East Meets West Pt 02 Ch 01
- 4 years ago
- 36
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If you haven’t read East Meets West, Part 1, then I suggest you read it now, otherwise this story will make no sense to you. I would also like to add that I don’t write sex stories ... I write stories that have sex in them. Hopefully, the sex enhances the story, but is not the primary reason the story was written. Sex between consenting adults who love each other is truly one of the most glorious things on earth.
I also want to point out a few things here, so I apologize in advance for writing such a lengthy introduction.
One thing that is consistent in my writing is that I write about strong women. Women who are not only the equal to the male lead character, but often superior. I know many strong women who know what they want and aren’t afraid to go out and get it.
I don’t write about timid women who meekly accept what life deals out, but rather “damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead.” This story is definitely that category. Incest, but very unconventional to what most people probably expect.
I actually wrote Part 1 of East Meets West nearly 10 years ago. And kept feeling something was missing. I don’t know how the creative process works for others, but for me I get a general idea for a story and start writing. In the original story Jiao and Meili were both in that car crash. Jiao died, while Meili was critically injured. Jack blames himself for Jiao’s death, and Meili’s near fatal injuries.
In the original, Jack meets someone but having lost what he thought was the love of his life, and still blaming himself, he can’t and won’t allow his feelings to show. Only after Meili wakes up and is nearly recovered does she convince him that this other person is right for him. “The Miracle of the Silver Dollar” was included from the very beginning.
But a funny thing happened on the way to the ending. I fell in love with Jiao. At some point (actually by the time I had written about their first night together) I had written enough about Jiao to where I could no longer simply “kill off” her character.
So Jiao was alive and well, but I still felt something was missing. It finally dawned on me that Jiao wasn’t the only woman who was in love with Jack.
Quite frankly, I never thought I would write a story about any form of incest, but then this is not my story – it is Jiao’s and Meili’s and Jack’s story.
I am just reporting the story as they told it to me.
East Meets West, Part 2
By OldSarge69
“Daddy, I’m pregnant,” my daughter Meili told me.
I knew my daughter was not dating anyone, and in fact had not dated in nearly two years. Not since she had launched her bio-genetics lab. In fact, I frequently complained because she never took time to enjoy herself, instead working 15 to 18 hours a day, six or seven days a week.
Daddy, I’m pregnant, the words repeated themselves in my mind.
Part of my mind just seemed to stop, while another part suddenly started operating lightning fast.
Daddy, Daddy, Daddy ... I’m, I’m, I’m ... pregnant, pregnant, PREGNANT!
The words kept echoing through my mind.
Time slowed to a crawl.
Daddy, Daddy, Daddy ... I’m, I’m, I’m ... pregnant, pregnant, PREGNANT!
I felt like someone had punched me in the stomach.
I could feel the blood drain out of my face, and for a moment actually thought I would either be sick or pass out.
The one part of my mind that still was working immediately flashed back to the first time I had ever met this young girl I had grown to love so much.
She was only 12 years old at the time and was hiding behind her mother’s waist. All I could see was one jade-green eye, and not quite shoulder-length jet black hair.
She was so shy, so bashful, and it wasn’t until I asked if she would like to see a magic trick that she acknowledged me in any way.
Daddy, Daddy, Daddy ... I’m, I’m, I’m ... pregnant, pregnant, PREGNANT!
She said something in Chinese to her mother, who laughed then told me her daughter said, “I’m a scientist, I don’t believe in magic.”
I performed a stupid little magic trick involving a disappearing coin, then asked if she had taken the coin.
The first words she said to me, in perfect English, albeit with a British accent, were: “No, what did you do with it?”
I pretended to examine both sides of her face, then “pulled” the coin out of her ear.
She giggled, then threw her arms around my neck and gave me a hug and kissed me on the cheek. I was immediately lost. I knew I was helplessly in love with this little girl, just as I was helplessly in love with her mother.
I adopted her legally, but had already adopted her into my heart.
Daddy, Daddy, Daddy ... I’m, I’m, I’m ... pregnant, pregnant, PREGNANT!
Then my mind flashed back to seeing her in a hospital bed after nearly eight hours of surgery.
The extent of her injuries after being hit head-on by a drunk driver were overwhelming.
She had died twice in the ambulance, but they were able to get her heart started again.
Her blood pressure was almost negligible due to the massive blood loss.
She had compound fractures in both legs, meaning the bones were sticking out, had a collapsed lung, several broken ribs, a ruptured spleen, a broken arm, a fractured skull, a concussion, and swelling of the brain.
One knee had also been shattered in the wreck and if she lived they weren’t certain if she would ever be able to walk again without a pronounced limp and without a cane or even crutches.
Daddy, Daddy, Daddy ... I’m, I’m, I’m ... pregnant, pregnant, PREGNANT!
I later found out the doctors, even after the surgery, had given her less than a 10 percent chance of living.
Only later, years later, did one of the doctors actually add they thought the best thing that could happen would have been if she had died, because they were almost certain she would have brain damage if she did live. Luckily that prediction did not come true.
Daddy, Daddy, Daddy ... I’m, I’m, I’m ... pregnant, pregnant, PREGNANT!
Three times in the next few days she nearly died again.
Her heart started failing, her blood pressure was dropping and even the doctors and nurses were crying knowing she was dying and there was nothing – medically – they could do to help her.
Twice I was able to bring her back from the brink with my little magic trick.
The hospital staff started calling it “The Miracle of the Silver Dollar.”
Another time her mother, using the ESP (Extra-Sensory Perception) they shared was able to pull her back to the land of the living.
Daddy, Daddy, Daddy ... I’m, I’m, I’m ... pregnant, pregnant, PREGNANT!
I remembered once when 13-year-old Meili fell while learning to ride a bicycle and skinned her knee.
She started crying and began running over to where her mother and I were sitting on the ground enjoying a picnic lunch.
