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I met Rebecca Breckenridge at an informal dance in the high school gym. They were called "Sock Hops" in those ancient times since it was held in the gym, and no street shoes were permitted on the hardwood playing floor. It was my senior year and I had no steady girlfriend. Rebecca was sitting in the bleachers watching her classmates dance, and now and then chatting with a couple of her friends. I knew who she was, but since she was a year behind me, we didn't share any classes. I thought she was pretty good looking and she had a great smile. She also had a great body. I hadn't seen her with any particular guy, so I was pretty sure she didn't have a steady boyfriend.

I sucked it up and wandered over near where she was sitting. I asked her to dance when there seemed to be a lull in her conversation. She smiled and stood, and I held out my hand to steady her as she stepped past her friends out to the steps. I was pretty tongue-tied as we danced that first dance. Still, I wanted her to stay and dance some more. Somehow, she got that message and we spent the rest of that too-short noon hour together on the floor of the gym.

To cut the story short, we dated, became intimate, and married, all in two-and-a-half years. I was out of high school and working at a wholesale building supply company while Rebecca was working as a bank teller. I was aiming for a career in sales. It would be my opportunity for a occupation with the potential for almost fifteen thousand dollars in annual earnings.

If Rebecca had a flaw, it was her occasional moods, which varied from distant to downright snarly. They didn't happen very often, but when they did, she wasn't a lot of fun to be around. I put it down to her periods, but to tell the truth, that wasn't the only time when she would go off. I learned to live with it and enjoy all the other times when she was pleasant to be around.

Rebecca was working in the bank to make money which supposedly was going into our savings account. It was destined for the down payment on a house. I kept watching that account, and it didn't seem to be growing very much. Rebecca always had something that she absolutely had to have. As a result, her income was being spent before it ever got into our savings. I talked to her about this, and she got angry about my complaint. In the end, she promised that she would be more frugal. It never happened. There was always something that came first.

It was twenty months after we married that Rebecca discovered she was pregnant. Five months later, she quit her job. It wasn't a big blow to our income, since she was spending most of what she earned on non-essentials. However, it did make my new rules about expenditures that much more important. I was almost at the point where I was going to shift our joint account to a new one with only my access. I think Rebecca must have got the message, and she appeared to reform.

In the meantime, I had been given a junior sales territory. The definition of "junior" being all the accounts that no one else could crack, plus a couple of old standbys that would see that I didn't starve. I had a base salary and a commission on every sale, but the current volume of the territory would see me with little more than my salary as a counter clerk. Nonetheless, I was pleased with the opportunity, and I launched my sales career with optimism.

Rebecca, in the meantime, was exhibiting all the signs of third trimester crankiness. She was carrying our baby through the hot summer months. It was just one more thing to make her miserable. As she got bigger, she got more uncomfortable, which was natural. She seemed to think this was all a conspiracy to antagonize her, and she was in a foul mood more often than not. I consulted with some of my married-with-children cohorts. I was told this was normal, and not to be too concerned. Just try and let it bounce off you, they said, and don't take it personally.

I tried, but there were days when I didn't want to go home and face another night of complaint and argument. I told myself that this misery would be over when the baby was born. Her pregnancy was close to full term anyway, but it was tough. On top of that, my sales career was very slow developing. New business wasn't easy to find. I was young and eager but inexperienced. I struggled without much help from my boss. I had been thrown to the wolves, and left to fend for myself.

On September 29, 1977, our first child was born. I had just come off a road trip, and I was bone weary when I walked in the door of our apartment.

"Don't bother taking your clothes off, Warren, I'm going into labor," she said.

I spotted her suitcase in the hallway, helped her to her feet, and went to get her coat. No "Hi ... how are you?" No "Welcome home, dear." Just get your ass in gear and get me to the hospital. "Nice to see you too, dear," I thought.

We made it in plenty of time. Those were the days when fathers weren't commonly allowed in the maternity ward inner sanctum. We were expected to sit in the waiting room until they were notified that the deed was done. I didn't smoke, but I might as well have lit up a few with the air quality in that room. There were three other guys, all expectant fathers, and two of them smoked.

I went home to my bed about four on Saturday morning. I had finally been informed that there was nothing happening and probably wouldn't be for a few hours yet. I remember falling into bed, but nothing until I woke at nearly nine the next morning. I panicked a bit, thinking that the baby may have been born already. Then I remembered that the hospital had promised to phone me if anything happened. Just the same, I showered, shaved, made some toast and instant coffee, and drove to the hospital again. There was no need to rush. Rebecca was sleeping and nothing had happened.

I had been invited to my boss's house for dinner on Saturday. I took him up on it, and then drove back to the hospital about seven. I went home at eleven that night, once again having been assured that nothing was happening. When the phone rang, I looked at the clock on the night table and saw it was just after three. I groped my way to the phone in the hall and answered it.

"Warren ... why aren't you here? You have a son, Warren," Rebecca said, sounding irritated.

"Oh ... that's great. How are you?" I asked solicitously.

"I'm sore. Giving birth was no fun, I can tell you. You men don't have a clue what we go through for you."

"Well, I'm grateful for your ... efforts, dear. Is the baby OK?"

"Yes ... he's fine. Why aren't you here?" she repeated.

"Uh ... I was ... I mean ... I've been in that waiting room almost since you were admitted. I needed to get some sleep. They said nothing was happening, so I came home. I'll get dressed and come down right away," I said groggily.

"Well don't put yourself out," she sneered and then hung up.

I leaned against the wall and tried to get a grip on myself. I was delighted that we had a healthy baby boy. By the sounds of it, I was happier about the birth than Rebecca. I went to the bathroom and splashed some cold water on my face. I didn't bother to shave, but I brushed my teeth, and staggered back to the bedroom to get dressed.

