Porta Gloryhole
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Dunkel und bedrohlich ragte der schwarze Turm über die Straßen von Porta Murazor empor. Licht brannte in den oberen Fenstern. Auf einem hohen Balkon stand ein alter Mann. Er war hager und ausgemergelt. Tief liegende Augen blickten nachdenklich über die Stadt, die sich unter ihn erstreckte. Hinter ihm war eine große Halle. Säulen aus schwarzem Obsidian, die wie aufgeschichtete Totenschädel gearbeitet waren stützten die Decke. Schwebende Glowglobes sorgen für eine schwache Beleuchtung. In dunkle Roben gekleidete Diener bewegten sich mit den langsamen Bewegungen der Untoten umher und räumten die Überreste des Rituals weg. Magister Tertor, Teil der khandischen Handelsdelegation und Botschafter in Porta Murazor dachte über die Vision nach die er eben erfahren hatte. Etwas großes stand bevor und wenn er die Zeichen richtig deutete, sorgsam plante würde er immens davon profitieren. Eine Bewegung seiner knöchernen Finger und ein schwebender Robotschädel glitt lautlos hinaus auf den Balkon. Er würde sich einige Notizen machen müssen damit er die Flut von Eindrücken nicht vergaß.
Die Straßen waren dunkel. Der kleine Konvoi aus drei Gleitern glitt mit hoher Geschwindigkeit seinem Ziel entgegen. Plötzlich verschwand der forderste Gleiter in einer flammenden Explosion. Schemen bewegten sich in der Dunkelheit, Kugeln rissen den Asphalt auf und schlugen in den gepanzerten Gleitern ein. Kapitän Kinnon, Anführer des Konvois, verschaffte sich einen kurzen Überblick über die Situation und reagierte blitzschnell: „ Vance, Marek Deckungsfeuer auf die Flanken! Rückzug! Los, Los los!“ Die Soldaten hinter den beiden Geschütze schwenkten ihre Waffen auf die Straßenseiten, eröffneten das Feuer und zwangen die Angreifer in Deckung. Die Gleiter setzen sich in Bewegung. Kapitän Kinnon sah nur wie der hintere Gleiter in eine Flammenwolke gehüllt wurde, hörte die Schreie seiner Männer über das Komm, die bei lebendigen Leibe verbrannten. Sie waren gefangen. „Kinnon an HQ. Wir sind in einen Hinterhalt geraten und müssen Evakuieren. Benötigen sofortige Unterstützung. Lokalisieren sie mein Transpondersignal.“, rief Kinnon in das Funkgerät. Der Gleiter schoss unter Deckungsfeuer des Geschützes an den Straßenrand. Kinnon und der Fahrer schafften aus den Gleiter in eine kleine Gasse. Zwei der Angreifer lagen nieder gestreckt auf dem Boden. Mit einem kurzen Blick über die Schulter registrierte Kinnon, dass der MG Schütze tot über dem MG zusammen gesackt war. Die beiden Männer liefen die Straße entlang. Plötzlich tauchte, wie aus dem nichts eine Gestalt vor ihnen auf. Kinnon warf sich zur Seite, rollte hinter einen Container. Gleichzeitig hörte er ein pfeifendes Geräusch in der Luft, ein Geschoss erwischte den Fahrer, durchschlug seine Brust und riss ihn mehrere Meter zurück. Schnell gab Kinnon mehrere Schüsse auf den Angreifer ab, doch dieser sprang mit einer schier unmenschlichen Geschwindigkeit in die Luft, über den Container hinweg und landete genau hinter ihm. Kinnon fuhr herum, ein wuchtiger Schlag schmetterte ihm die Waffe aus der Hand und eine Hand bemächtigte sich seiner Kehle, hob ihn hoch, als ob er ein Spielzeug wäre. Sein Angreifer trug ein kunstvollen Panzer in Schwarz und Gold. Sein Gesicht war hinter einer grimmig drein blickenden Maske verborgen, ein Höllenritter. Unbarmherzig quetschte die Hand um seine Kehle das Leben aus seinem Körper. Er fiel zu Boden als der Höllenritter von ihm weg gerissen wurde. Mit Schleiern vor den Augen sah er Gestalten die den Ritter angriffen. Ein paar Stiefel traten in sein Blickfeld. Eine Hand berührte seine Brust, drang in sie ein, Kälte durch fuhr seinen Körper. Das letzte was Kapitän Kinnon mit bekam war eine, Hand die sich des Datenchips bemächtigte den er transportieren sollte, dann wurde es dunkel.
