Robledo MountainChapter 9 free porn video

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We’d been sent to Saudi Arabia as part of a special operations unit, formed specifically to find and retrieve downed airmen from all branches of service, and all coalition countries. It was a mix of special operations forces from the Army, Navy and Air Force. The Air Force contingent, except for twelve Combat Controllers and six snipers including JT and me, were all Pararescue, otherwise known in the Air Force as PJs or Rescue Rangers.

Pararescue is a unique group of special operators. When called for, they carry out retrieval of downed airmen, on their own if they have to, and are fully trained special operators. Their heaviest training though, and their reason for existence, is in initial treatment and stabilization of combat trauma. In most third world countries, they would be qualified as doctors, that’s how good their training is. Their problem, like so many other Special Forces units, is that there are never enough of them. With a two-year training program, known informally as Superman School, and an 80 percent attrition rate, the pipeline for new PJs is a trickle at best.

When the air war started in mid-January, we were ready to go. As usual, JT was the designated sniper and I was the spotter on our two-man team, he was consistently a marginally better shooter than I was. We were responsible for providing over watch near the rescue. We were the first in and the last out, usually picked up thirty to sixty minutes after everyone else had left, by a separate chopper. The first week there wasn’t much action. There were aircraft shot down, but there wasn’t a thing we could do, until we knew the vicinity of where the aircrews were.

That first week, JT and I spent most of our days up on the border where the Iraqis were still building berms, digging the large ditches they intended to fill with petroleum and lighting on fire if we attacked, and laying land mines. Our mission was to harass the Iraqis as they went about building their first line of defense, and we did an excellent job.

All Iraqi officers were targets, period. Anyone trying to lay a mine was a target. Well, we weren’t targeting the men laying the mines precisely, they were collateral damage. Our actual target was the mine itself. We were so successful, that an entire half-mile stretch of border berm, ditch, and land mines was never completed. There was a small berm, no ditch, and no land mines. A small victory for the forces of good, but a victory nonetheless as far as JT and I were concerned.

Then things changed.

“Master Sergeant McAllister, reporting as ordered, Sir.” I barked, saluting smartly in the process.

JT and I had just returned from our border harassment assignment and the gate guard told me to report directly to the commander’s office. I gave JT a look, shrugged, and walked off to report. In full combat gear, under arms, I marched smartly into the commander’s office. We don’t normally salute in the field, but this wasn’t out in the open, and in a joint command with an unknown commander I figured better safe than sorry.

Returning the salute, the commander said, “At ease Master Sergeant. I understand you’re a fully qualified weapons smith. Is this true?”

“Yes, Sir.” I responded smiling inwardly at his question. An Air Force weapons smith was a rarity, as the specialty had been phased out by the Air Force less than a year after I completed training, and shortly before the end of the Vietnam War.

“Good! Our order of silencers has been lost. They are sitting somewhere on the mess they call Riyadh Air Base, and no one can tell us when we’re going to get them. We need silencers, by God, and we need them now. Can you make them, and if so, what materials do you need and how long will it take?” he asked in a highly animated voice.

Nodding my head, I said, “Yes, Sir, I can make them.” After a moment’s thought I continued. “The easiest and quickest to make would be the Navy’s ‘hushpuppy’ type. They won’t last for more than a few shots each, but the materials to make them should be readily available at any Air Force base that does more than minor aircraft maintenance. As for how long it will take to make them?” I shrugged. “That will depend on what tools I can get access to.”

“Outstanding, Master Sergeant! Do you think King Khalid Air Base will have what you need?” he asked, and at my nod quickly continued. “Go get cleaned up and report back here. I’ll have a Humvee, orders, and requisitions ready for when you get back. What, specifically will you need, and how long will it take you to get back?”

“Sir, Al’s Garage is much closer than King Khalid, and should have what we need. I’d start there, and then go on to King Khalid if I need to.” At his look of puzzlement, I explained. “Al’s Garage is our nickname for Al Kharj Airfield, near Riyadh.”

