By Orlando
Why me? What the hell - shit, shit shit - why me!?!
All I wanted to do today is get in a little hiking, get a little exercise, and clear
my mind - now some stupid chemical spill or something has my shoes
pinned to this stupid spot. I thought it was an ice patch and marched right
through it - slick as glass and all - I slowed down - now I'm stuck in it
somehow - so what IS this stuff? Shit - shit - shit!!!
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Ugh, and with this heavy pack on I can't reach down to see what I'm
standing in - not without setting everything down, and if I do the pack will
probably get stuck in this mess too. I guess I could try throwing it outside
the spill circle - ice patch - whatever it is - but it's gonna be hard to heave 40
pounds the twelve or more feet to clear. What a bitch!!!
I shoulda stopped before I got in the dead center - damn - now I am
completely stuck - like there's hot tar or pitch holding on to the bottom of
my boots - except I don't really feel any heat like it was from a geothermal
fault or something like that. Besides, the leaves and debris of the forest
should be sticking, but the wind just blows that junk away - so all that's left
is this smooth, clear patch - reflecting the silver of the overcast sky. What-
what IS this?!?
I can't exactly see myself reflected but there is a bit of a shadowy image
there. Geez, me looking at a blur of me! I feel like I am set in quick drying
cement or stuck in roofing tar! And I was trying to make seven miles today
and get some rest - ain't gonna happen now 'cause I gotta stop and get outta
Well, crap, I'm not getting anywhere this way. I guess I am just gonna hafta
ruin my pack - no! Wait! If I can work that ground cloth out and set my
pack on that , then I can bend down and untie my boots - maybe slip free.
If I lose my boots I'll have to hike out in my athletic shoes, but I don't see
any other way to get out of this.
Ooof, got it - shit, hard holding that pack in front - I don't wanna tip over
here - I don't want to break my ankle or worse. This trap is unyielding and
all I need is to snap a bone or sprain a muscle! Okay, out with the plastic
tarp - sacrifice to the gooey-goo I guess... well, it only cost a few bucks and
I can sleep on the dirt tonight I guess - and down on the ground... Shit, hard
to do this balancing the pack on my hip with one arm. Spread the tarp out...
Damn wind - almost blows it away - cold here now that I've stopped
walking - about 40 degrees, but subtract another 10 or 15 degrees for wind
chill. Burrrr - gotta get moving again soon!
There, it's partly down - pin the corner with the pack - let the wind open it
up the rest of the way - quickly throw down the pack!
Done - whew - now let me bend over. Yuck, the soles of my feet are feeling
sticky. I can't see any liquid here on this mirror surface - it must be seeping
in the boots anyway, maybe from underneath. And I paid a pretty penny to
make sure I got good waterproofed boots. What is this shit?!
Wow - awkward trying to bend down while my boot heels are glued to the
ground, and - owww - that hurts!!! My feet seem pinned flat too in this
gook - my ankles won't bend far enough - I don't have flexibility - well let
me try again! A half bend of the knees is all I can manage here - what the
fuck! I will have to take up the slack by straining my thigh muscles - uggggh
- to try to reach the boot laces - yeah, stretch, stretch - gotta get those laces
loose to get more ankle flexibility.
What? As cold as it is, my feet feel like it is warm down there, like standing
on the hot beach sand in August... what is going on? Maybe there's some
geothermal stuff going on after all. Here - a volcano just below the ground -
liquid rock or something - just my luck to walk right into it!
Tug - push - yeah - just can reach the laces on the right boot. Pull - yep -
working - what a strain - will feel this one in the morning. If I can get
somewhere soon and set up camp... I...
I shoulda never left the main trail - I am really isolated here. Can't expect
outside help when I am in the middle of nowhere, in the mountains -, off the
trail - just below the treeline. Middle-a-nowhere! Gotta take care of myself
and do it all alone. Macho, shit! What was I thinking?
Idiot! Isn't that the point of setting out solo across country? Taking care
of myself? Self-reliance - confidence - and all that good junk? Okay, no
panic here, its early in the day, and there is plenty of time to work through
Get the left boot laces - yeah - a bit easier, Whew, gotta straighten up and
give my muscles a rest here. I'll try to squirm outa the boots a little - with
luck... Work!
I notice the ground cloth has stopped flapping in the wind. I suppose it has
gotten adhered to this goo-spot too. I wonder why it sticks and the leaves
just blow away? Squirming with my feet isn't working very well, except
the boot tops seem a little looser around my upper ankles. Gonna have to
work the boots down with my hands, despite the strain.
Several minutes later: Shit! Shit! Shit! I can't get my feet loose!
It looks like my boots are sunk at least three-quarters of an inch in this
stuff, and my feet inside my socks are apparently glued too, about a quarter
inch below the surface. I touched the covering of the glass-like surface with
my finger tips, a long reach, and at first the top seemed slick. Then I held
my hand there for a few seconds and it seemed as if the surface became
sticky, like some sort of giant flypaper. I could barely remove my hand!
I remember flypaper from old cartoons, I don't know if it is even sold
anymore. Ha - I guess this is what it feels like to be the fly. Fuck - Fuck -
Fuck, I am pretty well stuck here unless I want to cut off the bottom of my
Few minutes later: What am I to do!? Nothing seems to work. Struggling is
a waste of time. I have tried with all my strength to pull out first one, then
the other foot - no good. All that effort doesn't seem to speed up or slow
down this process. This process ? I have suddenly realized I am slowly
sinking into this fucking forest floor - AND I CAN"T DO A DAMNED
There has GOT to be a way. I don't have any strong rope, no block and
tackle - there are no large tree branches or stone boulders within a hundred
feet, even if I did have the hardware to use and could figure how to reach an
anchor point. My head hurts from the panic-like thinking - even my usual
"work-this-through" methodology is drawing a blank. So much for self-
Lighted matches don't effect the "ice" - stove gas, lit or unlit, doesn't do
anything - pouring on water and other liquids in my pack seem to have no
effect, even the vodka! Pounding it with an axe is a waste of time - crap, its
like a solid steel sheet ! I guess I will eventually run outta food and starve!
Or I can chop off my feet! Well, there is hope someone might accidently
come along this way. Hope so!........ it's all I got.......
