David Sandra and Me
- 1 year ago
- 31
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Master PC: David Takes a Vacation
At the urging of my assistant, Julia, I decided to take a vacation. I own points in a resort system, and it seemed likely that a couple of weeks in Florida’s sunshine would do me no harm.
‘Who knows, boss,’ Julia said, laughing, ‘maybe you’ll get laid.’
So, that was how I had come to be strolling through the gate to the ‘quiet pool’ at the Tuscany Village in Orlando. I had a copy of the third volume of ‘The Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant’ in one hand and a bottle of sun block in the other. Back home it was cold and gray, but in Orlando the weather was delightful – bright sunshine and 80 degrees. I was content, even though I hadn’t had any sex for three days. Sunlight always has a positive effect on me.
I had mostly avoided trying to save the world with my techno-magical software, the Master PC – once you start, where do you stop? Oh I’d helped the local police, and improved the lives of my immediate family members. And, yes, I had intervened in Crystal’s life, played the Good Samaritan, set her on a whole new (positive) path. Then she’d shown up at my office one day asking some very perceptive, not to mention dangerous, questions. I resolved, on the spot, after deflecting those questions, to restrain my more altruistic impulses in the future. After all, no good deed goes unpunished.
But my resolve evaporated when I spotted the stunningly beautiful brunette at the pool. She was pretty, looked mid-to-late 50’s and in marvelous shape (an older version of Anita Dark only brunette). Killer smile. Beautiful eyes. And a tremor. The signs of Parkinson’s Disease were there to see for anyone who knew what to look for. In spite of the subtle signs of a serious illness I was instantly attracted to her. I love all women, but my preference tends toward physical and mental maturity – even more so than pure looks. This lady was very well groomed, obviously spent serious gym time, and I was, as I said, immediately taken with her.
I selected a lounge chair near, but not too near the lovely but so far anonymous brunette, and, under the cover of sun glasses, conducted surveillance. No children (grand children?) nearby, no husband or boyfriend in evidence, no wedding band visible, although there were other rings on her well manicured fingers. She appeared to be alone. She was reading Michio Kaku’s ‘Physics of the Future’ and had apparently just seen something amusing. My attraction meter kicked up another few points. And, I liked her smile.
I ran through and rejected a number of scenarios that might result in my obtaining her name. I decided to be patient and watch for an opening, trusting that some strategy or other would occur when the moment was right. Thanks to the inevitability of narrative causality, I didn’t have to wait long.
The object of my affection, or at least my attention, closed her book and got up. As she walked in my direction the toe of her sandal caught on a minor imperfection in the stonework around the pool, and she tripped, falling directly across my body.
My lightning like reflexes, enhanced a thousand fold by the Master PC, enabled me to catch the woman before she tumbled to the flagstones.
‘Oh, I’m so sorry!’ she said, embarrassed.
‘No problem. Having a beautiful woman fall into his lap would represent the high point of any man’s day,’ I responded with a warm smile, gently helping her to stand up.
‘Are you all right?’ I asked.
‘Yes, I think so. Just clumsy I guess,’ she said.
I put out my hand, which she took.
‘David Donaldson, rescuer of maidens in distress, at your service,’ I said with a little bow.
‘Amy Lucella,’ she replied, withdrawing her hand quickly. She was suddenly very self conscious and I knew why.
‘You must have caught the front edge of your sandal on one of the joints between the flagstones,’ I said, pointing down at the pavement and steering the conversation away from the awkward reef it was about to strike.
‘Good thing you were here to catch me then,’ Amy said with a shy smile.
‘I live to serve,’ I said, making another small bow. ‘I’m going for a swim. Care to join me?’
‘Oh, that would be nice, but I have a massage appointment and I’m going to be late if I don’t get going,’ Amy said.
‘I’m sure to be here tomorrow if you care to drop in on me again,’ I said.
‘I’ll remember that,’ Amy laughed over her shoulder as she walked away.
I went into the pool, swam about two dozen laps, got out, dried off, and returned to my condo. During my lap swim I’d been doing some serious thinking. By the time I reached my unit, my mind was made up. I was going to do something nice for someone, but limit the interference to the health related issues only.
I fired up my laptop, put on some clean clothes, grabbed a soda from the fridge, and prepared to go to work. Calling up the Master PC program, I quickly had an image of Amy Lucella revolving slowly in front of me. Seconds later, I had an inventory of her ailments, including the Parkinson’s. With a few key strokes and the click of a mouse button or two, those were taken care of. It was tempting to make a few other adjustments/improvements while I was at it. But I had made my decision and stuck with it. I shut down the program and picked up the phone.
