Janey's April free porn video

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Well, that's not exactly true, as you'll see in a minute.

The thing is, I couldn't have written anything this month, anyhow, especially since I didn't do a thing that you'd be interested in. My daughter got sick. She's only eight years old, and all kinds of awful things have been going around in the Boston suburbs all this winter. We went on holiday, and as soon as we got back she got something. She had a bad sore throat, and she was allergic to the antibiotics. She had to go to the hospital, which scared me worse than the disease, hospitals being what they are today. So I spent a lot of time at the hospital in Newton, and I prayed a lot, and I was absolutely petrified. Bob, my husband, was worse off than I was. You know how men are when they can't do anything about something; it drives them nuts. So he was teaching his classes with big black circles under his eyes and bumping into things and wanting to kill somebody, only he didn't know who to kill. (I know, Celeste, that should be "whom," but did you ever hear anybody say, "I don't know whom to kill?" I haven't, so the hell with it.) Besides, nobody's to blame--life's a bitch.

Judy's perfectly fine now. To hear her tell it she just had a big adventure and she doesn't see why everybody's keeping an eagle eye on her and wrapping her up like the Michelin man every time she gets in a draft. Bob's sleeping again--that's actually his greatest talent, even if he is the best medieval historian in the whole world and the dearest man I know. Me, I'm still shaking like an oak leaf in a gale. And let me tell you--compared to worrying about a sick kid, sex is nowhere.

Unfortunately, I also suffered what I thought was another, lesser but still horrible, disaster. My mother came up from Texas to help keep things going and look out for my oldest, Alan, who's ten and swears his sister was shamming, while Bob and I were running back and forth from the hospital. That wasn't the disaster--I was really glad she came, because she's an absolutely wonderful person. She loves my father, and that's what led to the disaster.

See, I keep my story files buried in the computer in a folder called "etymolgy," which is in another folder called "voced" for "vocational education," and that's in yet another called "univbus" for "university business." I figured those were places nobody in her right mind would go to look if she were just messing around with the computer. Actually, there's nothing wrong with my system that wouldn't have worked perfectly well if I hadn't left a printout of "Janey's March" lying right next to the keyboard when the school called and told me Judy was sick.

Somebody else's mother would have put Alan to bed and watched Entertainment Tonight or the latest news about Monica Willy Tripp on the TV. Or read a big coffee table book I bought called English Gardens. Or, possibly, picked up a copy of A Spanish Lover that I had just finished--Joanna Trollope is really good. But that's not my mother.

She waltzed right over and sat her cute little derriere down at my desk, fired up the computer, and started to write a letter to my father. Then she saw my printout. She read it--what would you do? Then she hit the Start button, clicked on "Find," and typed in the filename, which, unfortunately, was right on the top of the printout. Whirr, whirr, and up pops "C:\msworks\univbus\voced..." My mother's no dummy--she probably knows more about computers than I do. I am undone, and I don't even know it--I'm five miles away and frantic about poor Judy.

When I got home--even mothers of sick kids have to sleep sometime--she was just awfully sympathetic, forced me to sit down in one of our big floppy chairs and made me a cup of tea. Loose tea, in a pot, none of the crappy teabags I use all the time. She asked me all about Judy, and how was Bob holding up (he was in bed at the time), and reassured me about Alan, whom, of course, I was worried about, too. I relaxed for the first time in about sixteen hours.

Then she smiled her absolutely most evil smile, and said:

"I didn't know you were interested in etymology."

"I'm not, particularly," I said, without a flicker of suspicion.

"Well, the projects you're working on looked interesting to me."

I'm often at loss about what to say, but my brain whirls around like mad all the time. It whirled. Stopped. The cold, hard glare of reality hit me like a ton of bricks.

"What projects?" I said weakly.

"Well, for instance," she said, still smiling, "I thought the Sandman project was particularly fine. I suspected you'd need that little spell sooner or later."

"You did?" I managed what I hoped would pass for a smile myself. Might as well go with the flow, that's what I usually do.

"On the other hand," she said, "I thought the fellow who asked you for Beth's phone number was way out of line." Oh, no. She read my fan mail, too. (Well, of course I get fan mail. You can send some to my mother if you want to. I'll read it before I give it to her, so she won't be shocked.)

"You read my stories, you even read my fan mail--that wasn't nice--and you're still speaking to me?" I was working up to being thunderstruck. I really like that word, mostly, I guess, because it happens to me all the time.

"Look, dear," she said, her smile turning into one of great superiority, "if you really think about this, you'll realize that I was sleeping with men before you were born. It's absolutely necessary in order to produce great hulking wenches like you."

"Well, yes, but that was my father," I said, gulping, "and, anyhow, since I couldn't possibly imagine that, I always assumed I was a product of immaculate conception."

"It's a smart girl who knows who her father is," she said. Then she had the gall to laugh at me when I turned pink.

"It's all right," she said, "He really is your father, I'm pretty sure. The other possibility was a fellow Angus called a 'wee, strange little man,' and since I'm not very big, you had to get your build from Angus."

Remember, it was eleven o'clock at night, I had been in a stew for as long as I could remember, couldn't sleep the night before, and was generally a wreck. She could have waited until morning to drop this on me. But I was sure as hell awake now. Have you ever gotten a new mother all of a sudden? It's a sobering experience.

"Look, you're going to tell me all about this, aren't you. I'm dying of curiosity, now."

"Well," she said, "I had an idea. Tomorrow, after Alan goes to school and you and Bob go away, I'll clean up this shambles you call home, and then I won't have anything to do for three or four hours. It occurred to me that it was most unlikely that you'd be able to write Janey's April in time. I doubt that you'll even have the steam to do the research." Another evil smile. "So I'll just write it for you. Naturally it won't be up to your usual standard, but I'd hate to see you miss a month. When you read it you'll know a little more about your origins."

