PortalsChapter 14 free porn video

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"Take care of your body, for it is God's dwelling place." -- The Teachings of Gran Ch .13 Line 1.

Dahra woke up with the feel of water dripping on her face. She raised her face off the lawn and tried to figure out where she was. She was under a wogbol tree in the plaza at Fahrlot. The wogbols usually make excellent rain cover, but during long rains the water finally makes it through the layers of fronds and drips on the ground underneath. It was this dripping that woke her.

A moldering corpse was lying about fifteen meters away, but she could still smell its fowl stench from that distance. A leechbird was perched on top of it, tearing a strip of flesh off the back. Dahra opened a portal under the body, dumping it into the nearby sea. The leechbird squawked in alarm, as it fell through. Dahra closed the portal before the scavenger could fly back through.

Pain shot through Dahra's brain. Damn, she thought, still haven't recovered yet. She wasn't sure how long she had searched for other survivors. One tended to lose track of time when one hops from time zone to time zone. It had gone on for well over two days, with no sleep. That combined with dozens of portals, wreaks havoc on a portaler's ability to function.

She remembered the beginning of her search very well. She went to a bookstore and got a atlas, and started a methodical search of the planet, starting at the few isolated and desolate islands near the poles. She acquired a heavy coat at a store at the small town of Fvabod, the southernmost town on Docre. She went from there to more isolated isles. The few houses and research outposts in the polar reaches either contained corpses, or were empty. Could some other portalers be alive and searching for survivors? Docre's a big planet. Two portalers could spend years portaling from isle to isle, and never run into each other.

After finishing her search there, she went to the major cities with a can of paint. In all the wide open public places, Dahra graffitied the walls, instructing survivors to come to the plaza at Fahrlot at noon.

Fighting fatigue, Dahra started searching the other isolated islands not in the polar regions. The last part of her search was fuzzy, with a feeling of detachment, like a dream. Something about forcing her way through a thorny hedge and fighting a feral ahd. Evidently when facing both mental and physical exhaustion, she portaled back to Fahrlot and collapsed under this tree. Though she didn't remember doing so.

One thing she did know, though, that she didn't find any more survivors.

She looked down at her clothes, and saw that all that was left was dirty green rags. She hadn't changed her clothes since the disaster had happened. Under the rags, her body was covered with cuts, scrapes, scratches, and a nasty-looking ahd bite on her left arm. Her hair and body was covered with dirt and blood, that was now becoming red mud from the rain.

Why was she abusing her body so? Dahra had always taken care of herself. She always watched her diet, and tried to exercise regularly. Even during her time at the find, she did calisthenics almost every morning. Now look looked at herself. She looked like some wild child, raised in the jungles of some deserted isle. She also loved to sleep. Lissa used to tease her about wanting to rise and set with Lat. What was wrong with her?

Dahra knew what was wrong. She was having a nervous breakdown. The depression of losing Lissa, combined with the guilt about being the cause of the disaster had caused this spate of self-destructive behavior. She needed a psychologist. But there weren't any psychologists, not anymore.

Dahra started crying, and found she couldn't stop. After she ran out of tears, she still wept.

She was interrupted by an ahd licking the salty tears off her face. It was Fig, still wearing the red collar. His dark green fur shed water with ease, and seemed at home in this moist environment. After he got Dahra's attention, he chirped and nuzzled his head against her cheek.

Had he been following her all this time, wondered Dahra, hopping through the portals behind her? If so, he had done a good job of staying out of her way. Maybe he had been waiting for her here at the plaza for her to return. She seemed to remember returning to Fahrlot several times during the last few days. Either way, it was an amazing feat for an ahd.

She sniffed, wiped her eyes with her tattered sleeve, and pet the beast. Fig gave off a low trill of pleasure.

Dahra stood up shakily. She felt very weak. How long had it been since she ate? She didn't know. She went to a nearby cafe and made herself some soup. The smell of the soup cooking made her stomach start to rumble. She had planned to save half the soup in a thermal container, for later. When she started eating, though, she finished the whole pot.

It was also time to get some decent clothes. These filthy rags would not do, and neither would walking around naked.

The cynical voice spoke in the back of her head. What difference does it make? Who's going to see you, an ahd? She ignored that voice and portaled to her apartment and took a shower and dressed her wounds.

