Westworld free porn video

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Westworld April 3, 2028 "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the CEO of Future Global, Malcom Sanders." The lights in the conference hall dimmed and a spotlight appeared on a man dressed in jeans, tennis shoes, and a Hawaiian aloha shirt as he walked across the stage. After an initial robust round of applause the attendees fell silent. Malcom Sanders was the latest Silicon Valley technology wizard that had quickly established himself far above his competitors in recent years. His appearances were rare but always accompanied by life and market altering innovations. "Today marks a new era in the history of the world's entertainment industry. In the heart of the Indian Ocean a new island has risen." A satellite image appeared behind him that slowly zoomed into a small dot clearly visible from space. "This island was not created by nature, but rather built and engineered. It spans nearly 6.4 million acres." The image grew on the screens until physical features began to appear on the surface. It looked remarkably like Utah with towering islands of rock, rivers, deserts, and forests. The images transitioned to making it feel that you were flying over the landscape. Details began to emerge. Buffalo ran across the prairie, vultures flew in the sky, and a train belched smoke in the distance. The screens followed the train as it pulled into an old west town bustling with stagecoaches, horses, and people. "Welcome to Westworld, the largest most technologically advanced theme park in the world." Malcom paused with good effect letting the images of the world before them speak for themselves. "Malcom Sanders will now take your questions. You sir, in the front row. Please ask your question." "As incredibly realistic as this looks, how is this different from any other 'live action' theme parks?" "An excellent question. Inside this theme park are thousands of 'actors', each living out their life according to their program. Visitors will become an integral component of the actor's lives, altering their story and interacting with them in such a way that makes the world real. Switch to the live feed please..." The screens flickered and the town reappeared. "Find Mary Halliday." An overlay on the town appeared highlighting people in red and green hues. The camera isolated one red tinted person then zoomed in. The overlay was removed and the camera now followed the movement of a lovely brunette woman. "Meet Mary. Mary is a nineteen year old woman. Her father lives in the hills several miles north of town. She comes to town twice a week to pick up supplies. Her father is ill and can't make the trips himself." A man approached Mary. "Overlay and audio please." A red tinting appeared over Mary and a green hue appeared over the man. "Mary is an actor which is represented by the red coloring around her. The man approaching her is a guest. Let's remove the overlay and listen in..." "Excuse me, ma'am. I couldn't help but notice you. You're very beautiful. I'm new in town and would enjoy the company of such a fine woman as you." The woman halted and looked the man over. "That's very kind of you to say, sir. Unfortunately, I must get back to my father. He's ill and is awaiting my return. Good day, sir." She turned to leave but he grabbed her arm. "Unhand me, sir!" Undaunted the man pulled the woman through the streets. "The lady asked you to let her go." The man looked up the street to see a weathered looking cowboy slowly walking towards them. "She's mine!" "I'll give you to the count of three to let her go." The man pushed the girl aside who tripped on her dress and fell into the dusty street. He pulled aside his slicker to show the weathered cowboy his holstered pistol. "This is none of your business." "It is now." The weathered cowboy pulled back his hand and let it hover over his six-shooter. The young woman looked back and forth between the two of them. The man drew his weapon but the cowboy was faster and a shot rang out. The guest slumped to the ground amid cries and shouts from the people in the conference room. "Audio off. No need to worry. The guest will wake up unharmed in his room about thirty minutes from now. There are repercussions to your actions, but no guest ever comes to harm. Mary, will remember the man and stay away from him. She might even become more cautious over time. The guest and this incident has become a part of her life." "I still don't understand. These are simply people acting out their script." "Are you single, sir?" "What?" "I asked if you're single. You're not wearing a wedding ring and it appears you're here alone. Are you single?" "Yes, but why does that matter?" "Send out Cherry, please." A voluptuous woman walked out onto the stage. "Hello, Malcom." She reached out her hand and touched his shoulder, letting her fingers linger there. "Cherry, would you give this man a kiss?" "Of course." The man looked a little shocked as Cherry sashayed her way over to him. She wrapped her arms around the man and kissed him then stood to the man's side. "Tell me, did you notice anything different about Cherry?" "What are you talking about?" "Cherry is an actor. Cherry, please show the audience what it means to be an actor." "I'd be happy to." Cherry pulled at her chin and peeled away her face leaving a man-made substructure underneath. "Everyone, our actors are robots." There was a gasp that rippled through the crowd. "Cherry is completely anatomically accurate. She has body heat, a pulse, can feel, and has her own personality. She picks out her own clothing in the morning, and lives her life according to the constraints of our programming. You see, real people as actors would never work as at the end of the day they must go back to their real lives. To make an environment like Westworld truly real, we must have actors that believe this is their life. There is a rhythm in Westworld where actors and guests create a truly authentic experience." "Ma'am, you have a question?" A lady from the crowd stood. "Why the old west? That guest that just got shot is probably not enjoying himself." Malcom smiled. "All of us live in a digitally connected world. You have multiple communication devices with you as you stand there. There's never a moment or place it seems that you can truly disconnect from the world and live a more simple life. Most people dream of such a life, even as they receive twenty messages from work and their family in the time it takes to go to the bathroom." The crowd laughed. "The old west is simple, unhindered, and unstructured. A guest can take full control to live however they like. That man chose to access the darker side within him and tried to take that which didn't belong to him. I've no doubt that had his method of approach been different with Mary, he would have had a much more amicable outcome." "You're saying she would sleep with him?" "Perhaps. All of our actors are predisposed to welcome relationships with the guests. Some male and female actors are much more willing to engage in amorous activities with the guests than other actors." "It sounds like Westworld's more of a brothel than a theme park." "Our statistics show that over fifty percent of our guests engage in sexual activity at least once during their stay. However, you may be surprised to know that robbing a bank, joining a posse, having a gunfight, and getting into a brawl in a saloon are almost as high. You may also be surprised that our female guests indulge in sexual encounters at a slightly higher rate than their male counterparts. I do understand where you are coming from. The old west isn't for everyone. Our island is broken up into three areas and Westworld takes up only one third. By 2030 Futureworld will open and by 2032 Fantasyworld will open." "We will take three more questions. You sir, with the black tie." "What will Futureworld and Fantasyworld by like?" Images filled the screen of Futureworld being built and ground breaking of Fantasyworld along with concept art. "As you can see by the pictures, Futureworld is well underway. If you're familiar with the latest media release of Star Wars XI, then you could picture yourself as an intergalactic mercenary, or an assassin on a mission to remove the leader of the dark forces. You'll have the ability to travel to multiple planets. Fantasyworld is the world I'm most excited about and will have far more technology than the other two worlds combined. There will be castles, princes and princesses. Sword fighting and fire-breathing dragons that fly through the air. You could choose to be a fighter trying to win the hand of a princess, a sorceress casting fireballs at her enemies, or, if you remember the story The Sword in the Stone, a ruler of kingdoms should the sword accept you." Another member of the audience stood. "Why build an island in the Indian Ocean?" "Have you tried to find over six million acres of uninhabited land? It was far more cost effective to build rather than buy. We were also able to choose a geographic location that will allows us to better maintain the environment's climate. Besides, if a guest fails to pay, the only way to leave is a very long swim." "And now the final question. In the second row, ma'am?" "How much will it cost for a guest?" "The average all-inclusive cost for a guest to spend a week in Westworld is one million dollars." "At that price only the world elite would be able to afford it." "We understand that, but the cost to build a single actor is nearly one million dollars. We must be able to recoup our expenses." "That will be all for now. Thank you and good night." *** November 30, 2032 "Are you sure you want to do this? What kind of message will this send to the public?" I looked over at Dustin Chambers, who had interned with me and my campaign manager, and smiled wearily. "I never knew going into politics would change my life so dramatically. Everything I say is fact-checked before I complete my sentence and every action is questioned by multiple factions as to my intent. Hell, even last week when I went to a restaurant for an old fashioned burger the media went crazy debating if I was against the soy farmers or for the slaughter of innocent animals. The answer is yes, I need this and I don't care what people think. You've even been hinting I needed a vacation and for the past year someone has been leaving ads on my desk about this destination. We fought long and hard to retain my senate seat. I'm being groomed by the party as a potential presidential candidate for the 2034 election. I need a break." "You know the media will have a field day with this, Michael. Besides, Future Global has had a lot of glitches over the past few years. Guests getting killed, actors going rogue, and, of course, you can't forget about the conspiracy theories. And why Westworld? Why not Futureworld or the newest location that just opened, Fantasyworld? If I had a few million to throw away, I'd go to Fantasyworld and kill myself a dragon. The latest ads show that if you kill the black dragon you win the hand of the princess. She's gorgeous!" I laughed. "There's something to be said about the simplicity of the old west. Even with the glitches, I've been promised a full refund if anything goes wrong. They're confident everything's been addressed." "That's what the last guest said before he got sliced in two by a laser gun in Futureworld." *** "Bring up next week's guest list. Who do we have coming?" Malcom sat back and watched the pictures and names of the most promising guests flash by. "We've got the usual mix, but only one outstanding guest." The screen froze with a picture of a gray-haired man. "Michael Stevens, fifty-six years of age, just re-elected for his third term in the United States senate. Widowed, no children. We've been wooing him for over a year and have carefully prepared for his arrival. He's considered to be the odds- on favorite for the next president of the United States." "He's exactly who we need. Make sure nothing goes wrong with this one. Keep the media at bay. We'll provide inside coverage we can leak to the media to give our sales a boost. Nothing scandalous. I want it to look like he's having the time of his life." "Yes sir. We've got it covered." *** I had to admit I was very impressed. I'd been picked up in front of my house by a limousine that took me to the airport. A private luxury supersonic jet flew me to Future Global's island in just over five hours. I was pampered with the best wine and food I'd ever had on a plane before. As soon as we landed and taxied to a stop, the entire plane descended on a giant elevator into the bowls of the island. Upon exiting the plane I was