Port-a-potty free porn video

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From the confession of Gary Jones:

It was my employer who started it. It wasn't like I just thought of it out of the blue.

I worked for Tidy Relief Enterprises, one of the companies that makes Port-a-potties, you know those little portable toilets made out of plastic. They put them up where people will need to relieve themselves but there are no ordinary toilets around. If organizers are expecting a crowd, they need bunches of them so they set them up in rows.

Like most companies, Tidy Relief wants to find out how their products are used so they can better meet their customers' needs. They knew the basics of what their customers were doing, of course, but the management wanted more detail.

You could get people to fill out questionnaires, and they did. But people don't always tell the truth on questionnaires, and when it's about something as personal as using a Port-a-potty, they're more likely to fudge things or leave things out.

So the obvious idea was to put a tiny camera in some Port-a-potties to record what the customers did in there. But that was so illegal that management wouldn't even think off it. But my associate Carl is an ambitious guy, and sometimes you have to bend the rules a little to succeed in business. He decided he'd break the rules, find out what went on in those Port-a-potties, and report it to his managers. He'd never tell them how he got his data, but with a few winks they'd know it was real.

But Carl needed help, and that's when I got my job. You see, Carl knew some things about me that I really didn't want anyone to know. Some of them were illegal, technically speaking. Others would seriously annoy some powerful people. So the idea was that if Carl got me to break the law big time, he knew I wouldn't rat on him, because if I did, he'd rat on me.

So Carl set up the tiny little cameras and collected the video. But he was a manager and he didn't have time for the grunt work. It was up to me to look over the videos and see exactly what was going on in there.

So I had all this video to go through, and mostly it was pretty dull. Person enters, pulls down or up clothing to expose privates, sits on the toilet and lets it go. Wipes. Reassembles clothing, opens door and leaves. That's the basics.

But there were plenty of details, and lots of things to measure: whether guys stood up or sat down, time on toilet, which items of clothing removed or adjusted before use, how much toilet paper used, ways people devised to do something resembling washing their hands, pads and tampons, "inappropriate items released into toilet", blah, blah, blah.

Most of it was boring. Sometimes it was kind if icky, what with the varieties of Number Two, and accidents people had before they made it into the privacy of the Port-a-potty.

But you wouldn't believe how many guys went in, whipped out their dick and jerked off. Thirty seconds at most. It's hardly romantic, but they wanted relief, and it worked!

Occasionally there was a woman who fingered herself pretty fast and furious too. It was fun to see the faces they made when they got off. I got a hard-on watching them. One in particular I watched over and over again. A few you could tell really wanted to get off, but they'd rub and rub, maybe look at their watch, rub some more, and eventually give up.

Watching some of those women I wished I could help them out. Now I've never had a girlfriend; I'd go on a few dates but it just wouldn't click. What I wanted most was sex. Jerking off is fun, but it's just not the same. I thought about those women trying to get off. They say women are really picky and most of them don't just want to have sex with a guy -- it has to be a particular guy. But these women in the Port-a-potties, they didn't care who the guy was -- he was imaginary -- they just wanted to get off. So, I thought that if I could get them in the right mood, maybe I could be the guy and give them what they wanted.

There's this thing in medicine called "IV Sedation". It's better than general anesthesia because the patient stays conscious and can answer simple commands, swallow, blink and so forth. But they don't feel much pain, and then don't remember anything about what happened. I thought maybe I could find something like that to get the girls in the right mood. I loved the idea of them obeying commands and not remembering what happened.

Well, I have some connections. It turns out that the doctors know just how to do what I wanted, though it doesn't have an approved medical use. The patients can be more alert if there isn't a lot of pain you need to mask. There's some potential for abuse, actually. Not in my case -- I was just helping these girls to get the relief they wanted so much.

Carl couldn't say he was hiring me to look at illegal tapes, of course. I had to have a real job too. So I was in charge of maintenance of Port-a-potties in a district. I had my territory, and if there were no complaints, I was the only one who ever serviced those Port-a-potties.

There is this complex of ball fields with banks of Port-a-potties, because when there are big games they get big crowds. That's where I did my experiment. I told the ball field people I was going to build a little shed to keep maintenance things in. I told them it would be at Tidy Relief's expense, but I paid for it myself. The company never knew about it. I built this shed behind one of the banks of Port-a-potties, right up flush against them. I put a false back on one of the stalls that was right adjacent to the shed, and a corresponding hole in the shed too, of course. The shed's main furnishing was a single bed. Maybe you can see where this is going.