I went to bed shaking my head.

Here's what she wrote:

(FM, FM [same F, different M], then FMF, and
a couple more FM's, in each case not only cons
but positively salivated after by all concerned)

by Mary Elizabeth O'Brien MacDonald, A.B.

It was a dark and snowy night... All right, just kidding, I'll start again.

Since I don't belong to this jolly group that Jane's all involved with, I don't have to follow your silly rules about story codes, do I? I think mine are better. And I do find the younger generation strange when I read all the posts about grammar in your discussion group. Everywhere else, all I hear about is sex, and in your sex-story-author discussions you write about grammar. And you think we're weird!

Now I'll tell you my story.

Being born in Ireland in 1933 was not a very good idea unless you were born rich. Fortunately for me, at least we weren't poor. My father was a newspaper editor, and, since he owned part of the paper, he made a very good living compared to most people in that poor, benighted land. So I lived in Dublin in a nice house and only learned how poor most people were when I went to visit my shoals of aunts and uncles and cousins out in the villages. Sometimes I spent most of the summer visiting one relative or another, usually my widowed Aunt Grace, who was a witch but otherwise perfectly normal, because my father said I should learn how the other half lived. I never knew what my mother said because nobody listened to her.

Aunt Grace taught me how to dig peat and potatoes, and when I was old enough, she taught me about sex, which she remembered very pleasantly. (She also taught me a little sorcery, but she didn't think I was good enough at it to go through the whole curriculum.)

In the winters I went to a nice girls' school in Dublin, where the nuns taught us Latin and history and English, because they had some strange notions about women. Nobody had ever heard of "self esteem," and girls were certainly not supposed to have it, but we picked up a lot of it at that school. They taught us that God loved us and that we had a right to our opinions and that if we didn't think our parents were right, we weren't necessarily wrong. We taught each other about sex, mostly not very well, but, of course, I had got most of it from Aunt Grace. By the time I graduated from what you call high school here, I knew a lot, in theory. My father, who was quite enlightened in many ways, paid for me to go to a good university, from which I received my degree in 1954, at the age of twenty-one. For a graduation present, he offered me a trip to Europe, if I could find someone to go with me.

I still knew a lot about sex, in theory. Unlike many women of my cohort, however, I had a theory that sex would be really a lot of fun--Aunt Grace certainly thought it was. The problem that faced me was that it was a disaster if any girl had sex before she was married, and the men didn't get married until they were around forty. The women, perforce, also waited until they were very much older than I was at the time I entertained this unorthodox theory. A trip to Europe seemed to be just what I needed. So I set about finding someone to go with me.

I found Alice, a girl (I think we were still "girls" then) I had known fairly well in college. She was a bit strange--she was pretty, but she always looked just slightly angry. Actually, she wasn't, but she looked that way, and it put the young men off. She didn't smile much, but she was smart and she was good to talk to, when I could get her to talk. More to the point, she talked her parents into paying for a trip to Europe with no trouble at all. So there we were--two well-educated virgins ready to see the sights. The sights I wished to see were not the ones my father had in mind.

I had a plan. Perhaps not a plan, but at least a nebulous idea of a plan. I had known for quite a long time how to give myself orgasms (Aunt Grace had improved my technique quite a lot), but I was extremely interested in getting some nice man to do it for me. I had resolved that this trip was going to be my opportunity--I'd meet all these delightful men, preferably French, and one or possibly several of them was or were going to fuck me to a fare-thee-well. I finally decided I had to share this agenda with Alice, but she wasn't very enthusiastic. I, however, was, and she said she wouldn't hold it against me if I did something she didn't want to do.

We flew to Paris. It was beautiful, and we went to the Jeu des Paumes and the Louvre and walked along the Seine and ate wonderful meals, but we didn't meet any useful men. My French was only fair, and Alice didn't talk enough to do any good even though she could speak the language a little. We didn't have a fixed itinerary, so we decided to go to Venice by way of Switzerland and Austria because I could speak some German. For all I knew, Swiss men would be better, whatever the folktales said.

We took the train to Zurich, got off, got a hotel, looked around, and decided it was too stuffy for words. (I later learned we should have gone to Geneva, but that's another story: perhaps I'll tell you about my trip to Geneva sometime, if Jane will let me. She's so strait-laced.) So the next day we got back on the train and went down the line a bit to Innsbruck. We were starved when we got there, so we each had a bowl of goulash soup in the railroad station, then we walked up into town and fell in love with the place.

You could stand in the main street and look up at enormous mountains. There were gasthauses--guest houses--all over the place, and sausage shops and a theater. Everything was half-timbered. It looked like pictures I'd seen on the labels of Black Forest cake cans. And, just as an afterthought, there were all these dark, good-looking men wandering around. Some of the older ones were even wearing lederhosen, which are like short pants only made of leather. Big hairy thighs. I must admit I liked that.

So we went and got a double room in the Hotel Central and went to bed.

The next morning Alice and I walked all over the place, had lunch, walked some more, and around three in the afternoon decided to have a cup of coffee or something and sit down for a while. We went into a small hotel, looked in at the tiny bar, and saw several people sitting around drinking and talking. Only two little tables were free so we went to one of them, shucked our rucksacks and sat down.

The other customers obviously knew each other. I was able to see pretty quickly that there were two Austrian women, two French and two American. There was one Frenchman and there were half a dozen American men. One of the American men was with one of the American women. They were all talking to each other and laughing about trips they had made or were going to make to Zell-am-See or Salzburg or Venice, or about ski trips they had been on last winter or were going on next. They were drinking everything imaginable--coffee, tea, wine, beer, cognac, Pernod, even water. In all, they looked like a pleasant group. Hence I was delighted when one of the American men came over and asked to sit with us.

