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i. The a*****ion
Jennifer walked slowly back to her dispatch area. When she got back to the office, all of the
other runners were out. Jennifer sat down at the table and pulled out her MCAT study guide
and began immersing herself in preparation for the upcoming test. Jennifer had always
wanted to be a doctor. She had already completed a degree in Chemistry with a minor in
Biology and was going to become a doctor. These few facts made her feel superior to most
of the uneducated people she worked with. The only thing most of her co-workers had in
common was that they all loved to go drinking and smoke. These two pursuits made Jennifer
distance herself from her co-workers. Drink and smoke. How could anyone do that to
themselves she wondered. The only thing worse for you was to use d**gs to get high.
Jennifer caught herself as she was beginning to daydream. There will be enough time to
correct people’s thoughts on smoking, d**gs and drinking, right now I need to study for the
MCAT. As Jennifer began concentrating on her studies Sarah walked in. Jennifer knew
Sarah because they were both new to the organization and were still considered rookies.
Sarah was fresh from High School, trying to earn enough money to pay for her first year of
university. Sarah was young and naïve and Jennifer felt sorry for that some of the
“professional” slackers were taking an interest in her. They would initiate her into the dark
world of drinking and d**gs, and before she knew it Sarah would have wasted all of her
hard earned university money, and would be stuck in this dead end job smoking and
drinking her life away.
The dispatch phone began ringing. Sarah answered the phone.
“Me and Jennifer” answered Sarah. “O.K., go to accounting on ground and get two carts of
files for Mr. Johnson on 15. Sure no problem.”
As Sarah hung up the phone she turned to Jennifer, and not really wanting to bother her,
spoke lowly.
“Jennifer, dispatch wants us to go to accounting and get some carts for Mr. Johnson.”
Jennifer marked her page and put her book down. Why would anyone be in accounting on a
Sunday she wondered?
“Are you sure they said accounting Sarah?” inquired Jennifer.
“Yes I’m sure. Dispatch repeated the information twice to make sure I got the name right. ”
“Must be important if they want these files on a Sunday” commented Jennifer as they left the
The walk to the elevator was short, and a car came quickly to take them down the five
floors to the ground floor. As the elevator passed the second floor it made a funny clicking
sound. This sound did not faze the girls, but it was a new sound. The elevator began to slow
at the Main floor, but it passed the Ground floor. It did not stop until the very bottom. The
Sub-basement was usually only unlocked for maintenance workers, who had their shops
located down here to help keep the noise from all of their machines away from the office
workers above. When the doors opened both Jennifer and Sarah were not ready for
greeted them. Four men with guns were waiting for them. One of the men stepped forward
and with a clear and ominous voice said
” We don’t want to hurt you. We are only here to take you to our boss. If you co-operate,
you’ll do O.K., You don’t co-operate, and we make you pay. Understand?”
Both girls nodded that they understood.
“Good. I would hate to have to hurt you.”
With that he placed hand, waist and ankle cuffs on both girls. Then a piece of duct tape over
their mouths to prevent screams and earplugs to drown out all sound from entering their
ears. Finally a black hood was d****d over their heads. The level of sensory depravation
made both girls panic. Not being able to hear scared Jennifer the most.
What were these men going to do with me? Who was their boss? Why me? These questions
played in Sarah’s head. The only other thought that came to mind was that this was all a big
mistake, and once they realized this they would let her go.
The men loaded the girls back on to the elevator and took them to the parking garage. Two
more men who had been standing by a five tonne truck met the group when the elevator
doors opened. The girls were loaded in the back of the truck, laid face down on the floor
and tied to the floor with rope. Once the girls were secure the truck drove away. The entire
a*****ion had taken four minutes and was not detected by anyone. After the truck was out
of the parking garage, the remaining men flipped the parking garage camera back on, turned
the elevator off service and turned the dispatch phone back on. There was no trace that
anything out of the ordinary had happened.

