Study Buddy Ch. 02 free porn video

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Lena shivered, her front was oddly cold, but her back was warm. Her sleepy brain tried to figure out why, but she couldn’t seem to fight off the dregs of sleep long enough to focus on it. There was something hard poking her in the ass. That was weird. She heard a soft snore that definitely didn’t come from her.

Her eyes flew open as she remembered what had happened the night before. She started to panic as she realized that she was laying on her bed in her underwear with her bra pulled down around her waist being spooned by a man she had just met a few hours ago. The alarm clock next to the bed read 4:30 am.

She tried to pull out of Jeff’s embrace, but his arms tightened around her and his big hands pressed her back into his body. He grumbled sleepily, but didn’t seem to be waking up. Lena glanced down at his hand on her belly and she flushed red as she remembered what he had done with that hand.

Oh god, and the toys! I showed him my toys, she remembered.

She started to hyperventilate as she thought back on what she had done the night before. Her erratic breathing must have woken him a bit because he stirred against her and sleepily nuzzled his bearded face against her neck. She was almost suffocated by the wave of intense affection that his small gesture brought on.

She couldn’t fight the feeling that she was in over her head. She started to comfort herself with the thought that he wasn’t likely to stay, he would probably sneak out in the morning and never see her again…

She was terrified by the realization that the thought of him leaving wasn’t comforting at all, in fact, it made her feel hollow and lonely.

She whimpered, this is bad, this really bad.

She tried to get up again, but he continued to hug her close. He pressed a kiss into the back of her neck and groaned, the sound rumbling in his chest and sending vibrations down her spine. Her heart pounded, the little kiss had sent an electric current through her.

‘What time is it? Do you have a class today?’ he asked, still not releasing her.

It was Saturday, or she would have told him that she did have a class so he would let her up, instead she just tried to wiggle away from him a little harder.

‘Don’t leave yet,’ he pleaded, still mostly asleep.

She flopped back against him, giving up the struggle. She could have broken away from him if she really tried, he was hardly even awake, but she didn’t really want to get away. They fit together perfectly and his strong presence against her back made her feel oddly safe and wanted.

She noticed the hard thing poking her in the ass again and smiled a little when she realized it was his cock. She told herself that she needed to get away from him, her emotions were too intense and confusing, but she couldn’t resist grinding her hips back so her ass rubbed against his morning wood.

‘Hmm, so that’s how it is,’ he grumbled, reaching his arm around and grabbing one of her breasts.

Lena gasped as he rolled her nipple gently between his thumb and forefinger. Her breasts were a little bit sore from being sucked so hard the night before, but the pleasure that shot through her quickly made her forget any pain. She started grinding against him harder and she arched her back so he could have easier access to her chest. She couldn’t believe she was acting this way.

Jeff pulled away from her and she shivered without his body heat. She had a brief moment of fear, thinking that this was it, he was going to collect his things and go, but she flushed with relief when she felt him move back towards her. She rolled so she was flat on her back and he crawled on top of her, making her squirm as his chest hair brushed against her nipples. He reached underneath her, unhooked her bra and threw it across the room. He buried his head in her cleavage with a happy sigh. As he bit and licked the undersides of her breasts, she tried to remember what she was worried about a second ago…

‘Um, I think- Ah!… Um, maybe we- Oh!’ she gasped, trying to talk to him but losing her train of thought every time he nipped at her sensitive skin.

He said something, but the sound was muffled by her chest.

‘What- AH!… What did you say?’ she said with difficulty.

He lifted his head up and looked her in the eyes as he lazily flicked his tongue over one of her nipples.

‘I said, why are you acting shy again?’ he responded softly. She blushed unsure how to answer.

‘I, mmm, I just- ah!’ She stuttered. She was starting to get frustrated.

‘Could you- hmm! Just stop-Oh! Stop that for a second so I can think!’ she huffed, pushing his head away from her.

‘It’s too early for thinking,’ he replied, looking pointedly at the clock on the bedside table.

