Robledo MountainChapter 3 free porn video

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I was up at first light, ate another MRE, and was on my way back to the RV shortly after 7AM. Although I was paying attention to possible threats, both animal and human along the way, I was replaying yesterday over and over in my mind. Finally, just before arriving at the little plateau and my RV, I decided that I had more information than my pea brain could handle, and I needed to let my subconscious work on it for a while. For now, I would act as though I was in fact in the Robledo Mountains of 1850.

Pausing outside the cave entrance that afternoon, I carefully looked around. The only visible tracks were the ones I’d made Monday evening and yesterday morning as I was leaving, and those were barely visible. Satisfied that no one had come calling while I was out yesterday, I started into the cave entrance before suddenly stopping, and looking back outside. Something had been niggling my grey matter all day yesterday, and again today, about the ground outside the cave. It had finally dawned on me that there were no visible tire tracks on the plateau, nor inside the cave!

As I fished my keys out of my pocket and entered the RV, I realized there was no use worrying about tire tracks, now. Whatever caused the time travel, had also put the RV into the cave like a ship in a bottle, and that was that.

First order of business now that I was back in the RV, was a cold Diet Coke followed by a hot shower. Both hit the spot.

I was going to have start rationing the Diet Cokes, as I only had a couple of cases. That thought got me to thinking about what I had in the way of useable food, beverages, and gas, as well as an inventory of weapons, ammo, tools, machines, related supplies, and clothes.

I spent the rest of the day building a spreadsheet on the laptop, listing everything in and under the RV as well as in the trailer to include the generators, welding gas bottles, gasoline containers, and diesel tanks. I worked well into the night, only stopping to cook a dinner of chicken strips, corn, and parmesan potatoes. I’d forgotten how much food a growing fifteen-year-old boy puts away. When I finally finished the inventory, it was well past midnight. That and two days of hiking, and I was dead beat. I fell asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow.

The next morning after breakfast, I sat thinking while I had two more cups of coffee before cleaning up the kitchen area. I made a fresh pot of coffee and settled in to review the spreadsheet I had printed out the night before. It went without saying that I had plenty of firearms, magazines, holsters, ammunition, and the necessary tools and supplies to reload whatever I used. Instead of meeting up in Phoenix with the others to split up the spoils of the winning bid, I was sitting here with 600 surplus M4A1carbines (the shortened version of the venerable M16) all with the Advanced Combat Optical Gunsights already installed, 5000 of the 30 round magazines, and 750 surplus Beretta M9A3 semiautomatic pistols with 3000 17 round magazines. The surplus lot also contained two million rounds of .223 ammunition for the M4s and one million rounds of 9mm for the M9s. To go along with all that, I’d bought dies, brass, primers, and powder for reloading .223 caliber ammunition to add to my already large inventory of reloading equipment and supplies for 9mm, .38 caliber, .308 caliber, and 12-gauge shotguns.

The trailer also held 40 Remington A-700P rifles in .308 caliber and 200 Remington 12-gauge semiautomatic shotguns, and an assortment of various hunting, skinning, and pocketknives, Leatherman tools with cases, and different types of sharpening tools and stones. I also had my personal Colt Trooper Mark III revolver with 6-inch barrel that I’d bought back in the mid 1970s and usually wore in a western holster during gun shows.

In my built in safe hidden under the floor of the trailer I also had sound suppressors I’d custom built for the M9s and the parts necessary to turn several of the M4s from semi-automatic to selectable semi-automatic, three round burst, and full automatic.

Among the hundred and twenty cartons each of desert and woodland camouflage, were forty cartons each in my size. I had a case of entrenching tools (folding shovels), two mid-size water wheel generators, 30,000 feet of Romex, 80,000 feet of standard electrical wire along with a couple of food dehydrators and a whole lot of miscellaneous tools and junk I’d collected over the years I’d been traveling the gun show circuit. There was a large generator built into the trailer to power the lathes and other tools built into the walls of the trailer, and a large selection of solid round stainless steel stock, solid and hollow rolled titanium alloy stock to make rifle barrels, as well as thick pieces of mahogany and walnut of various lengths and widths to make rifle stocks and pistol grips.

It didn’t take long for me to realize that I wasn’t going to be able to use the RV as I had been, for very long. I only had fifteen gallons of gas for the generator.

Fresh food was also going to be in short supply before long as I only had what was in the refrigerator/freezer. I did have fifty cases of MREs I could use, so I wouldn’t starve to death in the near term. I’d hunted these mountains for over twenty years, so fresh deer, antelope, and rabbit shouldn’t be a problem either. It was fresh greens I was most concerned about, but I did have a few cases of multi-vitamins that would last for a while. I also had cases of assorted vegetables seeds and ten large plastic greenhouses among the prepper gear.

