Anger Ch. 03 free porn video

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Anger Chapter 3 – Loneliness – The Final Chapter.

Author’ Note: There is no sex in this chapter. Thanks for the suggestions and support. I hope you enjoy the story.

She puts her head on my chest, her hand on my abdomen. I stroke her hair drowsily. The thought of waking with Emily warm and close fills me to overflowing. I am perfectly in balance, the world will wait for me. The emotional and physical activities of the day call me to slumber. I close my eyes on the best day of my life.

I wake an hour later to Emily stirring. She wears a satisfied smile and nothing else. She stretches long with reaching hands and pointing toes, the bed vibrates with her tensing muscles. She lets out a long sigh of contentment. As I quietly watch her, an unconscious grin spreads across my face.

She looks at me and the smile slides right off her face, replaced by confusion then concern. She glances at her watch arm and groans forgetting she didn’t wear a watch. She rolls to sitting her eyes scanning.

‘Is everything okay?’ I ask with concern at her back as she rises from the bed.

‘I need to get going. Where’s your bathroom?’ She asks while scooping up her bathing suit bottom. I point to the bathroom door. She turns toward the door and turns back around, saying,

‘Where’s my top?’ It sits next to me on the bed. I toss it to her saying,

‘You’re welcome to stay.’

‘No, I have to go.’

‘I’d like you to stay.’

‘I have to go!’ she says impatiently.

‘Alright.’ Elevator going down. I am confused and anxious. She enters the bathroom and closes the door while I pick out underwear, pants and tee shirt to drive her back to her car. I’m trying to ignore the growing hole in my chest.

I hear the water run and I imagine her scrubbing all evidence of me from her body. She leaves the bathroom in her bathing suit. She keeps her head down not looking at me.

‘Emily, borrow any clothing you want, check the closet for shirts and the bottom drawer of the dresser has pants.’

‘No it’s alright, I don’t want to borrow your clothes.’

‘It’s early in the season, it can get chilly at night… you can keep whatever you find.’

‘Thank you, Matthew.’

I walk into the bathroom in a fog. I wash while trying to control my panic. How do I make her change her mind? Physical challenges are a matter of skill and strength and can be practiced to perfection. I’ve embraced many physical challenges – no problem.

Mental challenges are a matter of knowledge and creativity. I am creative and knowledge can be attained through study. I’ve successfully resolved many mental challenges – no issues there.

In matters of the heart, I’m a novice. I’ve never wanted to keep someone close to me before. I don’t know what to do. What do I say or do to stop Emily from walking out of my life forever? I thought I touched her, I thought she gave herself to me. She gave me her real name. Well, her real first name, anyway.

I stay much longer than necessary, trying to hatch a plan. Nothing comes. In despair, I walk out of the bathroom with a plan to wing it. She stands there lost in an oversized flannel shirt and baggy sweat pants. She actually makes the ensemble look good. My ridiculous clothing accentuates her femininity by highlighting her smaller, curvier frame.

It’s uncanny how she chose my favorite clothing. She sweetly picked the rattiest things I own, figuring I wouldn’t miss them, but they’re ratty because I wear them all the time. Comfort is the name of that game. In all honesty, I’m glad I got to see her in my favorite clothing and I don’t mind not seeing them again.

‘Is this okay?’ she asks sheepishly.

‘Yeah, that’s fine… Emily…’

‘I really need to go.’ She interjects.

‘I need to speak…’

‘Look, I asked you to fuck me and you did. You helped save my marriage, thanks.’

There’s a term in rock climbing – gripped. Being gripped means the icy hand of terror squeezes the courage from you, freezing you in place. You convince yourself the next move will be your death. So you cling to the rock while panic claims your mind and saps your strength.

It’s really quite insidious. You see, you can’t cling to the rock forever – arms and legs shake with fatigue and you will fall if you don’t make your move. The longer it takes to tame your mind, the less chance you have of making the next move. It’s a nightmarish situation that feeds on itself wolfishly.

I feel the symptoms coming on, but I’ve been gripped before. I’m not going to fall off this rock face through inaction. I’m going to make my move. If I fall, so be it. I tried.

‘Emily, I didn’t fuck you. I made love to you the best I know how. And it was the most satisfying, gratifying, complete sexual experience of my life, it wasn’t even close.’