personally greeted by a woman dressed in a crisp dark blue dress skirt. "Welcome to Future Global, Mr. Stevens. I'm Bethany Douglas. I trust your flight went well?" "It was the most comfortable flight I've ever had." "Please, walk with me, Mr. Stevens." I noted over a dozen planes and helicopters within the underground hanger as we moved to a large solid door. Everything appeared pristine, clean, and high-tech. "I know we've confirmed several times, but I want to make sure you've not had any last minute changes in your visit selections." "No changes. I've had a very busy life the past few years and I've been looking forward to this getaway." "I'll be taking you straight to our guest preparation chambers and then you'll be free to start your adventure of a lifetime. Would you like to sleep or rest before you begin, Mr. Stevens?" I smiled. "I could use a rest, but I doubt I could sleep. You might think it odd, but I've been dreaming of lying out under the stars next to a campfire, no phone or communication devices anywhere near me. I'm a huge fan of Louis L'amour. What's it like? Have you been to Westworld?" Her smile was genuine. "Oh yes! I've been to them all now. Even the latest park, Fantasyworld. I really enjoyed each of them. In Westworld I decided to try my hand at being a 'lady' in a brothel. Let me say that it was a highly enjoyable experience." I looked at her and noticed she appeared unashamed by what she had done. "You don't appear to me to be the brothel type." "That's the beauty of what we offer here, Mr. Stevens. We all have our secret fantasies. I lived mine for three days. You'd be surprised by how focused you can be once you return to work after one of these vacations. Your mind can let go of the fantasies we tend to focus on and your productivity soars. I'd encourage you to indulge your fantasies while you have the chance over the next week. Try not to analyze the environment and live in the moment." "I'll certainly take that into consideration." I was led down a series of hallways and into a guest preparation room. "According to your pre-trip assessment notes we have a complete outfit for you, true to period. You will have a pair of pistols, which in every sense of the word are real weapons, however, no real harm could ever come from shooting the wildlife, actors, or other guests. You have enough money to pay for lodging, food, drinks, and services as you see fit. Keep in mind that if you lose your money, you'll need to find more any way you can. There are criminal actors within Westworld which will not hesitate to steal from you. Here is your change room. Strip completely, including all jewelry. You're not allowed to take anything into the room beyond. This protects you from losing your valuables but also helps with our internal security. I understand you wear contacts, those must also be removed. We have supplied period glasses to match your prescription. Once you strip, enter the room beyond. There's a scanner between the rooms that will sound an alarm if any non-biological items pass through to the next room. Trying to sneak anything into Westworld would be a violation of our contract and you would leave here without a refund and subject to penalties. I know this has been rather long winded, but from this point on you'll have no contact with us until your exit. Do you have any questions, Mr. Stevens?" "None, thank you." "Then I wish you well, Mr. Stevens." I stepped into the change room and the door automatically closed and locked behind me. The room was comfortably appointed with a bathroom and lockers with biometric locks. A video was playing to remind me to not take anything with me into the next room. I stripped and removed everything, placing it carefully into one of the lockers and secured the lock with my hand print. I walked over to the next door and placed my hand on a second biometric reader. An audible voice sounded. "Access granted. Please proceed into the next room." The door slid aside and I moved into the next room. The room was rustic with roughhewn wood and Spartan accommodations. My clothing was all hanging from a clothes rack. I quickly changed, anxious to start my vacation of a lifetime. It took several minutes to figure out the various layers and find the right place for my money bag. A door with a rusty metal latch led outside. I placed my hand on the latch and closed my eyes as I pushed the door open. I stepped out into a train station. Several dozen people were moving to and from the train and the platform. Everything looked so real. The train belched out smoke and a whistle blew. "Ten minutes to all aboard!" "Ya better git yur ticket if yur goin to Modesta." I looked to see a grizzled old man pointing me in the direction of the ticket office. "Thank you." I murmured, and then thought about my Louis L'amour books. "Much obliged." I smiled as I tipped my cowboy hat. I hurried over to the ticket booth but was interrupted by a young woman in a blue dress, umbrella, and flowered hat. "Sir... Please sir." Her voice had a sense of urgency to it. "How may I help you, ma'am?" "Are you going to Modesta?" "I am." "I don't mean to be forward, but you look like a kind man. I'm in danger." "What kind of danger? Should I notify the sheriff?" "No! Please no! The sheriff is the reason I'm in danger. My father has a gold mine and the last time we were in Modesta the sheriff saw him exchange his bag of gold. He followed us back into the hills. My father was smart and knew we were being followed so he led the sheriff away from the mine and away from me. I trailed a ways behind and hid when I witnessed a confrontation. I watched the sheriff murder my father. I hid for two days and went back to town. I quickly boarded a train back to our home to go through my father's belongings. I feel stupid even saying this, but I couldn't retrace my steps back to the mine and I needed my father's map and survey. You see, there's gold and belongings hidden at the mine. This now belongs to me but I need help. I need protection. I'm also afraid to even mention this, but I'm short on money and need a ticket to Modesta. Would you help me?" "Stay right here." I headed to the ticket window. "Two tickets to Modesta please." I walked back to the young lady and handed her a ticket. "Michael Stevens at your service." She smiled warmly with tears in her eyes. "I knew I had a good feeling about you, Mr. Stevens. My name's Charlotte. Charlotte Adams." "Well then, Miss Adams, we should get on the train." I extended an arm to her. *** An elderly Asian man exited a plane. "Mr. Enpo, to what do we owe this unexpected visit?" "Malcom Sanders, I'm pleased you chose to meet me yourself. I understand you have Michael Stevens as a guest and since I've not toured your facility yet, I thought this was a perfect time to verify the results for the Order." "Please, come with me. How much do you know about what we do here?" "Not enough so please indulge me by starting from the beginning." *** Inside a control room a team of four people monitored Michael's movements. "Increase Charlotte's desire for Mr. Steven's but don't make it too obvious." "Yes, sir. Would you also like me to increase or decrease the sheriff's recognition of Charlotte?" "Decrease it for now. Let Mr. Stevens get settled for a day or two. It will take them that long to gather the necessary items to go into the hills. This will allow their relationship to grow. Make sure the sheriff sees Charlotte when they head out of town." The leader of the team turned to an older gentleman sitting behind them. "Is your team ready?" "I don't know why we waste time on this charade. I've already proven we only need twenty four hours of recorded brainwave activity before we do the transfer." "You and I both know that Malcom wants the best transfer possible. Do I need to remind you about the Ambassador to China and how speeding things up almost lobotomized him? Is our host fully prepared?" The old man waved a hand irritably. "Just get him to me in two days. We're using a three-year old host so the transfer will be seamless." *** Malcom walked with Mr. Enpo down a long glass hallway. "As you recall, we started Westworld with robots, however, mechanically we struggled to maintain them all and over time their ability to think logically locked into structured patterns." "I don't understand." "Consider a computer playing a game of chess. At some point every possible pattern of the chess board will have been seen by the computer. The computer will eventually learn how to win under every circumstance. The decisions made by the computer will become rote and repetitive. We found the same thing with the robots. We tried to program them with flaws, even tried stimulating them with induced dreams to make their brains more fluid in different circumstances. To make a long story short, the robots simply didn't work out and our goals couldn't be met by such flawed devices." "Is that why our first replacements failed?" "During our guest's stay we use sensors to map their brain functions. Because we control the environment and record every action, our brain maps of them become exceptionally accurate. Our first brain map to robot transfer was extremely successful, but the robot brain core eventually demonstrated its logic flaws. Once we saw that the robot was no longer acting like their copied hosts, we were forced to bring the real human back from stasis and put them back into the world. This set us back at least a year." "That's when you switched to living people?" "Exactly." Malcom stopped in a lab and lifted a syringe. "This is our greatest invention. This injection contains millions of nanobots that will find their way into a person's brain. We can then see and hear everything the person does. More importantly, we can control the person. We began by replacing our robot actors with real people that we controlled with our injections. This was far less costly as the mechanical robots were constantly breaking down and we could program the 'actors' to live their life based upon a set of rules. At first, we attempted to simply inject our guests and send them back into the world with our programming. This was met with limited success as our programming took time. In order for a brain to fully become acclimated to the nanobot programming and not fight against it, it takes several months." "So how is this overcome when you only have a week with a guest?" "We combined the brain map transfer with hosts that had been 'actors' for at least six months. The longer we've had the actor the more seamless the transference." "Explain to me how we'll have full control over Michael Stevens and no one will ever know it's not him." "First, we let Michael stay with us a few days as we map his brain functions. We then sedate him, inject the nanobots and institute our control programming. Next we will take a malleable host, a host that's been under nanobot control for at least six months and transfer the brain map from Michael into the host and the host's into Michael. This will assure that we have full control of Michael's brain." "So if I understand correctly, you swap Michael's brain into another body and take the malleable brain that was in that body and put it into Michael." Malcon nodded. "How does the new malleable brain then know about Michael's life?" "We have one final step. We finish the process by copying Michael's memory map back into Michael's body." "Why are all those steps necessary? Why even copy Michael's brain into the host?" "Our host's brain is a blank slate, wiped clean from hindrances over months of programming. Once we re-insert a copy of Michael's memories, we now have, in essence, a fully functional Michael-bot. His exact body, DNA, everything. We have no mechanical way of truly backing up Michael's brain, thus by putting his brain into another host we achieve two things. We can recover Michael within six months if we ever need to and it replaces our actor for our theme parks. I can't tell you how satisfying it is to know some of these people will now become sex objects for our guests." Mr. Enpo smiled maliciously. *** The train ride to Modesto took several hours but that was fine with me. Charlotte kept me riveted with her history and how much interest she showed in me. She was so realistic that after the first thirty minutes I stopped thinking of her as a robot and simply fell into role play. When we first got on the train I was watching her eyes closely and looking for telltale signs she wasn't human. I didn't find any. When the train came to a stop I extended my hand to help Charlotte to her feet and I marveled at the soft warm touch of her fingers. She squeezed my fingers tenderly as she stood. A large man had got up near us and