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The policy and the laws that enforced it had been in place for twenty years


By Tcheser


The policy and the laws that enforced it had been in place for twenty years. Prior to its implementation society in the latter half of the twentieth century had nearly collapsed under the economic strain put upon it by its penal system. Toward the end of the millennium the imprisonment of nearly a tenth of its population for varying amounts of time nearly bankrupted the western nations who practiced such humane treatment of their law breakers.


There seemed to be no reasonable solution to the problem though. The governments found their only options seeming to be to let criminals go free or to just execute them. After trying variations of both they saw they needed a third choice. At the turn of the millennium a think tank of the most intelligent and innovative thinkers in America was finally formed and given a month in a isolated lodge to come up with a sound, feasible and cost effective solution. No one really held out great hopes and it looked like millions of hardened criminals would be killed and millions lesser lawbreakers would go free having never paid their debt to society.


The think tank however surprised everyone. They emerged from their isolation with a solution to the prison problem that was both simple and efficient. In short order they laid out their plans to Congress and everyone was suitably impressed with their ideas. So impressed in fact were the lawmakers that they called a special vote and sent the bill to the president the very next day. It was said that the strongly conservative President read the proposal just once before cheerfully signing it into law.


The tenets of the law were simple really. Truly horrible criminals and those guilty of felonious offenses that could not be reformed would no longer be imprisoned. They would be executed. The penalty for many lesser crimes would be reduced to a fine, though in many cases this was to be a very large fine. For any crime more serious then this but less serious then that of a violent or criminal felony the lawbreaker would face what the think tank called ?Droning?. Those who could not pay their fine, showed particular disrespect or were deemed unlikely to learn a lesson from a fine were also given the punishment of Droning.


?Droning? as it was explained by the think tank was the act of forcing a citizen to take on the aspect and duties of a mindless servant of the state. Like a worker drone ant. This would allow the lawbreaker to remain a member of society while performing punitive services for the betterment of said society. The need for prisons was therefore negated as no one incarcerated. With no prisons to support the crippling cost that had so burdened the state was eliminated. As an added bonus there were no prisoners shut off from the world slowly becoming more and more antisocial until they could no longer live in polite society as there was in the old system.


Under this new system those serving Droning sentences were nominally free. The only real change was their occupation for the most part. All ?Drones? as they came to be called were required to take on duties designated by officials from the former bureau of prisons. These duties ranged wildly but were all tasks that were decidedly undesirable or for one reason or another understaffed by law abiding citizens. To make it clear to civilians who was a Drone and who was not, the Drones were required to wear a special uniform. This was important for practical purposes but the designers also thought the humiliation factor it added would be a strong deterrent to many would be lawbreakers.


The system worked perfectly. It was hailed by most people as a brilliant move and the savior of western society by others. Everyone seemed to love the new program, everyone that is except for a small minority of people.


Jennifer Wells would have referred to those people as asinine. She supported the program from the start and thought it was an inspired move putting all the lazy good for nothing criminals to work. They had broken the law and deserved to be punished in a manner law abiding citizens like herself could benefit from. That?s what she thought. Then she ran that stop light.


She had been in a hurry and the light was pointless she rationalized. It was far too long and no had been coming anyway. Which perhaps it might have been, though mouthing off to the cop that pulled her over and telling him he was wrong and the light was stupid was a bad idea however. Yelling at the judge and telling him she was too rich to waste her time in his court and could she have her damn fine was a very bad idea. She could see this all clearly after she was sentenced to a month of Droning.


The judge decided that was the proper sentence for Jennifer as she was so wealthy a mere fine would mean very little to her. She might have gotten off with probation or a suspended sentence but her bad attitude sealed her fate and resulted in the rather long droning sentence she received.


The very day after her trial Jennifer had to begin her sentence. She told her fianc? she was taking a long trip to Europe. He thought that was odd, but so enamored with her and her father?s money he said he understood and wished her a good trip. Then she reported to the former bureau of prisons orientation seminar for the newly sentenced to Droning.


While there she learned the various rules and regulations she would have to adhere to and was told where and exactly what she would be doing for the next month. Now that it had actually happened to her, Jennifer decided she hated Droning and made no secret of it. She told every official she came across that this was all very unfair and that she should have just received a fine. This of course didn?t endear her to the officials one bit.


While she was there they also processed her and fitted her with her new uniform. As this was meant to instill some humiliation it wasn?t a lovely experience. Certainly nothing Jennifer was used to. She was generally fawned over as the beautiful and single young heiress that she was.? Her family was very rich after all and spent most of its time buying art and raising money for obscure charities. She was more then a bit spoiled. So she knew little if anything of practical matters and nothing about what a Drone actually went through.


She wasn?t at all prepared when the butch female attendants very swiftly and methodically stripped her of her fancy designer dress, heels and lingerie and she found herself suddenly standing before them totally naked. She was then seized by the arms and led onward. She shouted for them to unhand her and was quite offended when she was ignored. They simply paid her no attention and dragged her over to a concrete shower block and forced under the freezing spray. She screamed bloody murder as the merciless attendants then scrubbed her tender body rather roughly with what felt like brillo pads. It was torture and they scrubbed her body all over and got in every crevice with some terrible smelling lumpy soap. All her makeup and perfume were washed down the drain and when she was pulled back into the main processing area she looked more like a shivering drowned rat then one of the wealthiest most well bred women in high society.


