Canon Ch. 09 free porn video

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Sergeant Jeffrey Collins was trying to keep his mind on the interview, but it was difficult. He was badly shaken.

A month or two before, the 40-year-old victim liaison officer had begun having strangely vivid and detailed erotic dreams – all involving a beautiful woman he had never met. In some, her dark hair was hip-length, in some, it was short. Sometimes her skin was creamy-pale, sometimes lightly tanned, and the setting would change abruptly, as happens in dreams – one moment a bed, the next a beach, the next a grassy lawn by a pond, then a white-tiled room filled with hot, steamy vapor. All of the dreams were clear and vivid and eerily real in every detail, seemingly more real than the waking world, even as they changed and shifted.

But, through all the shifts and changes, always, always, there were those amazing eyes.

One pale blue, one deep brown. Sometimes magnified by glasses, sometimes not – but always compelling and disturbing. Strangely different, but somehow the same.

In the dreams, those eyes bored into his soul, even as they engaged in the most passionate, intense and sensual lovemaking imaginable – fucking like practiced old lovers, with no inhibitions and nothing held back.

Weirdest of all was the strange double perspective he seemed to have in the dreams – as if he were both himself and someone else. He felt emotions he could not name, that he had never felt in the waking world, things having to do with old regrets and dark memories – and of a strange new freedom, the peculiar absence of a hardness and coldness inside himself that he had never felt.

But above all, he was aware of an intense and abiding love for this beautiful stranger, the one with the weird eyes, this woman he did not know. In the dreams, that – that deep love – was inside him as strongly as it was inside the mysterious other.

Jeff had been puzzling over the dreams for weeks, and was in fact considering seeking medical help.

And then he opened the door to the interrogation room and saw her sitting there – live and in person, in the real world, weird eyes, glasses, and all. And her name was Amy, and she was a real woman, and not a dream.

It was the strangest moment of his life. He felt like Alice through the looking glass, dreaming and awake at the same time.

He somehow managed to stumble through the paperwork required by his office. Amy answered most of the questions with ‘not applicable,’ and chose not to avail herself of any of the city’s services for crime victims.

He looked at her. It was hard to believe that this small and lovely young woman, initially unarmed, had killed three dangerous criminals a couple of hours before. She seemed as calm and composed as if she had seen it happen in a movie.

There was even more to this woman than he had seen and sensed in the dreams, he realized. She was – fascinating. Unique.

I can’t believe she’s real, he thought for the twentieth time. He smiled to himself. Gives a whole new meaning to ‘the woman of my dreams’….

Jeff had regained his composure somewhat as they went through the questions, but it remained hard for him to concentrate. He was still distracted by the strangeness of the situation. Stranger still was the fact that she seemed to have had the dreams too – but took it in stride, as if it were normal to meet someone you’ve literally dreamed about. She knows more than she’s telling, he thought.

When they came to the last question on the survey – ‘Would you like followup calls or visits from the Victim Liaison Officer?’ – Jeff looked at Amy with a shy smile and a raised eyebrow.

‘No,’ said Amy.

He blinked, surprised. ‘No?’

She smiled. ‘There’s a reason.’ She looked at the clock, it was approaching midnight. ‘How about having dinner with me tomorrow night?’ she asked

He blinked again. ‘I’m not supposed to, er, fraternize, with the people that I’m working with,’ he said uncertainly.

‘That’s the reason.’ She grinned. ‘We’re done now, aren’t we?’

He looked down at his checklist. ‘Well, yes. We are,’ he said. Then he looked up – and began to smile.

‘May I call you, um, Amy?’ he asked.

She looked at him with an amused, puckish expression. ‘I think you’d better. ‘Mrs. Rider’ doesn’t seem quite right, now does it?’ Then she laughed.

He smiled, still rattled. ‘What time… Amy?’

They met at Geoff’s favorite steakhouse, and found themselves surprisingly – or not – comfortable together. Jeff had had a whole day to calm down, and though he was still far beyond puzzled, he had accepted the idea that Amy was real, and that there was some kind of connection between them. Her own calm acceptance of it helped.

He tried not to think of the dreams themselves. He had seen the woman sitting across from him naked – naked, and holding her bare feet next to her ears as he slid his cock in and out of her sweet bald pussy….

Brrr. Maybe I should concentrate on the moment – some other sensory experience…

‘This is the best steak I’ve ever eaten,’ said Jeff. ‘Are you sure you won’t let me help pay for it?’

