Punition indian porn

2 years ago
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La punition d Alex

Vous voulez discuter de l'histoire avec nous, parler de TG ?: [email protected] (Arnaud) ou [email protected] (Alex) La punition d'Alex Chapitre 1 "Mais c'est quoi ce bordel? Je rentre du boulot ?puis? et le repas n'est m?me pas pr?t? Depeche toi de me faire a bouffer pendant que je vais matter les infos en attendant Audrez..." "D?sol?e Alex, je rentre a peine et je suis compl?tement crev?e mais je m'y mets..." Alex ?tait un jeune homme de 26 ans. Intelligent, il avait r?ussi gr?ce a s...

3 years ago
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Mes fr res et Mes s urs

Mes fr?res et... Mes s?urs! Pr?sentation Je m'appelle Margaux. J'ai seize ans. Je vis dans une famille recompos?e de quatre enfants. J'ai deux grands fr?res et deux petites s?urs. Avec moi, vous direz que cela fait cinq. Mais non. C'est cette ?tranget? que je vais vous raconter. Le r?cit qui suit est ?crit ? partir de mes souvenirs, du journal intime que j'ai tenu depuis mon enfance et des informations que j'ai collect?es aupr?s des diff?rents protagonistes que vous allez rencontrer. Peut-?tre que certains d...

3 years ago
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Stories of Patriarchy French

HISTOIRES DU PATRIARCAT INTRODUCTION : UN MONDE NOUVEAU Dans un univers parallèle au nôtre, ou, qui sait, dans le nôtredans quelques années, le Patriarcat a été rétabli.Du moins, c'est ce qui est dit officiellement. Mais en fait, jamais, au coursde l'histoire connue, les femmes n'ont été maintenues dans uneposition aussi inférieure : non seulement le droit de vote leura été très vite retiré, puis peu à peu tousleurs autres droits, mais elles sont considérées toute leur viecomme des mineures...

2 years ago
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Mes fantasmes envers un couple 12 suite

Quelle vue j'avais en étant derrière Marie. Un cul écarté par un plug, une soubrette, à quatre pattes, la tête entre les jambes de sa maitresse qui avait le visage encore un peu couvert de mon sperme et de son maquillage coulant. Rien que ça ferait bander n'importe quel mec et je ne faisais pas exception. "Au lieu de bander devant son cul , punie cette petite pute" me lança Melinda. Levant le paddle, je commençais la punition.Le premier coup fut un coup d'essai car n'ayant jamais utilisé ça, je...

4 years ago
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Californie Partie 2 sur 3

Le vol dura des heures, et pourtant Maxime n'en pouvait plus d'excitation. Une heure environ avant d'arriver, il se rendit aux toilettes, et se changea pour prendre sa tenue habituelle - jean, baskets blanches, queue de cheval -. Il se sentait ? l'aise ainsi. C'?tait ainsi qu'il comptait vivre aux USA. Galvin lui avait dit que tout ?tait pr?t pour lui, et qu'il n'avait plus qu'? arriver. Son logement, son contrat de travail. Un v?hicule l'attendait ? l'a?roport et devait le conduire ? l'embarcad?re puis jusq...

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Il évoque la crainte que nous ressentions lorsque nous étions enfants et nos parents nous ont surpris à faire quelque chose de mal ou nous nous sommes relâchés au travail et le patron nous a déchiré un nouveau. C'est aussi un outil clé dans les relations BDSM. L'astuce est de trouver un ensemble de punitions qui corrigent le comportement de la soumission et aboutir à quelque chose de plus positif. Par exemple: Un soumis se montre régulièrement en retard aux sessions, dates, etc. S'ils...

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Les f minisatrices 5 Alexie

R?sum? de l'?pisode 4: Doria Nicole, en poursuivant sa f?minisation, d?couvre de nouveaux aspects de Doria, la m?re d'Agathe. Elle d?couvre les origines de ses go?ts ?tranges, mais aussi le fait que Doria fait partie d'une organisation importante de femmes dominatrices. Pendant les vacances, Nicole est troubl?e de d?couvrir qu'elle attire les gar?ons... Mais elle finit par se faire violer par l'un d'entre eux, et d?couvre ainsi certains aspects plus difficiles ? vivre de sa nouvelle f?minit?. Mais elle n'en e...

3 years ago
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R ducation

R??ducation 1er Chapitre?: le pi?ge Cette fois, cela en ?tait trop, Patricia ne pouvait plus supporter le machisme d'Eric. Cette soir?e entre amis et les remarques d?plac?es de son mari avaient d?pass?s les bornes. Il fallait que cela change, qu'il apprenne ? mieux consid?rer et respecter les femmes. D?s le lendemain, elle se mit en qu?te d'un centre, d'une ?cole de r??ducation pour ce type de probl?mes. Elle avait appris par une connaissance que cela existait et qu'il ne fallait pas forc?ment chercher loin...

2 years ago
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Le monde de Sophie

Le monde de Sophie.Chapitre 1 : Contrari?t? et petits bonheursPutain de projet ! Tout le monde est en retard, pas moyen de faire respecter un d?lai ? quiconque dans cette soci?t? et ?videmment sur qui celava retomber ? Et bien ce sera sur moi ! Pourtant ce n'est pas faute d'avoir pr?venu et r?p?t? qu'il y avait un risque ! C'est trop tendu cot?d?lai depuis le d?but ! Tendue comme moi d'ailleurs ! J'ai bien besoin de vacances ! Heureusement qu'on est vendredi !Sophie etait en train de pester interieurement tout en r...

4 years ago
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Les tromperies de C dric

Les tromperies de C?dric par Aur?lie et Chlo? "- Tu veux que je t'aide C?dric?!? Mais comment oses-tu mater ce cul de cette petite pouffe juste devant mes yeux? Je commence ? en avoir marre de toi C?dric, s?rieux..." "- Allons ch?rie, je regardais ? peine... Et tu sais bien que je n'aime que toi!" C?dric tentait de s'excuser mais au fond de lui, il se foutait compl?tement des remarques de sa femme. Ce n'?tait pas ?a qu'il l'emp?cherait de mater le cul des petites jeunes ? peine majeures. C?dric et son ?pouse, Mar...

