S&S NerdChapter 16 free porn video

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I woke up to some kisses on both cheeks and an active mouth working on me below. The three girls didn't take long to pull a morning donation from me up to the brink, before Suki slid beneath me to let me enjoy a mutual climax. If she wasn't knocked up by now, she would be with as much active ingredient as had been injected into her lately.

We crowded into the shower to quickly wash before the three of them took off for their places and children. It was just after six, so their kids wouldn't be up yet.

Mom was sitting on a bar chair, with coffee already in front of her, when I walked out to the kitchen. She pointed to a mug on the bar and said, "Have some coffee with me, Sal. You've been so busy that I've hardly talked to you."

I asked Mom, "You and Dad seem to already have made a lot of friends. Are you having fun visiting?"

"Your dad told me last night this has been a much needed vacation, and it's like a second honeymoon by the way we've been going at each other. We are having a lot of fun."

"Mom, I know you both are grownups, comfortable with each other, and trust each other more than almost any couple could, but are you two comfortable with the party animals you guys have been visiting in the evenings?"

Mom blushed a little, but grinned, "I guess you deserve to know a little more about how your dad and I feel about stuff like that." Mom paused, took a sip of her coffee, and continued, "When you were born, the doctor said I shouldn't have any more kids and took some of the working parts out. He didn't take out what made me want to keep trying to make more kids. The way he put it, he "took out the cradle, but left in the playpen." Because we were always so obviously hot for each other all the time, we fell in with some of our friends who extended their bedroom activities to include others. Your dad and I have been enjoying our group of friends since you were about ten. You know all of them, and would never believe any of them would be involved in some of the play time we all share. Your dad and I enjoy each other as often as possible, but we also enjoy the variety we get with our friends. This group here is a crazy bunch, horny as can be, and I'm surprised that you haven't become involved with them."

I must have been sitting there with my mouth open when Mom patted me on the cheek. "I didn't mean to shock or upset you, Sal, but I thought you should know so that we don't embarrass you. I hope you understand how we feel about this stuff."

With a shake of my head, I said, "Who would believe my folks are swingers. You and Dad have always amazed me at how loving you two are with each other. I also know how adventurous you both are, so this isn't that big of a surprise. How have you hidden this stuff from my siblings?"

Mom looked up at me; "Who said we have?"

Now what did that mean? "They know? What do they think?"

"I think you should find out the answer to that from your sister. You may be surprised by what she has to say."

"Mom, Mom, what would she say that you can't tell me? So what about Val, or Cindy, what do they think?" (Cindy is my brother Valentino's, Val's, wife; my sister-in-law.)

Mom smiled, "When we leave, have Carmie (short for Carmella) or Cindy come for a visit. Have a talk with them while they're here. They love to talk about it."

"You know, Mom, I think I'm just going to forget about it. You guys have a good time while you're here. I really have too much to get accomplished in a short time to get involved in trying to figure you and Dad out. I love you both, but I have to tell you that you've thrown me a real curve this time."

Mom leaned over and hugged me, while giving a kiss on the cheek. "Don't worry about it, Son. You are the product of very horny parents and from what we heard last night, you are definitely your Dad's son. How many were you taking care of in there, two, three, four?"

Now I was blushing again. "There were five originally, but two left. There were only three this morning."

Mom patted my hand once again. "Good boy, Sal, take care of them all. You sure do take after your dad."

I needed to get to work, so I said, "I'm going to the patio. Do you want to go with me or stay and wait for Dad?"

Mom stood and hugged me as I got up. She said, "I'll stay. Ruth is coming over to have coffee with me, and she'll help me wake your dad. We'll be over before long."

I can't believe Mom and Dad are such wild people. You always think your mom is pristine and untouchable, and I now find out that not only she is very touchable, she invites more than touching. Good old Dad isn't as much of a straight shooter as I have always thought. That man didn't make bar room jokes about getting it on with women, or even the usual distant appraisal of a woman's stature, if you know what I mean. I'm going to have to keep my eyes and ears open so I don't put my foot in my mouth.

The patio was full of morning people now, so I grabbed a cup of coffee in a 'to go' cup, and a couple of sandwiches. I was just about to go out the side door when Rita stopped me and said, "Morning, Lover."