accidently bumped into Charlotte sending her falling into me. I grabbed her around her shoulders to steady her and found my nose buried in her hair. I inhaled deeply and smelled her sweet scent. She raised her face and her eyes met mine. She smiled and held my gaze. "Can I trust you, Mr. Stevens?" "Of course, Miss. Adams." "Then I propose we form a partnership. The people of Modesto, with the exception of the sheriff, don't know either of us. Let's pose as husband and wife. It will help us keep our costs down and allow us to stay together. Of course, if you feel I've already imposed on you too much, then I'm fine making my way to my father's mine alone." "Don't be silly. I'm more than happy to make sure you're safe, Miss. Adams." She smiled so beautifully and leaned in to kiss me. "That would be Mrs. Stevens, or Charlotte would be even better." Her lips were so soft and tender. It had been years since my lips touched another woman's and Charlotte was a woman of exquisite beauty. "Here, put this on." She handed me a worn, but smooth gold ring. "It belonged to my father." "What of your ring, Charlotte?" "I have my mother's with me as well. I took what few cherished belongings I had with me from my home." "Then let me help you from the train, Mrs. Stevens." Stepping out of the train and getting my first glimpse of Modesto was like stepping out of a time machine. The sun was about ninety minutes from sunset and getting low on the horizon casting long shadows that cut through the rising dust of the streets. I could smell the horses and the scent of desert sage as the breeze moved towards the east. I stepped down onto the wooden platform and turned to place my hands on Charlotte's incredibly thin waist, lifting her down the last step to the platform next to me. "Why thank you, kind sir." "My pleasure, beautiful lady." Charlotte giggled at that. "The hotel is down the street on the west side, across from the saloon. We should try to get a room for the night and then tomorrow find gear and horses to take us into the hills." I nodded as Charlotte slipped her arm into mine and extended her umbrella to shade her face from the slowly setting sun. For such a small town, Modesto was bustling with activity. Stagecoaches came and went and people walked upon the raised wooden walkways in front of the mercantile and other shops. As we approached the hotel I spotted ladies wearing tight-fitting corsets that pushed up their ample breasts. They were leaning over the upper railing of the saloon trying to entice men inside. A few even frowned when they spotted me with Charlotte. I turned the handle of the wooden door to the hotel and let Charlotte enter first. We were greeted by a man that was busy with paperwork. "Welcome to the Modesto Hotel. Will you be looking for a room for the night?" "We are." "And what additional services will you need? A hot bath is twenty-five cents extra." I looked at Charlotte who gave me a nod. "We'll take the room and the hot bath. Is there a place I can get a bottle of whiskey?" "The only place in town to get that is at the saloon across the way. That will be one dollar please. To get to your room go up the stairs, turn right and it's the last room on the left. I'll send my boy up with hot water for the bath." "Thank you." I turned to Charlotte who extended her arm again as I led her up the stairs. I was still marveling how things were so much simpler here. Getting a hotel room back in the United States involved providing identification, credit cards, and usually all kinds of signatures. We entered the room and closed the door behind us. Charlotte placed her umbrella on the floor in the corner of the room and unfastened her hat, carefully putting it aside. With a few deft moves, her blond hair spilled over her shoulders. She walked over to me and placed her hands on my shoulders. Her eyes sparkled. For a brief second I wondered how any robot could be so realistic but that thought vanished when her lips met mine. "I'm not usually this forward and I'm afraid you might think less of me for kissing you so brashly, Michael. It's just that I've never felt so comfortable and safe around anyone before and..." She held up her ring. "... we are married after all." Her smile lit up her face. Four years. It had been four years since my wife had passed away and I never considered taking another woman to bed in that time. I recalled my conversation with Bethany to indulge my fantasies. This was a time for me to relax and break free of the structured routines of my life. I reached out and cupped her face with my hand and kissed Charlotte back, my left hand encircled her tiny waist pulling her against me. We stepped apart and I could see she was breathing faster and her cheeks flushed a delicate pink hue. "Why, Mr. Stevens, I do believe I've never been kissed so passionately before. I'd like to freshen up from our trip and I suspect the bath will be ready soon. Why don't you take a little time and get us something to drink from the saloon as I indulge myself in a hot bath?" There was no way I wanted to leave, but I did want to see the saloon. After all, I came here to experience the old west and wanted to experience everything I could. A knock at the door sounded and we found a young boy carrying two large buckets of hot water. He proceeded to begin filling the tub and go back for more. I figured there was nothing more Charlotte and I could do anyways so I turned to her and smiled. "I'll be back soon. Would you like anything else?" "I'm fine, Michael. Take your time and enjoy all the modern amenities of Modesto while you have the chance. Tomorrow we'll be sleeping under the stars." I squeezed her hand and left the room, slightly grateful for a few moments to get my head together. She was perfect and I had to keep reminding myself that she was a robot and everything around me was a carefully crafted amusement park. *** "Sean. How's the system update coming for tomorrow night?" Sean didn't even look up from his monitors. "On track and on schedule as usual. Just a reminder that we've been running out of actor sequence numbers and I'll be renumbering all the actors tomorrow night along with performing the system update." Nancy Simpson stood with her arms crossed looking at the wiry artificial intelligence programmer. She'd put up with Sean Kingwood for years because he was the most talented programmer they had at Future Global. The problem was that he knew it. "I'll remind you that Malcom is onsite this week and this update needs to be flawless." Sean looked up and finally met Nancy's eyes. He pushed his glasses back up his slightly crooked nose and considered telling Nancy off. He'd seen the seedy underbelly of the organization and the enforced slavery of real people over the years. He was also fully aware of Future Global's hidden agenda to take over the world. He'd kept this knowledge to himself. Secretly, he wanted to be stronger, more handsome, more of a take-action kind of guy, but one look at Nancy tapping her foot waiting for his response made him want to run away. "I've triple checked the code myself. If you'll excuse me, there's a lot of prep work that needs to happen before we push the update tomorrow." Nancy turned and walked away, her clicking heels echoing through the room as she went. Sean tapped a few keys bringing up live pictures of Grace Westhold. Sean sighed as he looked at her and brought up her bio. He ran his fingers across the screen reverently. Samantha Rawlings was her real name. She'd been kidnapped while she was visiting her mother's home city in Lebanon and brought to Future Global eighteen months ago. She'd only just turned seventeen at the time and Sean was given the task to program her new identity as the slightly rebellious, highly feminine, bisexual, Princess Grace Westhold for Fantasyworld. He traced her long dark hair with his fingertips and stared into her large vibrant blue eyes. "Soon." He whispered. "You'll be free soon." *** The saloon had been everything I'd imagined. A slightly out of tune piano was being played in the corner, poker games, saloon girls, and smoke-filled air that smelled of tobacco and strong whiskey. Several of the saloon girls had tried to entice me, but one look at them and I knew they weren't for me. Charlotte was several classes above these women and I wanted nothing to do with the women that were only here for pleasure. I watched as a fight had broken out and was even startled to see it spill out into the street where guns were drawn. The victor, I assumed was a guest, strutted back into the saloon, grabbed several ladies, a bottle of whiskey, and headed upstairs for celebrations. I grabbed a bottle of whiskey and two shot glasses and headed back to the hotel. I paused at the door to my room and knocked lightly. "Are you decent, Mrs. Stevens?" "Decent enough, Mr. Stevens." Charlotte had a sweet and yet playful lilt to her voice. I opened the door and could smell the humid and soapy air. A dark orange glow came through the west-facing window as the sun had recently set, framing Charlotte as she stood with her unbound hair cascading across her shoulders. A heavy towel was wrapped around her body. I kicked the door closed with my boot, my spur making a metallic jingle as I did so. She moved towards me dropping the towel to the floor, wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing me passionately. I fumbled with the bottle and glasses, setting them down on a nightstand and then latching the door. I took in Charlotte and all her beauty. She was fantastic. Her body had a perfect hourglass figure with beautiful breasts. She was soft, but not fat. Her creamy white skin was so smooth to my touch. I was incredibly aroused and as we kissed and Charlotte wasted no time in removing my clothing. We laughed, kissed, and touched until falling onto the bed together with a squeaky thump. I rolled her over onto her back and gently brushed her blond hair from her face. "I want you, Charlotte." She smiled and kissed me. "You must not be from around here as most men simply take what they want. If you're asking, Michael, I want you too." With that said she pulled me on top of her and I felt myself slide easily into her wet vagina. She moaned and arched her back with pleasure. Once again I struggled with the thought she was a robot, but she felt so real I pushed the thought aside as our love making increased its urgency. *** "That was pretty hot. I mean we watch this stuff all the time, but Michael Stevens and Charlotte... I swear they were at it for hours." "Is watching guest porn all you ever do? How's Michael's brain mapping coming along?" "We're already at 90%. By tomorrow night everything will be ready." *** The next morning I was awakened by a kiss. "Good morning, Mr. Stevens." I looked up into the eyes of Charlotte and smiled, pulling her down into a lingering kiss. Last night had been amazing. Mind blowing. "Good morning, Mrs. Stevens." I slid my hand down her bare back and pulled her on top of me. "Mmmm. You feel very awake. Sadly, we need to get an early start on the day. That is if you still want to help me." I let her go but kissed her again. "Of course I want to help you." "Then I suggest we get dressed, get something to eat, and get going. " I sighed and rolled out of bed but watched Charlotte out of the corner of my eye as she dressed. I wondered if Future Global had analyzed my taste in women and set this entire storyline in motion. Again Bethany's words came to mind about allowing me to indulge my fantasies. I was more than happy to live out my adventure, even if it was scripted somehow. The morning flew by as we ate and found the necessary gear and horses for a trip to the hills. With everything packed and the horses ready we mounted and headed out of town. I rode next to Charlotte, feeling quite comfortable in the saddle as I'd spent a few years learning to ride at an equestrian club. Charlotte gave a little gasp and kicked her horse to a gallop. It took a while before I caught up to her. "Charlotte, what's wrong?" "When we were leaving town, I swear I saw the sheriff. I think he recognized me. We must hurry to get as far away from town as possible." Her voice was frantic. "Do you have the map?" "I do." She pulled the map from her saddle bag and handed it to me. It was crude but legible. I looked around to get my bearings. "According to the map, we need to head northwest. However, if we head west, there's a river that we can perhaps use to hide our tracks." The terrain had opened up and we were able to ride at a good speed without exerting our horses too much. The river turned out to be wide and shallow which was perfect for riding up and leaving little trace we were there. We rode a mile