Jiao drew herself up to her knees to get ready to offer Meili a comforting hug.
Only Meili ran past her mother and flung herself into my arms.
That was when I honestly felt like a Dad for the very first time, knowing that she now truly accepted me as her father.
I think I started crying harder than Meili was.
Daddy, Daddy, Daddy ... I’m, I’m, I’m ... pregnant, pregnant, PREGNANT!
The words kept reverberating through my head.
Another flashback and I remembered the first few weeks in the hospital after she regained consciousness.
She had broken her left arm, and since she was left handed, her mother and I had to take turns feeding her until she taught herself to eat using her right hand, and later taught herself to write also using her right hand.
Today, she can eat or write equally well using either hand.
In fact she can eat with one hand, while writing with the other.
Even more amazingly, she can write in English with one hand, and at the same time write in Russian, German, French or Chinese with the other.
Daddy, Daddy, Daddy ... I’m, I’m, I’m ... pregnant, pregnant, PREGNANT!
After well over a month in the hospital, we finally returned home.
At first Meili was nearly an invalid. She couldn’t walk, slept 16 to 18 hours a day, and depended on her mother and me for EVERYTHING.
Jiao had taken several weeks’ vacation, but eventually had to return to work.
I had taken a leave of absence from the college where I taught military history.
I had to help her use the bathroom, and even clean her up after “accidents” while she was sleeping.
I also had to constantly change her position in bed to prevent bedsores, and would spend hours each day massaging the muscles of her back and legs to prevent atrophy.
In the first three months Meili had three different surgeries on her knee, putting it back together.
Daddy, Daddy, Daddy ... I’m, I’m, I’m ... pregnant, pregnant, PREGNANT!
After she began to heal, a physical therapist came in every day for over a month to work with her, but eventually Meili asked if I could take over. At first I told her I could not do that. After watching several of the sessions with the therapist it looked more like brutality than needed exercise. During every one of those sessions Meili would be reduced to tears because of the extreme pain.
I finally had to stop watching because I was afraid I would attack the therapist because of how much she was hurting my daughter.
Daddy, Daddy, Daddy ... I’m, I’m, I’m ... pregnant, pregnant, PREGNANT!
Eventually though, Jiao and Meili convinced me to try. Actually, once I saw that both wanted me to do this, I knew it was only a matter of time before I capitulated.
Trying to oppose either one in something they were determined to do was nearly impossible, and together ... well it was like trying to oppose a force of nature like a hurricane or tornado.
At first I tried to take it easy on Meili, but she wouldn’t let me.
In one of the exercises I would take her foot and shin and push back against her until her knee was against her chest.
I was supposed to make her push back against me to strengthen the muscles in her thigh.
I tried to just push back a little because I didn’t want to hurt her, but Meili would yell at me, scream at me, even cuss at me until I eventually was using every ounce of strength in my 180 pound body.
The exercise sessions with me were, at Meili’s insistence, even harsher than they had been with the therapist.
Meili would be crying from the pain, but refused to quit.
After each session ... well, I would be crying at the pain I was inflicting on my beloved daughter.
Every day, though, she got just a little stronger.
Soon Meili had me carry her to the heated Olympic-size swimming pool in the back yard and we would spend hours swimming together every day.
Finally, leaning heavily on me, she took her first step some six months after the wreck.
We walked all of three feet that day. Then five feet the next, and seven after that.
Meili’s face would be soaked with sweat from the pain, but she never gave up.
After learning to walk again with my help, she started walking with the aid of a crutch, then a cane, and finally without any kind of aid.
Daddy, Daddy, Daddy ... I’m, I’m, I’m ... pregnant, pregnant, PREGNANT!
Most people only notice Meili has a limp if she is extremely tired, but Jiao and I can see it every single day.
And I still can’t help but blame myself.
If only I had been driving that day when the drunk driver crossed over the center line and hit her head-on. If I had been driving, maybe, perhaps, possibly I could have avoided the accident with my much greater experience.
Meili needed to buy some new clothes for her new job and knew how much I hated shopping so she told me she would be fine. FINE!!!
If I had been driving ... THEN maybe she would have been fine.
And I wouldn’t have felt like I nearly killed my daughter because I didn’t like shopping.
Daddy, Daddy, Daddy ... I’m, I’m, I’m ... pregnant, pregnant, PREGNANT!
On one level I knew Meili was now 25, I knew she had been sexually active in the past and I knew she could make her own choice about becoming pregnant.
However, when I look at her I am not seeing the 25-year-old head of the most advanced bio-genetics laboratory on earth.
I am still seeing that tiny 12-year-old who threw her arms around my neck all those years ago and giggled and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
I am seeing that young adult who had just graduated from college, and was more dead than alive lying in her hospital bed.
I was seeing that oh so small girl who couldn’t even feed herself at first.
I am seeing that tiny, precious piece of heaven here on earth whom I had to wash after an “accident” while she was sleeping.
I wasn’t seeing an adult, capable of making her own decisions, I was seeing ... my daughter.
My precious, beautiful daughter whom I had nearly lost.
Daddy, Daddy, Daddy ... I’m, I’m, I’m ... pregnant, pregnant, PREGNANT!
I had only been home today for a few minutes and when I walked in the house, both Meili and Jiao were waiting for me.
I just had to stop and admire these two beautiful women. My wife Jiao is just a fraction of an inch over five feet tall and weighs a whopping 90 pounds. Her daughter, my adopted daughter Meili is about 5 feet two, and weighs around 105 pounds.
Both were wearing shorts and a t-shirt, both were barefoot and I was once again amazed that at age 43, Jiao looks at least 10 or 15 years younger. Her waist-length hair was still jet-black without even a single gray hair, and her skin and face were flawless.