Later: My feet are now stuck up to about an inch and a half below the
ground... WEIRD... and it feels like they are on the other side of an invisible
barrier - OPEN TO THE AIR! I definitely feel like I am bare-footed under
the surface of the "glass". At first I thought I might be losing all the feeling
down there and simply couldn't sense the texture of my socks, pressure of
the boots, and weight of my body. Now it feels like I am walking in air,
almost as if I have been turned upside down - what is going on here?
Am I losing it!?!
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Feet first
I AM losing my mind! My feet have totally been absorbed through the
mirror - yes - a giant mirror. AGGGGGGGGGGGGH Like "Alice
Through the Looking Glass," I am slowly being absorbed into some
bottomless pit - a lost mine - an alternate world. Am I dreaming? It's a
warmer place too - my feet are suddenly comfortable for the first time since
I got out of the sleeping bag this morning. Ummmm - floating in the air too,
a gentle breeze wafting through my toes... it seems so soothing, and my feet
and ankles somehow feel more rested and whole - more completely relaxed
and "right with the world" - it is hard to explain...fuzzy... I almost want to
go to sleep...
Why don't I topple over?
I am going back and forth between reality and fantasy here - I must pull
myself together! I am going to die here if I don't keep awake! It's been at
least an hour and I am getting tired - so tired of standing up. My leg
muscles are complaining - all that strain - and I can't move around to get any
relief. It is like standing one hundred percent, absolutely still for an hour -
with shoes nailed to the floor. Tug - tug - tug of gravity is getting me good,
here. For the love of all that is precious, I CANNOT THINK HOW TO
GET OUT OF THIS! I am starting to give up hope of getting out. This is
like quick-sand traps in the movies, except excruciatingly slow. I am a
fucking dead man!
Sitting down
I couldn't help myself! Couldn't! I just sat down! I didn't even think
about it - the next thing I knew, my buttocks were parked on the mirror.
Before I could react, I was stuck butt down. I put my hands down to push
back up, but then my palms almost adhered to the surface... I MUST keep
my hands free or I will DIE. How can I protect myself if my hands are
glued to the ground?
Wild animals, wild animals! I am helpless - like a doe caught in a snare trap
- no way out - waiting for the hunters to come cut my throat. How can I
keep from getting attacked by animals? No way for me to defend myself! I
would much rather sink through and suffocate than have my throat torn out
by a cougar or a bear! But - but - but.... calm it down. This is the treeline
of the forest - no real cover - not a prime hunting area for big predators this
time of year - I hope. I probably would be lucky to see a rabbit or wild
turkey - probably, yeah. Animals... Hey, FOOD! I must reach my pack
and get something to eat... starving!!!
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Two hours later: my feet, ankles and bottom half of my thighs and butt are
through the surface. My lower legs were half absorbed before I sat down -
now it's too late to cut anything off and escape! I couldn't have done that,
anyway - who could? Wow, think on that one - cut off a part of the bottom
of my body to free the top. I don't have the guts... I'd rather just sink
under and suffocate. That would be better than bleeding to death, I guess. I
hope it doesn't get too cold tonight and I freeze. Maybe freezing to death is
the best thing! I hear it is painless at the end.
Slightly later: I just realized, my knee joints will soon penetrate through to
the other side and I will get more mobility. Huh - whoa - feels as if there is
NOTHING on the other side but warm, breezy air. I am still a bit chilled
here, at least "above ground," but I have been able to get food and my heavy
clothing out of the pack. I now believe the pack is NOT being absorbed - it
is disintegrating. Everything sticks to the "ice" but I don't think there is
anything below the surface - except me. My boots, socks, and the parts of
my hiking pants must be disintegrating as they pass through - I assume - I
can't feel them against my body anymore. Its warm enough to not need
clothing "down there" - I seem to be passing through this "portal of death"
BUCK NAKED. Dust from the clothing and stuff just blows away in the
wind, underneath, I guess - yah - yah - yah! Ha ha ha - fuuuuuuuny!
Portal of death - portal to an alternate reality, maybe! This terrible situation
I am in is affecting my thinking...
Ha ha ha! And I can no longer feel the tension of my penis and balls against
clothing. In fact I can't feel them at all. Ha ha ha - fuuuuuuuny again!
Maybe I am disintegrating too.
Snap - uhhhhhh... more of me is sinking - sinking - sinking...
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My ankles have been free for some time now but my legs were originally
frozen in place far apart, so I can not touch myself toe to toe under there.
My feet rotate aimlessly, freely - it certainly is strange the way they move -
they FEEL strange! My skin below the ring of the surface feels like it is
slightly sun burned - it tingles like crazy - tickles, but in a pleasant way. It
is fortunate I don't really itch "down there" - 'cause the wouldn't be a
fucking thing I could do about it. I wonder what will happen when I have to
piss? Will I ruin some perfect Eden? Can piss exist in an alternate reality?
Piss on them - piss - piss - piss on them!!!
I don't think I am totally insane, just a little crazy right now. Anybody
would be in this situation. What's happening to me certainly does not exist
in any reality I know about! I mean - how often can someone fall into a hole
- a hole in the middle of nowhere - a hole that destroys clothing passing
through... and one that seems to have a different climate on the other side?!
My worst problem? What to do with my hands. They are laying on top of
my upper legs now, but what happens when they sink below the surface.
Uh - I cannot lose my hands - important - I must not lose my hands! ..........
I must not have an anxiety attack, either - I must not start screaming.......... it
might attract the wrong kind of animals. Animals... in the night, shit!
Oh my gawd - passing through
My thighs are just held by the top of my skin... any second now I am going
to move from a sitting position to a stand-up stance - screeeeep - popped
Hey, I can touch something - barely - if I stretch my foot as far as possible.
Burrrrrrr - scary feeling around in the dark down there! Dark! What if I
end up in the dark down there - with creatures of the subterranean world -
slimy bastards! Ooops! It felt like I was about to set foot on a squishy
water bed or a giant water filled balloon, except the upper layer had texture
like leaves or paper. Maybe some of the leaves do work through - maybe if
they are still alive enough... Bottom of a cave? I wonder if there is air to
breath... I might be able to crawl out - with luck... in the dark? But that's a
real good possibility - hang in there.
Oh oh - something is wrong here. I have been able to bang my feet together,
but this is the first time I have been able to explore surfaces with them.
Not only is there something weird with the ground, but the surfaces of my
feet, ankles, calves feel strange as I check out my legs with soles and sides of
my feet. No mud or dirt on me - but I feel different somehow. My feet are
smooth and soft - without the callouses and corns I know should be there.
