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Chapter One

Her first conscious thought was, I'm awake. She hadn't opened her eyes just yet, but was aware of sounds and that she was cold. The second conscious thought was that she had a Blacksmith using the inside of her head as an anvil and was hitting a particularly hard piece of metal with a four-pound lump hammer.

She groaned and cursed red wine. She always got a hangover after drinking red wine and reminded herself of the often-made promise to stick to the voddy.

April then realised that she was naked. Not an unusual condition in the mornings, but along with her nakedness was a realisation that she wasn't in her own bed. In fact, she wasn't in a bed, but on the floor with some kind of fur rug under her. She unlocked her eyelids and was immediately sorry she did. The Blacksmith really began to go at the anvil inside her cranium. She closed her eyes again and groaned once more. But, not before they registered that she was in fact, lying on a sheepskin rug, face down with her wrists tied together and attached to a radiator tail.

To most people, this would have given rise to panic, but April was almost used to waking in strange situations in strange places after a night of debauchery. Her life style dictated that she would often get into what might be construed, as tricky positions. She had to give these one nighter's up. One of these days, she would really find herself in trouble.

Time to run a system diagnostic she thought. April wiggled her toes and was pleased to feel that they were all there and not restricted. Legs were in a similar condition, brilliant, so far so good. Her inner thighs were sticky and wet. Nothing new there then, must have been one hell of a night, because she was also aware of a pool of wetness under her pelvic bone. She had either pissed herself or her partner of last night had left his semen to trickle from her body and coagulate below her. Her check of the rest of her body found no damage and seemed to be fully functional.

She heard a door whisper open and the heavy tread of bare male feet approach.

"You're awake then". His voice rasped in her ear like a file rubbing over soft cheese.

"Umm". Surely he didn't expect her to be able to articulate coherent words so soon after waking into a situation as this did he?

Suddenly, white lightening raced up her spine as her brain registered the unexpected lash of a whip across her buttocks.

"Whadthefuck!!! Jessuzzzz!!! whadthefuck was that for?" She screamed into the fur of the rug.

"Just your morning wake up call, thought I would bring you all the way into the rest of the world. Good morning. Long day in front of you"

A cold wet nose made her flinch as it nudged against her tailbone. Then a warm tongue lapped at her crack, but could not get too far because she clenched her muscles tight in confusion and as a protective defence mechanism.

"Better open your legs, unless of course, you want another wake up call." His voice sounded calm, reassuring, but at the same time, commanding, leaving her no illusions about his sincerity.

"What the fuck is going on?" Her confused synapses screamed at her to do something, she was hardly awake and they were being abused.

"It's only Max cleaning up."

"Max! Who and what the fuck is Max." But, she already knew.

"Max is your lover from last night. God you two were terrific." He conversationally informed her. Had she really fucked a dog? She also knew the answer to that one, but had no recollection of the event. Had she been that drunk last night?

"I need to pee." Obediently, she had opened her legs and the dog was washing her, but the only effect was to make her need to vent her bladder. "God my head hurts."

"Probably the GBH, it gets some people like that. If you want to piss, do so. Max won't mind in the slightest." His conversational tone did little to calm her.

"What the fuck is GBH and can you stop that dog from doing that? I need to get up and go to the toilet."

"... Otherwise known as date rape drug. It renders the taker bereft of will and makes them totally compliant." He ignored the rest of her question.

Her bladder let go involuntarily and a gush of urine flooded from her. April was genuinely getting worried at her predicament. Sure she had been in some amazing scrapes before, but this one was a little too far even for her adventurous spirit. The dog lapped at her labia and cleaned her up. April whimpered and decided that pleading might help her.

"Please, I don't know your name, let me go eh? I promise I won't tell anyone, I mean, how could I? I don't know who you are or where I am. Just let me go and we can forget all about it, put it down to experience, what do you say?"

"April," His calm voice whispered into her ear while the dog continued to lick her sex. "I promise you that nothing will harm you here. If, at the end of the day, you want to go and never see us again, that will be okay with me, but, you will be here for the day and you will get screwed until we are both satisfied. So, why not just relax and enjoy the experience?" He sounded so matter of fact and she was certain that he meant every word, but it still did little to assuage her fears.

"Now, why don't you kneel up and allow Max to clean up properly?"

