Porta Gloryhole
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Dunkel und bedrohlich ragte der schwarze Turm über die Straßen von Porta Murazor empor. Licht brannte in den oberen Fenstern. Auf einem hohen Balkon stand ein alter Mann. Er war hager und ausgemergelt. Tief liegende Augen blickten nachdenklich über die Stadt, die sich unter ihn erstreckte. Hinter ihm war eine große Halle. Säulen aus schwarzem Obsidian, die wie aufgeschichtete Totenschädel gearbeitet waren stützten die Decke. Schwebende Glowglobes sorgen für eine schwache Beleuchtung. In dunkle Roben gekleidete Diener bewegten sich mit den langsamen Bewegungen der Untoten umher und räumten die Überreste des Rituals weg. Magister Tertor, Teil der khandischen Handelsdelegation und Botschafter in Porta Murazor dachte über die Vision nach die er eben erfahren hatte. Etwas großes stand bevor und wenn er die Zeichen richtig deutete, sorgsam plante würde er immens davon profitieren. Eine Bewegung seiner knöchernen Finger und ein schwebender Robotschädel glitt lautlos hinaus auf den Balkon. Er würde sich einige Notizen machen müssen damit er die Flut von Eindrücken nicht vergaß.
Die Straßen waren dunkel. Der kleine Konvoi aus drei Gleitern glitt mit hoher Geschwindigkeit seinem Ziel entgegen. Plötzlich verschwand der forderste Gleiter in einer flammenden Explosion. Schemen bewegten sich in der Dunkelheit, Kugeln rissen den Asphalt auf und schlugen in den gepanzerten Gleitern ein. Kapitän Kinnon, Anführer des Konvois, verschaffte sich einen kurzen Überblick über die Situation und reagierte blitzschnell: „ Vance, Marek Deckungsfeuer auf die Flanken! Rückzug! Los, Los los!“ Die Soldaten hinter den beiden Geschütze schwenkten ihre Waffen auf die Straßenseiten, eröffneten das Feuer und zwangen die Angreifer in Deckung. Die Gleiter setzen sich in Bewegung. Kapitän Kinnon sah nur wie der hintere Gleiter in eine Flammenwolke gehüllt wurde, hörte die Schreie seiner Männer über das Komm, die bei lebendigen Leibe verbrannten. Sie waren gefangen. „Kinnon an HQ. Wir sind in einen Hinterhalt geraten und müssen Evakuieren. Benötigen sofortige Unterstützung. Lokalisieren sie mein Transpondersignal.“, rief Kinnon in das Funkgerät. Der Gleiter schoss unter Deckungsfeuer des Geschützes an den Straßenrand. Kinnon und der Fahrer schafften aus den Gleiter in eine kleine Gasse. Zwei der Angreifer lagen nieder gestreckt auf dem Boden. Mit einem kurzen Blick über die Schulter registrierte Kinnon, dass der MG Schütze tot über dem MG zusammen gesackt war. Die beiden Männer liefen die Straße entlang. Plötzlich tauchte, wie aus dem nichts eine Gestalt vor ihnen auf. Kinnon warf sich zur Seite, rollte hinter einen Container. Gleichzeitig hörte er ein pfeifendes Geräusch in der Luft, ein Geschoss erwischte den Fahrer, durchschlug seine Brust und riss ihn mehrere Meter zurück. Schnell gab Kinnon mehrere Schüsse auf den Angreifer ab, doch dieser sprang mit einer schier unmenschlichen Geschwindigkeit in die Luft, über den Container hinweg und landete genau hinter ihm. Kinnon fuhr herum, ein wuchtiger Schlag schmetterte ihm die Waffe aus der Hand und eine Hand bemächtigte sich seiner Kehle, hob ihn hoch, als ob er ein Spielzeug wäre. Sein Angreifer trug ein kunstvollen Panzer in Schwarz und Gold. Sein Gesicht war hinter einer grimmig drein blickenden Maske verborgen, ein Höllenritter. Unbarmherzig quetschte die Hand um seine Kehle das Leben aus seinem Körper. Er fiel zu Boden als der Höllenritter von ihm weg gerissen wurde. Mit Schleiern vor den Augen sah er Gestalten die den Ritter angriffen. Ein paar Stiefel traten in sein Blickfeld. Eine Hand berührte seine Brust, drang in sie ein, Kälte durch fuhr seinen Körper. Das letzte was Kapitän Kinnon mit bekam war eine, Hand die sich des Datenchips bemächtigte den er transportieren sollte, dann wurde es dunkel.