And something else is strange - yes indeed - smooth skin everywhere - like a
baby - my skin and flesh is so soft and flexible - almost like plush foam or -
SHIT - like a woman's soft body!!! What is this - wh..wh - what -
what???? And wait - no hair either! Where are my hairy legs? Smoothness
- silkiness - a satin finish over subcutaneous fat - padded - soft................
yielding flesh.
It cannot be... there must be another answer. The surface edge of the portal
has ground be down somehow as I passed through or...
I have gone insane - but - Mother help me if it doesn't feel like I have a
woman's body down there!!!
This is clearly impossible - soon - very soon my hips will slip under far
enough to free my legs so - so I can check this out... so - so I can find that
this sensation is only imaginary. Yeah, just a trick of my imagination...
Ten minutes later: Uhhhhhh. I've lost it... lost it - lost it. I am over the
bend, past the river, under the mountain. I think I have a very serious
problem going on here. I must keep calm and stay analytical here or I will
lose my shit entirely! It cannot - cannot - cannot be!
Let me take an inventory:
Feet: okay - a known. They feel very soft and flexible, more so than they
were when I put on my socks this morning. Too soft - a real situation
developing here! Like the rest of my body below the surface, they are
naked and free! BUT I swear I feel my toe nails as small daggers - "shaped
like seashells" come into my mind's eye as I feel each nail with my
opposing toes, right set checking left, and vice-versa.
The feet seem somewhat shorter too - my size twelves now smaller
somehow. I know this by comparing height of the instep with the length of
the arch. The toes really feel more agile in movement somehow, flexing and
bending like small fingers. I can pick up pieces off the floor - leaves, I am
sure. A monkey? No - not that different - just strange.
What can I know without looking - impossible - at least until my head slips
below the surface. If there is any light, that is, if I can keep from suffocating
long enough! I am not a dead man, after all - but I may be changed
somehow, maybe a more distressing thought, somehow. I don't want to
turn into some sort of mindless monster or animal!
Ankles: protruding ankle bone gone on the inside, less obvious on the
outside. Slow here - don't get too rambunctious - little at a time.! Well,
there is a puffy layer - a fatty pad there. No sharp angle like before - and I
seem double jointed now as I can flex my ankles and knees to touch almost
all the way up my legs to my groin... Oh my gawd ... I don't want to do
that yet! There is a thinness of the leg at the ankle which feels odd, weaker
in structure, without muscle and tendon to support my bulk. If things keep
progressing as they are...! Well, not yet... I don't know what changes are
going on - I seem to be getting smaller and lighter in body mass.
Calves: slight flabbiness is what comes to mind as I feel with the bottoms of
my feet - not fat, just more rubbery than they should be! I feel a slight
stubble as if they are recently shaved close - nothing to compare with my
beard stubble of course - just barely discernable "sandpaper" texture. Did
the hair "shave" from my legs as I passed through? I cannot feel all of the
lower leg at once, as I must use sole, foot and heel to touch, but the overall
picture - jeez!...definitely a not a man's shape - a woman's shape? - weaker
musculature, but silky smooth skin. And shorter, I would guess. I will not
be my foot 2 inches height, on the other side!
Knees: I always thought a man's knees were ugly. These knees feel rounded
and slightly fleshy on top and at the sides. There are no odd angles sticking
out - solid, but no real strength of hard tendons and sinews underneath. The
back of the knees are a real surprise. The tops of my toes slip behind my
knee joint - fitting like a key in a lock - like a socket in a a pocket - my feet
feel like they belong there and it makes me feel "secure?". Strange feelings.
This alcove formed by the void between the back of the knee tendons is
super soft - baby-butt plushy and tender.
Soft - soft -soft! If what I suspect is true, I suppose other places of my
body will compete for that honor - if this keeps up. Wow - I've never had
the flexibility in my legs, knees and feet I seem to now have - ain't the old
me here. Must stretch now for more of this "body inventory!"
Thighs: yes! I can stroke parts of my thighs with my feet - unimaginable!
Damn if I don't feel flab - flab - flab. Tensing my thigh muscles cause some
strength to come back, but when relaxed my thighs are plush with padding
and - soft. I wonder if I have the leg strength to walk out of here
anymore... if... a big if... if I could get free. I feel like I am poking toes into
soft flesh, rubbing finely pored skin and soft tissue - in other words I feel
"woman's flesh!" That means...
If I think hard about it there is one more place I need to check out here....
uh... my groin is below the surface now and it is just reachable with the back
of my heel!
SON-OF-A-BITCH, the damn groin area is all wet and slick. My worst
nightmare has been confirmed. This ain't ME!!! I can just barely feel "
lips" touching the back of my heel, but the shudder that goes through my
body tells me more about what is there now, and it ain't Willie and the poor
boys! My dick and balls are gone - gone - gone - missing and presumed
dead. I feel wooosy...
Welcome to the other side - uhhhhh. My manhood is gone - and uhhhhh -
sexually - below the waist, I must be a full fledged, card carrying female. I
feel like I have a - a virgina.
I seem to be a - a life support system for a pussy -
and have a cunt for all men to lust after.
Lust after - other side - female, woman... girl - uh...
I now know I want to die!!!
Then something grabs me by both the ankles, like two strong
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I frail my arms, I scream out, I piss down my leg, I struggle to kick it -
whatever it is - kick it away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Resolved to fate
Nothing works. I have been struggling for I guess an hour, or so it seems.
Whatever it is down there seems to be holding on like a tenacious son-of-a-
bitch. I originally felt two vice -like grips clamped to my ankles, but now
what-ever-it-is has gotten a grip on my legs as well. At first I was terrified
it might be a snake! Now, I see in my mind's eye as an ape or humanoid
creature with its great grasping hands on my lower legs, clasping my calves
just below the knees, pressing them to each side of its head to keep me from
moving - holding my legs from mid-calf to ankles under its armpits to keep
me from kicking .
The only movement I have is a rotation of my foot at the ankles, useless
against this brute force, and a flexing and curling of toes, also completely
useless. My kicks, small as they are, hit only warm air. My hips are
pinned solid in the structure of the surface membrane - so I am just plain
stuck in this thing's persistent embrace. It is as if it wants to wear me out -
it is succeeding! I wait for the first impression of teeth as it starts eating my
legs! Panic - then fear - now terror of the unknown.
