Janey And Dave free porn video

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JANEY & DAVE 1. On a perfect spring morning at the very beginning of May, a boy named Dave Henson was sauntering down Memorial Drive, a lanky red-haired boy trailing a bright red yo-yo from his right hand. School had been out for just over a week and the sidewalks were wavering with soft white heat. It was a fine day to be twelve years old with the entire summer spread out before you. Ridgewick was a sleepy little burg famed for its clement seasons, the kind of place you read about in Ray Bradbury stories. Lawn mowers droned in some remote distance, dragon flies zithered across moist, green lawns. Crossing the intersection at Lancaster Parade, Dave slung the yo-yo into a perfect overhand spin, letting it hover half an inch over the asphalt. The days were getting warmer; you could almost feel the afternoons leaning into summer. In a few weeks, the roads would be bubbling with hot black tar. He continued on towards Memorial Park, leading the yo-yo and keeping to the shade. A fresh spring mistral flickered down the avenue, rustling the overhanging branches. "Hi Dave." The voice came from somewhere overhead; high, clear and rather sweet. Dave glanced up and saw Janey Watson sitting on a low-hanging bough, feet swinging idly back and forth. Janey wasn't exactly a friend, but they were on pretty good terms. Dave was on pretty good terms with everybody. Janey lived up on the Crest, so they often crossed paths on the way home from school. "Hey, Janey," Dave replied, snapping the yo-yo up to his palm, "whatcha doing up there?" "Just climbing," Janey answered with a shrug, "you can see all the way to Chamberlain if you climb high enough." "Yeah?" Dave asked, eyebrows raised in vague disbelief. Chamberlain was a collection of distant skyscrapers on the eastern horizon, regarded with semi- mythical awe by the local kids. Dave sincerely doubted you could see much of anything from Janey's vantage point, but he was tempted to climb up for a look, all the same. A glimpse of Chamberlain's gleaming towers would be tantamount to seeing God or something. Unfortunately, he'd grown a little wary of the whole Tarzan thing since he took that fall last year. He'd spent the whole summer in plaster up to his hips, and he didn't much care for a repeat performance. Anyway, the view was pretty good from where he was standing. Janey's dress was breathtakingly short, barely reaching down to the thigh. Slim coltish legs descended towards the sidewalk, smooth and tanned and rather shapely for a kid of twelve. A light spring breeze was whispering through the leaves, lifting Janey's abbreviated hemline. Dave found himself craning his neck to see what lay beneath. Which was rather odd, considering that Janey wasn't really a girl. Janey Watson was a tranzie. 2. There were a lot of tranzies around Ridgewick these days. Seemed like every second kid you met was one - although you probably wouldn't have known, not unless you'd lived here all your life as Dave had. Half the time, you hardly noticed they were even there. Dave knew most of the tranzies out at Ridgewick Elementary, he'd been through the system with them. There were eight in the sixth grade alone ? something like ninety in the school, all up. A pretty sizable number, considering the school's population was barely four hundred. Tranzies were transgendered children ? kids who were neither male nor female, but composites of both. They were also known as transfems or T-girls, depending on which part of town you came from. They seemed to have a lot of different names, actually. Chamberlain Central News referred to them as 'The Transsexual Generation' (the one the came after the Pepsi Generation, evidently). The Ridgewick Advertiser had labeled them 'The Third Sex,' while the North American Journal of Genetic Research described the phenomenon as Toxically Induced Sexual Morphosis; T.I.S.M. for short. On the other hand, some of the local epithets were dubious to say the least. Old man Nevin at the Beef 'n' Burger called them 'fruits'. Coach Phillips out at the high school dismissed them as 'queer-boys' (and later claimed he was the victim of a 'fag conspiracy' when he lost his job). Reverend Daniels from the League of Christian Decency denounced them as 'an abomination in the eyes of God.' Of course, the kids around Dave's neighborhood ? none of whom ate at the Beef 'n' Burger ? had eventually settled for 'tranzies,' a child's diminutive which seemed less threatening and somehow more familiar. No one quite remembered who had coined the phrase, but it had passed into the vernacular back in the third grade, and was now the generally accepted term on