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That's right, in triplicate to meet the code requirements, then just leave them on my desk. Hello? Madge! No, I wasn't talking to you, just my secretary. Nothing to it, get everyone working, keep after them, and when they're done make sure they've done it right. Do that, and there isn't much else you have to do. Certainly we can talk now. Yesterday around this time I left the office and went shopping. Had to remind myself to buy Bill some tampons and some new panties, so I did. He's so helpless sometimes. I pay no attention to the laundry for a few weeks, and then I find all the panties I've bought him are stained, that from now on he needs to use tampons when he's having "those days". No of course not, Madge, where would he get menstrual blood? They're stained with semen! Yes, I suppose it's his own semen, some of it, how can I tell? Well, never mind, I'll get there, and then you'll understand.

So anyhow, I slip the pills into Bill's coffee the next night, and the following morning he's feverish and headachy, just as Beth said, terrible cramps, and he calls in to put off his morning appointments, no, he says, better to reschedule everything for the next day. Around ten Beth stops by, she's already been to see Lorie and Helene, so Charlie and Tommy have been fixed, and she did her Joe first thing that morning of course. So she goes in to look at Bill, and takes his temperature, and taps him here and there, and takes her blood samples to keep an eye on him, and looks real worried. She starts whispering to me so Bill can see. Then Bill looks even more worried.

I nod, and Beth explains to him there's this new Virus X, very, very serious, there's no publicity about it or there'd be public panic, he's got it for sure, and there's no fast cure. It affects only men, feeds on testosterone or chromosomes or something, I don't remember, Beth was pouring out gibberish. First it shrivels their balls, then it kills them. But there are precautions you can take, and also there's this antibody to keep it from killing you while the disease is running its course, six months maybe. Pretty clever story, because in fact his balls will go down in size once they're drowning in estrogen, and he'll go impotent too. "This is very serious," she says, and she's going to send a doctor who specializes in this disease. Isolation and bed-rest until symptoms ease off, and follow every prescribed instruction precisely. He needs to sign a waiver for the antibody, and of course Bill signs without reading it, his head's killing him. I witness it, and we've got him for anything we do to him, in case he finds out and threatens to sue everyone in sight, Beth in particular.

Then she gives him the antibody, and Bill realizes this has got to be serious. It's four little slow-release hormone rods she slips under the skin of each arm. Then the butt plug. That's right, Madge, an expanding butt plug! Once he's loaded with his first full-month supply of triple-potency girl-juice, she slips a mineral oil suppository into his butt and then a tranquillizer, and then the butt plug, and it's all firmly in place before Bill even knows what's hit him. His eyes go sort of round and his face goes real worried, like a beagle's, and she tellt a side effect of the drugs that're keeping him alive, to keep his asshole from closing up, so he won't die from being full of shit. I have to leave the room at that one, and then I can't stop laughing! She told me later she thought of the butt plug when she stopped by the hospital to pick up supplies for her morning rounds. It'll hold in different suppository medications until he's absorbed them, expecially the tranquillizers he'll need to stay mellowed out, not thinking too hard about his fatal disease. And it'll keep him dependent on me, she says, because I'm the only one permitted to remove it, so he'll have to ask permission when he goes to the john. And it'll reminded him he's still sick, especially once he's out and about again. And we're both thinking, it can have other uses.

Poor Bill's never had anything like it in his ass before, and I tell you, Madge, he's plenty aware of it from then on, all the time. Every week I turn the knob and make it a teeny bit wider, and he knows it's there all right all over again. He gets used to it by the time his anus is stretched out full, of course, but by then I've got him practicing walking in high heels, and I can see how it forces his hips to sway like a pendulum. It turns out to be a terrific idea all around. With that thing in his rear, he decides, he must be real sick. It's like being nailed to a cross, sort of. And it's handy, because then he never questions any of the things I push into his backside each morning, before I close it up again. From then on, he does what he's told. Well, I moved the timetable up and that afternoon I let him sort of waddle out of bed to visit the bathroom, and to show me how to open the safe where he keeps important papers for the offit then, because Beth tells him he's in for some real bad days before he starts recovering. That's when I started taking over the company, and really making it pay.