We kissed and were interrupted by Jenny who also wanted a good morning kiss. I told them, "I'm running a little late. Mom wanted to talk, but I need to get to work on a project for Wes."

Suki came over and smiled at me, "We're going to have a little party tonight and you will be the party favor. Don't work too hard today as you're going to need all of the energy you can muster later. Eat a good lunch and make sure you exercise with Steve."

"Come on, Guys, I need to get to work. The company brought me here to help Wes and others with projects that the new computer can analyze. Let me get a running start on these tasks, and then we'll have more time to play."

Rita told me, "You know that it's Friday, and as far as Steve is concerned, Friday night on the patio is sometimes mandatory. If you look outside, you can see they are already putting up a big tent for a party tonight. I'm sure your project will be there on Monday. Steve might let you work on it a little over the weekend, but you know how he is."

Rita kissed my cheek, "Go to work and see how far you get today, Honey." She winked at me and added, "And don't let Gin get you so worked up so you can't concentrate."

I laughed at that, since Grenaline has been an excellent helper so far and hasn't interrupted me at all. Niki was 'Miss Prim' while on duty, and Donna was the most suggestive, although not coming right out and inviting me. It was just the opposite of what others would have thought.

I was set up and typing or coding as fast as I could within minutes after arriving at my workroom. The notes from yesterday were still fueling my progress as I kept adding configurations of flow tests over various types of materials.

I didn't realize that Grenaline had come in until she brought me a cup of coffee. I sat back and we sipped our drinks for a couple of minutes while talking about what she thought might be the topic of tonight's celebration. She thought it was probably some big contract Phil brought in, or some major win for the company.

When Gin came in to tell me she was instructed to have me take her to lunch, I realized I had to take a leak in the worst way. After visiting the bathroom, I backed everything up and we took off for lunch.

As we were eating, Steve told me that Mom and Dad were out on one of the boats today, seeing if they could catch fish. It was neat that they had the opportunity to do that. Steve also reminded me that Mom had brought my workout clothes, but I didn't have to join everyone at the pool. I would have preferred to skip the workout and gone to the pool, but I wanted to hurry and get back to work.

I didn't wait for anyone else and rode the cart over to the gym after only taking fifteen minutes to eat. Today was going to be a quick thirty minute workout with twenty cardio and ten minutes of free weight reps.

The entire time that I was gone from the shop, I was going over where I was on the development of the program, and where it was going. Except for some variables that would be necessary for the fighter/bomber, I was close to being able to hunt for the mysterious vibrations Wes was worried about. There would be a lot of cleanup to do, but the bulk of the work would be done and some answers could be requested before the program was properly shrunk, or to put it technically, compressed.

Back at the shop, I furiously pounded the keyboard, attempting to get the code from my head into usable lines.

I pushed back from the desk and keyboard, stood, stretched, and waggled my stretched out arms from side to side to loosen up. It was done, or at least the first basic module was done. I had no idea how many errors there were, but the rough draft was done.

As I sat back down and fed the draft through the compiler, Donna came in with a mug of coffee, and said, "I just made some fresh coffee for you. You sure pound on that keyboard. I can hear you in the reception area when you are really burning it up. I think you should order several replacement keyboards if you pound that hard on them all the time."

I pulled up the data entry screen and handed Donna the specification sheet for the primary functions. I was anticipating a minimum of another full week, to maybe even a month, for creating the software for all of the variables for dimensions, materials, speeds, and all of the hundreds or thousands of items that affect an aircraft in flight. This was something that a dozen programmers could take a year to build, but I was egotistical enough to think I could do it by myself.

Donna sat at my desk and put all of the data in we had up to this point. Part of this program's job was to report the other areas that needed to be looked at.

I saved the input data Donna had entered and told her we were going to do a test run of this first part of the main program. After it was set up, I pointed at the go button and told Donna, "You do it; then I won't feel so bad if it crashes."

It didn't crash, but it did take a hell of lot longer to analyze the data than I expected. Each area of the fuselage was being analyzed for its reaction to over two thousand variables.

The computer gave a ding about five minutes after four. I looked at the results screen and saw that there were thirty-five pages of data. Instead of wondering what was on the report, I sent the report to the printer, requesting three copies. I had an excellent laser printer that pumped out about twenty-five pages a minute. When the three reports were printed, I had Donna punch holes and put them into cheap presentation binders. I didn't know whether or not this preliminary report would be of value, but Wes and Sandy would each have one to browse.

