Naked In Las Vegas
- 3 years ago
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Julia DeMarco was a genius, a scientific protégée, and an extreme techno-nerd. She could read and write well before her third birthday, had graduated from MIT before her fourteenth birthday, and received her third doctorate before she could legally drive at the age of sixteen. The breakthroughs in long distance holography which she developed while getting those doctorates were immediately adopted by the military. But for security reasons, it was not until she reached her eighteenth birthday that she was allowed to actually begin working for the federal government in a very top-secret government project based on her discoveries.
On those very rare occasions that she would go home to visit her family someone would always ask where she was working and what she was working on. She would give them her widest smile and then respond with a complex scientific explanation that caused them to stare wide-mouthed at her and say, “Oh...” The subject was never brought up again by that person.
She would often giggle after they walked away shaking their head because her explanation had been pure gobbledegook. It was a meaningless string of the most pompous-sounding technical words she could muster. What she was actually doing was relatively easy to explain, though very difficult to understand. She couldn’t tell anyone anything about it, though, because what she was doing was using her phenomenal skills in holographic manipulation to develop a way to safely spy on whomever and whatever the government wanted to spy on anywhere in the world and possibly beyond. And that project was way beyond top-secret... as in “If I tell you I’ll have to kill you!” kind of secret.
The theory was simple on face value. A web of satellites, based on Julia’s theories, was sent into orbit all around the globe. The cover story was that they were a new generation GPS that would be switched on once all satellites were in place and the technical bugs worked out. In reality, they were long distance holographic projectors and receivers using lasers and microwaves and some other functions that couldn’t even be spoken of aloud, only written down on slips of paper that were immediately destroyed.
The system, itself, was simple... in a very complicated sort of way. If three satellites had a clear enough path to lock onto exactly the same spot, they could create a holographic projection at that point. With Julia’s new technology, clouds– or even rain– didn’t make a difference. For that matter, neither did buildings unless they were protected by more than ten feet of special concrete or were buried several stories underground... like Julia’s lab.
More importantly– at least for the government spooks who employed Julia– if an additional three satellites could lock onto the exact same coordinates as the first three, those satellites could use variations in the original holographic image caused by sound and visual waves striking it to create a virtual image of the reality around that spot. The advantage of this system was that a human wearing VR goggles could then see– and interpret– whatever the holographic image was seeing and hearing. The disadvantage was that a human figure would appear wherever it was that the satellites were snooping.
Why would the government develop such a system? Artificial Intelligence is great, and computer image recognition is amazing, but nothing compares to the human brain for getting past various forms of camouflage and deception, especially with the image manipulation capabilities that Julia built into her holographic projectors and receivers. This was a perfect spy system... if it could be made to work without having to first project a holographic human image. What Julia and the rest of her team were working on was a way to see the virtual image without having to first create a holographic human at the desired location.
Where Julia was working was a little more difficult to understand, and just as top-secret. The facility where Julia was developing her theories was located underground just outside of Indian Creek, Nevada, at the Creech Air Force Base. In the upper levels real life gamers playing real life war games sat at their consoles controlling unknown numbers of drones flying all over the globe. Six stories down, Julia tested and modified the control programs for her special projectors and receivers.
She was, however, starting to get bored with the whole project. Boredom was a fact of life for Julia. When you can rapidly solve almost any problem, there isn’t much challenge in life. In addition to being bored, she was also somewhat lonely and was beginning to wonder what it would be like to actually interact with people her own age. When you spend weeks and weeks working– and living– underground, it is a little difficult to make friends. And the security protocols were very strict about the use of social media.
But it wasn’t friendship Julia was seeking, at least not in the traditional sense. More than anything else, what Julia wanted was for someone to notice her as the beautiful woman she had now become. She wanted someone to think she was beautiful. She wanted someone to think she was sexy.
It wasn’t that she wanted sex, per se. She didn’t want a man– or a woman– to make love to her or even kiss her... or, for that matter, even talk to her. She just wanted someone to SEE her. She was, as are many women– or men– of extreme intelligence, almost asexual... and a total introvert. She didn’t want to be in a relationship with anyone. But she did want someone to appreciate her body as well as her mind. No one at the facility, however, seemed to even notice her.