3 years ago
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Hugo Chapitre 1 5 La pi ce au bout de l escalier

Chapitre 1 : La pi?ce au bout de l'escalier Samedi 1er Mars. Prologue. ?a n'?tait plus possible. ?Hugo, repose ceci imm?diatement, et calme toi.? Cela faisait presque 10 fois qu'elle devait r?p?ter cette phrase. ?Je ne veux pas ranger ma chambre! C'est HORS DE QUESTION! JE NE VEUX PLUS T'OBEIR! GROSSE PUTE!? Hugo avait 12 ans. Ses yeux verts lan?aient des ?tincelles, et ses jolies boucles n'en ?taient pas moins venimeuses. Il causait grand soucis malgr? son jeune ?ge. Col?rique, capricieux, agr...

4 years ago
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Bangkok aller simple

Bangkok, aller simple. J'attendais ce voyage avec impatience. Nous sommes dans l'avion pour la Tha?lande, avec ma petite amie Chlo?, sa tante St?phanie et sa m?re Sandrine. Je tiens la main de ma copine. Elle est moite. Je sais que Chlo? est morte de peur, m?me si elle ne le montre pas. Oh, elle n'a pas peur de l'avion, enfin, je ne crois pas. En r?alit? c'est le but de notre voyage qui l'angoisse. Chlo? va subir une op?ration de changement de sexe. Elle va devenir une v?ritable jeune femme. En effet, m...

2 years ago
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Conte de Noel 2017 Chapitre 2

Conte de NoëlChapitre 2:Premier Défi Quand Maîtresse Xaviera revint dans le salon-donjon, elle était habillée d'un ensemble formé par une jupe de latex fuschia ultra courte sur le devant et tombant à ses chevilles sur l’arrière, assortie à un caraco qui couvrait ses épaules, sur lesquelles quelques mèches de son chignon ébouriffé noir de jais tombait en cascade mélangées à ses longues boucles d'oreilles en chaîne gros maillon assorties à son collier à trois rangs, qui laissait également tomber...

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The Long Way DownChapter 4

"Why, imagine my surprise when I found out that the spy I'd been hearing about was none other than my ex-boyfriend!" "You! You were the one who did this to me, weren't you!" "Sorry, but I'm afraid the only thing you can blame for your situation is your own bad judgment. Thanks, Jenna; we won't need the cuffs anymore." The bailiff nods, frees my hands, and leaves the room. Serena points out the seat across the table; I sit down. "What bad judgment, Serena? That I stopped seeing...

3 years ago
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Dans la peau d une esclave

DANS LA PEAU D'UNE ESCLAVE. Chapitre 1 – Léantos est déprimé. En cette fin du 25ème siècle, on est revenu à une vision simplifiée de la Société. Le but est de prévenir les guerres, les famines, les inégalités dans la mesure du possible. Pour y arriver, il a fallu refaire des classes sociales sur un modèle antique. C’est ce que le philosophe Tien Long, appelle « Une société en forme de pyramide. » Tout au sommet, il y le Consortium Suprême, qui nomme les Gérants des Régions. ...

2 years ago
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L ducation de Dominique

Aujourd'hui, c'est un grand jour pour moi car je vais rencontrer ma ma?tresse et entrer en fonction comme secr?taire-esclave. J'en suis fier mais laiss? moi vous contez comment tout cela est arriv?. Je m'appelle Dominique, j'ai 22 ans et je suis le cadet d'une famille de 4 enfants. Je n'ai que des s?urs et nous avons ?t? ?lev?s par notre m?re, notre p?re ?tant d?c?d? 1 an apr?s ma naissance. Nous n'avons jamais manqu? de rien car notre famille est ais?e. Mes s?urs se pr?nomment, Anne, Lise et Beth. J'ai toujour...

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L ile des vierges

L'ile des vierges Forestier Malgr? la fatigue de la journ?e, j'avais de la difficult? ? dormir. La pleine lune illuminait notre baraque, et cela r?veillait en moi trop de mauvais souvenirs. Cette pleine lune qui r?gentait la vie sur cette ile damn?e! Tout avait pourtant commenc? par une id?e si brillante! === ?tant le troisi?me fils d'un comte -- ne vous trompez pas, malgr? le titre de noblesse, nous ne vivions pas riche -- mon avenir n'?tant pas des plus brillants. Mon fr?re ain?, bien entendu, succ?derai...

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Le Journal de Thomas

Le Journal de Thomas. Cette histoire est racont?e principalement ? partir de l'extrait de deux journaux. Celui de Thomas, et de Nicolas. Journal de Thomas - 31 Ao?t Aujourd'hui, je suis arriv? en ville pour le rendez-vous avez l'agence. Ils avaient trouv? pour moi une location parfaite. Ni trop loin de la boulangerie, ni loin du bus qui m'am?nera au lyc?e pour les cours. Mais je devrais pr?ciser qu'il s'agissait d'une colocation. Et quelle colocation! Il s'agit d'une grosse et vieille maison, je...

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L il de l ternit

Les mines sont la seule chose que vous connaissez, vous y êtes depuis toujours, vous êtes même incapable de vous souvenir de votre arrivée ou de ce qu'il y avait avant, tout a été volé. Volé par l'épuisement, les privations et les querelles. Chaque jour reste la même punition, vous avez peut-être pu dormir quelques heures avant qu'un garde ne vous réveille d'un coup de pied dans le ventre à moins que ce ne soit un autre esclave qui ne tente de vous subtiliser une de vos maigres possessions, un...

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soumission agrave Paris

Dés mon plus jeune âge, j'ai été attiré par les choses du sexe. A Paris, lors d'un séjour chez une copine, il m'est arrivée une histoire cocasse. Aux heures de pointe, nous étions serrés comme des sardines dans le wagon. Tout à coup, j’ai senti une main se poser une fesse. Au début, j’ai cru à une maladresse, mais la pression des doigts de l’inconnu se faisait de plus en plus franche et commençait à s'insinuer dans la raie de mes fesses. J'ai voulu me retourner vers l’importun mais serrés comme...