Dahra then went to her favorite clothing store, one that specialized in portaler clothing, just a few blocks from her home. She had to portal in, since the shop had no doors. She could have chosen the most expensive outfit in the place, but that would have been impractical. Instead, she chose a medium green jumpsuit with knee-length legs. Looking at her reflection in the mirror, Dahra felt and looked much better.

Now, what to do? thought Dahra, as she stifled a yawn. She then realized that she was still tired. Evidently, her nap under the wogbol had not gotten her caught up on sleep. She portaled back to the find, where her clothes and bedding were, and laid down on her bed. I'll plan a course of action tomorrow, Dahra thought, as she drifted to sleep.

Dahra looked up at the massive blue doors, still not quite sure why she decided to come to the healers' guild headquarters. She pondered her rationale for a moment, and realized there were three motives that made her come to Carn.

First and formost was her scientific curiousity and thirst for knowledge. She had been so isolated the past month, immersed in study in that damn shelter, that her know- ledge of the events leading up to this cataclysm was sketchy at best. But even from her limited information, it was obvious that the healers' guild was an important point around which many of the controversies started.

Second, was the possibility that there would be survivors here. Guild halls were logical gathering spots for survivors to organize. She had already checked the portalers' headquarters. No one was alive there.

She would have to make sure that guild halls were part of her island searches, from now on.

Thirdly, there was a small part of her, perhaps more than she cared to admit, that was curious on what the inside of other guild halls were like. Rumors about the other guilds flew with wild abandon between non-members.

Emoters were the most secretive of the guilds, therefore it had most rumors. One of the most enduring ones was that emoters were homosexuals, at least during their guild ceremonies. The erotic sensations of your partner, while experiencing ones of your own was said to be beyond description. There seemed to be some credence of this, judging from the emoters Dahra knew. At workplaces, they tended to work together in pairs. And sometimes a statement or remark would draw a knowing, intimate look between the two.

Portaler guild activities were also the source of much gossip and speculation. Dahra's guild was the only one whose headquarter's location was known only to members. She had heard speculation that it was at the bottom of the deepest sea, or on Chin, Docre's tiny moon, or even on one of the other planets that orbited Lat. In fact, the guild headquarters was in a giant cavern under Farhep, a remnant of the mountain's volcanic past.

The healer's guild, by nature of their work, was the most open of the guilds, but even then, there were rumors. One such rumor Dahra had heard since childhood, was that some of the most powerful healers could prevent death from old age. These super healers stayed inside the headquarters on Carn and cared for former guildmistresses, who faked their deaths. Some of these ancient leaders were alive when Gran walked the earth. These individuals were speculated to be the real leaders of the healers guild.

Such speculation is useless, though. No guild member would give away her guild's secrets. Sometimes, a very young girl, who did not know better, would ask about a guild secret. Some people would scold the child, tongue lashing the child to tears; insuring that she would never do such a thing again.

Dahra didn't think that was the best way to handle such situations. She had only been asked nosy questions twice since she learned all of her guild secrets when she achieved menarche. Both times it had been by a child less than one year old. In each instance Dahra had kindly, but firmly, told the child that such information was not hers to know. It was a guild secret.

Dahra knocked on the big blue door. Under normal circumstances, at this time of day, there would be two security guards at the door. They would ask her what business she had with the guild. If the reason was not deemed compelling enough, she would be turned away.

But these were not normal times. And no security people were present at the entrance. So all she could think to do was knock. The dead thud of her fist against the door echoed across the square.

There was no answer.

She knocked again.

Dahra waited ten minutes.

Knocked again.

Fifteen minutes.

Knocked again.


Tried knocking one more time.

After a quarter hour had past, with no response, Dahra gave up. If there was anyone alive in there they had to be on the far side of the building, unable hear her pounding.

She had to enter the guildhall uninvited. And she couldn't just portal in. The security field to the building was still up. She had to go in through the door.

Dahra's hand shook uncontrollably as she reached for the knob to the massive doors. Her hands fumbled when she tried to open the simple mechanism. She took several deep breathes to steady her nerves.

She knew that most nonmembers who tread on guild property without an invitation and escort were never heard from again. There was a jail in the portalers guild headquarters that held about a dozen women who had had the gall to sneak into guild territory. They would never see the light of Lat again.

She finally grabbed the knob and tried to turn it. It was locked.

Dahra slapped her thigh in disgust. Of course the door would be locked. It had been near midnight here on Carn, when the catastrophe occurred. Most carnians died in bed.