upriver before leaving it and heading north, northwest towards the mine. It was nearing sunset when we finally stopped for the night. Charlotte had calmed down and seemed to be feeling more confident again. She busied herself getting some dinner together for us as I laid out our bedrolls. We decided not to have a fire as we didn't want to attract the sheriff if he happened to be nearby. Tonight, at least, we'd be safe. As dusk fell Charlotte and I settled in for the night. We used the horse blankets to cover us and she placed her head on my shoulder and cuddled close. I could tell she was frightened, yet she refused to give in to her fears. I wrapped my arms around her protectively and stared up into the night sky. There were so many stars and the night sky so dark. I never remembered feeling so alive before. This trip was worth every penny. *** "Cue the scorpion and get the extraction team ready." "Everything's in place. Ready to strike on your mark." *** I stayed awake for some time listening to the regular breathing of Charlotte and watching the moon rise casting a monotone glow across the desert. Coyotes howled in the distance. I went to kiss her forehead when I felt a sharp and powerful sting on my neck. Trying not to rouse Charlotte I bit my lip to keep from crying out and looked over my shoulder to see a scorpion crawling away. I started getting very sleepy and soon the sounds of the night drifted away. *** Malcom Sanders looked down upon the body of Michael Stevens. The bright white lights, shining sterile floors, and glass walls of the transference room never ceased to thrill him. Every time a transfer was to take place he considered the impact he was making on the world. He was a God. He looked over at the body of another man. This man was in his early twenties and much more fit than Michael, but had been with Future Global for three years and proved to be a popular selection among female visitors for their rendezvous. A holographic screen provided details of the second man. His actor reference number was A01121. Malcom looked over to Nancy Simpson. "Initiate the nanobot injection into Mr. Stevens." "Initiating..." Nancy hit a button on a computer and watched as a robotic arm moved a syringe into place near Michael's neck. The robotic arm then moved forward injecting the nanobots into Michael before pulling away. A screen appeared with a three dimensional slightly transparent view of Micheal's head that showed the nanobots spreading throughout his brain. Within minutes a beep sounded and the image showed equal distribution of the nanobots. Michael's bio information then displayed on the screen with his name, picture, and new reference number of A12927 was flashing. "We're ready for transference, Mr. Sanders." "Initiate transference." "Initiating transference from A12927 to A01121." The screen flashed and a horizontal bar indicated transference progress, *** Sean Kingswood pressed a few keystrokes and watched his screen. A computerized voice sounded in his office. "Resequencing starting now." Sean knew this would only take a few moments and used the time to hook himself up to the computer system. "Resequencing complete. All host reference numbers resequenced beginning at A012928. New host found - A12927. Would you like to begin resequencing again?" Sean frowned and typed 'no'. *** Nancy and Malcom were unaware the information on the screen just changed. The computer now showed "Transference from A12927 to unknown..." A message appeared. "Host A01121 reference not found. Transferring to next available host reference number A012928." *** Sean was unfazed by the resequencing glitch and initiated the systems update. The update included modifications to provide an internal back door for his personal new host. This would allow Sean to transfer himself into an actor that could alter his own programming and be tied into the network grid to alter other code as needed. With that in place he could secretly work to extricate himself and Grace from Future Global. His plan was carefully laid out. First, Sean needed to transfer himself to a new host. Sean had never been happy with his looks and felt he would need a much stronger body to complete the tasks he had in mind. He'd already modified Princess Grace's programming to find his new host trustworthy and to make her fall for him over time. Of course, he wanted Grace to fall for him because of who he is, but he knew it would take some time before he could safely clear her programming and stage everything for an escape. Having the opportunity to make love to Grace at least once was exciting for Sean. He also knew that over the next few days, Grace's new programming would slowly work deep into her subconscious giving Sean an excellent chance that she would still look upon him favorably once her programming was eliminated. He needed her programming gone to get her out of Future Global. Sean brought up his new reference number and bio. A picture of himself came up on the screen. He noted his new reference number. He then brought up the bio of Daniel Norland. A picture of a handsome man appeared and Sean noted his new reference number. A few more keystrokes brought up Grace's bio and picture. "You're mine, my sweet Grace. If you only knew all that I'm risking to set us both free. I even gave you the first number of the resequence as you're by far the most beautiful of all our actors." He glanced at her new reference number, A012928, smiled and initiated his own transference. *** "Transference complete. A12927, Michael Stevens to, A012928, Grace Westhold." "What the Hell just happened?" Malcom shouted at Nancy. Nancy was scrolling through computer screens frantically. "Oh God. Sean Kingswood resequenced the actors just as we started the transference. The transference program automatically picked up the next sequence number. Michael Stevens is now in the body of our famous Princess Grace. We're in luck, however." Malcom slammed his fist down on the desk. "And why was this lucky?" "Grace has been with us over a year. Her brain map will be a perfectly fine and malleable match for our programming of the new Michael." "That was damn lucky." Malcom smiled ruthlessly. "I can't imagine Michael waking up tomorrow finding he's in the body of our most desired female actor. He deserves that fate. About Sean Kingswood. I don't care if he's our best programmer. Fire him! No. Kill him!" "Yes, sir." *** Everything felt strange. I had such crazy dreams of men in white outfits standing around me, scorpions, and the feeling of floating weightless. And now? Now everything was just off. My body was slowly responding as I woke up. I opened my eyes and found myself in a huge bedroom with towering arched windows. Morning sunlight streamed through the windows and fell across the soft bed I was lying in. Bed? I was sleeping outside on the ground with Charlotte. How did I get in a bed? "Good morning, Princess." I tried to speak, but felt somewhat disconnected. My mouth moved on its own accord and a soft sensual female voice emanated from it. "Good morning, Lily." My body stretched and sat up as Lily placed some large pillows behind me. I could feel everything even though I wasn't in control. It was as if I had to find my way out of a maze to get even a moment where I felt I had some control. I took one of those moments to look down and to my horror saw what I had felt on my chest as I sat up; two large breasts, barely contained within the thin silky fabric I was wearing. "Would you like your breakfast in bed or by the window this morning, Princess?" My mouth spoke again and I could feel myself become aroused as I looked over the lithe form of the young, attractive Lily. "By the window, Lily. I'd also like a bath this morning. Perhaps you and Alicia can join me again?" Lily blushed bright red. "I'd be honored, Princess." Lily pulled back the bed covers and I felt my body move and dangle my feet over the edge of the bed. Lily stroked her hands over my feet and slipped on some warm slippers. I stood on the floor as a cute redhead came into the room carrying a robe. I pulled Lily up and kissed her, then grabbed the redhead and did likewise. "Mmmm. Good morning, Princess. I brought your robe." The redhead slipped behind me and draped the robe over my shoulders but took special care to wrap it and her arms around me from behind as her lips met the back of my neck. "You're feeling frisky this morning, Alicia." "I'm always frisky around you, Princess." I felt so trapped and yet so connected to this body at the same time. I felt every nuance of this body. The tingle of my nipples as they hardened underneath the silk nightgown, the air on my hairless legs, the heat and moistness of my... God, what happened to me? My body walked over to a table by the window and sat down. My legs crossed and I reached for some delicate fruits and meats to sample. "I'll ready the bath for us, Princess." Lily bounded away humming lightly to herself. She was so adorable and I loved the way she tasted. Father never liked that I had a thing for other women, but it's his own fault for selling me to the first man that brought in the head of the black dragon. Where were these thoughts coming from? I was taking a vacation in Westworld. I was with Charlotte. Is this Fantasyworld? Have I somehow... I'm a robot? A female robot? My hand jerked at my thoughts and sent a plate of food crashing to the ground. "I'm so sorry, Alicia. Leave it for now. I'm ready for our bath." "Of course, Princess." My body followed after Alicia as she headed towards the bath. For a brief moment I was able to take control as I passed a mirror. I paused to look at myself. I was tall for a woman, perhaps five foot ten. I was also very young. Maybe in my late teens. My dark hair flowed down my back to just above my waist. My large blue eyes, sculpted cheekbones, and full red lips gave me a look of timeless regal beauty. Alicia stood behind me and pulled my robe off my shoulders as I continued to stare at myself. My nightgown left nothing to the imagination, barely concealing my flawless light-olive skin, large D-cup breasts, waspish waist, and perfectly flat stomach. Lily joined Alicia and they both pulled the straps of my nightgown and let it fall lightly to the ground. I was stunningly beautiful and so enraptured by what I saw I once again lost control as I turned and kissed Lily, tasting the sweetness of her tongue against mine. I watched from my peripheral vision as Alicia disrobed and took my hand to lead me to the large sunken bath. Lily joined us a few moments later and I was soon lost in their gentle touches and kisses. I'd never experienced anything so arousing and this body responded to every touch with ever increasing desire. By the time the bath had grown cold Lily and Alicia had several orgasms each and I must have had close to half a dozen. With each intense earth shattering orgasm my mind slipped further and further away from any control I thought I could steal. I had a few moments to assess my situation as I was drying off and struggled with the realization that I was a robot. I could understand a robot could be programmed to give pleasure, but to feel pleasure, the kind of pleasure I just experienced, made no sense to me. Something didn't add up. Lily and Alicia had changed and with blissful looks upon their faces kissed me again before leading me to the wardrobe. I got the impression that Lily and Alicia actually enjoyed themselves and were not merely catering to my needs out of obligation. Lily put on a slightly sad face. "You father has requested your presence this morning. Another suitor has asked about you." I felt my face frown. "I wish he would stop meddling in my life. If I ever get married off, would the two of you come with me?" Alicia and Lily smiled. "Of course, Princess. What would you like to wear today?" "You both know me so well. Anything that makes me look beautiful." Lily laughed at that. "That would be anything you own, or even a sack from one of the local farmers. How about this ivory-colored gown?" "That would be wonderful." Over the next thirty minutes I was dressed in layer upon layer of silky material. Apparently because of my shape my corset didn't need to be overly tightened, but I could feel the layers forcing me into a very formal posture. I felt like I was on autopilot but in a way that gave me ample opportunity to think. What happened to me? What happened to my real body? What happened to Charlotte? I couldn't believe I was concerned about Charlotte, a robot, and her plight. Had I become so caught up in the plot that I lost myself? Was I some pawn in a larger scheme? *** Malcom watched as the camera moved to follow the new Michael Stevens and Charlotte. Mr. Enpo