The Princess Backpack Diaries
- 4 years ago
- 53
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A week after that first pool party at my brother’s, I called my sister-in-law’s brother, Dave. He had mentioned doing some fishing and a business proposition for me. We agreed to meet at the Sun Bay Marina, where he kept his boat, a week from that Friday at 9:00 in the morning. I took a mental health day from work and got to the marina a little early.
I was waiting by the boat when Dave pulled into the parking lot. He didn’t arrive alone. He had his two nieces with him. I had heard that Paula and Diana were going to be visiting from Grand Rapids. They are the daughters of another one of his sisters and I hadn’t seen them in a few years. Growing up, Paula was always very outgoing and active in all family activities. Diana was a much quieter child; she kept to herself and would often end up sitting with me as the other children ran off. We always had nice conversations; I liked her a lot; but, I didn’t see her all that often.
Paula, then fifteen, was finishing her sophomore year of high school. She was, and still is, very petite, with long, curly (permed), dirty blonde hair. She was very pretty, bordering on beautiful; a girl who might have been at her prime in looks, at fifteen, but instead, was just getting ready to blossom into a genuine beauty. She was a cheerleader, an accomplished gymnast, and her five-foot tall body showed it. She was as cute as cute can be and when she smiled her face lit up and her eyes twinkled. Her legs were beautifully developed, her body showed almost no extra weight and her breasts were filling out nicely and proportionately. She was wearing extremely short cut-off jeans and a white t-shirt.
Diana was fourteen and finishing the ninth grade. She, too, was a cheerleader, and a gymnast. She had jet-black hair and olive colored skin. She was slightly shorter than Paula and extremely petite. While Paula had more of a northern European look, Diana was definitely Mediterranean. She was a natural beauty with an angular jaw line and high cheekbones. She had on low-slung, “Pink” pajama-type sweat pants, with a black t-shirt that didn’t reach her waist. She was carrying a Paris tote bag over her left shoulder. Her exposed midriff was tan, flat, and taut. Diana walked with an air of confidence that was more appropriate for someone twice her age.
When she noticed me, Paula shrieked out my name and, came running with her arms extended for a hug. She about knocked me down when she literally jumped into my arms. Lord did she feel good! She delivered a full body hug that started with her legs wrapped around my waist and, her arms around my neck. Soon enough, she had her feet on the ground; but, maintained the tight hug. Her tits were rock hard and pressing right into my abdomen. She gave enough of a hip thrust to make contact with me; she released me and said, “Uncle Mike, I haven’t seen you in years! I wish you would come around more when we visit.”
“Maybe I should come around more. My God! You are a genuine beauty!” She smiled a shy smile, stepped back, did a quick spin and ended in a pose with her hand on her hip.
With an exaggerated southern drawl she said, “Why Michael, how you do flatter me!” She let out a laugh, turned back and, called to her sister, “Diana! Hurry up! Come here and say hi to Uncle Mike.”
Diana walked up, reached her free arm up and around my neck, pulled me downward and placed a soft kiss on my cheek. I put my hand on the small of her back and pulled her in just ever so slightly. She held on for a second, looked at me, and said, “Mike, it’s so good to see you ... I ... we ... we’ve all missed you.”
Diana then pulled back, placed her legs together, stood with a bit of an arch to her back so her little butt stuck out a bit, looked up at me and said, “When Uncle Dave said you were going out on the boat with him, we both wanted to come along.”
Paula was watching Dave bring the supplies to the boat. She turned to us and said, “She wasn’t going to come until she heard you were going to be here too.”
I glanced at Diana; but, she was glaring at Paula, who was already giggling about embarrassing her sister. I stepped behind Diana, placed myself between the girls, with one arm around each of them and said, “I don’t care how it worked out, or why. I’m happy the two of you are here and we’re going to have a great day!” I led them over to the boat, and we all proceeded to get things ready for a day on the water.
Dave’s boat was a thirty-four foot, rigged-out, cruiser. There was a very nice forward berth area and another one aft. The main cabin area had a complete galley and, a comfortable sitting area. The top side seating consisted of two cushioned side benches, which ran along both sides of the boat. There were two swivel Captains’ chairs up front, two custom installed aft fishing seats, a fish cooler/cleaning station, and a live bait well. I could never figure out where he got the money for the things he had.
With my help, we got everything stowed. Dave took command and piloted us out onto the lake. The girls were sitting on the prow of the boat with their feet dangling down. When we entered open waters, Dave sped up and soon the boat was slicing through the water. The girls were hanging on for dear life and screaming every time the boat broke through a wave.
Dave explained that we were going to head west to Merton Island and anchor in the cove. The girls would go ashore, and we would fish and talk in private. The next thirty minutes was spent enjoying the ride and the view of the girls up front.
As we neared the cove, Dave slowed the boat and called to the girls to get ready to go ashore. They scampered back into the cockpit area and stripped off their outer clothes; exposing the bikinis they had on underneath. They both put their hair back in ponytails with scrunchies. Once ready, they tried to see over the front console as we made our way into the cove; but, due to their lack of height, had no luck. Paula knelt up on one of the captain’s chairs, leaving Diana with no way to see.
