Nandita To Nandini
- 4 years ago
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To any outside observer I might have seemed to be mumbling. But I never mumbled. I was reciting, as I had every day since I was six years old, the Code, the code my uncle had taught me, the chivalric code. A good man's duty was as follows: to protect the weak and defenseless; to despise monetary rewards; to avoid unfairness, meanness, and deceit; to speak the truth at all times; to honor one's vows; and to respect the honour of women.
The Code, the Chivalric Code, oh yes, I knew it by heart. I lived it by heart; it was the code, the order of life. I was David Hart. Placing the carnation inside the open coffin of my uncle, my heart was heavy.
"I will never disrespect the Code, my uncle, never!" I said aloud. The funeral over, I headed back into town. I would miss my mentor and surrogate father. My own biological dad had died, and my mother too when so very young, as I saw it. But, Melvin Hart, my father's younger brother, had done me right.
Melvin Hart, had died but two weeks gone, but not of natural causes. He had given his life to save a defenseless and homeless girl in an alley next to the apartment building that the two of us lived in.
The three thugs, all in their early twenties, that had assaulted the helpless fifteen year old runaway, were still in the prison hospital ward; they'd been there since the set-to with my uncle, again but two weeks gone now. They'd all soon be tried for rape, second degree murder, and a host of lesser charges. Uncle Mel would be satisfied I knew.
"Sorry to hear about your uncle Davie. Bad shit," said Carlos. Carlos was my favorite bartender at the Hammer. Mexican, honest, and good at his job: there wasn't anything else. I nodded.
"Yeah, the baddest," I said. "But, yuh know, I think he was glad to go out the way he did. He was an ex-marine you know. I think he knew he won the fight even though he was dying. He was gone when I got there, but those other guys; they didn't look too good. And, they're still in the hospital, and one of them may yet die from the beating he took. If he doesn't he'll be joining his friends in prison for a very long stretch."
"Well, good," said Carlos. "At least there's that."
"Yeah for sure," I said. "Going to a graduation the day after tomorrow at the university. A friend of mine is getting out. Gonna do the walk across the stage," I said. "He's a lot smarter than me; kinda envy him if the truth were to become known."
"You talkin' about Victor?" said Carlos.
"Yeah that's a true thing," I said.
"Yeah, well have fun," he said. "And come visit us tomorrow night, you and him, the drinks will be free." I smiled, threw a twenty down on the bar and went out.
"Congratulations, Vick," I said.
"Thanks bud," said Victor.
"Will you be staying in town again tonight?" I said. We'd gone out partying and dancing the night before at the Hammer. Frankly that he was able to negotiate the stage on more or less steady legs was something of a minor surprise.
"No, I'm already packed and on my way to California. Be well, David. I appreciate you being here today," he said, and then he was gone. Gone to a job in aerospace: Boeing as he'd told me.
Victor Grantham and I had been friends since we were six years old. Lived next door to each other. His parents, like my own were now gone. Father abandoned them when he was two. His mother was gone to cancer but a few months before his walk across the stage. I was his only close friend and the nearest thing to a relative he still had.
I was two hours from home. I decided to eat before rolling out. Pete's Pizza fit the bill. It was crowded, but the line was moving okay. I got my pizza and hot wings and chowed down. The table next to mine was occupied by a family of four: a mom, a dad, a young girl, and young lady who was obviously a graduate. She still wore the grad hat thing.
I watched them leave. She was pretty, the graduate. I had me a beer, finished up, paid, and headed out for home a hundred miles distant.
The rain was coming down in sheets; I reduced speed to a highway crawl. I made the turn around a risky curve: the drop-off was scary. The man was waving desperately. I slowed and pulled over ahead of them. The rain was really pounding down.
"God bless you, sir, for stopping. The car just crapped out on us I Barely made it to the side of the road," he said. He nodded toward the three women inside of the car. I recognized the one immediately; it was the grad from the pizzeria.
I smiled inwardly. Helping ladies in distress was my middle name. Oh yeah, I thought; uncle Mel would be proud.
I had him pop the hood. I saw it almost immediately: the alternator fan belt was just hanging there. Their battery was dead.
"You need a fan belt and a jump," I said. The nearest shop—and one I knew about—was back in town. This was going to be three hour job counting travel back and forth.
"But how can I..." he started.
The rain had slowed. I hadn't noticed that miss college grad had joined us by the open hood.
"If you guys want to pile into my ride, I'll take you back to town. We can get the belt, and I can install it and jump you," I said. "I mean unless you just want to stay here with the car. I can go and come back, but it'll be a couple of hours."
"You'd be willing to do that for us, for strangers?" he said.
"No problems. I ain't got no place to go," I said.
"Dad," she said. "I'll go back with our knight in shining armor. The rest of you can stay with the car for security." Her dad looked at her.
"Okay, I guess," he said. "I mean..." She was already walking over to my car and getting in.
"Okay," I said. "By the way, my name's David Hart."
"Randy Cross," he said. "Your passenger there is Jennifer Cross." She was already fastening her seat belt in the car. That's my wife Judy there and Jennifer's little sister Blanche, she's just ten years old.
"Very nice of you to help us," said Jennifer, as I got situated in my seat. "We all appreciate it very much."
"You're quite welcome," I said. "No problem really."
I did not burn up the road on the way back to town. But, I didn't waste any time either. I went immediately to the parts shop and got the needed belt. We were back on the road in less than ten minutes.
Our conversation was pretty much as one might expect after the initial hussahs and hosannas relating to how wonderful a guy I was for saving them.
I found out she was a just graduated Business major. She was going to be working for some real estate firm. She was twenty-two years old. And, she told me something that made me hope for an opportunity to see her again. She told me she had no boyfriend. No girl says something like that without a reason. I just hoped it was the right reason; well, right as far as I was concerned.
