Becky Part 1 Broken Hearts and Broken BonesChapter 11 Troubled Girls
- 3 years ago
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It had been almost two years since Becky got arrested. Apparently Becky had told the truth about her criminal record when we met in karate class, because two days after she broke my ribs in the park, she was in the juvenile offender home in Grant Falls. Courtney was really angry at me for a long time, and she never came to visit me during the three days that I was in the hospital. She went to visit Becky at the Juvenile hall a few times that first month, though. But as winter approached, and we got closer to high school, Courtney calmed down, and she never went back to visit Becky.
Between then and now Courtney and I both graduated PJHS and went on to Franklin High School. She got so wrapped up in getting into a good school that she didn’t time for much else. She even went away to take courses at a college prep school for a semester during sophomore year. While she was gone I hit my growth spurt, and I was lifting more than ever. I was pumping serious iron. FHS was the best football team in the state, and the trainers there made sure I had plenty of steroids, and that I knew how to use them.
Courtney got back from college prep two weeks before Christmas break. She couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw me. She didn’t like how angry the steroids made me, but she loved the extra four inches of height and thirty pounds of muscle I had packed on while she was away. And she had changed, too. Her boobs looked about twice as big as they were before she went away, and her butt looked rounder too. But all she ever wore were baggy jeans and sweatshirts emblazoned with logos of the colleges that she talked with during her prep semester.
That first weekend back, all Courtney wanted to do was watch me work out and rub my muscles. I was aching to sex her up, but she kept telling me to wait until her parents went out of town the next weekend. It was like she was hiding something.
On Saturday, she came over to see me and she was so excited she bounced from foot to foot as we talked. “Greg, guess what?” she asked.
“Becky got out of the girls’ home this week, and we need to go meet her.”
“Becky who?
“Becky Finklestein, Greg. Remember?”
“What!?” I screamed. “No, fuck that! That crazy little bitch got herself into trouble, and I don’t care if she got out or if they keep her locked up for life!”
“Fine,” Courtney said. “I’ll go alone!” and she stormed out of the house as I followed.
“That girl is unstable, she’ll break your heart,” my mom said from the kitchen.
I had know idea how right she was.
I saw Courtney at school on Monday. “How was Becky?” I asked. I didn’t really care, but I had to act like I did.
“She seems okay,” Courtney said. “She has braces now. Her mom is ... weird.”
“Yeah,” I said, remembering Rachel Finklestein’s incredible body and incredible strength.
“And her dad never says anything. Rachel orders him around like a slave. He just sits quietly in a chair in the kitchen until she tells him to do something.”
“Totally whipped,” I said, chuckling.
Courtney and I were walking to homeroom when Clarence cut us off. “Hey Rubber Chicken,” he said. “Guess who’s out of lock-up?
“I heard,” I said.
“Well my little brother told me to tell you that little ninja girl wants to fight you.”
Courtney pulled on my sleeve. “Greg you can’t. She’ll get in trouble again. She’s so smart, and she needs to be in school.”
Clarence was walking away, when he turned around. “I forgot,” he told us, “I’m supposed to tell you that Becky said not to be afraid, because she won’t hurt you like she did last time.”
I could feel my face getting red. Courtney hadn’t told anyone about Becky breaking my ribs, so I had to hold my tongue until Clarence was out of sight. “It was a lucky punch,” I hissed at Courtney. “I ought to go kick her ass just to shut her up.”
From the look on my face, Courtney knew that I was seriously thinking about it. “Greg you can’t,” she pleaded. “You’re so much bigger now, you’re pretty much a grown man, and she looks exactly the same as she used to.”
“That’s too bad I sneered, because she used to look like a Muppet.”
“Greg be nice. She has beautiful features, she just needs to grow into them, that’s all.”
“She needs to grow about two feet taller, too.”
“Greg be nice.”
I didn’t want to be nice to Becky Finklestein, though. I wanted to go meet her somewhere and pound her into the ground.
