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Chapter 1

"How did I get myself into this mess?" Carole asked herself. She tested the rope again that held her wrists together. Even the ropes that secured them behind her head and to the chair back wouldn't give a fraction of an inch. The ropes that bound her ankles and legs together didn't give either, and her legs tied to the support bar of the chair kept her feet immobile. Other than moving her head, she was completely immobile.

"If I hadn't been so damn arrogant and stubborn, I wouldn't be here. Me and my big mouth." That problem was solved by the wadded cloth in her mouth and the wide black tape over her lips. "I hope he didn't leave or something." she thought to herself. "It must be past six o'clock now."

The fact was, on Friday's, nobody stays much past five, especially the warehouse crew. Except for herself and her captor, Keith, the building was empty. Even if someone was in the building, the gag prevented anyone from hearing her make her muffled grunts and groans.

"This is hopeless!" She thought to herself. "He's got me tied so tight, I can't move at all. Man, does he tie tight knot's. I can't even reach any important ones. I guess I just got to wait for him to come back. I hope it's soon. My arms are getting tired."

She began to review how she wound up like this. It seemed simple enough, but what a strange result happened.

Earlier that morning, she went down to the warehouse with a stack of orders that needed to get out today. When she gave them to Keith, he was less than thrilled.

"Why does everybody wait till Friday to get their order's out?" he grumbled loudly. "Good luck filling all these by five o'clock."

"What's the matter?" she teased. "Can't you boys handle it?"

"Hey, we can handle anything, anytime." Keith was in no mode for jokes or teasing. "A lot more that you soft office people type."

"I can handle anything that comes my way, a lot more than you," she snipped.

Keith was just in the right mood for a smart remark like that. "You think so, huh? More than I can give you?" he questioned.

"Of course. Lots more." she responded, never expecting him to call her bluff. She turned to walk away when he asked the question.

Keith gave her a challenging look and said, "Want to put it to the test, or are you just all talk?"

Now she was stuck. If she didn't respond, maybe she could just pretend she didn't hear him and just keep going.

No, there's no way she could pull that off. He said it loud and clear. That would just as bad as saying no. With that option, he would consider her a fake and a big mouth. Maybe, he was bluffing.

"Anytime you want." she said. Maybe he might back down. Instead, he stepped from behind his desk and over to her.

"Then come down after work and we'll put it to the test." he said quietly, but with a straight face.

"We'll see." she said as she turned on her heel and walked away.

Throughout the day, she wondered what was going to happen that night. She had to go down, her stubborn pride wouldn't let her just forget it and go home without finishing the challenge.

She came to the conclusion that this was going to be just a bad attempt to get into her panties. That would be easy enough to get out of. Just say no. He can't refuse that. Best of all, it's not a challenge, but just a pass, and a bad one at that.

The day wore on until it was finally five o'clock. The other office people took off like it was a race. Carole waited a few minutes, waiting for the office to clear. She grabbed her purse and headed down. "I'll just go down and get this over with." she thought as she walked down the steps. "Shouldn't take more than a few minutes."

When she got down to the warehouse, the place seemed empty, with only a few fixtures lighting the place. She went over to Keith's desk. He was still there, waiting.

"About time." he said looking up from his paper work.

"Don't you like waiting?" she replied.

"Actually, I'm surprised you came at all. I figured you'd duck out, or at least bring someone with you."

"I can take care of myself, thank you." she responded coldly.

"Oooh, well aren't we tough. We'll see about that." Keith said as he put his pencil down.

"Look, if this is some lame brain attempt to screw me, you can just forget it. I'm not easy or cheap."

"Don't worry. It's not as simple as that." he responded. "This is a test of your endurance, how much you can handle, remember?"

"Yeah, I remember." she said, putting on her tough act again. "And it still goes. Anything you can give out."

"Then let's find out." he said as he opened the bottom drawer of his desk. "Sit down, make yourself comfortable." Keith said as he motioned to the chair in front of the desk.

Carole sat down and placed her purse beside the chair. Keith pulled several coils of rope out from the drawer. Carole didn't see what it was at first. She realized it when he came out from behind the desk with his cords.

"What the hell is that?" she questioned, becoming a little uncomfortable.

"This is rope." he replied. "Ever see it before?"

"Of course I have. I mean, what are you doing with it?"