Sebastian Crenshaw stand an der großen Fensterfront seines Büros in Gin-Ra Towers und blicke in den überdachten Wintergarten. Normalerweise beruhigte ihn dieser Anblick, aber nicht heute. Er strich sich durch das blonde Haar und drehte sich um. In dem luxuriösen Büro, welches größer war als manch eine Wohnung warteten drei Personen auf ihn. Die Drei, zwei Männer und eine Frau, hätten ohne weiteres Geschwister sein können. Crenshaw wusste, das es sich um Klone handelte, von den Genklans nach seine Spezifikationen gezüchtet und ihm gegenüber absolut loyal. „Wir haben ein Problem.“, begann er das Gespräch. „ Unser letztes Projekt wurde kompromittiert. Die Daten von Tarin Ironworks wurden gestern Nacht gestohlen. Vor drei Tagen wurde in eines unserer Labore hier in der Stadt eingebrochen und ein zweiter Satz Daten entwendet und das Schiff, welches den Prototypen aus der Forschungsstation Xeta 4 liefern sollte ist seit zwei Tagen vermisst. Ich brauche ihnen nicht zu sagen was es für den Konzern bedeutet, wenn wir diese Arbeit verlieren.“ Er warf einen Datenträger auf den Tisch. „Das sind alle Informationen, die wir besitzen. An die Arbeit.“
"When you set out on a journey,... make sure that you always carefully plan for every eventuality." -- The Teachings of Gran Ch .32 Lines 1, 3. Dahra walked into the large room that contained the Starjump, with Fig trotting behind her. She closed and sealed the door behind her. No more air could get in or out of the room. She portaled to a lower room of the ship. A room she could not reach, without injuring herself, in Docre's gravity. It had a large window in what was now the floor,...
I was never a man looking for a 10, or 9, or even a 5, I won't grade women on looks alone. I was only ever interested in women, who hadn't explored every aspect of her own being, including sexual, and wants a partner committed to mutual exploration. She only has to be intelligent, searching for the finer things, healthy, fastidious, enticing, seductive, amorous, sensually passionate and understanding. Certainly not too much to ask?. My lover is the answer to all that and more. She is...
You are a brilliant physicist who has been working on a side project at home for quite a while. At last, success! You can create spatial portals that allow objects to cross through one and come out the other no matter how far apart they are! You can also polarize them, so that solid objects can go in either direction, but light and sound go only in one. The size of the portals can be changed while they are active, although changing the size of one will necessarily change the size of its...
by Droid447 Malena was in her room, talking with her best friend Renee. The last two weeks, they had been discussing their next adventure. This would not be just one more escapade to the nearest town or a fling with one of the low level scientists. Their new plan was risky, maybe even dangerous. But they couldn't resist the idea of investigating the greatest discovery in the history of mankind, as Malena's father liked to call it. “So, are we really doing this?” Renee asked. “After...
When I took it out of the wrapping, it looked exactly like the gun from the game. It was a little smaller and seemed to be one handed, instead of it's normal two handed size. I tested it out, and was glad to see the promised functions worked. However, the batteries died really quickly. I replaced them with some higher power, higher function ones, as well as added a laser projector to the end. It's snap on and off when I touched the trigger, so I could see where the portal was going to be...
"... for I swear to you, males will speak again!" -- The Teachings of Gran Ch .12 Line 23. A few days after Dahra's symposium, Lissa had decided to stay and teach at the university in Fahr. She had been offered positions at other colleges, with higher pay, perks, and positions of leadership, but Fahr was her home. She grew up climbing on the plaza's statues and playing in the parks, among the wogbols. In her eyes, all the other universities she visited seemed second best. Besides her...
"Take care of your body, for it is God's dwelling place." -- The Teachings of Gran Ch .13 Line 1. Dahra woke up with the feel of water dripping on her face. She raised her face off the lawn and tried to figure out where she was. She was under a wogbol tree in the plaza at Fahrlot. The wogbols usually make excellent rain cover, but during long rains the water finally makes it through the layers of fronds and drips on the ground underneath. It was this dripping that woke her. A moldering...
