53 Miles West Of VenusChapter 8: Afterward free porn video

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“Why didn’t you call me when you heard the news about Phylicity?” I yelled at Liam Roberts, CEO and President of Roberts Electronics. Next to Ted Brooks III, Liam is perhaps one of my closer acquaintances ... almost nearly even a friend, although he’s technically my boss and I’m about five years older than he is. He’s still on the friendlier side of thirty, barely. Not that this gets him laid very often. He’s also really much better looking than Ted is and standing next to homely old me, he stands out like a movie star ... and a rather golden-bronze one at that, but that’s all I’m going to say about that. Like everything else in our extended family, for every tiny little nugget of truth there is a wheelbarrow full of muck loaded with rumor, innuendo and hearsay.

Like his father and grandfather both, he acts like a misogynist to the very core. Upon reflection, he doesn’t like most guys either, so perhaps he’s just a misanthrope instead. Undoubtedly because each of them loathed their fathers. Mine was just ‘ok’, Ted’s was something of a drunken bastard, and Liam’s dad was apparently Satan personified. Accordingly, he swears that he’ll never marry or knowingly procreate, to spare his own potential progeny a repetition of his own suffering.

I like Liam, but we’re not besties or bosom pals, even though we’ve spent a fair amount of time together over the years. Usually at pointless family meetings. He’s got his share of issues with the world ... and some of his issues even have issues of their own!

“I waited so that I could tell you in person,” he calmly said, “She deserved that. Besides, I thought you were ‘just friends’ close, but you’re taking this all really, really personally.”

“We’d spent a few rather nice nights together underground, right at the end, after blowing the mine. No regrets at all. I thought that it was a relationship that had future potential. It could have worked. I’d made the mistake of mentally starting to work it all out for us in my head, and now that spot is just empty, like you’ve burned it out with a hand-held soldering iron. Fuck you.”

“I deserve it,” he conceded, getting up from behind his rather undersized executive desk to stand and come around to my side. He made a motion of offering to place his hand upon my shoulder in comfort and when I didn’t shy off, he completed the gesture and we hugged in silence for a minute or two. That meant something, coming from Liam ... he never liked to touch or be touched by other people.

“You’re still a bastard for sending her,” I sighed, with more annoyance than any genuine anger, “but she really would have volunteered anyway. She was our best security team leader with the most experience ... that’s why I asked for her in the first place when we first started test work at the mine. I just had other plans for later, back on the island. Just what the hell really happened in Oklahoma anyway? I saw the news footage of the earthquake and fire on CNN downstairs at reception while waiting to come up. They’re spinning it as a weird but unfortunate 30 second story that probably will be off the news rotation sometime after dinner tonight. An earthquake followed by an unfortunate natural gas explosion. Hell! The way that burning crater is still growing and already the size of a sports stadium over a day later, that fiery natural gas sinkhole is going to end up rivaling that famous eternal burning ‘Pit of Hell’ in Siberia.”

“That was pretty much the plan exactly. AIS had been on our watch list for a while and the moment they showed their flag as aggressive we started working on our potential countermeasures, some more aggressively radical than others. Then, once they launched that military tactical assault on the crater, we pulled out our own nuclear retaliatory option so to speak. Wheels sent me the plan ... and probably wrote it too. It has his fingerprints all over it.”

“So, we sent in our own tactical assault team in response and generated the natural gas explosion to blow the place. But how did you manage the special effects? That earthquake timed exactly to the start of the explosion, blowing up parts of the building to low earth orbit less than five minutes after the quake. Now that’s a neat trick!”

“Toy of Doc’s,” he laughed, walking over one of the bookshelves in his office to quickly locate and extract an old pulp adventure magazine, one of the early one’s from the 1930’s that depicted ‘fictionally’ a story from our family’s past ... heroes defeating a villain who could indeed generate earthquakes via fantastic pulp-era ‘science’. He handed it to me and at a glance I knew exactly how it had been done.

“So, the earthquake device was real then. Wheels didn’t invent or create it, but he took it rather firmly away from its original owner and then might have tinkered with it over the last eighty years and improved on the theory a bit. So, the real destination for our assault teams was someplace inside, probably down in the basement next to the main natural gas intake pipes where the earthquake machine could do the most good ... at least for us.”