"I going to tie you up." he said very simply.

"What do you mean, tie me up! What the hell..." she stammered.

"Hey, you're the one who said you could take anything. Are you changing your mind?" he said showing her the bundle.

"No, but I didn't think you meant this. I was expecting, um..."

"What were you expecting? A quick fuck on the floor? Please give me more credit for imagination than that!"

"Yeah; well; I never agreed to, to this."

"What you agreed was to handle anything I can give out. Well honey, this," he said holding up the rope, "is what I'm giving you. Can't you handle it?"

Now Carole was really stuck. It was put up or shut up time. Damned if he couldn't be so cleaver. But damned also if he was going to get the better of her without at least putting up some kind of challenge.

"I can handle it." she said proudly.

"Fine." he said with a smile. "Then let's get started. Give me your wrists, please."

She looked him square in the eyes defiantly for a moment before offering up her hands.

"Cross them at the wrists, one on top of the other."

She did as he requested, placing her right hand over her left. In a flash, he had tightly wound the rope and crisscrossed her wrists before knotting the ends. After the binding, she drop her hands into her lap.

"How's that?" he said.

"That's it?" she replied, "I'll be free in a moment. Man, you stink at this."

"Glad to hear you think that way. Thanks for giving me the green light to continue."

Tricked again my his cleverness. She could have kicked herself.

Next, he took more rope and looped it around her wrist ropes. Then, stepping behind her, he pulled her hands up and behind her head, securing the ends to the back of the chair.

"That ought to keep those out of the way." he said.

"Maybe, maybe not." she replied.

He took up more rope. "Place your feet together, flat on the floor, so your toes and your heels are together. Press your knees and thighs together."

She complied. Keith knelt at her feet and wound rope around her ankles. He pulled the cord tight, pulling her ankles together. He took the ends and cinched the middle of the ropes, hobbling her feet completely. He picked up another rope, looped it around her ankle rope, then tied the ends to the leg supports of the chair. The end result was her feet were immobilized.

"How am I doing now?" Keith asked.

"Oh, I guess a little better." Carole replied. Fact was, she knew she was in trouble.

"Well, let me finish then." Keith answered.

"What, he's not done yet?" Carole thought to herself. "What more can he do. I can't go anywhere. I'm helpless."

She wished she didn't find out. Keith pulled out a cloth and showed it to Carole. "Know what it's for?"

"Oh no you don't... mmpph."

"Oh yes I do." he said as he placed the cloth between lips. Carole pushed it out of her mouth with her tongue. Keith picked it up and put his face in hers.

"Don't do that again." he sternly said.

Carole realized she better do what he says.

"Open your mouth!" he commanded. Carole did and the cloth went back in.

Keith turned around and went back to his desk. He opened the top drawer and pulled out a roll of black duct tape. He came back over to her, pulled a eight inch strip off the roll and placed it over her lips.

"That'll hold it in place now." he said triumph. "Now, what else can I do?"

"What else is there to do?" she thought. "What else can you do?"

"Ah, I know." he said as he grabbed a rope and knelt in front of her. He slowly slid her skirt up her legs, revealing her thighs.

Carole wore a black, below the knee skirt that day. Along with a white long sleeve blouse, tan pantyhose and black, three inch high heels. Now Keith was turning her skirt into an above the knee outfit.

"Mmph! Mmmuuuumph, mmphh!" she grunted, wanting to say "What are you doing? Cut it out!"

"Oh, don't worry." he responded. "You have nice legs anyway. You should wear shorter skirts and show them off more."

Keith coiled a rope around her thighs just above her knees. Again he cinched the middle, just to make it extra snug. He then stood up and surveyed his work.

He did nice work. She tugged and pulled on the ropes, but it was futile. Carole wasn't going anywhere. Her muffled grunts attested to her efforts, but didn't carry very far. In fact, if anyone was around, they might not even hear her.

He looked Carole over. For the first time he realized how sexy a woman she was. She really did have nice legs. In fact, her whole body was nice. Nice sized firm breasts, small waist, smooth well sized hips, and though he couldn't see much of it, a perfect ass. She was very attractive, with green eyes and below the shoulder curly brown hair. On the beach, in a bikini, she would make the guys stare and cause bulges in their suit's.