Well, we all met that night, and everyone's story is the same: husbands afraid they'll die or lose their balls, and they don't know which is worse. Tommy's really terrified Helene says, and cries and whimpers until his tranquillizer kicks in -- Beth tells her to double the dose, and to add another kind of hormone she's got, a kind they once used to make nursing mothers into contented cows. All four of them are plugged up the ass, and docile, stuck in bed, calling out to us for relief from their headaches and tummy aches, and arranging for long stretches of time off from work.

Well, it turned out Charlie and Tommy work together, and were about to go on six months' paid furlough anyhow, you wouldn't believe it, because their main office is relocating in another city and they'd already decided they didn't want to go. Didn't even think to tell their wives, their life-partners, or even ask Lorie or Helene for an opinion. So they're home for a while, no mistake about it! Beth's Joe is a writer of some kind, works at home and e-mails his copy to whoever's paying him for it. So he's home all the time anyhow. I'm taking over Bill's office. So the really big problem, where does the money come from while we keep our men home and re-educate them, that's solved! Beth says the boys will be really miserable, feverish, aching, very unhappy, for maybe about a week, then they'll pick up. But by then her doctor friend with the throat treatment will come by, and she'll scare them some more so they'll want to start looking like women right off.

Well, Lorie's really getting into it. She wants the doctor to come right away. When she comes in to see Charlie, she says, he still bellows at her. It would do him good, and her too, if he couldn't use his voice for a few days. Then if he's going to lie in bed and yell, she says, she wants to be yelled at by a man with a high-pitched voice wearing full lipstick, mascara, eyeshadow, blush, and if she had her way -- we restrained her a little -- even that cute blonde upsweep she'd mentioned already, topped by piles of curls. Fair enough, considering the abuse she'd taken from him in the past. So we decide to go ahead with makeup, so they'd learn how to put it on properly by themselves while they're still bedridden and can't do much else.

Helene thinks Tommy'll look a little more loveable if he's wearing a frilly nightgown, when she has to bring him his meals in bed. So we all agree on that too. Beth's story makes anything easy -- to keep their balls they'll do whatever crazy thing they're told is necessary. We vote frilly nightgowns and makeup, and decide to leave it to Beth's doctor friend to explain it, and leave it to the tranquillizers to cover any doubts. We agreed to meet again in a week.

Sure, honey, call our lawyer and let him handle it. No, Madge, only to my secretary -- he just came in with some Accounts Receivable over a year old. Can you believe Bill carried some of these sons of bitches forever, at no interest, firms perfectly able to pay us? He thinks he's a businessman? Well, I'm being unfair, Madge, he thought he was a businessman, but he doesn't any more.

So, the hormones begin to get to Bill, with a bellyache Beth tells me is really in his liver while it accommodates to his new body chemistry, and he's fine, his blood counts are excellent, and he's scheduled for his voice operation the next day, Beth assisting. This Dr. Teague, Beth's friend, shows up the next morning. I'm expecting a Dyke, a man-hater, but in comes this short, pleasant, middle-aged lady, well-turned out, with a firm handshake and a steady gaze. And no makeup. She walks in on Bill, and if there was any hesitation or doubt in his mind, it ends immediately. She says right off, "I see no makeup. Why is there no makeup on this patient? Is he in tertiary, that you figure why bother, he's dead already?"

"No," I explain. "He's my husband, and I knew he'd think it was an odd treatment, so if I suggested it he'd think it's silly, so I'd wait until you could..."

"Well, my dear, what's silly is none of his business. You shouldn't have waited. He's a man, isn't he? And this virus is specifically fatal for men. Look at his skin color already. Look at it. The virus lodges in hair roots especially, and the eutrophication is phototropic -- that much we know. So full facial makeup! And you'd better begin his electrolysis at once. No hair roots on that face. And his skin covered at all times if you want him to come through this alive and unscarred. No daylight on facial skin anywhere. Exposure to air and daylight can kill him during this active phase, the next several months. Women's makeup, exactly the way you'd use it on yourself. We know women's makeup contains some form of protection and doesn't cause allergies, and we don't know why, and we don't know what else might. Lipstick day and night! And get him into a nylon nightie at once, his skin is abrading already. Do you have satin sheets for him, too? Now I'll attend to his throat. Those tonsil roots are a core area where the virus lodges. I see he's had no tonsillectomy. I'll attend to that too."

