The Potty Training Buddy free porn video

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The Potty Training Buddy By tammie2 I. "Ohhh, Tom, dear, may I ask you a little favor?" Tom looked up from his reading, both surprised and suspicious. Relations between himself and Rita, his wife of almost five years, had been a bit cold lately. Part of it was their ongoing debate, an argument really, about whether to have children. Tom wanted to wait, Rita was hearing her biological clock tick. So far he had prevailed,but he could tell she wasn't happy and didn't consider the question resolved. Not that it mattered much lately, though, as they hadn't had sex in a month. Rita, he knew, was also upset with him for choosing not to work over the summer. For his first several years as a teacher Tom taught summer school and even picked up a drivers' education class when it was available. This year, though, he was feeling burned out and couldn't bear the thought of spending beautiful summer days in a hot classroom with disinterested students and too many nights and weekends grading papers and tests. When it came time to sign up for the summer session, he took a pass. He told Rita he would use the time to work around the house or even learn how to cook, but so far in the first two weeks he had been sleeping late and watching too much television. His leisure time did not sit well with his wife. Rita had worked hard to establish herself at one of the city's smaller but better law firms and devoted herself to perfecting her skills. Even after her father had died and left a substantial sum of money to be divided between she and her sister Nora, enough for them to live on if they didn't spend to excess, she never considered retiring. It wasn't in her nature to relax and Tom knew without asking that he had better not raise the possibility of leaving his teaching position. She had expressed her displeasure, loudly and often, when he told her of his decision to take the summer off. His failure to follow through on his promise to put his time to good use had not improved matters. So when Rita approached Tom to ask him a favor, all sugar and spice, warning signals went off in his brain. Warily, he put his magazine down and looked up at his wife. Despite his suspicions, though, he hadn't seen her smile at him in weeks so he hoped this would be an opportunity to break through the icy atmosphere between them. "It's not for me, actually, but for Nora." Tom groaned inwardly, as he and his sister-in-law had never gotten along. She made no secret of the fact that she thought her little sis could have done better in the mate department. "But if you help her out, I won't forget it." As Rita said this, she subtly brushed against Tom's groin and his dormant member twitched expectedly. Should he bury his suspicions and take the leap? Tom quickly considered his options. He was tired of the stress and tension permeating his home life and he was getting bored with masturbating to online porn. Rita knew her way around a man's body and Tom missed the sweaty bedroom sessions with her that used to happen several times a week. And as cold as she had been lately, he suspected that not at least listening to the favor request would bring on arctic temperatures he could only imagine. He involuntarily gave a small shudder. "Well, I might be able to fit it into my busy schedule," he replied with a small smile, hoping that a little humor would help. "What does she need?" "Oh, thanks, thanks, thanks, my wonderful hubby!" Rita exclaimed with enthusiasm, as she hopped up onto Tom's lap, her legs wrapping his. She took Tom's head in her hands, leaned forward and planted a long, deep kiss on her unprepared husband. "I knew you would do it!" The unexpected moment of passion threw Tom off balance and it didn't occur to him that he had never actually said he would do it. Instead, he simply asked again, "What is it?" "Well, you know that she has been trying to potty train Sean." Sean was Nora's son, who was closing in on three years old and in Tom's mind was a stubborn little terror. Like mother, like son, he thought. Nora was a single mom and was once the Vice President of something-or-other at a large company. Once she inherited the family money, she quit that job (with quite the golden parachute, he had heard) and started up a consulting business she could run from home while still watching over her son. From the start, it had been extremely successful. "It hasn't been easy. Just when she thinks he has the knack of it, he regresses. Nora thinks that part of the problem might be that she doesn't have a male in the house. That's where you come in. I'm not quite sure how she wants you to help, but she thought if you could stay over there for two or three days Sean would finally get the point of using the toilet." Tom was ready to feign enthusiasm until he heard the part of actually staying with his sister-in-law, and he tensed up. Sitting on his lap, he knew Rita could feel it and he thought he saw a flash of anger in her eyes. Be a man, he told himself. How bad could it be? And even if it was horrible, the alternative of an angry wife might be even worse. Rita leaned over further, her warm breasts close to his face, her crotch slowly and rhythmically grinding against his own, as she breathlessly whispered into his ear, "And one good deed will certainly be remembered in this house, if you know what I mean." If there was any doubt that Tom would go along, it vanished in that instant. Words would not come out as he focused on the shivers overtaking his body, and all he could manage was a small nod. "That makes me so happy," Rita smiled as she got off of her frustrated husband. Reaching down, she patted Tom's groin and said, "Remember that thought. For now, let me go tell Nora that we'll see her in the morning." II. Tom laid back sleepily in the passenger seat of the car as Rita drove them to her sister's home. It was early, and his body had already adapted to the habit of sleeping late. Besides being drowsy, he was uncomfortable from the ache of his overly-filled bladder, which was demanding release. Nora had requested that he not urinate when he got up so that he could be ready to pee when the lessons began, which he had to concede made some sense. Still, he wished that he had let at least a little go before they left. It didn't help that Rita had made him drink two large glasses of juice with breakfast. He suddenly realized that Rita had been speaking to him and he turned to look at her. Her gratitude toward him had carried over to the morning and he wanted to keep the momentum going. She probably knew that he was only cooperating because of her promise of sex, but to her credit she didn't say so. She was almost effusive in her praise of him, but now that he was committed he really didn't care. He did wonder, though, how anyone could be so energetic at this time of the morning. "I know it's early but Nora wanted some time to explain her plans to you before Sean wakes up. And it's only for two or three days, at the most. I realize that the two of you haven't always gotten along all that well...," Tom had to resist rolling his eyes at this understatement, "but this will go a long way toward changing her attitude about you. And even if she doesn't fully appreciate what you're doing, I certainly do." Tom was startled at the sudden sincerity in Rita's voice. He was touched as he saw tears forming in the corner of her eyes and felt immediate guilt at his negative attitude. Despite their recent differences, he still loved his wife deeply and would do anything for her. Even help potty train his nephew. He swore inwardly to remain positive. "Now, dear, one more thing before we go in. Please listen to Nora and do whatever she asks of you. She's got far more experience with children that we do and knows what it will take to get through to Sean. We can only imagine her frustration that she can't get her son to use the toilet. So at least for the next couple of days, she's the boss, okay?" Tom nodded, leaning over to give Rita a soft kiss on the lips. "For you, of course. Anything." He was gratified to see the happiness in Rita's face. He would swallow his pride, suppress his dislike of her sister and get the job done. For Rita. With that matter settled, Tom grabbed his overnight bag and left the car, waving to his wife as she drove off to work. He trudged up the sidewalk and rang the bell. III. The door opened almost immediately, revealing a tall, striking brunette. Nora was similar to her sister in many ways, including her lean, athletic body and her bright, piercing eyes. Tom hated to admit that she was sexy given his feelings toward her. Still, he felt himself staring at her with a sort of suppressed longing. Damn it, he thought, I must really be desperate for sex to even consider this witch in that way. He was jolted from his reverie when Rita broke the silence with a fierce whisper. "You're late." Tom bit his lip to prevent himself from saying something he would regret later. "Come on, we have to get you ready before Sean wakes up." Tom followed Nora up the stairs and into the master bathroom, following her instructions to tread quietly so as not to wake up her son. Once they were in the bathroom with the door closed, however, he used the opportunity to address the woman with whom he would have to live for the next day or two. "What do you mean, 'get ready'?," he asked. "I thought all I was going to do was show the kid how to stand up in front of the toilet and pee like a man. You know, lend a male perspective to the whole potty thing." "Wherever did you get that idea?" Nora retorted with a derisive snort. "Sean's not a dumb kid; he knows how to pee. It's not rocket science. What is it about men that they think that standing up and pointing their noodle at the toilet bowl is some big accomplishment? If I wanted to demonstrate that to him, I could have had any one of my dates do that. Your role is going to be a bit different." The confusion on Tom's face was apparent, and Nora looked at him with exasperation before sighing and going on. "You are going to be his potty training buddy, going through everything that he is going through. Even at his young age, Sean is a very competitive kid. On his own, he is stubborn enough to resist using the toilet. If there's a contest involved, though, he will commit to winning, even to the point of humiliating his opponent. He won't want you to beat him at potty training. He will stop wetting his pants if it kills him." "Are you out