Diana turned and looked at me; I came forward, turned her around, and lifted her up by the waist. I snuggled her butt just under my chest, and folded both my arms around her waist. She shifted, ever so slightly a couple of times, until she was comfortable. I couldn’t believe how small and light she was. Her back was inches from my face and her aroma was so young, so soft, so tantalizing. I could see the very light, short, soft hairs covering her body; I shifted an arm down to hold her across the thighs. She leaned back, ever so slightly, and covered my face with her back. She leaned further and I had to move my head to one side in order to see. I loosened my grip, just a bit, and she turned slightly sideways to put her arm around my neck. I was greeted with a bikini-clad miniature breast, just inches from my eyes. We decelerated further as we entered the cove. Dave anchored the boat so that the aft was facing shore, and the bow was pointing out to the lake. The water was about three to four feet deep at the aft. He said, “All right, now you two get overboard and have some fun. Mike and I are going to talk some business and fish.”
I placed Diana back on the deck, and she headed to the aft. I turned in time to see Paula give Dave a hug and kiss. He gave her a gentle squeeze and pat on the ass as she turned to join her sister. They jumped off the boat, holding hands, and squealed when they hit the cold water. Of course, they were very careful not to get their hair wet. They headed to shore and started to explore the small, empty island.
Dave retrieved a couple of cold ones; we sat in the fishing chairs and watched the girls walking around on shore. I glanced at Dave and asked, “OK man, what gives?”
Dave laughed and replied, “What gives? A lot of things! What should we talk about first?”
Glancing back toward shore, I replied, “I think you should tell me what we’re doing out here with your nieces, before we talk about anything else.”
Dave paused, and said, “Fair enough. You don’t come around enough to see anything and I can’t say I blame ya; hell, if they all weren’t my family, I’d have nothing to do with any of them. Anyway, about two years ago, Paula starts to get all touchy-feely with me every time I see her. Crawling all over me, giving me hugs and kisses that are way too intense for an uncle and a niece. So, I decided, what the hell! I begin working her like any other piece of pussy I want and, a year ago, bingo! She gives in and I fuck her brains out, right down there, in the front berth, at the marina.”
I didn’t quite know what to say! He continued, “You know what I mean? Hell, I’ve watched you with Anna Maria ... she’s a hot little thing, and, she’s got it bad for you ... you gonna tell me you haven’t done anything there?”
At that point, I got a bit scared. Dave isn’t a big man, but he’s construction worker-strong, with muscles like steel. Not pumper, muscleman strong; but hammering nails for twenty years strong. I’m no slouch, but, I’m certain he could kill me with his bare hands in short order, and, we’re talking about his niece here. Before I could say anything, he said, “Mind you, I don’t really give a shit. Her mother’s a slut, and a pig, and Anna Maria will likely turn out that way too. Maybe you’re the only good thing in her life. Shit, if you’re not fucking her, I’m telling you to start as soon as possible, before she gets as big as her mother!”
I leaned back, sized up the situation, relieved I wasn’t going to die that day, and said, “Dave, I haven’t fucked her. We’ve done a lot of playing around; but, I haven’t gone that far. I don’t think she’ll turn out like her mother though. She’s got too much of her dad in her.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right about that. Maybe there is some hope for her. OK man, just make sure you’re good to her and help her when you can. Hey, you didn’t have anything to do with what happened to that asshole Eddie, did you?”
I smiled back at him and, with a smirk said, “Eddie ... hmmm ... what happened to him? I hope nothing bad?”
Dave roared in approval and said, “Man, that shitass ain’t stopped running since they found him!” Then Dave paused for a bit and continued, “OK man, here’s the thing with the girls, Paula told me that Diana has always had a thing for you. She says that Diana figured out what she and I were up to and wants to be included, but only if it’s you ... apparently she doesn’t care for her old Uncle Dave like her sister does. You know, you’re an uncle, just not a real blood uncle; that way she figures it’s OK ... and, like I told ya, she really likes you.”
This was a bit much to take in; but I had made up my mind that I wanted Diana the second I saw her this morning. Hell, I wanted them both! I looked down, nodded my head, and then glanced up at Dave and asked, “How’s this going to work?”
“I figure when they get back, I’ll keep Paula up here for a while and, when Diana goes in, you follow her and let things develop from there. Take the forward berth, Paula and I will stay aft.”
I nodded in agreement, and looked back to shore to see the two of them having fun on the beach. Without looking at Dave I asked, “So what’s the business you wanted to talk about? There is some real, actual money business, right?”
Dave turned to me and spun my chair around so I was facing him. He got very serious, and said, “You ever wonder how I can afford all of this? I can’t get all this shit just through my contracting business.”
“I’ve wondered. I just figured that’s your business, not mine.”
“That’s what I like about you Micky, you stay out of other people’s business, you mind your own, and always finish a job. I’m going to tell you about an opportunity and if you decide you’re not interested ... that’ll be the last we’ll ever talk of it, OK?”
“OK, let’s hear it.”
“My construction business is my side business; my real work is the importing business. I bring a lot of things across the border, from Maine to Minnesota. You’re going to move to Florida and my partners want to expand into Florida. You could still teach, and do this job; but, if things go the way I think they will, you won’t have much need for teaching very long.”
“Dave, what are you talking about, drugs?”
“Yep, mostly drugs, sometimes people.”
“People? What the fuck?”