I arrived just after four that Sunday morning. I went to the waiting room to find a duty nurse to take me to see Rebecca.

"You're too early. Visiting hours aren't until eight," the stout matron pronounced.

"But I'm the father," I protested.

She looked me over carefully and then walked out. I assumed my plea had been ignored, but a minute later another nurse came through the door.

"Are you Mr. Browne?" she smiled.


"Come with me please," she said politely. She made me feel a lot better.

When I entered Rebecca's room, she was holding our baby. She was looking at him with what I could only describe as loving eyes. It was a Rebecca I hadn't seen for a while, and I was mightily relieved.

"Hi, babe, how are you doing?" I asked, all the while gazing at our baby.

"Better, now that it's over. I'm not sure I want to go through that again, but ... god, he's so beautiful, and so tiny. Do you remember what we decided to name him if it was a boy?" she asked, smiling. She was actually smiling. I felt my whole spirit lift with that one gesture.

"Yah ... I remember. Jonathan Michael Browne. Jon for your father, Mike for mine," I smiled.

"Yes. Say hello to Jon Browne, Father," she smiled up at me.

I don't think I'd felt that good about anything in a long time. Our first child, a son! It was the very thing I had hoped for, but never dared tell Rebecca. I was sure she wanted a daughter. Maybe the sight of that precious little boy changed everything. I'm not sure, but she was definitely a happy mother at that moment.

The euphoria lasted quite a while. Rebecca was nursing little Jon, and she was a natural at motherhood. She was happy to have someone who was totally dependent upon her. If it was possible to spoil a newborn, Rebecca managed it. When Rebecca was happy, I was happy.

A strange thing happened at the same time, and I'm pretty sure the two things were connected. Since her turnaround in attitude, I suddenly began to experience some success in my sales territory. Maybe it was because I had a much more positive attitude. Or possibly it was just that I had kept at it and didn't quit. Whatever the reason, I was suddenly writing a lot of new business.

There are certain things I did that I don't brag about. One of them was to set up a separate savings account. I put bonus money and unexpected commission checks into it and said nothing to Rebecca. I still wanted to buy that home we both had dreamed about, and that's what the extra money was destined for. I felt guilty that I hid it from my wife, but I remembered her inability to stick with a budget when she was working. I was afraid that she would look upon this money as surplus and it would be gone as soon as I put it in the account. Like I say, I'm not happy about it, but it was necessary in my opinion.

Rebecca continued to be the perfect mother as our Jon progressed from his infancy to his first steps, and then his first words. "Mama" was first, followed soon by "Daah." Our private time was so much better after the birth as well. Rebecca was much more loving. We enjoyed sex at least twice a week, and often three or four times if she was feeling frisky. I had no complaints. The turnaround in attitude was stunning and very welcome.

We even talked about having another child. We had no sooner mentioned it when Rebecca discovered she was pregnant again. She was delighted, and if she was delighted, I was delighted. We had a happy household, a bouncing baby boy, and another child on the way. Life couldn't be more perfect. To top it all off, my success in sales had continued. I was now one of the top three producers in our company and getting a lot of recognition. All the while, I was stashing money into our savings account. I now felt we were ready to make a down payment on a house. All I had to do was break the news to Rebecca.

To be honest, I was worried that Rebecca would be angry that I kept the money thing secret. It would tell her that I didn't trust her, and I'm sure that would hurt. On the other hand, money didn't come from the sky, and sooner or later I'd have to own up to what I had been doing. It's not as if I had been keeping it for myself. I did it for both of us.

One evening after she had put Jon down for the night, she was rubbing her round little tummy in anticipation of our next child. I sat down beside her and took her hand.

"Rebecca, I have some very good news for you," I began.

She looked at me and smiled, "You do? What is it?" She was like a kid at Christmas. She couldn't wait to hear.

"I've been able to save some money ... and ... we now have enough for a down payment on a house." I was cringing in anticipation of some very awkward questions.

"We have! Are you serious? We can buy a house?" She looked like she was ready to explode. Not with anger, but with joy. How the money got there was the last thing on her mind. She was already planning the curtains and the new furniture, I guessed. Damn, but it felt good.

"When can we go looking?" she asked excitedly.

"How about this weekend. You check out the papers and call your friend at the real estate office, and we can get started. We'll need to set a budget and what we want in a house, but that's what the real estate people are there to help us with," I said, smiling at a very happy wife.

"Oh Warren, this is wonderful. I'm so proud of you. You did this all by yourself, didn't you," she said, hugging me and covering my face with kisses.

Whew! Dodged a bullet.

She was pretty happy anyway with little Jon to look after. Even when she was in the last weeks of her pregnancy, she would fuss over the little guy. She would tell him about the new baby that was coming. I don't think Jon had a clue what she was talking about, but because she was happy and I was happy, little Jon was happy. We were one happy family.

I was thrilled that our second child was a girl. Rebecca had what she wanted, and I had what I wanted - one of each. Our little girl was born in May and Rebecca didn't have to go through a long hot summer before giving birth as she had the first time. It did wonders for her temperament. On top of that, she gave birth one hour after she checked into the hospital, preventing another long, drawn-out labor. I barely had time to get myself a coffee when the nurse came out and had me follow her to see our little girl.

We named our new addition Marion Adele Browne. Marion was my mother's name, and Adele was Rebecca's mother's name. Little Marion had a few problems early on with colic, but even that didn't seem to phase Rebecca. She'd get up in the middle of the night to nurse her or calm her down if she was crying. She never seemed to get frustrated when our little girl was upset. The doctor gave us some drops that helped a bit, but only time would see her problems pass. Just the same, Rebecca handled it with patience and love. I was very, very proud of her.

