Robledo MountainChapter 4
- 4 years ago
- 24
- 0
I came out of the nightmare and into a tranquil domestic scene. Laura and I were sitting at the dining room table, sharing a pot of coffee, much like we did every morning, over the years when I wasn’t deployed somewhere.
“You’ve been busy, Paul. More importantly, you listened and started tearing down that wall around your heart. You’re not quite there yet but overall I’m very proud of you so far.”
“Thank you, Laura, I think. I don’t understand what you’re saying though. I’ve opened my heart like you wanted and I’ve torn down the wall so I’m not sure what else there is left to do,” I said and took a sip of coffee, content that I’d filled my promise to her at last.
Laura pulled the coffee cup back from her mouth and gave me her patented, ‘don’t be an idiot’ look, I’d seen so often in the past. Usually, it was directed at someone other than me though, so her throwing it my way really hit me hard.
“Paul, I love being with you, even if it’s just like this but sometimes you are the most exasperating man I’ve ever known.”
“What?” I asked in a surprised tone.
“Paul, you made me a promise. Actually, several promises all rolled into a single promise. Just in case you’ve forgotten what promise I’m talking about let me remind you.”
As she quit talking the scene shifted and I was sitting in that all too familiar and despised hospital room. My beautiful Laura, the love of my life, the rock I relied on so much, was lying in the hospital bed. I was sitting next to her holding her shriveled hand as she lay unconscious. I’d been thinking about the last thirty years and everything I’d hidden away from her, about what had happened out in the Iraqi desert. Well, more accurately, I was thinking about what hiding everything away from her had done to our relationship. We were still close, we still loved each other deeply, but I had walled a major part of myself off from her, afraid that I would lose her trust and more importantly her love if she ever found out what I’d done. Of the monster I had been that I knew I was still capable of becoming.
Now, as I faced losing her completely, it all came to the surface. My body heaved as tears welled in my eyes, and I started talking, unable to hold it in any longer. I told her about that week I’d spent in hell, about the monster I’d become, the death I’d dealt to all those in the compound, the shame and disgust I’d felt when it was all over and I was being called a hero. I told her everything. I told her I knew that if she ever found out what I’d done, what I was still capable of doing, she would never look at me the same again, and that added a deeper pain to my already heavy heart. When I was done talking, I buried my face in her bed and sobbed.
Emotionally and physically drained by the long days of watching my wife waste away before my eyes and the confession I’d just made to her unconscious form my tears stopped as I felt her hand on the top on my head. As I raised my head her hand slid to my cheek and our eyes locked.
Laura had somehow changed. There was almost something ethereal about the light from her eyes shining in love and compassion. The same quality was in her voice when she started to talk softly. “Paul, my love. You have been everything I ever hoped to find in a man. I have never doubted your love for a single instant. Just as I never doubted, you should never have doubted, either. I’ve known something was bothering since you came back from that deployment almost thirty years ago. I’ve waited patiently for you to tell me what it was, and you finally have. You finally shed the shell you built up that kept me and everyone else in this world from getting close to you. That is a gift of trust I was beginning to lose hope of ever receiving.”
I could only look at her. First in horror that she had heard everything that I’d said, then in relief that it didn’t matter to her. I didn’t have the words to express myself at that moment, so I simply gave her hand a tender squeeze as she continued.
“Paul, you are first and foremost a protector and a defender. You always have been, and always will be. You always put others above yourself. Me and our kids without question. Your friends certainly. But you protect and defend even those you don’t know. You were put here to make this world a better place, and you did! But every person has a point, beyond which they can’t be pushed. For you, that point was watching JT die, while you were helpless to stop the injustice of it, as he asked you for justice. And justice is exactly what you delivered. Every single man that you killed that day was a member of that unit. A volunteer member. Each and every one of them knew exactly what the sadistic butchers leading them were doing to the prisoners, and yet they were still there. You weren’t judge, jury, and executioner. The action of those men against JT and the other prisoners had already been judged and the sentence was death. Death you provided, true, but it was necessary if you were to live with yourself, and still call yourself a human being.