Once, she decided to work naked just to see what anyone said. Her entire lab was a virtual reality room that displayed the input from the spy satellites on the circular walls around her. The few people who came in while she was standing in the middle of the room naked did not react at all. Doctor Collins, her supervisor, who stopped by late in the afternoon for his daily briefing, merely asked, “Does not wearing clothing make it easier to interpret the data?” As I said, many men and women of extreme intelligence are often almost asexual.
After Doctor Collins left, Julia let our a loud groan of disappointment. “Doesn’t anyone notice that I am a woman with a beautiful body?” she asked herself loudly.
That thought stayed with her for the rest of the day and into her sleep that night. Many of her great breakthroughs came to her overnight as she slept, and this one was no different. She dreamed that she was back in her lab walking naked through the virtual reality created there, but this time she had the holographic projectors turned on so that everyone at the locked-on coordinates could see her. Since they were soldiers, not asexual scientists, they reacted with applause, wolf whistles, and cat calls. In her dream, Julia at first felt fear. She was, after all, standing naked in front of a group of horny soldiers. But then one of the men jumped for her and fell to the ground on the other side of her apparently solid image. There was a lot of shouting in a foreign language and Julia woke up. She sat bolt upright in her bed shaking with excitement. She knew exactly what she was going to do.
There was no problem with her using the technology. She had access to the entire satellite network. All she had to do was log in to run tests as she usually did. The lab protocols said that tests had to be run within the United States, but there were no other safety overrides in the system. She fell back asleep smiling. Tomorrow, someone would notice her... and her beautiful body.
The next day, Julia began work on her secret project within her secret project. Her first choice was Coney Island in New York. She had done several experiments on the boardwalk there and the total range of coordinates for the entire area was already in her computers. But then she remembered that all of the data would have to go through several nodes before being relayed to the satellites. And since all information sent through the nodes was monitored, her actions might be tagged as suspicious by the AI algorithms that safeguarded the network. That left her only one choice. She would have to link directly to the satellites without going through any of the data repeater nodes. That limited her to those satellites reachable in the sky directly above her lab. And from them she would only be able to lock onto coordinates within a few hundred miles of her location. The only sizable city in that area was Las Vegas.
Julia spent the rest of the day reconfiguring the search capabilities of the satellites directly overhead. Then, as darkness fell, she zoomed in on the crowds along the Las Vegas Strip. She was mildly enjoying playing tourist from thirty-six thousand kilometers above the surface of the earth when she noticed people entering the giant Viva Vision video tunnel of the Fremont Street Experience.
“I’ve always wanted to see what that looked like at night,” she said to herself as she zoomed three satellites down onto the entrance. The glare of the thirteen million LEDS which made up the four-block long video ceiling spilled out onto the ground at the entrance, but except for the flashing colors obvious on the sidewalk, that was all she could see in standard surveillance mode.
“Time to make it happen,” she said eagerly as she activated the additional three satellites needed for her special holographic spy to function. She felt a special techno-nerd tingle as the ground level view of the tunnel suddenly filled the room. She knew that her holographic image– naked except for a black, super-hero style mask– would now be visible on Fremont Street, but that didn’t matter. In fact, that was exactly what she was trying to make happen. That thought brought another, less nerdy tingle to her entire body.
She found that she was surprisingly comfortable walking naked among the crowd. Her surprise wasn’t that she was comfortable walking naked. Her surprise was that she was comfortable walking in the crowd. There were so many people, but she knew that her real self was safe in her lab, so she did not feel the normal anxiety and fear large crowds brought out in her.
She started walking down the middle of the mall-like area under the video arch screen. As she walked along, she could hear gasps and shrieks and one or two lewd comments. She smiled to herself as she thought of the men– and women– who were finally noticing her beautiful body.
Then she saw her reflection in the doors of the Las Vegas Club as she walked past. She stopped and looked at herself in full profile. She wasn’t quite as busty as the girls in the photographs behind the glass, but she could tell that she had a really nice figure. She had never really seen herself naked before. Yes, she had seen herself naked in her bathroom mirror, but that is not the same as that instant realization way of seeing yourself you get when you suddenly catch sight of your reflection in a glass as you walk past.
“I really should be wearing heels,” she said to herself as she ran her hands over the underside of her breasts and then down the curve of her ass, “... really tall, fuck me, red stiletto heels.”