2 years ago
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La fess eacute e ou la cravache

Quand tu arriveras pour me rejoindre dans l’appartement, je t’attendrais bien sagement à genoux devant la porte d’entrée, ne portant qu’un porte-jarretelle sans string avec des bas et un soutien-gorge en dentelle très transparent… Je tiendrais dans la main droite la cravache et dans l’autre les liens pour que tu puisses m’attacher comme bon te semble, me soumettre au moindre de tes désirs…Tu commenceras par me relever en posant ton index sur mon menton, forçant ma tête à se redresser pour te...

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Eiffel eacute pisode 3

Eiffel – Chapitre 3Je passe les jours suivants sous antidouleur. Tous les jours, je vérifie l’état de mes blessures car je ne pourrai pas inventer un autre mensonge pour différer mon retour à la maison. Je n’ai qu’une crainte : que mon épouse voit les traces évidentes de mes déviances. Déviances que je me repasse en boucle sur la télé, me délectant en me branlant de me voir livré aux trois hommes comme la dernière des putes. Je suis fasciné par mon visage tantôt extatique, tantôt déformé par la...

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Mon week end chez Monica

Chapitre 1 Sur la sc?ne, une brune voluptueuse faisait valser ses ?normes seins nus au son de la musique disco. Sans beaucoup de gr?ce, en fait, mais le public n'en demandait pas tant. Moi non plus, il faut l'avouer : plut?t timide en de tels endroits, j'?tais terr? dans un coin sombre de la salle, les yeux riv?s sur le spectacle de la danse scabreuse, sans oser regarder les autres clients, mais sans chercher pour autant ? cacher la formidable ?rection que provoquait en moi la danse des chairs, sur la sc...

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M tamorphie

M?tamorphie 1. Les vacances Par Forestier Enfin! Le dernier jour avant les vacances. Et quelles vacances! R?ma ?tait certain que sa copine appr?cierait ce qu'il avait secr?tement pr?par? pour elle; apr?s tout, au prix qu'il avait pay?, elle ?tait mieux d'appr?cier! Comme la translation devait avoir lieu en milieu d'apr?s-midi, de mani?re ? profiter du souper ? l'h?tel en d?pit du d?calage horaire, R?ma quitta le travail plus t?t que de coutume. Vers 14 heures, il mit fin ? sa derni?re consultation. Par chance, il n'avait ...

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De haut en bas Part 1

Bonjour, Toute cette histoire est un pur travail de fiction. Toutes ressemblances avec certaines personnes ayant exist?es sont purement fortuites. Vous voulez nous faire un feedback : [email protected] ou [email protected] Vous voulez rejoindre la plus grande communaut? fran?aise de TG caption et TG story ? Envoyez- nous un mail avec une histoire (minimum 2 pages) ou une TG caption ? [email protected] ou [email protected] avec les noms des transform?s : Arnaud et Alex. -- La transfo...

3 years ago
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Hugo Chapitre 3 5 Malaise

Partie 3 : Malaise L'a?roport arriva tr?s vite. Il faisait tr?s chaud. Et il pleuvait. Ils se pr?cipit?rent dans le hall sous des rideaux de pluie, puis vers le bus qui les conduisait ? leur h?tel de Basse-Terre. Au bout de 10 minutes, Hugo d?testait d?j? cet endroit, il se sentait suer de partout, ? moins que ce ne soit l'humidit?. Au bout d'une heure, il tomba litt?ralement amoureux du paysage fantastique de l'ile. C'?tait la basse saison. Les h?tels ?taient en partie vides, et le leur n'?chappait pas ? la r?gle. Ils ?ta...

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tre la nouvelle femme de chambre II chapitres 3 et 4

3 Marie venait juste de me transformer en femme de chambre sans se douter que j'?tais un gar?on. Elle m'entra?nais maintenant derri?re elle ? travers les couloirs de l'h?tel vers la premi?re chambre dont nous devions nous occuper. Je trottais ? ses c?t?s, heureuse de savoir depuis longtemps d?j? marcher avec des talons. Mon esprit vagabondait en se souvenant de mes premi?res exp?riences de travestissement. Je dus vite revenir ? la r?alit?. En l'absence de St?phanie, Marie devait revenir l'apr?s-midi pour finir de netto...

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La th rapie

La th?rapie Depuis toujours, Marc, 14 ans, n'avait connu que sa m?re Elise ?g?e de 39 ans. Elle l'?levait seule depuis la mort de son mari mais ne manquait pas d'argent. Elle avait toujours dit qu'elle n'aurait plus de compagnon, tellement affect?e par la perte du p?re de Marc, et basait tous les espoirs de r?ussite en son fils. H?las depuis plusieurs mois, celui-ci semblait renferm? et parlait de moins en moins. Lui qui, petit, ?tait si enjou?, sa gait? avait disparu petit ? petit avec la pubert? et il s'enfer...

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B atrice les d buts

B?atrice : les d?butschapitre 1 : R?solutionsJe m'ennuie. Plus je reflechis et plus j'en arrive ? la meme conclusion, vraiment je m'ennuie.Et encore cela ne traduit pas ma pens?e brute, ce serait bien plus grossier.Je traine mon ennui partout ! en classe, bien que j'y aille de moins en moins ? cause du sport.C'est vrai que je me d?brouille pas trop mal au tennis et que j'obtiens quelques resultats qui fontque plusieurs personnes ont mis?s leurs espoirs sur moi. Drole d'id?e et droles de gens.Eux aussi m'ennuient ...

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La soumission de Candy

La soumission de Candy Chapitre 1Ce n'est pas parce que vous ?tes parano que personne ne vous en veut. Je me suis toujours un peu m?fi? de mes semblables et, quand j'ai cr?? mon entreprises de conseil, j'ai trouv? tout naturel de mettre en place tout ce qu'il fallait pour surveiller mes employ?s. Enregistrement t?l?phonique, copie automatique des emails re?us et envoy?s, etc.N'ayant pas que ?a ? faire, je ne passais pas tout mon temps ? ?couter les conversations et lire les ?changes de courriers. Et surtout, en respect d...

3 years ago
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EDUCATRICES . Coulybaca (Texte personnel)   Chapitre 1 : Fran?oise   Ce jeudi vers 18 heures, Fran?oise, suivie de son groupe de jeunes filles p?n?trait dans le hall de la piscine de la ville voisine, la chaleur torride qui avait r?gn? toute la journ?e l'avait amen?e ? bousculer l'emploi du temps pr?vu .  Depuis midi, les filles l'avaient press?e de s'y rendre afin de profiter pleinement d'une si belle journ?e. Affal?s sur le ventre, autour du bassin d?couvert, les a?n?s, les gar?ons du groupe 6 semblaient les y attendre, to...