I immediately thought back to a few months ago when Jiao and I went out to eat. One of the things Jiao was always complaining about was that every time we would go out, if she ordered a mixed drink, or a glass of wine, they would card her. That is, check her I.D., to make sure she was old enough to drink. She really did look that young.
Unfortunately, the last time she ordered wine, the waiter simply brought her a glass without asking for any I.D.
If any guy ever tells you they understand women ... call him a liar.
I thought Jiao would be happy that she didn’t have to produce her I.D. Instead she was crestfallen.
“I look so old,” she said, “old and wrinkled.”
Complete idiot that I am at times, I thought she was joking.
I then made some regrettable comment about, “Well, at least they didn’t bring you the senior citizens menu – yet.”
If looks could kill, I would be dead and buried.
It took hours of apologies before Jiao forgave me for what I said.
And she still reminds me of it every now and then.
Jiao and Meili really look more like sisters than mother and daughter.
Of course Meili still looked like a teenager herself.
Looking at the two, I was once again struck by the similarities ... and differences.
Both have waist-length jet black hair, both have intense jade-green eyes, both have full lips, both have an easy smile. Both have waists that are impossibly tiny, and teeth that are brilliantly white.
Some of the differences are subtle, some not so subtle.
Meili’s face is just fractionally wider, and her nose is a tiny bit wider. Meili has just a little more up top than Jiao does, but I have heard Jiao mention Meili still wears an “A” cup bra, so that might give you an indication of how small Jiao’s breasts are. I still think Jiao has the most beautiful breasts I have ever seen, touched, kissed and sucked.
The biggest difference, I guess, is in their hips and legs. Meili’s hips are definitely wider, much wider than her Mom’s.
And while Meili has long, shapely, well-muscled legs, Jiao’s legs have to be seen to be believed. I don’t think I have ever seen any woman whose legs are as muscled as Jiao’s are.
Meili usually spends at least an hour each day exercising and practicing her Chinese martial arts, but Jiao usually gets up around five, exercises and practices martial arts for an hour, wakes me up, then we exercise together for a while before she instructs me in martial arts. After that, we usually take a shower together, which results in an entirely different type of exercise.
At night, before we go to bed, Jiao will exercise and practice for an hour by herself, then with me for an hour, then we will repeat the shower and the post-shower activities.
Watching Jiao walk is like watching a panther or tiger glide across the ground. She walks with a grace that is incredible, and yet at the same time you can sense the immense power in those legs.
Just a few weeks after we met, I saw Jiao leap straight up in the air, over six feet high, and deliver a killing kick in the Chinese martial art of washu. Washu is usually incorrectly called Kung-Fu here.
As I always do, whenever I see my two “girls,” I smiled, then Jiao walked up to me, hugged me and kissed me and said, “Meili has something to tell you.”
I turned to my daughter and waited.
And my life changed.
“Daddy, I’m pregnant,” Meili said.
Daddy, Daddy, Daddy ... I’m, I’m, I’m ... pregnant, pregnant, PREGNANT!
Finally, time seemed to speed back up. I realized that probably only a minute or two had passed while I was thinking about the past 13 years.
Then a father’s righteousness and anger began to show itself.
“Who?” I yelled at Meili, “Who is the son-of-a-bitch?”
Meili turned pale.
“Tell me who it is that got you pregnant and I will kill the bastard,” I again yelled.
I honestly can’t remember ever being as mad in my life.
Jiao tried to grab my arm, and God forgive me, for the first time in my life I laid a hand on Jiao in anger.
I shoved her away, not gently, and again demanded that Meili tell me the name of the miserable son-of-a-bitch who got her knocked up.
For the second time in her life, Jiao laid a hand on me in anger.
She slapped me even harder than she had that day on the porch.
Stunned, I turned to Jiao and her next words hit me even harder than her slap had.
“You are the father, Jack, and I am the mother. Meili is the surrogate mother. Meili is carrying our child, Jack. Meili is carrying OUR child,” she said.
I heard the words ... but they made no sense.
I knew, because of the forced sterilization in China, that Jiao could not have any children, could not be a mother.
And how could I possibly be the father of Meili’s child?
By now Jiao had her arms wrapped around me, and I was desperately clinging to her, like a drowning man would cling to a floating scrap of lumber.
I can only imagine what that would have looked like to an unbiased observer.
I’m five feet, nine inches tall, weigh about 180 pounds and keep myself in great shape. A few pounds lighter than my “fighting weight” I had in the Marine Corps, but still very muscular. Jiao is just a fraction of my size, and yet I am holding her as though my life depends on it.
Meili slowly, cautiously, walked up to me, put her arms around my shoulder and kissed me on the cheek.
It almost killed me to see her afraid to approach me.
“I love you, Daddy,” she said. “I love you and this is my gift to you and Mom – the two people I love more than any other.”
Meili and Jiao each grabbed a hand and led me into the living room where we all sat down on a couch.
Mother and daughter began to explain.
When Meili was only 12 she told me she was a scientist and didn’t believe in magic.
Jiao is also a scientist, while I am a simple history professor, but their explanations over the next hour or so sounded a lot more like magic than science.
I can only hope I do justice to their words.
Meili began by explaining she had always known how desperately her mother had wished she could have more children... “especially your children, Daddy.”
I could only nod my head, then grabbed Jiao’s hand as I looked at her.
“I’ve seen you ... I’ve seen you when you stare at some young mother with a newborn,” I tenderly told Jiao, “and I knew what you were thinking. I’ve also seen the tears in your eyes knowing that you couldn’t, and how you would try to hide those tears from me.”
Jiao squeezed my hand tightly.
“Did you know that Mom would sometimes get up in the middle of the night and cry?” asked Meili.
I had to admit that I didn’t.
“Because of this ESP that we share, I always could feel what Mom was feeling, I could always feel Mom crying, could feel how sad she was,” Meili said, “even when I was not here but at MIT, I could feel her tears and feel how sad she was.