stood nearby. "So that's the new Michael?" "We had a bit of a glitch last night, but everything worked out. Michael is completely under our control." "What kind of glitch?" "It was a sequencing issue. One of our programmers resequenced our actor reference numbers at the same time we were performing the transfer. Michael was transferred into the wrong actor and we've had to strengthen his current program to avoid certain proclivities." "Proclivities?" "His new host happens to be a slightly rebellious female princess that leaned toward bisexuality. We had to enhance Michael's programming to make sure he wouldn't respond sexually to another male or want to dress up in a feminine way." "That sounds like more than a glitch. What are you doing to make sure this never happens again? And what of the real Michael Stevens?" "The programmer that caused all of this has been disposed of. The real Michael is likely fighting his new body and programming, but we know that will be a losing battle. Apparently he had his first lesbian sex this morning and from what I understand, his brain map has been quickly absorbing the new programming. He will always know something happened to him, but sooner rather than later he will find himself becoming more Princess Grace Westhold and less Michael Stevens. That process should take only a few weeks at his current rate of adoption." "When will the new Michael Stevens be back in place in the world?" "We let him finish his week here. This allows us to carefully monitor his progress and test our control. He will be back to work as 'our' senator very soon." *** I found myself growing irritable as I waited for the guards to open the door to the throne room. Father always took his time even when he knew it was me that was waiting. Before the doors had opened completely I stormed through, hiking my delicate gown to make sure my feet didn't catch any of the layers. "Father! I'm told you have yet another suitor for my hand. When will you let me live my own life and choose the one I want to marry out of love?" The King, my father, glowered at me and stood. He was an imposing figure and walked quickly up to me. I had to look up into his intense eyes. That was until he slapped me and I collapsed on the ground. My hand went to my stinging cheek and I could feel the wetness from the tears that formed. "You will not speak to me in that tone, young lady!" Then with surprising tenderness he lifted me to my feet and wrapped me in his arms. He led me over to a divan and sat me down, wiping the tears from my face. I struggled to be free of the confines. I wanted to yell and tell everyone that I was Michael Stevens. I looked up into my father's eyes and sniffed. "Our lives are not our own. You need to understand that. You're my daughter and I love you, but your rebellious nature can't be tolerated. You have obligations." I started to wonder if all the robot actors lived a life like this away from the guests. In a way it made sense to build the story and make the actors more real. I thought of Charlotte and her story. She lived her life within the scripted confines of her story, but how much different was it for ourselves in real life? I felt my lips tremble as sadness overwhelmed me. "I'm sorry, father. I wish I'd been born a simple peasant girl with no obligations." "And yet, look at you. There's not been a day I haven't seen you wearing the finest of dresses. You're breathtaking and I know once you learn your place in this kingdom and your responsibilities you'll one day be a fine ruler that the world will look up to for both your beauty and wisdom." I pouted and felt myself slipping further into the role. "What of the new suitor? Is he like the others that needs to kill the black dragon to win my hand?" "The black dragon is a menace and has been burning our crops. Yes, if he wants your hand then he must kill the dragon." "Can I secretly feed the dragon so it remains strong? I've no desire to marry so young." My father laughed. "If the dragon lets you that close to feed it, then kill it yourself and I'll consider letting you choose your husband." I knew he was simply toying with me but it wasn't such a bad thought. What was I thinking? I'm Michael Stevens. A man. A senator. I'm not a princess. Yet one glance at myself and the feeling of my breasts confined within the corset suggested otherwise. "The guards will take you to the castle square. There you'll meet the new suitor and the others that are vying for your hand. Please be cordial to them. No one would be willing to kill a dragon for a rebellious and unfriendly princess." "I'll be polite, father." "That's what I want to hear. Now give me a hug and off with you. A reminder that tomorrow night is the royal ball." We stood and I hugged my father tightly and directed the guard that I needed to stop by my room to make sure my hair and makeup were fine before entering the square. Lily and Alicia were waiting for me and led me to the bathroom. They tenderly touched my face and I winced at the light bruising and pain. I loved how they doted on me and cared for me. In a few minutes they had helped me touch up my makeup and applied a light covering to mask my red cheek. I was grateful father hadn't hit me harder. I hugged and kissed Lily and Alicia. "Thank you both. I don't know what I would do without you. The royal ball is tomorrow night. I want you both there with me." They jumped up and down. "We'll make sure your dress is ready. Of course your suitors will capitalize on your time at the ball, but perhaps we can sneak away together for a dance?" I smiled and came to a small epiphany. If I were a robot and I had certain programming, perhaps I could work within the programming and find a way to escape. "About my dress..." I paused realizing I was actually speaking. I was in control within the parameters of the programming. "I want to try something a little more daring." "Daring?" "My father gave me an idea. He said if I killed the black dragon there was a good chance I could choose my own husband. Perhaps one of my suitors would help train me?" "You're so funny, Princess." "I'm not joking. I want to alter my dress to make sure my suitors can't take their eyes off of me. You see this dress I'm wearing? They nodded. "What if we remove some of the layers underneath? Make the dress sleek and flowing." "That would be scandalous! What would your father say?" "Father told me today that I need to think more like a ruler and to understand my role and my place. What better way to show him I'm taking control of my life for the betterment of the kingdom? Besides, it's not like I'd be wearing anything that isn't flattering. I'd never wear anything that's not pretty." That last sentence shook me up a little. I was in control but I said it. Could it be that my programming is playing with my psyche? "We'll work on it together while you're away this morning. It's very exciting." They hugged and kissed me and I left my room as the guard escorted me to the castle square. I walked down hallway after hallway focusing on how this body felt. My hips swayed more from side to side and I could feel the weight of my hair on my head. My breasts bounced and jiggled with each step. Perhaps it was the programming, but this body felt incredible. My legs and thighs were perfectly smooth and hairless. They glided softly against the silk. My face felt firm and toned, nothing like my slightly sagging cheeks had been. I licked my full lips and felt their plump sensitive richness. I'm losing it. How long will it be before I'm thinking just like a young princess and completely forgetting my life before? The guard opened the door and ushered me out into the castle square. I looked around at the lavish stone and flowering trees. I took a deep breath to center myself and the air smelled fresh and laced with scents of flowers. A herald pronounced my arrival. "Princess Grace Westhold." I watched as the crowd that gathered took a knee. My programming kicked back in as I had no idea what I was doing. "Arise, faithful citizens. As you're well aware our kingdom faces a menace. The black dragon is the most ruthless and dangerous of all the dragons. Bring its head to my father and he'll be forever in your debt. A debt he's willing to pay for with my hand in marriage. I'm inviting each of you to the royal ball tomorrow night. For those of you that wish it, I'm here to grant you my blessing for the day." Men and women eagerly lined up to kiss my hand and seek my blessing. I was surprised to see some women seek an opportunity for a private rendezvous with me. I was a robot and I was there to please the guests. I assumed that was why I pulled one woman close when she slipped a note into my hand and I whispered a promise to meet her in the gardens the following day. Then I saw him. I knew he wasn't a guest, but there was a yearning and a drawing inside me as he knelt and kissed my hand. "I've not met you before, have I?" "No, my lady. I'm new to the kingdom." I was strangely drawn to this young, handsome man; a thought that simultaneously excited and repulsed me. I was a man. I was M... I was Michael. I wrestled for control and to maintain my grasp on reality. It was an incredible battle for my mind that I knew I was slowly losing. He gently squeezed my hand and it felt like some clarity rushed back to me, to who I was. My memories returned. He smiled as he watched me pause. "Do you have a moment we could speak in private, my lady?" The guard stepped forward to grab the man and I put up my hand to halt the guard. I tipped my head, making sure it was me that was controlling it. "Yes..." It dawned on me that somehow this man made me think clearer and have more control. I needed to be careful and I certainly didn't want to lose the control I now felt I gained. "...but my guard must stay close." His eyes showed understanding and he nodded his head. "Guard, that's enough greeting for today. When the other people have been escorted from the square, I will sit with this man. You can stand nearby in case I need you." "Yes, Princess." I stood patiently as the guests were asked to leave the square. I then walked over to a large stone bench and sat down. The man watched the guard closely and sat at the far end of the bench, but not close enough to touch me. The guard kept his distance. "I believe an introduction is in order." "Yes. Of course, my Lady. My name is Daniel Norland." "What brings you to the castle today?" I felt oddly in control, but knew the programming was still in place. I watched as my hand smoothed a portion of my dress. It was such a feminine thing to do. Was that me that did that? "First, my Lady, I want to assure you I mean you no harm." I felt confidence in this man. He was trustworthy. "I believe that." I watched as he glanced at the guard then focused on me again. "I'm here to rescue you." His voice was barely above a whisper. "Rescue me?" My control momentarily faltered. "The only thing I need rescuing from is this absurd notion that I have to marry the man that kills the black dragon." I shook my head confused as my control returned. "Future Global." The words resonated in my head. "What did you say?" "Future Global has enslaved you. I'm going to rescue you." What was he saying? He knew I was Michael? "I..." I fought for control. "I'm a robot." I shook my head and these dastardly female hormones started me crying. The guard noticed and took some steps towards us, placing his hand on the hilt of his sword. I put my hand up to keep him away. "It's all right. I'm fine." The guard nodded and stepped back. Daniel looked a little confused but then it was gone. He whispered softly again. "You're not a robot. You're a real person controlled by artificial intelligence through nanobots injected into your brain." Not a robot? Of course that makes sense now. It's how I feel everything. But that meant I was in the body of a young woman. A real young woman. "I'm confused." "Listen carefully. I'm able to free you from the control programs but I can't do this until I'm ready. Releasing control of the nanobots and programming now could harm you. You must be Princess Grace Westhold. You'll feel yourself gaining more and more control as I'm near you. However, if you deviate too far from your programming it will bring attention to you. Do you understand?" I nodded. I didn't understand what this man was about, or if perhaps I was putting myself in danger, but I felt I could trust him. I raised my voice slightly. "My father says that whoever kills the black dragon will be the man I marry, however, if I kill the black dragon he would let me choose my husband. Would you train me?" Again, he looked confused and then realized I was granting him a chance