Still the processing continued and she was strapped down in barber style chair. She struggled as nearly all future Drones did, but it was helpless. The attendants were far too strong and in case they needed them they had their cattle prods ready. She was subdued more quickly then most and a new attendant in surgical scrubs and plastic gloves entered the processing area and went straight to work on her.


Using a needle he took from a side table he bent her struggling head back and tattooed her. It was an unsightly tattoo straight across her forehead which bore her new ID number in large bold numerals. She received a similar marking across the outside of both forearms running from her wrist halfway to her elbow. She cursed the man and promised that she would make him pay. For this she was given a gag. An old rag one attendant found on the floor shoved deep in her offensive mouth.


Next Jennifer?s long blonde wavy hair was attended to. She cringed when the attendant brought out his hair kit. She was always getting compliments on her waist long VeronicaLake style hair and would never have cut it herself. Drones were to have short hair at all times however so it had to go. She wasn?t given a choice in the matter. Short hair would not interfere with her duties, distract her or cover up her tattoo. It had also been found that many Drones suffered from excessive pride. Taking their hair was shown to be a good way of beginning the rehabilitation process with them.


Jennifer thought the process was more akin to a sheep shearing then a proper haircut though. The attendant spent seemingly as little time as possible on it. With his buzzing instrument he simply shaved her head in even measured strokes sending long strands of her beautiful hair onto her lap and floor all around her. This took care of the bulk of her hair in less time then it takes to tell. The few spots he missed he corrected nearly as quickly and then went about shaving off both her elegant eyebrows. When that was done he rubbed some topical drug all over her scalp and over where her eyebrows were. This was a hair growth retardant. It had been proven to take at least three months before any visible hair growth would be found after its initial application.


That seemed excessive to Jennifer as her sentence was only one month, but that was the way it was to be. She was still bemoaning her hair loss as the attendants clipped off her long professionally manicured fingernails and stripped them of all traces of polish. She hadn?t had her nails clipped that short since she was a young child and they tingled oddly. Then she was issued her uniform. A uniform which she would wear at all times for a full month. The two female attendants helped her dress this first time as the male attendant left without a further word.


Everything she found she was to wear was ugly and uncomfortable. The grey cotton underwear was rather utilitarian and unremarkable, but not what she wore over it. She needed the help of both the attendants to pull on the taupe colored foundation garment. It was designed to cover her from her thighs to her neck and was very tight. She could still breathe with it on, but only with effort. The attendant told her she would get used to that though. What she doubted she would get used to however was what the foundation garment did to her body. Somehow it pushed and squeezed everything around in the most unflattering manner. Her perfect figure seemed horribly distorted. Her once svelte hips and thighs seemed wider then ever and her ass pushed downward like it was sagging. Then somehow her once full bosom seemed to have been crushed against her body so tightly that she appeared nearly flat while she appeared to have the beginnings of a small round belly.


She was given an equally unimpressive gown to put on over the horrible foundation garment. It was a dull green colored smock dress that came down to a little below her knees. It had a button collar that went all the way up her neck and long sleeves. It was cut to allow the most possible women to wear it apparently. There were in fact only two sizes. Small and Large. The small was very small. The large was for everyone from normal sized people to those who normally wore xxl sized clothes. Because of this it was very unflattering and along with what the foundation garment had done the normally willowy looking Jennifer looked quite dumpy. With the dress she wore a graying once white apron, thick scratchy cotton/wool black tights and plain flat black oxford style lace up shoes with heavy soles.


All of this was used and smelled despite having recently been industrially washed. The aroma of sweat and body odor was strong to Jennifer?s still delicate nostrils and she cringed visibly. When she saw herself in a mirror toward the end of processing she cringed again. She looked washed out and much older then she actually was. She looked nothing like her normal beautiful elegant rich self that men always lusted after and women wanted to emulate. She was now just another drably dressed frumpy looking Drone.


Done with processing she was given her assignment and sent to the subway. Drones were not allowed to drive. It was a further punishment and also relieved stress on the roads, the environment and made them all the more visible to all the civilians. As she walked she read her assignment and wailed. For at least the next week she was to clean the city streets and gutters from Fillmore St. to Pierce St. She couldn?t believe her foul luck. The section of the city specified was right in her neighborhood. All her neighbors would see her day in and day out looking like the horrible Drone she now was miserably cleaning the gutters of the street she once sped down in her convertible.


What was even worse though was that she had several enemies that lived on that street. Other young women of privilege and class who had come to despise Jennifer for everything she had and for blatantly flaunting her position before all of them. They would see her carrying out her sentence and laugh and make jokes at her expense. Then they would call the Bureau of Prisons and report that she wasn?t doing her assigned work. They would believe them as they were model citizens and she was just a Drone. She would receive an extension on her Droning sentence and most likely be sent to a less desirable assignment as a further punishment. That would turn out so bad that she would actually violate the terms of her sentence and receive further punitive sentencing and the cycle would go on and on. She would not be returning to high society she now realized. Her lot in life was now cast. She knew all of this because she had done the exact same thing to a rival not so long ago when she had been sentenced to Droning and graffiti removal around their neighborhood. All back when she thought Droning was a great idea.