“Girls; girls for the trade; which can be big money, at the right time. Mostly drugs though. Now listen, the way they’re going to set up down there, you won’t have to touch much of anything. You’ll meet the boat that has done the pick-up; and, then you deliver it to a runner who takes whatever it is to the final destination.”
“How much money we talking about?”
“You could be looking at twenty to twenty-five grand ... a month! There is a way to double the money if you’re interested.”
“Tell me.”
“It’s a part of the business we can’t do up here. It has to be in the South. These guys want to start exporting as well.”
“Exporting? Exporting what?”
“Girls, good old fashioned, All-American girls; the girl next-door, cheerleader types. There are clients in the Middle East, Asia, and South America that will pay very well for fresh, young American girls. You could double or triple what you make. I mean real money; don’t ever have to work again money. Now, understand this: they’ll get what they want; it doesn’t matter if you do it or not, they’ll get someone to do it. Regardless, the boats are not going to go back to sea empty.”
“God Dave, I don’t know, that’s a lot to take in at one time. You’re talking about some big risks.”
“I’ll give you one week to decide. Big risks equals big rewards.”
I drained my beer. I was still looking at the shore and I noticed the girls were wading into the water, heading back to boat. Mike leaned to me and said, “You should go help the girls get back in the boat.”
I positioned myself near the ladder. I helped Diana up and out of the water, and onto the deck. She was absolutely gorgeous in her black bikini, set off against her olive skin. The bikini was clinging to her body in a way that only added to the eroticism of the sight. She was so small, yet almost perfectly shaped. Her ass was nice and full below her tiny waist, and her legs appeared to be so thin; yet, they too had shape and tone. I caught myself gazing at her in awe.
I snapped out of my daze when I heard someone clearing her throat. I realized it was Paula waiting for me to help her up on the boat. I lifted her straight out of the water by her arms. In the process of placing her on the deck, she leaned into me and completed a full body slide down my front. She looked up and said, “Now that was nice. Uncle Mike, we should do this more often.”
I really didn’t hear her because, in the process of setting her down, her left bikini top slid up, exposing a pretty pink nipple, riding high, and erect from the chilly water, on a lovely white skinned tit. She saw where I was looking, glanced down, ran her left hand over her nipple, and said, “The water is a bit chilly today.” She gave her nipple a quick squeeze, and readjusted her bikini back into position.
She glanced over at Diana, who was getting a towel from Dave, looked back at me and quietly asked, “Uncle Dave talked to you, didn’t he?”
“Yes, he did, and I think it’s great! Now, if you want to...” I couldn’t finish because she let out a laugh, and pushed at me saying, “You are so bad ... you are so bad.” She turned, got a towel from Dave, and said, “Diana! Why don’t you go inside and get changed, maybe Uncle Mike can help you?”
Diana turned and looked at me; I stepped up to her, took the towel from her, turned her around, put the towel over her shoulders, and began to dry her as I guided her down the stairs to the fore cabin. Once inside, she stopped and turned to face me.
“Mike, I want you to know that this was not my idea ... well, most of it ... anyway ... but Paula put this together without me knowing, at least ‘til earlier today ... I know you didn’t know what was going on and, you don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to ... I mean, I’m kind of young and you’re a grown man and all ... anyway ... I would understand if you didn’t want to...”
This took me by surprise. I placed my hands on her shoulders, looked her right in the eyes and said, “Diana, I can’t think of anywhere else I would rather be, or anyone else I would rather be with. Honestly, I was just as surprised as you by all of this but, I’m more than OK with it; as a matter of fact, I really want to be here with you.” I pulled her a little closer and said, “I really want to be with you.” I leaned down and gave her a soft kiss on the lips.
She returned the kiss and then pulled slightly away, looking down, she said, “I know I’m not the smartest, and I’ll never be as popular, or pretty, as Paula; but, I know that I’ve got to learn all about life. I need to be as smart as I can be, and I need to know how to do all of this.”
“Diana, Paula is a beautiful girl, but you’re a complete knock out! Don’t try and compete with her, be yourself ... I think you’re amazing! Have as much confidence in yourself as you have beauty. You’ve always been one of my favorites.”
She looked at me as if she was going to cry. I turned her around and without saying another word, I continued to dry her off. Working down along, and then, inside her arms. I toweled her lower back, and reached around to dry her flat stomach. I held her close to me and kissed the side of her neck. Slowly I moved to the back of her neck placing gentle kisses along the way. She began to melt back into my arms; then, I slid further down her back until my mouth was at the lower tie string of her bikini bra. I latched onto the string with my teeth, and pulled on it until the knot was undone. She instinctively lifted her hands up to her chest and said, with a slight giggle to her voice, “Miiiike!”
I continued downward onto my knees, and laid some kisses on the small of her back continuing down to the outward curve of the start of her glorious ass; from there I continued, toweling her thighs, inside and out; then, on to the rest of her legs and feet. My head was just below her ass when I turned into her and kissed her along the back of her thighs. She squealed a bit, and rose onto her toes. I let the towel drop and turned her around to face me. I ran my hands up her legs, until my fingers were at the top edge of her bikini bottoms. I leaned forward and kissed all around her belly button and, then slowly, worked downward to the edge of her bottoms. Her breathing was shorter now, and she was tensing up slightly. I could tell it was a combination of anxiety and arousal. I kissed along her lower abdomen and only slightly pulled down on her bottoms in the process. Her hands were holding onto either side of my head as she started to push her pelvis into my face.