the east side of town. Dave had once asked his mother how a boy became a tranzie. Looking Back, David realized that his Mum had been expecting this particular question for quite some time. Most parents tell their kids about the birds and the bees; in Ridgewick, they discuss something else entirely. Apparently, it all had something to do with a chemical refinery over in Blaxland. The place used to make insecticides and defoliants (whatever that was), and there'd been this big chemical leakage about fifteen years ago, several years before Dave was born. The EPA had shut the refinery down, hoping to limit the damage to the surrounding environment, but by that time, the damage was already done. A whole bunch of weird stuff started to happen over the next couple of years. Babies were born with webbed feet, some with mashed-up faces and crazy, twisted bodies. Others had gills and tails and the damp, moist skin of an amphibian. It was like something out of the Twilight Zone. All of these died very young (which Mom thought was something of a blessing) and people hoped that was the end of it. But then the first tranzies came along. According to the medical journals, there were two distinct forms of Toxically Induced Sexual Morphism (Dave's mother had read a lot of articles on the topic for some reason). The first were 'intersexuals' ? anatomical hermaphrodites with a foot in both camps ? although they more often passed as female. These were comparatively rare, despite being the first to appear after the Blaxland disaster. The second (and more common) form of T.I.S.M. was known as transfemininity. Transfems were biological transsexuals; young boys who morphed into little girls over a period of years. Exactly how this happened, no one was entirely sure, but Dave's mother had told him it was a little like going through puberty ? except that you changed from one sex to another (this particular revelation had provided Dave with more than a few sleepless summer nights). Transfems tended to be frail and delicate from birth, with girlish features and slender proportions. Most began to 'turn' around the age of seven, taking at least three years to complete the process. From there, they continued through a more conventional puberty ? though none were capable of menstruating or bearing children. Janey Watson was a typical transfem. He was, in fact, the quintessential tranzie: small, petite, and indistinguishable from a real girl. It wasn't just his appearance, either: it was his behavior, his voice, his overall personality. He walked and talked and acted like a girl. Always had, even back in the first grade, when he wore Osh- Kosh overalls and Doc Martins For Boys. Dave himself wouldn't have known the difference, if they hadn't started out in the same class six years before. He found it easier to think of Janey Watson as a girl nowadays. Truth be told, he found it practically impossible to think of Janey Watson as anything else. Especially since she'd begun wearing a training bra. 3. "Are you OK?" Janey asked, noticing the way he was tilting his head around. "Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm fine," Dave replied, hastily adjusting his vision and wishing he had something clever to say. Unfortunately, spellbinding one-liners had never been one of his strong points. Baseball cards and Superman comics were more his speed. "You look like you've got a crick in your neck," she observed, leaning back on the branch and raising her legs in a see-sawing motion. Her dress crept up several inches, exposing a generous amount of Janey-flesh. Dave struggled to keep his gaze off her smooth thighs. "No, nothing like that," he said, casually reeling his yo-yo up and down, "I just got the sun in my eyes." A complete lie of course; it was eleven in the morning and the sun was behind him, but Janey didn't seem to mind. She was too busy watching the yo-yo. "Hey, that's cool," she said, straightening up, "can you do any tricks?" "I can do Round the World," Dave answered, grateful for an opportunity to show off his virtuoso talents. Backing up several paces, he spun the yo-yo in a long, looping figure-eight around his shoulders. The whirling red disks streaked past half a dozen times before returning to his open palm. "Wow!" Janey exclaimed, genuinely impressed, "what else can you do?" "Well ?" Dave began, then launched into a demonstration of his considerable repertoire, his face glowing with secret pleasure. The whole routine lasted nearly two minutes while he wove through the various configurations. He finished up with a very passable Triple-Lindy, then glanced up into the branches, silently hoping for a standing ovation. He wasn't disappointed; Janey was leaning