I knew that if I flooded an enclosed space like a Port-a-potty with gas I could get a good concentration pretty fast. And if the gas contains that drug related to the IV sedation drug, I could easily make myself a dopey, compliant female sitting on the potty with her panties around her ankles.

I first made sure that worked reliably. For a bunch of women, I asked questions through the false back that they'd never answer in their normal state. I could lead up to questions like, "When did you last have sex?" If they answered that, I knew I had them in the right mood. It always worked, so I could go on to the next phase.

I started opening the false back and asking the dopey, compliant female to put her clothing back together and step over the bench with the toilet seat into my shed. I'd ask her to expose her private parts and lie on the bed with her legs spread wide. She always would.

You'd be amazed how many women just never have sex because everything has to be just right with the perfect guy, and it never happens. It's a shame. My plan would help them get some sexual satisfaction and release, for their own good.

I knew that a vibrator was the fastest way to get a woman hot and ready for sex. I could apply it to the right spot between her legs. I'd never seen the private parts of a naked woman before, but the web has illustrations that worked well enough. She would already be relaxed, so there would be no inhibitions or anxiety getting in the way. She was compliant, and was especially happy to hold the vibrator herself and follow my instructions: Make yourself feel good.

Then, when she was good and ready, I'd take the vibrator back and fuck her. I could have just let her get off with the vibrator, but that's not really satisfaction, right? Real sexual satisfaction is getting a cock up her pussy -- that's what a female really wants, right? Some scientists even did a study where girls who get sperm up their pussy were happier than girls who didn't.

It's true, I enjoyed it too. I mean, I can still feel it. First I'd strip from the waist down, then hold myself up over the girl in just the right spot, stick my cock into her goopy pussy, and hump away until I got that good feeling and pumped a bunch of sperm up inside her cunt. The sperm that makes a woman happy.

When I was done I'd have her put herself back together and go back through the opening of the false back panel and sit on the potty. I'd close it up and flood the room with another chemical that wakes her up.

The girl never remembered a thing. She'd be a little groggy and think she must have fallen into a daydream there in the Port-a-potty, but she'd get up and go about her business.

It was really a win-win proposition. She got to feel tons of sexual pleasure and satisfaction. She wouldn't get any morning-after anxiety or anything. Her body would be satisfied even if her mind didn't remember how it had happened. I got to fuck her, which I enjoyed a lot, actually. I lost my virginity back there in the shed behind the Port-a-potties.

Now, that's the basics but there's a ton of details.

First, I could be very picky. I had cameras out front, so I could get a good look at the girl before she came into my lair. Obviously I didn't have to gas anybody but the few girls I wanted. No 300-pounders or old ladies for me! No homely young women either.

I had to lock most of the other Port-a-Potties in the row so the little indicators showed red and the female had to come to mine, the only one with green. You can limit the place to a single working Port-a-potty when there aren't many people around, like when teams are practicing. I also had a few of the other ones hooked up so I could switch the door handle back and forth electronically. So for instance when my "date" approached, I'd be sure mine was the only green door, but once she came in, I'd make a few others available so no big line formed in front of mine.

I had to release the gas the moment the girl shut the door, because those females empty out pretty fast when they pee. Once she was in her relaxed state, I could ask her anything, even before I opened the false back. If she was there to do Number Two, I'd usually just skip her -- let her do her business and go her way. Same if she was having her period. I could blow in the wake-up gas and she never suspected a thing.

But the fact that all of us have to do number two sometimes is what helps the plan work. Females usually are part of groups. If the others knew for sure she was just going to pee, they might come looking for her if she wasn't back in five minutes. But they could never rule out that she had something more time-consuming to do, so it would cover my time with her.

Still, I knew not to be a big lover-boy back there. Half an hour was too long, but that was never an issue. From what I had read, ordinarily a girl expects to make out for a long time before agreeing to let you stick it in, and then once you're there you have to go on a long time while she gets happy before you can finally let loose and cum. Sounds like a real pain.