“When I first woke up in the hospital and you were both standing there, I could feel your incredible love for me ... and each other ... and I decided then that I would devote the rest of my life to finding some way to make Mom’s dream come true.
“That’s when I decided I would go back to MIT and get my degrees in biology and genetics, and open my own bio-genetics lab. I thought the project I was working on, the ability to give you and Mom children would take 10 years ... but it only took two.”
Meili went on to explain how her research team had perfected a process where they could take a female egg, and fertilize it in a test tube with male sperm.
I immediately interrupted: “Whoa, whoa, whoa. You said I am the father? (Meili nodded yes.) Then how did you get my sperm?”
Meili looked at her Mom, Jiao looked at her daughter and both turned red.
“You know Jack, I have a PhD in nuclear physics and I only understand part of what Meili is doing,” Jiao said, “but getting your sperm was the easiest part of the whole process ... the only part we were a little concerned about was possible contamination ... contamination with my ... with my saliva.”
Mom looked at daughter, daughter looked at Mom ... and both blushed even more.
Up to that point, I would have said that Jiao ALWAYS swallowed. But apparently not, if I was hearing what I think I was hearing.
After a rather awkward silence, Meili resumed talking.
“Anyway, fertilization in vitro is nothing new, people have been doing that for decades. Our breakthrough came after impregnation. That’s where the real magic began.”
After hearing Meili use the word, “magic,” I raised my eyebrow and said I thought I remembered hearing a certain beautiful young scientist once say she didn’t believe in magic.
Meili grinned, then said “Well, I’ve learned a LOT since then. And I remember reading English physicist and science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke who said, ‘Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic’.”
Then Meili leaned over and kissed me, very softly, very gently on the lips.
“And I know this guy ... who does a magic trick with a silver dollar. In fact, doctors and nurses swear his trick was REAL magic because the ONLY thing that kept me alive was his magic trick.
“Every few months I’ll run into one of those doctors or nurses, and they still talk about ‘The Miracle of the Silver Dollar.’ Whether it was a miracle, or magic, the only reason I am alive now is because of you. I love you, Daddy.”
I had some tears in my eyes, and it was all I could do to keep from crying.
Then Meili stood up before both Jiao and me, and took a hand from each of us and put it on her abdomen.
“I’m doing this for you, Daddy, and for you, Mom. I would be dead if it weren’t for both of you.”
After that ... well, I lost it. Then both Jiao and Meili were hugging me, and I was hugging them. We were all crying.
After about 10 or 15 minutes, we had all recovered enough for Meili to continue.
“Look, Daddy, you are one of the smartest men I have ever known (that REALLY surprised me), but like Mom said, even she doesn’t understand exactly how I do my ... magic (big grin). Let me just shorten it some. We take an egg, fertilize it, and then replace the nucleus with DNA from someone else. It isn’t exactly a perfect clone of the person whose DNA is now inside the fertilized egg, but close.
“In this case, it was my egg, your sperm and Mom’s DNA. Then I had the egg replanted inside my womb. I had to wait for a month to be sure my body wouldn’t reject the egg.”
“Wait,” I said hesitantly, “are you saying that you are ... are going to give birth to a ... a clone of your Mom? You are going to give birth to your own Mom?”
“That’s an oversimplification, but close. We also mixed some of your DNA with Mom’s, but the baby will be about 90 percent Mom, and about 10 percent you,” she added.
“God, I hope she has Jiao’s brains and looks,” I muttered. “Wait, is it going to be a girl or boy?”
“A girl,” Meili said. “While it would have been possible to manipulate the DNA to produce a boy, it would have involved more risk. It is easier, since it is mostly Mom’s DNA, to leave her (and Meili rubbed her abdomen) as a girl.”
“And you are okay with this, with your own daughter being a surrogate mother?” I asked Jiao, somewhat stunned.
“When Meili first approached me a couple of months ago and explained the procedure, that they had perfected it, and that she needed your sperm, that was one of the first questions I asked: ‘Who would be the surrogate mother?’” Jiao explained.
“I questioned her about who would be providing the donor egg and who the surrogate mother would be.
“That’s when I found out that she really is as much your daughter as she is mine. The classic nurture versus nature debate.”
I had a very puzzled look on my face as I looked at Jiao.
“She lied to me,” said Jiao with a big grin as Meili cracked up. “She told me she had found someone to serve as the donor and surrogate, someone from China who really needed the money.”
“Now wait a minute,” I started saying in protest using my most injured tone, “Yes, I will admit that I sometimes stretch the truth a LITTLE about anniversary and birthday presents and where we are going on vacations, but I don’t really lie.”
“Oh, yeah,” Meili piped in, “stretching the truth like telling us we are going to spend a month at a dude ranch in Wyoming riding horses when you have a private jet waiting to take us to Italy for a month. I felt like a total idiot having a suitcase full of western wear and cowboy boots when we landed in Naples. The customs people looked at me like I must be a total fool after going through my suitcase.”
“What about the time he told us we were going on a month-long cruise to Alaska, but instead we found ourselves in Tahiti?” Jiao added, “With suitcases half-full of winter clothing (and here both Mom and daughter recited in unison) ‘because it still gets really cold at night in Alaska’?”
“Daddy, you are such a dork at times!” laughed Meili.
“Or remember the time he told us we were going camping in the Ozarks, only we ended up in New York for a month in the Presidential Suite at the Waldorf-Astoria? All we had packed was blue jeans and shorts,” Meili added. “That was a great trip though, with lots of shopping!”
“Okay, okay,” I admitted, “sometimes I do slightly more than just stretch the truth a little.”
Mother and daughter didn’t say anything, but both started giving me the Chinese evil eye.
“Okay, sometimes I lie,” I finally admitted.
