Carol free porn video

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Part I

Jilli, Cassie, Barb, and Abbey were in the small break room of their office, laughing and scheming on their post-work Friday night adventure. They were having such loud fun that Carol heard them two offices away. Carol was far less fun than she looked, and her temper was shorter than her tolerance for those who misbehaved, especially at work.

Carol stepped through the break room door, scowling, "Haven't you gaggle anything better to do than to interrupt those of us who actually work for a living?"

"C'mon, Carol!" laughed Cassie.

"Yeah," chimed Jilli.

"We're just making plans for this evening," smiled Barb. "You're welcome to join us, if you wish."

"And just what type of plans are you hatching?" asked Carol.

"It's Friday night, Carol!" laughed Abbey. "It's two-for-one ladies' night cocktails all night at the T and A Lounge!"

"The strip club two blocks over from our office? That's no place for decent women!"

"Who says we're 'decent'?" laughed Jilli.

"Let some geezer buy me drinks all evening... he might just get lucky... who knows?" laughed Cassie.

"Nothing but a hotbed of trollops, harlots, and pimps, cavorting about naked," scowled Carol.

"It really is a fun time, Carol. They treat us well and it's safe," said Barb, sounding a little disappointed. "But I take it you won't be going..."

"Ha! Not even at gunpoint!" Carol sneered as she retreated to the exit.

"You know, you'd be a lot more fun if you could ever get that enormous stick out of your arse," quipped Abbey. "Then again, there are those who like it that way!"

"Eeewww!" came a chorus of disgust from Jilli, Barb and Cassie.

"Don't knock it if you haven't tried it," laughed Abbey.

"Again, eeewww!" answered Cassie.

Carol escaped to the solemnity of her spartan office with a mutter of "strumpets" as she closed the heavy oak door behind her.

After Carol finished her work at precisely 5:00 pm, she closed and locked her office door, making her way to the lift. The women from the break room were collecting themselves by their little cubes, giggling in anticipation of their big night out. Once out front of the building, Carol stepped into her waiting taxi to wisk her to her modest townhome.

Carol sat in her chair, the room lit only by the flickering glow from the television as she surfed the mindless blabber, when a low, disembodied voice seemed to moan out the truest agony of Hell itself. Squinting to see into the shadows, Carol peered into the darkness, not realizing she'd stopped her channel surfing, landing on a chat show where the obviously gay host was bantering with an overinflated, scantily clad starlet on the joys of giving men oral sex. Louder and seemingly closer, the disembodied voice howled and screeched, causing Carol to hug her knees to her chest in an attempt to hide behind herself. "If you are in such discomfort, I suggest you go elsewhere!" she called to the darkness. "I have no remedy for you here!"

Suddenly, the spectre of Carol's long dead spinster Aunt Mary appeared to crawl out of the chat show host's mouth as he pantomimed his technique, screeching and clawing her way through the pixels on the television's picture tube. "No..." Mary moaned. "You have no remedy for me at all!"

"Who do you think you are, entering my home this way?" cowered Carol.

"You knew me in life as your own mother's only sister," wailed the apparition.

"Mary? It can't be you! I saw you interred not less than ten years ago!" cried Carol.

"My body was put to the Earth because I had nothing to give to the living."

"No... you're not real! You're just a figment floating through a bad dream! That's what I get for watching late night telly..."

The spectre's hellish howl shook Carol's chair and rattled the window. "You must heed my woes, c***d, before you're damned to the same fate!"

"May we do this some other time? I'm really not..."

"NO!" bellowed Mary.

"Then, tell me, dear Aunt, if it really is you, what put you in such a state?"

"When we were c***dren, sister Brigid caught your mother and myself... touching our privates. She reached for us both, but your mother slipped past her. I wasn't so lucky. sister Brigid took me over her knee and walloped me to the point where I couldn't sit for days. With every stroke of her heavy hand, she warned me that if I were to ever touch myself or allow any one else to ever touch me there, I would be consumed by the never ending fires of deepest Hell for all eternity." Mary emitted another agonized wail. "I died a vigin, never knowing the loving touch of another, never bending to carnal urges or needs!"

"But you were very tidy," complemented Carol.

"Chastity be damned!" cried Mary, her spectral hands pulling open her spectral robe, showing a spectral body completely devoid of gender. "I am cursed to wander the Earth... to view what I refused... to attend what I never knew in life... to witness the joy and beauty in the simple act of sexual love in it's myriad forms."

"Well, that shouldn't be all that difficult. Have you ever seen the Internet?"

Carol felt the heat of Mary's hellish breath and caught it's foul stench in her nose as Mary pulled close to her face. "Damn you, c***d! I'm here to save you, not quibble and joust! You must learn to let others in! You must give way to sex, before you die a lonely, unfulfilled spinster! Heed my warning! You must heed..." Mary began to recede into the television, into the advert for intimate lubricant. "You must heed..."

Mary was gone, leaving Carol alone in the darkened room, balled up and quivering in her chair, wide eyes staring at the static on the television screen.

Part II

Carol woke in a start, the opening guitar riff of Billy Idol's 'Cradle of Love' sceaming the her head. Opening her eyes, she saw a pixie-like girl, in pigtails, tied-front blouse, super short kilt, kneesocks, and Maryjanes, skipping somewhat at the end of Carol's bed to the blaring music.

"It's about fucking time!" yelled the smiling pixie over the loud music, "it's time to play!" With a touch of her hand to Carol's, the room disappeared in a swirl of brightly coloured lights. Without feeling like they'd moved even one centimeter, the lights fell away, leaving Carol and the pixie standing in a warm, soft, soundless, green meadow.

"Who are you? What do you think you're doing? What is going on?" Carol shouted at the pixie.

"Don't you recognize this place?" asked the smiling girl in a happy giggle.