On Tuesday, Courtney and I were walking to homeroom when we ran into Cameron Heinz and Ben Gruber. “Dude,” Cameron said. “Remember that little Becky girl that beat you at arm-wrestling and ran all over you in football a couple of years ago?”
“She didn’t run all over me, Cam, she was on my team.”
“Whatever. Anyway, she just got out of juvie, and she’s telling all the kids at Polk that she got sent away for kicking your ass. And that she wants to fight you again, but that you’re scared of her.”
I scoffed. “Whatever,” I said.
Courtney looked away. She didn’t like lying.
Ben shrugged. “My sister says she has a police report that has your name on it, and it says she broke your ribs.”
“I told you guys, I got hit by a car,” I said, shoving Ben into the lockers.
Cameron laughed. “Hey Courtney. How did Greg break his ribs in ninth grade?”
There was an awkward pause as Courtney looked at her feet. “It was a lucky punch, I think,” she said.
Cameron and Ben started laughing, and I had to turn away so I didn’t start beating them up right there in the hall. “I can’t believe it,” Ben snorted, “Greg used to get bullied by a grade school girl.”
That night I was so mad that I had to work out twice just to clear my head. I just got out of the shower when my mom told me I had a phone call. “Who is it?” I asked.
“I don’t know honey. It’s a gentleman who says he’s from Notre Dame. It may be a recruiter.”
I was beyond stoked. I ran to the front room to answer the phone. “Hello,” I said.
“Hold on one moment,” said a sheepish male voice.
I could hear the phone changing hands. “Hi Rubber Chicken,” jeered a familiar female voice. “When are you going to come and get your beating?”
“Fuck off!” I yelled.
“Fine,” Becky sighed. “I’ll be in the middle of the soccer field at Fwanklin High tomorrow afternoon. If you don’t show up, I’ll have to get creative.”
I slammed the phone down. “It was a prank call,” I called out.
Becky must have gotten the word out to all the kids at PJHS, because when I got to class on Wednesday, our fight was all anyone could talk about. Courtney watched me like a hawk. “Greg don’t. She’s just a little girl,” she said while we were in the lunch line.
“She needs to keep her mouth shut,” I said. “Maybe I should just go tell her that.”
“No Greg, let me. I’ll go out and talk to her. Besides, we don’t want anything to ruin this weekend...”
Courtney’s parents were going out of town this weekend, and she had the house all to herself. I had been waiting over a week to get her out of those baggy clothes that she had been wearing, and into my bed. In just a few days I was going to be over there making sweet love to her from Friday night to Sunday afternoon. So I let her take over.
The class day flew by. I was waiting on the steps outside of FHS when Courtney came back from her meeting with Becky, crying. She had a black eye. “She slapped me, Greg,” Courtney sobbed, her breath steaming in the winter air. “She said you weren’t man enough to defend yourself, but maybe you were man enough to defend me.”
Becky had finally gone too far, but she was right about one thing. I was going to defend Courtney. As I ran off, Courtney pulled on my arm. “Greg, don’t,” she pleaded.”
“I’m not going to hurt her, I’m just going to scare her,” I snarled. “Scare the hell out of her.”
“It’s not her I’m worried about-”
“I’m not going to get in trouble.”
“It’s not that, Greg...”
I was so mad I nearly snapped at Courtney, “Well what the hell is it then?”
“Greg, she’s really strong.”
“I’m a lot stronger than I used to be,” I boasted. “You’ve seen the weight I put up now.”
Courtney looked away. I kissed her on the cheek and jogged off toward the soccer field. I could see the crowd of kids that had gathered for the fight was starting to disperse, and I could see a tiny little shape in a bright blue track suit right in the middle. I ran toward the soccer field as fast as I could go, a light layer of snow crunching under my feet. Becky looked almost exactly the same as I remembered her. Same frizzy orange pigtails, same glasses, same freckles. She may have gotten an inch taller. The only real change I noticed was that she was starting to develop breasts, which didn’t surprise me, having seen the giant cans her mother carried around. And judging by the way Becky’s track suit fit, she was getting fat. “What the hell, Becky!?” I demanded.