He introduced himself as Don something-or-other and started asking all about our trip and where we were going next. He was good looking; about five six, only a little taller than I was; he was tanned, had black hair cut quite short even for those days, and brown, sort of slitty eyes. I can't imagine what his ancestry was. He said he was a medical student at the university there.

After a while Don said, "Come on over with me and meet the rest of the gang-- nearly everybody here hangs out together all the time."

So we got up and walked over to another table. Don introduced us to the people sitting there, and soon the rest of his friends got up, came over and started shaking hands like Frenchmen, telling us their names. The American couple were free-lance photographers, a little older than the rest. The older of the Austrian women, Olga, was a countess! There was an army officer on leave, a couple more graduate students and a newspaper reporter who for the moment was just travelling around looking at Europe. One of the men turned out to be a Canadian who was working for some large company there. Every time he opened his mouth somebody kidded him about his accent, but he just sort of shook it off and kept on being very serious about everything that came up. None of them were married except the photographers, but I could tell the Canadian had his eye on one of the American women.

We sat there drinking with them for the rest of the afternoon, occasionally looking out the windows at the huge mountains. I finally switched to red wine, but Alice stuck to tea. Once in a while somebody left, and a couple of new people, two Frenchmen and a Swedish woman, a gorgeous blonde as tall as Jane is now, came in and joined the crowd. The bartender, Fritz, an older man who managed to look like an aristocrat in an apron, joined in the conversation from his position behind the bar. People moved around, talking to one and another, but Don stayed close to us. He had one hurried private conversation with the reporter, Jack, but came back to sit at our table. Having known few Americans, I was amazed at the general friendliness.

Don was a little more than friendly. After a while he took my hand and put it on my leg under the table, then kept his hand there and gently stroked my leg with his thumb. I liked it. I especially liked it when he let his fingers slip off to the inside of my thigh. Of course all the time we were still talking to everybody, and I didn't even notice this. Of course not.

Around six someone suggested dinner, so we all trooped off together to a big restaurant down the block from the Kreid. By that time I'd had three glasses of wine and felt rather jolly. When I feel that way my language deteriorates until I begin to sound like one of the sure-and-begorrah farmers I knew when I visited Aunt Grace. Everybody else except Alice and the Canadian's girl got a little boisterous, too. Don sat next to me and gradually worked his hand almost all the way up to his obvious destination. It must have been hard for him to eat with one hand, but I suppose he got a lot of practice. Once I smiled and offered to cut his wiener schnitzel for him. He blushed right through his tan and moved his hand away. But soon it was right back where it had been.

Supper finally came to an end and people started leaving. Don and Jack and some others suggested we go back to the Kreid, where we had been drinking earlier. Alice told me she was going back to our hotel; I told her I'd be back in a little while. I'd had a little more wine with supper and couldn't see why I shouldn't have just one or two more glasses.

Back at the bar there were only five of us left, Don, Jack, an Austrian woman named Lena and a big fellow named Jean-Claude. And me. Lena kept nuzzling Jack and he kept shifting away. Jean-Claude smiled a lot, never opened his mouth, and looked like an innocent little boy. Don talked--he talked a great deal--and pretty soon they were telling stories, some of them fairly raw for a sheltered girl like me. I don't remember any of the stories, although they were side-splitting at the time, and I don't think I said much. I regret to say I think I just sat there with a bemused grin on my face. I think I was grinning because Don had finally got his hand right down on my bullseye and was rubbing it gently. I sort of rubbed back against his hand. I began to see why some women preferred skirts to the slacks I was wearing.

After a while Don got up and said to the others, "Mary and I have to go. See you guys tomorrow."

So I smiled brightly and got up, too. I was maybe a little tipsy, even a lot tipsy, but I wasn't so drunk I couldn't figure out what Don had in mind. I was happy as a lark. I was scared to death. I was like a happy, scared lark.

Don took my hand and we sauntered out of the hotel.

"Where are we going?" I said brightly.

"Well," said Don, "I know this guy that has a hotel room and some really good schnapps. Me."

"I've never tried schnapps," I said. I let go of his hand and danced lightly ahead. Looking back at him, I trilled, "Lots of things I've never tried." I really did "trill." I'm mortified to tell you, but that's the way it was. You tend to trill if you're tipsy, happy and scared out of your wits. Or at least I do. It never happens any more. Pity.

"You'll like schnapps," he promised. "I'm glad to see you like to try new things."

I stopped until he caught up and he took my hand. I didn't know anything to say so I just walked along smiling a foolish smile. Don smiled, too, but I think he wasn't as tipsy as I was, so he smiled more normally.

His hotel was less than a block from the Kreid. It was about 10:30. He got a key out of his pocket and unlocked the door to his hotel, leading me into a dimly-lit lobby.

"No bar here," he said, "and they lock up at ten."

We tiptoed across the floor to a tiny elevator and got in. While the accordion grill was still closing Don put his arms around me and kissed me. He poked his tongue up against my lips and opened mine. He pulled me close to him and explored the inside of my mouth. I found this very exciting, especially when I started using my tongue to examine his teeth. The enormous bulge in his trousers tended to make me excited, too. Electric shocks just like the ones I got from that big static wheel in physics class started going up and down my body, only there were lots of them and they just kept zipping through me. I could feel lubrication pouring into my private parts. Bear in mind: the kisses, the hand up my leg, all this was absolutely new to me. It did, however, match my theory. All this went on between the lobby and the second floor, where the gate ground open and I jumped. My teeth bumped his and it hurt quite a lot. So when he led me out of the elevator I still had one hand over my mouth.

"Hey," he asked, "are you o.k.?"