Actually, if Dahra wanted to, she could imagine that Carn had been abandoned. That worked fine, until one walked near an apartment building, and smelled the stench, or turned the corner of a street and found a body laying on the street.

Most of the carnians Dahra found dead wore the badge that identified them as city sanitation workers. But a few were just everyday people. Insomniacs heading out to a diner, a worker who was heading home after working late, or a portaler who lived in Carn, but worked in a different part of the world.

Dahra sat down on the ground, with her back to the door that blocked her progress. A key, she thought. Where would one find a key to the healers guild headquarters?

Rank and file members wouldn't have one. Only the senior guild leadership would have one, and they, more often than not, lived in the building itself. Security would have one, of course. There was probably one a few meters away on the other side of the door.

External security? Were there security people patrolling the outside of the build- ing? Of course! It wouldn't do to have someone cut a new entrance into the guildhall from the outside. There had to be a few people outside guarding the perimeter.

Dahra got back on her feet and started walking around the building.

Fortunately, the guildhall building that she was trying to enter was much smaller than the administrative buildings that adjoined it. It would take an hour to circle them.

Dahra walked a hundred meters following the wall, turned the corner, and found the body of a security guard, not five meters from the corner. The guard lay on the ground, her face turned away, thank God. Dahra had seen enough decaying faces contorted in pain to last the rest of her life. From the back though, she reminded her alot of her mother, Fran. Same build, same auburn hair.

She searched the body, careful not to move it. She checked the pockets first. Several personal items, but no key. The needed key turned out to be on a chain around her neck. Rather than lift the head, Dahra snapped the fragile chain.

As a means of repayment, Dahra opened a portal under the guard, and deposited her into the sea, never having seen her face.

The former archeologist clutched the key tightly in her fist, and jogged back to the doors. She put the key in the lock and heard a small click.

Dahra tried to open the door again. This time she did so with ease.

Dahra let out a sigh of relief. She had been afraid that that there might be some kind of lock that would require a healer's ability to open. Many movers had doors with no visible knobs or latches. They were all inside the door. You had to have a mover's ability to open the door. Fortunately, there was no such equivalent for healers.

Dahra looked inside.

True to her suspicions there was another body. It blocked Dahra from opening the door more than a few inches. This one had been sitting at a desk, and had actually been able to crawl a few meters toward the door before expiring. Probably the outside guard's boss. This one was stocky, though not from fat. She was all muscle and probably one tough guard.

It took many hard shoves for Dahra to push the body back enough and get through the door. Hanging off the corpse's belt was a massive keyring with several dozen keys on. Dahra relieved her of the keys, then gave the head guard a burial at sea, just like her junior partner.

After disposing of that unpleasant duty, the portaler stood up, took two steps inside the building. The door closed behind her. She looked around the room.

It was all blue. Everything. All the furniture, all the walls, all the carpets, every- thing. Even the paper on the guard's desk was a shade of light blue. Dahra had seen all blue decor in healers' bedrooms before, but something about this room that made it overwhelming.

There was a feeling of otherness. A feeling that this was a place where she was an unwelcome intruder. Her green outfit stood out like a clod of mud dissolving into a pure still lake. She was defiling something pure. She was a trespasser. She did not belong here. She must leave.

Dahra bolted for the door in terror. She race out into the normal world and slammed the door behind her, panting. She leaned against the entry and panted for breath. All her life Dahra had never been ashamed of being a portaler, until now.

Gradually she calmed down. The terror and shame subsided. And Dahra collected her thoughts.

What had just happened? Had it just been a panic attack, or was there something subliminal to that room that made all non-healers feel unwelcome? It could have been an emoter messing with her emotions, but it didn't feel like it. The fear, panic, and shame she felt weren't focused enough.

It didn't matter, said a logical part of her. I still have to go back in that building and get answers.

Just the thought of going back in made her heart race.

For the next half hour Dahra talked to herself. Told herself that it had just been a panic attack. That she was doing what had to be done to get the answers. By the time she was done, she almost believed it.

A thought suddenly popped into her mind. Maybe I should wear blue in that guildhall.

That made her laugh out loud. Imagine, Dahra Cahlarfelgis wearing blue! With a frilly skirt around her waist, and an exposed navel with a jewel inside, of course. Ridicu- lous! Walking around naked would happen first.

She started. What if it were the color of her outfit that set the panic attack. Could there be some devise that was activate if someone wearing other than blue passed in front of it.