Back at the car, I installed the fan belt and gave them a jump. Told mister Cross to have his battery checked when he got back to town. He tried to pay me, but I just waved him off. No, didn't need the money, and what I really wanted was a chance to see Jennifer again. The good news? There was the fact that they lived in New Town, as did I. Sometimes things did work out the way one hoped.
I'd given mister Cross my card. Well, even though I was only twenty-one, I did have an A.S. degree in auto-mech from Alfred J. Steele CC, and I was a licensed welder and aircon man working for Allied Motors, a used car dealership and importer. I hoped that the next time they needed a car tended to that they'd call me. I just couldn't get Jennifer out of my mind.
That lucky happenstance occurred but two weeks after my debut as a knight in shining armor. I was just finishing up a brake job when I heard the familiar voice.
"How yuh doin' David," said Jennifer Cross.
"Miss Cross, Jennifer. Good. Yourself?" I said. So far I hadn't embarrassed myself.
"Fine. Got a couple of things you might could help me with," she said. I nodded my willingness to be her slave—well, to help her.
She led me over to where she'd parked her canary yellow Corvette. "Wow!" I said. "That your ride?" She smiled.
"Yes, yes it is," she said. "Need an oil change and maybe a tune up. My dad said I needed a tune up too."
"Okay, no problem," I said. "If you can come back at closing, I'll have it ready for you."
"Great. But—uh—David, there is one more thing," she said.
"Yes?" I said.
"I'm not going to be available Friday evening until after 6:00PM. Can you pick me up then?" she said.
"No, no," I said. "I mean I will have the car done tonight, not next Friday." It was Wednesday. Friday was still two days away.
"No, no," she said. "I understood that the car would be ready today. I'm referring to our first date," she said.
"Huh? Uh? I mean?" I was fast losing control of my thought process.
"You do want to date me don't you?' she said. I got control of my conscious mind, took a deep breath, and replied.
"Damn straight," I said.
"Good. So Friday evening then?" she said. She handed me a slip of paper with her particulars on it. And, when I say particulars, I mean her particulars. Address, cell phone, measurements, and a small picture of her face: all of it on a facsimile of a business card. I'd never seen anything like it. Never heard of anything like it. Jesus, this woman was very likely way-way out of my league! Oh, and did I say measurements. Try 34-22-36, 5'8", 130, oh yes and C-cups. Me on the other hand: 5"6" and 150; very well-muscled, my uncle's fault; but only so-so looking. And definitely A-cups—pretty much flat chested actually.
I picked her up in a very upscale neighborhood. The house? Early American on maybe three quarters of an acre: Two-story, wood frame, separate three car garage; it was a very nice place. Friday evening had been slow in coming, but it did finally come.
Dinner at the Foghorn, dancing at Juliana's, and coffee at a purveyor of fine Scottish cuisine—McDonald's.
The night had been a roaring success. She was indeed clearly out of my league, but was at pains not to rub my nose in it. A half dozen other guys asked her to dance at Juliana's she turned them all down.
We were parked out in front of her house; it was a little past 2:00AM.
"I'd ask you in, but my mom might look askance at that," she said. "And, my dad definitely would. And, yes, I know I'm a college graduate and over twenty-one, but I will not disrespect them; they've been the best."
"I can dig it," I said. "But, so, how about next Friday night?"
"Of course. And tomorrow night too?" she said. I nodded, stunned at the fact that she'd even given me a chance to date her at all let alone taken the lead in our—what—relationship if that's what it was, or, was becoming. I had questions, and I would have the answers.
Our first date was very good and very platonic. Our second date, Saturday night, was also very good but not platonic. We parked near a cliff just outside of town overlooking the valley and its lights below. We'd moved to the back seat and had been kissing and doing some light touching; well, I was touching; she was letting me touch—her breasts—through her clothes when she decided to take things to the next level.
"Would you like to see my breasts, David?" she said. Her smirk was a challenge.
"Oh my yes," I said.
"Then unbutton my blouse, unhook my bra and look at them," she said. I didn't quite faint from nervousness and anticipation. I did as she commanded and her breasts fell free. I didn't dare touch without her telling me to do so; then, she did.
"You can feel me up, David. I want you to," she said. "Just be considerate and gentle with them. They're kinda sensitive." I swallowed and almost choked on my own spit. She could see my distress and laughed at me. Of course I didn't know it at the time, but Jennifer Cross—soon to be Jennifer Hart—would be laughing at or feeling sorry for me a lot in the future. Had I considered such possibilities at the time, it is doubtful that I would have cared in any event. But later much later I would care.
On our third date a week later she undressed me. She played with my cock while remaining dressed the whole time. Claimed it was her turn and refused to let me have any say in the matter. She jacked me off and seemed surprised when my cum actually hit the back window of the car; well, I didn't jackoff all that much, and I was loaded with sauce and that because of her.
"My oh my, for such a small cock you sure carry a load, don't you," she said. I swallowed; I seemed to be doing a lot of that when I was with her. Her remark about the size of my penis stung a little, but she more or less just took it in stride: she was commenting on the fact of it but making no judgments.
It was some two months into our dating that I finally got into her pants. I licked and sucked at both her pussy and her anus on her orders. She came and came and came when I was ministering to her pussy. Then, I fucked her. I fucked her three times. I fucked her missionary, doggy, and missionary again. She didn't cum from me fucking her, but did seem to like me doing her regardless.
In our fifth month together I proposed. She accepted and three months after that, in an elaborate ceremony, we were married; and the family Hart was born.
Almost immediately after she'd graduated Jen had been hired by a well-known real estate company, Whitcomb and Hardy real estate brokers. She was on flat commission, but she did well and was pulling down $40k by the end of her first two years on staff. Me?
