Robledo MountainChapter 7 free porn video

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As I drove along the Camino Real, I sang “Fever” to the mules. They didn’t seem to mind. Then I opened up my mind to them on the various situations I found myself in. I talked about waking up 160 years in the past as a fifteen-year-old who few people took all that seriously, but with the experience and attitude of a sixty-six-year-old. I talked about my unsuccessful efforts to determine if this was all real or if it was just a psychotic episodic loop I was stuck in. I talked about the strange conversation I’d had with Laura, while I was trying to decide whether or not to stop the Apache from ambushing Mr. Mendoza, and of the promise I’d made to her just before she died. I asked them how I was supposed to live up to that promise. I talked to them about Anna, and the feelings I was developing for her. Feelings that seemed to be at odds with common sense and my devotion to Laura. Feelings for someone I didn’t even really know. They proved to be good listeners, never interrupting me or asking me to clarify anything I said. They just plodded along, shaking their heads in their harnesses from time to time as if to say it was all a mystery to them, too.

I pulled the wagon up near the house, unhitched the mules, and harnessed them up to the buckboard. Taking down the bricks from the cave entrance, I stored them outside of the house for the time being. I loaded the plastic bins and an entrenching tool and set off for the sand pits. After I got back with ten bins full of sand, I hauled ten buckets of water from the stream out to the side of the house, bringing another plastic bin with me. I mixed up three parts of sand, and one of lime, with just enough water to make a slurry. It didn’t feel quite right, so I dumped it in the creek and mixed another batch at three and a half to one. That one was good, so I kept making it that way, one bin at a time. I brought a bin inside the house and started on the ceiling inside.

I thought making adobe bricks was a messy job! Applying stucco, over your head, onto wood boards, made even more of a mess. I was happy to get done with the ceiling just as the sun was setting. I’d have to look at it in full light to be certain, but I was sure I’d missed some spots that would have to be redone. Thankfully, the floor was still dirt at this point, so all the stucco that had splashed and dripped, didn’t really hurt anything.

A hot shower, dinner with one of my rapidly disappearing Diet Cokes, and a DVD were the order of the evening. Tonight’s movie was ‘The Magnificent 7’.

For the next week, I made messy with the stucco finishing off the inside first then it was on to the outside where the process started all over again. Finally, I was done. Now I needed some way to easily remove the first brick at the top to easily get the rest of the bricks down. To solve this problem, I cut a piece of sheet metal into a rectangle just a little smaller than the back of the brick. Then I drilled two holes through the brick and sheet metal. I took a piece of ¼ inch rolled steel and cut two pieces, nine inches long, from it. I used my dies to make threads for about an inch, along one end of both pieces. I used the vice and torch to bend a small hook shape into the ends opposite the threads. Finally, I inserted the threaded end into the stucco side of the block, and completely through the block and sheet metal. Finally, using two nuts I’d dug out of the coffee can I’d used to collect all the stray nuts and bolts I’d come across over the years in my previous life, I screwed it all together. With the bricks back in place, I now had convenient handles to pull the brick out, with as well as a place to set my ‘Indian rifle’ as camouflage.

The next day I moved the stove and all the furniture inside and arranged it as comfortably as I could. I also stuffed the mattress case with straw and added it to the bed along with the sheets and blanket. I put up the pot and pan, the plates, the cups, the silverware, and the lamp. I filled the chest with two sets of city clothes, and the clothes I’d worn to the quinceañera.

It was all neat and orderly. Too neat and orderly. It was obvious the bed had never been slept in, the stove never used, and the lamp never lit. I was going to have to actually live in this house for a time, to give it the ‘used look’ I needed. I also needed a wood pile outside, and food stores inside.