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Sean and Lee were having their first real argument, and it was a dozy. Sean was adamant that Lee was not going to Tychy. Lee was equally adamant that she would be on that ship doing her job, just as he would be. The fact she was pregnant was irrelevant as far as Lee was concerned. They only planned to be gone for ten weeks. Sparky was also having an argument with Ross. She was adamant she was going with Sean and Lee. In Ross’s instance, he probably had more of a case because Sparky was due...

4 years ago
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A Visit to the Asian Massage Parlor

I love Asian women. Their delicate features, small tits, hairy pussies, perfect asses, sweet shy personalities, loyalty: everything about them drives me wild. As such, I love going to Asian Massage parlors (“AMP”s). Since my wife died 10 years ago, I have been to hundreds. Not only in my home states of Massachusetts and Florida, but any time I travel to a major city throughout the world. I’ve been rubbed in Sydney, Berlin, Rome, Shanghai, Tokyo, Vegas, Reno, Minneapolis and San Francisco just...

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NyxChapter 10

Temporarily, we forgot about the South End Motorcycle Gang and went back to my first love: rapists and pimps. Another trip to Humboldt St. with me in my African-American disguise proved that we were a long way from getting rid of those bastards. I had hardly stepped out of the alley and started down the street when I was accosted by a man who looked like the very stereotype of a pimp, with his wide-brimmed hat, his black pinstriped suit, and his overload of chains and bangles. He looked like...

2 years ago
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Study Buddy Ch 02

Lena: Lena shivered, her front was oddly cold, but her back was warm. Her sleepy brain tried to figure out why, but she couldn’t seem to fight off the dregs of sleep long enough to focus on it. There was something hard poking her in the ass. That was weird. She heard a soft snore that definitely didn’t come from her. Her eyes flew open as she remembered what had happened the night before. She started to panic as she realized that she was laying on her bed in her underwear with her bra pulled...

3 years ago
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The Dragons BackboneChapter 6 The battle

As the sun set, we stood on the top of the narrow pass on the main trail through the Dragon's Backbone. Behind us a valley led to the plains of our home. Before us a valley led down the steppes across which the main enemy army had come. We were watching them coming up the valley not far from us now; they would start crossing the pass on the next morning. The captain spoke to us, only a few words, but even now, as I write this, they give me shivers in my bones. "Soldiers of Livia. They are...

3 years ago
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Suburban Sadist Origin

This story contains: Blackmail Humiliation The actions described are fictitious and entirely illegal and immoral. *** Sadism: noun 1. Psychiatry. The condition in which sexual gratification depends on causing pain or degradation to others. 2. Any enjoyment in being cruel. 3. Extreme cruelty *** Mrs Blackwell looked at me with wide and tear-filled eyes as I explained what was going to happen to her. She would come to understand that her body was no longer hers. Instead,...

4 years ago
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Getting off the Seesaw part two Coercive Control

Things go from bad to worse for Diane as she tries to catch up with Barry. Is he still angry? Has she lost him? Please read part one. Standing in the spare room, where Barry should have been, Diane read the note again. Sorry about yesterday. Sorry to spoil your fun. I have a lot on at work and some issues we need to talk about. I’ll phone you from the hotel. B She held the note in her hand for a minute, reading the few words again and again, turning it over, examining the blank reverse side and...

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Lauras Awakening Chapter 6

The day after I had sex with Jason my 18-year-old brother I discovered why he was in town. We were going to have dinner his girlfriend’s family. As much as I love Jason I have to question his choice in girlfriends. Since July he’s been seeing Allison Bryant, our ministers daughter.Reverend Bryant was anti everything I was into. Anti music, anti sexy clothes, anti sex, you could say he was basically anti fun. His wife ran the Sunday school and her favorite word is don’t. And then there were all...

3 years ago
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Sibling Relationship

But she couldn’t help herself. She remembered the time she caught him wanking. Since that moment she had longed for his big hard shaft to penetrate her. Their sibling relationship had always been close, and this just seemed to bring them closer together. So, one day Katie decided to hatch a plan of how to seduce her brother. She knew the kind of girls he was into as he had spoken to her many times about how to get a particular girl. She dyed her hair a darker shade of blonde, drastic some...