He started kissing the fingers on the hand she had used to push him away. She melted as he kissed each one and gave the tip of her pinky a playful bite. Maybe it was too early for thinking.

He sat back, straddling her, still holding her hand, and smiled at her naked form. Light from the street light outside streamed in through the windows illuminating his profile.

He really is an attractive man, she thought, gazing at him sleepily.

‘What are you thinking now?’ he murmured, pressing a kiss against the inside of her wrist.

‘Nothing!’ she replied quickly, hoping he couldn’t tell that she had been admiring him.

‘Good,’ he replied, trailing kisses up her arm, making her shiver in the most delicious way.

When he reached her shoulder, he stopped and sat back to start over with her other hand. She was all warm and tingly inside, she had never felt anything like this. Her thoughts drifted back to the night before and she realized that they hadn’t actually had sex. Glancing at her big belly, she thought to herself that that was probably a good thing, her stomach would have just made it awkward for her.

‘Why are you frowning?’ he asked, smoothing his thumb over the furrow in her brow, ‘I thought we weren’t thinking, frowns are for people who are thinking.’

He proceeded to kiss her neck while she thought of a response.

‘I’m just embarrassed I guess,’ she said, knowing he wasn’t going to like that. She didn’t add that she was also troubled by her feelings for him.

‘What,’ he asked between licks and kisses, ‘could you possibly be embarrassed about?’ He traced the curve of her ear with his tongue.

‘Mostly my body… also my behavior,’ she said awkwardly.

He stopped kissing her and sat up, running his hands lightly from her collar bone down to her hips. He stopped to squeeze first her breasts and then her stomach. The attraction she felt for him was so strong, she had to fight the urge to wrestle him back down for more kisses. She was frightened by the intensity of her emotions.

‘Nothing wrong with this body,’ he said, making little sounds of appreciation as his fingers kneaded her soft curves. ‘And the only behavior you should be ashamed of is waking up so early,’ he added. She smiled at him.

She still couldn’t figure out why he wanted her or what those tangled emotions meant, but maybe he was right, she was thinking too much.

She made a silent decision not to overthink this, she was just going to let it happen.

Acting on this decision to live in the moment, she reached out and grabbed his beard. She gently dragged his head back down and kissed him, feeling a surge of primal lust as she did so. She focused on her lust, pushing the other emotions aside. Their tongues lashed together and she gave his bottom lip a little bite.

‘You aren’t too tired are you?’ she whispered, running her fingers through his chest hair in what she hoped was a seductive gesture (she wasn’t sure, she had never tried to be seductive before) ‘I was thinking, since we’re both up, maybe we could finish what we started last night…but if you want to go to
sleep I won’t mind.’

He groaned deep in his throat, making her feel more confident in her seduction techniques.

‘A dead man wouldn’t be able to sleep after an offer like that,’ he replied.

She squealed as he hauled her ass in the air, tugged her panties down her legs, and tossed them in the same direction he had thrown her bra. He shifted her legs around until he was kneeling between her thighs.

Lena felt a stab of anxiety again when she realized that she was now spread wide for him to see, she ruefully thought that she hadn’t managed to live in the moment for long. She was extremely self conscious about her lower body and now he had an unobstructed view. She held her breath, wishing she could make herself invisible.

‘You’re thinking too much again,’ he said, glancing up at the nervous look on her face.

She smiled weakly, relived to see that he hadn’t run off yet, or pulled away in horror at the sight of her chubby mound. He started to rub his hands up her inner thighs, massaging in slow circles.

‘Good girl, just relax,’ he whispered, soothing her with his gentle rubbing.

She let her head fall back and closed her eyes as that warm tingly feeling spread through her again. She expected him to stop massaging her when his hands reached the apex of her thighs, but he continued on up her hips and tummy. He kept rubbing, gently kneading her body under his big hands, sending waves of desire washing over her.

He massaged every inch of her until she was practically purring, from her scalp to her pinky toes, he only missed one spot. His hands had passed over her pussy twice now, brushing against the outer labia, but not really touching, making her gasp and pant in frustration.