Sarah figured that had driven for about an hour before coming to a stop. She felt someone
grab her roughly and pull her to her feet. She was then pulled forward until she began her
restricted shuffle. She walked for what seemed like an eternity, turning left and right through
what she thought was a series of hallways. When she finally stopped she felt her shackles
being removed. Next the hood, earplugs and duct tape were removed. One door down the
hall the same scene was taking place with Jennifer in Sarah’s place.
“Go ahead and scream or cry honey. The room is sound proof. You can beat on the door
and windows all you want too honey. They are both unyielding and you will only hurt
yourself.” Spoke Jennifer’s captor.
“Where am I?” Barked Jennifer.
The man raised his hand and slapped Jennifer across the face in a sharp and surgical swing
inflicting the most pain for the least bruising. “Next time I won’t be as kind to you Bitch.”
“Why have you taken me?” begged Jennifer
“Because the boss wanted me to and I don’t want to cross the boss.”
“Who is your boss?” inquired Jennifer.
“You will meet her soon enough.” Replied her captor.
With both girls unbound his task was completed. He spoke in what looked like a
microphone attached to his lapel and the door to the room opened. After taking one last
look at Jennifer he smiled and stepped through the door into the hall. The door closed with a
hollow metallic click.
Jennifer looked around the room. The room was bare except for one chair, a bed and a
toilet and sink. She walked over to the door and was dismayed to find that there was no
handle on her side of the door. The window was set up with what looked like schoolyard
wire mesh glass. Jennifer had never broken a school window, but she figured that this must
be a strong type of glass or the schools wouldn’t use it. Having surveyed her cell, Jennifer lay
down on the bed and resolved to not be overwhelmed by the events that had transpired
today. Jennifer drifted into a deep sleep while thinking of ways to get out.
“Get up Bitch!” screamed the female voice.
Jennifer bolted upright, half in fear and half in shock. She looked over in the direction of the
noise and saw a familiar face looking at her.
“Tammy? Is that you? Did they get you also?” inquired Jennifer.
“No they did not get me also. I am them you stuck up priss” seethed Tammy.
” Why don’t you get your head out of the clouds and look around you. Do I look as pathetic
as you do? You are such a twit.” Saying this felt good to Tammy. She was tired of all the
looks she got from Jennifer because she smoked, partied and got laid. This was her chance
at payback.
“What do mean” inquired Jennifer
“I mean that I am the reason you and Sarah are here. Sarah is here because she has the
potential to make me money as a slave. You are here because you too will make me money,
and because you always think that you are better than me because you are a goody two
shoes.” The words that were coming from her mouth were like venom. She hoped the
Jennifer was scared, because that would make her training that much sweeter.
“What do you mean I look down at you. I don’t approve of what you”
“Shut up Bitch. I am the boss and you will have to learn this fast if you want to survive this
without a great deal of pain.”
Tammy was almost at the end of her rope with Jennifer. Tammy spoke into her collar and
two men appeared as if by magic. Jennifer looked at the men and wondered why one of
them was holding a very large roll of cling-wrap.
“Set her up in the chair boy’s while I get my stuff.” Proclaimed Tammy as she exited the
Jennifer did not understand what was happening as the men grabbed her arms and flung her
into the chair. One of the men pinned her shoulders into the seat as the other man wrapped
her and the chair together. This wrapping was made easy by virtue of Jennifer not knowing
what was happening to her. After a couple of minutes Jennifer was so tightly wrapped in the
chair that she could not move an inch of her covered body. The men left her head and neck
exposed, and triple wrapped every other inch of her body in such a way that every
movement that she made tightened the cling-wrap’s hold of her.
“I am glad to see that the boy’s set you up for me” said Tammy as she returned. “You don’t
mind if I smoke do you?” asked Tammy with an evil smirk on her face.
“Yes I do mind” replied Jennifer. “Do you think that we won’t be missed? My parents are
going to know that I didn’t come home yet. They will start looking for me, then it will be
game over for you.”
“I don’t think so honey. You have been missing for three days now, and know one has
broken down my door to save you yet.”
“You’re lying. I have not been here for three days. I haven’t lost my senses. I have only been
here for a few hours.”
“Actually you have been here for one day, and in the back of the truck being hauled here for
two days.” Replied Tammy as she lit a Benson & Hedges Menthol. She double pumped the
cigarette to ensure that it was lit, then exhaled all of her smoke into Jennifer’s face. Jennifer
tried to squirm away from the thick smoke, but couldn’t due to her cling-wrap prison. ” Your
hood was laced with diphenltricolene. Once you had the hood on for five minutes the
chemical made you drowsy and you slipped in and out of consciousness.”
Jennifer tried squirming more to get away from the thick smoke exiting Tammy’s mouth.
Seeing Jennifer squirm made Tammy’s heart sing with joy. Jennifer’s reaction to the smoke
would make forcing her to become a heavy smoker all the more fun. Tammy took another
deep double pump off her smoke and inhaled. She exhaled into Jennifer’s face ever so
slowly so that Jennifer had no choice but to breath in some of the smoke.
“Better learn to love the smell and taste of smoke Bitch. You are going to be doing lots of
smoking before I’m through with you.”
“I will never smoke for you or anyone.” Exclaimed Jennifer
“Your feeble attempt at defiance is amusing.” Laughed Tammy. Tammy then reached down
behind Jennifer and pulled up a strange looking red ball attached to two leather straps.
Before Jennifer had a chance to protest, Tammy placed the ball in Jennifer’s mouth and
wrapped the straps behind her head. Once the ball gag was secured Tammy picked up a
roll of duct tap and sealed Jennifer’s mouth shut.
Jennifer bucked wildly while Tammy worked on her, but her prison tightened with each
move she made. Jennifer then stopped bucking as suddenly as she had started.
“I will not give her the pleasure of seeing me beaten. I know that my parents or Sarah’s
parents will come rescue us. Screw her!” thought Jennifer.
Tammy grabbed Jennifer by the hair, and as if she was reading her mind she pulled out a
copy of the local newspaper. The date said Wednesday and the headline spoke of Jennifer’s
parents distraught that their daughter might have run away with a co-worker. Police were
asking for the publics’ help, but admitted to having no usable leads to follow.
“You’ve read enough Bitch. Now it is time to start wishing you had been nicer to me when
worked together.”
Jennifer’s eyes widened as Tammy pulled out two corks from a black bin. Tammy carefully
placed a cork in each of Jennifer’s nostrils. A soon as the corks were in place Jennifer had
to work twice as hard to breath. This scared her and worried her deeply. Jennifer began to
squirm and buck violently. Tammy was laughing as she placed some lengths of rubber hose
to the plastic tube that was sticking out the center of the cork. One of the hoses was left
hanging down Jennifer’s chest. Tammy took the other hose and placed it close to her mouth.
She then took a huge double pump off of her cigarette and inhaled the large volume of
smoke. Before she started to exhale, she placed the end of Jennifer’s tube in her mouth. As
she exhaled the smoke from her lungs she forced Jennifer to inhale the smoke. Jennifer
gagged and tried to cough, but the ball gag made it difficult for her.
“That was easy Bitch. Now comes the real fun.”
Jennifer was afraid of what was to come.
Tammy took our a fresh package of Benson & Hedges Menthol and held them for Jennifer
to see
“This is your brand now Bitch. You are going to love the feel of Menthol smoke when I am
done with you. When I am done you will beg me for cigarettes”
Jennifer’s mind raced as she tried to conjure up a plan for escape. All of her plans depended