Sebastian Crenshaw stand an der großen Fensterfront seines Büros in Gin-Ra Towers und blicke in den überdachten Wintergarten. Normalerweise beruhigte ihn dieser Anblick, aber nicht heute. Er strich sich durch das blonde Haar und drehte sich um. In dem luxuriösen Büro, welches größer war als manch eine Wohnung warteten drei Personen auf ihn. Die Drei, zwei Männer und eine Frau, hätten ohne weiteres Geschwister sein können. Crenshaw wusste, das es sich um Klone handelte, von den Genklans nach seine Spezifikationen gezüchtet und ihm gegenüber absolut loyal. „Wir haben ein Problem.“, begann er das Gespräch. „ Unser letztes Projekt wurde kompromittiert. Die Daten von Tarin Ironworks wurden gestern Nacht gestohlen. Vor drei Tagen wurde in eines unserer Labore hier in der Stadt eingebrochen und ein zweiter Satz Daten entwendet und das Schiff, welches den Prototypen aus der Forschungsstation Xeta 4 liefern sollte ist seit zwei Tagen vermisst. Ich brauche ihnen nicht zu sagen was es für den Konzern bedeutet, wenn wir diese Arbeit verlieren.“ Er warf einen Datenträger auf den Tisch. „Das sind alle Informationen, die wir besitzen. An die Arbeit.“
"When you set out on a journey,... make sure that you always carefully plan for every eventuality." -- The Teachings of Gran Ch .32 Lines 1, 3. Dahra walked into the large room that contained the Starjump, with Fig trotting behind her. She closed and sealed the door behind her. No more air could get in or out of the room. She portaled to a lower room of the ship. A room she could not reach, without injuring herself, in Docre's gravity. It had a large window in what was now the floor,...
I was never a man looking for a 10, or 9, or even a 5, I won't grade women on looks alone. I was only ever interested in women, who hadn't explored every aspect of her own being, including sexual, and wants a partner committed to mutual exploration. She only has to be intelligent, searching for the finer things, healthy, fastidious, enticing, seductive, amorous, sensually passionate and understanding. Certainly not too much to ask?. My lover is the answer to all that and more. She is...
You are a brilliant physicist who has been working on a side project at home for quite a while. At last, success! You can create spatial portals that allow objects to cross through one and come out the other no matter how far apart they are! You can also polarize them, so that solid objects can go in either direction, but light and sound go only in one. The size of the portals can be changed while they are active, although changing the size of one will necessarily change the size of its...
by Droid447 Malena was in her room, talking with her best friend Renee. The last two weeks, they had been discussing their next adventure. This would not be just one more escapade to the nearest town or a fling with one of the low level scientists. Their new plan was risky, maybe even dangerous. But they couldn't resist the idea of investigating the greatest discovery in the history of mankind, as Malena's father liked to call it. “So, are we really doing this?” Renee asked. “After...
When I took it out of the wrapping, it looked exactly like the gun from the game. It was a little smaller and seemed to be one handed, instead of it's normal two handed size. I tested it out, and was glad to see the promised functions worked. However, the batteries died really quickly. I replaced them with some higher power, higher function ones, as well as added a laser projector to the end. It's snap on and off when I touched the trigger, so I could see where the portal was going to be...
"... for I swear to you, males will speak again!" -- The Teachings of Gran Ch .12 Line 23. A few days after Dahra's symposium, Lissa had decided to stay and teach at the university in Fahr. She had been offered positions at other colleges, with higher pay, perks, and positions of leadership, but Fahr was her home. She grew up climbing on the plaza's statues and playing in the parks, among the wogbols. In her eyes, all the other universities she visited seemed second best. Besides her...
"Take care of your body, for it is God's dwelling place." -- The Teachings of Gran Ch .13 Line 1. Dahra woke up with the feel of water dripping on her face. She raised her face off the lawn and tried to figure out where she was. She was under a wogbol tree in the plaza at Fahrlot. The wogbols usually make excellent rain cover, but during long rains the water finally makes it through the layers of fronds and drips on the ground underneath. It was this dripping that woke her. A moldering...