April, thinking that she had better just go with the flow, struggled to get her knees under her. It wasn't made any easier with a tongue lapping at her sex and her hands restricted by the ties to the radiator pipe. At last she managed to get into a kneeling position with her head down, which gave Max an unobstructed angle to her. His tongue hit home and licked straight over her clit, producing a shiver. The feel of the slightly rough surface of the dog's tongue was starting to work its magic. April could never resist a tongue doing its thing, her resolve always melted at this point and this time was going to be no exception. A familiar heat began to build up in her groin. If this dog didn't stop his tonguing and soon, she would come hard. Max seemed to sense her increasing excitement, because his ministrations went up a gear and he licked faster and longer, travelling from her clit, over her pussy lips and up to her puckered anus.

April gasped and tried to breath through the fur of the rug where she was pressing her face down in an effort not to let her body release. She clenched her buttocks together thinking it might help in controlling the urge to climax, but it was to no avail. The heat had built to a crescendo and then suddenly boiled over in a wave of pure pleasure. She soaked the dog's nose with her secretions and a crashing climax coursed through her.

Max was lifted away from her. She heard him being dragged across the floor and the door shut. Her captor returned and whispered into her ear once more.

"Wasn't so bad was it? I'll bring you some water and towels so you can clean yourself up. Want some breakfast?" Without waiting for an answer, he left her prostrate on the floor.

The time gave April the opportunity to think. She tried to recall last night's events, but most of it was a blur. A vivid memory of locking the office door seemed like a good starting point from which to work. Joe, the barman at her local watering hole had nodded his recognition of her entrance. She remembered her usual Vodka and orange and she remembered talking to Lynne who was in the same business of selling cosmetics to department stores. They worked for rival companies, but always got along very well.

April remembered going to 'Flamingos'; a nightclub that she frequented as a devoted parishioner goes to church. Every Saturday night would find her propping the bar while she scoped the influx of likely short-term partners. April had no interest in anything-long term. A few days and the guy would get on her tits. Why they always descended into demanding little boys left April at a loss. She had lost count of the times some sad bastard professed undying love for her only to never call again when she threw them out. So much for love, it sucked.

Picking up guys at the club had become a frequent thing. Her natural good looks and slim body worked to full advantage in the testosterone charged atmosphere of the club. It had led to some wild nights and some pretty hairy moments. Several times, her training in martial arts had come to the rescue. Her Mom was to thank for that.

Last night hadn't been any different as far as she could remember. The usual parade of spotty faced louts, leering at her and making suggestive insinuations. But nobody special came to mind. April couldn't remember leaving the club though. A snatch of conversation in the ladies was the last thing she could remember from last night. An over made up bimbo's face swam into her minds eye and something about borrowing lipstick. April never used the stuff. She sold it and knew what went into making it. But, after that, she had no recollection.

The door opening again interrupted her thoughts. From the corner of her eye, she could see bare feet approaching her. She was still kneeling in the same position.

"You may get up now April. I'll let out a little of the chain so you can feed and wash your self." A ceramic bowl was placed on the floor by her head and a towel slipped off his hair-covered arm. April, smothered a shudder, she hated hairy men. She felt him release some of the chain that was attached to her wristbands and the radiator pipe.

"Thanks. What do I call you?"

"It ain't Jesus like you called me earlier." He laughed at his own joke and turned to leave her saying over his shoulder, "I'll be back." He laughed again at his attempt to mimic the voice of the Terminator in the film. April groaned. The door closed, she still had not yet seen him fully.

The water was nice and hot with scented oil floating on top. Folded on the side of the bowl was a flannel. She washed herself as best as she could, the wristband proved to be quite an encumbrance and a handicap. The towel felt soft and warm on her skin.

Washed and refreshed, April took stock of her surroundings. She was in a basement room. A high level window allowed some sunlight to permeate through a filter of a floral curtain. It was the only form of light in the room. A bed took up half the floor space and a wardrobe had been fitted into an alcove. The floor had been covered with laminated wood floorboards. She was sitting on an orange dyed sheepskin rug. Warmth was coming from the radiator. The walls had been painted in what looked like magnolia paint. There were no pictures and little adorned the room. It had the feel of being a spare bedroom, like a guest room or something.

The door opened again. Her captor pushed it with his foot. She could see that he was tall, powerful and broad shouldered like a rugby player. His jeans were tight and a white tee-shirt was stretched over his torso. His feet were still bare and he had hair on the top of his big toe. Max, or least, that is who she thought it was, padded into the room behind him. The large dog sat obediently at a command from his master, but his eyes glittered as he observed April. She could see the pink tip of his penis protruding from its sheath. She looked away in disgust. This all took only a second or two.

