowly subsiding movements and sounds of her anguish slowly faded into quiet sobs and gasps.

Finally, she let her body subside on to the table again, sobbing more loudly now. Priscilla, her eyes and mind working oddly as ever, noticed for the first time how Anna's breasts were flattened on the tabletop, little jellying movements visible as sobs shook her body.

The headmaster, finally and simply, said, "Very well ... your caning is finished ... you will stay there until I tell you can get up, however."

He then walked slowly behind Priscilla and she could hear the slight rattle as he placed the cane on the desk, the scr****g of chair legs as he sat down, a rustling of pages and the scratching of a pen.

"Miss Priscilla ... will you move one yard to your left please?" The request was so unexpected that Priscilla did not understand, until the command was sharply repeated and she did so.

She then understood that, sitting at his desk, he wished to look at the finished result of his work ... as she was doing herself, almost as though she were her father, contemplating the pattern of balls on a billiard table.

Never could she have imagined how a caning would transform Anna's bottom. The once smooth and pale cheeks were now deeply ridged, from near the top of her cleft down to where they met her thighs, and brilliantly hued with colors that seemed to be glowing under the skin.

The plain geometry of parallel strokes, which had marked her bottom so clearly half way through her caning, was now half submerged in those brilliant colors.

The broad swaths of red on each cheek now had mauve haloes of bruising, while even darker purple marked the parallels of the cane's imprints. In places where several strokes had overlapped, the stripes were darkening even further, almost to black.

And along the lower curve of each cheek, where the last six furious strokes had landed in quick succession, the colors and corrugations were still deepening.

Priscilla realized for the first time that the expression "beaten black and blue" was simply a literal description of what the cane could achieve.

And, still just as startling to her as when she had first noticed them, were the corrugated edges aligned along each side of Anna's pale central cleft, where the cane had leapt across her bottom from one to cheek to other. And then the splay of long, blue-tipped fingers of deep red curving further around the side of Anna's right cheek, each marking with startling clarity where individual strokes of the cane had wrapped its tip around the mounds of her bottom.

Priscilla's relentlessly observing mind noted how obvious it had now become from which side the caning had been delivered, with the beginning of each welt rising suddenly on the left side of her bottom and the splay of the cane tip so colorfully imprinted on the right.

She was even starting to replay in her mind's eye how the headmaster had delivered each stroke, standing to one side of Anna and staring intently at her proffered bottom, right arm lifting the cane high ....

Priscilla was still staring, as though at a painter's masterpiece, revisiting its moments of creation, when she was shocked into the present, once again, by the headmaster finally announcing,

"Alright! Get up! ... And stand beside your friend, facing the same way, with your hands on your head."

Anna lifted herself awkwardly and stiffly from the table, her hands going to her bottom as she did so. She was facing Priscilla for a brief moment, as she moved, still naked except for her socks, to the position the headmaster had instructed.

But the two girls could not even exchange a glance, for tears were streaming from Anna's eyes, her face was still grimacing with pain and she was still sobbing. Priscilla did not dare look at her when Anna turned to stand beside her. Indeed, she was still in a kind of daze.

"I said keep your hands on your head!" came a sharp order from behind them.

Priscilla sensed Anna moving her hands from her bottom to her head. But even when she finally heard the headmaster standup from the desk behind her and he reappeared to her left, even as he moved across the room to push the table back against the wall, even as he returned behind her to reappear once more, this time with cane again in hand, even then she seemed still to be in some kind of trance.
Only when he turned towards her, saying, "Right, Miss Priscilla, it is now your turn," only then did the horror suddenly dawn in her mind. And when it did she was paralyzed by fear, unable to speak, move, or even think.


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PRISCILLA’S FIRST CANINGI wrote these stories many years ago for the Spreview site. I think they’re probably still posted there, although the site has completely changed its character. Several people told me that they liked this writing.Since then, xhamster has taken everything to a new level, where I think these stories are much more at home. So I have done some rewriting and am posting them here. If appropriate, I can post the remaining 11 sections in sequence.Alex C.PRISCILLA'S FIRST...