"It looks to me an empty field, you simpleton!" countered Carol. "How would I recognized it?"

The simple laughter of innocence filtered over the rise, catching Carol's attention. Carol wandered to the edge of the rise, the siren call of c***dren's laughter beconing her to come ever closer. As she neared the top she could see three young c***dren happily dancing in the grassy field, their long hair, one blonde, one brunette, one red, flowing in the breeze, catching the sunlight, as the trio twirled and danced, wearing nothing but their smiles.

"Is this a little more familiar?" asked the pixie.

"Those c***dren!" whispered Carol, both shocked and somewhat amused, pointing at them, "They do seem a bit familiar..."

The pixie touched Carol's hand and, suddenly, they were in the middle of the c***dren's circle as they continued to giggle and dance. "c***dren!" cried Carol. "c***dren!"

"They can neither see nor hear us as these are merely reflections of times long gone," comforted the pixie. "Our mission is simply to observe, not interact."

"These c***dren... they are my sisters and... myself!?! How can this be?"

"They are having fun, aren't they?" asked the pixie.

A genuine smile came to Carol's face. "It was brilliant fun, indeed."

"So, there are times when dancing about naked is alright, then?" countered the pixie.

"But this was a different time! A time of innocence! There's nothing sexual about this in the least bit!"

"To which I strongly agree! c***dren are a product of sex and should never be participants!" the pixie's eyes flashed a deep, inner rage, her voice almost a growl. After a quick recovery, smiling, she continued "Then, again, the topic of my conversation was just dancing about naked. You're the one who brought sex into the mix. Though they can go hand-in-hand, there can be times though, such as this, when the mere act of dancing naked in an open field with your sisters is nothing at all... just dancing." The pixie took Carol's hand in her's, and the scene started to disolve like a watercolour in the rain, transporting them without motion to a locker room communal shower.

"If we have to appear here and re-appear there, would you please do me the favour of warning me before we travel?"

The pixie just giggled.

"And what type of place have you brought me to now?"

The pixie was looking intently along the wall, more focused on what she was looking for than Carol's questions.

"Excuse me... well, that's good! I don't even know what to call you..."


"Alright, then, Beatrix, where have you brought me?"

"Step over here, please," Beatrix said as she excitedly waved Carol in her direction. "C'mon!"

Carol stepped next to Beatrix between two of the shower heads, looking at Beatrix as if she'd lost whatever kind of mind she had. Beatrix smiled. "I love this part," she said, just as the showers kicked on. "Now, listen."

Suddenly, a dozen nude teenaged girls stepped into the shower, a fifteen year old Carol amongst them, laughing and talking, completely comfortable in their nudity.

"This is my old school! I recognize those girls!" smiled Carol. "But you told me to listen. What am I listening for?"

"Wait for it..."

"If only I knew how to tell her," came a girl's voice echoing through the room is if through a loud speaker, " beautiful she is to me... how much I wish to know her love..."

The schoolgirls continued their showering without pause to the voice. Beatrix stepped over to a girl across from them, across from schoolgirl Carol, and started running her hands over the girl's body, caressing her breasts, bending down to taste her...

"Stop that this instant!" cried Carol.

"What?" giggled Beatrix. "I'm only acting out what you wanted to do!"

"Me? No, I think you're mistak..."

The loud speaker voice continued "How I would love to touch and taste her... to feel her beautiful body next to mine... skin to skin..."

"You don't recognize your own voice?" laughed Beatrix. "I think it's beautiful that you wanted to love her... and tragic that you never did." Beatrix then stepped through the shower room wall, only to step back through, laughing, "Come with me!"

Carol sheepishly followed Beatrix into the service walkway behind the shower room, to a scene where three teenaged boys were peeping through holes in the wall to the girls on the opposite side. All three boys had their pants to their ankles and were heartily masturbating. "Look at them," cooed Beatrix, grabbing at her own breasts. "So full of hormones and lust! Unafraid to pleasure themslves..."

"Can we move on, please? I want nothing of this!" grumbled Carol.

"Oh, but you need to see this! These beautiful boys on the brink of explosion, their lovely hard cocks in their own hands... oh, how I'd love to suck each one of them off!" She grabbed at her kilt covered crotch, "They're so close..."

The boy furthest away from Carol's viewpoint grunted and a thick stream of semen shot from his penis, followed closely by two more equally heavy shots. The boy, falling back to the wall behind him to brace himself, smiled and tried to catch his breath. The two other boys let go moments later, with similar happy reactions. "That's the sexiest thing a man can do," breathed Beatrix, running her hands through the streams as if to catch even one drop.

"This is perverse and unclean!" cried Carol.

"This is real and natural!" laughed Beatrix. She turned to face Carol. "Look at them! See how good they feel? For the sight of some beautuful girls and a well deserved wank... ahh, but you do know a little something about masturbation, don't you?"

Carol was so focused on Beatrix as she uttered her statement that she didn't notice they'd once again moved to a place instantly recalled. "We needn't be here," stated Carol, almost panicked. "I know of this and wish it to be gone."

"What's the matter with Carol, then?" Beatrix teased.

As Carol turned away from Beatrix' gaze, she inadvertently turned to face her younger self as she sat nude on the edge of her college dorm room bed, facing her room mate as they both masturbated.

"Look at yourself!" laughed Beatrix. "Look at how beautiful and happy you are, Carol!"

Carol turned quickly, only to come face to face with her masturbating room mate, close enough to kiss and yet sixteen years away. Carol turned again, to face away from both images, "Take me home, Beatrix, please!" she begged, tears streaming down her face. "I can't stand to see this! She would never let me touch her or even kiss her. She broke my heart in innumerable, unimaginable pieces, Beatrix! I truly can't bear anymore of this..."