1 year ago
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Private Isabella De Laa Ria Sunn Anal Threesome

Isabella de Laa and Ria Sunn are two close friends that love to share everything, and today on www.private.com, they’ve come to Private Specials, Anal Threesomes to share Joss Lescaff’s BBC! That’s right, these horny stars are craving black meat, and to prepare for the arrival of their meal, they slip into their sexiest lingerie and warm-up with some lesbian play before putting the toys aside for an interracial threesome full of deepthroat blowjobs and non-stop anal action that has them both...

3 years ago
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My Innocent Daughter YeahChapter 6

So of course I went along to the gym. I got to give the girls a ride there and keep them safe, to be a proud dad seeing Lucie being greeted respectfully by the staff and regulars, and to watch her exercise her awe-inspiring body. I was all the more proud that Lucie wore her loose top and jogging pants over her athletics shorts and top, presenting herself purely as an athlete person. I got the impression I wasn’t the only one who found that made her even more desirable. Not that the more...

2 years ago
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DorcelClub Linda Leclair Linda 4 You

Linda finds herself alone at home without her husband who is away on a business trip and she’s faced with a problem that she cannot handle alone. To help her, she goes to the neighbors to ask for help, and within minutes the problem is solved. That evening, Linda thinks back to her two kind neighbors who were there to help her, and she suddenly has a strong urge to see the two men again. They had been so kind and helpful that Linda wanted to reward them with a drink at her place, but not...

4 years ago
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Trailer Park Fuck 2 Merida part 2

After my first time with Merida, about a week went by before she invited me to come to her home. Her dad was gone and her mom was busy screwing around with one of the employees that worked at the Bar & Grill they owned, so Merida didn't expect her parents to be home anytime soon. She had the house all to herself. An excited, hormone filled, sex-addled teen, I made my way to her home. It was a 45 minute drive with long, winding roads that led deep into the countryside. Far from any major...

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"I can't believe she came," Carol hissed, her eyes following the brunette as she walked through the door."Dan's biological mom?" I asked, looking where my wife was looking."She was with my dad just long enough to give birth to my brother and then walk out on them. I can't believe she would show up here." Carol shook her head in disbelief, watching the older woman break into a group of my in-law's friends, smiling and laughing with them before they nervously broke away.Dianne, Carol's...

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Accidental Incest Not so accidental anymore

I woke up from a soft nudge. I could feel the cold wind blowing against my body. I opened my eyes to see mum with hand on my shoulder with the car door open. “Annie? hey there, sweetheart. We’re at the hotel, so you head on in and the boys can get the suitcases” I stood up still a little drowsy; I got out the car and examined my surroundings. A reasonable sized hotel and it didn’t look too bad either. I looked to the car and saw dad and Dylan unpacking the boot. I caught Dylan’s eyes but...

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TwinsChapter 14

Alex sped home so he could spend more time with Allie. Everyone was still up when he arrived and he filled them in on what he did and where they went - leaving out the part about going to The Hill. Allie wore Alex’s sweatshirt again with panties but nothing else. He wondered while he was talking to his parents if she was wearing any panties at all. Her legs were driving him crazy. He wanted her so bad. Finally their parents went to bed. Alex almost attacked his sister once they were alone....

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Horny Loving BrotherChapter 17 Mary Goes to Camp

"Welcome to Camp Crystal Lake," Beth told Mary and the other campers as they got off the camp bus and started looking for their luggage as the driver handed it out the back door. "If you're new to the camp than stay here with your luggage and the camp director will be here in a few minutes to give you the grand tour." Mary collected her suitcase and shoulder bag and turned to head for her cabin when Beth stepped into her path. "Mary, right?" "That's right," Mary said as she...

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Rogers Lucky Day

Today I was at a coffee shop enjoying a double cappuccino and was on my laptop checking my facebook account and chatting with some cousins that live out of town.I was wearing a tight light blue t-shirt with a gayish logo that read: "I eat boys up", a pair of hot white shorts, and a pair of stripped white and blue socks that were up a little bit higher off of my knees - people were kind of looking at me weird. But I love that I was calling peoples attention.So, after a while a guy of about my...

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Grims Dungeon Level 1

Welcome Adventurer! What lies before is a classic dungeon crawl using a very simplified rules system. This one will be short as I just want to find out how much effort this sort of thing takes. If it works out well I may do a Level 2. You will need a six sided die (otherwise called a d6) or access to d6 roller such as this one. You may also want a pencil in piece of paper to keep track of what rooms you have completed or to map. Fear not, this is not a complex dungeon. You will notice a list of...

2 years ago
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fuckin my cusin

my friend came over he was stayin with us for the weekend hes 18 and im 18. well lol at first we were showin off our musels then he said he could win in a wrestlin match so i we started to wrestle when i had him pin to the ground i notice he was hard so i grabbed his pants and pulled them off he saw me look at his hard dick he turned red as i sat there i laghed and said i will suck u off i lf i get to fuck u in the ass he said ok as i put my lips on his head and put it in my mouth he grabbed my...

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Outdoor Field Trip

Her cute smile and kissable lips had given me many a wet dream. She was a newly graduated MPhil lecturer who came to teach us in the first year and took us on a field trip later. Her figure was so hot, she could evoke carnal desires in a dead man. Gulki ma’am stood 5’6” tall, with thick straight, far hair till her waist. Her figure was near perfection, with 34-28-35 stats and a golden-brown complexion. Big dark eyes and sharp features, along with a toned physique, made her irresistible. I had a...

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Kalluriyil Kala Kathal

Hi friends, en peyar Kamalesh vayathu 22 aagugirathu, en nanbanin kathaliyudan thagatha uravu vaithu sex seithu oothen. Athai indru tamil kathaiyil paarkalam, naan kalluri iruthi aandu padithu varugiren. Arts and science kalluriyil padithu varugiren. Enudan oru nerungiya nanban irunthaan, avan peyar santhosh. Santhosh oru pennai kathal seithu vathaan, antha pennai naanum sight adithu vanthen. Aanal enaku munbu en nanban munthi kondaan, avan avalai kathal seivathaaga soli avalaiyum kathal seiya...

4 years ago
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Just A Small Town Girl Part 2 Welcome To The Good Life

"One bit of advice honey. I know you're wearing the thong you bought here and the bra is needed with this cut, but I can still see a line at your hip. Try it without the thong." "You mean, naked underneath?" "Yes, it's black, you should be ok, but let's make sure we can't see your bush. You could shave all that you know." "Oh I don't know. I've never." "Up to you but you don't want to be in a photo and the whole word can see your privates." Shay went back in and removed...

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WWT The Sorority

I wished I was at home.There were distinctive disadvantages in being a legacy. Though I would never really know the costs of student loans or working a part-time job, great expectations came with their own grating sacrifices. Made all the worse by the gnawing knowledge that I really didn't have it that bad. Most of my friends, even those destined for top private schools based on Daddy's donation, would have killed to make the kinds of connections available at Chi Omega. Given my grades, my...

Monster Sex
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Cheating It Can Happen to Anyone

"We're going to have the best time tonight! Right lover?" I heard the voice loud and clear as they came in the front door to the bistro. The voice was one I was very familiar with. They were seated about 20 feet behind me, their reflection was clear in the mirrored wall. Most of the light in my booth came from the light that hung just behind me, leaving me in the shadows unseen. I pulled out my cell phone and sat there at the ready to record their activity. I only needed to wait until they...

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When The Wifes Away

Creampie Corners - When The Wife's Away Marcie, a college girl of 19, sat and attentively listened to Judy Stubbletrap fill her in on her duties for the next two weeks. "While I'm gone, you'll take care of the house, fix meals for my husband, care for our pets, tend to the yard, household things like that. Now, you mentioned that you'd broken up with your boyfriend, is that correct?" Marcie's bare legs were nicely framed with a tasteful skirt that settled about mid thigh. She unconsciously...

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My Sweet Sue From 82

During 1982 I lived with a younger woman named Karen and was fucking her as well as occasional trysts with her best friend Carla. She was several years older than Karen and both women knew what was going on but didn’t see a problem with it. I also knew that Karen would occasionally disappear for a day or two using the excuse of going to Lake Tahoe skiing when she was actually someplace else. I knew when there was snow up there and when there wasn’t. She was still screwing an ex-boyfriend...

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The Equals Part 3

THE EQUALS - PART III The next chapter. Any more comments e-mail me at [email protected] We must have had sex about three times that day in the end, and by that I mean three times each as we took it in turns to do each other as a series of porn films blared out from the TV. After Julia's first conquest of me, she invited me to take her anally once more. She said that she was now getting used to it and had even worked out what position she had to work her ass...

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First My Wife Then Me

First my wife then me by Angela J. This story has sexual scenes involving a change of gender. If this type of story offends you, or if you are under age, or laws in your area prohibit reading this type of material, please do not read the story. If you have any comments or criticisms please e-mail me at [email protected] I do not want to remember my past self, but I have been ordered to write my story, so here it goes. I grew up in a mid size town in Texas. I had loving parents,...

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Taken By MistakeChapter 3

Sally kept the pressure up, she asked "so, how is he compared to George?" Mary said "well for one thing, George likes to have sex once every two to three weeks, Johnny would fuck me four to five times a week, he was an animal. George hardly touches me, while Johnny would touch me, hold me and of course he would finger me all the time in the strangest places, he got off doing that. It was like Johnny lived to make me climax, but there were many times he would light my fire but not take me...