She suddenly realized that he was playing that game again, trying to get her to beg. She racked her brain trying to think of ways to thwart him, telling herself that he would be the one begging this time.

He was stroking the soft skin on the underside of her arm when she slowly snaked her legs up, hooking one around his hips to pull him forward and shifting the other so her knee rubbed his hard cock.

He grunted, surprised by her boldness as she moved her leg against him. She slid her hand down between their bodies and rubbed her fingers over his cock as well. He started to lean into her hand, but she pulled back, stroking her hands up his torso instead, teasing just as he had done to her last night.

She continued on like that. Every few seconds she would move her hand back to his dick, but she never gave it more than a couple of strokes before she slid her hand away to trace the line of his spine or follow the trail of hair up his stomach.

Clearly frustrated that he wasn’t in control anymore Jeff waited for her hand to leave his tortured cock then shifted his hips forward, clearly intending to rub his shaft up and down her moist lips. Before the tip touched her, however, she slid her hand down and cupped herself, effectively stopping him from playing his game.

‘Your turn to beg,’ she cooed, grinning at the shock on his face.

He recovered from his surprise quickly, giving in much more easily than she had and whispered, ‘Please, my clever little seductress, please allow me the honor of pounding my hard cock into your warm, tight, pussy.’

Lena shivered in delight, feeling a flush of feminine confidence. She ignored the odd little flutter of her heart when he had called her ‘my seductress’, he probably hadn’t even realized that he had referred to her as ‘his’.

‘No,’ she said, laughing when his face fell, ‘At least…not until you do me a favor.’

He raised an eyebrow at her and she pointed to the bedside table where her pink box sat open.

‘I can only cum if I have something rubbing my clit, get me the little purple vibe with the straps, we can fuck after you put it on me,’ she ordered, her voice husky. She was a bit surprised by her boldness, she had never said anything like that before she met him.

He was off the bed and fishing around in the box as soon as she said the word ‘vibe.’

‘Aha!’ he said when he found the toy she was talking about.

He dove back onto the bed and positioned himself between her legs again. He parted her chubby pussy lips with a groan and leaned forward to place a kiss on her sensitive nub. He also flicked his tongue down and gave her a long lick for good measure.

She shuddered at the feeling, so good it was almost painful, and waited for him to put the vibe on her. He rubbed the little vibrator against her clitoris and she bit her lip to keep from screaming. She reached down and fastened the straps so it couldn’t fall off, then pointed to the buttons, showing him how to turn it on.

He didn’t turn it on, however, instead he started rubbing the head of his cock against her opening. Her honey was dripping from her hole as he slid against her.

‘Do it,’ she whimpered, not caring that she was the one begging again. He did as she commanded and started to press into her.

His cock entered her slowly, injecting molten pleasure straight into her core. It was a tight fit so he paused half way to let her adjust. She wasn’t happy with half way though, so she locked her legs around his waist, thrust her hips against him and impaled herself on his shaft. She grabbed his beard again and pulled him into a hot kiss, almost violent in it’s intensity, moaning loudly into his mouth.

Just as he started to rock his hips against her, she felt him reach down and turn on the vibrator, the combined sensation making her squirm beneath him. She wrapped her arms around him to steady herself, not wanting to accidentally pull him out of her in her wild convulsions, and dug her fingers into his shoulders, hanging on for dear life.

She lifted her legs in the air and he grabbed them, shoving them over his shoulders. She had no control over the sounds that were coming out of her mouth, she moaned and squealed like an animal, completely lost in carnal pleasure.

‘Harder, harder, oh god, yes!’ she begged as he pounded into her.

Soon he was thrusting so hard that she was being slammed mercilessly into the bed on each down stroke. She was vaguely aware that they were being very very loud but she couldn’t bring herself to care. Her pussy was gushing as he fucked her into the mattress.