I next printed the entire program that I had written so far, and had Donna put that into a folder as well. That program was right at three hundred pages. I will hopefully be able to lean it down by at least a third.

I looked at Donna and said, "I'm backing everything up now, so how about getting your area together and we'll get out of here early. What I just finished in a couple of days is at least a month's worth of work. My mind is going to need a reset and some downtime before I pick this up again. I need to be a little less intense when I work, but that's the way I seem to be able to create the best."

Donna came to me, wrapped her arms around my waist, put her head against my chest, and said, "You are so good to my mom. She's been happier than she has been for a long, long time since you've been here. We talked about how she wanted to have your baby, but it is too big a chance to take. I wanted to tell you that if it doesn't work out for you to have the babies you want, I'll have some with you. I think I would love to be the mother of our children."

Well, knock me over with a feather, would you? This is the self-proclaimed 'shy' Donna saying this. The sweetheart was serious.

I grasped her by the shoulders, held her away from me, and told her: "That is the most special thing anyone could have said to me, Donna. I think Rita and Suki are seeing who can be confirmed as pregnant first, so you don't have to give up your career or the potential of having a husband your age to have a baby with me."

Donna grinned at me while saying, "I don't think I would be giving anything up, and I would get something all of us girls want to experience. I would be the lucky one."

I turned her around, pointed her to the door to the reception area, and gave her rounded bottom a light smack, "Get out there and get your stuff ready. Enough talk about making babies, or I'll become a pervert and want to practice."

I thought I heard a muttered, "I wish," as Donna walked out.

We drove to the patio where Friday proved to be a little different than most days once again. It was not quite five o'clock yet, but the place was jumping. As soon as I walked in, Wes was in front of me and asked, "How'd you do today? I know this thing is going to take weeks, maybe months to do, but how are you doing on the job?"

I took the presentation folder out and handed it to Wes as I said, "This is the preliminary program that will give us the questions for all of the other parameters. I didn't look at the raw data yet, but you should be able to interpret what is on in the report, and some of the information may be useful."

Wes was flipping through the pages as I continued, "Make notes where you think something could be improved, or if you think the data might be skewed. I'll make the final report more legible when I design it, but it will easily be three times as many pages. This report is for engineering staff only, not for supervisors."

Jeff and Sandy had come over and were looking over Wes' shoulders to read the report. I pulled the other two reports I had out and said, "Jeff, Sandy; I have two more here. I'll print one out for myself, but you don't have to crowd over Wes' shoulders."

Sandy looked a little sheepishly. "I really need to be reassigned to your group. Maybe you can have me do some of the repetitious stuff so I can become familiar with this program. Talk to Dennis and Gerry about it as they really don't give me that much work. I spend more time testing products that an intern can do, rather than working within my field. Talk to them, Sal."

Dennis was standing there and asked, "And you didn't bring me a copy? I want one of my own so I can review what's going on with the aircraft that has Wes so upset. Come on, let's go make me a copy real quick."

Steve was standing there and said, "Let me take Jeff's or Sandy's and we'll go into Sue's office and make a couple of copies. This stuff should probably be under one of those 'top secret' stamped folders."

Sue followed us into her office, took the report from Steve's hands, disassembled it, and ran it through her copier. The marvelous copier made three copies and collated them so that all I thought I had to do was to punch holes in the paper. There was no need to do that either, as Sue had used pre-punched copy paper and handed Dennis' and my copies in the same type of folder I had put the reports in.

Dennis was smiling as Sandy and he went back out to the patio with their reports. It was funny to see Wes, Jeff, Dennis, and Sandy all at tables poring over the data that was printed out for them. I hoped it was accurate, but I did give them the disclaimer that this was all preliminary up front.

After putting the other two copies of the report into my case, I stashed my case inside the door to the house and made my way to the bar. Suki shoved a drink into my hand without me asking for anything. It was one of the favorite drinks around the patio, a tall Beefeater's on ice.

As I sipped, the girls maneuvered me away from the masses to a table where the five women plus Donna, Niki, and Grenaline were sitting. We joked and laughed for while, until Donna told the others, "I really tried to get him interested before we left work, but he ignored my breasts pushing into his chest and the way I was rubbing my mound all over his hip. He just didn't respond. I guess I'm not his type."