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Part XIII. THE AFTERMATH OF PRISCILLA'S CANINGWhen Priscilla's brain finally registered the headmaster's order to stand up, which at first went in one ear and out the other, she did so in a state of utter bewilderment. The abrupt ending of the cane's assault on her bottom left her feeling that she had been dropped back in the real world, with a crash, and the idea that she should actually do something out of her own will, such as stand up and recover her sense of identity, was almost...

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PRISCILLA'S FIRST CANING (Part XII)XIIa. THE MOMENT ARRIVES: PRISCILLA IS PREPAREDPriscilla's feet, tummy and brain all seemed to both equally confused and equally at odds with themselves. The headmaster's remark, oddly normal in its tone, that it was now her turn to be caned, had penetrated her mind like the screech with which Anna had responded to her first stroke. Suddenly she knew what was happening. But her tummy was filled with leaden butterflies. She felt almost sick. And her feet were...

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PRISCILLA'S FIRST CANING (Part X)Note: Priscilla’s diary, the principal source of our longer account here, proceeds to the events of her caning almost immediately after this However, a recent interesting discovery has provided another source that coincides directly with her account at this point. The editors have decided to work on that text first, so that it will precede Priscilla’s story in these extracts, as it did in the original course of events. There may therefore be a slight delay...

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PRISCILLA’S FIRST CANING. PART VIFurther instructions by Dr. Stanton himself THE ADMINISTRATION OF AN ACTUAL CANING: INTERACTION WITH THE MISCREANTThe considerable detail in which we have discussed the management of the cane so far will prove, I hope, sufficient to ensure that when it comes to the actual event you will manage it smoothly and effectively. There remain, however, some additional points to be made.As you proceed with a caning, however, additional problems may arise and we will...

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PRISCILLA'S FIRST CANING PART IIIThe Headmaster SpeaksNotes: These sections reconstruct what we referred to at the end of Part II, in a slightly edited version, Dr. Stanton’s text, The Philosophy and Practice of Caning Young Women. Readers, of course, may not be interested in Dr. Stanton’s curiously – perhaps bizarrely -- practical approach to his subject. The editors, however, feel that the variety of material to follow will make better sense if they can be viewed through the very...

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PRISCILLA'S FIRST CANING (Part VIII)PRISCILLA'S FIRST CANING (Part IX)“Oh my god! What’s going to happen? What’s it like to be caned?! “- day one (later)Note: Priscilla and Anna, after their disastrous attempt at “having fun at the fair”, have been reported to the headmaster. They emerge from his study, knowing that they are to expect 18 strokes of the cane. Anna is unhappy but not surprised. Priscilla, however, has never been caned before and is terrified. Anna sees that...

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PRISCILLA’S FIRST CANINGDr. Stanton’s Philosophy and Practice of CaningEdited by AlexDear Reader:Some interest has been expressed in the recovery of documents surviving from what on might call the regime of Dr. Stanton, a Principle of St. Swithin’s School for Girls who pursued with remarkable enthusiasm a disciplinary policy of corporal punishment. So we will proceed to post Section II here. However, and precisely because of the interest aroused, we will take the opportunity to review the...

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PRISCILLA’S FIRST CANINGFurther remarks by Dr. Stanton SECTION IV: THE CANENote: Just as a fascination in the female posterior (or bottom, as Dr. Stanton specifies it should be called in this context) was perhaps inevitable in light of his weekly engagements with this aspect of his students, it is no surprise to find that the features and use of the cane held an equal fascination for him. Nevertheless still remarkable is the almost scientific degree of observation...

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The Caning at the Cafe du Concorde

The Caning at the Cafe du Concorde.On the face of it, to any casual or uninformed observer, the Cafe du Concorde may have appeared an unlikely location to act as a setting for the public disgrace and punishment of Yvette Marie-Louise Renard. The cafe in its snug location on the eponymous main square of the idyllic little village of Pont du Rochelles showed nothing at first glance to suggest that it was anything else other than the sort of pleasant and friendly little rural establishment whose...