PORTAL By Orlando Stuck ................................................................................................................ Why me? What the hell - shit, shit shit - why me!?! All I wanted to do today is get in a little hiking, get a little exercise, and clear my mind - now some stupid chemical spill or something has my shoes pinned to this stupid spot. I thought it was an ice patch and marched right through it - slick as glass and all - I slowed down - now...
"Weep not for your loss, for the males have lost much more than you." --The Teachings of Gran Ch. 12 Line 1 Dahra waited in the wings for Lissa to finish her introduction. In Dahra's opinion, Lissa was doing a remarkable job, speaking in front of such a large audience. Dahra had originally intended for the symposium opening meeting to be held in classroom one, like all the other of her little meetings; but the response was so over-whelming, she had no choice but change its venue to the...
“ID, please.” As you hand in your card, you consider the situation. Three weeks ago, you were personally invited to participate in a secretive government project. You received the invitation in person directly from a government representative. He knew nothing about the project itself, only that the higher-ups considered it “a big deal”. You’re currently trying to enter a highly restricted research lab. Even the fact that you’re here at all is known only to you, the few employees working here,...
"After God created the world, he created male and woman."-- The Story of Gran Ch. 1, Line 1 Dahra paced on the stone-tiled plaza in front of the museum/college of geology as various women, many with their daughters, walked past her. She should have known that no one would be allowed in the building once the testing started. Lissa's test should have been over twenty minutes ago, and Dahra didn't know enough about the geology test to know if that was a good or a bad thing. Dahra...
"When God saw the dependence of women on males, he decided that it was best that man be taken away for a time, so women would learn self reliance."-- The Story of Gran Ch. 5, Line 3. Lissa kissed her mother good-bye, watched as she portaled back to her own home, let out a sigh and opened her dormroom door. Atelan Cahlartan was there waiting. "Well? What happened? Don't keep me waiting!" Lissa gave her roommate a big grin. "I aced it." The portaler let out a shriek, ran over and...
"When God saw the chaos that came from the males' disappearance, She sent Gran to restore order, and bring the women back to righteousness."-- The Story of Gran Ch. 5, Line 3. Dahra sat down on a large rock. Lissa on the pebbly ground, rapt in the story her adopted mother was unfolding. "Your mother looked much like you do today, Lissa, except that she was a year older than you are now, a little stockier, and had hair a shade darker than yours. Her hair was cut short in the front and...
"When the leaders of the remaining factions saw the success of Gran at unifying the warring tribes, they boiled in jealousy, and conspired together to kill her."-- The Story of Gran Ch. 23, Lines 1-3. The night for Lissa was interminable. The bed was hard, barely more than a board with a sheet on it. There was bell that rang every few hours, to call the monks to prayer. If she had been fully asleep it probably wouldn't have bothered her. But the worst part of all was that there was no one...
"When they were through torturing her, and Gran was dead, the warlords cut her throat and drained all the blood into a large iron bowl"--The Story of Gran Ch. 25 lines 13 &14 Krinan strode into the anthropology building with clenched fists and gritted teeth. How dare Dahra disappear off the face of the planet for ten days without notifying her. She was her superior, damn it! It was especially despicable, since Dahra had promised to give her a full accounting of her activities, the day...
"The next day, the body of Gran had disappeared, and so had her blood. Leaving no stain in the bowl." --The Story of Gran Ch. 26 Line 1 Two days later, Dahra was sorting through resumes in her office, when there was a knock at the door. "Come in." Krinan poked her head through the opening. "Dahra, can we talk?" She let out a long sigh. "What do you want, Krinan?" Since yesterday, Dahra was no longer Krinan's subordinate. She was now a special projects coordinator, and had equal...
"Gran was seen many times after she returned from the dead... As she faded from sight, she said "I will always be with you." --The Story of Gran Ch. 28 Line 1, Ch. 30 Line 14 Dahra drew a long sigh, closed her eyes, and rested her chin in her hands. The day was only half over and she was already exhausted. She had arrived at classroom one, just before nine, and discovered that the other five members of the team waiting for her. Krinan was the only one from the original group. The other...