Something else about Rebecca impressed me. When Jon was born, she began an exercise program, and within a few months she was back to her normal weight and figure. She had changed our diet too. I was benefiting from better eating habits, and had lost a few extra pounds I didn't need.

Rebecca kept up her exercises, and after Marion was born, I could see that within a few months, you wouldn't be able to tell that Rebecca had given birth at all. She would be the same, slim, sexy babe I married. Most of the guys I knew thought she was one hot woman. I know a few of them were envious, and that was good for my ego.

The next ten years of our marriage were as good as they could be. I had not only risen to the top of the sales ladder, but had been made sales manager, and my salary was now very nice indeed. Our "starter home" had been improved and then sold when we found a piece of property we truly liked. We decided to build our dream home. Rebecca spent hours planning and investigating and hunting for just the right items that would go into that house. She even had the kids helping her.

Jon was growing into a big boy; soon bigger than his father. Straw blonde hair and blue eyes, he was going to be a lady-killer, I thought. His mother spoiled both of them, but I could hardly complain. They were good kids, and they hung out with other good kids. Marion was a little chunky when she was young, but a growth spurt had turned her into a much slimmer, more confident ten-year-old. I thought she was going to be as good looking as her mother in a few years, and that was saying something.

Rebecca, at age thirty-two, looked like she was still in her mid-twenties and you would never guess she had given birth to two kids. She was a very beautiful woman, but didn't flaunt it. If anything, I had to convince her to wear sexier clothes now and then. She had the body, and I wanted everyone to know it.

It wasn't until Jon was approaching his sixteenth birthday that I began to notice some changes in Rebecca. She wasn't quite the happy camper she had been over the past years. She hadn't returned to the bad-tempered woman of pre-childbirth, but she was definitely a lot quieter and moody. She was in her middle thirties and nowhere near menopause, so it couldn't be that. Just the same, I spent quite a bit of time telling her how beautiful she was, and how happy I was with her and our family.

She would acknowledge my compliments and offer a vague smile, but still I thought something had changed. I was anxious to find out what it could be. I decided to talk to her about it. It was, in retrospect, a decision I wish I had thought through more carefully. I was not prepared for the conversation that followed.

"What do you mean?" she said, appearing to be offended. "I haven't changed. There's nothing wrong with me," she snapped. Right away, I should have dropped it, but I wasn't that smart.

"Honey, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with you. It's just that you don't seem as happy as you used to be. I don't know why. I just wanted to talk to you about it. Maybe you can tell me if something is bothering you," I tried.

"There's nothing bothering me. What the hell gave you that idea?" She had raised her voice and was clearly upset at the direction of my comments.

I wasn't smart enough to quit while I was behind, so I just plowed on ahead.

"I noticed it. It isn't my imagination. You aren't happy about something and I'm just trying to find out what it is," I said in my most conciliatory voice.

She looked at me and was about to say something, and then got up and stomped up the stairs to our bedroom and slammed the door shut. Great! I handled that perfectly. My guts were churning, and I felt like hell. I got up, put on my windbreaker and walked out the door. I was going for a walk to try and think this through. I needed to give her some space and time to cool down. One thing was certain, she was no longer the happy housewife of the past fifteen years. Something had changed, and I desperately wanted to try and pin down what it was.

At first I was so upset that I couldn't think straight. My mind was jumping from one thing to another. Even if I hadn't been the one that overreacted, I was angry with myself for allowing the conversation to deteriorate. If I had just shut up and let it be ... but then again, that wasn't going to solve the problem. I couldn't hide from it. I had to face it. But what was I facing? I didn't have a clue what had gone wrong. If I didn't know what it was all about, how could I go about fixing it?

I walked around the neighborhood for over an hour and finally summoned up the courage to go home. I was hoping that Rebecca would be there, but there was no sign of her. I knew she wouldn't just leave the kids on their own. I hung up my jacket and walked upstairs. The bedroom door was still closed, and nothing had changed since I had left.

Jon and Marion were in the family room watching TV, and I joined them. I was curious if they had overheard any of the confrontation earlier. I flopped myself down in my usual chair. They were watching an old James Bond flick. I waited to see if they would react to my being there. It was Marion that finally said something.

"What were you and Mom fighting about?" she asked when the commercials came on.

"We weren't fighting, Mar. We were just discussing something," I said feebly.

"She wasn't very happy. I heard her crying in the bedroom. You must have said something," she said with an accusatory tone.

I looked at my daughter, now fourteen, and wondered how aware she was of the atmosphere in our home.

"Can I ask you a question?" I said, directing it to my daughter.


Jon hit the mute button and was listening, but saying nothing.

"Have you noticed a change in your mother in the last year?" I asked carefully.

Jon immediately looked at Marion, and her at him. I had hit a responsive chord.

"So you have then," I continued.

"Yah ... she's ... changed. She doesn't seem to be very happy any more," Marion volunteered.

"Yes ... that's exactly what I noticed, and what I wanted to talk to her about tonight," I said.

"What did she say?" Jon finally asked.

"She denied there was any problem and refused to talk about it. When I persisted, she got angry and finally got up and went to the bedroom," I explained.

"That's weird," Marion said.

"Yah ... she isn't like the mom we used to have," Jon said solemnly. "Dad ... do you think she's ... I mean ... maybe ... using drugs or something?" he asked tentatively.

"You mean pills or alcohol?" I asked, surprised at the question.

"Yah ... I guess so."

I looked at my son, and shook my head. "I don't think so."

