Robledo MountainChapter 8 free porn video

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My goal was to reach Santa Fe in fifteen days. Unlike the last time I’d made the trip I stayed on the road pushing hard. I knew the route this time and wasn’t quite so concerned over threats. The first six days I averaged almost thirty miles a day, but the mules were starting to get tired, so I backed off to a steady twenty. This gave me enough time in the mornings to do my Tai Chi as well as the Aikido and Krav Maga katas. Except for the mornings I was in town, and the first six days of this trip, I’d done them religiously. The days I didn’t do them, my body didn’t feel right until late morning or early afternoon.

From my time in the Air Force, I was a big fan of Murphy’s Law and collected the various corollary laws, often sharing them with my friends in the Army. Late in the afternoon of the eighth day, Murphy reared his ugly head.

I was starting up a long hill when rifle fire and yells broke out about seven hundred yards to the east of the road. Turning the wagon, I drove over to the base of hill where I climbed down from the wagon and climbed up to the crest. Looking over the rim I saw a scene straight from a classic Hollywood western. A group of twelve prairie schooner wagons were pulled into a circle near the center of a large, flat, sand and gravel bowl between hills while a group of more than thirty Indians were riding around them yelling and firing rifles, pistols, and arrows. The bowl stretched for over four hundred yards in all directions from the wagons.

My first two thoughts were: this was a terrible place to camp; second was that the Indians had to be mostly young, or they would have waited until morning and attacked the wagon train as it left through the hills.

The range to the closest Indian was at the extreme effective range for my M4, so I went back to the wagon and pulled out the Remington A700 hunting rifle from the wagon, as well as five, ten round magazines.

On the way back up the hill, I realized I’d been cussing under my breath the whole way from the hill to the wagon and back up. I was cussing everyone and everything including the world at large. What was it about me that made me everyone’s defender and protector? I didn’t seem to mind defending and protecting myself or my family, even my extended family, if I had one. But doing it for people I didn’t even know, against people I didn’t know, required me to make a snap judgement using my moral compass to determine who was right and who was wrong. Was my moral compass any better than one of the warriors circling the wagons at the bottom of the hill, who thought he was doing right?

In a burst of sudden clarity, I realized that was the crux of the issue. Whether in 1991 Iraq or 1850 New Mexico Territory, a man had to stand up for what he believed was right, to be his own weathervane and moral compass. In times of lawlessness, you answered to yourself and your beliefs. With a sigh, I realized justifying what I was doing wasn’t going to make it any easier.

Settling in at the rim of the hill I got into a comfortable shooting position. My first task was to find the war chief who should be watching the action from the back of his horse. I finally found him on the far side of the circled wagons with another Indian, on a small knoll partially hidden by a very large boulder about seven hundred yards away. Through the scope, I could see enough of the side of one Indian, to have a good shot. So, aiming for the upper chest just in front of the arm, I steadied myself and fired. The Indian went limp and fell over off the right side of his horse. The other Indian’s horse took a couple of steps forward as he checked on his friend, and I repeated the first shot with him. This one stiffened and sat up straight, before dropping his lance and falling off his horse.

No one had noticed the war chiefs were down yet, so I switched my aim to warriors riding around the wagons. I didn’t want to shoot towards the wagons, so I concentrated on the area east of the wagons straight out from me.

Hitting a moving target is never easy. Hitting a moving target on horseback is even more difficult. I forced myself to be patient, picked a target just as they started around the front of the wagons, tried to time his horse’s stride, and fired before he started around the far end. I missed the first shot but hit the next seven. I was lining up my next shot when one of the warriors finally noticed the war chiefs were down and with a yell started over to the knoll where the chiefs were lying. I took the opportunity for three more quick shots as they rode, strung out, to the knoll.

Once they were all at the knoll they milled around for a few minutes, talking, before they all seemed to agree on a new chief who sent them back out to wagons. When the firing started from the wagons again, I put the new chief in the center of my scope and took an easy shot.

Again, it took them a while to notice the new chief was down, and I killed three more of them circling the wagons before they noticed. This time the milling took longer, and the arguing was louder. Finally, a new chief was elected, and the Indians went back to circling the wagon.