of your mind?" Tom was in shock and stared at the crazy woman in disbelief. "For one thing, there's no way that he will ever believe that I don't already know how to use the toilet. I might be a bit small for an adult, but there's no way I can pass as a child." "You'd be surprised what children accept with a simple explanation. All I'll need to tell him is that you're four years old. To a boy who's not even three yet, anybody older than him he thinks of as a 'big kid.' Your height will become irrelevant in his mind. Other factors, though, he wouldn't dismiss so easily." Tom was reluctant to ask, but he had no choice. "What other factors?" "What you wear, for one thing. Little boys don't wear designer jeans and a buttoned shirt. We will have to dress you in something more age- appropriate. Don't worry, I've got a couple of outfits that I special- ordered. But there's something else we need to do first. There's no way he would ever accept that a four-year-old has body hair. We have to shave you, everything from the neck down. Now strip." Tom stood frozen, stunned. His natural reaction was to not only refuse, but to make sure this bossy bitch knew that he wouldn't give in to her stupid demands even if they were related. But a vision of Rita's loving face, and her seemingly genuine pride and thankfulness for what he was doing, gave him pause just long enough for him to also realize that he had to focus on the sexual prize at the end of this debacle, no matter how embarrassing. He reached for the buckle of his jeans. Tom put his shoes and socks in the corner of the bathroom, then folded his jeans and shirt before adding them to the pile. He stood, red- faced, in front of his sister-in-law in just his boxers. Nora stood with her arms crossed, tapping her foot impatiently. "Good heavens, Tommie, there's no point in being modest. Do you remember that the whole point of this exercise involves going to the bathroom? That means your pee-pee will be the center of attention and will be getting a lot of exposure to both Sean and myself. Besides, when I said all of your hair had to go, I meant all of your hair." When Tom was slow to react, Nora bent over and pulled his underwear down to his ankles, telling him sternly to step out. He did so, then upon her direction stood, naked and feeling ridiculous, in the bathtub. Nora filled a small plastic tub with warm water, produced a can of women's shaving cream, and got to work. Tom tried his best to avert his eyes as Nora quickly took care of what little hair he had on his chest. He almost said something when she had him lift his arms to shave his armpits, as the full impact of what she was doing began to sink in. No one at the gym would notice the difference on his chest, but how many men had no hair under their arms? The same thought pulsed even harder in his brain as she moved down his arms, then began on his legs. He had mistakenly convinced himself that this disaster would be over in a couple of days, but now he had to face the fact that regressing his body to a more childlike state would keep him denude of hair until it could grow back. He would be as smooth as a woman. During the process, Tom attempted to remain stoic and pretend he was somewhere else, but despite his efforts he couldn't help but notice the perfume Nora had on and he liked its femininity. In addition, Nora had her hands all over him, grabbing and moving his limbs, and she didn't seem shy about the times her breasts pressed up against him as she took a close look at where she was working. He sighed in relief when she finished his legs, grateful that the process had come to a close. He almost jumped out of the tub, then, when Nora grabbed his penis. "Stand still there, little boy, unless you are ready to become a little girl," Nora growled. "This isn't any more pleasant for me than it is for you." On the contrary, Tom was finding her touch uncomfortably erotic. Under almost any other circumstance, he wouldn't have found his sister-in-law at all sexually attractive. The combination of her touch, the perfume and the weeks it had been since he had had sexual release, though, began to have an unfortunate effect. Try as he might, Tom could not prevent becoming hard as Nora kept her hand on his penis, moving it side to side as she shaved his groin. "What do you think this is, some sort of brothel? Let me make this clear, Tommie. For the next few days you are a toddler, years from puberty. Any sexual activity, including erections, are forbidden. Do you understand?" Despite Nora's anger, Tom could not force himself to soften. There'll be a day, he thought, when I'll need a pill to get it up. What can he do now when he needs it to go down? "Okay, look, if you're not going to take care of it yourself, we have to get this thing back to normal size as soon as possible. Sean will be awake soon and we still have to get you dressed. Don't think I'm enjoying this one bit." As she spoke, Nora began to stroke Tom vigorously, using the shaving cream as an impromptu lubricant. Tom wanted to tell her to stop, that he would do it himself, but the electric feeling of her handjob easily overcame his shame. He closed his eyes, leaned his head back, and quickly exploded in an earth- shattering orgasm. When Tom began to come back down, he opened his eyes to find that Nora was gone. He found a washcloth, cleaned himself up a bit, and was just finishing when she re-entered the bathroom carrying a pile of clothes. Nora first looked Tom in the eyes then glanced down at his crotch. "Well, that's better. When it's flaccid it's about the same size as Sean's. We won't have any more issues down there, I hope?" Tom shook his head, sure he was blushing from head to toe. He prayed that Nora's own feelings about what had just happened matched his own, and that she would never to her dying day tell her sister about this little incident. "Now then, it's time to get dressed. First, though, we have to be clear. For as long as you are here under my roof, you are a child. A young child. You have to rid yourself of all adult behavior. That means you won't have access to your cell phone and you have to think and act like any other four-year-old. No football games or adult shows, in fact no television at all unless I allow it. Limit your vocabulary--no big words. You will be eating what Sean eats, and if he takes a nap you take a nap. He needs to believe that you and he are equals. Do you understand?" Tom nodded. He should have expected this after their earlier conversation, but hadn't thought that far ahead. Looking back later, he wondered if this was the last point at which he could have rebelled. Not that it mattered. His inappropriate sexual attraction to Nora made him exceptionally compliant out of fear that she would use it against him if he didn't play along. Nora looked for signs of dissent, satisfied herself that there were none, then continued. "You will be called 'Tommie,' and I am your Aunt Nora or 'Auntie.' I don't want to see any misbehavior out of you. At your new age, you don't even think twice about not obeying an adult. Is that clear?" Tom nodded again. He started to ask a question that had formed in his mind, but was cut off by Nora before he could get it out. "Good. Now let's get you dressed and downstairs so that you can be ready to go when Sean gets up." As she spoke, Nora pulled out a pair of underpants, held them at Tom's feet and told him to step in. As he protested that he could dress himself, Nora sharply reminded him that he was not old enough to do so and that from now on she would pick what he wore and dress him herself. She pulled the underwear up his legs, adjusted the waist and leg areas and quietly let out a grunt of satisfaction at their fit. Tom immediately noticed how thick they were compared to what he normally wore, and put his hand between his legs to confirm the padding that forced his legs apart in an unnatural way. Looking down, he was startled to see that his underpants had cartoon characters all over them. "Why the surprise, Tommie? I told you that you would be dressing just like Sean. He's in training pants, so you are in training pants. His have superheroes on them. He will probably think yours are a bit girly." Tom bit his tongue. He began to wonder how much of this Rita knew but chose not to tell him, but decided to give her the benefit of the doubt. He began to silently chant a mantra...just a couple days, just a couple days. He lifted his arms as Nora pulled a striped t-shirt over his head, then stepped into a pair of pale green overalls. Nora slapped his hand away as he instinctively went to button them, then stood impatiently as she tightened the straps. She pushed his shoulders down until he sat on the toilet, and she completed his outfit by putting a pair of white socks on his feet, folding them down from the top. He was ready. Nora opened the door of the bathroom but as she began to exit, Tom finally found his voice. "Um, Nora..I mean Auntie," he corrected in response to her sharp look, "we never talked about what you want me to do here. I mean, I assume that Sean will see me using the potty, so he won't want to fall behind me and he'll use it too. Is that about it?" Nora stared at Tom for a long moment, then a small smile worked its way around her mouth. "No, Tommie," she said softly, "that's not it at all. I told you that Sean will see this as a contest to see who can get potty trained first. I expect you to lose." IV. For a moment, Tom wasn't sure he had heard Nora correctly. Even after her words sunk in, the reality of what she was telling him to do wouldn't register. "Surely you can't be serious," he finally blurted out. "That would mean that you, I mean that I, I mean..." He couldn't finish the sentence. "That's right, Tommie," Nora said in response to his blubbering, her smile now broad and mocking. "You will have to piss your pants. And not just once; repeatedly. I know how my son's mind works. If you both use the potty, his competitive nature will push him on at first so that he will keep doing so to try to keep even with you. But like most toddlers, his attention span is limited and he discourages easily, so it wouldn't be long before he becomes bored or loses hope of winning. There's a good chance he would give up. When he feels like he's winning, though, he wants to thoroughly trounce his opponent. He would refuse to wet himself and would become toilet trained quickly just to show you that he can do it but you can't. The novelty of your failures would also keep him focused. That, and