“Nice to see you, too, Gweg,” Becky jeered, and smiled, her braces gleaming in the winter sun. Still having trouble with r’s and l’s, I thought to myself. And now she has braces and she’s getting fat. No wonder she’s being such a bitch. Thinking about what an ugly duckling Becky was made me feel sympathy for her, and made me calm down a bit.
“Courtney’s the only person who ever stood up for you. You know that right?” I asked. “She was your friend.”
“This isn’t about Courtney,” Becky said calmly. “This is about you and me. I’ll hit her whenever I feel like it.”
She popped a pink bubble and smiled.
Now I was mad again. Even angrier than before. “You’re not supposed to chew gum with braces Becky,” I shouted. “And you’re not supposed to hit people that are nice to you. How stupid are you!?”
“I have an IQ of 176, Rubber Chicken. And in case you forgot, I do whatever I want.”
“Shut up Becky!” I yelled. It wasn’t a great comeback, but I was too mad to think straight. I was fifteen yards away from the person that I hated most in the world, and it was going to take all my self control to keep from pounding her into a bloody pulp.
Courtney had caught up to me by now. “Greg don’t,” she said.
“Go stand over there by Cameron,” I told Courtney, pointing to where the guys standing.
“I’m sorry Courtney,” Becky said apologetically. “It was the only thing I could think of to get Rubber Chicken to stop hiding fwom me.”
“I’m not hiding from you, Becky,” I said. “I’m over twice your size. I’ve been pumping serious iron. See?” I tore my coat and my flannel off, and flexed my biceps for the crowd. There was some hooting, and few girls whistled. I could see Courtney smiling lustily. “I can’t fight you or I’ll hurt you and get in trouble.”
Becky laughed, but not in that little giggling way she normally did. This time is was a nasty cackle like a cartoon witch. “I’ve been pumping sewious iron, too,” she said. And with that she unzipped and removed her tracksuit, so that she was wearing nothing but white sneakers, a white cutoff tank top and white soccer shorts. “See?” she crowed.
I could hear gasps of disbelief from all around as Becky’s track suit fell to the ground.
Becky Finklestein had muscles. Real muscles. Big muscles. Huge muscles.
My heart sank and I felt a cold feeling in the pit of my stomach. The ten year old girl staring up at me from fifteen feet away was the most muscular human being I had ever seen in my life. Her soccer shorts and tank top were stretched so tight by her rippling bulk that they may as well have been spandex. I could see every enormous, striated sinew in her body as they bulged in perfect definition in the afternoon sun. She looked bigger than most of the Mr. Olympia contestants that I saw in my weightlifting magazines. She looked impossible. “Oh my God,” Courtney gasped.
I couldn’t sleep on Thursday night. Every time I drifted off into a dream, Becky Finklestein would show up and make it a nightmare. Sometimes she was Wonder Woman, flexing her pecs in that red and gold halter top. Sometimes she was Supergirl, with every impossibly cut muscle visible under her blue tights as bullets bounced off her harmlessly. Once she was the Hulk, but with orange freckles instead of green skin. And bigger. Her eyes burned with anger as her muscles exploded out of her purple...
It didn’t take long for all the guys to start calling me Rubber Chicken. It didn’t matter that I was the leading us through the state football championships, or that I was dating the hottest girl in school. To the guys, I was Rubber Chicken. One Saturday Courtney came over to watch TV while my parents were away at the lake. We were one of the few families in the neighborhood that had cable, so it was kind of a big deal. Courtney was wearing cutoffs and a Journey tank top with no bra on...
I stayed on the floor of the O’Neals’ front room all Saturday, listening to Courtney moan and scream and cry out with passion. Every so often, Rachel would walk past me to get water for her and Courtney, her incredible body bouncing and swaying hypnotically in the mirror. I would have killed for a better view, but I couldn’t move. Courtney had beaten me so badly that every bone, joint, and muscle of my body was throbbing with pain. Whenever I closed my eyes I could see the lean, angular...