on knocking Tammy out, then getting out of the room. Jennifer was just starting to feel some
small sense of hope when she noticed that Tammy had a pair of scissors in her hand. She
watched as Tammy cut the filter off of a cigarette. The Tammy took the cigarette a stuffed
the end into one of the tubes. Breathing became instantly harder. She tried to fight this new
twist, but her cling-wrap prison was unyielding.
“Are you done struggling Bitch?” inquired Tammy. “Now lets get this lit so we can smoke
together.” With that Tammy took the free hose and pinched the end shut. This forced
Jennifer to breathe through the tube that held the cigarette in it. Tammy flicked her lighter
and slowly brought the flame to the cigarette, all the while starring into Jennifer’s eyes and
enjoying the shear terror that filled her eyes. When the flame was directly in front of the
cigarette, Tammy could see it get pulled closer as Jennifer breathed in, and how the flame
flickered away from the end of the cigarette as Jennifer exhaled. Tammy watched the inhale
exhale routine for a few seconds until she caught the pattern. After Jennifer’s next exhale
Tammy brought the flame to the end of the cigarette. As Jennifer inhaled air, she was forced
to ignite her cigarette. The thick unfiltered smoke assaulted her nostril and throat on the way
to her lungs. She coughed, but could not catch her breath. Jennifer’s world was quickly
turning dark and cloudy as her body fought for air, but received smoke instead. Once
Tammy was satisfied that Jennifer’s cigarette was well lit, she unkinked the second hose. The
fresh air gave some degree of relief to Jennifer, and the blackness that had begun to engulf
her senses slowly retreated.
“How is it Bitch. Hopefully you like it, but even if you don’t, tough shit. This is now your life.
In time you will learn to love smoking anyway, but until you get hooked I will have to make
sure you smoke. Without the filter to slow down the tar and nicotine, your body won’t have
a fighting chance to not become addicted.”
All Jennifer could do while Tammy ranted and raved was sit on her seat and smoke. The
smoke from the cigarette almost made her sick, but her common sense told her that
throwing-up would only add to her agony. Her chest was sore and her nostrils hurt. Jennifer
could see with each exhale that smoke was pouring from the tube without the cigarette.
Tammy smoked her cigarette the looked over at Jennifer. Jennifer had smoke pouring out of
both tubes. Tammy smiled and began thinking of ways to make this better for herself.
ii Conversion.
After the first hour Jennifer had smoked five cigarettes. She was feeling very sick to her
stomach and her chest ant nostrils were very sore. Every time she thought that she was
done, Tammy would make her light up another cigarette. Jennifer wished that she were
dreaming, and that she would wake up and her world would be normal again.
“Bitch!” shrieked Tammy. “Don’t start day dreaming on me. We still have a lot of tasty
cigarettes to smoke.”
Jennifer’s heart sank. How could someone be so cruel. When she got free she would make
sure that the law punished Tammy to the fullest. Jennifer started to daydream about escape,
but was quickly brought back to reality as she noticed Tammy remove a long shiny object
from her bag.
“Pretty isn’t it.” Exclaimed Tammy as she admired her new toy. “This is called a double
holder Bitch. It is designed to hold two cigarettes at once so that the smoker can receive
twice the pleasure. Oh yah, it also helps to addict twice as fast.”
With that said and much to Jennifer’s dismay, Tammy cut the filter off of two Benson and
Hedges. She carefully inserted the cigarettes into the holder. She then removed the cigarette
stub that was burning in Jennifer’s tube.
Being free of the smoke, Jennifer tried to inhale as much clean air as she could. These
breaks only happened occasionally. Usually Tammy had a replacement cigarette ready to go
when she removed the stub. Jennifer watched as Tammy inserted the holder into the tube. It
was a tight fit, which meant that no air would rush in between the holder and the tubing.
“Time to light you up Bitch.” Remarked Tammy as flicked her lighter to life and touched the
flame to the first cigarette. It burst to life instantly. Tammy moved her lighter to the second
cigarette and did the same. It to burst to life. Both tips were now burning a bright and
beautiful orange. ” How’s it feel to be a double smoker Bitch? Can you feel the nicotine
entering your body, firmly entrenching itself in every cell of your body. At the rate you’re
smoking it won’t take long until you can’t stop yourself from smoking. You will actually find
smoking pleasurable, and very very necessary.”
Jennifer listened to Tammy and silently vowed not to become addicted to cigarettes. What
she didn’t know was that her body was already getting accustomed to a to a steady input of
nicotine, and that at this rate, 3 packs per day, it would only be a short matter of time before
she was hopelessly hooked.
Jennifer and Tammy smoked like this for another four hours. At the end of her first session
Jennifer had smoked a package and a half.
“Not a bad start Bitch. Thirty cigarettes in five hours. Pretty soon you will be smoking like a
trooper all by yourself. Now I a m going to unhook you nose tubes, then your gag.”
After her bonds were removed Jennifer coughed and wheezed. Her virgin lungs had been
tortured, but they had survived.
Tammy placed a pop and a straw in front of Jennifer.
“Want a drink Bitch?” asked Tammy
“Yes” croaked Jennifer. After taking a few sips of pop, Jennifer got up the nerve to speak to
Tammy. “Why are you doing this to me?”
“Your not going to ask me to answer the same questions over again are you Jennifer? I hate
repeating myself, which makes me cranky and makes me do miserable things to the people
around me
“No” whimpered Jennifer. ” Why do you call me Bitch?”
” I call you Bitch because you were one to me when we first met, and because you are now
my property, and I have renamed you Bitch instead of Jennifer. That is enough questions
from you Bitch. Do you need the john before I set you up for bed.”
“Yes I do.” Replied Jennifer. She did not relish the thought that Tammy was claiming to own
her, and the she would never be called by her given name again. “Can I have some privacy
please” asked Jennifer.
“No you may not Bitch. You are my property and I want to see my merchandise.” Barked
“I am not your merchandise, nor will I ever submit to you or any of your sick games.” Cried
With one smooth motion Tammy caught Jennifer square in the jaw with her open fist.
Jennifer had no chance to react, and she could feel her jaw crunch on impact. Tammy was
very artful with her hit, inflicting the maximum amount of pain for the minimum effort.
“You are sorely mistaken Bitch. I do own you and tomorrow you will pay dearly for this little
insurrection. I will make you a smoker tomorrow if it kills you.” With that Tammy picked up
Jennifer and put her on the bed. After strapping her hands and feet to the bed Tammy
produced a small box.
“Nicotine patches. Designed to give a steady dose of nicotine instead of smoking to get your
fix. Sounds neat doesn’t it Bitch”
“Yes it does. Why don’t you try it so you can quit, loser?” cried Jennifer.
“Loser, let’s see who is free to come and go and who is strapped down to a bed for my
pleasure. Oh yah, I’m in control, not you.”
Tammy lifted the box and read the directions aloud
” Do not use with other tobacco products, don’t use when pregnant and follow
recommended dosages. Well let’s see your body is full of tar and nicotine, so the first rule
doesn’t really work for you. You are way to stuck up and anal for anyone to have f—ed
you yet, so the second rule doesn’t apply either. ” The box says one patch per package
smoked per day, and I think you will easily be a three pack per day smoker, so therefore
three patches plus one for an error in my judgement in your abilities as a smoker, and one
for good luck.
Tammy began placing the five patches on Jennifer’s torso. Each patch was placed in a
location that Jennifer could not reach, and therefore could not remove over the course of the
“Sweet dreams Bitch. See you in a couple of hours” With that Tammy turned off the light and
closed the door leaving Jennifer in her tiny room absorbing nicotine and breathing in the stale