She was just starting to examine her reflection a little more closely when she heard several loud shouts– and a police whistle– behind her. Joining her reflection in the glass was the reflection of several running Las Vegas policemen. She terminated the program just before the officers’ hands reached her waist.
As soon as she was back in her lab, she switched her tactical scanner to the LVPD frequencies. The cops used encrypted communications, but that was no barrier to someone with Julia’s skills. She giggled as she heard the officer almost yell, “I didn’t say she got away, damnit! I said she disappeared!” There was a slight hiss and then a female voice said, “That’s right, she poofed away like a God-damned genie in a puff of smoke.”
Julia then pulled up her internet scan bot and had it search for anything that mentioned a naked female suddenly appearing or disappearing on Fremont Street. She was rewarded with several images of herself walking through the first intersection and one video which seemed to start shortly after she had first appeared. She hadn’t realized before that the hair in her crotch, especially when seen from slightly below, was much lighter than the hair on her head. The video, shot from one of the benches, made that even clearer.
Julia felt a deep, warm glow of satisfaction that became warmer and warmer as she watched herself strut down the sidewalk. Feelings she had only felt once or twice before seemed to overwhelm her as she slowly sank to the floor and then onto her back. Her hands moved down almost automatically between her legs as her fingers sought out her uncharacteristically flowing slit. Her orgasm was long, loud, and extremely satisfying.
After laying on the floor in a dreamy afterglow for several minutes, she suddenly startled, sat up, and said aloud, “Doctor Collins won’t like this.”
She wasn’t worried that he would disapprove of her nakedness or even of her masturbating in her lab. He was used to working with really weird techno-nerds. What she was worried about was that he would think she had violated security and revealed the existence of the holographic surveillance system to tourists and police officers in Las Vegas, which, in fact, she had.
This wasn’t the first time such events had to be hushed up. Julia quickly entered the proper parameters into her computer and set loose the cleanup bots which would scour the internet and delete all videos and images from the net and from any devices connected to the net. She smiled as she thought of the men... and women... trying to convince their friends that they had seen a naked woman calmly walking down the middle of the Fremont Street Mall.
The next night, Julia was again in her lab, but this time she decided to run through the dancing waters at the Bellagio fountain. Normally a human attempting that would sink into the over twelve feet of water near the fountain nozzles, but as a holographic image, she would be able to skip across the surface of the waters. As a precaution, she released her cleanup bots in advance. She was somewhat startled that she could not only feel the water from the fountains splashing her naked skin, she could also feel how cold it was, especially when it struck her directly between the legs.
Obviously, no policemen attempted to pursue her through the fountain, but several gathered on the sidewalk on the other side of the fountain. She disappeared just before reaching where they were waiting for her.
Afterwards, she sat on the floor listening to the officers on the scene trying to explain to their captain that seven different body cams had all apparently malfunctioned at the same time so there was no video of the “disappearing naked girl” who had somehow run across the surface of Bellagio’s fountain.
It wasn’t until she watched the videos the bots had captured that she realized that she had stopped in the middle of the fountain to do a series of high kicks in time with the music and the dancing waters. The slightly lighter hair in her crotch was darkened by the water, but when she high kicked, it hid nothing. She was flashing everything she had to the crowd.
She wasn’t sure if the heat she was feeling in her skin was blushing or sexual excitement as she watched her dance from three different angles. She was able to watch all the videos because one modification she had made to the cleanup bots was that they stored all images and videos on her personal area of the lab’s computers before deleting them from the net. She rewatched the videos several times that night, bringing herself to a very satisfying orgasm each time.
Very early the next morning, as she sat cross-legged on the floor, giggling, she said to herself, “I wish I could be a mouse in the corner next time, watching them try to figure out what happened when I disappeared.” A strange look came over her face and she jumped straight up into the air screaming, “EUREKA!” She giggled again as she sat back down and said laughingly, “I’ve always wanted to say that.”
She spent most of the next day modifying the algorithms that controlled the holographic projection. After a few hours sleep, she was once again ready to go. This time she chose the balcony around the flame on the torch of the Statue of Liberty at New York, New York. She stood gazing down at the crowds for almost a half-hour before somebody finally noticed that there was a naked lady up there. She could see people pointing up at her and the lights began reflecting off the various phones and cameras that were pointed her way. Shortly thereafter, she could hear the noise of heavy footfalls coming up the stairs. When the officers burst out through the access door onto the catwalk, however, there was no one there. No one, that is, except a small white mouse with a strange black pattern around its eyes. None of the officers seemed to notice the mouse sitting in one of the folds of the torch’s flame even though it was giggling softly in a very high-pitched voice.