4 years ago
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The Caning at the Cafe du Concorde

On the face of it, to any casual or uninformed observer, the Cafe du Concorde may have appeared an unlikely location to act as a setting for the public disgrace and punishment of Yvette Marie-Louise Renard. The cafe in its snug location on the eponymous main square of the idyllic little village of Pont du Rochelles showed nothing at first glance to suggest that it was anything else other than the sort of pleasant and friendly little rural establishment whose twin could be found in any village...

3 years ago
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A Domsub couple decide to live out a fantasy involving hard caning

Brian lit a bit of Forest Dance, it was his sub Giovanna’s favorite incense and a deep, musky scent, like earth under an old oak spread over the playroom. Giovanna herself knelt on the floor, she was a pretty woman, a bit on the plump side with dark curls to her waist and large olive colored eyes, Brian liked the soft curve of her body, the little love handles, and the size of her breasts that usually only came naturally with a bit of overweight. “Are you sure you want to do this my...

3 years ago
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Caning Her Bottom

Having had her first-ever genuine lesbian experience at the age of fifty-nine, Christine Hargreaves was wanting more. She had been, sort of, picked-up by sixty-year-old lesbian Brenda Sutcliffe and had recently tasted cunt juice for the first time as well as having her own cunt receive a female tongue for the first time ever.During her so far only visit to Brenda's house for an afternoon and early evening of sapphic sex, Christine was shown an implement that Brenda wanted to use at a future...

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Marthas bare bottom caning

It was Thursday late in the afternoon when five pupils, three girls and two boys were standing at the corner. The pupils were Martha 18, Michelle 17, Veronica 16, Morgan and Kelvin both 16 years old boys. The two boys were trying a  cigarette when the girls were chit chatting. Mr Jordan, a 55 years old gentleman appeared from nowhere jogging, he...

2 years ago
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The Caning of Gina Part I

Gina sat nervously, holding onto her mug of coffee as if for dear life. Jim sat opposite her relaxed and waiting patiently. “So how do you feel about things now?” he asked her, in a soft spoken voice. She smiled nervously but said nothing. “You can leave it for another time”, he told her, “There’s no pressure” Gina took a sip from her mug. He was wrong there was pressure. Though the choice was hers and hers alone she knew that if she walked away now she would probably never come back and would...

1 year ago
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Singapore Caning

Roger Emerson was at the cusp of learning what most Americans never really understood: the extent of the penal system in Singapore. Roger had conducted business in Singapore for several years, but never fully appreciated the intricacies of the culturally mixed court system, nor did he understand the sense of justice that was almost inbred in the life long residents of Singapore. As the celebrated Michael Fay incident suggests, Singapore was formerly a British crown colony and has been an...

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Crimson Cheeks 4 Caning Training

“I’m going to start by giving you each a very hard spanking. Then your asses will feel the wrath of my cock,” Mr. Black explained. “Somehow, I have a feeling that this won’t teach you a lesson either. But who am I to complain? I have two willing anal sluts, and I’m going to enjoy every thrust. Are you ready?”“Yes, sir,” the girls said together.“Wonderful!” Mr. Black said. “Oh, and to make this session more memorable for you both, I’ll be attaching clamps to your nipples. I’ll be right back with...

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Public Caning in London

Back in the late 90s I used to frequent two spanking chat rooms. In those days it was possible to have some good chats without some of the politics that goes on now. Over the course of about two years I struck up good friendships online with some women who were into corporal punishment, and I actually met with five in real life. One, a very posh young woman from Wendover, met me for lunch, but decided to take it no further; a shame as she had a lovely looking bottom that would have taken a good...