forward on the crook-limb, staring down at him as if he was some kind of Houdini. Better still, her skirt had inched all the way to the top of her thighs. "That's really good, Dave!" she applauded, shifting her bottom to a more comfortable position, "I got a yo-yo at home, but I can't do anything like that." Dave opened his mouth to wave off her praise ? hey, no big deal, I'm just a born genius, you know how it is ? but the words never made it past the back of his throat. In adjusting her center of balance, Janey had splayed open her thighs. Dave could see clear up to her silky white gusset. He stood goggle-eyed for several seconds, his mind dissolving into a mass of babbling whitenoise. Like most boys of twelve, he could be reduced to a blithering idiot by the slightest flash of panty. "It's not that difficult," he answered, finally recovering his voice, "all you need's a bit of practice." It was true enough; all you needed was a quick wrist and eighteen hours a day. He risked another upward glance and was slightly disappointed to discover he couldn't see up her dress any more. She'd moved further down the branch, in towards the middle, and her skirt had slid down with her. Halfway to the knees, hiding just about everything. Well, he supposed it served him right for trying to sneak at peak at a girl's underpants. Except she wasn't exactly a girl, was she? He looked off down the road, wondering what he'd been thinking. "Maybe you can teach me," Janey said, looking down at him from the middle of the bough, her pretty face ring by a curly blond halo. "Well, sure," Dave replied with a good-natured shrug. Why not? She wasn't bad company now he was getting to know her a little. Might even be fun to hang out with; they had a lot of friends in common, come to think of it. Strangely, he couldn't help wishing she'd show him a little more of her panties ? just out of curiosity, mind you. He was interested to know what they looked like; if they were any different to what a real girl wore under her skirt (unknown to Dave, practically every one of his friends wondered the same thing, though none of them would have dared admit to it). Less than one second later, Dave's unspoken query was answered ? quite abruptly ? and to his most profound amazement. "Good!" Janey laughed, tipping backwards over the branch. Hooking her knees over the bough, she suddenly swung upside down, with her long golden hair sweeping towards the ground. Her bright red sundress flopped inside out, revealing her shiny white panties to Dave's astonished gaze. His pupils widened in automatic reaction. For a moment, he honestly thought his heart was going to stall in mid- beat. It was as if she'd been reading his mind. "So where you going now?" she asked, oscillating back and forth above the sidewalk. "Memorial Park," Dave answered after an indescribably long pause. His eyes skittered over Janey's underwear recording every stitch, fold and wrinkle. They were plain nylon briefs, the kind that came up to the belly button, but he was utterly mesmerized by the spectacle. It wasn't the first time he'd seen a girl's panties, but he couldn't recall ever being this close before. They sort of glittered in the morning sunlight, rippling like liquid silver. "Can I come too?" "Okay," Dave answered without a moment's hesitation. At this point, he would have agreed to a frontal lobotomy if she'd suggested it with her skirt over her head. He stood in a slack-jawed fugue, watching the dress creep gradually south. It had no real waistline; nothing to hold it onto her body. Her panties had a tiny red trim around the legs, and there were seams running down the sides. He had no idea that girls' undies were so ? pretty. The material was sheer, slick, and almost translucent. If he ran his fingertips over them, they'd probably feel as smooth as glass. There wasn't so much as a hint of her natural sex; not a bump, not a bulge, not a single ? "Hey, watch this," Janey said, apropos of nothing. Startled out of his panty-watching reveries, Dave jumped as if caught with his fingers in Old Granny Fester's apple pie. He could feel his cheeks burning with a sort of warm, fluid heat, and it wasn't just embarrassment. He was embarrassed, no sense in denying that, but he was also excited too. As excited as the day he'd played spin the bottle with Rhonda and Sherry, the Makepeace twins. No, the hell with that ? he was more excited than he'd ever felt in his life. What was going on here? "Step back a little," Janey chirped from beneath the inside lining, "give me some room." Realizing what she was planning to do, Dave backed up a few feet, realizing that the curtain was about to come down. Well, he supposed couldn't expect her