Las Andanzas No Se Terminan free porn video

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Insisto, mi cuñada una gordibuena q me saca d eje, después d tener nuestros primeros encuentros, la relación fue distinta, ya mas confianza, nuestros juegos a doble sentido son mas seguidos, cada vez q la saludo, si estamos solos le como la boca, y le mando mano a su hermoso culo, si hay alguien la apretó bien a mi para sentir esas tetas grandes q me vuelven loco, disimulando un abrazo de familia
En una ocasión me toco ir a hacer un tramite muy temprano, q al volver a casa la cruzo, iba caminando a su trabajo, asi q doy la vuelta y le toco bocina le hago seña para llevarla, asi q se acerca sube al auto cierra la puerta y d una la tomo y la comienzo a besar, con tantas ganas, diciendole:”no sabes lo q t extraño, las ganas d estar con vos, volver a estar dentro tuyo” me responde:” yo tambien mi amor, me encanto sentirte, y quiero seguir sintiéndolo”, asi q vuelvo a besarla, con un beso muy calentón, la siento gemir mientras la beso, asi q aprovecho y le agarro la mano y la llevo a mi verga q esta re dura, y apretandome en mi pantalón haciendome doler, la empieza a sobar, me desabrocha el pantalon dejándola salir, y lo mas lindo es como se abalanza y la comienza a chupar con muchas ganas, dándome unos hermosos chupetones, pasando su lengua por todo el tronco, vuelve a metérsela en la boca, haciendo una espectacular garganta profunda, mientras esta chupando intento meterle la mano en su culo para acariciarcelo, se mueve para permitirme la entrada, asi q la coloco en medio de su raja buscando su agujero, cuando llego a el comienzo a jugar con mi dedo al rededor, busco llegar a su chochona, q la noto ya muy mojada, introduzco un dedo muy facil por los jugos q salen, y aprovecho a volver a su culo y se lo penetro, metiendo y sacándolo, empieza a gemir mas fuerte, vuelvo a su chochona y comienzo a penetrarla mas rápido con mis dedos, a lo q la siento empezar a gemir con mi verga en su boca, y ahogando su grito comienza a acabar mojando mi mano, cosa q me hace re calentar y le hago saber q voy a acabar y comienza a mover su cabeza mas rápido, empiezo a acabar y ella como una experta comienza a tragar mi semen sin dejar escapar nada, mi pene empieza a quedar flácido pero no deja d chupar, la chupa hasta dejarla limpia, se acomoda se abrocha su pantalon y la llevo a su trabajo
Cuando la dejo en su trabajo la despido con un beso d lengua, y le digo:”chau mi vida, no sabes las ganas d tenerte otra vez”, me responde:” yo también, tenemos q ver como hacer para robarnos un tiempo”, vuelve a besarme y se baja del auto
Regreso a casa con una calentura infernal, la verga dura, pensando en la chupada q me dio mi cuñada, cuando entro el auto recibo un msj, un conocido con el q viajamos en moto, invitándome a su casa para tomar unos mates, asi q vuelta al auto, me dirijo hasta su casa, cuando llego lo veo en el negocio y me dirijo a saludarlo, comenzamos a charlar y me comenta q están preparando un viaje si quiero prenderme, le digo:”esta muy buena la idea, pero tengo q ver no me complique con los partidos” y me dice:” tranquilo bola q es para dentro d dos meses”, me explica q el viaje es a chile, y q la idea es ir varios, me gusta la idea asi q le digo q si, en eso q estamos tomando mate y charlando, entra su esposa e hija, q hermosa vista, como diría un amigo, especial para hacer la lagartija, primero la madre después la hija, las saludo con un beso a las dos, y veo a la hija q debe tener unos 18 o 19 años, pero aparenta mas, ya q debe medir unos 1,75cm y muy bien desarrollada, una locura, y la esposa mas baja muy linda, blanca d cara, pelo negro unas tetas descomunales y un culo terrible, las dos unas bellezas, se me empiezan a volar los patos con la hermosa vista, asi q me hago el boludo para q no se aviven q las estoy mirando y le pido pasar al baño, me dice donde esta y cuando voy hacia allí veo q la hija va hacia la misma dirección q bromeando le digo:” tan mal se me ve q vas a acompañarme para q no me pierda?”, y se larga a reír y me responde:”mal no estas, pero igual no voy a acompañarte, solo me dirijo a otro lado q justo coincide”, opa mal no estas, me deja loquito, me meto al baño, y cuando salgo la veo otra vez y le digo:”me estas acechando” se larga a reir, y entre risas me responde:”como a****l d caza” y sin dejar d reírse me guiña un ojo, que lindo se me desata la cabeza con la situación y le digo:”y yo mal herido, se t va a hacer facil cazarme”, se ríe y trato d cambiar el tema, le pregunto como va con los estudios, me responde q bien, me dirijo a donde esta su papá, seguimos charlando, veo a su esposa q va y viene, por dios q culo, pienso (soy un estéreo robado, ya no tengo código le estoy mirando la esposa y la hija y el al lado), ya para irme me despido, tanto d el como d su esposa, le paso la mano en su cintura, y la apretó para sentirle las tetas, q linda sensación, cuando voy saliendo siento q me hablan, es la hija d mi conocido, me pregunta:” no me alcanzas hasta la facultad? Asi no jodo a mis viejos?” le digo q si, sube al auto, y nos dirijimos