It could be. Dahra wasn't an electrical engineer. She didn't know what was possible.

She walked back to the big blue doors and opened them cautiously.

On the wall, just beyond where the left door hit it, there was a small blue electric eye, at about waist level. It was well camouflaged to blend with the wall. If she hadn't been looking for it, Dahra wouldn't have spotted it.

Dahra tried to grab a piece of blue paper off the guard's desk, but it was just out of reach. She would have to break the electric eye's beam to get to it. She didn't want to do that again. That meant that she would have to go find something blue elsewhere.

Too bad she had disposed to the other two bodies so quickly.

The best bet on finding healers was near the guild headquarters. Perhaps another security guard.

Dahra headed off in the opposite direction around the building from which she went the first time. It turned out there had been two security people patrolling the outside. The second one was much further away, on the far side of the hall.

She was a young woman, a late two or possibly an early three, slim with blond hair. She was laying on her back, face to the sky. Her face had already been pecked at by birds, and was truly a horrific sight. She was wearing the security uniform like the other two, a light blue blouse, blue vest, and knee-length skirt. The blouse had a hole around the navel, which was decorated with blue glitter.

Dahra tried to tear off part of skirt, but found that it was made of a heavy canvas material. She would either need a pair of scissors, or she would need to undress her.

She had no idea where to find some scissors. It would probably involve breaking into some ones house, gagging on the smell of death. Outside the smell was carried away by the wind, but inside the smell was intense. No, she would undress this poor girl.

Dahra decided that it would be easiest to remove the skirt. The portaler remembered that her mother had usually attached her skirts in the front, but Dahra could not find any attachments in the front. She had to turn her over.

As she tried turn the body over, a feeling of deja vu hit Dahra. Suddenly she remembered that she had done the same thing to her old college roommate, Shissa Menortan.

Shissa had a drinking problem, and had gotten drunk the night before she and Dahra had an important test, and was sleeping it off. Dahra tried to wake her for class, to no avail. She had turned her roommate over and slapped her face. Still didn't work. Still didn't work. She ended up having to drag Shissa through a portal, into their floor's shower room, and spraying cold water on her head. That finally woke her.

They both made it for the class. Shissa didn't do very well on the test.

Same as Portals
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What a way to end a marriage

It caused some pretty big friction in our already strained marriage, and our sex life pretty much stopped. Even when I was feeling in the mood, he wasn't interested, which made me feel pretty bad, and also sure that he was still sleeping around often even though I had only told him to do it the one time. My husband sensed it, and I think out of greed, he started in on me again about the couple thing. He knew that I wasn't comfortable having four people naked in the same room, so he figured...

2 years ago
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Flash of a Camera

I am a total nut when it comes t photography. A picture can tell a thousand stories, there's always more to what meets a picture. My name's John Doe, 25 year old photography major living with his mom... life's good... well it got better when my scientist uncle sent me a glowing rock saying it's a unique power source and that people are looking for it so i have to keep it safe. I'm sat on my bed looking at this tiny thing and realise it's the perfect size to fit into my camera battery slot. A...

Mind Control
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Mirror Site A Fathers Love

I wrote this for Ms. Dauber's new universe and sent it to her. She seemed to like it, so I hope she doesn't mind my sending it to the lists. I hope it serves as an adequate introduction story. I don't write much, or often-so if you like it, I'm sorry there won't be scads more and if you hate it then congratulations, you shan't be plagued with large amounts of literary dross. Mirror Site: A Father's Love By Shadoe1 It was another small town. Non-descript Americana at it's best. An...

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kate monday continued

Do you mean go out now I asked Yes why not Kate asked I told her I was nervous! OK do you like the way you look Yes I replied So stop being silly , let’s go We stepped out onto the street, the first thing I noticed was the cool air going up my skirt, also the way my tights held everything in on place, I found it a huge turn on We walked onto the high street looking in shop windows, sally pointed at a dress in a charity shop window , do you like that Christine It was a king fisher blue satin...

2 years ago
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Mera Bhai aur main

_Mera naam Samita .Main Punjab ki rehne wali punjabi ladki hoon.Main 23 saal ki hoon. Mere fig 36 28 34 hai. Main aaj apko apni kahani pehli baar likh rahi hoon.waise main ISS par pichle ek saal se stories padh rahi hoon. Aur Main hairan hoti thi ke kaise koi ladki apne kisi rishtedar k saath sex kar sakti hai. Lekin aaj main samjh chuki hoon ke ye kisi ke saath bhi ho sakta hai.yahi meri kahani hai.jo aaj se 6 month pehle mere aur mere Mama ke ladke k beech hui thi. Pehle main thoda apne aur...