"Well, that will do for the moment." he said after a moment. "Now, Miss I-can-take-care-of-myself, is this more than you can handle?"

Carole, knowing full well that she was in over her head, defiantly shook her head. She wasn't going to give in quickly. He was going to have to be a lot more creative than this.

"Oh! Still have your pride, hey? Well then, this just might be a very long night for you. You just stay here for a while and think this through." Then, just as an after though, he reached down and opened a few buttons on her blouse, just until her bra showed.

"Mmph. Mmmuuuumph, mmphh!" again she cried. "What are you doing?"

"Makes you look more like a damsel in distress, which, by the way, you are at the moment."

He turned, after giving her one more look over, and disappeared into the warehouse, leaving her alone to ponder her plight.

"How stupid I've been." she thought to herself. "I've got to try and get free, so he won't win." She tried and tried, but it was impossible. Keith had bound her too well. She was in this for the duration, or until he tired of it.

She thought about giving in, admitting she couldn't manage this. But once again, her pride and her curiosity wouldn't let her. She wanted to see what was next, what else he had in store for her.

Chapter 2

So, here Carole sits, waiting for Keith to return. She had been tied up for over a half hour now. Not a rope or a knot has slipped a bit. On occasion, she thought she had heard someone moving around, or moving something around. But it faded as quick as she heard it.

"Is he ever going to come back?" she wondered.

Just then, most of the lights in the warehouse went off. Someone was still there. Keith must be doing it. A moment later she heard footsteps coming up from behind. She tried to turn and look, but with the shadows and her restraints, she couldn't see much.

It was Keith. He'd been doing a bit of scouting. First, thrrough the building, checking for employees working late. Only finding the cleaning people working in the office, he returned to the warehouse, happy that they wouldn't be interrupted. Then, he prospected for Carole's next test, provided she didn't admit she was in over her head. Finding the needed spots, he arranged a few things and thought about his next move.

From time to time, he would check in on her, making sure she was still properly fastened down, and that she was alright. He also enjoyed watching her, her struggles and her movements. At one point, he was so excited watching her struggle, he thought about jerking off. But she stopped struggling, and Keith thought it better to wait. Maybe something better might come along.

"Well, you still think you can handle anything that comes your way?" he said, leaning over, face to face.

Carole nodded her head, fight still left in her. "Boy, you"re stubborn," he said. "Well, only one thing to do," he said as he knelt down and untied the ropes holding her ankles to the chair.

Carole thought it might be over. Maybe he was feeling guilty about all this and was going to just let her go?

She was wrong. After releasing her connecting rope, he moved behind her and released the rope holding her hands behind her head. Her hands fell into her lap.

"Oh, that's better." she thought.

He let her sit there for a moment. Carole looked up at him.

"When is he going to untie the rest of 'em?" she thought. She held up her wrists to him, asking him to do it.

"Are you saying you've had enough?" he asked.

Carole shook her head. But she wanted to be untied.

"Then we're not done yet, are we?" he said as he got her to her feet. "Like I said, this could be a long night."

"Mmmpph?" Carole grunted. "This isn't over?" she thought.

"We'll just keep going 'til one of us gives in! I don"t plan on giving in. I've got all weekend." Keith said this as he was wrapping rope around her upper body and arms, below her breasts, pinning her arms to her body.

"Now, We can do this easy or hard," he continued. "Either you can hop across the warehouse, or, if you can be a good girl, I'll untie your ankles and you can walk. You gonna be good?"

Carole didn"t like the idea of jumping around on high heels, so she wisely nodded her head. Keith untied the ropes around her ankles, but kept her thighs pinned together.

They had to walk slowly. Walking with just your lower legs isn't easy. Carole wondered if hopping would have been easier. After a few long minutes, they finally reached their destination.

Keith led her over to a steel support column. After removing the rope from around her torso, legs and wrists, he instructed her to stand with her back against the post. She knew what was coming up. Tied to the post, like an Indian captive. But he had a few more surprises for her.

"Take off your blouse," he ordered.

"Mmmph?" Carol responded with eyes wide open.

"You heard me. Take it off, or can't you handle that?"

Carole figured he would get it off of her, whether she did it or he did it himself. She opened the remaining buttons and slid off the white blouse. At least her bra was nice, black, lacy, not some boring cotton one. He placed the blouse in on a hook behind himself. Again her turned to her.