I was happy with quickies. Ten seconds of total cock-pussy contact is my record. But a few minutes was usually what I liked best. I mean, you know, orgasm feels great, but if you can handle a little delayed gratification, the pre-orgasm fucking feels awfully good too.

I mentioned a vibrator. Strictly speaking, it's optional. A few times I just used nothing and maybe I got to know what it's like to just plain rape a woman. She's not wet and it chafes. It was just a way to get myself to ejaculate quick -- the motion didn't really feel good itself. You could use K-Y, but I like natural better. Females make the stuff that lubricates and lets your dick slide in and out freely. It's a sign of welcome from them, a sign they want it. They produce it very easily, so I like to use it.

But I always let a girl do more with the vibrator than just get herself wet. I'd let her do herself with it until she got excited. I always remembered to stick a rag of some kind in her mouth first in case she was a screamer. Sometimes I'd just let her come. Then she'd be lying there relaxed and happy as I fucked her. She'd be happy but it was definitely a "taking turns" kind of thing. Sometimes I'd try for simultaneous orgasm. I'd ask her to tell me when she was close, and just then I'd take the vibrator away from her. Then when I plunged my cock in and started humping, sometimes she'd come too. They got some stimulation from my fucking cock even if I wasn't doing just the right motion for them. And they like the idea of being fucked too. So a girl would sometimes come right when I plunged in, or sometimes might when I was humping away up there, and sometimes she'd come just as she felt me shooting my wad. If none of that worked, I'd just enjoy the afterglow of my conquest for a little while, then just hand her the old vibrator again and let her finish herself.

Sometimes I had the girls show me their boobs, but it didn't matter much to me. I'm a pussy man, I guess. I like fucking the old-fashioned way.

I know if a girl says No, you can't have sex with her. But here she was saying Yes. She said Yes under the drugs, true, but the sex she was saying Yes to was going to be under the drugs too. The permission fit the situation, and she wouldn't remember it to regret it later. Getting consent without drugs for sex without drugs makes sense, and so does getting consent under the drug for sex under the drug. See?

I know some of the girls liked it, because I'd see them come back to the very same stall. They couldn't remember the sex itself, but maybe they remembered coming out of that daydream feeling relaxed and content.

There were a few practical problems, too.

My drugs worked great so she'd wake up sitting on the potty with her panties around her ankles, thinking she'd been daydreaming. But if she had girl juice and sperm all over the place, that wouldn't have been any good. I guess a girl might get a little girl juice from an erotic daydream, but not tons and definitely not sperm.

So once the two of us recovered from our orgasms, we'd start on pussy cleanup. First I'd have her stick her finger up there and pull most of the stuff out. Then I'd use a cold washcloth to wipe her. It would get her clean, and the cold part helped her pussy lips to shrink down to normal size again. I'd finish off with some wet wipes everywhere and then we were all set.

Then I made sure we never passed any diseases back and forth. I was a virgin, so that was no problem. I could have used a condom to protect myself, but I didn't like them the few times I tried. It doesn't feel as good, and I like the idea of putting my load up where God meant it to go.

So to keep from getting any diseases from them, I watched who I invited into my little shed. No sluts. I definitely asked the girl if she had any diseases -- part of the standard questions before I began. I'd also ask her how many guys she's done it with, and what kind. If it's not what I wanted to hear, I'd just let her go. Once or twice I was just really hot for her and I took a chance.

One way to avoid disease is to take girls on the young side. Most high school girls haven't gotten fucked by many guys, and if they have, they're usually pimply faced boy virgins.

And disease aside, young ones are the best anyway. They've got the freshest bodies. Maybe older women could do cool things if we were really 'making love', but these were all quickies. All I really wanted the females to do was get nice and hot with the vibrator, then lie there with their legs spread. I didn't need them to touch me -- seeing a hot body, plunging my dick in and then coming inside her hot cunt was plenty for me.

So that was the disease part. Then there's pregnancy.

First I worried about it a little, but then I figured there's fate. I mean, these girls need sex to be satisfied, right? It all started when I'd see a few of them using their fingers to get off. And part of being satisfied and having sex is the possibility of babies. It comes with the territory. And most women want to have babies at some point. I figured if it happened it was God's will.