Grenaline looked at me and told the others, "I've given him enough ass shots that he should have been having wet daydreams and offered me a life of luxury if I would fool around with him, but he didn't even flinch. I guess our moms are giving him all he can handle."

Niki laughed and said, "I know he won't respond to me because I'm underage. The guy has too many scruples to be any fun. I guess Mom gets all of him."

That banter had me almost rolling on the floor, but not the three girls who were telling their stories. Grenaline said, "The three of us made up our minds that we are going to fuck you blind. If you think our moms are hot, just wait until we get at you. You won't be walking, that's for sure."

I laughed really loud, attracting attention. I leaned over to the girls, "Listen up, Kiddies. You three are some hot property, and I would damn near suffer a heavy jail sentence by banging all three of you. But, and listen to me, it ain't gonna happen. The legal one wants a career, and I want it for her too. You other two need to focus on your near term futures for a while and forget about boy future. When you get to be of age and really want to fool around, I promise to make you bowlegged."

It was Jennie that said, "Well said, Sal. You girls need to lighten up on the guy. After all, he's a guy and won't take it for long. One of you may get something you really didn't want yet, so leave him alone for a while, okay?"

The three teens were all grinning, as I was thinking that they were all blowing smoke at me, just as another tease. The three temptresses got up and all gave me a hug, with a kiss on the cheek, before mixing in with the other teens on the patio.

Suki brought a platter of wings and veggies with some dips. We were having a light conversation when some hands covered my eyes. While the hands remained over my eyes, lips touched mine in a very nice, but not terribly demanding kiss. As the lips separated from mine, the hands were removed and surprise, surprise, it was my sister-in-law Cindy.

"What are you doing here, Cindy?"

Before she could answer, a tongue went into my ear as a voice I recognized whispered, "We're here to deliver some hot stuff for you to enjoy. Think you can handle the two of us?"

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Mera naam Sultan hai_Meri umar 21 saal hai_Baat tb ki hai aur meri age 18 thi_meri ek cousin bhabhi hai jiska age abhi 28 saal hoga_wo mujhse aap kah kar hi baat karti hai_uska figure 34-26-36 hoga_main unko shuru se hi like karta tha_wo bhi mujhse chipak kar baitha karti thi, meri girlfriends ke bare me puchha karti thi aur mauka milne par kabhi mere gaal khincha karti toh kabhi mere kandhe pe haath rakh deti_main unki activities ko note karta aur mera lund bhi tann jata_par kuch kar nhi pata...

1 year ago
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Lauras Sexual Awakening Part One

Laura was 42 years old and had just discovered her sexuality and hunger for good sex. No, she was not a virgin at 42, she had been married for over 20 years in a loveless and almost sexless marriage. Ask Laura what she thinks about girls being virgins when they marry and she will tell you that is just what they SHOULD NOT BE! From her own experience Laura would tell you that she believes all women should have two or three sexual experiences before ever marrying. Virgins have no idea if the man...

1 year ago
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Sometimes its good to lose a Bet Creampie

I guess it’s a case of “be careful what you wish for” but I’m not really complaining, since what I wished for, ultimately, was a better sex life. I certainly got that, but it wasn’t exactly what I thought it would be when I was wishing for it. My wife, Lily, and I have been married for a long time and during all our years together she’s never, willingly swallowed my cum. I’ve gotten lots of blowjobs, but she’s always pulled away at the last instant and finished me off by hand. At one point,...

2 years ago
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Nagerkoil Tamil Kamma of AP

I am a trained graduate teacher and working in the Central Kendriya vidyalaya schools all over. I was recently posted to Hyderabad and I actually belong to southern tip of Nagerkoil and we belong to meenavar community (also called fishermen) and we daily take fish food at home and outside. I am the only male graduate in my family and all other boys are in Dubai with their technical education. I am a well built and tall of 5′-10″ height with muscular body. But I am a little black-skin person. I...

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mature nudist beach 3some

It was when i was about 20 and hadjust started visiting a local nudistbeach - when i had a very fit tannedbody.One day i thought i was alone on thebeach in a big dip in the dunes.But then i saw an older couplewalking towards me - pretty muchnude apart from sun hats, shoes anda smile ....I was lying on my front hiding arather stiff cock - what can i say itwas a warm day and i wasdaydreaming about sex...They both said hi and set downnearby. My hard on got much moreintense as i watched...