“Exactly. Their HQ building was famous for running off of cheap and nearly free natural gas from the deposit field below the building and it fed a decent sized pipeline to the electrical turbines that powered the building. A pretty nice bit of civil engineering, or so King Renny says ... and they were proud enough of the engineering design that they patented it and marketed it off to a few other companies. This made it pretty easy for us to get a pretty accurate site map of their entire HQ. The plan really only needed about eight people, but we added an extra person to each of the four teams to compensate for any changes to the plan, or some weird fuckup, but it really all went virtually perfectly, at least until the end.”

“How so?”

“Ok, the first team secured the perimeter, allowing fast uncontested access for the other three teams both in and out. Easy squeezy. The gate guard didn’t even need a hypo-shot and was already snoozing at his post even before we drugged him. The second team burst into their main operations room almost as quickly and easily. They put down the three guys on-shift with Doc’s old Tom-Tom gun that shoots sleep bullets. Unfortunately, they became toast once the building imploded but we didn’t directly kill them ... Wheels wanted it that way. The third team then breached the main server room on the IT floor and made copies or downloads of every bit of data on their systems and scrubbed out their cloud storage too. The reward at the end of the rainbow was the pair of computers locked behind a secure door and without external data or internet connections. Their Holiest of Holies ... undoubtedly the data is encrypted to a crazy degree but we’ll be able to read their real secrets in a week or two, month at tops. All according to plan and without the slightest hitch...”

“Except for the fourth team, the most critical group,” I surmised, and he nodded.

“It was triggering that earthquake machine that caused the only hiccup. The sub-basement below had a lot of extra physical security and a whole sequence of fire doors that had to be passed both ways, really slowing down the egress once the device had been activated. Strictly manual controls only, not at all stable or safe enough to be triggered remotely, according to Doc, so someone had to stand right there to physically hit the on-switch. That was Phylicity. The other two members of her team held open the nearest two sets of security doors that Phyl could then run like hell through out of there ... but she, they, didn’t make it out in time.”

“Wasn’t there a safety margin?”

We’d estimated ... been told, that they’d have at least three minutes after the device was started before structural damage would begin to occur but that basement floor concrete layer was thinner than we had projected, or else Doc’s modernized device was just a tad bit too efficient. And/or the whole place had cheap ass building construction not up code either, maybe. According to their last radio messages the basement started to shake itself apart in less than a minute and while they were still opening the third innermost fire door about halfway out to safety the floor started to buckle upwards and roof started to fall down. There wasn’t even time for them to scream, so the three of them went fast. If they’d have had just had another thirty seconds even, they’d have been out of the basement and then safely been out of the building entirely. Well, at least they didn’t suffer. The rest of the teams were safely out of the building as planned five minutes before triggering the device, right on schedule. Phyl’s team just had bad luck or something from Murphy’s Law out of left field. Your pick.”

I had to agree, but from where I was standing it seems as though Wheels had made the mistake with his gizmo. Haste or lack of prior testing had cost Phyl and two of her team their lives. I was starting to get even madder, but in a disturbingly calm and cool sort of way. Placid on the surface but my nerves were simmering underneath.

If I had known about this before Teddy Juniors funeral yesterday, I just might have quit too, right there on the spot along with Ted!

For the next two hours while sipping away at a decent bottle of whisky, Liam filled me with the short-term plan for things, post crater. Everyone agreed that Littlejohn was too small and vulnerable to keep operating, except solely for its on-going non-profit projects under its current CEO. The twins would have a few ‘family’ jobs of their own to finish up but within the next month or two they’d be relocating (permanently like me) to Poravuvu. His own future was somewhat less certain.

“Roberts, the company certainly but probably also including me, is heading to kind of a crossroads where our own public security is highly questionable. For decades, since the 1970’s anyway, my father had been financing Doc’s plans and operations and often had to sell off big chunks of our own family shares of the company to finance things. Dad also financed a lot of other R&D projects directly for the family but hid them amongst our other normal corporate ventures. Then after I took over there was the crater mine operation, plus the two other smaller test sites. Big expenses, but disguised enough in the accounting books that only a genius forensic accountant could find those transfers out now.”