once he sees the consequences of an accident he would try to avoid that at all costs." Tom was so focused on the fact that he was being told to wet his pants that he almost missed the implication of Nora's last words. "Wait a minute, what do you mean by 'consequences'?" "Don't worry about that now, we have to get moving. I hear Sean moving around downstairs and we need to be there when he comes out of his room. Now, I've already explained to him about the contest so he won't be surprised to see you here and we won't need to waste any more time. We'll head straight for the potty for round one. He will go first, and I expect he will be successful. Then you will have your turn, and you will not pee a single drop into that potty, do you understand? Then after I re-dress you, I expect an accident right away. Let's go." Tom considered resisting. All he wanted to do was rewind to the night before and find a way to gently tell his wife that her sister was psychotic and that she was asking too much of him to do this "little" favor. With Nora tugging at his arm, though, he didn't have the time to think the situation through, to weigh the pros and cons of calling a halt to this nonsense. The only image that popped up was that of an incensed Rita calling him on the carpet for ejaculating in front of her sister and banning him from their bed for life. Subdued and defeated, he followed Nora down the stairs. V. Sean was just emerging from the nursery when Nora and Tom met up with him. He was in his cowboy pajamas and Tom noticed the bulge around his nephew's midsection. Probably training pants, Tom thought to himself, just like the ones I am wearing. Secretly, he hoped that Sean had soaked himself during the night and would let his mom know that he had no intention of being forced to use the toilet. Tom could then go home and forget this ever happened. Nora's praise for his dry night, though, quickly dashed that hope. "Sean, you remember that I told you that Aunt Rita's boy Tommie would be staying with us for a few days so that you can try to learn to use the potty together. Say 'hi' to your cousin." Sean gave a shy wave in Tom's direction, which Tom returned. "We're going to start the contest to see who can do better right away, and don't forget that the winner will get a prize." Tom watched as Sean's eyes lit up at the mention of the prize. He waited to see if Sean showed any signs that he recognized Tom as his uncle, an adult who had visited him regularly since he was born. There was none. Tom wondered if Nora was right, that despite his size what Sean saw was an overgrown boy dressed in little kid clothing, with bulky training pants similar to his own, a rival in the competition for a prize. If there was any chance that Sean would recognize him for who he really was, and put a stop to this charade, it passed when Sean accepted him as a child. Tom sighed and moved after mother and son to the living room, where a small baby potty sat in the center of the room on top of a rubber sheet. Until this moment, Tom had been in denial about certain aspects of what was about to occur. He had envisioned the group doing their business in the bathroom toilet; while it should have been obvious, he had never even considered that he would be sitting on a potty chair. He viewed the offending object skeptically. The base was white plastic and was topped with a bright green seat and yellow back. A white bowl sat expectantly in the seat, waiting for the results of a successful sitting. Tom almost overlooked the tiny splash guard that had been added to help an inexperienced boy get everything inside. How in the world will I ever be able to use that, he wondered. Then he remembered. It didn't really matter if he didn't fit in such a way as to urinate into the bowl. He wouldn't be using it for that for now. Nora kneeled down next to the potty chair and helped pull Sean's pajama bottoms down. Tom saw with disappointment that his nephew's training pants were, as Nora had said, more masculine than his own. Rocket ships and astronauts competed for space and, as Tom had suspected, were all as dry as a bone. Nora pushed the training pants to the floor as Sean sat on the seat. "Now boys, even though you both want to win, I expect you to root each other on and to be happy whenever one of you uses the potty like a big boy. Tommie, sit down here on the other side of the potty chair while Sean takes his turn. Each of you will have 15 minutes to try to go. Good luck, Sean. Tommie said he doesn't think you can do it, but I know you can." Tom looked at Nora crossly, but realized that it was all part of her plan to get Sean to try harder. As he sat and watched Sean scrunch up his face in a comical effort to pee, he started to fidget. All of the fluids he drank earlier and the fact that he wasn't allowed to use the bathroom in the morning were catching up to him. As the minutes passed, he concentrated on not having a genuine accident. What did it matter, though? If he was going to wet himself anyway, relieving the pressure by dribbling just a little bit wouldn't make any difference. Tom relaxed and allowed the tiniest bit of urine to escape. Just as he did so, the sound of fluids hitting the bottom of the potty chair's bowl filled the air. Tom was so startled that he lost his concentration and started to pee himself. He quickly glanced down and was relieved to discover that he remained dry on the outside. Nora was clearly delighted at her son's success. She clapped her hands, made sure that Tom joined in the applause, and then gave Sean a big hug. Sean beamed as Nora pulled up his training pants. It might have been his imagination, but Tom thought the little brat gave him a "see if you can top that" kind of look as he vacated the chair. "Great job, Sean. You are on your way to becoming such a big boy! Okay, Tommie, now it is your turn. Come over to Auntie. Sean, you sit where your cousin was." Tom stood up and shuffled over to Nora, who slowly unbuckled the straps of his overalls, pulling them down to the floor. As she followed suit with his underpants, Nora stopped before they passed his knees, squeezed the crotch with her fingers, and bent over to sniff the fabric. "It seems like someone already had some problems staying dry." Although Nora was speaking in an even tone, Tom could see the smirk on her face. "That's all right, Tommie, I know using the potty is a very hard thing to do. Sean and I will still let you try, though, won't we Sean?" Tom could tell that Sean sensed a chance to pull out in front of the contest, but reluctantly nodded his head in agreement with his mom. Nora finished pulling Tom's training pants down, but not before plugging her nose in mock disgust. She gently pushed Tom on the shoulders until he sat on the potty. He instinctively went to adjust himself so that his penis would be aimed into the deflector shield, but Nora beat him to it. Rather than getting aroused when she touched him this time, he felt himself shrink in embarrassment. "I'm setting the timer now, Tommie. Try to concentrate and think about peeing in the potty like a big boy, not in your panties like a little baby." In fact, Tom had to focus hard on not peeing into the potty. His bladder remained full, the aroma of Sean's urine, still in the bowl, triggered his already-urgent desire to empty it, and it was difficult to resist nature's call. How ironic, he thought, that while all appearances indicated he was training to use the toilet, he was trying to teach himself not to. Tom tried to avoid looking at Nora. While she muttered encouragement, her eyes were full of mischievous glee, which angered him. Best not to get upset, though. Keep your eye on the prize. He glanced over at Sean, who made no attempt to support Tom's efforts. The prize you will get for winning, Tom thought, can't be nearly as good as what I will get for losing. He momentarily forgot his situation as he daydreamed of sex with his wife. He was brought out of his reverie with the jarring sound of an alarm. "I'm afraid time's up, Tommie," he heard Nora say. "That's okay, not everyone can do it on their first try, can they Sean? Let's get you dressed and we can try again in a little while." Tom thought he heard Nora snicker as she pulled up his damp underpants. As she buckled his straps, she leaned over close to his ear and whispered, "Hope you saved some for the main act here, baby. It's time for you to put on a show." Nora finished dressing Tom and began to walk toward the kitchen, glancing back over her shoulder with an expectant look. Sean toddled behind Nora, his mind on getting some breakfast. Tom took a breath, imagined himself standing in front of a toilet, and let his bladder go. The relief was tremendous. It was only a moment before he heard Nora shriek. Sean turned around and gawked, then giggled as he pointed at Tom. "Mommy, Tommie wet his pants. Tommie wet his pants." While Sean gleefully pointed out Tom's accident over and over, Tom glanced down to survey the damage. His pants were positively soaked, from the crotch on down the insides of both of his legs. A growing pool of yellow gathered on the rubber sheet as the stream of urine gradually diminished to drops. Tom's initial pleasure at relieving the pain in his bladder quickly turned to discomfort at the cooling, smelly fabric clinging to his legs, and the odd pride he had felt in accomplishing his mission vanished as well. Tom looked up, away from the scene of his accident and past his gleeful nephew, at Nora, whose face was blazing with fury as she stormed in Tom's direction. "Oh my God," thought Tom, "what have I done?" VI. Any thoughts that Nora might play the role of the sympathetic aunt were quickly erased. "Tommie, how could you? You were just on the potty. Big boys go pee- pee in the potty. Sean used the potty. But you waited until I got you all dressed before you peed. I have to say, young man, that this is not a good start for you. Now don't move while I get what we need to clean you up. Sean, will you watch your cousin for a minute?" Even though he knew this was all a show for the benefit of his nephew, it still stung Tom's self-esteem to have a two-and-a-half-year-old watch over him. It didn't help when Sean said "You wet your pants." Several biting retorts came to Tom's mind, but he kept silent. It seemed like forever before Nora returned. "Okay, Sean, first I'm going to need your help, then I want you to stay here so that you can see what happens to little boys who don't use the potty." Tom looked quizzically at