Robledo MountainChapter 4
- 4 years ago
- 22
- 0
I fell into a deep sleep, while watching a kaleidoscope of shadows dance around the room. Flashes of lightning backlit the curtains on the window. For the third time in as many years, and the second time in as many weeks, Dream Laura visited my dreams that night.
She was getting stronger, as tonight’s visit had us sitting across from each other at the picnic table on the covered patio of our old house, the patio we had built together just after we’d bought the house. Everything seemed correct. The placement of the table, the barbeque grill we’d built into our outdoor kitchen, the Don Juan roses climbing up trellises on both sides of the patio were perfect. Our house sat at the southern end of the Robledo Mountains facing North and South. The top of Picacho Peak was just visible over the base of the mountains in the background highlighted by the glow of lights from Las Cruces in the early evening light.
Everything was perfect. Everything except the colors, which was what tipped me off that this was a dream. The picnic table looked burnt orange instead of fire engine red, the barbeque grill and outdoor kitchen area looked gray instead of midnight black, the Don Juan roses were pink instead of deep dark red. It was the sky that was the most obvious, though.
For over twenty-five years, Laura and I had enjoyed evening coffee on the back patio while watching the show Mother Nature put on as the sun sank over the western mesa. Not once in all those years, did we see the colors I was seeing now. The entire sky looked more like a landscape painting of a rainbow than the evening colors of the high desert. It was not only disconcerting, it was distracting.
The snap of Dream Laura’s fingers inches from my face refocused my attention. “I’m sorry, Laura, what did you say?”
“I said, my power’s much stronger, but it still has a way to go before I’m at full strength.” Taking a long look over her shoulder, she turned back to me. “I’ll admit that is the strangest group of colors I’ve ever seen at dusk,” she said with a laugh in her voice. “The next time I visit, I’ll have all my power back and the colors will be realistic.
Looking back over her shoulder, we both watched the bright vivid colors begin to fade to pastels.
“I don’t have much time left, Paul, so let’s get right to it,” she said turning back to me. “I apologize for being so blunt, but you need to change your plans for the big reveal. You can’t wait until early November to ask Anna to marry you, or to tell her and the Mendozas about your plans.” Holding up her hands to stop my objection she continued. “You need to get engaged, and tell them in the next few days, the earlier the better. You also need to show them that you have the money to make those plans a reality. They need to believe in you, Paul. They need to trust you. Plans, no matter how detailed, won’t mean anything without the money to back them up.”
“Laura, you take all the fun out of the surprises doing it your way!” I said with an exasperated frown. “I know, I know.” Holding up my hands to fend off her planned response. “I wasn’t thinking the emotional aspects through. You’re right of course, but damnit where’s the fun in that?”
“You’re still not thinking this through, Paul,” she said. Giving me a big grin, she waited.
Finally, I gave in, asking the question I knew she was waiting for. “What am I missing, here?”
“Paul, if you wait until just before you leave for El Paso in November to get engaged and tell them like you’re planning to do, you won’t be giving them enough time to go with you! If you do it in the next few days, you can also suggest they all three accompany you, to begin buying all the things you’re going to need for the new hacienda. Let’s face it, Paul. The one thing you do worse than making coffee is haggling over prices! Having Anna and the Mendozas with you is going to save you a ton of money, not to mention making the trip much more enjoyable.”
I’m sure I looked like a fool, sitting there staring wide eyed at a giggling Laura, with my jaw on the table.
Laura’s giggle broke into a full-blown laugh. The dream faded to black, but her laugh echoed for quite a while, before it too finally faded away.
The next morning while eating breakfast, I thought about the dream. Was Laura right? Did I need to formally ask Anna to marry me, and let the Mendozas in on what was going on, land and money wise, before the big reveal in November? Doing that today or tomorrow, would also give me the excuse to invite the Mendozas and Anna to go to El Paso with me.
I thought about it all morning and well into the afternoon, before finally deciding Dream Laura was right, as always. I let Anna know I was going back home first thing in the morning to pick up some things before coming back the next day. At her pout, I assured her I was only spending the night and coming right back.
I made it back home the next day, despite the still slightly swollen river. I gathered up my bank books from Santa Fe and El Paso, the Homestead Claim Deed, the Land Deed, as well as the drawing of the ring Mr. Greenburg senior had given me and the receipt. I put it all into the leather wallet Hiram had given me. I took my M4, A700, and shotgun and wrapped them in a bundle with canvas cloth to carry behind my saddle in the morning. I also added spare magazines and shells to the saddlebags.