She seemed to have become filled with new and stronger energy the more she talked. She smiled her beautiful smile, put her thin frail hand on mine, and locked her eyes on mine to make sure I didn’t look away.
“We both know I’m dying, Paul. You will grieve for a time, but you will NOT go back behind that shell, ever again. You will tear down that wall you’ve put up, and never try to hide behind it again. Promise me Paul. Promise me that you will do everything in your power to live in the open again; to trust, to be that young man I fell so hopelessly in love with so many years ago. Promise me to always remember his strength of character, his compassion, his trust, and yes, his love. Promise me that, like the phoenix, you will rise from the fire of war, reborn as a stronger man filled with even more love, compassion, and strength to do the right thing for the right reasons, regardless of what others think. Promise me this, Paul.”
I couldn’t disappoint her again so I gave her my promise knowing even then it was going to be hard to keep, but also knowing that I would try my best to keep it.
The hospital room faded away and I was back in the RV sitting at the table drinking coffee with Laura again.
“That’s the promise I was talking about, Paul. Do you remember it now?” Laura asked.
“I never forgot it, Laura. It has haunted me ever since I made it,” I said dejectedly.
“Then why haven’t you kept it? Why do you fight so hard to keep from fulfilling it?” She asked acerbically.
“Laura, I’ve tried. I think I have finally kept it. I opened my heart, I tore down the walls, I’ve resigned myself to be a protector! What more do you want?” I asked angrily.
Shaking her head sorrowfully, she said, “Paul, you haven’t kept the promise. You’ve come a long way as I said earlier. Yes, you opened your heart to love and compassion again. Yes, you’ve torn down much of the wall you built to keep people away from you. Yes, you are working on not letting being a protector destroy you through self-doubt. You’ve got a little further to go in that regard and you’re making progress with Anna’s help. But Paul, you haven’t done a thing to keep the last part of the promise.”
“I don’t understand Laura. What’s the last part of the promise you keep talking about?”
“To trust again, Paul. You haven’t told Anna and her grandparents the truth.”
I looked at her with horror. “Laura, you can’t be serious! I already plan on telling them much of it, but I can’t tell them everything, especially the part about being from the future. They’ll think I’m insane, mentally unstable, bat shit crazy! I’ll lose them if I tell them everything. Then where will I be?”
“That is a possibility, Paul. A very remote possibility. Love without trust, though, is a losing proposition, Paul. It’s not love at all. It’s not even friendship. At best, it’s nothing more than having a favorite acquaintance. Consider this. Can you go through the rest of your life lying to Anna and the Mendozas? Can you keep the cave, the RV, and your past a secret from them while living day in and day out professing your love to them? The answer to all those questions is ‘no,’ Paul, and you know it. You may not convince them immediately that you aren’t slightly insane but between the RV, the trailer, and what they both contain there is more than enough to prove what you tell them. And you must tell them, Paul. You must tell them when you were born, where you grew up, about your military service, about me, the kids ... all of it, Paul. You must show them you trust them fully. Only then will you have fulfilled your promise to me.”
The more Laura talked the more I saw how right she was. By the time she was done I had resigned myself to telling Anna and the Mendozas everything. I also knew I would have to tell them tonight since they were only going be here overnight. I needed them here to see the cave and what was inside it to prove to them I wasn’t as crazy as I sounded.
I was up at first light, ate another MRE, and was on my way back to the RV shortly after 7AM. Although I was paying attention to possible threats, both animal and human along the way, I was replaying yesterday over and over in my mind. Finally, just before arriving at the little plateau and my RV, I decided that I had more information than my pea brain could handle, and I needed to let my subconscious work on it for a while. For now, I would act as though I was in fact in the Robledo...