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Portals of Mankind

I was never a man looking for a 10, or 9, or even a 5, I won't grade women on looks alone. I was only ever interested in women, who hadn't explored every aspect of her own being, including sexual, and wants a partner committed to mutual exploration. She only has to be intelligent, searching for the finer things, healthy, fastidious, enticing, seductive, amorous, sensually passionate and understanding. Certainly not too much to ask?. My lover is the answer to all that and more. She is...

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You are a brilliant physicist who has been working on a side project at home for quite a while. At last, success! You can create spatial portals that allow objects to cross through one and come out the other no matter how far apart they are! You can also polarize them, so that solid objects can go in either direction, but light and sound go only in one. The size of the portals can be changed while they are active, although changing the size of one will necessarily change the size of its...

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Watersports Mermaid

Sir Desmond Anstruther MC (Baronet) tapped the silver ferule of his walking stick irritably on the marble mosaic floor of the Wanderers Club in London's Pall Mall. He scowled at the elderly porter behind the mahogany reception desk. "My cab?" It wasn't so much an inquiry as a military-style reprimand.Noakes, the club's Head Porter, looked up nervously from his ledger and gave a discreet cough, masking it with the cuff of his gold-embroidered frock coat. Lifting the earpiece of an old fashioned...

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PASsport Happening Encounters

8PHE0000 A note to the reader: (387 words) Hi. This is my first attempt at a story for this site. It's actually fan-fiction - if you can be a fan of something that was posted for just a few days but then removed. Inspiration for this story comes from a game on tfgamessite.com called Glitch in HAVEN, by SlayerKh. I tried contacting the author of that game before posting this. In that game, which was really more of bare-bones outline of an idea for a game, (pre-Alpha release), the...

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Opportunist Pervert Landlord

This is Vikas David, age 24, I’m married to a beautiful girl named Aradhana Singh David, she’s 20 of age, bit tan of complexion, average height, beautiful face with sharp feature, pointed nose, puffy lips, bright skin tone, 32 sized firm and pointed boobs, 28 waist, with 34 sized bums, thick thighs, thick calves. She has pity bit long hairs, usually covers her bums when left open. Over all she’s a beauty queen and everyone desires to sleep with her. I was in MA final when I first saw her. She...

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by Droid447 Malena was in her room, talking with her best friend Renee. The last two weeks, they had been discussing their next adventure. This would not be just one more escapade to the nearest town or a fling with one of the low level scientists. Their new plan was risky, maybe even dangerous. But they couldn't resist the idea of investigating the greatest discovery in the history of mankind, as Malena's father liked to call it. “So, are we really doing this?” Renee asked. “After...

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Portal Gun Fun

When I took it out of the wrapping, it looked exactly like the gun from the game. It was a little smaller and seemed to be one handed, instead of it's normal two handed size. I tested it out, and was glad to see the promised functions worked. However, the batteries died really quickly. I replaced them with some higher power, higher function ones, as well as added a laser projector to the end. It's snap on and off when I touched the trigger, so I could see where the portal was going to be...

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PortalsChapter 11

"... for I swear to you, males will speak again!" -- The Teachings of Gran Ch .12 Line 23. A few days after Dahra's symposium, Lissa had decided to stay and teach at the university in Fahr. She had been offered positions at other colleges, with higher pay, perks, and positions of leadership, but Fahr was her home. She grew up climbing on the plaza's statues and playing in the parks, among the wogbols. In her eyes, all the other universities she visited seemed second best. Besides her...

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PortalsChapter 14

"Take care of your body, for it is God's dwelling place." -- The Teachings of Gran Ch .13 Line 1. Dahra woke up with the feel of water dripping on her face. She raised her face off the lawn and tried to figure out where she was. She was under a wogbol tree in the plaza at Fahrlot. The wogbols usually make excellent rain cover, but during long rains the water finally makes it through the layers of fronds and drips on the ground underneath. It was this dripping that woke her. A moldering...

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Sporty Spices First Outing

Sporty Spice's First Outing by Shauna H. I wasn't sure how far I could push things with Terri. I always thought that he would look really cute, if only I could find a way to get him 'dressed up'. Little did I think that my plan would backfire, and end up with both of us getting our first taste of cum! Terry was my young brother-in-law, nearly 14 years old. He was very close to Sandra, (my wife), particularly since his older brother had moved abroad for work. He didn't seem to...