With everything set to go in the morning I turned my attention to dinner. After dinner, I spent a few hours working on melting the backlog of nuggets into bars.
I was up early, had breakfast, and after I’d cleaned up, I went down and brought the horse up to the house to finish loading. I was carrying the saddlebags in my right hand and the bundle of rifles in my left when I opened the door to walk outside. Standing there facing me in the half light of daybreak was tall man from the stable fight. Groaning to myself, all I could think of was that I really didn’t need this right now.
Walking just out of the doorway I stopped. “What do think you’re doing here? As I remember, the last thing I told you, was that if I ever saw you again, I’d kill you.”
“You’ve led me on quite a chase kid. The boss was really angry after you killed those boys outside Santa Fe. It’s a pity he wasn’t in town when it happened, or you’d have never left town. As it was, he was really angry when he found out a few days later. He sent me and Shorty down here to find out where you lived; and, if possible, find out where you’re getting all that gold from. We hunted for you for over four months in Las Cruces, Mesilla, and El Paso, and had almost given up when you waltzed into El Paso a few weeks back. We followed you from El Paso an hour after you left but it took us a while to figure out you were in Las Cruces, instead of Mesilla. Then you walked right into our arms at the stable. You killed Shorty, took his horse, and hurt me. After I kill you, I have to go back and tell the boss that Shorty is dead, and we never did find out where you’re getting all that gold. The boss isn’t going to like that. Shorty was one of his favorites. The way I figure it, this house, your land, and livestock will make it easier for the boss to accept. You left everything to him in your Will as your only close personal friend, after all. Killing you myself just makes it better for me.”
This was the second time someone tried to kill me on the orders of a boss in Santa Fe. I didn’t have time to ponder this though because as he finished talking, he brought up his right hand holding an old flintlock horse pistol. Dropping the bundle of rifles, I took a half step to the left while drawing my pistol and fired two shots just as he fired. My two shots hit him in the chest, and he went down.
I knew I wasn’t going to get away unscathed from this encounter. He was too close to me to miss with that big pistol he was using. His shot hit me low on my right side below my waist and just above my hip spinning me around into the door frame.
Holding on to the door frame I looked over at tall man. He wasn’t going to be a problem to anyone else ever again. I dropped the saddle bags and staggered into the house struggling to open the cave door. When I finally got it open, I got my EMT kit out of the trailer before pulling off my coat and shirt. Looking down at the two holes in my side I knew I was going to be needing help getting it cleaned out and closed up. If I’d stepped two inches further to my left or shot quicker, he would have missed me altogether. From the blood, it looked to have missed anything important, so I was mostly concerned with getting it cleaned out and fighting infections. I took some penicillin and a couple of Motrin before pouring isopropyl alcohol over both the entry and exit wounds. It took a few minutes between pours to catch my breath from the raw pain each pour generated. Finally, I bandaged up both holes with gauze pads and wrapped them up with a field bandage making sure to tie it off tight. I poured half a bottle of penicillin into a handkerchief and knotted it up sticking it in my pocket certain that I was going to need them later.
I was up at first light, ate another MRE, and was on my way back to the RV shortly after 7AM. Although I was paying attention to possible threats, both animal and human along the way, I was replaying yesterday over and over in my mind. Finally, just before arriving at the little plateau and my RV, I decided that I had more information than my pea brain could handle, and I needed to let my subconscious work on it for a while. For now, I would act as though I was in fact in the Robledo...
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My goal was to reach Santa Fe in fifteen days. Unlike the last time I’d made the trip I stayed on the road pushing hard. I knew the route this time and wasn’t quite so concerned over threats. The first six days I averaged almost thirty miles a day, but the mules were starting to get tired, so I backed off to a steady twenty. This gave me enough time in the mornings to do my Tai Chi as well as the Aikido and Krav Maga katas. Except for the mornings I was in town, and the first six days of this...
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For the next two and half years, I followed a routine of mining gold for two months, three weeks at the cave melting as much gold as I could get done, and one week in Las Cruces getting to know Anna better, a little bit at a time. Then I’d make a trip to Santa Fe to deposit 5000 pounds of gold. After the first trip to and from Santa Fe using the buckboard, I decided to upgrade to a freight wagon. The freight wagon I bought from Mr. Mendoza held all my supplies, and usually all the gold I’d...