hasta donde va ella, la miro cada tanto d reojo, es hermosa, una morocha para comerla, me mira y me pregunta:” t gusto q me miras tanto?”, quedo helado se dio cuenta q la miraba, y para amenizar, le digo:” imposible no mirarte, sos hermosa”, se ríe y me dice:” si ya lo se” y larga una carcajada, le digo:” a bueno, ahora dejo la humildad d lado”, y me río con ella, vuelvo a decirle:” pero en serio sos hermosa, me imagino la d pibes q deben andar detrás tuyo”, me mira y me responde:” puff pibes varios, pero para jugar con pibitos, juego con mi hermanito, a mi me gustan los hombres”, le respondo:” a bueno, a ella le llaman los viejitos Jajaja”, y me dice:” no hombres no viejitos, hombres d verdad”, me mira como desafiandome, me río, y le contesto:” no se si llegare al hombre hombre q vos querés, pero t salva q vas a la universidad, y yo ando con poco tiempo”, se ríe, al llegar a la uní, se baja, se da vuelta y me dice:” habrá q probar si llegas a ser hombre hombre”, me tira un beso y se va, mi pene se pone duro por la situacion
Me voy a casa, preparo el almuerzo y recibo un msj, la hija del motoquero, me pone q la paso re bien conmigo y ojala se repita, le respondo q ojala se repita, pero q ahí íbamos a ver si le seria el hombre q ella busca, y me responde q eso se vera
Los mensajes siguen, en el transcurso del día con, y le voy a inventar un nombre para q no se sepa quien es, ya q cuento mis relatos pero no con quien realmente, romi q así la voy a llamar, msjs tranquis y muchos en doble sentido. En un mensaje me dice si no quiero q nos encontremos, como es jueves y tengo entrenamiento le digo si quiere después d las 23hs, me dice q si, q lindo una salida con una piba d 19 años, y ensima re contra provocadora
Salgo del club y la paso a buscar, sube al auto y me saluda con un beso muy cerca d la boca, le digo:’’ si vas a saludarme asi no lo hagas”, me mira sorprendida y antes q diga algo le vuelvo a decir:” o es d una a la boca o no me lo des”, se ríe y me besa, me sorprende porque d una busca mi lengua con la suya como si ya lo hubiéramos hecho antes, cuando me suelta enciendo el auto, y nos vamos a un bar en el cual suelen haber bandas tocando o solo buena musica
Una vez allí le pregunto q quiere y provocándome me dice a vos y se ríe, le digo:” tranqui, el plato dulce va después”, se ríe y me dice:” huuummm, q lastima”, me dice q quiere una cerveza y la pido, charlando terminamos la cerveza y le pido q nos vallamos q no aguanto verla y no hacer nada, nos retiramos del bar y nos vamos a un telo q hay cerca, entramos y me llega un msj, mi esposa, preguntando q me había pasado y le respondo q estoy en un asado q llego tarde, listo, romi no se escapa, entramos al telo, guardo el auto en el estacionamiento, y nos vamos a la habitación q nos toca
Una vez adentro si dudar la empiezo a besar pero esta vez soy yo quien juega con su lengua, un beso q nos hace calentar a los dos, la siento respirar fuerte y a gemir, la empiezo a acariciar y a sacarle la ropa, primero su campera y remera, viéndola en corpiño, unas tetas hermosa pidiendo ser liberadas, le saco el corpiño, unas hermosura, grandes y bien firmes, no dudo y se las empiezo a acariciar y a chupar, sus pezones marroncitos, bien duros por la excitación, le desabrocho el pantalon vaquero q lleva, a lo cual ella me empieza a sacar mi remera, me pide q me pare y me baja el pantalon y calzoncillo, mi pene sale disparado apuntando a su cara, lo mira sorprendida por lo gruesa q es, la agarra entre su mano y me dice:” huummm acá hay q hacer un lindo esfuerzo”, la comienza a lamer, desde los huevos al glande, intenta meterla en su boca, lo q hace q tenga q abrir bien la boca, le digo:” vas a tener q trabajar bien con eso si lo q querés es sacar el hombre hombre” y me empiezo a reír, me mira con mirada desafiante y me dice:” te podes sorprender” y vuelve a introducir mi pene en su boca, haciendo un gran esfuerzo, vuelve a lamerla y me dice:” por dios es re gruesa, pero no ve va a ganar” y vuelve a meterla en su boca, le digo:” vení q después t podes tomar todo el tiempo q quieras, ahora vas a ser mía”, la levanto y la llevo a la cama, le separo las piernas y me meto d una entre ellas, le comienzo a chupar su chochona, jugando con su clítoris q se nota hinchando por la excitación, lo rodeo con mis labios, vuelvo a lamer sus labios, me dirijo a su ano, el cual paso mi lengua al rededor, intentando penetrarlo con mi lengua, mientras masajeo su clítoris, entre gemidos me dice:” hummmm q lindo, pero por mi culo no”, le digo:” vos tranquila, y disfruta”, sigo con mis lamidas en su culo y chochona, notando lo mojada q esta, en como sus jugos brotan desdes su vagina, lo cual chupo y pruebo su sabor exquisito, noto como empieza a gemir mas fuerte, poniéndose muy tensa y comienza a acabar, lo cual vuelvo a lamer su vagina disfrutando sus jugos, me separo d su chochona la miro y le digo:” q hermosa t ves, espero q puedas aguantar mucho mas”, me dice entre jadeos:” si va a ser asi, saco ganas de donde sea”, vuelvo a chupar su chochona, jugando con mi dedo en su ano, lo cual aprovecho sus jugos y meto la punta d