Hey! I am in more trouble! In my struggles with what was going on below,
I have completely screwed myself up here above the portal by putting my
hands palm down on the surface - and -fuck - fuck -fuck - I am really stuck
now! NO HANDS!
After a few more minutes: Why am I still alive?!
I struggle in fits now - rest - try to break the hold, no luck. Whatever is
down there has got me good and he isn't about to let go! No - no - no! I
think of it as "he" - why? Strength! The son-of-a-bitch is STRONG! Or
am I just too weak now - oh gawd! Female! And apparently female below
the belt too! I am in real danger of getting sexually assaulted as a female...
raped... now that's a thought! Geez, I think I'd rather get eaten!
Maybe that's what that bastard is waiting for - for me to tire out so he can
fuck me!!! Gawd, I'll go craaaaazy if that happens. BUT WHAT THE
SHIT CAN I DO ABOUT IT! I am completely helpless. Oh, gawd - only
a little while with a pussy and now I am REALLY gonna find out what it is
like on the other side...
Helpless... helpless... helpless...
What a sickening feeling. I want to vomit! Maybe it will drop through on to
his head! The mother --------!!! I... is that a - something is licking me ever so
gently - like a pet dog - oh my... I hope he doesn't do what I think... he...
might do... NO, thank gawd, its just a nuzzle.. But.... DON"T lick my new
woman sex parts!!! I will have a heart attack if you do!!!
Twenty minutes: all I can do is wait it out. He hasn't done anything except
loosen his grip as I relax, tighten it when I tense up. A few gentle nuzzles -
to calm me down? To get me used to his touch? It's a game, now, and I
can't win. All I am doing is slipping farther and farther under the surface of
the portal. My skin feels sun-burned and tingly at the edges where I have
just passed through, like I am burning up excess energy or body mass.
Elsewhere else it feels good to the touch - whew, exceptionally good to the
touch. The balmy warm breeze seems to constantly blow past my newly
shaped body, caressing my skin.
I can feel this mystery beast's body heat - yikes, when I am not moving.
Whenever I am trying to trick him by playing passive, I can feel a trickle or
two of sweat from his body running down my legs and wetting my instep.
Gross... I can feel hair on this head... is it curly, unkempt or perhaps just
wild and uncombed? It tickles! I think this thing has a beard and
occasionally he gives my new smooth legs a gentle nudge with his face,
almost a caress - and I involuntarily shudder. Shudder? Why? For WHAT
reasons? Fear and panic have now turned to a quiet struggle with the
At least this shows there is life of some sort down there - aghhh - but what
kind!? Cave creatures? All the horror movies of my childhood suddenly
flash in a jumble of images -eeeeee just pick my personal beast outta those
creepy, twisted creatures... uuuuuuu... this is BAAAAAD!!!
It also shows this thing is probably breathing something - air, I hope.
Maybe I won't suffocate after all. I will simply slip through and get
ravaged and murdered instead! But if he was going to screw me, I would
have already had been had! Maybe I am just dinner. I imagine all sorts of
animals get stuck here. Maybe he comes by every day to see what meat
this trap has caught.
Or worse - what is it like for this beast, to look up and see a "woman"
slowly emerging from the "sky"? Does he watch, licking his lips and fangs
in anticipation, as first my feet bottoms, then toes, instep, arch, ankle and
calf emerge? Does his erection start when my knees, thighs and hairy groin
drop down? Is he throbbing hard and ready to erupt when the lips and folds
of my woman-sex become visible, open like a succulent, torn apart
pomegranate? Does he want to pluck me like a fruit, have me on the spot,
helpless - or does he want to watch me emerge, like a voyeur would - as
excited by the view as by the actual act of potential sexual intercourse?
WHAT IS THIS PLACE! Oh Gawd, what is going to happen to me? I am
slip-slip-slipping away - My mind is go-go-going!
Later: we have come to a compromise. I don't struggle - he doesn't hold me
so tight anymore.
Still later: I am down well past my groin, almost up to my belly button! I
have good control of the muscles of my legs and pelvis. If he lets go now I
could get in a few good, hard kicks... but then what? I am pretty helpless
here. His hold is almost like an embrace now, somehow. I have just about
decided to let him have his way with me. He could really hurt me and I
couldn't do anything.... wait, he let go one hand! I AM JUST TOO
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About an hour later: Jeez, my hands are through up to just before the wrist.
They are pinned too tight and set too far away from by body to do
anything. I might as well be handcuffed. Well, I won't be able to eat or
drink for a while, caught like this. I wonder if there is food and water
below? If I don't slip through all the way I am a dead man!
Geez, dead man! I think I am more likely to be a dead "woman"! Suddenly
I see this dead woman's body crumpled up in a pile of leaves. I can hear the
detective investigators discussing whether I was sexually assaulted before or
after I was dead... I am floating above my coffin at the funeral... I see my
female body painted up and dressed in a chiffon gown, in the coffin - to be
buried in the ground that way... so strange. To bad I couldn't enjoy life as a
living woman...
But what am I thinking!!! I am not dying!!!
More likely I will be a living female very - very soon!!! Imagine me - a man
stuck in a woman's body! Stuck below the surface of this world? On an
alternate world plane? In purgatory? Shit, does it matter? Ah, hardly now
- apparently, I am doomed to what ever fate comes...
Why am I now convinced I am transforming into a human woman? Human?
Maybe I will end up some sort of monster: male on top, female below...
Ha! Say I do completely transform. Will I be a young girl or a budding
woman? I could be an old hag. Will this new body comparable with my
current age - 28 years old? Will I be ... ugly, malformed, twisted in body
and face? I know - gawd - I know so little.
Sexually- sexually I am fully female below! I now know that! Shit!!!. That
man-creature washed the pee off my legs... so gently, uh! I felt the moss or
what ever soft fluff he used, touch my new and extremely sensitive sex. I
thought I would jump outta of my skin at first - whoa! Labia and the rolling
folds of my pussy dabbed in the most loving manner. I wish I could see as
well as feel... Maybe, this mystery monster has been around women before
- he seems experienced - no groping animal here. He has a ...a loving touch.
It is like a caress - it makes me tremble... what is that all about? Suddenly, I
want to have him touch me again, just like that! Damn! I wish I could see...