to just sit there hanging upside-down all day (tempting thought the thought was). Nothing lasts forever, as his Mom was fond of saying. And anyway, maybe he could get her to do it again sometime. Like maybe in ten minutes, down on Jungle Gym at Memorial Park. Arching her back, Janey swung forward with her arms outstretched like a gymnast. The branch dipped as she gained momentum. Dave's eyes widened to the size of dinner plates: her dress was flipping inside out; peeling back almost as far as her shoulders. For one heart-stopping instant, literally everything she had was on display: her flimsy little panties, her pale, alabaster tummy, her sheer white training bra. The frock whipped out over her head, held on by no more than a prayer. Dave thought it was going to fly straight off her body. Janey paused at the height of her arc ? then dropped off the branch in a perfect two-point dismount. Face beaming with pure girlish mischief, she landed lightly on the grass beside the footpath, the frock still rucked up around her throat. David's heart was pounding like a trip hammer. He'd never seen a girl this undressed before. It was as if she was standing in the street wearing nothing but her bra and panties. He noticed for the first time that she was wearing frilly white socks and shiny black shoes ? the ones with the thin black straps around the ankles. "AWE-some," he said, totally flabbergasted by the girl's gymnastic prowess (to say nothing of the impromptu lingerie parade). "I'm on the gym team at school," she replied with a radiant smile, then began working the dress down her torso. She did it without a speck of self- consciousness, oblivious of his wandering stare. When he thought of it, she'd been totally unaware of his attention from the very start. It wasn't that she was showing off or immodest or anything ? it just never occurred to her that she was doing anything unusual. She was probably like this with all of her friends. Even now, she was chattering away in her warbling canary's voice, her large blue eyes glittering with innocent pleasure. Dave found that he was starting to like her. Having returned the frock to its normal position, Janey straightened her hair with unconscious precision. She really was very pretty, now that he had a chance to study her face. Dave wondered why he'd never noticed that before; he'd known her for six years, three of them as a girl. Maybe it was because he'd never bothered to look twice 'til now. Funny, that. "Who're you meeting at the park?" she asked with that same endearing naivety. She had dimples at the corners of her mouth. "Aww, just some of the kids from Six-B," he replied, enjoying the way the breeze inflating her dress like a balloon. Cued by some obscure telepathic ability known only to children, they started walking down the avenue. Vast, lazy clouds drifted by overhead, dwarfed by a perfect blue sky. Dave spun his yo-yo on the end of its leash, hardly aware of what he was doing. "What're you-all planning to do down there?" she enquired, turning those neon- blue eyes in his direction. "Play tag over in the playground," he answered, eyes wandering down to her legs, hoping her skirt would inflate around her waist again, "tag, then maybe a game of rounders, if Georgie Stevens brings his bat and ball." "Any girls down there?" "Yeah, Katie Prescott and some of her friends." Katie Prescott was Six-B's resident tomboy and perennial terror of Memorial Park. Like most of his buddies, Dave was somewhat in awe of Katie's devastating right hook and tended to walk on eggshells around her. The other girls were more or less OK, though. "You guys ever play kiss-chase?" Janey asked, a faint smile flitting over her rosebud lips. "Well ? I guess not," Dave stammered, feeling the blush creeping back into his features. He stared down the green corridor, recalling the way her pants had clung to her pert, round bottom. The whole encounter was etched in to his memory, from his first upward glance to that breath-taking final dismount. Every word, every sound, every detail; right down to the scent of the grass and the murmur of the wind through the leaves. He looked over at his pretty blond friend, suddenly aware that his life had changed. Everything had altered in some silent, understated way only a boy of twelve would have noticed. He couldn't have put it into words, couldn't have explained it to anyone - not even to his mother, who seemed to understand everything - but he knew it had something to do with growing up. This was his twelfth summer, the last time either of them would ever be children, and the world was beginning to turn just a little faster. The morning wheeled on towards a perfect spring day. [email protected]