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My goal was to reach Santa Fe in fifteen days. Unlike the last time I’d made the trip I stayed on the road pushing hard. I knew the route this time and wasn’t quite so concerned over threats. The first six days I averaged almost thirty miles a day, but the mules were starting to get tired, so I backed off to a steady twenty. This gave me enough time in the mornings to do my Tai Chi as well as the Aikido and Krav Maga katas. Except for the mornings I was in town, and the first six days of this...
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For the next two and half years, I followed a routine of mining gold for two months, three weeks at the cave melting as much gold as I could get done, and one week in Las Cruces getting to know Anna better, a little bit at a time. Then I’d make a trip to Santa Fe to deposit 5000 pounds of gold. After the first trip to and from Santa Fe using the buckboard, I decided to upgrade to a freight wagon. The freight wagon I bought from Mr. Mendoza held all my supplies, and usually all the gold I’d...
I was up early the next morning after a restless night, dreading the conversation Anna wanted to have. Walking into the restaurant I was surprised to get my normal Anna smile, hug, and kiss. Maybe this wasn’t going to be so bad after all. She pointed me back to my usual table and brought over two cups of coffee. Sitting down, she said that breakfast would be out in a few minutes and asked how I’d slept. “Not well. It was a restless sleep that had me tossing and turning all night,” I...
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I woke up, briefly, from time to time, hearing a word or two of conversation, or with sunlight on my face, but all I can clearly remember is wondering who I was, where I was, and what was wrong with me. Waking up was like climbing a long hill. I’d finally climb the hill to being fully awake, only to be so exhausted that I fell asleep again almost immediately after waking up. I lost track of how often it happened, but eventually I woke up with enough energy to stay awake for a few minutes. I...
I stopped at Mrs. Amador’s on the way out of town to pick up some towels and a pair of leather work gloves. I made a mental note to sit down with her when I got back from El Paso, to talk about the expected influx of people and work up a regular supply list. I pulled up to the house in the early afternoon and looked around the plateau. It looked much different than when I’d left. I wasn’t sure what Jorge and Giuseppe had done with tall man, but I really didn’t care. What I did care about...
The five of us arrived at the hotel in El Paso in the early evening of the second day after leaving Las Cruces. The empty wagons allowed us to make good time, which passed even faster for me with Anna riding beside me. Anna and I spent most our time during the ride talking quietly about my plan for the Estancia, such as it was; and our place in the future, if it should play out as I expected. As pleasant as the trip was, we were all tired from two days of jouncing in the wagon seats. With...
At the hotel, we found the buggy still hitched near the stable. We told the stable boy we were taking it back out, climbed in, and rolled out to the street with Mr. Mendoza driving. I knew that what was now called El Paso and El Paso del Norte, had originally been a series of small missions that had grown together, and that our hotel was really in the Anglo area, just north of El Paso, called Franklin. Even with that understanding, it was amazing how spread out El Paso was. We pulled up to a...
Heinrich and his crew were ready and waiting for us when we arrived. I arranged for a part time driver for my wagon during the trip, and less than ten minutes later we were moving down the road. Anna, Hector, and I were leading, for now, followed by the prairie schooners, the Mendozas wagon, and my wagons. Near mid-afternoon, Dream Laura’s voice came from my left in a soft whisper. “Get ready, Paul. There’s trouble ahead.” At the first sound of her voice I whipped my head around, looking...
I’d left the briefing after watching JT die for two reasons. First, if I’d stayed, I would have given away what I knew, just by my body language. The swamp that JT referred to was Basra. We’d been talking shortly after arriving, trying to figure out where ‘Stormin Norman’ Schwarzkopf was going to attack. We had both agreed that it wasn’t Basra no matter what it might look like. JT had stabbed a finger at Basra on the map and said, “So the swamp is out.” And that’s how we referred to it,...