I had a lot more questions that night, which Meili and Jiao answered, although a lot of those answers involved words I had never heard before. Words like oocyte, which is actually the proper name for the egg that was taken from Meili and fertilized by my sperm.
The egg, or oocyte is actually called a zygote after fertilization.
Other terms were cellular differentiation, which apparently was the biggest stumbling block to producing a baby from Jiao’s DNA. I still don’t have a clue exactly what Meili was talking about there. Also nucleated cells, totipotent, DNA, RNA, etc., etc.
I can only tell you one thing for an absolute certainty.
Eight months later Meili gave birth to the most beautiful little girl in the whole world.
I actually held her before either Jiao or Meili did, and was completely lost when I looked into her eyes.
She had been screaming her head off after the birth, but as soon as I held her against me she stopped crying and looked at me and smiled.
I have been told that newborns can’t actually see, yet I knew that this little girl could see me and feel my love for her.
She only weighed six pounds at birth, but as I held her my arms started trembling at the thought that this was OUR child, mine and Jiao’s.
I can’t even imagine how difficult it must have been for Meili to step aside and give up this little tiny person she had been carrying inside her for nine months, but she held her for a few minutes, kissed her forehead and then put her in Jiao’s arms.
I suggest you read the first two chapters before beginning on this, the third installment. Again I would be remiss if I did not thank BeachBaby179 for her numerous suggestions and contributions to making this story much better than it would have otherwise been. East Meets West, Part 1, Chapter 3 I woke up the next morning with Jiao still asleep on top of me. I don’t think either of us had moved an inch the entire night. We were, of course, both still naked. As I remembered everything that...
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I Dominus: Japan – East meets West It was three in the morning, Tokyo time. I was wide awake, sitting in a leather chair in my hotel suite, looking out at the brilliant, Tokyo Tower. My eyes shifted to the shimmering, city lights that reflected off the Sumida River. Tokyo is a beautiful, modern city. Crowded, noisy and always bustling. But, if you looked past the Tokyo Tower, that rose bold and stark against the skyline, to the white, snowcapped peak of Mount Fuji, you were taken back in time....
BDSMKimiko groaned softly to herself as the wide straps of her bra dug deep into her slender shoulders, and while only standing five feet tall and weighing in at a scant ninety five pounds, you'd swear that at least half of that weight was residing inside of the 32DD lace bra of the cute twenty three year old Japanese-American flight attendant!!! After being on her feet all day inside the cramped airliner, she was dying to get checked into her hotel room and just soak for and hour in a hot tub!!!...
Classes didn't start for another week, and already I was tired. Because we didn't have any distractions from schoolwork, Pick took up the slack, working us nearly to the point of collapse in the Florida heat. Since Gatorade had been formulated and tested here in Gatorland (hence the name, see?) I learned to like the taste, and I drank as much of it as I could pound down, on the theory it would help me out. Maybe it did, but I was too exhausted to tell. Between sprints, agility drills, and...
Everything was dark. The light was off and I was lying face down and naked on the hotel bed. Scott had placed the pillows from the bed beneath my lower stomach, in order to raise my ass up. I had never felt more vulnerable. The air-conditioning was on and the cool breeze made me more aware of my nudity. My legs were open. I knew he’d be able to see my wet snatch and worse, the tight knot of my asshole. I was sweating.He hadn’t tied me up, but then, he didn’t need to. He’d told me not to move,...
TabooWe ended up getting out of the cab at Scott’s hotel, simply because it was closer than my apartment. Everything felt numbly sexual. The people in the foyer. The art on the walls. The mirror in the elevator. The smooth, cold handrails. Scott’s fingers were tight around mine and I kind of liked that he was holding my hand. People looked at us, a little confused, a little jealous. Some smiled.Once we were in his room, the door was locked and we were alone. Totally alone. I could hear the faint...
TabooI had been staring at the text on my phone for almost ten minutes and I still couldn’t believe what I was reading.Looking forward to this weekend.It was from Scott. And on the weekend was my parents’ annual Christmas party. He’d never been invited before. Usually it was family and friends, people who lived close. Not Scott Banks. He wasn’t invited. He couldn’t be invited. I hadn’t heard from him since I’d left his hotel room after the vow renewal. No texts, no calls. I’d slowly begun to accept...
TabooI couldn’t eat. The hall was busy and loud; music drowned out by laughter and conversations. The views out onto the beach were spectacular. And yet, I hardly noticed any of it. As soon as he’d spotted me, my father had insisted I sit next to him to eat. Mom was on the other side, then Charlie. The food looked beautiful and I knew it was expensive but my stomach was turning over and over with anxious anticipation. I ate one spoon of the starter, one forkful of the main course and by the time...
TabooIt had been a week since I’d spent the night – or a large proportion of the night – with Scott. I hadn’t heard from him since his parting text message. He was back in LA and I was back to real life. Well, not exactly. I found myself thinking of him all the time. It was a struggle to get through the days. The bruises he’d left on my ass were a constant reminder of the time we’d spent together. At night, I brought myself to orgasm, over and over, replaying the sex in my head. I never came as hard...
TabooWarning: This story contains MATURE THEMES including nudity, sex, sexualization, and vulgar language. Do not read if you are under 18 or if it is otherwise restricted for you to do so. If you wish to share this story, contact me at [email protected]. I will likely agree, I just want to know in advance. This is part 4 of the story Just West of Happy. The TG continues in this section and the obligatory "getting used to being a girl" begins. It's getting a little more emotional...
Sunday morning was grey and cold. I woke early, forcing myself out of bed and into the shower. Midway through feeling guilty for wasting so much hot water, I remembered Scott. Had he been serious about everything he’d said? Surely, he didn’t expect me to really do everything he wanted. After all, he’d left in a less than gentlemanly fashion.I took a cab to my parents’ house on the edge of New Jersey. It was the same brownstone I’d grown up in and ordinarily it was quiet and cold but that day,...
