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Jennifer by Aoife Martin 1. Jennifer Jennifer stood in front of the full-length mirror in her sister's bedroom. She regarded her naked form with disdain and disgust. Oh how she hated her body! She hated its slimness, her boy-hips, her flat chest that would never bud. Most of all, she hated the thing between her legs. The thing that made her a boy. Carefully laid out on her sister's bed were the clothes Jennifer was going to wear. She quickly pulled on the pair of panties she had chosen and immediately felt better. The silky material made her feel more feminine and she could no longer see the boy-thing. With practiced fingers, she took the matching brassiere from the bed and hooked it up behind her back. Though padded for an adolescent girl, it was not meant for someone with nothing to begin with. She filled the sadly empty cups with two pairs of rolled-up socks. Now that she had a bosom and she allowed herself to smile. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, Jennifer carefully pulled on a pair of flesh-coloured tights. This was one of her favourite parts of being a girl. She loved the way the tights made her legs look and feel. It was like wearing a second skin. Nothing boys wore came even close. Once her tights were on, she quickly pulled on her skirt and top and then stepped into a pair of low-heeled shoes. Once dressed, she sat down at the dressing table and put on some makeup. Nothing much - just a touch of lipstick, a little blush and some mascara. She brushed her hair (longish for a boy, but shortish for a girl) into a more feminine style and spritzed herself with Rosemary's perfume. Some clip-on earrings and a simple necklace completed the look. Although neither vain nor boastful, she never ceased to be amazed at how pretty she could look. She examined her reflection from numerous angles and pronounced herself happy with the results. Yes her hair was a tad short, but it gave her - she reckoned - a more continental, nay chic, look. Jennifer smiled and the young lady in the mirror smiled right back at her. Downstairs, she make herself a sandwich and a cup of tea before curling up on the couch to watch some television. There was, as usual, nothing of note on the goggle box, but she spent a pleasant half-hour watching some makeover programme. It was a pleasure just to be herself. To be sitting there with her legs curled under her, wearing a skirt and being at peace with the world. It was a pleasure just to be. It was an inner peace she only found by being true to her self. She spent the rest of the afternoon in her sister's room, trying on various dresses and skirts and outfits. Some looks worked better for her than others but that was the way of things. At 4.30 she reluctantly changed out of the clothes she was wearing - a denim skirt and t-shirt - and put everything away. She had a quick shower, trying not to touch or look at her boy-thing, and dressed in her boy-clothes. She immediately felt the dull-black cloud of depression settle once again on her young shoulders. She was lying on her own bed reading a novel when she heard the front door open and close. That would be her mother, home from work. "David," she called up the stairs. (God, how she hated that name!) "Are you up there?" "I'm here Mum!" she called back. "I'll be down in a minute." And so, she reluctantly got off her bed and went downstairs to greet her mother. She hated dressing like a boy. She felt so stupid and clumsy and wrong inside. Later that night, Jennifer prayed to God to make her a girl. And then she climbed into bed and cried herself to sleep. 2. Anne Anne was worried about David. Although her son had always been quiet, he seemed to have become much more withdrawn lately. She sensed he was unhappy about something but any time she asked him about it, he said he was fine. It was patently obvious, to Anne at least, that he was anything but. If only he'd talk to her she would listen. He could tell her anything. She wondered if it was the lack of a father-figure - the bastard had run off not long after David was born. With only herself and Rosemary and David in the house, there was a distinct lack of maleness about the place. Perhaps she should have remarried. But what with her career and two children to look after, she'd never found the time to commit to another relationship. Sure, she'd been on dates but they'd never amounted to much. Besides, most men baulked at the thought of getting serious with a woman who already had two kids. After he'd gone to bed, she'd asked Rosemary if she had noticed anything. "It's probably just puberty. You know what teenagers are like." "I suppose. Do you think you could ask him?" "I'm his sister, he's not going to tell me anything." "But you two used to be so close." "I know Mum, but I'm a young woman now. We're into different things. We don't have anything in common any more." "I know, dear. But could you at least try? It might do no harm and he just might open up to you." Rosemary sighed. "Okay. I'll ask him. Tell you what, I'll leave work early tomorrow - I'm owed a half day - and I'll speak to him then. Maybe he'll talk to me if you're not around." "Thank you darling." She got up and gave her fifteen-year-old daughter a kiss on the forehead, marveling at her maturity. She'd gotten herself a job for the summer holidays and was already acting like a grownup. 