That fall, things were going great at school. I lost my virginity, I was on pace to set the county passing yardage record and if anybody remembered that a third-grade girl got the better of me one day during the summer, they kept it to themselves. Fall was coming to an end, and one Saturday me and some of the guys were going down to a new park that just opened that had a football gridiron painted on the grass. It was pretty boss. We broke into a game of two hand touch, seven of us on each...
I didn’t go to school on Thursday. I wasn’t hurt, but I had never been so humiliated in my life. I had been lifting, trying to up my max. All I wanted in the world was to crush Becky Finklestein. I wanted to crush her for hurting Courtney, for humiliating me, and for making Courtney quake with desire in ways I never could without even touching her. But every time I picked up a weight, I wondered how much more Becky would lift. I was doing curls with 40 pounds. Was she using 60? 80? Every time...
It took me a long time to get to sleep, but it was the best rest that I had gotten in weeks. I awoke to the smell of coffee and went out into the house. Gloria was gone, and the living room and dining room were cleaned up. Courtney was sitting at the kitchen table, still wearing her jeans and sweatshirt, staring out the window into the back yard. “We need to talk,” she said. I about exploded. “What do you mean by that?” I demanded. I needed to get laid, and she wanted to talk. “I mean we...
Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...
~~Start of Part 2~~ I am up at about 0530 as is normal for me now, and I get in the shower and do my essential ‘S’s and go out to the main sitting area and order some breakfast from room service. They leave it by the door as the do not disturb sign is still out, so I go over and get the tray and bring it in and shovel it down in about 2 mins and put the tray over by the door. I go over and wake up Becky gently and say, “bathroom is open, and I am good to go and will be dressed by the time you...
~~Start of Part 5~~Becky looks at me and says, “Ok hon, what are you feeling and what are you thinking?”“He is not bad for an older guy, but I have just not thought about it really since high school…back then we knew if we played with each other at least we could get off…but now…I am just not sure how Sis and Mandy would feel about it…that worries me the most really…”Becky looks at me and says, “Do you remember that evening when Mandy swallowed really hard and asked you if you would mind if she...
~~Start of Part 4~~ Late in the evening after we had finished with dinner, the phone rings again and Becky goes over and gets it. She is gone for a few minutes and then comes back in. She looks at the girls and then at me and says, “Looks like this flu thing is getting pretty bad and the Army is getting worried, they now have a full battalion up on the “Z” they are rotating out, sending in a detail cleaning crew and then bringing up a rear division unit to cover until they get they back to full...
~Continuation of the stepsister series~~~Start of Part 1~~ It was another suck ass day working on the ‘Z’ for us, we were just coming in from a fence line check patrol and are all covered in mud and dirt and generally in a bad mood, except we knew it was almost over. We are getting close to the barracks now and the platoon sergeants tell all the fire team leaders to take their teams and start recovering and cleaning up the weapons. Having just made PFC about a month ago, I was fire team 4’s new...
That afternoon I went out to the lake to inspect the canoes. We didn’t let the kids out on the lake until the third week, when we had them under control, but I wanted to be ready. On the way to the lake I passed the gym, and peaked through the windows. All the girls were packed inside, some of them using free weights, and some of them doing pushups, all under the direction of Becky Finklestein, who strode about the gym in a powder blue shorts and t-shirt that clung to her monstrously muscular...
For just a second, time stood still. The girls were electric with excitement as Becky’s enormous bicep trembled with power, seeming to grow as she stared down at Jake. The boys murmured nervously as Jake’s whole body trembled with fear, seeming to shrink as he stared up at Becky. Then she brought her fist down onto his face, sending a shower of blood and teeth across the ring as a sickening cracking sound filled the air. It was the most violent, one-sided display of power that I had ever...
~~Start of Part 3~~ Becky looks over that the girls and tells them to come over. They get up right next to us as I am still slowly stroking my half hard cock in and out of her and she says, “I would like to try something with all of us together if you two would like to join in?” Mandy and Sis of course are up for it and ask her, “what are you wanting to do?” Becky tells me to pull out of her and then lay on my back on the bed with my butt right up to hers and our legs bent up. I do and then she...