I unhanded my mouth, wiggled my lips, and said, "Yes, I am now." I smiled tremulously. He led me down the hall a couple of doors to Room 607, unlocked it and led me inside. I was still so afraid I thought my teeth would chatter, but I also thought that would hurt so I kept my mouth tight shut. But not for long.

No sooner had he shut the door than Don turned, took me in his arms, kissed me, hard, and began tearing at the buttons on my shirt. I was not prepared. My theories on sex got a little hazy at his point. I pushed him away as hard as I could, stood still a minute, and got my breath. He was looking at me, puzzled.

"I'm sorry," I said. "You took me by surprise."

"Didn't you come here to get fucked?"

I blushed. "Well, yes," I said, "I suppose I did, actually."

Don smiled and said, "Well, sweetie, why don't we get started.?"

So I took off my clothes and put them on a chair. My hands were shaking. I could barely force myself to look as he disrobed. Only a tiny bulb lighted the room, but I could see his body. He was muscular, just as I'd thought my first man must be. He wasn't smiling. I went over and sat on the bed a few feet from where he was standing, I was very excited; I wondered what would happen next.

Out of his clothes, he pushed me back and fell on top of me, our legs still hanging off the side of the bed. With his knees he pushed my legs apart.

"Aren't you going to put it in?" he said. "That's what nice girls do."

"All right," I said. Something didn't feel right, but my theories simply hadn't covered this part of the endeavour. I took his penis in my hand. Never having felt such a thing before, I marvelled at its texture--very smooth, warm, and very hard. But I marvelled a second too long.

"Put it in!" he said. "I'm so hot I could burn."

"But... aren't you supposed to wear something?" I had heard about rubbers. You may not be aware that the pill was yet a long time off.

"Nah," he said, "we don't do that here."

As I've heard Jane say so many times, what did I know?

So I bravely began forcing his weapon into my vagina. It didn't go easily. The lubrication had stopped. And I was still shaking.

He began pumping furiously. I just lay there, wondering what on earth I had got myself into. I didn't have long to wonder--almost immediately, he came, shaking, moaning, and squeezing me so tightly I couldn't breathe. Then he relaxed. After a moment he pulled his flaccid penis out of me and stood up. I had had a moment or two of odd feelings I couldn't quite describe, plus the not altogether unpleasant feeling of my vagina having been stretched to what felt like its limits.

"Want some schnapps?" he said, smiling broadly.

"I don't think so," I said. I had been tiddly from the wine, but at this point I was more sober than I had ever been in my life. "I think I'd better go."

He smiled and jerked his head. "Well, if that's what you want."

I put on my clothes while he stood there nude. I moved toward the door. He grasped my arm and pulled me around, then he kissed me, fairly gently. That was nice, I thought. Then he opened the door and let me out. I walked down the hall to the elevator, got on and descended. I walked on, down the main street to our hotel. I rang the bell, was admitted, and went up to our room. Alice was asleep. I quietly took a washcloth and some water from the pitcher by the bed and washed myself--his fluids had dripped down my thighs. I hurt a little, but not much. I fell into bed and went to sleep almost immediately, still wondering what was wrong. Something was.

Alice got up early the next morning and brought us semmels--they're an Austrian roll--and tea from the cafe downstairs. When I finally waked up, she asked me how the evening went.

"OK," I said. "We just had a few more drinks."

I put the night before out of my mind. We took a side trip to Salzburg for a couple of days, visiting Mozart's house and the water garden, then returned to Innsbruck.

The next day Alice decided we ought to walk around in the foothills just outside of town. We did. Alice never talked much, and that morning I was quiet. I finally began thinking about my night with Don. My theories about sex obviously were lacking in some way. I could simply decide that I'd been misled about the glories of romping in bed, or I could assume that somewhere there was a better harvest to be reaped. I worried a little about being pregnant, but thought it unlikely, given the time of the month. I was quite certain about that element of my theories--Aunt Grace had made the cycle very clear. Still, watching the cycle was not a perfect way of birth control. There'd have been a lot fewer Irishmen if it had been. I decided it was up to God, and since I had done nothing to him lately, perhaps he would do nothing to me. I decided to persevere. How, I had no idea.

The big fellow from three days before, Jean-Claude, did. That afternoon Alice wanted to wander around the shops again. I begged off and went back to the Kreid bar. It was early; nobody was there except Fritz, standing behind the bar polishing glasses, and Jean-Claude, to whom I had hardly spoken. Fritz smiled, waved, and said, "Grüss Gott, Mam'selle!" I smiled back--who could resist such polyglot gallantry?

Jean-Claude, sitting in a banquette with a newspaper and a glass of that horrible Alsace beer in front of him, said nothing. He merely smiled and indicated the seat beside him. I sat. A gentleman, he stood while I took my seat. He still looked like an innocent little boy, this time wearing a uniform, but when I saw that he was reading Le Monde, I decided that he must at least be an intelligent little boy. Fritz brought me a cup of tea--he'd even remembered what I ordered.

To my utter amazement, Jean-Claude spoke careful, accurate English made more delightful by his French accent. I can't possibly write his words so that they sound the way he made them sound, so you'll just have to imagine it for yourself.

"You should not have gone with Don that night," he said. "Don is an idiot."

That was a shot across the bow if I ever heard one. I decided to return his fire.

"Then why didn't you push him away and take his place next to me?" I said.

"I am shy. I am young and I am careful. Today I have no one to push out of the way, so I asked you to sit with me." Obviously, a cease fire was in order.

"Well," I said, "I am young, too, and perhaps not as careful as I should be."

"I am younger than Don," he said, "but I am not an idiot. Please stay with me this afternoon. I will buy your wine and make you happy to be with me."

I was young, but I was certainly old enough to know a good offer when I heard one.

