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It was the first weekend of summer; our parents were invited on a boat trip and since my sister and I were both teetering on adulthood, me being 19, and Farah 17 they decided we were mature enough to live alone for three days and nights. Our parents would leave us alone but there were conditions. They would be calling the house and speak to each of us sometime after 10 to make sure that we hadn’t destroyed the house or maimed each other over the day. I’m sure the call was more for Farah than me, she was still a ‘minor’.

“Can we have a party?” was the first question out of my mouth when the weekend was being planned. Mom conferred with dad and allowed us to have a limited holiday fest in the back yard but everyone had to be gone by 10:00. We had to make sure all the guests and their parents understood the conditions before they left so Farah and I made the phone calls while mom and dad coached. However, they didn’t tell us what we could or couldn’t do for the rest for our unsupervised freedom. And that was the first thing Farah asked me when we found ourselves alone in the kitchen, “What are you going to do for the other two days?”

“I don’t know but we have to be here after ten so we can talk to mom and dad when they call.”

“Yeah,” she smiled slyly, “but they didn’t tell us we had to be alone.” I liked the way my little sister thought.

We planned a bar-b-que for Saturday. That gave us Sunday and Monday with nothing to do but I was sure that our fertile minds would come up with something, or somebody to use up those days too.

It started well, a friend and I charred ribs on the grill while everybody else played games and swam in our pool. There were a dozen of us, six boys and six girls, nice even numbers. I was hitting on Susan hard and she was flirting heavily with me. Farah was being real chummy with a kid named Sam. It was a party, no parents allowed so around dark, about the time the neighbors couldn’t see without obviously prying, someone broke out a few bottles of brew then the darker the sky became the livelier the party got.

The music was blaring, beer was flowing and several of us were chasing each other around the yard, playing a form of dodge ball with water balloons. We were trying to soak the girls in a quest for the best wet t-shirt and the girls were trying to bomb us with balloons at the same time. I had just hit my girlfriend Susan in the back with a blue water bomb when Farah snuck up on me with one in her hand, I feinted left and took off.

Farah was chasing me through the yard in her t-shirt and bikini holding the water balloon trying to throw it on me. I stopped behind a bush and snared her by the waist as she flew past. She dropped the balloon and squealed as my fingers went to her ribs. She was squirming and twisting her body, her butt rubbing on my crotch as she tried to get away from my grip. She spun in my arms, facing me and tripped over her own feet. As she lost her footing she grabbed my shoulders to keep from falling but we both ended up in a tangle of arms and legs, crashing to the grass.

When we stopped bouncing we were in the classic missionary sex position, I was lying between her spread legs, my cock pressed firmly into the junction of her thighs. It took only a second to realize just how compromising our position was, Farah blushed deep red and turned her eyes away from mine. I pushed up off her with my arms which caused my groin to press against her body hard enough I could feel the soft form of her womanhood through the thin layer of the bikini briefs. My cock thrilled at the close contact and she burned even redder. I got off her and she scrambled away, glanced quickly at the front of my trunks then ran back to the party.

Later I managed to chase Susan into a shadow and wrestle her to the ground where she and I began a promising exploration of each other. Just as I slipped my hand under the waist band of her briefs Farah found me, “Ross it’s after 10, mom and dad might call anytime.”

Susan rearranged herself, kissed me goodbye and left with the rest of our friends. I had a hard-on that refused to believe the night was over, my swim trunks bulged with the evidence of my frustration and I was pissed at my sister because she had interrupted my quest to get laid.

Our parents didn’t call until 10:25. While we waited Farah and I cleaned up the mess from the party. By the time we were done I was over being mad and my cock had lost hope and shriveled to its normal useless state. We talked about our friends and what we planned for the next night. I told my sister that Susan was coming over and we were going to finish un-finished business. She was going out with Sam. Once the call with dad was over she and I went back out to sit by the pool to enjoy the warm night and the last of the illicit beers. She still had a t-shirt over her swim suit, I was in my trunks.

I opened a bottle and held it out to Farah but before she took it she pulled her arms inside the shirt, unclasped the top of her suit, shrugged it off her arms then dropped it from under the shirt. She stretched her arms back through the sleeves then massaged the grooves in her skin where the close fitted halter had been rubbing her. She grabbed the beer and relaxed back on the chair while I stared at her tits under the thin cotton. I’d seen her braless in shirts many times before but this time was different, looking at the dusky brown hint of nipples pressed against the fabric caused a ripple of lust in my balls.

Farah studied my face then asked “What the fuck are you gawking at?”

“Your tits, they’re looking good tonight.”

She dipped her head and looked at her own bust, “Yeah, look how my nipples are hard. It must be because of the wet shirt.”

“It doesn’t look wet” I observed.

Farah put a hand over the rise of her left breast and pinched the nub, “Your right, it isn’t.” She took the bottle of beer and rolled it across one breast then the second. The heavy, cold condensation clinging to the glass soaked the shirt over her nipples. When she was done, she had a wet spot at the end of each breast, her nipples stood rigid against the chilled wet cloth.