This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
IncestThis introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
IncestMy first order of business was to make sure Henry the chef had everything in order. As I approached the cafeteria, I could hear Henry arguing with someone. I snuck up to the kitchen door and peered inside. Becky Finklestein was dressed in an XXL version of our powder blue sweatsuit, which was a little baggy on her, although her overdeveloped bustline still protruded visibly. She was holding a piece of paper, and her face carried a look of disgust. “Gwoss! No you can’t touch them!” she...
As Becky began unpacking in her room she was greeted by her new roommate. "So you're my new roommate" Scott said greeting Becky with a hand shake. "I'm sorry who are you?" Becky asked. "I'm your new roommate Scott. Now I know what your thinking 'I thought I was going to have a female roommate' but unfortunately things aren't what they seem. This is one of the few co-ed universities where both a guy and a girl are placed in the same room together. Now I know that may not seem like...
Sean ran for the swinging doors that led to safety, but Becky moved with lightning quickness as she cut him off and pushed him to the ground near the quartet of girls. They were still laughing as Sean pulled himself up to his knees. Becky blew a pink bubble and pushed her glasses up as she walked to Sean and put her right hand on his right shoulder while straddling his left leg. “I didn’t say you could get up,” Becky said, as she pushed downward with her right hand while twirling her pigtails...
"Dear Becky I hate to tell you that I can't date you. I'm sorry I couldn't be faithful so you're free to do as you wish. I found someone whose shown me a new definition on the word love. Please enjoy your life - Jason" Scott said reading the letter. "Ouch..." "That ass...We said we'd try and stay faithful" Becky said. "So what the hell am I?" Scott asked. "Look, Right now, I don't know what we are... I just need to be alone" Becky said as she lied down with the sheets over her...
On Wednesday morning I was so tired that I needed three cups of coffee. I let LaToya and Rosita check in all the girls so I could take it easy. Then a sharp knock came at my door. “Come in,” I called. The door opened, and in walked Becky Finklestein. She had her hair up in a ponytail and she was wearing a powder blue camp sweatsuit and carrying a small bottle. “Hi Megan,” she said. My heart stopped as Becky closed the door behind her, and I tried to ignore what I felt in the gym and during...
In the parking lot, LaToya had finally succeeded in rounding up all the boys under twelve years old. But she couldn’t leave the lot, because standing in front of the van, hands on hips was Becky Finklestein. Becky still in her sweatsuit and pigtails, but now her glasses were held together with a wad of tape around the bridge. She couldn’t look nerdier if she tried. “I want ice cweam!” She shouted. LaToya had no patience for bad behavior. Normally this is why I liked her, but now I was...
Becky kicked off her sneakers, ignoring them as they thudded into the wall. She closed the door behind her as she sat down on the edge of the bed, glancing into the full-length mirror. The girl stretched, reaching behind her head to release her long, straight platinum-blonde hair from the bun, letting it cascade down her back and shoulders before lifting her white tank top up over her head and tossing it to the bed. She reached behind her back, releasing the hooks at the back of her bra to...
Doctor Jennifer Li was the doctor for the girls, a beautiful Asian woman in her forties with a slim figure and kind eyes. She smiled as we entered the office. “Is this a new camper?” she asked. “Becky here is quite the weightlifter,” I said. “We’d like to get her a waiver to use the counselor’s gym. Sean and I will both sign off, if you need us to.” Doctor Li puckered. “This is quite irregular,” she said. “I’ll want to perform an examination. And of course she will need a counselor to...
Becky and I exploring together...part 1I met Becky through her dad. He was my immediate supervisor and over the summer I believe that he saw that I had a good work ethic, was respectful to others, and always went the extra mile to make sure our customers were satisfied. I would be willing to bet that he didn't foresee how Becky and I would put those qualities to use. From the moment we met I was enchanted with her beauty. Her golden blonde hair was just past her shoulders in length,she didn't...