PORTAL By Orlando Stuck ................................................................................................................ Why me? What the hell - shit, shit shit - why me!?! All I wanted to do today is get in a little hiking, get a little exercise, and clear my mind - now some stupid chemical spill or something has my shoes pinned to this stupid spot. I thought it was an ice patch and marched right through it - slick as glass and all - I slowed down - now...
"Weep not for your loss, for the males have lost much more than you." --The Teachings of Gran Ch. 12 Line 1 Dahra waited in the wings for Lissa to finish her introduction. In Dahra's opinion, Lissa was doing a remarkable job, speaking in front of such a large audience. Dahra had originally intended for the symposium opening meeting to be held in classroom one, like all the other of her little meetings; but the response was so over-whelming, she had no choice but change its venue to the...
“ID, please.” As you hand in your card, you consider the situation. Three weeks ago, you were personally invited to participate in a secretive government project. You received the invitation in person directly from a government representative. He knew nothing about the project itself, only that the higher-ups considered it “a big deal”. You’re currently trying to enter a highly restricted research lab. Even the fact that you’re here at all is known only to you, the few employees working here,...
"After God created the world, he created male and woman."-- The Story of Gran Ch. 1, Line 1 Dahra paced on the stone-tiled plaza in front of the museum/college of geology as various women, many with their daughters, walked past her. She should have known that no one would be allowed in the building once the testing started. Lissa's test should have been over twenty minutes ago, and Dahra didn't know enough about the geology test to know if that was a good or a bad thing. Dahra...
"When God saw the dependence of women on males, he decided that it was best that man be taken away for a time, so women would learn self reliance."-- The Story of Gran Ch. 5, Line 3. Lissa kissed her mother good-bye, watched as she portaled back to her own home, let out a sigh and opened her dormroom door. Atelan Cahlartan was there waiting. "Well? What happened? Don't keep me waiting!" Lissa gave her roommate a big grin. "I aced it." The portaler let out a shriek, ran over and...
"When God saw the chaos that came from the males' disappearance, She sent Gran to restore order, and bring the women back to righteousness."-- The Story of Gran Ch. 5, Line 3. Dahra sat down on a large rock. Lissa on the pebbly ground, rapt in the story her adopted mother was unfolding. "Your mother looked much like you do today, Lissa, except that she was a year older than you are now, a little stockier, and had hair a shade darker than yours. Her hair was cut short in the front and...
"When the leaders of the remaining factions saw the success of Gran at unifying the warring tribes, they boiled in jealousy, and conspired together to kill her."-- The Story of Gran Ch. 23, Lines 1-3. The night for Lissa was interminable. The bed was hard, barely more than a board with a sheet on it. There was bell that rang every few hours, to call the monks to prayer. If she had been fully asleep it probably wouldn't have bothered her. But the worst part of all was that there was no one...
"When they were through torturing her, and Gran was dead, the warlords cut her throat and drained all the blood into a large iron bowl"--The Story of Gran Ch. 25 lines 13 &14 Krinan strode into the anthropology building with clenched fists and gritted teeth. How dare Dahra disappear off the face of the planet for ten days without notifying her. She was her superior, damn it! It was especially despicable, since Dahra had promised to give her a full accounting of her activities, the day...
"The next day, the body of Gran had disappeared, and so had her blood. Leaving no stain in the bowl." --The Story of Gran Ch. 26 Line 1 Two days later, Dahra was sorting through resumes in her office, when there was a knock at the door. "Come in." Krinan poked her head through the opening. "Dahra, can we talk?" She let out a long sigh. "What do you want, Krinan?" Since yesterday, Dahra was no longer Krinan's subordinate. She was now a special projects coordinator, and had equal...
"Gran was seen many times after she returned from the dead... As she faded from sight, she said "I will always be with you." --The Story of Gran Ch. 28 Line 1, Ch. 30 Line 14 Dahra drew a long sigh, closed her eyes, and rested her chin in her hands. The day was only half over and she was already exhausted. She had arrived at classroom one, just before nine, and discovered that the other five members of the team waiting for her. Krinan was the only one from the original group. The other...