Standing at the opening of the cave, they stared inside in stunned disbelief. I cleared my throat, regaining their attention. “No one else besides you three know about this. I expect it to remain that way. The cave and what’s in it are never discussed outside this room, and then only if the door is closed and barred.” Handing Mr. Mendoza the lantern, I watched from the doorway as they wandered around exploring. All I could see was the soft glow of the light when they were in the smaller cave...
I was up before first light the next morning. I found two of the ladies already up and quietly preparing to make breakfast for the camp. I walked down to the river and soaked my head in the water to wake me up, as well as help tame my hair. When I lifted my head from the river, I found Giuseppe and Hector had joined me. After relieving ourselves we walked back up to the campfire where the ladies handed us each a cup of coffee. We sat drinking our coffee and enjoying the quiet of the...
I finished my breakfast, basking in the glow of my morning Anna smile, hug, and kiss. Just to make my day even better I got another Anna smile when I paid for breakfast. I was on my way to find Mr. Mendoza when I ran into Juan. After exchanging pleasantries, I asked him to send a wagon of lime, all the scaffolding he could spare, and the longest ladders he had out to the Hacienda. He said he could do that but wasn’t sure exactly where the Hacienda was being built. “Juan, if you travel up the...
I was sitting in the restaurant the next morning, finishing up breakfast and thinking about how Anna’s smile seemed to make my day. I’d just taken my last bite when Anna came over with fresh coffee and sat down, giving me another one of my Anna smiles, and asking me what I had planned for the day. Swallowing my last bite and taking a sip of coffee I said, “I was hoping to talk my fiancée into spending the morning riding with me, and perhaps start learning to shoot. Do you think she would...
Six weeks later I was again lying in Mr. Mendoza’s hayloft. Tom’s even breathing and soft snores provided background accompaniment, as I marveled at everything that had happened in such a short time. With the exception of the six days Tom and I spent on a trip to El Paso, and a two-day trip to the Hacienda, the four of us had spent virtually all of our time together. The first morning of our two-week visit at the Hacienda they’d seen me practicing Tai Chi on the plateau in the early dawn....
I showed up in the courtyard the next morning, feeling almost like I was hung over. I hadn’t gotten much sleep, and what little I did get was fitful at best. Anna took one look at me in the light of early dawn, and almost canceled the morning Tai Chi and practice session before we even started. I was finally able to convince her I was okay, and we started our, by now familiar, morning routine. To say that Anna was still concerned would be an understatement. She watched me like a hawk...
Leaving El Paso, we pushed the teams hard and pulled into Mr. Mendoza’s Livery Stable just before dark, two days later. We were dusty, tired, and hungry. Checking the table out back of the stable, we found it empty, so we walked over to the back door and into the family dining room. Seeing us walk in, Anna and Yolanda sprouted huge smiles and had a race to see which one could get to her man faster. I think Anna won but I was too busy getting and giving a hug and kiss to tell for sure! Both...
I found myself sitting next to Anna the next morning, as a string of women came into the family dining room to be interviewed. I didn’t ask many questions, and those that I did ask were to clarify an answer they had given to one of Anna’s questions. We were done with the interviews shortly before noon. Anna disappeared into the kitchen and came back a few minutes later with our lunch and coffee. After a nice lunch and some alone time with Anna for a change, we got down to selecting the...
Tom, Giuseppe and I were relaxing after lunch while we waited for the ladies to arrive. A little after one o’clock, one of the cousins came into the camp telling us that wagons from Las Cruces were on their way. I thanked him, and the three of us went up to the slope, where we used our monoculars to watch the wagons. There were ten heavily laden wagons about a mile away moving slowly up the road. With a groan I said, “My back is already starting to hurt, just thinking about unloading those...
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It's summertime and I am staying in my cottage by the sea together with my two girlfriends, Sarah and Vivienne. We've had dinner, and now we've put on a little clothes to go for a long walk through the dunes along the beach, maybe all the way to the old light house. Home in the cottage we have all been naked, since the weather is really warm enough for that. But in consideration of other people that might also be out for a walk we have put on some light summer clothes. I am walking along...