I had a better deal. I was hourly with certain incentives and perks that came with a job that required the multiple skills and licenses that I possessed. Since I had been essentially home schooled by my uncle after the third grade, I had skills damn few of which anyone anywhere near my age commanded. I had not only been schooled in selected classics, I was an expert welder—and it is a major skill—and I could also work metal and literally create parts for most cars when the occasion warranted such—the company had a fairly well-appointed machine shop. Similarly, I was licensed to fix, install, and service automotive aircon units. And of course I could rebuild virtually any internal combustion engine ever made. The result? I was making almost $80k annual by my age twenty-three. Not unheard of, I was sure, but rare.
By end of year two, we were doing quite well, and thinking about having children when we got the bad news. Jennifer could not bear children; it would be too dangerous for her to do so.
At the end of year two of our marriage, something happened that set us back plenty. Jen's older sister Lana and her husband Joe Martin were killed in an auto accident. The horror of such an evil happening was compounded: The dead parents left two little girls. They were Maribel age 7 and Clarissa age 8. We made a decision. We would adopt the two little girls and raise them as our own. We were pretty much all they had.
Almost from day one I bonded with the babies. Jennifer too although maybe not to the same degree as did I. She, Jennifer, was loving make no mistake, but she was so committed to her job that sometimes the kids could be a nuisance I supposed. My case was a little different. I never brought work home with me: at 5:00PM Monday through Friday I was off and the ultimate homebody, husband, and father. Jen on the other hand almost always brought work home, or so it seemed. This last fact did cause some minor friction between us on occasion. Nothing major, just some spirited discussion about me and the children being neglected. I needed my woman; but, she was the boss—always had been, and I mean from the beginning.
Regardless of the little bumps in our marital road, the future was bright for us. Although Jen daren't conceive, we did have two children who were blood related, well, to her. Additionally, my best friend, after his initial foray into the California job market returned.
"So, you say things are going well for you two," said Emily Rhodes, Jennifer's best friend from their college days.
"Yes, he does what I say, and never questions me. He's pussywhipped, and it works for us," said Jennifer. "He's happy. I'm happy. It's good." Her friend snickered.
"You shoulda gotten yourself a professional. Blue collar and you don't exactly match all that well," said Emily.
"Maybe not, but he's a hard worker, and he makes pretty good bucks. True he's a bit of a cipher at parties, but I can work around that: he's my gofer if you get my drift," said Jennifer.
"And while he's goffering, you're fucking; that about it?" Jennifer all but snarled at her friend, ignoring her remarks.
"Anyway, by gofer you mean slave, right? How's he in bed? Still the same old same old?" said Emily.
"Like I've to you a zillion times before, he's not that bad. I've been able to train him to the point that he gets me off once in a while. Not like Pike does, but he's okay actually," said Jennifer.
"I don't get it, girl. If he's so less than wonderful, why don't you just dump him and pick up with Pike?" said Emily.
"And, like I've also told you a zillion times, because Pike earns half of what my David earns. Culturally and sexually David has issues, but economically he does it for me. I'm not giving that up for a longer dick, not even," said Jennifer. The two of them laughed.
"So, it wasn't all sunshine and roses out there?" I said.
"No. Sunshine yes, but the pace and the pressure were not to my liking, so no roses one might be tempted to declare," said Victor.
"Setting up your own company then?" I said.
"Yes, consulting. I know the game, and I can analyze most any engineering project related to production efficiency, and that without getting the unions all riled up. Well, it is what I do," said Victor Grantham. We talked for a while, waiting on the girls to call us in for dinner.
Just then, Jennifer and her best friend from her college days, Emily Rhodes, came in. Victor and Emily would become fixtures at our place over time, really almost members of the family.
The years passed and we prospered. And, then we didn't. And then I was lost and sick at heart—and—divorced and alone. She'd had me served at work. Kind of cold, cruel I thought.
Fifteen years we'd been married. They'd been good years, or so I'd believed. But, evidently they hadn't been for her. Somewhere along the line she'd decided she wanted something else, and I was no longer part of what she wanted.
Holding the papers the stranger had handed me in my office, at first I couldn't believe it. Why would she do such a thing to me? I'd be talking to her, hopefully, to find out what I'd done to make her want to do this this thing.
Of course I'd tried to call her, but I'd gotten no answer. Well, clearly she didn't want to talk to me, maybe even so much as to let me know the reason she didn't want me anymore. I would have thought that she'd have been a little more considerate. Over the many years we'd been together, I'd done everything I could to make her happy, but, I guess not enough.
The locks on the doors had been changed and three suitcases full of my stuff had been delivered to me at work, so at least I had my clothes. I appreciated that. I knew the locks had been changed because I'd gone home right after work to try and talk to her. There'd been a note attached to the door, in an envelope actually; she'd not been there. The note just informed me that I could only talk to her through her lawyer whose card had also been in the envelope.
I went to an ATM nearby the house and had gotten the max: $500. The savings had been cleaned out but not the checking; I'd gotten that information from the ATM too. At least she was leaving me a few bucks to get started in a new place. Again, and oddly, in spite of it all, I appreciated her thoughtfulness there too. She had destroyed my heart, but apparently she was trying to make the sting a little less problematical for me.
I had to wonder if it was another man. I'd find that out soon enough I guessed, but for the moment it just didn't matter.
I found a motel not far from work and set up camp. I figured to be staying maybe a week maybe two. But, after that I'd have to be finding me a more permanent place to hang my hat. And, no I wasn't going to fight for the house; I didn't want it.
"I feel bad about it, Emily. The guy's been my rock all of these years and to do him like I have; well, I just don't feel too good."
"Pike'll make you forget all of that," said Emily. "And, David will be fine. He'll find himself another honey and get on with his life."