“Now how do I look?”

I looked her over from hair to feet. My gaze brushed across her tanned skin, her short blonde hair was disheveled from the hard play at the party. Her light blue eyes were sparkling with mischief, a half smile rested on her full lips as my eyes roamed over her 5’2” body. The material of the shirt had turned transparent where the water drops from where the bottle made it wet. Her breasts jutted like twin peaks from the flat plains of her stomach. She was lying on her side facing me, one leg raised at the knee over the other. She looked incredibly sexy.

“You look hot.”

“Not since the sun went down.”

“Not that way hot. Sexy, like you should get laid.”

“Well, that’s not gonna happen. You got further with Susan than I got with Sam. He disappointed me; I thought he would make a pass but he wimped.”

“Susan didn’t wimp, but you came up at the wrong time, we were getting somewhere.”

“Come on Ross, you didn’t have time to screw her unless you’re a one minute, get in, get off prick. If you are, I did her a favor.”

“I can keep it up for hours!”

She just smirked, “Yeah, right. That’s any girl’s dream, to find some guy that can fuck like that.”

I stood up; the object of our conversation had risen to about half rigid, creating a distinct outline in my loose trunks. Farah glanced at my groin then back up to my eyes, “Are you any good with that?”

I didn’t answer her. I turned and jumped into the pool and splashed to the shallow end. I heard my sister dive in behind me and when I turned I could see her coming toward me under the surface. She popped up directly in front of me laughing. I looked down on her and said “Take the shirt and bottoms off.”

She stepped back and searched my face quickly then said “You want me to get naked?”

“Yeah, let’s swim ‘au naturale.”

“I don’t know if I can do that” she countered.

“Why not, it’s not like you have secrets, I can see your boobs right through the shirt, I’ve seen your pubic hair poking out around the legs of your panties lots of times. I promise not to stare.”

“You have to promise not to touch too.”

“Come on, gimme a break, I’m your brother.” She was hesitating so I hooked my thumbs into the waist of my trunks and pulled them down and off then tossed them to the side of the pool where they landed with a loud splat.

Farah looked me up and down then held her arms straight up, over her head, “It's wet, pull it off.” I grabbed the hem of the shirt and pulled it up her body and over her arms. She grabbed it from me then waded to the edge of the pool and took off the briefs. She piled her stuff next to my trunks then dove back under the water and swam to the deep end where she hooked her arms on the edge of the pool. I back floated to her and held myself in place with an arm on the deck.

We hung on the side of the pool face to face talking. I kept stealing glances at her beautiful bared breasts while we gossiped about the others at the party. I couldn’t see her lower half clearly through the rippling water but it looked like she didn’t have any pubic hair. I felt a tingle in my nuts.

After a few moments of watching me appreciate her body Farah grinned and asked “Are you enjoying the view?”

“It’s pretty nice; what did you do down there? Are you shaved?”

My sister blushed, “There were a lot of guys here today, I didn’t want them staring at any curly stuff between my legs just like you said you could see sometimes. I trimmed myself a little.”

“I don’t see any pubes.”

Her cheeks turned redder, “I’m blonde, they’re almost invisible in the water.”

The blush faded and her smile got wider, “Get out of the water.”


She patted her hand on the poolside deck, “Come on, get out, it’s my turn to check you out”.

I climbed from the pool and stood directly over Farah. She reached up to me so I grabbed her arms and helped her out of the water. As I pulled her up her eyes were fixed on my body, moving over me as I lifted her. I’m several inches taller than my sister and outweigh her by at least 50 pounds. She is very petite, maybe a hundred five pounds and a lot of that was in her well-formed breasts and round butt. My weight is across my shoulders and chest. I’m not a steroid gulping muscle freak, but I’m ripped from playing sports.

My diminutive sister stepped back from me, water running in rivulets from her nudity as she looked me over. The creamy skin of her body covered by the bikini contrasted with her light tan, drawing my eyes to those parts of her anatomy normally hidden by the swim suit. The slit between her legs was a magnet for my eyes.

I was taking her in from legs to face while her eyes roamed over me then settled on my cock. As she looked, I felt the familiar feeling of it swelling with blood, growing, pointing toward the fresh naked female standing just inches from it. I flushed with embarrassment and started to turn away but Farah put a hand on my arm and held me still, “No, wait, I want to see this.”

What the hell, if she wanted to see my erection, I decided to give her a show. It was pretty much full sized when I gripped it in my fingers and pulled the foreskin back to reveal the full length of it, the mushroomed head swollen and blue. I held it high to give her a view of my balls.

My sister colored an attractive shade of Mary Kay then said “That looks like it would hurt unless a girl could get used to it.”

“Not all girls are as small as you; Susan doesn’t have a problem with it.”

“I never had one that …” she hesitated, “…sized before.” I noticed she was careful not to say ‘big’. She grabbed what was left of her beer and went into the house. As I watched her tight ass sway, I got the impression she was teasing me as she moved; she knew exactly what I was watching and put a little more swing in her stride. With an unintentional feminine provocation, she was taunting my senses, putting on a show. I thought to myself that she could have this one if she wanted.