But the question was a good one. Was Rebecca using drugs as an escape? It couldn't be alcohol. I would have smelled it, or she would have demonstrated some symptoms. Was I the fool who couldn't see what was going on? I wasn't sure I wanted the answers to these questions, but I knew they had to be asked.

Rebecca finally came out of the bedroom at ten that evening. She had changed to her usual nightdress and dressing gown. She had removed all her makeup as she usually did. However, her hair was quite untidy, which was unusual. She looked every one of her thirty six years and maybe even more. I don't think I had ever seen her so dejected.

She sat in her usual chair, avoiding me until she finally turned and spoke.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to go off like that. I'm sorry," she said quietly and contritely.

"Me too. I didn't intend to confront you. I was worried. The kids are worried," I said softly.

"The kids? What do you mean?" she said, suddenly alert.

"They've seen the same things that I have. They don't understand it either," I continued, trying to keep my words non-confrontational.

She buried her head in her hands. In a moment, I knew she was weeping. I rose and went to her side, my arm around her shoulders, saying nothing.

When she began to regain her composure, she tried to push me away. I was reluctant, but finally I knew I had to let her handle this in her own way. I returned to my chair and sat, silently waiting.

"Oh, Warren. I don't want to be like this. I can't seem to help it. I feel lonely and lost." she cried.

I returned to her side and held her again.

"I love you, Rebecca. You know that. Your children love you. You know that too. We will help you get through this, I promise." I was beginning to sense that there was something that I could do. It wasn't so hopeless that I couldn't give support to my wife.

We went to bed not long after that. I lay there, wondering what had happened to my lovely wife. My mind began to construct all kinds of scenarios. It took me a couple of hours to finally get to sleep, but it was a restless sleep. I awoke several times during the night, my thoughts alive with questions.

The next morning, I stopped in at my company's human resources department and asked to see Pat Johnson.

"Pat, Rebecca is having a problem. I'm not sure, but it seems like a mental problem. Do we have any coverage with our health insurance for treatment of this sort of thing?"

"Yes ... absolutely. I'm sorry to hear about it, Warren. What seems to be the problem she's having?"

"I wish I knew. She's unhappy and miserable and ... oh ... I don't know ... just not herself. It's been coming on for about a year now. Slowly, she's been getting more and more ... moody. You know what I mean?"

"I guess so. But, anyway, you need to find a doctor who can help her. I can give you a list of doctors that we have approved," she offered.

"Yah, but which one is the right one?" I asked, not sure of where to go from here.

"Well, I can't tell you that. I suggest you call a couple of them and see what they say. It almost sounds like you need a psychiatrist," she said carefully.

"A psychiatrist?"

"That's what it sounds like. But then again, I don't know enough to be sure, Warren. You have to decide that," she said apologetically.

"OK ... well, if you'll give me the list, I'll start calling," I said.

I made about a half-dozen calls and got nowhere. None of the doctors wanted to talk to me on the phone. They all insisted that I make an appointment. I decided to find out which of them would see me the soonest. It turned out to be Dr. Gabriel Chomsky. I made an appointment for myself, and one week later I was in his office.

"Well, Dr. Chomsky, I've told you what's been going on. What do you think?" I asked.

"I think I need to talk to Mrs. Browne. I can't tell from your description just what the problem is, but something is definitely wrong. I suggest you make an appointment for her as soon as possible," he said, no longer looking at me. I had been dismissed. I rose and turned to leave his office.

"Oh, Mr. Browne, is this covered by your company health insurance?" he asked. I nodded and then left. Thanks for the personal service, doctor.

I went home with a feeling of dread. How was I going to get Rebecca to see this doctor? How would she react? When was I going to talk to her? It was gnawing at my guts, and I knew I couldn't put if off or I'd be the one in Chomsky's chair. I decided that I would talk to her that night.

The blow-up had happened almost two weeks earlier. Aside from my looking for a doctor, things had returned to normal around the house. Normal, of course, continued to be the downbeat attitude of Rebecca. I wasn't looking forward to the conversation I knew I had to have with her. However, putting it off wasn't going to make things easier, or so I thought.

"You did what?" she almost screamed. "You made an appointment for me with a 'shrink.'" She was livid, and wasn't trying to temper it. "How dare you!" she spat. She stood in front of me with fire in her eyes, her face beet-red with anger. "You think I'm crazy, don't you?"

"No ... No," I protested. "You said yourself you didn't want to be unhappy ... that you wanted to feel better. I just thought..." I didn't get a chance to finish.

"It'll be a cold day in hell when I see a psychiatrist, buster. You can take that idea and stick it you know where!" She turned and once again stomped upstairs to the bedroom and repeated her door-slamming from the previous episode.

I let my breath out. I had been holding it for most of my attempt to convince her to see the doctor. I was overcome with a sense of defeat. She made it clear there would be no visit to Dr. Chomsky, or any other doctor for that matter. It also meant that her problem would not disappear. Worse, it may become more acute. I slumped in the chair and buried my head in my hands, searching for something that would turn this around.

I caught a glimpse of Marion peeking around the corner of the hall, and I waved her in. Jon was out playing touch football with his friends.

"I gather you heard that," I said sadly.

"Yah ... she didn't take it very well," Marion said quietly.

"That's an understatement," I smiled wearily. "I don't know what to do now."

"You want me to talk to her?" Marion asked. My head came up. Maybe, just maybe, she would respond better to her daughter than to me. "Are you sure you want to?"

"Yah ... somebody has to ... she can't go on like this. It's getting worse, isn't it?" she said seriously.

"Yes ... it's getting worse," I admitted. "If you think you can reach her, please try."

"OK, I'll go up and see if she'll talk to me." She turned to go upstairs to our bedroom.