smoke which hung thickly in the air.
Jennifer collapsed and let the darkness of sleep take over her mind. About an hour later,
Jennifer awoke with a start. She was hot, sweaty and fidgety. Her mind raced over the past
few days events, as she tried to calm herself down. Jennifer tried to figure out what Tammy
meant by the comment “you are way to stuck up and anal for anyone to have f—ed you
yet.” What did she mean by yet? This question haunted Jennifer all night. She had fallen into
the waking sleep pattern and she could no longer separate dream from reality. The only thing
that was constant for her was the smell of cigarette smoke.
The lights burst to life and Tammy who seemed larger than life was standing over the bed.
“sleep well Bitch? Are you ready for another big smoking day. Today is your big day Bitch.
After to day you will be a smoker and you will be hooked for life.
Jennifer tried to speak but was mesmerized by the tingling sensation all over her body. Her
body had the same amount of nicotine in its system as did a three pack a day, lifelong
smoker. Her body was not used to this feeling and was trying to sort out the new d**g that
had taken over it’s cells.
Tammy removed the nicotine patches from Jennifer’s body, unlatched her and helped her go
to the toilet. When Jennifer was finished Tammy helped her to the table and sat her down in
her chair from the day before. She put another set of shackles on Jennifer and tightened
them until she was snug.
“Have some breakfast Bitch. You’ll need your strength for today.”
Jennifer was still mesmerized, but now she also felt some pain in her gut. She swallowed the
food Tammy was stuffing in her mouth, but the pain in her gut had now spread all over her
body. It was a crampy pain that only seemed to move around as she flexed different
Tammy noticed Jennifer flexing her body and squirming in her seat.
“That weird feeling you are experiencing, it’s a nic fit. Your body wants some nicotine”
“You’re lying. I don’t smoke and I don’t need nicotine.” Replied Jennifer.
“If you believe that after yesterdays smokefest you’re the one lying, and you’re doing it to
yourself. It will only get worse Bitch, You smoked and absorbed almost seven packages of
cigarettes in a very short period of time. Your body accepted this a adapted. Now you must
feed your physical craving.”
Jennifer tried to rationalize her body as Tammy lit a cigarette. The smell of the smoke
sickened her, but it also made her pains feel less intense.
“I don’t buy in to that theory” retorted Jennifer.
“Suit yourself Bitch, all I am saying is that the addiction has already begun.”
Tammy took the ball gag off the table and stuffed it deep into Jennifer’s mouth. She tied both
straps as tight as she could, and then sealed Jennifer’s mouth with duct tape. Next Tammy
inserted the corks into her nostrils. Once they were taped securely in place Tammy attached
the hoses. Tammy then reached under the table and picked up what looked like a
candelabrum and set it on the table.
Jennifer thought that this was weird until she saw the nicotine and tar stains on the silver. She
bucked so violently that she started to bleed from the chafe spots.
Tammy smiled and set about filling the candelabrum.
“First you need to smoke your cigarettes,” said Tammy gleefully as she cut the filters off of
six cigarettes. “See, if we put three cigarettes in the each side, that leaves us one empty hole
on each side, plus the one in the middle.”
Tammy then reached down to the floor again and produced two cigars.
“I know how much you enjoy smoking, so I thought that I would add some cigar smoke to
your routine so that you can truly enjoy all aspects of smoking.” With that said Tammy
inserted the two cigars into the remaining larger holes on the candelabrum. Tammy then
connected one of Jennifer’s tubes to the candelabrum.
“Ready to light up Bitch?” asked Tammy with smile.
Jennifer was bleeding in several spots from bucking and had given no sign of submitting until
Tammy had connected her. It was exceptionally difficult to breathe, and the aroma from all
of the tobacco was starting to make Jennifer nauseous.
All Jennifer could do as Tammy flicked her lighter to life was weep. Despite her will, Jennifer
was now beginning to believe that she would never leave here free from smoke.
“Don’t cry Bitch, I’ll get you lit soon enough” lilted Tammy as she began lighting all six
cigarettes and two cigars.
Smoke billowed out from Jennifer’s exhale tube. The volume of smoke she was exhaling
even surprised Tammy. Every fourth or fifth inhale, Tammy would cover the center hole with
her finger to prevent any fresh air mixing in with the smoke. Jennifer reacted to this act the
first few times until her spirit was crushed and she lacked the will to fight it. Jennifer also had
noticed that her cramps were gone. Could Tammy have been right? Could she now be
addicted for life to nicotine, forced to submit to the b**st with a cigarette when the b**st
“Bitch, your not fighting me any more. Have you given up, lost your nerve, or do sort of like
it? You don’t have to answer me Bitch, I know you want to keep smoking. I even feel
compelled to help you more than I already have.”
Tammy took out the stubs of Jennifer’s cigarettes and replaced them with fresh cigarettes.
Tammy then lit a seventh cigarette and placed it into Jennifer’s free tube.
Jennifer moved slightly as her breathing was even more restricted, but she did not fight her
“How long does it take you to smoke the cigarettes down Bitch. Let’s time you and see.”
Tammy waited until Jennifer was ready for new cigarettes, then she placed them and timed
Jennifer as she lit her up.
“Not too shabby Bitch. It only took you three minutes to smoke six cigarettes. You body is
being super loaded with nicotine, and I think that I now control your spirit.”
Jennifer moaned softly as if in reply to Tammy.
The two women sat and smoked like this for the next hour. Jennifer had smoked six
packages of cigarettes and four cigars in that time. Her body was at the end of its tolerance
level for nicotine. Any more nicotine and her body would revolt with uncontrollable vomiting,
shaking and possibly death. When Tammy unhooked Jennifer from the candelabrum,
Jennifer’s inhales did not get deeper nor did they increase. Tammy unhooked Jennifer’s ball
gag and freed her mouth.
“Get some sleep Bitch, you look wasted.”
With that, Tammy left Jennifer strapped to the chair as she left the room.
Jennifer collapsed and allowed blackness to cover her mind.
“Get up Bitch.” Was Tammy’s gentle way of rousing Jennifer from her deep sleep. Jennifer
had only slept for one hour, but that was long enough for Tammy’s purpose.
Jennifer slowly opened her eyes and tried to figure out how long she had been u*********s
for. She did not feel rested, but without a watch she had no way of knowing exactly. Her
body was starting to cramp again. Oh no, I am hooked thought Jennifer as she smelled
Tammy’s freshly lit cigarette. The smell did not repulse her, but it was familiar.
Tammy walked over to Jennifer and changed the configuration of the chains on one of her
arms. Jennifer moved her arm as soon as it was free. She could now touch her face and the
table before the restraints kicked in. Jennifer did not know why Tammy had done this, but
she knew that there had to be a method to her madness.
“How long was I asleep?” inquired Jennifer
“About nine hours why?” replied Tammy
“I just wanted to know. What day is it?”
“Enough questions Bitch. Shut and maybe I won’t be pissed at you.”
Nine hours, that sucked. After nine hours without nicotine her body was starting to give her
withdrawal symptoms.
Tammy looked over at Jennifer.
“You look like your having a nic fit Bitch. Why don’t you just ask me for a smoke. I will let
you have one, and I will let you smoke like normal people, you know, one at a time and with
a filter.”
Jennifer said nothing as she stared into space. Her mind was going over all of her options. If
I do take a cigarette she will have one and she would have beaten me into a smoker. I don’t
want this, but a cigarette might make my body go back to feeling normal. If I don’t take a
cigarette of my own free will she will surely hook me up again and force me to smoke. This
will make my body feel normal, but I can’t keep up that pace.