He must be reading my thoughts! He is now holding me gently and tenderly
touching the hot part of my body, where it is coming through. I can feel his
huge hands on my rib cage, like he is exploring each protruding curve of bone
under my skin with the hot pads of his palms. He barely avoids the curve
of my buttocks as he slips hands and fingers down to my waist in back,
low. Obviously I want to have him there because I unconsciously give a
little wiggle of my hips. But he pulls away to explore elsewhere.
Ahhhh - tracing the shape of my thighs!!! Oh - almost touching my mons
pubis with extended thumbs - fingers cupping that lower soft inside of my
legs! Tickling my cunt hairs - making the sphincter muscles of my other
hole contract! Oh goodness... I have never known what it is to be a woman
touched by a man - but I am getting a good education here - now - happening
-happening now. My mind is turning off as my body turns on. I cannot -
don't wanna - think - what is - happening to me! I just don't want it to
My feet are on the billowing ground below and my knees are slightly bent. I
am going to land in this unknown place roughly in a sitting position, my
head almost touching the "ceiling" above. I can feel him slowly moving
around me - not letting go - sliding both hands as he touches my trapped,
naked lower torso and stomach ever so gently. I can feel his folded, kneeling
legs - slightly rough - hair?. He is between my legs now, probably bent and
sitting on his feet, his hands up at my emerging narrow waist. His face must
be just barely buzzing my stomach because I can feel the breath - intake -
exhaust - intake - exhaust, speeding up when touching me, slowing when
not. Damn, if I wasn't male in mind I would really be getting turned on!!!
But I AM getting turned on!!! My body is going away from reality of me -
maybe more TOWARDS the reality of my new situation - where ever it
wants... I have no control anymore! I am approaching something new and
completely different - familiar, yet somehow foreign - strange feelings surge,
new muscles tremble! Womanly reactions? I am having my body change the
mood, the mind set, the maleness of me - my gawd!!! BETRAYAL!
I would be a strange sight from anyone watching from above. I wiggle and
shake my shoulders as if having an orgasm. I would appear to me
completely mad.
His hands are on mine now. I have about half my forearm exposed on each
side, the arms are still well pinned. I am still helpless in his grasp. Although
not fully attentive because of how he is touching me, I have been able to
move my fingers against themselves and I have discovered what I know is
obvious - a full body transformation is taking place. I now have long,
tapering fingers with delicate shaped nails. Nails about a half inch long!!!
How? This transition is really shaping me to its will - feminizing me to a
maximum degree. If I was not otherwise occupied I would be screaming
about this transformation - but all I do is moan instead.
I can feel the feminine shape of my hand, fingers, wrist and forearm reflected
in the grip if his big and powerful hands. He slips his fingers between mine,
both hands, as if possessing me. I want to - I do - I cannot help but return
his squeeze!!! I am female in body, but my masculine mind is betraying me
to a man's caresses!!! What am I? Am - am I changing in mind as well?
Later still: I am me! That is what I am, ME - me is a set of womanly legs,
a virgina tucked neatly between. Me is a wonderfully full bottom - a
luscious female tush that trembles at this man's touch - yes! He finally
cupped my huge buttocks with hot hands, lifting me an inch or two off the
ground - kneading my flesh like he was making bread! He has taken
possession of my bottom body - legs are just in the way now - spread wide
to offer, to tempt, to invite. Cripes! I am sooooo hot! Me - me - me, I am
a narrow divide of waistline defined by these lingering, sliding hands - each
muscle and curve of my smooth, tender back lovingly explored!
Me? I am about to know more and more and more about me - my body -
my new body. I feel a terrible pressure in my upper chest as my breasts,
somehow non-existent above, but throbbing just the same - feeling trapped
by the surface tension above - my girly-girly-girly boobs are about to drop
into this new world, like water balloons pulled through a tube - like trapped
flesh suddenly released to become new sexual playthings - to be caressed
and cherished.. I KNOW he is waiting for them to drop! He keeps running
the tips of his fingers under the fleshy bottom of the ridge that is forming on
my chest, one inch, two of curve - just the bottom of the nipples emerge,
excruciatingly slow!
Plop - left, plot - right. I must be sitting slightly off center. And his hands
are there to meet them. AUUUUUUUUUUUH Heavenly! I thought knew
why women loved to be touched on their breasts - I wasn't but half right -
there is an electric current directly from them to the center of my new
internal sex!!! Awwwwgh! Suddenly I realize I might even be dry
humping his legs! GAWD - I want him!!!
WHERE DID HE GO? The son-of-a-bitch has suddenly dropped me like a
hot rock!
||\ _ _ |
(| | \ |}
....\ _ O /....
/:::: :::::::::: :::\
******* / /\ /\ \*****
*******/ /* ( o )( o )*\ \****
****** ( \**\ / **/ )****
******* \ \*} o ( **/ /****
******** \ \ __ __*/ /******
*********/ ''`\ \\\// /''' \******
*******/ /*** \ \****
******/ /***** \ \***
******( ) / ********* \ ( )***
******\ )*********** ( / **
******* \ |************| /*****
******** )***********{ ****
|||...''.'.|| "''""'...""" ''... ||'' '"""||
Head and shoulders
I want to cry...
My chest is now fully through. My arms are now almost completely free.
Only my head and shoulders remain "above." I am cold up here as it gets
dark and the temperature drops. Only because it is so tropics-like below
can I stand it. My nose is cold and runny, and all I can do is sniff. That
warm, loving male thing below - that SOB - that bastard - has been gone
now for about an hour! I feel like I have been betrayed - abandoned at the
alter, so to speak. Shit, just like a woman! I get felt up and abandoned!!! Is
this what it is like to be a woman? If so, this female life I am about to
experience really is gonna suck the big one.
Geez! Females do that! Will I want to do that, literally? Suck the BIG
ONE? Never! Never-never-never! I ain't no cocksucker! But I secretly
realize, I don't know WHAT I am.
I wanted him a while a go, I wanted him in me! I was lost in space now -
gone - gone - gone! I am definitely bouncing off the wall here! I have just
about gone around the bend! I am a man for Geez sake - and I can't ever be
anything else.... Can I? How could I have been thinking like that?!