"But will he?" I said. The thought of my husband getting it on with another woman caused me pause. Could he? Would he? Well, of course he could, would. But, then I wondered. He lived by that code of his, of his uncle's. He might not accept that I was divorcing him: for him a vow could never be broken for any reason. If that were the case, if I knew my David, he'd consider having another woman cheating and would stay celibate—forever! Jesus if he did that!
Okay, I was feeling guilty. And guilt was what it was. I'd had a good man, hoped to be getting a better man, and now I was actually concerned that the first man was going to hurting real bad and that was my doing. Of course I was guilty. Now, the question was, could I live with the guilt?" I had to break the rules. I had to go see him. I had to do that. Oh yes, that was a no brainer. I had to.
I got the call at work, on my cell. She wanted to meet with me after all, at the Foghorn. The Foghorn was where we'd had our first date together. It looked like it would be the place where we'd have our last. The sadness of it was almost beyond telling.
I was early, an hour early. Well, I needed a couple of drinks before she destroyed me, as though she already hadn't.
She dropped down in the seat across from me. Jeans, T-shirt, and flats, no makeup: she wasn't there to tease me for sure. "I left you all of the money in the checking account," she announced without ceremony. "Is it enough for you to get situated? Thinking about it—well—I can spare you some more if..."
"No, no, it's all right and thank you. But—can I ask why, Jennifer? Why are you doing this?" She deflated.
"Davie, I am so sorry for this. I wanted to tell you, end us face to face, but I didn't have the guts. Well, until now. It's not you, Dave, it's me. I guess if I'm honest with myself, I'd have to say I'm selfish. Can't help it, just am," she said.
"Selfish for what? If you're selfish, it has to mean that you want something that you were not getting from your—our—current situation. So what?" I said. She nodded.
"Honestly?" she said.
"Yes, I guess," I said. I wasn't sure I wanted honesty, but I was sure that I would always be wondering if I didn't hear it. So, I'd listen and bemoan my mistakes and bad fortune later.
"Davie, you and I were never a good fit. You're a kind and beautiful man, and you are by far the gentlest soul I ever knew. But..."
"So why aren't we a good fit?" I said.
"A lot of things, Davie. I'm a college grad and you're not. I'm taller than you. You drink cheap beer; I like twenty year old scotch. The sex is well ... Like I said, a lot of things," she said.
"And your new man?" I said. Yeah, I was taking a flyer. Her eyes flashed open.
"I don..." she stopped. "Davie, I'm sorry. I was about to lie to you, but I won't. You deserve better. Yes, I have a man. He works where I do. It's mister Pike. You've met him a few times over the years. Like I say he works where I do."
I remembered the guy. We'd never said more than hello, nice to meet yuh, good to see yuh, but I did remember him. Tall, good looking, and kinda arrogant. He'd never actually insulted me, but I'd had the feeling that he thought I'd married above my station. Now, he'd taken her away from me. I felt myself smile. Yes smile.
"You're smiling," she said. "Does that mean we're okay, you and I?"
"Jen, you are the love of my life; I will never abandon you. We will always be okay. I want you to be happy; it's what I live for," I said. She gave me a look that spelled confused.
I was indeed smiling, but not for the reason she likely thought. I was smiling because I knew without a shadow of a doubt that the man she was trading me in for was a loser. He was going to suffer greatly by comparison when she had to wake up beside him for years on end. I knew it as a great truth. But, she didn't want to hear that from me at this point; I needed to change the subject.
"Jen, can I ask you? I mean would it be all right if I got some of our family photos? Would that be all right?"
"Of course. I will send you the albums and you can choose or copy whatever you want. Would that be good?" she said.
"Yes, that would be fine," I said. I had another question. I almost hated to ask it. For sure I was worried about the possible answer.
"Can I ask you, do Maribel and Clarissa know?" I said.
"Yes, and as if I even had to say it, they will always be yours and mine. We will always have them between us. Nothing can change that. And, in case you needed to hear it, they agree that that should be the case," she said.
Her words made me feel a little better. Not good, but better. "Thank you for that," I said, she nodded.
We talked a little longer. And yes, I know I didn't press her about the sex thing. I was sure anyway that that had to have been part of it. And, I had not asked her how long they'd been cuckolding me. But they'd been working together forever, so likely a long time, but who knew. Not me. Not yet. Those things, and a few others, I would sort out at a later date.
One thing I was sure of. I made a lot more money than did Jennifer, and though I didn't know how much mister Pike made, I was pretty sure it wasn't near what I did. In our little meeting, she hadn't mentioned alimony, nor had it been part of the papers she'd had me served with. The savings account, that she had commandeered, was for sure community property. I knew it, and I'm sure she knew I knew it. It had had somewhere in the neighborhood of twenty thousand in it as far as I knew: Jen kept the records for us. Twenty grand was not chump change for sure, but not all that much either in the final analysis. I didn't care about the money. I needed enough, but not more than enough, and that was it. Jen had in fact just offered me more—presumably from the savings account—to get me started in a new place if I needed it; I appreciated that, and I didn't need it. So, maybe I was wrong about mister Pike's income; maybe he did make more than I thought. I guessed we'd be seeing.
The divorce was final in seven months. We eyed each other as the gavel sounded. She tendered me a smile; I shot one, a small one, back to her; well, I still loved her. She would be mine to love and protect forevermore regardless of what any court, or even she, said. I'd married her. I'd vowed to be her anchor and to make sure she was loved and safe and protected to the best of my ability for the rest of our lives. I would never try to gainsay those responsibilities as I saw them to be.
There was to be no alimony. She refused to even consider it, and I heard that mister Pike tried to force the issue, but she wouldn't hear of it. She did get the house, and it was paid for; I didn't want it. The kids were grown, so there was no issue there. I did get the pictures and that but two days after our meet up. The only thing I wasn't going to be getting was her. The hurt from that was incalculable; but, I would not let her see that.