1 year ago
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Their New Years Eve Tradition 2020

“I’m so close,” Janet groaned. Her fingers were a blur as she reached for her peak.Brad said nothing, dancing on the edge, desperately trying not to go over it. His wife had been teasing him, starting and stopping him and herself for an hour that seemed like three. Not that he would complain. He was so turned on, he’d do anything she said; the question was, would his body obey?Her genitals were swollen, flushed, and dripping from the long session. His would be sore later, but he kept them...

4 years ago
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Mom My First Love Chapter 3

When we both got back to the apartment that evening the bed still wasn’t anywhere near dry and we discovered that water had gotten into both our dressers from the mini-flood and a lot of our clothes were starting to mildew. So we had to do laundry. Mom suggested that we might as well wash everything, including the underwear we had on now so we put those in also. I thought that was a little unnecessary but figured she was just being thorough. That left her in her working dress and me in just my...

3 years ago
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Club Katze

I've had the good fortune to travel a great deal and found Berlin Germany, both before and after the Wall fell, an exciting and interesting city. Some of the clubs there have outstanding entertainment. This story hopefully captures much of the Old Berlin that represented an incredible era in difficult times. Club Katze (The Cat Club) The bar was dimly lit, a bright spotlight on stage. The red velvet curtains were drawn and the crowd was boisterous, eagerly anticipating the...

3 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 12

Thursday came and during lunch, Holly again told me to pick her up at Linda’s. So after school ended Keith and I went to his house to get his stuff, to my place to get mine, then we went to pick up the girls.As soon as we pulled up in front Holly and Linda came out so we gave each of them hugs and climbed in the car. We continued the game from where we had left off, and by the end of the night everybody was stoked. We were finally in the Lich’s chamber, and with the last of her spells Mara let...

2 years ago
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Virgin Forever Soofia

Summer 2013Things hadn't been going as badly since my last attempt with Dani, which I was chalking up to her just being a nut.I'd started a new college program in January and I was absolutely rocking it. If my college had a Dean's List, I would've been on it. The pickings were slim in class though as far as women went, only two or three in the class.I'd posted the odd personal on Craigslist, back when they still had those, but hadn't gotten any responses beyond the usual spam bullshit....

Oral Sex
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MY DREAMAfter chatting for over a year, you decided to fly into SAC airport and I would pick you up. We both knew it would be a tough 1.5 hour drive home to my apt. But at least we would be together and could chat. We had an awesome hug and exceptional kiss at the airport. While we waiting for your bag, we had some nice hugs and you were behind me with your arms around me. I could feel your hard erection against my back side. It made me very wet. Finally your bag came, you picked it up...

1 year ago
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The Urologist

It doesn't happen every time but more than a few of us can get erections from the stimulation of the prostate exam. Fortunately it didn't happen to me with the male Dr. but the last visit was with his PA, a 30 something beauty. She was very professional and tried to not notice what happened and then assured me that is was common and not to worry about such things. She finished and we concluded the exam with most of my dignity intact. Fast forward 6 months to last week. Another exam and...

3 years ago
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Harsha My Colleague

From the first day I laid my eyes on her, I wanted her. When my boss told me I’d get a team mate, I was relieved as I was being overworked. I knew that from now on, my life would be a lot easier. I of course didn’t know that from then on, my life would be filled with pictures of me fucking my new, sexy team mate. As is it is the only moral thing to do for a married man, I did never ever think about actually fucking Harsha. My wife still looked her bit, with a nice, well-rounded body and black...

2 years ago
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An 18 year old and his baseball coach Part 5

(Setting the scene: I am an 18 year old in high school on the baseball team. One Friday after practice I was caught masturbating in the locker room by my baseball coach Coach H. He is 58, hairy, and athetic. Instead of getting in trouble Coach H started to masturbate with me and eventually we ended having sex. We have had sex several times since then.)Coach H was grumpy during the next Friday night baseball practice. He did not even wait for me to ask if the two of us could get together. ...