Right? What if my new organs change me? What if I have no choice,
hormones and body feedback to my brain overwhelming and uncontrollable
in this new direction I am going!!! A "woman" in body may have no choice
but to be a "woman" in mind. Female is as female does! Woman is as
woman does! Still, it's gonna take a whole lot to CHANGE ME! Yeah -
I take quick inventory of my situation:
I am suspended with my amply padded bottom about 18 inches off the
assumed "leafy ground." I can feel my feet in the leaves, my toes absent-
mindedly crutching them up. My hands, seemingly beautifully formed,
delicate young woman's hands - with their full length nails - are clasped
across my lower lap, hiding my new sex. I feel so vulnerable! Gotta cover
all I can with hands and arms. I have finally been able to feel my arms!
Slim, delicate build - me. At least I will not be a lard tub!
I DO have hair on my body! A fine down all over except on my legs. There
is a delicately narrow bushy crop surrounding my virgina - and I guess I
have been getting excited because it is awfully wet and slick down there! I
am covered and exposed at the same time - lousy design!!!
Breasts? Yes - yes - yes... aah, a fine set, most probably! They seem huge,
and a certainly strange and unfamiliar, almost like fleshy tumors or mounds
of fatty tissue - rounded water balloons sagging there on the platform of my
skinny chest. The nipples... almost impossible to describe what it feels like
to have points of my body sticking out so far in front of me. I wonder if
they are pigmented... there are a few stray hairs around the rim... they
wrinkle and pucker as I play with them a bit - haw - electric shock to the
center, again - agggh.
And pregnancy - oh shit! I will now be maintaining the body of a baby
factory... Breasts are really designed for feeding babies. Mammaries! A
mammal from the real meaning of the word - can I ever be a mother suckling
babies - my own babies? Child-birth, motherhood!!! Gawd, I loved my
mother and wanted to be more like her - but in manner and spirit - not like
this! Boobs like my mother - and sisters, and girl cousins, grandmothers,
aunts - shit! Woman's breasts.... on me...
This is not at all what I thought breasts felt like from a woman's point of
view. These seem to be ponderous weights on my chest and - gawd - I just
realize - signal me as a sexually mature female, prime and ready to be
screwed - with or without her permission! And there ain't much I am going
to be able to do to hide these big mounds! Shit, no wonder women keep
them hidden away! The are really making me feel vulnerable!!! These really
scream out "female - female - female!!!" I can't cover them unless I use both
hands. I need my hands to cover my sex down there, so I just let my boobs
hang free in the wind...
Somehow having exposed tits makes me feel womanly .. more than having a
pussy, strange! I - I - I don't know if this is gonna work out. I just don't
I am naked - of course - no clothing seems to go through the portal into this
world - clothing seems unneeded here , anyway. My new sexual equipment
seems strangely tucked in between my legs, exposed from underneath - I
never realized women were so vulnerable that way, from under and behind, I
mean. The little folds of flesh from the base of my almost flat tummy tend
to pooch forward the way I am kneeling, forming a little bump, covering the
top view of my cunt. The actual virginal opening is more between the legs
than I realized. I suppose I thought it was centered about where a man's
penis is located, but I now find it really is hidden as if there was a slit in the
middle part of my now non-existing scrotum. If feels strange to be an "inne"
rather than an "outie." In fact, it is "damn peculiar" - ha.
Is that my womb and ovaries that shakes so violently when I touch myself?
Geez - I will have to think on that one!! Tits, virgina... ovaries all tied
together? OVARIES??? Mood swings? Periods, stinky personal hygiene,
trips to the toilets in public, bloating and water retention before-during-after
- bloody discharge - blood, I hate the sight of blood, but the stuff issuing
between my legs?! Who designed that system? TOOOOOOOOOO
I can't see any of this. I have not been able to stand, much less walk. I
know my hips are probably a good three or four inches wider and the hip
sockets are spread wider. I guess I will waddle like a duck for a while until I
gain the natural roll of a woman's swaying walk. I CAN feel a breeze
blowing through down there, unless I clamp my legs really hard. This is
gonna take some getting used to!
, .....,
|\_ _/|
(| c \ c }
***********//\ ~ /\\*********
********.'"" ) ( ""'*******.
*******/ /\ /\ \*****
****** / /* ( o ) ( o )*\ \****
****** | \**\ /**/ | ****
********\ \* ) o (**/ /*****
********* \ \ __ __ / /******
******** / ''`\ \\\// /''' \******
*******/ / ***\ \*****
******/ /*****\ \****
****** ( ) /**********\ ( )***
*******\ ''. **** .'' /****
|||...''.'.|| "''""'...""" ''... ||'' '"""
A bit later: Yes, yes, yes... I am female sexually, totally, wholly. I have
been doing what a newly transsexed man to woman would do immediately: I
have been playing with my new play toys for a while.
At first I blew a fuse almost right away - saw the stars and the comets.
Shit! It might have been an orgasm - or I just might have been playing with
new dynamite and had it go off. It was NOT a man's pleasure I felt there -
too general and internal - too much of a buzz! Whole body - whole mind
sorta thing!!! Wow - I need to work with this... one thing is for sure, this
"hole" is really a deep well of pleasure. So is the stuff all around it! And
the stuff elsewhere...
I need to watch that I don't cut myself with these nails.
Shit! As an experienced man I know what a woman feels like inside down
there, all sorts of little bumps and slick spots - a rubbery erect clit, if the
stimulation is right - juicy and stinky and wonderful! But to feel it with a
man's finger is not the same as to feel it with my woman's fingers and at the
same time the walls of my virgina. The second time is even better than the
first - electrical currents running into my internal organs below, red flashes
behind my closed eyelids above. Geez, what a feeling! I fell... off... a...
A dreamy million-mile-an-hour comet ride through the cosmos, experience
number three... Later rides are almost as spectacular, but the stimulation is
taking longer and involved more experimentation with the erectile tissue of
my new breasts. I even started fantasizing about the unknown subterranean
man-creature, pretending my fingers were his pulsating rod - until I realized
what I was doing.
Damn it, I guess I couldn't claim to really be a man any more. This was
really going to be confusing... where will my identity of self go? Will I be a
completely new person: "Female and loving it?" Will I be a woman with
past "man" and new "woman" memories?
Will I even remember who I was when I slipped completely into this new
existence - transformed, transsexed?
Will I survive?
Hanging on by a my head
I was in a very uncomfortable position! My head was holding me up and I
could be choking to death if I wasn't careful in my positioning. I had shifted
around to get on my knees as I felt the weight redistribute - my shoulders
slipping through. I could now freely traverse my whole body with my
hands and more about a bit, even wave my arms about, stretching out hours
of muscle kinks, but my head is frozen in place. It almost as if I had a
stranger threatening to strangle me with a rope or cord, except the pressure
was lighter. But that could change any minute with the wrong moves!