"Marion," I called after her. She glanced back at me with the saddest look I had ever seen on her. It almost brought me to tears. "Thank you." She nodded and began to climb the stairs.

I heard her knock on the bedroom door and then something mumbled. She must have been allowed into the bedroom because she was no longer on the landing when I looked. I sat in my chair and was completely drained. This was the worst day of my life, I thought. I was losing Rebecca, I was sure. She was mentally leaving me ... us ... all of us. Was this the beginning of the end of our marriage? Maybe it was already over and I just didn't recognize it.

Marion came downstairs about thirty minutes later with a long face and slowly came to sit beside me.

"She said she'd come down in a while and talk to you."

"How is she?"

"She was crying and I had a hard time talking to her. Something is bugging her, but she won't tell me what it is."

I could see the tears forming in Marion's eyes. I pulled her to me, hugging her.

"Thank you for trying, darling. You are the best daughter any father could have," I said sincerely.

She was sobbing and sniffling into my shoulder. I continued to hold her until she calmed down. I was completely devoid of any idea of what to do or say to Rebecca that would bring our relationship back into some kind of balance. At least she was willing to talk to me, but about what I couldn't guess.

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The Ring AOChapter 79 Unit Management

By 9.45 the Saturday morning meeting area was almost full. Helena, Fred, Zac and Suzanne managed to get four chairs near the back of the hall together. At 9.55 Andrew and Jane entered to a surprising large group. In the front seat were the ladies from the previous meeting all looking happy. Moody Morgan had not appeared. At 10 am Andrew started the meeting. Everyone had to sign in when they entered and he found there was over 75% of unit holders in attendance. He gave an overview of the...

2 years ago
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TMF Upper Management

Philip was having a great morning. He had slept like a baby, visited his barber for a hot shave and had a wonderful breakfast at his favorite cafe in New York. He looked at his reflection in the window of the limo as it stopped to pick him up. He was in very good shape for being in his late 30's. He had always taken pride in his classic good looks. His suit was expensive and his watch cost more than most people's homes. The limo driver opened the door for him and he climbed in. He could...

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Anger Issues

The Savage Hi, my name is Simon, and I have anger issues. I thought I had mastered them, but it appears I had only suppressed them. As a child, I had had court mandated anger management therapy, and medication, but that was all behind me now, the records sealed. I had always been a fighter. Growing up as the runt of the litter in a family of 6 kids will do that to you. My parents were hard-working folk, salt of the earth but great advocates of the ‘spare the rod and spoil the child’...

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Anger Ch 02

Anger Chapter 2 – Destruction, Redemption, Grace. Author’s Note: First, I appreciate the support and the suggestions. Let me know if you are still confused about who is speaking. Second, don’t forget to let me know what you think. Third, I hope you enjoy the story. ‘Do whatever you want to me, I won’t say my word.’ I nod my head thinking about the world inside those words. I lay Jane on my bed and sit atop her stomach with my hands on her wrists looking into her eyes. I’m careful not to put...

2 years ago
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Under New Management

It started as any normal Monday morning would: slowly moving down the road to the office, jockeying for position among the rest of the bleary-eyed working class. I steeled myself as I finally entered the building and headed for the elevator, ready for another uneventful week. Just before reaching my destination I noticed a blonde woman that I didn’t recognize sitting in the lobby. She wore a black pencil skirt, white blouse, black blazer, and eye-catching red heels. Despite her efforts to...

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Under New Management

It started as any normal Monday morning would: slowly moving down the road to the office, jockeying for position among the rest of the bleary-eyed working class. I steeled myself as I finally entered the building and headed for the elevator, ready for another uneventful week. Just before reaching my destination I noticed a blonde woman that I didn't recognize sitting in the lobby. She wore a black pencil skirt, white blouse, black blazer, and eye-catching red heels. Despite her efforts to...

4 years ago
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Service SocietyChapter 15 Time Management

Dexter was pleased with the article he was about to post on the website. The title of the article was, “The Customer is Always Right?” The question mark in the title was the whole point of the article. The past week had been spent interviewing people who worked in a service capacity. Some of the stories they told were very interesting. One waiter had relayed a story about the time a woman yanked on his arm while he was walking past her table, carrying a tray of food for another table. The...

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Waste Management

Waste management is all the activities and actions required to manage waste from its inception to its final destination This includes amongst other things collection, transport, treatment and disposal of waste together with monitoring and regulation. Waste can take any form that is solid, liquid, gas... or even human!

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 11 Anger Management

April 10, 1990, Chicago, Illinois “Damn!” Greg said. “This is the coolest project you’ve had for me so far” I smiled, “Remember, you can’t talk about this to anyone who hasn’t signed the NDA. And that includes Hannah.” Hannah was his girlfriend of about three months. “Yeah, yeah. I know. I know. Who’s going to work on this with me?” “Penny, most likely. She’s decided to work three or four days a week during the summer, and then in the fall she’s working two-days a week.” “She’s almost...

4 years ago
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Anger Management 2 Docs Story

"Hi everyone", I'm not new to this anger management class. For you first timers, my name is Paul Jefferson. My friends call me "Doc". I've been coming to these sessions for 3 years. The court ordered them as part of my early release. If you are wondering, yes I'm the scary doctor that Hank talked about in "Anger Management." I will regret what I did for the rest of my life. Things got out of hand and I will always wonder if there was a better way of handling my things. Like most of...

2 years ago
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Anger Ch 01

Chapter 1 – They Meet Authors Note: There is no sex in this chapter. As of this posting, chapter 2 hasn’t been written. I want to hear from you, my goal is to become a better writer. Help Me! Specifics are great, you liked this passage or I lost you in that passage etc. I hope you enjoy the story. The sun touches the horizon setting a flattering rosy glow on the swim-suited beach crowd as they fold chairs, shake towels and prepare to leave with the sun. Sitting atop my surfboard, I rise...