1 year ago
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I Fuck the Babysitter

My Wife and I (part two).by Michael Holt.More stories from the 1970's.Getting back to my career in the Police, in those days explicit pornography was i*****l and there were raids on a number of premises which were storing or selling photographs or magazines. The material would then be confis**ted and later destroyed following a prosecution.One such raid occurred on a shop in Washington and the haul came back to the station in clear plastic bags, hundreds of porn mags, mainly the Swedish titles,...

3 years ago
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Sneaky fcker

It has been so cold lately. We have a big house that costs a small fortune to heat and cool. So, at night, we turn off the heater and snuggle under our fluffy down comforter to keep warm.Last night I felt my hubby snuggle up to spoon me and we fell asleep embracing. I felt so warm and safe snuggled up against him, sometimes I wish it was always this cold. I usually wear panties and a t-shirt to bed unless I’m feeling amorous; it’s my not so subtle signal that I want sex. As I was dosing off, or...

1 year ago
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My Secret Fantasy

I worked in an office where the overflow of phone calls were all directed to me. Secretary or receptionist was not my title, nor was it in my job description. I didn’t mind at all though, taking messages for the supervisors and scheduling meetings, answering questions intended for them, or solving problems they were supposed to solve, but were unavailable to do so. It gave me a feeling of pride that I knew the answers, that I was able to handle the extra duties in addition to my own...

4 years ago
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Naughty mom and son

While his mother's cunt gripped him, John felt hands caressing his face. “Fuck me again son." She moaned. "You have your cock in the place that made you. I carried you inside my belly and now I have you there again.”He thrust into her eagerly while her cunt sucked and bathed him in his previously spent cum. Her breathing changed to fast panting as John drove her closer to orgasm. Suddenly she went limp and slack. She lay, belly fluttering oddly, uttering sobs and groans, her cunt felt hotter...

3 years ago
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Emily the shop lifter

Emily Sears -shop lifter Emily made her way into one of her favorite lingerie stores in Los Angeles having a date tonight she figured she was going to need something special. Shopping around wearing some black heels with a pair of tight jeans that can barely contain her Australian ass topped off with a white tee showing plenty of cleavage. Browsing the racks of lingerie she fell in love with a red lingerie set which include tights. Not noticing the attention she was getting from the security...

2 years ago
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Opportunist Pervert Landlord

This is Vikas David, age 24, I’m married to a beautiful girl named Aradhana Singh David, she’s 20 of age, bit tan of complexion, average height, beautiful face with sharp feature, pointed nose, puffy lips, bright skin tone, 32 sized firm and pointed boobs, 28 waist, with 34 sized bums, thick thighs, thick calves. She has pity bit long hairs, usually covers her bums when left open. Over all she’s a beauty queen and everyone desires to sleep with her. I was in MA final when I first saw her. She...

3 years ago
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All Steamed Up

Due to my working second shift, I needed to join a gym that had 24 hour access so I could get in a workout after wards. Most of the ones I could find in the phone book were too far away from my apartment, but as luck would have it, my neighbor told me about the one she want to. "It's just over near the mall", she said, "and it's open 24 hours". The reason I asked her where she worked out was an obvious ruse to initiate a conversation with her. You could definitely tell she worked out......

1 year ago
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The Bookstore Ch 3

Every streetlight made Marie cringe. It took all her willpower not to scrunch down in the seat, but she held her position, sitting up straight with her hands behind her head. She was trembling. She looked at him beseechingly, pleading with her eyes, but he kept his eyes on the road.They stopped at a red light. He turned to her and said, "Spread your legs."The words sent a pulsing, hot rush of lust straight to Marie's pussy, making it throb. She gave a little sob as she obeyed, terrified by this...

1 year ago
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Zoe the Paramedic

Zoe loved her job. She had recently graduated as a paramedic and was loving helping people and returning something to the community she grew up in. The hours could be very long especially on night shifts but she always had the company of her fellow paramedic in the ambulance and she enjoyed chatting to members of the public. Today had been a slow day. She had been sent to a country fair to help support the St John's Ambulance and all she had done was patch up a number of grazed knees and told a...