More touches! Fuck! I jumped a foot, or tried to - owww - hurt the larynx.
Damn, this is scary - I don't think it is the same person... I can't struggle
now - I will choke to death. No... No... no... what is happening?! Touch -
touch - touch... it's gentle, but I still don't like it! Wow - am I ever
vulnerable now. If it is a different male - I just might get fucked after all.
Aiee I think I am screaming up above - animals be damned!
No. It's several touches, several people - very gentle touches, smooth flesh
- shit! Soft and gentle touching - feminine! Not a caress but a gentle,
reassuring touch. Women - I think it is women - all around me! Small hands
too - children? Geez, what is this place? Perhaps I won't be alone with
that big male, after all. There seems to be a colony of 'em! a colony of
A few minutes later: Ummmm. They are grooming me. I would probably
smell soap, powder, lotion - nail polish? and perhaps perfume - if my
sniffer was below the change level. I feel strange brushes and fibers stroking
my skin, caressing my body "everywhere" - um - even gently rouging my
nipples and - ahgh! - touching my privates!!! They certainly have a
different idea of grooming down here! I feel renewed - and except for the
heat around my neck, I feel cool and pampered. Is this to prepare me for
this new world, or something more sinister. Maybe the "lotion" is
"barbeque sauce"! I cannot but wonder why all this preparation. Will
they tie me to a post for a monstrous dragon to rape and tear my flesh!!!
No - no - it's a subterranean place - more likely they will drown me in a
sacrificial pool - a virgin sacrifice? Is that why the big fellow left me intact -
"virginal applicants only, others need not apply" - huh?
Later - and left alone again: At last my neck is through. Dark above, the sun
has set. The plane now is just under my chin and I have been singing like a
bird the last ten minutes! My voice has feminized into a crackly contralto,
which has been slowly rising in range as my vocal cords shrink. a suspect
that when the sinuses and bone structures change, it will fully develop into a
clear female alto, or even a soprano! In any case, I can do things with my
voice I have never imagined!
Goosed! Ooooh - oh - lightly goosed again - or patted!
Mr. Alternate-universe man is back again! I recognize his lingering touch on
my thighs. I can feel his size and heat. He is really back! Why am I not
frightened? Oh I want to see him! My full head is going to take an hour to
get through - it's really dark up here now and still cold, although the wind
has quit.
Sigh - I will be able to speak to him in twenty minutes, smell him in another
twenty as my face passes under! Ears, too - hear him! Eyes - then I will be
able to SEE! Oh glorious! I will be able to see him - see me - see the world
that awaits me! GLORIOUS!!! My gawd, how my world has changed in
less than a day!!
Ten minutes later: Uhh - I think I might be getting fucked after all - and
Just like I have seduced women - he is obviously seducing me. Oh my
GOD. Sweet ever-living saints of all the world, he is like a velvet blanket,
all over me! His hands are playing me like a musical instrument, and - too
fast for me to describe, other than to say it is good -good- GOOD.
Gentle - gentle - gentle - the man-creature is --- I hope he is not the monster
from the black lagoon, 'cause I definitely want him to take me... good - good
- oh.
He touches me on the breasts, slow and sweet he circles the weight of them
- gawd - takes my right nipple in his mouth. I'm gonna choke - - no -- he
slips something under my hips to support me - auuugh - the pleasure from
having him gently but firmly pick up my body weight - to shift me over -
ah - possess me for a second - my body held in his arms - my arms go
around his neck. Gawd, the muscles there! I can feel his heat - he nuzzles
me as well as he can under these circumstances of limited mobility - he must
be terribly cramped, probably bending down and turning his head up. He is
all over me again - I know he will find a way to - to -to --- yes, he is holding
me against him, urging me to meet his body and I can't refuse - I want him...
I want him more than I have ever wanted anything...
My mouth pops free, nughhhhh - I can't use my tongue yet - wait -wait -
there is time for this - I feel his hands go behind my back, his legs are
shifting - he is sliding me on his lap - and yes - yes - I have my arms behind
him and mmmm - I - am - am trying as hard as I can with my newly limited
strength - nuuuugh - and awkward positioning to get on top of his - his
lower body.
On top of him- on top of his rigid penis, which is poking between my legs
as I slide - it is hard - hard and solid and I want to touch it, but I would have
to let him go to do so. I probably couldn't reach it with my hands anyway -
aghh - he is at my neck. And I can touch his face for the first time - hairy,
manly - but I can't focus there - later - I will explore his face later.
He is human - human in all the right places - human and manly and virile. I
can feel his heat, his need. I can suddenly feel my need - suddenly I find I
speak for the first time. I tell him I want him, need him - he needs to take
me - take me hard! My ears - ears - not clear - could he understand English?
Unlikely! But he certainly understands the language of my body - talk to
me - talhhhhhk to me - talk to me with your body.
Suuuuu - uh - uh -oh - the tip of his penis, slippery, throbbing - demanding -
urg---ing me to yei-- ld yield - to give - give ... myself up - to grant entry. I
feel it as it slides closer and closer to my lubricated cunt. Throbbing and hot
I can feel my juices mixing with his pre-come... alllll a bout nooooow heee's
Awwwh - ahhhh-uhhhhh
I am penetrated -
I am stuck like a bug - his shaft immobilizes me. I can't back away if I was
threatened with life or death... I could not retreat if my life depended on it. I
must have it - I must - I must!
And I push down and in and on to it, feeling it split me - like a knife cutting
a new watermelon - like a stake driving through a vampire's heart - I am
empaled - I am dead of this place and time - gone to the next plane - I am not
of this world anymore. I am at the seat of the beginning of the universe.
The stars spin around me like I am the center of the galaxy - and I am - I am
the center - he is the axle and I am the wheel - he is the man thing center
place and I am that woman thing that surrounds him - hole and whole -
penetrator and penetrated-------we mesh and meld.
Blast blast blast - rockets trusting. Is it him or is it me pushing - it is both .