I awoke to the sound of a slamming door. Out the window we could see Sean stomping off to the gym. “Wow it actually did take him two hours to do his paperwork,’ I said. “He must be really mad.” “Hey there are lights on in the gym already,” Rosita said. “Who else works out at 8 pm?” “Becky,” I gasped, as I scrambled to put on my shorts and tank top. As Rosita and I approached the gym, we saw Sean bursting through the doors into the counselor’s gym. We hurried inside, and ran through the...
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Becky and John continued to make love multiple times a day as Becky's pregnancy progressed. She was beginning to show and her tits had grown. Of course John loved that. They had experimented with almost everything two people could do and loved it all. Then John came home one day and said he had had an interesting conversation with his best friend, Andrew."Mom, Andrew told me something today that floored me. You won't believe this, but he said that he and his mother have been having...
To the outside world Becky Loudon was a typical middle class mother; divorced with one son and living in a small town in a friendly community. The neighbors were friendly enough and gossiped about each other like people in all neighborhoods. Becky liked the neighborhood, but didn't know many people, which was okay with her. She was pretty much like them with one exception; she had an overwhelming desire to make love to her son.It started two years earlier, after Becky's son John graduated from...
Author’s Note: This is by far my favorite collaborative story (my contributions are in focus largely on Becky - the italic bits). I really loved the way it developed and that it just didn’t end with mutual orgasms or falling asleep. There are days when things work, and there are days when things don't. David knew he'd have to come to terms with this, but the situation since he'd stepped onto the airplane had been positively abysmal. The flight hadn't been delayed, but he had been forced to...
Straight SexChapter 7 - (Last night at the hotel, Becky met Derek at the bar and was really turned on by him. Later in their room, Ben tied Becky to the bed, blindfolded her, and fucked her, making her think it was Derek the whole time. This is Becky and Ben's last night in the hotel.)I had to work the next day. Becky was just going to hang out at the hotel and sleep in, hit the gym, go shopping, stuff like that. I wondered all morning what she was doing, where she was, and WHO she was with? 'What if she...
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(Beckys life is changed forever when she gets snowed in)"Brrrr" said Becky, stepping out of her beat up SUV and walking up the driveway. It was the middle of February, and the snow had just begun to fall. She was dressed in sheepskin boots and gray sweats that had her school logo on the right hip, with a bright green zip-up hoody that was underneather her warm, brown winter coat that had fur on the fringe of the hood. Even though her clothing was for comfort, Becky knew that she still looked...
Becky had been so looking forward to the afternoon which was a granny and granddaughter tea arranged by one of granny Ella's best friends, Janet.Like Susan and Sarah, granny Ella was her step-granny but she always referred to her as her granny Ella.Seventeen-year-old Becky was dressed in a sleeveless red shortie dress and as it was summer she had bare legs. She walked the short distance to her granny's smiling all the way as she had just spanked her mum once again. Her mum had talked back to...
SpankingThings had definitely improved in terms of taking responsibility for themselves since seventeen-year-old Becky had taken charge of thirty-eight-year-old Sarah, thirty-eight-year-old Susan, and sixty-two-year-old Ella. Whilst she referred to them as granny Ella, step-aunt Sarah and mommy Susan, none were true relations but they had come together through separate relationships with her dad before he went away and left her. They had all succumbed to Becky’s discipline for different reasons, but...
SpankingI’m 31 and Becky is 24. She likes to dress very provocatively, rarely wearing a bra, and giving all the men who see her a big thrill. Her breasts are just right, not so big they sag but more than enough to play with. Her braless thick nipples are always saying look at us. She has a slim waist with nice rounded hips, her long sexy legs complete a package that says come fuck me. Becky has always been a ‘hotty’ and as much as I give it to her, she always seems to want more. She...
The second night of my trip to California was equally as nice as the first night! Becky and I spent the day catching up with the past few years we have not seen each other. We talked on the phone, but always kept those calls casual until I was ready and over the loss of Kelly. Becky sat me down and said she wanted me to know something. She said “If you want to invite a bunch of guys over and see me having sex with them, I will. I want to do whatever it takes to make you happy.” I...