mi dedo, q lo aprisiona muy fuerte, le pido q se relaje, cuando lo hace empujo un poco mas mi dedo llegando hasta la mitad, lo cual lo saco y vuelvo a meter, intento meter un segundo dedo, me pide q no, q le duele, vuelvo a chupar su chochona a la vez q escupo en mis dedos para lubricar mas su agujero, por dios hermoso culo q tiene y sinceramente lo único q tengo en mi cabeza es poder cogerselo, cuando escucho volver a gemir, intento otra vez a introducir los dos dedos pero esta vez no dice nada, no se si es porque esta disfrutando d su orgasmo o porque ya no le m*****a, situación q hace empiece a penetrarla una y otra vez con los dedos, me dice:” por favor cogeme q no aguanto mas, meteme esa verga hermosa, dejame sentirte adentro, no seas hijo d puta, no me hagas rogar”, no le hago caso, y sigo chupando su chochona y penetrando su culo, me agarra la cabeza y me vuelve a decir:” dale hijo d puta, metemela d una vez, q no aguanto mas”, me incorporo me acerco a su cara, la beso y le digo:” vos querías un hombre, q t hiciera sentir mujer, y vas a ser mía, y hoy t voy a hacer lo q yo quiera, entendistes”, me mira con una cara d sorprendida, no se imagino q le iba a decir algo asi, vuelvo a besarla, y de una sola vez le meto la verga en su chochona, q la hace gritar muy fuerte, las embestida q empiezo a darle la hacen gemir muy fuerte, gritando, diciendo cosas q no le entiendo por los gemidos q emite, le sigo dando muy fuerte, llegando hasta mis huevos, pongo sus piernas en mi cuello, presionándola contra sus tetas, me cargo sobre ella y noto como en esa posición diera la impresión q mas entra la verga, lo q si hace es q pegue unos alaridos terribles, cuando esta acabando se empieza a retorcer y gritar, noto una gran cantidad de flujo salir d su chochona, y sigo penetrándola, y noto como empieza a orinarse por la terrible acabada q se pega, la noto temblar, me pide q pare un rato q la deje recuperar aire, lo único q hago es dejarle bajar las piernas, pero se las mantengo separadas y sin dejar d moverme le digo:” no mi amor, no voy a parar, ya t dije q sos mía” me acerco y vuelvo a besarla, la coloco en cuatro y la vuelvo a penetrar, su chochona muy mojada deja q se resbale de una hacia adentro, la escucho gemir, y balbucear casi sin entenderla, mientras estoy penetrándola vuelvo a meterle un dedo en su culo, empiezo a moverlo, le metro otro dedo, lo q hace empiece a gemir mas, noto como su culo se empieza a dilatar mas y mas, le introduzco un tercer dedo, grita entre dolor y gozo, pero me sorprende cuando me dice:” haaaa q lindo se siente, metela si querés, rompeme el culo, quiero q sea solo tuyo, quiero q seas el primero y único en cogerme el culo” sin dudar saco la verga d su chochona, me acerco a su culo y empiezo a chuparselo para q se dilate, le vuelvo a meter tres dedos y los muevo para q se acostumbre a lo q viene, cuando noto su culo listo me incorporo y le acerco la punta d mi verga a su culo, le introduzco solo la cabeza y deja salir un grito pero no se retira, hago presión y le empiezo a introducir me verga centímetro a centímetro, veo como con sus manos aprieta las sabanas al llegar a la mitad d mi verga, la saco hasta la cabeza y se la vuelvo a meter pero hasta tocar los huevo en su chochona, grita muy fuerte, tan fuerte q estoy seguro escucharon en varias habitaciones, vuelvo a sacarla y la vuelvo a embestir, pero ya noto q sus grito no son por dolor si no por gozo, incluso su chochona empieza a largar jugos y se viene en un squirt tan fuerte q cae d costado sin fuerza, gimiendo tan fuerte, me empiezo a mover mas suave, me acerco a su cara, la beso y le pregunto:”estas bien mi amor?” me dice entre jadeos:” haaa sii, pero no me puedo mantener no tengo fuerzas, me es imposible sostenerme, por dios, no me voy a olvidar mas d este dia,” sigo penetrándola suave, para q tome aire y recupere, asi d costado como esta, levanto una d sus piernas y la acomodo a mi hombro, dejándome ver como entra y sale mi verga d su culo, no se cuanto tiempo paso pero le hago saber q estoy por acabar, me dice q acabe donde yo quiera, le pido q me la chupe, se arrodilla y me agarra la verga y la introduce en su boca, la chupa con tantas ganas, y le digo q ya voy a acabar, le empiezo a largar varios chorros de semen en su boca, es tanta q parte se sale por las comisura, le digo:” tragatela, y dejame la verga bien limpia” empieza a tragarse la mayor cantidad d leche q puede ya q fue una acabada muy abundante, y sigue chupandomela hasta q me la deja flácida, nos acostamos en la cama, me mira y me dice:” q bueno estuvo, no imagine q fuera asi, sinceramente pensé q iba a ser un simple revolcon y listo, pero por dios, no puedo mas”, termina d hablar y me besa, como si fuéramos novios, le digo:” y t aseguro q no va a ser la ultima vez, aparte me dijistes q este hermoso culo va a ser solo mio y d nadie mas” se ríe y vuelve a besarme después d cambiarnos la abrazo le acaricio su culo y la pego bien a mi, la llevo a su casa la despido y me voy, pensando en lo hermosa q es y en la terrible cogida a su culo y d como voy a volver a cogerselo, pero eso para otra historia