What I didn’t have was money useable in 1850 or anything that could be traded in 1850 that wouldn’t draw attention and result in too many questions. Questions I couldn’t answer.

With all that in mind I sat down with a fresh cup of coffee, opened up the word processor, and started writing down everything I could remember about New Mexico Territory from 1850 to statehood in 1912. Some of the information I was trying to remember was already stored on the laptop in files I’d used to help the Boy Scout Troop. Once I was satisfied that I’d captured everything I could remember, I started organizing it into a timeline to see what I was facing over the next sixty years, if I lived that long. I got so focused on what I was doing, I skipped lunch and dinner, and didn’t realize how late it was until my stomach growled. Looking at the clock on the microwave I found it was well after 11PM. I quickly finished what was left of the timeline, printed it out, and fixed a bowl of tomato soup, two grilled ham and cheese sandwiches, corn chips, and a Diet Coke. For dessert, I had a rare, for me, scotch and soda before going to bed, and letting my subconscious mind work on everything including what the timeline was telling me.

As I slept, my mind churned away. When I woke the next morning, it was with the realization that I had one issue resolved, and one issue I needed to resolve before I could do anything else.

The issue that had been resolved while I slept was the question of which reality option I was in. The answer was: it didn’t matter. I was in this here and now; whether it was real, a dream, or insanity. Unless and until something changed, and I got transported back to my own time or woke up from my dream or my psychotic episode broke, this was my reality. I’d have to deal with the here and now as I perceived it.

The critical unresolved issue was the confusing and highly theoretical impact of time travel. I boiled it down to two schools of thought and a ‘gotcha.’ The Time Paradox school and the Parallel Time school.

The Time Paradox school said that if you go back in time you have to be extremely careful not to change anything or you risk your own future existence. Kill an animal and it might have been something one of your ancestors was supposed to kill and eat, that day. If that happened your ancestor may have gone to bed hungry, not had sex with his or her spouse, not gotten her pregnant with the next generation of ancestors, and died from weakness caused by starvation thereby ending your line of ancestors, causing the future you to never be born, resulting in the now you simply ceasing to exist. Likewise, meeting someone could cause the same type of chain reaction, ending with you not being born in the future. Thinking through everything you do, quickly gets complicated and the logic gets more and more circular.

The Parallel Time school says when you go back in time the moment of your arrival causes changes to begin in the timeline creating a new branch of the timeline off the original timeline. The further you go in the new timeline; the more changes are introduced and the greater the difference between the old and new timelines. Using this theory, the civil war would still happen on time and as I remembered it, since I couldn’t see myself doing anything to change the timeline enough to prevent it. On the other hand, Geronimo’s raids might not happen in this timeline, if I stopped his family from being killed in 1858. I called it the Darwinian time travel theory for obvious reasons. This school of thought was much easier to understand and didn’t require the constant decision-making mental gymnastics of the Time Paradox school.

The ‘gotcha’ was that neither was correct, and that I had been transported back in time by some unknown entity for some other reason. Unless that unknown entity decided to contact me and let me in on why I’d been sent back in time, there wasn’t much I could do but live, and see what happened.

I pondered the possibilities for a couple of hours, and finally realized I just didn’t have the knowledge or brain power to constantly develop and update probability trees on every little thing that could change. There was no way I could live and function in this timeline if I had to worry that any thing I did could instantly cause me to cease to exist. I tend to be a realist and I knew I couldn’t survive if I had to worry about every decision I made. I could just imagine becoming more and more confused with every decision I made, and in a short period of time ending up with analysis paralysis, with me being unable to make any decision whatsoever.

Making a conscious decision, I chose to ignore the time paradox theory, accept the parallel time theory as fact, and acknowledged the gotcha as a distinct possibility. Then I’d just let the chips fall where they may.

The whole how and why thing remained a mystery though and try as I might I just couldn’t come up with answers that made sense. Like the three options of reality, I guessed it really didn’t matter how and why.

With my decisions made, it was time to get on with my day and my new life.

As I returned to the timeline, I remembered a quote from Abraham Lincoln who said, “The best way to predict your future, is to create it.”

Yep, old Abe was a right smart man, even taking a certain amount of poetic license into consideration. In my case though, I didn’t have to predict the future. I already knew what was going to happen at least in a broad sense. No, in my case, I needed to figure out what things I could positively impact, or even change completely. I spent most of the day coming up with that list. I put each item I could think of into one of two categories, Major Events or Minor Events.