"Cherish and protect your males, for without them, we will all die." -- The Teachings of Gran Ch .12 Line 15. For the next two weeks, Dahra defended her findings. She escorted parties of esteemed archaeologist from all over the world into the shelter (as it was now called) and showed them the translated documents. Many of the more skeptical ones examined the original texts from the computer, and learned the ancient alphabets. After a few days, most of them accepted Dahra's findings and...
"Each ability group should have equal say in the governing. No one group should lord its will on the others." -- The Teachings of Gran Ch .33 Line 6. The month that followed was one of the most tumultuous ones in Docre's recent history. There were more political and social debate in that one month than in the last five years. The four other guildmistresses joined with Javum in a solid pro-male stance. The ones from the other guilds who thought males were a danger to society, joined a...
"All it takes is a few bad people to ruin a community."-- The Teachings of Gran Ch .27 Line 23. Dahra woke up screaming. Never in her life had she ever felt such pain in her life. It started in her head, and crashed through her body like a hurricane. It was as if all the anguish and pain she had ever felt in her life had been rolled up in one package, and force fed into her brain, and then doubled, then tripled. Her bladder and bowels emptied. She fell off her bed and writhed on the floor,...
I could not believe the feeling I had in my stomach. My memories of being in school and being in love were back, alive and well, in the pit of my stomach. Through the bright sunlight I fought to make out the time on the digital clock 12:45PM. Good, I was early. I looked down in the seat next to me to find the rose bud I cut earlier. The moistened paper towel was making the aluminum foil wrapping around the stem cool to the touch. I chose a bud off of one of my favorite red rose bushes that was...
The following story is entirely fictitious. Any similarity to any persons living or dead is entirely coincidental and unintentional. All characters depicted in sexual acts and scenarios are at least eighteen years of age or older. The following story contains aspects of BDSM, CBT (cock and ball torture), femdom, forced orgasms, tease and denial, prostate stimulation, anal sex, ass worship, sex with machines, and much more. If any of these categories don’t appeal to you then I strongly suggest...
January Christmas had come and gone. We’d been merry, eaten and drunk to excess, faithfully done our lessons, gone out in the days and done simple touristy things. I didn’t know Vienna well and Uli had delighted in showing me her city. We’d held hands as we walked, kissed each other goodnight, and I’d gone back to my habit of not wearing clothes unless I was cold or in company, but we hadn’t had any further sexual contact. On the other hand we had talked a hell of a lot. Her curiosity about...
It was about 4:30 when Paula arrived at Rob's house to take him to dinner. She was pleasantly surprised to see him ready and dressed in a nice suit. Wearing a casual dress Paula approached him and said, "You look very important and professional dressed like that." Rob smiled and kissed her cheek, then replied, "Thank you. You look lovely as ever." With that exchange they were off to Paula's house to meet the family. Paula was a little excited while Rob was a little worried. Once at her...
I woke up again in a damp puddle. My pussy was so sticky and aroused, it literally itched. My clit was pointing also and highly sensitive; so sensitive, it pulsed inward and outward when I touched it. I could feel my fleshy curtains full of heat and highly ruffled, like they were waiting to part for something hard. God, sometimes I wished I was not so sexual. As soon as I turned sixteen, the hormones waged war inside my body, and all I craved was sex. Even when I could not have it, I always...
MasturbationI just have to tell you what happened yesterday when I had my day off. I was doing some laundry and the laundry room is at the bottom floor in the building where I live. It was 10 in the morning and I was just done and tryed to get all my things and open the door at the same time. Then the jordanian guy living on the same floor as I came and helped me to open up the door and offered to carry some of the stuff. I was very greatful for that and gave him 2 of the bags. He followed me to my door...
Chapter 1 Jim Matthews reflected on how well the last six months had gone. He had received a large promotion at work and had consolidated that promotion by doing a masterful job of coordinating and implementing the transition to a fully automated currency exchange program at his bank. He had a personal assistant named Lupe who had become a valuable colleague to him, as well as being a very good friend. He also found his personal life to be happy and fulfilling, being in love for the very...