‘Front desk? This is David Donaldson in 4715, would you please connect me to Miss Amy Lucella? Thanks.’
I heard a few clicks and then got voice mail for Amy’s room.
‘This is Amy Lucella. Please leave a message after the beep.’
‘Hi Amy. David Donaldson here – we met at the pool this afternoon – I was wondering if you were free for dinner tonight. I know it seems a bit forward, but I’m at this resort all alone and meals for one are boring, even if you have a good book. I’m in 4715 if you want to call me. Thanks.’
Having put my best foot forward, I went back to my computer and did some work. It wouldn’t do to take two weeks off completely. I had to at least stay current with what was happening in the office. After cleaning the spam out of my inbox, I picked up my smart phone and called the office. After a few too many rings, Julia answered, sounding rather out of breath.
‘A-2-Z … consulting … Julia speaking … how may I direct your call?’
‘It’s me.’
‘Oh! Hi David,’ she said and I could hear the smile in her voice. I could also hear the sounds of at least two other female voices in the background and it didn’t sound like any work was getting done. I grinned.
‘While the boss is away the staff will play, eh?’
‘It’s Thursday, Boss.’
I heard a high pitched squeal coming back down the connection and then Julia’s voice scolding someone.
‘FOR GOODNESS SAKE! Don’t put your tongue there when I’m on the phone!’
‘Who’s there with you?’
‘Allie and Crystal.’
‘Mmmmm-mmmm, I’m sure sorry to miss that.’
‘We miss you too, although Crystal brought a new strap-on with her and we’ve been putting it to good use.’
‘Ahhhh, that explains why you were out of breath when you answered the phone.’
Julia giggled. ‘Was there something you needed? How’s the vacation going?’
‘Nothing special – just checking in. If you want to know the truth, I was just feeling kind of lonely without my office posse.’
‘Harem, more like it,’ Julia chuckled into the phone. ‘So you mean that the great David Donaldson, stud supreme, hasn’t scored yet’
‘I haven’t really been trying, at least not yet, although there was a really pretty brunette at the pool today I thought I’d like to get to know better. Sex would be great, but the truth is I’d like someone to spend some time with – sort of a companion.’
‘Hmmmm…thinking of getting married again?’
‘Not a chance. But, like I said, I did spot a person of interest anyway. I’ll let you know what happens.’
sure you’ll charm her panties right off. You sure did mine,’ Julia said with a smile that was obvious even from 1400 miles away.
‘I never knew you wore any,’ I said, teasing.
‘Was there anything else you wanted? I’m wearing a 10′ strap-on and I’ve got two young whores kneeling on the sofa whose juicy pussies are winking at me like a couple of mares in heat.’
‘Just checking in, Julia. Go take care of those mares,’ I said, smiling. I ended the call, made myself a large Plymouth and tonic with lots of fresh lime, took my book, and went out onto the balcony to spend some quality time with one of my favorite authors.
I was on my second g&t when the phone rang – not the cell, but the room phone. I walked back into the living room and picked up the receiver.
‘David Donaldson,’ I said.
‘Oh, I was looking for Sir Galahad.’
‘I’m often mistaken for him. Is this Amy?’
‘Yes. I got your message.’
There was a nervous pause. I resisted filling it.
‘I’m not sure, David. You seem like a nice man, and I appreciate you saving me from some badly bruised knees, at the very least, this afternoon.’
My heart sank.
‘But surely you must have noticed …’
‘That you have Parkinson’s Disease?’
‘Does that mean you no longer take meals?’
‘I tend to take them alone.’
‘Not a good idea. I tell you what. We don’t have to go out. There’s a gas grill right down stairs. I can go to the market across the street and get a couple of steaks and baking potatoes, some salad fixings, a bottle of wine, and we can have dinner in private.’
‘I don’t know, David, I….’
‘Please?’ I tried to keep the pleading tone out of my voice. I heard a dry chuckle from the other end.
‘Pardon me for saying this, Mr. Donaldson, but you don’t seem like the type of man who would lack for companionship. Why are you asking me to dine with you?’
‘Would you believe I’m a sucker for beautiful brunettes?’
‘Of a certain age?’
‘Of any age, but I prefer my companions to be mature, in every sense.’