3 years ago
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Endless Night Pleasures

I looked all of eternity and back for you only to have you find me first. The moment our eyes locked in the most unexpected moment, I just knew then that life would never be the same. How was to know that to say hello would be the start of something so beautiful? For I have found the one that touched my soul in ways no one else ever could. For you are my life, my love, my always and forever. After two years, I remember like it was yesterday and how I was right. Life has changed in ways I...

4 years ago
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So you think Women dont like Sex

1) Gillian's story "My Fucked-up Wedding"As a girl I know the truth behind the reason why girls are as bad when it comes to sex, as the next guy is.You guys know me, I tell the most outrageous encounters from a girls point of view, because in most cases, it's us girls who want to fuck and be fucked, ask any guy and I'm sure they will confirm, that the best sex they encountered, was because the girl asked them, or simply, jumped their bones when they least expected it.**** is a touchy subject,...

1 year ago
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16th Birthday spent fucking Daddy Dave

Hi guys My names Jessica and I have just turned 16 today!! :-D I live in London, England with my Mum, Dave (her fiancé) and my very annoying little brother Simon. Mum has been with Dave since I was 4yrs old, so I guess you can say he's been like a Dad to and of course he's the father of my stupid little brother. Dave works for an IT company, so mostly he works from home. Mum works as Nurse which means she does night shift a lot and I don't get to see her that often as she picks me up from...

3 years ago
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Sharing Cindys Spice Rack

Finding the sexual hors d’oeuvres on offer on her tray of life to be somewhat bland Crissy turns to her friend’s spice rack to liven things up. Introduction: Crissy is bored. Crissy was bored and frankly fed up with “hooking up” with guys at clubs and getting “hit on” at university by every loser dweeb who thought he had the remotest chance of dating a girl as “hot” as she was. Crissy had talked to her mom and her best friend Jenny, but really she had no idea what to do. Crissy at nineteen...

2 years ago
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The Booty Inspector of the Old West pt 7the En

The BOOty INpector of the Old West-pt. 7 “RoCocco Siffredi’s 18th Century Porn Studio”[the Final and CONCLUSIVE chapter]Dick and junior had scarcely stepped off the train platform at their layover in Shanghai—When a small grubby-lookin’ Chinese girl—not more than 19yrs old—came darting out of the steam and shadows of the Train Yard and ran up to Dick and began pawing at his black leather chaps.She cried out in exasperation “Herrpp, Herrp! You da Booty iNspector, you gotta herrp me! My auntie...

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I think I was certain already and had been for some time. I suppose it was just to finally test myself when I decided to kiss the two guys. The kisses were about two weeks apart but I knew after the first one that I was sure of what I’d been feeling for years. I’m not sure why I tried again with the second guy but as this was something that would affect the rest of my life, I guess I had to be truly sure. I think I knew already and had always known, but in kissing them I finally knew men...

3 years ago
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Charity Begins at Home

It was a typical Sunday morning and I was right on schedule. A typical Fall Sunday morning was as close to heaven as I could get. My schedule was pretty much chiseled in stone. I got up and went out for a run to start with. The runs in the fall are completely different. For one thing the air, though colder, is crisper and fresher. The fall scenery in Michigan is outstanding. All sorts of trees have their leaves spontaneously combust into a plethora of shades and colors that are dizzying in...

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The bar was small and intimate, the low vaulted ceiling and exposed brickwork amplifying the near Gothic look. Its discreet location hidden under the railway arches, well off the beaten track for those not in the know. Drawing only the most of discerning of clientele, a reputation only further fuelled by a guest list that didn't even guarantee entrance by itself. Only those glamorous and alluring enough passing the vigorous dress code and given the pass to descend into decadence within. As a...

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Campfire Smoke

We were the last ones in the campground to turn in. To turn from the fire and got thee to tent. We left tons of beer in the cooler. We'd just buy another bag of ice and make that tomorrow night. Sandra was first in the tent, so she found and turned on the camp-lamp. Ours only looked like one. It had a base and a shade and you could hang it from a tree, but basically it was just a flashlight. Glorified. The tent was tall enough to stand up in, if you didn't stand too tall. She got her shoes...

3 years ago
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Secret Affairs with my friends son part4

I was standing and my bathrobe was totally opened. He could see me totally naked from front, but he was more interested in what I was about to say to him. He was still sitting and his cock was going soft, as I had changed the whole mood by shouting loud. “Why Adam…?” I said as I leaned over him. My face was so close to him, “Why are you making me do this?” I said. He could feel my warm breathe, his lips were so close to mine, and I kissed him. He kissed me back, and we kept kissing till I went...