The Naked Joker as the police came to call her, appeared at various spots throughout Las Vegas over the next month, but somehow the police were never quite able to catch her. Perhaps if they had paid more attention to the mouse or the squirrel or the dog at the scene or even the fly on the wall after she walked right through the middle of the casino floor at the Mirage, they might have gotten their woman. If they had connected the dots and realized that someone extremely powerful had to be involved in order to be deleting all records from the net and from their official computers, they might have started looking a little closer at nearby government installations. But they didn’t, and Julia was able to continue her exhibitionist fun while at the same time finalizing her proof of concept tests before getting authorization from Doctor Collins for real world testing.
She named the system an NJ Drone.. NJ for Naked Joker, drone so that the true nature of the spying was slightly obscured should someone talk about what they shouldn’t and be overheard. It still required that a holographic projection of a human form precede the final surveillance mode, but only for a second or less. And who is going to believe a bunch of soldiers who say that a beautiful, naked, young woman suddenly appeared in their high security area for just a moment before seeming to disappear... or turn into a cat... or mouse... or fly... or spider... and scurrying away giggling.
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My husband and I have been married about five years when we saved up enough money to go to Las Vegas. We thought it was time wo go and see what all the hub bub is all about. And we thought that would be a good time to start a f****y so I quit taking my pill so that we could try to get pregnant. Now my husband is a really good looking guy and I know he ‘got around’ alot before I met him. I also know that he had been to Vegas a couple of times before. We arrived on a Saturday early and got...
Me and my partner have decided to write all our experiences down, a bit like photos to look back on. So all True stories I wrote this oneThis is a true story which happened a couple of years ago on holiday in Las Vegas, It was our first threesome experience.I’m 49 years old and my partner is Pam 62 a little older than me, We checked in to our hotel, and after seeing all the scantily clad women we got talking about sex, and I asked would Pam have a threesome if there was any one she fancied, I...
My husband and I have been married about five years when we saved up enough money to go to Las Vegas. We thought it was time wo go and see what all the hub bub is all about. And we thought that would be a good time to start a family so I quit taking my pill so that we could try to get pregnant.Now my husband is a really good looking guy and I know he "got around" alot before I met him. I also know that he had been to Vegas a couple of times before. We arrived on a Saturday early and got settled...
Wednesday morning, Terri and I finished packing and were getting dressed to go to the airport and head to Las Vegas. I told Terri I was going to wear shorts during the day because it gets rather warm in Vegas in the summer. She said, “Shorts are fine during the day but you will dress nicer when we go out at night.” Terri had always been the fashion police in our family, she often accused me of being colorblind. When she had gone shopping on Monday, she bought me several pairs of shorts that...
Toni und ich eilten durch den Flughafen, um nach Las Vegas zu fliegen . Wir waren wie immer zu spät dran und es waren nur noch drei Minuten, bevor das Flugzeug abflog. Egal wohin wir gingen, wir schienen immer zu spät zu sein. Obwohl ich kein Problem damit hatte, bereit zu sein, musste Toni immer sicherstellen, dass Haare, Make-up und Kleidung perfekt waren, bevor sie das Haus verließ. Für mich als ihr Ehemann hatte dies Vorteile und Nachteile. Meistens war es kein Problem, einfach zu spät zu...
A Day With Granny in Las VegasIf you remember my last story it was about Dawn the granny I met on the plane to Vegas. Last night we stayed at the Mirage, went out to dinner, danced and returned to her room. Little did I know that tonight this 66 year old beautiful granny would be giving me a great blow job and I would eat her pussy until she could not take it anymore. Well, I spent the night in her room and awoke to see her sitting at a table in her white silk robe, and white seamless nylons....
If you are new to my stories. All the stories are true; some details have been changed to protect the guilty. If you are new, a little background about me. I share these stories in order to document the progression I made from a shy virgin to a DOM BBC Bull. It was a normal week at work and, as usual, I had made the decision to go to Vegas for the weekend. I drove down to Vegas on Friday after work. I hadn't taken the time to make any plans for meeting and women or couples that weekend. In that...