Carol was standing in her own bedroom, the green light of the digital alarm on her nightstand showing 2:00 am, tears still streaming down her face. Carol quickly, frantically, looked around her room. She was alone. Breathing heavy and feeling light headed, Carol crawled back into her bed and tightly hugged her pillow.

Part III

Loud, bellowing laughter woke Carol. Opening her eyes, she saw that her modest room was transformed into an amphitheatre, and she was amidst an orgy that would make Caligula blush. At the end of her bed stood a pudgy, gnome-like creature, covered in body hair, with an electric smile, wearing only a flannel over his enormous, erect penis.

"Hi Carol!" he smiled.

"What is the meaning of this? Who are you?"

"Second question first, I'm Ron. I'm the 'Spirit of Sex in the Now'," he said, complete with finger quotes for his title. "And I'm here to get you back in the mood, baby!" he laughed as he slapped her quilt covered thigh.

"What on Earth have you done to my home?"

"I haven't done anything to your home," he smiled as he looked around. "This is just reality, k**. Sex is all around us, everywhere, every day! And this is just this part of town! Look at 'em all... sucking... fucking..." he pointed to one particular group "I have no idea what to call that!" he laughed. "They're in love... or just horney... sharing the ecstacy of sex. Ya gotta love it!"

"You're American, aren't you?"

"Not really, I just sound like I'm from the Bronx. I'm from... well... everywhere!" he laughed.

"What is it that you want from me?"

"From you? Your momentary attention and maybe a smile," he said extending his hand to her's. "But the bigger picture is what I want for you, Sweety. You see, you are sexless. You have the physical body of a hot, modern thrity-five year old woman, but you don't enjoy it! If I had a body like your's, I'd be doing just about anybody! Wait, I already do that... but, back to my point... you don't enjoy your body. When was the last time you enjoyed touching yourself... bringing yourself to orgasm? Or... better yet.... when was the last time you let somebody else bring you to orgasm?"

"I'm not on trial here!"

Ron quickly turned around to face Carol, a barrister's wig on his head, "But you are on trial here! You're on trial for your life and your soul and, well, Baby, you're not stacking a lot of points in your particular favour."

The room changed. Carol and Ron were in the middle of the stage at the T and A Lounge. Ron's barrister wig was gone, as was his flannel. Two very nude, very sexy women were gyrating at either end of the stage, cash of all sorts stuffed into their thigh high garters, and a large, very appreciative crowd of both men and women were cheering them on. "Yeah!" yelled Ron, a huge smile on his face, "this is more like it!" With a couple of strokes of his huge erection, he let loose a fountain of semen that gushed like a fire hose over the entire room.

"Was that really necessary?" asked Carol.

"Yeah, it was! I feel so much better! Now we can get to work!" He smiled, stepping off the stage, his huge erection undaunted by the recent release, "Let's see... I know they're here..." he took Carol's hand and they were suddenly at a table occupied by two men working on total inebriation, along with Jilli, Cassie, Barb, and Abbey from her work. All, save Barb, seemed to be having a wonderful time.

"I don't know why you keep pining over her, Barb," cooed Cassie. "She's never going to respond to you. She has no soul to warm up to. She is the Ice Queen."

"I know she has a good heart! I truly do!" replied Barb, half smiling but with a gleam of true hope in her eye.

"Maybe somebody broke it so badly that she doesn't want it to ever be put back together. D'ya ever think of that?" asked Abbey.

"You know we all love you," smiled Jilli with a hug and a quick kiss.

"I know... I know..." replied Barb. "And I also know you've been wanting to get your tongue ring between my nether lips for quite some time," she laughed as she grabbed Jilli's breast.

Carol walked around behind and to the left of Barb's seat. She crouched down so that the two women were at eye level. "Who is it that she longs for, Ron?"

"You really don't know? Haven't you ever seen the way she looks at you? How, even though she knows you'll flat-out deny her, she continues to invite you to... well... here?"

Carol looked amazed. She faced Barb and saw her smile and laugh with her friends. She watched as Barb enjoyed the view of the women dancing on the stage. After a moment or two, Carol was caught up in the camaraderie of the table, feeling as if she were part of the little group, laughing and enjoying the evening, until she tried to reach over and kiss Barb and fell completely through her.

"Enough of your damned trickery, Ron!" Carol shouted, only to find herself on the floor of her own bedroom.

Part IV

Carol woke with a shadow over her face. She looked around her room and saw nothing but blackness. Not middle of the night darkness, but pure, empty, voided, blackness and felt chilled to her bones. "I've already been visited by the past and present. That only leaves the future. I need to ask... are these visions you show what may be, or what must be?"

There was no answer, only a boney finger appearing out of the blackness, pointing to the pages of a calendar quickly advancing. The hand slammed down on the calendar, transporting Carol to an old neighbourhood grocery at the check out queue. In the queue in front of her was an old woman with her back to Carol. She had in her basket several tins of cheap cat food, a box of tea, and a tin of crisps. The check out girl smiled, but her thoughts were broadcast through the store, "Who does she think she's k**ding? All these tins of cat food... she don't have any cats." The girl smiled again as she continued to tally the woman's purchase, her thoughts, again, loud and clear, "I'd bet she hasn't seen a pair of tits as nice as mine, that didn't hang to her knees for at least a million years. I should pop mine out and give her a good eyeful... let her see my pretty, pink erect nipples... I do so love to show me tits! But the manager said he'd fire me if I did that again on duty..." The girl bagged the puchase and asked for the total, the woman's trembling hands took the payment from her old, battered, once fashionable purse and handed it to the girl, taking her bag of cat food, tea and crisps and making way for the exit.

Carol turned and looked into the shadows, "What was that?"

The manager arrived behind the check out girl. She turned to him quickly. "I kept me tits in!"

"I know you did," he smiled. "You're not in trouble. You know, in the twenty years I've been at this store, I've never known her to have ever been involved with any one. Sad, really. She was quite beautiful once."