3 years ago
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Doppelganger Players: Brian as Brian as Brian. Synopsis: Brian didn't feel the changes, or if he did, it wasn't enough to wake him. A shift would be the best way to describe what did happen. A slight quiver within the blink of an eye and then nothing. Brian did wake slightly then, but in that half sleep nothing registered before falling back to his dreams. His hand, resting lightly on his nightgown, moved slowly, and his dream changed. Fact From...

4 years ago
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Anger Ch 03

Anger Chapter 3 – Loneliness – The Final Chapter. Author’ Note: There is no sex in this chapter. Thanks for the suggestions and support. I hope you enjoy the story. She puts her head on my chest, her hand on my abdomen. I stroke her hair drowsily. The thought of waking with Emily warm and close fills me to overflowing. I am perfectly in balance, the world will wait for me. The emotional and physical activities of the day call me to slumber. I close my eyes on the best day of my life. I wake...

3 years ago
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Anger Delayed

Hell hath no fury like a man scorned.I was saved by a per-nuptial when I divorced Emily. I had to divorce her because she was sleeping regularly with her boss. Incidentally his name was also Mike. That didn't help but the pre-nuptial did. I was a rich guy after my father died suddenly, but I was also a very busy guy. My dad ran a huge construction company and I was a mid-level manager in his company - learning the tricks of the trade before taking things over from him. After his death I...

2 years ago
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Anger Breeds Revenge

I was sitting on my bed and had just sucked in yet another deep breath. I was trying not to cry and to make a major decision at the same time; to wit, if I wanted to get my gun from the safe and go down to my husbands' office blow his brains out. I had the errant object of my anger in my hand, an e-mail that was carefully folded and for the umptheenth time I opened it and looked at the picture and reread the text. The photo was quite good actually; it showed my husbands 23 year old secretary,...

2 years ago
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Ranger JohnDay in the Life of a Park RangerThe distant sound of the Jeep scrunching the rocks and twigs on the dirtroad woke John Ulrich up."Shit! So early?" he moaned, writhing his beefy ex-pro-linebacker frame inthe too-narrow cot and looking over at the windup clock which must havebeen part of the cabin's furnishing since the 1950s.9:45 already! This was one part of the job John never got used to, theearly mornings. At least it was Tuesday and his official rounds didn'tstart til noon. But...

4 years ago
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Anger For lack of a better title for now

She knocked and Stacey let her in. Stacey gave her a sad smile and Silk noticed that she had red marks on her body. Michael was being hard on them. Silk almost laughed right then. “Where is my dress so I can be on my way,” Silk asked of Stacey finally. “Its up there on the table, I’ll go get it…” Stacey began before Michael cut her off. Michael’s voice filtered down to the door, “She can come up here and face me if she wants it.” Silk pushed past Stacey, now mad at how Michael was...

4 years ago
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Anger Not Those Wild Wyldewood BoysChapter 6

Now he tells us! Marsha's a prisoner of a certifiably crazy lady while our idiotic Sheriff is trying to fill the entire hilltop full of lead! Christmas was her code word to say while she was inside Carrie's if she felt that she was going to be in danger. She'd been held a prisoner all night and no one had told me a damned thing! I made a note to myself to have some serious words with Joe and do some major league ass-kicking on the asshole or assholes who were giving him his orders. "Did...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 2 JenniferChapter 13 Anger Management

June-July 1978 On Tuesday I had my appointment with Doctor Mercer. I gave her new pages from my journal, but not the one from the previous night. I’d give that to her next week, after she spoke with Bethany. I didn’t want the fact that I had sex with Anna to color Dr Mercer’s opinion of me. We spent most of the session discussing my emotions, after I’d explained I’d moed from sadness to anger. After that discussion, it seemed to me that she was OK with a shift to anger. She asked about...

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Crisis Management

I glanced over at her for the fiftieth time. Two rows ahead of me, two machines to the left. I quickly forced myself to look back at the row of TVs hanging from the ceiling, not wanting her to catch me looking at her again. Not that she had any idea I was even alive, mind you, maybe I was more afraid of being embarrassed by someone else catching me ogling the ultra-fit redhead with the ponytail effortless gliding away on the elliptical machine. So instead I kept sneaking peeks every 30 seconds....

2 years ago
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Maid Management

Philip was running out of time, he knew that he needed to be dressed and ready to greet his wife, Vanessa at 6pm, it was 5-15 and he was still 10 minutes from home. Finally his car drew into the drive and he rushed into their large house and up to the bathroom, shedding his clothes as he went. He shaved his face and checked his body was hairless. Moving quickly down the hall to the bedroom, he was surprised to find a lock on the door so that he couldn't get in, but then he remembered that...

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Nyota Uhura was living a nightmare. She would like to have been able to say that it was her worst nightmare, but even that paled compared to the reality that surrounded her. It seemed like a lifetime ago, yet it had only been a day since she’d been part of a landing party that had beamed down to the planet Halkan. The mission had been simple enough; negotiate with the ruling council for rights to their dilithium crystals. A violent magnetic storm that was developing in the region had caused a...

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Gangbanger Bro and Moms Ass

I live with my mom (Kamila), older sister (Luz), and fuckface brother. I'm Dillon by the way. My mom is from Venezuela. She met my dad down there when he was on vacation with his buddies. They both claim it was love at first sight. My sister likes to joke it was more like "ass at first sight" because mom has a serious booty that's hard not to notice. In fact men from the porn industry have approached her on two occasions to see if she would do either magazine modeling or videos. They...