She began to tremble when she felt her orgasm start to build up inside her. Her breasts were bouncing all over the place, but he dropped his head down and managed to suck one of her nipples into his mouth. He bit down lightly on the nub, pushing her over the edge. She screamed as fireworks exploded behind her eyes, the most intense orgasm of her life ripping violently through her body.

She felt her pussy clamp down on his cock like a vice and he shouted as her release triggered his. He pumped her full of his hot cream, continuing to thrust into her as he shot his load.

Jeff collapsed on top of her when he finished and kissed her tenderly as she shuddered from her orgasm.

His softening dick made a slurping sound like a very sloppy kiss when he pulled it out of her wet snatch. He looked down and pulled the vibrator off her tortured little nub then paused to watch his cum drip from between her chubby lips.

She reached her arms towards him, too exhausted to sit up, and he reluctantly pulled his eyes away from her weeping slit and lay down, pulling her against his chest. She could feel his cum squelching around inside her. She wasn’t worried about it, she had been on the pill for years to help with sporadic periods.

She did briefly start wondering what was going to happen now. She didn’t think that there was much of a chance Jeff would actually want her for anything more than sex, but she forced herself to stop thinking and decided to just enjoy the afterglow. She snuggled into Jeff’s arms and he kissed the top of her head as she fell asleep.


that morning Jeff woke up with his arms full of beautiful woman. He glanced at the clock, pleased to see that they had fallen asleep for several more hours after they made love. He looked down at Lena, her tits were pressed against his chest and she had her head resting on his shoulder. He could have stayed like that forever.

He silently admonished himself for getting into this predicament, he was supposed to be focusing on finishing up his degree, not falling in love with beautiful strangers! That thought hit him hard and the breath rushed out of his lungs. Love? Why was he thinking about love? Where had that come from? He gently shifted Lena onto the pillows and pulled a blanket over her as he slipped out of bed. He needed to think.

He walked silently around until he found her bathroom, a long shower always helped him to sort through complex thoughts. He had gotten the inspiration for his graduate research while spacing out in the shower. He turned on the hot water, stepped under the stream and started to think about what, aside from the amazing sex, had actually happened between them.

Lena had been trying to talk to him when they woke up earlier, but he hadn’t let her, that wasn’t his best move. He winced, remembering her reservations from the night before, he had taken this way too fast and he hadn’t listened to her feelings. Yes, she had said that she wanted him, but he should have given her more time to think things through. He should have kissed her and cuddled her, not just gone all the way the first night. God, when had he become such an idiot?

He hadn’t wanted to hear what she was trying to say when they woke up earlier because he had been sure that she was trying to tell him that she regretted what they had done, that she didn’t really like him. He remembered how he had thought that she didn’t like him when they had met. Maybe she had just slept with him for the sake of lust, but would now want him gone…

He knew what he felt for her went deeper than attraction. He had never been in love before, so he wasn’t sure if that’s what he was feeling, he told himself that it wasn’t, they didn’t know each other well enough. Is love supposed to hurt like this?

One thing he knew was that he needed to talk to her, get to know her better, and convince her that he was worth keeping around long enough for them to figure out what they both wanted. He made the decision to make her breakfast and spend the morning just talking, nothing else.

When he was done in the shower, he wrapped himself in a fluffy blue towel that he found in a linen closet. He peeked back into the bedroom and saw that Lena was still sleeping soundly. He decided not to bother putting his clothes back on yet, they were flung all across her bedroom, it would be too much of a hassle to collect them before he had coffee.

He went into the kitchen and looked around for a coffee maker and something he could cook for breakfast. He quickly found the coffee, half the counter was dedicated to several different types of coffee makers including a fancy espresso machine that he decided not to mess with. He picked the simplest coffee machine and set it to brew.

He then walked to the fridge, but frowned when he saw that she didn’t have anything but condiments, a jug of soy milk and several different types of dairy-free coffee creamers. He looked around the rest of the kitchen and found some weird cereals and some fruit. He heard the shower turn on and he knew he didn’t have time to go to the store so he just grabbed a couple cereal bowls and spoons from the cabinets.