He nodded, smiling, and we talked about the materials I needed which was really nothing more than two different sizes of titanium tubes, sheets of latex, thread cutting dies, and tubes of graphite. We spent a few minutes talking about logistics and timing, before finally deciding that five days would be sufficient time if I had to go all the way to King Khalid Air Base down near the border with Yemen.

As I was leaving the office, I told the commander JT and I would be ready to go in thirty minutes.

“Ah, Master Sergeant, it will be just you on this trip,” the commander replied.

I stopped and slowly turned back to the commander with a raised eyebrow.

The commander looked at me and I could tell that I’d raised his ire by my actions. He swallowed down his anger and deigned to reply. After all, pissing off an E7, even one from another branch of service was not a recommended practice.

“Master Sergeant, like many other things, we don’t have enough sniper teams. I’ve got an Army spotter without a sniper right now. The fool sniper broke his leg playing soccer, of all things. I’ll pair up the spotter with your sniper while you’re gone and use them as a reserve. I’m sorry but that’s the way it is,” he explained.

I didn’t like the explanation, and I knew JT would like it even less, but there wasn’t anything we could do about it. I nodded and left.

Just as I expected JT wasn’t any happier than I was with the turn of events. His exact words were, “Do what? To whose dog?” We both bitched and complained about the situation, but in the end, orders were orders. I left him sitting in our tent looking forlorn. That was the last time I saw JT alive in person. The image has haunted me ever since.

I made the 200 plus mile trip to Al Kharj in a few hours, arriving in late evening. I checked into billeting, had dinner, and sacked out on a cot in the transient NCO tent. The next morning, I arrived at Base Supply, found the head shed, and went straight to the top. No, not the commander. That route was political suicide in the world of NCOs. No, I found the Chief Master Sergeant and once I was in his office, with the obligatory cup of coffee, I enlisted him in my mission.

“Chief Hodges, I’m temporarily assigned to a joint outfit with a bunch of Rescue Rangers. Our mission is to retrieve downed aircrew from all services and coalition partners. One particular item we need didn’t make the trip with us, we have no idea when or if they will arrive, and we are in desperate need of them. The commander has asked me to make them, which I can do with the right materials. I’m hoping you have the materials,” I explained and handed him the list.

The Chief’s eyes got big at the amount of titanium tubing and washers I was after. After looking at the complete list he said, “I think we can get you the titanium tubing, washers, and graphite but I’m pretty sure we don’t have the latex or the dies you want, here. What exactly is this piece of equipment you’re going to make?”

“Silencers, Chief. Among many other things, I’m a qualified weapons smith. I can make the silencers we need. They won’t be as good or last as long as the commercially manufactured ones, but they’ll do the job even if it’s only for a few rounds each,” I replied.

With a surprised look on his face the Chief gave a brief nod of understanding and then stared off into space for a few moments in thought before saying, “Now that’s not something I see requests for every day. As a matter of fact, I’ve never seen a requisition for silencer materials. How are you going to get all these machined if you don’t mind me asking?”

I laughed. “That’s the next part of my quest. Once I get all the parts, I’ll go over to one of the maintenance hangars and ask around until I find someone who can do it. If I can’t find anyone with the tools or manpower to do it, I’ll have to do it by hand back at the camp up north. It’ll be a bear as titanium isn’t the easiest thing to cut by hand, especially with the tolerances I need but it can be done.”

As I expected, once the Chief was fully on board with the mission, and mention of the Rescue Rangers virtually assured that, he wasted no time going all in. He promptly picked up the phone, dialed a number, and when it was answered said, “Tom? Mike here, if you have a few minutes how about swinging by my office for a cup of coffee? I have a Sergeant here who needs your expertise.” He listened for a few seconds before saying, “Good, see you in ten.”

Hanging up the phone he looked back over at me and said, “I think we can help you out here, Sarge. Give me a second to check and see what we have in stock, and then we can shoot the breeze for a few minutes until Chief Daniels gets here.”

He walked out of the office returning with a huge binder of ‘fan fold’ computer paper and started looking through it at his desk. Quickly finding what he was looking for he wrote some numbers down on a piece of paper. Looking over at me, he gave me a wink, and picking up the phone, made two calls.