I lit the lamp and let it burn for a few hours. I also swapped the skillet and pot I used on my trips, with the new ones inside the house. I also added the camp coffee pot to the top of the stove. I moved the partially filled sacks of coffee, flour, sugar, and beans as well as the bottles of spices from the plastic bins underneath the trailer and carried them into the house putting them on the shelves. When that was done, I hitched up the mules and took the buckboard out to find downed cottonwood trees for firewood. I ended up with more than I thought I needed but took what I found. Then it was back to the house to unload and take the wagon back down to the canyon. I cut up the tree and limbs into lengths I could use in the stove, stacking it all up against the cliff wall near the house. I took an armful inside, placing it near the stove. I closed the door and dropped the wood bar into its holders to hold the door closed and started a fire in the stove. A quick shower and dinner using a plate, cup, and utensils from the house and I was ready for bed.

I slept fitfully that night. Strange and powerful dreams woke me up twice during the night. The dreams were all of Laura. They started out well enough. I was reliving all the good times we’d had through the years; when all of a sudden, she was standing in front of me giving me a good dressing down as only she could.

“Paul McAllister quit being such a stubborn ass. You promised me on my deathbed you would go back to being the man I fell in love with, and yet here you are, trying your best to ignore not only your promise to me but the promise of a happy future. You are just as attracted to that young lady as you were to me, yet you fight the potential happiness you could have with her to pine away for something that will never be,” she said in a stern and slightly angry voice.

“Damn it, Laura! What do you want me to do? I’ve loved you since the first time we met. You are my soul mate. I can’t just forget you and move on with my life. I don’t think there is any room left in my heart to love someone else,” I replied getting angrier and angrier as I talked.

Laura gave me that look of concerned love I knew so well, and with a soft shake of her head said, “Bullshit, Paul. You’ve had to kill again and you’re rebuilding those walls between you and everyone else you might care for, just like you did when you were in Saudi Arabia. Oh, you did and do love me. Of that there is no question. But you are using your love for me as a convenient excuse, and I won’t stand for it. I won’t allow you to rebuild those walls and I won’t stand by watching you live your life alone wallowing in self-pity. You promised me, Paul, and I will make sure you live up to that promise!”

I reached out to pull her into a hug and tell her she was wrong. In an instant, she was gone, and I was awake. I abruptly sat up, looking around for Laura before realizing that it had all been a dream. Rubbing my hands over my face I replayed the most vivid dream I’d ever had, over and over in my head. I finally decided the dream was just my subconscious trying to work out conflicting emotions I wasn’t even aware I had while I slept. Either that, or it was yet another one of my psychotic episodes increasing the likelihood that I was bat shit crazy.

With a sigh, I laid back down and tried to get back to sleep. I was eventually successful, because I started to dream again. Laura was suddenly back standing in front of me. Her posture and body language immediately told me she was really pissed. Standing completely erect with her shoulders back, head held high, her arms crossed over her chest, and one foot tapping, she glared at me.

“I’m really disappointed in you, Paul,” she said in a soft angry voice. A voice I’d rarely heard directed at me in all the years I knew her. “I’m a part of you. You know that, and yet you try to run away, to ignore me, by waking up. That won’t work, and you know it. I will always be with you. I will always protect and defend you to the best of my ability even if that means protecting and defending you against yourself. I’m not strong enough yet but eventually I’ll be able to do that even when you’re awake so prepare yourself, Paul.”

She glared at me, still tapping her foot, daring me to argue with her. When I didn’t immediately speak up, she continued. “You are not crazy, Paul. This is your life now, and I expect you to live up to the promise you made.”

The last thing I saw was Laura’s bright beautiful smile as the scene began to fade. I started to ask her not to leave. To beg her to stay for just a little longer. The scene faded too rapidly for me to get my words out, yet I heard Laura’s voice as if from a distance.

“Remember your promise, Paul. We will talk again when I’m stronger.”

I woke up again desperately searching for Laura. My mind was still churning from the dream and yet I knew that it was more than a dream. After sitting there for a few minutes, thinking about Laura, I got up. Between the adrenaline the dream had dumped into my body, and my mind continuing to churn away on the promise I had made and so far, I knew I wasn’t going to be able to get back to sleep for a while.

I walked out of the cave through the house and into the quiet of a night softly lit by a quarter moon. The night smells of the desert and the river wafted over me as I walked out into the warm night air away from the cave. Finally, twenty yards from the house, I did my best to center myself and then began the familiar movements of the Krav Maga katas. As usual the exercise forced me to concentrate fully on the moves and helped bring me back down from the emotional high of the dreams.