An icy hand touched Carol's, bringing up a cold wind and storm around her, transporting her to a small, one room flat. The time had changed, it was night, there was only a small light on by a cupboard at one end of the flat. Carol was suddenly hit by a horrible stench.

"Oh, it reeks in here!" she choked, stepping toward the light. A crack of lightning illuminated the flat and Carol saw over a dozen cats in a huddle next to some sort of mass on the floor. Another crack of lightning showed that it was a body. The body of the woman they'd seen in the grocery, lying there, face down, surrounded by the cats. Carol, finally adjusted to the dim light of the flat, saw the cats weren't just surrounding her, they were eating her dead body.

Carol spun around, looking for a glimpse of who this woman was, though, very deep down, she knew it was herself. She looked around again, this time for some one to answer her, "If this is to be me, if I continue my ways, then I truly know deep in my heart that I must change! That I will change!" Carol ripped her bedclothes from her body, leaving her standing in the flat, fully nude. "I will have and enjoy sex! I will love others and allow others to love me! Please! Allow me to change my ways and erase this scene! I will share love and keep love and make love! With men and with women!" Carol covered her eyes so she wouldn't have to see the carnage. "Please, dear spirit, if you are still with me, I beg you!"

Carol found herself standing in the middle of her room, completely naked. Through her window, the sky in the East showed signs of the coming dawn. She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror, she was herself in her correct body and time. She smiled at her reflection, blowing it a kiss.

Part V

Carol skipped around her room for a moment, including a perfectly executed cartwheel, happily feeling the air on her skin. A noise in the alley behind her home caused her to move to the window. She peered out to see below a couple of teenagers, one boy, one girl, rummaging through the bins. She opened the window, grasping the bottom and put her head through to the open air, her naked breasts exposed to any who would look. "Oi! You two! Do you know what day it is?"

"It's Saturday, Missis," the girl called back, her boyfriend happily getting an eyeful of Carol's breasts.

Carol smiled to herself, "That was one hell of a night, then!" unable to hold back a giggle. Returning her attention to the two by the bins, "Then you know very well there isn't anything in those bins to salvage. Wait there, just a moment." Carol reached over to her purse, recognizing it as the one in the old woman's hands. "No cats for me... ever!" she smiled and pulled out a small bundle of neatly folded € 20 notes. Without counting them, she tied a small hair tie to them and returned to the window. The teenagers were still there. "Here," she called back, once again leaning out of the window for all to see, "take this and get yourselves a proper breakfast... and a room where you can get cleaned up." Carol tossed the bundle of cash down to the girl's waiting hands.

"Thank you, Missis!" they both called back. Then the boy added "You know we can see you're naked!" the girl punched him on his arm.

"Yes! I do! I hope you're enjoying it as much as I am!" Carol closed the window and crawled back in bed, but not to sleep. Her hands caressed her body, her so long untouched body, giving her a shiver. Her nipples instantly hardened as she brought each up to her mouth to lick. She spread her legs open wide, wider than she had in years, allowing her hands to comb through the jungle of pubic hair that had been left unkempt for so long from lack of sexual need. "I'll need to tend to that... later..."

Pictures of what Beatrix and Ron had shown her flooded through her mind as her fingers found she was very wet and ready. The clock's alarm sounded, tuned to some radio station Carol had never heard on a weekend. Instead of the usual news she heard throughout the week on waking, there was music. 'Alone' by Heart came through her radio, instantly falling in love with the song, and with pictures of Barb swirling through her head, Carol rubbed her hard clit, openly crying out as she felt herself penetrated by her own fingers for the first time in so very many years. She sucked her nectar from her fingers, only to put them back, pistoning them in rhythm to her rubbing her sensitive clit. She flipped herself over, arse in the air and face burried in her pillow, both hands exploring and manipulating her flowing wet fanny. Sitting up, she rubbed her wetness all over her body, not wanting to leave even one little centimeter uncovered, only to plunge her fingers back into herself for more. She fell back once more, legs wide open, three fingers of her left hand inserted, pistoning in and out of her wetness, two fingers of her right hand in her mouth, sucking every last drop of her nectar from them. Her much needed orgasm was hard and uncontrolable, swift and overwhelming, bringing forth laughter and tears, and, most importantly, the want to share this again and again with others.


Carol arrived to work Monday morning, at precisely 8:00 am, wearing heels instead of flats, a thigh exposing skirt instead of trousers, and a very low cut blouse, showing off the lovely and ample cleavage she had kept hidden for so long. Her newly coiffed, lovely dark hair was down and hung sexily to her breasts, instead of the über-tight bun she'd kept before, and that wasn't the only hairstyle she'd changed. She openly smiled as she unlocked her heavy oak door, but, instead of closing it, she purposely left it open. She watched as Jilli, Cassie, and Abbey took their seats, readying themselves for the start of the day. Her breath caught as she saw Barb.

Smiling an inner smile, Carol sat at her desk, picked up her phone and dialed Barb's extension. Barb answered with a little bit of fear in her voice. Trying to contain herself, to sound as she had in the past, Carol summoned Barb to her office. Carol's glee could barely be capped when Barb answered she'd be right in. Once Barb arrived at Carol's office, Carol looked up at her, unable to attempt an imitation of her former self, said "Please, Barb, do come in and sit down."

"Are you alright, Carol? You seem a bit... different."

Carol smiled a genuine smile, happy that Barb had noticed her transformation. "Yes, Barb, thank you, I am quite well. Probably the very best I've been in countless years. And, I must say, it is partly you I have to thank for this."

Barb looked a bit quizzical as Carol got up from behind her desk, walked to the door to close it. "I learnt something of dire importance over this past weekend, Barb... something so great that it has truly changed my entire look on life." Carol smiled at Barb as she sat on the edge of her desk, biting her lower lip, searching for the words she wanted to say.