4 years ago
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Stangers in the Night

I'm just your average women. My name is Judy, 29 year old young professional. Always hustling to make that next deal. I live in a big city. Always lots going on. Always something to do or see. But lately I haven't been doing or seeing much. I just work all the time. I'm married to my work. About a year ago I realized I needed a night out. Just some me time. I didn't know what would happen. Or even what I would do. I just knew I needed a fun night. Let me till you, a fun night I had....

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She had recently been recruited by an adult magazine to write a story on certain types of clubs. She had thought she was open minded but she had her eyes well and truly opened by some activities she witnessed while researching her story. Many times she found herself turned on by what she saw and upon her return home she relieved herself of 'tension' . Toni had not had a boyfriend for some months and she was not really missing the sex for it left her feeling as if she was missing...

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I felt like a whore, a filthy one at that. I looked at him to see if I could remember his face, and I didn't. Great. I got fucked by a stranger. Diseases, here I come. I tapped his shoulder. "Do we know each other?" "Yes." he replied "Can you tell me who you are?" "We used to go to the same church as kids. But you moved. And then I found you. And we fucked." "Was it good?" "Want to relive it?" I nodded my head. As soon as I nodded my head, the dude started fingering...

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"God, you're such a freak. Why don't you just go talk to him and get it over with?" Missy says, obviously a little sick of my growing obsession with the mysterious stranger who lives above our apartment. I just can't help it though. He's so.... mysterious... and strange. I gaze eagerly through my peephole as he approaches. I have to strain to make out his dark profile through the gloomy dusk but his silhouette is distinct. He walks with an easy confidence and a purposeful stride, as...

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Messanger Chat

BB: hmm ok BB: sounds good gijanemaccoy: i'll wrap my other arm around your waist and pull you against my body feeling you on fire BB: hmmmm gijanemaccoy: both our bodies feeling like electricity is flowing through them BB: hmmmm BB: come gijanemaccoy: my fingers play along the waist of your pants gijanemaccoy: and my other hand slips down your neck to the front of your throat BB: hmmm BB: hot gijanemaccoy: my hands feel under your shirt caressing your skin BB: baby gijanemaccoy:...

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As she was making her way across a vast open patch of field the first cool drops of rain splashed down onto her shoulders and she breathed a sigh of relief. Still walking she took black elastic from her wrist and pulled her thick red hair back into a ponytail, feeling the light rain and cooling air on the back of her neck. A large drop fell onto her neck and trickled down the middle of her back causing her to shiver and bringing her out in goose bumps. A flash of blinding blue lightning...

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Never in her wildest dreams did she ever imagine sucking a total stranger off in an airport. From the moment she met Ted on the plane from Chicago, she ached for his touch and for his cock. Ted was really into her as well. He loved the way the fabric of her tight red business suit hugged the plump curves of her body. Now Kathy wasn’t fat but she defiantly had a few extra pounds. Ted liked big woman though. His wife was a BBW but there was something different about Kathy that made him...

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I met him in an online chat room and within twenty minutes we were telling each other our deepest secrets and which way we preferred to get or give sex. I think it was my suggestion to go over to his place, but he was not against the idea and before you knew it I was scribbling his address and door code on the pad next to the computer. It took me all of ten minutes to drive over and another three to get into the building and up to his condo. Within those short minutes in the elevator I had...

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Messanger Chat

Introduction: Found this in the depths of my computer from a few years ago. Damn it stills gets me hot though. Name of recipient has been changed for privacy sake. gijanemaccoy: ill grab your hair and pull you to me and push our lips together BB: hmm ok BB: sounds good gijanemaccoy: ill wrap my other arm around your waist and pull you against my body feeling you on fire BB: hmmmm gijanemaccoy: both our bodies feeling like electricity is flowing through them BB: hmmmm BB: come gijanemaccoy: my...

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When Jon woke up, he could feel rain hitting his skin. Slowly he sat up and looked around, shaking his head. He quickly realized that he was naked and that he sat in the middle of a forest. Slowly he looked around, noticing the smoking pieces laying around. Slowly a bit of his memory came back. He had been on the way home from a business meeting in a neighbor city and had taken the, slightly longer, route over the mountain pass to enjoy a bit the storm raging over the mountainside. Then, on the...

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In all your life you could only feel one way about yourself. You were a loser. Everything about you could be described as "below average" everything from your eyesight to the size of your penis. You were socially inept. You frequented the library, you would spend your time reading romances and erotica, wishing that you could have something like the characters in the stories. Despite everything you told yourself, despite all of your efforts, your attempts at improving any aspect of yourself...

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I met him in an online chat room and within twenty minutes we were telling each other our deepest secrets and which way we preferred to get or give sex. I think it was my suggestion to go over to his place, but he was not against the idea and before you knew it I was scribbling his address and door code on the pad next to the computer. It took me all of ten minutes to drive over and another three to get into the building and up to his condo. Within those short minutes in the elevator I had...

Oral Sex
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Stanger On The Bus To Lover 8211 Part 1

Hi guys this is Ravi (name changed).. But you can call me Akhila..Im a bi sexual and I love to cross dress..Im 24 currently living in chennai..This is a story on how I became a cute girl with the help of a stanger Lets get to my stats..Im a fair chubby guy with cute 32 b boobs, luscious lips and cute eyes with a nice big ass with a 4-inch cock..I love to wear tight pants or skirts and sway my ass infront of guys..Once I transfrom into akhila no one can tell im a guy..I love to wear western...