“I bet. The way I heard it back in the day ... Roberts first just needed to ‘help’ supplement the reduced production of the Hidalgo mine operations and then in the last twenty years also help get Poravuvu started, once Renny neatly managed to restore the monarchy and make himself king of the island in the process. I bet if anything, all of those sunk costs are just fish food to what Wheels needs funding for now!”

“It’s worse than you could guess. Here and now, I barely control 25% of the stock and any well-organized take-over attempt could succeed. As a result, in order to protect the family interests, we’re going to need to do some rather fancy company reshuffling, starting now. First, to spin off the really essential pieces of remaining R&D to direct island control, disguised as corporate restructuring and purging ‘unprofitable’ subsidiaries. Then we need to perform a rather thorough in-house weeding and cleaning of any and every incriminating document linking us to either Wheels or the island, let alone the hundreds of various goodies that our secret R&D has generated since we were toddlers. Stuff we developed with or for Wheels and then kept hidden away and never openly marketed ... inventions that would have made us as profitable as Westinghouse or GE now!”

“Chicken feed, and you know it. Quit those crocodile tears, you aren’t fooling me. You still make crazy money for patents you have licensed, besides in five more years ... ten certainly, we’ll all be so rich that money won’t have any practical meaning. What’s this about a take-over? You can’t be serious? That would really screw things up entirely!”

“Maybe ... maybe not,” Laim sighed, “With all of the stock that my father had to sell off, quietly, to start funding this great family endeavor, I’m dead serious. A hostile take-over of Roberts is not only possible now, but even likely! Even Cassandra isn’t certain if we can hold things together – or if we should even try to. The word is, she says it’s pretty much a coin-flip that I’d be able to hold on to what’s left of the public company or if there’s a successful corporate takeover before the presidential election at the end of this year. I’ve got to plan for both eventualities, but no one’s gifted me any helpful ideas just yet. My father will be rolling in his grave at even the thought of a Roberts no longer controlling grandfather’s company ... that alone is nearly enough motivation to make me want to start off the liquidation myself! On the other hand, Poravuvu is going to need much more heavy funding soon, if not sooner, and even if I had a fire sale and stripped the company down to the bare floors this wouldn’t generate even a quarter of what we’re going to need for expanding the heavy manufacturing. It’s a start I suppose. At least you’ve got an assured job for the next few years.” He laughed.

“This next election is going to change things, maybe everything. Even without Cassandra, I can safely predict that.” Some good, some bad ... some undoubtedly awful.

“It’s worse than you think. A complete change to the paradigm of everything, or so I’ve heard from Wheels at the last meeting I was at. According to Cassandra, if Doc’s plan doesn’t succeed, the world will be a rather different and unfortunate place in just ten years, and after that if we don’t win, they will and no one will enjoy the results. Consequently, I’ll start doing my cleanup and burn the midnight oil to largely liquidate the company that my famous grandfather started. Fuck dad ... I think I’ll rather enjoy preparing to burn everything here down to the ground. It killed my father and I never wanted the burden of replacing him, let alone shouldering all of the financial burden of keeping the Great Undertaking financially out of ruin. Best case, even if I can liquidate half of the company and all of the so-called family fortune that’s less than half of what we’ll need to keep us operating for just the next five years, let alone the likely minimum of ten years before everything is ready. We’re all probably fucked anyway, but you never heard that from my mouth. Oh, fuck Ted as well. He’s seen all of the legal stuff, especially the sneaky stuff we’ve had to pull since we started at the mine. Wheels is not going to like him going completely off the reservation or leaving the family business. Like it or not, he’s got to step in for his father and keep the existing skeletons buried. If I can ruin my own hopes and dreams to keep the family business going, then so can he! Fuck him again, I say!”

“Ted’s not going to be a loose cannon, even after leaving the fold. I think he just needs a while to himself after his father’s death, away from everything for a while. Marriage will probably suit him, make him less whiney. He’ll come back eventually, I’m sure of it.” Actually, I wasn’t. Theodore Brooks the Third could out-stubborn an army mule and once he made up his mind he stuck to it, for better or worse.

I had already decided to give the poor guy a month or two to get over his father’s death and then I’d start nudging him back into the fold ... unfortunately at probably a glacial pace. Did I mention that Ted could do ‘stubborn’ for the Olympics? Yeah, he really could. Suddenly I had a really bad feeling about this.