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PORTAL By Orlando Stuck ................................................................................................................ Why me? What the hell - shit, shit shit - why me!?! All I wanted to do today is get in a little hiking, get a little exercise, and clear my mind - now some stupid chemical spill or something has my shoes pinned to this stupid spot. I thought it was an ice patch and marched right through it - slick as glass and all - I slowed down - now...

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Passport Control

The trip started with us spending 3 nights in Florida before flying to the first stopover. We were told that it was better to take US Dollars rather than use the local currency. The flight was a bit scary as it was only a small plane but we finally landed in the Capital. While we were in the line for Passport Control we got chatting to the American couple in front of us. They explained that everything down here works on bribes. They said that we should put some money in our passport before...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 3

8PHE0003 8722 words ******** Day 3, Thursday Kinny heard a leaf-blower start up. He looked out the window. Depending on which neighbor was blowing, he might get a show. Ah. My goodness. It was Barbra Joi, dressed in short shorts and a halter top. Never a disappointment. She had been his babysitter, back when she still had braces - and parents. She looked oh-so-fine, bending over and swinging the leaf blower from side to side. She waved at Kinny, smiled, and winked. Kinny...

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Newport Naval Academy

My dick grew semi-hard even before we got out of the car.I knew I wanted to attend the Newport Naval Academy even before my father set the DeSoto's parking brake. Beyond the car window, about twenty feet away, three good-looking boys stood talking. Their tight white uniforms hugged their lithe teenage bodies rather provocatively. My parents insisted on a military type school. I was on my way to becoming a little punk and strict school discipline would "straighten" me out. Well, the "out" part...

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Portland House

Chapter OnePaul had just finished refurbishing the fourth of his flats. He had retired from the British Army last year just after his wife had died. With his pension and his rental income, he could live well. His mobile rang, it was his old Commanding Officer, Colonel George Portland. Paul said, “Good evening sir, what a wonderful surprise. How are you?”George replied, “I am fine, but please call me George. Ann, my wife, and I are doing a bit of work on the family house. We have room in the...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 6

8PHE0006 Word Count 5007 ******** Day 6, Sunday Kinny woke up. Someone was in his room. He had a headache. His teeth hurt. Even his hair hurt. "Up, up!" Joi shook him. "Time to hit the gym." Kinny groaned. She poked him in the ribs. "You've been drinking Cactus Jack and eating corn gorillas for three days. Time to work off the pudge." "Pudge?" "You're getting man boobs." "I am?" Kinny sat up. He checked under his shirt. "Denied." Although his nipples were sore...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 10

8PHE0010 Word Count 4996 ********* Day 10, Thursday Kinny woke up to someone shaking his foot. It was Jazelle. She was wearing running shorts and a sports bra. The bra looked sturdy enough to hold up Times Square. The downside of having huge melons, Kinny supposed. "Time to start your workday, Bo." Kinny got up on one elbow. He looked down. He was sleeping naked. He had an erection. Jazelle saw him look. She smiled. "I've seen it. No need to cover up." She tossed him...

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Portsea Fantasy

The clouds begin to disappear after the rain and let the sun dry the humidity to make it a splendid day typical of summer in Melbourne. The wet road is steaming as we drive towards Portsea along the Esplanade hugging the Peninsula coast. The yachts on the bay seem to be greeting us as they weave their way through the choppy sea. Left and right they sway and left again as they salute us with their sails of red white blue gold and some green. They compete with the surf boarders and the jet skis...

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January 1, 2318 Syva had two reasons to celebrate the New Year. In less than three hours – precisely at 2:48AM – she would finally be eighteen years old. Her many years languishing at the bottom of her class in terms of grades – her lone shining beauty mixed in with the children of the dregs of society – would soon come to an end. This was due to the second reason to celebrate the New Year: She would finally become eligible for her own dataport. She had done plenty of research on the...

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Sportsmans Double

I was sitting at the bar one Friday afternoon after taking off from work early. Because it was still early there weren’t many people there. I was only on my second beer when an attractive blonde sat down beside me. It wasn’t long before she started making small talk, which turned into an hour-long conversation filled with a lot of flirting and innuendos as we enjoyed a few drinks.She told me her name was Tammy, she was a few years older than me, and she was divorced. Out of nowhere, Tammy...

