Proxy Convict free porn video

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Proxy Convict Authors name withheld by request It was great being 18. I could finally taste the freedom that was only a few years away. Driving back from my Friday night swim practice in my Mom's nissan, I felt on top of the world. I spotted the Wendy's I like and pulled into the parking lot. Since the drive-thru was backed up, I just parked and went in. Thankfully, I was able to get in and out fast with my dinner in hand. I was very hungry after the long workout. Walking back to the car, I noticed a lady who seemed to walking over to intercept me near my car. It was pretty dark so I couldn't see her well, but as I got closer I figured she needed some help or something. She wasn't poor looking so I figured it wasn't money that she needed - probably her battery was dead or something. Reaching my drivers door, she did in fact come up to me. "Excuse me sir" the woman voiced in a concerned tone. "Hey" I answered, trying to act cool in front of this attractive brunette even though she was easily 10 years older than me. "I hate to bother you, but my car just totally died and I'm already late to pick up my daughter." She pointed off at several cars in front of an adjacent building, and gestured quite dramatically as she spoke. "Well, do you want a jump or something?" I offered considerately. She grimaced then said, "well, that's super sweet of you but to be totally honest, what I could really use is a ride to my sister's house." She had that pleading look in her eyes, "I promise its not that far and I'd promise to pay you." What the hell, she's gorgeous, and I've got nothing doing right now except dinner. My parents are out of town this weekend so there's nobody waiting for me at home. "Sure no problem, but don't worry about the money, its no big deal. Jump in and tell me where to go" I motioned for her to walk around the car and get in the passenger side with my head. We both entered and as I started the car up, I breifly played the scenario through my head to make sure I was safe, and felt that I was. Even though I wasn't very big at 5'4" and 130 pounds, I felt twice that size after a good workout, and had no fear. Her sister's house turned out to be further than I hoped to drive, but after 10 minutes or so, she had me pull into the driveway of a large 2 story house here in the 'burbs' of Vegas. Pulling a remote opener out of her purse, she pressed it and the garage door opened. I hesitated for a second, and looked at her. "Go ahead and drive in, I promise I won't bite" she said with a cute smile, "I just want to run in and get you a little something for your being so kind." "Don't worry about it, really." I replied. "No, I insist" she answered and got out of the car as we parked. "Cmon," she said and gestured with a wave, "come in for a second while I get you a few dollars okay." I hesitated for a second then decided to follow her in, feeling secure with such a sweet and beautiful lady. As I reached the garage door, she held it open for me, and I first realized just how much taller she was than me. She was a good 5'10" I guessed, and I thought to myself that I'd never have a chance with a woman like her, even when I was older. I was caught in a wierd place where I felt like a kid around her though was playing part of an adult role at the same time. Anyway, in she walked and I entered as well. She walked straight into the house and down the hallway in front of me. Already 30 feet in front of me, she said without turning back, "Go ahead and grab a seat, I'll be right back" To my right was a living room and to my left a wall with the kitchen behind it. I walked over to a leather chair and stood there, expecting her to return in just a few seconds. She didn't. After a few minutes went by I began to grow a little nervous, not knowing what to do next. Should I go look for her? Or should I holler out or wait or leave? This place looked wealthy so I decided I'd stay and maybe it'd pay off for me! I sat. As I began to look around the room, I heard what must be her sister in the kitchen begin talking. Somehow the lady I drove her must have slipped into the kitchen without me seeing her. I could hear them clearly as they were only about 20 feet away around a wall. "Any luck Jill?" the sister asked, letting me know the lady's name. "Oh gees Mandi, just wait till you see her! She's absolutely perfect!" answered Jill. "Well, you do know how to pick them sis" came the reply. "Where did you find this one? At the mall again?" "Nope, found her at Wendy's would you believe it? Easy as pie, drove me straight here without as much as a wince. She's gonna make a perfect dumb blond I think." "WHAT THE HELL!" I thought. They're talking about me in there! Why the hell were they calling me 'her' and 'she'? I felt a strange stirring in my belly, a combination of fear and excitement that these women talked so plainly about essentially contolling me. I wanted to get up and get out of there but the fear had frozen me for a few seconds. My heart was starting to pound as I finally stood. Just as I got on my feet, Mandi turned the corner in front of me and slightly to my left. Her eyes fixed on mine as I just stood and gawked at her. I didn't understand what I was seeing. She was about Jill's age and size though was wearing a weird black leather thing kinda like a girls swim suit except it showed a lot more skin. She also had on black fishnet tights, high heels, and what looked like a paddle hung from a belt at her waist. "Stop gawking young lady and follow me if you know what's good for you." She said sternly, with her hands menacingly in her hips. This was insane. Why the hell was she calling me a young lady and dressed like that and ordering me around? I didn't want to find out so I turned for the garage door. My heart lept into my throat as I saw Jill standing right there, her back against the door with a coy smile on her face. "You'd best mind my sister now" came her taunt. I made up my mind right there. I was getting out of here and right through her. The instant I began to make my charge at her, I heard her sister's shoes clicking quickly behind me. I turned to face her but I was too late and she was on me. I watched helplessly as her fist went right for my stomach. "Ouuuppff" I doubled over in pain from the very hard hit, gasping for air. Simultaneously, one of the girls grabbed my hair at the back of my head and pulled my upright, tilting my head back as far as it would go. Still struggling just to breath, they twisted both of my arms up behind me and then easily began moving me forward. I thought my knees would collapse I was so afraid. I tried to talk but didn't have my wind back. They marched me into the bathroom and right into a large tub. In a matter of seconds they had bound my wirsts above me to chains suspended from the ceiling and then my ankles were spread and bound to metal rings on the tub bottom. My body was strung out like an X. My chest heaved up and down in fear and from recovering from the blow. "Wait a minu..." I tried to speak but Jill quickly shoved a red ball into my mouth and then secured it with a strap that went around my head. I shut my eyes in an effort to make this all go away but it didn't work. I'd heard of teenage girls being kidnapped, raped and killed and I feared this was something like that except for me being a boy. I wanted to vomit I was so scared. My eyes bulged as I watched Mandi take a pair of scissors and rapidly shredded my clothes until I was stark naked. At least she didn't stab me! "Where's the nair?" Mandi asked her