“How about it Bitch, do you want a smoke? Asked Tammy again.
Jennifer nodded yes, and with that Tammy got up from her chair and moved over to the
chair beside Jennifer.
“Here Bitch, I will teach you how to smoke with style and ferocity.” Proclaimed Tammy. “I
just happen to have a carton of cigarettes and a couple of lighters for you. You will smoke
two packages of Benson and Hedges Menthol every day for the rest of your life. In no time
this will be enjoyable and probably not enough to satisfy your love and devotion to
Jennifer nodded at all of the incessant babbling Tammy did.
“Hurry up, My body needs nicotine now!” cried Jennifer.
“How sweet it is to see the high and mighty fall of their pedestal.” Squealed Tammy in delight
“Do as I say and you will be a sexy The two women spent the smoker in no time.”
Jennifer nodded her compliance and followed Tammy’s direction.
rest of the day smoking, Tammy leading and Jennifer following.
Jennifer got up from her seat at the table and walked over to the bed. As she sat on the
edge of the bed smoking her fifth cigarette before breakfast she stared at the camera dome
that was perched in the center of her room. Did anyone actually watch her or was that just a
blank threat by Tammy to make sure she smoked. Jennifer gave the camera a big inhale
followed by a smile and the bird.
“Thank you for being f—ing late” barked Jennifer at the guard who brought in her breakfast
“The boys in the control room asked me to give you this Bitch” chirped the guard as he gave
Jennifer a solid punch to her k**ney followed by an upper cut to her jaw.
“Next time you want to flip the bird, think about who is watching.”
Jennifer lay silently on the floor as a trickle of blood flowed from hip mouth. The pain was so intense that it stole her voice, preventing her from even crying. She tried to get up, but with
each effort she was greeted with more intense pain and an urge to vomit. After about forty
minutes Jennifer slowly pulled herself up and sat down at the table. Her jaw ached, her
k**ney was on fire, and she needed a cigarette. It’s not that she wanted to smoke, but rather
her body needed to get nicotine every five to ten minutes.
Tammy sat in her seat in the control room. The control room was actually a small room with
a color television hooked up to the camera switching board. Tammy had three options. She
could watch Sarah in her room, she could watch Jennifer in her room or she could split
screen and watch small bits of both at the same time. Tammy watched Jennifer as she
sucked on the cigarette and inhaled the thick blue smoke.
Tammy was pleased with her progress. In the past three days she had k**napped two
beautiful young women, turned one of them into a smoker and put the fear of God into the
second one. Sarah will be sold at the auction in a couple of days, and Jennifer will so
screwed up that she will actually believe that her life and being are worthless and owned by
one happening chick. Tammy thought of how Jennifer would react to the thoughts of being a
junkie smoker. This thought made her wet and sent warm feelings through her body. Tammy
played with herself for a few minutes before she got up and took Jennifer’s new d**gs to
“How are you Bitch?” asked Tammy as she walked into Jennifer’s room. The boy’s told me
about the bird. Cute thought, but probably not worth the pain was it/”
“It was worth every bit of pain just to piss them off.” Sneered Jennifer.
“Your new attitude is a little confrontational isn’t it Bitch?” asked Tammy as she lit up one of
her own cigarettes.
“You and all of your sick friends have made m3e this way. Maybe my attitude will improve
if you let me go. I promise not to tell anyone about you or that you took Sarah as weel as
me.” Lied Jennifer.
“As tempting an offer as that is, I think I will have to decline, besides how will I know if you
are still smoking?”
“I would keep smoking. I actually enjoy it now.” Replied Jennifer. She was uncertain how
she had managed that lie with a straight face. Her first goal when she escaped was to have
her body deprogrammed and rid of traces of her smoking.
“I see” said Tammy thoughtfully. “If you actually enjoy smoking now, you wouldn’t mind
using the double holder for me so that I can see your enjoyment.”
“Love to” was Jennifer’s answer to Tammy’s request. Jennifer had been caught in her own
lie, and Tammy knew it. Jennifer took her double holder and placed two cigarettes in the
ends. With the style of an experienced smoker Jennifer flicked her lighter and brought both
cigarettes to life. The double hit of nicotine quelled the small storm starting to rise within
Jennifer’s body. As each puff of smoke began to pacify her body, Jennifer knew it was
becoming harder for her body to fight back. Jennifer figured that if she didn’t escape within
the next week, she would never stop smoking.
“Dreaming about leaving us Bitch.”
“As a matter of fact yes.” Replied Jennifer, smoke trailing out of her mouth with each
syllable she spoke.
“Have I got a treat for you then.” Replied Tammy as four guards entered the room. They
grabbed Jennifer and strapped her down to her seat like they had in the past.
“See this crystal.” Asked Tammy as she held up a crystal half the size of her baby finger nail.
“It doesn’t look like much, but it will definitely help you see things my way.”
“You can’t hypnotize me. My mind is to strong for that.”
“This crystal is very strong, and it will definitely work on you and your strong mind.”
Jennifer squirmed a bit, and one of the guards stuck the double holder in her mouth with two
freshly lit cigarettes. As she inhaled the thick smoke, her nerves seemed to instantly calm
down. This pissed her off, but knowing that there was nothing she could do about it, she
was thankful it was there at stressful times like this.
Tammy produced a small pipe and held it up for Jennifer to see.
“See this pipe, it’s for you. You are going to start smoking from a pipe. I promise you that
you will love it and want it. It will be so much fun for you”
Jennifer looked at the pipe and wondered why it was so small. Having no experience with
illicit d**gs, Jennifer never put the crystal and the pipe together.
“Are you ready for this new experience/”
“Do I have a choice?”
“No you don’t Bitch.” Replied Tammy as she placed the crystal in the pipe and brought it up
to Jennifer’s lips.
“Now be good and smoke this with out pissing me off and having to force you to smoke it.”
Jennifer sneered at Tammy, but did not fight the pipe being placed in between her lips.
Jennifer might have fought harder if she had seen Tammy place the crystal in the pipe.
Instead Jennifer thought that the pipe had tobacco in it.
Tammy flicked her lighter and brought the flame to the bowl of the pipe.
“Take a nice big drag and inhale right away.”
Jennifer did as she was told. As soon as she sucked the smoke into her lungs she knew that
it was different. Jennifer coughed as the smoke went into and out of her lungs. Her mind
exploded in a kaleidoscope of color and sound. Her heart began to race and she began to
sweat. Intense waves of pleasure began sweeping down her body to her groin. As Jennifer
went to touch her face she discovered that her extremities were tingly and responded to her
thoughts with lightening speed. Jennifer was at the highest point of the trip and was receiving
all the benefits of crack.
“What did you do to me?” blurted Jennifer.
“You just got your first boost from some crack. Cool feeling isn’t it.”
————————————————–“Why?” quizzed Jennifer. She was now having a hard time concentrating and wished that she could just disappear.
“You looked like you needed to have a boost Bitch. Besides all of my Bitches get wasted. Addiction helps me keep my stable under my control. Smoking cigarettes is a start, but hard core d**gs are fun for me, you and anyone else I want to share you with.”
Jennifer’s head now hung limply and rolled from side to side as her body went through the final stages of being high, and quickly and painfully sank to the dark depths of withdrawal. Sensing Jennifer’s move from high to low, Tammy lit up Jennifer’s double holder and motioned for a guard to give Jennifer drags from it while she sank to her new low. Tammy took the pipe and set it up again for Jennifer. Poor Jennifer, she has no idea how f—ed she really is. This thought made Tammy smile, and made her wet.