I waited until the firing started again, and again shot the new chief. This time the warriors noticed within seconds. They all rode off past the bodies of the chiefs, and this time just kept going. It was obvious to them that this area was bad medicine. I waited a couple of minutes before standing up and waving at the train to let them know I was friendly.

That was when Murphy asserted himself, and O’Toole added his corollary, just to make it interesting.

As I finished waving and was bringing my arm down to the side, I saw a puff of smoke, and a second later felt my right arm jerk backwards spinning me around. The momentum of the spin took me down off the hill in a rolling tumble. My right arm hurt something fierce and the pain only increased every time it hit the ground as I rolled down the hill. I lay at the bottom of the hill for a few minutes trying to recover my senses. All I could think about was that Murphy’s first rule of combat held true, even in 1850: “friendly fire, isn’t!”

Finally, the pain in my arm got to be too much, so I rolled to my left. Using my left arm as leverage, I stood up looking at my right arm. On the outside of my right arm I found a small tear on the sleeve soaked with blood. I took off my shirt and found a deep gash across the outside of my right upper arm. Stumbling to the wagon I rummaged through the back and found my EMT kit. Sitting down, I poured water and then some alcohol over the wound to try and clean it out and disinfect it. It took me a few minutes to recover from the pain of the alcohol, but eventually I was able to look more closely at the wound. I didn’t see any more sand in or around it, so I spread some antibiotic cream, covered it with a large piece of gauze, and wrapped a bandage around it. The wound was wide enough it couldn’t be stitched closed, and wasn’t deep enough to cause major problems, but man did it hurt! I fully expected it to remain sore and unusable for a few days, eventually leaving a nasty looking scar. I washed a couple of Motrin and penicillin down with water, before putting everything away back in the EMT kit and repacking it in the wagon. I put my bloody shirt back on, and walked up the hill, picking up my hat where I’d dropped it about halfway down the hill. At the rim, I picked up the Remington and carefully looked over the rim of the hill at the wagon train.

A small group of men were having some kind of argument as they walked towards me. They were still three hundred yards away, so I turned back down the hill after scooping up the .308 brass, and my empty magazines. I put the A700 and my M4 under the canvas cover on the wagon bed, pulled out my Indian rifle in its leather sleeve, and retied the covers on the wagon. I started back up the hill trying to hold the Indian rifle cradled in my right arm leaving my left hand free. Just before reaching the top of the hill I yelled out to let them know I was friendly. I peeked over the top of the hill and saw the four men had stopped at the bottom of the hill. They weren’t holding their weapons in a threatening manner and they certainly weren’t pointed in my direction, so I walked over the top of the hill and started down.

As I walked into normal talking range the apparent leader, said, “We were just coming to check on you. We were worried Ezra here had hit you with his shot.”

They looked at the one that must be Ezra. I handed the leader my rifle and walked over to Ezra.

“Well he hit me, alright.” I showed him my right arm. “I’m not happy about it but I must say that was one heck of a shot.”

I reached out with my right hand to shake his hand. When he lifted his hand to shake mine, I cold cocked him with a left to the jaw. Old Ezra must have had a glass jaw because he was out for the count.

Taking my rifle back from the leader, I looked at the three remaining men. “When Ezra wakes up tell him two things for me. First, never shoot at someone unless he’s certain it’s an enemy; and second, tell him that was indeed one hell of a shot. Do you mind telling me what you all are doing out here?”

“Well, Mister, we’re on our way to California, and figured there had to be a shortcut.”

“Hell, there’s lots of shortcuts to California. Every one of them has the bones of pilgrims like you, all who died of thirst, trying to use them. There’s no water between here and the Colorado River. At least not enough water for you and all the animals you have.”

Same as Robledo Mountain
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Weekend Treat

Saturday was kickstarted with a bang when I woke to a text from hubby telling me how he couldn't stop thinking of me modelling the new kinky crotchless body stockings he had bought me as a surprise.  I'd tried them on for him a few nights before, and I think we both knew what the weekend would then have in store - a night of naughty play. The seed was planted with us both and the flirtation continued via text throughout the day.  By the time he was due home from work, I'd pruned to perfection. ...

