Jennifer free porn video

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I have been talking to Jennifer through emails, instant messages, and on the phone for the last several months and it was now time for us to finally meet in person. We had discovered each other in a chat room quite some time ago during a discussion about a woman's natural tendancy to be submissive to a man, and somehow we ended up going to a private room to further our own discussion on the subject. She was currently in a marriage with a man that she felt no physical, emotional, or intellectual attraction to, and was really just looking for someone to make an online connection with. She was not looking to actually meet someone, but plans have a way of changing.

Jennifer was the kind of woman that believed that her purpose in life was to please her man, in any way that he required, whenever he required it. The problem in her marriage was that her husband never seemed to know just what it was that he wanted. He tended to just "go with the flow" and this left Jennifer very frustrated. She was not used to or comfortable with having to be the one to make the decisions about what was going to happen in the bedroom, and as a result has been very sexually frustrated for years now. Things were about to change.

I arrived in her hometown and got myself checked into a hotel on the other side of town from where she lived. No need for the possibility of someone seeing her car parked outside of a hotel and word getting back to her husband. I got to my room and put my things away, then sat down on the bed to call her up.

"Hello?", she answered.

"Hello, my sweet little submissive", I replied.

"I was hoping that would be you calling. Are you in town yet?", she asked, expectantly.

"Yes, I am. I just got checked into the room and was calling to tell you the room number and to see how long it will take for you to get here", I said. I was very eager to get my hands on this hot woman and have my wicked way with her.

"I can be there in about 30 minutes. Do you have any instructions for me?" she asked, breathlessly.

"Yes, I do. I want you to arrive here wearing a dress that comes at least to your knees, a pair of white thigh highs, and a pair of high heel pumps. Nothing else. No bra. No panties.", I said.

"Yes, sir. I will do my best to be dressed as you require", she said quickly.

"No. You WILL be dressed as I described. You will not TRY to be dressed as I have directed", I informed her.

"Yes, sir. I will be there as soon as possible. I can't wait!", and then we hung up.

I took a quick shower while I waited for her to arrive, then slipped on a clean pair of bluejeans and a shirt. I left my boxers off and didn't bother with shoes or socks, since those would come off shortly, anyway. As I finished brushing my hair, there was a knock at the door.

When I opened the door, there stood Jennifer and she appeared to be dressed like I told her, so I invited her in. When I got the door closed, I took her in my arms and gave her a nice, deep kiss and my hands quickly lowered the zipper on her dress, causing the dress to fall to the floor around her feet. I stood back to take a good look at her fully exposed body and was very disappointed to see that she was wearing both panties and a bra.

I looked at her with questioning in my eyes and asked why she had disobeyed me.

"I was leaving the house, but my husband objected to me going out in a dress. I had to go back in and change into some pants and a shirt so that I could leave without causing a problem. It took me a while to get out of those in the car so that I could get this dress on. I had hoped that you would understand and not hold this against me", she said as she looked down at the floor.

"You were able to change your clothes in the car, so you should have also just removed the bra and panties while you were at it. There is no excuse for showing up like this other than you already trying to test me. I can see now that you will have to be punished for your transgretions. Remove the bra and panties, then lay yourself across my lap. You require a spanking", I said, then sat down on the bed to wait for her.

She nervously reached behind her back and unclasped her bra, then dropped it to the floor with her dress. She then slid her thumbs into the waistband of her panties and slowly lowered them to the floor, as well. She kept looking down at the floor and shuffled her feet as she hesitantly made her way over to me.

She stopped when she was standing directly in front of me, with her head bowed down and her eyes on the floor, and she spoke with a hesitant, breaking voice.

"I'm really sorry I didn't take them off before I came up here. I knew I should have, but I was too embarrassed to take them off in such a public place. Can you please not spank me? I promise to be better from now on", and she almost looked like she thought this ploy might work.

"Of course you will do better in the future, my sweet little submissive, because you WILL be getting this spanking right now. You will also be subject to getting even more spankings if you do not start doing everything that you are told to, as you are told to do it." With that I reached up, grabbed her around the waist, and layed her face down across my lap.

"Put your hands above your head and count out each swat. If you fail to count any swats, we will start over from the beginning. Do you understand me?" I asked her, forcing a slight menacing tone into my voice.

"Yes, sir. I understand. How many swats are you going to give me?" She asked.