She didn?t think it was such a great idea now.


By Tcheser


The policy and the laws that enforced it had been in place for twenty years. Prior to its implementation society in the latter half of the twentieth century had nearly collapsed under the economic strain put upon it by its penal system. Toward the end of the millennium the imprisonment of nearly a tenth of its population for varying amounts of time nearly bankrupted the western nations who practiced such humane treatment of their law breakers.


There seemed to be no reasonable solution to the problem though. The governments found their only options seeming to be to let criminals go free or to just execute them. After trying variations of both they saw they needed a third choice. At the turn of the millennium a think tank of the most intelligent and innovative thinkers in America was finally formed and given a month in a isolated lodge to come up with a sound, feasible and cost effective solution. No one really held out great hopes and it looked like millions of hardened criminals would be killed and millions lesser lawbreakers would go free having never paid their debt to society.


The think tank however surprised everyone. They emerged from their isolation with a solution to the prison problem that was both simple and efficient. In short order they laid out their plans to Congress and everyone was suitably impressed with their ideas. So impressed in fact were the lawmakers that they called a special vote and sent the bill to the president the very next day. It was said that the strongly conservative President read the proposal just once before cheerfully signing it into law.


The tenets of the law were simple really. Truly horrible criminals and those guilty of felonious offenses that could not be reformed would no longer be imprisoned. They would be executed. The penalty for many lesser crimes would be reduced to a fine, though in many cases this was to be a very large fine. For any crime more serious then this but less serious then that of a violent or criminal felony the lawbreaker would face what the think tank called ?Droning?. Those who could not pay their fine, showed particular disrespect or were deemed unlikely to learn a lesson from a fine were also given the punishment of Droning.


?Droning? as it was explained by the think tank was the act of forcing a citizen to take on the aspect and duties of a mindless servant of the state. Like a worker drone ant. This would allow the lawbreaker to remain a member of society while performing punitive services for the betterment of said society. The need for prisons was therefore negated as no one incarcerated. With no prisons to support the crippling cost that had so burdened the state was eliminated. As an added bonus there were no prisoners shut off from the world slowly becoming more and more antisocial until they could no longer live in polite society as there was in the old system.


Under this new system those serving Droning sentences were nominally free. The only real change was their occupation for the most part. All ?Drones? as they came to be called were required to take on duties designated by officials from the former bureau of prisons. These duties ranged wildly but were all tasks that were decidedly undesirable or for one reason or another understaffed by law abiding citizens. To make it clear to civilians who was a Drone and who was not, the Drones were required to wear a special uniform. This was important for practical purposes but the designers also thought the humiliation factor it added would be a strong deterrent to many would be lawbreakers.


The system worked perfectly. It was hailed by most people as a brilliant move and the savior of western society by others. Everyone seemed to love the new program, everyone that is except for a small minority of people.


Jennifer Wells would have referred to those people as asinine. She supported the program from the start and thought it was an inspired move putting all the lazy good for nothing criminals to work. They had broken the law and deserved to be punished in a manner law abiding citizens like herself could benefit from. That?s what she thought. Then she ran that stop light.


She had been in a hurry and the light was pointless she rationalized. It was far too long and no had been coming anyway. Which perhaps it might have been, though mouthing off to the cop that pulled her over and telling him he was wrong and the light was stupid was a bad idea however. Yelling at the judge and telling him she was too rich to waste her time in his court and could she have her damn fine was a very bad idea. She could see this all clearly after she was sentenced to a month of Droning.


The judge decided that was the proper sentence for Jennifer as she was so wealthy a mere fine would mean very little to her. She might have gotten off with probation or a suspended sentence but her bad attitude sealed her fate and resulted in the rather long droning sentence she received.


The very day after her trial Jennifer had to begin her sentence. She told her fianc? she was taking a long trip to Europe. He thought that was odd, but so enamored with her and her father?s money he said he understood and wished her a good trip. Then she reported to the former bureau of prisons orientation seminar for the newly sentenced to Droning.


While there she learned the various rules and regulations she would have to adhere to and was told where and exactly what she would be doing for the next month. Now that it had actually happened to her, Jennifer decided she hated Droning and made no secret of it. She told every official she came across that this was all very unfair and that she should have just received a fine. This of course didn?t endear her to the officials one bit.


While she was there they also processed her and fitted her with her new uniform. As this was meant to instill some humiliation it wasn?t a lovely experience. Certainly nothing Jennifer was used to. She was generally fawned over as the beautiful and single young heiress that she was.? Her family was very rich after all and spent most of its time buying art and raising money for obscure charities. She was more then a bit spoiled. So she knew little if anything of practical matters and nothing about what a Drone actually went through.