"Before you tell me, Carol, may I ask you something?"

"Yes, please do. Anything."

"If I were to ask you to be my... well... we'll start at friends... if I asked you to be my friend, would that upset you?"

Carol's smile was much larger than Barb had hoped for. "I think there's something far more than mere friendship that we can share," Carol replied, reaching to get the kiss she'd failed to attain on her journey with Ron.

Carol found that by sharing her life, and love, with some one made her far more successful than any career or any salary could ever come close to. Carol and Barb happily continued their relationship as friends, as lovers, as partners...

Neither ever owned a cat.

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Today Carol was coming over. We have been playing dirty since we were about twelve. We used to sleep over and sleep naked and feel each other up all night. We sucked tits and pussy till we were sore. When she arrived she wasted no time getting naked and kissing me. I shed my clothes and she began to kiss over my body. She sucked my tits and bit them as she loved biting a lot. Her teeth were chewing my nipples as I felt her fingers go into my cunt. She three fingered me and began fucking me hard...

1 year ago
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I wrote this story a awhile ago where it was posted on my blog I have since re-visited the story and this is the revamped version I hope you enjoy reading it. Hello I’m Carole 42 years old divorced with a twenty year old Son Frank this is my story.all this occurred five years agoI have always loved my son yes I know a Mother is supposed to love her son or Daughter but my feeling went deeper than that I admit I adore my son at fifteen he is in every way an adult, I also realize the fact that my...

1 year ago
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He walked into the local library and saw that Carolee was working behind the counter. He had long noticed her and found her very attractive and she always seemed to be very cheerful.. She was always dressed in either a just above the knee dress with hosiery and high heels, or nice fitting slacks with hose and high heels. Seeing her just drove him crazy and he knew that he had to do some- thing about it today. He noticed that today she had on a green dress and light black hosiery and a pair of...

3 years ago
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Hi, my name is Carl. Barbara, my partner of 25 years and I had just moved into the house we built. It was to be the last place we live. We are in our early fifties and had been able to retire early due to some wise investments. This house is fully handicap accessible and has a guest quarters on one side of the house in case we need to have someone stay with us when/if the need arises. We’re still in pretty good shape but there are some health problems revealing themselves the older we get so we...

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We were young then. We had been in a steady relationship for three years and it was great. She was beautiful and sexy.  Our sex life was pretty good and could be described as 'normal'. I felt safe with Caroline.  She was blonde, curvaceous. Just beautiful.  That night, I was to see Caroline in a different light. Little did I know it but my nice 'safe' relationship was going to become almost too hot to handle.  It was a beautifully warm summer night. We had been out for a drink at a local pub...

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It was finally Friday. I couldn't wait to get out of work and into the car. Living this far apart from my girlfriend Caroline was difficult. But today was the start of the weekend so I was in a good mood. As it was Friday, it was also a lunch time finish which was even better. As soon a as my work was filed away, I jumped in the car and began the long journey down to Cambridge from Leeds. I arrived at Caroline’s parents’ house about 6ish. Caroline is only 18 so still lives with her folks. We'd...

1 year ago
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Caroline verliess den Friseursalon in dem sie arbeitet pünktlich um 19,00 Uhr. Endlich Feierabend dachte sich die hübsche Blondine mit der Löwenmähne und der supergeilen Figur. Mit 175 cm Grösse und einem Gewicht von 55 kg kann man Caroline durchaus als heissen Feger bezeichnen. Ihre 33 Jahre sah man nicht, ganz im Gegenteil, sie wirkte jung und knusprig. Ihre Brüste waren fest und sie brauchte keinen BH. Caroline hatte festgestellt, dass die Trinkgelder ihrer männlichen Kunden deutlich höher...

2 years ago
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From my bar stool I could see her, the long dark curls, long smooth legs elongated by a pair of silver five-inch heels. The dress was a shimmering silver, covering her modesty from the front, thin straps allowing her to show off her shoulders, the neck leading up to that face. That face, a heart-shape with rounded cheeks and a very subtle rounded point of the chin. Long shiny earrings hung down, her ears hidden in the mass of curls. The lips were full but free of filler, unlike many others...

Quickie Sex
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Hostel girls

Hi guys & gals. My name is Reni, from cochin. This is my true story, I want share with girls like me. I left to cochin for my studies, as I’m a brilliant student and I got admission in engineering, which is far from my city, so I joined in ladies hostel. In hostel I got a room with three beds so I have to share with two other girls, out of the two girl’s one girl is new like me and another girl is our senior. I was very tired with the journey, and very uncomfortable as it’s a new place, I...

2 years ago
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The Lost Notebook of Doctor EChapter 17 ldquoHotrdquo Tub

While Gwen wriggled her bottom as she surreptitiously slid her swimsuit bottom off, her actions hid by the churning water, Izzy froze a bit in shock. She was laying back in the lounger section, her body covered by the bubbles, but only just barely. Gwen’s action had gotten her thinking about taking her own top off, enjoying the way that Alex’s eyes seemed to linger on her wet body. When Alex spoke up, and suggested, no, ordered her to take her suit off, she looked at him and her mother,...

4 years ago
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‘Scotch is your safety.’ I simply nod in reply, body quivering. You’re wearing the cologne that you know drives me crazy. You haven’t shaven, and the thin, light stubble gracing your cheek scratches the skin on my neck as you whisper this into my ear. I’m all ready naked and cold, but your body is warm and I feel almost disappointed as you pull back, running a hand down the skin of my back. I know I won’t use the safety word you’ve reminded me of – It’s more for you than for me. I know you...