sister. "I got it, I got it." Jill said, slightly annoyed, as she began rubbing it all over my body. While she did this, her sister rubbed some foul smelling cream into my hair. Finished, they both simply washed their hands, turned out the lights, and didn't say a word to me. Let me tell you something about fear. I was terrified. Bound, gagged, naked, and blind, I was utterly helpless as the nair began making my skin burn and itch. I thought about a rescue, but nobody would even realize I was missing for another 48 hours. Nobody else was around when I took her into my car at Wendy's and I could barely see her even it was so dark there. This was not good. I was well on my way to ending up on a cereal box - well, strike that, they'd never do that for a guy my age. I would probably be written off as a runaway or something. Even though I was very uncomfortable, I wished they wouldn't come back because I didn't want to know what was next. I just hoped it wouldn't hurt. The peace didn't last for long as Mandi returned and hit the light, making my eyes wince. She came over to me and turned the shower on. With the shower hose, she washed all my body hair off, and I was helpless to do anything except watch it go down the drain. She then dried me off with a fluffy pink towel. Without any warning at all, Mandi then took the paddle from her hip belt and started smacking me hard across my bare bottom. I screamed into my gag, caught off guard by the viciousness and stinging pain from her blows. Why was she doing this! What did I do wrong?! I was sobbing like a baby now, utterly defenseless against this spanking. "Well there, looks like I've got your attention now" she said mockingly, "I just wanted to give you a little taste of a very mild punishment should you decide to get smart with us. See darling, you are going to behave and obey my sister and I without any reservation. If, for example, you refuse to do something I ask of you" She immediately brought her arm back and wham wham wham, started hitting me again with the paddle. "ggggmmmmpfff" I cried out, as the tears flowed again. "There there sweetie, don't get all upset, this little ole spanking is nothing. You should see what I'm gonna do with you if you disobey me twice, or try to escape from us. I've got a delightful assortment of things in the basement I'd just love to use on you should you become obstinent. Without giving away the surprise, lets just say I think you'd be kissing my ass within 2 minutes to have me electrocute your teeny-tiny balls rather than use some of my other goodies on you." She took a step back and gave me a quick smile before turning very stern again. "Do I make myself clear young lady?" she asked with her hands on her hips. I nodded profusely, gesturing my complete surrender to her as I had no doubt in my mind she wasn't bluffing. My goal was to live through this. I had no idea why they kept referring to me as a young lady, or a girl, etc except probably to humiliate me like a coach would when hazing his players. Satisfied I wouldn't be any trouble to her, Mandi released me from the tub chains though kept the leather cuffs around my ankles and wrists. Jill returned and brought a white garment for me. Handing it to me she ordered me to put it on without any underwear at all. I did, and in looking in the mirror, realized it looked like a prison uniform of some sort. I also noticed my hair was no longer dark brown. It was some kind of blond but with a light pink or red tinge - what I'd later learn is called strawberry blonde. Jill then placed a wide leather belt around my waist and both her and her sister each took a wrist and cuffed my arms to the belt. Mandi put a short 10" chain in between my ankle cuffs, effectively shackling my legs. Still gagged, my jaws were beyond the point of aching now, and actually didn't even hurt anymore. They didn't exactly give me a chance to escape or disobey them as Mandi simply took me by the upper arm and led me through the house to the garage where I was placed into the back seat of their van. Sure enough the windows were darkly tinted so nobody was going to be able to see me in their van. She belted me in then left me there for several minutes. Both sisters returned about 10 minutes later, this time, dressed very conservatively though femininely. Jill was in a gray skirt suit and her sister wore a long floral dress with a lace collar. We left the garage and my Mom's car and drove off back towards the city. After a good 30 minutes we reahed our destination in front of house even larger than Mandi's. You couldn't see the road from the front door of the house as there were a large, full row of evergreens blocking the view at the front of the yard. In other words, once again, nobody from the 'outside' was going to even see me going into this house. Inside the house the girls walked me directly to a door leading to a basement. The lights were already on, and when we reached the bottom of the steps I could see it was quite large, and very unusually decorated. Their was expensive looking wooden tables, and seats, and, hey, wait a minute. This looked like a courtroom. There were already several women sitting in the 'audience' seats, and up ahead of me I could see what appeared to be the prosecutor's and defender's tables. As Jill and Mandi walked me by the 2 desks, the prosecutor stood and gave me the harshest stare. She was but a petite blond dressed in a pretty, semi-sheer white lace blouse and slim skirt. With her hands on her hips, she looked ready to say something mean but held her breath. I was taken up to a special defender's stand whereby Jill and Mandi deftly bound me and left me standing there, facing the enormous Judge's desk. I hadn't even got to consult or even see my defense council. This wasn't right. "All stand!" came the holler from one of two large black women, who seemed to be serving as baliff's. In came the Judge. She looked like the prosecutor's sister! Except for wearing a lavender judge's robe, they could have been twins. I didn't see a jury, and other than a court scribe, this was it. The judge started quickly spouting out legal terms and phrases which I couldn't follow until I heard the prosecutor list off several charges: "One count of felony 1 rape of a minor, one count of felony 1 oral sodomy of a minor, one count of special felony assault on a minor, one count of special felony battery against a minor, and one count of felony 4 exposure to a minor," declared the prosecutor. WHAT! What the hell were they talking about! I never did anything like that! Hell, I was still a virgin! I yelled a muffled cry, but was paid no attention. The judge just looked towards the defense table, and the defender answered without a verbal prompt. "My client wishes to plead guilty on all charges your honor, with remorse, and a hope to make restitution your honor," came the feeble sounding reply. This was bullshit! Pure bullshit! I decided the hell with this, I was going to escape at my next opportunity and get the hell away from these crazy bitches. "By the power of this court, the defendant is hereby convicted on all forementioned counts without possibility of appeal on this 14th day of November, 1992. Will Lili Ananbel Holyhoke's family representative please approach the convict for sentencing," the judge said. I heard the clicking of a pair of heels on the hardwood floor come from behind me and walk directly past me on the left then turned and stood right in front of me. I looked down, feeling shame as if I really did these things to her daughter. This woman looked around 40, and was dressed in a black skirt suit