"Twice as many as I was going to give you just a minute ago. You do not ask how many you are going to get. All you need to do is stretch out, accept them, and count them out as I give them to you." I lightly caressed her right ass cheeck with my hand and could feel her trembling. I had no way of knowing if that was fear, apprehension, or even excitement that her trembling signified, but I figured I would find that out soon enough.

SMACK! My hand came down quickly against her bare skin.

"Ouch. One. Thank you, sir" she said.

I caressed her rapidly reddening ass check for a moment longer, then brought my hand down again quickly on her left ass cheeck with a very loud smack.

"Ow! Two. Thank you, sir" she said.

I had not told her to thank me for each swat, but I was enjoying having her do so.

Smack! Smack! Smack!

"OWwwwww!!!Three, four, five. Thank you, sir." She gasped out through apparently clenched teeth.

I spent a few more moments caressing each of her ass cheecks to work some of the sting out of them, and to just get a nice feel of her cute little ass as I prepared to deliver more blows to her reddening ass.

I raised my hand up high and hesitated for several seconds, which stretched out her anticipation of the next swat. I could feel her fidgeting on my lap, so I brought my hand down as hard as I could onto her ass cheek.

"Ouch! Damn, that hurt! Six. Thank you, sir" she gasped, her breathing getting noticeably harder.

I raised my hand up high again, and again just held it there letting her tension build for even longer than the last swat before bringing my hand down just as hard as the last one.


"Unnnggh! S-seven. Th-thank y-you, sir!" she stammered out as her body shuddered and my lap began to feel wet.

"Did you just cum?" I asked her

"Yes, sir, I did. I'm sorry that I came without permission. I just couldn't help myself. Please forgive me?" she asked.

"well, I don't think that spanking you will be much of a deterrent at this point so go ahead and get up off my lap, then kneel down here in front of me", I instructed her.

"Yes, sir" she said, then slid off my lap and knelt on the floor in front of me.

"You kept your bra and panties on intentionally so that I would have to spank you, didn't you?" I asked her, already suspecting the answer.

"Yes, sir, I did. I really wanted you to spank me for a couple of reasons, and couldn't just ask you to do it with no explination. First of all I really like being spanked as part of sexual play, but most importantly I wanted to be sure that you firmly and quickly established dominance over me" she said, with her eyes cast towards the floor.

"Do not try to manipulate me again, little girl, or the punishment will be something that you most definitely will not enjoy." I quickly undid, then dropped my pants, walked up to where Jennifer was kneeling on the floor, lifted her head up, and slid my cock into her mouth.

"You are going to show me just how submissive you are, little girl. I want you to suck my cock as well as you know how, and make me cum as quickly as possible. We have a lot to accomplish today and I want us to get started on it. By the time you leave here this evening, either we will find that we are not very well suited for each other or you will belong to me in all ways." With that I placed my hands on either side of her head and slowly started fucking my cock in and out of her mouth. Once we had a good rhythm establish, I moved my hands and she brought one of her hands up to slide along my shaft as it went in and out of her mouth. She licked and sucked all along the length of my cock, and swirled her tongue around the head on every few strokes. As she sucked on my cock, like a c***d with a lolipop, she started to hum happily which let me know that she was truly enjoying her work.

Her eyes stayed focused on my cock as she swallowed it down on each stroke and much too quickly to suit me, I felt that familiar tingle which let me know that I was not going to be able to hold off for much longer.

"I'm going to cum in just a few more strokes, Jennifer. I want you to hold it in your mouth. Do not swallow it until I tell you to". She moaned to signify that she heard and understand, and I began to erupt into her eager mouth. Spurt after spurt shot into her mouth, and a small trickly began to run down from the corner of her mouth. I withdrew my spent cock from her mouth, and she scooped the escaping semen back up and into her mouth, then closed her mouth to keep it all trapped inside. She sat back on her heels and looked up, inquisitively, into my eyes.

"Just keep that in your mouth until I tell you otherwise", I told her as I reached down to help her stand up. "You are going to lay back on this bed here and I am going to see how good your pussy tastes. You are not to swallow my cum until I tell you to. Do you understand?"

She enthusiastically nodded her head up and down to let me know that she understood and she smiled as broadly as her closed mouth would allow her to.

I pushed her backwards and she fell onto her back on the bed. I quickly grabbed a few of the ties I had stashed before she arrived and tied her hands abover her to the headboard and her feel to the footboard, opening her up wide and preventing her from moving. I then slid a blindfold over her eyes so that she could not see what I was doing.