Hot, sweaty, and finally tired enough to go back to sleep I headed back to the RV stopping in the bathroom to run water over my head, before returning to my bed. I finally fell back asleep while thinking about the promise I’d made to Laura in the hours before she died.

Day break found me on the way back to town to return the wagon and scaffolding; and, more importantly, to get some Anna smiles. That last part was an uncomfortable discovery given the previous night’s dream.

I pulled into Juan’s brickyard shortly after noon. Juan came out as I put on the brake and climbed down. I asked him where he wanted me to put the wagon and horses, but he waved at me, telling me to leave them right where they were. I thanked him for the rental and told him I was off for lunch as I slung my guitar over my back. I untied the horse from the back of the wagon, mounted up, and headed to the restaurant.

I was greeted with my first Anna smile in ten days, as well as a hug and the quip that her Don Quixote was back.

“I had to see my Dulcinea, to fortify myself for further battles against the evils of the world,” I replied.

Taking me over to what had become my table against the wall, she said she’d be back in a moment with coffee and lunch. Lunch turned out to be a hamburger and fries! She set them down in front of me, and told me that they were huge hits, and they often ran out of them. She also said I was expected for dinner tonight. I could live with that. As I was leaving, I asked her to take care of the guitar for me, as I had some errands to run. I would pick it up at dinner.

I left the horse with a stable boy and left to get the errands I needed done, before the end of the day.

My first stop was the woodwright’s shop, to see what he had in the way of flooring and flooring joists. I knew without a doubt that he didn’t have any flooring. Wood was expensive here, and most homes and businesses were still using packed earth floors, so there wasn’t much call for him to have flooring in stock. He did, however, have plenty of long raw cut oak in thicknesses that I could use for floor joists and floorboards. They weren’t a uniform thickness, to be sure; but with some work using my 21st century power tools, I could turn them into flooring easily enough. We worked out the measurements and added in wood dowels in a standard size for pegging the floorboards down, and he figured out a price I could live with. After I paid for the materials, I told him I’d pick it all up in three or four days.

Next, I went to Mrs. Amador. I told her that now that I’d finished building my house, I needed three pails, a water pitcher and basin, and a box for kindling and firewood.

My last stop was the barbershop for a bath, haircut and shave. When I was done and in my new clothes, I went out to find Mr. Mendoza at the table in back of the stables. He asked about the house and I told him I’d finished the stucco work and returned the wagon to Juan. I would ride out tomorrow to pick up my buckboard, and come back into town to pick up the wood for the floor I was going to put in.

He nodded his head, put down what he was working on, and turned to me with a serious expression on his face. “I need to know what your intentions toward Anna are.”

Gulp! When I recovered from the surprise of the question I said, “Well, Sir, I’d intended to talk to you about this a little further down the road, but since you’ve asked, my answer at the moment is: I don’t know. With your and Mrs. Mendoza’s permission, I’d like to spend some time with Anna, talk to her, get to know her. I’m certainly attracted to her, there’s no denying that; but I’m also confused by this situation, and by both your and Mrs. Mendoza’s attitude on whatever it is that is going on with Anna and me.”

He gave me a small frown but then asked what I meant.

“Well, Sir, it’s my understanding that it’s quite usual for a young lady in Anna’s position to be protected and sheltered from suitors, to have her marriage arranged for her by her family. Yet you and Mrs. Mendoza seem to be fine with the idea of me as a suitor. The other thing that has me confused is how everyone in your family, regardless of generation, seems to have read Don Quixote. That isn’t a readily available book out here, in my experience, limited as it might be. Throw those two things in with my not being able to visit town more than a few days at a time, four or five times a year for the next three years or so, and I think you begin to see my confusion. Even if I was head over heels in love with Anna and wanted to marry her today, I’m not in a position to support a wife and family just yet and probably won’t be for quite a while.”