I was up early the next morning after a restless night, dreading the conversation Anna wanted to have. Walking into the restaurant I was surprised to get my normal Anna smile, hug, and kiss. Maybe this wasn’t going to be so bad after all. She pointed me back to my usual table and brought over two cups of coffee. Sitting down, she said that breakfast would be out in a few minutes and asked how I’d slept. “Not well. It was a restless sleep that had me tossing and turning all night,” I...
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I stopped at Mrs. Amador’s on the way out of town to pick up some towels and a pair of leather work gloves. I made a mental note to sit down with her when I got back from El Paso, to talk about the expected influx of people and work up a regular supply list. I pulled up to the house in the early afternoon and looked around the plateau. It looked much different than when I’d left. I wasn’t sure what Jorge and Giuseppe had done with tall man, but I really didn’t care. What I did care about...
The five of us arrived at the hotel in El Paso in the early evening of the second day after leaving Las Cruces. The empty wagons allowed us to make good time, which passed even faster for me with Anna riding beside me. Anna and I spent most our time during the ride talking quietly about my plan for the Estancia, such as it was; and our place in the future, if it should play out as I expected. As pleasant as the trip was, we were all tired from two days of jouncing in the wagon seats. With...
At the hotel, we found the buggy still hitched near the stable. We told the stable boy we were taking it back out, climbed in, and rolled out to the street with Mr. Mendoza driving. I knew that what was now called El Paso and El Paso del Norte, had originally been a series of small missions that had grown together, and that our hotel was really in the Anglo area, just north of El Paso, called Franklin. Even with that understanding, it was amazing how spread out El Paso was. We pulled up to a...
Heinrich and his crew were ready and waiting for us when we arrived. I arranged for a part time driver for my wagon during the trip, and less than ten minutes later we were moving down the road. Anna, Hector, and I were leading, for now, followed by the prairie schooners, the Mendozas wagon, and my wagons. Near mid-afternoon, Dream Laura’s voice came from my left in a soft whisper. “Get ready, Paul. There’s trouble ahead.” At the first sound of her voice I whipped my head around, looking...
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I came out of the nightmare and into a tranquil domestic scene. Laura and I were sitting at the dining room table, sharing a pot of coffee, much like we did every morning, over the years when I wasn’t deployed somewhere. “You’ve been busy, Paul. More importantly, you listened and started tearing down that wall around your heart. You’re not quite there yet but overall I’m very proud of you so far.” “Thank you, Laura, I think. I don’t understand what you’re saying though. I’ve opened my heart...
Standing at the opening of the cave, they stared inside in stunned disbelief. I cleared my throat, regaining their attention. “No one else besides you three know about this. I expect it to remain that way. The cave and what’s in it are never discussed outside this room, and then only if the door is closed and barred.” Handing Mr. Mendoza the lantern, I watched from the doorway as they wandered around exploring. All I could see was the soft glow of the light when they were in the smaller cave...
I was up before first light the next morning. I found two of the ladies already up and quietly preparing to make breakfast for the camp. I walked down to the river and soaked my head in the water to wake me up, as well as help tame my hair. When I lifted my head from the river, I found Giuseppe and Hector had joined me. After relieving ourselves we walked back up to the campfire where the ladies handed us each a cup of coffee. We sat drinking our coffee and enjoying the quiet of the...
I finished my breakfast, basking in the glow of my morning Anna smile, hug, and kiss. Just to make my day even better I got another Anna smile when I paid for breakfast. I was on my way to find Mr. Mendoza when I ran into Juan. After exchanging pleasantries, I asked him to send a wagon of lime, all the scaffolding he could spare, and the longest ladders he had out to the Hacienda. He said he could do that but wasn’t sure exactly where the Hacienda was being built. “Juan, if you travel up the...
I was sitting in the restaurant the next morning, finishing up breakfast and thinking about how Anna’s smile seemed to make my day. I’d just taken my last bite when Anna came over with fresh coffee and sat down, giving me another one of my Anna smiles, and asking me what I had planned for the day. Swallowing my last bite and taking a sip of coffee I said, “I was hoping to talk my fiancée into spending the morning riding with me, and perhaps start learning to shoot. Do you think she would...
Six weeks later I was again lying in Mr. Mendoza’s hayloft. Tom’s even breathing and soft snores provided background accompaniment, as I marveled at everything that had happened in such a short time. With the exception of the six days Tom and I spent on a trip to El Paso, and a two-day trip to the Hacienda, the four of us had spent virtually all of our time together. The first morning of our two-week visit at the Hacienda they’d seen me practicing Tai Chi on the plateau in the early dawn....