When Tammy thought that Jennifer was in deep withdrawal pain, she offered her the pipe. “Here Bitch, open your mouth and take your pipe.”
Jennifer was torn. She wanted to be tough, but her body was in pain, her mind was screwed up and she couldn’t take. Jennifer obediently opened her mouth and sucked all the smoke into her lungs. She was about to exhale when Tammy told her to hold the smoke in as long as possible. Again Jennifer did as she was told, and did not exhale until she felt as if her lungs were going to explode. The high was even more intense, but seemed not to last as long as before. Jennifer sat and smoked crack and cigarettes for the next hour. The crack high was so strongly entrenched in Jennifer that she was now smoking the pipe by herself. When Tammy told Jennifer that she had smoked the entire stash of crack, Jennifer’s body quivered. She had lost all track of time, and her attitude had changed from combative to submissive. As she sunk deeper into withdrawal, Jennifer’s thought turned towards getting
high. She did not think of escape or how much she hated Tammy, all she could think about was getting high.

Tammy let Jennifer suffer for thirty minutes. During this period Tammy helped Jennifer smoke ten cigarettes. Tammy also feigned interest and concern for Jennifer’s plight. Tammy left and went down to the control room and watched Jennifer on her monitor. Jennifer filled her double holder and smoked like a trooper. She was getting two cigarettes down in nine drags, taking a total of three minutes. As soon as she crushed out the filters she was reloading, and relighting. Tammy was pleased to see how smoking had become a crutch for Jennifer’s crack smoking. Now she needs an even larger crutch.
“I found something for you Bitch.” Mentioned Tammy as she re-entered Jennifer’s room.
“Did you find some more crack?” asked Jennifer. Her body was shaking uncontrollably, and her cigarettes only barely cut through the throbbing that was tearing apart her head.
“It’s not crack, but I think it will work.”
Jennifer’s heart sank when she heard Tammy’s answer.
“What is it Tammy?”
“I found a dime bag of heroin. I also managed to find a needle so that you can shoot up.
This is it until the next shipment comes in.”
Jennifer weighed her options. She could wait and go out of her f—ing mind, or she could try this new demon.
“What do I have to do?” asked Jennifer
“First thing you need to do is have a smoke. Then roll up you sleeve and wrap this belt around your arm just below your elbow. Jennifer nodded and proceeded to light two cigarettes. After she was lit she rolled up her sleeve and placed the belt around her arm.
“Good. Now tighten the belt and pump you arm until a vein appears.”
Tammy finished cooking the heroin and filled the needle while Jennifer popped a vein. Tammy brought the needle to Jennifer and pushed the tip through her skin into a bulging vein. She pulled back on the plunger and drew some purple red blood into mix with the brownish heroin.
“Ready to shoot Bitch Bitch?” asked Tammy.
“Yes” moaned Jennifer as she stared at the needle. She was transfixed at the sight of the blood and heroin mixing.
“Before I shoot you up I want you to take a monster double pump drag for me.”
As Jennifer took the monster drag for Tammy, Tammy pushed the plunger and sent the heroin coursing through Jennifer’s veins. Jennifer barely had time to exhale before the heroin hit her brain. This was excellent.