Ana called me to the office to tell me she was getting some plans for the week end. We could go to Las Vegas; have some gambling; a nice hotel room and some young guys to pick up and fuck…I told her it was fine for me; especially if I could be allowed to watch her fucking a perfect stranger. She laughed and said she loved me.Saturday morning we checked in at a very nice casino hotel.I noticed many young black men walking around the lobby. My sexy wife had a big grin on her face, as she stared...
A couple of years after we were married we went on vacation to Las Vegas to see the sights while there we decided on a whim to visit a sex club and we choose the Green Door. Linda decided to wear a short white mini that really showed of her legs she really looked hot in it. On arrival back then it cost 50 for the night for couples. When we entered the club there was quite a few guys there and a few couples as it was pretty early yet. We were given a tour and asked if we had a preference on any...
So there I was in Las Vegas thoroughly enjoying the sights and the casinos. I was staying at the Luxor and thought I’d go down and get a bite to eat and something to drink. I was also kind of horny and was thinking about going to a strip club are having a cab take me to a brothel. I was just finishing my meal and enjoying a jack and coke when a very sexy russian girl named Ludmila introduced herself to me. She had long black hair, nice DD boobs and long legs and a beautiful smile. We had a few...
She MalesA quick story about my friend’s wedding party in Vegas.So about 7 years ago, my friend got married in Vegas.It was a simple wedding, they said their vows, all our high school friends were there and had a nice reception at the Mirage.They got divorced 5 years later like most marriages do in the US but this is not the story.The next weekend after the party, my friend Charles who also went to the wedding party told us a funny story.Charles, ever since a k**, was never the outgoing type.He is “Mr...
If you remember my last two stories were about Dawn the 66 year old granny I met on the plane to Vegas. We had made love now for two days in a row and I had experienced the pleasure of pleasing Dawn, my appreciative granny. We met in the afternoon for our third and final night in Vegas. Again, we went to dinner, played the slots and some blackjack and walked away with a few hundred dollars. Dawn was her usual self, she wore a dark blue pencil skirt with highlighted her slim figure and small...
Las 55 reglas de oro de una esclava por Whipmaster [email protected] Estas que encontrareis a continuación resumidas en 55 puntos son lasnormas básicas de comportamiento que un Amo debería inculcara su esclava a lo largo del proceso de doma y aprendizaje con la finalidadde determinar con meridiana claridad los roles que son propios de una buenay completa relación Amo/esclava. Partimos de la base que esta relaciónes una relación sana entre personas adultas, libremente aceptada y...
My mom had recently been suffering because of a divorce. I guess maybe she had decided that she no longer wanted to be married to a womanizer anymore. It has only been drugs and alcohol for her since then. So, I like any other smart girl asked her to come to Vegas with me. We had the much-needed fun though. With both of us going to spas and getting our bare butts massaged by hot guys. Yet mom was not ready to get into the Dick business. Though I did notice that she silently enjoyed the...
MatureMy mom had recently been suffering because of a divorce. I guess maybe she had decided that she no longer wanted to be married to a womanizer anymore. It has only been drugs and alcohol… My mom had recently been suffering because of a divorce. I guess maybe she had decided that she no longer wanted to be married to a womanizer anymore. It has only been drugs and alcohol for her since then. So, I like any other smart girl asked her to come to Vegas with me.We had the much-needed fun...
TabooThe next morning the alarm went off at 11:00 and woke both of us up. I had Nina wear the wrap-around miniskirt and the sheer top. Again, no panties and, this time, no bra. That shimmery top looked great on her and, as I'd suspected, if you concentrated, you could just pick up her nipples moving around under her top. We packed up our stuff, checked out and gambled at the casino at the Luxor and the Excalibur. Both hotels had really impressed Nina and, on our way back to the airport, she was...
I was taking the red eye flight from Dallas to Las Vegas,which meant I had to arrive at the Love Field Gates by 6:00 in the morning. I grabbed a donut from the stash put out by the airline and took a seat in the passenger waiting area, casually looking at a copy of the morning news. You showed up in a sexy black skirt and a casual button down shirt, with a blazer hanging off your arm. Your chocolate brown hair hung lazily across your shoulders, curling at the ends. We exchanged quick glances...