Jean-Claude told me he was part of the army occupying the French Zone of Austria. By that time the occupation was largely a formality, and the French troops had virtually nothing to do, but a French force was still in place, as were British, U.S. and Russian troops in their respective zones. We were all expecting the Russians to invade Europe at any moment--whenever the city fire siren went off in Innsbruck we expected an air raid. Alice and I had seen a few soldiers around, but had given them no thought at all. Soldiers were a common sight everywhere in Europe.

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Chapter 1My story begins when my fam ily visited my aunt and uncle’s house over the summer. I was going into my senior year of high school and it was time for our fam ily’s annual visit to my Aunt April’s house. She was my mom’s s*s ter and they had always been very close always making sure to keep in touch and visit. It would most likely be my last fam trip for awhile since I was going off to college the following year. I didn’t mind going at all, we usually had a good visit and I always...

4 years ago
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One Night in April

The school year was winding down and one day I had planned to spend the night watching TV when my Friend Brad phoned. You see the whole year he had been persuing her and all the while she would shoot him down. Then out of the blue she agrees. "That great Brad, but why call me?" I asked. "My Folks are away on their second honeymoon and I was tasked with watching April tonight." I could already tell where Brad was heading. "No!" I said very sternly. "Come on dude, it'll only be for a few hours."...

3 years ago
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My Moms friend Ms April

It was a Friday night and I been home all day. Normally I'm alone on Friday nights unless a friend calls and wants to hang out. I mostly like to stay home on Fridays because that's when I would have the house to myself. My mom goes out of town every Friday so I'm used to being alone most of the time. But tonight was different, something unexpected happened. So later when my mom left the house, I went to take a shower and most likely flop on the couch and watch some TV. I was sitting there...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Introduction: Cheerleader Captain gets group raped by nerds April My name is April Caughman. This is a story of the day that changed my life. I was 18 when it happened. I am 510 with long brown hair. My 36c breast always caught the attention of most straight males. I have been involved with Cheerleading my whole life. So my body was lean with long muscular legs. I was the Cheerleading Captain for my high school. While most of my friends dated a lot I had only had a couple boyfriends. I had sex...

2 years ago
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Fooling April

"Dick want his little dolly back?" Jason taunted back at me holding the figurine just out of my reach. Curse him for being just a few inches taller than me. I jumped up for it, but he has quick reactions being a basketball player and threw the metal figure to his other hand. "Jase, come on!" I complained. "I don't fuck with your shit." "Damn right you don't or I'd beat the snot out of you," Jason taunted, still evading my hands to keep my mini. "JASON! RICHARD! Stop...

4 years ago
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April walked through the door, throwing her graduate cap onto the couch. I did my best to be cheerful. “Congratulations, my little graduate girl.” She disrobed her back-pack and threw it onto the couch also. ‘It’s just rehearsal.’ “What’s wrong?” She threw her arms out. “What’s wrong? Oh, let me see. I don’t have money for college. I don’t have a car. And I’m the only one who borrows her mom’s ’85 sedan…freaking embarrassing.” I crossed my arms. “We’ve been over this, April.” “Yeah, I know.’...

3 years ago
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April walked through the door, throwing her graduate cap onto the couch. I did my best to be cheerful. “Congratulations, my little graduate girl.” She disrobed her back-pack and threw it onto the couch also. "It's just rehearsal." “What’s wrong?” She threw her arms out. “What’s wrong? Oh, let me see. I don’t have money for college. I don’t have a car. And I’m the only one who borrows her mom’s ’85 sedan…freaking embarrassing.” I crossed my arms. “We’ve been over this, April.” “Yeah, I know."...

4 years ago
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Little Johnny and April

Little April was not the best student in Sunday school.Usually she slept through the class.One day the teacher called on her while she was napping, "Tell me, April, who created the universe?"When April didn't stir, little Johnny, a boy seated in the chair behind her, took a pin and jabbed her in the rear. "GOD ALMIGHTY!" shouted April and the teacher said, "Very good" and April fell back asleep.A while later the teacher asked April, "Who is our Lord and Saviour," But, April didn't even stir...

3 years ago
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A Picnic with April

We were in Spanish II together in high school. April was a senior and I a junior, but that didn't matter. I don't remember exactly how it started, but she was interested and so was I. What I most remember is wanting and frustration. That's not too unusual in high school, of course, but what I couldn't figure out is what she wanted. One day hot, one day cold, once a promising afternoon under a tree on the hillside behind my house, no one around, the perfect moment, her in my arms, an extra...

1 year ago
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A brand new April

It's been two months since my beautiful April was taken by my friend Marc and our sex life has never been better. It's like a switch was flipped inside her. She practically begs for it now. To be honest I was worried she'd be craving black cock because of that old expression, but once I told her Marc was sterile too she couldn't get enough of my fat cock. She'd often fantasize about me putting another baby in her, when she'd fuck me from on top I would see her rubbing her perfectly flat...

3 years ago
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Daves Family His Daughter April

When Jenna left, I collapsed naked on my bed. I was exhausted, laying on my back I was soon asleep. I was awoken to the sensations of my hard cock being milked by a small soft hand, and firm tits pressing into my chest. Keeping my eyes closed I enjoyed the touches. "Jenna must be back" I thought as I lay there. When the body slid up mine, bringing her tits and nipples within reach of my mouth, I knew that it wasn't Jenna. These tits were firmer and slightly smaller, and the nipples...

2 years ago
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A Lawyers Ladies I Give the Business to April

I first noticed April at professional functions. I sat next to her once at a benefit. She was a fascinating dinner partner, her knowledge of our community and her long-time efforts on the behalf of major charities made her scintillating dinner companion. I would have pursued her then, but she had to leave early to attend one of her children's school concert. She left a good impression on me; her attire was always conservative and elegant-I found her very sexy. One day she wanted to set up an...