"April, allow me to make some introductions, this is Max." The dog's ears pricked at the mention of his name. "I am Dave and you are our slave for the day."

"Dave is it? Well Dave..." Her voice dripped sarcasm; "I don't find this in the least funny. Please release me from these cuffs and let me go. What I said earlier stands. I will not tell anyone of this, fucking hell! Who would believe it anyway?"

"You said you would say that." He smiled for the first time and it radiated from his eyes. "You said that I was to ignore your demands and I should treat you like a captive. Well, your wish is my command. Here's your breakfast."

"What do you mean I said you should treat me in this manner?" April's confusion reigned. "I would never allow myself to become any man's slave, let alone you and your dog."

"You said you would say that too." He smiled again. "Why don't you shut up and eat?" He turned from her and signalled Max to follow as he left the room, not shutting the door this time.

The tray he had been carrying held buttered toast and two boiled eggs in a twin eggcup holder. A mug of tea sat to one side and a bowl of sugar with a spoon in was on the other side. April realised she was famished and ate it all with relish.

Dave returned a little later and cleared everything away. He said nothing nor offered any responses to her questions. It was as if the relationship had changed from him being a genial host to a tight-lipped gaoler. April began to worry that she was in way over her head. It didn't help that her imagination was running riot. When Max was brought into the room and tied to the other radiator pipe, April really started to worry. Dave once again, wordlessly left the room to April and her new companion, the dog.

Max studied her from almost black eyes. His head cocked from side to side as if to get a better perspective. He sat quietly, but she noticed the pink tip peeping from its furry sheath. He was an obvious cross with more than a little Labrador in him which gave the dog the gently look typical of the breed, but he had something else in him that made him much taller and slimmer than a pure Lab.

"Well what now Max Eh?" She needed to hear the sound of her voice as a calming influence, but failed miserably. Her body still had a vivid memory of what the dogs tongue could do.

Max's tail thumped and wall and the floor. She could almost swear that he was grinning at her in a lasviscious way as if anticipating her shuddering beneath him as he ground his cock inside her. April was imagining things she knew, but, at the same time, she felt that familiar heat build up in her guts and she could feel her heart start to bang against her ribs.

There was enough slack on her chain for April to shuffle over to the dog, who moved toward her until his leash prevented him getting any nearer. It was close enough for her to be able to stroke the dog, which she did. April wasn't overly used to animals, her busy lifestyle didn't allow for pets and her childhood had been spent as an army brat, never staying in any place long enough to set roots down or allow for pets. It may have been this that set her life as almost a nomad as it was.

She stroked Max's head, playing with his ears and scratching the back of his head. A look of bliss overcame him as he relaxed and lent against her. A mutual calm and bond was developing between the woman and dog and a shared moment of anticipation passed as her hands travelled down his sleek coat towards that centre of desire, which was beginning to poke out of its sheath again. Slowly, April bent her head and with some difficulty, managed to get his cock in her mouth. April sucked him until his cock became rock hard and his knot slipped from its furry haven. She managed to get most of the nine inches or so that the dog's organ had grown to the back of her throat, working her tongue greedily lapping and urging the animal to climax in her mouth. She was rewarded with a thin stream of pre-come that was hotter than her own body heat and felt gorgeously salty as it ran over her taste buds before she hungrily drank it down. It was then that she realised what she was doing and a shudder of revulsion overcame her. April had had many cocks in her mouth before, she had sucked so many men to orgasm and swallowed their semen, but had never thought, for one second, about doing it with any other species.

Max licked his throbbing cock to clean it before it retreated back. His look was filled with unspent longing and more than a little chagrin at her stopping before the main event.

Dave returned soon after she had stopped. She had a feeling that he may have been watching from the darkness of the door, because he had a smile on his face and his words when he spoke held a knowing meaning to them.

"I see you and Max are becoming a good friend, that's good, because you and he are going to get rather more, well acquainted. Stand up April."

April stood with some difficulty, her hands, although not tightly cuffed, made it awkward to manoeuvre properly. Eventually, she made it onto her feet. Her nakedness, for some reason, gave her a moment of embarrassment. He had seen her in all her glory, but not when she had been sober or standing. She tried to cover her mons with its closely clipped line of hair. Dave laughed at her attempts of modesty. He released the chain that was running through the cuffs and led her to the bed.