She wasn?t at all prepared when the butch female attendants very swiftly and methodically stripped her of her fancy designer dress, heels and lingerie and she found herself suddenly standing before them totally naked. She was then seized by the arms and led onward. She shouted for them to unhand her and was quite offended when she was ignored. They simply paid her no attention and dragged her over to a concrete shower block and forced under the freezing spray. She screamed bloody murder as the merciless attendants then scrubbed her tender body rather roughly with what felt like brillo pads. It was torture and they scrubbed her body all over and got in every crevice with some terrible smelling lumpy soap. All her makeup and perfume were washed down the drain and when she was pulled back into the main processing area she looked more like a shivering drowned rat then one of the wealthiest most well bred women in high society.


Still the processing continued and she was strapped down in barber style chair. She struggled as nearly all future Drones did, but it was helpless. The attendants were far too strong and in case they needed them they had their cattle prods ready. She was subdued more quickly then most and a new attendant in surgical scrubs and plastic gloves entered the processing area and went straight to work on her.


Using a needle he took from a side table he bent her struggling head back and tattooed her. It was an unsightly tattoo straight across her forehead which bore her new ID number in large bold numerals. She received a similar marking across the outside of both forearms running from her wrist halfway to her elbow. She cursed the man and promised that she would make him pay. For this she was given a gag. An old rag one attendant found on the floor shoved deep in her offensive mouth.


Next Jennifer?s long blonde wavy hair was attended to. She cringed when the attendant brought out his hair kit. She was always getting compliments on her waist long VeronicaLake style hair and would never have cut it herself. Drones were to have short hair at all times however so it had to go. She wasn?t given a choice in the matter. Short hair would not interfere with her duties, distract her or cover up her tattoo. It had also been found that many Drones suffered from excessive pride. Taking their hair was shown to be a good way of beginning the rehabilitation process with them.


Jennifer thought the process was more akin to a sheep shearing then a proper haircut though. The attendant spent seemingly as little time as possible on it. With his buzzing instrument he simply shaved her head in even measured strokes sending long strands of her beautiful hair onto her lap and floor all around her. This took care of the bulk of her hair in less time then it takes to tell. The few spots he missed he corrected nearly as quickly and then went about shaving off both her elegant eyebrows. When that was done he rubbed some topical drug all over her scalp and over where her eyebrows were. This was a hair growth retardant. It had been proven to take at least three months before any visible hair growth would be found after its initial application.


That seemed excessive to Jennifer as her sentence was only one month, but that was the way it was to be. She was still bemoaning her hair loss as the attendants clipped off her long professionally manicured fingernails and stripped them of all traces of polish. She hadn?t had her nails clipped that short since she was a young child and they tingled oddly. Then she was issued her uniform. A uniform which she would wear at all times for a full month. The two female attendants helped her dress this first time as the male attendant left without a further word.


Everything she found she was to wear was ugly and uncomfortable. The grey cotton underwear was rather utilitarian and unremarkable, but not what she wore over it. She needed the help of both the attendants to pull on the taupe colored foundation garment. It was designed to cover her from her thighs to her neck and was very tight. She could still breathe with it on, but only with effort. The attendant told her she would get used to that though. What she doubted she would get used to however was what the foundation garment did to her body. Somehow it pushed and squeezed everything around in the most unflattering manner. Her perfect figure seemed horribly distorted. Her once svelte hips and thighs seemed wider then ever and her ass pushed downward like it was sagging. Then somehow her once full bosom seemed to have been crushed against her body so tightly that she appeared nearly flat while she appeared to have the beginnings of a small round belly.


She was given an equally unimpressive gown to put on over the horrible foundation garment. It was a dull green colored smock dress that came down to a little below her knees. It had a button collar that went all the way up her neck and long sleeves. It was cut to allow the most possible women to wear it apparently. There were in fact only two sizes. Small and Large. The small was very small. The large was for everyone from normal sized people to those who normally wore xxl sized clothes. Because of this it was very unflattering and along with what the foundation garment had done the normally willowy looking Jennifer looked quite dumpy. With the dress she wore a graying once white apron, thick scratchy cotton/wool black tights and plain flat black oxford style lace up shoes with heavy soles.


All of this was used and smelled despite having recently been industrially washed. The aroma of sweat and body odor was strong to Jennifer?s still delicate nostrils and she cringed visibly. When she saw herself in a mirror toward the end of processing she cringed again. She looked washed out and much older then she actually was. She looked nothing like her normal beautiful elegant rich self that men always lusted after and women wanted to emulate. She was now just another drably dressed frumpy looking Drone.


Done with processing she was given her assignment and sent to the subway. Drones were not allowed to drive. It was a further punishment and also relieved stress on the roads, the environment and made them all the more visible to all the civilians. As she walked she read her assignment and wailed. For at least the next week she was to clean the city streets and gutters from Fillmore St. to Pierce St. She couldn?t believe her foul luck. The section of the city specified was right in her neighborhood. All her neighbors would see her day in and day out looking like the horrible Drone she now was miserably cleaning the gutters of the street she once sped down in her convertible.