SeductionI finally sat down with my wife yesterday afternoon and had a talk with her about my desires to take my sexual desires to the next level and I was surprised what her response was. She told me that we had talked about this on and off since we got together and that it was okay with her if I wanted to go play. She just wanted me to make sure I followed her rules for me to do that and as I have said in the past I have no problem with the rules.So last night around 9:15 I left the house and headed...
Siento mucho el retraso en terminar esta historia. Aqu? pongo las partes que faltan para terminar el primer libro. Comentarios, opiniones, o lo que quer?is, pod?is dirigirlos a [email protected]. Comments welcome. You may locate me at [email protected] *************Decimoquinta parte************* Cuando bajamos las escaleras, yo era una chica nueva. Estaba cansada y sudada y seguro que mi maquillaje necesitaba un retoque bastante importante, pero me sent?a contenta. Ni siquiera la i...
Jessica y las ninfasLa detective Jessica B. investiga un nuevo caso. Vestida con su ropa preferida, la detective treintañera se siente más cómoda, con unos vaqueros de color claro, unas zapatillas deportivas blancas, una camiseta también blanca anudada por debajo dejando ver su ombligo y una gorra de béisbol dejando caer por detrás su preciosa melena de color castaño claro recogida en una coleta. Tras varias informaciones las pesquisas la llevan a un edificio abandonado en el centro de la...
Jill aparc? el coche como siempre, a unas manzanas del almac?n. Llevaba haciendo esto durante casi dos meses ya. Cada jueves sin falta. Le hab?a costado mucho conseguir un confidente dentro de la triada. La mafia china no aceptaba a ning?n desconocido. Siempre que un agente intentaba infiltrarse, o bien le ignoraban impidi?ndole penetrar en la organizaci?n, o bien desaparec?a del mapa. Desde que la hab?an asignado a la brigada de crimen organizado, Jill decidi? buscar otro camino. Si no iban a conseguir un infiltr...
Vegas By The Professor "Have you ever seen anything like it?" The man who asked that over my shoulder was the last person I would have expected to say that. Lt. Matt Henshaw, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, had probably seen more strange things than most people could ever imagine. I didn't answer him, because if I said yes, I'd be compromising classified material, but in fact, this wasn't the first time I'd seen anything like it - or rather pictures of it during...
I did deserve the holiday so I made sure I was a long way from home to enjoy it. I booked a hotel in Las Vegas to play some poker and perhaps get the money back. It was a hard time finding a hotel with vacant rooms. There was some kind of event going on and almost every room was booked well in advance.I didn't care. When I finally arrived at the hotel I only wanted to get to my room, take a hot bath and get to bed. The 10 hour flight had almost killed me. So when I got to my room and opened it...
La profesora Miller y las dos vecinitasHe visto un anuncio por Internet y una profesora que dice llamarse Señorita Miller da clase de inglés en una casa en mi barrio. Es por la mañana, llamo al telefonillo, me responde una voz con acento pero se la entiende el español, subo al piso, llamo a la puerta, de repente se abre y la veo, ella debe de tener unos cuarenta y tantos, lleva una falda muy ajustada con la cintura alta, una blusa blanco satén y unos tacones altos, es rubia y lleva...
*************Decimotercera parte************* El agotamiento me venci? pronto. Eran poco m?s de las diez cuando not? c?mo se me cerraban los ojos a pesar de todos mis esfuerzos. Mi primera intenci?n fue acostarme. Pero claro... ?el maquillaje! As? que tuve que hacer de tripas coraz?n (unas tripas que segu?an implorando m?s comida despu?s de la escueta cena) e ir al ba?o a devolver mi cara a un estado natural que cada vez iba a ver menos y menos en mi vida. Aprovech? para aliviarme. No me hubiera gustado despertar...
I’ve heard people say that it’s hard to break old habits, and my husband, our friends, and I found that out on a trip to Las Vegas. You will be better able to understand our situation if I start at the beginning.My name is Brooke, and I met Tina, the girl would become my best friend, during our freshman year in college in northern California. I was born and raised in the Los Angeles area, as was Tina, but we didn’t meet until we were assigned to the same dorm room. We hit it off from the start,...