2 years ago
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Oysters Halfbaked

Foreword: This story takes place in the Swarm Cycle shared story universe, created by Thinking Horndog. This story will probably be an exceptionally confusing entry point for a newcomer to the Swarm Cycle. If you are not familiar with the premise of this universe, I would recommend you first read Thinking Horndog's stories 'Average Joes' and 'Pickup Number Eighteen'. (Bonus: Those stories have sex in them.) Oysters, Half-Baked by Bad Line Ghoul August 17, Year 3 Melman "I come bearing...

2 years ago
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Purely pleasure

You walk into the bar, glancing nervously around the room. You spot me sitting in a secluded corner. Straight away you notice my dark hair, tied into pigtails, slowly moving your eyes over my body you notice the black lipstick, my cleavage, almost bursting out of the black leather corset. Panic runs through your veins, have you made a mistake? Your head is reeling with so many thoughts, but deep down an inner voice is telling you that you need this, you want this. You walk over, I stand to...

Straight Sex
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Story Infidelity

I watched as the pentagram rippled, filling with smoke. It was, to understate things, weird; it was as though the gas was trying to escape, but kept running up hard into an invisible wall. The final effect was that of a moving, writhing column of black marble, undulating in front of me."I command thee, demon, take a form!" I was hopeful, at the time, that my voice didn't shake, or that I sounded at least in control. The reality of the situation was that I was both too young and too...

4 years ago
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The Revenge of Charlotte

My parents didn't return home until the day after my rape. I only come out of my hiding place on the floor between the wall and my twin bed to use the bathroom. I sleep a lot. "Charlotte, we're home," my mom calls out. I give Mom and Dad the biggest hugs. "We missed you too, sweetpea," Dad says. Everything seems normal. I follow them around. I'm so glad they're home. "So how was your time here? Did you do anything? Maybe a surprise birthday party?" Mom asks. "Yes, Erin. I want...

3 years ago
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Android OmnibusChapter 14 Memories

Several months had passed since Chip and Becky joined Michael, and Julie in their home in Alpharetta. Michael and Julie finished out their basement so Chip had a room to himself, and Becky took the guest bedroom upstairs. On the home front, Michael was now Manager of Development Operations at Datatronics, after getting Scott fired; albeit accidentally, by patching his monitor and keyboard into the executive conference room. When the board members were having a meeting discussing...

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Hi I'm Sayuri only 16 years old a sweet ripe Asian and it may not seem like I should know but I love to Fuck! Wake up this morning in the greatest of moods i get out of my night clothes with my sexy 34 D's jumping every where I throw on a tight shirt and my miniskirt and put my shin high pearly white socks on I put on my school shoes and rush through the door I tied my hear up into a erupted volcano look my hear was black and silky down to my ass and I walk to school feeling good last...

1 year ago
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Anonymous First time

She didn’t want me to mention her name but this is her first time story i was away at college and i was really homesick. there was an older room mother living on the floor with us, and she invited me into her room for tea, and to get me some comfort. I missed my folks so much as I had never been away before. I had just talked to them on the phone and was so blue. I started crying and she pulled me closer to her and just held me like a little girl. I felt funny in my stomach when she did that...

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The Mistress of Holt House Part OneChapter 4

The cab arrived at a large detached three story Georgian property surrounded by a high wall. The house was set back about 25 yards from the street the garden was laid to lawn and neatly cut, though no flower beds; just a few box hedges symmetrically placed and trimmed square. The path cut straight to the huge black front door. As he closed the gate behind him, several black crows lifted off from the roof of the house, cawing noisily with displeasure at their being disturbed. The whole...

2 years ago
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A cruise with a view

We are very excited for our first 2 week cruise in a really long time. We both packed correctly, for me that was t shirts,shorts and nice formal stuff for our dancing nights. She, of course, packed her skimpy bikinis, short-short skirts, low cut tops and maybe one or two pairs of bras and panties. Since we were going to a nice tropical area there was no need for much else.We booked a suite that had a balcony that gave us a beautiful view of the ocean and whatever port we stopped in. We were...

Group Sex

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