“Actually, as of tomorrow morning you have more interesting problems than Ted’s orneriness to deal with. Guess who just came out of her coma today. Can’t talk or tell any tales yet, and she’s a total wreck - missing both of her legs and most of her left arm, not to mention several semi-critical internal injuries. Since she can at least blink now, I’m sure that Phyl would want us to do something to correct that particular problem.”

“Best news by far I’ve heard this miserable day. I take it the company jet is already waiting to whisk me away to my pleasant task on the morrow?”

“Waiting and already fueled up. Also, as we speak since she’s off of the critical list, we’ve quietly arranged for an anonymous benefactor to fund her transfer to a rather private convalescence hospice away from the county hospital outside of El Paso, where I’m certain you can arrange a very private interview with her away from curious eyes. Carol Granger, our in-house physician’s assistant is going to meet with you tomorrow morning before you leave to discuss medical options. After that you’re on a series of flights to LA, Hawaii and then Poravuvu. Probably to stay ... until the shit gets even worse than things already are.”

“I can hardly wait!”

I was already itching to go, and after an altogether too early final breakfast meeting the next morning the private jet made the rather short flight to El Paso, where as planned a rental car waiting for me. This was going to be fun!

Phyl was dead, largely because Claire couldn’t keep her greedy piehole shut! She sold us out to our enemies and if there was even the slightest chance of anyone communicating with her, I needed to learn everything that she’d told or given them ... and perhaps exactly what they’d intended to do with our secrets ... and anyone one else that her research had been passed on to!

I have to admit that it still came as something of a shock to see Claire’s brutally ravaged and virtually limbless body lying there upon the hospital bed. When I arrived into her private room that mid-morning she was asleep but indeed out of her coma according to the overworked and frantically busy floor nurse on duty. She’d probably not even remember our brief conversation, particularly since I was wearing the standard whites of an orderly. Good looking handsome men like Ted or Liam could dress up like doctors and fool most people, but when you’ve short and have got a rather homely looking mug that resembles some missing-link Neanderthal ancestor, then dressing as an orderly is the way to go. Nearly foolproof, every time. Moseying down the corridor with a trolley cart of cleaning supplies in-hand, not a single nurse or doctor even made eye contact with me. To them I was just another minimum wage dog’s-body doing the scutwork.

Claire’s room was on the downstairs right wing of the hospice and the second to last room on the right-hand side. No security and the floor nurse seemed far too busy to pay any further attention me and no one saw me enter Claire’s room with my rolling cart. I stopped just inside the doorway and swung the door about two-thirds of the way shut, just enough to block any casual view of the room. Claire had a private room that had a sliding glass door that opened onto a pavestone patio overlooking the center’s garden. The garden was rather nice, complete with lots of rose bushes and all sorts of other flowering plants. As it was a fairly nice fall day and relatively cool outside (especially for El Paso), I slid open the glass doors to the patio garden and took in a half dozen deep floral scented breaths. Then it was time to get down to business.

For starters, I checked on Claire’s vitals which were weak but showing slow improvement since her arrival here yesterday. There was a fairly aggressive morphine IV drip to control her pain, which undoubtedly was massive, judging by her physical injuries. Just as the initial report to us had stated, she’d lost both legs and her left arm nearly entirely, with the right side of her body faring just slight better than her left side. There were also further significant internal injuries that pretty much shredded all of the organs on her left side, like the lungs and kidney. Her heart was apparently uninjured and there were no skull injuries apparently either.

This all fit the wounds from the rooftop explosion. Old beer kegs loaded with explosives and improvised shrapnel like junk steel ... and lots of ball bearings had pretty much done what they had been designed to do, take out a helicopter landing an assault force. Claire had been about halfway inside that helicopter when I blew the roof, gaining some slight partial protection, at least for her head. Surprisingly, if her neck and spine hadn’t been fractured in at least three different places by the helicopter crash occurring after that explosion, the odds were likely that Claire might have been already up and rolling about in a wheelchair, and starting her full recovery with artificial limbs in a few months.

She’d been damned, damned lucky! Now it was imperative that I get a few answers from her!