"Lay on your back, I want to look at you fully." She complied, but still covered her mound, feeling more than a little uncomfortable. "Very nice... You are very nice." She accepted the compliment.

"What happened last night Dave? I have no recollection of meeting you or anything I might have said." She looked into his eyes and waited for an answer.

"You were quite drunk when we meet April. I think you had just been to the toilet when you fell into me in the corridor. I propped you up against a wall while I went for a piss, you were still there when I got back, so we started to talk. You really should watch how much you drink, because you asked me to take you home and fuck you. I could have been anyone, mad axe man or a rapist or something. Anyway, I brought you here and gave you some coffee to try and sober you up a bit. God knows what you carry in your handbag, but you brought out some powder and tipped it into your coffee, then drank the whole lot. You told me it was GBH and that I should do with you as I pleased. That I should treat you like a whore; beat you, fuck your arse and screw your mouth. Your words, not mine. I put you to bed, but then things got a little out of hand and we ended up as we are now. But, just for the record, I have not screwed you, when you saw Max and that was it, I was always going to be second best. You also said that I should ignore you in the morning. That you would have no memory and I should treat you like a slave. What is happening now is your wishes, but if you want to change your mind, that's okay with me." He paused and a look of concern crossed his features.

"Listen April, I don't know what your problem is, but I am not usually overly successful with women, or at least picking them up, but you threw your self at me and I will take full advantage of the situation if I can."

He sat on the edge of the bed while he explained and rested his huge hand on her right thigh. The touch of his warm skin produced a shudder and rekindled the heat in her guts.

"Dave..." April began. "I am usually quite circumspect about picking up men. I find it very difficult when I am sober, but given a few drinks, it's like an alter ego takes over and I have found myself in some awful situations. This is one of the worst I must say. Did I really fuck the dog?"

"I'm afraid you did. Max wasn't too keen at first, but after you had sucked him almost to death, he couldn't wait to jump you. I know my dog, and he is hoping for a return. Perhaps it is some kind of subconscious desire or something, but honestly, you were like a pro and seemed to love every second.

April thought for a little while, going quiet. She reviewed her life to now, some of the men she could remember and one or two of the exploits she had found herself engaged in. It wasn't a pretty picture and had a seam of drink and drug abuse running right through it. On One hand, she was a very successful business lady. Her cosmetics outlet made more than could be expected and afforded her comfort and excellence. The other hand had showed a woman who seemed bent on self-depreciation and even destruction. She knew that drinking in binges as she did and coupling these bouts with barbiturates or whatever she could score would kill her one way or another. What she couldn't work out was why. She also couldn't work out why she let herself descend into depravity in these sodden states, or why she should feel the need.

"I guess I am messed up Dave." She finally had admitted it to someone. Her life was a sham and a confluence of mixed up emotions that probably needed a trained analyst to sort out. She began to cry. Dave gently unclipped the cuffs and held her heaving shoulders, letting her release the emotions.

They stayed in an embrace of comfort for some time until, at last, her sobs ebbed and she sniffed while trying to say sorry.

"I'm going to take you home April, I think you need to take a break, get some thinking time in eh?" He patted her bare shoulder, relishing the smoothness of her skin and the cool alabaster sheen. "Would you like some tea? I'll make some. The bathroom is through there, why not get cleaned up and refreshed while I put the kettle on?"

He got up and left April to sort her self out. She felt gratitude for his kindness while feeling sorry for herself. The look of indifferent uninterest from the dog gave him a comical expression. April laughed aloud, but her laughter quickly descended into howls of self-loathing and she buried her face in the sheets.

Dave returned with two cups on a tray and sat besides her, carefully placing the tray on the floor. He felt at a loss, as to how should he deal with this tormented woman who was clearly in need of a friend, comfort or some love. He stroked her back between the shoulder blades, lightly running his finger tips in circular patterns. The sunlight showed the downy blond hairs that were almost invisible. He noticed a brown mole on her shoulder and freckles that had almost faded. Her skin was cool to touch and her smoothness fascinated him. He looked at her hair for the first time. Although it was dishevelled from the exertions of last night, it kept a neatness and showed that she looked after her appearance. He could see that she was naturally dark blond and noted the clever cutting of a hairdresser to mask the thickness. A sudden feeling of unbearable desire overcame Dave closely followed by guilt for the thought.