1 year ago
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Dark Days Darkest Before the DawnChapter 19

I dug into my wallet for the cards I had received and called the state department guy who had come down to meet me when I got back from the ill-fated trip to the Bahamas. “Meir.” A gruff voice answered the call with only a name. “Mister Meir, Jack McCoy. We met a while back about some freed slaves?” “Of course, I remember you, Jack. What’s up? Find more damsels in distress?” His voice warmed considerably and the humor in his tone was clear. “Actually, the same ladies may be in big...

1 year ago
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BigTitCreamPie Numi Zarah Step Sister Drips Cum

Numi Zarah is a normal girl who finger bangs herself in the shower. Her pervert step brother is a normal guy who creeps around the house all horny. She gets out the shower to dry off and oil herself up all sensual like because that’s what self care is all about and catches her step bro clutching his meet in the doorway of her room. Being the opportunist that she is, she tells him she won’t snitch to their parents if he eats her pussy. She enjoys it a lot and decides she wants to eat...

2 years ago
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Soni Meri Jaan

Hi dosto mera naam rahul dev hai mai paheli bar yaha per stori post kar raha ho meri E-mail id – hai mai chahta ho ki sabhi jo meri stori read kare wo response de mai jada time nahi lekar point to point aa ta ho meri height- 168 cm hai land ki lambai – 6.2 inch motai- 2.3 inch body average jab mai aapni padhai kar raha tha tu meri Ek friend bani jo hostal m rahti thi uski ek friend jiska naam soni tha us se meri dosti ho gai matlab kabhi kabhi baat aamne samne baith kar hoti thi Lekin phone...

2 years ago
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As i sit here, bound yet unbound, the rope abrading my raw flesh, the memory of my Master?s punishments cloud my thoughts with delirium. No matter which way i shift, i cannot escape the cord tucked intimately against me. my thoughts turn to the night He made me his little slave girl. Since that night He has taken me into the darkness with Him, a firm, guiding Hand through the lands of pain in which i now must travel. His step haunts me when i hear it on the stair to the dungeon. What is to...

3 years ago
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Something New

As I pulled my cock out of my wife's cunt she squirted as usual. Then she quickly twisted around and sucked and cleaned by dick with her tongue and lips. She did a thorough job, as usual. I almost yawned. This was the same thing we had been doing for months. I was bored. I believe she was too, just trying to please me. That was her way.We rolled over and I pretended to go to sleep, but I was actually deep in thought. I had to do something to spice up this dull same-old-same-old we had been...

3 years ago
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Double Dating With the Parents Version BravoChapter 10

"I'm sorry," said Mandy for possibly the fifth or sixth time. She wasn't talking about having just been fucked. She was referring to her yelled comment about Karen not knocking. Jack was dressed again and sitting, head in his hands at the kitchen table. Mandy had on her robe, as did Bob, who had responded to Karen's agonized cry still naked. "Sorry doesn't cut it," said Bob. "We saw you," moaned Mandy. "Karen cried out and Jack thought she was hurt and the door was a little bit...

1 year ago
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Mia Chapter 8 First Date

It was almost dinner time when Mia got back to the apartment after Jesse dropped her off and brought in her luggage. Since he was working that night so they couldn’t really get the opportunity to hang out, but it gave Mia the chance to unpack and get settled back in. Patrice was back already, but Norah and Kris weren’t due to arrive until the following day. Mia felt a little apprehensive thinking about Norah’s arrival. She was waiting to tell her in person her decision to try things out with...

1 year ago
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Milfty Katie Morgan Scoring A Sporty MILF

Katie Morgan seems like the perfect hostess. She is gorgeous, she wears tight dresses, and she is totally okay with her man watching the game. She even serves his friends food! What more could a guy want. But when Katie finds herself getting horny, her good girlfriend instincts seem to go right out the window. One of her mans friends meets her in the kitchen for some hard dicking, and she is all about it. She slobs on his fat knob and then perks her ass out so he can grab it while penetrating...

2 years ago
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Pretty Girl Pet Part Two

It’s been six months since Ella has become my temp sub, andshe’s learning quickly. I’ve been training her in a lot of the areas she didn’t know about. She follows orders to the T and doesn’t get to cheeky. Of course she is by no means perfect, but she’s learning. We started off seeing each other a few times a month, now it’s as often as we can. She doesn’t know it yet, but this weekend I’m going to ask her to be my live in weekend pet. This means she’ll come stay with me all weekend long. We...

3 years ago
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Chinna Marumagalai Kaamam Seithen

Vanakam makale, indru kathaiyil en irandavathu marumagalai kaamam seitha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar sethupathi vayathu 45 aagugirathu. En manaivi iranthu naangu varudam aagugirathu, en iru pasangalukum thirumanam seithu vaithen. Enaku en irandavathu marumagal thaan athigam pidikum, aval ennai porupaaga paarthu koluvaal nandraaga samaithu poduvaal. En iru magangalum veli ooril thaan velai seigiraargal, maathathirku oru murai thaan veetirku vanthu seluvaargal. En iru marumagalgalum...

1 year ago
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On a lazy, slow Tuesday afternoon, just the type of day for unhurried erotic sexual pleasure, we are back in the familiar surrounds of Lu Xi’s hotel honeymoon suite. My man Charles is expecting some type of ‘special sexual attention’, though I have not provided him with any details. Just a few minutes after we were expecting her, Lu Xi arrives with Carla. A tall, stunning, dark skinned brunette dressed in a knee length white designer coat, heels and white stockings. “Happy birthday Charles,...

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Becoming a School SlutChapter 17

I shocked myself with the statement that came out of my mouth, it might have been the beer talking, but it felt so good having a cock in my cunt, even if it was a dog's cock that I needed more. I'm sure I was more than a little tipsy from the three or four beers I drank. I haven't ever drank alcohol before and without much on my stomach to eat and my nerves about what Mistress Pam was going to make me do it seemed as if it was going right to my brain. I seemed to have lost all of my...