Amy shook her head as she chewed. ‘Absolutely not,’ she said when she swallowed. ‘I asked you out, remember?’

‘Yeah, but…’ He took another bite. What a strange woman, he thought again. And those eyes…

He let it go. Probably couldn’t afford this place on a cop’s salary anyway, he thought.

They looked at each other, then looked away. Then again. And Amy giggled.

‘What?’ asked Jeff. He was feeling painfully self-conscious and uncertain, and hoped he hadn’t done something stupid. Besides the weird circumstance of the dreams, Amy was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen – and beauty is always hard on a man’s composure.

‘Every time we look at each other, we both blush,’ she said.

He smiled, then grinned. ‘Well, we do have a pretty good reason,’ he said.

She nodded and smiled. ‘True,’ she said. ‘How do you get to know somebody you’ve already….’

She stopped, and they both blushed again. Then they laughed.

They ate in silence for a few minutes.

‘This is too weird,’ Jeff finally said. ‘How about if we pretend that there were no dreams, and we just start from there?’

‘I like that,’ said Amy. After a moment, she asked, ‘So where are you from, Jeff?’ It was strange to speak that name – the same, yet different. ‘I hear you’re new in town.’

‘Hawaii, last,’ he said. ‘Originally, Japan.’

‘Japan? Really? That’s fascinating! How did you end up here?’

‘Well, my mom passed away a few months ago, I’d been divorced for a while – it was time to get out of Dodge and start over.’

‘I’m sorry to hear about your mom,’ said Amy. ‘I just lost my husband a few months ago.’

He nodded. ‘So I was told,’ he said. ‘A remarkable man, from what I hear.’

She nodded. ‘He was.’ She looked at him. ‘You have a very precise way of speaking,’ she said. ‘Kind of literary. I like it.’ He smiled, and his cheeks reddened again. She liked that, too.

‘Well, English is my second language, technically,’ he said. ‘I spoke Japanese at home till I was ten. My mom brought me to Hawaii about then, about 1980, and since then I’ve spoken only English. Before that, I spoke English in school and read a lot of English books.’ He took a sip of his iced tea. ‘My birth name – my mom’s – was Tokugawa.’

‘Oh! Like Ieyasu Tokugawa? The first Shogun?’

Jeff looked up, surprised. ‘You know about him?’

‘Oh, yes!’ She started to say, my husband told me about him – then she recalled that Geoff had once mentioned knowing one of his descendants.

She decided to remain silent about that for the moment.

‘Yes, that’s my family. Funny you’ve heard of him. Most Americans haven’t.’

‘I love Japanese history and cultur
e. Especially the cooking.’ She waved her fork. ‘And the martial arts.’

He smiled. ‘Why doesn’t that surprise me?’

She smiled and shrugged, then asked, ‘Why did your mom leave Japan?’

He held up two fingers. ‘Two reasons. One, she was following the job, she was a nurse in a U.S. Navy hospital, and they wanted her to transfer to the facility at Pearl Harbor. And second, it was to protect me.’


He nodded. ‘I was having a hard time in Tokyo. Japanese culture is pretty insular, and they aren’t kind to Amerasian kids without fathers. Mom wasn’t married.’

Amy considered that for a moment. ‘That must have been hard.’

‘I don’t remember much about it. Mom had me in American schools on the base from first grade on. We left before I would have had to start in Japanese schools.’ He smiled. ‘The Americans were good to me.’

‘So your dad was American? Are you sure?’

He smiled. ‘Look at my face. He wasn’t Japanese.’

She smiled back, and he was enchanted. Again.

‘I never knew him,’ he said, ‘and Mom never told him about me. All I know is that he was an American soldier who was a patient in the hospital there – and he was some kind of big hero. She named me after him, I think.’

‘You think?’

‘When I asked her about it, she said my name was different. But other times, she said I had his name.’ He shrugged.

Amy was nodding. Suspicions confirmed, she thought. I’ll tell him later.

They talked for hours, till the restaurant closed. Jeff was very like Geoff in many small ways, some of them surprising, he had many of the same physical mannerisms – the way he held his coffee cup with both hands, the way his eyes would go soft when he felt strongly about something, the way he’d look down for a moment, then up at her face when he said something important.

But he wasn’t Geoff. He wasn’t as hard and overtly masculine as Geoff was. Though he was clearly and comfortably male, he seemed to have a softness, a caring quality, about him that Geoff had only had with her.

‘Why did your marriage -‘ She stopped and started over. ‘Er, why did you get divorced? If you don’t mind my asking.’ She sipped her coffee and watched his eyes.