I was emotionally crushed. I found it difficult to work and the guys at the shop were so supportive that I could barely stand all of the sympathy. I sat 'em down asked them to cool it. They understood and things normalized.
Two weeks later I was still a highly paid mechanic—but lonely and alone.
I had forgiven, in my mind, Jennifer for dumping me. It was a hard thing for me, but I understood the weaknesses of people and, as she indicated, their selfishness. Still, seeing her, up close and personal with her new man; well, that was something that I just couldn't bring myself to do. So, we split the holidays and the like with the children. Maribel and Clarissa didn't much like it, but they did understand, and honored my request.
It was three years after the fact. The holiday split had been inconvenient. I'd get holiday or special event number one, and Jen would get number two in any given year. But, then, Jen decided she didn't like the arrangement much: too much criticism from the children for one thing. So, she made an effort to change things.
I don't know for sure who it was that suggested the method to their madness, but I suspect the girls were in concert with Jen on the matter.
It was Thanksgiving and it was my turn at the holiday; Jen and her new husband, Aaron Pike would be getting Christmas.
I arrived at the appointed time: 1:00PM. As I hung my coat on the foyer hook, I turned and was met with a flurry of welcoming hugs, kisses, and well wishes. The kids were there. Randy and Judy Cross were there. And, so was Judy's sister Chloe who I had only met once before some years past. And, so were Aaron and Jennifer Pike. I was stunned. Jennifer for her part was stunning. I could feel my cock rise to the challenge. I think she noticed too; she didn't smile or giggle but she may as well have.
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IncestFebruary 1, 1983, McKinley, Ohio “What the heck were you thinking?” Doctor Hart snapped. “That has to be about the dumbest thing you could possibly have done!” “Funny thing,” I said. “I agree with you.” “There is nothing funny about what you did! You’re lucky as hell that it turned out as well as it did!” “Again, funny thing, I agree with you.” “Cut it out, Mike!” “Sorry. I beat myself up enough about this that I’m not sure I need your help.” “So why tell me?” “I thought I was...
I am 25 years old and just out of Harvard Law School with my law degree, after Harvard Business School with an MBA, and my four year degree from Harvard University. I am what could be classified as a third generation business tycoon. My great grandfather started a very lucrative business, after having returned from Europe in World War 2. The company works as a kind of mediator between rival companies who need to do business together, but lack the required mutual trust and respect to accomplish...
I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
David and I had met in college, he was 4 years older than me, and an ex jock. I must admit back in high school I didn't think much of jocks, all the ones that flirted with me in classes were idiots, but David was different, he was not only handsome, being an even 6ft with brown eyes, dark brown hair, and a constant 5 o clock shadow, he was also smart and someone I could talk endlessly too about anything it seemed like. He also LOVED to tease me, that was his thing, to gross me out and tick me...
EroticTime Stands Still Chapter Nine: Jennifer By 9:45 a.m. Junior had welts all up and down his handsome body. He was almost as beautiful as his dad. His naked back and legs were red with bruises. His manacled arms and legs locked him beautifully into the rack not allowing him any movement. I knew someday that he would go full time into making custom bondage constructions. His work was so well thought out and so beautiful. He had already been asked to design and build...
My wife Jennifer and I have been married for nearly 15 years. We have what I consider a perfect marriage. That's not to say we never have disagreements or get crabby with each other. We do, but it's generally short-lived and due to fatigue on one of our parts. Although we don't have all the same interests, we have the same core values, and I firmly believe that's what determines a couple's compatibility. I would describe our sex life as very good and I hope Jennifer would do the same. Although...
Gunnar Hart awoke groggily in Loving Kindness Hospital. He was a decent and good-looking young man, quite strong and healthy, and so he had been at a loss when he suddenly felt pains shooting all throughout his body in the middle of the night. He was thankful for at last being given painkillers, and he had been unconscious ever since. He was aware of some monitor quietly beeping away. A nurse looked in and called "Dr. King! It's Mr. Hart!" An elderly man entered and sat down beside Gunnar,...
Veronica Hart ranks at the top of adult film actresses. Sam Frank dedicated his book Sex in Cinema to her in hopes that she'd achieve mainstream success. She hasn't.The Las Vegas native started in mainstream entertainment at early age. She acted, modeled and danced.Hart lost her virginity at 18 :-). The guy she was seeing at the time was almost same age. "I had heard about sex so much, and I knew all about it from an early age. I have a lot of older sisters, and I used to read their little...
Total Transformation Salon & Spa: Jennifer and Mark (Part 4) The next morning, Mark awoke in the same position he had fallen asleep - nuzzling with his beautiful naked wife. Without waking her, he began to run the back of his fingers down her left leg. He skin was so soft... so smooth... so warm to his touch. Jennifer pleasurably sighed in her sleep. Mark sat up slightly on his side, so he could enjoy more of the view of his wife. Her long auburn hair flowed across her...
Dominic Bryan sat down in the log cabin hidden away in the Los Angeles countryside. His ears picked up as the sound of a car rolled up the drive, collecting gravel in its treads as it went. He stood up and moved away from the desk, peering out of the large window, Dom saw a big green SUV slow to a halt outside of the resort. Two people got out of the vehicle and walked to the back of the car. The larger woman opened the back of the car and hoisted a large bag out of the back. That must be the...
Jenniferi. The a*****ionJennifer walked slowly back to her dispatch area. When she got back to the office, all of theother runners were out. Jennifer sat down at the table and pulled out her MCAT study guideand began immersing herself in preparation for the upcoming test. Jennifer had alwayswanted to be a doctor. She had already completed a degree in Chemistry with a minor inBiology and was going to become a doctor. These few facts made her feel superior to mostof the uneducated people she...