April's sobs subsided; she blew her nose on the sheet and eventually sat up again. Her eyes red rimmed and puffy from the depth of her despair regarded Dave. He took her face in his hands and gently kissed her lips briefly, before reaching down for the tray and offering her the tea, which she took and sipped.

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The Mediation Room

She was losing patience for the first time in years. They had been at it for what seemed like hours, yelling, accusing and berating, not caring that their voices bounced off the steel walls and slammed against her head. Spittle flew, eyes bulged, and chairs were abandoned as the couple bounded to their feet in rage. Each word was a sledge hammer that pounded her patience level lower and lower until, finally her eyes saw red. This was Julia’s first case as a mediator, and she was pretty sure it...

3 years ago
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Youth House

Even after Kawa had stopped bleeding, Mother kept her in the hut. Finally, a group of women led her to the women's bathing pool as if she didn't know the way. There, she removed the wad of dry grass from her place; it didn't have any blood on it at all. She buried it on the bank. When she came out of the pool, Mother gave her a new skirt and reminded her that she must never remove it except in her own home or at the bathing pool. No more dips in the sea for her. She had known all that for...

4 years ago
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A Bed Big Enough

Eric gets a call from his old friend, Joel, 55, who invites him for a visit to his rural home near Mount Shasta in Northern California. They were hippies together in the old days, with free love for all. Joel has three young girls, ages eight to ten, with his young second wife, Daisy. Joel mentions he and Daisy believed in the family bed, and Eric was free to join them if he wanted to. Eric finally found Joel’s house, at the end of a twisty long road in a very small community near Mount...

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CommencementChapter 2

That's right, in triplicate to meet the code requirements, then just leave them on my desk. Hello? Madge! No, I wasn't talking to you, just my secretary. Nothing to it, get everyone working, keep after them, and when they're done make sure they've done it right. Do that, and there isn't much else you have to do. Certainly we can talk now. Yesterday around this time I left the office and went shopping. Had to remind myself to buy Bill some tampons and some new panties, so I did. He's so...

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Bookstore Clerk

Here it is. Jonathan Park took a book from the high shelf and grabbed a handkerchief from his pocket. He wiped a thin layer of dust off the book cover, sneezed, and stuffed the handkerchief back into his pocket. Tucking the book under his arm, he descended the ladder. His customer, a distinguished, grey-haired man wearing a suit and bow-tie, held out his hands eagerly. "Well, my boy, I'm delighted. I never thought you would have this. Old Hendrik van Loon is difficult to find...

4 years ago
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The Sissy Diaries 2 My Total Transformation

Dear Diary, Ever since Mistress Alexa and Mistress Kerri took control of my life, it has become both a wonderful sissy dream and a horrible sissy nightmare all at the same time. Initially, mostly the latter, as the first few weeks were probably the hardest. Oh diary, it's like when I was living at home under the control of my evil mother and two older evil sisters. Except not only am I dressed 24/7 in girly dresses and as a sissy maid too, but I'm being used like a sissy slut, and...

3 years ago
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Photographs Ch 10

DISCLAIMER: This is included in the novel/novella category because of length. It is a mother/son incest story. There are also instances of abuse (two of them, which are not the focus of the story). As far as heat level, this story is quite tame, and if you are look for page after page of screaming sex, you might want to look elsewhere. If you want a STORY, please read on. For the second time in her life, Christie woke in a hospital bed with no idea of how she arrived there, but at least this...

3 years ago
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Das Begattungsinstitut

Sex ohne Verhütung Elena legte sich auf das Bett. Sie hatte nichts mehr an. Der Mann vor dem bett aber auch nicht. Sein Schwanz stand senkrecht vom Körper ab und war dick angeschwollen. Sie stammte aus der Slowakei war wirklich hübsch keine achtzehn und völlig unerfahren. Man hatte ihr gesagt, es werde heute ein kleiner Test stattfinden, ob sie als Au Pair Mädchen geeignet sei. Dann werde sie an eine Familie vermittelt und soll dort hauptsächlich auf zwei kleine Kinder aufpassen und leichte...

2 years ago
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FamilyStrokes Lily Glee Disciplined Stepdaughter Dick Down

Pig tailed fantasy chick Lily Glee has our stud going absolutely gaga for her. But when he shows up with a love letter, her stepdad does not like what he sees. The jealous guy drags her inside and forbids her to see boys. As far as this perv is concerned, the only guy she can have is him! He bends her over on his desk and slaps her pussy aggressively before punishing her with his girthy dong. He pulls her pigtails while he fucks her cunt from behind, making her moan and squirm with every...