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Las cinco amigas The Five Friends 1

*************Primera parte************* Hace tanto tiempo que no tengo un orgasmo que ni siquiera estoy segura de lo que se siente. S? que jam?s tendr? otrto en mi vida, pero hace mucho que no me importa. He aprendido a vivir as? y a disfrutar cada relaci?n sexual. S?, tengo una vida sexual y me encanta. El hecho de que no me pueda correr no la hace peor. Dejadme que vuelva la vista atr?s y os cuente algo de mi. Nac? como var?n har? aproximadamente treinta a?os, creo. Todo ese periodo de mi vida est? bastante ...

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Las cinco amigas The Five Friends 4

*************Cuarta parte************* Isabel me sac? de mi habitaci?n. Me cogi? de la mano para llevarme a otro recinto dentro de la misma planta. ?No, no ?me dijo en cuanto empec? a andar?. No lo hagas as?... Para caminar con esos tacones tienes que cimbrear las caderas... Mover el culo de un lado a otro y poner los pies como si lo hicieses por una cuerda a diez metros de altura... as?... A ella le sal?a con una absoluta naturalidad. Tanta que ni siquiera me hab?a fijado en que caminaba "sobre la l?nea". ...

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Las cinco amigas The Five Friends 2

*************Segunda parte************* Cuando despert? hab?a recobrado mi voluntad, al menos aparentemente. Estaba preocupado. De hecho, estaba aterrorizado. Me incorpor? en la cama en la que estaba tumbado. Lo recordaba absolutamente todo. Sin embargo, hab?a perdido toda noci?n temporal. ?Cu?nto tiempo hab?a pasado privado de conocimiento? ?Horas? ?A?os? ?Me hab?an "transformado" completamente? ?Hab?an siquiera comenzado a hacerlo? ?Hab?a sido todo una pesadilla? Mir? a mi alrededor. Estaba en una habitaci?n d...

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Las cinco amigas The Five Friends 3

*************Tercera parte************* La habitaci?n ten?a una puerta blanca que estaba cerrada. Gir? el pomo y se abri? sin problemas. Fuera lo que fuera el sitio en el que estaba, no era precisamente una prisi?n. El pasillo era como el de cualquier hospital privado, luminoso y silencioso. Una enfermera me vi? asomar y acudi? corriendo a mi lado. ?No, Laura, no. No puedes salir ?dijo, cogi?ndome de los hombros y devolvi?ndome al interior del cuarto?. Enseguida vendr? el doctor y podr?s hablar con ?l. ?Per...

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Las cinco amigas The Five Friends 5

*************Quinta parte************* De nuevo con mi pijama y sola, volv? a la habitaci?n. Mi primer deseo al llegar a ella fue darle dos patadas a las est?pidas sandalias y caminar a gusto y descalzo. Me cost? unos segundos entender que no pod?a hacerlo. Que para m?, la comodidad en los pies era ahora precisamente esa herramienta de tortura que llevaba puesta. Suspir? frunciendo el ce?o y los labios en un gesto infantil que no era propio de m?... pero representaba muy bien c?mo me sent?a. Volv? a acercarme...

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Las Vegas

Bryan had always promised to take me to Las Vegas. Each time he told me of his plans to go, they did not include me. I was hurt. I knew I had no business feeling that way. It was his entertainment. I knew my place in his life. I was not his girlfriend.He usually took his girlfriend Lisa. He went to Las Vegas often. I had never been and had all my life heard stories of Las Vegas and wondered what it was like in person.This particular week Bryan told me of his plans to go. He said he was bringing...