4 years ago
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TMNT Project April

Manhattan was sinking, or so it felt to the few people who dared to get out of under a roof that night. The sky poured water so violently and in such abondance that it hurt the back of the unlucky ones who had to run from shelter to shelter, bent in two and holding a soaked hat, a newspaper or more rarely, a worn umbrella over their head. Relatively protected from the deluge by a low balcony, a dark figure stood in a poorly lit alley, watching the occasionnal car drive by slowly. His felt hat...

3 years ago
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Your crush bestfriend April

You are harry a 18 year old mechanic and car enthusiast. You look like: you have glasses, brunette hair shirt on the sides and medium on the top, your tall and have an athletic body with abs and very protrusive veins in your legs, neck and arms. April is your bestfriend who You think has friend-zoned you... little do you know she feels the same about you and is also scared that if she tells you that you won’t be friends with her anymore. ———————————-—-————————————— It is a Saturday evening at...

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My first time with April

I first met April when I was 16. We were in our high school’s marching band together, she was the same age as me, but she already had enormous tits. I swear they must have been at least DD’s. Just thinking about them was enough for me to be able to masturbate, which at that age I was doing a lot. We were good friends, but I never was able to build up the courage to ask her out. If I had the balls to I would have, not just because she had the best rack I’ve ever seen, and not because her ass was...

3 years ago
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My first time with April

After high school we went our separate ways, she was going to Northern Arizona University, and I opted for a local community college. I finished my associates degree at the community college then transferred to Arizona State’s West Campus. My first semester there I took an acting class, because I had always wanted to give that a try and never had a chance to until then. First day of class was one of the biggest surprises of my life; April was in that same class. We chatted catching up...

4 years ago
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RecoveryChapter 3 April

By the beginning of April Greg's life was busy. He bounced between Bonner and Aspen. It was no secret. He brought Evan, Tyler and Alden along one time or another. Alden made some friends but Evan and Tyler simply tolerated it for Greg's sake. The cousins seemed to tag-team him throughout the rest of the week. They rarely phoned him. Usually he would find one or the other at his door with an invitation to spend a few hours hanging out. It was flattering in its way, but it left Greg slightly...

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This story examines another angle of the theme Smith laid out in two earlier tales: "The Abattoir" and "The Culling Lottery."Most anthropologists agree that many prehistoric human tribes practiced cannibalism; the premise here is that in a world ravaged by overpopulation and hunger, desperation has brought it back and profiteering has turned it into big business.With a high demand for young female flesh, huge breeding farms have sprung up to provide not only meat products, but other services...

4 years ago
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Janey and the Wildcats Part One

Okay, so here's how this story came about. It's loosely autobiographical. Once upon a time, many years ago, I really did play lead guitar in a reasonably successful local rock band. Our repertoire was pretty much standard bar-band covers: Zeppelin, Stones, Black Sabbath, Pink Floyd, with a smattering of CCR, Bob Seger, Eric Clapton, AC/DC and Van Halen. Later on, in an attempt to broaden our appeal we added a few more contemporary bands, like Our Lady Peace, The Tragically Hip, Pearl Jam...

1 year ago
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Janey and the good time

Janey moaned as her eyes rolled into the back of her head. She was lying naked on her bed, her legs spread widely. She had been so horny all day. Her clit was aching, throbbing for relief, for the feel of a hard cock stuck up her tight, wet cunt. Janey rubbed her nipples, wishing she had a strong, sexy man on top of her to nibble and suck on them instead. She then moved one hand to her clit, which was already dripping with her hot arousal. Her wetness was running all over her legs, soaking up...

Group Sex
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Janey and Dave Part 2

AUTHOR'S NOTE: THIS STORY TIES IN WITH "A SEASON OF DARKNESS" JANEY and DAVE PART 2 1. A storm was coming. David Henson had known it the moment he'd opened his eyes that morning. He always knew when there was a storm drifting up from the south, just sort of sensed it brooding in the distance like an ugly black secret. His grandmother had been able to do the same thing; predict the weather, sometimes days in advance. She'd been a spooky old lady, his grandma. Eighty-nine years...

4 years ago
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Janey and the Wildcats Part Three conclusion

Janey and the Wildcats - Part 3 (Conclusion) The following morning I woke with my head nestled in the crook of Mick's arm. He was snoring softly, a sheen of dry, iridescent matter, like a butterfly's wing, coated his lower lip; his dark hair, loosed from its ponytail, was splayed over his pillow. I though he looked achingly cute. I rose carefully so as not to wake him, and removed by bra and panties, replacing them with clean ones, then put on the same outfit I had on the night...

2 years ago
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Janey and Dave

JANEY & DAVE 1. On a perfect spring morning at the very beginning of May, a boy named Dave Henson was sauntering down Memorial Drive, a lanky red-haired boy trailing a bright red yo-yo from his right hand. School had been out for just over a week and the sidewalks were wavering with soft white heat. It was a fine day to be twelve years old with the entire summer spread out before you. Ridgewick was a sleepy little burg famed for its clement seasons, the kind of place you...

3 years ago
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Janey came home from school and stomped upstairs. The 16-year-old was still angry that her mother had secretly married and moved them to the other end of the country away from her friends and to a new school she hated. She has made few friends and was struggling in classes as the school taught different subjects to the ones she had done before.She also really disliked her stepdad. She saw how he looked at her. Undress=ng her with his eyes. He never missed a chance to hug her or squeeze by. She...

4 years ago
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Janey 4

They drove slowly. Plenty of trucks pipped their horns and she saw the drivers laughing.At one set of lights a truck pulled up alongside Jim’s open top car. Janey went to pull down her skirt but Jim growled “Don’t even think about it slut.”Janey sat giving the lorry driver a view of her nylon clad legs and her white cotton panties.Before the lights changed a piece of paper dropped in the car. Jim grabbed it. The note read follow me.He laughed and said, “we have time so why not.”The lorry moved...

