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This a rewrite of the story first published in 2008 as the Reluctant Spy. I have altered the plot in some very significant ways, and renamed the story. I have tried to make the story historically accurate. The action in the story took place in a critical phase of the war and is totally fictional, But this was the year when the Germans invaded Russia
( Operation Barbarossa) and some few months before the tragic and dastardly attack on Pearl harbour by the Japanese. These two events had a critical bearing on the final outcome of the war.

Please also note their was not a T Class submarine in the Royal Navy during the war called HMS Tenacious although their was a T Class Destroyer of that name, which survived the war and which I served on for a short time.

The operation described in this story was as fiction, but fortunately in actual fact the German codes were successfully captured from a U Boat U110 that did not sink straight by the Frigate HMS Bulldog. The U Boat was later taken in tow, but sunk on its way back to the UK . The use of these codes using the German Enigma machine, were vital in warning convoys where and when they could expect an attack from U Boats.

Please note that most of the spellings are using the English Oxford Standard dictionary, although there may be occasions when my spell check has replaced the spelling with the standard USA usage.

The story is in two parts and part two is being rewritten and will be published in due course.

Chapter One
By Sirdar

It was the end of April 1941 and the war was entering a new desperate phase. Britain had her back against the wall. The U Boats were sinking more British shipping than could be easily replaced, as Britain and her Commonwealth allies stood alone against the Nazi tyranny. that was terrorising Europe.

Not unusually for this time of the year it was a foul night, there was a choppy sea, and the rain was sleeting down with the wind occasionally gusting, sending the occasional sea washing straight over the conning tower of the T Class Submarine, making life particularly miserable, for the watch keepers on the bridge, as the Royal Navy T class submarine HM Submarine Tenacious, was just about to make her first surface sweep in their allotted patrol area, just off Ushant.

Intermittent driving spray lashed the faces of the bridge crew, making their noses and chins red raw and sore. The Captain, Lt Commander Tony Nash VC had just ordered a running charge to be started on the batteries, and the lookouts and machine gunners were closed up on the bridge in case of a surprise attack. This was just the sort of night that German U Boats would consider slipping out of their base, heading for the open sea, to attack Atlantic convoys, and so everyone was on their toes keeping as close a watch as possible in these bad conditions .

Below in the control room, the asdic operators listened intently to see if they could distinguish any propeller noises. On the surface they knew they were highly vulnerable to attack from sea or air, but they must recharge their batteries, and although they could now have a hot meal, use the toilet, and clean the boat as far as was humanly possible, no-one could relax properly, they were all tense, and ready to dive again at a seconds notice if necessary.

Life in any diesel powered submarine, especially in wartime, was not at all pleasant. Conditions were by any known standard pretty bad, and the air always smelt of human sweat, diesel fumes and a mixture of battery fumes, shaving or washing could only be done in sea water. Space was cramped, as bags or cases of food had to be stored in any spare space that could be found. Even the toilets could be flushed only after dark, so that the waste did not give their position away to the enemy. The sleeping space in the fore-ends for the ordinary seaman, was largely taken up by the spare torpedoes, as well as food such as sacks of potatoes, tins of beans, or soup, and cases of ships biscuit, the fresh bread having been eaten in the first few days of the patrol, and so the ships company had to make use of any available space to sling their hammocks, or sleep on the deck..

The Cook cynically known in the service as the chef, had started cooking the evening meal, and the off watch members of the crew were enjoying their first cigarette for over twelve hours. Even a few non smokers were stood around in the control room, enjoying their first breath of fresh sea air, despite the odd dollop of sea water that came swishing down the conning tower to wet them. The two powerful sixteen cylinder diesel engines sucked the chill night air down into the conning tower into the control room, getting rid of the foul air, which had quickly accumulated in the boat during the previous twelve hours when they were dived.