Her breathing rate increased with her increased nervousness, since tying her up and blindfolding her were not in the original plan, but she did not appear to be too uncomfortable with the new circumstances that she found herself in.

I pulled a flogger out of the drawer and lightly trailed it down her body, lightly grazing her cheek, neck, shoulders, and along the outer swell of her breast before dragging it slowly across her nipple. I extended my reach to include drawing the flogger across her other nipple and started my trail on down her body. I went very slowly dragging the flogger across her stomach and made my way down her left thigh, almost to the knee, then went back up her leg and down the other about as far. I went back up her right leg, then allowed the flogger to slide down over her pussy. I pulled the flogger back and began to lightly flick it against her pussy for several strokes until her hips began to move in relative time to my strokes. When she started to move, I tossed the flogger off to the side and slid my face in close to her pussy, breathing deeply of her scent.

I made a lewd showing of sniffing her deeply, and I could see her skin flushing deeper red with embarrassment or excitement, or maybe a combination of both. I don't know. She was spread out and tied up, and was completely in my power. That was a big turn on for me, and I was almost positive that it was just as a big of a turn on for her.

I lightly and slowly licked her up one side and down the other on the outside of her pussy, giving her just enough contact to know that I was so very close, yet so very far away from where she really wanted me to be, and I kept up the teasing contact for a good many minutes until she was squirming and moaning out her frustration.

When my tongue made contact with her clit, she inhaled so strongly and deeply that I was certain that she was going to choke herself on the mouthful of cum that she was holding, but she didn't. She started breathing faster and faster through her nose, and began to thrash against her restraints in an effort to either get loose or increase the contact of my tongue to her clit. I couldn't tell which. It didn't actually matter, anyway. She was my prisoner and would remain so until I decided to release her.

I kept up my oral assault on her nether region, making sure to cover every inch both inside and out, and her thrashing about only got more and more insistant. I could feel her excitement increasing and knew that it wouldn't be long until she was creaming all over my face, so I stopped completely before she was able to achieve release. She moaned in frustration.

I lifted up and removed her blindfold to see that her eyes had changed to those of a woman half-crazed by lust.

"Open your mouth. I want to see if you followed my directions", I said.

She opened her mouth and I could still see that the majority of my cum was still sitting there on her tongue. I was impressed! I thought for sure that she would have swallowed it in order to make breathing easier, but she surprised me!

"Go ahead and swallow it, baby", I finally told her. She gulped several times, then breathed in and out heavily for a couple of minutes.

"That was hot. Thank you. I needed something like that. I needed someone like you! Can we do more today", she asked.

"Yes, baby. We have only just gotten started today. There is still SO much more left for us to get to before we are done for the day", I said, as I moved to replace her blindfold.

With her blindfold now back in place, Jennifer was once again completely under my control. It was time to move forward with my plans for today. I reached back and untied the restraints that were holding her legs to the footboard, then bent her legs up over her head and re-tied the restraints to the headboard. This caused Jennifer to be completely imobilized and left her body quite literally wide open to me.

I let her lay there, tied up, completely restrained, unable to see anything at all, and let her excitement over the unknown build itself back up.

When I could tell that she was finally getting imatient for SOME kind of contact, I lowered my face nearly to her crotch and once again breathed deeply of her scent so that she could hear that I was obviously inspecting her very closely.

Her breathing increased, her neck and chest began to flush red, and it was very easy to tell that she felt very exposed, vulnerable, and embarrassed. Exactly like I wanted her to feel at this point.

I ever-so-lightly and ever-so-slowly began to run my tongue from just below her pussy, through her deep and wet furrow, and up and over her clit. Apparently she did not require much stimulation at this point.

"AAIIIEEEEAAAHHH!", she screamed as she squirted her ejaculate all over my face and into my mouth, completely drenching the bed below her waist.

"What did you just do to me? I have never felt anything like that before! Can you do it again?", she said between gasps for breath.

"You just squirted, my pet. You were wound up very tight, but not allowed to release before just now. I am sure that this is just the beginning of your being able to do so, especially since you can only cum when I allow you to", I told her.

She shuddered slightly, and this time I could tell that it was from excitement.

Since she came a considerable amount sooner than I had planned on, I decided to just let her have some fun for now. I reached down, slipped 2 fingers from each hand inside of her, and opened her up nice and wide so I could see deep inside of her. Her cervix was winking at me, so I knew that she was even more turned on than I had previously suspected. I am not cruel, so I slid my fingers out of her enough that she was no longer opened up quite so widely but still open enough that I had clear and easy access to her clit.