I went to bed. The erection my sister caused refused to die so I had a tent over my waist as I slowly stroked it. My lust laden cock was heavy with desire, my nuts tight and solid between my legs. I had brewed up a strong yearning for Susan but it was the vision of Farah’s body that flooded my balls with hormones. She was just a few feet from me in her own bed; and most likely, nude. I’d never seriously thought of Farah as a sex partner before but I had a hard time getting her out of my oversexed mind until I drifted to sleep.

An odd sound woke me up. I looked at the bedside clock and the dull red numbers told me it was 1:06 AM. I heard it again. It was coming from the back of the house. I struggled out of bed and looked into the dark yard. The underwater pool lights were turned up only enough to chase away the shadows on the bottom of the pool. Farah was slicing through the water, swimming toward one end, her silhouette against the dimly lit background showed that she was still naked. A surge of energy forced my eyes wide open and sent another thrill tickling across my stomach. I opened the window and called down, “What the hell are you doing out there?”

The sound of my voice must have startled her because she floundered slightly then looked up at me, “I can’t sleep.”

“Well you fucking woke me up!”

I sensed more than saw the smile, “Then get down here and come in.” She porpoised into the deep end of the pool, her back, butt and legs curved out of the water as she plunged head first for the depths then surfaced, floating on her back. Her nude body looked like an invitation and as she scissored her legs, I caught hints of her body’s crevice in the disturbed water. Her words “come in” echoed in my ears as “cum in” and my cock started growing again.

By the time I waded into the pool I was carrying a force ten erection, Farah watched me cross from the house, her eyes following my stiff muscle. I moved though the water and faced her, “It’s one in the morning. What are you doing here?”

She put a hand around my neck and felt for my hard-on with the other, “Would it be okay if we had sex?”

The feel of her fingers tickling me caused me to shudder, “I don’t know, I’d like to but I’m your brother, that stuff isn’t supposed to happen.”

“You’re not really my brother, besides do you think it would matter if we were the only two people left in the world?”

“But we aren’t.”

Farah swiveled her head, looking around the yard then toward the house, “I don’t see anyone else, we could be the only two left,” she purred “and ever since you fell on me today, I’ve been thinking about you. I liked the way you pushed on me when you got up.”

I had to agree, “Yeah, I got turned on when I felt your legs rubbing on mine.”

She looked up at me coyly, still fingering my cock, “I’ll rub them on any part of you that you want.”

On the way from my room I’d wondered how I could seduce my step-sister but it was obvious she wanted the same thing I did. I cupped her ass in my hands and lifted her up; she put her legs around my waist and crossed her ankles behind me, the end of my erection slid between her legs, along the lips of her body until we meshed. Farah put her head on my shoulder and flexed her hips, stroking my erection with her pussy. I moved her around slightly until the end of my cock eased into the opening that awaited me.

Even though she was aroused and wanted sex, she was tight. When the head of my shaft was in her I stopped pushing so she could adjust, she flexed her hips against me while I held still. Each time my sister moved I slid a little farther into her. Her breath was coming faster, blowing hot on my neck, her body loosening up. I squeezed her butt cheeks and began to pull her against me when she rolled her hips to take me deeper. We were still in the water but I could feel her getting warmer and slicker from the fluids of her body. Her nipples were boring hot holes in my chest.

Farah lifted her head and looked into my eyes. I pumped my ass, experimenting, which caused her to gasp and catch her breath. She put her lips on mine and groaned into my mouth as she exhaled. All of a sudden, she was fucking me. Her body had accepted mine and we began to rub bellies as we coupled.

I’d been turned on most of the day, first by Susan, then by my step-sister and my balls were packed solid with the forces of nature. Farah was grinding against me, whimpering soft sounds, causing my nuts to boil. Just before they vaporized I found enough will power to pull out of my steaming hot sibling and ease her legs back to the bottom of the pool.

“Why did you stop?” she panted.

I paraphrased her words, “Because I don’t want you to think I’m a get in, get off, one-minute prick.”

She smiled flirtingly, “A girl has to expect that on a first date. She wrapped her small hand around my solid packed erection, “I didn’t think it would fit in me.”

I took her hand and led her out of the pool back to my room.

She was on her back giving me full access to her awesome young body. I knelt between her open legs, bent over and kissed her bellybutton. Her stomach muscles rippled when I put the end of my tongue on her skin and licked a wet trail of desire down to the junction of her thighs. I knew I wouldn’t last long the first time I fucked her so I was determined that she enjoy herself first.

I kissed the top of her slit, the musky scent of her aroused body, the taste of her skin, turned my cock to steel, my balls pulled up tight, inflamed with lust and need. I opened the crack of her pussy with two fingers and put my mouth over her clit then sucked it into the vacuum between my lips. Farah rocked her hips, mashing her pelvis against my face as I licked the soft cover of skin over her button.