The Leading Signalman Mark Andrews came down from the bridge to the control room, his clothes were soaked even under his oil skin coat. He had been relieved by a lookout He thankfully slipped out of his wet oilskins and safety belt, and made his way forward to his mess, where his tot of rum, and a hot meal would soon be served.. He was always first on the bridge with the Captain when they surfaced, in case he had to reply to a challenge from another ship. Now Mark, like the others were looking forward to getting warm and dry, and having a hot meal. He knew that he could be recalled at instant to the bridge. The dreaded cry “Signalman on the Bridge.” when they were on the surface, always kept him tense, and experience told him this was such a night when he could be called upon quite frequently.

When the Captain was confident that the boat had sufficient buoyancy, then he too would hand over the watch to one of the other officers, and he would also be looking forward very much to a hot meal himself. If the night went by without incident, then they would dive again with full batteries just before dawn, followed probably by another boring day, when they cruised at a about three knots dived, listening, watching and waiting. The off duty crew members sleeping, or reading to conserve the precious air until dusk, when they would prepare to surface and repeat the whole exercise once again.

In the wireless office, Peter Mowbray the Leading Wireless Operator was listening to the nightly broadcasts from the Admiralty, and waiting to see if any signals would be transmitted for them. Suddenly, he stiffened, and reached for his pencil as their call sign came over the air. He started writing rapidly taking down the blocks of code in a message addressed to them. It was classified as Operation Immediate, Top Secret, and was immediately decoded by the signals officer, Sub Lieutenant Balfour and taken to the Captain.

It was a recall, but strangely not back to their depot ship in Scotland, but it was an urgent recall to HMS Dolphin the main Submarine home base at Portsmouth. The message was stressing the need for them to return with all dispatch. The Captain called for the navigating officer, and asked him to set a course for Portsmouth, and within a few moments HMS Tenacious had left her patrol area, and was ’cracking on’ at full speed on the surface for Portsmouth Harbour, still with her full load of torpedoes intact, and with a running charge on her depleted batteries. The fact that they were heading home brought few smiles to the faces of the weary ships company.

It was two days later just as dawn was breaking when they finally surfaced at the rendezvous point, to be greeted by a destroyer waiting to escort them.. Who having quickly established their identity signalled briefly “Follow Mama.” Most of the night they had remained dived as the waters round the UK, were some of the most dangerous to an unwary submarine. Surface ships and aircraft fired first, and asked questions later where submarines were concerned.

It was just dawn, as the Captain patiently conned the Tenacious into the narrow entrance to Portsmouth Harbour, past old Portsmouth on the right and the imposing structure of Fort Blockhouse on the left. The smell of burning was in the air, and he knew that Portsmouth, and the Naval Dockyard had probably been under attack again that past night.

Tony by now, was highly intrigued as to the reason that he had been recalled from patrol after only fourteen days, but this was wartime, and he knew from past experience that anything could happen. Everyone’s attention was soon focused on making the 90 degree port turn into Dolphin Creek, and preparing to berth, as well as the urgent need to change the engines over to run on the electric motors.

“Stop starboard, in starboard engine clutch” The Captain ordered.

Within seconds the starboard engine spluttered to a stop and within a few seconds the control room reported that they were now running on the starboard motor.

This was followed by a similar order for the port engine change, immediately afterwards. Once the Captain had power from both motors, they were soon alongside their allotted berth in Dolphin Creek, and a brief glance showed him that there was a sizeable welcoming party on the jetty in the chill of the morning air, despite the early hour, waiting for them on the jetty. The party also included the Captain Submarines himself in person. Tony was curious, and slightly concerned at the size of the waiting group, which indicated something special was on the cards.

Once they were secured, Tony turned to Bill his First Lieutenant.“ Refuel as soon as possible Bill, top up the batteries, and replenish all provisions. Get the boat cleaned up and organise shore accommodation if possible . But do not pipe leave until we know why, and how long we will be here. But no harm in using the base facilities.”