‘ I may regret this, but, all right, you’ve convinced me. What time?’
I looked at my watch. It was 3:00 p.m.
‘Let’s say cocktails at 5:30 and dinner at 6:00. I’m in building number four, seventh floor. 4715.’
‘5:30. See you then, David. ‘
‘I look forward to it, Amy.’
I replaced the receiver, grabbed car keys, phone, and wallet, and headed out the door. I returned a little while later with several bags of groceries, a couple of bottles of good wine, and some candles.
I prepared the potatoes, scrubbing them thoroughly, drying them with paper towel, cutting off the ends, poking them with a fork, and coating them with a thin layer of soft butter. I set them on a small plate in the fridge. I didn’t have any table linens, but I set the table as best I could, put a pair of martini glasses in the freezer along with the shaker, added candles to the table, and stood there wondering what was missing.
Concierge to the rescue! I soon had a small arrangement placed in the middle of the table with candles on either side.
‘There. I think that will do nicely.’
Preheating the oven I made a check of the place, making sure there weren’t any spare items of clothing lying about, dirty laundry sticking out from some place it shouldn’t, magazines straightened on the coffee table, etc. I found a soft jazz station on the stereo and set the volume low. Then I changed my mind and turned the music off. I was suddenly as nervous as a teenager attending his first prom.
I looked at the clock, put the potatoes in the oven and went into the bedroom to prepare myself for the evening.
I took a shower, shaved, splashed on some Vetiver, slipped on a pair of freshly pressed khakis and a polo shirt, and slipped into a pair of leather sandals. One final check in the mirror and I was ready.
Just after 5:30, there was a knock at my door.
‘Here’s a knocking indeed,’ I muttered.
I opened the door. Suddenly I was face to face with the source of my apprehension. When you have the ‘god key’ to life it’s easy to get lazy and just guarantee a win all the time. I hadn’t done that in this case so I looked on the prospect of the evening with a great deal of excitement and no little trepidation.
‘Hi, Amy!’ I said. I know, not exactly a killer line. ‘C’mon in,’ I added – not a brilliant follow up either, but she didn’t run away screaming.
‘Hello, David,’ she replied, stepping across the threshold. She was wearing a white sun dress which contrasted nicely with both her tan and her lustrous rich brown, almost auburn, hair. The dress was held up by a pair of spaghetti strings tied at the top of each shoulder. Her legs were bare and smooth and her feet were encased in a pair of white sandals. I caught a waft of something expensive from the perfume department as she walked by me into my suite. My pulse was racing. I could tell she was very nervous and I also noticed something else – her tremor was gone.
OK, Amy was here. Now what? I’m normally very glib – to a fault according to some – and being at a loss for words was an unfamiliar experience.
‘Thanks for coming over, Amy,’ I said.
‘I’m not sure why I did, to be honest,’ Amy replied.
I escorted her to the living room and she took a seat on the sofa. I had two choices – sit next to her, or on an overstuffed chair adjacent to the sofa. Both pieces of furniture were oriented to the plasma screen in the entertainment center placing them awkwardly for conversation. So I did not sit down.
‘Martini? Glass of wine? Something else?’
She sighed.
‘I haven’t had a martini in years. Why not? Sure. I’ll have one if you are. I feel different right now and I’m not sure what that’s about.’
I retreated to the kitchen – just a few steps actually, and prepared a shaker of martinis, pouring them into the chilled glasses, adding the requisite olive to each, and carrying them carefully back to the living room. I set both glasses on the coffee table in front of the sofa and then grabbed a chair from the nearby dining room table and placed it across the coffee table from where Amy sat.
She picked up her glass and so did I.
‘Success to crime,’ I said.
She looked at me with a mildly quizzical expression and then, suddenly, she looked at her glass, or rather the hand that was holding the glass. She gave a little shriek and dropped the glass, which by some miracle did not break and did not tip over. It rocked a little, sloshing a good portion of its contents onto the glass top and then was still. Amy just sat there staring at her hand. She held up the other one and stared at it.
‘Amy? Are you all right?’
She stood up suddenly and raced down the front hall and into the bathroom. I heard the door close. I knew what she was doing – she was looking at herself in the mirror. She had seen that her hands had stopped shaking. Now she wanted to see the rest. I got a cloth from the kitchen and cleaned up the spilled gin. I refilled Amy’s martini glass and set it back on the coffee table. I turned down the oven so the potatoes wouldn’t over cook. I sat down in the chair across from the sofa and sipped my martini. After a while I heard the sounds of a toilet flushing and water running in the bathroom quickly followed by footsteps on the marble floor and then on the carpet. I looked up.