Nora but her expression did not betray her intentions. I guess I'm about to find out what those "consequences" are that she referred to earlier, he thought. Tom stood still while Nora used a towel to clean up the puddle of urine. Next she carefully removed his overalls and socks, clearly trying to avoid the wet parts as much as possible. Soon Tom was standing naked and exposed in front of his sister-in-law and nephew. "Now I need to clean Tommie up so that he doesn't get a rash and so that he isn't so stinky," Nora said to her son. "Could you be mommy's big helper and hand me the baby wipes?" Sean seemed eager to help as he stood by his mother's side, pulling out one wipe after another as Nora needed them. She started at Tom's feet before moving up his legs. When she got to his crotch, she stopped and darted a sharp glance in Tom's direction. He knew he would pay dearly if he got the slightest bit stiff. "We especially need to clean the baby's pee-pee and bottom. See how tiny it is? Isn't it cute?" As she spoke, Nora held Tom's penis between her fingers and moved it back and forth while she cleaned his balls and then up and down the shaft. Tom was almost grateful for her insulting patter about his size, as it generated feelings about her that blocked any sexual gratification and kept him soft. Still, he breathed a small sigh of relief when she moved to his backside and then declared herself satisfied. "All right, little one, let's get you into some protection just in case. Sean, would you please hand me his panties?" Tom's first reaction was to demand that she call his underwear "pants" instead of "panties," but then he saw what Sean was holding. It was worse than the first pair. They were still white, but were covered with kittens and puppies, each of which was adorned with ribbons and other frills. Sean seemed like he couldn't wait to get them out of his grasp, and Tom couldn't blame him. At least he wouldn't have to look at them once his pants were on. Then he saw the pants. True, they were still overalls much like the first pair. These, however, were a pastel yellow with pink and blue flowers on the front bib area. The shirt folded neatly next to the overalls may have been white, but Tom wouldn't have sworn that they weren't a very pale pink. His socks had ruffles on the top. Tom wasn't sure if a young boy would recognize the outfit as girly, but from the contemptuous and maybe a little fearful look on Sean's face, he guessed that Sean never wanted to be in Tom's position. So this is the consequence Nora foretold. Pretty effective; Sean was obviously motivated not to cross over to look like a little girl. But why, then, was Nora so slow to get him dressed? Tom began to shiver a bit, although the room was not cold. Perhaps a part of him sensed that there was more to come. Nora was seated on the couch with a towel over her lap. She addressed both Tom and Sean. "Boys, I know you are both trying your best to use the potty. Accidents can happen. But when accidents do happen, you have to be punished. Tom, come over here and lie over my lap." Tom and Sean exchanged glances, and Tom could see the terror in Sean's eyes. Tom knew what was coming and slowly moved into position. He could tolerate a little spanking if it helped the cause. How bad could it be? He was about to find out. Nora used both hands to lower his training pants below his butt cheeks, took a deep breath, and delivered the first blow. WHACK! Tom nearly jumped to the ceiling. He had expected a spank equivalent to what a boy Sean's age might receive, and had planned to feign pain for his benefit. But there was no need to pretend. This was something else altogether. It stung. No, it was more than that. It hurt. Tom was in pain after only the first blow. The second wasn't long in coming, followed by a third, a fourth and more. Before long, Tom was a quivering mess, tears falling from his eyes onto the floor. Nora seemed to know just where to hit to maximize his misery. She stopped after ten, but it seemed like so many more. Tom's rear was ablaze. "There, there, now. It's all over for now." Nora's voice was softer now, almost kind. "Next time we try to use the potty, though, remember what will happen if you don't do it. Let's keep this pair of panties dry, shall we?" As she pulled the training pants back up, Nora whispered under her breath so that only Tom could hear, "But we know better, don't we?" Nora helped Tom up to finish getting him dressed in the embarrassing outfit. As she was finishing, she looked down at Sean, who was wide- eyed and trembling. "Are you ready for some breakfast, honey?" she asked him. Sean didn't have to be asked twice. He tore from the room. VII. Nora didn't immediately follow her son into the kitchen. She put her hand on Tom's shoulder, leaned into his ear and spoke softly. "My sister will be so proud of her big, masculine husband, wetting his panties and then crying like a little girl when he gets spanked. At least your behavior seems to be having the desired effect on Sean, but this is only the beginning. You need to keep it up to reinforce his desire not to be a pissy little pansy like his cousin Tommie." Tom's emotions were already on edge from the events of the last hour and he had reached the breaking point. It was time to stand up to this woman, consequences be damned! Rita obviously never would have asked him to get involved in this farce if she had known exactly what was involved. And when he did agree to help, and went along with Nora's ridiculous and humiliating plan, she spanks and then insults him! Yes, it was time to bring this charade to a stop, to gather his clothes, and to get out of this madhouse. Nora looked at him quizzically and seemed to sense the thoughts that were racing through his mind. Before he could speak up, she grabbed him a little harder and continued speaking. "I can see you are considering not following through on your promise. That would be a mistake, little boy. For one thing, the only clothes you have here are the outfit you are wearing now and the one you pissed in earlier. The clothes you wore over here are gone for now. And you have no car. Are you ready to wander through the streets like some overgrown toddler in your pretty little overalls and training panties? And you might also consider this." Nora held her phone up to Tom's face, revealing a series of pictures of Tom sitting on the potty, standing in his soaking wet overalls, standing naked and hairless in his puddle of urine, and in his current girly outfit. When did she take these, he wondered? I never even saw the camera. Not that that was relevant at this point. He had to get that camera away from her. "These pictures have already been uploaded to my computer. One little push of a key, and they will go to Facebook and all over the internet. I'm sure your friends and the school administration would be fascinated and you could tell them all about your potty problems. Why, maybe one of your pretty students would offer to help toilet train you." "So, are you going to go through with whatever silly plan you've been forming in that small brain of yours, or are you ready for breakfast?" Tom didn't say a word in response; he didn't have to. Nora knew from the moment he had walked in the door that morning that she had him trapped. She had outsmarted and outmaneuvered him and he was helpless to resist. Time to cut his losses, look forward to getting home the next day and then forget this ever happened. They went to join Sean in the kitchen. VII. Tom sat across from Sean, who was waiting impatiently at the small square table. Tom realized that he, too, could use some nourishment. He had been so focused on all of the unpleasantries of the morning that he hadn't noticed his hunger. Nora's threat to circulate the pictures, which he would never be able to explain away, also reminded him that he had better drink as much as possible. Nora would never believe him if he made any excuse for not being able to urinate at any time of her choosing. He wondered when that might be. Sean was examining Tom with a disturbing depth, probably wondering what to make of this incontinent rival. Tom had to resist sticking his tongue out at the boy. What he really wanted to do, though, was to tell him the truth, that he was doing all of this for his benefit, so that he could take a big step out of infancy and into childhood. Most of all, Tom wanted Sean to know that he really could use the toilet and had been doing so for decades. He wasn't sure why it mattered to him that this insignificant toddler know that he truly did have bladder control, but it did. Tom and Sean both broke their staring contest when Nora approached the table. "I've got two cups of juice for my big boys," she said, sneaking a sly smile at Tom. "Sean, since you were the only one to use the potty this morning, you get to choose which cup you want." For the first time, Tom looked at the choices. Both were sippy cups. Did kids still use sippy cups at this age, he wondered? Or was Nora allowing Sean to regress a bit in order to pile just a little bit more of humiliation upon her brother-in-law? Sean barely took an instant before choosing a cup, and Tom could see why. While both cups were white, the cup Sean picked had a dark blue top and a picture of some sort of superhero that Tom didn't recognize. The other cup's top was a light lavender and this one was imprinted with fairies. Tom began to ponder whether Nora's motivation here went well beyond Sean's toilet habits. She seemed to be going out of her way to make this as embarrassing as possible for him. Wishing he could rewind time and refuse Rita's request was pointless, of course. All he could do, given the alternative, was to keep his mouth shut and count the hours. As Tom began to sip from his cup, Nora placed a plastic bowl and small toddler spoon in front of him. Tom eyed the bowl's contents, trying to figure out what it was. It might have been oatmeal, or something similar, but he doubted whatever it was was a regular item on any normal adult's diet. Sean seemed to eat it with relish, but Tom began to question whether he was really all that hungry. Maybe if he just drank enough to get full. "What's the matter, Tommie, did you forget how to use a spoon? Don't worry, that's what Auntie Nora is here for." Tom instantly knew what was about to happen and made a quick grab for his spoon, but he was too late. Nora had it firmly in her hand and was already dipping into the foul mixture. She brought the overloaded spoon up to Tom's mouth