“Right Sir” He replied saluting as Tony climbed over the bridge rail, and climbing down on to the casing. The casing party came to attention as Tony made his way ashore, and saluted the senior officers waiting for him on the quayside.

“Welcome home Tony.” The Captain Submarines said shaking hands.

He pointedly did not introduce any of the other people with him, some of whom were unknown to Tony. “We will go to my office, where its warmer and we can make all the introductions and talk privately.”

Tony looked at the Commander, an old friend of his who was Staff officer Operations. He looked at Tony, and just shrugged his shoulders, not giving a clue as to all the secrecy. Tony followed the party along the quay to the Captain Submarines office. He was however, very intrigued by the presence of a slim attractive, and very sexy looking blonde female, that walked silently with them struggling to keep up in her high heeled shoes. She was about 5’6,” slim with short pageboy cut dirty blonde hair, covered with a beret of the type usually favoured by the French. She wore a fawn rubber mackintosh, tightly belted round her slim waist, high heels and a lot of make-up. Tony could caught little wafts of her very exotic perfume as they walked. She walked silently, almost moodily, with her hands in her pockets, and a large black shoulder bag slung over her right shoulder.

As they walked, Tony sensed from time to time that she was giving him curious sidelong glances. But each time Tony turned to look at her, she immediately looked away. They were soon at the captains office, and coffee was served, and to Tony’s amazement everyone except Captain S/M, the young lady and a civilian who later introduced himself as Mr. Frank Broughton from the admiralty, were asked to leave the room, and wait in the ante room. Immediately the Captain Submarines started to talk.

“Tony first of all may I introduce Anne- Marie to you. The lady just nodded and gave him a smile, in acknowledgement of his nod. We have recalled you because there is a very important task, that has been considered, in which you and Anne Marie will be the prime movers, that is of course if you agree. We have studied your past history, and your service record, with a very special operation in mind. As a holder of the Victoria Cross, and also because of your part German parentage, and background, you are the ideal man for a very dangerous, but unusual mission, which we would ask you to consider carefully. You of course, have a perfect right to refuse, if you so wish. God knows man you have done your bit in this war, and I am the first to admit that you deserve a break. By the way, I would also like to congratulate you, on your promotion to full Commander, which was confirmed just after you sailed.”

“Moving on, your perfect knowledge of German, and knowledge of Germany, plus your past record as a signals expert, means that you have all the qualities we need for a very special job. In short, we want you to pretend to defect to Germany with Anne-Marie here as your wife. She is a trusted double agent, and you will be working with her as your guiding light. This is a lot to ask of you, and you will certainly be reviled in the press here in the UK, and throughout the free world. That is almost certain to happen, as your defection will soon become public knowledge, as the Germans love that sort of propaganda, and Lord Haw Haw will naturally exploit it for all he is worth. But we need you somehow, to try and get hold of the German naval codes, and you can only do that if the Nazis trust you implicitly.

We are almost certain, and we are certainly hoping, that Admiral Doenitz will surely want to make use of you in some way, and could give you the opportunity you need to get your hands on those important codes the U Boat’s use. We can only hope that will happen fairly quickly. The U Boats are sinking our merchant ships faster than we can build them, the situation is near desperate and getting a copy of those codes back to us will be vital in winning the U Boat war. Your fluency in German, and your signals experience is vital. The main thing which is also vitally important is that, we need you to get a copy of them without the Nazi’s knowing. If they suspect we have a copy, they will certainly change the codes immediately, and the whole exercise will have been pointless.”

Tony did not replay for a few seconds, as his tired brain attempted to focus on what he had just heard, the whole idea had come right out of the blue, it was certainly dangerous, and various thoughts, and problems ran through his head. His thoughts were rudely interrupted when Anne-Marie spoke in a strong French accent.

“Of course if you don’t have the balls to do the job you are useless to us Commander”
Tony reacted angrily. “There is more than a question of balls, mademoiselle, I have a ship to worry about, and certain other practicalities to consider.”