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My First Judicial Caning

Well here I was in my mid fifties and you start thinking bucket lists. I had not seen a dominatrix in any shape or form for over ten years, then it had been here and there at odd times but I had never experienced a full and proper judicial caning, it seemed like now or never.These days its so much easier browsing the websites and I found a couple and made some enquiries before selecting a forty something dominatrix in Yorkshire. Yes the session would be as authentic as possible, I was to attend...

4 years ago
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The Caning The First Six

The Caning - The First SixKelly knocked softly on my office door. The Master's Lair, as I knew the girls called it behind my back. The Caning Master they called me, which I rather liked.I bid Kelly to enter, which she did rather nervously. Kelly was a pretty girl, at that stage of womanhood where she was all knees and elbows. She walked over to me desk like Bambi on Ice. Long tanned legs, ungainly as yet. Clumpy shoes with block heels did not aid her gracefulness. A bum which had yet to fill...

3 years ago
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The Caning of Gina Part II

Gina sipped her coffee as Jim looked on. As on her previous visit to his home she was very nervous. There was no feeling of nervous anticipation this time because she knew what to expect, but she was going to experience pain and, of course, someone else would be present. It had been an ordeal letting Jim see her nakedness last time and it was going to be a bigger ordeal letting another stranger see her intimately. “Well let’s get it over with then” Gina said as she stood up. Jim smiled. “Is it...

3 years ago
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The Caning

The third week of Gina Meadows' incestuous affair with her son Ryan had gone much the same as the first two. They had had sex every night and sometimes had sex during the day as Ryan got more and more confident in his sexual abilities.The affair had started after a heated argument culminating in Gina giving Ryan a very hard bare-bottomed belting, which sexually aroused both mother and son. After having sex for the first time that night, Gina suggested the purchase of a cane for future use in...

3 years ago
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Joannes Summer Job Joanne witnesses the caning of her boyfriend

Peter Mitchell placed the key to the front door in lock and turned it slowly. He hoped to avoid waking his girlfriend Joanne and then having the unpleasant task of explaining to her where he had been and why he was only arriving home at eight o’clock that Sunday morning, long after he had promised he would be home. Peter pushed the front door open gently and removed his key. He stepped into the hallway and turned around, slowly closing the heavy door behind him.He winced as it clicked loudly....

1 year ago
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Public Caning

Early that morning, we were led out to the main platform. There were nine of us in total, three blondes, five brunettes, and me, the one red head. I was last in the line and I wasn't sure that was a good thing.The sound of the gathered crowd was overwhelming: men and women all collected to bear witness to our ordeal. I wondered how many of the women ahead of me deserved their sentence but didn't have long to ponder it as we were pushed along and up the stairs.The first girl stumbled at the top...

2 years ago
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Alices caning

Author's note: this is true life shit right here, my teacher had this done to her, i just changed her name and i went on with the story.Alice Woodward ‘s CaningIf a girl is suspected of breaking school rules, there needn’t be a long and careful investigation.By Scarlett BalimannieMy name is Alice Woodward and I attended a mixed Grammar school in 1968 to 1974. Corporal punishment was a regular sight, with boys and girls being spanked and getting the slipper in class. The headmaster also gave the...

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Sacred Beach Caning

I met a married couple online whose wife was a professional dominatrix. She was a highly educated ther****t tall blonde Norwegian goddess with a great body and 36D breasts with cone shaped suckable nipples. Mistress claimed to be a Wicca witch who magically had powers over men. Her slave/husband was a 6 foot tall lanky good looking man with a huge cock and a sparkling gold PA through his urethra. Both of them were bisexual and had an eye out for me. Being naked with another man and having...

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Liz watches many Judicial Canings 3rd Story

Liz had developed a friendship with Vicky who managed the Correctional Punishment Centre for Women. She was also the Head Punishment Officer at the Centre. Vicky had now been beaten Liz twice. Liz liked the experience of being at the Centre and being caned. Vicky liked caning Liz.Liz was somewhat depressed. She did not have a job at the moment and was bored and frustrated. She was trying to think of a way that she could be involved with the Correctional Discipline Centre for Women. She thought...