"Now, take off your pantyhose," he again ordered.

Carole didn't argue. She stepped out of her heels and slid off the nylons. At least she still had on her skirt and panties. She wasn't naked, at least not yet.

Keith took the pantyhose and placed them on the hook.

"Put your heels back on."

Carole found that a little strange, but she did it. It took a minute, for it was hard without something between the skin and leather. She did so, then stood with her hands at her sides.

"Put your hands around the pole."

Carole complied. Keith quickly bound her hands together. Then he came around in front of her and made a single loop of rope around her ankles, then a single loop back around the pole and tied it off.

Then he came back in front of her.

"One more thing to remove," he said with a smile. He reached behind her and released the hook on her skirt. Carole was surprised. She didn't figure he would do that. She fought a little, but knew she couldn't do a thing about it. Keith slowly pulled the zipper down, then slowly slid the skirt down her legs.

"Step out of it," he said after he untied the ankle rope. Carole did, leaving her only with her matching bra, high cut bikini panties and heels.

Now the real ropes were applied. He wound rope around her torso, above and below her breast's, at her waist, hips, thighs, knees, lower legs, and ankles. All of them around her body and the pole. Within a few minutes, she was firmly anchored to the post, a new part of the support.

Keith stepped back and look his work over. Again, all the cords were tight, knots firm, and her body secure. Carole couldn"t move a muscle. Her tape gag still in place, keeping her quiet. He pulled up a chair and sat down in front of her. The show began. Carole struggled and strained, without hope of freedom. Keith watched for several minutes, enjoying the erotic show.

"Well," he said after a bit "I'll leave you to ponder your situation. I'll be back." He stood up and walked away, disappearing between the rows of stock.

"He didn't even given me the chance to get out of this," she thought to herself as she struggled. "Before, he offered to let me call it quit's, but not this time. I wonder how long this is going to go on?"

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Sandra is Different Pt 7

by Vanessa Evans Part 7 It was Sunday and an opportunity to sleep late but that was only after I woke at dawn and used the magic wand on myself. It was Isla that woke me with a phone call. She’d had a call from Master Thomas asking if we were available on Wednesday afternoon again. She’s said that we both were without even asking me. After I’d quickly thanked her she went on to explain that Master Thomas had told her that he only wanted one of us to go to the Gentlemen’s Club and the...

2 years ago
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A Reasonable Accommodation

Blair Wilson was an average guy in almost every respect. He was of average height, average looks, and average intelligence, and possessed average athleticism, average personality, average libido, average sex equipment, and average charisma. Like every average person, however, he had some better than average features, and some less than average. For example as some of his good features he was slimmer and had more muscle tone than average including a six pack, was more deliberative and...

Wife Lovers
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The ExhibitionistChapter 16

Those Marines moved in like they knew what they were doing. I found out later that they were all ex-military men and women who had been offered the same kind of deal that I had, except that they were to specialize in the small-unit military operations like this one. They certainly knew their business, and had the situation under control in practically no time. We thanked Capt. Rhonda Ziwan for her unit's action to rescue us. She gave us the usual "no problem, glad to do it" response her...

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With 4th servant lady

Hi this is Kumar, thanks to all ISS reader for appreciating my previous story. This time it was with my servant lady, as every one know in Hyderabad getting a good looking servant is very rare. I have changed 3 servant ladies as some time they were lazy or cunning or not good at work. But at last the fourth was well set in all the case. Her name is Geetha, She was in her mid thirties having a good figure as athletic, but as I mentioned in my previous story I don’t give preference to outlook she...

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Claiborne HighChapter 3

"Absolutely not!" Adrian Martin slammed her hand on the table. "I refuse to allow it!" "Allow what?" Greg asked. "This whole project. I'm not going to let it go forward." "What do you object to?" Greg asked. "This girl. What she does. The whole idea. Everything about it!" "It's the sex, isn't it?" Hanna asked. "You don't want her to engage in it." "I expected better of you!" Adrian said. "You're a woman. Can't you see that they're just using her? This is just...