What was even worse though was that she had several enemies that lived on that street. Other young women of privilege and class who had come to despise Jennifer for everything she had and for blatantly flaunting her position before all of them. They would see her carrying out her sentence and laugh and make jokes at her expense. Then they would call the Bureau of Prisons and report that she wasn?t doing her assigned work. They would believe them as they were model citizens and she was just a Drone. She would receive an extension on her Droning sentence and most likely be sent to a less desirable assignment as a further punishment. That would turn out so bad that she would actually violate the terms of her sentence and receive further punitive sentencing and the cycle would go on and on. She would not be returning to high society she now realized. Her lot in life was now cast. She knew all of this because she had done the exact same thing to a rival not so long ago when she had been sentenced to Droning and graffiti removal around their neighborhood. All back when she thought Droning was a great idea.


She didn?t think it was such a great idea now.


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brother AND sister PT2

Me and my little sister is playing checkers on the floor of our bedroom.she would lift her skirt to show me her KITTY.Mom came into check on us like clock work.she said I'm going next door to visit our neighbors. my sister jumped up to make sure she was gone.when s*s came back she stood over so i could look up her skirt.then she lifted it and said my Kitty hurts kiss it and make it feel better please.I started licking her little button,and licking her tight little slit.i reached up and grab her...

2 years ago
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My First Experience Towards Sexual Awakening

It was a rainy day and I had just come to my colony after walking for 10 minutes. I stood at the stairs and closed my umbrella. A man was already standing there. I saw him from corner of my eyes and recognized him in an instant!! He was Rajesh, 8-10 years older than me and living in same colony as mine; but on upper floor. He is married and has two kids. His wife is good looking but I had noticed him to ogle at me many time earlier. Even now, he was staring at me as I was quite wet although I...

2 years ago
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Kindred SpiritsChapter 4 Making Friends

Luke Marquette entered the municipal library and approached the front desk where a young woman was date-stamping a stack of books. She saw him approach and greeted him with a pleasant smile. "Good morning. How can I help you?" He saw her eyes focus on the still-fading bruises on his face, then quickly look away, not to seem rude. "Yeah, um, someone told me you had computers available for public use. Is that right?" "Well, it's kind of right. You'd need a library card to use the...

3 years ago
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The Conversation

It was a conversation that I was not meant to hear. It was a Saturday morning in July and normally I would have been on the golf course, but two of my regular foursome had cancelled so the other guy and I had decided not to play. I was working in the basement on some home projects when I heard the back door open and a voice call out, "Maxine? Are you here?" and I heard my wife holler back, "Pour yourself some coffee Sandi, I'll be right there." The visitor was the next door neighbor,...

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It all started in 1938, when the first superhero, the Gladiator, appeared. He claimed to be from the distant future where Earth had exploded. Due to experiments his father had performed on him, Gladiator possessed superhuman strength and bulletproof skin. He used his powers to fight crime in Cleveland. Then another vigilante, the Shadow emerged in 1939, operating in New York. He could not have been more different from the Gladiator, sticking to the shadows. Not much was known about him, many...

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Becoming Melissas Cuckold Pt10

I wasn’t happy to see Tayshaun. I didn’t like the way he treated or spoke to me, and I was also worried that Melissa was spending too much time with him. I accepted her sleeping with other men, but I felt like Melissa and Tayshaun were getting too close, doing things like going shopping, grabbing dinner or catching a movie. At the very least, those were the kinds of things that I wanted reserved for me. As crazy as it might sound, I would have rather that Melissa had gone upstairs with Jessica...

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The African soldier was humping away while he made me stand in the corner and look. As he got closer to coming, he suddenly stopped and asked "You want me to knock her up or do you wanna be a rubber for my load". I stood there dumfounded. My wife, panting heavily from his fucking her, spoke as best she could."Gasp! ... I told him ... Gasp! ... about you sucking ... Gasp! ... pussy clean before... Gasp! ... to keep ... Gasp! ... me from getting ... Gasp! ... pregnant... Gasp! ... Sucking him...

3 years ago
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Mom and daughter submit

Mom and daughter become my submissivesThis started about six months ago with Sara, Mom and I meeting for coffee three times before she agreed that she and her 18-year-old daughter would visit me together and begin the process of becoming my subs.Mom is an attractive woman in her 40’s some extra pounds but really very nice. Blonde hair down to her shoulders and standing 5’7”. Nice smile and she identified herself as a sex addict and thought her daughter Jen was following in her footsteps. ...

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Honey Gold Fucks Her Crush

Honey Gold has a porn crush, and thanks to us she got to meet him. We did her the favor of paring her up with her industry crush, Donny Sins. At first, she didn’t believe that we managed to score Donnie for her, but that soon turned into a smile when he came from the other room. She was ecstatic and quickly got to sucking his cock. Honey shoved his big black cock down her throat chocking on it until her pussy got so wet that she just had to shove it in there too. Honey got properly fucked in...

1 year ago
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JapanHDV Ako Nishino Ako Nishino is in her school uniform today visiting an older man

Ako Nishino is a member of the uniform club. Which means she wears a cute uniform and visits members who pay for her to come by and show herself in her uniform. This is a nice club to belong to as once a month you get a knock on your door unexpectedly from a lovely young lady who has come to visit wearing some uniform that you are sure to find very exciting. This is a bit of role play that is fun for the member as he can have an afternoon with a maid or nurse or sometimes like today a school...