For starters, I turned off her narcotic flow into her IV. I’m not really that medically savvy, but Carol Granger, Robert’s corporate resident Physician’s Assistant, had given me a fairly exhaustive overview of what I’d be likely to encounter here. Complete with a simulated test dummy hooked up an IV, intubation and feeding tubes. She showed me how to disconnect and reconnect them all, if necessary. Not to mention how, when and where to use the contents of a small zippered pouch containing five different pre-prepared syringes.

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Daves Australian OdysseyChapter 52 The South West Corner

Monday Week 27 When Dave woke up next morning, the first thing he thought of was that fantastic meal he and Jill had enjoyed yesterday. Fortunately he would only be driving for about three hours today, so was able to sleep in. It was about 208 kilometres to Bruce Rock. Because he didn't get away until after 9:30 am, it was after 11 am when he stopped for a late morning tea at Quairading. Only an hour later he was pulling up at Kokerbin Rock, which impressed them with its size and grandeur....

5 years ago
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The Trail WestChapter 4

The Hobart wagon train was four days west of Amarillo and young Josh Kelly was scouting ahead for the best route, water holes, and a good spot to camp for the night. He had been doing the same thing for the last 40 days as the train made its way from Fort Smith through Oklahoma City and Amarillo toward Santa Fe. Hobart had shown a lot of faith in the 18 year old, giving him more and more responsibilities and the boy had blossomed into a very capable young man. The time Josh spent with Johnny...

1 year ago
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The Wild Woman of the West a CFNM story

A wanted female outlaw comes to town, but the male marshal gets more than he bargins for... with embarrassing consequences for him and his townsmen!!! ------------------------------------------------------------ Disclaimer: The following is a comedy CFNM story that's not to be taken too seriously, featuring fictional characters who are all aged over 18 and any resemblance to real life places and names is purely coincidental. -----------------------------------------------------------------...

4 years ago
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Meeting My Old West Hooker Rachel in College

At one time in our lives we all have met that crazy “quirky” girl who made us laugh and was sexy in a funny way. Well I was fifty-seven and taking some college courses part-time when I met forty- something Rachel. She was a very skinny women and kind of plain in a rustic way, no make-up, granny glasses, but don’t get me wrong she still was a good looking woman. What drew me to her was her eccentric dress. Rachel dressed like an 1880’s old west bar girl, long skirts, high laced boots, cotton...

3 years ago
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A Genny Story Key West

  When we go on vacation, Melly and I like to have fun. We let our hair down and don’t care what anyone else thinks. This is the story of our vacation and all the fun we had in wonderful Key West.                         A Genny Story… Key West I am Genny. Getting from Lansing, Michigan to Key West, Florida is no easy task. We had to fly from Lansing to Detroit. Then from there to Atlanta, and then on to Miami and then down to Key West. Not an easy day, but if you have ever spent a long...

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fun in key west

Introduction: wife and i had fun in key west ***********************************************Key West ***************** On our recent vacation to St. Thomas, we did a 2 day trip to key west for my Birthday. My wife asked what I wanted for my B-day, and I told her I wanted to wear pantyhose with shorts and sandals and walk around town with her. This is a first for me( and her) wearing hose in public. But I figured in Key west it would be OK. I was very nervous as I dressed. I wore suntan...

4 years ago
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Meeting My Old West Hooker Rachel in College

At one time in our lives we all have met that crazy “quirky” girl who made us laugh and was sexy in a funny way. Well I was fifty-seven and taking some college courses part-time when I met forty- something Rachel. She was a very skinny women and kind of plain in a rustic way, no make-up, granny glasses, but don’t get me wrong she still was a good looking woman. What drew me to her was her eccentric dress. Rachel dressed like an 1880’s old west bar girl, long skirts, high laced boots, cotton...

2 years ago
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Run to the West Pt3

Erika Hoffmann spent the next day, Sunday, alone as Elsa was scheduled to work so she busied herself with cleaning and tidying her apartment. After she had gone she didn't want anyone saying she was dirty and untidy. She would probably never see Eisenach again but that didn't matter. Besides, she didn't want to stop and think about what may happen on Thursday. She would worry about that enough as the day drew near.The following day she tried to catch up with all the work she wanted to finish...