Mr. Broughton the civilian spoke up for the first time with anger in his voice. “You should learn to keep your mouth shut mademoiselle. You have had weeks to consider and work on the scheme, but the Commander has just been told of the task ahead. He has just returned from an arduous patrol, he is tired and he is entitled to have a few moments to consider all the options.”

Tony said. “Sir’, If I agree, would it be possible to work with someone else, rather than the lady here? “

“Mr. Broughton responded. “I am sorry Tony, but Anne-Marie is a good and trustworthy operator, in fact she is the best, and to be honest, the only option. It takes great skill to do what she is being asked to do as a double agent. But as you have no doubt noted she has an unfortunate habit of being a bit headstrong.”

“A deadly fault in a secret agent, I would have thought sir.” Tony replied sarcastically.
Anne-Marie looked at him as though she could kill him.

The whole idea was buzzing around in his head. Tony was happy with Tenacious, she was a good boat, with a good crew, but Tony also knew that hundreds of seamen were dying every day, bringing vital supplies to the country, and if he could do anything to save their lives his conscience demanded he give it a try..

“Yes sir. I will do it, I must do it, I must at least give it a try, if there is no other way and no-one else.”

“According to the records .You are not married or engaged or anything are you Commander.” “No sir” Tony replied.

“Good, because you two have to be husband and wife in every possible way.” Mr. Broughton responded.

“You do not seem happy with that idea Commander?” Anne-Marie asked with a hint of sarcasm in her voice. “We have not got off to a good start Mademoiselle, and on this short acquaintance, it would seem we may already be facing significant marital problems.” Tony replied.

“Well Commander we are booked in at the Keppels Head for the next ten days as Commander and Mrs. Nash she replied. Our room, has all your personal possessions waiting for you, and tomorrow we marry for real at Portsmouth registry office. You see the Germans know a lot about what happens over here, especially in the Portsmouth area, and we must take nothing to chance, especially with so many gallant men now dying at sea. When we leave this office we must go hand in hand, as a happily betrothed couple. I am sorry Commander if I seem impetuous, but I have worked on this plan for some time, and I was so anxious that you would say that you would do it.”

Tony’s smiled and said. ” Thank you Mademoiselle I think that we must start afresh.”

Captain S/M shook his hand. Sardonically he said “Congratulations on your sudden marriage. To be honest in one way, I was hoping in part, that you would refuse. However, your number one, is due for his perisher’s course, and he can go on that straight away. I have a new Captain and First Lieutenant for Tenacious standing by to replace you. The crew of tenacious will be told that as you have been promoted, that you are being re-appointed. Which you would have been anyway.”

“Bill is ready for command sir, so he should do well on his course. But I really need to have some handover time” Tony replied.

“Sorry Tony you have little or no time. Your First Lieutenant will have to sort out those problems with the base staff. But I am pretty sure there will be a party for you, being laid on somewhere tonight.” News travels fast round here.”

After a shower and a few hours sleep in the barracks wardroom for Tony, and a detailed briefing together with Anne-Marie taking the rest of the day, they arrived at the Keppels Head, hand in hand as twilight was descending, and Portsmouth was braving itself for its nightly bombardment by he Luftwaffe. Pushing past the blackout curtains Tony found to his amazement that most of the Tenacious crew were already there drinking. There was a big cheer as he entered the bar.

It gave him a chance to introduce Anne-Marie to everyone as his prospective wife, and to a very puzzled ships company, who seemed at a loss as to why his betrothal had been kept such a secret. So Tony explained “Look chaps, my fiancé has been working away on secret war work for some time, so secret she won’t even tell me, and it was essential for her that we did not advertise our relationship, now the situation has changed somewhat, so now we can get hitched properly. I am afraid also, that I am leaving you anyway, as you all probably know that I have been promoted. I now have my other half ring and I am now a full Commander, a new Captain and First Lieutenant will be joining you tomorrow and I am sure that you will give them all the loyalty and support that you have given me during this commission..” Tony said.