The items in the Major Events category were things like the Civil War and the Santa Fe Ring. I knew I couldn’t stop them from happening; but perhaps, with a little luck and a lot of planning, I could influence the direction they went, or even redirect them into a more advantageous direction.

The items in the Minor Events category were things like the Salt War, Yellow Fever and Malaria along the Rio Grande and Gila Rivers, Statehood in sixty-two years, universal education, and increasing the standard of living within the Mesilla Valley if not the state. These I could directly impact with luck, planning, and access to the appropriate resources.

Unfortunately, the list went on and on. By the end of the afternoon I knew two things with certainty. First, there was too much on my list for one person to do. I was going to need help, a lot of help. Second, everything on the list required money to make it happen.

The most pressing need I could see was getting some form of tangible asset. In other words, I needed money. Money was the central requirement for everything thing else I needed or wanted to do. I figured I had maybe a few years, at most, to build up a bank account before I needed to start buying land and building a ranch or farm to weather the coming events. It wasn’t going to be easy, but I had a place to start.

Back when my youngest son was still active in Boy Scouts, his patrol had become fascinated with the idea of finding gold. I’d taken them on camping trips up around Truth or Consequences where gold had been discovered in 1901. We found the old sites in Trujillo Gulch, Apache Canyon, and Union Gulch, and they’d spent days walking those and other nearby arroyos with metal detectors hoping to find the motherlode. When they didn’t find any gold we moved on to the Orogrande area just East of the Jarilla Mountains. Again, we spent days camping out with them traipsing the original 1899 site and nearby arroyos without luck. That summer I’d taken the entire family out to western Arizona, and we’d all spent two weeks between the 1858 Gila gold sites on the Gila River and the 1862 La Paz gold sites north of Yuma along the Colorado River. I’d marked all those locations on large scale maps of each area. I still had the maps stored with all the rest of my Southwest maps in a plastic storage bin under the RV.

History said that gold was readily available at this point in time, at each of the locations I had marked on the maps. I had a few problems to work out, though. The first problem was getting from here to there. Unless something happened, I’d be walking to at least the first location in the Caballo Mountains, near what would one day be Truth or Consequences.

The second problem was hauling a backpack with forty or fifty pounds of gold on my back all the way to Santa Fe. I couldn’t go to El Paso. It was too young to have the assayers and buyers I needed, and too far from actual gold sites to not raise questions about its source. Santa Fe, on the other hand, was just north of the existing Cerrillos gold fields as well as South of the future Colorado gold fields for me to claim them as the source. Santa Fe was also large enough and sufficiently well established to have assayers and buyers for raw gold. Traveling three hundred miles over rough country on foot, carrying forty plus pounds on my back, was not something I was looking forward to.

The third problem was staying alive in Apache country, while working in the gold fields. All I could come up with for this problem was raw luck. Sure, I had a lot of training and a little experience that would help, but both the training and experience were over thirty years old. I was rusty as hell and I was sure I’d forgotten big chunks of the training I’d received. In addition to the training, though; I had some really excellent technology, that I was certain would be very beneficial if my luck didn’t hold. It wouldn’t do me much good if I didn’t spot the threat in time or was overwhelmed by numbers. No matter which way I looked at it, it still came down to luck.

Finally, I was also worried about securing the RV and trailer, while I was out digging for gold and taking it to Santa Fe. Based on what I’d seen so far, there was no need to hide the cave. It couldn’t be seen from a distance. All the camouflage netting I had was useless for close up use. It was designed for distance. The only thing I could come up with for close in camouflage was building a house in front of the entrance to hide it. Again, I needed money to make that happen. For now, the only thing I could come up with, was locking everything down the best I could.

I took a day preparing for the trip. I pulled an M4 rifle, an M9 pistol, magazines and ammunition for both, as well as parts from the trailer. Most of the morning was spent thoroughly inspecting and cleaning the rifle and replacing the selector switches and internals so I could select single shot, three shot bursts, or full automatic, and filling magazines. I repeated the process with my M9 pistol filling an additional eight magazines. In the afternoon, I dug out the maps for the Caballo Mountain gold sites and packed for a thirty-day trip including MREs.

Following a good night’s sleep, I took a last look around before turning everything in the RV off, except the refrigerator/freezer. I’d never tried it before, but the literature said that a fully charged bank of batteries would keep the refrigerator/freezer powered for six weeks. Either they would work, and I’d have real meals available when I got back, or they wouldn’t, and I’d have nothing but MREs for the foreseeable future, there was nothing else I could do.