Color rises to her cheeks as she replies,

‘Yeah, it was nice.’ She still won’t look at me.

‘It was nice?’ I ask disappointed.

‘Yes, it was nice. I told you what I wanted. I told you I loved my fiancé. I told you all I wanted was sex. I didn’t deceive you. What did you think was going to happen? Why do you want me to feel bad?’

‘I don’t want you to walk out of my life forever.’

‘I thought you understood, no attachments. No complications, didn’t you understand?’

‘Why did you say ‘I’m yours’?’

‘You can’t blame me for that, it was said in the heat of passion.’

‘What ‘heat of passion’? You said it was nice. There’s no ‘heat of passion’ in nice.’

‘I have to go, please drop me off at my car.’ She turns and walks out of my bedroom. I grab my keys and follow with a distinct falling feeling.

I’ve unconsciously made the threshold from the kitchen to the garage a demarcation line. If she walks over the threshold, I’ve lost her. She approaches the door and in a panic I grab her arm and spin her about.

‘EMILY!’ I yell in desperation.

‘Stop it, you’re scaring me.’ I can’t think of anything to say, I just blurt out,

‘If you want me, I’m yours.’ I hang my head in despair.

‘Yeah, okay.’ She nods and turns to open the door. She stops with her hand on the knob and suddenly wheels around in fury, yelling,

‘WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? You don’t even know what that means? We’re going to live happily ever after in Neverland, Peter Pan?’

‘No. I haven’t planned out our lives together, I just know that I have feelings for you.’

‘Congratulations. Have a stiff drink, go to sleep and you’ll forget about it tomorrow when one of your floozies strut by.’

‘You think this happens to me all the time?’

‘Look, I have responsibilities. He works for the same company as me, we have the same coworkers, we have the same friends, our families go boating together every God damned month. We’ve been planning this wedding for a year. I’ve been dating him for six years. You’re saying pack up my old life, throw it away and be with you. Why? Because I met you, and we fucked. Tempting but NO!’ She says outraged.

‘Why were you looking for someone to fuck?’ I ask calmly.

‘I told you that,’ she replies in exasperation.

‘Not really. Why did YOU agree to this?’

‘We decided this was the only way we could purge…’ she explains.

‘Emily, you did it because if he feels a fraction of the pain you felt, he wouldn’t cheat again.’ She stares hard at the floor but doesn’t respond.

‘Yes?’ I ask. She still doesn’t respond.

‘Emily, he’s not going to feel what you feel. If your roles were reversed, would you let him leave the house? What did he say when you left this morning? Have a nice day? Maybe, go get ’em tiger?’ Her face colors with anger.

‘He didn’t know today was the day.’

‘You know what I’m saying to you Emily.’

‘No, I don’t. I don’t choose YOU. I CHOOSE HIM. Now stop bothering me.’ She yells.

I apologize, FOOL is a new role for me, I don’t know if I’m playing it right.’

‘You’re playing it to a tee.’

Grasping her waistband, I thrust down sweat pants and bathing suit down to her thighs. I grab her ass and rake my fingers, claw like, across her, leaving red scratch marks on her buttocks.

‘Owww.’ She screams and slaps my face hard. I don’t move. I just wait for her judgment. She looks at the scratches and pulls up her pants. She slaps me again, then a third time. I don’t block, I don’t evade. I will receive punishment if she deems I deserve it. I don’t welcome it, but the slaps distract me from the sucking hole in my chest. She stares at me glassy eyed while I say,

‘I just thought that fuck head should know how I want you.’

‘Take me to my car.’ She says her voice breaking. She opens the door and steps over the threshold. I am defeated. The fact that I made my move is little consolation. I have fallen, it’s the same result.

I watch her march out of my kitchen in my favorite clothes. It’s hard to breathe. I robotically follow. She gets in the passenger side and I get behind the wheel.

Everything is wrong. But I know all the moves without thinking. I start the car and back out of the driveway, I’m an excellent driver. Yes excellent, even with an aching stone for a heart. It weighs so much and it’s difficult to carry.

I drive. I don’t yell or pound the dashboard. I don’t grasp and shake her explaining how wrong she is about every single aspect of her situation. I drive. I drive so she can leave me forever and get back into his arms. I drive because I’m an adult and adults do things they don’t want to do, or so I’m told.