3 years ago
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Cheating Evas

Chapter 1 It was an early cold Scottish winter day. Eva was on her way to class, asshe walked across the bridge that crossed the frozen lake. She was happy knowingthat she had the answers for the exam she was about to take. Little did sheknow that Jim one the other student on her course knew she had stolen the questionsand he was waiting to see if she would use them. The exam started and Eva had cavalry canceled the answerers in the fountainpen, as she took the answers out of the pen Jim...

4 years ago
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Rucki Ki Chudai Jo Use Raas Na Aai

Hi doston mera naam Aman He,mera mail id he me 1 doctor hoon, meri umr 26 saal he or ye kahani us samay ki he jab me 23 saal ka tha yaani k aaj se 3 saal pehle ki he. yeh un dino ki baat he jab me apni chuttiyaan manane india aaya hua tha, me aksar jaipur jaata rehta hu apne friends k paas q k uski girl friend meri khass friend he ( khass bole to samjhe na ) is baat ka mere dost ko bilkul b ilm nahi tha, uski nazar me jese hum friends he wesa hi wo mujhe or uski gf ko friends samajhta...

4 years ago
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The Shower Block

The Shower Block. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You both decide to take a walk to the shower block just after the sun set, of a hot day,. you both have caught the sun, and with it your libidos have also been well topped up, with the stirrings in both of you that come with the outdoor style, of chilling and enjoying quality time together. Your wife has only her skimpy bikini on, and you...

2 years ago
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Life after Earth

Your name is April and the year is 2315 and the earths atmosphere has degraded to unlivable conditions. You boarded the last transport heading toward the planet Trax. Thanks to warp drive what would be a 50 year lightyear travel will only be a few days. But after just a few hours of travel something went horribly wrong. The emergency alert sirens started ringing and the transport started to shake. You felt like the ship was falling apart, Little did you know is was. Shortly after the sirens...

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A virgin gets an early morning surprise

You start to wake up from an intensely erotic dream to realize it isn't only a dream. Someone is in your bed with you... someone who smells very nice with smooth skin and that softness girls have. You feel her long hair brushing your stomach as she gently licks the side of your raging erection and then takes it into her mouth. She doesn't stop as you shift, obviously awake. In the dim light of early morning you can make out her legs next to your head and her panty-covered pussy inches from your...

4 years ago
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Big Beautiful Beach

I don't care who you are, when you go on vacation in a place where the water is warm and the clothes are skimpier and the alcohol flows freely, you think about what it would be like to take a stranger you'll never see again to bed. You might never do it, but the thought crosses your mind, especially if you've been out of the dating scene for years. For someone like me, who spends six months out of the year in a tropical resort paradise, it becomes easy to spot the ones who are toying with...

4 years ago
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Transformations ImmersionChapter 2

Because of Warren's vasectomy, Dottie had not worried about pregnancy for twenty years. In her mid forties, she was not yet menopausal, but her cycle had become very erratic and the doctor had not thought it worthwhile to put her on birth control to regulate it. The chance of pregnancy had occurred to her a few times on her weekends with Court, but had never occupied much of her attention. Since the last trip, she had noticed some morning problems, and had begun to fear the truth. When the...

2 years ago
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The Lawyer

The LawyerIt was Friday afternoon, and Mike was working onsome cost estimates when he looked up from hisoffice desk in the corner of the barn where he storedconstruction materials and equipment.  The clotheswere like a man's, dark pinstripe jacket withshoulder pads and lapels, trousers, white shirt andstriped tie.  The contents were distinctly female,wide hips, crimson lipstick, a delicately boned facewith shortish, wavy black hair, black pumps withinch-high heels.  He guessed she was in her...

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The Sportscaster in Psycho HELL

The Rapper and the Sportscaster: The Rapper and the Sportscaster – Down In the Dumps The Sportscaster in the Urban Jungle The Boys were not bums but lived in this backwater as homeless since they could not find a legal place to live that was not too near an exempted place. Others had moved here after they were run out of their places when neighbors found out about their records. The warehouse was old and dirty. There were heavy beams and old pieces of equipment strewn around as...