1 year ago
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The Caning

Copyright© 2/14/05 Daddy was driving home, happy to have an unexpected half-day off work. As he neared the house, he glanced over at a neighbor's house, and saw his girl sitting on the porch with a friend of hers. Daddy's mood changed immediately as he drove up to his own house. As soon as he got in the house Daddy dialed his girl's cell phone. Nearby the girls cell phone rang, she looked at it and smiled seeing it was Daddy calling her. The smile quickly faded as she realized from the...

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Courtneys caning

Courtney had been summoned to the Headmaster's after school, as she made her way to his office along the corridor, she sees her Mum and her younger brother, who she had just collected from school, waiting outside.Her mother shakes her head in disbelief that Courtney had been caught smoking for the umpteenth time.The Headmasters door opens, Courtney's form teacher Miss Jenkins looks out and calls Courtney, her mother and brother inside.They all go inside and look at the Headmaster, who is sat...

2 years ago
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The Caning of Gina Part II

Gina sipped her coffee as Jim looked on. As on her previous visit to his home she was very nervous. There was no feeling of nervous anticipation this time because she knew what to expect, but she was going to experience pain and, of course, someone else would be present. It had been an ordeal letting Jim see her nakedness last time and it was going to be a bigger ordeal letting another stranger see her intimately. “Well let’s get it over with then” Gina said as she stood up. Jim smiled. “Is...

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The Caning of Gina Part I

Gina sat nervously, holding onto her mug of coffee as if for dear life. Jim sat opposite her relaxed and waiting patiently. “So how do you feel about things now?” he asked her, in a soft spoken voice. She smiled nervously but said nothing. “You can leave it for another time”, he told her, “There’s no pressure” Gina took a sip from her mug. He was wrong there was pressure. Though the choice was hers and hers alone she knew that if she walked away now she would probably never come back and...

1 year ago
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Freud And The Art Of Caning

‘Strip’ Her voice is husky, her tone, uncompromising. I strip. ‘Kneel down across the foot stool.’ I stretch my naked form across the blue padded top of the stool – I am compelled to obey her though I tremble. I sense her move lithely across the room. I feel the pressure of her scarf around my eyes, feel her knot it securely behind my head with her strength, a strength greater than mine. ‘Can you see?’ Her breath is warm and smoky… I like that. ‘No, it is black… totally black.’ A...

2 years ago
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This one is for Dagworth It includes caning and s

In the early 70s I was a Teacher in a secondary school. It was all girlsThe mini-skirt had arrived, along with women's lib and the magical pill for girls.After one English lesson I found myself alone in my classroom. Alone, that is, except for one remaining girl, Wendy."I'm sorry, sir, I haven't finished my homework." There was an essay due on Romeo and Juliet. "I read it but it started to make me feel all strange between my legs. I couldn't concentrate on my homework, I had just had to give...

2 years ago
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A Tale of Two Canings

“Right Matthews, six more strokes and your caning is over,” announced Mr Jones the Deputy Headmaster in his soft, yet authoritative Welsh tones. With his trousers and underpants around his ankles, Alan Matthews breathed heavily and gripped the far edge of the desk ever tighter knowing that if the remainder of his caning was as merciless as the twelve strokes he had already received, his scorched and throbbing buttocks would feel like they had been positively flame-grilled by the time the cane...

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Alexander of SpartaChapter 2

Report to the King of Sparta. B.C 481 "We must conclude that there was more then one Persian ship in our waters. When one met with disaster in the storm, the other picked up survivors and as much wreckage as it could. The shield is the only piece of wreckage that signifies Persian identity. There can be no doubt that it was a spying mission or an attempt to land agents of Persia on our soil or the soil of a neighbouring state. We cannot ignore the possibility that a neighbour may actually...