Minutes later I pull into a gravel parking lot near the beach where I first met her. A single streetlight poorly illuminates a small circle of warm yellow light and is completely surrounded by the cold silver light of the moon.

A black Mercedes sits alone in the empty lot. I pull in beside side it. Her door opens and she steps out before I’ve come to a complete stop. She slams the door hard enough to make the car rock on its suspension.

She bolts to her car, reaches into the wheel well retrieving a key, and opens the door. ‘Don’t let her go. Don’t let her go. Don’t let her go,’ rolls through my mind. Logically, I can’t force matters of the heart. I know that.

‘Chase her down!’ While clutching the door handle, I hear her engine roar to life, followed by tires throwing gravel. She reverses out of her space, and then rockets toward the exit.

Her car fishtails, leaving ruts and throwing pebbles that ping my car, but she doesn’t ease up on the gas. The tires squeal when they hit pavement. And like a tornado, as quickly as she entered my life, she leaves it. And nothing is the same.

I sit still for a moment trying to order my thoughts. I know what to do. I get out of my car and run toward the boardwalk that leads over the dunes to the beach. I hit the beach and start removing clothing throwing them in the sand while I run to the waiting ocean. A silver line of reflected moonlight leads out to sea. I run for it.

The ocean always returns me to balance and I desperately need her tonight. She usually plays, teases or challenges me, but tonight I need to fight. I run naked into the surf, water flying from my feet. Plowing through the water, my legs slow till I get overbalanced and dive.

I throw my fury at her. Slamming my body into her crashing waves. She throws me down, rolls me over and slams me into the bottom. I get up and scream in impotent rage. I hurl my body at her and again I am easily tossed aside. My strength is too puny to compare to her immense power.

I fight and struggle in our one-sided contest until I can’t go on. I gasp for breath. I am spent. The rushing white water reflecting the moonlight washes over me rhythmically.

I lay on my back dizzy with exertion, waiting for recovery. During the contest, I’ve drifted a quarter-mile north and need to walk back to my car and clothing.

It’s chilly out and I’m naked and wet. I start to walk back, preoccupied. I hear a group of people out for a night stroll on the beach. In a daze, it doesn’t occur to me that I’d appear unusual. I hear giggling and laughter.

I look up and all eyes are on me. I scan their faces, three young couples walk arm in arm. One of the young men speaks up.

‘Hey buddy, this isn’t a nude beach.’ General laughter ensues.

‘Yeah.’ I reply nodding my head.

The pretty girl he has by the waist smiles at me. This girl has a soul smile. It’s an open welcoming smile. When I’ve fallen into darkness, a woman with a soul smile can reach in after me and pull me out into the warm light. It’s like she embraces my soul from afar, lifting me.

I want to smile back at her, I appreciate her reaching out to me, but I can’t. I think my turmoil appears on my face because her smile falls. I’ve pulled her down here with me. She asks worriedly,

‘Are you alright?’

‘Yes, I’m fine.’ I answer striding past. I’m a loner. Would someone else seek solace in her warm concern? I sense they stop and watch my back for a moment. I hear comments and giggling. They turn and continue their leisurely walk.

The wind has blown sand onto my clothing, I don’t bother putting them on. I pull them out of the sand and shake them off. Looking back at the ocean, I speak to Mother,

‘Scars connecting me and Emily.’ I laugh spitefully. It’s not funny at all and it really doesn’t have anything to do with scars. I did what I did and it’s over. I speak honestly to her,

‘Mother, this one’s gonna hurt.’

Mother whispers what she always whispers to me,

‘Let it be.’

I inhale deeply, hold a moment, and then exhale completely. I walk back to my car and drive home alone.


Three weeks later I check the announcements for her marriage. I can’t find anything. No Emily was married, but since I’m not positive what city or county she lives in, her family name, what paper it would appear, I can’t be sure of anything. Now if I read a listing for a thirtyish beauty marrying a six-foot pile of shit, I could be sure. There’s no such listing.


A week later I sit on the railing of the local pier jutting bravely out into the ocean. Large swells crash into the pilings making the pier vibrate. The sun is setting on another beautiful day, but my mind is elsewhere.