Filling two camel packs with water, I lugged everything outside and made sure everything on both the RV and trailer were locked up as tight as I could make them before starting the sixty mile walk north to the Caballo Mountains.

A pack full of MREs is heavy! Even with fifty pounds of gold I figured I’d probably be ten to fifteen pounds lighter coming back. Before I was off the plateau, I used my monocular to scan north looking for possible threats. Not seeing any, I walked down to, and into the river, wading north against the flow of the river. It was slow cold work, but I persevered for a full mile before exiting the river and working my way inland, about three hundred feet before turning north again. I figured that would be enough to keep everyone but the most tenacious tracker from back tracking me to the RV.

As I worked my way north, I continued to remember more and more of the lessons I’d learned in Ranger and Sniper school. I certainly wasn’t an expert at hiding my tracks but those remembered lessons certainly helped. Stopping every half mile or so throughout the day I scanned my back trail in detail with the monocular as well as around me for indications of threats.

Near dark I found a nice mesquite tree near the top of a small hill and stopped for the night. Using the entrenching tool, I dug out a hollow near the roots, keeping watch for any of the nasty critters that like to hide in the shade.

At first light, I was up and moving. I hoped to come within sight of Timber Mountain, the highest peak in the Caballo Mountains, late that evening.

About 10AM I came across a deep arroyo that was perfect for sighting in the M4, since it would mask the source and direction of the sound of rifle fire. I had delayed doing this due to the sound involved but I didn’t feel like I could delay it any longer. Once in the arroyo I got comfortable and fired three single rounds each, at barrel cacti 100 yards, 200 yards, and 300 yards away. The groups were consistently tight but also consistently high and right of the aim point. I adjusted the scope and tried again this time hitting the aim point consistently at all three ranges. Switching the selector to a three-round burst I fired a single burst at each of the targets and again hit consistently with a slight climb for the 2nd and 3rd rounds in each burst. Satisfied, I picked up the empty brass from the ground to save for reloading.

After making a detailed scan around me, I headed north again. Shortly before 2PM, I spotted what looked like Timber Mountain in the far distance. I also spotted five riders on horseback, about four miles to the west and slightly north of me, heading east. I was hoping to stay out of their way. Continuing north, I stopped every half hour to monitor their progress. At 3PM they were close enough to identify as Apaches. It looked like they would pass well north of me as they continued east, probably heading for the pass near what would one day be Rincon. Then I spotted a wagon coming South down the Camino Real. I quickly swung to check the Apaches Northwest of me. It was apparent they had also seen the wagon and were quickly moving towards the river and road.

Same as Robledo Mountain
Chapter 3 Videos

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As I drove along the Camino Real, I sang “Fever” to the mules. They didn’t seem to mind. Then I opened up my mind to them on the various situations I found myself in. I talked about waking up 160 years in the past as a fifteen-year-old who few people took all that seriously, but with the experience and attitude of a sixty-six-year-old. I talked about my unsuccessful efforts to determine if this was all real or if it was just a psychotic episodic loop I was stuck in. I talked about the strange...

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My goal was to reach Santa Fe in fifteen days. Unlike the last time I’d made the trip I stayed on the road pushing hard. I knew the route this time and wasn’t quite so concerned over threats. The first six days I averaged almost thirty miles a day, but the mules were starting to get tired, so I backed off to a steady twenty. This gave me enough time in the mornings to do my Tai Chi as well as the Aikido and Krav Maga katas. Except for the mornings I was in town, and the first six days of this...

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Robledo MountainChapter 12

I was up early the next morning after a restless night, dreading the conversation Anna wanted to have. Walking into the restaurant I was surprised to get my normal Anna smile, hug, and kiss. Maybe this wasn’t going to be so bad after all. She pointed me back to my usual table and brought over two cups of coffee. Sitting down, she said that breakfast would be out in a few minutes and asked how I’d slept. “Not well. It was a restless sleep that had me tossing and turning all night,” I...

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Robledo MountainChapter 22

I came out of the nightmare and into a tranquil domestic scene. Laura and I were sitting at the dining room table, sharing a pot of coffee, much like we did every morning, over the years when I wasn’t deployed somewhere. “You’ve been busy, Paul. More importantly, you listened and started tearing down that wall around your heart. You’re not quite there yet but overall I’m very proud of you so far.” “Thank you, Laura, I think. I don’t understand what you’re saying though. I’ve opened my heart...