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Janey 2

Janey lay gasping. She could not believe her pervert stepdad had made her cum like that.Her body was still shaking form the intensity of the orgasm this old man had given her. Jim was staring at her firm teen body and laughed/“I knew you were a slut like your mum. Now my turn to cum.*Janey knew he was going to fuck her she begged him not to. She told him he was virgin.“ Fuck I assumed you had been getting cock. Especially as your mum said you were on the pill. This is going to be better than I...

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Janey 3

Janey woke the next morning shocked at the night’s events. She was disgusted but excited by what Jim had done to her. She had imagined her first time to be romantic with a boy she loved not rough with an old man she hated. But she had to admit she had cum and her body had enjoyed the sensation of being Jim’s plaything.She went to the bathroom confused thoughts going around in her head. She went to lock the door and found the lock was gone. Clearly some pervy idea of Jim’s. She shrugged and...

3 years ago
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My Moms friend Ms April

It was a Friday night and I been home all day. Normally I’m alone on Friday nights unless a friend calls and wants to hang out. I mostly like to stay home on Fridays because that’s when I would have the house to myself. My mom goes out of town every Friday so I’m used to being alone most of the time. But tonight was different, something unexpected happened. So later when my mom left the house, I went to take a shower and most likely flop on the couch and watch some TV. I was sitting there...

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I’d been out all morning. I deposited a check into our bank account, then went out for breakfast, then got an overdue oil change, and then went shopping at a ladieswear place called Just Hers, which had opened about a month earlier. A friend of mine named Rita told me she shops there and raved about the place. I bought a few pairs of super-tiny see-through panties, a minidress, and a pair of very figure-hugging faux leather pants. I’d always wanted a pair of tight leather pants, but they were...

3 years ago
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Matts Adventures April01

Bill's Adventures - April01 by Bun2bch(mf, cons)### This work should only be read if it is legal for you to do so. This is a work of fiction, please do not read it if you may be offended. Comments are welcome at the above email address. Pursuant to the Berne Convention, this work is copyright with all rights reserved by its author unless explicitly indicated. This story is set in the UK where driving is legal at 17 and sex is legal at 16. ================================I sat at the kitchen...

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Janey Part 3

Janey lay on the bed, her cunt still twitching from her recent orgasm. "I'm ready now." she whispered after breaking off a deep, wet, sloppy kiss. "Are you sure?" I said, hovering over her."Yes," she sighed. "I want you inside me, bro. I want my first time with a man to be special."I pressed myself into her prone form, kissing her neck. "I love you, Sis, and I want this to be special, too."I kissed down her throat until I reached her left nipple."You have no idea how long I have...

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Janey learning how to squirt

I've always wanted to try and write a story, so here goes. This is a true story about a girl I was going out with and how we discovered that she was a squirter. Hope you enjoy. Janey was a natural redhead, perky 34c's, a nice big sexy bubble butt and a gorgeous tight little pussy! She was a hairdresser so was a very bubbly and fun girl, with a sex drive that matched my own.She had been with a few guys before and had a mediocre sex life with them, mostly with them fumbling around and leaving her...

2 years ago
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Janey Tells Mom the Facts of Life

Janey sat down in the booth at the diner. She looked across the table and saw a middle-aged woman with gray streaks showing in her once auburn hair and bags under her eyes. Her mother looked, as they say, as if she had been ridden hard and put away wet.” “OK Mom. What do you want?” she asked. “That’s no way to greet your mother. We haven’t seen each other for such a long time,” Amanda replied. The younger woman hesitated a moment before speaking. “Mom you took off about, what — a year and...

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Janey makes some money

I had been writing and posting stories on a web site where I could tell of my adventures in life. I got my start with sex by fucking my dog. It turned out to be a great time in my life. To this day, I still would rather have sex with a big cocked dog that any man. I had a few wonderful years living with a great bi-sexual named Teri. I have written about her. She loves to dog fuck also. The years with her was a non stop fuck fest. The most enjoyable thing we did was for us to be in the 69...

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Janey needs some sex slaves

Janey had taken all she could. She was so horny and with her homely looks, she was not about to get some good lovin. She finally said, enough is enough. She had gone to a local flea market and was able to get all the items she thought she would need. Firstly she bought two cheap stun guns. At another booth she bought two pair of handcuffs. In a booth that an old lady was running, that did sewing's and knitting, she bought two blind folds for night sleeping. The horny ass bitch bought these...

2 years ago
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Janey Part 2

Basking in the afterglow of a first-class blowjob, I watched in awe as my little sister Janey slowly stripped. First, she exposed her breasts, and fine specimens they were. B cups. Proportionate to her slender figure. Cone-shaped with puffy nipples. I felt myself harden as I imagined how they would feel in my mouth."I'll bet your not too concerned about the fact that these belong to your little sister," she said leaning over and dangling them in front of my face. I shook my head, 'no' and...

3 years ago
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Janey Part 1

It was a Friday night and I was home, in my room, watching my favorite Nicky Huntsman porn clip. You know the one, where her 'father' comes to her room complaining that mom's being a bitch and would she do 'that thing' and they end up fucking. My boxers were at half staff and my sisters' panties were wrapped around my shaft, when, who should appear, but my little sister Janey."Hey Robby, wanna watch a mov...Oh shit! Sorry! " she said as she rounded the corner and stepped into my room....