‘You’re not going to jump, are you?’ It’s her! I whip around wide-eyed mouth open. She looks wonderful, positively buoyant in a white blouse, blue jeans and sandals. Jealousy pierces my heart. I try to smile to bravely match her happy state, but I fail miserably. I feel small and unworthy next to her. I look out at the ocean to cover my foolishness.

Is there some kind of cosmic conservation law for the human condition? When I met her, I was touching the clouds and she was in agony. Now are situations have reversed, like one has to balance the other.

‘No, I’m not gonna jump.’ I try to sound bored. Emily and the pile of shit must have worked out their differences.

‘How are you?’ She asks. I turn to her and look into her large blue eyes alight with warmth and I know I won’t lie to her.

‘I’m lonely and I’ve never felt that before.’ She looks away from me. I don’t know if it’s because she wanted a light conversation and I stepped over the line or I evoked emotion in her she doesn’t want me to see. She doesn’t respond so I continue,

‘You even come at me in my dreams.’

‘Do you know why I picked you?’ She asks quietly.

‘I was handsome, from a distance, you thought I was 25 instead of 35, and I was fit and stupid.’ She chuckles still looking down.

‘No, that’s not it.’ Her eyes glassy with emotion she looks into my eyes, and continues, ‘You looked so happy out there, I thought if anyone could help me it was you.’

‘Is that why you sassed me?’
She shakes her head and explains,

‘No, I sassed you because you looked so happy until you saw me. I thought everyone could see I was damaged… it hurt.’

‘No, that’s not right, you intimidated me. You looked so beautiful and confident and stylish I… Let’s just say previous meetings with people like that didn’t go well.’

‘I love that you just admit your weaknesses and let the chips fall. There’s strength in that.’ She smiles, lifting me.


‘And I was right, you did help me… I didn’t marry Jeff.’ I slide off the railing and sidle up to Emily, moving into her space, she doesn’t retreat.

‘You aren’t married?’ I ask with a grin spreading across my face.

‘No.’ She answers with a grin of her own. I take her in my arms and kiss her deeply, desperately. She tenses then eases into the kiss and I kiss her again and again. Our lips part and I hug her tightly.

‘I miss you, Emily,’ I say running my fingers through her hair.

‘I miss you too.’ Her warm hands slide over my shoulders.

I’m enjoying the incredible warmth of her. I breathe in her scent. I feel the latent heat of her kiss. I hear her soothing voice. I am hers. The knot in my chest loosens. I take a deep contented breath.

‘I need to take you home right now.’ Clasping her hand, we walk down the pier quickly. She giggles and asks,

‘You dreamed about me?’ She glances sidelong at me: I can tell she’s pleased.

‘Yes, you kissed me deeply and I…’ I hesitate not knowing how she’ll take this.

‘What?’ She encourages.

‘I came really hard. I uh, woke wet… and happy.’

‘We need to get going,’ she says urgently pulling my hand as she steps into a jog.

The End.

I want to hear from you, my goal is to become a better writer. Help Me! Specifics are great, you liked this passage or I lost you in that passage etc.

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So, every Saturday is girls night out. We usualy get all dressed up and go to some bar and dance. Tonight was no different then the previous Saturdays. Excpt this time Im horny, and I needed to get laid. I havent had sex sence me and my ex broke up four months ago. Im wearing a short black shirt, six inch stellitos, and a black lace low cut top with my 32DD's poppin out. My tits look so amazing in this top, it makes me wet just looking at myself in it. So, the four of us girls walk into the...

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I’d felt your eyes on me since I had entered the conference hall. Five hundred bored souls taking their place to await the annual update on how the company had performed, how it expected to perform and hours of self indulgent back-slapping. Four hundred and fifty bored souls couldnt care less. One bored soul was boring holes in me. I nonchalently turned to where I could feel the looks coming from. A group of five, all wearing the corporate uniform but trying desperately to maintain their own...

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It was a friday night in June and me and a few friends decided to go to the club to celebrate my 21st birthday. It had been at stressful week at work and I wanted to release some of this tension I had been carrying. It took me all day to pick out an outfit appropriate for the night. It was lesbian night at the club, so we decided it would be fun to wear something sexy. I showered straightened my hair and applied some makeup. I had decided on a tight black dress with an open criss cross back,...