I lowered my head and sucked her clit into my mouth, catching it lightly between my teeth and gently nibbling on it.

"Uuunnngh!", she cried as her body involuntarily spasmed with her unexpected small climax.

"You are very responsive to my attentions, baby, and in such a short period of time. I think that things are going to work out quite well for us", I told her, once her body appeared to have calmed back down.

I put my face back in to her pussy and for the next 30 minutes I licked, sucked, nibbled, teased, and probed every little inch of her hot, wet, tight, shaved kitty, bringing her to another several dozen orgasms that left both my face and the bed completely saturated.

"How are you feeling, my pet?" I asked.

"Amazing! Drained! Energized! Empty! Horny! Satisfied! And a million other things all at once! I don't know how to put into words everything that I am feeling right now! Thank you for giving all of this to me", she said in a breathless rush.

"You are very welcome, baby. I told you that I want you as my own, so why WOULDN'T I do all that I could to make you feel as good as possible? I want you to choose to belong to me, my pet", I said.

"Well, you are making it really easy to want to be yours, sir. I have never before felt as wonderful as I have today, and even I realize that we are still, basically, just getting started. THIS is what I have been missing in my life that I so desperately need. I don't want to be missing this any more!", she exclaimed.

"We still have quite a bit more to do today, sweetheart, and we are about to continue", I told her as I reached over to the nightstand.

"I know that you have told me before that you do not have much experience with anal sex and the limited times that you tried it ended up hurting you. I AM going to take your tight little ass today, baby, but not until after I have fucked that beautiful little pussy of yours. What I am going to do now, though, is to begin to get you ready for later. I told you that I want to dominate you, baby, but I have no intentions of hurting you any more than is neccessary. This is all about limiting the pain you may end up feeling later", I told her as I gathered the couple of items that were about to be used.

I slid a finger deep inside of her pussy to coat it with her juices, then slid that finger slowly into her ass.

"This is just my finger, baby. It went into you easily because your pussy has provided more than enough lubricant for now. You are still extremely tight back here and I can tell that you are not quite ready to relax enough for me to take it. That is perfectly fine. I was planning on this and have a way for us to get you to where I need you to be", I whispered to her.

"This is called 'Anal Ease' and is a lubricant specifically designed for anal sex. I know you have used Ambisol for toothaches in the past. This has that same active ingredient in it, but at about 50 times the concentration. The positive side is that this will help numb your ass to the point of allowing you to take my cock inside of it without any real pain. The down side is that it will also numb my cock, which means that you are going to get your ass fucked for a very long time. I am sure that you will end up loving it before we are finished", I explained.

I liberally coated the outside of her tightly clenching asshole with some of the lube, then began to work large amounts of it into her body. After working in the fourth glob of numbing lubricant, I figured that she most likely had enough of it inside of her to do some good, so I picked up the small butt plug that I had gotten specifically for this purpose.

"I am going to stick this small butt plug into you to help keep the lube in place and to help your body better adjust to having something up your ass. Just relax your ass as much as possible so this doesn't hurt you any more than it has to", I said as I slowly inserted the butt plug into her still very tight little ass.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmm! That actually feels pretty good! It doesn't hurt like I had expected it to! I have always been very willing, but at least now I don't feel so afraid of you sliding your cock in there", she said.

"I'm very happy to hear that, baby. Now, just relax. We are going to leave that plug in there for a while to give you plenty of time to get used to it. Now, though, we have other matters to attend to", I told her.

I looked down upon my bound and blindfolded little pet, amazed at just how truly beautiful she looked at that moment with her ankles and wrists each bound to the headboard's posts, opening her body up completely to me. I knew her legs couldn't be feeling very comfortable at this point, but that was part of my plan. Keep her mind occupied with other things, and she won't be worrying about the potential pain that she may feel later when I lay claim to her ass.

I leaned down to give her a kiss right on her clit, causing her to jump at the unexpected contact.

"If that made you jump, baby, then this should make you squeal!", I said as I quickly slid my cock all the way inside of her tight, wet, shaved pussy in one thrust.

"Uuuunnnngggghhhh!", she exclaimed, as I bottomed out inside of her tight little wet pussy.

"You feel wonderful, little girl. I am going to enjoy owning you!", I leered at her. Even though she couldn't see my expression, I am sure that she could hear it in my voice.