Gay Male
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Stanger Rides Me

Hello ISS readers all names are changed. The story has random Names. I am Abhipsha and I have been reading stories on ISS for a while and now I am writing my story. This incident happened 2 years back when my husband was away on tour. I am a female 28 years old and I have a good figure 32-28-30 and I was married to Vijay at the age of 24 and we settled in Gujarat. He loves me a lot and always tries to keep me sexually satisfied but this habit of his created the main problem.2 years back Vijay...

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Copyright© 2004 by Kien Reti He pressed the blinking red button on the cube. A luminous three-dimensional display popped up in mid-air. There were blocks of text in easy-to-read glowing green letters, and what looked like a side panel of multi-colored push-buttons. This had to be some kind of fancy hologram. Mark XXIV GenderChanger® Choose an Option: [1] PARTIAL CHANGE (genitalia only, secondary sex characteristics unaffected) [2] COMPLETE CHANGE (down to the...

4 years ago
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Dangerouslydead 2010 Invitational II

I guess some background would be in order. I was a virgin when I met Sandra, and so was she. We dated through our junior and senior years of high school, though she would tell friends things 'weren't serious' until college. I always wondered about that, since after my 'always ready' attitude she'd given in and we had sex the 1st time shortly before graduation. Honestly I don't remember much about it ... I was nervous, she was scared, neither of us knew what we were doing. I got the...

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Gangbanger Bro and Moms Ass

I hate my older brother, Carlos! He’s a dick! He wasn’t always that way. He changed after my dad died of prostate cancer several years ago. It’s been tough without him but mom has managed to keep things together, despite Carlos being the black sheep of the family and the leader of a violent gang. I can’t go into any details but they’re well known in the area. Take my word for it when I say, “they’re bad news”. I live with my mom (Kamila), older sister (Luz), and fuckface brother. I’m Dillon by...

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Endangerment Spankings Always for the BestChapter 2 Ride Along

Addison Montgomery believed it was not enough as a citizen, doctor and aunt to her newly discovered niece, Christine to give public speeches and raise money to stop teen drunk driving. She decided to put her butt on the line and volunteer to take part in ride a longs with the Seattle Police where tipsy drivers would be pulled over and their parents notified by the college they were attending or high school as part of an intervention. She would have firsthand accounts of the dangerous and...

2 years ago
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Today, we're beating the meat at Jav Bangers aka JavWhores aka Jav Tasty! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: the Japanese know how to make really fucking good porn. It’s weird, it’s hot, and nobody does it like them. But then again, how could you make bad porn when your entire country is filled with smoking hot dime pieces? Seriously, it’s not even just their pornstars. These babes are everywhere and are skinny, have perfectly nice small tits, and are pretty much guaranteed to have the...

Asian Porn Sites
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VR Bangers! The next generation of virtual reality is some pretty exciting shit, huh? Drop a few bills, slap on a helmet and you can fight monsters, fly spaceships, climb mountains, or go on educational adventures around the world. Of course, you see everyone swinging their controllers, blindfolded to reality, and you have a completely different thought: I wonder what it’s like to masturbate in that thing. VRBangers aims to give you just that opportunity.Premium Porn Delivered Straight to Your...

VR Porn Sites
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Do you get off to the thought of exposing yourself to total strangers? Or maybe you cream your pants when you think about someone running up to you and exposing themselves to you. Whatever the case may be, know that you are not fucking alone. There seems to be plenty of people that are into your kind of kink.Many of them are over on Here, you will find an abundance of users that want nothing more than to get off to content that will make you horny as fuck. If this...

Reddit NSFW List
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Exposed To Strangers! I’m often approached by fans on the street who ask, “Hello, Mr. PornDude. I’m a huge fan of yours. Would you be willing to sign my fleshlight? … Aww, thanks a lot. You’re the man. Hey, I have a question for you. You review so many porn websites, but what’s your favorite genre?” Well, that’s a tricky fucking question. One I can’t answer within the time restraints placed by a polite conversation on the street. So instead, I think it would be best to approach the question in...

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Vegetation Management

We’d not seen a summer like this one in a long time, 2 solid months of record breaking temperatures and no relief in sight. My man off on business, I had just finished some tuneup work on my bike, and was relaxing on the deck with a cold drink when I heard the whine of the string trimmer join the constant buzz of summer cicadas. Looking left, I was presently surprised by the sight of a rather appealing looking DoT summer hire shaving back kudzu from the edge of the road. Might as well have been...

3 years ago
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Free Use Laws Human Resource Management

This story follows Emma who is 24 years at the beginning of the story. It also covers the experience of her friends Carol, Alice, Amy ... The story is set in a future alternative world where some key scientific discoveries has lead to a new age of industrial revolution. Humans are a key resource in the new age. It all started 5 years ago when Emma had just been 18. The space company SPACELINK went out to deep space explorations to find new minerals for human use. They found a mineral named...

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Celebrity Management

My name is Robert Robertson, not a very good name but mine. I am an average looking nineteen year old man, dark black hair and brown eyes. Pale skin, my body is not fat or thin, but just maybe just over my best weight. Just under six foot. Not handsome or ugly, just a normal guy you might buy a beer with. Physically, emotionally and socially... normal and average. My mind, however, was genius level. It was also obsessed with sex and controlling the minds as well as the bodies of others. Which...

Mind Control
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Sarahs Discovery 3 Under New Management

Sarah's Discovery 3 / Sarah tells Nick how it's going to be. Nick had the temerity to look accusingly at me as I masturbated my way through Holly's description of what a power-trip it was to have a 9'' strap-on jutting out obscenely from between your legs. My fingers between my thighs speeded up when Holly described that it was double-ended and that the clitoral vibrator was simply divine, it made the wear tingle all over - she was pretty much addicted to her's - and Jane loved it...

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