Her breathing came in ragged gasps. She tried to be as quiet as possible, but it was really difficult with Ryan's fingers buried inside her. Ryan and Jennifer were in the high school drama room off the back of the auditorium. Jennifer was wearing a tight black tank top and a short denim skirt that only came down to mid-thigh when worn properly. Right now though, Jennifer's skirt was bunched around her waist, her lacy black thong exposed. Ryan was standing behind Jennifer, his groin...
Total Transformation Salon and Spa: Jennifer and Mark (Part 6) Mark was awestruck at the image before him. Heather was one of the most sexy and stunning women he had ever seen in his life - with her clothes on. Now, stripped to her panties and bra he was beyond words. He just stared trying to process what he had just heard... and what he was seeing. "If you could look like THIS... would you do it?" Heather said. "You look... perfect!" Mark said. Heather giggled. ...
Jennifer was an attractive girl. She was 5’ 3" and weighed about 110 pounds. She was admiring her naked body in the mirror of her room. She had a reasonably shapely body for a 17 year old girl. Her brunette hair hung down to her shoulders. Her breasts were good sized, about a c cup. She didn’t like her legs; she felt they were a little to short. She felt her greatest asset was her ass. She turned to look at it. It was well rounded and firm. It had kind of a heart shape to it. She turned back...
"I know," Jennifer hissed back when Mrs. Miller, the algebra teacher turned her back to write another problem on the board. "It's like torture having to sit here listening to her voice when we could be at your place laying out!" Allison continued at the next opportune moment. Jennifer's house had a great backyard with a pool, hot tub, and big lawn. The weather in central Florida was perfect for swimming this time of year, and the two best friends couldn't wait to get to the...
Jennifer gazed down at Allison, who was completely exhausted, and almost completely naked except for her bikini top pulled off to the sides of her breasts. Sweat glistened across every inch of Allison's body, and cum was dripping lazily out of her pussy. “So...” said Jennifer tentatively, after awkwardly making eye contact with Allison, “do you think he would let me try some of that with him, too?” Allison sighed, still coming down off her incredible orgasm of only a minute ago. “I...
After the costume party at Tom and Gloria’s house, Jennifer, Jerry and I both rested quite well that Sunday afternoon, good weather and all. Monday at work was a grind and I occasionally let my mind wander to the events of Saturday night, eliciting a smile or a grin at times. I decided to skip happy hour Monday evening and headed home from work. I wasn’t in the door five minutes when the phone rang. It was Jennifer and she wanted to drop in for a few minutes to chat. I definitely had no...
Group SexI, Jennifer By Michele Nylons Chapter Three: Love Your Suit Mark hurriedly got dressed and left the cell to meet with Simon while Christina sat down on the lounge and sneered at Jennifer as she dressed. Jennifer stepped into a pair of sheer-to-the-waist pantyhose and then a pair of hipster satin panties and a matching brassiere. She tucked her genitals between her legs and pulled up the gusset of the flesh-toned translucent garment using the gusset to hold her genitalia in...
I was just in the middle of a very nice dream, when someone started shaking my shoulder. "Huh? What is it?" I asked, slowly opening my eyes. As my eyes cleared I saw Jennifer sitting on the edge of my bed, a serious expression on her face. "I'm sorry, Jason," she whispered. "It's really early, but we have to talk. Right now." I looked at my alarm clock and saw that it was four thirty in the morning. "What's wrong?" I asked, starting to become a bit concerned. Jennifer put her...
I, Jennifer By Michele Nylons Chapter Four: The End Max Middleton, head of both the Special Products Division and the Special Operations Unit was using his Omni to communicate with Will Faraday. Will's Tactical Response Squad was systematically searching The Movement's Command Centre where it was obvious that a pitched battle had occurred. Will held up the head of Simon Wilson, the unofficial Leader of The Movement. "He told us nothing before he died. Mark Johnston, his...
Michael was at the gun range close by the Sheriff’s Department. He was there to settle a bet with one of the older, more experienced officers. The bet was: who was the better shot? Several other officers, having little to do that day, decided to tag along and see who would win. Michael wanted to wrap this up fast. He was catching a plane to Colorado in a few hours, and he needed to pick up Jennifer on the way there too. They had been secretly dating for several months now. So far, they’d...
This story is an actual event that happened to me a few years back. I had lost my privileges to drive a truck for a few years, so I decided I would go to work in fast foods, as a maintenance person. I worked hard enough that the franchise owner decided to send me to school to learn how to actually work on all the equipment in the stores, as well as doing my usual daily work. Now, the advantage to this position is a few things. 1) You basically work by yourself, and are not really crowded onto a...
Jennifer a slow starting tale of how a young graduate finds her place in society. Any similarities between the characters or corporations depicted here and any characters or corporations which actually exist is entirely unintentional.Part One.Jennifer walked slowly down the long brightly lit slightly curved corridor of the Walthers building looking for Mike Gordon's office, it was almost ten thirty on her third day at Walthers and Walthers. and her first day working as Mike's PA her first job...
First let me tell you about my wife Jennifer. She is a gorgeous blonde with a hard, sexy body. She has nice firm tits and an ass that turns heads wherever she goes. Jennifer also has an extreme passion for showing herself off whenever the mood strikes her. Being an exhibitionist, she likes to wear short skirts and low cut tops without anything on underneath; that way she can flash herself to anyone she wants to wherever she wants to. Ever since she started flashing herself to strange men she...
Jennifer Smith couldn’t wait to get home. The assistant sales-director got a phone call from her husband Tim during the day and she’d been feeling giddy ever since. It was a long working day, but Tim’s phone call really made her feel better. She loved her husband very much, but in the last couple of years they’ve had their problems. Without either of them knowing it, they were both feeling dissatisfied with their sex-life, until at one point they had an argument which...