3 years ago
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Watching Incest Movie With Sister Zeenat Fuels Passion 8211 Part 3

Hello friends, Varun this side. This is a continuation of the previous part. My friend, Zaffar and his sister Zeenat had sex for the first time in their life when no one was at home. I will be narrating this in the words of Zaffar. Zeenat woke after 2 hours. Mom was in the kitchen preparing dinner. Dad and I were on the balcony. We behaved like every other day. After some time, we had dinner, and mom praised me for helping Zeenat. She also told dad that I taught her some tips and tricks to do...

1 year ago
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Masterbating turns to sex

I was home alone and was doing some stuff I had started vacuuming.The vacuum had rubbed up against my pussy. So then I went to our room and layer on our bed I removed my pants and… I was home alone and was doing some stuff I had started vacuuming.The vacuum had rubbed up against my pussy. So then I went to our room and layer on our bed I removed my pants and underwarer I slowly started rubing my clit I was so distracted rubbing my clit and sliding the fake dick in my hole. I was moaning...

3 years ago
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!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE NOTE! All characters depicted in the following story are over the age of 18 years. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING: The following FICTIONAL account is a story of unbridled, uncensored i****t. Read at your own risk, while considering the strength of your own sensibilities. All characters are over the age of 18 years. day, one moment captured in time, of an i****tuous situation. Donna resembled Natale Wood in many know? ...From "Sex and the Single Girl?" Her young...

1 year ago
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Emmas Birthday

Hannah wanted to do something special for Emma’s birthday. It wasn’t every day her best friend turned twenty-one. Emma had just broken off a toxic relationship, so Hannah planned a ‘girls only’ surprise party. Hannah had already booked a home sex toy party. Emma’s invitation to that event would get her to the surprise party at the correct date and time.The sex toy party would also put all the girls in the horny, and no guys needed frame of mind to help Emma recover from her breakup.Hannah had...

2 years ago
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Rigor MortisChapter 10

The sky over Manhattan that Monday morning were grey and overcast with a fog that lingered in the long cold stripes called Avenues all the way from the East River to the mighty Hudson rushing brown and swollen out to the Atlantic Ocean. I figured it was not a good time for the news helicopters to be navigating the high-rises and it brought back my fear of the noisy, smelly things that spelled finis to a number of my compadres in the Marine Corps quick response team of which I was one of the...

3 years ago
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THE BOSS’S DAUGHTERIt had been well over a year since Dave had seen his sister and his niece. He had been working really hard at his job and had not made much time for his family.Dave had decided to go spend a few days in Miami where his sister and her daughter Anita lived. It had been close to two years since his first encounter with his lovely niece. He had spent the last few days thinking about the sexy nineteen year old, and all the things he had planned to do to her sweet sexy body. Dave...

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Caroline Ch 0704

(Hi, If you are new to this series please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but some of this won’t make sense if you don’t so I hope you will! More sex! And Mike experiences something of what it is like to be the recipient!) Caroline’s tale continues: DP’d with a strap-on. I woke in the morning still tired from last nights enjoyment and, to tell the truth, my bottom was a little tender. He had been in there for...

2 years ago
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BetrayalChapter 44

Using the flashlight, Liv read the page of the small journal in silence. Several minutes passed before she looked up, her face filled with emotion. "Dad knew he was dying so he wrote me a note." Her hand brushed over the page gently as she showed it to Finn. Dear Liv, I love you very much. I am sorry I cannot be there for you anymore. You are the star of my life and I left you something that will take care of you, if you decide. The fire is dying so I must keep it short. I only wish I...

2 years ago
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My first time cheating

Hi I’m Jill. This is a story of my first time cheating on my husband, Scott. Neither of us had had sex with anyone else ever. I did not plan it, I just got seduced. I was 23 at the time and had been married for 4 years. My husband was working full time and going to school part time so when he was home he was either busy with studies or too tired to do anything. To say our sex life was bad was an understatement. It wasn’t that he didn’t try, he was just too busy.We had moved into a mobile home...

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The Last Day

This is my first ever erotica done as requested my my best friend. I hope that you enjoy it and that it makes you wet! Please tell me what you think! It was the last day of school and I was stuck in class. Twiddling with a bright yellow pencil with my left hand, and running my right hand up and down my upper thighs, I thought about all the nasty things that my former 10th grade teacher could do to me since it was the very last day of school before college. At 3:00, I would be free to head...