3 years ago
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Las Vergonzosas Desventuras de Victoria Willow

En muchos aspectos, Victoria Willow es una chica común. Cabello castaño oscuro, ojos color avellana, un cuerpo algo atlético, unos pechos de tamaño normal, medianos, un trasero redondo y pequeño. En la universidad tiene calificaciones normales, ni muy altas ni muy bajas. Tampoco es la chica más popular ni una marginada. En resumidas palabras, conociéndola superficialmente, Victoria te parecería una chica promedio. Sin embargo, hay algo que la hace especial: su mala suerte. Y particularmente, su...

2 years ago
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Las Vegas

LAS VEGAS"I dunno, some of the dresses are short, and the others are also skimpy, and jeez it exposes so much of me," you said."Look, we're in Vegas, and frankly, I think most people don't give a rat’s ass, except the wives and girlfriends of guys that start to stare at you," I replied. "Dress A (, you'd be making a statement. I should point out that Dress A does come in black, which does make it a bit more formal. Dress B (, on the...

3 years ago
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Las Vegas Awakening

"Rodney, Rodney, I won, I won!" It was my wife screaming into the phone so loud that I thought everyone at work could hear her. Not that it made much difference. We lived in a small town where everyone knows everyone and I worked at the family feed store with my brother and sister. "I won a week in Las Vegas on that radio show! I was the ninth caller and I won us a vacation."Little did I know what a change that was going to make in our lives. We'd been married three years and had been...

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Las Vegas part 1

Xenia walked across the hotel room, swaddled in the thick terrycloth robe that the hotel provided. She and Clarence were going out on the town in Las Vegas! She was excited, eager to get her drink on and her groove on and her fuck on. She turned on the shower, letting it run to get hot. She grabbed her toiletries bag, pulling out the small bottles of shampoo, conditioner, body wash, shaving lotion, and a razor. She was going to be a while, she’d told Clarence, so he took off down to the casino...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Las Vegas The Club

LAS VEGAS The ClubThe next day we hung around the hotel and relaxed.  Neither of us enjoys gambling that much, although when I do play, I like playing Blackjack because of the odds while still tilted in favor of the House, afforded the best opportunity to make some money.  Being a numbers kind of person and I will count cards but avoid getting caught.  Las Vegas casinos are not keen on card counters. They consider them cheats. Anyway, after last night we were both felt ‘used up’ and wanted to...

3 years ago
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Las Vegas mf

Las Vegas (m/f)I met Selene online on a porn site. We were both horny, liked porn and loved to masturbate. The big difference was that I was 46 and she was 18. I think I commented on her pictures which I thought were gorgeous. Red hair, big boobs, curves. Very hot.I wasn't too concerned with the age difference as she was an adult with wit and intelligence. She was also fun to talk to. I've been attracted to younger and older than me over the years so I can't say that I have a type. The female...

2 years ago
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Las Vegas Awakening

© 2002 LaffWithMe Press "Rodney, Rodney, I won, I won!" It was my wife screaming into the phone so loud that I thought everyone at work could hear her. Not that it made much difference. We lived in a small town where everyone knows everyone and I worked at the family feed store with my brother and sister. "I won a week in Las Vegas on that radio show! I was the ninth caller and I won us a vacation." Little did I know what a change that was going to make in our lives. We'd been...

4 years ago
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Las Vegas Part 3

In the last part of the story, Selene and I met in Las Vegas for some full-time daddy daughter roleplay. She is 18 and I am 46. Selene sat in post-orgasmic reverie following her encounter with the lovely stripper Savannah. As the lovely black girl left, she slipped her phone number in my sweet girl’s hand. “ Was I bad, daddy?” Selene asked. “ No, you were very good, baby,” I replied. Selene smiled sweetly at me. “She was a very nice girl to play with. I’d like to meet her again.” “ Maybe you...

3 years ago
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Las Vegas Divorce party

I went to Las Vegas over a holiday weekend to spend some time with a few of my buddies I served with in Iraq. Over the course of the weekend we consumed a lot of alcohol and spent a lot of money, but this was the highlight of my weekend. It started on Saturday afternoon. One of my friends who I was sharing a room with was still passed out. We had drank heavily until 6 in the morning, so I figured it would be a while before he woke up and wanted to go for another round. My other friends were...

2 years ago
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Las Vegas Divorce party

I went to Las Vegas over a holiday weekend to spend some time with a few of my buddies I served with in Iraq. Over the course of the weekend we consumed a lot of alcohol and spent a lot of money, but this was the highlight of my weekend. It started on Saturday afternoon. One of my friends who I was sharing a room with was still passed out. We had drank heavily until 6 in the morning, so I figured it would be a while before he woke up and wanted to go for another round. My other friends were...

3 years ago
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Las Vegas Part 3

In the last part of the story, Selene and I met in Las Vegas for some full-time daddy daughter roleplay. She is 18 and I am 46. Selene sat in post-orgasmic reverie following her encounter with the lovely stripper Savannah. As the lovely black girl left, she slipped her phone number in my sweet girl’s hand. “ Was I bad, daddy?” Selene asked. “ No, you were very good, baby,” I replied. Selene smiled sweetly at me. “She was a very nice girl to play with. I'd like to meet her again.” “ Maybe you...