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L ombre du pass

L'OMBRE DU PASSE Coulybaca   Chapitre 1  Clothilde Marsac, au balcon du premier ?tage guettait le passage du car ramenant ses enfants du lyc?e. Il ?tait dix-huit heures trente, comme souvent au mois d'octobre la temp?rature ?tait douce, elle ?tait l?g?rement v?tue, le soleil couchant lui caressait les bras. Tout ?tait calme? dans ce quartier r?sidentiel de Moulins, largement en dehors du centre ville. Depuis maintenant un mois ils habitaient la grande b?tisse, allou?e par la pr?fecture ? son directeur des services. Apr?s avo...

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Une mouche pour Ancilla

Une Mouche pour AncillaC’est l’?t? dernier, par un de ces jours chauds, quand l’orage peine ? ?clater. Ancilla est en formation. Son Ma?tre l’a confi?e ? un organisme qui doit lui permettre de  perfectionner son cursus de soumise. Ancilla ?tait, Ancilla est toujours tr?s motiv?e pour progresser, m?me si elle reste toujours tr?s anxieuse de donner le meilleur d’elle-m?me Ancilla n’en est pas moins motiv?e de r?ussir cette ?preuve pour le respect et l’amour de lui. Les journ?es sont tr?s p?nibles, et les nuits encore plus. Il ...

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Being Nosey

It was a warm summers evening, the breeze was genital. Brenda's windows were open, but her lights were out. Enabling her to look out and not allow anyone to look in. Her neighbor across the way was working out as usual, lifting weights, doing squats, jumping jacks and deep knee bends. He is a nice looking guy and Brenda enjoyed watching him get all sweaty. One evening Brenda ready herself to watch her neighbor work out. She had finally decided to masturbate while she watched. She had wanted...

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The Long Way DownChapter 6

Following our descent into the underground prison, we find ourselves in the outermost of its five concentric rings. So immense is this structure that I can just barely see the curvature of its walls. Though we have come to a stop before a large steel door, the cavernous space still rings with the sounds of our footsteps. A pair of agents steps forward to twin keypads to authorize our entry into the second level. Meanwhile, having taken for herself the empty transport position to my left,...

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Master PC 2 0 Nouvelle interface

Je suis l’aîné dans ma famille, et je n’ai pratiquement jamais connu mon père puisqu’il est mort quand j’avais trois ans dans un accident de la route. À cette même période, ma mère accouchait de jumelles qui ont de toute évidence eu plus d’affection et d’amour que moi. Je pourrais très bien affabuler, comme beaucoup d’enfants le font pour essayer de s’attirer les bonnes grâces de son public, mais dans mon cas, les faits le prouvent : chacune de mes sœurs a l’équivalent d’un petit appartement,...

Mind Control
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Milla la travestie soumise Partie1

Coucou, Hihi! Je voulais vous raconter quelques petites choses intimes de Milla la travestie soumise en formation pour devenir salope.Il y a quelques temps, Milla fait la rencontre d'un homme séduisant sur un réseau social. Plus la discussion avance, plus l'excitation envahit Milla. Et plus elle se livre à une soumission de plus en plus complète. Lui, apprécie beaucoup les propositions et encourage la soumise à dépasser encore davantage ses limites. Elle mesure 5'6 avec un poids de 150lbs, 28...

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Claire naissance d rsquo une domina fiction part 7

Bonjour à tous, Pour des raisons professionnelles, je passe une nuit par semaine, 1 fois par mois chez ma belle-sœurAprès quelques séjours, elle me domine maintenant complètement, elle est ma princesse et je lui dois donc une obéissance absolue.Elle reçoit l’aide et les conseils de Clélia, sa meilleure amie dont le petit copain, Marc, est un hardeurClaire, Clélia et Marc se sont retrouvés après que Claire m’ai sodomisé dans sa chambre.Claire avait besoin d’en parler avec des personnes de...

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Dostone Kutta Banakar Maje Liye 8211 Part 3

Hi, mai nikhil mai meri story dostone kutta bnakar liye maje ka 3rd part likh rha hu mafi chahunga deri ke liye agar koi sja deni ho to muze fb pe btaea meri id nikhil Naigaokar(slave boy) hai ya phir muze mail kre pr Chlo ab kahani pe aate hai to door bell bajti hai dhire dhire door khul rha tha to muze do log boxers pe dikhai diye pr jab pura door khula to mai dekhta hi rah gya wo do log hmare seniors the punit or swapnilunhe dekh kr mai jaisehi bhagne ja rha tha tabhi punit ne kaha “Are...

Gay Male
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Fucked And Took Sexy Cousin Shweta 8217 s Virginity

Hello friends! My name is Punit. This story is about me and my sexy cousin Shweta. It happened around 8 years back when we met for the first time after 22 years. When I saw Shweta for the first time, we were like any other normal cousin brother and sister. We met in our cousin’s marriage and, we spent an entire day talking and sharing the things that happened in so many years. It was an instant connection between both of us. My other cousins were also a part of the conversation. However, we...

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Sisterhhood of Female Supremacy

SISTERHOOD OF FEMALE SUPREMACYPROLOGUEAs is my custom I awakened at least an hour before my Mistress, Goddess Samantha had instructed me to awaken her.  I checked my entire body in as many places as I could to be sure there wasn’t a single hair so as to comply fully with my Goddess’ instructions.  Even my legs were smooth as silk, something I have never experienced before. I was to wake her up promptly at nine and have her bath ready with her desired water temperature of 105 degrees. I...

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Dostone Kutta Banakar Maje Liye 8211 Part 4

Hi dosto, main Nikhil. Main meri story ka next part likh raha hu. To ab thoda last part ka climax bata du. Ya aapne agar mera last episode padh liya ho, to aapko pata hi hoga. Fir bhi last paragraph likh deta hu. To hua ye tha, ki main sone chala gaya. Fir main kareeban dopahar ke 2 baje utha, aur fresh hoke hall mein aa gaya. Tabhi mujhe door ke baahar thoda shor sunayi diya, to maine poocha Punit ko – Main: Ye kya ho raha hai? Punit bola: Yahi to surprise hai randi. Aur dono mujhe evil...