"Cherish and protect your males, for without them, we will all die." -- The Teachings of Gran Ch .12 Line 15. For the next two weeks, Dahra defended her findings. She escorted parties of esteemed archaeologist from all over the world into the shelter (as it was now called) and showed them the translated documents. Many of the more skeptical ones examined the original texts from the computer, and learned the ancient alphabets. After a few days, most of them accepted Dahra's findings and...
"Each ability group should have equal say in the governing. No one group should lord its will on the others." -- The Teachings of Gran Ch .33 Line 6. The month that followed was one of the most tumultuous ones in Docre's recent history. There were more political and social debate in that one month than in the last five years. The four other guildmistresses joined with Javum in a solid pro-male stance. The ones from the other guilds who thought males were a danger to society, joined a...
"All it takes is a few bad people to ruin a community."-- The Teachings of Gran Ch .27 Line 23. Dahra woke up screaming. Never in her life had she ever felt such pain in her life. It started in her head, and crashed through her body like a hurricane. It was as if all the anguish and pain she had ever felt in her life had been rolled up in one package, and force fed into her brain, and then doubled, then tripled. Her bladder and bowels emptied. She fell off her bed and writhed on the floor,...
I could not believe the feeling I had in my stomach. My memories of being in school and being in love were back, alive and well, in the pit of my stomach. Through the bright sunlight I fought to make out the time on the digital clock 12:45PM. Good, I was early. I looked down in the seat next to me to find the rose bud I cut earlier. The moistened paper towel was making the aluminum foil wrapping around the stem cool to the touch. I chose a bud off of one of my favorite red rose bushes that was...
Climbing from the small bed, it immediately dawned on Matthew that the suit and shirt worn for the previous day's funeral were all he had, the decision to stay made on the spur of the moment. A visit to the shops was essential and he didn't reckon on a lack of volunteers among the girls to help test the platinum card's outrageous credit limit. Whilst his father might have been an ill-tempered and self-absorbed authoritarian, he'd never let Matthew down financially. The deep sleep...
Chapter 12 "How was the movie?" asked my mother as I got into the car. "It was okay." "Just okay?" "It was some teen girl movie. A lot of talking." "That was nice of you to let Megan pick the film." I stared out the window as we moved through the parking lot toward the exit. "Are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine." "Do you want to grab some ice cream on the way home?" "At The Factory?" My mother didn't offer ice cream at the factory very often. "Why not." We...
Seymour & Sarah By Alice Barry "Oy vey, Seymour what have you done to yourself?" said my mother as she entered my apartment unannounced. I knew I should have never given her a key for emergencies. "Whatever are you doing here Mother? Haven't I told you to call before dropping in?" "Don't blame me young man, what in God's name are you doing in a dress? And why is lipstick smeared around your face?" "Mama, I did not want you to find out like this. This is who I am...
Another great tape and another great yank of the crank. Yea, she-males were pretty hot, Tom thought as he hit the eject bottom on the tape deck, but where on earth would he really find one? He had little doubt that if he did find a place where they hung out that there would be more than a few with a serious case of ugly. The chances of finding one like the ones in the video taped he had just been watching was pretty slim. But, he knew if he never went looking, he would never find one. He knew...
With Jason and Stephanie on the road and safe for the moment, Alfred checked his message queue. The Charlie avatar stationed at the Grainer mansion had posted an update. Representatives of the Saudi Arabian prince were due to arrive today. Alfred did not want to miss watching Grainer admit he no longer had Miss Stephanie. If things went well, the prince might have Grainer murdered, and that would be lovely. With a flick of concentration, Alfred spawned an avatar to keep an eye on his...
Ready for Anything? A thrill-seeking crossdresser gets caught by an old friend while on a business trip. She pushes him farther and farther toward public exposure. Is he ready for the consequences? Prologue "Pick one." Those two words started everything. Those two words were the innocent drink that led to my addiction. They're responsible for my current situation, and the nerves racing through my mind as I approach the hotel lobby bar dressed as no man does, at least not...
Karen moved to stand beside Wendy. She and Dan kissed as Wendy continued sucking on his cock. “Wendy, please take off my skirt,” Karen ordered. She let Dan’s cock slide out of her mouth. It bobbed up and down to his pulse, the shaft glistening from her mouth. She put her hands on Karen’s skirt and slid it down her slender legs. She looked a Karen’s shaved pussy coming into view. She put her hand on Wendy’s shoulder, stepping out of her skirt. “You like the look of my shaved pussy?” “Yes, I...