“Joe? This is Mike. Do you have any latex sheets in stock down there? Supply number is 53489327M. Yeah, I’m looking for a full box of three by three sheets. You do? Great. Put one aside for me please. I’m sending Master Sergeant Paul McAllister down to pick them up as soon as he can get there. Thanks, Joe.” The Chief flashed the phone plunger and made his next call.

“Steve? This is Mike. I have a Sergeant here who needs a down and back to King Khalid on a priority run. Do you have space on this afternoon’s flight and the return tomorrow morning? He’ll be bringing back a medium sized package, probably a box,” the Chief said into his phone.

After listening for a moment, he picked up my orders and said, “That’ll be Master Sergeant Paul McAllister. I have his orders here and he’s authorized for travel to King Khalid. Alright, thanks, Steve. I’ll have him there by 1530 today.”

Hanging up the phone, he turned to me. “We have everything you need here except the latex. Chief Maguire at King Khalid has a box waiting for you to pick it up at Supply. Chief Nichols over at Air Trans has you listed on this afternoon’s 1630 flight to King Khalid as a Priority 1A passenger returning tomorrow morning at 1000. We’ll find out how much more Al Kharj can help you when Chief Daniels gets here in a few minutes.” He leaned back in his chair and took a long drink of coffee making a sour face as he forced down the cold mouthful.

He dumped his cold coffee and refilled both our cups before settling in and asking how someone in Security Police came to be working with the PJs. I explained that I was part of a sniper team who also happened to be a weapon smith. We talked about the Security Police career field and all the things they did for a few minutes before another man with an armful of stripes walked into the room asking where his coffee was.

While pouring the newly arrived Chief a cup of coffee Chief Hodges introduced me to Chief Daniels, the senior NCO assigned to the Aircraft Maintenance Squadron. I listened as Chief Hodges briefed Chief Daniels about me and my mission. Chief Daniels listened intently and smiled around his coffee cup when he heard the part about making silencers.

“So, let me get this straight. You are making silencers from scratch for the PJs. You’d prefer to have the machining done here but if you can’t then you’ll do it by hand when you get back to your camp?” He asked.

I nodded. “Yes, Chief, I can do everything by hand but making three hundred of them will take a lot longer than I have, if I can’t get the machining done here.”

Chief Daniels looked at me with a smile. “It just so happens I have an entire hangar full of machine tools and a bunch of hot shot machinists twiddling their thumbs, waiting for something to do. Let’s go over there, you can explain what you need done, and we’ll get started. We should have you all set to go by tomorrow morning,” he said raising up out of the chair.

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There was this factor as a Woman called T-X appear out of the darkness. Then there were soilder appearing on the scene ready to stop Tx terminator as one guy shot a lazer at the tx the lady cyborge flew right back as she's laying on the ground as she started to get up in her skeleton Tx form. Then the skin of her nude body appeared back on her machine form as she ran to the soilder as they shot at her but the shooting had no effect on her as she started to pull a gun from a soilder and killed...

2 years ago
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Visit from SisChapter 11

"E-easy," Roberta moaned into the pillow. "Go easy--ahhh! Yes! Yes! Dammit, yes!" Amy lay on her back beneath her brother's legs, eagerly tonguing the massy weight of his balls. She let her pink, vixenish mouth trill upwards to follow a wonderful vein running over the underside of his thick cock. And Roberta--Roberta was on her knees, but lay with her face and shoulders and beautiful, firm little tits pressed down flat on the mattress and pillow. Her ripe ass was perched high in the...

3 years ago
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Mistress Dyvias Purse of Pennies

Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other 'deviant' sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is highly...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Tiffany Tatum Veronica Leal Or Something More

When Veronica Leal gets caught in bed with Tiffany Tatum by her boyfriend, Raul Costa, the girls are initially contrite. It’s not long before Veronica talks Tiffany into letting Raul join them in their passion, though. When faced with an invitation for a hot threesome, Raul doesn’t hesitate to join on in. Veronica and Tiffany make Raul feel nice and welcome. First up he gets to enjoy his girlfriend’s titties as Tiffany gets used to the idea of adding a man to the mmix. Then...