Bill commented that this was... er... unusual treatment. Dr. Teague just said, and talk about icy contempt, "Oh? You know about these things? Have you seen any women with this disease? That was our first clue, it attacks only males past puberty, so we thought it was in some kind of symbiotic parasitism with testosterone. Now we think it's also triggered by secondary sex characteristics, male skin especially. Above all with male testicles. You see what it does to the testicles, and how the patient agonizes while it's doing it, well, it's a welcome death, if it gets that far. We've thought of recommending that testicles be removed at the first sign of the disease, it's so bad. Women are somehow immune. Believe me, you don't want to look like a man. We can treat these symptoms in the early stages, and save lives, if we have the patient's full cooperation. Do we have yours?"

Bill nodded vigorously, and said "Yes! Yes, doctor!" and pulled his covers up to his neck. Dr. Teague then called in Beth, and told me I could leave the room.

Three hours later there was my poor dear Bill, his face badly swollen but looking peculiarly well-groomed, feeling utterly miserable. He had insisted even before Dr. Teague put him under on having everything she prescribed. So I had put foundation, blush, lipstick, eye-shadow, eye-limer, mascara, and one of my prettier full nighties on him, one with puffed sleeves. Then a lot of it came off once he was out. To take advantage of the anesthetic, the electrolysist I called managed to burn out over half of his facial hair follicles, and the other half went during the next few weeks. His throat was raw for a few days, and so was his face. But sure enough, when his voice returned it was no longer that usual deep resonant tone but a high-pitched sound like Minnie Mouse's. He sounded so silly, Madge! I had to try real hard not to laugh. But he did his exercises, and in time he brought it down to a pleasant woman's voice. I must say, I found it charming, once he could speak up without squeaking. I'd close my eyes and imagine that I had a new girlfriend already, and we'd talk about all kinds of things, and he began to adopt some of my other mannerisms too. But he realized he couldn't make phone calls to his office any more, so he had me make them, and then he began sending me instead.

We compared notes every Tuesday. Of the four men, only Tommy kept a kind of flute-like Bimbo falsetto, and Helene said she loved hearing it come out of him. She taught him to do his own make-up, and she especially treasured a moment she came into his bedroom and found him fluffing up the shoulder ruffles on his nightie, so they'd look prettier for her. He was really beginning to get into it. She said that was when she began thinking she might rent him out as a call girl for perverts when we were through with his re-education. Beth told us Joe had done electrolysis years before, because shaving annoyed him. But Charlie had a thick black beard that took the whole six months, three times a week, to make disappear.

Charlie gave Lorie a problem over the nightgown. It made no sense to wear a sexy nightie, he said, when he could wear men's nylon pyjamas. So she used up one of our reserve tricks on him. Friday morning she gave him sedatives enough with his morning orange juice so he dozed off and slept until Saturday morning. Then on Saturday morning she brought him Friday's paper and made a bet with him about a Friday night basketball game, who would win the game "that night" with what point spread. After he made the bet she drugged him again, and on Sunday she told him he'd slept all through Saturday, now it was Sunday, and she'd won the bet. She proved it by showing him the Saturday and Sunday newspapers. The bet was that for six months he'd wear anything she wanted him to wear, anywhere, anytime, and would give her no further trouble. Or if she lost, she'd wear anything he wanted, even the slutwear she hated but he always made her wear when they went out. How could he refuse a bet like that, especially when he knew she knew nothing about basketball?

Anyhow, in the end, all of our husbands' cheeks were as smooth as ours, and their voices were even more mellifluous, and their nighties were soft and their skin was getting softer, and when we snuggled up to them at night they felt smooth as silk.

And after Dr. Teague frightened them about their skin corroding or something, they all used used makeup to cover their faces completely. Bill tried a shortcult with suntan lotion once, but I just kept repeating 'Doctor's orders!' After a while he took pride that he could put his face on every morning neatly, even elegantly, in under a half hour. When he began feeling better during the second month or so, and showed up for breakfast, he was always beautifully made up. I was proud of him, because he really seemed to care about looking nice.