She was rolling her hips, hissing softly as I dipped my tongue into the cavity between her thighs. She was getting wild, hard to hold so I put my hands under her ass and pressed her closer. I felt her thighs on my cheeks when they began to vibrate. She was tossing her head making wordless sounds, her fingers tangled tightly in my hair. I slipped two fingers into her flowing wet hole which caused the vibration in her legs became a full body shake, the bed was squeaking in protest to our bouncing while she went over the top in orgasmic pleasure.

I laid down beside her while she fought for breath, slowly coming off her sensual high. She rolled to me, kissed my mouth and threw a leg over mine. She reached between us and found the object of her lust and guided me between her legs. I slipped my cock into Farah’s tender trap and began to stroke slowly in and out of her while we talked quietly.

“You feel as good as you look.” I told her. “Hot, tight and sexy.”

She smiled into my eyes and pushed her pelvis tight against me, “I like that you can get all that into me.” I stroked deep into her which made her shiver, “Oh Fuck; that feels good” she puffed, so I did it again.

She pulled away then rolled to her back, pulling me with her. She raised her legs, bent at the knees and invited me back into her oven hot pussy. Farah started fucking me hard, bending and twisting, crying out sharply while I suckled her tits and slammed her.

We rolled around my bed giving and taking pleasure until I knew I couldn’t hold on any longer. I stopped fucking my petite step-sister and pulled my cock out of her. She quivered when I put the head of it at the top of her crack and slid it full length across her clit, “Come back” she urged with a quick kiss to sweeten the offer.

“I’ll cum.”

Farah looked up at me, grabbed my stiff muscle, bent it down until the lips of her pussy were kissing the head of it, “It’s okay”

I put my mouth over hers, slipped my tongue into her mouth while I slipped back into her. It only took a couple more bounces of her ass under me to trigger my climax. I heard myself groan as my muscles cramped and I began to fire long hot bullets into the depths of her womb. Farah gasped again and gushed “Omygawd, I can feel it, I feel you Ross, I feel you cuming!” then she grabbed my ass tight and bucked under me as her second orgasm destroyed any propriety she had.

It took forever to get enough strength to lift my head and look at her. She was lying on her stomach with a completely satisfied smile on her face, “I’m glad Susan and Sam didn’t stick around.”

“Why?” I asked.

“Why? We just had some really good sex and you want to know why? I’m might be sore later, but my dear brother, I’ve never had a first time that good before.”

“Well, you aren’t exactly the worse girl I’ve ever had either but we gotta be careful, if we keep this up I’ll have to get some rubbers.”

“No you won’t.”

“Yeah, I should. I just filled you up with a zillion little Ross clones, one of them might think it’s the right thing to do to find an egg and fuck it.”

Farah rolled to her back giving me a pleasurable view of her body again, “You know I’ve got that ID that says I’m 21; I went to a doctor and got a device put in me. I’ve had sex with three guys since I got it and it’s been working.”

“Do mom and dad know about it?”

“Hell no,” Farah smirked, “they still think I’m their sweet innocent baby.” Her pretty blue eyes sparkled, “And dad sure as hell wouldn’t be happy about what you just did to his baby.”

Nothing more was said. I drifted to sleep when Farah went to the bathroom. When I woke up about nine the next morning, she was curled up next to me sound asleep. I eased out of bed to piss and while I was standing there with cock in hand, I caught the scent of her sex which coated my prick. I thought about her lying naked in my bed and my beast began to harden again.

I returned to my sister and slid my hard-on between her legs and gently penetrated her from behind. She warmed up to my sexual ambush and began to press against me every time I moved into her. I fucked Farah slowly, softly until my balls blew out again. When I was done, she rolled over and nuzzled my neck, “You woke me up. I liked it.”

We took a shower together and were successful in turning each other on again, she bit my chest when I made her climax with my fingers. For the rest of the day Farah and I teased each other, flirting, necking, making passes and promises. We ordered pizza for dinner and while we were devouring that we came to an understanding. After her date with Sam, and Susan went home, she and I would spend the night together again.

I was ready for Susan. She came over about 6:30 and by 6:45 she was sitting on my lap, my cock rammed deep into her. Farah was out so after our first hurried fuck we ended up in my bed. For three more hours she and I played with each other, it was just before 10 when Susan left.

Farah came in just as the phone started ringing. She grabbed it up and started bubbling merrily to mom about our day. We told her about the $30 for the pizza and drinks and Farah’s date with Sam then hung up. Sis looked across the room at me, smiled seductively then asked “Did she use up all your energy?”

I answered with my own question, “Did you get laid?”

Farah shrugged her shoulders and replied “I guess he’s not too wimpy, he took me for a ride but he didn’t take me very far.” I caught what she meant, she let him have her but she didn’t get off.

“Maybe I can help you with that” I suggested.

My sister sashayed across the room to me, put a hand over the bulge in my pants and said “Maybe you can.”

“You want go for a swim?”

She moved her hand to my neck and pulled my head down then spoke softly into my ear, “I don’t think so, I like the idea that you still have Susan on your dick; I want to taste her.”