He smiled. ‘Not at all. My mother was very ill toward the end. My wife wanted to put her in a nursing home, but there was no way I was going to do that. We kept her with us, and one day when I got home, my wife was gone.’

He frowned. ‘She left Mom lying in her own waste, all day. After Mom died, she wanted to come back. I told her to go to hell.’ He shrugged again. ‘Sorry. But you did ask.’

‘That’s okay. I’m sorry you – and your mom – had to go through that.’

He nodded. ‘Maybe it wasn’t fair of me to expect her to help me care for my mom,’ he said. ‘But if you love somebody, that’s what you do. At least that’s how I learned it.’

‘Me, too,’ Amy said quietly. After a moment, she said, ‘I think I see why you’re working with victims and not criminals. You like to take care of people.’

He smiled. ‘There’s more to dealing with crime than catching the perps,’ he said. ‘You have to do something about the damage they do.’

She blinked. ‘Strange you ended up a police officer at all,’ she said.

He smiled and lifted a hand, another gesture she had seen before. ‘It seemed the right niche for me.’

The waiter approached with a regretful smile. ‘I think we’d better go,’ said Jeff. ‘These people want to go home sometime.’

Amy laughed. ‘Okay. Send me the bill, Gunny,’ she said to the waiter.

The man nodded. ‘Will do, Mrs. Rider. Have a nice evening.’ He looked curiously at Jeff, but smiled and said nothing more.

Jeff walked her to her car – the Jaguar. ‘I take it you’ve been here before,’ he said.

‘The headwaiter was a friend of my husband’s.’ She smiled. ‘Thanks, Jeff. I had a great time.’

‘Can I call you tomorrow?’

She looked at him frankly. ‘You better,’ she said. ‘We have lots more to talk about.’

He nodded. ‘Yes, we do.’ He looked down for a moment, then up at her face – so like Geoff would have done. ‘I don’t know what’s going on here, Amy. I think maybe you do -‘

‘I have an idea,’ she admitted. ‘But I’m as amazed as you are.’

‘- but whatever it is – well, I’m strapped in for the ride.’ He smiled at her. ‘I like you. You’re not like anyone I’ve ever met. I’d like to get to know you better.’

She cocked her head and looked up at him. ‘I feel the same way, Jeff.’ She smiled. ‘No promises. But let’s see where this goes.’

On impulse, she kissed his cheek. Then she grinned. He grinned back, and they were both thinking the same thing, after all we’ve done in those dreams, that seemed kind of tame – and familiar.

And they both thought something else: Eventually, we’ll have to talk about those dreams.

That night, Amy had another lucid dream. She somehow knew it would be the last.

She was on the island, sitting on the beach, and she was naked. She felt the sea breeze and the sun on her body, the sand between her toes. It was as real as real.

A figure was approaching, and she recognized him instantly – it was Geoff, as he had looked when they were first married.

Old and bald, but strong and virile and sure of himself – and as happy as she had ever seen him. He wore cutoffs, nothing more. His skin was tanned and taut – and, she noticed, his scars were all gone.

‘Hello, Punkin,’ he said. ‘Seems I get to talk to you one more time, like this. I’m glad.’

‘Hello, Geoffie,’ she said. ‘I’ve missed you.’

He sat beside her, and she came into his arms easily. He held her and rocked her a little, stroking her hair – and she realized it was long again, also like when they were first married.

‘Geoffie, I’m pregnant,’ she whispered.

He smiled and nuzzled her head with his cheek. ‘I know,’ he said. ‘You’re going to have a son, Amy. My son.’

She leaned back and blinked up at him curiously. He shrugged and said, ‘You learn things, over here.’

‘Who is Jeff?’ she asked. ‘Is he your son, too?’

He nodded. ‘And he’s a good man, Amy. I have two other sons and a daughter, it turns out.’ He grinned at her expression. ‘Hey, Punkin, I wasn’t a saint, I was a soldier. Anyway, Jeff’s the best of the bunch.’

He looked up at the brilliant blue sky for a moment. ‘I was – allowed – to bring you two together, but that’s all. I can’t promise you it’ll work, that’s up to you two.’ Then he smiled. ‘But I have a good feeling about it.’

She pressed her cheek against his dear, familiar chest. ‘I’ve felt you with me,’ she said. ‘I’ve smelled you with me.’

‘I was,’ he murmured. ‘And good job with those three hoodlums, Punkin. Couldn’t have done it better myself.’