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Choosing a BBC at the rest stop

Saturday late night I was driving in the highway, coming back from a rock band concert out of town, when Anita asked me to stop at a rest place. I looked at her and she smiled at me…She got out of the car and asked me to follow her. She whispered in my ear she was so fucking horny that night…I fucked her in one of the stalls in the ladies’ room. It was pretty cool, especially with other women coming in and out of the restroom the whole time. We could hear them doing their business and talking...

1 year ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 277

Deep Space "Question is, are they going to notice us?" Ann asked as she watched as one of the alien vessels came from behind a large chunk of moon and headed straight for them. Ann knew she could not warp out without her drive trying to take some of the debris field with them, which would probably result in the destruction of her warp drive, and/or her ship. In addition, she strongly suspected that the aliens would pick up her inertialess drive's signature, should she use that with them...

2 years ago
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An Older Man

I have always tried to be a faithful loving husband and father. However, I have also always been drawn to gay sex. I don’t know why and probably never will, but the nights I have stayed up late and masturbated to gay videos or stories would be countless. Even as a young teen I remember the secret urges. In the end at 43 years old, I decided to fulfil my fantasy and finally took the plunge by joining a swinging website. I naively thought that it would be easier if a woman was present. Being...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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One Day in 2335 Dexa Morale Officer

Growing up, I was lucky enough to live in a relatively peaceful region of the frontier. Not everyone had that luxury, and I have always been grateful to those who risked their lives to provide that peace. The Silicon Age had its head lodged so far up its rectum that no one was prepared for the social adjustments that were necessary when skin color no longer counted as a racial difference. There were endless wars on Earth, but nothing brings humans together like the threat of annihilation or...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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LorettaPart 2

After giving it some thought, I decided to ask Loretta out to lunch. It was the day she was to pose for me and, later in the evening, I also wanted her to sit in on a session with my regular model Ulrich. As an aspiring artist herself, I thought that this would be valuable experience for Loretta as she had no formal training in art. “Hi Jade, is Loretta ready?” As always, Jade smiled when she saw me at her front door but at the mention of Loretta’s name her face darkened slightly. I...

1 year ago
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The Dark Room

The room is dark. Just a hint of light from the streetlamps filling the room. I hear the door open, but I can’t see who it is from the bed. I call out, but there’s no response. I see him enter the room, and I immediately know. I know his shape. His movements. His scent. I sit up to greet him, but he’s already at my side, his lips crushing mine with a kiss. Our tongues tangled together in a lustful battle, I reach up to wrap my arms around his neck. I can feel that he’s still wearing his...

3 years ago
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Tutoring Is Hard

At the end of a long week, I opened up my email to find a message in my inbox with the subject "Feedback." I clicked it open. It was from someone who called themselves "DeLuxious." In the message, DeLuxious introduced herself as an admirer of my erotic short stories. She said she was an English and art major, and she wanted to know if I could help her with a story she was writing for one of her classes. I had never thought of myself as a tutor, much less an accomplished wordsmith, but I...

3 years ago
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Nurse Lucy Loves the Night ShiftChapter 5

Nurse Lucy Proudbum was not the kind of nurse to make a fuss if a fellow put his hand on her backside and gave her a little jiggle just to show her that he was interested in having her sit on his lap with the private room door closed behind her. She knew that the truly sick or injured did not have the inclination or the stamina to try it on most of the time but the recently cured ones were hot to trot just to make sure their reproductive equipment was in good working order. Nurse Lucy...

3 years ago
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Diary of a neighbourhood peep 4

Read parts 1-3 for this to make sense/All of these stories are pure fiction./Conclusion/16 Queensferry drive 24/08/13 11:00...She resigns herself to her task. She backs down slowly onto the big false penis she grips from underneath herself. The proud purple head is right on target and presses at her moist opening as her ass sinks toward it. It spreads her fat labia as it pushes into her hole. She knows it's touch well. I've seen her fuck it a dozen times from the solitude of my own home across...

3 years ago
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The Neighbor

Sara was just f******n when she got a crush on the neighbor next door. He was single and very handsome and he was always nice to Sara. In a year she had developed full size tits and was getting quite sexy. Her mom and dad worked during the day and then drank till the bars closed leaving Sara alone all the time. She spent a lot of time with the neighbor and loved the attention he gave her. He was quite taken with the young sexy body. Sara liked to wear tight t shirts with no bra and he had...