Jennifer Love Hewitt and her mom Pat were planning to spend a nice weekend in Las Vegas to celebrate Jennifer's recent engagement to her long time boyfriend. They arrived in Vegas around midnight and checked into the hotel. Jennifer was so happy about her engagement that she talked her mom into going to the bar for a nightcap. The women got a couple drinks and headed to a table to sit down. At the bar, a middle-aged black couple had just walked in. Wanda immediately started scanning the...
Jennifer has a Plan They were to be spanked, all of them. Tomorrow, after breakfast, in the changingroom, on the bare bottom, with a gym shoe, by the head prefect. Such was themessage delivered to the girls of 6A, on that wet and miserable afternoon inFebruary, by Miranda herself. With her chestnut hair tied with red ribbons,and already in her games tunic — for this was the day of the match — shestood among their desks and told them their future. 'Let's see if this helps you remember,' she...
I, Jennifer By Michele Nylons Chapter One: Awakening J47347 became self aware on the tenth of June 2347. She knew immediately that she would die, or more correctly expire on the tenth of June 2352; Hominoids have a five-year life span mandated by law. Although she knew that she would be known as J47347 officially for all of her short existence, she already thought of herself as Jennifer. She, like all 'skin jobs' as they were sometimes called, had been pre- programmed with a...
When Dave woke on Saturday morning he was very anxious; he had a growing fear about talking to Jennifer and what her reaction would be. He knew that as each day passed he was getting closer to a probably difficult discussion with her and, now that he knew she was coming to QAI with the twins on Monday, he felt even more nervous. He went to Hawks Hallow and spent the morning practicing, but he was distracted as he continued to think about Jennifer. After two hours he finally decided to call it...
Chapter 4 That night she dreamed of having a master who was having sex with her. She woke up several times only to realize that it was a dream. It was peculiar, however, that she felt a certain feeling in her vagina. She wondered if perhaps she hadn’t been masturbating in her sl**p as she had seen in the illustrations in the book. When she got to that section she tried what was shown and decided that she could do it if asked but that it didn’t feel good as the book indicated. The next...
Chapter 4 That night she dreamed of having a master who was having sex with her. She woke up several times only to realize that it was a dream. It was peculiar, however, that she felt a certain feeling in her vagina. She wondered if perhaps she hadn't been masturbating in her sleep as she had seen in the illustrations in the book. When she got to that section she tried what was shown and decided that she could do it if asked but that it didn't feel good as the book indicated.The next morning...
One evening while Jennifer was fixing dinner and I was working at my computer I went on the Internet to do a search for 'Pantine' products but thanks to a typo I ended up with search results for 'Panties.' I saw my mistake and was about to correct it when one of the search results caught my eye. It said 'Upskirt photos of unsuspecting women.' This may seem unlikely, but up until that time I had never gone to any pornographic sites on the Internet. I clicked on the Upskirt' topic with...
Jennifer und ich sind seit ca. 9 Jahren zusammen, sie ist nun 26 und ich bin zwei Jahre älter. Inzwischen sind wir auch 4 Jahre verheiratet. Sie hat eine sportliche Figur, die sie durch viel Fitness sehr gut in Schuss hält und mittellange blonde Haare. Ihr Kleidungsstil ist dem sportlichen angemessen, das heißt sie trägt gerne weite Sachen, Jeans, Turnschuhe und eben alles was bequem ist. Im Bett ist es bei uns ein wenig müder geworden, wir haben beide beruflich viel um die Ohren und Jennifer...
Patti and George's announcement comes at the start of November. Two of the three women are in happy and stable relationships now. But there remains Jennifer.Jennifer is a quandary for Brian. At forty-two, she is close to his own age and has lived a rather sexual life. Since her teens, Jennifer mastered the ability to look unostentatious at home. When needed, she could change that appearance with a bit of makeup, flipping up her skirt and opening her blouse to capture males' attention.And even a...
TransThis tale is the combination of a crime drama, romance story and good ole' hardcore sex. Like most of my stories, it is also quite long and detailed. But for those of you Kind Readers who appreciate my work, I think you will truly enjoy this one. So, without further ado, I present to you..... A Wylde Knight for Jennifer The Sun was just starting to rise on that March Sunday morning as I got quietly out of bed. I did not want to disturb the lovely young woman sleeping beside me....
Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...
Chapter 2 ‘This one is 20 years old. Purchased on Alaytia for 250 credits. As you can see she is of nominal stature for an Alaytion. From the marks here it looks like an attempt was made to train her,’ a man said. ‘Is that because she was a problem?’ a female voice said. ‘We don’t know. Occasionaly one of the Alaytions will train their daughter before they sell them, thinking they will get a better price,’ the man said. ‘Give her the standard training course,’ the woman said and walked out...
Being Troy / Jennifer - "Jennifer- come on," Mack was pulling at his arm, urging him at a whisper to move, "you have to get up- we need to get out of here." "What happened?" Troy asked trying to raise his hands, but he felt all wrong, exhausted and weird all at the same time. "I don't know; I just woke up. There is something in the house, we have to get out of here," he was pulling at him again. Troy rolled onto his side, feeling very strange and off balance and sore like he had...
Chapter 2 "This one is 20 years old. Purchased on Alaytia for 250 credits. As you can see she is of nominal stature for an Alaytion. From the marks here it looks like an attempt was made to train her," a man said."Is that because she was a problem?" a female voice said."We don't know. Occasionaly one of the Alaytions will train their daughter before they sell them, thinking they will get a better price," the man said."Give her the standard training course," the woman said and walked out of the...
Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...