Amy’s face was a mixture of expressions. She was confused, excited, frightened, and embarrassed – all at the same time.
‘I – I – I – apologize for my behavior. You must think I’m insane or something.’
‘Tell me what’s wrong, Amy,’ I said.
‘You know I have – had – Parkinson’s Disease.’
‘You saw my tremor.’
She held out her hand and it was as steady as a rock, assuming you discount that trembli
ng brought on by nervousness and excitement.
‘You see? And my head – it’s not shaking or anything.’
‘Yes, I see. What do you think has happened?’
‘I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t … know. A miracle maybe?’
‘There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.’
‘Well spotted. The point is that we can’t always explain what happens in this life.’
‘It’s just that I’ve lived with this condition long enough to have accepted it as part of my life. Is it gone? Is this some cruel trick? Will I wake up tomorrow and this will all have been some sort of dream?’
‘What are you going to do?’
‘What do you mean?’
‘Well, if it were me, I’d be on the phone to my doctor.’
‘I happen to know that he’s on vacation in the Bahamas.’
‘No one local you could consult?’
‘Well, in that case, if you don’t mind some free advice, why not just enjoy yourself and let tomorrow take care of tomorrow?’
For a moment, I thought she might get up and leave. After all she’d been through a life altering experience. She’d been cured, presumably, from a life threatening and physically debilitating illness. And, here I was proposing that she just enjoy herself. She looked at me with a thoughtful expression. There was another long pause that I refused to fill.
‘Yes. Yes, I think that’s a good idea.’
I raised my glass. ‘To new beginnings.’
‘To new beginnings,’ she replied. We clinked glasses and each took a pull of the sharp clear liquid.
‘Very nice. I don’t recall the last time I had a martini. This is very good.’
‘Thank you. Gin and tonic is my usual drink but I wanted to do something special this evening. Now, would you like to help me finish getting dinner ready?’
‘Lay on MacDuff.’
‘Once more unto the breach dear friends, once more…’
‘Are we going to spend the rest of the evening trading Elizabethan one liners?’
‘God, I hope not,’ I said, and we both laughed.
Amy and I took the steaks down stairs where we found a grill not already in use. About 20 minutes later we headed back to my suite, opened the wine, put the food on the table, and shared a delightful meal with lively conversation. By the end of the meal we were, if nothing else, friends.
‘Oh, no, I ate too much already.’
I opened a bottle of Australian Muscat and poured us each a small glass.
‘Come on, let’s go sit on the balcony.’
I held out my hand and she took it. I handed her a glass of the dark red wine, picked mine up, and led her to the little balcony off the living room. There were two chairs and a small table. We sat down and each took a sip of the rich, almost thick, dessert wine.
‘If you put whipped cream on this, it WOULD be dessert,’ Amy said, smiling.
‘But let’s not – I think the vintner would object.’
We sipped our wine in companionable silence.
‘Why did you ask me to have dinner with you, David?’
‘I was lonely. I hoped to meet someone here and spend some time with them while visiting this fair city. I saw you, and, as I said, I’m a sucker for pretty brunettes. I decided to take a chance. So there you are.’
‘But, my tremor didn’t put you off?’
‘I’d like to think that I’m not that shallow.’
‘Fair enough.’
‘Hey, I’ve got an idea – let’s get our swimsuits on and go down to the hot tub and hang out for a while. It would be nice and relaxing.’
‘Hmmmm…sure, let’s.’
‘I’ll go get my suit on and then I can walk you over to your room and you can change too.’
I got up and walked back through the bedroom and into the master bath. I grabbed my suit and quickly stripped out of my slacks and shirt, replacing them with the swimming trunks. Then I walked back into the bedroom. Amy was there. Naked. On my bed. On her side facing me. Smiling.
‘I had a thought while you were changing. I hope I haven’t been too forward,’ she said.
I smiled back at her and in about 2 seconds I was as naked as she was. I stood there for a moment, just looking at her. She had a lush, mature, figure. She was not fat at all, but mature women, even mature women who work out a lot, tend to fill out just a little and I like that. Her breasts had just the tiniest bit sag to them – they were ‘real’ rather than the surgically enhanced variety. Her pubic bush was trimmed but still there – she was no porn star or bikini model after all. Her skin tone was excellent. My cock was almost instantly hard.