Same as Robledo Mountain
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The Devils Witch

My name is Lily Helm. I’m blond, eighteen, well almost in a couple of days that is and very sexy. I intend becoming a model and maybe an actress, or even a porn star, why not, after all I love sex? I lost my virginity at fourteen although I had my first sexual experience a year earlier but it was with another girl. My cousin. Wow! What an experience that was. It was during school holidays while my brother Jason was away camping with his school. My cousin Rachel was on her own, her mother and...

2 years ago
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Gorgeous MILFs are offered as gangbang trophies on the locker room

“Of course, your wife doesn’t have to participate, Mr. Biddle,” said Geoff Stanley. Geoff was the owner of Stanley Farm Machinery, the small town’s biggest business. He was a forceful and conservative gentleman in his 50’s. His wife, Janis smiled loyally as he continued. “But it would enhance your career and social position in Beaver Hill a great deal. Everyone would be grateful. Everyone who counts, that is.” My own wife, Karina shifted in her seat and...

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Mom Aunt Dick Sucking

"Knock, knock," came my mother's voice. When we turned around towards the doorway both Robert and I were floored."Would you guys like to come down and watch TV with us?" my mom asked. We didn't answer. How could we? Both mom and Barbara were wearing only their pajama tops that barely covered their panties. Why they were half-naked we had no idea. Robert and I couldn't get enough of my mom's, athletic, creamy white thighs and calves, and his mother's long, lean, darker legs, but they were quite...

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Unexpected ConsequencesChapter 11

Lisa, Julie and I got up early so we could stop by Lisa's house. We told the parents that I needed to get to school a little early to talk with my lab partner about a class project. Instead we went to Lisa's house to move the sheets and towels from the washer to the dryer. Then we went on to school arriving slightly early. As usual, I didn't see Lisa or Julie during the day. Even at lunch, freshmen and seniors were on different schedules. Besides our eating lunch together might have raised...

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Cammy Whites snapgasm

Cammy smiled as she saw the poor nerdy-looking male typing away at a computer. She slid out of the air duct and then made it look as if she was walking up to him. Her boots clacking against the tile floor of the building. She even went so far as to put a little extra sway in her hips as she moved towards him. Leonhard heard the clacking, and turned his swivel chair around, petrifying in a moment as he saw an intruder in his room. A sexy, female intruder. Trying to keep calm, he asked, in a...

1 year ago
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Catch 22 WifeChapter 2

Debra was silent for several moments, and I busied myself with finishing the form with the notes I had prepared in the morning. I was glad to find that I had anticipated all of the financial questions, and was able to put values to just about everything, the value of my share of Bill's business being the only question. Debra looked over each form as I completed them and immediately caught my omission. "No value for the part ownership?" "I'm hoping to sell it soon, but no, it's never...

2 years ago
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my night of dog fucking

Introduction: addicted to nasty sex (pt 1) Tom and I have been married for about three years. He is a handsome man about 6 foot tall, and 180lbs. His hair is blond and eyes are blue. For a white man he is hung really well. His cock is thick and 10 inches long. I really love long thick cocks. At this time he was 42 and I was 23 years old. Tom is a mans kind of man. He is a professional hunter, he guides hunts in Missouri and Arkansas. Tom is a very out going person who has many male friends. All...

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Cuckolding Positive For Some Couples

Cuckolding Can Be Positive For Some Couples, Study SaysBy Ian Kerner, CNNActing on adulterous fantasies may strengthen a relationship, as counterintuitive as it may sound.Cuckolding has become fetishized into a powerful sexual fantasy for some.Sometimes just sharing a sexy thought can be arousing enough -- you don't have to follow through...(CNN)In our current political climate, the term "cuck" -- short for "cuckservative" -- has become an insult of the so-called alt-right, aimed at men they...

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Always hard the beginning Chapter 2

Summer of 1953 Discovering His Manhood It was July of 1953, and the two Eddies and Vic had gone to Astoria Pool to go swimming, nothing else. They never even talked about girls, let alone looked at them. They were just three young k**s looking to have fun the only way they knew, and that was swimming at the pool, playing stickball and riding their bikes. Girls, no matter how nice they were, just never fit into their plans. They didn't want them, didn’t need them. At least that's what they...