‘But – but you did do that, Geoffie – didn’t you?’

He shook his head. ‘Nope,’ he said. ‘That was all you. I was very proud of you, too.’

She blinked up at him. ‘I thought -‘

‘I know. But think: did you smell me around you then?’

‘Well…’ She thought back. ‘No. No, I didn’t. But I felt like I was watching myself – like everything was in slow motion and someone else was doing it. I didn’t even hear the shots.’

He smiled. ‘That’s what it’s like, Punkin – real life-and-death combat. Now you know. Not many people do.’

He squeezed her. ‘It was all you, Amy. You’re taking care of yourself now. I can’t.’ He stroked her hair again. ‘And you’re doing very well at it. You were taking care of both of us, those last few years, anyway.’

Then he squeezed her. ‘I have to go, Little Heart. Seems I have business over here. But I’ll check in on you now and then.’

She looked at him, surprised. ‘You said you’d never leave me, Geoffie.’

‘I said I’d never leave you ALONE, Punkin,’ he corrected her gently. ‘and you’re not alone any m
ore. I can’t keep hanging around now.’ He smiled. ‘You can’t make those dreams I sent you come true, if you think I’m watching. Now can you?’

‘So in the dreams – that WAS you – and him, too.’

He nodded. ‘Yes. And they weren’t just for you, Punkin.’ He grinned. ‘I guess it’s okay to tell you this – they worked. He’s hooked. All you have to do is reel him in.’

They laughed. ‘I’m going to miss you, Geoffie,’ she said.

‘I’ll be around,’ he said. ‘Count on it. Besides,’ he added, ‘There’s a part of me in Jeff, anyway. You’ve sensed it. In a way, I am still with you. And you sense that too, don’t you?’

She hugged him, nodding, and thought, how strange this is. For some reason, she wasn’t tearing up. She would when she woke, she knew, but not now.

Amy snuggled against him comfortably. She knew it was the last time, and another miracle of its own – but she could not feel sad.

This really is the island outside of time, she realized.

‘I’ll always love you, Geoff. No one could ever replace you.’

He grinned. ‘I should hope not, Little Heart. But that doesn’t mean you have to be alone, either.’ He stroked her hair again, and she looked up at his dear face.

‘Listen, my love,’ he said softly. ‘You and I – that was a miracle. I don’t know why it was given to us, but it was the most wonderful gift I could ever have imagined.

‘You gave me the best and most precious years of my life,’ he went on. ‘You taught me so much – you even taught me who I was, and gave back all the years I had lost.’ He smiled. ‘I thought I was going to be your wise old mentor. But you were the one who taught me.’

‘But you taught me too, Geoffie,’ she said.

‘Yes,’ he said. ‘How to do things, how not to, things like that. Information, skills.’ He kissed her head. ‘But I never had to teach you who you are, Amy. That, you knew.’

He released her and sat up straight. She looked at him, oddly numb. ‘Take that with you to Jeff, Punkin,’ he said. ‘You have a lot to teach him, too, now.’ He smiled. ‘And maybe you have more to learn as well.’

He stood, and she stood with him and took his hand. They looked at each other for a long, wordless moment. ‘This is the last time, isn’t it?’ she asked.

The old man smiled. ‘No one knows that, Amy,’ he said quietly. ‘It may be. But maybe not.’

‘I feel like I’m saying goodbye to you twice, Geoffie.’

‘We’ve already said goodbye, Little Heart,’ the old man said. He grinned, kissed her hand, and said, ‘This is just a dream.’

Then he winked at her…

….And Amy woke up.

To her surprise, she didn’t feel sad at all. She smiled. She felt warm, and peaceful, and loved.

She would carry Geoff with her as long as she lived. And she would see him again, she knew.

It was not yet three AM. She turned over, and on impulse, she reached out to the CD player and started the Canon in D. She had not played it in weeks – it always made her cry.

No more. That night, she went to sleep again smiling, as if her Geoffie were holding her.

And, again – perhaps he was.

The next day, a Saturday, Amy did not wait for Jeff to call her, she called him. It was already clear that in this romance, if romance it turned out to be, she would be taking the lead – another difference.

‘Good morning! Are you awake?’

‘Erm, sure,’ said Jeff, his voice fuzzy with sleep. He obviously wasn’t. ‘What time is it, anyway?’

‘Seven-thirty. Sorry, I’m an early riser. How about we meet for breakfast and then I introduce you to some of my friends?’

‘Um, okay… What friends?’

She laughed. ‘You’ll see. Trust me. You’re going to like them.’