When David got home he was relieved to see the house in darkness. It was unusual for his parents to go to bed early on a weekend but he was thankful that he didn’t have to face them.Once in his bedroom he checked his clothes for any staining or residue of his cum. Satisfied that everything was ok he went for a shower before getting in to bed.He picked up his iPad with no real idea of what he wanted to look at. Automatically, his fingers found his favourite porn site. It opened on the page for...
Once in his bedroom he checked his clothes for any staining or residue of his cum. Satisfied that everything was ok he went for a shower before getting in to bed. He picked up his iPad with no real idea of what he wanted to look at. Automatically, his fingers found his favourite porn site. It opened on the page for mother and son. He tapped on the first thumbnail and immediately the screen switched to a scene with a middle aged woman sucking the cock of a boy who looked to be about David’s...
Once in his bedroom he checked his clothes for any staining or residue of his cum. Satisfied that everything was ok he went for a shower before getting in to bed. He picked up his iPad with no real idea of what he wanted to look at. Automatically, his fingers found his favourite porn site. It opened on the page for mother and son. He tapped on the first thumbnail and immediately the screen switched to a scene with a middle aged woman sucking the cock of a boy who looked to be about David’s...
Once in his bedroom he checked his clothes for any staining or residue of his cum. Satisfied that everything was ok he went for a shower before getting in to bed. He picked up his iPad with no real idea of what he wanted to look at. Automatically, his fingers found his favourite porn site. It opened on the page for mother and son. He tapped on the first thumbnail and immediately the screen switched to a scene with a middle aged woman sucking the cock of a boy who looked to be about David’s...
David was in his bedroom, watching porn and masturbating slowly. Not an unusual situation for him, in fact during the last two years it had become his main form of relaxation. Now, with two years of intensive study, followed by exams and applications to University, he was at last able to relax slightly, the trouble being that the last two years had seen most of his friends drift away as his concentration on his studies became more and more intense.His routine had become just that, routine. Home...
His routine had become just that, routine. Home from school, evening meal then four or five hours study, shower then an hour watching porn as he slowly brought himself to orgasm, then bed. Things had begun to change just over a month before, exams finally finished meant that there was no need to study, that had left him at a bit of a loose end every evening. He had begun to spend some time with Evette. They had known each other virtually all their lives, growing up almost like brother and...
His routine had become just that, routine. Home from school, evening meal then four or five hours study, shower then an hour watching porn as he slowly brought himself to orgasm, then bed. Things had begun to change just over a month before, exams finally finished meant that there was no need to study, that had left him at a bit of a loose end every evening. He had begun to spend some time with Evette. They had known each other virtually all their lives, growing up almost like brother and...
His routine had become just that, routine. Home from school, evening meal then four or five hours study, shower then an hour watching porn as he slowly brought himself to orgasm, then bed. Things had begun to change just over a month before, exams finally finished meant that there was no need to study, that had left him at a bit of a loose end every evening. He had begun to spend some time with Evette. They had known each other virtually all their lives, growing up almost like brother and...
David Morrison had just graduated from college. His father called in some favors and got him a job at a leading Marketing firm. He was an Account Level Executive. He liked the company, because most of the employees were young like himself. David was learning the job and getting situated comfortably there. David did very well in college and maintained a 4.0 grade point average. He was part of a popular fraternity. He pledged his second year of college and got in. All of his fraternity brothers...
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Almost a month has passed since David and his family had arrived in California. David has not ventured outside except to take out the trash or cut the grass. He has been having the most wonderful dreams that he is still back in Minneapolis with Josh. They had planned to tell their parents about the new dimension of their relationship. They had started to grow tired of having to sneak off somewhere to do something that other people do in public. David thought how nice it would be to sit in the...
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David’s Ordeal************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan September 2005The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************LADIES NIGHT OUT......... David was having a quiet drink in a local club one...
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I’d recommend reading the original ‘David and Kate’ though I suppose it’s not entirely necessary. I’d like to thank my sweet sexy friend Monicker for his assistance editing this chapter. Enjoy! * Kate shook her head, pulling herself out of the tenth daydream of the morning. She was still having a hard time believing what had happened the night before. It was only 11am, but she was fairly sure that she’d replayed the entire day and evening in her head, in its entirety, at least a half dozen...