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The Exchange Student Disciplines Georgina

Georgina had been on tenterhooks since getting home at eight o’clock this evening. She had got home to find Jeff and Hannah chatting happily in the TV room and, unusually, watching a rom-com even though there was football on the other channel. When Hannah had gone to bed Georgina asked Jeff how come he hadn't insisted on watching the football.Jeff blushed as he replied, "Hannah asked to watch the film and we had a discussion about me being more understanding about her preferences. So, I let...

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Dressing room encounter

‘Babe, can you come here and help me with this?’ I walk back into the dressing room as your open the door. I’m greeted by your long bare legs as my eyes begin to travel up your body. As you giggle you say, ‘here sweetie…my eyes are here.’ My eyes finally meet yours and you can’t help but notice that wickedness that you’ve seen before. After a brief moment, you lightly grasp my cock through my shorts and give it a quick squeeze. ‘Behave,’ you lightly whisper so the other customers don’t hear...

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Seer 1 I See Dying People 12Part 6

Melissa and Dawn were following Alex, Philip and the two women with them. Melissa managed to keep silent all the way along Drummond Road and through Central Garden and Midwinter Garden, but when the four people in front of them obviously turned down on Topeka Road on their way towards the Annex she stopped Dawn. When she had tried to ask what was going on before, Dawn had frowned and hushed her but now Melissa would not allow that anymore. If there were some real danger, which she seriously...

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Mami Ke Chudai

Har saal garmiyon ke chuttion mein main apne nana ke ghar jaya karta tha. Wahan hum log lagbhag apni saari chuttiyan bita dete the. Ek summer mein hum log nana je ka yahan gaye aur wahan kareeb 1 month ho gaya rehte hue aur main wahan kaafi bore hogaya tha kyonki us waqt meri age sirf 18 saal thi aur meri age ka aur dusara koi nahi tha. Yah toh sab log mujhse kaafi bade the yaa kaafi chote the. Ek din mere mami ji ko unke ghar se letter aya ka unko wahan bulaya gaya hai. Unke gaon mein koi...

4 years ago
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Sex at havelock a n islands

Hello, all iss reader, i am Raj kumar from a & n islands. (delanipur, port blair. Yah kahani 3 month old hai jab mai x-mas ki chutti mai havelock island jana ka programme banaya or mai akala hi gaya. Morning 6.00 o’clock per phonix bay jetty se havelock ka liya speed boat (mv baratang) choda, boat mai 100 passenger tak haga or maximum indian tourist. Boat mai ek newly wed couple jo delhi se andaman honeymoon trip pa aaya tha aur mera pas ki seat per baith gaya aur meri us couple sa dosti ho...

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A Murder Misstery Epilogue

A Murder Misstery Epilogue © 2009 by Nom de Plume For those who came in late, Matt McCoy - now Madeline Moreau - is on the run for a crime he did not commit, and a murder which she did...after returning to Paris, Maddy confronts her demons as she reclaims her destiny with the man who turned her into a woman. I was on cloud nine all the way to the apartment, even my taxi driver commented on how radiant I looked! I tipped him handsomely and tripped up the stairs while he...

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Acts of Infidelity Becky and David

This story is different from my other cuckold tales.Both readers of erotic literature, Becky and her husband David had been enjoying my Acts of Infidelity series for some time before she decided to get in touch. In an open marriage herself, she wanted me and my other readers to understand that there is a different aspect to partner-sharing that my ‘Cuckold’ stories so far had missed.Although she knows first-hand the pain and pleasure than can be derived from allowing a partner to take another...

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The Naked WarriorChapter 10

Ali smashed her hands onto the table in the meeting room. The table, unused to being hit by a Doyen Princess who was capable of telekinetically enhancing her strength, shattered in half. It was a cheap plastic table, after all. Everything in the human ship was cheap. Ally had told her that this was because, well, the humans had been funding this project in secret, to keep mass human hysteria on their homeworld from sending out a wave of psychic energy that would attract her people. Right...

3 years ago
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The Witch and the Dragon Part 10

By the time the nocturnal Chirs buzzed happily in the shadows, Alluna had cried herself weak. The unicorn slowed to a brisk canter, then a lazy lope, until he stopped completely. She kept hearing steady thunder and realized it was the reaper’s wings overhead. He landed gently on the swaying grass, his toes touching first, and strode somewhere off to her right. Alluna closed her eyes, unable to move; her sorrow was so overwhelming. The unicorn let out a soft bleat, turning its head to look at...

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The Trailer Park The Second YearChapter 27

"Robbie, can we talk?" Robbie closed her locker and looked the other way down the hall. "There's nothing to say." "You don't understand." "I think I understand just fine." "Will you at least listen?" Robbie spun and looked at me, her face set in stone. "Talk!" "I..." The problem was, what the hell could I say? I'd been having sex with the two younger girls on the side. I could say it didn't mean anything. And it didn't. It was just sex, But I didn't see that helping...

2 years ago
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Nanban Udan Item Priyavai Oothom

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en nanban udan sendru item priyavai eppadi oothom endra kama kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugirom. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar Krishna vayathu 28 aagugirathu. Enaku oru nanban irukiraan avan peyar vimal vayathu 28 aagugirathu. Engal iruvarukum ore vayathu thaan aagugirathu. Naangal vegu naatkalaaga veliyil selalam tour ondru pogalam endru plan seithukondu irunthom. Apadi irukum pozhuthu en nanban veli naatil irunthu ipozhuthu thaan ooruku...

3 years ago
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Before Need Dark TemptationsChapter 2 Throat Fucking in Public

I met the 'Mike', the guy at the clothes store, after work - after finding each other we went outside where I just knelt down and got started. Nobody was there at first but I could hear others later. There were two other guys but they didn't seem to notice. I have no idea why - but they just finished their cigarettes and went back inside. This guy was encouraging and talked the entire time about how good my mouth felt and he appreciated my talents. He was a bit thinner than most of the...

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Loosening Up Book 5 Major EventsChapter 11 A Taste of Hollywood

The trio of women flew into the Circle in Owen’s corporate jet. The Gulfstream 650LR landed Saturday morning after a red-eye flight from Orange County Airport where they connected with Owen and the plane. They all admitted to sleeping for most of the flight since they were each worn out from a hellish week wrapped up in their individual activities. Dave met the plane on the tarmac with a couple of others from the Circle and several golf carts. He’d been waiting for the radio call, and as...

1 year ago
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The Game First Time Sex Part 18 No seconds tonight

*** Please read chapters 1 - 17 to get to get acquainted with my friends and me and to get immersed in the story, but I will briefly recap the beginning if you want to read this story first. I promise that you are missing a lot of good times detailed in the previous chapters if you haven't read them already. It's been nearly two years since I met Donna on a Sunday afternoon when I was forced to tag along with my parents while they visited friends who live next door to her house. The...

First Time
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Webmeets Diary Ch 07

*** After my first meeting with a contact near Beijing from the adult dating site I used (the encounter is the subject of the previous chapter of this diary), I planned to spend four days travelling south to Shanghai where I had two contacts. One of these contacts was an older expat American couple in their late thirties who I had only exchanged a few, very businesslike messages with on the site. According to their profile they organised frequent sex parties in which the wife, a rather...

3 years ago
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Pink for a Girl Part 1

PINK FOR A GIRL - Part 1 George McIntyre was furious. He had only taken delivery of his long awaited Mazda RX-8 three days before and now his splendid new, slate- grey car was a wreck. He cursed the drunken idiot who had jumped the lights and driven straight into the side of the car. The fact that the other driver was now in police custody charged with drunken driving was of little recompense. George stood forlornly by the side of the road waiting for the tow-truck from his Mazda...

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Neighbour Aunty Satisfied My Sex Needs In Covid Lockdown

Hi all, this is my first story on ISS. This was a real-life incident that happened to me in April 2020. The Corona pandemic has been a testing time for all of us. The lockdown made everyone stay at home with the family. This incident happened to me during this lockdown period. Talking about me, I am 6 ft tall, 27 years of age, a mallu guy brought up in a southern metro city. I am doing my master’s in a reputed college in India. We were told to go home in March due to the ongoing pandemic crisis...

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I Really Love My BF Cock Gay

I really don't know how I let him talk me into things like this... There I was, standing under a spray of hot water, letting my boyfriend work his very large and very dry cock into my ass. But maybe I should start at the beginning?The day started like any other. I woke up to the wonderful sensation of having my boyfriends cock someplace wet and warm. I was tenderly sucking on boyfriend Mike cock, working his balls with my free hand. I smiled and brushed some hair back from my face. I pulled off...

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Blind Lust

Copyright© 1997-2003 A clever young man named Eugene Invented a jack-off machine. On the twenty-third stroke The fuckin' thing broke And beat both his balls to a cream. Lora knew she was being followed. It was evident to me, as she became nervous and crashed into more objects and people. Her cane snapping back and forth seemed to help her little from the small accidents she had. The long curly mane of blond hair whirled about as the woman seemed to try to get a fix upon me while...

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