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Toys for TootsChapter 3

The girls were trapped but they could just see Jeff and me gesturing towards the ladies' room as obviously as we dared and they got the hint of our desperate plan. "Ok, we'll do whatever you want, but first let Amy go take a piss and let me get this monster of a plug out of my ass. I can't even walk let alone fuck with this huge thing in me." We heard Toots loudly say in what had to be a stage whisper meant for us. It didn't give much time to get our plan underway, but it was better...

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Toys for TootsChapter 2

"Wake up — it's time to get divorced!" Now those were words to get a man like me excited! That woke me right up and got my complete and undivided attention! We had a slight detour or two getting out of the door though. Her bags were already packed and my small overnight bag was still out in my trunk but we got a tad distracted while in the process of more thoroughly greeting each other while she changed out of her uniform. In fact, at one point we were both nude on her bed kissing like we...

4 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 11

Cockatoo Part 11 I live for feedback [email protected] It was at this precise moment that Areeya looked up, stared straight into my eyes and winked. I staggered back in shock. Areeya must have seen me when she glanced at the door. Either that or she was some kind of a witch. I managed to bang my knee as I stumbled backwards and it was a miracle I didn't scream. I made it back to bed and managed to fall asleep but slept fitfully for the rest of the night. I can remember...

2 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 20

Cockatoo Part 20 I stopped dead in my tracks. "What did you say, Pao?" "Miss Sam, she meet the man. The horrible man. Nin follow him and saw them talking." "Was Nin sure it was Sam?" "Yes, Mr James, she say she saw them clearly outside hotel he staying." I couldn't believe it. What the hell would Sam be doing with this creep? Areeya was now well ahead of me on the way to Cockatoo, I didn't want her to hear this until I go there. "Pao, please don't say anything to Alex or...

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Cockatoo Part 3

Maybe things could have been different, I don’t know, but I found myself in a taxi on the way to Samui airport. I was struggling to come to terms with what had happened and I felt physically sick at what I had heard. I had to get the taxi driver to stop so I could retch at the side of the road. I managed to buy a ticket on the next flight to Bangkok and by mid afternoon I was back in the city. I booked into a hotel close to Nana Plaza and sent a couple of hours stewing in my room, drinking the...

1 year ago
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Cockatoo Part 2

I had no idea how long I had spent under water but I could see a bright light above me and I thought it must be the sun shining through the water as I clawed myself towards the surface. But, I thought, ‘No, that can’t be. It was dark when I fell in.’ The light grew brighter and brighter and I wondered ‘Maybe I’m dead’. I tried to open my eyes but it was so bright I couldn’t f***e my eyelids open. I heard sounds from a long way off and it sounded like voices, but they were muffled and I...

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Cockatoo Part 17

CockatooNikkie SilkPreviously in Cockatoo‘I'm sorry, James. It's Kritsada, he wants a word.’ I took the phone from Praew and she disappeared from the room.‘Hello, khun Kritsada.’‘Hello, my dear James, I hope you've had a good time with Praew?’‘Yes, sir. She has been a most gracious host. Is there something I can do for you?’‘Yes, James, there is. You remember the party I talked about this week? The one you will be coming to?’‘Yes, of course.’‘Well, I have request for you, which I hope you will...

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Cockatoo part 13

Cockatoo Part 13Nikkie SilkJandaeng’s voice came through loud and clear and chilled me to the bone.‘It seems you’ve had some trouble at your bar over there, James.’Bad news travels fast I thought. I hated the sound of his voice. It mademy flesh creep and took me straight back to the bar in Bangkok and whathe had done to me that night. I took a deep breath and tried to keep myvoice as calm as possible.‘Yes Inspector, the mamasan was stabbed in a bar fight. I’m surprisedyou know about it.’‘It is...