TabooDon’t ask me what made me do it, but something in the piece of “junk mail” that I received from the local junior college district caught my eye. The colorful flier was inviting (on a first come, first served basis) a group of adults to volunteer to be part of a two week incursion into the past. That’s right, the project was to explore how modern day people might take to the rigors to which the pioneers in this country were subject to years ago. There were to be five men and five women that...
EroticWarning: This story contains MATURE THEMES including nudity, sex, sexualization, and vulgar language. Do not read if you are under 18 or if it is otherwise restricted for you to do so. If you wish to share this story, contact me at [email protected]. I will likely agree, I just want to know in advance. This is part 3 of Just West of Happy and finally, THERE IS TG IN THIS CHAPTER! REJOICE! I finally felt like I'd reached the appropriate level of characterization of Ian that...
It was exactly 7 pm as Wendy knocked on the door to Miss West’s office. This was her second evening at her new place of employment. She was being paid extremely well by a posh woman to allow her to use her as she pleased. Wendy didn’t consider herself to be attracted to other women but if this intelligent pretty lady wanted to look at or even touch her naked body then, as long as nobody found out, that was just fine by Wendy as long as she received her money. And what’s more, on her...
She picked up the paper first thing on Tuesday morning, as she had done for the previous 6 weeks hoping to find the right job. She searched the ads quickly and the only job offering flexible working hours was as an assistant to a manager just out of town. The ad wasn’t very uninformative. There were no clues as to what the company did or what her role would be. But the hours and rates of pay looked good so she gave the number a call. “Hello, Pam West speaking.” A well spoken lady...
(An Alternate Version of In This White House) Leo McGarry, White House Chief Of Staff, walked down the halls of the West Wing. Stopping in front of the Office of the Press Secretary, he took a long deep breath before stepping into the doorway. Inside he found Sam Seaborn, the Deputy Communications Director having a conversation with the owner of the office, C.J. Cregg. “The two of you,” he said as he got their attention, “come take a walk with me.” “What’s going on?” asked Sam as he followed...
Warning: This story contains MATURE THEMES including nudity, sex, sexualization, and vulgar language. Do not read if you are under 18 or if it is otherwise restricted for you to do so. If you wish to share this story, contact me at [email protected]. I will likely agree, I just want to know in advance. After a brief delay, I'm back on the horse with Ian and Melinda. Things get back to the sexy in this chapter, so do read on. Or don't if that bothers you. But if it does, this...
Wednesday, April 27, 2005 (Continued) It was well after my normal dinnertime and I was hungry, plus there were some excellent smells to encourage my hunger, so I was getting underfoot searching around in the kitchen for any surplus pieces of food when the Wests arrived. I suddenly realized that no one had told me the plan for tonight! I didn't even know if there was a plan for tonight. Tonight was IMPORTANT, and I was very uncomfortable with not knowing anything about anything. I...
Upon moving to West Palm Beach from Florida I was able to secure a job as a waitress with no experience. Needless to say it took some adjusting. To be honest I had never held a job other than being a swim instructor growing up. Waitressing was a fun job but very stressful at first - especially for someone who has bouts of anxiety such as myself. Top it off with having to make new friends and living away from my family and I was a certifiable mess. One of the things that I found solace in...
TrueWednesday, April 27, 2005 (Continued) "Very well. A few months ago Ava started measuring guys according to your system, which led her to discover Mark. The more she studied him, the more impressed and attracted she was. Soon she was hooked, which is hardly surprising, given what we've already told you about him. Unfortunately for Ava, there were two aspects of Mark that Ava thought you would disapprove of, so she didn't discuss him with you. She feared that you would tell her to forget...
This is a re-telling of the Norwegian fairy tale, with a twist or two. Once upon a time, there was a simple poor peasant but he was very handsome and had won the hand of the strongest woman in the country, Olga. She was strong of body, strong of mind and strong of character. She had given him many children and they were all above average, handsome and strong in different ways. The youngest was the prettiest and the strongest, a true inheritance of the best in both her mother and her father....
Hi friends this is Jay from Mumbai. I am very big fan of ISS. I m although married but still I enjoy reading stories from ISS. Here I m going to tell u the story which happened with my neighbor few years back when I was not married. Its an fiction story… I will tell this story in hindi and gujarati. Us waqt hamare flat ke samne wale flat mein ek family rehta tha. They were also gujju. Hamara kafi acha relation tha. Ek dusro ke ghar ana jaana laga rehta tha. Unki ek beti thi Jo same meri age ki...
Hi dosto mujha ap kee e-mail sa andaza huva ap na mare story bohat pasand ke hai ab doosree story share kar raha haoin. Un logo ka leya jinho na mare 1st or 2nd story nahi parhi us ka leya mara introduction. Maan upper middle class sa hoain age 25 name sunny or mumbai ka reha vala haoin. Hum family maan 3 log hayin me mom age 52 dad age 60.father Gov sector maan job karta hayin or scale 20 kaa officer hayin looking forwaed ur reply on this id (). Ap log janta hyin ka mare radha (kam vale) 2 sal...
Hi dosto mujha ap kee e-mail sa andaza huva ap na mare story bohat pasand ke hai ab doosree story share kar raha haoin. Un logo ka leya jinho na mare 1st story nahi parhi us ka leya mara introduction. Maan upper middle class sa hoain age 25 name sunny or mumbai ka reha vala haoin. Hum family maan 3 log hayin me mom age 52 dad age 60.father Gov sector maan job karta hayin or scale 20 kaa officer hayin or pasa itna hai ka hum log bohat khush hayin, matlab na zayada na kam. E-mail id maan ap ko...