3. Rosemary Although she didn't say it, Rosemary was also worried about David. She hadn't wanted to worry her mother any more than she already was, so she had kept her mouth shut. Something else bothered Rosemary. Someone had been poking around her things. The clothes in her wardrobe had been moved and she could almost swear that someone had been using her makeup. She didn't think it was her mother, so that only left one possibility. The following morning, she asked Mr. Gardener if it was okay for her to take the afternoon off. As it was Wednesday, the florist wasn't particularly busy - nor was it likely to be - and he readily agreed. She passed the morning arranging a few bouquets for delivery and dealing with some customer enquiries. Before she knew it, it was one o'clock. She said goodbye to Mr. Gardener - a great name for a florist - and headed home. As she approached the house, she was wondering in her mind how best to play it with David. Should she come right out and ask him what the matter was? Or should she just play it by ear? Get him talking first, and then see what happened. She decided to play it by ear. Something in the back of her mind, something subconscious, made her open and close the front door quietly. The house was silent apart from the muffled drone of music from upstairs. The living room and kitchen were empty. She threw her bag and coat across the chair and headed up the stairs. As she approached the top of the stairs she realized that the music was coming, not from David's room as she had expect, but from her own room. Something clicked in the back of her mind. She eased the door open. There, in the middle of the room, was a pretty young girl. She had her eyes closed and was swaying along with the music. She was wearing a tartan kilt skirt and a soft, black polo-necked jumper. It was, of course, her brother David. And yet it wasn't him. It really was a girl. She was tall and elegant and relaxed and beautiful. Rosemary felt a twinge of jealousy. And with that, the girl in the centre of the room - the girl who was her brother - opened her eyes. 4. Jennifer and Rosemary There was a deathly silence as the track on the CD stopped and Jennifer and Rosemary stared at each other. An eternity seemed to pass between them. Finally, Rosemary spoke. "David? Is that you?" Jennifer gawped at her sister. The absurdity of the situation almost made her laugh. "Actually," she said. "My name is Jennifer." It was Rosemary's turn to gawp. "I'm sorry for borrowing your clothes," continued Jennifer. "It's just that I have none of my own." For a moment, Rosemary didn't respond. Then she said, "Oh my God! You're so pretty!" Jennifer blushed. "Thank you," she said. "How long have you been doing this?" "Years. I've always felt that I was a girl. Deep down. Inside. Where the true things are." Rosemary walked over and took Jennifer by the hand. "Sit down," she said, indicating the bed. "Sit down and tell me everything. 5. Rosemary and Jennifer - later They were sitting at the kitchen table, drinking tea. Jennifer had changed out of her sister's clothes and was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. Without the makeup and the clothes, she looked like a boy again. Rosemary found it difficult to reconcile the two images with the one person she had known for most of her life. "What are we going to do about Mum?" Jennifer asked. "I think we should tell her," Rosemary replied, sipping her tea. "Will she be able to handle it?" "Better than you think. She's worried about you. That's why I took a half day off work. She thought you might open up to me seeing as we used to be so close." She paused, embarrassed. "That's something I feel I should apologize for. When we were young we were very close. But then, when I went through puberty, you know, I didn't think we had anything in common any more. After all, you were a boy and I was becoming a woman. I didn't think you'd be interested in the kind of stuff I was interested in. You know. Fashion and the like." She laughed. "I couldn't have been more wrong." With that, the two of them burst out laughing. They laughed so hard that tears came down their faces. When the laughter had finally subsided, Jennifer said, "How are we going to tell Mum?" Rosemary thought for a moment. "Come on," she said. "Get your coat. We're going out." "Where are we going?" Her reply was music to Jennifer's ears. "We're going shopping!" 