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Next threesome with Dave

It had been around a month since Dave came to the house and took photos of my wife, he had gotten then photos back from the place that developed them and wanted to bring them over I called my wife and asked her when would be a good time for Dave to bring the photos over? She said any time would be fine with her why not this weekend this way you don't have to be up for work the next day, I said great idea I let Dave know what she said and he was all for it.Dave got there around the same time as...

2 years ago
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This Maid is Made For Fucking Dave

“Love a ya baby!” shouted Sasha as she reversed out of the driveway. She was saying her goodbyes to her new found love Dave. Dave and Sasha had been married for a little more than six months. She had said so long to her old life and was starting a new one with Dave. As she traveled on her way to work, she thought how lucky she was to have such a sexy, caring man in her life. Dave was A sweet man. He was a construction foreman and had built up a nice little nesrt egg to share with the woman of...

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Chris and Dave

Chris and Dave Long lost loveChris stood in the gardens waiting for David, the contractor who was going to re-construct the home that had been left to her by her Grandparents. She intended to oversee the whole project from start to finish. David had been recommended by a good friend and she liked his ideas and quotes. There had been a lot of correspondence between the two parties over the last few months but she had yet to meet him personally.A truck turned into the driveway and pulled up a few...

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Hot night with Kim and Dave

As Dave arrived home, Kim met him at the door, opening it wide as she stood nude in the doorway. Dave opened the screen door as Kim embraced him, pressing her large breasts against his chest, and pulling his hips against hers, grinding against him. Dave went on in as Kim turned and paused briefly in the doorway, looking out, almost defiantly as if to say to any neighbors who saw her, "Get a good look, yes, I'm nude and this is the way I choose to live my life." She then shut the door and...

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camping with Dave

Sarah and I have been maried for close to 30 years our sex life is somewhat in the same pattern and the times between love sessions has become longer and longer. We regularly fantasize in bed talk about introducing another partner into our love making. For many years we have fantasized about another man joining us. Recently while chatting on line I met a guy who lives in another town but very close by. He and I speak on a regular basis and have actually met once or twice. Invariably our...

3 years ago
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First time for Julie her fiance and Dave

My girlfriend and I got together with another man before we got married. That threesome was fantastic! We used to fantasize about an MMF threesome a lot. It always got her off when I whispered things I'd like to see her do with another man. It was so cool, so sexy!I moved into a new rooming house after Julie and I had been together about six months. There was a guy there, living upstairs. The funny thing was that one of the fantasies Julie and I had fantasized about was where I moved into a new...

Group Sex
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I fucked a grandma that was my grandpas whore

There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...

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"Oh, Uncle Dave, you're so long and thick, I will never fit itin my tiny little pussy."Uncle Dave was my bestest friend in the whole world. He alwaystook me out for ice creams and movies whenever I asked, andeven when I didn't. He also liked to take me shopping,especially for clothes. He would buy me all the sexiest gearand would sit there patiently while I tried on everything insight and never once complained about how long it took. He eventook me lingerie shopping, even though he always had...

2 years ago
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Karen and Dave

Chapter 1 Dave had been invited to join three other couples at the nearby ski lodge for a weekend of fun in the snow and in the hot tub. Everybody else had a steady lover, but Dave really didn't so he prevailed on Karen, a 16-year old that he'd been having sex with to go along with his as his weekend date. Karen and Dave had fucked before and he occasionally would go over to her house and prevail on her to give him a good blowjob. Dave loved being with Karen because he'd already figured...

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Dolans Diaries 2 Fishing With Dave

A week after that first pool party at my brother’s, I called my sister-in-law’s brother, Dave. He had mentioned doing some fishing and a business proposition for me. We agreed to meet at the Sun Bay Marina, where he kept his boat, a week from that Friday at 9:00 in the morning. I took a mental health day from work and got to the marina a little early. I was waiting by the boat when Dave pulled into the parking lot. He didn’t arrive alone. He had his two nieces with him. I had heard that Paula...

4 years ago
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My New Friend Dave

We hadn’t known Dave and Carolyn for very long. When we moved to Raleigh in June, I had started a new job and Carolyn worked in the cubical next to mine. She invited me to a couple of happy hours and we became decent enough friends that when she invited Chris and me to spend a night at their beach house it seemed like a great idea. Chris had a few friends already, but I thought this would be a good way to get closer with Carolyn, since I had virtually no friends here in Raleigh. “That sounds...

Wife Lovers
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Coach Trip with Jack and Dave

Dave, my ex, and our friend, the Rugby team captain, Jack, were off to watch one of the club's rivals playing in a big game, and I decided to go along with them. As there was a certain amount of alcohol expected during the course of the day, and even more after the game, it had been decided we would travel by coach, a journey of around two hours each way.It was one of those balmy, early October days when the sky was more like August, and the air was comfortably warm. I was wearing just a short...

3 years ago
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A few years back I got a call out of the blue from a bloke that I used to work with from some twenty years ago. Dave was a electrician, I was an apprentice at the time he was the first man I had crush on. Dave was what I would consider a 100% straight bloke that always bragged about his conquests with women, but he had the uncanny knack of being in his underwear when I called. Dave was your average man, six foot tall with broad shoulders and torso, he was quit hairy and had a type of Mexican...