and unceremoniously shoveled it in. Tom's taste buds nearly revolted and he had to suppress a gag just to be able to swallow. Before he could even begin to try to analyze what food products could possibly exist that could combine into such a horrible concoction, the next spoonful was waiting at his mouth. He knew better than resist, and reluctantly opened up. This mouthful was no better. Surely this couldn't be the same food that Sean was eating, as he was happily scraping the bottom of his bowl to get the last bits. Tom would no sooner manage to get one portion down than the next was being pushed past his lips. Nora was keeping a torrid pace, which at least had the advantage of making the contents of the bowl disappear faster. Before long, a trail of mush ran down Tom's chin. Nora ignored it until the bowl was empty, then took a napkin and wiped around his mouth. Tom waited for some sort of biting comment, but thankfully none came. He quickly drained his sippy cup, did the same after Nora refilled it, trying desperately to wash the horrid taste away. "All right, boys, why don't you go play together in the playroom while Mommy cleans up and gets lunch for herself. I'll come by in a while to check up on you." Tom followed Sean down the hall and into a room that was already littered with pieces of games, toys and assorted stuffed animals. He followed the boy's lead and sat down among the chaos, waiting for Sean to take the lead on what they would play. Sean eyed Tom skeptically, his eyes scanning the length and breadth of Tom's yellow, flowered overalls and then down to his frilly socks. Finally he got up and crossed the room, stooping to pick something up before returning and handing Tom a cloth doll. "You can play with this," he said abruptly, then turned his back to Tom before sitting again and turning his attention to a pile of plastic soldiers. Tom looked at the doll in disbelief, realizing that his status in Sean's eyes had been reduced to that of a little girl not worthy of his attention. That had to stop, and stop now. Tom scooted around to sit across from Sean and picked up a few of the soldiers. Sean did his best to pretend that Tom was not there, but as Tom began to place the men into various tactical positions, the toddler's interest got the best of him. Soon they were staging mock battles and Tom was smart enough to make sure that Sean's soldiers were the superior army. When they tired of that game, they combined forces to build towers out of blocks, never letting the structure get too tall before one of them knocked it down to the delighted giggles of them both. It had been decades since Tom had enjoyed the simple pleasures of childhood games, and time passed surprisingly quickly. They were intently focused on setting up plastic bowling pins when Nora walked into the room. "I hate to interrupt you, boys, but it's potty time." Tom was so involved that he had almost forgotten his predicament. One glance at Nora's sly smile, though, reminded him that bad times were minutes away. VIII. Sean didn't seem the least bit irritated at having their play interrupted as he silently got up and walked toward the living room. Tom was much more hesitant, which gave Nora time to speak with him privately. "You did very well at not peeing in the potty last time, and I expect that you will be able to restrain yourself again. Not a drop, do you understand? This time, though, I don't want you to wet yourself right after I re-dress you. After you fail at Toileting 101, I'm going to put in a video for you and Sean that's about an hour long. Halfway through, about the time that the red and blue cars collide, I want you to have an accident of your own. You know the consequences if you let me down." Without waiting for a reply, Nora turned and left the room. Tom felt annoyed that Nora would so tacitly expect him to comply with her demands, but then he knew that he had no choice. Still, it would have been nice if she had shown some appreciation for his cooperation. When Tom entered the living room, Sean was already in the process of pulling his pants down and sitting down on the potty chair. He apparently had started on his own before Nora was there, which brought effusive praise from his mom. Tom had barely settled in on the floor before he heard the distinctive tinkle of urine hitting the bottom of the bowl. Nora immediately began to applaud and a harsh glance in Tom's direction made sure that he joined in the ovation. Sean appeared nonplussed, as if this was something that he had been doing for years. As he stood to pull up his training pants, he shot a look at Tom that seemed to say, 'let's see you top that.' Nora was right, Tom thought to himself, this kid does love a competition. Tom and Sean exchanged places, although before Tom could mimic his nephew's independence in undressing himself, Nora was working the buckles of the overalls. Tom stepped out of them carefully and started to reach for the waistband of his training pants, but Nora beat him there as well. He thought he heard her snicker as she pulled them down, revealing his bald groin area, his penis shrunken from the humiliation of the whole affair. "Okay, Tommie, let's see if we can do better than the last time. You heard Sean use the potty; it's not that hard, is it Sean? And don't forget that little boys who use their panties instead of the potty get punished." How could I forget? Tom thought bitterly. He sat down, allowed Nora to push his penis down into the bowl, then pretended to concentrate fiercely at the job at hand. Nora's insincere encouragement was matched by Sean's forced support. Tom knew that Sean wanted him to fail and was tempted to empty his bladder right then just to show the boy that this contest would not be as easy as he thought. He began to daydream about ways to put both mother and child in their place, and was working toward actually standing up to Nora by peeing in the potty when he heard the timer's alarm sound. Nora sighed, deeply and dramatically. Sean could not contain a squeal of delight. Before he knew what was happening, Nora was pulling Tom up to his feet. "I think we're all disappointed, Tommy." Tom glanced at Sean, who didn't seem disappointed at all. "Using the potty is something that you are going to have to learn if you are going to go to preschool in the Fall. Otherwise you will have to stay home while the big kids get to go. You can try again before lunch, but if you feel like you have to go potty before then you need to tell me. You don't want to wet your panties again, believe me." Tom did believe her, and wished he had a choice. He began to wonder what punishment was in store for him but quickly decided it was better not to dwell on such an unpleasant subject. He would find out soon enough. Tom followed Nora into the playroom and sat dutifully in front of the television next to his nephew as she put in a video. He couldn't help but notice that Sean moved to put some distance between the two of them. The screen lit up as a story about talking automobiles started up. Tom only partly watched, as a feeling of dread built up inside him. IX. The colorful images on the television were just a blur as Tom sat, going over his predicament for the hundredth time. Increasingly, he was getting ready to tell Nora just where she could go and to buck up and face the consequences. Still, those consequences could be pretty severe and could ruin his reputation forever both at work and among his friends. He imagined how he would react if one of his coworkers tried to explain away pictures like those Nora had of Tom. Even the truth was so shaming that he would never look at that person the same way again. And if any of the students were to find out (and they would)? Disaster, and maybe even the loss of his job. In addition, he wasn't sure if he could find anything to wear in order to leave the house. The key factor that finally turned the tide against rebellion, though, was his love of Rita and how hurt she would be if he let her down on what she assumed was an easy task. Given their rocky relationship lately, she would probably believe whatever lies Nora created over his telling of the truth. Then there was also the promise of sex, which can be a great motivator. He could hold on for one more day no matter how miserable things got. Have to keep my eyes on the prize, he told himself. A giggle from Sean woke Tom from his reverie, and as he glanced up at the movie he barely caught the sight of two cartoon cars with bumpers intertwined. With his new resolve to see this through, Tom didn't think twice about what he had to do now. But while he was mentally prepared, his body wasn't so sure. Peeing while sitting cross-legged on the floor was no easy thing. How ironic, he thought, that he was having the same trouble urinating now that he was faking on the potty. After a few minutes of nothing, and a flash of panic if Nora found him dry whenever she returned, Tom found that by lifting his butt off the carpet just a bit he could relax his bladder enough to produce a little pee. Reflex then took over, and what started as a trickle became a healthy stream. Relieved, Tom sat down in a squish. He glanced at Sean, who was too engrossed in the video to know what had happened. Soon, as the wetness began to cool, Tom grew increasingly uncomfortable. His butt was soaking and itchy, and the pant legs of his overalls stuck to his legs. The dampness in his crotch made him sorry that he hadn't held back just a little bit. Every time he shifted his weight, the puddle he was sitting in would try to force its way up into his crack. Before long the familiar ammonia smell began its assault on his nostrils. No wonder babies cry when they need changing, he thought. He was actually looking forward to Nora coming back in. Any punishment she had in mind would at least include dry britches in the end. The longer he sat, the more he began to wonder. Was he supposed to let Nora know after he had his accident? Or was he supposed to be like Sean, so attentive to the TV that he ignored everything else? At last, he heard Nora's footsteps in the hallway and his decision on what to do was made for him. "Boys, I just wanted you to know that I'll be making lunch soon, so as soon as that video is done I want you to go into the bathroom to wash your hands. No whining about wanting to watch just one more, do you understand?" Sean nodded, clearly annoyed at the interruption, then immediately returned his attention to the screen. Tom, not discerning any clues as to what he was