that meant business. She was quite attractive yet, had blond hair, and was a robust, though not fat, woman just a little shorter than Jill. "By the power of the Female Victims Court of Justice, I transfer sentencing authority to Mrs. Holyhoke" declared the judge. She did not look happy with me at all and suddenly grabbed my chin, squeezing my cheeks together. "You filthy little piece of trash are mine. You are guilty! guilty! guilty! and should be ashamed of yourself! I've decided that your punishment should suit the crime. I sentence you to come live with me for life. My Lili killed herself after the first trial ended when the sentence was absurd. Not this time though, thanks to the FVCJ." She let out a subdued, but satisfied looking smile. "This time the sentence is going to properly serve justice, and honor my beautiful child's memory. Since her rapist didn't get the penalty he deserved, you will. After all, you're a pig just like him, and it just as easily could have been you, another idiot teenage boy who thinks he's a real stud. Well your stud days are over sweetie because I'm gonna turn you into a girl. Welcome to the female world Marissa." Oh god no! This couldn't be happening. These women were crazy! This was happening though, and this was real. I couldn't go through with this, there was no way! I can't be a girl! The dead girl's mother continued, the look of power and gratification on her face, clearly relishing every second of this surreal court, "During her rape, my precious Lili was forced to give him a blowjob and then was further degraded when he ejaculated all over face. For that evil act, I sentence you to perform one thousand blowjobs, each one of which must be videotaped, and all 1000 must cum on your face. Ejaculations into your mouth will not count towards the total." WHAT!!!! OH GOD NO! She let that one sink in a bit, the continued. "After Lili was humiliated by the oral sodomy, my poor child was forced to bend over a desk and was raped until she passed out. For that horrific act, after you've properly given your one thousand blowjobs, I'm going to have you castrated, your penis cut off and then replaced with a vagina." She lingered slowly, letting her victory over me seep in. And seep in it did as I started crying out of fear and helplessness, as it was just too much. "And once your vagina is ready, I'm going to arrange for you to have a boyfriend. Of course he's not going to be the loving type though. Nope, he's gonna be the type who'll bend you over desks, and even be sure to share you with his friends. Just think Marissa darling, each time a guy cums all over your pretty little face, you get to be reminded that you're 1 blowjob closer to becoming a real girl. Isn't that a wonderful predicament?!" She chuckled gleefully, pleased with herself. The judge, prosecutor and even my 'defense attorney' joined in the giggling. "Girl you are gonna become an obedient little maid for me, and an dutiful little whore for men, and I'm gonna love every minute of it." Finished with her speech which left me sobbing and shaking, she walked away triumphantly. The judge spoke again, "A sentence has been dictated for the convicted, and will be carried out at once. Baliff, please take the convict from the courtroom." Still shackled and gagged, I was released from the defendant's stand by the two baliffs. They forced me to kneel, then lie face down on the courtroom floor. I was then picked up from the feet and from the shoulders, and carried by these two black ladies out of the courtroom. They took me around several corners and down a hallway before we entered a room. Still crying, it took me a second before I noticed the oddity of the room. It was some kind of medical room with a operating table and lots of medical equipment and stands. A gowned and gloved nurse was busily preparing some kind of equipment tray while the black women stood me on my feet. One woman held me firmly while the other unfastened my wrists and ankles cuffs, then stripped me of the 'jail' uniform. Next, they each took me by my upper arms and led me backwards towards the table. "MMPPPFFF!" I yelled into my gag, "this wasn't supposed to happen to me - the lady didn't say anything about surgery now!" I thought in my head, unable to communicate with my captors. I struggled but it was useless as the two black women handled me with ease, lifting me up onto the operating table. One of them laid across my body, pinning me down while her accomplice quickly bound my ankles and wrists to the table. Another 2 belts went across my body and were snuggly tightened. "GGGGGMMM" I yelled at everyone in the room, writhing helplessly. I felt a small pillow or something go under my neck and then my head was forced back and down against the table, and a second nurse securely immobilized my head to the table with a wide strap. "Easy now princess, its no use fighting sweetheart, just let us do our work and you'll be out of here in a jiffy." The nurse at my head said condescendingly, as she pat me on the head. The same nurse then wheeled a stand over to my chest, put on some gloves, and proceeded to wipe my entire chest with some cold yellow stuff. Finished with her task, the gowned nurse placed a large blue plastic sheet with a large cut out area for my chest across my body, covering me up to the chin, and then several green towels. Another gowned lady I'd seen a few minutes earlier in the corner washing her hands, came over to the gowned nurse who helped her into a mask and gloves. An iv was placed into my arm, and a few seconds later I began to feel sleepy and relaxed. "I'm doctor Jorel" the gowned lady introduced herself, "and you must be Marissa I presume?" she asked teasingly as if I could respond. My head was arched so far back that I could barely see her anyway. "Don't talk now honey, I need you to do exactly as I say or this will be very unpleasant for you, do you understand?" I groaned as if I trying to say ok, not wanting to piss this lady off seeing the position I was in. My gag was finally taken out. "Open up now, I'm gonna spray your throat with some numbing medicine," the doctor ordered. I obeyed as was treated to several sprays which caused me to gag a bit. She then spoke some medicalese to the nurse who handed her a tube. A tube she proceeded to stuff into my mouth. I could just barely feel it touching the back of my throat but didn't gag. She then put a cord-like thing inside the tube and I could hear a few brief little electrical whines. In less than a minute she pulled the things out of my mouth. "Now don't talk just yet darling, I just thinned your vocal cords for you and they'll need a few days to heal." A gas mask was placed over my face, and I heard the gas begin to flow as I wondered what thinning my vocal cords meant, and then there was nothing. ------- I awoke in what seemed to be one second later as no time seemed to pass in my head though the room had changed. I was still in the same room but the drapes were off of me, and only the one nurse remained. Groggy and weak, she must have though I wasn't an escape risk as she unfastened my head and then my arms and legs. I felt as if someone was standing on my chest, and when I looked down to investigate why, my heart dropped into my stomach. I had two large bumps right where??oh my god! They gave me breast implants! I let out a sigh of defeat. Hearing my sigh, the nurse pipped in, "Oh don't worry now doll, you ought to be proud of your beautiful new breasts. I'd die for a pair like those. Oh, the doctor wanted me to let you that she also put several estrogen implants under your skin, that it was