4 years ago
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Club Erotique For Swingers Second Event

Lisa and I arrived back at Club Erotique. Again with some trepidation, accompanied by our interstate friends Cherall and Bill, we rang the doorbell for our second evening with a preference group, couples. Gillian our dark haired tall slim hostess for the night, whom we’d met on our initial visit, opened the door and made us welcome. Even though she’d seen them only three nights previously, she again checked our medical health certificates. As before she assured the four of us that some...

3 years ago
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An Unremarkable DayChapter 11

A couple of days later, while Jake was looking for a good spot to spend the night, he noticed some greener vegetation off to the right of the trail. The ground had been a bit hillier for the last few hours, and there seemed to be a spot worth checking out towards the base of a rise two or three hundred yards back from the trail. There was no obvious track in that direction, but the vegetation wasn't so thick - as though people had passed that way not too long ago. Jake led Sue off the...

2 years ago
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Fun with Aunty

By : Asif I have been reading sex stories on this site from long time and I too have something to share of this wonderful blog. I am Asif from Karnataka this Incest happened with Our Tenant Aunty Sarika,My English is not good  so i mix Hindi also. Sarika Aunty hamare Ghar me Rent par thi 5years se main jab 9th std me tha,sarika aunty ki family bahot poor thi unke  3children the ek beta 8saal ka aur 2nd beti 6 saal aur 3rd beti 1year ki Unki age lagbhag 30 hogi tab ye incest howa.unka husband...

1 year ago
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Seducing Your Step Sister

Ever since you met her, your sister Emily has been eye candy and has been the focus of many wet dreams. It's gotten so bad that today, while your parents are gone, you would try something, anything, to fuck her. All day you planned your approach and you are finally ready to act.

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Boy to Princess 1 The Beginning

Boy to Princess - With a Twist By Jennifer Allison It all started on my sixteenth birthday. The next twenty-four would change my life forever. Since it was also my friend Sam's birthday, I will be spending the night over at his house this year as he did last year at mine. If I had known what was going to happen that night I would have stayed home. Let me tell about where I live. The country I live in is ruled by a monarchy. At the moment the monarchy had a big problem. The...

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My Exs sister

Background:I was dating this girl for almost a year before she moved out of the country to teach abroad. Our relationship was always more about having fun than being serious, because we both new she would be moving. We had a great time and I became very close with her fam. There was a lot of sexual tension between her sister, Katey, and myself. Even though nothing was ever said, looks were shot back and forth all the time. Often times Kat would tease me... Walk from the shower to her room...

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Hubby brings me a dog as a gift

My loving husband left me home alone for making a business trip that would take at least three weeks away from town.Victor had never gone for a period so long. Some weeks before, he surprised me by bringing a sweet nice Great Dane as a gift for me. I named the big guy Leopold, after a former king from Belgium…One of my neighbors, Susan, was a dog trainer and then she trained my sweet Leopold. After a full week, she brought him back, saying now he was very well trained for my needs during...

1 year ago
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The Convict

Part 1 She was supposed to be guarding him; those were the words Sarah Andersen repeated in her mind over and over again. Sarah couldn’t keep her eyes off him, laying on the cot looking cool and collected like he wasn’t going to jail for 10 years of his life. She wanted to know what it would be like to run her tongue down every part of his muscular body. “Do you want anything, coffee, soda?” Sarah asked nervously. “No,” came the calm reply. Sarah lift her gaze towards him taking in his hard...

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A Fantastic RingChapter 14

My plan was to disappear as a normal person, Billy Watkins, and to reappear as a superhero. I had to admit that I had not picked out a name, yet, but that could wait. I offered the concubines the opportunity to work on that for me. I explained that Billy Watkins was drawing increasingly indiscriminate assassination attempts, and some innocent was going to be killed if I did not act like the attack on the plane had done the job. Therefore, I would vanish for a while as I attempted to find out...

2 years ago
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Affair With An Irresistible Married Lady

Hey folks! I am here to pen down my next story about an irresistible lady. You can read my other story . For those who don’t know me, my nickname is Criminal (quite a story behind this name), and I have been a resident of Bangalore since birth. To describe my appearance, I am quite lean, 5’9, a little on the ‘fair’ complexion (if that matters). Overall a handsome 32-year-old single. Coming to the story, it is about a 40-year-old lady I met on Tinder. She was married with no kids. Her husband...