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hubby got angry with me tonite. said that if my ass was going to be ready for the DP/BP party in 2 weeks I needed a good workout. So, he tore of my skirt outside on our deck (hope the neighbors didn't see) and went at my a-hole. it hurt at first...then it felt good and i begged for him to shoot a load into it, just like i'm going to do when the 5 guys comeover.

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A night nurse taking care of my dick

I was waiting at a red light, when a big truck hit my car from behind.The crash was awful and everything went black for me, as my head hit back against the car’s window…Some hours later I woke up in a hospital bed. My body was fine, but a bad headache was killing me and I would need to stay there for some days.My sweet wife got scared when she saw me there lying onto the bed; but I told her to calm down; I would be back home in a couple days, according to the doctor’s opinion. Ana stood with me...

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The meeting

She hadn’t done this before, and this was her first date with him. She wanted it to be special and she dressed for him tonight. She turned on the shower and stepped in, feeling the hot water cascade over her ample breasts, she loved the water playing over them, her nipples always became erect and very hard. Picking up the soap, she rubbed her body, allowing her hands to massage her breasts and nipples. She pulled on them, feeling the sensations generate through her body, turning the thermostat...

2 years ago
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Sandra becomes my slave

Sandra, a very nice looking 23yr old girl, wasn't sure why she was going to see Vera today, other than because Vera told her she should come back. She certainly didn't look forward to these "appointments", if that's what you could even call them at this point, and her back was feeling much better. Yet here she was, walking slowly towards Vera's house for another treatment that she didn't really need or want. Sandra wondered if perhaps she did like the treatments, but simply wasn't willing to...

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Calendar Ch 02

A stream of bright sunlight sliced through the partially-drawn shades over Cal’s computer, painting alternate stripes of light across his rugged – and very solemn – face. He was staring at the computer screen, oblivious to the sunlight, the dog scratching at the door for his morning treat, or the birds singing outside – he was numb. The numbness came as a result of the brief email that lay like a bomb in the middle of the screen. The last line had seared itself into his brain and kept...

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what we want

We are EU couple and live in AU.Sex which we like is not about vanilla sex, in-out, in -out…in dark room...We try to make sex more interesting then average in-out vanilla sex.With simple experiments and exploring we discovered that we like to be fucked side by side on the same bed.Also, we would like to be verbally humiliated and used as sluts or toys for your sex desires.Pose like doggy stile on my knee on the floor with upper body on the bed.Ok, it is very shameful situation, but situation...

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How I Met Your Long Hair Mother Part 2 Pooja

I and Aswathy were having a great indian sex after our marriage. For me, I got everything I wished for, a beautiful wife with thick dark long hair that almost reached her thigh. I used to play every day with her long hair. I may have cummed more in her long hair than her beautiful tight pussy. She too knew my fetish for long hair and was more than happy about it. On weekends when both of us are having holidays from a job, I would massage her head with warm oil in for hours, heavily oiling her...

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The Doll

Sitting in front of his computer Henry was browsing on a website that sold realistic life-size sex dolls. He was amazed at how life-like these dolls were. As Henry continued browsing the website, the urge to place an order was growing inside him.He liked the ones that were already preconfigured, but he wanted to customize a doll to his liking. He continued to search for the option to customize a doll, but could not find it. Henry picked up his phone and called the company."Thank you for...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The ReunionPart II

Kim and Ajay sat on the couch still. Their breathing had pretty much returned to normal. Ajay’s hands had settled on holding her ass and she had her arms under his and draped around his back. The both felt great, but it wasn’t long before they both started feeling frisky again. Ajay’s hands began to wonder again, but they didn’t go far. They began caressing her ass. Occasionaly wandering up her back and then back down. Kim moaned a little. She absolutely loved it when Ajay ran his...

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Masters Touch

Introduction: The first meeting of a msater and slave She had caught my attention on a website I favored, a new face with a talent for writing that had me hard and throbbing by the end of the first paragraph. I sent her a message about her stories, and to my surprise she answered. After a few more messages back and forth, we moved to Instant Messaging, where she invited me to come down for a visit, as she put it in reference to my tagline, to help ease my loneliness for a little while. As we...

1 year ago
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Training a slave part two

And so it was the following morning that I awoke late, yawned lazily and swung my legs out of bed and onto the plush carpet of my bedroom. Brushing my teeth in the en-suite bathroom I contemplated my days work ahead, the further training of my new slave. Years of anticipation seemed to have allowed me to slip in to the role of a master with great ease, and rather than allowing myself to become over excited about things, I realized that I must keep calm and focused if I was to have any success...