Cindy fucked her fingers in and out of her pussy like a prick. It felt good and made her want King's cock in her cunt. It excited her to know that she didn't have to lie on a sofa cushion for him. He was tall enough to reach her pussy if she got on all fours. So she got on her hands and knees and called to the dog. King jumped to his feet, smelled her pussy, and started licking at it with his big, thick tongue. Cindy liked that, but she wanted more than a pussy-licking now. "Up, King!"...
Author's Note: Thanks to Joni W for her help in editing. Comments always appreciated. Chapter 29 The crowd erupted in anger. Everything seemed to happen at once. Coach Osborn rushed to Jason, while yelling at the umpire, Brad and the coach of the Tigers. Brad tried to give an innocent look, putting both arms out in a questioning way, saying, "What, it slipped." The Tiger's coach ran out to the mound shouting at Brad, "Not on my team!" The umpire immediately...
We all slept in on Saturday morning. I think we knew there would be no sleep that night with all the fun and games planned. We even splurged and went to the Cracker Barrel for breakfast. After that we hit the Food King. I tore the list into three pieces and sent each pair of girls on a mission. When it was done we had three full carts. The downside of all the help is there were some things that were not on the list. To my surprise they each handed me fifty dollars towards the groceries....
In the first year of your relationship with Emma you were totally happy, but as time went on you found yourself increasingly sexually frustrated. The almost total lack of sex had been taking its toll on you and the relationship. You knew that if things didn’t change your relationship wouldn’t last. Using this logic, buying the Slave4U aphrodisiac off the internet was really in the interest of your relationship. You were basically doing it for your Emma… at least that’s what you told yourself....
Mind ControlMy names is Craig Brook, I'm 43 and very fit for my age. I have a beautiful daughter named Courtney. She is 18, has long blond hair, blue eyes, and 34B breasts. I am in a very bad mood today because I just lost a huge deal at work, and I've been stuck in this fucking traffic jam for 30 minutes now. What really pisses me off though is the fact that Courtney has been home alone for almost 15 minutes now, and god only knows what kind of trouble she's getting into by now. Its not that she's a bad...
IncestShe wore tight, black skinny jeans, with few rips in the knees. She wore only a thin tank top, her small, perky breast, bra-less. She stood before a large silver elevator, staring at the numbers descending until they reached her floor. She pulled out a slip of paper folded carefully in her pocket. She whispered the floor and room aloud, third and twenty-seven. She took a deep breath and walked in the elevator. It was cold and soft music played dramatically as she waited. Finally the...
Monday, Wednesday and Friday are the nights that she goes to Marcus’s house next door and sucks and fucks with him. The rest of the nights I get to sleep in her bed with her, albeit clothed but at least I share her bed. We had arranged to go out to eat on Tuesday and I arrived home at my usual time from work. She went into the shower first leaving me in her bedroom getting my clothes ready for our dinner date. She came from the shower wearing just a towel and I wanted to take her right there...
CuckoldSISTER URSULA'S PENANCE The sound of the chapel bells roused the attractive nun from her deep sleep. She ached in every muscle from the rigors of her late night acts of contrition. Her slender body looked younger than her actual age of 34 and her proud sculptured breasts did not sag in the least little bit. The dark tinged perky nipples were pointed at an upward angle and tended to be a bit aroused most of the time. The beautifully proportioned brunette washed her body with the cold water...
Vetted New These are compliments of Mike: As he looked at her driver’s license he was surprised to notice that attached to it was a conceal weapon permit. Taken aback, he couldn’t help but ask, “Do you have a gun in your possession?” She replied in her crackly voice, “Indeed, I do. Why I have a 45 automatic in the glove box.” The trooper then asked if she had any other weapons. She replied, “I have a 9 mm Glock in the center console.” The shocked trooper asked, “Is that all the...
Summer of ’78 would be a memorable one. A few months away from turning 18, I had just got my driver’s license. Four months prior I lost my virginity to Deidre’s cousin Donna. Donna would occasionally give me head or let me fuck her it was never quite enough. We lived it up partying and going to the beach, I was the oldest of the group, but not by much, so I started to grow a mustache to try to look older. It was scraggly and itched but I was proud of its growth, I constantly checked the...