3 years ago
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Run to the West Pt2

Erika Hoffmann closed her arms even more tightly around her friend, her lover, and let the last vestiges of her orgasm slowly dissipate.So much emotion flooded through her, so much understanding of why she was still single and why Elsa Schröder was her only friend. Now she knew this moment had been destined from the start, maybe even why Helmut had been taken from her so cruelly.She opened her dark brown eyes and looked into Elsa‘s, lying naked in her arms. What she saw through those beautiful,...

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Key West a hot tub and a polish girl

This is my first time to write a story of me, so I guess i'll see it goes, lol, what the hell. This took place shortly after my divorce which was 2000 so it was a few years ago. I was living outside of washington d.c. in virginia with a girl that i honestly was with only because she made good money. She had gotten a new job in key west florida doing computer video conferencing, her speciality on the navy base in key west as a contractor. Her company put us up in the holiday inn while we...

2 years ago
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The Greatest Lie Chapter 15 East is East and West is West

This is a work of erotic fiction, which is written for adult readers only. It contains explicit descriptions of illegal drug use, sexual intercourse, and violence, which some readers may find disturbing. Portions of the narrative are inspired by current events in Thai society and an ongoing scientific debate concerning the safety of an over-the-counter microbicide, nonoxynol-9 (N-9). However, with the exception of the identity of the Thai Prime Minister and the protagonist's SRS...

3 years ago
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West Virginia Business Chapter 1

WEST VIRGINIA BUSINESS PART 1 I love the United States, its huge, diverse, and its many towns have their own secrets, history. After finishing my latest holiday in Washington DC, I rented a car and drove through Virginia and into West Virginia. I stopped at every Civil War site that was on the map, Harpers Ferry was the first I came across. I then drove through West Virginia, green and beautiful, I was reminded of Queensland, where I lived, that is just as green and beautiful. As...

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Just West of Happy Part 3

Warning: This story contains MATURE THEMES including nudity, sex, sexualization, and vulgar language. Do not read if you are under 18 or if it is otherwise restricted for you to do so. If you wish to share this story, contact me at [email protected]. I will likely agree, I just want to know in advance. This is part 3 of Just West of Happy and finally, THERE IS TG IN THIS CHAPTER! REJOICE! I finally felt like I'd reached the appropriate level of characterization of Ian that...

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Confessions of a West Palm Slut Part 1

Upon moving to West Palm Beach from Florida I was able to secure a job as a waitress with no experience.  Needless to say it took some adjusting.  To be honest I had never held a job other than being a swim instructor growing up.  Waitressing was a fun job but very stressful at first - especially for someone who has bouts of anxiety such as myself.  Top it off with having to make new friends and living away from my family and I was a certifiable mess.  One of the things that I found solace in...

2 years ago
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Confessions of a West Palm Slut Chapter 2

It was Sunday, and unseasonably cold for October in West Palm Beach.  Or so I was told.  I had only been living here about a month or so. It had been two weeks since I went out on a date with Shane.  We crossed paths at my work once since that time but did nothing other than exchange pleasantries and small talk.  He was there to watch college football and hang out with Jimmy, but Jimmy spent most of his time either serving drinks or arguing with his girlfriend, Kat, who was also a bartender at...

3 years ago
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Daves Australian OdysseyChapter 51 Down the West Coast

Monday Week 24 It was hard to imagine that it was only a week ago we drove into Broome, Dave thought as he lay in bed waiting for Jill to wake up. So much has happened in that week, almost unbelievably good experiences. He realised that today was going to be just a transit day, with not a lot of interesting things to see at the other end. He was hopeful that they would only be on the road for about five hours, as he planned his next stop to be at the Sandfire Roadhouse, which was only 323...

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Actress MePt 3 Trip West

Summer of 82 passed quickly into fall, and we talked numerous times about when was I going to come out west and visit her. I kept mention that November would be good, as the national holiday of deer hunting started here on the 15th, and the follow week is Thanksgiving. That probably would be the best time for me to journey out west. I worked hard to get things wrapped up by the 12th of November. On Saturday, I packed my bags and had sister Brenda take me to the airport. Brenda and I...