Becky heard her step-mum come back in to the house which was good timing as she desperately needed her computer which her mum was picking up from the repair shop. She left her bedroom and went downstairs to see her mum and get her computer. Becky had been back from College for an hour but was still in her school dress which was a green and white short-sleeved gingham dress with a white belt. She was seventeen-years-old and at the sixth form College of girls sixteen and over and so didn't have...
SpankingBecky had had a busy day at school. She had spent the last week taking exams and was pleased with the way the week had gone and was pretty sure she would get good enough grades to get in to the sixth form. The last exam was yesterday and today was netball and she was in the first team. The game went well and they won.This afternoon was supposed to be relaxing. Well not exactly relaxing but as her step-mum was away she was staying with her step-aunt who had got tickets for a music festival....
SpankingI'm 31 and Becky is 24. She likes to dress very provocatively, rarely wearing a bra, and giving all the men who see her a big thrill. Her breasts are just right, not so big they sag but more than enough to play with. Her braless thick nipples are always saying look at us. She has a slim waist with nice rounded hips, her long sexy legs complete a package that says come fuck me.Becky has always been a 'hotty' and as much as I give it to her, she always seems to want more. She especially likes the...
So Becky wrote her side and I told her I would write my side too.I went to California to help my daughter celebrate her birthday. Since Kelly died and I moved to Washington, I would fly her up her on her birthday because it was still so painful for me to be there. To get from the airport to her, I had to pass the very corner that Kelly was killed. I had to work up the nerve when I started to come to that corner, but I did it. As I passed through that intersection, I did look up and tell...
note this story is a standalone not connected to my usual saga. as such it is non canon to those stories. Monday night raw is in full swing as Becky Lynch takes on Charlotte Flair. Becky bounces off the ropes and runs forward as she clotheslines Charlotte flair knocking her to the mat making her huge breasts bounce and jiggle nearly coming out of her low cut top. Charlotte enraged climbs to her feet and prepares to meet Becky as she charges forward again. this time Charlotte is ready and...
Becky had walked the few blocks to the Megan's home after her club meeting at school. She'd made plans to hang out for a while with her friend Megan. She still had on her school uniform, a plaid skirt and white blouse, but in her bag she carried a pair of jeans and T-shirt to change into. When she rang the doorbell Megan's dad answered it, informing her that Megan's had popped out with her mother and that she should be back soon. Becky accepted his invitation to wait rather than walking...
I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
First part: Girl Scout Troop 6969 It was several months after the events related in Girl Scout Troop 6969 and winter break was upon us. Becky had decided to come home rather than go someplace warm like Florida. It was really nice having Becky home as I had been missing the girls. When she walked in, it was like she had never left for college. I took her out to dinner the first night to celebrate. Of course, the next day Maria, Jamie, and Lindsey showed up to see Becky. It was uncomfortable...
### CB-4315 ###Neighborhood Babysitterby Steve GoldenFOREWORDA question often asked by those who deal with psychological problems is: What is normal? The answer to that seemingly simple question will probably never be answered.The people within a particular society usually are well aware of what is considered acceptable behavior from them. And therein lies the problem of the main character of this story.Becky is a woman possessed of deep and abiding passions, passions which control her life...
It was a lovely July afternoon. Barbara had arrived home from work a couple of hours earlier than usual, and was seated at the kitchen table, glancing through a magazine when her eleven-year-old daughter Becky entered the room. The girl was wearing a pair of tiny cut-off shorts, and a skimpy halter top thin enough to clearly outline her nipples. In spite of her best intentions, Barbara felt her pulse suddenly quicken at the sight of her scantily-dressed child. Not so very long ago, she would...
(MF, MM, BI, MMF, 1st-gay-expr)Hello, my name is Jason, and I'm gay. This story is essentially about a gay experience I had, or more accurately a Bi-sexual experience that I had a couple of years back. I thought it was unusual enough to share, so here it is... It all started when I met Becky Anderson. She was a real hotty! She had a body that a guy might dream about while masturbating, you know the type; big innocent eyes in an exceedingly pretty face and a body that would be at home naked on...