They met for coffee and pancakes at Denny’s. As before, Jeff was fascinated with Amy’s eyes – and she became more and more aware of his.

They were not gray, like Geoff’s. They were black – and deep. She found herself falling into them, just as Jeff found himself falling into hers.

After one long, long moment of gazing silently into each other’s eyes, they simultaneously broke the connection and shook their heads to clear them.


‘Booh. That was weird.’

‘We’ve been doing that a lot.’

‘Maybe we shouldn’t sit facing each other.’

They looked at each other, and their eyes locked again. They looked away and laughed. Amy moved to his side of the booth, giggling, and they elbowed each other good-naturedly.

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My wife Maria was once a Priestess of the Sun, on the lost continent of Atlantis. She was also the concubine of Alexander the Great. Her fling with the Great Conqueror might bother me. But, it took place a few years before we met; two thousand three hundred and thirty-nine to be exact. I am a nerd from Ann Arbor Michigan. I have been one my entire 33 years. In fact, when I met Maria I had recently moved out of my parent’s basement. I was only 31 at the time. By nerd standards, I faced life...

2 years ago
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Tales From Paradise Apartments Chapter 2

Anna awoke to an alarm clock going off the next morning. She realized it was in an adjacent room as she heard it shut off and footsteps down the hall. She laid there thinking of all the things that had transpired the previous day and decided to get up and dressed. She walked out of her room and down the hall to find Everet in the middle of cooking something. “Morning.” he said as he continued cooking. “Need help with anything?” she asked. “Not right now,” he said as he smiled at her. She smiled...

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The Vampires KissChapter 6 Unholy Communion

Aurora's words of defiance echoed through Heaven. The crystal foundations reverberated with her defiance. Aurora had rebelled. She was tired of Heaven's rules allowing Hell's success. No longer would she play the game that led mankind to ever increasing levels of depravity. She would guide her tool, the vampire Damien, and use him to right the wrongs. She would see Faust destroyed along with all the others whom polluted the human's world. She would rediscover Paradise that had been Lost...

1 year ago
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Rainy Day Rubdown

Cindy wasn't exactly sure when she had decided to seduce Gina. But it was firm and now she had to figure out how she was going to do it. She wasn't sure what steps to take but realized her desire for her older coworker was growing stronger each day. Cindy had been working at this branch of a major bookselling chain for about 4 months when Gina first came to work. Cindy worked evenings and went to college during the day. She was a junior, single and 20 years old. She liked the evening shift,...

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Tight black teen drools over white cock

I was away helping a family member out when I met Shira. She was a 18 year old black girl with beautiful brown eyes, nice full lips, perfect round breasts and wide thighs that bloomed into her nice big ass. We ran into each other while we were roaming the empty streets of this small town. We walked and talked for hours before she had me walk her home. We agreed to meet again before i left. I went to meet her around were we first met. She arrived and gave me a big hug as she ran up to me. i felt...

First Time
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WildOnCam River Lynn River Lynn Craves More LIVE

River Lynn may say she is a little bit of a vanilla girl but she is down to try anything. Break her out of her bubble and make this hottie the slut she wants to be. She loves to hear it. She loves to suck cock and tease you with her panties as she bends over in doggy making you want to bury your face in that sexy ass. River is so wet and she hasn’t even got your cock in her mouth yet. Make her grab the sheets as you fuck her hard smacking that beautiful ass and pulling those golden locks...

1 year ago
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Episode 48 8211 An Unexpected Partner

Author: XXXAuthor Sowmya was still feeling very horny. She had been shooting her first modeling assignment with the campaign team of the pleasurexx condoms. And the first half of the first day of her modeling experience had turned out better than what she had expected. But after that, she had been craving for more. Joe, her co-star had made her experience a wonderful orgasm. But then it was all ruined by Louise, the director, who left Sowmya craving for more when she announced the lunch...

1 year ago
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Morning sex

After things broke open with my aunt and uncle that summer I learned two things. Number one - they didn't want to talk about the sexual activity and number two it was not to be discussed with anyone else. This was our secret!One morning after this had been going on for about a week I found my aunt in the kitchen wearing only a short robe tied at the waist. She was a fairly short woman, very slim with modest tits and what I now know to be a fairly large clit. I came up behind her and put my...

2 years ago
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Girl Put Your Records On

He looked something like the Shane Walsh character from The Walking Dead, except a little thinner and little younger looking. He had dark curly hair and was handsome like the cable TV. character. It was about one o'clock in the afternoon and there weren't too many people in the restaurant. As he stepped up to the counter he saw a young girl standing with her back to him, she had shoulder length dark brown hair. Wes looked at her sharply, the girl was about five seven and she had a...