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Cheating WifesI looked around at the desert scenery. The best part of the scenery was the three other men taking off their clothes in the hot desert. I started stripping while watching them. Todd, the other blond aside from myself was the furthest along, with his shirt off, revealing his hot, hairless chest. he was slowly peeling his under pants off, revealing his hot erect penis. As he slipped his underwear off, his 9 inch cut penis sprang into view, and his hot balls came into view. Mark and the other...
GayJenny, Angie, Karen, Bev, Teri and Jodie along with their partner David and a huge black guy called Michael had been making porn films in Nottingham, England for well over ten years.Jenny and David were now married with c***dren but still performed as often as possible.Michael’s beautiful black girlfriend Dolly and a young girl of Indian extraction called Ambar were now regular performers in their many films.It was Jenny’s idea that they celebrate David’s 50th birthday with a film just about...
His name was David, and David was ugly. I knew David in ‘real life’, he was the brother of a girl I went to high school with, and he really was so very unattractive. He certainly wasn’t my type of guy, I hardly ever spoke to him let alone look at him. Poor David, poor ugly David. For obvious reasons, I hadn’t thought of David, or his sister, for a very long time, and was therefore a bit surprised to find myself waking up after having dreamt about him. And it wasn’t just any old dream, it was...
Hard to believe it's been 25 years since we opened a door and didn't just step but jumped thru. David, Vickie and I were the closest of friends that summer. Where ever you saw one , the other two were not far away. We were in our early twenties. David and I were both tall and lean. The biggest contrast was my long dark hair and David’s long blonde hair. Well, there was one other difference. David was one of those lucky white guys with a cock that would make a black man envious. Even flaccid it...
BisexualMelissa was beside herself. How many times had she masturbated in the last few hours? Six, maybe seven. She needed cock, a nice hard, flesh-throbbing cock to satisfy her. She logged on to one of her favourite contact sites and her avatar, MNC popped into life. Most people from the site realised what it stood for immediately; some were more naïve. She waited a few moments to see who was logged on before making a coffee and grabbing a bite to eat.The flat smelt stale, no, it smelt of stale sex,...
OccupationsKate’s insides knew it was a bad idea from the very first moment she heard him speak. But she couldn’t help it. She lost her mind to him, which was how she thought about it – that she lost her mind, not her heart, – very early on in their relationship. Kate had moved to Atlanta a few months earlier from Chicago and was working for a publishing house. She lived downtown and could walk to her office from her condo. She was on her way to the office the morning that they met. She was standing in...
David has always been a little odd. He never was good at expressing himself and his girlfriend Daphne was always really understanding of this fact. One day David made the mistake of dumping Daphne during a fight that was his fault anyway. Well we all know how the saying goes; you don’t know what you have untiu’veu’ve lost it. David became really depressed and had noticed what if felt like to be without her. No one could make him feel like Daphne had, no one made him feel whole. So one day he...
She got out of bed and went over to his, gently pulling his sheet down so she could see it. She heard him mumble in his sleep and was afraid she had woken him up, but a quick glance at his face showed her he was still asleep. “Mandy, I love you.” he mumbled, and she grinned to herself. Mandy was their next door neighbor and friends with them both. He was dreaming about a different girl? Kayla thought she could use this to her own advantage. She reached over and lay her hand on his lower...
As David walked into the house he could hear his mother’s sweet melodious voice drifting down the stairs, he listened recognising the tune, I’m on the top of the world by the carpenters, she loved singing the old ballads and love songs and her voice was as good as any he had heard.“Happy birthday mum” he shouted up the stairs, shrugging off his backpack and hanging his school coat up on the hook. He bounded up the stairs with the box of chocolates and birthday card in his hand that he had...
In the meantime, David and I had become friends. After I gave him refuge on the night of his Birthday, he eventually wheedled out of me what had happened and that seemed to give him the courage to start confiding in me. First, if he passed through the car park when I was cleaning the car, he would hang around, just making conversation. Then he began dropping-in on me in the apartment whenever he could – often late in the evening on his way home from a night out. It was all quite platonic and...
Another long day at work had finally come to a close. David was making his two-mile walk home from the coffee shop he worked at, his head hung low with a sigh escaping his lips. He was a college student, doing his best to work his way through classes and was barely keeping up with all of the bills. At 6'1 tall with an average build, he was able to score a job as a barista at the local coffee shop. He had black hair and brown eyes, and dressed well enough to be presentable most of the time....