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Cockatoo Part 12

Cockatoo Part 12Nikkie SilkPreviously in Cockatoo: Jamie and Nin had made it back to Koh Samuiafter their journey to Bangkok to warn Kritsada. Jamie, Alex and Shanehad sailed to the West Coast for a short vacation where Jamie and Shanehad made love. The trio had sailed back and were in Cockatoo where theywere attacked. Pao had stepped between Jamie and the attacker and beenstabbed.There was pandemonium inside Cockatoo in the moments after Pao had beenstabbed. As I cradled her in my arms I felt...

4 years ago
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Cockatoo part 10

Cockatoo Part 10Nikkie SilkMy heart skipped a beat as I heard Shane’s voice from behind me and felt his hand on my shoulder. It couldn't be, I thought, I must be so tired I was hallucinating. Alex said, ‘Hi Shane, glad you could join us.’ Nin looked as if she had seen a ghost, Areeya was smiling in welcome and I felt like I would pass out. The hand moved off my shoulder and Shane’s massive frame came into sight.‘Hi Nin, Hi Areeya.’ he said, then paused and looked at me, ‘Hi Jamie, how are you?...

4 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 3

Maybe things could have been different, I don’t know, but I found myselfin a taxi on the way to Samui airport. I was struggling to come to termswith what had happened and I felt physically sick at what I had heard. Ihad to get the taxi driver to stop so I could retch at the side of theroad.I managed to buy a ticket on the next flight to Bangkok and by midafternoon I was back in the city. I booked into a hotel close to NanaPlaza and sent a couple of hours stewing in my room, drinking the gutrot...

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Cockatoo Part 2

I had no idea how long I had spent under water but I could see a brightlight above me and I thought it must be the sun shining through thewater as I clawed myself towards the surface. But, I thought, ‘No, thatcan’t be. It was dark when I fell in.’ The light grew brighter andbrighter and I wondered ‘Maybe I’m dead’. I tried to open my eyes but itwas so bright I couldn’t force my eyelids open. I heard sounds from along way off and it sounded like voices, but they were muffled and Istrained to...

3 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 1

Cockatoo Part 1 It's a clich?, isn't it? Man comes home early and finds his wife in bed with someone else. Only slightly less of a clich? in my case, as the "someone else" was my wife's closest girlfriend - closest in every sense of the word. It was a quick divorce; no kids, only a rented flat, so the only squabbles were about books and cds. In the end I told her to keep the lot. I wanted to make it a clean break. I managed to fit all I owned into the boot of my small car. I was 25 ye...

2 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 5

Cockatoo Part 5 I lived for feedback. [email protected] "That's nice, baby," I heard Alex say. Something was wrong though, Alex's voice wasn't coming from on the bed and if she had my cock in her mouth how could she say anything? Her voice seemed to be coming from the somewhere further away. I opened my eyes and saw her sitting in her robe on one of the couches. It took me a good few seconds to process that and as I looked down the bed I saw Areeya, naked, smiling and...

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Cockatoo Part 16

Cockatoo Part 16 I live for feedback [email protected] We decided to have a celebration dinner tonight downstairs and Alex disappeared to the restaurant to organise the dinner. Areeya had to go down to Cockatoo to sort out some issues they were having and so I was left to my own devices for a while. We agreed we would all get together at Cockatoo for a drink before dinner. The first thing I did was to email Sam about how the plan had worked out. I had an email back in...

2 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 23

Cockatoo Part 23 I love feedback [email protected] Twitter @nikkie_silk Jandaeng was wearing a pair of those mirror aviator sunglasses beloved of all Asian movie heavies. It obviously meant I couldn't see his eyes, but even if I could see them, I guessed I wouldn't learn much. He let me stew for a few minutes, hoping that I would say something to fill in the silence following his remarks about Tony. I said nothing, not willing to give away anything that Jandaeng didn't...