He was pouring the coffee when Lena walked into the kitchen, his heart started beating faster at the sight of her. Her hair was wet from her shower and she had changed into a baggy t-shirt and yoga pants, he noticed red bra straps on her shoulders and wished she hadn’t put on the t-shirt. She smiled her beautiful smile, making him feel lightheaded and oddly warm, and he realized that he hadn’t seen her without makeup before this. He examined her face.

‘You usually wear a lot of makeup don’t you?’ he asked her impulsively.

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A fun time sucking a buddy

I have a buddy who I would get together with every week or two to service, prior to covid. Now it's been really tough trying to make our schedules line up, but today turned out to be a lucky day.I got a text from my buddy saying that he would be free today and it was a time when I would have the house to myself for a few hours. I let him know it was cool to come over. He showed up at 1pm as planned and we went to the bedroom where he stripped naked for me. My buddy, who I will call Joe for the...

1 year ago
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My Buddy

I have had great sex with many men over the years, But I think of my friend Buddy was one of the best sexual encounters of gay sex with a man i everwould have and never could known. He was very sexy and he was already known has a lady's man. I had a crush on him for sex as i was gay i never said him that.He was pretty friendly with me and was easy to talk to and honest with me as he was a buddy of mine very close he knew I was gay.I liked him very much and I wanted him . I took the opportunity...

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Wonderful Benefits Of Having A Fuckbuddy

When you hear this word, fuck buddy what comes to mind? Growing up in a society that values traditional relationships and believes that you should only be having sex inside one, chances are they aren’t good things. Or at least you’re conflicted. But having a fuckbuddy at least once in your life can actually be beneficial to you. Here are few reasons you need to get a fuckbuddy right now and have a positive experience. 1. Gives You Time For Focusing On Yourself Whether you just got out of a...

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5 Unexpected Benefits Of Having A Fuckbuddy

When you hear this word, what comes to mind? Growing up in a society that values traditional relationships and believes that you should only be having sex inside one, chances are they aren’t good things. Or at least you’re conflicted. But having a fuckbuddy at least once in your life can actually be beneficial to you. Here are five reasons you need to get a fuckbuddy right now and have a positive experience. 1.Gives You Time For Focusing On Yourself Whether you just got out of a long-term...

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Being A Fuck Buddy

So, back to the past my friends, with my virginity lost and having had sex twice with Karen. I then had three sexual encounters in the span of 4 months with two different women. After never having fucked a girl until my late teens, the world had changed for me. My next fuck buddy was Fran, a high school friend. It happened two times due to drunken house party antics. We did it in a bathtub while the rest of our friends were in the living room doing whatever it was they were doing. I had bruises...

3 years ago
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stroke buddy

one day me and a buddy were playing some video games together, something we did together a lot. after awhile he perked up and mentioned that he had seen this really good porn the other day, and wondered if id like to watch it. I said yeah, cause id showed him some porn id enjoyed before so I wasn't shy about watching porn together. we linked the computer to the tv and he pulled up the site then found the video. it was like most porn except it had goth women in it, something he loves. we sat...

4 years ago
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Helping a Buddy

-------- Helping a Buddy --------I returned from Vietnam in '70, back at Benning, was busy with readjusting to a Stateside unit, catching up with my military education and professional schools since I'd been gone so long overseas.Up at the post hospital for something trivial, I was pleasantly surprised to meet a buddy, Mac, that I'd served with in Vietnam. I'd finished my tour and returned to the States before him, and had heard he'd been badly injured. But there he was, not looking too bad,...

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My Army buddy

I have read others stories here and thought it only fair I share some of my life experiences. I lived all my life near a military base. I had an Army guy drinking buddy and his wife I knew from a local bar. We hung out and played pool together and sometime the wife would play too. As we got to know each other we would go fishing or just hang out at their place drinking some beers or playing cards. I was 24 at the time and he was in his mid thirties. I had never had a guy with guy experience but...