1 year ago
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Caught Cumming

I remember the first time my dominant wife caught me jacking off. Boy did she punish me. I got home from work early and I was feeling horny so I stuck a video in the VCR. I took off my clothes and got up on the bed. I was stroking my hard cock and playing with my balls. I could tell I was going to cum hard and fast so I stopped and went and got a cock ring. I also got out the wife's biggest dildo and some lube. I put the cock ring on and lubed up my hungry ass rubbing the lube into my hot...

3 years ago
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Wife drinking to much

In my early thirties one of my friends invites me out for a cpl drinks ,my my stayed home with the k**s. I called her around ten and the k**s were asl**p but the more I talked to the more I realized she was d***k. She gets really horny then so I start telling her how I’m going to fuck her and she s moaning in the phone,very hot. I told my friend how d***k she was and he says we should leave now. 45 minutes later we get home , I put the car away and he goes inside. What he told me later was she...

3 years ago
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A Great Start To Summer

Summer has made a triumphant return to New England, and I expect to enjoy it while it lasts, which isn't very long up here. We've had quite a bit of rain over the past week, and temperatures have been, for the most part, seasonable. On the first weekend in June, we had four days of temperatures in the mid nineties, that's where this story takes place.On the Saturday of that hot, four day stretch, Deb and I decided to go to the beach. Normally, on days that hot, we sit by her pool, but it had...

Straight Sex
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Anton Station

Kai, with her long brown, curly hair with help from the breeze, whipped at the back of her neck. Her long eyelashes, whihc almost hid her sky blue eyes, kept the dirt out of her eyes. As the horse reared up in front of her, Kai put her arms up in front of her and softly bowed to the horse. It's quick movements were sharp and Kai didn't knwo if she could break the horse or not. After about a minute, the scared horse started to get down of it's front legs, and bowed back. kai smiled and she...

2 years ago
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Paris Trip Part Three

That afternoon, after a lunch of bread and various salads and cold cuts, we wandered through some of the largest and most exclusive stores Paris had to offer. We had fun trying on dresses and suits and designer wear and pretending to be “it girls” on an outing from Chelsea. I noticed to my delight that Samantha’s eyes were definitely straying to the lingerie counters, she was hesitating slightly in front of shops displaying lingerie in the window and clearly hoping I would again bring up the...

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Nat and the Haemophiliacs

Nat and the Haemophiliacs (c) 2008-2010 by Trismegistus Shandy This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Feel free to repost or mirror it on any noncommercial site or mailing list. You can also create derivative works, including adaptations to other media, or new stories using the same setting, characters and so forth, as long as you mention and point to the original story and release your own adaptations or...

4 years ago
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Fantasy Comes True

It was late one night when my doorbell rang. I opened up to find my best friend Jacob standing on the front step. He looked like hell so I knew something was up. “Hey Dave, sorry I know it’s late, but can I crash here tonight?” he asked. Jacob and I were friends since we were in diapers so of course he knew my place was his place if he ever needed. “Of course dude”, I replied gesturing him inside. “What’s up? Where’s Kathy?” Kathy was Jacob’s wife, a rather sexy blonde with a great...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Hazel Moore 06152021

Mr Real is having a meeting with all of the managers of his strip bars. Hazel is working as a hostess bringing appetizers and drinks to the men. Of course when a hot little white girl enters the room the men are checking her out and soon that old rascal Slim Poke slips his massive hole invader into stir the drink she delivers. What’s a girl to do but start sucking the wet stick clean. Next thing you know she is surrounded in black cock and sucking like a hoover vacuum. One after another...

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The Hawkins Family

First you will need to pick your character: Dale is the father of the family. He is 40 years old and works as a lawyer. His job keeps him away from the house frequently. Dale stands 6'2'' and is in shape from doing lots of cardio but hardly muscular. His hair is dirty blonde and short. Lisa is his wife and mother to the family. She is 38 and a recently retired swimsuit model. She is quickly becoming bored with all the free time she has recently come into. Lisa is 5'9'' with a tight body, long...