4 years ago
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The bicurious professor in the sauna Part 8

The evening of the same day I am relaxing in the sauna when the professor shows up. He is never there on Saturdays. We recline facing each other. Our towels d****d to the sides and our junk in full view of each other. We lazily masturbate. The professor jokingly asks if my ass is still full of his cum from the previous night. After 10 minutes or so of slow masturbating the professor tells me that he is still horny and asks if I would be interested in going back to his place for another...

2 years ago
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the milf next door

My name is Brad and I'm 19 years old. It was 3 o'clock in the afternoon on a Tuesday when I was walking home from my friends house, when I saw my neighbour Jennifer was taking the groceries inside from her car. I've always had a thing for her, she is around 35 years old, brown/blond hair, a great tight ass and C cup breasts. Today she had a ponytail, was wearing a white shirt without sleeves and light blue jeans, in which her ass looked amazing in.We always chat when we see each other, so today...

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Christmas Party

"Why are you here?" I asked. "To have some fun. To drink. You said you had some good stuff in your room." "Why here, why me?" "What do you mean?" "There were at least fifty men in that ballroom. One of them was probably your husband. Right?" "Yeah, so..." "It looked like some corporate function. A Christmas Party? You should be on your husband's arm, laughing at his jokes, impressing his coworkers, sucking up to his boss." "I'd rather be sucking up that big cock you...

2 years ago
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Book 3 RavlyrChapter 5 A Married Couple

Rav gently shook Natalie awake, she opened her eyes and looked at Rav in confusion, still feeling the effects of the champagne she closed her eyes as her head started to spin. "The minister is waiting, sweets," Rav said with a smile. Without opening her eyes Natalie said "the minister?" Chuckling Rav replied "yes the minister who is going to marry us." Opening her eyes Natalie looked at Rav "marry us?" then she giggled a little drunkenly "oh you said I would marry you if I kissed...

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A Walk on the Wild Side

"Welcome to San Francisco, the city where just about anything goes!" Jim stared at the extraordinarily beautiful and exotic woman who stood before him. Her name was Mistress and he had corresponded with her many times before setting up this face to face meeting. He was at a convention and this was his first trip to the city where nearly all fantasies could come true. Jim was already naked, his clothes all stuffed into a bag on the floor. He had emptied his wallet of the $5,000...

2 years ago
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Friends with benefits part 3

Miss Jones went shopping on Saturday to buy a sexy outfit for Sir. She decided on sky blue for the dress, sheer red bra and panties, dark blue shoes and stockings. She bought Dior perfume to go with it and knew Sir would love it. It was acceptable for school and acceptable for Sir's office. Her first bonus had been reinvested in Sir.On the weekend, Miss Jones went out with old school friends. None of them knew she was a slut, she had been the prim and proper one, marrying young. She...

3 years ago
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Coping with my Brad Pt3

Story contains, Femboy, Oral, and Anal. When I rolled out of bed the next morning, all I could do was sit there on its edge and think about what had happened the night before. I mean, what do you do when your mom’s husband pays you a visit late at night, then plays around with your ass for so long that he isn’t able to control himself any longer and ends up fucking you silly? Then, the really weird part, he leaves without even acknowledging you’re even there. Doesn’t that make it ****? I...

4 years ago
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Ecstasy In The Blue Mountains

As Fran slept, her hair falling across her face, Geoff splashed water on his face before he walked out onto the balcony. The beach was empty in the early morning light, the sun only beginning to glitter on the water which stretched out before him.He turned back into the bedroom, lowered himself onto a chair, and began doing triceps lifts. After three sets of ten, he moved to ab crunches. On vacation, the regimen would be relaxed, though he would run in the late afternoon and then lift weights...

Group Sex
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A Walk in the Woods

For Chris. I had been going through a rough patch. After more than three years in a relationship, I realized I was unsatisfied. As summer drew to its close, I made a vow that I would be happy again. I had been talking, quite flirtatiously, to a man that I worked with. He was a few years older than me and was in a similarly disappointing, long-term relationship. Neither of us were content with where we were in life. I had known him since the previous summer, we had talked on and off but it...

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I finally got caught by my mother in law

I found this story and want it to happen to me!!My wife and i went to visit my mother in law for the weekend, my wife went to out with her friends and her mum went to the shops.... so thats what i thought, i thought whilst i was alone i would have a wank so i stripped totally naked in the livivng room playing with my little boner, i suddenly felt like i was being watched and noticed out of the corner of my eye her mother stood watching me wank, i thought she would leave but she kept watching...

3 years ago
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Hermione the Shiteater

Hermione the Shiteater Interview with Hermione Granger taken by Rita Skeeter in Hogwarts, 1st June 1998. Wizarding Wireless broadcast. RITA SKEETER. Good morning, my dear listeners. I'm Rita Skeeter, your favorite journalist, and I'm visiting Hogwarts School today. Make your wizarding wireless louder, because you'll hear the most mind-blowing interview in my career. Of course you know how our glorious and mighty Dark Lord banned all the mudbloods and blood-traitors from attending...

3 years ago
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Will And Tess Excellent AdventureChapter 19

Saturday night was surprisingly low-key. Tess and Kim wanted to eat in, but we all had spent a lot of physical and emotional energy during the long day of play, so we ended up putting away seven Lean Cuisines between the three of us. There was no sex. Nobody felt like having sex. Well, I did, but I could tell, right away, that neither of the women did, so, naturally, I just tried to stay out of the way. We knew that the final group's start time on Sunday would be after noon. It was too...

4 years ago
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Chloes Sex Lessons Ch 15

Chloe and Randy were strictly committed to their summer jobs, and Randy had football practice as well to contend with. As a result, right after the orgy they did not see each other during that week. So Randy was still in the dark about her activities at the orgy. He mused that for that matter Chloe did not know of his activities either, but sheepishly he realized he had nothing spectacular to report. True, h’d had a good enough time. After all, fucking several different women in a relatively...