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Robledo MountainChapter 23

Standing at the opening of the cave, they stared inside in stunned disbelief. I cleared my throat, regaining their attention. “No one else besides you three know about this. I expect it to remain that way. The cave and what’s in it are never discussed outside this room, and then only if the door is closed and barred.” Handing Mr. Mendoza the lantern, I watched from the doorway as they wandered around exploring. All I could see was the soft glow of the light when they were in the smaller cave...

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Robledo MountainChapter 24

I was up before first light the next morning. I found two of the ladies already up and quietly preparing to make breakfast for the camp. I walked down to the river and soaked my head in the water to wake me up, as well as help tame my hair. When I lifted my head from the river, I found Giuseppe and Hector had joined me. After relieving ourselves we walked back up to the campfire where the ladies handed us each a cup of coffee. We sat drinking our coffee and enjoying the quiet of the...

4 years ago
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Robledo MountainChapter 25

I finished my breakfast, basking in the glow of my morning Anna smile, hug, and kiss. Just to make my day even better I got another Anna smile when I paid for breakfast. I was on my way to find Mr. Mendoza when I ran into Juan. After exchanging pleasantries, I asked him to send a wagon of lime, all the scaffolding he could spare, and the longest ladders he had out to the Hacienda. He said he could do that but wasn’t sure exactly where the Hacienda was being built. “Juan, if you travel up the...

3 years ago
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Robledo MountainChapter 26

I was sitting in the restaurant the next morning, finishing up breakfast and thinking about how Anna’s smile seemed to make my day. I’d just taken my last bite when Anna came over with fresh coffee and sat down, giving me another one of my Anna smiles, and asking me what I had planned for the day. Swallowing my last bite and taking a sip of coffee I said, “I was hoping to talk my fiancée into spending the morning riding with me, and perhaps start learning to shoot. Do you think she would...

2 years ago
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Robledo MountainChapter 28

Six weeks later I was again lying in Mr. Mendoza’s hayloft. Tom’s even breathing and soft snores provided background accompaniment, as I marveled at everything that had happened in such a short time. With the exception of the six days Tom and I spent on a trip to El Paso, and a two-day trip to the Hacienda, the four of us had spent virtually all of our time together. The first morning of our two-week visit at the Hacienda they’d seen me practicing Tai Chi on the plateau in the early dawn....

2 years ago
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Robledo MountainChapter 29

I showed up in the courtyard the next morning, feeling almost like I was hung over. I hadn’t gotten much sleep, and what little I did get was fitful at best. Anna took one look at me in the light of early dawn, and almost canceled the morning Tai Chi and practice session before we even started. I was finally able to convince her I was okay, and we started our, by now familiar, morning routine. To say that Anna was still concerned would be an understatement. She watched me like a hawk...

3 years ago
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Robledo MountainChapter 30

Leaving El Paso, we pushed the teams hard and pulled into Mr. Mendoza’s Livery Stable just before dark, two days later. We were dusty, tired, and hungry. Checking the table out back of the stable, we found it empty, so we walked over to the back door and into the family dining room. Seeing us walk in, Anna and Yolanda sprouted huge smiles and had a race to see which one could get to her man faster. I think Anna won but I was too busy getting and giving a hug and kiss to tell for sure! Both...

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Robledo MountainChapter 31

I found myself sitting next to Anna the next morning, as a string of women came into the family dining room to be interviewed. I didn’t ask many questions, and those that I did ask were to clarify an answer they had given to one of Anna’s questions. We were done with the interviews shortly before noon. Anna disappeared into the kitchen and came back a few minutes later with our lunch and coffee. After a nice lunch and some alone time with Anna for a change, we got down to selecting the...

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Robledo MountainChapter 32

Tom, Giuseppe and I were relaxing after lunch while we waited for the ladies to arrive. A little after one o’clock, one of the cousins came into the camp telling us that wagons from Las Cruces were on their way. I thanked him, and the three of us went up to the slope, where we used our monoculars to watch the wagons. There were ten heavily laden wagons about a mile away moving slowly up the road. With a groan I said, “My back is already starting to hurt, just thinking about unloading those...

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Robledo MountainChapter 33

Friday the fifteenth of March dawned a bright, clear, chilly, beautiful day. After breakfast, which Tom and I had alone, we took our clothes down to the barbershop. By special arrangement, the barber was waiting for us. We got a shave and a trim before taking a hot bath. When we were done, I dressed in my wedding finery, and donned an overcoat to walk down to the church. Arriving at the church, Tom and I both removed our gun belts, hanging them on coat hooks before covering them with our...