to do, did the same. He heard Nora turn to go, but then was surprised when she appeared before them in front of the television, which has been put on pause. "You can get back to the movie in a minute, or at least one of you will be able to." She sniffed the air in an exaggerated way. "But if my nose is right, and it always is, someone here has done something naughty. Do either one of you want to say something?" Sean was clearly confused and shook his head. Tom all of a sudden was filled with a desire to delay what was to come, so in a pointless gesture he also shook his head. "Then I have no choice but to do an inspection. Stand up, both of you." Sean and Tom both slowly lifted themselves up to a standing position. Sean had yet to take his fearful eyes off of his mother, but when he saw her move her full attention away from him, he looked over at Tom. His jaw dropped open, then he began to snicker and point. "Mommy, Tommie wet his pants." "I can see that, Sean. You heard me tell Tommie after he didn't use the potty that he needed to come get me if he had to go to the bathroom. But he didn't listen, did he? He decided that he could just pee his panties like a baby. That was one bad thing he did. But then he told a fib, didn't he? He told Mommy that he didn't have an accident when he was sitting in a smelly puddle. Because he has been a very bad boy, he will be getting a special punishment." Nora turned to face Tom. "Tommie, don't you dare move while I go get some things we need to get you settled. Sean, please watch him and tell me if he does anything naughty." Tom couldn't decide if Sean's expression was one of glee or contempt; it was probably a healthy dose of each. Tom never thought he could have feelings of hatred toward such a small child, but right now all he wanted to do was take two steps closer and wring the boy's neck. It was a good thing that Nora came back so quickly. She set down a pile containing clean clothes and a towel before approaching Tom with an obvious purpose. Tom again began to feel nervous. "Tommie, Sean, I want you both to listen closely. The difference between a big boy and a little baby is that big boys use the potty. Only babies pee in their pants. Sean, since you have been using the potty, we know that you are a big boy." Tom could see Sean beam proudly. "Tommie, since you go potty in your panties you must be a little baby. But..." and here Nora looked directly at Sean, "to stay a big boy you have to keep using the potty. If you have an accident, I'll think you want to be a baby like Tommie." Tom had to admit that Nora had thought this through. Sean looked horrified at the possibility of sharing his fate, whatever it might be, and Tom was pretty sure he would be motivated to keep up his perfect record in toileting. "So, Tommie, until you can show you that you are not a baby, some of your big boy privileges will be taken away. First of all, you must always keep this in your mouth." With these words, Nora pushed a pacifier between Tom's lips. It all happened so quickly that Tom didn't even get a chance to see it, but he could guess that it was probably the most babyish version she could find. "There will be a few other changes as well, but for now that's enough. Now we need to clean you up before your spanking." Tom was never so happy to get undressed in his life. The removal of the wet clothing left him cold and shivering, and he was distressed to see that the chill around his groin caused his penis to nearly retreat into his body. Nora proceeded to wipe him off with sweet-smelling baby wipes, then dry him with a towel. She cautioned Sean to avoid the stained area of the carpet while leading Tom over to a child's couch. Without being asked, Tom assumed the position over Nora's knees and prepared himself for the pain. WHAP! Nora must have held back last time because from the first hit, the pain radiated out to a degree he had not experienced before. By the fifth stroke, he was sobbing and by the tenth, he was worried that he would bite through the pacifier. Real tears fell as Nora added five more strokes before telling him to stand up. Tom thought he saw a flash of sympathy in Sean's eyes, and clearly there was fear there. However bizarre Nora's method, Tom was certain at that moment that Sean would be dry from there on. Suddenly he felt relief pass through his buttocks as Nora rubbed baby lotion all over his bright red behind. While it still stung, and the scent of the lotion was all too infantile, he was grateful to her. His beneficent feelings quickly dissipated, though, when she held out his new pair of training pants to step into. Pink with flowers. Of course. Nora pulled the panties up snugly around Tom's waist while Sean, his fear now gone, giggled at the girlish display before him. But Nora was not done. Picking up yet another set of overalls, Tom groaned inwardly at how closely they matched his underpants, distinguished only by the abundant yellow ribbon used as trim. Not saying a word, he put one leg through one hole then the other leg into the other hole. Nora began to pull them up. Then something unexpected occurred. Nora tried to tug them up Tom's legs, but they wouldn't budge. She got the pants halfway up his calf but they would move no further. Exasperated, Nora had Tom step back out as she examined the label. Tom heard her mutter an unkind word under her breath. "It looks like there has been a mistake. All three pairs of overalls should have been the same size, but this one apparently was made for someone quite a bit smaller. There's no way you can wear these." Exactly what I was thinking, Tom said to himself. At least we can agree on something. "I've got to find something else for you to wear. The other two pairs are soaking to get the smell of your pee out and then need to go into the wash. Stay here and finish watching your show while I see what I can find." Tom and Sean both sat down again in front of the television, although this time Sean clearly moved as far away as he could while still having a view of the screen. Both of them avoided the wet spot. After about ten minutes, Nora returned with a triumphant smile on her face. Uh, oh, thought Tom, this doesn't look good. He was right. "I don't have any more pants that will fit you and my clothes wouldn't be appropriate, but you can't go around half-naked all day. Then it dawned on me. Voila!" Tom looked with horror at the object Nora produced from behind her back. It was a maternity top, but one that he was sure the fashion-conscious Nora never wore. It was a throwback to another era--a pale pink with white lace around the bodice and bows lining the front. A peter pan collar gave it a childish look, while the flare at the bottom to accommodate a pregnant belly gave it the obvious appearance of a dress. It couldn't have looked more infantile. Tom wanted to balk, yearned to run but the voices in his head reminded him to stay, to "focus on the prize." Reluctantly he put his arms up and as his head passed through the neck hole, he found himself face to face with a smirking Nora, who gave a little tug on his pacifier. "You look adorable. And it is somehow so much more appropriate than those horrid pants. Besides, it will be easier for you to get to the potty, or..." and here Nora smiled evilly, "to see if you had an accident." "Mommy, he looks like a girl! A baby girl!" Leave it to Sean to twist the knife, Tom thought. He realized that he was sucking the pacifier in response to the stress of the moment and quickly stopped. "Why, yes he does, Sean. But since he has been acting like a baby, maybe he should be dressed more like a baby. And I guess if you wear a dress, you can't be a boy baby, can you?" Tom was sure that this logic would make perfect sense to a toddler. "But then we can't call him 'Tommie' anymore if he...I mean a girl. What would be a good name?" Sean didn't hesitate. "Baby Katie! Tommie's name can be Baby Katie!" Nora smiled. Katie was in fact a baby living a few doors down, but the block could use a second Baby Katie. "Okay, Sean. From now on we will call her Baby Katie. What's the matter, Katie, don't look so sad. It's a beautiful name. Now sit down and suck your binkie while I go make lunch. Sean, let me know if she needs me." Sean was already lost again in the video, for which Tom was thankful. He knew now that Nora had planned this all along and was upset with himself for not seeing it earlier. But what difference would it had made? She had outwitted him from the start and even if he had anticipated her every move he would still be sitting here in a dress. Even his mantra was losing its appeal, as every new humiliation made the next day seem farther away than ever. He closed his eyes, lay down in a fetal position, and sucked his way into oblivion, dreading what would come next. X. Tom was in such a daze that it could have been five minutes or an hour before Nora re-entered the room and announced that it was time for lunch. The cartoon must have ended, because Sean didn't hesitate to head for the kitchen. Tom pulled himself up slowly, just in time to see Nora's back as she followed Sean. Tom plodded in the same direction, cursing life and wondering when it would get better. As he walked into the kitchen, there were the usual three place settings at the table, but with a difference. Sean was sitting in his usual spot, and Nora's chair remained at the head. Where Tom had eaten breakfast, however, a high chair sat in place of the kitchen chair that had been there just that morning. Tom paused, knowing what was expected of him, but unwilling to move his legs in that direction. "You didn't expect a big kid chair after your behavior today, did you?" Nora taunted. "I told you that acting like a baby would force me to take away some of the privileges that children have. Until you show me that you are at least as mature as Sean, you will be eating your meals in a high chair. Now don't give me any trouble, and sit! The tone of Nora's voice quickly convinced Tom that nothing would be gained by resisting, so he moved over next to the high chair. Turning around to face the table, he forced his rear onto the seat and wiggled backward to try to get as much of it as possible onto the child-sized chair. It was a tight and uncomfortable fit. When it became clear that he was in as much as he could be, Nora pulled the tray out from nearby and slid it into place. Tom couldn't have moved if he tried. Sean stared at Tom in a condescending manner but was soon distracted by the grilled cheese sandwich placed on h