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Millies Smile

For several years now I have tried to hold back the ever encroaching commercialism of Christmas by dressing up in an old tattered Santa suit with a lovely and believable old wig, beard and antique bell to make my Christmas Eve rounds of several local hospitals and nursing homes. Ironically you wouldn’t expect such institutions to admit a foreign Santa into their midst, but my years as a health care administrator have taught me how to receive instant acceptance. Generally, personnel in these...

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Avatar Establishment Book 1Chapter 21

Ken and Jane were mostly silent on the drive back to the mansion. They were both somewhat sated and Ken felt almost bloated with energy. A quick check on Jane showed she felt the same way. The gate swung silently open as he approached with the car. He stopped, waited for it to close, then used the keys that he had to lock it. They didn't want any interruptions tonight, that was for sure. They drove up to the house and unloaded. Ken left Jane to put away the food while he made a last check...

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An Adventure in Home Depot

It was still raining and windy when I left my house at about 4:30, and it was just getting dark. I was wearing jeans, no panties, a v-neck sweater and bra. I had the anal plug wrapped in a cloth in my purse. Despite the weather the parking lot was crowded, but I managed to find a spot not too far from the entrance so I wouldn't get soaked. I do have an umbrella but given, my assignment, I didn't want to have to be thinking about keeping track of too many things. As I went in I...

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Sweet Dish 8211 II

SWEET DISH – II Shekhar again . I thank you all for great response to ‘Sweet Dish’. In first part you read that how on my 13th birthday my mother allowed my five friends to have sweet dish spread over her body and had her boobs fucked by all six of us. After friends left we both slept nude. She just held my cock .I never thought to fuck her that night. Next morning I got up with sound of call bell. She told me to open the door and gave instructions to give to maid. She asked me to cover her...

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Episode 26 8211 The Exam Heat

Borah had returned back from his official trip, beaming with ideas to blackmail Sowmya with the evidences he had successfully acquired, of her and the two strangers she had been with. But first he wanted to go and meet Mrs. Nair to unwind with the relaxing warmth of her body. He had intended a surprise for her and so had sneaked in to her flat with the spare key that she normally keeps under the mat. But inside he had been surprised himself when he found Mrs. Nair with Rahul. Rahul, the son of...

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I Banged My friends Girlfriend

My friend Pauly had been dating a girl named Shannon for several months. She was way hotter than he was and all our buddies were just as shocked as he was that he pulled that off. Shannon was a petite little firecracker. She had medium sized natural tits, and a perfect fat ass. She had a loud flirtatious personality and was really fun to be around.Paulie would tell us stories about how she was a freak in bed and wanted to bring partners into the mix. Pauly didnt seem to mind and was excited at...

2 years ago
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A Circumstantial CaseChapter 6

It was almost eighteen months after the convictions of Lisa Evans and Blake Moore for the murder of Mark Evans. Enough time had passed that even Basil Smith rarely thought about the case that had troubled him for the first year after he had represented the defendants. He had checked the transcripts thoroughly several times on his own time, but could not find legal grounds for launching an appeal. There had been no failure in the law that he could exploit for the benefit of the two convicted...

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Bengali Aunty Ne Train Me Garami De Aur Uncle Ne Garh Bulaakar Aunty Dee

Hello friend I am Amit Kumar.I am 27 year old Good-looking, 5’10” and Professionally I am Mechanical Engineer working with reputed Company. I am old fan of ISS. Mai is site ko last six year se read kar raha hu. This is my second story. I posted my first story “Punjaban Aunty Ki Chhattisgarh Me Chudai” about three year back. This is may second story both stories are based on real incident happened in my life. This incident happened in month of December 2012.So This story start with a train...

4 years ago
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The CatalystChapter 9 Deeper Understanding

[Cool, we can’t wait to meet him.] Ed was trying not to laugh when he said, “Joshua kinda looks like the ‘Absent-Minded Professor’, with gray hair. He even smokes a pipe! Try not to laugh when you see him. Save it for one of his jokes.” As our neighbors turned to leave I asked if we were still on for Tuesday night. I got a resounding “Hell yes, grandma’s even looking forward to babysitting again!” They took about five more steps before Greg asked, “Ed, are you seriously thinking about...

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