4 years ago
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Las Vegas Part 1

I met Selene online on a porn site. We were both horny, liked porn and loved to masturbate. The big difference was that I was 46 and she was 18. I think I commented on her pictures which I thought were gorgeous. Red hair, big boobs, curves. Very hot. I wasn't too concerned with the age difference as she was an adult with wit and intelligence. She was also fun to talk to. I've been attracted to younger and older than me over the years so I can't say that I have a type. The female form at any...

4 years ago
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Las Vegas The Dinner

"I dunno, some of the dresses are short, and the others are also skimpy, and jeez, it exposes so much of me," you said."Look, we're in Vegas, and frankly, I think most people don't give a rat’s ass, except the wives and girlfriends of guys that start to stare at you," I replied."With Dress A, you'd be making a statement. It does come in black, which does make it a bit more formal.""Dress B, on the other hand, allows you to reveal as much as you want. I know it's not your color, but looking at...

2 years ago
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Las Vegas The Private Dance

LAS VEGAS - The Private Show I got some water for you, which you drank copiously. “Ah, that’s good, thanks, I needed to rehydrate.  Now it’s my turn,” you smiled wickedly.  “Just stay there on the bed, this will take a while to prep.” Curious, I did what I was told and turned on the nightstand lights while I waited.  Flipped the TV on since I suspected I might be here a while, I did what any red-blooded male does, channel surf.  There really wasn’t much to see, and it wasn’t like home where I...

2 years ago
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Las Vegas Peepshow interracial party

As with all my stories, the only deviation from the truth is caused by mymemory.This sucktale takes place in a Las Vegas peep show. There are several peepshows in Vegas that are much grittier than the ones down close to the stripwhere the tourists go. The locals head up to downtown to Main street.Some tourists in the know go to the crisscross of filthy streetswhere there are three or four bookstores, but mostly local white trash men,married straight middle-class locals, a lot of blacks, street...

2 years ago
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Las Vegas FantasiesChapter 5

"This isn't Crys, but don't hang up," I said quickly to Sealy, the bouncer at COEDS – the bouncer who'd thrown me out of the club on the night that Crystal had had a near-fatal car accident – and, finally, the guy who was probably one of Crys's main friends in Las Vegas. "Crystal had a car accident last night and is in the hospital. This is James Starzck, the guy you threw out of the club last night." There was pause in the conversation. On my end, because I didn't want to say...

2 years ago
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Las Vegas with the family

I have not seen my cousin Jessica in a year. We always hung out with each other. we told each other everything and pleased each other oraly. Then her mom remarried and moved away and I haven't seen her since. But now I can finally get the chance I missed back in having sex with my cousin ”Derrick hurry up” my stepmom said ” have you seen your sister” ” no I haven't” I replied as my step sister Casey sucked my Dick ” what do you mean you haven't i'm right here sucking ur cock” ”sshhhh”...

4 years ago
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Las Vegas Part 2

In the last part of the story, Selene and I met in Las Vegas for some full-time daddy daughter roleplay. She is 18 and I am 46. I had just finished making Selene come with my tongue and she lay stretched across bed looking thoroughly ravished. Her red hair was wild across the pillows and green eyes shone. “I haven’t kissed you,” I said. “No, you haven’t,” Selene answered in a post orgasmic husky voice. I leaned down to kiss her pink and soft lips. Her skin was still damp to the touch. She very...

4 years ago
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Las Vegas

My husband and I have been married about five years when we saved up enough money to go to Las Vegas. We thought it was time wo go and see what all the hub bub is all about. And we thought that would be a good time to start a f****y so I quit taking my pill so that we could try to get pregnant. Now my husband is a really good looking guy and I know he ‘got around’ alot before I met him. I also know that he had been to Vegas a couple of times before. We arrived on a Saturday early and got...

4 years ago
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Las Vegas part 1

Xenia walked across the hotel room, swaddled in the thick terrycloth robe that the hotel provided. She and Clarence were going out on the town in Las Vegas! She was excited, eager to get her drink on and her groove on and her fuck on. She turned on the shower, letting it run to get hot. She grabbed her toiletries bag, pulling out the small bottles of shampoo, conditioner, body wash, shaving lotion, and a razor. She was going to be a while, she’d told Clarence, so he took off down to the casino...

4 years ago
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Las Vegas

Toni und ich eilten durch den Flughafen, um nach Las Vegas zu fliegen . Wir waren wie immer zu spät dran und es waren nur noch drei Minuten, bevor das Flugzeug abflog. Egal wohin wir gingen, wir schienen immer zu spät zu sein. Obwohl ich kein Problem damit hatte, bereit zu sein, musste Toni immer sicherstellen, dass Haare, Make-up und Kleidung perfekt waren, bevor sie das Haus verließ. Für mich als ihr Ehemann hatte dies Vorteile und Nachteile. Meistens war es kein Problem, einfach zu spät zu...