2 years ago
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Wayward Sons

Another day on the road. Another cheap motel room. This time, it was some Podunk town in Iowa. No scenery to speak of—nothing around for miles but corn and cows—and no hunt at the moment either. Nothing to do but watch TV, sleep, or hit one of the local bars. The town had three of them, plus two cemeteries and a lone convenience store with a pair of gas pumps. The Winchester boys were both tired when they checked into the dreary roadside motel, but mostly, they were tired of each other's...

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billy traps himself 6

Billy's day off Krissy and billy were looking in the mirror, Krissy was watching billy, who was looking at the ultra girly girl that was staring back at her. Sara, just then walked in the room to see how her children were making out. Krissy filled her in about billy not being able to walk without heels on his feet, Sara had heard of similar situations before from people that wore very high heels for long periods. She looked at the ballet boots that billy had locked on his feet...

2 years ago
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Do You Like It

My best friend was away visiting his grandmother and grandfather at their farm for three weeks and it was in the second week while he was gone that I finally got so bored that I walked across the street to see what Krissa was up to. Krissa had lived across from us for about four years now and, even though she's a grade level ahead of me, she's sixteen and I'm nine months younger at fifteen, we're friends, though not real tight friends. But, hey, I was bored. Now, don't get the idea that...

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Sex With My Backside Street Neighbour

Hey folks. This story is about the encounter with my back street neighbor. My neighbor name is Ritu (name changed). She is of age 30 married with 1 kid. Her husband is working as marketing office and her figure 36-30-38. She had a well toned body. About me I am average fair romantic working in Bangalore and staying alone my age is 22. Once I was in super market shopping some house hold groceries. I find this lady very attractive and she has got nice pair of lips and seductive eyes. I stare at...

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A Little Night Music

You have retired to bed, your muscles a bit achy from the day. It is warm and you decide to lie back on your soft mattress on top of the bedclothes. The room is mostly dark, but illuminated with a silvery glow from the remarkable full moon shining through the sheer curtains. Everything seems to give off a magical warm glow from within. You give a deep, body cleansing sigh and close your eyes, willing your body to relax. You are in the ephemeral zone between sleep and wakefulness when you sense...

Straight Sex
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The Mars Company AnthologyChapter 5

Xi Pegasi Aboard the Wells March 28, 2057 Devin looked up as the admittance chime sounded. “Come.” Manuel Fuentes stood in the doorway. “Got a minute?” “For you, always. Take a seat.” Manuel smiled briefly and pushed off the doorjamb. Devin’s office desk was a smaller copy of the activity room tables, and Manuel sat across the desk from Devin. “What’s on your mind?” “We can’t land on the surface or, at least not anywhere near the survey sites. The ground team says the rovers probably...

4 years ago
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The Nerd Part 1

The Nerd – Part 1 Geek. Nerd. Dweeb. Take your pick, any one of them would describe Pete just fine. At sixteen, he’d never kissed a girl, never even held hands, and was more at home with his books than with people. Yes, books. Although he was perfectly good with a computer, the kind who’d teach himself how to program it, he’d rather read an actual book than surf the Internet. He wasn’t interested in Facebook, or Twitter, or any of those things. Didn’t even really like to watch TV or movies....

3 years ago
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8 Other Peoples Hearts Ch 12

Oliver had no idea what he should do about the Sylvia and Lindsay situation. He had fantasized so many times about Sylvia showing up on his doorstep and what would unfold after, that when it really happened it was kind of like a dream. She had made more promises and spoke of more sacrifices than he had pictured in even his wildest imaginings. She had cried and begged for him to take her back. She had promised to find a different job. She had spoken about moving their plans for children ahead...

2 years ago
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But I Love Him

Author's note: I finally decided on an introduction scene that would set the pace for the feel and essence I want to create. I plan for further chapters to involve more plot, characters, drama, and a lot of other descriptions of the feminine world. I sincerely hope you all enjoy this, all constructive comments are highly desirable. But I Love Him The bar was large, crowded and loud, and there I was in the very back booth, hidden from most of the people there...frozen still,...

4 years ago
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Most Definatly not Wonderland

 The young girl awoke as day light entered her room. Today was her eighteenth birthday, and she was sure she would make the most of it. She climbed out of bed, put on her dainty house slippers, and made her way towards her bedroom's mirror. She smiled as she admired her features. Her medium length blonde locks she received from her mother, her innocent chocolate orbs from her father, pouty lips, lovely round globes, a flat tummy, and a tight arse. All of which was inherited from her mum.  The...

5 years ago
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The Lesbians Girlfriend

100% true stories from me as you can tell from my other stories. Well here is goes…. This is a story of sweet revenge. Back in high school there was this one girl i had a super crush on. I tried dating her for like a year and it never worked out. She kept on rejecting me time after time. I finally found out that she was gay and was dating this other lesbian girl at my school. I was pissed because she led me on like she wanted to actually date me sometimes. So I ended up asking around and...

3 years ago
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Chalak Banne Ke Chakar Me Chudi

Hello friends mera naam puja kaur hai or m punjab ki rehne wali hu. Mere ghar me mere mummy papa or bada bhai hai, mummy papa dono job karte hai, or sabse choti hu m, thodi c natkhat or golu molu c.M 5ft 3 ki hu, mera figer 34,30,34 hai or m abhi-abhi 12th class me hui hu, or meri class me m sabse sundar ladki hu per thodi c moti. Ab thoda sa mere bhai ke bare me bhi bta du, wo college me padth hai or body bhi achi hai. Ab m story per aati hu, mere school ke paas hi ek college tha, jis karan...

2 years ago
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Everyone already knows the wonderful place filled with the random content called tumblr.com, and if you have never heard about this site, then you must have been living under a fucking rock… I mean, there is not much I can say when introducing this site in general, just that you can basically see a lot of random shit on it, including the naughty side, which I will be talking about.Those who are interested to see some hot naughty cotenant should visit xxxsexxx.tumblr.com! However, the content...

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