6. Rosemary and Jennifer - continued "Okay," Rosemary said, as they entered the shop. "My clothes fit you, right?" Jennifer nodded. "Great. That means you're the same size as me. It'll make it easier to select the right outfit. Now, first things first. Let's get you some underwear. You can't be wearing mine all the time." "Shhh," Jennifer said, looking around, embarrassed. "People might hear you." They went to the lingerie section. Jennifer's heart was beating wildly in her chest. She looked around at all the bras and panties and slips. Finally she was going to get some of her very own, panties that had never been worn by anyone else. Rosemary, however, was all business. "We can't linger in the lingerie," she punned. "We have to get you home and changed before Mum arrives. We can go shopping for pleasure some other time." Jennifer didn't care what Rosemary said. This was pleasurable. Just being there with her sister. Picking out clothes for her. This was perfectly pleasurable, thank you very much. 7. Rosemary and Jennifer - continued Jennifer and Rosemary stood in front of the full-length mirror in Rosemary's room. Both of them were wearing similar black dresses. Jennifer's was sleeveless, ending just above her knee. It fitted nicely over her boy-hips. She wore a little makeup and a pair of court shoes with one-inch heels. Everything she wore was brand new. Rosemary had paid for it and Jennifer promised to pay her back. Rosemary's dress was quite similar to Jennifer's, though it was long-sleeved. Rosemary was also curvier and the dress seemed to cling to her hips and her bosom. She almost envied Jennifer her slimness. Jennifer, on the other hand, almost envied Rosemary's curves. Such was life. The two of them smiled at each other's reflections and declared themselves delighted with their appearance. Moments later, though, Jennifer went pale when she heard the front door bang shut. Mum was home. 8. Anne and Rosemary Anne had to sit down. She couldn't believe what her daughter had just told her. "Oh my God! Poor David." "Her name is Jennifer, Mum. She's a real girl. She just happens to have been born with the wrong body." Anne tried to take it in but it was difficult. Naturally, she was shocked. But, if what her daughter had told her was true, then it was something she would have to deal with. Better for her son to be happy and content as Jennifer than to be miserable and depressed as David. Christ, she thought, is this my fault for not remarrying? Rosemary seemed to know what she was thinking. "It's not your fault, Mum. It's just the way it is. Some people are born with the wrong bodies. Their brains and their feelings tell them they're one thing, and their bodies tell them they're another. I can't even begin to imagine how difficult and lonely that must be. Look, why don't I call her down and you can meet her?" Anne nodded. 9. Anne, Rosemary and Jennifer Anne gasped when Jennifer entered the kitchen. She couldn't believe that this beautiful girl was her son David. She looked so elegant and sophisticated in her black dress. She looked so, comfortable. It was as if she had been born for this. Which, in a way, she had been. "Hi Mum." "Hi," said Anne and she started to cry. "Mum," said Jennifer, rushing over to her. "Don't cry." She hugged her mother. "It's okay. It's still me." "You're so beautiful," her mother said. "I've lost a son but gained a daughter." The three women hugged each other and held on to each other and cried. It was some time before they let go. 10. Jennifer Later that night, Jennifer climbed into bed. Rosemary had given her one of her nightdresses. Nothing fancy, just a flannel one, but comfortable nonetheless. She found it hard to sleep, her mind racing over the events of the day. There was a strange feeling inside her, in her heart. It was hope. They had stayed up talking late into the night. Jennifer had told her mother everything. About how she'd always felt like a girl. About how she used to sneak into Rosemary's room to try on her clothes. About how she didn't fit in with the boys at school. And they had cried some more and hugged each other. Tomorrow being Saturday, Jennifer and her mother were going to go shopping. Rosemary had promised to go through her wardrobe and give any clothes she didn't want to Jennifer. It was, she said, cool having a sister. She would also teach Jennifer everything there was to know about being a girl. Not that she needed to, because Jennifer looked so beautiful and so poised already. Some time later, Jennifer fell into a dreamless sleep. 11. Rosemary Rosemary didn't have as much trouble sleeping. She had taken it all in her stride. It was going to be so cool to have a sister. Someone to share makeup tips with. Someone to confide in. Someone to swap clothes with. A proper sister in fact. She fell asleep with a smile on her face. 12. Anne Anne, too, was having trouble sleeping. Although she could see how happy Jennifer was, she was nonetheless worried. She worried about how people were going to react. She worried that Jennifer might be attacked if people found out. And she missed her son. Her little boy, whom she had breast-fed and raised and looked after for all of his life. Her little man, she used to call him. Her little man was gone and that made her very sad. She cried some more. Small, silent tears, tears that ran down her cheeks and glistened momentarily on her pillow before soaking into the fabric. She cried for herself. And for Jennifer. Most of all, though, she cried for David. The End.