It was Molly's 33rd birthday and she was going to go downtown to the mall and buy herself something really special. Her husband Mark had left her a check for $200 and she was going to find something nice and sexy and hope that Mark took the hint. She wasn't sure what was going wrong with their marriage but lately Mark just hadn't been interested in sex, at least not sex with her. She idly wondered if he was having an affair with someone else but if he was he was certainly being discrete...
Hi Y’all,My husband had taken the k**s out for breakfast and I was honestly horny as hell and looking for a very quick adventure nearby. While I try to keep my slutty ways a secret from my neighbors I have a fantasy that some of the dads know who I am and are interested in sneaking away as well for a quick dick sucking in the park or a fuck in my garage.I posted a picture of myself on my Reddit profile, face and all and then placed an ad on the Reddit Random Acts of Blowjob (ROAB) sub. It seems...
Every year Santa selected a woman between the age of sixteen and thirty who was on the naughty list as his last stop on Christmas Eve. And these selected women always tried to stay on the naughty list. Santa gave the selected women a treat. It started after Mrs Claus died in the 14th century. It was so Santa could find a new wife, but so far none had quite been right for him.Now Santa always laughed when he saw what the public thought he looked like. He wasn't the white haired, old fat man. He...
Straight SexLet me give you a visual of my wife. 5'10" 135 with thick long nipples on a pair of C-cup breast. Long strong legs with a very curvy ass. Long hair and very shy. My wife came home a little anxious after seeing her gynecologist. She started explaining to me what had happened in the exam. "I was sitting on the examining table when he came in. He seemed in a really good mood. He walked up to me and took my hand to shake it and continued to hold it as we were talking. He had pointed out a new chart...
Wife LoversTHE TRAINING OF SLUT HEATHER OR MY WEEK-END OF SERVITUDE AND HUMILIATION CHAPTER VII MY PIERCINGS I laid on the bed face down for about half an hour, until I heard Tom close to front door and come up the stairs. He walked into my bedroom and came closer to my bed and inspected Ann's handiwork. He said, "Ann, is going to kill somebody one of these days if she doesn't restrain herself better." He left the room only to return a few minutes later with a tube of salve in his hand....
David awoke horrified as he saw cables around his body "What the hell?" "Where am I?" he said to himself He looked around and found out that he was in a big room with a lot of machines, he was also naked, full of sweat and the scent in the room was different from any other that he had smelled... He found it rather pleasant Jamie was a good looking 18 year old boy, with a pale and skinny body, quite weak, long hair, his green eyes and pink lips were rather stunning. Though a...
sissyqueerpooh, 36United States1 minute agoslave4fetishgoddessI hope you like this....I like both men and women, I love a woman's beauty and grace and love to worship them, but I need cock the bigger the better, I be been fucked in the ass before but have never had anyone cum inside of me, which I would just love!My biggest fantasy that I have is for me to be a live in sissy slave for a dominant married couple. They would pick my up at a bar, d**g me and take me home, when I wake up I find that...
Конец августа. Как-то стало скучновато. Работа, дом и снова работа. Компания работала как часы. Мои заводы давали продукцию и высокого качества по низким ценам. Так, что западники только локти кусали. Особенно после того как вели свои санкции. Этим я и как многие бизнесмены русского разлива и воспользовались, перехватив рынки. После своей крайней командировки в город N, где познакомился с Джулией и ее дочкой Дашей, тамошняя фабрика заработала как надо. И вот я сижу в кабинете загородного дома,...
The first fireworks shoot up into the sky, exploding in dazzling colours of green and purple and lighting up the faces of the crowd of Disneyworld. Within an instant, that firework dies down, plunging the crowd of Main Street into darkness.Another one fires up into the sky – blinding shades of blue – and that’s when my eyes found her again: the Disney worker dressed up Elsa, resting against one of the houses of Main Street, clutching her phone and peering into it as she tapped away, obviously...