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Saloon me randi wife ki samuhik chudai

Hello guys pichli kahania aap ne padhi hi hogi, nahi padhi toh padhlo. Bohot maja aayega aapko. Kaise meri wife ki gand ki seal mere samne tut gayi. Aur kaise maine uske ander ki randi ko dekha. Ab aage meri wife aur mera rishta ab jyada khul chuka tha. I mean ham har baate share karte. Mai usko bolta ki muje wo ladki pasand hai, kis ke baare me kya sochta hu. Aur wo bhi share karti ki kiska pasand hai lund and all. Ab ye kahani hai kaise saloon me meri wife ki thukhayi hoti hai aur uske baad...

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LOST Kate Prisoner of the Others

[LOST] KATE AUSTEN - PRISONER OF THE OTHERSKate’s Re-Capture [synopsis] After running for such a long time through the jungle, Kate was eventually captured by some of The Others. Unfortunately for her, she had made the mistake of running right into their trap, they had many men positioned stealthily with guns and as she ran into their radar they encircled her. Knowing she was completely outnumbered and also very exhausted from the prolonged chase, Kate did the only sensible thing she could and...

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Not With a BangChapter 1

I was angry. I'm not angry anymore. I'm furious, and I'm determined. The former CEO of Exxon received a retirement package of $400mn. This is the same man that managed the company into a position that will forever link Exxon to environmental disaster, corporate greed, and denial of responsibility for its actions. Not that the man or the corporation cares, profits have grown through out his tenure topping out at $46.7bn for 2007. Barring a new, clean, cheap and renewable energy source...

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Made Yoga Teacher My Sex Slave

Hi, guys, my name is Rohit, I work as a real estate agent in Ahmedabad . My height is 6ft and have an athletic build. My age is 23. Coming to the story … It was the month of march. I was sitting in the office and doing some work. When a couple ( ankeeta the yoga teacher and punit her husband ) entered in. They were from bangalore and wanted to rent a flat here as rent in bangalore was too high and cost education for thier daughter was also high in bangalore. They considered ahemdabad a good...

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Reassignment II Deep Water

REASSIGNMENT: DEEP WATER by Ingrid Halb Reassignment Case file 2113-1725-O(P) Subject: Candace Kaine Classification: TOP SECRET/Black Start Run: {stop run} UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS Run redacted file? Y/N Classification: SECRET/Blue Start Run: *** The former Special Agent Candace Kaine rode in the back of the transport under close guard and level four restraint. There was little about her to indicate her former status. A thousand-mile stare and an inscrutable facial...

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Twin Japanese Nieces Pt25

Introduction: Punishment Twin Japanese Nieces Pt25 To say that this whole ordeal was leaving a bad taste in my mouth would be like saying that gargling with gasoline would be refreshing. We needed a way to ensure that Eric would not talk about this to anyone and it had to be something drastic. As Kayko and I stood there looking at the trio inspiration stuck like lightning out of the sky. Eric, I said as I looked at the crying boy, What would your parents do if they knew that you had taken...

2 years ago
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Game Set and Match

An adult tale of female domination. © Miss Irene Clearmont 2012. Whoever said, 'It's not whether you win or lose that counts,' probably lost. Martina Navratilova No one rejoices more in revenge than a woman. Juvenal The character ‘Sheikha Tasnim’ was used with permission from Clare Penne and her wonderful stories ‘My Passage To Womanhood’. This story is dedicated to Clare without reservation! -...

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Love Trust and Communication

I originally wrote this first piece as a humorous (short) flash story. I even specifically stated that there was no character development, nothing in depth, nothing serious, written just for fun. Then two things happened and I thought more about the characters, or who I thought the characters could be. I attended a welcoming home party for a son of a friend of mine. That son had done two tours in Iraq. The reason that he enlisted in the Marines was that he had no purpose in life, no self...

4 years ago
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Me my friend and Mom

I did my first masturbation fantasizing about my hot mom and she is very sexy and she is the one who aroused my dick for the first time.I am not going to describe her because she is damn hot and sexy and perfect woman. Before I used to sleep with my mom in night and this happened when I am teenager I think as unusual we were sleeping together and suddenly I woke up in the midnight as I felt to go for peeing.I came back and lay down in the bed near my mom and I feel very unusual, once I saw my...

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Free at Last

I was supposed to sleep, but who could possibly sleep after the beating I had endured.  I was sure they had tried to kill me.  I didn’t want to sleep; this was the night I had waited for—the night I had prayed for--after more than eighteen months in captivity. It was still dark—dark as pitch-- and very early.  I leaned up from the floor to try to see the clock—3:27—perfect, or so I prayed.  Rebecca and Mark were drunk after their celebration when they went to sleep last night—maybe passed out...

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Game Set and Match

Game Set & Match   by   Miss Irene Clearmont.An adult tale of female domination.   ? Miss Irene Clearmont 2012.Whoever said, 'It's not whether you win or lose that counts,' probably lost. Martina Navratilova No one rejoices more in revenge than a woman. JuvenalThe character ?Sheikha Tasnim? was used with permission from Clare Penne and her wonderful stories ?My Passage To Womanhood?. This story is dedicated to Clare without reservation!  -...

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Gail s School

      Gail Goes to Boarding School    The Hawthorne Academy for Girls  was not what it once was. For one thing, it was no longer in Hawthorne.  The trustees hadsold the old place to developers and had relocated to a formertuberculosis sanitarium way up in the mountains.  Also, it wasno longer the elite finishing school for young ladies that it oncewas, though it pretended to be.   Most of the students werethere because (A) their parents didn't have time for them or (B)they had got into trouble...

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The Expert

The CruelestJudge THE EXPERTby Mr. Libido  Note: This is a true BDSM story though it is not suitable for vanillas. Some segments are modified because of literary reasons. Having Hitchcock?s words in mind (?The Film is reality with all boring moments excluded?) I tried to skip all dull parts of her drill. Since I am a film director, I intend to write screenplay based on this event and make a movie when find appropriate producer - so this is copyrighted material. English is not my native...