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The Masked Ball Ch 02

I awake before you and stretch lazily, unwrapping myself from you as my legs are entwined with yours and your arms still envelop me. I rub my eyes and marvel at the beautiful golds, oranges and reds streaming through the window as the sun starts to set. The evening air smells fresh and feels cool as it whispers over our skin, its breath caressing us and causing the faint scent of roses to float up and surround us like an invisible cloak. I turn to look at you sleeping peacefully and I marvel...

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Phoenix Pt 4 Ch 01

~~~~~ 'I am Diana, the mighty huntress,' Beth thought excitedly to herself as she crept through the bushes, careful not to make any sound, carrying her homemade bow in one hand with an arrow notched in it. Her sister, Béla, was a passing traveler, making camp for the night. It was her turn to be stealthily crept up on, murdered and robbed. Béla could feel her sister sneaking up behind her. Béla was pretending to be a normal human, with no special powers to protect her. She felt...

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The Slave Trainers Final Chapter

I grabbed Pam and red, and met Everett in the dungeon as directed, and thus began my instruction in the arts of torture. He told me to “mount" Pam on the St. Andrew’s”, the big X-shaped cross, and as I strapped her to it, I could tell she was getting excited. She was facing out, towards me, and Everett commented that she was a good one for me to practice on, while he was readying red for similar things. Everett began to demonstrate various implements for me, things I’d seen the men use...

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Bobby on a StickChapter 2

A pair of furry dice hang from the rear mirror. Instead of numbers from one to six though, each face sported an extremely detailed depiction of men engaged in activities of a sexual nature, involving sheep nonetheless. Steve was looking at the dices with mystified awe as if he was, for the first time in his life, challenged to believe people could do such things. The truck driver's name was Ivan Kerrilov, and when he spoke he never failed to make me think he had picked up English inside a...

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Child of the Moon

As his mind rose from the sweet numbness of unconciousness he noticed but one thing. Pain, the first thing he felt when he woke up was pain, both physical and emotional. His body felt as if it had been abused as a punching bag, he was sore all over. As his mind cleared he noticed that he could not recall what had happened to him. "Where... where am I?" As the young man carefully opened his icy blue eyes the first thing to greet him was the light of the Gibbous Moon shining on him. Beeing bathed...

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The Maturation Of VinnieChapter 15

On Thursday, I got a call from one of my crew chiefs that all was not well with one of our renovation framing jobs. Apparently, the plans didn't correspond to the actual building. That wasn't uncommon, but what to do about it required either a revision from the owner or some creative thinking on our part. I preferred the latter before suffering the usual delays when we went back to the owner for a decision on a change. I told Dana not to let anyone she didn't know into the apartment and...

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Everything Happens for a Reason

My grandfather used to tell me that everything that happens to you in life, good and bad, happens for a reason. I always thought he was giving me just another one of his maternal lectures that had been passed down by my mother, as she’d told me the same thing for years. I never realized how right they both were until….. Chapter One My name is Tom Mason and I was a pretty normal kid. I grew up on a live-stock ranch, in a household of five consisting of my older brother, my older sister, my...

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Uncle Eds Surprise

It had been seven years since he disappeared. His sister finally had him declared dead so that she could get her hands on his bank accounts. Uncle Ed was a degreed mathematician with an innate sense for electromagnetic theory. For example, he was a contributing author to the theory of the Stellarator, a plasma storage device that mimicked the flows around our sun and while he was on the team, crated a practical fusion-based electrical supply. He held several patents in audio theory and audio...

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Bellas Journey

Bella had quickly realized after her first pregnancy that she was happiest when she was pregnant, and her breasts were full of milk. When her body was in this condition she felt amazing. Not only did she feel incredibly beautiful and sexy, but she also felt extremely sensual as well. Bella simply adored all the wonderful sensations she felt coursing through her body whenever she was seeded with a child deep inside her womb, and her breasts were full and flowing with sweet milk just...

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Impersonating BrianneChapter 3