I worked my hands up behind her back as I raised and placed kisses along the center of her body on the way. I worked my mouth up her neck, to her chin, and then, onto her beautiful, red lips. She was looking at me, right in the eyes, as we began a long, deep, wet kiss. Her tongue was very actively seeking out mine; our lips parted as our heads turned in unison with the dance of our tongues. I pulled her in tight and reached for the upper tie of her bikini bra. I pulled the knot out, and gently removed the small piece of cloth from her chest. She reacted by pulling my t-shirt up and over my head.
Once free of my shirt, I took a moment to take in the sight of this beautiful, black-haired, fourteen-year-old girl. She was standing half naked in front of me with a look of abandon, along with a touch of trepidation, in her eyes. Her tits were marvels! They were, of course, small, about a half lemon size; they had a slight conical shape to them and the lower half was just starting to develop a bit of roundness, offering a hint at what would develop in the future. They were only slightly lighter in color than the rest of her body. Her areolas and nipples were a light brown color and those cute little nipples were starting to stand at attention. Her breathing was quicker, and deeper, as she pressed back, reaching up to kiss me some more. I reached down with my right hand, cupped her ass and lifted her off the ground. I was standing straight up as she wrapped her legs around my waist, and began riding my torso, while passionately French kissing me.
I moved us over to the berth and leaned forward as far as possible, laying her down on a pillow. I crawled up on top of her and resumed our kissing; I broke off and started the oral journey back down to her crotch. As I moved, I took hold of her bottoms and slid them down her legs and off her feet. I reached for the berth door, closed it, and turned back to face her.
She was on the bed with her knees up and together. I took her left ankle in my hand and lifted her foot to my mouth. I kissed her instep and tickled the bottom of her foot with my tongue. She began giggling, and squirming, as she tried to turn over and get away. I snatched up her right ankle, and now had both of her legs in the air. I placed the backs of her ankles on my shoulders and began to kiss my way down the inside of her legs. I tried to keep contact with her eyes, which were growing bigger with every advance I made along her legs. I reached her inner thighs, and started to pay much greater attention to my mouth play. Eventually, I was laying flat with my face right in front of her pussy. Her legs were spread; so, what was once a pretty, little, puffy slit, with a fine narrow covering of jet-black pubic hair, was now a beautiful, spread open, pink flower of virginity.
A note to readers - keep in mind that I never had a plan for these diaries. I'm only sharing them with the world because I can now handle the reflection that comes with reading them. As a result, they don't fit into chapter form all that well and at certain spots things skip ahead if I wasn't writing much at that time or had little to say in my entries. I have tried to find logical breaks to fit into a chapter format for this medium. Hopefully it is working for you and you are able...
It had been nearly two years since I'd left, going straight into the service out of high school. It felt good to be home again, though it was still going to feel different even then. For one, dad had died the year I had graduated. That alone had made my leaving all the harder on mom, but she at least had a sister she was very close to, who had seen her through much of that difficult time. Though she lived an hour away from where we did, mom never failed to at least travel to see her once a...
Third in a series of reader questions with Alexandra Moore, author of The Dogging Diaries: Q. You seem to have quite a fashion sense when you were dressing to play. You were pretty detailed with what you wore for the events mentioned. Surely there must have been more about your thoughts on sexy fashion. Your fashion ideas may be valuable to other t-girls. Can you share your recommendations on what worked (clothes, makeup, shoes) for you? A. Great question. How much time do you...
Diary Entry: September 2008 What the hell is going on here? Ryan and I both slept in and when we woke up I wasn't exactly sure what to do or say. All he said was, "crazy night, last night." I don't really understand everything that happened. I feel terrible that it did and yet, I don't feel like I did anything wrong. It's not like I wanted this to happen. I was just doing what he told me. I feel dirty. I can still feel Tom's cock inside me, still feel his cum. I don't want...
The Dogging Diaries Diary Entry: July, 2009 "Guys, guys, guys! Settle down. This girl will open her legs for the whole room. As long as you're treating her well and keeping her as the center of attention, she's yours to do with as you please. Just make sure you don't treat her too well." The room laughed. "You can fuck her, cum on her, cum in her, slap her, spank her, she's fucking hot and she will go all night if you can." I could hear Ryan getting the crowd of guys...
Part 2 of a series of questions and answers with Alexandra Moore, author of The Dogging Diaries. These questions cover parts 3 and 4 of the diaries. Again, thanks to Matt for putting the questions together. Away we go ... 1. You obviously had some deep struggles. How close did you come in 2007 to giving the dream of being a girl? How were you able to get past the stress and doubt? Do you have any recommendations for those who might be in that situation now? The answer lies...
The Dogging Diaries Diary Entry: July, 2009 "Guys, guys, guys! Settle down. Now listen. This girl will open her legs for the whole room, so you're all getting laid tonight. As long as you're treating her well and keeping her as the center of attention, she's all yours to do with as you please. Just make sure you don't treat her too well." The room laughed. "You can fuck her, cum on her, cum in her, slap her, spank her, she's fucking hot and she will go all night if you...