Since this was all part of the process of me establishing control over Jennifer, I wasn't going to worry about how good this could make her feel and instead focused on this making ME feel good. I kept repositioning myself to ensure that I was getting as deep as I could on each and every thrust, and plunging into her from as many different angles as I could manage with her very limited mobility.

Even though the reasoning for all of my positional changes was to make me feel as good as possible, it had the added effect of hitting every sensitive spot inside of Jennifer and it felt and sounded like her initial orgasm still hadn't ended yet. I was very glad to have tied her up so securely because I would have been bucked right off of her with the way she was moving and shaking!

The entire time that I was plowing away into my little pet's pussy, she kept up a steady stream of nearly incoherent profanity that let me know that she was truly enjoying my using her body like I was.

All too soon I began to feel that familiar tickle, so I pushed into her as far as I could go, then released the floodgates that were holding my little swimmers back. It felt like I was shooting off inside of her for an hour, it was so intense, but it couldn't have been any more than a minute. My legs felt like jelly when I finally withdrew from her velvet sheath, but the rest of me felt wonderful.

Since we still had more things to cover today, there was no time for resting. I scooted myself up next to her head, turned her face towards me, and slid my cock into her mouth.

"Suck it clean, my pet, and get it back up. You still have one more opening left for me to take today, and I am looking forward to it", I said. When she had been sucking me for a few minutes I realized that there was one thing I had previously forgotten to ask her, so I slowly slid back out of her mouth. Her mouth apparently did not want to let me go, since she kept sucking at the air where my cock had just been.

"I have something to ask you, little girl, that I had forgotten to ask you before. Are you on any birth control?", and I waited for her response.

"No, I'm not, sir. It should be ok, though. I just had my last period, um ... oh, shit! Oh, shit! Oh, shit! Oh, shit!", she exclaimed.

I took her apparent panic to mean that she believed that she may well end up pregnant from today, so I needed to calm her down quickly so that we could continue.

"Shhhhhh! Don't worry, my sweet little pet. Here ... keep sucking on my cock. That should help you calm down some", and I slid back into her mouth. "I don't mind you getting pregnant today, slave, so there is no reason for you to get upset either. You are mine. You belong to me now. I will be making all of your decisions for you from now on, and I have decided that you need to be calm about this", I told her in a very calm and soothing voice.

She visibly appeared to calm down at this and went back to sucking on my cock like she had previously been doing.

"We are going to try to help things along a bit by keeping you in this tied up position to give all of those swimmers the best possible chance to do their work", I told her as I gently caressed the side of her cheek.

For the next 20 minutes she lovingly sucked on my cock as I slowly slid in and out of her mouth. I didn't even come close to shooting off in her mouth this time, but I hadn't planned on doing that, anyway. I just wanted to keep her occupied and make sure that my cock remained rock-hard. What better way to accomplish this than by keeping it in my slave's mouth?

When I felt like this had gone on for long enough, I pulled out of her mouth and backed away from the bed.

"I think it is about time for us to move forward with my plans for you, baby girl", I said as I began to untie her legs from the straps connecting her to the headboard. "Your legs will still not be free for you to move when I get you repositioned, so just relax and I will get you adjusted".

I then folded her left leg so that her heel was right up against her thigh, then I tied her ankle and thigh together. I did the same thing to her right leg. This left her laying there with her legs still spread out wide, though she was able to flex her thighs together a bit to work a little bit of the soreness. Not too much, though, but that was still part of my plan. I didn't want her to get too comfortable in any position that I put her in until I had worked through my immediate plan for the day.

"It is time to turn you over so that I can lay claim to that tight little ass on you, slave. Just lay still until I tell you otherwise", I said as I began to untie the straps holding her wrists to the headboard.

"OK, slave. Roll over onto your stomach", I ordered.

She quickly complied with my order and was laying on her belly with her legs spread out wide to the side.

I took the ties that were still connected to her wrists and tied them back up to the headboard. I got behind her and repositioned her legs so that she was in the classic doggie-style position, and noticed that not a single drop of my cum had ever leaked back out of her now very red and angry looking pussy.

I reached down and slowly removed the butt plug that had been stuffed up inside of her ass for the last couple of hours. It came out with a nice "pop", and her asshole stayed open just a bit.

I lined my cock up with her tight little puckered asshole and swept it across there a few times, eliciting some shivers from my bound captive.

"Are you ready for this, slave?" I asked.

"Yes, sir. Very much so!", she replied.