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Carol and Dave

I met Carol at a senior citizen event. We became friends easily. Over the next two months we were talking on the phone and together at senior meetings. She is 75 years old but the only thing that looks 75 is her hair and the way she dresses. Her hair is pure white. Her body from what I could see looked to be in pretty good shape.Her tits were pretty big and she has a nice tight ass. She is about 5'-8".There was a senior bus trip that me and a woman friend of mine were going on. My friend is not...

4 years ago
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Uncle Dave’s Returns By Christy Dee It had been four months since Dave Rogers visited his sister and niece Anita. Dave has been very busy in his job as photojournalists, but the memory of his homecoming still lingered. As he sat on a plane on his way back from Africa, his eyes closed he remembers the lovely time he and his sweet eighteen-year-old niece had that first day by the pool. The thought of Anita’s young tender body hunted him. Her long red hair and soft green eyes along with her...

2 years ago
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Tiffany visits Uncle Dave

Tiffany looked out the window as the plane approached for landing. Florida looked so different from her home in Ohio. Of course she looked forward to the warmer weather.She was still surprised that her mother had allowed her to go and visit Uncle Dave. He was kind of the black sheep of the family passing on working on the family farm in favor of something to do with the internet.Most if the family had nothing to do with him except for Tiffany's mom. Over the years her mom had quietly slipped...

3 years ago
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An Evening With Ritchie Natasha and Dave

true story :) It was a perfect summer night, the stars were out and the moon was nearly full. The k**s were staying overnight at the parents, and we had a dinner party at Ritchie and Natasha’s. Dave, a longtime friend of Ritchie, Kerri and I was in town, and Ritchie had made elaborate plans with me over the phone to get the girls fed, loaded and naked in style. Dave and Ritchie had spent most of the day drinking and watching the chef (nanny by day-Ritchie and Tasha’s son was with their parents...

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Island of Hernando Rodriguez

He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...

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The Story of Dave

A month passed since my first gangbang with John's friends, he had enlisted in the navy and was now going to do his basic training. We had arranged for a nice goodbye get together, but things didn't turn out the way we planned.My parents were divorced and my mom lived in a town, a few hours away. It was the weekend where I had to see her. We weren't close at all, years before I had found out she had cheated on my Dad with her now boyfriend, Dave. You see, I lived in a small town, one of those...

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Sam and Dave

I appreciate the comments and voting on the last piece, “How I met Sam.” This follows in the path of my first story which is a story loosely based on life events. Like before I have taken some creative liberties, changed all names and warped time and space in a few instances. The idea is to create a captivating portrayal without getting too bogged down in the mundane and meeting erotic quota. Please vote, I write you vote and I always appreciate comments positive and negative. Hopefully, I...

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In my story, SHOE STORE SEXPERIENCES-Final, you were introduced to Dave. Let me tell you about Dave:Monday morning I called the number on Dave's business card. It turns out he's the construction manager for United Grain Growers. A woman answers and I ask for Dave. When he gets on the phone he asks me to come to their office for an interview.I take a bus to the office and arrive about 9:30. The receptionist says Dave is on the phone. It's about 10 minutes before I get into his office. He does...

5 years ago
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My first with Dave

A man of about 25 answered, who I knew to be Dave. He asked me to come in, so I took a deep breath and walked inside. I tried to keep my composure, but it wasn't working, as I was breathing irregularly. I had no idea what to expect from my first gay encounter. "First time?' He asked, obviously noticing my nervousness. I replied with a small nod, and sat down on the couch nearest to me. "Is there anything special you wanted to do while you have the chance?" Dave asked, and all i...

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Andrea On Her Own Part 3 of Andreas Stand

Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...

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Date Night With Uncle Dave

Introduction: Uncle Dave invites me to go on a date with him and his hot girlfriend. My young horizons have begun to expand. Wow! Uncle Dave just asked me to go out with him and his new girlfriend! The idea had me fairly dancing around my room. I mean, I just turned 13 and most guys didnt even look at me twice. I was skinny and except for puffy nipples, I was flat as a pancake still. So, I guess I was maybe fantasizing about going on a real date. Uncle Dave was kinda good looking, you know, for...