3 years ago
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Red or Black

There wasn't an adult in the land that didn't know what her family did. There wasn't a tabloid editor on Fleet Street that hadn't paid out hard cash for sex tapes containing her or her family. They were notorious; famous almost. Salacious details of the exploits became Internet folklore, the stuff of legend. Everyone knew of the McAllister family. The father, Clifford, had "betrayed" his expensive education and status. He was, technically, the 2nd Viscount of Greysford but he was no...

2 years ago
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More than best friends Chapters 1 and 2

The first day of school is always the worst, they say. Not so much for my case. On my immediate arrival, I met: my future best friend, the student body president, the guy everyone loved being around, no matter what mood you were in. When I walked in the doors, his friendly little teenage hand stuck itself out towards me, inviting me to grip it in favor. I hadn't really noticed he existed, being the new kid, I was extremely nervous. Being greeted in such a proper manner came as a shock at...

2 years ago
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My First Fucking Experience With A BiSexual

I’m a 22 years old bi-sexual from Surat. I got pretty good feedback on my previous two stories. One of them was true and another was fiction. Today I’m going to share third story, which is true story of my first fucking experience. I bet you’ll like my story. Send me feedback on Couple of months back, I found a guy on Tinder. He was a 20 years old college student from Ahmadabad. We got to talking and I found out that the guy is also a bi-sexual. I acted as if I’m straight. We continued talking...

Gay Male
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AbeyanceChapter 7

I popped the mint in my mouth and walked slowly to the door. I dreaded this. I was probably going to have to sit and tell my family a bucket full of lies before I could go to bed. I gathered my strength at the front door and went in, trying to act as normal as possible. My parents and Laura were in the living room watching television. Only Laura seemed concerned. I was nearly an hour late getting home but they weren't worried. I suppose they thought that I was safe in the home of a...

1 year ago
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DaftSex Big Tits

When it comes to men, there are two types: those who love big asses more and those who love big tits more. Today I have a special treat for that latter group and it’s a site called To be more precise, it’s all the big tits content that you’ll be able to get on this website. And believe me, once we are done with this review, you’ll only start to grasp the true scope of this place. It’s like a never-ending story of some of the best porn videos featuring the biggest tits. You’re going...

Big Tits Porn Sites
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A Si sterrsquos Lust chapter 8

Gail felt her warm body start to shake as she stared at her baby sister and herboyfriend, Jerry. How in the world had she gotten into a situation like this? What hadstarted out to be a simple way to help Crystal and Jerry out of their difficulty hadturned into a real mess!“I . . . I think I’d better get dressed,” Gail stammered, avoiding her sister’s eyes. “I . . .I’ll stay at a hotel, Crystal . . . I think it would be best.”“Hey . . .” Jerry grinned, placing his hands on Gail’s shoulders,...

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Adrenaline! I can’t begin to contemplate the complexity of this chemical that controls so many of our urges, our desires, giving us the propensity to fight and to fuck in equal measure. It is not for me to analyse and to decipher the intricacies of such chemical reactions with-in our bodies but more for me to understand it and how it translates into the situation that I find my-self and my guest in at present. For some time now I have been watching her shiver and convulse whilst emitting muted...

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Rachels Fire 04

(FORBIDDEN) Somewhere under that giant blue quilt over there my boyfriend Gavin is curled up having innocent dreams. I can hear him whispering to himself. He often does that when hes sleeping. I sometimes wake up in the darkness to hear snatches of his confused conversation. I can never make out whole sentences. Just the occasional word. Its almost 4.00 in the morning and Im sitting pretty much naked before the glare of this cold glass once more. Mirrors play an important part in my life. Not...

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Kelly gooes to college Part 2

I was a little shocked to here him say this, and i was a little buzzed, so i challenged kenny right then and there. "If you think I'm so hot big boy, why don't you fucking kiss me?" I said sassily as i stood with my hands on my hips as if to challenge him physically. To my suprise he took two steps towards me, wrapped his arms around me and kissed me deeply, our lips touching softly as they melded into one for a moment, then parted, our hungry tounges darting and probing each others mouths as...