2 years ago
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Mrs West

The temperature had finally dropped into the 80’s and I had plopped down into one of the chairs. My dog Trix was playing with a stick and I sat idly watching. Her voice was behind me. “Mind if I join you?” she asked as she slid into the other chair. She was parallel to me and about two feet away. “Sure Mrs. West” She was rubbing some kind of moisturizer on her legs. I had a hard time looking away. “Call me Julie.” She said with a smile. “Mrs. West makes me feel old.” “Err…OK.” I almost...

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Key West

His butt was getting numb. Squirming around for relief had become an impossible endeavor. It had been hours since he left Miami in the bed of that rickety, vibrating pick-up truck. Brad’s legs ached and he desperately needed to stretch and walk around. Twisting around to look forward through the cab windows only frustrated him more. “Shit! I can’t even see the next island.” In despair, Brad drooped his shoulders and tugged on the edges of the white sailor’s cap, pulling it tighter on his head....

Love Stories
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Love Old West Style

The morning sun rose over the mountain, I stood near the willow tree as the faint glow of sunlight began to filter over the town of Lonesome. Today was a new day, and new people set to arrive for another day in the tourist hot spot of Lonesome, Montana. Once a western movie location the town had been revitalized by the owner, Edward Brilliant, a self made millionaire he bought the old west town and wanted to bring it back to its glory. He also wanted to make money at it, so he made it into a...

4 years ago
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East Meets West Pt 02 Ch 01

If you haven’t read East Meets West, Part 1, then I suggest you read it now, otherwise this story will make no sense to you. I would also like to add that I don’t write sex stories . . . I write stories that have sex in them. Hopefully, the sex enhances the story, but is not the primary reason the story was written. Sex between consenting adults who love each other is truly one of the most glorious things on earth. I also want to point out a few things here, so I apologize in advance for...

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East Meets West Pt 01 Ch 01

If you are looking for a story filled with sex, then you are probably in the wrong place. I don’t write sex stories. I (hopefully) write interesting stories that contain sex. It has been said that women need a reason to have sex, while men just need a place. Like most generalities, that is generally wrong. I think that most people actually need to have a reason to have sex and if they care for each other, if they love each other, then the sex will be even better. All the participants are at...

4 years ago
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Key West Incedent

Dearest Debbie, I know you were quite taken back at my sexual event of weeks ago, yet you didn’t seen that upset which made me more concerned. So I figured I write you and let you read the way my feeling were going, the funny part is that they went the same way as they do for you besides being sexual I have ever daring love for you. We have been so truthful in our relationship and you have accepted Karen Well you know Karen my girlfriend, well we made reservations at the Nassau House for a...

3 years ago
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Marg arrives in the west

Sue and I had moved to the west for me to take up an executive position in a large company. We had invited Marg to visit us in our new home. Although Sue didn’t know it I was aware that Marg intended staying. Her good friend, Cherie was coming with her.My vasectomy had been reversed before I had moved west and the operation had been successful. Sue and I planned to have our third child following the Thursday before the weekend that Marg arrived. Sue was of the belief that my sperm had taken....

Wife Lovers
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Settling in to the west

Settling in to the westWe had moved to WA from the eastern states. My motivation for the move was to try to get my wife, Sue away from the men that she had formed her cheating relationships with. I had told her she had a choice to make. She could either stay in the east and our marriage would be dissolved or come with me but only on the condition that her cheating behavior ends. Sue had chosen to come with me. I had little faith that she would reform and the first sign to me was that she agreed...

Wife Lovers
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Wishes Chapter 6 Restless in West Texas

Aaron and I managed to get together with Harris two more evenings during that torrid week in Houston.   Each encounter was wonderfully fulfilling.  I must confess, when I said goodbye to my ebony lover late Thursday evening, I was deeply saddened.   I had developed a genuine affection for him.  “Do you think we’ll ever see him again?” I asked solemnly.Aaron hugged me before responding, “I don’t know.   Perhaps…You really like him, don’t you?”I nodded, “He’s the only other man I’ve been with…and...

Wife Lovers
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The Booty Inspector of the Old West pt 6

“The Guerilla Widows of Russia”[/b]by markfayerDick and junior woke up first the next day in their “Shanghai Bed & Breakfast Inn” Suite and were just eating some French toast and orange Juice and lounging around in fluffy Bathroom Slippers and soft-pink Bathrobes, when finally Fong-Wen was roused awake.She stretched out her torso and strained in pleasure and, like a yawned like a sleepy cat on a sunny afternoon –she had a HUGE grin on her face—smiling from ear-to-ear. “g’morning boys!” she...