3 years ago
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How Big is it X Large Please

I run a highly successful women's fashion boutique in Boston. Each summer, I close the store for a week and treat the highest performing girls to a vacation on Nantucket, renting a big house and inviting everyone's husbands and/or significant others.During the recent year, a new associate had come to work for me. She was a pretty little blonde, recently graduated from a small upstate college with a design degree, eager to launch her career in the world of high fashion. Karin was a real looker,...

2 years ago
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Uncle Aur Meri Honeymoon

Hello friends aap sabko meri pehli story pasand ayee iske liye thanx.Aap sab ke request pe main aapni story ki 2nd part likh rahi hoon.Jaise ki aap jante hain ki uncle ne usraat train main mujhe 4 baar choda aur hum dono ne apni suhagraat kaise manayee.Jab hum subah station pahunche tou uncle ne pehle se hi ek hotel book kar liye the.Hotel se hume gadi lene ayee thi.Hum thodi der main hotel pahunch gaye aur uncle ne hamare liye ek honeymoon sweet book karai thi. Jaise hi hum room main pahunchi...

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Sex Store

Think I might as well start from the beginning. I was on an extended holiday with my family to the land down under a few years ago and had been going through one of the most epic dry patches of my life. Whatever you think of as bad and this was worse. For about three months before the holiday had begun this had been absolutely nothing not even a sniff at any pussy. This had only been made worse by the fact I was on holiday with my parents and as a result hadn't even been able to log on and...

3 years ago
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Hark the Comet Passes Again the Wolf BiteChapter 5

It was a little after three in the morning when Diane limped into her bedroom. If she had any concern that her parents would be upset that neither she nor Gabe texted, it evaporated as she opened the front door. Expecting a dark house, the lights were still on. The smell permeating the room and the scattered clothes suggested what the moans of passion revealed out right. Diane was horrified, her parents were fucking. Considering she had just spent the last few hours having a wild threesome...

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Level Three Emergency

I work at a convenience store. One night a couple of years ago, it got brutally cold. About -30˚ with the wind chill. My shift ended at 8:00 pm. I rushed out to my car to warm it up, but my heart dropped when the damn thing wouldn’t start! It wouldn’t even turn over. My roommate, Annette, was out of the state, my parents and my brother live over twenty miles away, and no one at the store could take me home until the store closed. I thought I might have to be there until midnight. You know the...

2 years ago
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Eat the Seed part 3

Saturday was spent in the great outdoors biking on local trails.  My mind raced all day about the prospects of seeing Jill and Emma doing a strip tease on stage.  Twice, I almost got into an accident because I could not keep my mind on the trail.The day progressed quickly; after biking, we went back to the motel and took showers.  We ate a lovely dinner at a place about five miles away.  We returned to the motel and relaxed; all but Carl took a short nap.  Just before 9pm, the women gathered up...

1 year ago
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Like a Good Neighbor

A light breeze carrying a hefty load of spring pollen wafted through the open window and across my sleeping face. The following sneeze pulled from my sleep. A general mental fog usually accompanied my first moments of the day but this was different, not just my mind booting up, but more like my mind was booting up the wrong operating system. I surveyed my environment to try to piece together my disjointed thoughts. Next to me in bed was Kaitlyn. She was still soundly asleep, unaffected...

1 year ago
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Sweet Sixteen And Never Been Kissed Part One

I was an unattractive teenager. Even I knew that. Gawky, clumsy, small, no self-confidence at all, and shy to the point of blushing if a stranger even looked at me. I had a tendency to walk with head down and avoiding eye-contact with everyone. Needless to say, the boys were not exactly queuing up to date me.Not that I had any interest in boys. To be honest, they left me cold and completely uninterested. The nearest I had ever had regarding what might be called "romantic interest" was a few...

First Time
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The Pastors WifeChapter 15

By the time she pulled into her driveway Aggie’s mind was spinning: She needed to find a way to handle both Malo and Bart. How am I going to proceed with them, and what about Carla? She knew That Carla was on the come and was sure she would be easily talked into an affair with someone, but, with whom? Between Malo and Bart, Malo’s my choice. But Malo was already involved with Charlotte Speaks. I’m used to that. But will Malo go for a third woman in his (she hesitated at the term then...

2 years ago
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Lost Virginity

I, Anand quiet a handsome guy with a perfect athletic body, I am here to share my wonderful experience with Priya, my classmate, that is the day when I went to my house after having party with friends, and I was fully drunk, when I reached house, that day my parents were out of station, and my classmate Priya came for giving company to me. After listening to the story please write your comments to I entered my home using my set of keys, I looked around and there was no one around but emptiness...

3 years ago
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Tissues Ticklish Mom Goes ShoppingChapter 4

Ms. Connor practically dragged me into the mall. I was still in a daze following my near climax at her hands. We were getting plenty of looks as we headed in. I’m not sure which one of they were looking at. Was it the beautiful cheerleader coach in her black skintight yoga pants and sports bra with powerful nipples thrusting up and out in all their glory and a hint of wetness where the yoga pants split her pussy creating a mouth-watering camel toe? Or was it the disheveled, half-naked soccer...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Angela White Anal Gaping

In high white stilettos, naturally buxom star Angela White rubs a lollipop on her clit and then pokes it into her tight sphincter. She tastes the treat. Angela envelops hung stud Chris Diamond’s face in her boobs; she nibbles on his foreskin and drools while giving a blowjob. He delivers a titty fuck. Chris slides his thick boner into Angela’s eager cunt. He spanks her ass red as he thrusts, making her moan in pure delight. Angela shoves his big cock up her asshole and enjoys deep...