2 years ago
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Battle Buddy

I was seventeen when I joined the fleet for the required five years. I was from a rural colony and got a shock when I started basic. Not only did we have women sleeping in bunks with us, they showered and thought nothing of being naked around the men. The first day we were paired up, normally it was men together and women together. We had an odd number of women and Jess became my buddy. They called us battle buddies because we were to do everything together and watch each others back in...

1 year ago
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verry good buddys

An incident happened the other night, quite by accident, that awakened something in me I didn't know I had. Last Thursday night a friend of mine, Larry, came over to talk, drink a beer, and watch some TV. He works at the same place I do, and since we had a three day weekend, we were in no hurry to end the night. My wife Sandy, had to work the next day, and since she was not a night person she went to bed about 10:30. She is also one of the soundest sleepers I know of. I have actually shaken her...

2 years ago
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Cousin FuckBuddy

After the hot-rape session I chose not to go back into the Gang-bang Bar but loitered near the beer-garden socializing one Saturday night. I had become a popular chick over-night or rather, over the table! So my new found status as slut of the week was a fame I bathed in, enjoying the attention and chat. Donna wasn't here this night as she was working on the cotext share-value she claimed. Market-share and all that? Well that was ok, as I knew people; and Charlie my cousin was there and...

3 years ago
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Benefits of a Threesome Buddy

Hello, My wife and I had a very good friend who was staying at our house prior to his moving away from Silicon Valley. Unfortunately the poor fool was going to marry this horrible woman that all of his friends really hated including us. My slutty young wife and I agreed that we should try to prevent him from making this major mistake and decided that she should try using her sexual charms to lure him into a doing a threesome then convince him to call off the wedding. My wife and I had been...

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My New Jo Buddy

It had been nearly a decade since the last time I'd stroked with any man, and the urge suddenly reappeared. I started reminiscing in my mind over the times my buddy from middle and high school shared hands with each other while watching some hot porn. Of course I became very aroused with the thought of this, and it stuck in my head for quite some time after. Finally I decided to cave on my urges and posted an ad on Craigslist for a jo buddy.Within a week, a very appealing candidate emerged. He...

2 years ago
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Search for a fuckbuddy

This was it. The end. There was no going back, no stopping it, even if I wanted to, which I didn’t. My eyes had been screwed tight shut as I rushed headlong to the end, and I opened them to see it happen. With my foreskin flapping up and down around my helmet the moment of release came as the build-up of tension turned to ecstasy and the first dribble of cum appeared at the eye of my cock, and then whoosh – the first jet shot out of the end, to be followed by another before the first had...

4 years ago
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My New Fuck Buddy

Years ago I decided to try going to a different bath house, it was bigger, they claimed it was also better more men, more variety, supposedly hotter guys, what did I have to lose by trying right. So I headed in, the place was big, not as clean as the other one I usually went to, I took a locker and slowly stripped, I had about three guys watching me get naked, me not being shy I gave them a show, I took my time to remove all my clothes, anticipation will drive a man nuts. I think the one guy...

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My college booth buddy

I was 20, and a college sophomore. I lived at home with my parents and younger sister. College was about a 15 minute drive, so it wasn’t a big deal. On the way between our house and the college was (and still is, over 25 years later now) a small adult bookstore. Among other things, they didn’t have parking around the back of the building, so I would never stop in to check it out. Even so, at the time, I might’ve stopped in to check out the porn videos and toys and stuff, but I didn’t really...

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Shared my wife with my buddy

Shared my wife with my buddyTrue Story Happen in the seventies. I had been married to my wife for 6 months and sex life was great. Been hanging with a high school buddy Ed Saturday afternoon we had been drinking beer all afternoon. As the early evening came. My wife asked if Ed he wanted to play cards. Ed said "sure" started off playing spades. After an hour Ed suggested playing poker. Drinking beer and an hour later. My wife asked Ed "truth or dare?" Wife asked Ed had he been in a 3 some? Ed...