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An Exciting Truth Or Dare On The Way To Mumbai

Hi everyone, this story is happened to me when I was in Australia. I was 22 yrs old then. The girl in the story was 24. Her name was Sneha. I am natively from a small town in Gujarat and studied in an English medium school. She was from a nearby village and studied in the same class as me till year 10. While in school, I never thought of her as a potential fuck. Anyways, years later, after my year 12, I decided to move to Australia for further study and consulted a local agent. That’s where I...

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Dressed like a girl

It started by accident as a nessity.I was playing with a friend of mine by the drainage ditch. We dared each other to do acrobatic stunts. There were two pipes what went across the ditch, one was over three foot round and the other was less then one foot. I dared Tom to cross the largest one. He crossed it, then dared me. I went over it easily. Then he dared me to cross the smaller one. I was nervous about it but I didn't want to be called a chicken. I was half way across when I lost my footing...

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Lucky Day Chapter 1

Despite the undesirable task at hand, Cal had left his house feeling good this morning. It was all about Anna: 19 years old, 5’4,’ with gorgeous strawberry blonde hair and a slim but just curvy enough tennis physique, she had been Cal and Sam’s (Cal’s wife) part-time nanny and housekeeper for about four months. He could swear that there was something more between them. There had been enough meaningful glances, too-long looks, and other awakward hard-on-generating moments that he could almost...

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first time

I had always thought of myself as a normal teenager – I had messed about with a couple of girls, but hadn’t really done anything too serious. I certainly didn’t see myself as anything less than a straight teenager. So a few weeks after my 18th birthday I had to travel to London to see some people. I got on my train, and settled down to watch my journey pass by through the window. I supposed I must have dozed off because I woke up to feel a hand between my legs gently feeling me up!! The hand...

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A Show of RealityChapter 15

"If you want Rick and Lauren to go to California alone to find and confront Victor, turn to page 77. If you want Rick and Lauren to stay in New York and help Lisa and Courtney, turn to page 105." Lauren looked at me, amused. "Choose Your Own Adventure?" she asked. "No, thanks, already did that," I quipped. She giggled. "Yes, you did, didn't you?" She rolled over to the side of the bed, propping her face up on her elbows to stare at me as I finished up my notes. "Was this the...

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A Visit to the North Part 2

A Visit to the North - Part Two by MadQuill This is an mystery story of a changed life. The characters are all fictional. There are many chapters so please consider finding and reading the earlier part. Please leave comments. On Saturday Barbara and the girls returned deflated to the Police Station where a new sergeant allowed them to complete the Missing Persons Report. He also took Barbara's only picture of me from her cellphone files for reference. The Sergeant stated,...

1 year ago
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An Utterly Fabulous Ass

I was in Brooklyn for a weeklong class at State University Downstate Medical School, and I found out that on Thursday nights there was Swing dancing at a local gym. If there's any way to find out if the magnetism is there, dancing close to someone is perfect. It's also easy to send little signals and look for the right response. When I'm dancing normally, I hold a woman in one way; but if I'm attracted to her, I hold her in kind of a grip that's more like lovemaking: I give a real firm palm in...

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Somewhere far away

Dorie Gust is bored with her life. She has been for quite a while. She literally lives in the middle of nowhere. Her parents had taken a job opportunity in Alaska when she was just 8 years old, and eleven years later here she is still stuck in nowheresville Alaska. Dorie is beautiful. Her long black hair cascades down her back in loose immaculate curls, her bright green eyes are a color that could only be found in the height of summer. (The vivid color of grass the brilliant green shade of...