more than enough estrogen for 3 years, so you won't need to bother with female hormone shots. As for your breasts, she said they will feel tight for a few weeks but will soften up nicely as your skin adapt to them. The sutures are all buried under your skin so you don't have to worry about that either." The nurse then helped me into a pair of panties, slipped a soft pink flannel nightgown over my head, and finished by assisting me into a pair of pink slippers. My head cleared quite rapidly, and I was guided out into the hallway where Mrs. Holyhoke was waiting for me. "Thanks dottie, I'll take her now." She said to the nurse. "Ok then, see you next time Marissa" she stung me with the reference to my next surgery. Mrs. Holyhoke put a raincoat around my shoulders then took me firmly by the arm and led me out of the house. We walked into the garage where her car was waiting. I noticed the breasts bounced as we walked, sending a reminder of my new feminine role to my brain with each step. I couldn't imagine having to put up with that for the rest of my life though knew, that in fact, I would. At her (and I guess my new one) home, she took me directly upstairs. At least the house was nice I thought, and she seemed to live in a nice neighborhood. Leading me by the wrist into a room, she said without turning, "This will be your room Marissa. I think you'll find everything you need in the closet and in your dresser. You have a private bath and dressing vanity a well. Go ahead and just get in bed for tonight, and we'll see you in the morning." And with that, she turned and walked out, locking the door from the outside as she left. I fell to the ground in my new room, overcome by today's insanity,and still spacey from the pain killers. The room did not help any. The carpet was a plush, light pink shag. In the center of the room was an ultra feminine pink canopy bed overflowing in lace, ribbons and bows. The walls were covered with a little girl style wallpaper - an assortment of flowers, smiling moons, and ladies in formal Victorian dresses. My white dresser was double size with a total of 8 drawers, 4 on each side. I finally got the courage to rise and see what kind of things were in my closet, and thus what I'd be wearing. I was expecting it to be bad, but to my horror, it was worse than bad. My knees went weak again as my eyes scanned what must have been 200 dresses, skirts, nightgowns, full slips, blouses, and dozens of pairs of shoes. Several more dozen sweaters were folded up onto a column of shelves. I didn't see a pair of pants anywhere. And to top it off, the clothes were not your average, everyday clothes of a 18 year old girl. They were ultra feminine looking - mostly pastel colors, lots of soft rounded and lace collars, several frilly easter-like dresses that looked more appropriate for a 6 year old and even a dozen maid uniforms. This was not good, she was burying me in femininity! I hastily walked back to the dresser, not wanting to look but knew I had to. Sure enough, they were filled with exquisitely feminine lingerie, many of the items I had no idea even what they were. I remembered seeing something odd in the corner of the room so went over to investigate. It was an odd looking short stand with a square pad at its base. A few feet away, a video camera was attached to the wall and directed at the top of the stand. It didn't take me long before I realized what this was. I took several steps back, not wanting to be near it, though knowing right then, I'd be on my knees there before too long giving blowjobs. I shut my eyes in an effort to shut out of my mind, and went ahead and got in bed after tuning the lights out. I just wanted to fall asleep and not think of anything for a while. It didn't work though. I thought and thought and thought. This was so unfair. I was innocent and yet this was happening. I never had sex with a girl or even received a blowjob, and yet I was going to end up giving lots of them. Life was so unfair, I almost wished I were dead. I awoke confused for several seconds. This wasn't my room. Then the blood reached my brain and I remembered yesterday. This wasn't just a bad dream. The light was streaming through my delicate pink window blinds. As I rose, my chest ached, and the strange softness of the nightgown on my shaven body sent shivers up my spine. I used the bathroom, then came back out and just sat on the bed, not sure what to do. Mrs. H must have heard the water running, as she entered my room. "Well, good-morning princess, sleep well did we?" she asked cheerfully, dressed only in a lace gown and robe. "No, not really" I answered, but in a very strange, high-pitched, squeeky feminine voice. "Oh no!" I said, hearing my new voice again, remembering now what Dr. Jorel did to me. "Oh don't fret now young lady, in time you'll learn to love your precious little voice- after all, it's the perfect match for a girl like you, don't you think?" she giggled. I just looked at her with evil eyes. She handed me a pill and a glass of orange juice, "here you go sweetie, take another pain pill, then lets change your bandages". I took the pill, eager to numb the pain in my chest. She helped me off with my nightgown, and revealled my new breasts, now showing a good deal of bruising. The bandages were dry, though she replaced them anyway. "Well, the doctor said you should take it easy for 48 hours so that's what you'll do - you can stay in your room, and don't bother getting dressed - I want you to stay in nightgowns until Tuesday morning, ok? I'll bring you some food, and a little later I'll show you how to put on makeup." The next two days went painfully slow. I was bored to tears, and actually ended up reading a few girl's magazines out of desparation. The makeup lessons were long, and she made me repeat things over and over until she was satisfied that I could do it myself. At least she was being nice to me, not at all what I expected from her after her courtroom demeanor. Finally, it was Tuesday morning. My parents would have been back by yesterday morning, and I'd officially be missing now. I definitely wanted to watch the morning news to see if I was on there. Mrs H came into my room and helped me dress. She helped me into my first bra, a pair of pantyhose, a lace slip, a long floral and lavender dress with matching 3 inch pumps and some jewelry. As she helped me dress and then get my makeup on, she 'laid down the rules'. "I expect you to always obey me, without hesitation. If you do not, I will punish you. It might be a simple over my knee spanking, or we could take a trip to Mandi's special room for a more convincing beating and torture session. And if you ever get the crazy idea in your head of escaping, and thus not fulfilling your sentence to my Lili, have no doubt in your mind that I will in fact find you, have you castrated and turned into a girl at once, and then revoke your sentence. I'll sell you to a mexican brothel, and you'll spend the next 20 years getting fucked in every orifice by smelly dirty, drunk machismo's 12 hours a day. In the end, it's your choice, because I'm not going to lock you in, or keep my eye on you every second of the day. If you escape, I have a foolproof plan to recapture you so I have no worries. Just keep in mind how nice you have it here with me. Yes, you still have to carry out your blowjob sentence, and I'm still gonna have you turned into a real girl, but at least you'll get to live in a nice house with everything you need, and get properly fucked by clean guys, instead of nasty ones fucking you in the ass. That and in 10-15 years, if you're a real good-girl, I