"Kevin!" she barked at me, her voice concerned. "Wake up!" "Huh?" I started, reluctantly opening my eyes. I was drenched in sweat, particularly on my chest, where Becky's warm body had been lying. My hair was matted to my face and my balls ached dully. I didn't know how long I'd been asleep, but it had been a while. I was no longer stoned. My mind was slightly groggy from sleep and the aftermath of marijuana intoxication, but when I'd drifted off after Becky had sucked me to my...
it was a bright hot sunny afternoon when becky got home from the gym feeling all hot and horny more than usual it was perhaps because of looking at the toned men and the heat and her imagination running dangerously wild in her mind. All that was certain in her mind right now was that she needed to cum! She burst through her front door and ran upstairs to her room not bothering to shut it behind her and began to strip off like there was no tomorrow. She was hot her pussy was wet aching to be...
Becky White a 42yrs. mother of two one boy Hank 21 married and living in a small town about 34 miles away from home. Then Kara she is 19 tall slim a models body with a great ass and a ton of boy on the trail after her. She still lives at home with Becky and Jim her father a tall well mattered man who runs a office. Becky watches her daughter sometimes and a feeling of want for the attention Kara gets grips her,. Kara on the other hand just acts as if the boys we're around. Like yesterday the...
The following week and every month thereafter the four of them got together and had sex in the same room. However, there was no swapping of partners even though three of the four would have loved it. Vicki did not give any vibes that she might be interested in switching partners. The others knew enough to leave a good thing alone. Over the next several months Vicki and Becky became very close friends again. It was two months later when Vicki announced that she was pregnant. Their shared...
Becky had only wanted to take a quick trip to the grocery store for a few items. She never expected a blast from the past. Five years ago Becky's now ex boyfriend Todd convinced her to have a threesome with his ex girlfriend a stunning brunette named Alicia. Todd and Alicia had split on good terms. Both women had admitted to being bi curious and Todd like any testosterone fueled male wanted to double his pleasure. The encounter was mostly awkward for the two women. . They started doing fake...
Gino's was open for lunch, but I was the early bird. Becky, she's the night owl, with big round eyes and always a half-hour late. A half-hour late for lunch, a half-hour late to the dentist, a half-hour late for church. She scared us when she was late for her period last month, but we sighed and kissed and told ourselves, even so, would it be such a bad thing? Becky and Baby and Me? I kissed her bare belly and pressed my ear against her tummy, listening for what I don't know. Becky...
Kat sees Becky a 34yrs 5'6" about a buck ten nice tits great ass red hair Kat's answer to a deep long dream, in the store. Becky has a short dress open in the back low in the front enought to see lots of tit with a man kinda a wimp buying flim Kat can hear them talking Becky saying come on we will be late and I really don't want to hear your mom bitch! Kat being Kat walks up behind Becky while they are in line and indrictly runs her hand over Becky's ass OH MY GOD I'M SO SORRY Becky looks at...
Becky stood naked before the full length mirror studying herself. As she looked into her eyes, a smile crossed her face. Her light colored hair, streaked from a summer of fun, flowed around her oval face, squared at the bottom by her broad jaw, accentuated her smile. "Nice hair," she thought to herself. Not quite blond in the summer and fading to auburn in the winter, it told everyone, she was not a "Typical Dumb Blond." She had sort of the best of all worlds. The eyes that were looking...
BECKY’S NEW GIRLFRIENDIt’s been a long time. New story.My wife Becky and I have been busy with life in general. We’ve moved to a new city. It’s in a new neighbor hood with a lot of younger people in it. This neighbor hood has a community pool in it and Becky love to go there in the afternoons when I’m at work. She has met some the neighbors. Most of them are the wife’s or girl friends of the people who live there. One day she met on of the neighbors that a very nice looking black woman....
Bobby had dropped off the CD he'd done up for her, along with two additional copies. She had chased him away however, though he'd been hoping for more. She wanted to be alone when she looked at the photos they'd taken, and map out her strategy as she did. Becky spent most of the night thinking about what she was going to do and say. It was complicated, but come morning, even as tired as she was, she was reasonably confident she could pull this off. Her revenge would indeed be sweet against...