David and Sara A lifetime ambitionAfter many years David was to see this special lady once again. He was really looking forward to the encounter. They had a close but not intimate relationship earlier in their lives and he was hoping that this meeting would lead to something more.David walked into the bar to meet his date. He was 28years old, tall about 6’2", blonde with grey eyes and a very fit physique, weighing about 200lbs. He had been waiting for this night for a number of years. Although...
IncestAuthor’s note: This is the first time I’ve attempted a longer story, and as you will see it’s a little unusual in that I spend much more time on the build-up than on the ‘action.’ This might not be the story for you if you are looking for a quick fix, but I hope you’ll find something to enjoy here.David VanishesChapter 1I can hear them coming. Even with the hood on, I am now so used to silence that their muffled footsteps coming down the stairs are amplified a hundred times in my ears....
“david, can you come in here, and look at this computer?”Shit! “I’ll be a few minutes mom, erm just finishing my homework”. Her white silky panties were wrapped tightly around my cock, I was close to cumming and just needed another couple of minutes.“Ok, but hurry up please”Fuck, hopefully she hadn’t discovered the porn site (szaab.com) I had saved on the laptop. I could feel a burst of adrenalin rushing through my body, adding to the building sexual excitement.My hand slipped up and down my...
David and I had met in college, he was 4 years older than me, and an ex jock. I must admit back in high school I didn't think much of jocks, all the ones that flirted with me in classes were idiots, but David was different, he was not only handsome, being an even 6ft with brown eyes, dark brown hair, and a constant 5 o clock shadow, he was also smart and someone I could talk endlessly too about anything it seemed like. He also LOVED to tease me, that was his thing, to gross me out and tick me...
EroticDavid watched her drive off smiling to himself. He had always had an effect on women for as far back as he could remember. Women far older than he had thought him cute, while girls his own age had been attracted to him. He could remember many times when girls would offer him flowers for kisses when he was very young. When he was eleven he had easily seduced his fifteen year old babysitter. David had sex with her right on the living room couch. His mother had never suspected a thing as the two...
We had been married for about 7 years and had a great relationship. The sex life had been kind of dropping off over the past couple of years though. We were trying to spice it up a bit and I suggested we make a home movie. To my surprise my shy conservative church going wife said ok. We set everything up and it was some of the best sex I had ever had. She did anything I wanted the entire time. When we had finished I asked if she wanted to see it and she just said no get rid of it. So we put...
VoyeurIntroduction: This is my first story, so please be kind. ~~ His soft silky lips encased my shaft in a warm moist velvet, my breathe was hot and fast. A quick tempo was established as he bobbed his head up and down on me. His tounge darted around my cock like a warm velvet snake, sending shivers up my spine. I had never experienced a blowjob like this, he was a master. I had never felt a love connection this strong to anyone before either. I stared down at his forest green eyes, they seemed to...
His fingers wandered up my thighs, they made me shiver in anticipation as he blew me. They traced soft circles on my inner thighs, driving me wild. He then reached around and softly grabbed my ass, squeezing my butt cheeks ever so softly, making me moan softly again. I had never wanted anything as bad as I wanted him to touch me in that moment. And then it happened, his fingers found my tight little asshole, they softly rubbed circles around it. He pushed my shaft deep into his mouth as he...
To any outside observer I might have seemed to be mumbling. But I never mumbled. I was reciting, as I had every day since I was six years old, the Code, the code my uncle had taught me, the chivalric code. A good man's duty was as follows: to protect the weak and defenseless; to despise monetary rewards; to avoid unfairness, meanness, and deceit; to speak the truth at all times; to honor one's vows; and to respect the honour of women. The Code, the Chivalric Code, oh yes, I knew it by...
Posted: April 24, 2007 - 10:14:10 pm David awoke from a strange dream he could not remember to a stormy night. Lightning flashed in the night sky lighting up his room. Next to his window stood a dark lady that David immediately recognized from the past memories of his ancestors buried in his Harreden DNA: Te'henna the Harreden version of the devil. She was the enemy of Pree'mus the Creator and was everything he was not; his opposite. The Harreden worshipped her for the power she bestowed...
Posted: April 24, 2007 - 10:14:10 pm David transported them to a separate place far from his home. He brought them to a strange mansion appearing directly in the bedroom. Te'henna was surprised when she couldn't move all of the sudden. Trying harder and harder she tried to budge herself to no avail. "What is happening to me?" Te'henna asked suddenly nervous. "You are now underneath my power here. I created this place. It occurred to me that my new abilities included the dream...