A quick vision of Farah’s head in my lap added to the building tension in my balls. I put a hand over her breast and felt the nipple grow in my palm. Farah smiled seductively, leaned up and grazed my ear with her tongue then cooed “Do I need to clean up, or do you want to mix your cum with his?”

As I pulled Farah into a long soft French kiss, I was thinking maybe I should stop thinking of her as my sister.


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"Off to the library," Bob Brennan told his wife. "Anything you want before I go?" "I'm going to call Kathleen," Jeanette answered. "Sure that you don't want to stick around?" He was sure. The news of his family filtered through Jeanette just fine. His mother called Jeanette one Saturday in three, called his sister Vi the next week, and Jeanette called Vi (except she called Kathleen Violet "Kathleen" -- the girl kept changing her mind) the third week. His family knew much more about...

3 years ago
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Organism XChapter 8

In the distance, Erin could hear the freshly turned girl moaning and grunting as the blonde, Lindsay, toyed with her. The sound simultaneously repulsed and aroused her. “She’s going to be a beauty when she fully changes,” Megan said. Erin turned to face her the arrogant brunette. “You’re a freak. All of you are freaks,” she said. Megan snorted. “As if you aren’t?” Erin burned with shame and stared down at the floor. An image of the terrified girl Erin turned flashed through her...

4 years ago
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Second Date

Ok, to get things straight. I did a fantasy about a girl named Amy. Then I did a story about a date with Amy to link fantasy to reality. Now, I don't want to confuse anyone, but Amy in reality is Lisa from the Bukkake stories. Now that everyone is confused, I want you to know that Lisa is my new girlfriend and this weekend was our second date.I got home late Friday night so Lisa didn't come over to dee me but we made plans for Saturday. Saturday morning it was pretty smoky, the Great...

2 years ago
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Sarah cheating with the young neighbour

So... This one's a bit of a two sided story. There's Sarah's side and there's my side. So I'll tell both stories side by side, having talked to Sarah about it and got her side. Let me last the scene for you...We were 29, working hard at our careers and trying to save money etc.So we moved into a house on a 1 year contract in an area that we wouldn't normally stay in because it was cheap.Cheap rents generally attract a lot of different kinds of people and it can be a real melting pot.Our Street...

4 years ago
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My County Tis of MineChapter 17

My mother has always been a wonderful mother to me. As long as I can remember, she was always there for me. Like most teenagers I don't know if I ever thought of my mother sexually, I mean, when I started to notice tits, I would try to catch a glimpse of hers but I never really thought of her as a sex partner until she and dad broached it. Now I was desperate to spend some long term bed time with her. Mom refused to let me spend the night with her, either her bed or mine, as long as dad was...

4 years ago
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Convincing Connie

Chapter 1 The second time I saw her, there had been some big changes. I'd returned to the cinema precisely because it was so small and infrequently populated. Being able to read minds is mostly a gift, but when I want to really concentrate on a film, it's can definitely be a curse. Any time my interest wanes at all, I'll dive into the thoughts of whoever is closest, and though I've heard them all before, it's hard to go back to a flat screen when you've got the depth of a human's...

3 years ago
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Return From The Dark SideChapter 8 The Fall Out

"I admit to being worried about you, Josie." Doctor Bloom's voice came from behind her head whilst she was reclining on the couch. "He would never hurt me, ever, nor my children," she replied with conviction. "How do you know this? This man may be like a tamed leopard, peaceful and docile, until some obscure signal triggers a deadly attack. But more important is the effect he will have on your life. Can you live a life of secrecy? Always guarding yourself about what you say? Can you...

2 years ago
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BBW Wash n Blow An Adult Story

I had just got a new SUV about a month ago. I had not driven it more than 200 miles before it need to be cleaned. I was driving along Curtis Ave when I spotted a sign on my right for a car wash. A local high school cheer leading team was washing cars for $10.00. I checked my watch. I had some time before I needed to get back to the office. I put on my turn signal and pulled in.I smiled as about 4 cheerleaders started to wash my SUV. I rolled down the window and gave them $20.00. About...

4 years ago
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CindyChapter 14

We did a quick turnaround in the trailer and emerged clad in swimsuits and carrying towels and walked to the pool. Helen was locking up as we walked by. "You know," she said, "we shut that thing down for winter on Monday?" "Yeah," I said. "I'm gonna miss it." "We're gonna start riding bicycles, though," Cindy chimed in. "Bikes? That'll be good. I'm gonna go get ready for dinner. See ya'll there!" And Helen left. Cindy and I did our pool laps and walked back to the trailer...

4 years ago
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Blood Lust Part Two

My name is Jackson Shaw. I’m a historian, a philosopher, a night club owner, and oh yes, a vampire. I live in Ohio, and for the most part I have a neat, quiet existence. I wake up every morning at 6, hop out of bed, have a shower, get dressed, and then head over to my favorite coffee shop for my morning tea. This has been my morning ritual ever since I arrived here about a year ago.  Now I know to most, this is not what you were expecting the life of vampire to be. I know that the imagination...