What follows is an extract from the diaries of my French grandfather who died after a long, full, amorous life at the age of 90 in 1992. He willed the diaries to me his youngest grandchild because I had followed in his footsteps as a journalist. The diaries are full of erotic encounters and I hope to publish more extracts in due course. This is a fairly typical one. I realize that the style may seem quaint at such a remove in time but as the extract deals with age-old themes I do not think...
I have been writing a diary since I was a young boy; every day, I write in my journal explaining what I have achieved or just a random thought for the day. I always do the entries within thirty-six hours, no matter where I am. I never miss an entry. I have been writing them since I was ten years old, sometimes I would go to the big box under my bed where I stored the diaries & read through some of the c***dhood dilemmas I was having at the time. I put everything in those journals. Things...
Author's Note: Thank you for choosing to read my diaries. Please leave a review when you're done! Wet, slutty kisses, Alexandra Diary Entry: August 2007 What a night. It's 3:00AM and I can't concentrate. Ryan had me over again last night to show me my pictures and to talk about the sites. The pictures came out pretty good. I like some of them, some not so much. Modeling is fucking hard. The camera doesn't lie. I thought I was thin. Thin! Yeah right. There's a little flab...
[Author's Note: The only way I know if people are reading these diaries is if they leave a review or send me an email. I'd certainly prefer both and answer all reader email. Thanks! Alexandra] It took me a while to begin writing in my diary again. They say rape changes a person. I know it changed me. It changed my relationship with Ryan completely. He was there for me, comforting me, helping me, but things were never the same after that. What was this beautiful, amazing love...
Introduction: On a separate note, if you read my story Incest Diaries & would like for there to be another installment, just comment your choice through this storys comments log. THIS IS IN NO SHAPE WAY OR FORM MY STORY. I CAME ACROSS THIS ONLINE. I ENJOYED IT & THOUGHT MANY OF YOU WOULD TOO. THIS STORY DEPICTS ANIME CHARACTERS FROM THE CARTOON INUYASHA (those characters being Rin & Sesshoumaru). IF YOURE INTO FANFICTION , THIS THIS IS THE STORY FOR YOU. NOTE , IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO READ THE...
It leaves little to the imagination the title of this escapade. Fucked and wasted drinking all day in the sun, hyped up on x drenched in beer a corner away from the brass band churning out march anthem after march anthem, whilst getting sucked off from a 50 year old squatting behind a kiosk. Her maxi dress was pulled up to her hips squatting as if she was pissing. Looks however may be deceiving as she was actually chin deep with my entire dick shaft. Arm outstretched holding on to the mobile...
Hello all, I’m Kishan from Bengaluru, back to tell my sex saga in a story series – Bengaluru diaries. Thanks for all the responses which mean a lot. This is a continuation of my previous story. After spending a weekend in Ooty with two gorgeous girls, I came back to Bengaluru. After 3 days of total fucking exercise, we were so tired that we didn’t even speak to each other for 2 days. By now our college days were getting over so we had to use most of our time together. One morning as I was...
Hey raj here… This is the continuation of the love diaries 1. While madhu was busy with the guests I kept myself busy with my laptop watching porn and exploring iss. I heard guests leaving but still continued with my work and soon madhu was on the door with transparent maxi and clearly visible nipples. She was looking hot. She came near me and was watching the porn with me. I asked her why are you having sex with me, she said your uncle is not satisfying these days and she knew that I have an...
IncestThe Christian Female Discipline JournalE.E. Norcod, D.D., Ph.D., EditorFacilitating the Submission, Obedience and Discipline of Girls and Women Throughout the Christian WorldVolume X, Number v, May 2003Editor’s Forward to the Issue In this issue of the CFDJ we continue our series of the Christian Discipline Diaries, one of our most popular features. These are reports from our congregations who are out there spreading the Word of the Strict Observance Bible Evangelical Church of Christ...
Part 1: 2We didn't talk about it after that and we never said a word to Tea either, and I was rapidly starting to feel uneasy about what had happened. It didn't help that Paulina's responses to my texts were as minimal as they possibly could be, and didn't give out any hint of her true feelings or thoughts. So, I was happily surprised when Paulina invited me for a sleepover the next Friday.Once we were alone in her room I...
Diary Entry: July 2007 This shit can't go on. I called in sick to work and Mom and Dad were supposed to come over tonight. I had to cancel both because of the big fucking bruise on my face. One thing I'm not going to tolerate is Jack hitting me. That's just not right or fair or anything like that. I'm not going to turn into one of those hookers who get hit by their manager. I'm not fucking doing that. My face is sore. I can barely move from the sex and the massive dildo and...
[Author's Note: I have tried to find logical breaks in these diaries to begin and end the different chapters. It's not easy to do because I didn't write my journal thinking it would ever be read by the public. As a result, it might make it hard for new readers to follow along or for an avid reader to remember exactly what was going on when they read the last installment. This is Chapter 4 ... Chapter 3 ended abruptly, so for everyone's benefit I've duplicated the last little bit of it...
I was sitting at my desk at work and looking at my co-workers. There were sixteen of us the large open area. The boss didn't like cubicles; he said that they cut down on employee interaction and he thought it inhibited productivity. I was sitting there looking at the nine men and seven women — there used to be thirteen men, but that comes later in the story — and I wondered if the men were like me and the women like my wife. What secrets were there that I couldn't see? Were the men as...