Maan upper middle class sa hoain age 25 name sunny or mumbai ka reha vala haoin. Hum family maan 3 log hayin me mom age 52 dad age 60.father Gov sector maan job karta hayin or scale 20 kaa officer hayin or pasa itna hai ka hum log bohat khush hayin, matlab na zayada na kam. Aj maan pehli story bata raha hoain ap ko agar pasand ae or ap na mujha email kee or mare story pasand ke to baqe be ap dostoon ka sath share karoon ga. jab maan 18 ka huva or O Level ka exam pass keya to mujha parents na...
My sister, Sarita, who is now 20, is one very tall girl. At 5’11”, she towers over most girls her age, and even a few guys. All of her height is in her sexy legs. She has the longest and sexiest legs I have ever seen. As her older brother, I never used to think of Sarita in a sexual manner. But several years ago, one only had to look at her to tell she was going to be model type material. She had the long black hair, blue eyes, and the body most young girls die for. She had firm breasts, a...
IncestKimiko groaned softly to herself as the wide straps of her bra dug deep into her slender shoulders, and while only standing five feet tall and weighing in at a scant ninety five pounds, you'd swear that at least half of that weight was residing inside of the 32DD lace bra of the cute twenty three year old Japanese-American flight attendant!!! After being on her feet all day inside the cramped airliner, she was dying to get checked into her hotel room and just soak for and hour in a hot tub!!!...
FetishWarning: This story contains MATURE THEMES including nudity, sex, sexualization, and vulgar language. Do not read if you are under 18 or if it is otherwise restricted for you to do so. If you wish to share this story, contact me at [email protected]. I will likely agree, I just want to know in advance. Part 12 of Just West of Happy is back to being somewhat on the looooooooooooongish side, pun definitely intended. I dwell for many, many pages on a single scene, but I felt like...
Zinaat’s favourite pastime was shopping in high-end lingerie shops. Had been for years. Yet she had never really had anyone to wear it for. She just liked the look and the sense of being mischievous. Obviously, she didn’t tell the shop attendant back home she was single and frustrated. Instead, in the past Zinaat liked to tell the cashiers she was married to a rich businessman from out of town and that she was just planning a surprise for his return. Once she even claimed a family was planned...
Warning: The following story contains graphic sex and sexualization. Future installments may contain even more unsavory subjects. Read at your own risk. If you are underage, do not read this please. Any resemblance to people living or dead is completely unintentional, blahblahblah, yadda yadda yadda. If you wish to reproduce this story, please contact me at [email protected] and I will likely allow it, so long as credit is given. Author's Note: I have been an avid follower of...
Introduction: I hope you all like it.. positive feedback only. Boy meets girl, Girl meets boy Its been almost 2 weeks since me and my mom moved into our new house. Things have been going pretty well so far, I cant really complain. I met some new people in the area that seem pretty cool,but only one in specific caught my attention. His name is Andre. He is really attractive, and makes me feel weak. I remember looking into his hazel green eyes and feeling kind of lost for a moment because I...
It was just another card game with the boys when Brad said something weird. “Oh, fuck! My wife is going to kill me!” he suddenly exclaimed. “What the hell are you talking about?” asked Joe. Brad’s young wife Bobbi was the most timid and woman around. Not like Paul’s wife. She had just wandered through the kitchen in a see-through nighty, giving all the guys instant boners. Paul especially. Joe remembered poor Bobbi from a party when they were in high...
Key West Fantasy Fest by Michelle bitv Part 1 It all started this past September when my wife told me she had booked reservations at a hotel in Key West Florida for the week leading up to Halloween. We had never been to Key West but our friends Ted and Laura had been there the previous year for the Halloween celebration and said it was a blast. Both Jennifer and I had been working hard all year so we deserved a break and the stories Ted and Laura told us made it...
-- FEBRUARY 2006, SENIOR YEAR -- Sasha appeared in the archway between the hallway and the living room, clad in a plush terrycloth bathrobe over dark green and red plaid flannel pajamas. "Rough night?" I picked my head up and immediately winced, my temples throbbing as my field of vision moved faster than my sense of balance could handle at the moment. I once had looked up the symptoms of an alcohol hangover. They included dehydration, fatigue, headache, body aches, elevated body...
The shalwar (Indian baggy trousers) felt so sensuous on Charles’s legs and groin as he gently rubbed himself through the raw silk. He was wearing Rani’s Mangla Sutra (Indian lady’s wedding necklace) together with anklets that had individual toe rings. The more he thought about Rani, the closer his hard-on approached climax as the silky shalwar sent tingles down his spine. Rani was the head of the India branch of the corporation. She and her husband Rahul had become good friends with Charles...
September 9, 1983, McKinley, Ohio We walked into the room, and I left the door open, partly because that was my usual practice, but also because I didn’t want to send the wrong message to Kimiko. “Do you want something to drink?” I asked. “I have several different kinds of soda, or I could make tea. I have Earl Grey, lemon, green, and black tea.” “Green tea would be nice, thank you.” I filled the electric kettle and plugged it in. “How do those tea ceremonies work?” Kimiko laughed...
Chapter 2 - The Saga is Set in Motion Trying to figure out what was going on was going to give her a headache. She had not thought that she believed in ghosts, but that might be the only way to explain where the girl had gone. There was no way she could have run away without being seen. Walking back to her work area, Mary Sue checked the book she carried for any damage. It looked like it had not suffered from being mistreated, so she decided that the best thing to do was to leave...
[Tune in tomorrow evening for Part 2 of THE BOOTY INSPECTOR]Intro:The man walked into the room with a shotgun raised over his head and shouted "Now, ah'm only goanna repeat myself one Mo' time! I want all you men ta' lay down yous'n weapons and all you Womanfolk to drop down yours'n panties and pull on up dem skirts, because I here am the Booty Inpsector and I've come to inspect yours'n booties!"And so the rise of Fame and Legend was given to the Old West's first and only "Booty Inspector" who...