Greg had been wearing his new gold chain for about a month and during that time things had again changed in his relationship with Jill. She had decided that he should become more of a sissy boy. He had evolved to the point where he enjoyed and looked forward to Jill’s sexual experiences with other men. He enjoyed licking and drinking their semen and had become good friends with Colby, always welcoming him into their home.To further Greg’s change in lifestyle Jill had gone to the mall on a...
Cuckold“The girls will definitely be proud of you when we tell them about tonight,” Dan said pointing the Mustang towards home. “I had a lot of fun too, Daddy. It’s been a long time since it was just the two of us out for a night of fun.” Entering the front door, Cathy was met by the keen noses of Sarg and Major who could smell the stale odour of sex emanating from her pussy. “They’re excited to see you,” Dan teased. “I bet they want more than to smell me.” “Are we glad you’re home, Jessica...
I've been dieing to fuck you since I seen you on Mike&Molly, I love you're short-little thick ass, these cute fat ass jumbo titties, an fat ass of your's. It starts in Downtown San Jose and you catch me at Starbucks you say "Hey, Jdash, J.Vizzy, Venomous k**, Whats up with ya, huh?" I say "Whats poppin, Melissa McCarthy Right." "Nigga, you know who I am,,,,,an you know what I want to do. "Oh, yeah and what is that." You move closer to me an whisper in my ear "Have you plow, you're big black...
The magical runes and sigils danced around Jason, Sheena and Phalmina, as the spell was cast. The runes, now intertwined with one another, then spread out, finding each corner of the condo. When the limits of the dwelling were reached, the spell activated, coming alive and settling into each surface. The runes flared everywhere, completing the protective spell in the home, before fading away from sight. “It is done. Your home is now protected from any unwanted intruders. Even if you open the...
The coronation went well. Four of the five Lords attended. The fifth was the one was who caused a lot of speculation. He had sent word that he was indisposed. They had an illness affecting his people, so they didn’t even send a representative. Ryan told me Lord Mark Metal owned a valley that was further away than many of the others. He was also very old and being indisposed wasn’t something new to them. While the Lords operated the Shires in a rough semi-circle around Weston, Mark’s Shire,...
"Hi Jason," A voice called out my name from close behind. Something about the voice sounded familiar. It took me a moment to remember. My heart skipped a beat when I turned and recognized her. "It is Jason, isn't it?" She stood behind me in line. Only her grocery cart separated us. "I know it's you, but I'm not sure about the name. I have the worse time remembering names." "Yes it is," I took a deep breath and confirmed her assumption. We had met before, of that much I was...
(Author’s note – Read parts 1-6 to see what Sung Hee has been up to before reading this. Part 7 is based upon reality for our real-life Sung Hee. Want to see her? See the photos in my profile.) The next day after the pool party Carol invited Sung Hee out to lunch, just the two of them. Driving over to the Chiang Mai Garden restaurant, Sung Hee thought about the events at the pool and what Carol had likely captured on video. Sung Hee was more than a little embarrassed about it. Carol probably...
MaturePart 1 Expecting your arrival, you can imagine my anticipation, and yes, nervousness. Getting ready, getting eveything right, and how I want it, is an experience in and of itself. Not quite sure if any man surely knows what women go through, for them. Clean, fresh, sweet smelling, and nicely primped. Not only for you, but also for myself. Gives an amount of confidence, that is definitely needed, to be with you. Thoughts, are of course, rampant in my mind. Dinner, stroll on the boardwalk,...
The Mirror Part 2,The next day school seemed to go on forever. Finally it was over. I hurried home and up to my room to sit at my desk, without any real concentration at the jumble of maths in front of me, started to do my homework. A few minutes later she appeared and sat down and took out her books but never looked across at me. I was confused. I didn’t understand. How could she set up such a show one minute and pretend it didn’t happen the next??? The afternoon dragged on into dinnertime and...
There was lots of gossip in the harem when Maryam was selected again to share the Emir's bed for the night. Fatima remarked on the way she seemed to be spending more and more time in his bedroom, and even suggested that she might soon move in there permanently. This seemed a shocking suggestion to the Kobekistani women, who all lived for the chance to show the Emir how accomplished they were in the bedroom arts, and thus gain advancement in the complex social hierarchy of the harem. All of...