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Dostone Kutta Banakar Maje Liye 8211 Part 5

Hi dosto, main nikhil. Main meri story ka next part likh raha hu. Maafi chaahunga deri ke liye. To ab thoda last part ka climax bata du. Ya aapne agar mera last episode padh liya ho, to aapko pata hi hoga. Fir bhi main thoda bata deta hu. Raman malik ne mujhe surprise dene ka bol kar mujhe moot se nehlaya. Fir 4 log unki gaadi se baahar nikal aaye. Uske baad un sab ne mil kar Kashmir jane ka plan banaya. Wo sab mujhe randi bana kar sath le jaa rahe the. Bus mein pehle sab ne apne lund se mere...

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The World part 3

Instinctively I hugged her back. Minnie felt so soft. Her body hair was short but very soft and light. There was no denying the body underneath it though. I could feel happy tears hitting my shoulder. I didn’t really understand how it was such an emotionally charged moment. I set her down lightly. Minnie looked down shyly. “I’m sorry sir. It won’t happen again. I will keep my emotions to myself”. I gave her a quick hug, “Don’t worry about it. I prefer to know what is really going on...

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Avenging Angel chapter 5

Consciousness returned slowly. I lay on a soft bed in an unfamiliar room. The décor was pink and there were quantities of lace. It was warm, with subdued hidden lighting. I was naked. My arms, shoulders, back, anus and testicles ached. So did my head. My nipples felt sore. I struggled to sit up but the headache forced me flat again and shut my eyes. The door opened and a woman entered. She wore a sexy little black dress and killer heels. I tried to apologise for being in her room but she...

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Love Turmoil Ch 07

‘You are mine,’ Dominic repeated. Lisa shivered at his words, a combination of fear, anger and excitement. She swallowed hard and tried to suppress these feelings. She reminded herself that Dominic was not worth consideration. He could not manipulate her and God only knew what happened to his wife! Lisa was almost sorry for the poor woman. He must have played with her as well and when he had his motives satisfied, must have thrown her away as he would, without doubts, do with her. She wanted...

2 years ago
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the sexual frustration act 1768

THE SEXUAL FRUSTRATION ACT 1768THE PROLOGUEEngland mid 18th century was a lawless place, marauding bands of demobbed troops roamed the streets fighting all and sundry. Women were out of control, many spending time in the branks, which did not seem to deter their offensive behaviour. Pub fights were routine and **** a common offence. No one appeared happy and all appeared irritable.This was not the sort of England that Farmer George wanted to reign over. Thomas Hobbes’s works on the social...

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Miss Sheila DeVille s School for Wayward Boys

This is a story involving explicitly described sex. If you think you might be offended by it, or you aren't allowed by the laws of the place in which you live to read such a story, don't. If you read past this warning, any offense you take or laws you break are your problem. I've warned you. Permission is hereby given to archive this story anywhere on the Internet, so long as I'm credited as the author, it is reproduced in its entirety (including this disclaimer!) and no fee is charged...

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The Deception of Choice Episode Two

The Deception of Choice. Episode Two, comprising Chapters 3, 4, & 5. Preamble David's life might be thought, by those more concerned with physical rather than mental deprivation, to have taken a more promising turn. Perhaps so but David is less than convinced; indeed in his mind the confusion mounts. And the sweet reasonableness of it all so difficult to resist. Chapter 3. The perfumed warmth of the room engulfed him. It was an alien place after the cell. The warmth...

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Cousin Sister Best Friend And Me

Hi everyone i m punit from udaipur i m student and i m a active reader in iss from last 7 yrs after reading all the stories i took courage to write my own story which is happened 2 yrs back with “me and my cousin sisters best friend”.Actually the heroine of the story itself incest me to write story. You can give your comments on my mail i write this story without any manipulation and from starting with every emotions. This story is written in 3 parts contains love and sex. I am writing 1st...

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The Slave Girl Chapter 1

Chapter 1Upon the rich austerity of David Murchinson´s polished mahogany the silver chrome of the handcuffs were a shining incongruity against the reticence of Corporate good taste. Corey Gibson eyed them with disdain. She was more concerned with what Murchinson was saying."On the face of it I should simply shut up, keep quiet. I should allow Planet Oil Corporation to slide down the drain and your father with it. But I don´t want that." He sighed heavily. "This old family role isn´t all it´s...

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Countess Waltrude

                                                                           ?ONE? The chill air of the dungeon chamber raised goosebumps on his nakedness as he knelt in the pitch darkness, bound and helpless, awaiting the arrival of the woman his mistress Elke had assigned him to service that evening. The silence was profound. As always before such an assignation Kurt felt fear and sweet anticipation in equal measure but on this occasion both were amplified. His mistress had told him this woman...

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Involuntary Commitment

One obstacle stood between Harford Jones and the acquisition of a two million dollar inheritance, that being his wife Lydia.Harford, a fifty year old divorcee of only modest financial means, had married Lydia, ten years younger, specifically because she was from a wealthy socialite family and stood to acquire the inheritance from a wealthy aunt, upon turning forty.The marriage had chilled since shortly after its inception. While Lydia had no propensity for adultery, she was an alcoholic, who...

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Primevil Vignettes

PRIMEVIL VIGNETTES BOOKS ONE AND TWO by VelvetgloveA Vignette (noun) – a brief impressionistic story, scene or description that focuses on one moment or gives an evocative impression of a character, situation or idea.Disclaimer, Copyright and Codes Please note that this is a long read (52,000 words) not a ‘short stroke story’. It contains the first two books of a septology (ie. there should eventually be seven books). If you have enjoyed my previous non-consensual stories, hopefully you will...

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Space Colony

Authors note: more of a Sci-Fi story than a TG one (so far) and R:rated due to no sex, because I wanted to focus a little bit more on what I consider a vaguely realistic scenario at least in this first part. Please leave a review if you enjoyed it or have constructive criticism, or visit my Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/JockMcTafferty . Peace! SPACE COLONY CHAPTER ONE It had probably been a board room meeting that had decided upon the exact number of people to take on the...

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The policy and the laws that enforced it had been in place for twenty years DroningBy Tcheser The policy and the laws that enforced it had been in place for twenty years. Prior to its implementation society in the latter half of the twentieth century had nearly collapsed under the economic strain put upon it by its penal system. Toward the end of the millennium the imprisonment of nearly a tenth of its population for varying amounts of time nearly bankrupted the western nations who...