As Dave with his umbrella walked up the hill he could just make out the old wooden structure in the woods. When he was close to the door he noticed the blue plastic tarp he and Jennifer had put on the roof for rain protection still seemed to be intact. He lightly pushed to open the door but the hook they had put on for privacy was latched from the inside. His suspicion confirmed, Dave knocked softly and said, "Jennifer, are you okay? Please let me in. We need to be together." It seemed...
“Hey what’s up?” Came the text. Jennifer might be an amazing woman, but she was still a 20 something. I didn’t really care for texting all that much, but it was a necessarily evil. A week had passed since my adventure at the club with Rochelle and 2 weeks since I had seen Jennifer. I was beginning to miss her and I was happy to hear from her. “How’s it going? Things ok with the roommate?” I asked. “Yup. I’ve got news.” came the reply. “Call me.” I said. Jennifer called me. “So what’s...
This story involves slut training.... male domination and a female sub. Helen and I both enjoy the fantasy and the situation.THE TRAINING OF JENNIFERGraham moved to answer the door even before the faint knocking . He swung the penthouse door fully open, turned his back on the guest and continued speaking on the telephone. He paced as he spoke. "Yes she is here. No, I'm not sure. I have yet to even look at her. Just remain in the lobby this might be all over very quickly ..... Well, me too ........
Total Transformation Salon & Spa: Jennifer and Mark (Part 1) Jennifer arrived right on time for her appointment at Total Transformation Salon and Spa. It was her third monthly visit. She had heard that the salon was popular and her prior stylist at another salon had just moved out of town. So 3 months ago, when the flyer and special offer arrived in the mail, she had decided to give it a try. From the moment she walked through the door for the first time, she was impressed. ...
Less than twenty four hours later, Jennifer Salvatore checked her mail on the computer in her bedroom at home. She maintained a couple of hotmail accounts, but the one that was of most interest to her just now was the account which she used primarily for her growing relationship with Rotter, or Jeff as she increasingly thought of him. It was also the address she had written on the mirror in the charity shop, hoping to hear from the guy who had watched her so intently the day before when she was...
Exhibitionism“Hey, neighbor!” John called out over the fence separating his yard from his neighbor’s.Ross looked up in surprise from pulling a few weeds that had sprung up in the hedges beside the fence.“How’s it hanging, man?” John said with a smile.“Oh, uh good!” Ross said distractedly.He was still feeling powerfully guilty every time he saw his neighbor. He was having a lot of trouble adjusting to the fact that John’s wife, Kimiko had lured him into having sex with her almost daily last summer. She had...
MatureIf you have read my earlier stories you will know that an erotic massage in Phuket by a woman during which I climaxed led me, on my return home to Sydney, to explore online. I was intrigued that at 40, I was for the first time turned on by thoughts of sex with a woman.While I would have easily taken some of my new online relationships into the real world, no one was in Australia. That geographical barrier was also an important psychological barrier keeping my online and real world nicely...
TabooJennifer had woken up late. She couldn’t remember the last time she had slept so soundly, and on the couch no less. As she showered the memory of last night and its intensity, caused a small tingle in her crotch. She wished she were not already late, she would like to scratch that itch. In the past masturbation had simply been a means to an end, but now it was not just about achieving a very intense ending but also the whole eroticism that lead up to it. She was late for work though, so...
I am a sex addict.Yes, I know how ridiculous that sounds. Yes, I know that most of the male species qualifies as sex addicts too. But however debatable it is to say sex addiction is a mental illness, I still fall under the parameters. It's only due to treatment and counseling that I can keep it under control -- and still enjoy sex without going overboard about it.Maybe that's why my doctor thought of me when Jennifer Lawrence wanted to research sex addicts in October 2011.She needed to do so...
I, Jennifer By Michele Nylons Chapter Two: Fuck Puppet They came for her early. The Captain of the Cybertronics Tactical Response Squad crouched down and hissed final orders to his team outside the door of Mason's apartment. All large corporations have their own Special Operations Units or SOU, which function as para-military police forces, and Cybertronics had the largest and most extensive. This was reflective of the power that mega- corporations like Cybertronics...
Jennifer arranges to go and visit Katherine, but has an adventure along the wayThis is a continuation of the story in Jennifer's Shame, so if you've not already read it, I suggest you start there.As always, all comments and scores are gratefully received.When she got home, Jennifer went upstairs and ran a bath. Easing herself gently into the warm water, she lay back, closed her eyes and let her mind drift back over the events of the afternoon. She could almost hear the sound of the swishing...
Total Transformation Salon and Spa: Jennifer and Mark (Part 3) The following afternoon, Jennifer drove Mark to Total Transformation Salon and Spa for his appointment. "Have fun!" Jennifer said as she put the car in park. "You're not coming in?" "No... I had my appointment yesterday. This one is all about you," she replied. She kissed him and said, "good luck!" "Good luck?" he thought as he walked toward the door of the spa. He opened the door to an elegant entry - and an...
Jennifer's husband left for work and she had packed her teenage k**s off to school.The day ahead would be hard,she knew this.Jennifer had been informed by Sr.Marie Gabriel of St.Vincents Convent that her appointment with the Father Confessor was fixed for the nineteenth of the month;the day had arrived.Jennifer had to be at St.Vincents for 11am;she looked at the clock in the kitchen,it was 9:30am.She went up to the bedroom and sat at the side of the bed looking at herself in the mirror.She had...
November 1978 On Sunday morning I was surprised to find Stephanie awake when I went to swim. She joined me and swam laps with me, though she only completed about half as many as I did. We got out, and I was relieved that she didn’t try to follow me to the shower. I expected that someday, though probably at some point, before she was ready to make her request. She joined me for breakfast as well. “Going to see Melanie today?” “That’s the plan, Squirt. I’m just waiting for her mom to call...