2 years ago
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16th Birthday spent fucking Daddy Dave

Hi guys My names Jessica and I have just turned 16 today!! :-D I live in London, England with my Mum, Dave (her fiancé) and my very annoying little brother Simon. Mum has been with Dave since I was 4yrs old, so I guess you can say he's been like a Dad to and of course he's the father of my stupid little brother. Dave works for an IT company, so mostly he works from home. Mum works as Nurse which means she does night shift a lot and I don't get to see her that often as she picks me up from...

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Nicole@Dave by gimme_your_loadNicole was at one of her husband's boring law firm parties. Nicole was a very attractive brownish-blonde haired woman. Nicole had awesome stats at 5ft.-10 tall-36D-23-34 measurements and was a slender 120 pounds. Nicole never shaved her natural hairy body and had thick brownish-blonde hair in her armpits. Nicole also had a thick brownish-blonde hairy pussy with thick hair all the way up her hairy belly to her hairy navel. Tonight she was hoping the boredom at her...

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The First Time with Dave

While I have told about her first time with Shakey, (Linda' First Black Cock) I have never told about her first time with my other good friend, Dave.I had been going down to visit Linda as much as I could manage on my time off, I had never had a friend go with me.This particular time, it had been a rough night, and, try as I might, I couldn't relax enough to get to sleep, so, finally I decided to go ahead and go to Linda's house. I knew that if she still had a guest, I could visit with on of...

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0052 Threesome for Dave

0052 Threesome for DaveDave was experiencing the most intense sexual feelings of his life with a threesome of lovelies.Right now, one beautiful green-eyed girl was straddling his head with her warm pussy feeding him her sweet juices. Her brother was riding Dave’s cock with his snug asshole… bouncing wildly and screaming with pleasure. The other sister was between his open legs, alternately licking his balls and her brother’s soft peter. Her fingers were inside of Dave’s asshole playing sweet...

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Nicole was at one of her husband's boring law firm parties. Nicole was a very attractive brownish-blonde haired woman. Nicole had awesome stats at 5ft.-10 tall-36D-23-34 measurements and was a slender 120 pounds. Nicole never shaved her natural hairy body and had thick brownish-blonde hair in her armpits. Nicole also had a thick brownish-blonde hairy pussy with thick hair all the way up her hairy belly to her hairy navel. Tonight she was hoping the boredom at her husband's party would be...

2 years ago
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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

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Date Night With Uncle Dave

I could hear Uncle Dave down the hallway in the living room talking to my mom. I came out of the bathroom wearing a light sundress and flip flops. I did not put on that hateful training bra that mom always wanted me to wear. I did put on my tiniest bikini panties. "Look at you, gorgeous," Uncle Dave said as I bounced into the room. "Hi," I gave him a quick squeeze around the neck. Then turned to Mom, and gave her a squeeze also, "Bye mom, love you." Uncle Dave just shrugged...

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Swami Ghoshal 8211 Anand Ka 8220Santansukh Garbha Mandir8221

Sant Ghoshal-Anand Goswami ‘pahunche huye’ siddh purush ya mahatma hn.Sundar Van ke ghane jungle me Aadiwasi basti se sata unka ‘Slddhashram’ h.swami ji vese to Raam Bhakti ki rasik shakha Sakhi Sampraday ke bhakt hn lekin vo Shiv Bhagvan ke nagn rup ke upasak bhi hn.Isi liye unke Ashram me ghuste hi ek sundar Shiva Ling sthaapit milta h. kaha jata h ki yeh ”Swaymbhu Lingam” h, arthat iska nirman kisi kaarigar ne nahin kiya, ye to uska apne aap bana prakritik rup h.ye nitya ling h. Swami ji ke...

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Mandys sickest stories Mandy reloaded

Mandy's sickest stories - Mandy reloadedAuthor: SickoChickMandyAuthor's email: mandydarkfantasies [at] gmail [dot] comTags: F/f, torture, snuff, feet, nc, cannibalismProofread by EmmaPNote, that English is not my native language, so my writing will surely have many grammatical and syntax errors just as improper usage of expressions. I can only hope someone will still find it exciting. Be aware, this is graphic, brutal and extreme. I read it after writing and scared of myself.DisclaimerThis...

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