This story is a take off of Closing down the cottage. While some of this story is true there is added fiction too make this story totally erotic. Please feel free to vote and comment either way makes my future stories better. It was three days since my get together with Lee as i was getting ready to do wash when i came across a crumpled slip of paper. On the paper was a phone number i then realized it was from Dave who three days earlier i had the pleasure of sucking his cock until he shot his...
“I’m Brooklyn, and… whatever… I guess I’m a sex addict.” I glared at the group of pathetic faces in the circle surrounding me. This is so fucking lame. Why did I sign up for this? It was bad enough that I’d had to endure public humiliation when the scandal broke, but being away from the city in this touchy feely rehab centre set my nerves more on edge than they did to soothe them, which I’m sure was their original intention. From the moment I’d checked into The Belleview Retreat for Sexual...
AnalHe spread my legs further apart and crawled up so his face was right at my pussy. My embarrassment returned and I put my hand over it. He took my hand away and told me how beautiful my pussy was. His finger was stroking up and down lightly between my wet lips. He said he loved watching my lips swell as the blood flowed into them and watch the little droplets of lubricant form as my sexual desire grew. My name is Trish. I just turned 16 last November. It was a cold winter day in December. My...
First TimeHello my name is Mike and with me is my wife Kate. We've been married ten years and together fifteen. Kate and I live in a apartment in Newport News Virginia and we share it with another couple who I will call Dave and Sally. Dave and Sally are not married but are planning on tying the knot by next year. We are all into the party scene as Kate and I go out to a dance bar within walking distance to our apartment. Kate and I are a great couple and are very open to each other sexually and...
It had been around a month since Dave came to the house and took photos of my wife, he had gotten then photos back from the place that developed them and wanted to bring them over I called my wife and asked her when would be a good time for Dave to bring the photos over? She said any time would be fine with her why not this weekend this way you don't have to be up for work the next day, I said great idea I let Dave know what she said and he was all for it.Dave got there around the same time as...
Sarah and I have been maried for close to 30 years our sex life is somewhat in the same pattern and the times between love sessions has become longer and longer. We regularly fantasize in bed talk about introducing another partner into our love making. For many years we have fantasized about another man joining us. Recently while chatting on line I met a guy who lives in another town but very close by. He and I speak on a regular basis and have actually met once or twice. Invariably our...
From Amanda’s diary: Dear diary, It felt strange to wake up alone after three days sleeping with someone. Sure lying at Clara’s feet hadn’t been pleasant, but weird as it might sound I still felt some sort of connection to her while doing it. Sharing a bed with Fiona was a lot better, and I knew I’d be missing that a lot. I got up and dressed, being careful to cover every bit of me that might show any signs of damage, before I went to the toilet. I decided then I’d be sleeping in my...
As Dave arrived home, Kim met him at the door, opening it wide as she stood nude in the doorway. Dave opened the screen door as Kim embraced him, pressing her large breasts against his chest, and pulling his hips against hers, grinding against him. Dave went on in as Kim turned and paused briefly in the doorway, looking out, almost defiantly as if to say to any neighbors who saw her, "Get a good look, yes, I'm nude and this is the way I choose to live my life." She then shut the door and...
Introduction: What are friends for? Earlier Story Late one evening, I was in the living room listening to Pink Floyds Dark Side of the Moon and drinking Jack, when I heard a knock at the backdoor. I knew from the lateness of the hour it could only be my best friend Dave. He often dropped by late to see if I wanted to offer him a drink or jam a little on the guitar. My wife of twenty years had retired to her bathroom to have a hot soak and get ready for bed. She heard the knock at the door and...
Miss Watersmith had recently moved to the area to get away from her parents, who she until recently still lived with. She had been studying to be a teacher for a good few years and was only a few weeks away from completing her course. She’d never known why but she had always loved teaching teenagers. They always seemed to give her attention she didn’t get very often anywhere else. She wasn’t stupid though she knew why she got the attention. It was all down to her amazing looks. She wasn’t...
If you have read my stories and posts here, or have seen my photos, you will know that a man named Dave has been my lover since July, 2012. And, after my divorce from Frank in October 2015, I see Dave a lot more often. I no longer have to sneak out every time I develop a hunger to hook-up with him. In the past, I've hinted here at how we met. But I don’t think I've actually told anyone here the full story. Until now... It was a warm, lovely summer Saturday evening. My husband Frank was visiting...
MatureJANEY & DAVE 1. On a perfect spring morning at the very beginning of May, a boy named Dave Henson was sauntering down Memorial Drive, a lanky red-haired boy trailing a bright red yo-yo from his right hand. School had been out for just over a week and the sidewalks were wavering with soft white heat. It was a fine day to be twelve years old with the entire summer spread out before you. Ridgewick was a sleepy little burg famed for its clement seasons, the kind of place you...
Part 1 of a series of questions and answers with Alexandra Moore, author of The Dogging Diaries I'd like to thank Matt who has been such a great friend and pen pal throughout this entire process for putting together these questions. Awesome job. Away we go ... 1. It was almost a year from when you first dressed as Kristy until you even touched another man's penis. How did you drift? What were some of the things done that help you to drift? What would you say to help someone...