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3 years ago
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 33 The Steamy Shower

Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

2 years ago
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The Road to ChaosChapter 15

Rota was the same as Guam ... only smaller ... and less traffic ... and fewer people ... maybe Rota wasn’t anything like Guam. Rota wasn’t all that far... 47 nmi (nautical miles) and the wind was in our favor. West Harbor Marine could and would supply us with diesel but ... Kohatsu, the diesel engine and implement supplier, would sell us fuel in refillable seven gallon yellow plastic jerrycans at half the price ... and we could keep the drums. Even better, they delivered ... so. Instead of...

3 years ago
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The Nose Knows

The banshee-like howl from the other room brought me instantly wide awake... again! "Eeeeeiii-YA-A-a-hhhhh! FI-ILL me U-U-up!" Wild grunts and squeals accompanied my confusion as I rolled off the lumpy old couch and scrabbled, half awake in mortified shock, to stuff my few possessions in my bookbag. Still dressed from the night before, I scrunched into my shoes as the gasping and growling escalated, and fled out the front door with a little sob catching in my throat. Tangled hair was...

1 year ago
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Beti chod bap

Hi dosto aapko meri kahani bhai se pelwai pasand aye is ke liye mai aap logo ki khuli bur se sukriya ada karti hu aur asha karti hu ki ki aap logo ko meri ye peskas v pasand ayagi khaskar un ladkiyo ko jo sex ka anand nahi le pa rahi hai. Mujhe kai ladkiyo ke mail mile jisme unho ne likha tha ki wo v sex ka maja lena chahti hai to dosto maine aap me se kaiyo ki jarurat puri karba chuki hu aur job ache hai unki jarurat jald hi puri ki jaigi. Aur ab pes hai meri nai kahani. Ye bat aaj se lagbhug...

1 year ago
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The Alpha Challenges 6

“Now that’s a nice sight to wake up to,” Orion rumbled. Megan slowly opened her eyes. Orion was watching her sleepily, his normally alert features softened by the haze of sleep. He slid his hand up her side, cupped her breast, thumbing her nipple, before cupping her cheek and leaning in to give her a brief peck. “I have mint leaves in the draw,” Megan said sweetly. “For the morning breath?” “Mm-hm.” She felt Elvin snort against her back as his arm snuck around her,...

2 years ago
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Welcome to the Family Part 2

This is the second part of a two-part story. Please read “Welcome To The Family” first. My name’s Lisa. I feel like I’ve learned a lot in my eighteen years, some of it I really learned the hard way. By watching my parents go through a lot of problems and a failed marriage, I learned that having some selfish guy call all the shots was definitely not the way to go. My mom ditched him years ago and it was the best thing she ever did for herself, and for us. One thing my mom taught me: a woman’s...

3 years ago
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Fucking A Real Beauty

Hi, this is IF here! This is my 3rd story, but first in this category. So, hope u enjoy it. Feedbacks regarding my story is always welcome! This story is about my friend & his sexual encounter with his girl. We are a group of 5 friends….who grew up together close & still r the same, unaffected by age. As every group has a flirt, who does well with girls, gives relationship advices to others, our group had him too….I should say, a very good one! Right from our school days, he had a lot of GFs....

2 years ago
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GloryHole Visit for Husband

It was our annual weekend in Vegas. Highly anticipated all year as it was our time to leave who we were at home behind, and be all of the things that we couldn't be at home. At least for a weekend. On this trip, our mission is a nice dinner, a topless show to get things started and then a return visit to a fine establishment that we found last trip but didn't allow time to explore. Our goal is to experience a glory hole where I could anonymously fulfill my craving for my first cocksucking...

1 year ago
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The Stalker

The Stalker    Author’s disclaimer: The characters depicted in this story are all 18 years of age or older. The language used is designed to reflect the state of mind of the central character. The sole and heel of my 4” stiletto courts meet the Underground platform in unison giving of a satisfying click. Steadily I work my way along revelling in the rhythm of my feet on the echoing granite. There is an art to walking properly in heels, not the hip swinging parody of Marilyn Monroe in “Some...