I had known Harriet for a few months, every since I took early retirement and moved to this beautiful, remote, rural spot in North Florida. She had a trailer too, but it was much larger and nicer than mine and situated on a piece of property that must have been at least double my five acres. She had been a casual acquaintance, as neighbors often are, until she had a problem with her car and I offered to take her somewhere if she needed. She took me up on it one Thursday and had me drop her at...
"Wake up, David.""Huh! What's wrong," I exclaimed, shaking off the cobwebs of sleep. My mouth felt pasty, and my eyes were glued shut. My body was sweat-soaked, and my head was throbbing."You tell me," said Diana, "you were tossing and turning and muttering in your sleep. Nightmare?"The fog in my mind dissipated, and the reality that my wife would arrive tomorrow AND that I had not told Diana I was still married hit me like a ton of bricks. I started shivering and felt like throwing up."Who is...
Swingers"Fuck those Bitches" Cindy thought as she stumbled back into the casino. This was suppose to be her weekend, her chance to cut loose and have fun with the girls, but NO those bitches run off to fuck the first guys that buy them a drink. "I don't need them to have a good time I will find one on my own" she told herself. "Shit, damn shoe" looking down she noticed the buckle of her shoes had come undone again. Bending over she worked on getting it rebuckle, but doing it drunk...
Hello my dear readers, this story is about my family tree. You will be finding out how love unfolds with in the family. You will read about cheating, incest and sneaky sex episodes. I wish this could be real but it isn’t. But I will try my best to make it sound real. The narrator of the story will change in each story based on the plot. If you have doubts, questions or feedback or even you are interested in having a chat, you can reach me at If you think I can do better in any aspect, please...
I was just coming out the other side of a bad period in my life. I’d spent a long time being messed around by someone, but now life was good again and I felt like socialising again. My friend asked me to come out with him and his girlfriend as she was singing in a competition at a night club. I figured why not. Her friends are coming out as well mate he told me, so maybe you’ll get lucky. I went in assuming I wouldn’t. I was wrong. My friend and I met up at four and got straight into drinking....
When we sat on a Saturday and we went out for food and then we could keep going in a bar!Where we sat (a very good restaurant), we talked about various issues, in the meantime my wife had made a very nice and sexy outfit, with my help, of course, but not outrageous!At one point my hand touches my hand and tells me: -Nick, that shit on the other side, stares at me, look in a way to see! This was from the ....... she said, I realized that he was not indifferent to the guy, who...
The sheriff and I lugged the man and woman to his carriage and heaved them into the back. The sheriff was none to gentle with the wounded fellow, and heedless of the woman's gender, flinging them as if they were sacks of grain. The sheriff took a closer look at the front of the shirt of the fellow I shot, then he rolled his eyes in my direction. "You and I need to have a little talk tomorrow, so don't leave town." I gave him a nod and a respectful "yes sir." The women and I had...
Colette Adams was, to say the least, hot! The only person around hotter was her boyfriend Conner Brady. Colette was five-ten, Conner, a complimentary six-two. Colette’s shoulder length hair was a deep chocolate brown with natural red highlights. She had full breasts, a slender hard belly and the most luscious hips melting into the shapeliest legs. She worked hard at keeping fit. That’s what Conner wanted and she would walk through hell to please him, he would do the same for her. He was the...
Hello there! Welcome to the world of Pokemon Girl Feet Adventures! For starters we should decide the gender of the protagonist of the story. So is it a boy or a girl?
FetishHow exactly do I think I am going to pull off walking when I can barely sit up on the toilet? I still can’t even really stand. As she readied an old person’s walker, she said, “I will make you a deal David. You do your ten laps today, and I will buy you any candy bar in the vending machine. It doesn’t matter if you barf it right up or fire out the other end. Having to clean up that mess will be worth it to see you finally getting around on your own.” Now that there is a candy bar on...
We all fantasize about sex at weddings but nothing ever happens, well not until…. Pass you comments on , Please reply only females please. You’ve heard the story before. Guy hits forty, realizes he’s not very happy with his life, has an affair with a younger woman, leaves his wife. Nothing unusual there. About the only thing about my story is that I didn’t actually leave my wife for the younger woman, I knew from the beginning that was going to be nothing more than a quick fling. But being...