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Rider of the storm prelog

Finding them isn't the hard part. It's getting in that is impossible. Untill about a week ago. His name is David. And being 17 in the post apcocloptoc world means your a full grown man. He has no ties to anyone.He ran away from his father who was always shit faced and looking to beat someone just for fun. But that's all behind him now. But a boy has to eat right? So he would scavenge and look for useful stuff to sell in town. Radios, car parts, guns and ammo. It's wasn't but about a...

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The Old Dusty Road Part 2

My head is going in circles. What is this man doing to me. I'm no baby girl. I'm not submissive. Or am I? I go in my bedroom. I get a small bag out and start putting things together. But he said 'only personal items.' What about clothes? What is he planning? I get my personal stuff together. Again I stop. But what about clothes? I need clothes! So I get together a few things. Just enough for the weekend.I stop and put my bag on the couch. What am I thinking. I don't know this man.How can I just...

4 years ago
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The Vicar and his wife

It’s funny, I’ve been on this scene for a few years now and have met some very nice people and made some very good close friends. I have had lovers and FBs but my preference is playing with couples, not that I’m bi it’s just for me it’s less complicated (but that’s another story).My job takes me all over the county staying for months on end and lodging in city centre hotels which is very convenient for making friends for regular meets.While all meets are lots of fun and very memorable, there is...

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My sexy aunty

100% Fictional! I am Nikhil from Cochin. i am a great fan of this site. i have a 6” cock.. My aunt is married to a doctor who works in delhi.They own a big house .It is about 3kms away from my house. So most of the time she was alone In the house and you know how lonely housewives are,kinda desperate for sex. I used to cycle there to play shuttle badminton with her. She is a smoking hot woman with sexy breasts and curly hair. Every time she runs to hit the cork her breast would shake with a lot...

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Motherly sisterly love pt 1

A fictional story with a touch of reality thrown in.I was a typical lad of 13yrs old you know getting taller,hair underarms,hard-ons and of cause something I wasn't bad at wanking, along with sport and hanging out with the guys at school. I had 2 sisters older than me Chelsea 16 and Mandy 18, they where no fun as all they where into was clothes and make up.My parents where ok dad was a bit modern and mum was well cool always wearing the latest fashions, right thats a bit about my family let the...

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My Wicked WaysChapter 26

It just turned out that I was being an overprotective father and that the little ones, Sargon and Arwen were fine. They were nursing at Ninve's breast while Sandra rested, with the clear understanding that her fellow Assyrian princess would return the favor. Even so, the haste with which I rushed to their sides left a definite impression on both ladies, who didn't fully realize up until then how much I worried about them and our children. When they heard what I had stopped doing just to...

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Bla Book 3 Wrinkles in TimeChapter 8

Tabatha turned sideways on the bed, her eyes still closed. She reached out for the loving warmth she knew was there, but her fingers met only an empty sheet. ‘Damn! He’s already gone!’ She opened her eyes and looked over at him. Jake was sitting in a chair, just looking at her. “What?” she asked sleepily. “Just you,” he replied, quietly. He smiled. “Don’t tell me,” she said, sounding sarcastic. “You were watching me sleep, right?” Jake looked disappointed. “Yes, of course I was. You’re...

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Fucked My Hot Neighbor

I am Aman from Delhi. This is my first story on iss. I have been reading iss for a few months now & I’m a big fan. Please leave your feedback at () as this is my first story. Let me tell you about myself I am fair, my height is 6 ft and I have a good build body. Now coming to the heroin of my story is lady who lives next door. Let us call her Shruti (not her real name) she was about 5.6 ft tall, very fair complexion (snow white) and had a very nice curvy figure. She had nice round ass and...

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A long Naughty Session

We are in the play room. You have me lay on my back on a bench; You put cuffs around my ankles and tie ropes to the D rings. The Bench is placed between two posts, You thread the rope through eye hooks in the posts, lifting my legs and spreading them wide, exposing my pussy and my ass. You lube my ass lightly and then fill it with an inflatable plug. You pump it up till I whimper and then give it two more pumps. Using a light flogger and then the riding crop, You spank my pussy, making sure...

4 years ago
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Awakening of DebbieChapter 7 United

Driving straight through the night Ted arrived back at town about the same time Debbie was showering. He quickly parked in front of the courthouse and went inside. Going directly to Judge Mauser's courtroom he entered and asked the court clerk to please tell the judge that he wanted to see him. After a few minutes he was directed into the judge's chambers. Judge Mauser smiled as Ted entered and pointed to a chair. Ted sat down and pulled out an envelope containing five thousand dollars in...