2 years ago
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Lizzie my Lizzie, where have you gone I miss us so, so bad.Lizzies dad left before she was born and all her life she was looking for a father like her friends. When she was old enough to fuck, she fucked any older man who was game. She started wagging school at f******n. She would sneak over the back fence into the cemetery change out of her uniform into civie clothes and meet her friend the grave digger, Charlie.Charlie was in his late thirties, married young separated from his wife &...

2 years ago
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Indira Chitta With Black Cocks

Hi folks, This is dipin lal again ,I hope all u read my previous stories in iss. I didn’t get any responses from you abt my stories, pls make comments after reading stories.As usual I am writing the story about latest encounter of my chitta Indhira. I think everybody knows indhu, any way I will tell about her for new readers. She is a beauty queen in al the matters. i am staying nearby house of my aunts. She have a gorgeous face and luscious body which make any man’s cock hard. She is 36 years...

3 years ago
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Waiting for Sunrise

Hi guys n' girls, girls n' guys, So, yes, a newbie to the scene here. This is my first attempt so please go easy on me. I hope you'll enjoy my contribution. In the future, I may well take requests from site members for future stories, so PLEASE leave comments/feedback via the usual means. Well, hope you enjoy!!! Waiting for Sunrise by Bluedust I rolled over to check my clock again. 1:15Am. I lied on my back for the eighteenth time that night and sighed. It was no good, I...

2 years ago
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Odd Smiles

Oh, the people you meet online! Sounds almost like a book title by that writer, what’s his name…fine, I’ll stay away from sullying a children’s author’s name by linking it to my sexual experiences. I’ll get to the point. Life online is like a box of chocolates, you never know what… Ok, I’ll stay away from paraphrasing movie quotes too. I’ll cut to the chase – I met a woman online, and she wanted me to round out a threesome with her lover. Not her husband, but her lover. Complicated? It’s sort...

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Independence Day Part One

Time was a villain. As unassuming as still water and heavy enough to drown in. A cool breeze stole the searing bite from the bonfire before Daphne, and she wished it could regenerate what had already been burned. Her childhood. Early adulthood. And the end of the only relationship she’d had where someone seemed to care for her. She was going through the motions but she’d never been happy. Hopeful, but not happy. Life was prison. She watched the flames, the party around her long forgotten...

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1 year ago
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The boys from Belteguese mf fantasy

THIS STORY IS INTENDED FOR ADULT READING ONLY I was getting ready to quit for the day when Dan Baldwin phoned and asked me to stop by his office. Dan's the feature editor on the 'Record' and writing feature articles are the kind of job that a cadet reporter loves to get. So, I went to see him. "Hi, Judith. Sit down. Are you still eager find a good story all to yourself?" Dan's a nice old guy, well into his thirties, but I'm sure he moves the chair in his office before I go in there to get the...

2 years ago
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Amys Las Vegas Return

"Nice to see you again Mona," Amy whispered softly. Mona turned in her chair from the video poker machine she was playing and after a moment for recognition replied enticingly, "Welcome back to Las Vegas Amy.""We were wondering if you were busy this evening?" Amy inquired. Mona raised an eyebrow. "And what did you have in mind?" She replied. "I want to watch you fuck my husband really well," Amy answered pointedly. Mona smiled while looking Eric up and down, and said, "The last time we were...

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Aunty ki chudai

Hi friends I am naresh from pune… 26 year old guy with average body.. I am a sex addicted person aur roj raat ko muth marta hu. Mera lund 6 inch ka hai aur I kisko bhi chod chod ke satisfy kar sakta hai… But I like married women most… Unki figure aur adawo ka mein diwana hu… So any married lady want to sex chat or sex contact me I am available for u people 24 by 7. Aur full privacy ke sath.My mail id is so lets start real incident happend with me.. Ye bat do month paile ki hai… Mera job pune...

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