“Love a ya baby!” shouted Sasha as she reversed out of the driveway. She was saying her goodbyes to her new found love Dave. Dave and Sasha had been married for a little more than six months. She had said so long to her old life and was starting a new one with Dave. As she traveled on her way to work, she thought how lucky she was to have such a sexy, caring man in her life. Dave was A sweet man. He was a construction foreman and had built up a nice little nesrt egg to share with the woman of...
Dave, my ex, and our friend, the Rugby team captain, Jack, were off to watch one of the club's rivals playing in a big game, and I decided to go along with them. As there was a certain amount of alcohol expected during the course of the day, and even more after the game, it had been decided we would travel by coach, a journey of around two hours each way.It was one of those balmy, early October days when the sky was more like August, and the air was comfortably warm. I was wearing just a short...
Exhibitionism"Oh, Uncle Dave, you're so long and thick, I will never fit itin my tiny little pussy."Uncle Dave was my bestest friend in the whole world. He alwaystook me out for ice creams and movies whenever I asked, andeven when I didn't. He also liked to take me shopping,especially for clothes. He would buy me all the sexiest gearand would sit there patiently while I tried on everything insight and never once complained about how long it took. He eventook me lingerie shopping, even though he always had...
We hadn’t known Dave and Carolyn for very long. When we moved to Raleigh in June, I had started a new job and Carolyn worked in the cubical next to mine. She invited me to a couple of happy hours and we became decent enough friends that when she invited Chris and me to spend a night at their beach house it seemed like a great idea. Chris had a few friends already, but I thought this would be a good way to get closer with Carolyn, since I had virtually no friends here in Raleigh. “That sounds...
Wife LoversChris and Dave Long lost loveChris stood in the gardens waiting for David, the contractor who was going to re-construct the home that had been left to her by her Grandparents. She intended to oversee the whole project from start to finish. David had been recommended by a good friend and she liked his ideas and quotes. There had been a lot of correspondence between the two parties over the last few months but she had yet to meet him personally.A truck turned into the driveway and pulled up a few...
IncestA few years back I got a call out of the blue from a bloke that I used to work with from some twenty years ago. Dave was a electrician, I was an apprentice at the time he was the first man I had crush on. Dave was what I would consider a 100% straight bloke that always bragged about his conquests with women, but he had the uncanny knack of being in his underwear when I called. Dave was your average man, six foot tall with broad shoulders and torso, he was quit hairy and had a type of Mexican...
My girlfriend and I got together with another man before we got married. That threesome was fantastic! We used to fantasize about an MMF threesome a lot. It always got her off when I whispered things I'd like to see her do with another man. It was so cool, so sexy!I moved into a new rooming house after Julie and I had been together about six months. There was a guy there, living upstairs. The funny thing was that one of the fantasies Julie and I had fantasized about was where I moved into a new...
Group SexChapter 1 Dave had been invited to join three other couples at the nearby ski lodge for a weekend of fun in the snow and in the hot tub. Everybody else had a steady lover, but Dave really didn't so he prevailed on Karen, a 16-year old that he'd been having sex with to go along with his as his weekend date. Karen and Dave had fucked before and he occasionally would go over to her house and prevail on her to give him a good blowjob. Dave loved being with Karen because he'd already figured...
true story :) It was a perfect summer night, the stars were out and the moon was nearly full. The k**s were staying overnight at the parents, and we had a dinner party at Ritchie and Natasha’s. Dave, a longtime friend of Ritchie, Kerri and I was in town, and Ritchie had made elaborate plans with me over the phone to get the girls fed, loaded and naked in style. Dave and Ritchie had spent most of the day drinking and watching the chef (nanny by day-Ritchie and Tasha’s son was with their parents...
I thought about that statement for a minute. Of course, I'd never called myself a sex addict out loud, but the idea of it sounded almost kind of sexy. Of course I knew I was supposed to be all serious standing there in the classroom at The Belleview Retreat for Sexual Health. But really, how can you find the seriousness of group therapy at all? They were a miscellaneous collection of odd personalities from different walks of life sharing intimate and intense details of their sex lives...
After going through some tough times, seventeen year old, Chloe Wilson, was encouraged by her therapist to record her diaries on tape. It was a way to try and get her to open up and talk out loud about her feelings, but Chloe rebelled and the tapes ended up being less about her emotional past and more just a diary about her explorations into adolescent life and the discovery of all things sexual. Listen to her recordings and follow her journey, hearing the events that happened in her own words.
First Time“I’m Kylie, and I’m a sex addict.” I tried not to cry. It would have made things exponentially more embarrassing than just standing in front of the room telling a group of strangers that I was basically a sexual deviant. I bit down on my lower lip instead, producing just enough sharp discomfort to keep the girly tears back. I couldn’t believe I had really committed to this. Of course, I guess one could argue that I wasn’t very good with commitments, as it was. Ever since the depraved incident...
Group SexIt was a great erotic journey till now. I and Pranati both sat on the sofa, discussing how to evoke them. I got a great idea. It is easy to generate new ideas to seduce anyone. She was busy cutting her nails while listening to my plan. Me: Mom, is Keshavi fucked by dad? Pranati: I told you already she does not want to hang out with men. She is a lesbian. Better leave her. Chaap! I slapped my bitch mom. She threw the nail cutter aside. Me: I did not ask for your suggestion, mom. You told me...