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Anne yawns softly as she rummages through her closet “Mom!!” she cries as she goes into the hallway and walks down the stairs “I can’t find my ceremonial crown!! The princess never makes an appearance without her-” she stops and stares at the handsome man in the foyer. “Anne, this is Kail. He’s going to be helping your father when they go to attack the Reaper Council. Apparently, the Council is planning on meeting in three days on an unpopulated planet nearby. This is the closest we’ve...

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For The Love Of LynnChapter 3

The sunlight beaming through Lynn's bedroom window awakened Jamie from one of the most peaceful night's sleep he had ever had. He rolled over to give Lynn a kiss, but was surprised to find that she wasn't next to him. This worried him for a moment until he smelled fresh-brewed coffee and french toast coming from the kitchen. He was about to get out of bed when Lynn came in with a tray for both of them. "Good morning, sleepyhead," Lynn said as she placed the tray in front of him and sat...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Savannah Bond Anal And Oral Training

Brick-house blonde Savannah Bond’s tiny G-string bikini can’t contain her thundering curves. She sports lush lips, a huge rack and a shaved, pierced pussy. Naughty Savannah slides three fingers into her tight anus and licks them clean. Director/performer Jonni Darkko oils her crack and goes straight to anal, driving his hard dick up her rear for a greased buttfuck. ‘You’re training my ass; I love it,’ says Savannah, who sprinkles Australian-accented dirty talk...

2 years ago
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The Biggest Cock I ever had

Don't ask me about part two, because , I didn't write this.The best feeling I ever had - while my husband watched!My husband has a small penis and I know from previous experience that size matters to some extent. He noticed that he could not make me cum through penetration so after work one day he came home excited with a spring in his step and said he has a surprise that I will like but might find awkward at first. I was intrigued so I said, "Darling please tell me!" He told me that he’d...

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Loosening Up Book 3 GrowthChapter 3 Promotion

Dave made the rounds over the next three days as the opportunity presented itself for him to see every Circle member and affiliate. The question he asked was, ‘What do you think of Dale and Susan Harnett becoming Circle members?’ The response was uniform and enthusiastic, ‘Oh, yes. I’ve been treating them as though they were members, but certainly. They belong with us.’ When Dave had talked to everybody, he suggested to Dale that he and Susan stay over to the following Tuesday before...

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Punishedthievescom It was the shoes that did it for him. He'd first noticed them when he openedhis new shop in a middle class area. They seemed to be the new fashion amongstthe young mothers who frequented his newsagents during the school run. Theywere flat and round toed, with little girl straps. It was this juxtapositionbetween the girliness of the shoes and the well to do women in their late twentiesor early thirties who wore them that aroused him. It was because of the shoes that he'd...

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Flintstone wilma goes wild

Wilma had just gotten out of the shower and was wearing a short, sheer robe that barely covered her body and left absolutely nothing to the imagination, her 38C breasts and red haired pussy were very, very visible. This was one of the best parts of having the place to herself; she could indulge her nudist tendencies. Wilma Flintstone loved sex. She was a very sexual creature and having Fred away for the past week had left her horny. Whenever Fred would go away on a bowling trip with Barney...

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Raylee should have been more careful, but she was in a good mood. She just got back from a first date and it wasn’t too bad, a little awkward, but he asked her out a second time before she got out of the car. There was the kiss before she got out of the car, but that was all. She opened the front door, the living room dimly lit by the small lamp. She walked in and was grabbed from behind before she knew what was happening. He held a knife to her neck, making sure that he sliced the flesh and a...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 70

I had no time for Sygor, literally. I came back to the settlement late in the afternoon. I was tired, both emotionally and physically, from the two ceremonies that I’d presided over down south, but ready to press on and finish up what I’d started that morning. I was on a very tight schedule, since even on horseback it would take over an hour to ride to the mouth of the valley and where I wanted to hold the final ceremony, and stopping to deal with the fact that Sygor had shown up out of...

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A Box Equals Glory Hole Fun

I have a side business in flipping foreclosures which is great because it gives me a place to play. One day in getting a home ready I had a refrigerator delivered. I told the men I would take care of disposing of the box. I wanted to use the box as a makeshift glory hole. I put a hole in one side, a small stool inside and hung my ipad so I could watch porn. I had my own little porn arcade booth. I put an add up and had a few quick responses to which I gave the guys an address with...

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Sweet 16

The one day that most teenage girls look forward to is the day they turn 16. I was no different. At 15, I spent every waking hour planning for my 16th birthday. I receive no help from my mom. My mom is a bitch. Ever since she got that promotion a couple months ago to Vice President at the firm she works for she hasn't given me or my day, the time of day. Mom is an ok looking woman for someone in their thirties. I remember when I was 12 or so, I use to be jealous of her because she had tits...

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Bhai Ke Lund Se Chudwana Sikhi

Hello friends mera naam pinky h aur main delhi ki rahne wali aur main bahut sexy hu mera figure 36 30 38 h aur meri chuchi aur gand bahut badi badi h aur log mujhe line marte h mujhe bahut log chodne ke liye mujhe bolte h aur main bhi bahut sare logo se chudi hu aur mere boyfriends bhi mujhe chodte h lekin mera ab sabse breakup ho gaya h waise mere boyfriends mujhe aaj bhi message karte h whatsapp par aur mujhe chodne ke liye bolte h lekin ab main nahi chudwati hu kyu ki ghar walon se bhi thoda...

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Exploring the Caves of CrystalChapter 3

My year of incarceration in the jail was a sojourn I had no desire to repeat ever again. I don’t think there was a single night when I was not in fear of having my throat cut while I slept in my lower bunk in the barrack style quarters that held about fifty of us in a single shed. We all had beards because there were no mirrors, no soap and definitely no razors except the sharp little ones that guys bought on the black market to give them an edge in a scrap. I had happened to meet my newest...

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