I went inside, my mother was sitting crocheting on the sofa. "Have a nice time, dear?" I nodded, too aware of the fact that I hadn't gotten my bra back on. She didn't look up, and I went straight upstairs and closed my door with a sigh. I stripped out of my clothes and tossed them in the dirty clothes basket. Even my panties; they were still soaked. I went into the bathroom and washed my face and sundry personal places, staring blankly at myself in the mirror, moving by rote. I didn't...
The way young Manley got started fooling around with Patricia Preston wasn't all that different from the way any local eighteen-year-old boy made out with an attractive thirty-six-year-old woman. If you lived in Tuttleville, you'd know there was a lot of that going on. A stranger however, would never realize it.The women of Tuttleville - and the teenage girls too - were rather clanish. They didn't take to strangers. Men from out of town, business men, traveling salesmen and the like, came away...
September in Southern California is often the hottest month of the year, easily outstripping July and August. The sky can be devoid of clouds with the start of the rainy season still a couple of months in the future. The heat will be dry, any wind coming off the Mojave Desert.When Ralph Winchester was born in Meridian, Idaho his mother and father called him “Ralphie”. When his two-year-old brother repeated his name it came out sounding like “Rifle”. And so it was that little Ralphie was given...
Gay MaleSorry Mother, I can’t visit today, as I’ve fallen deep down a rabbit hole full of naked women. I’m sure you can understand, as you were once a naked woman yourself. As hard as I may try to resist the temptations of the flesh, I’m still just a warm-blooded man and a pervert at heart. I can barely stay away from a typical free tube, and it’s another story when the free sites are leaking rare premium content that would usually cost you at least a few bucks.Yes, mom, the tube I’m reviewing today is...
Free OnlyFans Leak SitesMelissa and I have been together for ten years, married for five. Our previous marriages of 12 yrs each yielded us 5 children. We had a very romantic courtship, as we are both hopeless romantics. We became the best of friends, everyday meeting in lust for an hour or so, till I left with my cock stuck to the side of my leg and Melissa always wanting more. This continued for about 8 months before we slept together. Our sex life has been the fantastic right from the start and still is to this...
Friday, February 14, 1975 He knew that he should have ignored the page but being a “go-to guy” in his department had afforded him preferential scheduling of service calls around his classes at UCLA all these years. When he had found a payphone and called into dispatch the service call that he was assigned turned out to be on the way home, and from the description, it shouldn’t require him to work beyond five o’clock this Friday afternoon. The apartment complex that matched the address in...
Game Theory TG Fantasy Fiction by Mignon Learning to Play Stephen Moore tossed the duffle bag onto the bed and took a look around at his room for the weekend. Four days was about right for him to unwind after a stressful week of meetings and deal making. The bed wasn't exactly 5 star hotel perfect, but it felt about right to him, and everything was nicely laid out. Outside the bedroom was the distinct sound of his long-time...
I’m walking along campus, back to my car, and hear a muffled cry. I dash around a corner to find 3 guys wrestling a purse from a girl and threatening her in hushed but firm voices. Calmly, confidently, I tell them that I will give them this one opportunity to run, and maybe get away with nothing more than bruised pride. Of course, outnumbering me 3 to one, they refuse. Without saying another word, I make an example of the closest of them: he swings a wide right-hook, I catch it and use the...
Anyway, I was waiting for my girlfriend to get ready for our date, again. I told her to hurry up already so we don't mis the movie. She said, "I am fixing my hair, these things take time. I keep my hair nice for you, you know." I responded "I like it when you look nice, but if you cut your hair to your neck I wouldn't mind." Melody said "Really?, I'll get the scissors if your serious. I would love to save the time but i don't think you really mean that." I glared at her...
Legal Stuff: There are sexual scenes in this story and heavy language. Do not read unless you are 18+. Story: In the final room, I was up against Bowser, Ganon and Mother Brain. With my final blow, I sent all of them flying far away out of the castle and bam, they were gone, I had defeated them with my final blow. Later on that night I walked back to Peach's Castle to talk to Peach, Zelda, and Samus about my accomplishment. I got to the door and opened it and they were sitting at a...
Fran, nice to read your last email. I am very happy that you and Marge finally got together. I ran into her last week. Sorry I missed you. I was only in town for a day. She is very happy. You know I was friends with her before I met you.This may shock you, but Marge has been in love with you for years, you are probably the only person she would leave Jimmy for, if you gave her the least encouragement. She would shack up with you without a second thought.But I digress and am going places that...