1 year ago
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Benefits of a Threesome Buddy

Hello,My wife and I had a very good friend who was staying at our house prior to his moving away from Silicon Valley. Unfortunately the poor fool was going to marry this horrible woman that all of his friends really hated including us. My slutty young wife and I agreed that we should try to prevent him from making this major mistake and decided that she should try using her sexual charms to lure him into a doing a threesome then convince him to call off the wedding.My wife and I had been...

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Allie My Lush Fuck Buddy

I watched from the third floor hotel room window as she got out of her car. I was stunned and felt a rush move through my body. She was even more sexy and beautiful than the pictures she had texted me. A moment of doubt swept through my mind. Would I be able to please her in the ways we had talked about? Would my 50 year old body be able to keep up with a 27 year old woman? The thought of bailing out before she could get to the room crossed my mind briefly. "No," I said to myself. "She's driven...

Straight Sex
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My gf seducing my buddy

So while at work. My gf txt me saying a friend of mine had shown up to hang and wait for me to get off. I remeber leaving she was wearing her fav black sink nighty and a tiny pair of pink panties. I love these panties cuz they are so thin that they show her cameltoe and her wetness . We keep chatting as her and my buddy have a beer waiting for me to get off Mind u she hasn't changed since I last saw her. I know how she is and loves to flirt so I ask her what all they are doing. She tells...

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Fantasies I would like to try with my fuck buddy

I have known my fuck buddy now for nearly 15 years. We have tried a lot of things but there are quite a few fantasies I would like to try with her but she has not been up to trying them out. 1. Stripper in a pubEven though she is mature I think she has a great body and I think more people should have the pleasure of seeing her naked. When I first moved to London in 1992 I lived near a pub that used one room as a strip club. It was opened to all who wanted to go in and the girls took a...

2 years ago
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Finding a fuck buddy

Finding a fuck buddy.As a single man (wife not interested or bothered) I thought life was passing me by. I decided to find a lady that enjoyed sex as much as I did. You would think that an easy task but no – couples always meet as couples, lots of ladies look for a bi experience and single ladies very rarely meet for real.However one day I was lucky enough to talk to you and your partner and he stupidly agreed to a 3-some – boy what a lucky day.I arrive at your house at the designated time –...

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How My Play Buddy Became My Fuck Buddy

Hi. This is your writer here. This one was my first incident, so I’d just skip into the story directly rather than stuffing on foreplay. For those who don’t know me, I’m a guy based in Chennai, aged 20 with an athletic posture. The rest of the story, the characters would completely be anonymous. Let’s dive into some fun. This happened like 2 years ago, when I happened to live in another part of the city. Since it was kind of a big society, girls were never scarce. There used to be this one girl...

3 years ago
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Dublin Wank Buddy

DUBLIN WANK BUDDYI was making regular trips to Dublin and thought that it would be a great chance to find a wank buddy away from home for some horny whacking and cumsplashing with another guy. I searched my favourite sites, Jackinchat and xhamster, for somebody with the same inclination. It wasn’t easy. There were a lot of people who first seemed interested and then fell by the wayside or just failed to return messages. I finally found a guy a few years younger I am and we got on pretty well....

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MY FUCK BUDDY1 Day i was in manchester city centre on the bus going home and this indian girl with big breasts and long legs wearing a nice black dress could see her womenly chest and her legs. Sat next to me and my phone kept goin off she looked at me and i smiled back and gave a cheekt wink and touched her thigh few times but said its and accident really i did it on purpose, She said "i know u want me do u want my number." i replied sure so we exchanged numbers and started texting the whole...

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Easter Buddy

Easter Buddy ? by: Dee Eon I'd just hung up my choirboy frock after our lively ten a.m. Easter service when I ran smack into two elderly patrons in their Easter finery outside the rectory. "Oh my, that's him, Sophia!" the elder tall spinster said, clapping her hands. "You're Bobby, yes? Your solo hymn was so heavenly!" "Thank you," I said, appreciating the compliment to almost flattery. Thou art not be vain... The portly woman beamed. "O Mildred, he's perfect!" "Oh yes, oh...