3 years ago
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Astrologer Caught Me

Hi all, readers thanks for your nice comments and your appreciation for my previous story ” my experiments with my body.” that was my first experience…But the story I am writing now is most recent experience …In between had lots of other incidents in life with men boys old uncles and even women …. But this incident was a real eye opener …. Hi I am harrybrar and my planet romeo id is harry_brar120 … Please please please ..Write a comment if you like this story and please message me on pr if you...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Best day remembered

Let me say this to those who read my previous offering that this is not a dream but reality and who knows you might even relate to my story as well. When I was a lad of 18yrs old I was going through my experimental years enjoying sex as we all did even though I lost my virginity 5 yrs previously but that's another story MMMMMMmm. I used to walk around a park in my home town of Bradford (in them days it wasn't called cruising) and in the middle of it was a secluded walk called the blind garden...

3 years ago
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My Freaky Fantasy 1

okay, it's been a while since i've gotten any dick, and i won't lie, i'm having withdrawals.. touching myself doesn't do it anymore. i've even tried phone sex, fingering myself while watching videos of girls licking each other. it's all getting repetitive. and to be honest? i want something different. something new. something.... freaky. hahaha.this is one of my many fantasies, and if you don't like it - suck it, slurp it and swallow, because i don't care. i'll be posting whenever i don't have...

2 years ago
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Comdex Clothing and Confusion

Comdex, Clothing and Confusion Copyright 2003 Beth Williams Monday I want it clearly understood; there I was, minding my own business, bothering no one and no one bothering me. That was important to me. You see, I'm 6' tall, weigh in at 374 pounds and am a transgendered MTF individual. The evening this all started I was wearing a black floral dress with a purple sweater. An outfit I had worn to church. An outfit I absolutely knew I "passed" in. Once you reach a certain degree of...

2 years ago
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Teddys WorldChapter 29 Girls Girls Girls

Half of Port City’s fleet of cabs were outside to send the girls and guys home after the so called testing was done. Along with one hundred dollars to pay for, and tip the cabbies if they wanted to. We began dismantling the clinic as soon as the cabs left the area. So no trace of the clinic would be left should Toni’s family try to find the clinic later on. The Doctors and Nurses were real and so was all the props just not the location. None of the guys had my AB- blood type. Now we may...

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Sandra My Love Ch 2

She gasp for air and arched her back when I caressed her little nipples. Slowly my fingers traced her beautiful areola circle. With tears running down her face, ‘ Oh Lee, I’ve never had a man that loved me touch me.’ I whispered in her ear, ‘ Well, baby. You have one that loves you now.’ She had look on her face like I had gave her Disney Land, she turned to face me. Her hands held my face as she drove her hot tongue deep into my mouth. My hands found their way to her sexy ass that was...

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Chucks Forced VacationChapter 19

After six weeks in Hawaii, Dewey, Steve, and Michael were getting ready to head back to the United States. The original plan would have been to go from Hawaii to Japan, which would have been about twelve to thirteen days, then down to the Philippines. But just coming back to the states from Japan would have been between fifteen to seventeen days. Coming back from the Philippines would have been about twenty-five days. The group felt like they may plan the trip to Japan as a direct sailing...

4 years ago
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Real Life Incident With Neighbor Aunt 8211 Part 2

This story is 100% true and its not a fictional one.This is the continuation of my first story Real life incident with neighbor aunt, thank you Indian sex stories friends for replying me and I am lucky enough to get an open offer from a married lady from vizag to fuck her as her hubby lives abroad, I am going to fuck her next month, Thank you jack…inbox me at Summary of my first story: I am Rakeshvarma and I am an Mtech graduate from a reputed college of andhra (Bhimavaram).This story happened...

1 year ago
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I had the total experience of a much older black w

Was off on vacation and running for things I needed around the house and yard. When I noticed an elderly black woman walking with her hands loaded with bags. Stopped and offered her a ride to her house, she got in and I put her bags in the back. She told me she was walking to the bus stop and would catch the bus to the next stop; then walk home. if I took her home she would be so happy; so happy she might give me a little something. I told her i did not want or need her money; she told me it...

2 years ago
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JourneyChapter 2

And April was magic. And Waaay past fast. April was instant ... I wanna go to ... and you were there. At least on earth. One thing though ... you had to tell her WHERE you wanted to go... the second star to the right and straight on til morning didn't mean a damn thing. Another thing ... besides listing a direction that changes as one leaves the earths atmosphere ... refraction ... most stars ... suns ... are either too big, too little, the wrong color or don't have planets. Still, with a...

1 year ago
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Going GoingChapter 18

Kathy and Julie greeted Michelle and the twins warmly, but didn't insist on body contact. Julie was of course nude. The twins had become more acclimated to nudity during the Program but Michelle was clearly unsettled until she saw that no one made anything of it. Julie gave Bob an update of their progress, reporting that she thought they had collected everything needed from Ellen's house. Kathy led them on a brief tour of the house while Julie made coffee and juice. Kathy led the troupe...