I showed up in the courtyard the next morning, feeling almost like I was hung over. I hadn’t gotten much sleep, and what little I did get was fitful at best. Anna took one look at me in the light of early dawn, and almost canceled the morning Tai Chi and practice session before we even started. I was finally able to convince her I was okay, and we started our, by now familiar, morning routine. To say that Anna was still concerned would be an understatement. She watched me like a hawk...
Leaving El Paso, we pushed the teams hard and pulled into Mr. Mendoza’s Livery Stable just before dark, two days later. We were dusty, tired, and hungry. Checking the table out back of the stable, we found it empty, so we walked over to the back door and into the family dining room. Seeing us walk in, Anna and Yolanda sprouted huge smiles and had a race to see which one could get to her man faster. I think Anna won but I was too busy getting and giving a hug and kiss to tell for sure! Both...
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Tom, Giuseppe and I were relaxing after lunch while we waited for the ladies to arrive. A little after one o’clock, one of the cousins came into the camp telling us that wagons from Las Cruces were on their way. I thanked him, and the three of us went up to the slope, where we used our monoculars to watch the wagons. There were ten heavily laden wagons about a mile away moving slowly up the road. With a groan I said, “My back is already starting to hurt, just thinking about unloading those...
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One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to fuck them, One Ring to breed them all and the spawns will be born. Once upon a time, there was a beautiful world called Prime Earth. This was a world of peace and harmony. It was controlled by three races who could use magic. Elves, immortal, wisest and fairest of all beings. Dwarfs, strong bodies, great miners and craftsmen of the mountain halls. And Human, the weakest among the three, having shortest life but were gifted with boundless imagination. Then...
FantasySylvia had bought a really nice black dress to wear for a very fancy party that she had no choice but to attend. Sylvia wanted to try the dress on again, and make sure she had just the right lingerie to go with it. After paying a great deal for the dress Sylvia realized her only black bra looked pretty tacky under the dress, and it felt uncomfortably tight as well. Rather than take a chance at feeling uncomfortable and self conscious all evening she returned to the mall to buy a bra that fit...
LesbianNow she and I alike were both fully naked, she standing up me laying back on the bed as she came and sat down first then lay back along with me and propped herself up on her right arm on her chin and cheek, leaned over me looking again right into my own face and eyes. Just laying there like that looking me directly in the eyes she said; “Jackie how do you feel?” I replied to her I felt so utterly fantastic. Good that’s super good Jackie she replied to me. Then she said; “Jackie are you...
Introduction: This is a true story of my wife having alot of fun on a business trip I took her on I brought my wife with me on a business trip and stayed in a small tourist town (it was off season and pretty much abandoned). One day while I was at work she bought a 5th of vodka at 9 am and started drinking. She was wearing a white tee shirt and white cotton short-shorts that just barely covered her ass the bottom of her ass cheeks were showing. Under she had on a lacy white push up bra and a...
Wesley whistled sharply to his dogs after checking the cows recently brought down from the high winter pasture. ”ere dogs! C’mon!’ The little Corgi dogs raced across the field and dodged between his mount’s legs. The horse nickered a bit in irritation and danced backward, snorting as the dogs ran across the main yard toward the barn where they’d get their supper when Wesley was finished looking after the horses. ‘Easy, girl.’ He patted the horse’s neck gently before guiding her through the...
Erica, Leanne, and I all stared at Emma for a moment. I broke the tense silence first. “Erica, call Jordan. See if she can advise me on this.” I looked at her. “And make sure Sheriff Dalton doesn’t find out.” She nodded and stepped away to find her phone among her clothes. She found it, dialed Jordan up, and worked on getting dressed while she quietly talked. Leanne watched her too, then looked down at herself and blushed. She walked over to stand next to Erica, and worked on getting...
One Saturday morning I had been playing foorball and then gone home for a shower. I knew that Mum would not be at home, because every Saturday she had gone to the shops with my Gran. They always had lunch in a little café in town and then come back at about three in the afternoon. I showered, not bothering to close the bathroom door, because I knew that I had the house to myself. Climbing out of the shower and wrapping a towel around my waist, I went across the landing into my bedroom. I...
Curvy cutie Paisley Bennett is getting fed up with her annoying stepbrother. Every time he plays a prank on her, their stepmom takes his side! This time, he hides a dildo under Paisleys pillow just to freak her out. When she gets back at him by punching him in the balls, their stepmom demands that Paisley make up for it by sucking her stepbrothers cock. The old lady supervises while she sucks and slobbers. Then, the blonde babe mounts her stepbrothers cock and goes for an orgasmic dick ride...