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Ragar dia dewar ne

Hi readers enjoy how bhabi got herself fucked by her dewar my name is Shalini I am 24 i was married a year back with an engineer we live in agra mere hubby ek factory me kam karte hain hamari sex life normal chal rahi thi jada kuch nai ek sal me kuch naya pan na hone k karan maja b kam ane laga tha 2 mahine pehle mera dewar jiska nam ravi hai parne k liye hamare pas a k rehne laga wo +1 me parta hai umar 18 sal gaon me rehne k karan body bahut gathili hai uski ham kuch dino me hi apas me ghul...

1 year ago
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PI by tenwaters Aug. 13, 1999 In his modern second floor office, within the Bala Cynwood office complex, the CEO of Weed Investigations is struggling with grave financial matters. Five weeks of following Mrs. William Sims has revealed no sign of any hanky-panky, Mrs. Sims seams to be not only a faithful wife but a pillar of the community, a great disappointment to Mr. Sims. Mr. Sims is the type who won't pay for a reality that differs from his expectations. With the rent...

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THE Harem Tales 4 We Gotta Get Outta This PlaceChapter 8 We Were Sailing Along

Jonathan and Gillian lay facing each other, discussing the need to assemble a prepack. They had been married for more than fifteen years and were still very much in love. For their entire marriage, they had ‘been faithful’ to one another, but times were definitely changing. “Marjorie has been making eyes at you and getting almost moony when you aren’t looking. Maybe we should consider her,” Gillian tested the waters. “Yeah, but she’s sponsor material in her own right,” Jonathan stepped up to...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 382

Julie and Bambi – the other two chopper pilots - had stayed at the airport. They were to test fly the Blackhawk after Tommy Bell and Daniel Owens (the two mechanics) reinstalled the rotors and completed the necessary test and inspections. Bambi called on the satellite phone that they were ready to do the test flight. “If the test flight is OK, fill it with fuel and fly it to the embassy. Fly north-north east; we are on the east side of the main road that cuts through the city. I will send...

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Dont You Just Love Happy Endings

Having a full-time job along with being a wife and a mother can be a bit stressful at times - so I now make time to take care of myself and get regular massages. I've been doing this for over a year now - always at a respectable establishment, always handled in a completely professional manner. I've had masseuses and masseurs - I'm not terribly picky. I swim a lot and sometimes can really use a deep tissue massage to get all the knots out. I've been asking specifically for male massage...

3 years ago
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Hard to ChewChapter 3

The area of southern California Patrick Burgstone called home lay thirty rough and desolate miles back into the high desert canyon country, halfway between Tehachapi and Mojave, about one hundred and fifty miles from Los Angeles. The desert was a harsh place to live. Patrick didn't know any different though. His pa and he had traipsed across the Mojave desert all his life. By caring for a small herd of goats, they managed a living, of sorts, but the water and forage the goats needed kept...

1 year ago
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The Ultimate Male GSpot Bonking Machine for Unlim

So ~~~~ after many years of wondering how it worked, and after investing in several name brand prostate simulators with little success, I decided to build my own prostate stimulating machine.Soon I will attach a picture of my "p-spot stimulator" which I have entered into a production agreement ~~~~ and hope to have a retail line.Here are my observations:#1 ~ do not touch your penis. An erection is not required, or necessary.#2 ~ use Vaseline as your lubricant ~ you need something that is...

2 years ago
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Dusty 2 The Next MissionChapter 20

Dusty shook her head, she was damn sure that she was being set up. “Demetri, we aren’t Wizards we are only High Mages,” she told him. “May I be rude and ask to see your item?” he asked politely. Dusty stood and told her items to appear, “See, we only have four gems.” Demetri stood and walked over to her. “What is it the thing that appeared on your arm?” “Oh, this is a vambrace. Mine is a bit odd as it has four gems but two of them are different from the others on my medallion. Lee said...

2 years ago
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Loving Moms In The Dark Ch02

Mom definitely seemed overly excited as we drove to the bar, and I couldn't believe I was actually doing this with her.Mom held my arm as we approached the door, and I paid for both of our covers. We arrived just about the time Stacey was supposed to be working, but as we settled into a booth, she was nowhere to be seen. I order us a couple of beers, but Mom stopped me and said she wanted a Long Island Iced Tea instead."You sure? Those are kind of strong, aren't they?""Yes. But it's been ages...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 9 KamiChapter 19 Through the LookingGlass

October 28, 1995, Chicago, Illinois “So?” Kara asked with a smirk when I finally came upstairs from the basement. I took her hand and led her up to the bedroom so I could dress for the party. I’d decided, finally, not to bother with costumes. The kids would, of course, but I’d run out of ideas. Fortunately, my wives had agreed. Melissa had decided against a costume as well, and was dressing in one of the guest rooms. “We exchanged very good shoulder rubs and I held her in my arms in the...

3 years ago
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DawnChapter 2 Her

Two days later, with the house fully occupied, Alan walked past Dawn in the kitchen. Without so much as a glance at her, he said, sotto voce, "My den at midnight." Our little fledgling strumpet smiled to herself. After two nights of somewhat satisfying masturbation — her orgasms pleased her clitoris greatly but she still couldn't get the sight of the Senor's cock out of her mind — Dawn was ready to spread her legs, to take him inside her, to feel the throb of his ejaculation. The day...

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