1 year ago
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helping the helpless

I always find the chance to touch teats and breasts of sleeping girls or women. I think always believe “sex is one kind of art”. So I want to share the real stories of those incidents of my life with yours. I assure you that every tale will give you a full satisfaction. Dear readers, the conversations of the story obviously were in ‘Bangla’, some places I have used ‘Bangla’ as happened and translated into ‘English’, otherwise I have tried to use translated English. I GAVE COMPANY TO THE...

3 years ago
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A fantastic Experience

One day I m on chat on xham. I have been decided to call a old friend listed on my friend list. Than I call and ring is going on. Suddenly the phone is picked up from that side. After Introduced of my self as friend. Than I ask about a warm and hot date. Its my good luck that agreed after 1-2 years trying that they agreed. After that we decided to meet. I went from home to their home next day. Me is very excited that I m going to meet my one of old friend.And also afraid that how they looks...

1 year ago
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New WorldChapter 5

She was pretty, not strikingly so or a face you would remark on but pretty in an ordinarily wholesome way. About late teens as a rough guess but there was something about her... I noticed her for the first time two days after I arrived back from Perth and I am not sure why I did. She was wearing a shop assistants uniform, dark blue; a pair of dark soft-soled slip-ons her hair pulled back in a chignon tight to her scalp similar to many ballet dancers. Built as normal as any shop assistant the...

2 years ago
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Controlling Rayne

Zachary checked himself in the mirror and straightened the cuff links of his crisp white suit shirt. He thought he was due for a bit of a hair cut, his salt and pepper hair was just beginning to curl to his ears. His custom fitted charcoal grey suit jacket hung perfectly from his broad shoulders, tapering slightly at his trim waist. The black trousers fit him perfectly, accentuating his muscular thighs and backside. His black soulful eyes regarded his reflection in a positive light, not to...

1 year ago
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An Unexpected Workout

Some guys were on the other machines nearby, watching her every move. She knew this. But she didn't care. She stopped peddling and elegantly lifted her leg over the bike, then slowly slid off the seat - glancing over at the young men opposite. Although she did find them quite attractive, there was only one man she was interested in. She turned off her mp3 and began to make her way downstairs. The other level of the gym was almost deserted. Karen walked in cautiously, before finding a...

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American Gothic

-Francois de La Rochefoucauld *** "I should warn you about my family. You may be in for a bit of a shock." They were driving with the top down. It was damn hot. Devanie fixed a scarf around her head to keep her hair from blowing. "You'll have to take them as they come,” she continued. “And you need to be on your best behavior." Charles winked. "Yes, ma'am. Shall I keep after class and write it out a hundred times on the board?" He kissed the diamond ring on her finger,...

4 years ago
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Master PC Cumming in Cymru Chapter 07

Dylan was woken the next morning by orgasmic cries of ecstasy, which seemed to be coming from his father’s room. The voice sounded like Caroline, so presumably Gareth was enjoying his new secretary, and she was enjoying constant cumming from her god’s orgasmic touch. Dylan groaned, and rolled over in bed. “Is everything alright, Dylan?” Dylan opened his eyes, and looked at his phone on his bedside table, where the UI was smiling back at him. “I didn’t turn you on,” he said. “You didn’t...

3 years ago
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Topix Se Mila Chaudi Ka Mauka 8211 A Story Of Two States

Hey friends I’m Rohan from Lucknow. Ye baat 3 week purani hai. Mai hamesa se he mature aurato ko pasand Karta raha hu, isliye maine topix pe apna no diya tha, ki jisko bi apni mummy ki sexy chat karni ho wo call kare. Hamesha phone aate rehte the but kye trustful boy nahi mila. Ek din mere pas ek call aayi, ye call Punjab (Chandigarh) se thi… Naam tha Rahul. Uski age 18 year thi, usse apni mummy ke bare me baat karni thi. Usne mujhe bataya ki uske ghar me mummy,papa,sister aur wo 4 log rehte...

4 years ago
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Dark Redemption Ch 02

Peter and I met at my first job. He’s a lawyer and I was tax accountant appointed to his case by my firm. His office back in those days was huge and sophisticated, unusually but tastefully decorated. Peter was an enigma. Everyone knew about him. Young Brilliant no want for clients. Everone clamoured to get hold of him. He was successful,. Ruthless divorce lawyer. ‘Getting rich of others peoples misery’ I used to chide him. ‘Setting them free’ he used to counter argue. He was a loner, isolated...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 38 First Day of Winter

December 5, 1996, Chicago, Illinois “Steve, I have Kristin Cicilioni for you,” Kimmy said, showing a very pretty dark-haired woman into my office. “Thanks, Kimmy. Good afternoon, Ms. Cicilioni.” I extended my hand and we shook. “Good afternoon! You can call me Kristin.” “And you can call me Steve. Are you OK with Japanese style chairs?” “I’ve been doing yoga for eight years, so I’m pretty sure I can sit down and get up again!” “Tea?” Kimmy asked. “For me, yes. Kristin?” “7-Up or...