3 years ago
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Me and Maria Part 1

I used to be so convinced that I was completely straight, ‘all beef and no sushi’. This was my mindset when I was a teen. However, as most girls going through or who have gone through puberty can tell you, I sometimes had lesbian thoughts about my friends, especially my friend Maria. So a couple years ago, when I was 17, me and Maria (17 years old at the time, Latina, perfect ass, 36b size breasts) were hanging out at her house, on the couch, in her living room. We had on sweatpants and tank...

2 years ago
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Futarchy and Femistance

The Futas The elite, the rulers, the chosen few. Physically similar to women other than that they possess male reproductive organs instead of female ones. Additionally, their pheromones make women aroused and suggestible. The Futarchy The futa-controlled government that rules the world. The Women The underclass, the ruled, the working masses. In thrall to their futa masters, they make out over 90 % of the human population yet have none of the power. The Resistant The small percentage of women...

3 years ago
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The Knight and His Squire 3Chapter 4

Rohea and Maes packed their belongings and headed towards Yaklo. They decided that they had had enough excitement for one night that they would not be able to rest, so they might as well cover more ground towards Yaklo. It took them less than a week before Yaklo was in sight. More precisely, the large number of soldiers camped outside Yaklo were visible. Rohea could tell that the soldiers had been stationed at Yaklo for quite some time, as the campsites looked like they had been erected for...

2 years ago
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The Dom and the Researcher

She picks him as the subject of her article on deviant sexual behavior. But he has other ideas. This is their mental battle that leads to her inevitable submission. Charles swept into the club at about 9 in the evening one Friday evening. It was a private club that a friend had recommended. He had never been there before but seemed quite at ease. The club was full but not crowded, with many Doms and Dommes there with their subs, both male and female. He wasn’t anything particularly special to...

1 year ago
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The Cabin

My friend Gracie and I had had enough. k**s, obligations so we decided that we would go and spend a long weekend at her parents cabin in upper Pa. We had been fucking for months and the thought of waking up to her juicy pussy was all I needed to conjole and talk my husband into keeping the k**s and letting me enjoy a weekend away. We were in her car headed to a weekend of sexual hedonism. The ride was a little long and we made it fun with me fondling her stiff nipples and...

3 years ago
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A Rainy Night in ParisChapter 5

Samantha found him three hours later, sitting with his back to the cafe, facing towards the Arc de Triomphe, his laptop open in front of him, but not actively in use as he seemed to be reading a newspaper, a glass of wine in one hand looking for all the world like he was sitting in his living room. And for all she knew, he could be. She was beginning to get the feeling that she could drop him in any city in the world and he would be as comfortable as if he was at home and even then she was...

4 years ago
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Video booth

For years I passed and adult bookstore going to and coming back from school. One day I decided to go in and see what was inside. I went in the front door and looked around. It seemed like any other bookstore I've been in with newspapers and magazines. I noticed a door at the back of the room and looked in. I saw adult magazines of all kinds, and a glass case. Feeling brave I walked in and went up and down the isles looking at the magazine covers. Some I recognized, others I wasn't aware of. I...

2 years ago
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Gifted Book 2 ChemistryChapter 15 The Ball

Prue had put on a gown that had a deceptively simple cut. Her bodice was more modest as she was supposed to be a matron, even though she was only twenty-three. She joined Ty and Vincent in the sitting room. She agreed with Ty that Vincent’s new suit and height highlighted Vincent’s well-toned body. It was no wonder he had little trouble with the ladies and he was only seventeen. Ty also looked very handsome in a suit that was similar to Vincent’s attire. They all turned as Willow came out...

3 years ago
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1 Stormy MondayChapter 17

Patty and Sammy were sitting on the floor, hip to hip, backs against the wall, at the foot of Bobby's bed, listening to his rhythmic breathing as he slept. Earlier, when Bobby was awake, Patty again witnessed the connection between him and Sammy. When they looked at each other, they had serene smiles on their faces. It was as if words weren't necessary between them. Patty was staring up and out the window at the blue sky outside. She was trying to make sense of her own feelings. She was...