4 years ago
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I'd felt your eyes on me since I had entered the conference hall. Five hundred bored souls taking their place to await the annual update on how the company had performed, how it expected to perform and hours of self indulgent back-slapping. Four hundred and fifty bored souls couldnt care less. One bored soul was boring holes in me. I nonchalently turned to where I could feel the looks coming from. A group of five, all wearing the corporate uniform but trying desperately to maintain their own...

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As he entered the room, I could feel his presence. Strong, mysterious, and unlike any I had felt before. I watched him as he crossed. He took long strides, and I couldn't help but notice his muscular legs. They were much like the rest of his body. His shirt looked so tight against his body, I wondered how he got it on. Right as I noticed that his pants had a rather large bulge in them ... he looked over to me and gave me a strange look. One with such intensity, I couldn't help but turn away....

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Blood Love Ch 03

Chapter 3: Getting comfortable He awoke to the rays of the early morning sunshine from the window. The male peeked his eyes open and glanced at the clock. He kissed the young woman in his arms on the top of her head, slipped out of bed and went straight into the bathroom. After brushing his teeth, he passed through the room again to pick up his clothes, and make sure she was still asleep, then headed downstairs to the kitchen. Christian hadn’t cooked for his little sister in awhile and he...

1 year ago
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Birds of Prey Bisexual EditionChapter 16 Invasion

The chemical vats in the bowels of the ship had finally generated enough electricity to charge the superlight drive, the Queen could feel the stores of energy growing through her neural link to the living ship. She only needed enough to carry her from the outer solar system to the planet’s gravity well, there was no retreat. If she should fail here, then her hive would perish either in combat or from starvation. The great vessel turned slowly towards its target as it prepared for the jump,...

2 years ago
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Mel to Melissa Part 7

Our lovemaking had been hot and passionate, and my soft curves melted against Mike's side, my big tits pressed into him, my head rested on his chest. I reached down and gently cupped his balls, my thumb touching the root of his cock. A year ago I never would have imagined that I would lay here in the afterglow, having just fucked the same cock I used to surreptitiously ogle in the men's locker room, let alone that I would have soft, full tits, a curvaceous ass, or a hungry pussy between...

2 years ago
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Playing Tennis Fing Big Penis

Last couple months I am learning to play tennis in order to be in better shape for summer. Recently, I asked my tennis coach to teach me extra hours and he proposed to me that we have it at his house on his private court, I immediately accepted since I knew it will be good chance to enjoy in watching and teasing him.After I came into his house, I went in dressing room to prepare for lessons. In that moment he got phone call and asked me to meet tim on tennis court. 10 minutes later I was on...

2 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 55

The drive to the Sunport Airport was full of anticipation. I hadn't seen my daughter in a while. Also, Michael and Michelle were coming in for a visit. I parked the SUV in the covered parking and we went inside. I checked the status on both Marie's and Michael's flights. Marie's was due in twenty minutes and Michael's in thirty. We went into Garduno's to wait. I was standing at the walkway when I saw Marie heading towards me. She ran up and jumped into my arms. I hugged her as tightly...

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Time Warp Girls From Chester Ch 03

Time Warp Girl guides of Chester Part 3 Remy blushes and said, ‘Your leg it looks serious.’ Julie said, ‘Yes very, they say it’s getting better but I am getting prepared to lose it.’ I said, ‘Julie they said no such thing. Joyce said she may have to operate, she is surgical trained you know part of that sleep learning and we got two chemist Janet and John.’ ‘Yes I know I am a pessimist thinking the worst.’ Remy said, ‘You must think positive don’t let those bad endorphin s get at you...

3 years ago
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Papa Ne Kaki Ko Choda

Hi friends I’m Sunny once again with my new incident that I’m going to remember forever in my last story I told you how I fucked my mami and those who haven’t read my last story please read it will help you connect with this story better for those who are reading my story for the first time. I’m Sunny now 21 is a horny boy who has fucked many girls and ladies and is very fond of mature woman. I have even fucked many women in my family which I’ll share with you one by one in this story. I’m...

2 years ago
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20 July 2007Chapter 12

Karen exhaled deeply, looking at her gathering. “Now it’s time to face the music. I owe all of you an explanation as to why I was so bad off to want to kill myself. Yes, I tried to commit suicide by driving my car off the cliff at the abandoned rock quarry.” “You don’t have to explain anything to us if you don’t want to Mom,” Brad said. “Yes I do, I need to get this off my chest, so please bear with me for a few minutes.” “When Steve and I were married we tried for several years to have...