2 years ago
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Lost My Virginity To My Virgin Cousin 8211 Part 1

Hi am yoga…this is my 1st story here.about my first sex experience with my cousin mouni. I am from Vellore studying professional course in a reputed college in Chennai. This happened when I was in my college 3rd year. My cousin was 18yrs that time and just finished her school waiting to join college. About her description, she’s short, with nice assets. I dunno her assets as I didn’t have time to check them. This happened suddenly and so quickly that I didn’t expect it. We were good friends...

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A purportedly true story about a man8217s 8220BI8221 lifestyle

I’m a closet bi-sexual. I started masturbating to orgasm and I started to experiment with nudism by stripping nude from the waist down and masturbating in my back yard behind the garage. I found national geographic for pornographic excitement about the same time. The lady who lived next door to us used to sunbathe topless and I’d take peeks through the fence at her, then masturbate. At the age of 18, when we moved to another house and I finally got a private room, I ...

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Uncontrollable Cock 8211 Part 3 Facing My Sister

My sister Priyanka caught me masturbating inside the bathroom with my stepmom’s panty wrapped around my cock. It was an embarrassing moment, and I did not know how to face my sister after that. The next day, I woke up, but I was so scared to face anyone. I was still on my bed and thinking about how to clear things out with my sister. Suddenly, I heard a knock on my door. It was my stepmom. As I opened the door, she gave me a slight smile and walked inside. She was there to give me morning...

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Meet my personal gangbang gang

Meet my personal gangbang gang Thursday afternoon I came back home early from my office. As I turned the last street corner I noticed two pickup trucks setting in my driveway. Both pieces were late model four wheel drives, lifted with expensive wheels and tires. I pulled around parked my car into my side of the garage. I entered home through the garage and I could hear voices coming from the back yard pool area. There next to the shallow end of the pool were three black guys. All of them...

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Hot Wife Makes Good On A Bet

I was fast asleep in bed when my phone vibrated on my bedside table. I thought about ignoring it but noticed in my half sleep that I was the only one in the bed I share with my lovely wife. Leaning to my phone, I saw that my clock was saying 3:05 and that it was the middle of the night. My phone blinked ‘KELLY MESSAGE’ and wondered a: Why my wife would be texting me so late, and b: Where on earth was she at this time of the night. Fumbling the buttons, I opened the message and blinked to...

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This was an incredibly difficult paper to write the research and verification involved came quite close to defeating me several times. Starting a fire is the hardest when you need it the most. These instructions are for times such as that. A calm or gently breezy, dry day makes the job a lot easier! One, it's damned hard to start a fire with wet wood. How can you tell wet from dry firewood? If it feels cool or cold when held against your lips then it's too wet to START a fire with. It...

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Married AffairPart 2

" yes I remember,you stood above me, your cock hard in my mouth, I licked it, sucked on it, you got harder and harder and then asked me "where do you want it babe?" I took you from my mouth, it was hard yet the skin was like wet silk, the knob red and swollen."Over my tits""Oh baby, yes let me cover your tits with my love juice"I pushed my top down, exposing my tits, I released them from my bra, holding each on in my hands, lifting them, finger and thumb pulling on my erect nipples."...

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Blackmail of Saali

My name is Govardhan and I’m a highly sexed man of 40 years, I had a late marriage when I was 34 as I was busy with trying to build my business and make money, I then got married to Neelu who was about 25 years old , I used to fuck her everyday about five to six times. Needless to say within one month of our wedding she became pregnant, after that whenever I tried to fuck her she resisted me, this used to make me every very angry with her, after the birth of my two children even I lost interest...

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One hell of a wake up call

I was warm, content and relaxed. The dream I was having felt heavy and musky like a strong yet sweet perfume, consuming me completely. I felt weightless, floating softly in this cosy state. Slowly the dream began to shift and I started to grow colder, and I groaned a little as I felt myself waking up from this pure relaxation.I opened my eyes slightly, letting them adjust to the darkness around me. It can't be morning yet, I couldn't see any form of light except from the dim lamp outside.A...

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