IncestA man of about 25 answered, who I knew to be Dave. He asked me to come in, so I took a deep breath and walked inside. I tried to keep my composure, but it wasn't working, as I was breathing irregularly. I had no idea what to expect from my first gay encounter. "First time?' He asked, obviously noticing my nervousness. I replied with a small nod, and sat down on the couch nearest to me. "Is there anything special you wanted to do while you have the chance?" Dave asked, and all i...
Uncle Dave’s Returns By Christy Dee It had been four months since Dave Rogers visited his sister and niece Anita. Dave has been very busy in his job as photojournalists, but the memory of his homecoming still lingered. As he sat on a plane on his way back from Africa, his eyes closed he remembers the lovely time he and his sweet eighteen-year-old niece had that first day by the pool. The thought of Anita’s young tender body hunted him. Her long red hair and soft green eyes along with her...
InterracialTiffany looked out the window as the plane approached for landing. Florida looked so different from her home in Ohio. Of course she looked forward to the warmer weather.She was still surprised that her mother had allowed her to go and visit Uncle Dave. He was kind of the black sheep of the family passing on working on the family farm in favor of something to do with the internet.Most if the family had nothing to do with him except for Tiffany's mom. Over the years her mom had quietly slipped...
Introduction: Uncle Dave invites me to go on a date with him and his hot girlfriend. My young horizons have begun to expand. Wow! Uncle Dave just asked me to go out with him and his new girlfriend! The idea had me fairly dancing around my room. I mean, I just turned 13 and most guys didnt even look at me twice. I was skinny and except for puffy nipples, I was flat as a pancake still. So, I guess I was maybe fantasizing about going on a real date. Uncle Dave was kinda good looking, you know, for...
I met Carol at a senior citizen event. We became friends easily. Over the next two months we were talking on the phone and together at senior meetings. She is 75 years old but the only thing that looks 75 is her hair and the way she dresses. Her hair is pure white. Her body from what I could see looked to be in pretty good shape.Her tits were pretty big and she has a nice tight ass. She is about 5'-8".There was a senior bus trip that me and a woman friend of mine were going on. My friend is not...
A month passed since my first gangbang with John's friends, he had enlisted in the navy and was now going to do his basic training. We had arranged for a nice goodbye get together, but things didn't turn out the way we planned.My parents were divorced and my mom lived in a town, a few hours away. It was the weekend where I had to see her. We weren't close at all, years before I had found out she had cheated on my Dad with her now boyfriend, Dave. You see, I lived in a small town, one of those...
In my story, SHOE STORE SEXPERIENCES-Final, you were introduced to Dave. Let me tell you about Dave:Monday morning I called the number on Dave's business card. It turns out he's the construction manager for United Grain Growers. A woman answers and I ask for Dave. When he gets on the phone he asks me to come to their office for an interview.I take a bus to the office and arrive about 9:30. The receptionist says Dave is on the phone. It's about 10 minutes before I get into his office. He does...
While I have told about her first time with Shakey, (Linda' First Black Cock) I have never told about her first time with my other good friend, Dave.I had been going down to visit Linda as much as I could manage on my time off, I had never had a friend go with me.This particular time, it had been a rough night, and, try as I might, I couldn't relax enough to get to sleep, so, finally I decided to go ahead and go to Linda's house. I knew that if she still had a guest, I could visit with on of...
I appreciate the comments and voting on the last piece, “How I met Sam.” This follows in the path of my first story which is a story loosely based on life events. Like before I have taken some creative liberties, changed all names and warped time and space in a few instances. The idea is to create a captivating portrayal without getting too bogged down in the mundane and meeting erotic quota. Please vote, I write you vote and I always appreciate comments positive and negative. Hopefully, I...
Hi guys My names Jessica and I have just turned 16 today!! :-D I live in London, England with my Mum, Dave (her fiancé) and my very annoying little brother Simon. Mum has been with Dave since I was 4yrs old, so I guess you can say he's been like a Dad to and of course he's the father of my stupid little brother. Dave works for an IT company, so mostly he works from home. Mum works as Nurse which means she does night shift a lot and I don't get to see her that often as she picks me up from...
IncestNicole@Dave by gimme_your_loadNicole was at one of her husband's boring law firm parties. Nicole was a very attractive brownish-blonde haired woman. Nicole had awesome stats at 5ft.-10 tall-36D-23-34 measurements and was a slender 120 pounds. Nicole never shaved her natural hairy body and had thick brownish-blonde hair in her armpits. Nicole also had a thick brownish-blonde hairy pussy with thick hair all the way up her hairy belly to her hairy navel. Tonight she was hoping the boredom at her...
I could hear Uncle Dave down the hallway in the living room talking to my mom. I came out of the bathroom wearing a light sundress and flip flops. I did not put on that hateful training bra that mom always wanted me to wear. I did put on my tiniest bikini panties. "Look at you, gorgeous," Uncle Dave said as I bounced into the room. "Hi," I gave him a quick squeeze around the neck. Then turned to Mom, and gave her a squeeze also, "Bye mom, love you." Uncle Dave just shrugged...