"Then I want you to ask me to do this to you", I replied.

"Please fuck me in the ass ... Master", she meekly said.

I slowly, but steadily began to push my cock into her still very tight asshole until I was all the way inside of her.

"Ooooohhhhhhhhhhhh!", she moaned, then her body began to shake and shudder as an apparently tremendous orgasm rocked through her body. I don't know if it was the perceived nastiness of the act, itself, or if she was responding to having given me herself. Either way, her ass was squeezing and clutching at my cock, her body was shaking, and she was continually moaning in extasy.

I just knew that I was really going to love this step of the process!

My sweet little slave finally stopped shaking and shuddering after a little while, so I left my cock fully buried in her extremely tight little ass to allow her a little bit more time to get used to having me in there. I wanted her complete submission ... I wanted to fully dominate her ... I did not want to cause her any more discomfort than was necessary.

After a few minutes of just being inside of my new slave's ass, she started to move her hips around as much as her restrained posture would allow her to. This let me know that she was ready to get things started, so I slowly withdrew almost all of the way, then slowly reinserted myself. Over and over I slid in and out of her nearly-virgin asshole. The Anal Ease was doing it's job of reducing her pain and numbing my own sensations, so I knew that this was going to take quite a while to complete. That was not a problem for me as I was really enjoying how tight this opening was on my new slave. In and out I slid, and louder and louder her moaning became.

Jennifer had previously told me that she had very little experience with anal sex and every time she had tried it had hurt her terribly. This time, though, she was moving her hips and moaning a very aroused sound. It did not appear that she experiencing any pain at all, let alone any discomfort. In fact, she seemed to be really enjoying having her ass fucked!

Over the next 45 minutes, my sweet little slave had more than two dozen orgasms! Each one seemed to be even louder and stronger than the previous one! I could tell that this would be an activity that she would no longer dread in the future, and I was hoping that she would soon begin to actually crave this kind of penetration. She was certainly headed in that direction, if her body language was any indication.

45 minutes is not a brief time to be engaged in sexual activity. especially anal activity, but I would have liked to have continued for longer. That was not to be, though. I began to feel that familiar tingle from deep down in my balls and then shot a still fairly large load deep inside of her bowels.

When my own orgasm finally subsided, I slowly withdrew from her clenching asshole, and a small river of my cum ran back out of her rectum, dripping down across her tight little pink pussy and pooling on the bedsheets below.

I sat back and wiped the sweat off of my forehead while watching her still-twitching body coming down from her own high. I had yet another test for my new slave so I got up and wiped the mess off of my cock with a soapy washcloth that I had left sitting with the other items I had been using on her. Of course the washcloth was rather cool by this time, so I had to jerk it a little bit to get some heat back into my cock. Once it was no longer cold, I moved to untie my willing slave.

"I am going to release you from your bonds, my pet, but I am keeping your blindfold on you. I still have one more test of your willingness to serve me, and we will get to that momentarily", I told her as I untied her wrists and legs.

I gave her about 10 minutes to move her limbs around to get the circulation going again and to work out the stiffness from being restrain in such positions for so long, then I got her off the bed and led her to the middle of the room.

"It is time for you to get back on your knees, slave", I said as I helped her to lower herself into a kneeling position.

"Open your mouth", I commanded her.

She seemed slightly reluctant, since I am sure that she realized I was about to stick my cock back in her mouth after it had just been in her ass, but she opened up like a good little girl. She had no idea that I had wiped it off first, and that was my plan.

I slid my cock all the way into her mouth and ordered her to start sucking. She eagerly complied and started sucking my cock as if she had been waiting to do just that.

"That is a very good girl. You have made your Master very happy today, my pet, and have performed all of your required tasks without hesitation or argument. You have proved to me that this is your proper place and that you are quite acceptable to me to keep as a slave. I have a surprise for you now", I said, as I removed her blindfold.

When her eyes had readjusted to light she looked up at me with a big smile on her face, which immediately froze when she saw my other slave, Susan, standing next to me, naked, with a video camera pointed at her face.

"That was HOT, my new sister! It was pretty similar to my own submission, which I have watched nearly a hundred times already, and it always gets me soaking wet! I was a little shocked, too, when I discovered that our Master had videotaped me as he took me, but I was later very glad that he had. I got to see all of those things that he had done to me that I had previously only been able to remember as sensations. You are going to love watching yourself, just as I have!", Susan told her.