3 years ago
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The Girl Book 1 Chapter 6

Hank, who was searching for something under the desk, emerged from behind it and looked at her. She was dressed in a maids uniform. At least the version she managed to gather from the cloths she owned. Dark knee-length dress, and a white apron. Her hair was tied in a bun, and she had a white band over her forehead. She had also long white socks and black shoes. She smiled at him. --- "Good morning, sir. I was wondering if you have hollow rivets, you could fit in holes in say ... leather."...

1 year ago
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Wife turns the tables on husbands fantasy to

For years I have been exploring with my wife the fantasy of her having sex with another man. It started off with simple questions, exploring what she might like and what she didn't. Almost always when I would story tell in bed about another cock joining in, I would notice a little extra hunger and wetness in her pussy. And she never said no, just maybe or she wouldn't know unless she tried.This progressed to me writing stories for her to read and creating assignments, complete with pictures,...

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The Era of The Dead Maniacs

The federal government doesn't know how to deal with this unpredictable situation, the authorities quickly created walls around the city, restricting the problem. Second, when some of the only uninfected people tried contact – virgin girls of 18 years or more -, they received instructions throwed by drones that advised: 1.Closed places aren't secure; you have to run away all the time, preferably in an open and visible place by all sides. And does not carry baggage, it may retard you. 2.You have...

1 year ago
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Meeting my new fucktoy Kimberly

My life is a story of two parts; in the daytime I am a respectable, mid-thirties professional guy with a normal circle of friends, a decent job and a normal suburban lifestyle. By night, I turn to the dark; I’m a kinky, dominant, perverted soul. It was during one of those nights recently that my mind started to wonder to its perverted depths. I was sat alone, feeling particularly lonely as my best friend was away on holiday. They say the devil finds work for idle hands, well that night the...

2 years ago
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Exchanging Presents

note: This short Romance is a last-minute entry in the Holiday Writing Contest. Votes and views could be scarce. Yours would be appreciated. rf == The cab left the congested airport loading zone and moved into the cold, rainy January evening. Cindy looked over at Ray. Last night, she couldn’t sleep thinking about his return. Today, way too anxious to wait in her dorm room, she got to the airport hours ahead of time. Then bad weather delayed his arrival. Ever since school started back after...

3 years ago
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Love in the Time of War Ch 03

Next morning everyone was up and dressed before Charles made his appearance at breakfast. It was a tradition cold breakfast but the tea was hot. Everything tasted wonderful and he felt more at ease than last night. It was wonderful what a good night’s sleep could do for one’s spirits. He made directly for his mother. He didn’t notice last evening how she had aged since he last saw her. Father was right about her dying a little each day. ‘Mother, you are looking well,’ he lied, kissing her...

3 years ago
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Sex with ravisha

Hope u all fine. I am regular reader of these stories & decided to share my experience with you all . I am 5″7, weatish,i have a great urge for sex, & it started when i was just in class 8th ,fromm that date till today i am seaching 4 sex, i also get it ,as once who get fucked from me come to me again & again.i have a 7″inch lund which is 3″ broad.i am telling you a story which happened with me ,reading this if you like it you can mail me on This story will make your lunds erect & all horney...

2 years ago
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Old dog new tricks

They were both in their 40’s, although both had taken different approaches to their appearances. Since his retirement, Kevin had let himself go, gaining the typical “dad bod” but Liz would affectionately tell him all the time that she preferred him that way because he was more comfortable to lay on. He stood at 5’10” and looked good for his age, although his gut had been growing more and more since he retired. Liz went another direction, shortly after their youngest moved out she would go to...

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The Reserve Part 1

It would be difficult to explain why I’m not of this world. In another life I was a scientist, a young and upcoming mind in the realm of interdimensional physics. Clearly, I knew something, because I ended up here. Also, I didn’t know enough, because I never did make it back home.This world is strange, full of creatures that call themselves Mageni. I still haven’t worked out all of the details, and I don’t think I ever will, but suffice it to say these creatures, these… monsters, are not what I...

Monster Sex
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Liar Ch 04

The reception was held in the grand ballroom of the finest hotel in Reston. Judging by the immaculate decorating, Brodie’s parents obviously spared no expense. Lit only by what must’ve been hundreds of candles, only added an element of awe. What wasn’t dripping with silk, and accented with crystal and gold was covered with white flowers ranging from roses, orchids, lilies, and other exotic flowers. Most of the evening had gone by with Sloane truly enjoying herself.. She almost forgot the reason...

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The SisterhoodChapter 62

When Bill Gates calls a press conference in Las Vegas on the eve of COMDEX, it is news. Moreover, because it was the eve of COMDEX, everyone who is anyone in the computer news media was already in town anyway. And when it was overlaid with the presence in town of two Nobel-prize-winning beauties, there were substantial numbers from the general media, as well. Finally, when Bill Gates puts out the word to his PR people that all chits are to be called for immediate collection, people jump and...

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