may parole you so you can go make a dutiful wife for some lucky man." I didn't want to think to much about what she just said as my mind just wasn't ready for what she had planned for me. I knew though that I believed her threts though, and would not try to test her. The TV was on during breakfast and there was no mention of me being missing, not was there anything in the paper even. Like I figured, there was no 'rescue' party that would ever come for me. Finished with breakfast, I helped her clean the table. "Well then Marissa, are you ready for you first trip to the beauty salon?" she asked. "Umm. Beauty salon?" gees, I hated my new voice. "Sure honey, we've just go to do something with that gorgeous long hair of yours. Come on now, go get in the car while I get my purse," she asked of me. I wanted to discuss this for a minute as I wasn't ready to go out into public as a girl yet, but knew better not to. Obediently then, I found the garage and got into the passenger seat. When she arrived a few moments later, she remarked to me with a smile, "isn't this exciting! My little girl's first trip to the beauty salon and she's already in the car ready to go!" I flashed her a disingenuine smile as she started the car and we were off. A few short mintues later we pulled into the lot in a strip mall, and parked in front of the 'pretty lady' hair boutique. Walking in, we were promptly greeted by a young lady just a few years my senior at the cashier counter. "Yes, may I help you ladies?" the attractive redhead asked us. "Yes, Marissa has an appointment with Karla for 9:30." Mrs H responded. "Wonderful, she's waiting for you Marissa, please come right on back" she smiled at me and held out her arm. Just a few steps beyond the counter we passed a wall. To the left were two women hair stylists working on two middle-aged ladies. To the right was another stylist reading a journal. "Oh there she is" remarked the redhead as she left us with must have been Karla. This woman was very attractive, maybe in her late 20's, had long, softly curled brown hair, was hispanic, and was dressed nicely in a smooth blue dress and the pink stylist coat the other beauticians wore as well. "Well good morning, you must be Marissa." She gave me a big grin, "you're very pretty. I'm Karla and I'm going to be your stylist today." Looking at Mrs H she asked, "have you decided on anything in particular for your daughter?" "Well, no, just something soft and feminine. Do you have any ideas?" she asked back. "Hmmm?Yes..Well, I think there are several possibilities here. Whoever dyed her hair did a marvelous job, it really is a pretty color. What do you think princess? Would you like something in a page cut like the first lady, or maybe something more flirty, like flowing curls?" I didn't want to speak and reveal my sqweeking voice, but I had no choice. "I don't know really, what do you think is best?" I answered sheepishly. A broad grin overtook her face, "oh what a precious voice, you're such a doll!" she giggled, reaching out to give me arm a little squeeze. "I think I have just the hairdo to match that voice. Come with me sweetheart." Karla took me by the wrist and led me to a back room where she had me sit in a reclining chair. She placed a pink frock around me, not unlike the one she wore. She then eased me back into a basin, and washed my hair. Finished, we walked back to the first room, and I took me place across from the other two clients. "That is such a pretty dress Marissa," Karla commented as she began combing out my hair, it really is very becoming on you." "Thank you" I said. "Oh you're welcome," she grinned again, looking across the room at the other ladies who had heard my unique voice, "isn't she just a doll!" she cooed at me and I noticed the other ladies smiled as well. She proceeded to apply some thick pasty stuff to my head, then put my hair up in numerous rollers. Finished with that task, she brought a hair dryer over and put it on top of my head. Once it was on I had trouble hearing what anyone was saying. After several minutes I became bored, and sensing that, Karla offered me a fashion magazine which I took and began reading through. Nobody here seemed to have any idea that I was not really a girl underneath. Amazing what can happen in 4 days time. After 20 minutes under the dryer, Karla turned it off and took the rollers out. I could do nothing but watch in as she teased and styled my hair. My heart sank as I saw myself in the mirror - she curled my hair into tight, little girl style curls which dangled daintily down across my ears and the side of my face almost to my shoulders. I didn't look a day above 13 except for my 34C chest. I was speechless. This was a travesty of a hairdo and there was nothing I could do about it as it was a duraperm. Mrs H paid, and we left. It seemed everyone was looking at me and they were. I looked more like a walking barbie-doll than a 18 year old girl, not to mention who I was 4 days ago. The next two weeks went quickly as she taught me the basics of moving, acting, and behaving like a girl. She taught me how to cook a little, how to sew, and various other household duties. I was starting to think maybe those threats about making me give guys blowjobs and stuff was just part of a show. After all, she really was a nice lady, and treated me well. I couldn't imagine that she'd still want me to make me do that awful stuff. It was now the monday of the my third week with her, in early December. Mrs H came into my bedroom at 7 and picked out one of the frilly easter dresses from my closet without telling me why. I had hoped to escape having to wear those, but I knew the time would come when I'd have to. I'd never thought there would be a day where I'd actually want to wear a skirt and blouse, but here it was. Anyway, the one she picked out was a pink lace dress which was dripping with ruffles, ribbons and bows. It had puffy princess sleeves, and also had a frothy petticoat under the full skirt to keep it fluffed out. White lace gloves to my elbows, strappy pink shoes, a 3-strand pearl necklace with matching earrings and a semi-sheer pink bonet matching the dress completed the outfit she layed out for me. After I donned the outfit, I gasped when I saw myself in the mirror. Unable to put my makeup on because I was shaking so much from being smothered in femininity, Mrs H conveniently returned and did it for me. Getting up from the vanity, Mrs H uncharacteristically didn't lead me out of the room. Instead, she took my wrist and led me to the corner where that weird stand was. She had me stand right behind it then eased me to my knees by pressing down on my shoulders. "Scoot forward sweetheart" she asked of my gently. I scooted forward as far as I could, right against a vertical padded plate about 3 inches across. She next bent down and placed a wide belt from the plate around my waist and snuggly tightened it. Two similar belts went across my ankles and then just behind my knees, securing me to this awkward stand. She then adjusted the small concave chin piece in front of me and had me place my chin into it. She ran yet another strap around me, this time around the back of my neck such that I couldn't pull my head back at all. "Why are you doing this" I asked of her, remembering how awful it was the last time I was tied down. Instead of answering my question, she said, "give me your hand." I obeyed her and she expertly cuffed my wrist to the stand down near my knee. My other arm followed seconds later. Standing up, she smiled at me. "Gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous!" she beamed