Jennifer just knelt there in shock, looking back and forth between the both of us. Her mouth kept opening and closing, but no words or sounds came forth.

Both of my slaves were straight, but each had made references at various times that let me know that they were both bi-curious. Today they were both going to find out for sure about that curiosity.

"Slave Susan, today you are going to get your first taste of another pussy. Take your sister up on the bed, lay her back, and clean her pussy up good with your tongue. Make her cum several times, or suffer the consequences", I ordered.

"Yes, Master", she squealed, then led her new sister to the bed, layed her down, spread her legs, and crawled up between them to get her first taste of a pussy that was not her own.

Jennifer was very eager, yet still inexperienced when it came to other women, so she was very tentatively licking around Sue's thighs and crotch without actually licking her pussy. I could see that Sue was getting frustrated having so much close contact without getting the kind that she was hoping for, even though she was also inexperienced when it came to other women, so I moved up close to where the women were laying on the bed.

"Get your tongue into that pussy, slave. You know what feels good to you. Do that to her, and do it now or you will get no contact with your own cunt for a full month!", I said to Sue.

Sue took a deep breath, then dove into Jennifer's pussy licking her from her taint to her clit in one motion that was entirely too quick. Jennifer moaned in frustration at the brief contact.

"Would you appreciate being licked entirely too quickly like that, slave? Get back in there, slow down, and make sure that she enjoys herself from your attentions. You WILL regret failing to do as you have been instructed", I hissed at Sue.

Sue pushed Jennifer's legs out wide, took another deep breath, then lowered her face to Jennifer's pussy and began to lick again. Sue licked her from taint to clit again and took about five times as long to make the trip. Jennifer came from the contact this time.

"See? That wasn't so difficult, and you can tell just how much more she enjoyed it this time. Now, get back in there and keep licking. Don't stop until I tell you to do so", I told Sue, then returned to my chair to continue watching.

For the next fifteen minutes I watched as Sue licked Jennifer's pussy over and over, and Jennifer seemed to be cumming for pretty much the entire time. Jennifer's legs were continually shaking, sweat was pouring from her face, and she hadn't stopped moaning and screaming at all since she got that first orgasm from her new sister's tongue.

After that fifteen minutes I decided to take pity on Jennifer and give her a little bit of time to calm down and catch her breath. I told Sue to stop licking and come over to kneel on the floor between my legs.

"That was a very poor start, slave, but it looks like you caught on and got properly enthused after a little encouragement. Good girl. You made me proud. Now, though, I want you to start sucking my cock while your sister recovers", I said.

Without another word, Sue took my cock deep into her throat and kept sucking while Jennifer recovered from the first time another woman had licked her pussy. Due to all of the visual stimulation of seeing one woman eating another, and knowing that it was the first such experience for either of these women, I didn't last for nearly as long as I had expected I would in Sue's mouth. After about 10 minutes, I was shooting a rather large load into her mouth.

"Don't swallow it, slave. Keep it in your mouth until I tell you otherwise", I said.

"Mmmhmmmph", Sue replied.

Looking over at the bed, I noticed that Jennifer was moving a bit more and appeared to have sufficiently recovered at this point.

"Sue, go over to Jennifer and share your mouthful with her", I ordered.

Sue made her way back over to the bed, leaned down, and began kissing Jennifer and sharing her mouthful of cum with her. They each took a little bit of my jizz and kept swapping it back and forth in what was quickly becoming a true lover's kiss until plenty of their shared load dribbled out of the corners of their mouths. Of course, they simply had to trade licks to clean up one another's face. Before too long, they both had very clean faces and huge smiles.

"Was that done the way you wanted, Master?", Sue asked.

"That was very nice, my sweet slave girls. Very nice, indeed!", I replied.

Same as Jennifer Videos

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Lesbian school girls part 2

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Shower With A Vampire

Introduction: I was asked yesterday for more vamp fic, so this is one i wrote ages ago I need to get home. Damn, I still dont like being out in the dark even though Im 21. Even though I was told vampires and werewolves are just myths, I still think there are evil things lurking out there. Tonight is even worse, its a full moon, and its giving me goosebumps, I wasnt planning on leaving town this late, but when theres a sale in Ann Summers I cant help it. I get absorbed by all the sex toys. That...