4 years ago
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The Best Friendship Day 8211 Part I

Hello sexy girls, ladies and aunties. This is Sidd back again with another really horny story of mine. First of all I am very thankful for loads of appreciating mail and responses I got for my last post ‘Loving time with my Anu’. It really felt great by such great response so decided to pen down another real incident. So also this time I will narrate the story in Hindi and English as well to make dick hard and pussies leaking to shattering orgasms. Also request all of you to give feedback as u...

2 years ago
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Just For The Taste Of It

Many years ago, before I was the experienced sissy girl I am now, I was living with a man named Jake. Jake took me under his wing. He wanted to help me become as girly as I could be. One of the things that he wanted to get me used to was the taste of cum. I had tasted it before, but only my own and his. Jake wanted to make sure that I was a cum expert. He said to me, “A true sissy will appreciate the taste of a man’s cum in all of its many flavors. When we’re done with our assignments, you will...

1 year ago
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OHGirl Velvet Real Porn Stars

Two weeks had passed and my 19th birthday had arrived. I had been working as an escort for the last year and had fucked nearly 500 different guys during that time, something which I had craved in my sex addicted state, but for the last two weeks I had focused on my school work and coming home each night to spend with Mikey. He had raised me as his daughter and I recently learned that he was not my biological father. He had shared the information with me, but no one else knew. My mind had been...

3 years ago
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Sali ki jabardast chudayi

My dear ISS readers (Chut valo aor land valo), Sabse pahle aa sabko mera namaskar. I am Mohan fm sirsa (haryana) age about 29 years working job in a company. Mere paas 9.5 inches long and 3 inches motayi wala land hai. Main apne baap ka eklota beta hun. Aj main ap logo ko apni ak real story suna raha hun. Es se pahle main aap logo ko apni 2 story paste kar chuka hun (1. Sali ki sasural main chudayi, 2. Sasural main saas ki chudai) Meri sadi feb,03 main hui thi, Meri shadi ko karib 4 saal aor 6...

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Sunrider Shields Crew

You are Kayto Shields, captain of the Sunriser; a prototype combat carrier and the last remaining ship of the Ceran space fleet. When your homeworld was conquered by PACT, the Peoples' Alliance for Common Treatment, you were forced to flee, barely escaping with your ship, and your life, in tact. After that day you swore vengeance on PACT and its leader, Veniczar Arcadius. Turning to the life of a mercenary you began your quest for funds and allies. Barely two months have passed and in that time...

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I am the recording secretary at the state level for the PTA and I get to travel a few times a year to attend conferences and such. I’m thirty-eight, my two kids are in high school, so I have quite a bit of free time and I workout almost every day. I am told I am still very attractive, don’t look a day more than twenty-eight and was blessed with a Thirty-four-D chest with really big nipples and am five foot four inches, weight one hundred and nineteen pounds and am a brunette. My husband has...

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Gym of your Dreams

Something about Goliath Gym is special. Whatever your goals may be, Goliath Gym is here to make them come to life. At least, that's what the billboards and TV ads say. The building itself is nice, but nothing out of the ordinary. Two stories of concrete and class in a regular strip mall on the decent side of town didn't exactly make it stand out as "special. As you enter the gym and look around, it seems much like any other fitness center you've ever visited. Free weights and machines in one...

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The Infinity Stones. Each one has power over an element of the universe. The Blue Mind Stone, which strengthens and enhances mental powers. Both intellect and the ability to process information and reason, as well as psionic powers of telepathy and telekinesis. Boosted and controlled by wielding the Power Gem, one could enter and control all minds at once, a manifestation of the universal subconscious. The Green Soul Stone, allowing complete power over the soul. Steal, control, manipulation and...

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The Thieves Lust

We do not. We work whenever and wherever our marks are most vulnerable. This particular mark was named Lord Gelvin Farthingworth the Third. Fifty-eight years old, Male, Human, landholder, and heir to the largest fortune in the realm. He keeps an unusually regular schedule. On Worshiptide he wakes, uses the facilities, dresses, and then eats a light breakfast before spending the day in quiet contemplation in his study. Firsday the man spends the morning going over the previous weeks...