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Robledo MountainEpilogue

The big heavy-set Hispano sat at the table, chair against the back wall, methodically chewing his dinner. All the while, he was watching everything that went on in the noisy, dusty, smoke filled cantina. His head and face were covered in a mass of dirty wild hair and thick beard, as his small, perpetually blood shot eyes, were constantly moving as he evaluated everyone and everything around him. Anger was in every crease and fold of his body, radiating off of him in an almost tangible...

2 years ago
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Two curious friends 3

This has gotten a lot more attention than I could have ever imagined. I know it's not much for a story but I'm rather trying to tell it as how I remember it as if I was in front of you telling you. It's kind of fun thinking back on these times. I wouldn't do it now but hey it happened when I was younger and so what can you do. Here goes.... Friday rolled around and I had already begged my parents to let me stay the weekend at Colby's and they said yes! I couldn't wait. School...

3 years ago
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Journey into the PastChapter 23 Disappointment

Our village is beginning to be quite large, so some explanation is given on its layout. I will start as if it was a clock with north being 12 o'clock. The open area, which we are going to plant this year, until we can clear the trees and remove the stumps in an area away from the village, is about the size of a small cricket ground, or the size of a soccer pitch. The road leading to the pine forest is at 12 o'clock, Northhelm's home, with his goat enclosure behind is at about 1-30....

4 years ago
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Artist AwakensChapter 5

It was a chance meeting but at least Karen was dressed when I came in and she was sharing a glass of wine with my mother. “Arthur, you do remember Miss. Tillman?” “Yes of course. It’s good to see you again Karen.” “Arthur, we were just talking, and can you believe that Karen has never been to the Boxwood.” I knew where my mother was going with this and I was not about to deter her as I smiled at the lovely Karen Tillman, “You have never been to the Boxwood?” I asked as if it was unheard...

2 years ago
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The Anniversary Gift

It took months, but both of our dreams were coming true. It was our anniversary gift to each other: for her to be gangbanged and humiliated, and for me to see my sexy wife starring in her own porno. She was sitting in the makeup chair, getting a mix of different skin products applied. Most of it was waterproof, but the mascara was chosen to run dramatically for the camera. Her fuzzy robe covered wrist cuffs and a chastity belt. Her curves were obscured by the baggy garment, but I could see her...

1 year ago
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What are best friends for

After graduating high school, me and my best friend of 7 years got our acceptance letters to our dream college and knew we wanted to dorm together. I was so excited that I would have a familiar face, and a beautiful one at that. Melissa was shorter than I am, standing at 5 foot 2 where I am 5 foot 8. Her features were common but impressive. Pale skin, brown eyes, black and red streaked hair, D cup, slightly thick...perfection. I was the opposite. Thin, olive toned, light brown hair with C cups...

2 years ago
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Corruption of InnocenceChapter 17

The wonderfully erotic dreams were interrupted when Andrea awakened the two girls reminding them that the men from her security detail would be arriving soon to escort Yuki to the airport. Vickie and Yuki showered together, a twinge of jealousy momentarily racing through Andrea, but she smiled, the girl would soon be gone, then she could proceed with her plans for the niece. Vickie asked if she could accompany Yuki to the airport, but Andrea advised that airport farewells are often more...

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Victoria Is A Free Spirit

 "Are you ready to meet her? I swear, you'll love her," she assured me, lying down with me."Really, Molly? I'll love her? Is she going to be a threat to you?""Yes, yes, and no smart-ass," she giggled, pecking my cheek. "She is just my twin sister, but we're fraternal twins. We don't have superpowers or read each other's minds; only identical twins get those. I can't think of a better woman for you to be with, than me."I nodded and looked away for a second. "So, just to be clear...

3 years ago
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Always Owned by MD part 6

MD had dismissed me. Again. I had deserved it. I had been useless, tardy, unreliable. Everyday I had fought with my every day life and my need to serve MD. I had spent sometime back in my normal life. I knew that wasn't lasting as I signed up to a fetish site and created a profile. I spent a day whoring myself out to women, men, anyone that would entertain me, but I had not luck. A week later, still it was being proven what a worthless whore I was, still no interest. Finally I found a Dom/Domme...

2 years ago
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Stress Release

Sitting on the edge and laying back, she grabs a pillow and positions it behind her back, giving her some support. Spreading her legs as she twists the base of the vibrator, she moans in anticipation as she runs the gently buzzing tip along her outer lips. Kim tilts her head back, closes her eyes and begins letting out small moans from her movements. Rex hears the noise, yet ignores it, his mistress always uses the strange, noisy thing after long days, so he laid his head back...