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Lookingtolove: Heyy :) how are you today? sportygirl15: I'm good ;) a little bit horny but good Lookingtolove: mm aren't we all... dare I ask what you're into love? sportygirl15: Welllll I'm only 15 but my parents know how much I love sex Lookingtolove: mm I do so love a nice young cunt to tease ;) At this point I had looked up his profile, 20 years old and he lived a few states away. I looked at his pictures and what a fucking cock he had! He wasn't fat or ugly like all...

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Cumsport CH 1

“UNH… fuck me harder!” screamed Kelly again. Her moans encouraged Phil to piston into the blonde even faster. The wet slapping from their movements echoed down the alley. Kelly felt her tits bouncing into the brick building, rubbing on her nipples and causing her moans to grow louder still. Phil felt Kelly’s moist walls milking him and let out a groan of his own. “Stick your fingers in my ass!” Kelly yelled wildly. Phil wasted no time in spitting in his hand, rubbing it on Kelly’s...

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In the crowd I saw a familiar face, it was Lenny our rep in LA, with a girl. As I approached it turned out it was not a girl but a small guy. Lenny’s companion had longish blond hair, a slight build not over 5’6” and his whole person just screamed faggot. ‘Oh boy, have to be careful here, and stay away from him. Perhaps late at night after a lot of booze, would hit on him, but not here at the company meeting.’ Shaking hands with Lenny he introduced me to the newest member of the field...

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Bloodsport Fairytale ch 3

Introduction: life on the run is hard for a vampire First and foremost let me apologize profusely for the unbelievably long wait between the previous chapter and this one. All I can offer by way of excuse is that life can be a cruel mistress indeed. Not long after I started working on this chapter, my computer crashed and took all of my work with It, because I am borderline computer illiterate and simple concepts such as anti virus and data back ups continually elude me. And seeing as I am...

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Bloodsport Fairytale ch 2

Introduction: Life on the run is hard for a vampire once again I would like to thank you all for taking the time to read my story. Im trying my best to make it enjoyable for everyone so please take the time to rate it when you are done and of course comments and constructive criticism are both welcome and encouraged. this series will also be heavily influenced by suggestions from the readers so if you have something you want to see in future posts then dont hesitate to mention it. thanks again...

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Sebastián era un chico de 20 años que comúnmente pasaba solo la mayor parte de sus días. No era de muchos amigos, sino es que tenia alguno, y prefería pasar sus días solo tranquilo y en silencio. Comúnmente era parte de su rutina ir a revisar la casa de tu tía, la cual le daba unos billetes por ver que la propiedad estuviera intacta ya que ella no vivía allí sino que con su pareja al otro extremo de la ciudad. Bueno, veamos si algo ha cambiado Dijo Sebastián Pero cuando puso la llave en la...

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Die 22jährige Carol, eine junge Wärterin im Gefängnis, bildhübsch, mit dunklen, gut schulterlangen, glatten Haaren und einer zauberhaften Figur ausgestattet mußte an jenem Tag, entgegen allen Vorschriften, einen Serienvergewaltiger alleine zu einem 600 km entfernten Gefängnis für Schwerverbrecher bringen. Er saß zwar mit gespreizten Armen und Beinen, gefesselt, mit Ketten gesichert und an den Fußholmen und Haken am Autodach befestigt sicher im Auto, doch es gab ja auch Bedürfnisse. Genau als...

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suport Sis

I left the block at the appointed time. I sat on a bench in a nearby park and watched our cage. After a short time, I spotted Gabryszka with some guy coming in to her. I gave them twenty minutes, then I got up and walked towards the house. I opened the door quietly and walked into the apartment. I tiptoed to my sister's room and heard the excited breathing and wheezing of the young boy. I looked through a keyhole prepared specially for this purpose and saw how he greedily grasp Gabby's body....

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Southport 1980

I was spending a weekend away with my latest boyfriend Kirk. We had booked into a little B & B on Bath St. and were looking forward to a little romantic time together. Kirk knew all about my past, I think it turned him on just hearing about it! We had enjoyed the day messing about on the boating lake and in the resort’s “Theme Park”, Pleasureland. Being early September, the sun had already set at 7.45pm, as we made our way onto the pier. “ You hungry babe?” I asked Kirk, he nodded , “ we’ll...

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