Matthew and David most likely became best friends as a matter of convenience. Others may believe that fate and destiny rule when it comes to love. The boys would tell you otherwise. When they met for the , Matt had recently been separated from his best friend after the boys’ parents filed for divorce and sold the family home. It was the greatest loss of Matthew’s young life. They moved away on the last day of school and Matt was left to spend the summer without the only friend that he had known...
GayMy brother Chris raised her to be respectful, straightforward, and honest. She brought her natural brilliance, vivaciousness and loveliness, making her a very attractive total package. And her hard-working intelligence and intensity brought her success in academia, a bachelors degree, a masters degree and an interest in sociology for which she was studying for her PhD. She had arranged to attend a full week intensive seminar in my town about 600 miles from the village she grew up in, where she...
Posted: April 21, 2007 - 10:46:44 am David's life was filled with many random sexual encounters, and there was a reason behind this. His sexual drive was far ahead of any human and had actually grown quickly into a full-blown addiction. Even when he tried to control it he could only last so long before it plagued his mind. Eventually focusing on anything else, school included became a lost cause. In reality though he could make any woman lust after him, but he could not control his own. It...
I met Rogan attending a friend’s birthday party. It was one of those ‘you, me, and fifty other people’ functions that I had always hated. There is no intimacy at these gatherings, and everyone walks around chatting superficially. Rogan, however, made an impression on me for two reasons; firstly, his unusual name, and secondly because of his size.He was a very big guy and had a huge head and a very thick neck. His arms and chest looked like they belonged to a silverback gorilla. Apart from his...
Gay MaleDavid to Diane by Katahn It was around 7pm when Dave finally rolled into the driveway of the home he shared with his wife Natalie. The sky was still a bright blue, with the wispy-streaky white- gray clouds that are the usual harbingers of a coming spring storm. His work at Kennotek had kept him late, again. He hoped this would provoke a fight with Nat, again. She hated the fact that work usually kept him late, almost as much as she hated his love of all things...
David sent me a text on Tuesday night about 8:45 and told me to meet him Wednesday morning at 10:00 am. The address he gave me wasn't familiar but I didn't question very much of what he did because we have had such hot time together. Owning my own business makes it easy to get away and meet David when he needs me so this wasn't anything rare to get a text from him.I used the maps on my iPhone4 to find the address the next morning. I was about 5 minutes early but didn't see his car. I texted...
My time with David was awesome. It was everything I had fantasized about.We did everything possible to make each other happy. I subbed for himso he could take pleasure...and my pleasure was pleasing him.David sent me an email from work one day. He told me to send himsome internet pics of my fantasies that hadn't come true yet. So Ijumped onto the internet and found 10 that I loved and sent them off.That night we talked on the phone. He said he noticed that every pictureI sent was 2 well hung...
Peter was new on campus; he’d been forced to go to school outside of the big city because of scholarships he’d won as an athlete. He’d grown up in urban America, and this was his first experience living in a rural area. It was hard enough being a gay jock in the city; he wasn’t sure how it’d go over here, so he kept a low profile. Pre-season soccer practices were double sessions, taking up four to five hours of his day, but it kept his mind off of his problems, so he went through every session...
GayMark Tom and I got back to my condo about six o’clock. I was very pleased to see that KC was still there. I was enthralled with her for some reason. I had to stop myself and test why I felt that way about her. She’d touched my heart as fast as Brita had only a week or so earlier. I had to admit that I found her a lovely human being. Just like the other four girls, I could sit and watch and listen to her for hours and never be bored. She also made my heart beat faster, a feeling I really...
Part 2 – David Next Door His kiss was mind-blowing, euphoric, delightful, delicious. His lips were soft, supple, warm, wet. His hands held my arms aloft, pinned to the back of the door. His body he pushed firmly up against my own. His kiss the most sensual I’ve ever experienced, his lips the softest I’d ever felt, his grip strong, his body warm. I was sinking at the knees. As if aware of my failing limbs, he slowly withdrew his mouth from my own. Seconds later I finally opened my eyes, they...
David started working at our local pharmacy about two years ago. He is a really cute guy, maybe five foot ten inches tall with a linebacker's build, solid and thick. I always wondered what kind of a package he had concealed under his long, lab coat. Several months ago he’d suggested a spray for my sore throat. I wanted to discuss this medication with him sometime and one Friday afternoon proved to be the right time. There were two people working behind the counter. I took a bottle of the spray...
Gay Male