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DDFBusty Angel Wicky Busty Blonde Orders BBC

Busty blonde Angel Wicky orders big black cock to be delivered to her home, but it’s not just plain vanilla interracial sex that she’s looking for. The voluptuous Czech wants something more kinky to fulfill her fetish needs something along the lines of a latex dress, a face mask for her dark skinned stud Mike Chapman, anal insertion with a butt plug, and plenty of hardcore ass fucking with hair pulling and choking. There’s good ‘ol traditional bbc blowjob and titty...

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Jack and the Rollercoaster Ch 06

Ally’s flat was very impressive. It was open plan, all in minimalist style, with light oak wooden floors, leather couch, individual chairs, and glass-top occasional tables. There was a balcony from which the lights of the town could be seen about two miles away. I followed her into a kitchen of gleaming chrome and granite work surfaces, everything was pristine as if food preparation could not sully it’s magnificence. Not for Ally was there a kettle and granule coffee, she got out a large...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Anny Aurora Jessica Ryan Learning To Share

There’s nothing more intimate than a threesome, as Ryan Driller, Anny Aurora, and Jessica Ryan are eager to demonstrate. Learning each other’s bodies though sweet, soft caresses is the name of the game. The girls each hug one of Ryan’s legs which leaves them free to easily sweep their palms over his stomach and waist. The position also opens each girl’s twat to Ryan as their soft touches progress to deep kisses and sensual squeezes. Ryan’s hands are quick to wander...

3 years ago
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Remote ViewingChapter 25

I discovered an interesting fact. The United States Department of the Interior had a bunch of money they were giving away for 'urban renewal'. I had written the Chinese embassy. I sent them a thank you. I had said that I was seriously considering their kind offer, as was the mayor. I had learned the mayor had been trying to point me in this direction the whole time. I had misunderstood what he was saying. Well, he should have been more 'up front' with what he wanted. I would have climbed...

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Mama And Mausi Introduced Me To The World Of Incest

Friends I am writing my experiences for the first time. I will share all my experiences one by one. You can give me your feedback at my email All my stories will be based on true life experiences. Happy reading. Diggu mama entered the room with my Bindu Mausi (mom’s sister), bolted the door without realizing I was inside. He began kissing her furiously, sucked her tits and took out his massive cock and gave in her mouth right at the door. She too was sucking his cock like she was hungry for...

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Path To GloryChapter 44

Of course, I would have to wait to meet Lexi officially. I had known that before I even made the request but I wanted to make sure Suzette saw the second choice as the lesser of two evils. The LPGA season was winding down so everyone but Sara, who had classes wanted to join me on my foray to the North. I wasn't convinced it was a great idea, but I figured it was best to have as many allies as possible close by. The Cardinals were rolling along at 10-2, while the Browns were sputtering at...

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Adventure With Sex Bomb Teacher Sneha In Tokyo 8211 Part 2

Hi there, this is Arjun again. I am back with the second part of the story. I hope you all liked my first part. In case if you haven’t checked it out yet, please read it first. So, the very next day, we packed our bags and head out to see the real JAPAN. We were excited and giggling like small girls. Then we took a taxi and went to the Tokyo national museum. We really want to know the history of Japan so that we can know how they made into one of the top developed countries in the world. It...

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A guy is caught crossdressing by his wife

I have always been a cross dresser and enjoyed it. Maybe it was too much at times. I some how let the guys go too far with me. That is a different story. When I got married I put all my special clothes in the basement and lived a normal life. One day I was home from a trip early and found my wife was doing the laundry. There on the top of the pile were her pink thongs. I was taken aback and grabbed them and slipped them on and the warm rush of my past feelings came back to me. I loved the feel...

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Bhawna Pathak Chudi Nainital Mein

Subaha ke 9:30 baj rahey the aur mujhe Bhawna ka call aya. Aaj uski tone thodi changed thi. Main surprised tha, kyunki hamesha main hi call karta hu. Woh thodi nervous lag rahi thi aur main bahut shocked tha ki aisi bindas girl nervous kyu hai. Usne mujhe bataya ki abhi ukso call aaya hai aur pehli baar life mein woh ramp walk karegi, ek event mein jo kal Nainital mein hai. Maine ussey congrats kaha aur pucha ki woh kab jaa rahi hai. Bhwana – “Main akeli nahi jaa rahi hu.” Main – “To kaun jaa...

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