King Garbin held his arm out straight through the bars, his fist clenched. Then his fingers straightened, and Kinlee’s eyes widened. Dangling from a long, golden chain that glinted in the flickering torchlight, was a delicately formed, intricate key. It swayed, and her wide blue eyes followed the tantalizing movement as her mind calculated all the possibilities. ‘Why?’ she asked breathlessly. ‘I don’t see how you will beget heirs locked in the dungeon.’ ‘Ooohh, you have a one purpose...
Note: This is my first story so it probably won’t be the greatest and I am happy to receive comments or PM about how I can make future stories better, if this story turns out horrid then it might be a while until I decide to try writing another, Thanks! Hi, I am Ryan, I am 16, have dark brown eyes, dirty blonde hair, I’m 5’ 11”, but the best thing about me is my 7 inch dick, I am still a virgin but I didn’t know that it all was about to change. Well, enough about me and on to my step...
Ariana was so glad to finally get some time alone. Enough time to indulge in her self bondage fetish. While this charity tour was her idea and she loved both Rihanna and Nicki. Right not she just wanted to be alone so she could struggle and pretend to try to escape so crazed fan that had tied her up. After making sure everyone had left the near by area by her dressing room. Ariana quickly got out her black leather handbag. This handbag was not one she used in public it was where she kept her...
BDSMCindy sat on the bed, lazily chewing her gum as she waited. She was neither overly excited, nor completely indifferent and reasoned it was a small price to pay to get what she wanted. She would explain the new sneakers and jeans to her parents somehow, but that was still off in the future.There was a chill in the bedroom, and she shuddered slightly as the cool air caressed her bare skin. Her nipples hardened into tiny pale peaks and she thought that he would appreciate that. Cindy ran her...
This is the first time I am writing to Iss. I had read a few stories which really impressed me, and so now I wanted to share my experience with my girl ex-friend. We were in love for 1 year when we enjoyed a lot. Initially we dint take it to making love, but as time went by we went into deep physical relation. At first it started with smooches and massaging which later went into intercourse. I want to share with you the first time we had intercourse. I am a software engineer and had to move...
....for a couple of weeks after Lisa and I first fucked in my SUV the tension between us every day was difficult to handle as we both couldn't keep our hands off each other and we had to be very discrete with our coworkers. One day Lisa said she had a confession and she hoped I wouldn't be upset, she had told June about our night and they talk about it all the time. I asked how she handled hearing and Lisa said she was very into hearing all about it and she didn't want to keep it from me as...
Chapter One - Welcome to Wendy’s WorldFirst I should introduce myself. My name is Wendy. I'm an older woman, maybe I'd rather call myself "experienced." I'm middle aged. For guys, that's the point in their life where they start thinking they've missed out on something and buy a fancy sports car and start chasing younger women. For females, it's more of settled period, where we are doting on our c***dren or grandc***dren. Not this female, I'm chasing younger men.My husband is a hard working,...
“So, Jordan, I gather that you two plan to get hitched as well?” I asked Denise’s girlfriend in front of her, making both of them blush. “Yeah, I believe so. I haven’t ... popped the question yet, but that’s the idea. I just didn’t want to pop it without a rock, you know. And I know too much about conflict diamonds to buy just any rock. It has to be ... cruelty-free. However, if Denise will accept a proposal at another woman’s wedding ... sans diamond,” Jordan gestured toward Denise, who...
Jae woke up at 8, jumped in the shower and quickly threw on a pair of nice jeans and a tank top. She didn't know what type of outfit Chase expected her to wear for whatever work he planned to give her for the day but she figured that this was the best she should do. She didn't look professional but she did look ready to work. She went down into the kitchen and started to make some eggs when there was a knock on the door. "Yea?" Jae asked as she walked to the door. "It's Chase" Chase...