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During the Isolation of 2019Chapter 2

- Two Quick Previews - 1. As I had two fingers up Candy’s ass she asked, “Daddy, how did you and Val do Mom? I mean, together ... two-on-yum.” “Is that what you want sweetheart? Getting it like the first time we double-dicked your Mom?” “Yes please! I am sure. Please?” 2. When Candy came out of the bathroom she was holding David’s hand in one hand and her robe in the other. “Gentlemen, tonight I want to feel like a certain type of woman ... the type of woman that is desired and...

1 year ago
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PerfectFuckingStrangers Jenna Presley 26002

The man from the moving company came over to size up everything that needs to be transported to my new home, but little did he know that I was sizing him up, too. While he was doing his thing, I peeled off my shorts and panties and then walked back up to him to show him what I really wanted him to do. He didn’t hesitate at all, pulling out my big tits and letting me suck his hard cock right away. I let him cum in my mouth after the hot sex we had, and then he got back to the other job he...

3 years ago
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True Craigslist HookUp 1 of 5 Real HookUps

This is a 100% true first time story that I experienced. Here is my story:I started with a post saying virgin bottom looking for first time. I was nervous and not knowing what to expect. I didn’t have a set kind of person I wanted to fuck me I knew I just wanted a dick inside of me. I received many posts that night and scrolled through them the next day. I replied to a few but was nervous to actually go through with it. An older man replied me again.He said he lived near by and being horny I...

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Young and Used

I was hitchhiking home from school and got picked up by a friendly, middle aged man. As he chatted away, he kept reaching over and grabbing my leg, patting it or rubbing it. I wasn't sure what was going on, but I felt my cock tingling when he did it. "Listen," he said, "if you've got some time, I'm a photographer, and I'd love to take you to my place for a little while, and shoot some pictures of you. I'll gladly pay you for your time."I wasn't quite sure what he had in mind, but I was...

4 years ago
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daughter in law

i was sat in the garden in my shorts one day last week when one of my partners daughters came around to see her mum,i told her that her mum had gone shopping for the day,she acted surprised but said ok fancy a cuppa,we went into the kitchen and just chatted away as normal for about half an hour,then she asked if she could borrow one of her mums blouses ,the reason she had come around in the first place,i said yeah just go to the bedroom and help yourself,about 10 mins later she came out with...

2 years ago
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SecretsChapter 1

Joseph frowned when he came into his kitchen, "I wish you'd have breakfast in your own home," he grumbled causing his employee to look up from the borrowed newspaper. "Yeah, and that means I would have to buy my own bananas," he replied with a smirk, peeling the yellow fruit and taking a big bite. "And anyway, no-one else eats them except me." "I should bloody charge you. A pound a banana, every day for a year, it'll be close to two hundred and fifty." There was a teasing grin as...

1 year ago
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Wifes Exhibitionist Experience II

As time went on she was experiencing the found freedom of her body. After I came home at night and ate my dinner my wife transformed into this other person. She would come out the bathroom with a robe on her hair all done and make-up was perfect. She asked me if I was ready. I was more than ready but she didn’t mean ready in the same aspects as I did. We got our seats next to the computer. She removed the robe revealing a shear black tank top and matching g-string. “Where did that come from?” I...

4 years ago
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Maa Chudi Anil Se

Hello doston mera naam Ram he, me iss kaa resent reader huin. Mera emaiol id he Mein engineering kihe, magar mein koi software company me ya koi company me kaam nai kartahuin. Jitna ek software engineer companyme kamatahe usse zada mein ghar baite kamatahuin, mein Bangalore me rehta huin koi bhi degree holders ko kaam dilana with good salary aur kuch illegal activities like degree universities mein paasing karana Aur bina college gayehi degree dilana, property recovery, setlements, thoda crime...

3 years ago
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Moms Crazy Ideas

I was almost twelve when Dad decided to divorce Mom. I remember so well the first time I stayed overnight at his new apartment. His bachelor pad, he wryly called it. His midlife-crisis-pad Mom sometimes called it. Other times, when her voice was louder, and scratchier, she called it his whorehouse. We had a great time. We started out while it was still light at this bar around the corner from his apartment where it was apparently okay that I stood by Dad and sipped at my soda, then took more...