pridefully. "Oops, almost forgot the most important part, I'll be right back Marissa." She left the room and was back just a few moments later. Bending down to me again, she told me to open my mouth. Expecting to be gagged, I was surprised when she instead put a firm rubber 'O' just inside my mouth, forcing me to keep my mouth open. All I was able to mutter was a delicately frail moan, but it was enough to catch her attention and finally explain what she was doing this for. After all, I had been very obedient lately, and couldn't imagine why she was punishing me like this. "Now sweetheart, I know you're probably wondering why I'm doing this to you, but you should already know unless, of course, you really are a typical dumb blond." She giggled at her own joke. "You've had it nice these last few weeks, and I've been good enough to postpone part of your sentence this long to let you adapt to you new life, and to let the estrogen go to work on you." Oh NO! The blowjobs! My heart sank to the bottom of my gut. She continued, "time's a wasting though, and you best get on with fulfilling your obligations to Lili and I." She turned and walked out of the room. At the door, she paused, then turned back at me, "Oh sweetie, I almost failed to remind you to be sure and let the men know not to cum down your throat as those won't can't towards your 1000. It's got to be on your face and I don't mean just dribbling out of your mouth and down your chin. And don't pout so much sweety, you don't look as pretty." With that taunt, she left me. Alone, bound securely to this contraption, left only to wonder what was next. My mind raced in fear, not wanting to go through with this. I didn't have long to wait before I watched helplessly as a man walked right into my bedroom. "Hi Marissa, I'm Gary," said the man who looked to be in his mid-30's. He was fit looking and dressed nicely in slacks and a button down shirt. "I've got something really special for you" he said, walking right up to my face and unfastening his belt. In seconds his pants were lowered enough to let his penis flop out into plain view. My head was several inches too low as his penis bumped into my forehead as he stood there. Moving his foot over to a small pedal by the stand, he pressed down on it, and the entire stand with me on it rose until his penis was level with my open mouth. Without saying anything further he used his hand to put his soft penis right inside my waiting mouth. I shut my eyes as I felt the warm soft flesh penetrate my lips and rest on my tongue. Resting his hands on top of my head, he began slowly moving his hips back and forth. I kept my eyes closed, hoping it would help, but it didn't make a difference. I felt so completely used. His penis began hardening inside my mouth and soon filled it entirely. He steadied into a rhythm of sliding his swollen cock back and forth in my mouth. A few times he hit the back of my throat and I gagged but was able to keep from throwing up. A few more times and I got used to it, so it didn't bother me as much. The force of his pumping my face was enough to cause me to involuntarily let out my delicate little moans. He really seemed to like those as he began moaning himself, and was really thrusting himself in and of my mouth. "Oh yeah baby, such a pretty girl?.MMM....So nice princess ....... oooOO ..... oooOOOO........oooooOOOOOO........I'm gonna cum babydoll.........OOH Yeah......Here it comes princess............AAAHHHH...OOOOO YEAH...UM UM UM UM UM UM." Terrified at his sounds, I shut my eyes again, then winced as his first streams hit the back of my throat, causing me to gag violently. That only seemed to encourage him further as his penis spewed gobs of warm pasty globs all over my tongue. I felt so utterly feminized and submissive. The taste was a little salty and mild but nasty. "Swallow my sperm down sugar, its good for girls like you." He commanded of me, and I obeyed dutifully. A wave of absolute femininity overtook me as I felt his warm goo slide down inside me. I was a woman now and forever. Opening my eyes, I noticed he hadn't moved yet, and that his penis was still glistening and dripping with cum. He placed his cock back into my mouth and I submissively cleaned it for him. A little pat on top of my bonetted head, a "thanks princess, see you next time" from him and then it was over. The taste of his cum lingered in my mouth but I didn't care. It was over. I would be released soon. I didn't even bother to care about the ejaculating on my face rule - I'd worry about that later. All I wanted now was for Mrs H to hurry up and come get me off of this thing. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, shut my eyes in prayer, then reopened them. It wasn't her. It was four college age guys. I moaned in defeat, and began to weep lightly as the first guy took his place in front of me. As he fucked my mouth, the other guys undressed and began stroking themselves in anticipation. Again, he started moaning like the last guy, and I braced for his ejaculation. He came heavily inside my mouth as I held my breath. It was then that I started to get worried about finding a way to get them to cum on my face. Gees! What was I thinking! I actually wanted them to cum on my face! Or did I? If they didn't, I'd go on like this seemingly forever, bound and helpless swallowing gobs of cum. On the other hand, If I somehow go them to cum on my face, each one would bring me closer to surgery. Thirty minutes later, I wasn't worrying about a thing, as I'd just swallowed my fifth mouthful of semen, and was completely worn out. The guys left and thankfully Mrs H returned, and shortly released me from the stand. She told me to go get myself cleaned up in the bathroom, and I did. When I returned, she had me sit down at my vanity and fix my makeup. "Marissa darling, how was it? Did you like that?" she said mockingly though at the same time, seriously. "Don't worry princess, you'll get used to it in time. Well, so much for working on your 1000 requirement huh! It looks like you seem to like getting it down your throat huh sweetie? Seems the guys around here sure are going to appreciate your 'thirst' for them shall we say for years on end." Mrs H laughed at me, relishing every moment of my subjugation. It took me 3 more weeks to figure out that she had the guys wait downstairs while she prepared me on the blowjob stand. I wasted about 100 blowjobs before I finally began yelling out to them before she put the 'O' device in my mouth. "Hey down there! Please cum on my face okay?!" I would yell as loud as I could. That did the trick as I soon began getting my face splattered guy after guy, day after day. Mrs H soon decided to stop putting the O ring in my mouth and just left me bound to the stand. Each time a guy ejaculated onto my face, I felt both good and bad about what that meant - both one less to give, and yet one closer to becoming a complete woman. I really had to hand it to Mrs H for designing such an ingenious plan to payback Lili. To be honest though, after several hundred facials, I pretty much got used to it, and actually began looking forward to having surgery done. ------- Epilogue: Marissa finishes number 1000 within 6 months, returns to Dr Jorel, and is castrated and has her vagina created. She continues to live with Mrs H, becomes her fulltime maid, and true to Mrs H's promise, is matched up with a boyfriend who does indeed like to fuck her doggie style, especially when he lets his friends fuck her mouth at the same time. Having been properly trained from the start, she adapts easily to her role, accepting her place in the world.