Pound pound pound - I am so slick he can punch into me full up against his
shaft - liquid, yielding pressure - pressure that hits me with wave after wave
and - and - and then I feel that miniature woman thing - female penis - clit...
rub - bbb - ub rub against his groin, slide down, rub up, slide down - slow -
then fast - faster. Piston strokes!!! Then I realize that thump thump thump
against my bottom flesh is the sack of his scrotum, filled with a tight knot of
sperm willing, wanting, waiting to surge into my cunt - storm over the
valleys and hills of my virgina, assault the opening of my uterus, drive
through - sperm, with shear weights of millions, billions, quadrillions -
driving to seek out - search out and penetrate again - attack an egg - my egg!
Gush I climax! Gush I climax! Gush I climax!
I dimly feel him spasm, as if he had been waiting for me - gush, gush, gush,
gush, gush - seven eight, nine times - he is flooding me - washing me with his
seed! I climax even harder.
Black - silver - gold - red - all the colors flash between my ears - on the
backs of my eyelids - I hear - I smell -I am enveloped - with the - sense of
him, me - us.
Rutty sexual smells. A shriek - ME/ HIM? Us together? Sweaty comey
hot sex in the air - low groans - descents of cries into sighs... over.
I have been fucked and fucked good - I have been fucked hard! I want more!
He is spent - shrinks - slips out. I moan a little with the loss of him in
me.... but it is sooooo good I can't really complain. I want to see him, spent
and exhausted as he must be now... My lover.
I want to see me, what I have become - what I now await to be ... his lover.
His mate - his woman. Now that I have been fucked I can never go back...
oh my gawd, what is to become of me! Fucked into womanhood... ah - to
die for!!!
I was so active in my humping and panting I failed to notice the hair strands
dropping at my back, ears and now my face. It is as the tresses had been
held up in a bun or exotic hairdo waiting for passage through the portal so
they could drop down.
My eyes, oh yes, my eyes...
It was like looking through a swim mask in the pool, seeing a part of the
bottom below the water, and most of the blue skies, trees and other
swimmers above. Then my vision shifted. I had a hard time focusing at
first. Although it was night above, there was some moon glow. The world
below was different - not so much as in light level but as in color. Emerald
green - bottle green as seen with the sun shining through decorative glass on
a bright day. This was the magic land of Oz - the Emerald City. There was
a luminescence , but a phosphoric type that contrasted with the cold, silver
moonlight of the forest above the portal. Brilliance! I just could not focus
on the new until the afterimage of the old faded.. And then I fully viewed
this new world by looking down, slanting my eyes so as to drop below that
annoying line of transition. I then could focus on me and my new body!
Green skin of course, in the strange new light - it would take some
experimentation to see what my true pigmentation really was - plenty of
time for that. Even so, if I WAS a green goddess now, I wouldn't mind!
Stuck here? I obviously couldn't go back above the portal. Darn - I didn't
WANT to go back, now that I knew. I KNEW!!!
Where was my man? I was forced to face in only one direction as my
forehead was still caught in place. But he was behind me - I could hear him
there. Why didn't he show himself! Was he trying to give me time to
adjust? Gawd, I wanted to see him! Yelling made no difference. I could hear
a gruff laugh and some feminine and childlike tittering farther off. I had
forgotten about the rest of the Tribe! Had they watched us trash and buck
like dogs in heat?! I was making a great first impression! A bitch in heat...
I felt a surge of blood rush to my newly emerged cheeks.
Now: Okay - okay - okay, I will check myself out first. Whew - yes - a
normal woman body... rounded flesh was definitely in the foreground - tits,
not as huge as they felt, but very ample - back later.
And I looked in detail first at my hands, I don't know why. Vanity is in a
woman's face and hands, and I could not yet see my face - although it felt
complete. Still, I might just be dog-ugly! But 'he" had wanted me so I
wasn't that bad!
Curiously, I didn't look downward at first, either. Actually it would have
been difficult, with my head still stuck. I suppose I had great and terrific -
and slightly sore - "feelings" to know what was now between my legs and
that I was female there. Besides, I had already explored my virgina by hand
- Geez, had they watched me masturbate too?!
My hands told me most of the story - I was a young woman, probably
about 18 or 20. The hands were a good feature of this body - a beautiful,
graceful set of hands - and the nails WERE polished - I HAD been groomed!
The make over was a make over - yep - probably for him. Looking past my
breasts and my bushy bottom vee - hard to do with limited mobility, but I
was sitting - yep - painted toenails too - colors looked black, but it might be
the lighting - maybe dark red in normal light. Normal? Any such thing as
normal anymore?
The wind was blowing my hair in back - but I caught a strand - pulled it
forward - black! Wow - a post-teenage brunette - I would look good even if
my skin really was green!
Breasts - yes, I thought so - past teen - womanly - ready for a man to
fondle, a child to nurse... Geez, had my thinking changed today! I could feel
their weight. I tried to imagine their bounce when I was totally free to move
about! I already knew I was gonna love having breasts now that I had had a
Soon free- enough of me and what I looked like! I needed a mirror to finish
inventory, at any rate. I had felt my body for all the places, cracks and
protuberances - as far as I could see, everything now seemed as I had
envisioned it while trapped, forced to explore by touch!
A full grown woman, I am.. Greatly and generously formed - and incidently
- recently road tested.... shoot! I could be pregnant!!!
Any second now - pwoop - the last part of the head was through. I
couldn't wait so I lost a few hairs -ow - on top, turning around to see with
whom or what I had just had sex!
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I wasn't disappointed - nooooooo - not at all. I could screw with this
gentleman anytime, an Adonis in spite of his camouflage mottled skin tone
and snake-slit eyes. I thought it was just because I had never had a man
that his body seemed so huge! Or was it because I had shrunk? And he was
fully dressed - more "Emerald City" flashbacks - and I started looking for
horses of a different color! The "tribe" was similarly mottled skinned and
clad in green splendor. I noticed I was kneeling on a cushioned raised spot -
yes - covered with escaped leaves from above. Above my head spun the
I apparently was an oddity because of my unicolored flesh - and - I assumed
- rounded irises. All the others seemed to marvel at my naked woman-flesh
as they slowly gathered around a short distance away. A neatly folded pile
of feminine clothing and a pair of high-heeled shoes was next to me - no
ruby slippers? I bent to grab something to cover myself.
This wasn't Alice in Wonderland - more Dorothy meeting the Wizard...
except the wizard was her new lover and very appealing. I knew this was
no subterranean cavern, but a huge new world with birds flying above in the
distant clouds... city scape just beyond the hill. I expected a yellow brick
And I certainl