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My Buddy

About the only sport that I am good at is golf, so I play a lot of it. Im 18, bisexual, medium hieght, white, brwon shaggy hair and in shape There is this one guy that I play with some times that ive known for about two years. He is tall, black, very athletic, bald, 30 years old but pretty sexy if you ask me. He is married to a sexy petite little blonde with B-sized tits and a nice petite bubble butt, about 29 and ive always had a crush on her, but only recently since I decided im bi have I...

2 years ago
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The 60 Fuck Buddy

It was my last day working in the IT department of a large oil company here in Aberdeen. I was leaving to work in another IT department in another oil company. Oh the life of a computer nerd.One of the ladies who work at the reception invited me to her birthday party. “It’s just a bit of fun.” She told me. “We’re having a few drinks around mine, a bit of cake and then off down town to a club.” “I’m up for that.” “One thing, it’s in Fancy dress, so find a costume and get your drinking head...

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The Potty Training Buddy

The Potty Training Buddy By tammie2 I. "Ohhh, Tom, dear, may I ask you a little favor?" Tom looked up from his reading, both surprised and suspicious. Relations between himself and Rita, his wife of almost five years, had been a bit cold lately. Part of it was their ongoing debate, an argument really, about whether to have children. Tom wanted to wait, Rita was hearing her biological clock tick. So far he had prevailed,but he could tell she wasn't happy and didn't consider...

4 years ago
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My Sexy Older Fuck Buddy

When I first met S our relationship was a professional working one. I was taking a break from men to focus on my career and he was a happily married man. As the months went by though, and we began spending more time together, I became drawn to his intelligence and charisma and even began to find his corny jokes amusing! I’m a Gemini woman and we’re renowned for our love of flirting and in the beginning I never meant for it to go any further than that as I was aware he was taken. Over the months...

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Aunt Jennies Buddy

I ditched the last two periods that day because I knew that with the pep rally going on, there would be plenty of opportunities to disappear without getting caught. I had no use for pep rallies; if they weren't going to teach me anything, then they had no business keeping me. I figured I had better things to do with my time, and as I slipped away, I had no idea how right I was. Even before I reached the front door, I could hear music blaring within. My Aunt Jennie was staying with us for a...

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Study Break

Introduction: This is about a hard working chick that needed a break from studying Alexandra is a hard working girl in college she and her boyfriend Daniel, who is also in college moved in together when they graduated last year. Alex is a goody-goody and she has to do all of her homework and projects as soon as she gets them. Danny is more of a slacker. After 4 long classes and 3 assignments to do Alex is rushing home to get started because all of them are due in two days. As usual Danny is...

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Study Break

Oh man finals week was always hell and for some reason I always get really horny sitting in the study lounge. There are always a ton of girls sitting in there. One thing I love about college girls? They always dress like they are ready for bed during finals week. I find that really sexy. I woke up at 10 a.m. the day before my american history final, showered and decided that I wanted to get some breakfast before I hit up the study lounge for an all day study session. As I was getting my food,...

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Study Shave and Shove

My age is 21. I currently live in Hyderabad along with my parents and my younger sister. My father works in a diagnostic center and my mother (Jaya) is a housewife…my sister is studying in 12th class…This is my story…We are a middle-class family and live in a rented 1BHK house with small rooms. The first room is the entrance hall cum bedroom where my parents and my sister used to sleep, the second room was left for me as I used to study late night and a kitchen and a bathroom all in a row.My...

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Study Shave and Shove

Hello, guys, this is Gowtham…I am a fan of ISS and used to read stories all the time but never had any experience to share but fortunately, after many days I experienced what I always wanted to…and I got the opportunity to share this with you now. The story is a bit lengthy as I didn’t want to miss any details. Please read it till the end and kindly share your experiences, suggestions. Feedbacks are welcomed with open heart at My age is 21. I currently live in Hyderabad along with my parents...


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