Warning: This story contains MATURE THEMES including nudity, sex, sexualization, and vulgar language. Do not read if you are under 18 or if it is otherwise restricted for you to do so. If you wish to share this story, contact me at [email protected]. I will likely agree, I just want to know in advance. I'm on a roll lately. Chapter 10 isn't particularly mile-stonish, but it does get some things out in the open, namely defining some of putting Melinda's...peculiarities and...
An abrasive train whistle cuts through your gentle sleep. As you groggily open your eyes, you see the familiar antique decor of your private train compartment. The bench across from you is empty. You sigh: it's been a while since you've had any kind of company, human or otherwise. Hopefully, those administrative privileges and the sexual endurance pill the park gave you will remedy that problem. As you turn and peer out of the crystal window, a small town slides into view: Sweetwater. It looks...
Westworld April 3, 2028 "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the CEO of Future Global, Malcom Sanders." The lights in the conference hall dimmed and a spotlight appeared on a man dressed in jeans, tennis shoes, and a Hawaiian aloha shirt as he walked across the stage. After an initial robust round of applause the attendees fell silent. Malcom Sanders was the latest Silicon Valley technology wizard that had quickly established himself far above his competitors in recent years....
Copyright© 2001-2005 by DB. I remember Westworld before the troubles happened. I was fortunate enough be able to go more than once before the Big Crash, and later the Big Scandal. Like too many good things in life, you come to count on them always being there. Then suddenly you turn around, and they're gone. I've loved westerns all my life. When I was young, it seemed that was all that ran on television. My grandfather taught me to shoot starting when I was six, and I can't say how...
Tony was thrilled with how things were going. His mom was his lover and his sweet teen girlfriend Samantha was a part if their love group. It had been so sexy watching the two women he cared so much about have sex with each other. Even better he and Samantha now knew how much they wanted to have sex with other people.Samantha's tastes were varied as she wanted to try different ages of men and women. Tony still had his biggest desire to fuck mature women. He was already thinking of who he would...
When we go on vacation, Melly and I like to have fun. We let our hair down and don't care what anyone else thinks. This is the story of our vacation and all the fun we had in wonderful Key West. A Genny Story... Key WestI am Genny.Getting from Lansing, Michigan to Key West, Florida is no easy task. Wehad to fly from Lansing to Detroit. Then from there to Atlanta, and thenon to Miami and then down to Key West. Not an easy day, but if you haveever spent a long Michigan...
LesbianThe first time I heard about Girls Out West, I kind of assumed it was going to be yet another porn site devoted to the horny, photogenic babes of Los Angeles County. One of the most beloved schizophrenic songwriters of the 20th century famously said he wished they all could be California girls, but maybe Brian Wilson just hadn’t seen how freaky and how sexy they grow ‘em if you just keep heading west, across the ocean and a bit to the south.Yes, ladies and gentlemen and perverts of all stripes,...
Premium Porn For Women SitesChapter 1 Our wagons moved across the plains slowly carrying all our possessions as we moved West. Riding my pony as an outrider, to guard the flank. The War between the States has claimed so many men including my father and his brothers. Each of us outriders were riding along with Navy Revolvers, a Henry Rifle and Greener Coach Guns that made our wagon train safe. Our group could not afford a Wagon Master, Scout or crew but we moved Westward using a semi-military organization and methods....
Most of us fuckers on these porn sites have a thing for chicks over fifty. They call it fine as wine, and for many of us, it started with Stifler's mom from American Pie. However, so many women in their prime are in their fifties. Take Jodi West, for example, she's one of the greatest stars in porn to ever exist, and her best work is as a slutty milf. With her entrepreneurial spirit, she's built several businesses in porn as well as received several nominations. With the amount of pussy...
Twitter Porn AccountsIntroduction: Im a huge comic book fan, so heres a story about The Flash and his love-interest (later wife) Iris West. You dont need to be a fan to enjoy this story ,) If you dont think superheroes are sexy, you are out of your damn mind. I mean, come on, the skin-tight suits? The perfect bodies? The sexy smiles? Its incredible how damn hot these guys are, not to mention the fact that they save our skins on a daily basis. Its a huge turn-on&hellip, for me at least. If you hadnt guessed by...
We leave and head west.This is just one story in a series about my life with my ex-wife, Sue. The story so far.Sue and I had married young. We were hardly out of nappies at nineteen years of age. We had married because Sue was pregnant and my strict family upbringing had taught me to always live up to my responsibilities. My girlfriend was pregnant so that meant she required me to marry her to make sure that the child had a father. At the time I had some doubts about being the father but had no...
CheatingBack in the late eighties my girlfriend Chelsea and I spent a summer in Key West. We were both in our early twenties and had really just started seeing one another. She had long wavy honey blond hair with big brown eyes, stood 5’ 7” and weighed about 125 lbs. I was 6’, 180 lbs with wavy brown hair to my shoulders and green eyes. At the time I knew she was really good looking, but thinking back now, we were both probably pretty good. When we met, Chelsea already had plans to stay with a friend...
FetishAt one time in our lives we all have met that crazy “quirky” girl who made us laugh and was sexy in a funny way. Well I was fifty-seven and taking some college courses part-time when I met forty- something Rachel. She was a very skinny women and kind of plain in a rustic way, no make-up, granny glasses, but don’t get me wrong she still was a good looking woman. What drew me to her was her eccentric dress. Rachel dressed like an 1880’s old west bar girl, long skirts, high laced boots, cotton...
At one time in our lives we all have met that crazy “quirky” girl who made us laugh and was sexy in a funny way. Well I was fifty-seven and taking some college courses part-time when I met forty- something Rachel. She was a very skinny women and kind of plain in a rustic way, no make-up, granny glasses, but don’t get me wrong she still was a good looking woman. What drew me to her was her eccentric dress. Rachel dressed like an 1880’s old west bar girl, long skirts, high laced boots, cotton...