1 year ago
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Patrick hat ein trauriges Leben. Er ist 27 Jahre alt und arbeitet seit 2 Jahren als IT-Administrator in einem kleinen Unternehmen in einer größeren deutschen Stadt. Er hat eine kleine 2 Zimmer Wohnung in der Innenstadt. Er verdient zwar ganz gut, aber sein Beruf macht ihm keinen wirklichen Spass. Ständig beschwert sich seine Chefin, die absolut keine Ahnung von Software oder Technik hat, dass er nicht schnell genug arbeite. Dass sie einmal seinen Ständer bemerkt hatte, machte es für ihn nicht...

Mind Control
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A brother enjoys taking his lovely sister8217s cherry

“Billy, come here!” my sister loudly demanded. “I need a favor.” So I stopped what I was doing and crossed the hall, not wishing to anger her since she was a tyrant when she was mad. She was laying on her bed, naked, one knee raised and smiling at me. I blinked at her and waited, feeling my cock tremble. My sister is super hot, a high school senior with a killer body, a fine athlete and a real brain. She smiled at me and licked her lips. Her pussy lips were bulging out...

1 year ago
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AllHerLuv Brooklyn Chase Jessa Rhodes The Webcam Incident Roomies

Brooklyn and Jessa are in their dorm room. The girls have been friends for as long as they can remember and now they are in college together, their Freshman year! Brooklyn sighs as she studies her Chemistry, she’s struggling in the class. Jessa is browsing Facepage and then gets an instant message from Cassie. “Oh it’s Cassie.. oh, no, no no,” Jessa moans, “she wants me to turn on my webcam.. tell me what excuse should I give her?” Brooklyn, “Cassie?...

4 years ago
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A Common Man From Bangalore 8211 Part 8

Hi guys, gals, Pramod here, continuing the incident. So Impana and I were on the bus. She asked me to wait for some time after getting down at the Majestic bus stop. I was waiting for her after getting down. She came back after 10 minutes. I asked her where she had been. She told me she had gone to give some office files to her colleague. I asked her that she’s not going to the office today. Then she told me that even I am not going to college. I told her that yesterday also I have not gone and...

2 years ago
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Off the Pond Too

He finally broke the silence “I never have.” His eyes were open wide as if he were shocked by the question. I guess I was throwing a lot at him, I mean here he was a virgin, home from the service, and having screaming sex with a guy twice his age. I couldn’t help myself. His skin was pale and beautiful, and it was tight over his muscles. He wasn’t muscular though, just thin and tight. The only hair on him was in his armpits and a little tuft over his dick. Yeah, and his dick. It had a life of...

3 years ago
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Violett 4 I Get Ganged

At the age of nineteen I left home for college and I really went out of control. I came out of the closet and immersed myself in the lesbian community. I was a big hit. There was a small lesbian tavern close to campus where I used to hang out. I was under age but I never drank anything so the management let me hang around. One of my first lovers there used to call me Angel, it caught on, and to this day I still have old friends that call me Angel. I was real popular too - women even fought...

1 year ago
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Fucking Younger Sister Nadia 2

After having seen my bitchy sisters lesbian encounter with her best friend, I observed a constant hard on in my pants, everytime that bitch walked passed me. Initially there were not any clear ideas in my mind. I had blur thoughts. At the most I would just go and masturbate at the image of my 14 year old sister, getting totally naked infront of her best friend, spreading her legs shamelessly and letting her friend play with her pussy. I admit it very shamefully that I was more aroused at the...

2 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 1 Journey StartChapter 19 Being On The Same Page

Sunday evening, Alice, Pam, and Dave sat in a booth in the TGIFridays restaurant near their home. They’d gotten seats away from most of the others in the place. Football games showed on about twenty TV monitors around the large room and bar area, but the place wasn’t crowded. “So, who goes first?” Alice asked after they’d ordered. Dave gestured to her. Pam just gestured at Alice. Alice said, “OK, I’ll start and we’ll go back and forth. Next week, one of you start. My first question has to...

3 years ago
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Halloween Night

My wife has been at her mothers the other side of the country and will be for a few months, so I thought this would be the perfect time to go all out and see how convincing of a woman I could make myself. I bought hair removal cream, razors, new sexy lingerie, a sexy Halloween outfit, a wig and make-up. Naturally i received a few looks from cashiers, but I managed to smile and make a comment about how my wife's at work and leaves everything to the last minute.As soon as I rushed home and got...

4 years ago
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Hypothetical HitchHiker Part 2

We both positioned our respective underwear in front of us – the outer and less intimate surface of the gussets facing towards us – and Dane lifted mine up to his nose first. I followed his lead, applying the outside of his shorts to my nose even though I would have strongly preferred to have done so with the inner lining, and we both took a few gentle sniffs of the material. To my surprise, almost immediate, I saw through the corner of my eye that Dane’s member was starting to twitch to life....

3 years ago
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A Slave to the Gathering

My Mistress Cherie is in the habit of masturbating me regularly. She'll do this last thing at night before locking me away in my cage and again first thing in the morning. My cock raises to her hand expectantly each time, trained in a Pavlovain way to her demand. At times too I am wanked, or she has me wank during the daytime too. She tells me she does this to keep me docile, to reduce my maleness and increase my servility to her feminine domination. She knows too that it is good for me, good...

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The Pact Episode 5 the ClubhouseChapter 44

Toby returned to the carriage house less than ten minutes later. The group was examining Terence's pillory and talking about other dungeon furniture. Ron Parker was amazed. "I kind of always made due with what was at hand," he mused. "I had no idea that there was a market for this stuff." "There is a whole community out there," Beth told him. "Terence enjoys the woodworking aspect of it and, well, I enjoy using the stuff. There are shows where we could market to the fetish community...

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