Samantha Cook climbed the stairs of the coach bus and looked around for seats. The 28 year old thin lady was wearing a brown blouse, a black skirt and dark pantyhose. Her dark blonde hair was tied up.She showed the driver her ticket and went off to the back of the bus, where she found a seat open next to an African american man. He smiled as she sat down next to him. The bus started to drive and she opened her business file to review. The bus stopped and people got off. The bus started again....
EroticAdventurous Sheryl The day dawned in a splash of color and clouds. Warm sunlight glinting off the river bounced rays of color along glass canyons. It would be a hot day. The brisk walk down Wacker Drive already caused a trickle of sweat to run down his back as he hurried along. He was heading to his office and work, but his mind was far from there. It had been several months since he and Sheryl had seen each other. She lived in another city, traveled occasionally to Chicago. They met while he...
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Tuck Foy Copyright 1997 by Ellen Hayes. No part of this work may be distributed as an original work by another person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this by electronic means, as long as the entirety of the work is distributed, and credit is given to the original author, me. Any resemblance between the writings in this work, and any actual persons or places, living or dead, are purely coincidental, except when used for satirical...
"You're incredible," Kathy's mouth dropped as Christi took off her coat. "Oh, this," Christi shucked. "It's just the outfit mom made me for the Submissive Miss pageant." "No wonder you won," Kathy admired her blue-eyed friend. Christi's thick brown hair framed her high-cheekbones and dazzling smile with soft cotton candy curls then cascaded over white shoulders and firm full breasts. An elegant floor-length electric blue gown began just below her bosom, the split front made a...
By EFon Chapter 1 : Getting back on track I'll be honest; I was weak and forgetful. I'll intended to test the effect of my "seductive sperm theory" on Lisa's gruff and hostile personality, which while successful was long forgotten in favor of spending the whole next week testing a different theory. Namely that my sexual stamina could keep up with two wanton young ladies that contently wanted every inch of my body inside them. Sunday morning, after the sleepover, while mom...
Looking scrumptious in fishnets and heels, busty Euro MILF Betty Foxxx teases. After a sexy, booty-shaking intro, Betty joins Black studs Prince Yahshua and Pressure for a nasty double penetration reaming! The men worship Betty’s plump ass and luscious knockers, and she kneels for a messy, sloppy blowjob. Betty graduates to pussy poking and intense anal pounding. Prince’s big black cock pummels Betty’s gash as she sucks Pressure’s prick, leading to tumultuous DP...
xmoviesforyouI was reading a story in the national newspaper, 'Girl forced to have 1800 lover, before she was 18', and my first instinct was, tinged with jealousy.As a woman you should be horrified, by the thought of such an ordeal, but in truth and reality, girls as young as ten are performing multiple sex acts on men old enough to be their grandfathers, and I am talking about the widespread, it's more normal than people care to accept.The urge for sex is greater in girls long before boys, in the same age...
This is a true story of my Mom and me (Aravind). Basically ours is a typical south Indian god fearing orthodox family. My mom’s name is Sasikala. She is 35 years of age and is a widow and Iam the only son. Iam 22 years of age. My father passed away when I was studying second year graduation. It’s been 7 years since my father had passed away and my mom was left alone. After my father’s death, none of our relatives were in touch with us. I was the only person with whom mom used to share...
Luscious Cherry of the Month Kenzie Anne has her sexy bikini body accented with a little tactical gear. She’s ready for some deep diving, if you know what I mean! This blonde babe aims to seduce, stripping off her bikini by the pool and getting her incredible body soaking wet. She’s ready to seduce Charles Dera in the cabana, and he bears no resistance to her sexy charms. She gives him a raunchy show, and crawls between his legs to get his big cock growing for her. This blonde means business!...
xmoviesforyouHe turns around and we both laugh! "Perhaps we should get some clothes on and maybe pack a bag and take a little boat trip. What do you think?" "I think that sounds amazing. I'd have to stop at my hotel and grab a few things. If that's okay?" "Of course. In fact why not check out and when we get back you can stay with me. Sorry if that's to forward of me..." "Are you mocking me Mr. Swim?!?" I ask. "Yes Miss Speed I certainly am." I smile as we both dress. Him this time putting on khaki cargo...
Straight Sex