4 years ago
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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 6 Educational Shopping

Introduction: Silk gets more lessons while shopping He led her to the car. Once there he unlock and opened the door for her to get in. He then went around to his side and got in and started the engine. Turning out of the parking lot, Silk noticed that he was headed towards the city. She wondered where exactly he was taking her. Might I ask the name of the place you are taking me? She asked. I could tell you but you probably wouldnt have heard of it or been there. This place is top dollar so...

3 years ago
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First blowjob

We went out together since about ten days, it was the summer it made very warmly. We were invited in the evening at friends, Alex had a dress very skin-tight and very mini, she incited me all evening long. By leaving, in the car I put my hand under its dress, it a little struggled but I smelt her cast anchor which flowed on the thighs, it opened and I have him dexterity, sh has enjoys very fast by bitting itself lips and by wriggling on its siege while I he pincait trés hardly a nipple through...

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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 13

“Shit,” yelled the first voice. “The safe zone up there is occupied, and I really do not want to share with anyone tonight. We will have to head west for a while to reach the next closest to that beast.” “We can get a few more kills in,” the second voice stated, “to help our stats before we face it. I see this as a win for us. Besides, that safe zone was reserved by another house, but are you sure we can take it?” “Well we didn’t have any money for enchantments, but we’ve got strong armor...

2 years ago
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Jayce FJ Chronicles II Third GF Feet

Name: ChellAge: 23Height: 5'4"Body Type: Petite (105) [Below Avg Looking, No Boobs, Tight Firm Ass]Feet Size: 6-6.5Ethnicity: WhiteOther: A Virgo, country girl, loves c***dren[image][/image]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I "think" this is my 3rd GF--who knows--who cares. I met her on Craigslist also around August of 2014. A while prior to this era, I made a post on CL just for kicks. The ad was polar opposite of...

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From the Wild

The party was in full swing and was likely to go on till the early hours. Christmas on the plantation was a holiday for the slaves and a chance to catch up with members of their family who were working on neighbouring cane fields.It was a rare day, one of only a few when the slaves did not labour in the fields for their Dutch masters. These special days all coincided with holy days like Christmas and Easter. Each had a veritable feast, plenty of the local hooch, distilled from the cane sugar...

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Queens Ambrosia

The Queen's Ambrosia By Lynn LeFey 1. The last day among them I sit and I listen. I hear the hum of bees, the rustling of leaves, and the wind in the trees. I hear the screams of men and orcs, caught in a struggle of life and death. They fight for scraps of metal. Shiny, soft metal. Nothing more. I am a human myself, and part of me wants to come to the aid of my fellow man. I silence that part of me. It is not that I wish the orcs to win. Nor do I wish the humans to win. The...

1 year ago
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Blacked Natalia Starr Mr M8217s Week Off Part 2

Natalia has never had a problem trying new things. She dreams of travelling the world and having new adventures. Relationships have never been her thing, and like all college graduates, she is broke, and when she is approached by a girl at the gym giving her a offer she can’t refuse, she is sceptical. She works for a super rich guy who was in town for a couple of weeks looking to have some fun. All she had to do was keep an open mind and enjoy the extra cash. A dream come true? She’s about to...

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Your own sex pet

You rang Morphco. A company specialized the creation of anthros or furries, you decided to day was the day you would have your own sex pet; thoughts on what to ask for swam through your head. 'Maybe a cat girl with huge tits who loves anal or a horse girl that gave butt jobs.' Your thought were interrupted when the ringing from your phone stopped and heard a mechanical, though feminine voice talk through the speaker"Good afternoon sir, you've reached Morphco's Front desk, how can I direct your...

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An English Fairytale

An English Fairy Tale Once upon a time, Mrs. Miles and her daughter June were proprietors of the best Inn in Lowestoft. Many years before, Mrs. Miles had worked in the Inn for her dear Father. It had been her fifteenth summer, a time in life when young girls hoped to find a husband. The young Mrs. Miles was no different than any other young girl in the village at that time. One day, a handsome wandering young man came into her father's Inn. He had long dark hair and blazing blue eyes set...

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A new kind of MILF

It was the end of the summer holidays and my usual post-holiday blues had hit me hard at school. It was a boarding school and I knew I wouldnt be able to go home for another 6 weeks, 6 weeks of boring lessons, angry teachers and stupid girls. I was 15 and small for my age, 5 ft 2 to be precise. This put me at a huge disadvantage when it came to girls. Not because I had a small penis, in fact at 7 inches it was something many boys my own age envied, but girls never got so far as to see it....