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The day seemed like a long one and between Jones and Miles, I was worn out. I laid the clothes on the top bunk and threw the blanket on the bottom one. Laying down, I draped the blanket across my ass and fell asleep. It seemed like I’d just closed my eyes when the door slammed again. I blinked my eyes open and saw the lights come on. I threw the blanket back and sat up, rubbing my eyes. Cornrow braids under a baseball styled hat flowed down over shoulders held together by beads at the end....

2 years ago
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Stuffed At Staff Room

Hello everyone!!! I am Veekay and this is my first entry. So please forgive me for any mistake. I am a North Indian boy who keeps shifting from Delhi to Bombay, with fair complexion, 5’9 height and strong built with equally strong dick and the plus point is that it fires, lots of dense cum. Back to the story, this is a true recent incident. Our first semesters were just over and we were waiting for our results. I knew that I had flunked in 1 of the subjects and it was all because of that hot...

3 years ago
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The first time I fucked my mother inlaw

As you can see from my pictures and videos, my mother in-law is very sexy. She is 60 years old, 5’4”, 34DD tits, fat ass and a tight body. Every time I see her I just want to bend her over, rip down her tights and fuck her hairy wet pussy until she cums over and over again. This story is about the first time I fucked my mother in-law.My wife and I, both 34, recently sold our house and while we waited for our new house to be built, moved in with her mom. My wife is 5’6” with a similar body to...

2 years ago
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Mothers DayChapter 2

The following morning was Saturday, and Gwen awoke late with that dull too-much-wine-the-night-before headache. A couple of aspirin later the pain began to abate somewhat and she realized she could remember virtually nothing after David had come home. The pain of Howard’s announcement was still intense but somehow less hopeless than it had last night. She knew she and David had talked and that she had consumed far too much wine, but the strangest thing was that she could not remember coming...

1 year ago
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Smelling my mother in laws panties

I have always loved sniffing a freshly worn pair of panties for as long as I can remember. I sniff/lick and jerk to my wife's just about every day. And whenever possible, I love to get a few quick sniff's of another woman's. Over the years, I have pleasured myself to no end with my mother in law's dirty panties. There is just something so taboo about that, plus her pussy smells so similar to my wife's, which is an added turn on. So this story goes back many years, and involves getting a smell...

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Daddys Secret Lesson

It was one of those hot sticky, summer afternoons that imprinted itself on her body. The atmosphere was thick and visceral, coating her thoughts as she sat, bored in maths class. It was cruel to have maths at the end of the day. Maths at any time was a struggle, but on a summer afternoon, with her school uniform sticking uncomfortably to her flesh made it almost impossible to concentrate.Chloe’s thoughts drifted to her Daddy, knowing he would be picking her up after school. She gazed out the...

1 year ago
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HerLimit Jada Sparks Fitting It In

Jada Sparks is a freaky MILF not wasting any time or shying away from anything. She is excited to unzip Potro’s pants and as soon as she see’s his big dick she starts to deep throat it. Getting face fucked by a big dick turns her on very much and makes her want it even harder. After having her ass hole fingered, she bends over and takes his cock all in, rolling her eyes and moaning in pleasure. As much as she likes to receive pleasure Jada also likes to give pleasure performing ass...

1 year ago
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Blacked Eva Lovia Catching Up

Eva moved to LA a few months ago to take an internship at a big time Beverly Hills talent agency. She works extremely hard and it leaves her with no time to herself, and she has to live with her sister in the meantime. When she buys a gift certificate for an hour massage which she can’t use, she offers it to her sister instead. After receiving text messages from Jason, an old flame she met at college, she finds out that he is in LA for a few hours, and her mind starts racing about what she...