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Execution of a Soccer Mom

EXECUTION OF A SOCCER MOM A future fiction/fantasy by Jill Crokett Prolog The United States had changed profoundly by the early 22nd Century. Terroristshad detonated a nuclear bomb in Southern California a half-century earlier,throwing America into a spiral of ethical decay and economic collapse. The paranoia that followed brought on the revocation of basic rights andthe amending of the Constitution - removing the clause forbidding "crueland unusual punishment" and replacing it with a clause...

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Nowhere Man Book TwoChapter 27

It was a real bugbear, trying to work out the local rules of acceptable behaviour that contravening would be deemed an arrestable crime that could be sorted out before it went too far. Every time Numa and I thought we had a thing pinned down, we found an excuse to strike it out again because of difficulties in interpretation. Brawling was indefinable in a society where often the simple solution to an argument was a fist fight and then make up afterwards. Child abuse was usually solved in a...

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Delivered to Justice by Miss Beryl FrobisherChapter 4

Crawford could now taste the full flavour of feminine spite, as he was whipped to the makeshift courtroom by Ekua, with a robust enthusiasm that had him gasping with each stroke, the kiss of the lash on his flesh, and the promise of humiliation to come, having his cock teased deliciously by the spikes within the cruel cage as it hopelessly attempted erection. His anus squeezed hard at the generous plug as he thought on Agnes’s spiteful words, delivered with such tart enthusiasm - he was to be...

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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 4 Wedding Bells

January 1808 One of Mrs. Pelham’s servants was waiting for Wolverine‘s officers at the quay to guide them to her house where their hostess greeted them effusively. “Welcome, gentlemen, and thank you for accepting my invitation!” “On behalf of myself and my officers, I thank you for hosting our celebration,” Benning answered. “May I present Commander Eckleson, Master’s Mates Wainbridge and Warner, and Mishipmen Boyle, Prideaux and Pons? You already met Lieutenant Grey at the governor’s...

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Start the Revolution Without MeChapter 4

When Nina and I awoke again, we were famished, but we managed to shower and groom ourselves well enough first. Like any self-respecting lass, she freshened up quite well, even if she also teased me a bit in both the shower and vanity. More than once, she bent over in the shower and let me see the crack of her arse as well as her delectable buttocks. She even made a point of shaving her legs and her armpits, as if an act of defiance against the hairy underarm crowd now taking charge in London....

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Advisors DelightsPart 4 War

Some years later, the Emir was surprised to receive the news that the Foreign Minister of Tirfil wished to pay a formal visit to Ghada Baroud, the Emir’s advisor on Diplomatic Matters, in Kobekistan. “Why are you asking me? It’s you he wants to see,” asked the Emir. “Master, it is forbidden for any Tirfilese to enter Kobekistan.” “Well tell this man he can come if you want to see him, or not if you don’t. Do you know what it is about?” “No, Master,” said Ghada Baroud, “But I am interested...

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Thoughts Sensations and EmotionsChapter 26

Under the new rules of engagement, we didn't accomplish as much as before, but hopefully we'd all learned a lesson. No one left the new safe house without a tender with them, and before anyone returned to the safe house, one of our tenders or a crew from Jerome's firm checked the returning party's back door. The last thing any of us wanted was to reveal our new location, a good thing, too. After a meeting with the accountant from the Wellington Company, the bad guys picked up Jason's...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 14

Tuesday turned out to be a normal day at school; Kevin and Denise were relieved that they were not called to the office during the day. They found out that only two students from the week's chosen Program group had been persuaded to participate, but when they arrived at the school's front entrance to get dressed after school on Monday and saw that they were the only students participating, they vowed not to continue. So as of Tuesday morning there wasn't anyone participating in the...

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RedemptionChapter 3

When Mike and Karen Ferguson hung up from the fateful call, they just sat motionless, Karen weeping softly, Mike in a trance. Donna, their sixteen-year-old daughter, roused them. She had heard the phone ring, then her mother's shriek, and had been standing for some time watching from the next room. She walked over and knelt by Karen, hugging her mother around the waist, and laying her head on her mother's lap. A sensitive girl, and loving her parents very much, she knew it was not the time...

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Military DelightsChapter 3 Trouble

Soon after the Prince became Khan of Tirfil, the raids into Kobekistani territory increased dramatically. Whole villages were razed, their men killed and their women and children taken to Tirfil as slaves. Diplomatic notes were exchanged to no effect. Finally the Emir wrote personally to Khan Habib demanding that the incursions stop forthwith and threatening punitive action if they did not. Ghada Baroud, the Emir's diplomatic advisor was loth to show the Emir the reply, but his Master...

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A Routine EnslavementChapter 30 Private Sentencing

The evening after that brutal public punishment fair I relaxed at home and thought about what sentences I would hand out. I was feeling a good deal less vindictive after watching that cruel exhibition — just as the judge had indicated. What would happen to the prisoners next was up to me the judge had said. I checked my messages and found one from Judge Morelock's law clerk. She said the judge would like to see me with my attorney and opposing counsel in his chambers the day after next if...

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Transformations DiversityChapter 14

His parents and Marty were not the only people who cared about Caz. He had become one of those very successful people whose success almost no one begrudged. His long-burning hatred had been unable to kill the basic respect and care for people that had been a trademark of young Carter Calloway. Within his MLM company, there were literally hundreds of people who thought he walked on water. From the many under him who had earned enough extra to stave off bankruptcy, to those who had...

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Reciprocal NeedsChapter 10

Evan and Harriet Cannon sat at a concrete picnic table at a rest stop - in the shade, fortunately. A hot breeze washed over them, kicking up alkaline dust from time to time. They were close enough to Vegas the dirt appeared more white than tan. The barren landscape seemed so desolate, untouched by nutrients, like Harriet's mood. When she noticed most of the flush to her husband's angry face had dissipated, she took his hand in hers and said, "You know we could be wrong, Evan." "I know....