2 years ago
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The Difference between Cats and Dogs

I realise that I am leaving myself open to being pilloried by the ‘Anonymous’ brigade with this story. In a previous story, ‘A Good Year’ I attempted to delineate between the story, and my comments on the writing process, by italicising these comments. But it didn’t work and, of course it was all my fault! I should have italicised the comments I was told. Then, in a comment on my story ‘Learning to Love’ a member of the ‘Anonymous’ brigade commented that he had stopped reading because Giovanna...

1 year ago
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ENF Chart

The stories that are/will be written here follow embarrassed naked female characters, fictional, original or real, in the scenarios of the ENF Chart. When writing, stories should be sorted as following: Franchise, character, scenarios. For example: RWBY (chapter 2), Ruby Rose (chapter 3), Going Commando (chapter 4). List of scenarios: 1: Lost Bet. The character lost a bet, and now she's got to do something embarrassing. 2: Strip Game. The character plays a game with another character, with her...

3 years ago
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Sex in Swedish means Six a good age

I would consider myself no more different from any other girl growing up and interacting with other people. My dreams and aspirations were forged on the same experiences, we all get from life, following the pack and the order it generates, never a front leader and looking up to my peers, both men and women.I never really focused on anything sexual, that's not to say I never suffered ot experienced sexual behaviour from other people around me, that would have been difficult to avoid as I was a...

4 years ago
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Stuck in a lift with Jennifer Lawrence

The excited teen hurried into the hotel lobby and looked around quickly at the lifts. He just managed to hold open the doors of the lift before they closed and breathed a sigh of relief as he pressed the button for floor fifteen. He became aware he wasn't alone, Pete looked around to set eyes on a beautiful woman who was leaning against the side wall of the lift, obscured from site when the doors had opened. He recognised her immediately as Jennifer Lawrence."Hi, going up?""I was going down...

3 years ago
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Black List IV MalevolenceChapter 3

The HALO jumps goes off without a hitch just as it was expected to. The only thing Samantha, Spencer and the DEeP Six team has to worry about is sharks, but if the body suits can withstand bullets then shark teeth won’t matter. Using diver propulsion vehicles, the team is able to move effortlessly through the water and cut the travel time to the island by a substantial amount. Once on land, the team quickly hides away any excess equipment. The escape will be the same as the entry with the...

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The Return of Prodigal

The Return Of The Prodigal By Estaban Bacca A hot Maltese sun had baked the limestone village throughout the day. Theshadows had grown long and any activity along the quay had died away. EdgarBaldachino sat at his regular table outside the café. Over the rim ofa wine glass, his eyes watched the fleet of fishing luzzus peacefullybobbing at their moorings but his thoughts were far from tranquil. His mindwas thirty years in the past. He had been a youth of eighteen when he'd decided he had to...

4 years ago
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Sexual Truth Serum

Sexual Truth Serum I had a chemist friend that developed a kind of ‘Sexual Truth Serum.’ It was unique. All you had to do was shoot a half a cc into her ass and wait fifteen minutes. She would become very horny and she would also tell you anything sexual that you wanted to know about her. To test the serum I invited my sister over for dinner one night. She was twenty-eight years old and had been married for seven years. Her husband was out of town and our mother was sitting with her...

2 years ago
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Lawyers Love 2

Becky avoided Kate as much as she could for the rest of the week. She could not bring herself to face the woman of her fantasy. Kate, busy as she was, did not notice the avoidance, but she did notice that Becky was disturbed about something. At lunch with the other two associates, one of the men mentioned that Becky was upset about something and asked what it was. "Boyfriend troubles," answered the other man. "We can only hope," said the first. It was an article of faith between the two that...

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A Spanking For Katherine

It was Saturday afternoon and like every Saturday around this time, Katherine Jennings was headed towards Master Black's house for their usual "session". She had been going there every Saturday for the past two years now, and she looked forward to each visit with her Master. She had spent the morning getting ready to meet him – she knew that Master had very exacting standards and liked her to be perfect for him. So she had showered and while in the shower she took the time to make sure she was...

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Doctors Visit

Dr. Rana had an attractive male client eyeing her as she walked down the hall to her office. She could feel his eyes boring into her assets and she purposefully exaggerated her gait so that her hips swung more prominently. Why am I feeling so flirty? She asked herself as she smiled internally that a handsome man was ogling her ass. Feeling more like a horny teenager than a psychotherapist, she quickly did personal inventory: it was two weeks out since her last period, she felt flushed, she had...