3 years ago
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Las Vegas Tryst

I was quickly approaching burn out at work. My last raise was a whopping 25 cents. Whoopee!! My girlfriend broke up with me six months prior, and I found out that two weeks before she broke up with me she got drunk and fucked her neighbor. So I was trapped in a joyless job with shit pay, and I hadn't been laid in half a year. I had tried dating in the mean time, but nothing ever worked out. I even came right out and asked a woman if she wanted to have sex. That's how desperate I was to get my...

3 years ago
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Las Vegas Couple

So this story starts with a business trip to Las Vegas, I was there for a convention but was going to stay thru the weekend for a bit of R&R as it finished on a Thursday and it seemed a shame to waste the opportunity. I had been out with a few colleagues on the Thursday night and as many had early flight they headed to their rooms and left me to my own devices. I thought I would have a nightcap before retiring, the bar was packed with all the conventioneers and I found a small table in a...

4 years ago
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las Vegas BBC

Last week my husband had a business trip to wonderful Las Vegas and after some talking we thought it would be a good way to take a little trip for us as well. So i got my tickets and went with him. He had a two day meeting so i had free time to myself during the days filled with much needed sleeping in and time at the pool. At night we went out and enjoyed what the town had to offer. Well Friday his last day of his meetings I thought i would be a little sexy for him and bought a new tight black...

4 years ago
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Las Vegas Part 2

In the last part of the story, Selene and I met in Las Vegas for some full-time daddy daughter roleplay. She is 18 and I am 46.I had just finished making Selene come with my tongue and she lay stretched across bed looking thoroughly ravished. Her red hair was wild across the pillows and green eyes shone.“I haven't kissed you,” I said.“No, you haven't,” Selene answered in a post orgasmic husky voice.I leaned down to kiss her pink and soft lips. Her skin was still damp to the touch. She very much...

2 years ago
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Las Vegas Fantasy

I had talked to Cathy on line for several months. She lived in another state, was married and not able to travel very much so we had never met. We exchanged Email, "action" pictures, and vids. We often masturbated together on line. She gave me her phone number so that we could masturbate while talking on the phone. On one occasion she said "listen to this..." and I heard wet sounds, "squish, squish..." She said a bit breathlessly, "what you hear is my fingers in my pussy as I held the phone...

3 years ago
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Las Vegas

My husband and I have been married about five years when we saved up enough money to go to Las Vegas. We thought it was time wo go and see what all the hub bub is all about. And we thought that would be a good time to start a family so I quit taking my pill so that we could try to get pregnant.Now my husband is a really good looking guy and I know he "got around" alot before I met him. I also know that he had been to Vegas a couple of times before. We arrived on a Saturday early and got settled...

2 years ago
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Las Vegas Vacation

Viva Las VegasIt was a great early summer day.  Oh the weather was hot and humid as usual in Atlanta, and my husband was out of town for a couple of weeks, again, but it was a great day anyway.  My best friend Sara and I were going to Vegas!  School was finally out, how sick I had gotten of chasing six graders!  I started calling the boys sex graders, just trying to figure this idea out, and so obnoxious as they did.  In addition the home situation was not very good that year.  My husband was...

4 years ago
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Las Vegas Nights

The big diesel was purring as we moved along Highway 93 toward Boulder Dam. Mickey was sitting in her usual place on the couch looking out the windows and enjoying the desolate beauty of the desert as we ate up mile after mile. Things had changed between us since our time at the Grand Canyon. It was there that I had finally admitted to myself, but most importantly to her, that I was in love with her. To my great relief, she admitted the same. The extra day we spent there was not for playing...

4 years ago
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Las Vegas Sex Day

As a boarded the plane I wasnt looking at where in the hell I was going and my cock erect from hot girls back at the boarding dock, I bumped into one of them hot girls, who my cock wounded up going straight in her ass. =WHAP= I didn't know what happened but the next thing I knew security was already on the plane. "Whats goin on here" the officer asked She pointed at me and said "That perv is trying to rape me take him away". I denied the situation of course; one thing I've learned...

2 years ago
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Las Chicanas

17 year old Alicia Garza lay cradled in the arms of her new boyfriend Tony Torres. Since Alicia and her mom had moved across town before the school year, she quickly became one of the hottest young coeds at the affluent Palm River High School, and she was very interesting in finding a guy that would give her attention, affection, and comfort. Palm River was very well ethnically mixed, and Alicia had lots of white, black, Asian, and cuties of all races, but in her heart, she was Chicana and she...

3 years ago
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Las Vegas Part 1

I met Selene online on a porn site. We were both horny, liked porn and loved to masturbate. The big difference was that I was 46 and she was 18. I think I commented on her pictures which I thought were gorgeous. Red hair, big boobs, curves. Very hot. I wasn’t too concerned with the age difference as she was an adult with wit and intelligence. She was also fun to talk to. I’ve been attracted to younger and older than me over the years so I can’t say that I have a type. The female form at any...