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Cockatoo Part 29

Cockatoo Part 29 Nikkie Silk I love feedback [email protected] My heart skipped a beat as I heard Shane's voice from behind me and felt his hand on my shoulder. It couldn't be, I thought, I must be so tired I was hallucinating. Alex said, "Hi Shane, glad you could join us." Nin looked as if she had seen a ghost, Areeya was smiling in welcome and I felt like I would pass out. The hand moved off my shoulder and Shane's massive frame came into sight. "Hi Nin, Hi Areeya."...

2 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 31

Cockatoo Part 31 Nikkie Silk Previously in Cockatoo: Jamie and Nin had made it back to Koh Samui after their journey to Bangkok to warn Kritsada. Jamie, Alex and Shane had sailed to the West Coast for a short vacation where Jamie and Shane had made love. The trio had sailed back and were in Cockatoo where they were attacked. Pao had stepped between Jamie and the attacker and been stabbed. There was pandemonium inside Cockatoo in the moments after Pao had been stabbed. As I cradled...

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Cockatoo Part 32

Cockatoo Part 32 Nikkie Silk Jandaeng's voice came through loud and clear and chilled me to the bone. "It seems you've had some trouble at your bar over there, James." Bad news travels fast I thought. I hated the sound of his voice. It made my flesh creep and took me straight back to the bar in Bangkok and what he had done to me that night. I took a deep breath and tried to keep my voice as calm as possible. "Yes Inspector, the mamasan was stabbed in a bar fight. I'm...

4 years ago
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Cockatoo part 37

Cockatoo Nikkie Silk Previously in Cockatoo "I'm sorry, James. It's Kritsada, he wants a word." I took the phone from Praew and she disappeared from the room. "Hello, khun Kritsada." "Hello, my dear James, I hope you've had a good time with Praew?" "Yes, sir. She has been a most gracious host. Is there something I can do for you?" "Yes, James, there is. You remember the party I talked about this week? The one you will be coming to?" "Yes, of course." "Well, I have...

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My Niece Farah

The trouble began when my wife’s niece Farah moved in with us for a few weeks, while her parents were having a second honey moon. I watched her as she moved around the house wondering where the little angel gone from just a few years ago. Most days she’d sit at the kitchen table studying for her finals, and I found myself walking past her for no reason, stealing glimpses at her long pale legs so well proportioned. I imagined my tongue climbing her thighs, reaching for the naked...

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The amazing life of toothpick first 3 chapters with fix grammar

My name is john Tucker and in all the years of my life, I have no history of romance. My sweetheart is my right hand. Why you ask? Because I have a big problem, well I guess you can say a small problem (pun intended). You see I was born with a small dick. How small you ask? I’m 18 in my last year of high school, and my dick is the size of a toothpick. Hence I got the nick name toothpick growing up. I mean everyone calls me by this stupid ass nick name. My best friend, the first girl I ever...

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Cockatoo part 16 Includes missing chapter

Apologies, I had a blonde moment and missed a chapterHere is the missing one and the latestCockatoo Part 16I was getting seriously pissed off being everyone’s punch bag, but hehad me backed into a corner, and I knew I would have to go along withhim. But, it gave me a glimmer of hope that I could get Jandaeng off myback. With my head in my hands I said, ‘I have no choice, I agree.’He pushed my phone and wallet back across the table. They had been takenfrom me in the van on the way here. I was...

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Cockatoo Part 3

Cockatoo Part 3 I live for feedback [email protected] I took another swig of beer and tried to look innocent. Alex looked at me for a few seconds as if making up her mind about something, took my hand and pulled me up, "James, I always thought you were a perfect gentleman, come on I think we should go eat." The strange thing was she didn't let go of my hand as we walked out of the bar. We walked slowly back to Koh Samui Blue, the action had really kicked off now. The...