4 years ago
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Wife compromise for money

Hi, i m 29 single yrs, i m 6 feet tall, i m fair and handsome, 32″waist, 72 kg…atheletic shaped body stature and 6″ tool and thick…. This is not my story but i share u becoz i love threesome… 2 male 1 female… If u like my story then mail me As the door bell rang, sandy cursed the visitor. She was halfway through her bath. Just then her hubby john had left and her 5 year old son had gone to her mother’s house for vacation for 15 days to pune. She was all alone in that palatial house. The...

2 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 27

"So how did the shoot go Saturday?" Harper asked as McMullen sat down on the couch by the window. "Slicker than swamp scum," the president of the Defenders of Gaea replied. "We could have gone with the first take, it was so quick. I've looked at the tape, and it's just beautiful. We're going to make a mint on that. Not only is that gal so beautiful that it takes your breath away, but she's a real pro. There's a temper under that pretty skin of hers, though." "How's that?"...

2 years ago
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A recent dream

The following is a note that I sent to my girlfriend of 20 years about a dream that I recently had:My dream started out with you kissing me goodbye as I left in the car for some conference in a big city. I wasn't fully aware of where I was going other than that I was going away for a couple of days. When I arrived at the hotel and checked into my room, I put two suitcases up on the bed, which was strange. I stood there wondering why I had two pieces of luggage. I quickly opened the suitcase...

3 years ago
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A Walk in the Park

Ally blushed as he felt the phone in his pocket vibrate briefly, followed by its usual chime. He slipped it from his pocket, glanced at the screen and gulped a little loudly. Someone had responded. The message was brief and simple, the way he'd asked. "Meet @ Park, 2am bench near Lake." the message read, the young male still trying to decide if he would go at all. The idea of being taken by a stranger for his first time seemed strange, almost dangerous, but just the thought of it made his skin...

4 years ago
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Ambers Rape Fantasy

Introduction: Hey guys, this is Amber. I really liked Alexs story and I liked seeing all of your great responses, so I decided to write one, myself. Its not gonna be as long as Alexs or anywhere near as good, but I just wanted to give it a try. This is another true story that took place about a week ago. Enjoy! Im a girl of wild imagination, and that imagination tends to ooze over in the sexual department. I have very strange fantasies, and I wasnt ashamed to admit it. Well, in some cases I...

1 year ago
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Cockatoo Part 25

Cockatoo Part 25“Shoot him.”Aki’s voice bounced around the walls of the garage as I stared down at the gun in my hand, unable to grasp what was happening. Aki stood behind me, wrapped my fingers around the stock and pushed my forefinger through the trigger guard. He held his hand over mine and pointed the pistol at Jandaeng. “Shoot him and you will be rid of him.”I looked at Jandaeng and even now he stared defiantly back at me. My finger tightened on the trigger and inside a voice told me to do...

4 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 193

These are compliments of RabbiRabbit Yes some may be repeats... A married Irishman went into the confessional and said to his priest, 'I almost had an affair with another woman.' The priest said, 'What do you mean, almost?' The Irishman said, 'Well, we got undressed and rubbed together, but then I stopped.' The priest said, 'Rubbing together is the same as putting it in. You're not to see that woman again. For your penance, say five Hail Mary's and put $50 in the poor box.' The...

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Golden Oldie Rising

John and I married in 1946. At first, we lived with his parents but then rented a small flat in town. John was caring and highly enlightened for the time. We were partners in every way. He allowed me to continue working after we married. This option may seem obvious nowadays, but back then it was anathema.Although views were changing, the bar on the employment of married women was still in general practice. Legally, wives were the property of their husbands and expected to be homemakers and...

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MarchIt's been a while since we talked. She's got cock on the brain.My roommate Leah's boyfriend Tom happens to be hung like a bull. She's constantly fucking him, that's half their daily routine. The other half is sometimes showing up to class, sometimes sitting around and talking about his dick. She sat me down and gave me a vivid description of her sucking him off in an alleyway near the theater she temps at. At first I contented myself to putting on my headphones during their many-hours long...

1 year ago
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Complicated life

Hi, this is crazy back with another story for all incest lovers I got good response for my previous postings I hope you’ll enjoy and have a immediate jerk off after reading this. send me your comments or wants My name is William Becker. Well actually it’s not Becker but that’s close enough. At the time this took place or at least at the beginning of it I was 16, born May 1st 1982 in a fairly small town in the middle of Wisconsin. I am or was at the time 5’8″ and 140 pounds with dark brown hair...


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