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A Good ServantChapter 23

Cory knew what fear felt like. He remembered the way the hot iron had branded his flesh, the searing pain. As he could still recall being asked the same questions by the Trainers about Xavier’s disappearance, over and over again. But this, this was a new kind of fear, sister to despair, deep and wide, threatening to swallow him whole, down to the last fiber of his being. He leaned against the metal wall of the long corridor, breathing hard, and taking in the image of the lifeless clothes on...

3 years ago
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A New PastChapter 63 Reaction Time

“What’s the status?” I asked as soon as I was in a hastily cleared room outside the ballroom. Lila’s team had been using the room, but now was spreading through the hotel to ensure there was not a missed threat here as well as on Astra. “We started getting some spurious signals on the control network as the intra-day checks ran,” Allen answered. He was still plugging into our network via a laptop, and had a comms headset on getting live updates from his ops teams. “Two sets of thrusters...

2 years ago
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My first taste of another mans cock

I was continuing to explore my feminine side of me, under the wonderful direction of my wife, and her friend Susan, when one night next door at Susans house, we decided to play strip poker..... and Susan said this is not fair. you have trousers shirt etc and Gilly and me are in Basque stockings the lot ....we have to dress the same to make this game fair and fun.So Gilly quick as a flash said ..... I know what you can wear darling wedding outfit (I was slim in those days) and ran...

3 years ago
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Morning Love

Every day has been like a dream for the past two years. A happy dream where everybody wakes up refreshed and ready for the next day. Today was like any other, waking up to Reveille after another restful night, Mark and Alycia stirred in the morning light that poured through the bedroom window. Today was Saturday and neither of them had anywhere to be at any particular time. Rolling over towards Mark, Alycia propped herself on her elbows and she leaned in and gently kissed his lips. He sleepily...

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Making of a MILF Mary

( I may make this a short mini-series. I am testing this as I may convert it to a stepmom/stepson(s) series for Amazon). My name is Mary, and I am the mother of two twin teenage boys, Aiden and Chris. There is that point when teenage boys discover the delight of masturbating. I would like to think that many moms have the same ‘fear’ of walking in on their teenage son(s) in the act. I did not walk in on them, but I did find them masturbating. The first time I had gone out to do shopping....

2 years ago
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The Merchant of ChaosChapter 43

Lord Duric climbed to the top of the ridge, surrounded by the soldiers of his guard contingent as the sun rose over the morning mists. They looked warily at him as he approached the edge, their gaze darting about warily seeking any possible threats. One of his regiment commanders came to his side. The commander shaded his eyes and extended an arm. "There, my Lord." Duric turned his head and nodded. Past forest and plains, the spires of the Imperial Palace rose in the distance, just on the...

3 years ago
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Lovely Pizza Delivery Boy

Lovely Pizza Delivery BoyBy: Londebaaz Chohan It was a cold, dark, drizzling night when Ike heard a knock on the door. He went to answer and found that it was the cute pizza delivery boy at the door. He was totally soaked and it was obvious that he had been out in the rain for quite a while. Ike’s eyes shifted from the pizza warmer he carried, to his face. Ike asked him why he was so wet and he told that he had trouble with his car and all evening he had been making his rounds on a motorcycle....

2 years ago
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A Most Unusual RomanceChapter 17

I know it’s the one fantasy that most men have (it’s most definitely one of mine) that they will wake up to a warm moist feeling on their cock, opening their eyes to find their cock deep in the mouth of the woman they are sharing their bed with. For a lucky few, that fantasy becomes a reality, and that morning I was most defiantly one very lucky sod. Sally was kneeling at the end of the bed. Leaning over me, she sucked me gently into consciousness. Her lips caressed my cock into life, and...

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First BBC Not my Last

My name is Kirsten. I'm twenty-five years old and unattached. I'm a redhead, not flaming red, but still a redhead. I stand about 5'2", weigh about 135, and I have generally nice curves. Not huge up top, 32C, but no one has complained so far. I try to stay in shape with running and visits to the gym when I can.My recent success hooking up with a couple using the ads on Craigslist had me feeling rather adventurous so I begin looking through the other listings. I avoided the male seeking female...

2 years ago
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Making the RevolutionChapter 15

“Oh, by the way, the water’s OK. The pH level is a bit high, but there’s nothing noxious,” Sam told Tessa. “Good thing, I didn’t want a miscarriage or a child with too many limbs.” “By the way, when should you call your parents and I mine?” “At least six weeks more.” “OK. And medical inspection?” “Around then. You know, women have been giving birth in Australia for at least 60 millennia.” “Don’t you think you should see a physician?” “Why? I feel fine. I don’t smoke. I hardly drink at...

3 years ago
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Different Strokes

My Aunt is lying on the sun lounger naked her full firm breasts and nipples have my teenage cock rock hard. I stay in the pool too embarrassed to get out with my hard on. My step mother is naked except for a pair of stilettos joins her sister on the other sun lounger. A few empty wine bottles are on the table.I watch from an upstairs window enjoying the view. My dad is a big man, muscular, dominant, the alpha male, in charge, as my uncle finds himself beaten in to submission, handcuffed, and...