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Californie Partie 2 sur 3

Le vol dura des heures, et pourtant Maxime n'en pouvait plus d'excitation. Une heure environ avant d'arriver, il se rendit aux toilettes, et se changea pour prendre sa tenue habituelle - jean, baskets blanches, queue de cheval -. Il se sentait ? l'aise ainsi. C'?tait ainsi qu'il comptait vivre aux USA. Galvin lui avait dit que tout ?tait pr?t pour lui, et qu'il n'avait plus qu'? arriver. Son logement, son contrat de travail. Un v?hicule l'attendait ? l'a?roport et devait le conduire ? l'embarcad?re puis jusq...

4 years ago
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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

2 years ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 3

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 3 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Chapitre 12 - Rentr?e des Classes pour Chris Pour des raisons diff?rentes, les deux cousins ?taient tout aussi inquiets. Chris faisait sa rentr?e dans la l'?cole de beaut? et Sam avait mis ses nouveaux v?tements et esp?rait plaire ? Jessica. M?me s'il avait dit le contraire ? son cou...

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Paris Partie 1 sur 3

Ce jour-l?, Maxime Lamothe eu 17 ans pour la premi?re fois de sa vie. Bien s?r, il avait eu 16 ans, aussi, et 15 ans avant ?a. Mais ces ann?es-l? ?taient encore porteuses d'espoir. Il avait attendu, attendu, mais il s'?tait jur? que si ??a? ne changeait pas, il irait voir quelqu'un. Au cas o?. C'?tait maintenant. - Ecoutez, jeune ne vois rien d'anormal. Votre taille ne tellement changer. Vos parents ?taient d?j? petits eux aussi, apr?s tout. Mais c'est vrai, g?n?ralement...enfin....-...

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Le Retour partie 3 sur 3

Maxime resta tr?s longtemps dans un demi-coma. Ou, tout du moins, il le pensait. Des images allaient et venaient. Des personnages apparaissaient devant lui. Il ne pouvait pas voir leur visage, mais il les entendait parler. Parfois en fran?ais, parfois en anglais. Il se sentit avoir froid. Puis chaud. Puis froid ? nouveau. Et faim. Et chaud. Plusieurs fois il voulut ouvrir ses yeux, mais il n'y parvenait pas. Lorsqu'il ouvrit enfin ses yeux, il ?tait dans une chambre d'h?pital. Toute blanche, toute...

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Aria di cambiamenti Parte 3 Rachel

Note from the author: The story is in Italian as I realized it is too hard for me to keep writing in English, but I will probably translate it later on. ---------------------------- Capitolo 3: Rachel Matt sedeva al tavolo della cucina di Steve. Una massa indistinta di capelli viola le ondeggiava davanti al viso ogni volta che si muoveva. Indossava ancora il pigiama prestatole da Chelsea. "Non riesco proprio a credere di aver avuto bisogno di un...

1 year ago
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Night of Many Firsts Part 3

Night of Many Firsts 3Don Abdul ©Eddie is still caressing her tits, and rubbing his way up and down her torso when he feels her gentle movement, as she sways her hips opening up her ass to take in more of his cock. When he reaches in between her legs and rubs her clit, her rhythm changes and he begins to fuck her ass more actively. They continue to move together in blissful harmony and in enjoyment of their shared anal dance. The thought, and the pleasure of his cock live and breathing deep...

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Night of Many Firsts Part 3

Night of Many Firsts 3Don Abdul ©Eddie is still caressing her tits, and rubbing his way up and down her torso when he feels her gentle movement, as she sways her hips opening up her ass to take in more of his cock. When he reaches in between her legs and rubs her clit, her rhythm changes and he begins to fuck her ass more actively. They continue to move together in blissful harmony and in enjoyment of their shared anal dance. The thought, and the pleasure of his cock live and breathing deep...

2 years ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 5

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 5 Par Loulou Note : cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Chapitre 21 - Une jolie secr?taire Sam se r?veilla en pensant que jamais il n'avait si bien dormi. Comme Chris dormait encore, il prit son petit d?jeuner en silence. Quand il entendit Chris arriver derri?re lui, Sam leva la t?te pour recevoir un baiser. "Sammy, tu as l'air...

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