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Porta Potty An Adult Story

I had just drank 2 bottles of water running through the park. It washot near the lake and I now had to use the bathroom very badly. Ihad to really take a piss. I scanned the park and saw some portabletoilets near some trees at the edge of the park. It was still earlyand I was hoping they had not been used just yet.There were five large blue porta potties that I open the door andthey were very small inside. There was just the toilet and no whereto wash your hands. All of them did not have toilet...

1 year ago
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"Please hurry," Winnie begged, "I can't hold it much longer!!!" Janet gunned the big Ford as she peeled around the corner on her way to Winnie's apartment building and laughingly said, "Don't you dare go in my car I just had the seats cleaned!!!" "Oh, shut up, Jan" Winnie moaned, "and hurry!!!" "Do you want me to stop right here," Janet asked sweetly, "you can go behind those bushes over by that house!?!" "Very funny, smarty pants," Winnie retorted, "I think I can hold it another minute!!!"...

3 years ago
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Mummy My Potty Goddess Part 8211 2

Hi indian sex stories dot readers This story is the continuation from the last part so if you haven’t read it please do so to understand this one better. This story contains extreme incest and scat sex. If you are uncomfortable reading on these subjects then please refrain from reading this story. I’m aju and this is the depraved continuation of the lust for my potty goddess mother. I woke up to find myself lying on top of my mother. I saw her filthy body covered in sweat, shit and cum and...

3 years ago
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the surprise potty slave

The surprise potty slaveIt was a quite normal day at collage. Lectures and tutorials filled the morning and afternoon. It was about 3ish when a pressing matter made me excuse myself from class. I always took my time when visiting the girls room. I believed that pressing too hard would dis figure my little orifice and that to me was the last thing I would ever want.I came from a wealthy family and had everything one could wish for, even my striking good looks. A perfect combination of my,...

4 years ago
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Potty lips

Julia seems to keep getting her words muddled.Julia Fountain worked in insurance. At thirty-six, she was happily married and a mother of three. She had been part of the North Office for the last six years and was an integral part of the team.Respected across the office, she also held positions in the school parent council, as well as in the neighbourhood community council.Julia was known as a prim and proper lady who, with the bit between her teeth, was fearless when it came to political...

Mind Control
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"Please hurry," Winnie begged, "I can't hold it much longer!!!" Janet gunned the big Ford as she peeled around the corner on her way to Winnie's apartment building and laughingly said, "Don't you dare go in my car I just had the seats cleaned!!!" "Oh, shut up, Jan" Winnie moaned, "and hurry!!!" "Do you want me to stop right here," Janet asked sweetly, "you can go behind those bushes over by that house!?!" "Very funny, smarty pants," Winnie retorted, "I think I can hold it another minute!!!"...

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Pyx 2 Training DaysChapter 15 Trainings End

About a week after Vanessa left, Vonda talked to Pyx in the walk-in closet. I was in my office, downstairs at the time. The closet was one of the places in the apartment that didn't have a camera. Knowing this, soon after Pyx joined us, I secretly installed a microphone, that was only accessible by my office computer. Usually, they used the closet to talk about female problems. Vonda sometimes gave Pyx advise on how to "handle" me. It was all very informative. But she was usually dead...

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Jerry and Kay were younger than my parents, married only about two years, just starting a family, and trying to make a go of it farming. Kay was a typical country girl, always a quick smile, reddish hair and freckles, big breasts, and wanting to be a mom more than anything. I learned quickly that when she took her temperature then called Jerry in from the field, that I should go for a walk and leave them alone for half an hour .I had a vague idea what they were doing, but just what I had...

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Back Up Buddy

This is a combined story effort between Jake Rivers and me (DG Hear). Carl Smith has two great songs that are complete opposites in their story lines: ‘Hey, Joe’ and ‘Back Up, Buddy’ Hey, Joe! is the story of a guy that wants his buddy’s girl. Back Up, Buddy is the story of a man telling his buddy to leave his girl alone. We thought it would be interesting for readers to see these stories at the same time by two different authors. We have no idea what the other is writing. * Back Up, Buddy ...

2 years ago
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DreamsChapter 2 BUDDY

I headed to the living room, where I plopped myself down on the couch and I turned on the T.V. My sister also followed me and she sits down on another couch. Buddy jumped up on the couch with me and laid his head in my lap. I was so tired, and I soon fell asleep on the couch. I’m in that building again, this time the first door on the right is open now, the marked number two, so I went in. Buddy was in there sitting by a desk looking at me. He barks and for some reason, I knew what he...

1 year ago
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My cousin Buddy

Note : This story is completely fictional! I am 24 and divorced I have nothing going for me and the worst I am back home living with my parents. My whole life sucks! My aunt called and talked to my mom for a long time today Mom told me she had something to talk to me about later. It was 9:30 when Mom finaly came in to talk to me, My Aunt Betty needs someone to come and stay with her and Buddy. Aunt Betty lives about 100 miles from here and Mom says it will be like me getting a new start in...

3 years ago
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Back Up Buddy

This is a combined story effort between Jake Rivers and me (DG Hear). Carl Smith has two great songs that are complete opposites in their story lines: "Hey, Joe" and "Back Up, Buddy" Hey, Joe! is the story of a guy that wants his buddy's girl. Back Up, Buddy is the story of a man telling his buddy to leave his girl alone. We thought it would be interesting for readers to see these stories at the same time by two different authors. We have no idea what the other is writing. Back Up,...

3 years ago
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weekend with my buddy

This past weekend my buddy and I both had a long weekend so we decided to go out of town and try to score with some college girls at the bar.My buddys girlfriend Norma decided to ruin our trip by inviting herself and taking a day off from work. I had not gotten so luck at all so we went to a strip club. My buddys girl Norma was not too excited about us going so again she decided to tag along.I only had about 120$ left and a girl from the stage called my attention so I got a couple of dances and...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Brothers slave 2The training

For the rest of the night my brothers kept a close eye on me to make sure I didn’t try to take care of the orgasmic pressure that has built up inside of my pussy. Even when I went into the bathroom either mark or tony was close by listening to what I was doing. Sometimes when our mother wasn’t watching they would give my ass a slap or give my pussy a pat putting pressure on the dildo that has been stuffed in my aching pussy. Every time they would do it I couldn’t help but let out a...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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First gangbang with my buddy

As you can probably well imagine, being the high school slut, I was really popular. I held a cock more than a pencil or a pen, gave out blowjobs like most girls would give out hugs. I love sex so much, guys consider it lucky to get in my pants, most dont know, I love it more than they do.Last halloween one of my little fuck buddys invited me to a costume party, I told him I would be there no problem, he had a fat dick, lasted forever in bed, loved eating pussy, and knew how to use his dick to...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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ex girlfriend fucking my buddy

This is a true story about my ex girlfriend. I miss having her around being a slut for me. It all started just us talking about our previous sexual experiences and partners. She was telling me that she had a couple of group sex experiences and I told her about some of mine. She told me once how her and her friend Kayla had sex with 3 black guys at the same time.she said they just went over there to smoke with them and they just started taking advantage of the girls and feeling them up and what...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Swimming Pool Fuck With My Sex Buddy

Give me your feed back or for being my sex buddy on: Hi ISS readers. It has been a long time since I have written my personal sex stories. But some of my experiences may help readers to enjoy their sexual life or for pure enjoyment. It is always good to have many friends specially sex buddies. For people unknown to the term ‘sex buddies’, sex buddies are those friends with whom we share sexual relationship & there is no place for anything emotional. One of my sex buddies name is Ishita....