3 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 7

Cockatoo Part 7 I live for feedback [email protected] "Shit," I thought as the water closed over my head, "this wasn't part of the plan." I had no idea how long I had spent under water but I could see a bright light above me and I thought it must be the sun shining through the water as I clawed myself towards the surface. But, I thought, "No, that can't be. It was dark when I fell in." The light grew brighter and brighter and I wondered "Maybe I'm dead." I tried to open...

3 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 12

Cockatoo Part 12 I live for feedback [email protected] I woke up to find my ear being nuzzled and kissed from behind. Mmm, that's a nice way to wake up, I thought. I felt a hand slide over my waist and begin to rub my cock. Even better, I thought. I remembered that Pao had stayed the night and rolled over to see...Areeya's face smiling back at me. If it were possible to jump two steps back when you're lying down, that's what I did. "My God, where did you come from?" I...

2 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 18

Cockatoo Part 18 I live for feedback [email protected] Previously in Cockatoo James, recently divorced, travels to Bangkok on business for a fresh start. He meets Alex, a friend from their university days, whom he discovers is now transgender. Alex and her partner, Areeya, a Thai girl, run a successful restaurant and ladyboy bar on Koh Samui, an island off the coast of Thailand. James falls in love with Alex and all three manage to survive a pirate attack in the waters...

1 year ago
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Cockatoo Part 21

Cockatoo Part 21 I live for feedback [email protected] I glanced back as I left the bar at Tony, who was smirking all over his face and I swore to myself I would wipe that look off his face as soon as I could. I hurried back to the apartment, where Alex was working on some business for the restaurant. I let her listen to the conversation on the tiny recorder I had used to tape everything that was said. I could see she was getting more and more angry as the...

2 years ago
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Cockatoo part 36

Cockatoo Part 36 Nikkie Silk We turned around to see Shane standing there clapping his hands and grinning from ear to ear. "Come on, let's get moving. Neither of you want to be around when the cops start asking questions." We followed Shane down the alley and away from where we had been until we found a bar far enough away that we felt safe. I badly needed a drink, so we ordered some beers and then we all started to talk at once. Shane put his hand up and said, "One at a time....

4 years ago
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My mom, Kate is a freelance photographer and she had been hired by a magazine to do a photo shoot on a safari. They'd booked her safari on line through a company named Uyaphi.com and mom had asked me if I wanted to tag along for fun. It was the start of fall and I wasn't due to start college for another couple of weeks and didn't have anything else to do so I'd gladly accepted her invite. Not that I would have turned down a chance to go on a real, live safari even if I'd had anything planned....

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How to train your dragon sex with toothless part

Astrid cast her eyes on her axe before looking back to Toothless. He simply lay there waiting and accepting his fate. She could bring her axe down and end his life. End the life of her Hiccups guardian, first and best friend. If Toothless had shown himself the day after her ****, his blood would already be seeping across the floor. Today, however, she was conflicted. What she said to Hiccup was true she loved this b**st. Hiccups stuttered suggestion ran through her head and she had to focus to...

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Unique Tattooing

(Ann gets inked in an intimate area)"Unique tattooing, can I help you?" David answered the ringing phone. "Hi David, this is Ann. Do you have any time to squeeze me in today?" she asked, cheerfully.A huge smile flashed across David's already darkly handsome face when he heard her voice. Ann.... Her golden hair, long legs and chubby body just made his senses soar, not to mention his heart race every time she smiled at him. She had a smile that would melt the polar ice caps, and bring blinding...

1 year ago
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PromiseChapter 19 Tootsie Explains

I HAD THE VISA APPLICATION on my desk. It sat there in the middle of the blotter like a fly on a hamburger. I turned it over. She’d signed the application, at least I hoped she’d been the one to sign. I turned the paper back over to read the name again. “María Fernanda Dolores Vasquez,” born March 23rd, never mind the year. Old enough to travel alone, at any rate. The whole thing smelled. Even if she was of age, or said she was, girls her age rarely had a good reason to travel alone to the...

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