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The Girls Times

Joy loved being the submissive. Her body craved the attention that Sharon and I gave it like it was necessary to survive. It's not like she didn't enjoy our bodies, too, just that she loved being used. We were each sucking, slurping, nibbling, and scraping her cock-like nipples. Cock-like because they grew to over an inch long with a bulbous head if teased properly.In the process of getting them that hard, Joy would have a nearly continuous orgasm that would soak the bed to the mattress. Of...

3 years ago
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Enough Chapter Fifteen

As my eyes opened, I immediately felt a dull throbbing in the back of my head. The light in the room hurt my eyes so I squinted them as much as I could. It took me a few seconds to realize that I was in a hospital room. I slowly moved my head to the right and saw the entry wall was plate glass that looked over the nurse’s station. One young nurse was standing behind the counter with a clip board in her hand. A few seconds later, she looked up and I raised my right hand to acknowledge her. She...

2 years ago
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Sister Teresa

I was to pick her up at half past six. I rang her doorbell at 6:35 PM on a hot and humid July evening. The door of her apartment opened and a man about my age stood at the door. I said, "I'm looking for Tina." "She's inside. I'm just leaving," he said. "Have fun, dude. She's really somethin' amazing." I walked in as he left and saw Tina on her bed dressed in a purple see-through baby doll negligee, no panties, just the flimsy top. I asked, "Tina, do we have a date tonight or did I get it...

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My Husbands Best Friend

So I am tall, long blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes, and a sexy smile. I wear a 36 D bra size, and have a lot of sexual desires. You see my husband (James) doesn't really enjoy sex, he is pretty much a germaphobe. And come on, every girl has those sexual needs. My husband has this amazingly sexy friend (Paul). Man he is a babe. He has perfect dark brown hair, amazing big brown puppy eyes, and he is super buff. A six pack and all. He is strong and fast. But, fir some odd reason, he's not...

Cheating Wifes
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Caring Siblings

Caring SiblingsBy: Londebaaz Chohan This was the second marriage for Clara. She was very young when she married her first husband, Gerald. He was a nice man but it was not to be for long as he got killed in a motorcycle accident only after 2 months of marriage. Clara was deeply depressed after that. For good 2 years she did not date anybody and then being out looking for a man, she got married once again, to a man named Stephen. Steve was again a good man but he was a very greedy person for...

4 years ago
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Are You My Dominatrix

*Before reading this story you should know that is very sexual. I thought I should start up my short series with a big spark. The storyline will broaden within every story though* * I live in a world of only women, and I absolutely love it. Today was judgment day for everyone that turned 18 in the past month. I went to the room and they questioned me to find out if I am submissive or a dominatrix. I have heard stories about this before. If you turn out to be the submissive one, they have you...

2 years ago
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Innocence Lost Ch 05

In Which Innocence is embodied in the value of Twelve, and joined in a fury of pain and pleasure, and in which Chastity pursues love of a woman and Innocence the Love of God. It was in another field, this time within Une’s extensive estates, that Une and Innocence were happily fucking together. Being her own estate, Une naturally chose a comfortable field where the grass was short and green enough for there to be relatively little scratching or discomfort from the ground as the two lovers...

1 year ago
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Power Chapter Thirteen Thanksgiving

Chapter Thirteen:Thanksgiving We had off for Thanksgiving. My mother sent a plane ticket so I flew home for the weekend. Ben was on the same flight with me. I avoided talking with him or even looking at him. Bethany was at the airport to pick us both up. Ben spoke as soon as we were in the car. “Mark and I sucked each other’s dicks. It was a lot of fun.” Bethany looked at me and asked if I was gay. I told her I was not, and I had a steady date, a girl with whom I had sex almost every day. Ben...

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A Study in GraysChapter 5

Fran Childs was indeed in the lounge, giving her son a kiss and hug. Josette looked on until Fran stood and opened her arms to the young girl. Josette looked across to her mother who gave an imperceptible nod, before Josette walked across shyly into the embrace of Stephen's mother. Then all three embraced before returning to seats in the lounge. "How? Why? I didn't expect this." "No, of course not; but I couldn't leave you for ten days after the trauma you faced. As you will see, I...

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Sylvia her grandmother Ruth and KwanYin

⦁ Silkie Greene used to be Sylvia Greenburg. Her name could have been changed because of marriage or divorce , but, she didn't give up that secret right away. She claimed to have changed her name while growing up in the foster care system of the State of Oregon. She didn't even try to sustain this part of her story for very long. She had altered her identity, at least once, and now, she was beginning to peel off the outside skin of herself, and reveal bits of who she really was. She was sitting...

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