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Charity Ball

Charity Ball By Sissy Lizzy I'd decided to take one or two years off between high school and college, so that I could learn more about the real world, and was talking to my mom, when Karen, my long time friend stopped by with some big news. "Kelly," she cried out, "You won't believe this. I've just won two tickets to the Landsown Charity custom ball on the radio." "My God, Karen," mom almost shrieked, "Those tickets are worth $500 each." "That's fantastic," I joined in....

1 year ago
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Our Ordeal In TumaliChapter 12 Raped

We spent much of the remainder of the day, re-working Roger's report into a draft article for the magazine. I felt we needed more background information on the life style of those who lived in the community and those who had houses of their own. Sumala's knowledge provided some of the answers but always they were from a man's point of view. "What would if be like if I had gone instead of Roger? Would one man have picked me out and taken me for the night or would I have to submit to the...

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The Case of the Missing WomanChapter 22 Another Marriage and Another Meeting

The summer passed quickly. It was a very busy time. Percy's lodge was booked solid the entire season. He worked assuring his guests had a pleasant vacation from sun up to sun set. He was too tired at the end of the day to even dream. Without the terrible dreams, he slept the sleep of the just. One day Percy was having his weekly breakfast at the diner in town when the Rabbi Feldman and Father Dolan sat down at his table. After the initial greeting, the Rabbi started, "Percy we need a favor...

3 years ago
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Home Alone Ch 2

God, I had never cum so hard before, it took me a few minutes to get my breath back. I couldn’t believe how good I felt. I couldn’t wait to watch more of the DVD. I thought I would get myself a bit more comfortable before resuming the viewing. I had a quick shower just to refresh myself. I did find it hard resisting paying with myself, but I knew it would be worth waiting for. I didn’t bother putting any clothes on, I didn’t think it would be worth it, I just wrapped myself up in my dressing...

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Thanks SonChapter 2

He sat there with a bit of a stupid, amazed look when she added, "So, I think he expects something to happen tonight and, if you need it, you certainly have my consent, Paul. You're welcome to spend the night. I know Jason isn't expecting you home." "Well, I ... I'm rarely at a loss for words but..." he began and she got up, then pulled him up. "In that case, don't say anything, just follow me. Jason gave me an extra toothbrush for you and I'm hoping you sleep like I do, in the...

1 year ago
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Lockdown Fun With Neighbor Savitha Aunty

Hello Friends,I am writing my new experience which in encountered with my new neighbour during this lockdown.I'm Akash working as an software professional in bangalore this incident… Hello Friends,I am writing my new experience which in encountered with my new neighbour during this lockdown.I'm Akash working as an software professional in bangalore this incident took place few days back with my hot neighbour her name is savitha aged around 32 yrs very fair with dick raising asset 34-32-34...

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Incest Happens In India 8211 Part 2

Hi everyone, I am Ragu. This is continuation of “incest happens in India” and this is final part of my story. Please feedback at Coming to the story, me and my mother Archana had sex and she is sleeping beside me. I just woke up and saw my mom. She is all nude lying on her stomach and covered with blanket .I opened the blanket and saw her body, am erected and rub her back from neck to ass and presses her ass, she moaned in sleep and I kissed her and want to fuck her. Suddenly I stopped myself...

3 years ago
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The Secret

It was very hot outside. Sweat ran down Jack's young face as he mowed the last row of grass. Finally he was finished. He pushed the mower into the garage and made himself a glass of ice water. He stood over the sink covered with sweat. His hair was wet and his tanned young body glistened. He downed the water and filled the glass again. He took the water with him as he headed to the shower. He was so hot he left the bathroom door open as he showered. He set the water temperature to the coolest...

2 years ago
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My mom and i drove to Portsmouth from Carlisle Cumbria to visit my aunt on her death bed. We spent a week at my grandmother's house waiting for her to pass away.Much to our relief, she did not die. And once she was out of danger, mom and i began our drive back home.Half way back mom decided to stop for the night and get a motel room. I was glad because we were both hot and sweaty, plus it had been a stressful week.My mom and i really get along wonderfully. She had me when She was fifteen.I was...

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Ray and his 18-year old son were more like friends than father and son. Greg was advanced for his age and Ray wasn't able to give up the wild days of his youth. They were into the same activities and liked the same sports and music. Ray sometimes joined Greg on a Saturday night out with friends. Greg's friends were queasy at first but soon learned that Ray was discrete, thought the same way, and acted more like a virile teenager than an older married man: downing the suds, telling dirty jokes...

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