With a start, Marissa jerked awake. She felt around in the darkness. She was alone in the bed. Blinking back the haze, she looked for the clock. 3:15. The curtains were drawn, but there was a soft light coming from the outer room. She slipped out of the bed and silently peeked around the corner of the door. Alan was sitting at the desk, facing away from her and wearing only a bathrobe. His laptop was open in front of him. He was flipping through pictures on the screen. Marissa could see...

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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 30 Mysteries and Warnings

Elizabeth Burbridge stood in the empty chamber and looked around in puzzlement. She had seen the quartet disappear down the hallway and she had heard a door close. She had waited until she was certain the group was otherwise occupied before sneaking forward to listen. She pressed her ear to the door but heard no sounds. Intent upon catching the king in an embarrassing situation – and completely ignoring the fact that the three women with him might well kill her if she did – Elizabeth had...

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Black Arrow Lord Ch 03

***Teaching the Samurai how to set up their weapons, Valdemar is surprised to meet the leader of one group, though they don’t get along all that well. 0_o ———————— When Valdemar and Kōichi accompanied the daimyo outside a little later, lord Maeda had many questions regarding Valdemar’s bow. He answered truthfully most of the time. When he was asked if bows such as his were what was in common use where the Dane was from, Valdemar found it a little tempting to answer yes. But he didn’t. ‘The...

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First Time

My summer between middle school and freshman year was quite eventful. However, Let me back up to a couple of years before freshman year when I first discovered masturbation. It took me a couple of months of masturbating to actually climax. I accomplished my first orgasm after masturbating for 45 minutes one evening. I was probably so loud everyone in the house knew what I was doing. That was it. I was completely fascinated and addicted to masturbation. Growing up there were woods and fields...

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A Sale of Two Titties

Mariah walked out of the office feeling extremely self-conscious. She'd never once in her life imagined that she'd have to accept public assistance, but circumstances had forced her to do exactly that. After losing her job and having no luck finding another one, her savings had run out, leaving her little choice. Her family was helping, but it was barely enough to pay the rent and utilities, and she couldn't bring herself to ask for more. Thirty-five years old and on welfare - she felt like...

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Pizza is not for dinner

As we are waiting for our pizza to be delivered, you feel a little kinky and runoff to slip into something sexy, as you're getting ready the doorbell rings.I open it up and find see our delivery guy iskind of cute. I get a dirty idea my mind and invite him in, you come around the corner wearing a sexy sheer outfit, leaving very little to the imagination.I notice the guy can't stop staring at you, you look at me and I can tell exactly what's on your mind too.”so you want to hang out for a little...

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There are moments in one’s life when time seems to stand still. The air around you prickles with intensity, electric shocks course through your stock still body and you literally feel your breath catch in your throat, unable to release your pant up emotion. That is exactly what happened to me a few days ago, and I can’t help but continue to dwell on it. Somehow, it may seem absurd, but I have never felt like that before and I’m not sure if I’ll ever get the privilege of experiencing it again. ...

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Orphan MagusChapter 4

Chloe and I made it to the highway before we spotted Ricardo in a black SUV. Between the two of us, my car was completely shielded from damage or from being knocked over directly, but that didn’t stop Ricardo from trying to stop us by using the other cars on the highway. At one point, we got lucky when one of his own spells backfired and he was stuck in a pileup while we drove on. For a moment, I felt relieved. True, others had tried to kill me, but not with Magic. On top of that, I had no...

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My sissy Fantasy pt 003

We come to another set of double doors, though these are glass paned in Victorian iron work painted white, as is the wall which it I set in. But due to the humidity all the glass is misted, including the dome and I can’t see where they lead outside. Jake opens one of the doors and we step into the rain that has subsided only a little to find myself standing in front of a large infinity pool that seems to drop off the rear edge of the building into that amazing view of the valley. Either side of...

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Vengeance 35

When? That was the million dollar question. We’d satisfied the who, that part was easy, I thought as I watched her scribbling down plans. A strand of hair fell from her loose pony tail. Not to be annoyed by trivial things, she tucked it behind her ear and kept writing. The what was equally simple, having bee formally proposed last week. Marriage. After the years of longing, trepidation, growing confidence, and the bold first step that had set us on our path, I couldn’t help but...

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