3 years ago
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Warrior WoesChapter 26

“So, you really are transferring to where the poor people go to get their band aids,” said Penelope. “Yes, gotta do it. No more staff nursing. It’s surgery from now on. Maybe I’ll hook up with some big shot doctor like you did,” said Cherry Willis. “Hmm,” said Penelope. “Yeah, yeah, I know, at my age...” “Hah! You’re younger than me,” said Pen. “Yes, but at forty-two, I can for sure see the top of the hill, and it’s all downhill on the other side,” said Cherry. “Anyway, when you gonna...

3 years ago
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Door To Door WifeChapter 9

I swallowed my pride and began pounding the pavement looking for a job... any job. But I had no luck, despite the modesty of my ambitions. Jason had been wrong about potential employers lining up for my services because I'd worked for S.E.X. On the contrary, the minute anybody heard about my background as a sex researcher, they immediately decided I wasn't appropriate for their company, and crossed me off their list. Finally I asked a guy who seemed more honest than some of the others...

3 years ago
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Go Ask Alice Pt 2 Alice Has Company

I moan softly as I slip two fingers on either side of my clit pushing them down across my dripping folds.  I am naked; I have my feet on the table with the computer between them as I watch a video of three young neighbors fucking the local Hotwife.  “That’s me,” I say out loud.  “Oh, mm,” I moan loudly, gasping as my clit swells and throbs from my touch.Earlier today out of guilt, I confessed my infidelity with Jimmy, our lawn boy, to you over the phone.  “I am so sorry baby, I don’t know what...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Mutual masterbation

I started a new job 6 months ago and it meant I needed to travel quite often, luckily me and Chloe have friends near the place I travel to so they offered for me to stay over to save the journeys coming home.The couple were friends of ours that we met on holiday 5 years ago and we’ve been best of friends ever since. Jamie and daisy were so similar to me and Chloe, daisy and Chloe were practically the same looking girls. Both blonde, petite, little waists but curvy butts, the difference was...

1 year ago
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Forced To Be A StripperA Mind Control Story

Please note : This story is completely fictional! The John Mellencamp song was blaring loudly as Vanessa danced around under the lights. "I want you to dance naked, so I can see you, I’d like to get to know you, you don’t have to act naughty." Her hips moving back and forth, synchronized with the strings of his guitar, a wanton display of simulated sex. "Spin it round and round, spin it round and round and round, I want you to dance naked." Vanessa twirled around, her unbuttoned blouse blowing...

3 years ago
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AgainChapter 11

After spending some time in Vehmersalmi at the family digs with the wicked stepmom and the children, I wandered down to the bar with Wendy. I think we both had the same idea in mind, but I noticed the old Rally cars. Poor Wendy. I called. "Dal?" I asked. "Yah?" "Those old cars in the barn," I asked, "Who do they belong to?" "The family, I suppose," he said. "Do they run?" "Mostly, why?" "I want to run one in the nostalgia race," I said. That got a hmm. "The Triumph...

2 years ago
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I had a session scheduled with my favorite model. She is a full size model with curves at all the right places. Some people might say she is too big, but I find her extremely sexy and she comes out so perfect in my pictures. I am married and my model has a boyfriend, so I would never dream about trying to get laid with her. It does not stop me from thinking about it.We had discussed some new poses and I had seen some plump ladies online that looked so good with some hand wrapped around their...

2 years ago
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Sex With Young Virgin HR 8211 Anjali

Hi, sex cravers. This is Varun again with another story. For all those who don’t know me, I am 25 years old now, 5.9″ height and weighing 70 kg which is neither skinny nor fat. Coming to the story, the story is about a girl in my office who joined recently. How we became good friends and how she opened up with me and what all we did is the story about. Her name was Anjali (name changed). She came to the interview in my office for an HR position. The first day when she came for the interview,...

1 year ago
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Reuniting to explore new things

Along with two colleagues I’m in London for a conference. It’s Friday night, and I’m heading home to my hotel in Mayfair where I’m staying until Sunday. A few days earlier I’ve given you a mail saying that you can meet me at the hotel Friday night, and that the receptionist will know your name so you can just let yourself in. Since you haven’t replied to this mail, I’m a little excited to see if you are there already, of course. When I enter the hotel room (the day before I asked the...


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