Cuckold*************Novena parte************* Me acerqu? directamente a la persona que atend?a el bar. Era una mujer de unos cuarenta y tantos a?os, muy bien conservada. Estaba sentada delante de la caja registradora. Ten?a el pelo rubio (creo que no he visto tantas rubias juntas en mi vida) en un conservador peinado recogido en un mo?o bajo. Era muy delgada y s?lo destacaban dos impresionantes pechos, algo ca?dos, en su figura recta como la de una escoba. Vest?a un feo uniforme de camarera de rayas verdes y bla...
*************Duod?cima parte************* A medida que avanzaba la tarde entend? por qu? Dalia nunca parec?a estar en una postura relajada, aunque estuviera sentada, comiendo o de cualquier otra manera. Al parecer, mi due?o hab?a elegido para m? que fuera elegante y sexy al mismo tiempo. Eso requer?a aprender toda una nueva forma de moverme, de sentarme y hasta de comer. En algunos puntos me parec?a a los juegos gestuales de mi nueva amiga, pero en otros me separaba. Ella era m?s... vulgar hasta en eso. Per...
*************Octava parte************* Apenas un minuto m?s tarde estaba de nuevo sentada ante el tocador donde Isabel hab?a depilado mis cejas la tarde anterior. Repar? que estaba lleno de productos que no hab?a visto en mi ?ltima visita. ?Todo esto es lo que vas a tener que aprender a usar, Laura ?me dijo Isabel con su voz siempre agradable. Con la rotundidad de su cuerpo, con su belleza y con esa voz tan profundamente sensual, una idea me daba vueltas por la cabeza. ?C?mo pod?a carecer de de...
WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS, STAYS IN VEGASI’d never been in Vegas before, but the other day my sugar daddy called me and asked me to go meet him there. Seems he had some kind of a conference and that would give him an excuse to stay a few extra days and he wanted me to be there with him. I said sure, why not; I’d never been there and I liked spending time with him, plus I was going to stay in a fancy hotel suite (he had to book two rooms for appearances) and he was surely going to buy me lots of...
Dorothy Clark looked around herself as she stepped into the Sagebrush Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. The sound of slot machines and other gambling activities seemed magical and new to the small town housewife. She looked in every direction and was constantly awed by the glitz and glamour of her surroundings. Though the Sagebrush was a newer and smaller casino, they had spared no expense in making the place seem magical. "Come on Dor," called the voice of her friend, Terri Stevens. "Good lord,...
*************S?ptima parte************* Entr? al ba?o y cerr? la puerta detr?s. Dej? la maquinilla y el gel sobre el lavabo. Ah? me ten?a de nuevo, delante del espejo. El pelo era una aut?ntica mara?a y ten?a ojeras de haber llorado y de no haber dormido lo suficiente (?o lo hab?a hecho?. Segu?a sin saber qu? hora era... ni qu? d?a, ni siquiera qu? a?o). Suspir? y me quit? el pijama. Volv? a mirar mi cuerpo desnudo. Me fij? de nuevo en mis diminutas tetas. ?Joder! ?Ni siquiera estaban proporcionadas!. Eran una peque?a protuberancia con...
Insisto, mi cuñada una gordibuena q me saca d eje, después d tener nuestros primeros encuentros, la relación fue distinta, ya mas confianza, nuestros juegos a doble sentido son mas seguidos, cada vez q la saludo, si estamos solos le como la boca, y le mando mano a su hermoso culo, si hay alguien la apretó bien a mi para sentir esas tetas grandes q me vuelven loco, disimulando un abrazo de familiaEn una ocasión me toco ir a hacer un tramite muy temprano, q al volver a casa la cruzo, iba...
Brander Sharpe sat alone at a cocktail table in the middle of the lounge. He didn’t feel conspicuous, though. This was where he liked to be. It allowed him to survey his surroundings, his opportunities. It also allowed him to be clearly seen. He was the hawk on the treetop.Just beyond the confines of the quiet lounge, the casino buzzed. The chimes of the slot machines, and the rare cheer of some guys hitting it big --or modestly so-- at the tables seeped into the room. It reminded everyone of...
Straight SexDr. Bruce Banner/The Hulk are copyright to Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. The She-Hulk is copyright to Stan Lee and John Buscema. Both characters are property of Marvel Comics, the Walt Disney Corporation and their associated partners and license holders. Characters depicted here are the property of the author, and are fan creations. Betting on Green in Vegas Of all cities in the world who live a steady reputation, be that great or not, the United States can confidently boast of many...