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Veronicas Fantasy

by Veronica The three of us sat together one night, as the best of friends do, drinking, smoking, discussing our lives and eventually turning to my favorite subject, sex. More drinks arrived and Bill told us how he has lived in a sexless marriage for a lot of years and that he envied Carlos’ and my sexually satisfying relationship. It was too early to break up the party, so the three of us decided to keep things going and drove to our house. Lust and my secret fantasy of having two men...

4 years ago
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The Pool Table Part Two

As I stood there looking at this woman who had lived in so many of my dreams. I realized I was afraid. I wanted this woman so badly but I felt if I moved I would wake up on my couch or in my bed alone with out her there. My heart was pounding so hard in chest I could feel it in the tips of my fingers and toes. Her eyes held me in place the fire that burn within them mirrored the flames in my soul. A single drip of water began to make its way down the side of her face. It moved so slowly...

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Bad Bad Officer

A little background information. This is a story about a guy named Richard Splatter who works in a female prison. He is 5'10 tall and about 200 lbs, brown hair, brown eyes. He is I guess you would say an average looking guy. Although he is one of the better looking guards at the prison, as most of the officers are old balding, fat guys. Richard works the night shift, and as we all know things happen on the night shift, and should remain on the night shift. One night Officer Splatter was doing a...

4 years ago
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Better Off BredChapter 6

We talked late into the night, Laura and I. For the first time I expressed my thoughts and feelings out loud and to another person, it felt almost therapeutic, what it didn’t feel like was confessing, to me that infers guilt and I simply don’t believe that what I desire most is wrong. Sometimes I lapsed into silence as I worked out how to express as yet unspoken desires, Laura was and is a good listener, almost empathic, at times she would reach out, a gentle touch, just enough to get me...

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Highland Magic Ch 25

I knew I was dreaming. Cien stood by my pallet and watched me with those beautiful eyes, his hair falling slightly forward, and I knew I was dreaming. To the future? He didn’t know I was from the future, so this HAD to be a dream. Right? ‘The future.’ I said. ‘Aye, 2008.’ That made me sit up quickly. ‘How do you know about 2008?’ Cien shifted uncomfortably, glancing around him. It was like I’d asked him what was in the secret sauce, and he was going to tell me, he just didn’t feel right...

3 years ago
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New Older Neighbours part 1

It was around 1998, I had been in my new house for about 6 months now. The gardens were all very private with large bushes defining the boundaries. I lived alone, was 27 and was always horny....just like most guys.The house next door had sold 3 months earlier and I enjoyed the fact that there wasn't any noise coming from there. I was just driving up the road when I saw a removal van parked next door to mine, I was intrigued. I parked the car and saw a couple of about 70 directing the removal...

1 year ago
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Scorpio MadnessChapter 5

Rikki was still catching her breath on the bed as I uncorked the ice-cooled second bottle. This time the confined bubbly didn't burst forth in a frothy eruption of pent-up madness, but there was still some excess. I allowed the cold wetness to drip into her prone ass-crack and run downwards onto her exposed pussy. "Rick! JEE-sus... you're as bad as I am! ... I'm just catching my breath. Gimme that..." Rikki tilted the bottle towards her, gulped down a swig, and then rolled...

3 years ago
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First Night Gangbang

Jason knew that Fran, his new wife, had been a party girl and an easy lay. He first saw her at a college party as he watched her giving head to some other guy. Before the night was over he had his dick between her legs and the hard nipple of one of her large firm tits in his mouth. She was moaning and thrusting back at him as he plowed into her not so tight, cum filled cunt. After he had poured a big load of cum up her snatch, he asked her what her name was. He also got her phone number.A...

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Mistis Adventures Part 117

The next morning the four of them awakened at nearly the same time. First were Royce and Annie, pretty much as usual, because it was, to them, like any other morning. In spite of being in school for the last 3 years, rising early had been ingrained into both. There had always been chores to be done, regardless of the time or circumstances. Royce had to help his Dad with the milking, and Annie had helped with fixing breakfast. Royce had enjoyed spending time with his Dad and brother while doing...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 524

???????????????? ???????? Say thanks to Irishblue for this one: There was this guy marooned on a desert island alone for 20 years. One day he saw an ocean liner, but while watching, to his horror, it hit a massive rock and immediately sank. He was devastated. Two days later he saw a body on the beach. He ran and discovered the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He nursed her back to health. Finally, she stood up and looked at him with gratitude. Then she said: “Would you like a smoke?” He replied: “Holy...

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