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A Study in VioletChapter 2

Monday morning I sat at my desk and dug the business card Violet had given me from my wallet. "Violet West's office," came the voice on the other end of the line. "Is she in?" "I'll check. Whom may I say is calling?" "Gavin," I replied. "Gavin ... who?" "Just Gavin -- she'll know who it is." "Please hold..." Then I heard her voice. "Gavin!" "Hi, Vi. I was wondering if you were game for another go." "Oh, Gavin ... Can you hold on? I want to go into my office...

3 years ago
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PRISCILLA’S FIRST CANINGI wrote these stories many years ago for the Spreview site. I think they’re probably still posted there, although the site has completely changed its character. Several people told me that they liked this writing.Since then, xhamster has taken everything to a new level, where I think these stories are much more at home. So I have done some rewriting and am posting them here. If appropriate, I can post the remaining 11 sections in sequence.Alex C.PRISCILLA'S FIRST...

1 year ago
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PureTaboo Kenzie Reeves Joanna Angel Trailer Park Taboo Part 1

Scene opens to Kenzie Reeves lying on her bed, chest down, smoking a cigarette. She glares out the window as her brother Jack (Small Hands) reads a book on the living room couch. When she offers Jack a cigarette, he refuses, reminding her that he quit. She gets up from the bed and approaches the couch, telling him that he could just have one. He reminds her that people who quit tend to no longer smoke. When she confronts him as to why he’s reading books all of a sudden, he gets visibly...

2 years ago
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At The Gym

This is a true story and it happened back in January, Name of person has been changed. This will also be my first time writing a story so please bear with me if its got a few mistakes here and there and if it seems a bit rushed.A little about myself, im 19 years old and 5ft5, brown skinned with black hair and look very bear like with a lot of hair (due to my hair colour being black, the hair is more obvious on my brown skin) and im on the chubby side.AT THE GYMIt was nearly 2am on the 2nd of...

3 years ago
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The Thruway

I was driving home alone in a massive snowstorm on the New York Thruway. It was 3:00 am, the roads were impassable. I had the same idea as everybody else: pull into the rest area until the roads are better. The building was typical with a fast-food anchor and a couple of deli and coffee-type stands in a food court style.The driver of the car next to mine got out as I did. She was bundled up in a white parka. Long blonde hair, big blue eyes, pink pouty lips, skin that said she was about 19 and...

4 years ago
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I Started Out Roasting a Pig

I got new neighbors. They bought the old Henderson place, on the next road over. They were rumored to be Yankees, and no one knew much about them. Apparently they were pretty well off, the Henderson place was a two story farmhouse, barn, outbuildings, and two hundred twelve acres. It was a going farm until Mr. Henderson got too old. His daughters had moved away, and there was no one else to run it, so he put it up for sale and moved even farther south. This pissed the girls off no end, they...

3 years ago
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Satisfied My Reader Housewife

Hi all and thank you for all beautiful lady who responded and appreciated my storys… I got good feed back on my last adventure and specially from ladies who stay in hyderabad. With out wasting time I will start the story, here I got an reply from my reader with good feedback from her and I thanked her for the reply and response. I took lit as usually thought of casual response but I was wrong she replied back to my response and we both gave introduction to each other and it continued on that...

3 years ago
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Linda is Addicted to Her Black Cock

Linda couldn't stop thinking about the previous evening and Roger's big cock. She had trouble sleeping and although she had had so many intense climaxes the thought of it just kept making her more aroused. She woke early in the morning, reached over to Graham and rubbed his cock. As she got it hard she straddled him and it slid inside her so easily. Although she managed to make herself cum she was immensely disappointed with his size. Later on her way to work while driving in her Mazda...

2 years ago
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Consensual ConsequencesChapter 20 The Contest

When Sandy awoke she was once again hanging in bonds, but now with her back to a brick wall. Her arms and legs were trapped in the position of an "X" by a set of metal brackets that were attached to the wall. She was still completely naked except for the heels that remained on her feet and the collar that marked her slavery. The memory of what had transpired flooded her mind, and she could still feel a great deal of sexual energy flowing through her – she had blacked out because her body...

1 year ago
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Fucking a total stranger

Was chatting to a guy I met on a swingers web site another story altogether on why I was on there, we exchanged numbers and the naughty texts were flying back and forth I made him ring ne once in his car while he was on dinner for work, I was sprawled on my bed naked and very wet I don't think he realised at first until my breathing got heavier he asked if he could listen to see how wet I was so I put the phone towards my pussy and proceeded to finger fuck myself the feeling someone listening...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Whitney Wright Wonderful Whitney Wright Inhales Massive 10 Inch Cock With Her Ass

Whitney Wright Is Craving Anal From Mr. 10” Chris Diamond! Looking like a vintage showgirl Whitney’s wearing velvety black lingerie with matching gloves and high heels as she dances in the sun. She makes her way around the pool as Whitney teases you with her titties until Chris comes in and lets her suck on his massive cock. Whitney rubs that dick all over her face and gags on it as she tries to take that whole thing down her tiny throat. Chris grabs the back of her head so her can fuck her...

4 years ago
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The All Guardswoman Party and the Commander from the 21st Century

Rambling Preamble from the author and a quick synopsis: Before I begin I want to take a moment to thank all the people that are following me or favorited one of my stories. I appreciate the support and encouragement which is why I am sad to announce that I will be discontinuing all of my previous stories and putting them up for adoption by any user on this site interested in continuing them. I don't do this lightly, but feel that it has to be done so I can improve my abilities as a writer and...

1 year ago
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My weekend alone part 1

My name is Jessica and I guess at first glance you would think I'm just your average girl. A simple well performing schoolgirl who had a good social life with plenty of friends and a nice body thanks to gymnastics and volleyball for eight years m bisexual with a strong attraction for both guys and girls. I was eighteen at the time of this story and received more than enough attention from guys around school. Standing at 5"4 with long brown hair reaching down to the middle of my back, 32B...

1 year ago
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Man on Man

The two middle-aged men sat away from the other people in the coffee place, talking softly over the table and the two paper cups they had their coffee in. The one named Al was talking. “You say you’re not gay. What made you want that?” John thought for a moment, considering his reply. “I was married, raised three kids. Always with women. They taught me about anal sex. I didn’t care about sex with men until several years ago. I was alone and I jerked off a lot. Then I started having trouble...

Gay Male

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