1 year ago
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Game Set and Match

*** Whoever said, 'It's not whether you win or lose that counts,' probably lost. Martina Navratilova No one rejoices more in revenge than a woman. Juvenal *** The character ‘Sheikha Tasnim’ was used with permission from Clare Penne and her wonderful stories ‘My Passage To Womanhood’. This story is dedicated to Clare without reservation! - Irene Game Set & Match. Extracts from ‘All Stars and Hollywood’ magazine, the ‘magazine for the followers of fashion, film and sport’. 05.05.2011 By our...

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The Neighbourhood 05 2022 06 16 Dinner and Discoveries

Introduction: A tale of lust, love, and longing, spanning a few weeks and dozens of lives. Jim meets most of the family next door: Cindy and her teen daughters. No first person sex in this one – but some interesting discoveries over dinner. Your opinions matter, so comments with your thoughts are welcome. Constructive advice preferred, of course. Each chapter is labelled with the themes in that chapter. There are a lot of other themes to this tale as the chapters progress, including: anal,...

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Unconscious Revenge

This story was inspired by DGH ‘The Dead Zone’. In this story however, the main character is much less noble and vengeful. I wanted to portray his feelings of being cheated out of life. As always, constructive comments are welcome. ***** My name is Lucas Matthews. My friends all call me Luke. I am or was just a typical guy until about 4 years ago. I am a 30 year old mechanical engineer working for an oil company as a project manager. I also hold an MBA from Texas A&M, the same university...

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Legend of the Spidery Things Ch 02

Oh the stranglehold the Arctic Circle Armada put around that city was not near as troubling as the plague sweeping across the world in those days although we might say in some ways the Arctic Circle stranglehold dribbled a dose of molasses to that city – not so much for the sweetness but for the slowdown effect, slowing down the advancing plague and the progress plague-bearers achieved – and the records are mostly in harmony in the view the cold front coming upon them brought a blessing...

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Winterborn Ch 01

This is another departure from my normal type of story. I hope the readers will receive this tale as well as they did my prior story in this vein, The Trail West. As always, constructive comments, critiques, and emails are hoped for and appreciated. This story is loosely based and greatly inspired by the song Winterborn by the Cruxshadows. I’m not usually into Grunge Rock but I’ve been haunted by their song for over a year. I just had to write a story incorporating the ideas told in this...

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Legend of the Spidery Things Ch 01

It is true a hefty body of folks tend to refrain – guess they inherited the leaning in refraining from voicing many reasons to favor this time of year. The winds born have not infrequently known the darkness of neglect when they were but whips with innocent beginnings but come into the world knowing not the gentle caresses of love but only to sling wicked stingers when they blow and they recruit germs which compose colds that invade homes of good families and heads become stuffy and tissues get...

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His Mothers Bed

Both seventeen-year-old Christopher Jenkinson and his mother Julie knew that they were on a slippery slope which was taking them towards something that would change their lives forever.They were already part way there because after initially spanking Christopher after catching him wearing his sisters old school uniform and being more or less forced into spanking him again when he wore her clothes Julie realised that these events were turning her on as much as they were her son.After the...

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Stephanie 1

*************************** My name is Stephanie. At age 26, I was on top of the world, or at least seemed to be. I am 5’10” with a slim figure, nice boobs, long blonde hair, and a pretty face. During college, I modeled part time, making good money, to pay for college and provide a nest egg for what I really wanted. I had ambitions, I had a vision, and I saw potentials for new ideas and products. While I was in college, I attracted a group of very smart, capable people around me. I needed a...

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Submisson Weeked Part I

Friday night, 7:30 p.m. ... She must go ... Isabella is not very happy as she prepares to go to William. The brown wavy haired submissive knows what awaits ... She looks in the mirror and wondered how a busty woman like her will be able to cross half of Paris subway, dressed like this. She must put on nothing else but a one-piece polo knit from natural wool which was far from hiding her forms. It was straight forward indecent ... With her tits in it, pressing to the wool it was really...

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THE FREAK Part 4 of 5

We drove into Massachusetts Avenue and found a place to park about a block away near Harvard Yard, the name given to the main campus. The time was just after ten. Mrs. Atkins had said to come any time so we walked together to the Admissions Office, finding her at her desk. I introduced Barbara and we took our seats. The very first thing I did was pass the folder of photographs across the desk. “I had asked Barbara to marry me the previous Friday night—Friday before Palm Sunday. She...

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In the Stacks Ch 02

Marilyn’s eyes flickered as the summer dawn broke. She inhaled and exhaled deeply, slowly waking up. A quick glance over to the nightstand to her old wind-up clock showed the time at just after seven. She was surprised that she had slept in so long, and then began to remember the events of yesterday. She took deep breaths and looked to the other side of the bed, half-expecting to see Penny there, but she was not. What was she doing, anyway? Fooling around with this girl. Swatting her on the...

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Home Economics Chapter 01

Miss Jordan had been trained as a Home Economics teacher. She watched that career crater around her as it became unfashionable to learn to cook, sew and take care of babies. She got her masters in education and drifted into counseling, and, continuing got her PhD in Education. She was one of the first women in her school district to achieve this milestone. Which was fortunate because, as politics went at the time, the school district was looking to promote women to leadership positions....

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My Beautiful Wife The Shameless Slut

This story begins about twenty years ago. I am the general manager of a large produce farm here in the United States. My company ships fresh produce all over the world, year around, in season. During the early years, I spent a lot of time away from home, trying to be successful in my chosen field. I had graduated from college, then spent three years in Vietnam in the US Army. When I returned to civilian life, I married my high school sweetheart and found a job working for...

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I'm finding it hard to begin this last chapter, the road to my story's conclusion such a crooked path to retread. I'll start with the day after Karen and Milly finally got it together. As soon as we had waved Milly off at the station, I decided enough was enough. I wanted no more to do with her. But to erase her from my mind, my life, there could be no more of those hedonistic weekends in our favourite haunts. I would have to isolate myself from our social clique, acquaintances and friends....

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We were awake at eight, into the shower again, and into my Toyota Highlander SUV before nine. I was pleased to see that Rosalie was dressed sensibly in a sweatshirt and shorts along with ankle socks and sneakers. I was dressed similarly except that I had boat shoes even though they looked like sneakers. We stopped at a deli just a block from the harbor where we ordered breakfast and sandwiches with some potato salad and a pickle for our lunch. Once they were done we retreated to the SUV...

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