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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
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Dads old army buddy

Note : This story is completely fictional! I have known Dennis Miles almost all my life, he and my father had been old army buddies back in the day. However, wakening up with dad’s old army buddy on top of me fucking the shit out of me, shock could not even describe how I felt. I had just turned nineteen and daddy and I had been fucking for well over a year. My mom and dad spilt up after she found daddy and me in bed together. Mom tried to except the fact that daddy loved young girls; she knew...

3 years ago
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Mothers In Training

new training centers that had just opened. It was obviously directed toward husbands and fathers. The ad read "If you and your children are tired of being bossed around by your nagging wife, or if you need to get rid of her because you have something younger in mind, give us a call. For a reasonable fee, we will take her off your hands and put her through our rigorous training program, after which she will be assigned new responsibilities in the service of mankind." The gorgeous 30...

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First time with a buddy

I am predominantly straight, but had a few encounters with guys when I was in my teens. Lately, I have been running every little now and then into guys who are showing quite an interest in playing. But that's gonna be for another time (or three!).First time I played with a guy was when I ran into a buddy of mine on the street, during Summer break. I had just turned f******n, and he was a good sixteen himself. We hadn't seen each other in a couple of weeks, since scouts camp where he was my...

4 years ago
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A visit to my Buddy

Even though we live within an hour of each other I don’t get around to visiting my buddy very often. I last visited him on New Year ’s Eve when we kicked off the new year with some naked play after some Margaritas. It was fun with a lot of intimate touching and exploration. I always enjoy the first time I get to handle his beautiful cock. It’s heavy and swinging it around makes me very horny. We played and wanked together. He fingered my ass while I wanked and my orgasm was very nice. It is...

2 years ago
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Gym Buddy

?? His name was Chad. Perfect. He was about five foot eight, with a really well toned but not overly muscular body. I like my fucktoys to be fit, but not more than I am. He was a college student, working at an investment firm while he studied. ?He was totally straight and had a girlfriend. I wouldn't have it any other way. I do a lot of research on a boy before I approach him, but I knew the first time I saw him at the gym, that I had to have his ass. More than that. I had to have him crawling...

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Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...

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Thea Chapter Four

When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...

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Thea and Sam

“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...

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Motherless! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Motherless Interracial

Ah, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....

Interracial Porn Sites
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Theos LIfe as a Weresquirrel

Theo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office.He had been spending most of his days at the squirrel in his home deep in the countryside. Teleworking most of the time, as the squirrel he felt no need for clothes, his heavy furred balls resting between his thighs as his paws raced over the keyboard. The sharp claws on his paws clattering loudly as he typed,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Motherless Scat

It’s time to go to the land of chocolate fountains and golden showers. That’s right. Scat, piss, shit, and every fluid in between. Ever fuck a chick in her ass and freak out when you see that little bit of shit on your dick? Then I’m sorry to say that scat isn’t for you buddy. Were you the only one of your friends that saw two girls one cup and didn’t get grossed out? If so, it’s time to celebrate it! Don’t get pissed off, get pissed on! Scat porn has the craziest, kinkiest chicks and dudes...

Scat Porn Sites
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Motherless Fappening

I’m not saying anything controversial when I say men love seeing women naked. It’s a fact of life as fundamental as gravity. It’s a force of nature that cannot be stopped by beast, man, or God. It’s an eternal truth and a divine mandate. As sure as the sun will rise, men will attempt to view as many women naked as they possibly can. Any man not doing so is either a sad or a gay one.This means that any woman a man sees regularly is mentally stripped down during every interaction. If any women...

The Fappening
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Absinthe Dreams

‘To me it’s not really a green. When I think green, I think of grass. That’s more like lemonade color.’ Erica’s nose was far too close to the glasses for my taste. Pouring the nearly clear absinthe over the rough-cut, cane-sugar cubes I favor, I tapped my spoon for a second to get her to back up. I wished I had my full setup here like I have at home, my Absinthe fountains water drippers are missed when I began to try and slowly pour water over the sugar cube. ‘Don’t you light it on fire?’ she...

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Motherless Arab

Have you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...

Arab Porn Sites
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Motherless Facials

Fuck yeah, life’s a bitch! So here I am, awake at 3:45 AM, after dreaming I was fucking this freaking hot MILF neighbor with heavy boobs, a flat tummy, a nice bubble butt, and sexy long legs. It was all hot and steamy, up until when she was sucking me off and just as I was about to obliterate her cute face with hot cum canon, my dream cut right off and I woke up with a tent on my pajamas.That dream ain’t coming back, but damn it! I sure gotta cum, so I boot up my laptop and type “cum facial” in...

Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Mummy My Potty Goddess

Hello everyone my name is aju and I’m working in a call center. This is a real true story that happened some time ago. It contains incest between me and my mother and also scat sex, if you don’t like these kinds of sexual acts please don’t read the story. I really never thought I would be sharing this experience of mine but one of my friends convinced me that this is a good idea. I think so too and here it goes. This is about my infatuation with my mother vaishnavi. She is 43 years old but...

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Robins potty mounth

It had been three months since pretty blonde Robin had had her mouth relentlessly gang fucked by twenty-one black men, plus me and one other while her husband, Greg, took pictures of the event. And it was almost two months ago that the very best of all these pictures (over 800 of them) had appeared on her all new website, which Robin was VERY proud of. Since then, Robin had been committed to at least one weekly website update featuring her wearing very flattering outfits while kneeling to blow...

Group Sex
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Und draußen schallte wieder Punkmusik aus dem Ghettoblaster – von der Eisenbahnunterführung bis zu seinem Haus! Punks und Skater hingen da ab. Das war diese Art von Jugendlichen, die ihren Eltern das Leben schwer macht , die von Arbeit nichts hielten, sich an keine Regeln hielten, ständig auf Party machten. Die soffen viel zu viel und kotzten dann in irgendeine Ecke. Denen bedeutete doch nichts und niemand etwas. Wahrscheinlich nahmen sie auch Drogen und trieben weiß-Gott-was mit...

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Moms Internet Buddy

Mom’s Internet Buddy Mom asked, “Honey can you give me a hand? My Internet friend wants a picture of me but I don’t know how to send him one.” I asked, “Do you have any on your computer?” Mom replied, “I don’t know. Where would I find them?” I laughed and said, “I guess I need to take some for you. How sexy do you want them?” Mom blushed and said, “I don’t know. I want to impress him but I don’t want to come across as slutty.” I asked, “Where is this guy located?” Mom...

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My Sister My Fuck Buddy

My Sister, My Fuck Buddy When my little sister Julie turned thirteen years old her whole world exploded. She went from a little girl to a young woman over night. I swear that she shot up three inches and that her baby fat disappeared leaving behind the start of a very nice figure. Her boobs grew so that Mom had to buy her new bras to wear. Along with that Mom gave Julie a complete makeover that changed Julie forever. She got her hair styled, she got fake fingernails, and she got...

3 years ago
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Poker Buddy

Poker Buddy Peggy Sue and I had been playing cards with Steve and Marcy every Friday for a few months now. Playing poker was good clean fun and we played for pennies and nickels so no one lost very much money. In fact Steve was usually the big winner with just a little over a dollar every time. Playing cards at home was cheaper than going out to a movie and a lot more fun too. None of us drank so bars were out of the question. Plus we took turns hosting the poker game and supplying...

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