2 years ago
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Laura and the two West African businessmen

Laura and the two West African businessmenAt the age of 31 Laura was delighted the way her career at the bank had been going. She had started as a junior immediately after leaving university and was now an important member of the team dealing with loans to large corporations. Her manager called her into her office on Monday morning and told her that she had been chosen to close a deal with a large West African oil exploration company who were about to float on the London Stock Exchange. She was...

2 years ago
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Just West of Happy Part 9

Warning: This story contains MATURE THEMES including nudity, sex, sexualization, and vulgar language. Do not read if you are under 18 or if it is otherwise restricted for you to do so. If you wish to share this story, contact me at [email protected]. I will likely agree, I just want to know in advance. After a brief delay, I'm back on the horse with Ian and Melinda. Things get back to the sexy in this chapter, so do read on. Or don't if that bothers you. But if it does, this...

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Key West Incedent

Dearest Debbie,I know you were quite taken back at my sexual event of weeks ago, yet you didn’t seen that upset which made me more concerned. So I figured I write you and let you read the way my feeling were going, the funny part is that they went the same way as they do for you besides being sexual I have ever daring love for you. We have been so truthful in our relationship and you have accepted KarenWell you know Karen my girlfriend, well we made reservations at the Nassau House for a long...

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Confessions of a West Palm Slut Chapter 5

My twenty-fifth birthday fell on a Sunday that year.  I had taken off work and convinced Courtney to do the same.  Sunday Funday Birthday Bonanza was just a few hours away.  It was 2 pm and Courtney had come over to my downtown apartment to get ready.  My roommate and her boyfriend had gone on vacation to the Bahamas for the week so I had the place to myself.I hung out with Courtney every free moment I had.  She was my first West Palm friend and just her presence made me feel like my old...

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Confessions of a West Palm Slut Chapter 11

I loved West Palm in April.  The weather was perfect.  It was reasons like this that I moved down here.  The sun, the fun, the men.  West Palm was not real life.  At least not the real life I had previously known.  Courtney was spending a decent amount of time at my place since my roommate moved out.  Currently we were polishing off a bottle of wine while sitting on the couch.  I was wearing sweatpants and a tee shirt.  Courtney was wearing shorts and a tee - without makeup or a bra.  Her...

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Confessions Of A West Palm Slut Chapter 15

Packing is a bitch.  My apartment was half in boxes and half just randomly strewn around the room.  Even though it was only mid-May, I had decided to move out early.  Not only had Courtney got me a job at her restaurant, but she also convinced me to move into her condo.  I was a tad concerned as I would no longer be living downtown, but all the way out in Palm Beach Gardens.  It's not like it was far away, but it would still require driving into the city for work and bar hopping.  I had packed...

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Confessions Of A West Palm Slut Chapter 23

I put my vibrator back in the drawer.  I had just treated myself to another session with my new favorite toy.  It had been nearly two weeks since I had sex.  Both Derek and I had been working a lot and our schedules weren’t matching up when we were off work.  I had given him a blow job in his police cruiser one night after I got off work but right now I was feening more.  I tried to get him to come over real quick before his shift today but he couldn’t.  Hurricane Wilma was bearing down on West...

4 years ago
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East Meets West Part Two

If you haven’t read East Meets West, Part 1, then I suggest you read it now, otherwise this story will make no sense to you. I would also like to add that I don’t write sex stories ... I write stories that have sex in them. Hopefully, the sex enhances the story, but is not the primary reason the story was written. Sex between consenting adults who love each other is truly one of the most glorious things on earth. I also want to point out a few things here, so I apologize in advance for...

2 years ago
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Key West Passage

Damn she was beautiful. I couldn't believe something was actually going right in my life. Not that I was destitute or anything. But my relationships with women were—well—a mess. No, it must be the wrong boat, and besides she's married. I reevaluated my situation. I didn't need this. Since my latest divorce, I had met many good-looking women. It's just that nothing seemed to work with them. I was hoping she would be ugly, so I could keep my raging hormones in check. I just wanted to sail....

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