3 years ago
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Las Vegas part 2

Clarence pulled himself together, but left the tie undone. Xenia grabbed the shopping bag, but left the panties inside. Taking his hand, Xenia led him out of the private room and out of the strip club. She didn’t think they could walk all the way back to the hotel without winding up fucking in some dark corner and she wasn’t a fan of public sex, so she hailed a cab and had the driver quickly take them back to the hotel. Back in the room, Xenia noticed that the clock said 2:30. The sun would...

4 years ago
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Las Vegas Coming Out

I realize that I have not written a story in many years, but all of my other stories were fantasies and this one is finally real. If you've read my stories you know that I'm an obsessed cum lover who's only real exploration has been through my pictures, prose and in my own mind aside from tasting my own elixir every now and again and wishing it came from a real cock. Not only had I never tasted another's cum, I had never touched, much less sucked another cock in my life to this point. But, and...

4 years ago
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Las Vegas part 2

Clarence pulled himself together, but left the tie undone. Xenia grabbed the shopping bag, but left the panties inside. Taking his hand, Xenia led him out of the private room and out of the strip club. She didn’t think they could walk all the way back to the hotel without winding up fucking in some dark corner and she wasn’t a fan of public sex, so she hailed a cab and had the driver quickly take them back to the hotel. Back in the room, Xenia noticed that the clock said 2:30. The sun would...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Las Vegas poolside

I needed a vacation terribly and booked a last minute long weekend.When I got there it was late. I went to the hotel bar and drank heavy. Two hookers offered me some fun but I was concerned about std's.When I got up the next morning I headed out to the "ultra pool." I paid for a cabana."What is the benefit of this cabana?" I asked the girl that showed me around."Well; you can spend the entire day here, I bring you bottle service if you want it, you can watch sports on the tv and you have quite...

2 years ago
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Las Vegas BBC part 2

Up on to the bed I straddled his face and took him back into my mouth. Taking in his sent was driving me wild, I cupped his balls and started to suck him with all I had. I was hungry for him and he knew it. His hips were thrusting up to meet my mouth and his tongue was thrusting in and out of my hole. I could feel it curling and lapping inside me and useing it like he would his cock. My husband had come back now with some well needed drinks and handed me mind. I sliped my body off James for a...

2 years ago
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Las Vegas Turnaround

John looked around the parking lot anxiously. As the sole proprietor of his business, Show Tune Tours, he was responsible to make sure that customers showed upon time. The bus had arrived on time, thankfully, but there seemed to be some stragglers. After loading up the beer and double-checking to make sure he had everything, John disembarked and welcomed the passengers scheduled to come on the trip. He shook their hands and greeted them warmly as they filed into the bus. He leaned out the door...

2 years ago
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Las Vegas FantasiesChapter 3

Sunday morning. I heard the TV come on at some ungodly early hour. Not at all early for a 6 year old, of course, but I had had an extended period of horny wakefulness in the dark hours of the night, and was not ready for Kermit & Co. I rolled over, facing the couch, put the pillow over my head and went back to sleep. I was awake enough to start smelling coffee some time later. I woke without moving and tried to take a survey. Was it a dream/fantasy? I didn't think so. Cumming three...

3 years ago
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Las Vegas FantasiesChapter 4

It took me a second to process the fact that Crys had walked out but that there suddenly was a capital C Chance. I went to the door and opened it. A large – VERY large – man of semi-dark skin was standing there, scowling. His eyes were brown, of that I'm sure, because they were staring at me with the most intense look I can ever remember. It was worse than when Jerry Harbiston and his friends took my lunch money in the third grade – previously the most dangerous experience of my...

2 years ago
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Las Vegas FantasiesChapter 6

I went back to my dorm room and stayed there for next six days. Tess went to foster care and Crys was stuck in that private hell reserved for people who are so bound up with their own fears they can't even say 'Thank you' to somebody who pulled their ass out of the fire. Nah. I couldn't see that as what I wanted to do. So her mother was an ungrateful, vindictive and spite-driven person, all because she had a basic self-image problem – so what? I should just dump Tess on the sidewalk?! As...

4 years ago
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Las Vegas FantasiesChapter 7

It had been a long day, that Friday when Crys came home from the hospital. The days following it fell into a pattern. Get up in the middle of the night to check on Crys – maybe she'd toppled over while asleep or something. Then get awoken by Tess in the too early morning. Mr. Rogers and Sesame Street were on every morning, you know, and I was in front of the only TV Tess had access to. Make a breakfast Swamp Thing would have loved. Go get Crys's morning started: food first, then I'd carry...

3 years ago
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Las VegasChapter 2

The Private Show I got some water for you which you drank copiously. “Ah, that’s good, thanks, I needed to rehydrate. Now it’s my turn,” you smiled wickedly. “Just stay there on the bed, this will take a while to prep.” Curious, I did what I was told and turned on the lights while I waited. Flipped the tv on since I suspected I might be here a while, I did what any red-blooded male does, channel surf. There really wasn’t much to see, and it wasn’t like home where I had a multitude of...

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