2 years ago
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Hotel Air Hostess Puja Chopra

Hi Readers,I am back with my second story after The tale of Bobby Aunty, by the way my email I’d is so feel free to share your valuable feedback anytime.All my stories are true and not a work of fiction.This story narrates my experience of getting my cock punched in by the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever met I my life .I normally don’t fuck my friends sisters but allow them if they want to fuck me ,after all there is no greater pleasure in fulfilling of inner desire Coming back, it was a hot...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Paris White Home Alone Teen Paris White Sucks and Fucks Her Well Hung Neighbour

Naughty teen Paris White has just moved into her new house with her parents and chats with her best friend on the phone, wishing for some hot neighbours. Her wish soon comes true as she discovers Ryan next door and this promiscuous babe lays on her bed and slips her hand inside her panties to masturbate while fantasising over him! Her pussy gets so juicy when Ryan spies her through the patio window and can’t quite believe what’s unfolding in front of him! Paris is shocked at first...

3 years ago
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A rendezvous in Venicehellip

A short story by catherine-belmontCatherine originally wrote this in English but translated into German, I wanted to read it so translated back into English [Using Google Translate] and I'm glad that I did..... :)It’s been a few years since I last saw Regina. Much had happened in the meantime, including our marriages. But we remained in contact, sporadically, often only by rumors. Since we were both in the same circles, we occasionally even met a few times. I'd seen her once at Harlequin Ball...

4 years ago
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A liquid satin slip and Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving seemed as though it was going to be pretty quiet for us this year. We had a huge family reunion this summer and there's a wedding happening after the first of the year so we decided to stay close to home.We rolled out of bed in the morning and lazied around for a few hours. Jodi decided that we should go for a drive and find a nice restaurant for dinner. So... we took our showers and put on some nicer clothes. I wore dress slacks and a sweater. She chose a dress that I just...

1 year ago
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CoupleSwapping Hazel Grace April Olsen What8217s Mine Is Yours

April Olsen comes down the stairs to join her boyfriend Seth Gamble in the main hall. She nervously asks if she looks alright, and Seth kindly replies that she does. April admits that she’s pretty nervous- she’s never done anything like this before. Seth assures that there’s nothing to worry about- he’s sure it’ll all go splendidly. April loves how reassuring Seth is, and as she runs her hands over his chest, tells him that she’s excited for him to see her...

3 years ago
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It was Brian Grayson's first day at university: he'd had to work hard to get there and he was looking forward to the chall­enge ahead. He wasn't a bad looking guy, so he was used to the admiring looks that the girls gave him sometimes: but then he spotted a girl whose gaze was far from admiring. He had seen that look before and it made him shake his head slightly and sigh. Now there came the dilemma: say something or say nothing; he would rather say nothing and hope that it ended there; but...

1 year ago
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AssParade Kristy Black Kristy Is The Anal Queen

Have you ever been hypnotized by these booties? Because damn, Kristy’s ass has me looking double! Today we have the gorgeous Kristy Black in the studio looking to show off that big bodacious booty she has back there. We knew that it was going to be so hot that we said fuck it, lets get her to show off that bangin’ ass she has, play some tunes and we won’t say a word — and that’s exactly what went down. Kristy showed off her tight body for us until our boy Angelo...

2 years ago
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The Maltapost girl her little Ass

I’m a coffee addict, everybody knows that. What they don’t know is the amount of effort I put in online purchases to try keep my Maltese teeth stain free. Any toothpaste with whitening on it. I don’t really know what the post lady thinks, whenever she delivers her packages which to be honest is quite often but I don’t really care. She’s been on my mind for weeks. Something about their lean hard working no bullshit manor makes me grow in places. The type of bitch who just wants to cum quickly so...

1 year ago
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Private Angel Rivas Enjoys Anal in the Pool

The busty star Angel Rivas has rented a paddleboard to surprise her boyfriend in Private Specials, Hot Babes at the Beach, and just like all days out at the beach here on Private, things will get wet and wild! After a session out on the waves with her man, Alberto Blanco, Angel gets taken home for some more water sport action as she hops into the swimming pool for a gagging blowjob before offering up her ass for a hard outdoor anal pounding that has her moaning with pleasure all the way to a...

3 years ago
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Jorge Chris and me boys next door hot spit roas

Hey guys i know its been a while since i last posted a sex story, its not that I've been bored , i mean NY is never boring , just haven't had time i guess. well i wanted to share this particular story with you guys cause i think it was pretty hot and fun.A few weeks ago i was bored in my apt and horny of course, so i opened this magic hook up app which i think all of us know the name (i don't have to say it since is so obvious) so since i was new in the neighborhood , guys get crazy when new...