1 year ago
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Older relative ko khush kiya

Hi iss fans. This is raj and i am 43 years of age. I live in jaipur and i am going to tell you a real story when i was only 18. I used to live with my parents in two rooms house. I was studying in commerce college. One day we received a phone call from my father’s close relative who was of the same age as my father but in relation he was my father’s chacha and they were living in sri ganganagar. He informed that his wife (my father’s chachi ji. Though she was my father’s chachi but we all used...

2 years ago
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Piercings Part IX Infidelity and Sapphic Stirrings

I drove slowly past our home at exactly one o’clock. There was a car parked in the driveway behind Liz’s car; a black estate car that I didn’t recognise but even though there were not any taxi signs on it I suspected that it was Joe’s. I drove on by and went on a slow drive around the village and came back to our home. It was gone.I found Liz still in her bed. She was lying on her back with her head resting in her hands behind her; staring up at the ceiling lost in thought. “Everything okay?” I...

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Mrs Lunardis Lasagna Supper

Jimmy Burdett knocked to announce his presence, but didn't wait for a response. He opened the back door to the Lunardi house and stepped into the laundry room. He'd been there a hundred times before. The smells coming from the kitchen—sweet chopped basil and chives, lasagna baking, toasted garlic bread, fresh-brewed coffee—were as familiar to him as his own home. "Jennifer," he shouted. "Jennifer!" He hurried into the kitchen waving the letter that had just arrived, eager to share his...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 96 The Contract

Three days after the scene we have just described, namely towards five o'clock in the afternoon of the day fixed for the signature of the contract between Mademoiselle Eugenie Danglars and Andrea Cavalcanti, --whom the banker persisted in calling prince, --a fresh breeze was stirring the leaves in the little garden in front of the Count of Monte Cristo's house, and the count was preparing to go out. While his horses were impatiently pawing the ground, --held in by the coachman, who had been...

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I Love massaging women0

I love massaging women of any shape, size, creed or color. I have been massaging women; purely as a hobby for more than 15 years now all around the world and every time is an all new experience. Let me share with you one such true experience, sometime ago, in the US of A. She had advertised on Craig's list for a housekeeping job. When I contacted her, she mentioned that she needs to see the house and then quote her rates. She came over on a Saturday morning and I was pleasantly pleased...

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Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashma Pt 2 Daya Aur Tapu

Namaste aap sabko yeh 2nd part hai puri story samaj ne ke liye hamara 1st part padhiye. All the characters in the story are 18+. Toh jaise ki aap logo ne pehle part mein padha ki kaise Tapu ne apni mummy Daya ko ek hot nighty mein photoshoot ke liye manaya. Aur Tapu TV pe photos dikhane baithta hai. Aab aage Tapu aur Daya dono sath mein sofe pe baithe hote hai. Tapu ki nazar sirf uski maa pe hoti hai aur dono photos dekhte hai. Daya: He maa mataji Tapu yeh tunee kaise photos kiche hai? Mujhe...

2 years ago
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Gangbanged by bus staff

Let’s start with the introduction of our heroine. Her name is Ritika, Ritika Saini. She is 19 yrs old, a student of final yr B.Sc, Physics Hon’s and of course the most beautiful girl of the college, can be called Queen of College. Her figure wow, any saint would be faint – 34-26-34, fair, 5’5” tall, slim but having big firm round boobs. The most attraction of her figure is her beautiful eyes. Not only the boys but also the old professors of the college were dreaming about her.Since, it was...

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Mafia 3 After Sal Marcano

--(--(--(Author's Warning: This Story Takes Place After Sal Marcano's Death, and Assumes Lincoln Ruled New Bordeaux With All Three Original Underbosses, But Never Lost Father Jame's Affection Or Friendship. The Districts Assigned To Each Underboss Is Represented By My Own Choices During My Playthrough In-Game)--)--)-- (Paradiso Hotel and Casino, Six Months Later) Lincoln, Vito, Cassandra, and Burke Sat At The High Table, With Leo Galante, Who Was Accompanied By Several Mob Bosses On The...

3 years ago
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The best pantyhosed sotry my friend has for me I

I have this fantasy that I get a new job and move to a new town. I do not know anyone and being kind of shy, I stick to myself.You come over and introduce yourself and help me get settled in at the office. You show me where things are and introduce me to others. I instantly think you're hot and I'm physically attracted to you. But I do not say anything or let on.After the first week you and a few of the others from the office are going out after work and you invite me along. At first I...

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