2 years ago
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My Japanese Love Part 5

Introduction: Most of this part is nothing but sex. Its another calm before the storm Part 6 is in the works now I slept so peacefully that night. I woke up alone. Amya was already up and making breakfast. I got up and get dressed. Akira was already up and gone. This was good because I had to take a piece of furniture over to a client at 9. I really didn’t want to go over smelling of sex, that and if Akira is anything like Amya I’m not going to have any energy at all. Amya had just finished...

2 years ago
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DONNALearning something new

It would have been a good three weeks, since the insurance man had been round to our house. I still hadn’t managed to fathom out how to play with myself and have a really good time, as I said before, when I’m coming the feeling is so good I stop using my fingers.Thursday night and I was in on my own, mum was out with her male friend, 8:20pm and there was a knock on the door, as I opened it I was greeted by Jack, he and mum had been friends for 20 years and I’d grown up with Jack being at our...

1 year ago
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CuckoldSessions Joseline Kelly 12242017

Poor Joseline Kelly. She doesn’t know what’s worse: having to take a self-defense class to ward off the sexual predators at her work place…or her wimpy husband, who can’t do the job for her. So there she is, Joseline, on a Saturday afternoon, in a boxing club, learning how to fight the good fight if need be. The first thing she noticed was her instructor, an incredibly masculine, well-built black Bull. Joseline’s pussy began to tingle when they first met, and now...

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The Calendar

It came into being at the same time as humanity. God thought that the best way to go about his plan for humanity would be to create a magical Calendar to help him plan, create, edit and keep track of the holidays and events that he created. Then, after remembering his omnipotence, he chucked it down from the heavenly realm to earth and promptly forgot about it. This Calendar that has taken many forms through the ages, and passed through many hands. Though through all that time it's power has...

Mind Control
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A very big family secret

Let me start by giving some family background. I have a mother and father and one sister, Virginia, who is almost f******n years older than I am. When I was three, going on four years old, my sister ran off with her high school boy friend to get married. Over the next 20 years I saw her from time to time at family holidays and of course funerals. Her and her husband let the family know that they had two daughters over those 20 years.I’m now in my twenty’s and this happened just last...

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The Punishment Of Hermione Granger Chapter 2

It occurs to her in the early hours of the morning when she can’t sleep that she could go to Dumbledore and tell him what happened. There’s no way he’d allow such a thing to happen in the school, certainly, but Hermione fears what would happen to her if she spoke of what Umbridge made her do. Not only would she probably have to be removed from the school for her own protection—with the Minister placing Professor Umbridge in the school, they wouldn’t be able to force Umbridge out—but that would...

3 years ago
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Other Things To Do During A Team Trip

I looked up from where I sat and met Ishika’s eyes. We both smiled and nodded. I picked up my bag and moved towards the resort’s guestrooms. Ishika did the same while tapping on her phone. I soon got an SMS with the room number, S8. Ishika and I were . We weren’t married but had found each other to release some of our tensions and frustrations. Nothing we did in the office was known to anyone. We fooled around fairly well too. Sometimes Ishika came over to my desk after her meeting at 7 pm and...

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A Mothers LoveChapter 5

He'd been in town the previous day, waiting to pick Brenda up from the hairdressers, the same hairdressers where mum had gone, they'd actually chatted under the dryers and mum had told her about her lover and how she was going to surprise him. She told Brenda about an abusive husband, a bully who was responsible for her fading bruises, she said how her lover's boss had given them a job, more than a job, a beginning, a new start and how excited she was about the future! Brenda was a smart...

2 years ago
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Horny Uncle

Kristin tossed and turned restlessly. She was never going to get to sleep. Maybe a glass of warm milk would help, she thought. Mind made up, Kristin climbed out of bed and headed for the kitchen. As she passed the door to her mother's room, she heard a rhythmic squeaking and a low-pitched moan. Kristin was worried about the moan. Was her mother in pain? She peered through the space left by the slightly ajar door - and was shocked by what she saw. Her mother was on her hands and knees on the...

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